The Bible Family Magazine
AUGUST •1939
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Moody Bible Institute Over 50 Years’ Experience in Christian Training • Founded over h alf a centu ry ago by the w orld-fam ous evan gelist, D. L. Moody. • N early 2,200 m issionaries already have gone from the In stitu te into the foreig n field. • More than 3,000 stud ents th is year in tra in in g for C h ristian service. • N early 13,000 conversions reported in one y ear as a resu lt of stu dent m in istry in the Chicago area alone. • New 1 2 s t o r y A dm inistration B uild ing w ith modern classroom and lib rary facilities. Join These Happy Students in preparation for a life of effec tive Christian service. On the mis sion field, in the pulpit, in every day life, you’ll profit from the true inspiration of s t u d y at Moody Bible Institute. Interesting sub jects are taught by authorities in the field. The Institute’s contacts w i t h hundreds of churches and missions give you excellent op portunities for observation and ap plication of training. And in ad dition, Chicago’s many educational opportunities are w i t h i n easy reach of the campus, museums, libraries, exhibits. For a catalog giving a complete description of the Institute and its facilities address a card to Dept. KT-620.
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These fire the New Subscription Prices ioi "The King's Business" B e g in n in g August 1 ,1 9 3 9
Here Is Something New, Different, and Worth While! THE KING’S BUSINESS is the same as ever in size, in general content, and in the emphatic tone of its gospel message. The only appreciable change is to a less expensive type of paper. And this change enables us to use a far less extrava gant form of printing, and to give the magazine to the public at ONE-THIRD of the former sub scription price. The new price will enable the magazine to secure the widest possible distribution and, we believe, will meet the heartfelt demands of thou
sands of our friends who love THE KING’S BUSINESS, first of all, FOR WHAT IT TEACHES. There are thousands of persons who want THE KING’S BUSINESS, who need its true-to-the-Bible and constructive message, but who write us that they simply cannot afford to pay for it if the yearly price is higher than 50 cents. It is for the sake of this VAST MULTITUDE of needy souls Unserved by other publishers, that THE KING’S BUSINESS has taken this method of getting the Word of God— for the glory of God—widely dis seminated. We know that our regular subscribers sympathize with this purpose.
No Essential Features Sacrificed As you wi|l note this month, none of our regular departments is being sac rificed in making this change. SUBJECT TO POPULAR DEMAND, the magazine will continue to print each of the de partments which have made it beloved by its many thousands of readers. The JUNIOR KINO’S BUSINESS, BIBLE INSTITUTE FAMILY CIRCLE, CHRISTIAN E N D E A V O R NOTES, D A I L Y DEVOTIONAL READINGS, and most important of all, the INTER NATIONAL LESSON COMMENTARY, will continue to be regular features of the magazine. The BEAUTIFUL ART COVERS, which have always distinguished the magazine, will attract readers to the new KING’S BUSINESS, as in the past. Special Club Prices, Will Be Discontinued , The annual subscription price of 50 cents quoted above is the ONE and
ONLY PRICE a c c e p t a b l e to THE KING’S BUSINESS (except BUNDLE RATES of 25 or more sent to one ad dress). There will be no special club or pro rata prices hereafter, as we believe that nearly all of those who avail them selves of this facility are doing it as God’s stewards and for thè good that the magazine will do, rather than for any profit in commissions that they might receive. The m o n t h l y $10.00 prize contest for letters accompanying two or more subscriptions, however, will continue. (See inside front cover of the July issue for contest rules.) Premiums to Club Organizers
SCRIPTIONS within 12 months from date, and a copy of STREAMS IN THE DESERT, by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman, for a club of fifty subscriptions. Other premiums will be added from time to time. Sample Copies Sent Upon Request We wish to mail as many samples of the new magazine as possible to pastors, Sunday-school teachers, and church workers, and we request that you forward us lists of members in your home town churches whom you know' would be interested in this fundamental
However, as there is some real work Christian magazine. Sample copies will in acting as a club secretary, a list of be sent without obligation to those premiums will be given, and at the pres- w tnose ent time we will agree to send a READ- whose names you send in. Include pas- ERS* BIBLE (with concordance, maps, ^0^, board, Sunday-school super- and helps), or a cloth-bound WEBSTER intendent and teachers, officers and inICTWENTV members of ^ome and foreign mission in TWENTY-FIVE ANNUAL SUB- societies, with their home addresses*
The King's Business Will Pay You for Your Trouble Up-to-date lists of the entire membership of fundamental churches are greatly desired, and THE KING’S BUSINESS will pay in cash from ONE TO FIVE DOLLARS for such lists, if carefully prepared. To qualify for payment, lists must include ax least 100 names and recent addresses, with names of churches, name and address of pastor, and other facts which we will specify in our letter.
Write for our letter of instructions as to preparing your list, estimating the number of names that you can send, and be sure to include only one member in each family with accurate addresses and initials. Please state the name of the church whose list you can supply and the age of the list which you have.
