LEMOCC: International Mapping ...

... Policies, key actors and examples of good practice. The mapping covers research at international level and in Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Türkiye and the United Kingdom. It focuses on non-formal international learning mobility formats such as youth exchanges, volunteering and international workcamps. LEMOCC mapping is part of the international project Learning Mobility in Times of Climate Change (LEMOCC), which explored how learning mobility can become more climate-sensitive.

Learning Mobility in Times of Climate Change

International Mapping: Policies, key actors and examples of good practice


Table of contents

Introducing LEMOCC mapping


International mapping


Important actors and organisations
















Green travelling


Materials, knowledge and further information





Introducing LEMOCC mapping

Introducing LEMOCC mapping

Introducing LEMOCC mapping

LEMOCC mapping was performed in order to obtain an overview of the participating countries, organisations and key actors that are active and relevant when it comes to sustainable youth learning mobility “in times of climate change”. It collects good practices and provides insights into policies, support mechanisms and funding schemes that aim to foster climate-sensitive youth learning mobility. The overview does not claim to be complete, however, and is only intended to highlight some concrete examples and developments.

Objectives of LEMOCC mapping:

→ To provide an overview of climate-sensitive youth mobility policies, organisations and key actors in the partner countries → To inspire policymakers and practitioners and foster peer-to-peer learning → To assist in the search for partners for climate-sensitive youth mobility projects → To encourage new projects → To facilitate networking and the exchange of good practices

LEMOCC mapping is part of the international project Learning Mobility in Times of Climate Change (LEMOCC), which explored how learning mobility can become more climate-sensitive. The project was implemented in 2021 and 2022 together with partners from the fields of international youth work and environmental education as well as some public institutions in Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Türkiye and the United Kingdom. A partner from China participated in part of the project. LEMOCC was coordinated by IJAB, the International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Scope of LEMOCC mapping

Next, → the Main actors and organisations are described. The country chapters close with a list of → Examples of good practice from projects that foster the develop- ment of climate-sensitive youth mobility or that focus on climate protection. In some cases, examples are provided of the work of the key actors and organisations in this area, along with model-type projects of other, including small, organisations. The final chapter outlines resources in English and rele- vant materials as well as selected national resources in the respective national languages. The information provided in the mapping is based on research by the LEMOCC partner organisations and the mapping team at IJAB, the International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany. The YouthWiki was an important source when researching policy develop- ments and key actors.

The mapping covers research at international level and in Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Türkiye and the United Kingdom. It focuses on non-formal international learning mobility formats such as youth exchanges, volunteering and international workcamps. Some best practices concerning school education have also been included. LEMOCC mapping starts with the chapter International mapping which showcases major international and European developments in the field of climate-sensi - tive and sustainable youth learning mobility. In the next chapter, important actors and organisations on interna- tional level are presented. This part is followed by the country mapping chapters . Each chapter is structured in the same way and includes → Policy developments in the respective country, followed by → Funding schemes and support mechanisms/structures that foster climate-sensitive youth learning mobility.


International mapping

International mapping

International mapping

Climate and environmental protection has been put on the political agenda on various occasions in recent years. It is present both at international and European level, e.g., in the UN Sustainable Development Goals or the European Green Deal. This international mapping examines major international and European policy developments in this field and showcases funding schemes for climate-sensitive and sustainable youth learning mobility, mostly in the context of non-formal youth mobility.

International policy developments The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) established an international environmental treaty to combat climate change that was signed in 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, also known as the Earth Summit or Rio Conference. Today, 198 countries have ratified the Convention. The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change that was adopted by 196 countries at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21) in Paris in December 2015. Its goal is to limit global warming to well below 2, preferably 1.5 degrees Celsius. The international community recognises the importance of education and training to address climate change. The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Paris Agreement and the associated Action for Climate Empowerment agenda call on governments to educate, empower and engage all stakeholders including young people on policies and actions relating to climate change. The young generation’s perspectives on the topic of climate change and sustainability are incorporated in various policy processes.


International mapping

International mapping

Examples of international measures designed to involve young people in the political process:

• The Youth UNESCO Climate Action Network (YoU- CAN) was created with a view to supporting and facil- itating youth-led climate action to reach its full poten- tial and impact. • In 2022, UNESCO published the study “ Youth demands for quality climate change education ” that summarises the findings of a global survey and focus group discussions about young people’s learning experiences and expectations of quality climate change education, based on responses from around 17,500 young people across 166 countries. UNICEF , the United Nations Children’s Fund , works with the United Nations and its agencies to make sure that children are on the global agenda. UNICEF works with governments, partners and other UN agencies to help countries ensure the SDGs deliver results for and with every child. “ Climate change and environment ” is one of the UNICEF focus areas. Its global campaign “ Action on the climate crisis ” states that the climate crisis is a child rights crisis and calls young people, poli- cymakers, researchers and partners to action. UNICEF gives young people the opportunity to get involved in various programmes designed to build a better future for children and young people worldwide. UNICEF sends youth delegates to the COP climate conferences to voice their opinions.