This is an easy way to make money for your missionary society or church and at the same time to secure samples of a won derful magazine for your friends, free.
We ask your prayers for the success ol this earnest attempt to extend the ministrv of THE KING’S BUSINESS on the widest and most effective basis. 25 cents additional for postage for each foreign subscription (except to certain countries. See contents page ) THE KING'S BUSINESS 558 S. Hope Street $ 3 %$? losAngeles,Calif
August, 1939
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
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chase bundles for all churches you e x pect to visit. Order in advance of tour and distribute during services. Thus new converts w ill be introduced to a Biblical testim ony th a t w ill nourish the new life begun during your m inistry. POSTAGE: On Canadian subscrip tions add y2 cent for each individual copy in your bundle. T here is no ch arge made for postage to the fol low ing countries* A rgentina, Bolivia, B razil, Chili, Colombia, C osta R ica, Cu ba, Dom inican Republic, E cu ador, Gua tem ala, H aiti, Republic of Honduras, Mexico, N icaragu a, Pan am a, P arag u ay , P eru , E l Salvador, Spain and its colo nies, U ruguay, and Venezuela.
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The King's Business
These are messages prepared as only Dr. Morgan can do it, on the books c o mm o n l y cr.lled the “Minor Prophets.” They convincingly show that the message of the prophets is not outdated today ................. $1.25
The author finds a Grand Canyon of Scripture in the Epistle to the Ephesians. It affords to her, as it will to the reader who follows her, a magnificent view into the heavenly places —...............*.................................... $1.50 • LET’S GO BACK TO THE BIBLE By W ill H. Houghton These messages were prepared for radio use in the be lief that the greatest need America faces in this critical hour is a return to the Bible and to the faith of our fathers ...................................................... ......................$1-25 Men still need to be won to Christ. “Taking Men Alive” for Christ is still the chief responsibility and privilege of Christians. For if men are not “taken alive” for Christ, they are “taken alive” for Satan $1.00 We carry Scrip Let your greetings be si BIOLA BOOK ROOM • TAKING MEN ALIVE By Charles G. Trumbull
A volume of addresses by one of the great preachers of the South. These are evangelical messages and once read will be read again and again..............................$1.50
By Paul W. Rood The fire burns in Dr. Rood’s own heart; therefore many other hearts have been set on fire by his ministry and his personal touch, and in still more will the fire burn from above as they read this book...!....... *..........$1.00 Custom ers in C aliforn ia w ill ad d 3% sales tax Greeting Cards, rted by the Word of God. 560 S. HOPE ST., LOS ANGELES, CALIF. “Headquarters — Fundamental Literature”
August, 1939
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
LOUIS T . TALBOT, Editor-In -C hief R oy U L aurin , A ssociate E ditor M ildred M. C ook , Managing E d ito f H. S. R isley , C irculation and
O fficial O rgan of
A-Millennial? Pie-Millennial? Post-Millennial? If you are a pre-millenarian, I have a message of supreme value for these dark days. I advertised this same message some time ago. The re sponses from those who had sent for it were filled with gratitude to God for a new revelation that had come to them; almost every one said In effect: “This should be read by every Chris tian in America.” So I am making the s a m e an nouncement once again: I want to reach every true Christian who is longing for the coming of the King, and I am doing my part to accom plish it. Whether I reach you de pends on yourself. Just enclose 10c (stamps will do) in a letter and say, “I am a pre-mil- lenarian; send me your message.” If you aré not a pre-millenarian, please do not answer this advertisement. And may I remind you also of the continuous needs of pur missionary undertakings ? In the spirit of Isaiah 40:1-2, we stand astride the world and seek to bridge the gulf between a misrepresented Christianity and a misled Judaism. In this ministry of reconciliation (H Cor. 5:18) y o u r faithful, prayerful undergirding is needed far more than you will ever know this side of eternity. Our work merits your every confi dence. It is a program of world-wide Gospel testimony to the Jews. Your fellowship in prayer and in gift is always welcome and appreciated. Our monthly publication, THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, is of course sent to all con tributors.
« . . .
The Bible In stitu te of Dos Angeles, Incorporated
Advt. Manager
® K l t i^ | 1 8 a s in c s ShetBibleTamil#Ottag^ine Motto: “Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.” —Rev. 1:5.