Youth representatives are sent to international conferences such as the EU Youth Conferences, the United Nations General Assembly ( UN youth delegates ) or G7 youth summits to make their voices and interests heard. During the G7 youth summit in 2022, young people discussed a variety of themes including Sustainable & Green Planet and Economic Transformation for Shared Progress. The UN Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change submits youth perspectives and concrete recommendations to the UN Secretary-General. The objective is to hear directly from young people, accelerate global climate action and drive forward progress on all 17 SDGs. YOUNGO (YOUTH + NGO = YOUNGO) is the official children and youth constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It is a global network of children and youth activists (aged up to 35) as well as youth NGOs that through, e.g., its Conference of Youth events to formally bring their voices to the UNFCCC processes and shape the intergovernmental climate change policies. The Action for Climate Empowerment Hub (ACE Hub) is a collaboration launched in 2022 between the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) and the UNFCCC Secretariat. Its objective is to increase public support to, and engagement in, climate action activities that can help accelerate the implementation of the Paris Agreement across all sectors of society. Youth is a special focus of the ACE Hub. Activities include an annual international ACE Youth Exchange and an international hackathon to develop new ideas and solutions for increasing awareness, education and participation in climate action.

UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) is the United Nations’ lead agency for ESD and is responsible for the implementation of ESD for 2030. UNESCO is a global advocate and supports governments in providing quality climate change educa- tion . UNESCO produces and shares knowledge, provides policy guidance and implements projects on the ground.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG 13 “Climate Action”, which calls for urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. In the UN SDG Good Practices platform , SDG good prac- tices can be searched by SDGs as well as by keywords. ESD for 2030 (“Education for Sustainable Development: Towards achieving the SDGs”) is the current global frame- work for the implementation of Education for Sustain- able Development (ESD) between 2020 and 2030. ESD gives learners of all ages, including young people, the knowledge, skills, values and agency they need to address interconnected global challenges including climate change. The ESD for 2030 Roadmap’s priority action areas focus on climate education in schools and on empowering and mobilising youth.

Examples of international measures targeted at young people to help implement the SDGs: → The Scouts for SDGs global initiative mobilises and engages young people in learning about and taking action to achieve the SDGs, including SDG 13. The initiative aims at engaging 54 million Scouts so they can make the world’s largest coordinated youth contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. → Global Education Week is an annual worldwide awareness-raising initiative that takes place in the third week in November. It is a call to rethink the world together and contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world. Global Education Week relates to the 17 SDGs including SDG 13 (Climate Action). It is organised by the Council of Europe’s North-South Centre. The Centre develops multilateral activities responding mainly to three priority areas: global education, youth cooperation and empowerment of women.

• The Greening Education Partnership helps deliver the ESD objectives and reach all learners.

• The UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) connects more than 12,000 schools in 182 countries. It operates at international and national level. Its priorities are education for sustainable development, global citizenship education and inter-cultural and heritage learning.



International mapping

International mapping

European policy development

The European Union’s DEAR (Development Education and Awareness Raising) programme supports projects that engage Europeans in worldwide issues around social, economic and environmental development. It promotes active citizenship and a critical under- standing of sustainable development issues, the inter- dependent world and people’s roles as change-makers. The programme also provides funding for international projects for young people on sustainability and environ- mental protection and has trained 35,000 teachers in global development issues. In the DEAR Projects Plat- form DEAR project descriptions can be searched by country, participant group and keyword. The LIFE Programme is the European Commission’s financial instrument to fund environmental and climate projects across the EU. It is the only instrument aimed directly at the environment that supports the develop- ment and implementation of the Union's environmental policy. LIFE wants to contribute to sustainable develop- ment, the achievement of the Europe 2020 objectives and targets, and the relevant EU environmental and climate strategies and plans. In the LIFE Public Database LIFE project descriptions can be searched by keyword. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)’s mission is to inform, enable and inspire nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compro- mising that of future generations. For example, UNEP runs the World Environment Day campaign which engages millions of people from across the world to protect the planet and start environmental action. Earth School was co-created by UNEP and Ted-Ed to provide children, parents and teachers all over the world with engaging nature-focused content to stay connected to nature during the global COVID-19 pandemic. The Earth Prize is a global environmental sustainability competition for young people aged 13 to 19, with a prize fund of $200,000 to reward teams whose projects have the greatest potential to address environmental chal- lenges and sustainable development. The Earth Prize recognises the students and schools with the best solu- tions for accelerating positive change towards environ- mental sustainability. The Earth Prize is funded by the Earth Foundation. Its goal is to inspire, educate, mentor and empower students, schools, researchers and young entrepreneurs with innovative ideas to tackle environ- mental challenges.