Volume XXX
August, 1939
Number 8
Around the King’s Table —Editorial .......... . ................... ......____ 293 Views and Reviews of Current News —Dan G ilbert ....... ......... ....... ..... 294 Throne Life —Norman P. Grubb ____________ __________________295 China in Transition— Charles A. Roberts ............................. ................ 296 Daniel’s Prophecy of the SeventyWeeks, Part III —Alva J. McClain- .....298 A Twenty-Seven-Centuries-Old Prophecy in Remarkable Present- Day Fulfillment —Louis S. Bauman .......... ....... .................. ........300 Broken Life Line, Part III —Paul Hutchens ............... ... ........... ......... 302 Junior King’s Business —Martha S. Hooker ......... ____......__ 303 International Lesson Commentary__ ..........__ ______ ...______ ...___ ....305 Notes on Christian Endeavor —Mary G. Goodner __ .....__......__ ..._.315 Daily Devotional Readings......... ............... .... ......... ........ ...... ..................318■ Bible Institute Family Circle ..._!__........______ ............ ........... ...... .......323
THE KING’S- BUSINESS is pub lished monthly at the rates below, payable in advance, for either old or new subscribers, in the United States or its possessions. These rates include postage. 50 cents—For one annual subscrip tion, 50 cents per year (Twelve maga zines). One two-year subscription, $ 1.00 (Twenty-four magazines). 25 cents—For one six-months’ sub scription (Six magazines). Subscriptions to Cuba, Dom. Repub lic, Haiti, Spain, Central and South American countries, except the Guianas and B ritish Honduras, 50 cents per year. To all other foreign countries, including the Guianas and B ritish Honduras, 75 cents per year. (Canada 62 cents.) It requires one month for a change ot address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses.
REMITTANCE: Should be made by Bank Draft, Express or P. O. Money Order, pay able to “The King’s Business.” .Receipts will, not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING: Por information with refer ence to advertising in THE KING’S BUSI NESS, address the ADVERTISING MAN AGER, 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF., or our eastern represen tative, .Religious Press Association, 1108-10 Colonial Bldg., 13th and Market Streets,. Philadelphia, Pa. Entered as Second .Class Matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special fate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. MANUSCRIPTS: THE KING'S BUSINESS cannot accept1 responsibility for lohs or dam age to manuscripts sent to it for consideration.
J. Hoffman Cohn, American Board ot-Missions to thè Jews, Inc., 31 Tliroop Avenue,' Brooklyn, New York.
p «ar B rother: I am a. pre-m illenarian; herein I enclose 10c; send me your i message, "s i also j o y f u 11 y enclose. ? ........... .. •*'as my fellowship with you in your world-wide Gospel m inistry to Israel. ' Name . . ; !
Address . . . . . . . . .
m m 1 f ■ :
fe ; -
558 South Hope Street
Los Angeles, Califernia
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August, 1939
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
View of the back side of the '-¿Oil-inch telescope mirror being ground at Cali fornia Institute of Technology, Pasa- dena, Calif. (Photo by F. Ellerman.)
EXPLORING INFINITY! Man’s insatiable desire to reach out into the unknown is creating a gigantic 200-inch telescope on Palomar Mountain in Southern Cali fornia This great scientific undertaking will be discussed in the SEPTEMBER “KING’S BUSINESS.” Peter W. Stoner, a Christian pro fessor who is Chairman of the Department of Mathematics, Engineer ing Astronomy, and Architecture at Pasadena Junioi College, Pasa dena, C a l k will write on “A VIEW OF GOD THROUGH OUR GREAT TELESCOPES.” For the benefit of KING’S BUSINESS readers who may not have at hand factual material concerning the 200-inch telescope, a member of the magazine staff has visited John A. Anderson, Executive Officer of the Observatory Council at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., to secure information to be -incorporated in the article which will accompany Mr. Stoner’s message. WHY__are men grinding the lens of the great reflector with such precision that over its entire surface, 16 2-3 feet in diameter, the variation from the specifications will be no more than one millionth of an inch? WHY__has the General Education Board of the Rockefeller Founda tion given $6,000,000 to the California Institute of Technology for this observatory apd telescope? These questions, and others, will be discussedl in the¡SEPTEMBER “KING’S BUSINESS,” under the title EXPLORING INFINITY.
Other Good Things In Store for KING'S BUSINESS Readers SHALL WE SHOW FRIENDSHIP TO MEX ICO? by W. Cameron Townsend. A straight forward .message -by. a long-time student of Mexican affairs. . . THE STRANGE GOD—by Grace Livingston Hill. A story that grips the heart. THE VINDICATION OF THE RIGHTEOUS NESS OF GOD, by James R. Graham, Jr. A searching study dealing with great elemen tal principles. THE GOSPEL IN CELLOPHANE, by Elmer L. Wilder. A new approach to an old op portunity. A SERIES ON PETER’S EPISTLES —By Roy L, Laurin
August, 1939
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Around the King's Table
A real Christian will never be anti- Semitic. The cross, if the Jew only realized ,it, is'- his greatest refuge. In it is reflected the righteousness and the great love of God for him and aH men. It is the,symbol of Christian love, and whenever the cross has its right and proper place in men’s hearts, it means love and not hate.—Roy L. Laurin. Action Without Unction Activity is not the chief virtue of Christian work, There is much activity which is abortive because it is not pro-, perly energized by the life principles of both the.truth and the Holy Spirit. We should have action, but also unc tion. It is unction which ene'rgizes and germinates action. There is no virtue in action for the sake of activity. It may be simply the treadmill of a pur poseless service. There is a real dif férence between church work and the work of the church. Church work is that kind of work which is action with out unction. It may be social service or social activities, but it does not fur ther, either in its purpose or its results, the work of the church. The work of the church is to be a voice for God in the world. When this service is at tempted by the ministers and teachers of our churches in the Spirit and ex perience of - Pentecost, the world will feel .its effect. The only time the word “unction” occurs in the entire Bible is 'in 1 John 2:20: “But ye have an unction from the Holy One.” The word here is “chris- ma” which means “to anoint,” The or iginal anointing goes back in its mean ing to the Old Testament practice of anointing the priests. Its New Testa ment application relates it to the anoint ing of the Holy Spirit. It is riot: only the original baptism into the body of Christ, but it is also to be a continual experience in the life of service. Apart from this anointing and unction, Chris tian service may constitute a volume of activity, but such activity as may be only the “wood, hay, stubble” of a mis placed life.—Roy L. Laurin. Mount Hermon Bible Conferences Located in the heart of California’s beautiful Santa Cruz Mountains, Mount Hermon is a conference center ¿where physical refreshing and spiritual invig- oration are combined. For the period [Continued on page 323}
tion with the Temple of Religion at the Golden Gate International Exposition, caused the removal of a wooden cross from a bulletin board placed in front of the Temple. At a recent convention of a large denomination, a noted Jewish rabbi took bold advantage of the occasion to sug gest to the ministers of this denomina tion that the historical record of , the crucifixion be changed to take the stigma that attaches to the Jew away from him. This was not only a bold re quest but one impossible to grant. You cannot change a fact by changing its record. If the modern Jew believes that his historical connection with the cruci fixion has anything to do with anti-, Semitism, let him be,assured that anti- Semitism never comes from Calvary. It comes from pseudo-Christians whp have churchianity but not Christianity. Ask ing for a change in the story of the crucifixion is a g r e a t e r affront to Christianity than a Jew can possibly imagine. Real Christians have genuine love for the Jew and concern for his problem. nourishes -the inner life 'of those who are seeking to win thè lost. It exists only to exalt Christ. In His name, and for His sake, it MUST perform that notable and far-reaching service which an increased circulation will provide. With this thought in mind, vte present it to you for your sympa thetic ai)d cooperative interest. V It is a further hope that this magazine’s news and announcements concerning the Bible Institute of Los Angeles will arouse and create a Widening interest in and support of this 1s t r a t e g i c institution: THE KING’S BUSINESS is a vital part of Biola, and we hope that through the medium of this -Christian magazine a life line of news and information may lead thousands to prayer and financial support for this training school for Christian leadership.
Still an Offense The cross is still an offense.
Paul wrote to the church at Corinth and declared: “We preach Christ cruci fied, unto the Jews a stumblingblock” (1 Cor. 1:23). To the Galatian church he said that the “offense of the cross” would cease unless his preaching upheld certain standards. The cross continues to be the scandal of the ages as far as the unregenerate mind and guilty conscience of man is concerned. It is an offense to his philoso phy, pride, and learning. He. does not like its humiliating ' requirements, its unqualified declaration that every man needs a Saviour from his sins. What is so to all men is particularly so to Israel. The cross is “unto the Jews' a stumblingblock.’' The cross con tinues to be a great concern for the Jew. The historical aspects of the cruci fixion are still before the Jew with an unforgettable remembrance. Word comes from San Francisco that a rabbi, associated with an interdenomi-. national religious committee in connec
Not a New KING'S BUSINESS but THE KING'S BUSINESS in a New Dress C e r t a i n imperative necessities prompted this change.