In 2022, the European Commission set up a new SALTO centre on green transition and sustainable transition in Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps. It is hosted by the French Erasmus+ Education and Training National Agency and will support national agencies in Europe and their Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps project leaders on issues related to the transition towards more and quality education on sustainable development and eco-friendly practices. Funding schemes The Erasmus+ Programme is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Erasmus+ offers mobility and cooperation opportunities in higher education, vocational education and training, school education, adult education, youth and sport. One of the priorities of the Erasmus+ programme is “Envi- ronment and fight against climate change”. Erasmus+ wants to be a key instrument for building knowledge, skills, and attitudes on climate change and supporting sustainable development both within the European Union and beyond. Environment and the fight against climate change have become a horizontal priority for the selection of projects. Erasmus+ Youth offers specific mobility opportunities for all young people in the field of non-formal and informal education. It supports inter- national youth exchanges, mobility projects for youth workers, youth participation activities and DiscoverEU . DiscoverEU offers young people aged 18 the opportu - nity to enjoy a short-term individual or group experience travelling across Europe by rail or other modes of trans- port where necessary. As an informal learning activity, DiscoverEU aims at fostering a sense of belonging to the European Union, inspiring participants to embrace sustainable travel in particular and an environmental conscience in general. In the Erasmus+ Projects Plat- form Erasmus+ project descriptions can be searched by country and theme, e. g. “Youth”, “Environment and climate change” or “Green transport and mobility”. The European Solidarity Corps (ESC) Programme is the EU’s programme to bring together young people to build a more inclusive society, support vulnerable individuals and respond to societal and humanitarian challenges. It promotes cross-border and local activities that benefit the community and that build a solidary and social Europe. One of the priorities of the ESC is envi- ronmental protection, sustainable development, and climate action. In the ESC Projects Platform , ESC project descriptions can be searched by country and theme, e. g. “Climate action”, “Environment and nature protection” or “Green skills”.

Environment and climate action are key priorities for the EU now and in the future.

In December 2019, the European Commission launched the European Green Deal to implement the transition to a fairer, healthier and more prosperous society whilst guaranteeing a healthy planet for future generations. It is about improving the well-being of people, making Europe climate-neutral by 2050 and protecting Europe’s natural habitat. The European Green Deal recognises the key role of schools, training institutions and universities to engage with pupils, parents, and the wider commu- nity on the changes needed for a successful transition to become climate neutral by 2050. The Commission will prepare a European competence framework to help develop and assess knowledge, skills and attitudes on climate change and sustainable development. The European Climate Pact is part of the European Green Deal and offers an opportunity for people, communities and organisations to participate in climate action across Europe. Between November 2021 and March 2022, European citizens held a total of 461 Peer Parliaments across 26 EU Member States that shared opinions and ideas on how to combat climate change. Young people aged 16-25 accounted for 24% of Peer Parliament participants, while the 26-35 age group even accounted for close to 30%. Afterwards, Peer Parliament hosts shared their findings with the European Commis - sion, ensuring that EU policymakers heard the voices of citizens. All ideas were fed into the Conference on the Future of Europe on 9 May 2022, which was also attended by young people. Climate change and environ- mental protection was one of the ten conference topics. The EU Youth Strategy is the framework for EU youth policy cooperation for 2019-2027. It fosters youth partic- ipation in democratic life and wants to connect, engage and empower young people. During a dialogue process in 2017 and 2018, which involved young people from all over Europe, 11 European Youth Goals were developed, including Youth Goal #10, Sustainable Green Europe . The EU Youth Dialogue is a dialogue mechanism between young people and decision-makers under the EU Youth Strategy. It wants to ensure that the opinions, views and needs of young people and youth organisa- tions are considered when defining the EU's youth poli - cies. The dialogue with policy-makers and other activi- ties happen in 18-month work cycles. Each cycle focuses on a different theme that is set by the Council of Youth Ministers. The current cycle from early 2022 to mid-2023

is headed “Engaging together for a sustainable and inclu- sive Europe” and is directly connected to Youth Goals #3, Inclusive Societies and #10, Sustainable Green Europe. The results of the dialogue are compiled, discussed and fed back into EU youth policy. The European Year of Youth 2022 wanted to shine a light on the importance of European youth to build a better future that is greener, more inclusive and digital. The Voice Platform of the European Year of Youth 2022 collected voice messages by young people telling the European Union what kind of Europe they want to live in. In the “Green” category, ideas for a greener Europe were collected. During the European Year of Youth, the Euro- pean Commission and the High Representative adopted the Youth Action Plan in the European Union external action for 2022-2027 , the first policy framework for a strategic partnership with young people around the world to build a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable future. It will help deliver on international commitments, such as the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustain- able Development and the Paris Climate Agreement, by enhancing meaningful youth participation and empow- erment in the EU’s external action policies. In January 2022, the EU published a proposal for a Council Recommendation on learning for environ- mental sustainability .