First and foremost was the matter of economy. Only in its new form could the cost of the magazine be August, 1939 T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 294 Views and Reviews of Current News By DAN GILBERT Washington, D. C., and San Diego, California continues to flood the nation to stir sentiment in favor of America’s “back* ing up the Soviet-British forces” in case of another war with Germany. One of the fountainheads of this “war propaganda” is found in the organized forces of communism. Earl Browder, the present head of the Communist Party in America, has gone so far as to try to make it appear that the United States is in need of Soviet support, and that the real purpose of an American- Soviet tie-up would be the benefit of America rather than of Russia. In an article in the New Republic, Browder says, “At the present moment in world affairs, America needs the cooperation of the Soviet Union for her own protection from warlike aggression far more pressingly than the Soviet Union needs América for the same pur pose. For the Soviet Union is fully prepared to defend herself . . . But America, rich and full of potential booty, is still considered by the world to be in a pacifist funk, and contains powerful forces that would Welcome Japanese aggression for their own fascist ends.” No argument is too fantastic for use in this campaign to lure and deceive America into fighting the wars óf for eign nations for them. Every effort is made to make it appear that war would be to America’s “own interests” and in her “own behalf” and for her “own defense.” NAZI “CULTURAL” ADVANCE: It used to be held that the pen was mightier than the sword. Modern strat egy, however, seems to be to have the two work together. Propaganda is quite as important as poison gas in totalitarian “conquest.” So far, in the case of Hitler, propaganda has played the principal role. Military experts say that it would be insanity for Hitler to engage in war so long as Czechoslovakia remains in its present, uncooperative condition. In [Continued on page 324] section of the country where the In dian National Congress holds power. This region comprises more than half, of the nation. SOVIET INDUSTRIAL, SLAVERY : The first prosecution under the new labor laws prescribing summary dismissal for workers absent or late without legit imate reason, and criminal charges of violating labor discipline for industrial executives who fail to discharge such truants, has begun in the people’s court in Moscow. The defendant, P. B. Kudelin, is man ager of the force and punch press shop of the “caliber” factory in Moscow, en gaged in the making of precision instru ments. Kudelin is charged with the “crime” of being “lenient” with “tru ants”* or workers who arrived at the factory late. If convicted, Kudelin will be subject to a term of three years imprisonment. Hence, -even human sympathy be comes a felony under the Soviet slave driving system. According to Kudelin’s own statement, he “felt sorry” for work ers subject to dismissal, and ultimate starvation, simply because they were unavoidably late to work. Consequently, he took a “lenient” attitude toward them. For that, he will probably be sent to prison! NO LET-UP IN WAR PROPAGANDA: Despite a rising wave of resentment on the, part of Americans who believe that our nation should adhere to Washing ton’s policy of “no foreign entangle ments,” propaganda from many sources DIPLOMATIC JfARCE: The widely heralded British-Soviet “accord” has turned out to be a first*rate diplomatic farce. Or, as one commentator has put it, the Moscow-London “understanding” has developed into a “travesty of mu tual distrust.” After months of “negotiating,” Britain and Russia have yet to agree upon a definite and specific formulation of their alleged “undercover accord.” As this is written, the well-known foreign correspondent, H. R. Knickerbocker, re ports: “Despite their mutual distrust, •the negotiators are earnest in their efforts." He reports Britain as favoring an al liance with Soviet Russia, even though it may be foredoomed to failure. He says, “The British government thinks the alliance is worth having even if it cannot be depended upon in a pinch, because it may now exercise a deterrent effect' upon Hitler; because if it fails after so much advertisement of its im portance, it will badly weaken or even cause the collapse of the circle around Germany and encourage Hitler to new aggression.” Even the most ardent promoters of the British-Soviet line-up concede, in advance, that it cannot last, that it in evitably will break down. PROHIBITION IN INDIA: On August first, prohibition will become the law in Bombay and its environs. More than a million people live within the area from Which alcoholic beverages will be legally banned. If the experiment is deemed a success, it is probable that prohibition Will come to prevail throughout that August, 1839 T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 29fi Throne Lif By N O RM A N P. GRUBB London, England in such a union ' that you and He are described as “one spirit.” Do not cry for what you already have, but use it, use it. “Wherefore criest thou unto me ? , . . stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it.” Speak out the word of faith. Exercise the authority of God. Speaking Christ’s Word of Authority Christ spoke such a word as this. He spoke it once to a-fig tree, “No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever” (Mk. 11:14). Next day Peter noted that it had withered, and he commented, “Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away.” Now note what Christ said, in effect: “You go and do the same. I spoke the word of authority with which I am equipped by the Indwelling Father -[cf. John 14:10J. Now you_speak it also.” His actual words were, “Have the faith of God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; . ’ . . he shall have whatso ever he saith.” “Have the faith of God” is the lit eral rendering, as in the margin of the Authorized Version, and this conveys the vital meaning more clearly than just “Have faith in God,” as in the Authorized Version text. For to “have faith in God” means to many just a reliance on the ability of God in His heaven and a leaving it to Him to do it. But to “have the faith of God” means to recognize an indwelling God (as Jesus did in the instance c i t e d above), to realize that we have His mind, and that by the inspiration of His Spirit we speak forth with our hu man lips the word of believing faith, of authority, just as He did when He said, “Let there be light: and there was light,” or the Lord Jesus did in the above incident. And we are told in Romans 4:17 the characteristic of the faith of God, who “calleth those things which be. not as though they were.” We are to do the same. Thus Christ said, “Say unto this mountain.” “Say,” not “pray.” The word is most significant. The thought is not that prayer should be omitted —for the Word counsels us to pray. Prayer is the attitude of one who has not and needs. Saying the word of faith e “And the Lord said unto .Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward: But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it; and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.” (Ex. 14:15, 16). W HY do you ask Me to do it? Do it yourself,”.God was say ing, in reality, to Moses. “Stretch out your rod and divide the sea.” In other words, Moses had said to God, “You do it”; but God answered Moses, “No, you do it” (cf. Ex. 14:15, 16.) A glance through, the Bible or Christian biography multiplies instan ces of this by the thousand: Jeremiah, Gideon, Hudson Taylor, and the like. In the settlement of this controversy lies the key to all .spiritual power and achievement throughout history. Man starts on the Christian highway with much of the graveclothes of the Fall still upon him. Separation from God has been a stark reality to him; he knows the weakness of the flesh; visible lack and need are more concrete to him than invisible fullness and supply. He knows the reconciling grace of God through Christ, conveying to Him the assurance of adoption into God’s family; but his expressions and attitude still contain the consciousness of separation. He makes the analogy of the members of one family, but distinct and separated members: “I am weak. He is strong.” “I have. need. He has supply.” “I am of the earth, earthy. He is the Lord from heaven.” Joined to Christ But to those who have ears to hear and hearts set to follow comes a new word: “Say not, I am a child.” “Go in this thy might.” Say not, I am weak, I am carnal, I am needy, I am earthy. Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead. Understand that the Lord is joined unto you, one spirit. Understand that you have the mind of Christ. Understand that the life of Christ is ever flowing in and through you as the sap of the vine through the branches. Do not keep asking for what you already have. Do not sing, “I need Thee, oh, I need Thee." Sing, “I have Thee, oh, I have Thee.” Never waste breath by asking Him to be near you, who is already within you, joined to you is the attitude of one who has and dis- penses what he has. Such is the “throne life” as we commonly speak of it. A throne is occupied by a king. A king is a possessor and dispenser of gifts. Thus, as we who are believers are joined to Christ, He the head, we the mem» bers of one Body, physically on earth, spiritually enthroned, we are told that we are “kings . . . unto God,” and “seated in the heavenlies.” Lack Versus Supply Examine the men of God through the Bible—prophets, apostles—and you will find this conscious attitude of authori* tative faith to be theirs. The difference stands out clearly with Hezekiah and Isaiah. Hezekiah was a man of prayer. The threats of the enemy came upon him with overwhelming force. He prayed. He bemoaned weakness. “This day is a day of trouble, and of rebuke, and of blasphemy: for the children are come to the birth, and there is not strength to bring forth ” Isa. 37:3). “Not strength” was his emphasis. Then he sent word of the situation to the man of faith. Hear Isaiah’s answer, a dec laration, a saying unto this mountain. “Thus saith the Lord, Be not afraid of the words that thou hast heard, where with the servants of the king of Assyria have blasphemed me. Behold, I will send a blast upon him, and he shall . . . return to his own land” (vs. 6, 7). And later, “The virgin, the daughter of Zion, hath despised thee, and laughed thee to scorn . . . I [will] put my hook in thy nose, and my bridle in thy lips, and I will turn thee back by the way by which thou earnest” (vs. 22, 29). The one—godly, praying man though he was—spoke in weakness. The other spoke in authority. The one was fully conscious of need and lack and separa tion from the supply of power. The other knew union, with God, and spoke as His mouthpiece. The Principle in Operation Latterly, in the Worldwide Evangeli zation Crusade, of which I am British Secretary, I was notified of a severe crisis in one department of the work, sufficient, if it came to a head, to spoil the advance of years in that area. Be fore I understood the life of authority in the Spirit, I would have recognized the attempt of the devil to disrupt a work, and would have labored in prayer [Continued on Page 326] August, 1939 T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 296 ^ China in Transition By CHARLES A. ROBERTS, Changsha, Hunan, China Illustration by Ransom D. Marvin not a few men and women and children are among the debris. Some will never again be able to speak a word of pro test against this bombing of their civil ian rights. There is no life in them. I crawl over the horrible mess. The fire men have arrived and are struggling with the furious fires—Incendiary bombs do that. And I get to the American Mission to find that the missionaries are safe, although one bomb actually dropped in their compound very near their residence. It is the same story of many a bomb ing in China today. And mission com pounds do not seem to get exemption these days. This month the American Embassy has protested four such bomb ings! What have we done? Dear friends, in case it has not been called to your attention, 52 per cent of the raw materials going to Japan to be used in this “China Incident” comes from the United States of America. What shall we say then? Today the American Mission is bombed. Aiid over half of the damage is due to stuff from home. Tell me, friends, what have we done? What of China’s Future? But whither China ? Whither the young China that we had so optimis tically looked forward to see bud forth into a big blossom? We can only hope fully await the verdict of the coming