Important actors and organisations

Important actors and organisations

Important actors and organisations

Erasmus Student Network (ESN) One of the objectives of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is to contribute to sustainable devel- opment and environmental sustainability through learning mobility and civic engagement. Local ESN associations organise environmental sustainability activities. Green Erasmus is a project coordinated by ESN and other higher education institutions that seeks to improve the environ- mental sustainability of the Erasmus+ programme. Green Erasmus has launched the Green Erasmus survey , co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme. The Green Erasmus Portal provides students with tips and tricks to act sustainably before, during and after their Erasmus experi- ence. As part of the Green Erasmus project, the petition " Increase support for green travel in Erasmus+ " was launched to ask the EU institutions for more funding for sustainable travel. The Green Erasmus research project on the habits of Erasmus students looks at consumption, daily life and travel habits of Erasmus students from the perspective of their environmental attitudes and beliefs.

This chapter presents a number of important international actors and organisations. For national key actors and organisations, please refer to the country mapping chapters. Note that there are many more important organisations, so this list should not be considered exhaustive.

→ Further information: Erasmus Student Network (ESN)

ESD Expert Net ESD Expert Net brings together education experts from different fields in a global partnership. They promote international dialogue on education for sustainable development and develop international approaches and strategies. It implements Go! Global, a virtual international school exchange programme which helps pupils share their practical experience related to the 17 SDGs, for example school gardening and food production or waste disposal and recycling.

→ Further information: ESD Expert Net

European Environmental Bureau (EEB) The European Environmental Bureau is Europe’s largest network of environmental citizens’ organisations and unites around 180 member organisations in more than 35 countries. The EEB stands for sustainable development, environmental justice and participatory democracy. It advo- cates for progressive policies to create a better environment in the European Union and beyond.

→ Further information: European Environmental Bureau

Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) The Foundation for Environmental Education is one of the world’s largest environmental educa- tion organisations, with over 100 member organisations in 81 countries. Its strategic plan GAIA 20:30 prioritises climate action across all its educational programmes to address climate change,


Important actors and organisations

Important actors and organisations

biodiversity loss and environmental pollution. Its global educational programmes Eco-Schools, Learning About Forests and Young Reporters for the Environment empower young people to create an environmentally conscious world through a solutions-based approach. Eco-Schools is the largest global sustainable schools programme.

→ Further information: Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE)

Fridays for Future Fridays for Future is a youth-led and -organised global climate strike movement that started in August 2018, when 15-year-old Greta Thunberg began a school strike for climate. Today, Fridays for Future is a social movement that is active on national and international level. It fights for comprehensive, fast and effective climate protection measures in order to achieve compliance with the 1.5°C climate target. In 2019 the movement organised Global Week for Future , a series of 4,500 strikes across over 150 countries. It also organises climate activism around international political events such as COP World Climate Conferences.

International Young Naturefriends (IYNF) International Young Naturefriends (IYNF) is an international organisation bringing together Young Naturefriends and their organisations across Europe. IYNF organises various activities on climate protection and the SDGs and promotes young people’s active participation in social life. IYNF is also a training and exchange provider organising international youth exchanges and capacity building activities for the benefit of its members. Its exchanges and training activities focus on its core fields environmental education, outdoor programming and amateur art. IYNF also produces methodological publications and runs information campaigns.

→ Further information: Fridays for Future

Generation Climate Europe Generation Climate Europe (GCE) is a coalition of youth-led networks on climate and environ- mental issues at the European level that incorporates 381 national organisations across 46 Euro- pean countries. Its working groups engage young people and offer them the opportunity to play an active role in EU decision-making and be heard on climate and environmental issues. There are working groups on, e.g., sustainable development, climate justice and clean mobility.

→ Further information: International Young Naturefriends

Yes to Sustainability Yes to Sustainability is a network of young people and youth workers whose aim is to bring together young people in ecovillages and sustainable projects in Europe. The networks organises international youth exchanges and international mobility activities for youth workers such as training courses and seminars. These activities are funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme. Yes to Sustainability also offers support and mentoring to ecovillages, networks, sustainable projects and young people wishing to organise an international youth exchange.

→ Further information: Generation Climate Europe

Green 10 Green 10 is a coalition of ten of the largest environmental organisations and networks in Europe that works to ensure that the European Union protects the climate, the local environment, biodi- versity and human health within and beyond its borders.

→ Further information: Green 10

→ Further information: Yes to Sustainability

International Forum for Volunteering in Development The International Forum for Volunteering in Development (Forum) is a global network of organ- isations that work with volunteers to achieve sustainable development goals. Its members can take part in a range of working groups and communities of practice including on climate action. The Forum Climate Action Group was established to inform, spur action among and provide practical advice to Forum members on climate issues. In 2020, Forum organised its annual conference for international volunteer cooperation organisations (IVCO) as a virtual conference on volunteering for climate action. Several papers have been published to explore the connec- tion between volunteering and climate action.

World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM) The World Organisation of the Scout Movement is a confederation of over 170 national Scout organisations. Scouts are engaged in sustainability and climate action and are committed to protecting, preserving and restoring the planet. WOSM’s World Triennial Plan 2021-2024 is centred around the theme of recovery and sustainability. Scouts across the globe have completed thousands of environment-related projects under the World Scout Environment Programme. In 2020 WOSM launched a reshaped environmental education programme called Earth Tribe , whose thematic focus is on biodiversity conservation, plastic waste prevention and climate-friendly solar energy.

→ Further information: International Forum for Volunteering in Development

→ Further information: World Organisation of the Scout Movement






example, that in the 15-29 age group, 23% of respond- ents are often or almost all the time concerned about environmental problems. In 2019 a Youth Environ- ment Council was established at the Ministry of the Environment. The Youth Environment Council is both an advisory and decision-making body that represents the environmental interests of young people and youth organisations both locally and internationally. The Council aims to involve young people in environ- mental debates and policymaking. It has participated in many working groups at the Ministry of the Envi- ronment, provided input for environmental legisla- tion and contributed to the environmental education of young people. One of the Council's major ongoing projects is the provision of training courses on envi- ronmental issues in schools, which give students new knowledge and broadens their horizons. • In 2020, the Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with Estonian and foreign experts published a report enti- tled Global Education in Estonia, which showed that a rising number of young people are interested in climate change. There are more and more groups of young people protesting against the lack of national efforts to combat climate change. • The Environmental Board is a government agency affiliated with the Ministry of the Environment. It is responsible for fostering a sense of responsibility among the people of Estonia in regard to nature, and offers environmental education programmes. In 2021, the Estonian Government formed an expert group known as the Green Policy Steering Committee to coordinate the implementation of green policies in Estonia. The Key Principles of Climate Policy until 2050 are the basis of Estonian climate policy. One of the poli- cies is to raise public awareness of climate change miti- gation. Knowledge, skills and attitudes will be promoted at all levels of education including non-formal environ- mental education.

Policy developments According to the Sustainable Development Reports for 2021 and 2022 , Estonia ranks 10 out of 193 UN Member States when comparing progress on implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals . The Strategy for Estonian Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid 2016–2020 mentions, amongst several other goals, Estonian development cooperation to foster environ- mentally friendly development and raising awareness of the Estonian public, particularly younger people, of development cooperation, humanitarian aid and global development problems. Although the strategy ended in 2020, the activities are to be implemented until 2023. According to Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, climate-related topics are a key priority for the Estonian government and there is a clear intention to achieve the European climate neutrality objective by 2050 . As an EU Member State, Estonia is also committed to the European Green Deal . In Estonia, climate protection is a cross-cutting topic involving several ministries and governmental organisa- tions. Key stakeholders here are the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, the Education and Youth Board, the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Environmental Board. • The Ministry of Education and Research and the Education and Youth Board published a joint report "Is the Estonian young person a world citizen?" (Kas Eesti noor on maailmakodanik?) that analyses the results of the OECD Pisa 2018 survey for Estonia. The PISA 2018 survey examined, among other things, young people's attitudes to global issues. The report reveals that Estonian young people are quite aware of global issues. The most prominent topics were climate change and gender equality. • The Ministry of the Environment commissions regular surveys on public environmental awareness. The last survey was realised in 2020. The surveys show, for




Funding for youth “The Next Step” / “Järgmine samm”

The main governmental authority responsible for youth policy is the Ministry of Education and Research , specif- ically its Youth and Talent Policy Department. In order to implement an integrated youth policy, all ministries must take into account the specific needs of young people. The youth sector development plan for 2021-2035 (Noortevaldkonna arengukava 2021-2035 (in Esto- nian) / Youth Sector Development Plan (in English) also mentions the European Youth Goals, international youth work, youth volunteering and environmental aspects. The Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry of the Environment are already collaborating to imple- ment an environmental education and awareness action plan that will increase cooperation between these fields and raise awareness of environmental issues. The Government Office is responsible for coordinating the preparation, implementation and amendment of the strategy “ Estonia 2035 ” in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance. The goals were agreed at discussions that took place across Estonia over a period of two years, and reflect the outcomes of a survey (to which almost 17,000 people responded). The Estonian National Youth Council (ENL) is helping to draft the Estonia 2035 strategy docu- ment and in doing so, represents the positions of young Estonians. Funding schemes and support mechanisms/structures Archimedes Foundation The Archimedes Foundation is an independent body established by the Estonian government in 1997 with the objective to coordinate and implement interna- tional and national programmes and projects in the field of training, education, research, technological development and innovation. The Archimedes Founda- tion offers a database listing Estonian projects realised under the main funding programmes such as Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps. The project data-

base includes projects on environmental protection and climate change. There is also a collection of examples of good practices .

in line with the theme of International Youth Day 2021. It was open to young people aged 7 to 26 from Estonia. The project ideas could be submitted as a poster, video, presentation, document describing the idea, presenta- tion, keynote speech, etc. The maximum grant per project was €2,000.

The Next Step is a competition funded by the Ministry of Education and Research and the Education and Youth Board. The competition supported young people's initia - tives to tackle community bottlenecks. It also focused on green opportunities at local level and supported projects that strengthened cooperation between young people in Estonia and Ukraine. The competition was open to young Estonians aged 7-26. The maximum grant per project was €2,000.

Further information: Archimedes Foundation

Education and Youth Board (Harno)

Further information: Lightning competition

The Education and Youth Board (Harno) is an agency within the Ministry of Education and Research that deals with the implementation of Estonian education and youth policy. Harno was established in 2020, and its portfolio of services is a continuation of those previously provided by Foundation Innove, the Archimedes Foun- dation and the Information Technology Foundation for Education and Estonian Youth Work Center. Harno’s youth department promotes the implementa- tion of quality youth policy and organises and develops Estonian youth work services. Its youth information website www.teeviit.ee carries information on envi- ronment and consumption as well as on international opportunities. The National Agency for Erasmus+ Youth in Action and the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) in Estonia is part of Harno. It oversees funding apportioned in Estonia, manages the programmes in Estonia and is responsible for programme communication. Erasmus+ and the ESC provide a considerable number of opportunities for young Estonians in the environment and sustainable development fields. The National Agency also functions as the Eurodesk office in Estonia . Harno’s internationalisation department coordinates international cooperation and scholarship programmes for study and work abroad, as well as scholarship programmes for study and research at Estonian univer- sities.

National Foundation of Civil Society / KÜSK

National Foundation of Civil Society (NFCS) is a state-fi - nanced civil society fund that supports non-govern- mental organisations in developing their capacities. NFCS supports over 100 projects and initiatives each year. Supporting international cooperation of Estonian NGOs is one of its strategic goals. For example, it supported the Let’s Do It cleanup day and its internationalisation.

Further information: AEYC: Järgmine samm

Foundation Environmental Investment Centre

The Foundation Environmental Investments Centre (EIC) is an independent body established by the government under the Ministry of Finance. It is responsible for medi- ating state budget funds, EU funds, funds from foreign aid programmes and the Green Investment Scheme and for granting loans for environmental projects. Funded projects can be searched in Estonian language in a project database , which includes, among others, projects funded by the EU Structural Funds or under the Environment Programme. EIC also funds projects for young people such as nature trips for Ukrainian chil- dren and young people or an annual video competition for primary school children. Every autumn children are invited to submit clips that offer imaginative solutions to a specific environmental problem.

Further information: National Foundation of Civil Society

Further information: Environmental Investment Centre

Lightning competition “The Future is NOW!”

The Lightning competition “The Future is NOW!” was co-funded under the European Social Fund, approved by the Minister of Education and Research and imple- mented by the Education and Youth Board. The compe- tition aimed to focus attention on the sustainable use of food systems and the health of people and the planet,

Further information: Education and Youth Board





Main actors and organisations Association of Estonian Open Youth Centers / Eesti Avatud Noortekeskuste Ühendus ANK The Association of Estonian Open Youth Centers (AEYC) is a nationwide umbrella organisation that unites and supports over 200 youth centres in Estonia. AEYC coop- erates with state and local governments, youth organ- isations in Estonia and abroad, and other institutions involved in youth work. It provides training and further training and contributes to the development of national youth policies. AEYC develops local and international projects and partnerships shaping youth policy at the local and national levels. It exchanges good interna- tional youth work practices and self-development opportunities, increasing the readiness of youth centres for international cooperation. AEYC actively takes part in international collaborations under the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes, mainly strategic partnership projects, youth worker mobility projects, and volunteering activities (incoming and outgoing). AEYC realises several national and interna- tional projects on sustainability .

Estonian Green Movement

Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation (AKÜ)

Fridays for Future Estonia

The Estonian Green Movement is a non-profit organi - sation dedicated to environmental protection with the aim of improving the health of Estonia’s environment and guiding society towards a green and sustainable way of thinking. It endeavours to respond to regional environmental problems and to protect Estonian natural resources at grassroots, national and interna- tional levels. The organisation has a youth chapter that addresses the concerns of young people.

Friday for Future Estonia is a youth-led initiative that is part of the international Fridays for Future movement. Its main activity is organising protests in Estonia. In addi- tion, it negotiates with politicians, organises climate- themed information evenings, takes part in discussion panels and talks about climate-related topics in non-gov- ernmental organisations and schools.

The Estonian Roundtable for Development Coopera- tion (AKÜ) is a platform of Estonian non-governmental organisations that work in development cooperation, environment, sustainable development and global citi- zenship education. It carries out both national and EU level advocacy on development issues and on the SDGs and is active in international networks. AKÜ is also the founder and lead partner of the Estonian Coalition for Sustainable Development, a cross-sectoral network that promotes sustainable development goals to a wider audience. Every year AKÜ conducts public campaigns and public opinion research. AKÜ is a strategic partner of the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Govern - ment Office.

Further information: Fridays for Future Estonia

Let’s Do It Foundation

Further information: Estonian Green Movement

Estonian National Youth Council (ENL) / ESN Estonia

The Let’s Do It Foundation is a public benefit organisa - tion that mobilises people to join nation-wide cleanup actions. The first national initiative grew into a global movement. Over the years the foundation has mobilised 36 million people in 169 countries. After establishing World Cleanup Day – the biggest civic action against waste – the foundation continues working towards a waste-free world. In 2018, the Foundation was recog- nised by UNESCO as one of the three winners of the UNESCO Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Devel- opment for its international projects “World Cleanup Day” and “Keep It Clean Plan”.

The Estonian National Youth Council (ENL) is the Estonian umbrella of youth associations and youth organisations. The main goals of ENL are to offer guardianship to youth associations, to form a social opinion and legislative environment that supports young people, to represent the youth political interests of its members in Estonia and internationally, and to promote the lively partic- ipation of young people in society. ENL has published political strategy documents on youth mobility and the environment.

Further information: Estonian Roundtable for Devel- opment Cooperation

Estonian Scout Association / Eesti Skautide Ühing

The Estonian Scout Association (ESÜ) is Estonia’s primary national Scouting organisation that provides non-formal education for young people and is part of a world-wide organisation of over 40 million scouts. ESÜ offers outdoor and nature experiences and environ - mental education and regularly organises international intercultural exchange events such as the yearly Baltic Jamboree . The Estonian Scout Association actively coop- erates with Estonian public authorities and non-govern- mental umbrella organisations in the youth field in order to develop the youth sector in Estonia.

Further information: AEYC (English) / AEYC (Estonian)

Estonian Environmental Education Association / Esti Keskkonnahariduse Ühing

Further information: Let’s Do It Foundation

Further information: Estonian National Youth Council


The Estonian Environmental Education Association brings together environmental professionals who want to raise the quality of environmental education. It disseminates information on environmental education opportunities in Estonia. The association offers methods and programmes for school classes and kindergarten. Its website supports teachers and nature enthusiasts by providing information on nature centres, educational programmes and educational materials. The Estonian Environmental Education Association also promotes international projects and competitions such as the Earth Prize and is one of the organisers of the Eco School Global national programme .

Mondo is a non-governmental organisation that runs education/health, environmental and digital skills programmes in international partner countries and on global education in Estonia. Mondo receives funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; much of its budget also comes from fundraising activities. Mondo has initi- ated international projects on climate change and also develops and promotes campaigns and information activities targeted at young people. A youth climate campaign was organised in order to let young people take part in shaping climate policy in Estonia and become involved in the Paris climate talks. Mondo runs the portal Maailmakool , where materials and methods are made available to youth workers, educators and

Further information: Estonian Scout Association

Further information: Estonian Environmental Educa- tion Association




Examples of good practice

Examples of good practice

teachers. The website lists a wide variety of materials on topics including environment, climate and sustaina- bility. There are training courses on subjects connected with youth and global and environmental issues. The portal encourages youth workers and teachers to initiate campaigns , competitions , theme days and exhi- bitions for young people to promote awareness about global issues and climate protection.

centre offers projects and trainings for educators. Tartu Nature House implements several national and interna- tional cooperation projects encouraging young people to adopt environmentally friendly habits. It coordinates the Eco-Schools Global national programme “Roheline kool” in Estonia as well as the environmental education activities of the Baltic Sea Project. Tartu Nature House hosted a seminar called Environmentally Friendly Public Events for festival organisers, has published a manual for environmentally friendly event planning, and offers advisory services and training.

Further information: Website Mondo , About Mondo

Baltic Sea Project in Estonia

MTÜ Väike Jalajälg

Further information: Tartu Nature House

Project: School projects for environmental education

NGO Väike Jalajälg is an eco-community that organises events, workshops and training courses on different aspects of a sustainable and regenerative lifestyle. It also offers international projects and volunteering opportunities for young people related to social and ecological sustainability (permaculture and gardening, sociocracy, non-violent communication and community building). MTÜ Väike Jalajälg organises international youth exchanges, and Gaia education courses . The organisation also organises an Erasmus+ training course for youth workers on sustainable youth exchanges. Further information: Väike Jalajälg


Country: Estonia

TeemeÄra is an Estonian NGO that is active for Earth Day and coordinates the nationwide collective action day. Collective actions such as water safety and nature pres- ervation events are organised throughout the country. Ukrainian refugees are involved in its programmes. Nature conservation for everyone, also for young people and families, contributes to preserving Estonian species and their habitats.

Organisations: MTÜ Mondo (Estonia), Tartu Nature House (Estonia), 60 schools in Estonia

Description: The aim of the Baltic Sea Project is to increase students’ awareness of the environ- mental problems of the Baltic Sea, to develop students’ ability to notice environmental changes, and to guide students to behave more sustainably. In Estonia, the UNESCO Associated Schools Network works hand in hand with the Baltic Sea Project programmes. Almost 60 educational institutions in Estonia have joined the network. The emphasis in the network is on improving the quality of environmental education. The network’s activities are based on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and cover environmental, global, sustainable development, global citizen- ship and human rights education. Contact information: MTÜ Mondo: Kärt Leppik, e-mail: unescoschools@mondo.org.ee Tartu Nature House: Maria Ivanova, e-mail: maria.ivanova@tartuloodusmaja.ee

Further information: TeemeÄra

Sparta Camp

Viimsi Municipality - LEMOCC partner

Sparta Camp organises international summer camps for young people aged between 14 and 18 in Estonia. The camps offer an active and healthy programme of activ - ities including forest trips with local forestry represent- atives and sports activities in nature such as canoeing, windsurfing and climbing. The camps have participants from all over the world.

Viimsi is a small peninsula in northern Estonia near Baltic Sea. It is located in Harju County, about 9 km (6 miles) northeast of the centre of Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. Viimsi municipality has a total area of 73 km² and a population of approx. 22 000. Viimsi’s hobby centres and youth centres offer 50 different recreational activities for children, young people and adults. The activities cover music, theatre, sports, creativity and arts, languages etc. The Viimsi Science School develops environmental programmes for youth. Viimsi Municipality and Viimsi Youth Center organise international activities and youth exchanges for young people. Local youngsters partici- pate in youth exchanges related to climate change.

Further information: Estonian UNESCO joint schools / Baltic Sea Project Estoina

Further information: Sparta Camp

Tartu Environmental Education Centre (Tartu Nature House)

Tartu Nature House offers various environmental educa - tion and nature programmes, outdoor games and adven- tures for young people, children and families. Its training

Further information: Viimsi



Examples of good practice

Examples of good practice

Elu5 – Lifestyle Festival

Climate change on my plate

Project: Festival and volunteering project

Project: Youth initiative

Country: Estonia

Countries: Volunteers from Slovenia, Spain, Finland and Estonia

Organisation: Vastseliina Youth Center (Estonia)

Organisations: Gaia Academy (Estonia), MTÜ Väike Jalajälg (Estonia)

Description: “Climate change on my plate” is a European Solidarity Corps project by young people that focuses on the impact of food on health and the environment, vegetarian food as one way to stop climate change, and youth conservation activism. With several YouTube videos the initiative informs young people about the threat of climate change to their lives and suggests activities. The videos inspire other young people to become active. The videos show forms of activism such as videos, podcasts, strikes, performances and street activism, and suggest recipes and podcasts.

Description: Over 200 people were invited to the mini lifestyle festival Elu5 to discuss climate change and regenerative lifestyles and to participate in workshops about, e.g., self-sufficiency. The festival was organised in an ecovillage and created an inclusive atmosphere for a community of differently abled international and inter-generational members and volunteers. International volunteers were invited to help organise the festival. The project raised awareness of the ecolog- ical, social, economic and cultural aspects of sustainability.

Funded by: European Solidarity Corps

Funded by: European Solidarity Corps

Contact information: E-mail: info@vaikejalajalg.ee ; phone: +372 56452563

Contact information: Merlis Pajustik, e-mail: noored@vastseliina.ee

Further information: ESC project “Elu5”

Further information: Youtube Kliimamuutused Minu Taldrikul

Empowering Youth - Green together ideation day

Eco-schools Global national programme “Roheline kool” in Estonia Project: Environmental education school programme

Project: International offline and online idea creation day and green ideas competition

Countries: Young people and experts from eight Nordic and Baltic states: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden

Country: Estonia (global programme)

Organisations: Environmental Investment Center; Cleantech ForEst; Garage48; Government Office of Estonia; Ministry of the Environment; Ministry of Education and Research; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Education and Youth Authority (all Estonia) with the support of NB8 Description: Estonia, as the coordinator of the Nordic-Baltic Cooperation NB8 in 2021, organised an international green idea creation day to develop green ideas as part of international coopera- tion. Young people worked together in teams to find solutions to environmental problems. They were supported by environmental and climate experts. The young people sought solutions to reduce the CO 2 footprint, reduce consumption, develop sustainable food systems and promote the circular economy and sustainable mobility. The best teams received a monetary award so they could move forward with their ideas.

Organisations: Coordinated by Tartu Environmental Education Centre. The implementation of the programme is supported by a commission consisting of representatives from the Estonian Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Education and Research, the Estonian Environmental Board, Tallinn Education Department, Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department, HARED NPO – Centre for Training and Development, Tartu Nature House, Tallinn University and Society of Estonian Environmental Education Description: Estonia joined the global Eco-schools Global programme in 2016. It contributes an environmentally friendly aspect to everyday school activities and helps to implement them fully and methodically. The programme includes methods for taking action across twelve environ- mental themes. About 180 schools and kindergartens in Estonia are part of the network.

Funded by: Proceeds of the auctioning of allowances for aircraft operators

Funded by: Estonian Environmental Investment Center

Contact information: E-mail: keskkonnaministeerium@envir.ee ; phone: +372 6262802

Contact information: Eeva Kirsipuu-Vadi, e-mail: eeva.kirsipuu-vadi@tartuloodusmaja.ee ; Maris Mägi, e-mail: maris.magi@tartuloodusmaja.ee

Further information: Ministry of the Environment Green Ideas / Garage48 Green together

Further information: Tartu Environmental Education Centre: Eco-schools



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