years that all will be well. If we com pare China’s existence in the light of the fate of the nations that were her -contemporaries, and which have long since decayed, she may be said to be the only durable nation in the world. And surely conquests cannot destroy such a nation as this. China is very old, and her civilization is very worn, but the slow yet significant changes during the past two or three decades, and including the present “China Inci- ODAY C h a n g s h a was again bombed.. For a long while we have not had planes flying over our city, and I suspect we were a bit careless today when the alarm went off. At eleven-thirty in the morning and there you are, two planes only, but they circle the city for half an hour and we wish they would proceed on their way. But no! “Swish, swish, swish.” We hear it distinctly from where we stand, so close, are the bombs coming, jj Then a thud, an explosion, and fire! I rush to our roof top, and I see a cloud of smoke in the direction of the American Church Mission. The moment the planes turn away from the city, I jump into the car and race to the spot to see whether the friends there are safe. I get within a .few yards of the location, and a polite policeman with a drawn revolver puts up his hand. I cannot proceed farther. Burning timbers, collapsed housesr and August, 1939 T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 297 dent,” clearly indicate that she is not destitute of the powers of rebirth. China’s hidden secret in the past has been her moral precepts and laws, many of which are not unlike the Deuterono- mic precepts. And in these shadows she has through the millenniums been clinging to a sense of racial unity and belief in a supreme God, though far distant from Him who is our Light and Truth. And now in this twentieth cen tury, China's social structure has met with grievous intrusions from Western ideas and modern science. China is con fused. In the present deification of man, with dictators asserting a superhuman control over large portions of the earth, China is 'groping for a real distinction between the spiritual forces and the forces material. For, and not to dis credit the missionary body for a mo ment, even after a century of concerted missionary effort, of evangelism, of Bible conferences, of building hospitals and forming educational organizations, the light of the glory of Christ has yet but seen the blush of dawn in China. The old and gentle China has become a turbulent sea of peoples. To those Who have learned to lean heavily on human effort in their endeavor to real ize the kingdom of God in China, the present “Incident” has come as a rude interference. For we must be fully awake to the fact that in this crisis China is not calling for mere social adjustment or a moral uplift by the way. She is more than capable of help ing herself in that quarter, but she is calling for spiritual help, for a Saviour who will remit her sins! Recently I sat in a company around a table in a Chinese restaurant in Hong kong. We were a small group of eight Chinese and two missionaries. My Chinese host was a medical doctor, a graduate of both an American and an E n g l i s h medical school. His Chi nese guests were also men of position and influence. Some of them had lost practically all they possessed in some inlands city, either by bombing or inva sion. But we were all Christians, and in the course of the conversation one note was struck again and again. It Was th is:, There is no hope in the present world situation except as Jesus Christ returns to rule the passions of men with that authority which He has received from the Father. And our mutual cry is, “How long, O-Lord?” Those of you Who have watched the rising tide of opposition to the gospel in the Far Eastern lands during the past decade will do well to continue to watch and also to pray. The times are not boding us good. The conflict will become clearer as times goes on—not “Whither China?” but “Can Christian ity survive in Asia?” Christianity and anti-Christianity have now met in open conflict. Present Gospel Opportunities Our immediate concern, however, is the preaching of the Gospel! Our task is to work, to watch, and to pray. And within the province of Hunan we are doing just that. Our Biola Evangelistic Bands, four in number, have had an ex cellent half year. Statistics are always cold, but they lend imagination to those who wish to know progress and results. During the half year of .work from October to March, the following figures have been recorded: Homes visited by Band No. 2: 5,222. Tracts and Scrip ture portions distributed, 12,515. Gospel posters placed in prominent places, 950. Band No. 3: Homes visited, 5,567. Tracts and Scripture portions, 11,109. Gospel posters, 417. Band No. 4: Homes visited, 7,414. Tracts and Scripture por tions, 12,386. Gospel posters, 442. Band No. 5: Homes visited, 2,853. Tracts and Scripture portions, 12,515. Gospel posters, 848. In addition to these'figures are the numerous meetings which have been held for adults 'Snd children. Many pages of intensely interesting incidents are recorded monthly in the Word from the China Depart ment of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles Though the specific bombing which' Mr. Roberts relates in opening t h i s article occurred in the spring, the pic ture he draws is still typical of that found In many mission centers in China today. Mr. Roberts is Superintendent of the Hunan Bible Institute, the China De partment of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The evangelistic b a n d s to which he refers are groups of conse crated Chinese men who for many years have gone out in gospel teams. They hold evangelistic meetings and do house- i>o-house visitation under the supervi sion of the Hunan Bible Institute. The beloved Dr. Frank A. Heller, who, some time ago, earnestly requested that he be relieved of the strenuous duties in connection with the superintendency of this work in China, has more recent ly been known as Superintendent Emeri tus of the Hunan Bible Institute. He is at present on his way to America, with Mrs. Keller. \For their many years of faithful service in China one must eve'r praise God! In a letter received in Los Angeles in June, Mr. Roberts said: “Tile Kellers are still in a small town In southern Hunan, only a day’s journey away from us [that is, from Changsha], waiting for a foreign business truck to arrive and get them to the coast. They have been waiting there for just about six weeks.” Please pray for the Kellers, for Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, and for their Chinese fellow workers in the work of making Christ known. diaries sent in by the band leaders. A striking instance of how God’s Spirit strives with man is recorded by Band leader No. 2. He tells of Mrs. L. H. Chang, a bright young woman whose husband holds an important position in the Government. She, with her small children, had trekked all the way from Peking to Hankow, and after staying there for a short time decided, because of the continual air-raids in that city, to move to her ancestral home in Hunan. In this particular district Band No. 2 is now working. After making a contact with the leader, Mrs. Chang accepted Christ. Said Mrs. Chang: “When I was in Peking I enjoyed the gay life there, but I was never fully satisfied, and occasionally I went to church. But I understood very little of the gospel, for it was not carefully explained. However, I always left the church with a feeling of conviction. Later on when I arrived in Hankow, I again at tended a church, but the minister spoke much about the necessity of a reformation and of using Jesus as our great Example. I found no sat isfaction, for I was a sinner and needed salvation. 1 1had to come all the way to my old home and meet with a Biola Band to learn that Jesus died for me and that through His sacrifice on the cross I have the forgiveness of my sins. It is wonderful!” Now not only Mrs. Chang but also her mother and sister have accepted Christ. And as Band-leader Hsiao in terpreted Christ to these dear souls using such passages as John 1:12; 3:16-18; 5:24; 17:3 and Romans 10:9, 10, Mrs. Chang exclaimed: “It is tru y wonderful. I never heard the gospel presented in such a simple way. I KNOW, now, that I am saved!” When 288 Christians from the United .States, interested in bringing the gospel to Mexico, sat down to a picnic lunch at Agua Caliente, Mexico, on July 7, a new thing in international relations and in Christian friendship was demon strated. The guest of ho ->r was Presi dent Lazaro Cardenas of Mexico, and with him were eight members of his cabinet and the Governor of Lower California. In charge of the occasion was W. Cameron Townsend, whose work in Mexico as a linguist has been most gra ciously blessed of God. “Three years ago,” Mr. Townsend explained, "Presi dent Cardenas gave a banquet in Mex ico City for a group of Christian lin- \Continued on Page 325] PRESIDENT CARDENAS WELCOMES CHRISTIAN FRIENDSHIP By W illiam G. N yman August, 1939 T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 29S Daniel's Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks HI. THE SEVENTIETH WEEK AND THE COMING OF THE ROMAN PRINCE By A L V A J. M cC LA IN Winona Lake, Indiana the treaty made between Ahab and Ben- hadad (1 Ki. 20:34), of the treaty be tween Ephraim and Assyria (Hos. 12:1), and also of the treaty between Antio- chus and Ptolemy Philometer (Dan. 11:22). The same Hebrew word is trans lated fifteen times in the Old Testa ment by our English word “league.” As to the nature of this “firm cove nant,” league, or treaty, the fact that, following the establishment of the treaty, the Roman prince only three and a half years later puts a stop to the Jewish sacrifices certainly suggests that one thing involved in the treaty was thè reestablishment of the Jewish tem ple sacrificial system. Now this fits quite accurately into the present historical situation and di lemma of the Jew today. In the midst of all the great Jewish activity in the land of Palestine just now, there -still remains one heartbreaking problem. Re gardless of material and cultural pro gress, and it is very great, the Jew can never be satisfied until his ancient tem ple is restored and the Mosaic ritual reestablished. But on the very spot where this temple must be built there now stands a Mohammedan mosque, one of the most sacred places in the world to millions of Moslem people. And Great Britain, however much she might desire to fulfill the ancient dream of the Jew for the building of his temple, can not ignore the seething political dan gers which are potential in the great hordes of Mohammedan subjects within her far-flung empire. The thousands of Jews in Palestine today need and are demanding a pro tector in order to satisfy their age-long aspirations. And there is nothing the Fascist Roman Empire would rather do "than to acquire somehow the hegemony over this same country because of its immensely strategic position on the Mediterranean. Now it is easy to see that for the accomplishment of the Fascist aims, nothing could be smarter. ' politically than for Mussolini to offer his services as the patron and protector of the Jewish people. If it be objected that the present Fas cist regime in Italy is anti-Semitic and therefore unlikely to come to any such terms with the Jewish people, the an swer is that Fascist political policies are based wholly on expediency. The anti-Semitic policy could be reversed overnight. All that is needed is a suffi cient motive; and the motive is near at hand. When the final Roman prinae of Daniel’s prophecy begins his mad ca reer, hé will be a “little horn” politically (Dan. 7:8). Yet within the brief space of three and a half years he must rise to the pinnacle of world rulership. Such an amazing rise is not impossible, but it will require armies, planes, battle-, ships, and all the munitions and supplies of war. But all this will take MONEY. Thus the very present historical situa tion contains the motives for thé treaty predicted by Daniel. ? The Jew wants protection in Palestine and is willing to pay for it. The rising Roman empire needs money desperately. If the Fas cists could free themselves from the Berlin axis, suddenly come to terms with the Jews, offer them the protection they sorely need in return Tor monetary con siderations needed by Italy, the Fascist ■ Empire could fix the British between the horns of a terrible dilemma as far as Palestine is concerned. The Fascist Empire already has the support of the Roman Catholic Church. Add to that the immense wealth and influence of world Jewry, and the combination of forces would be politically incalculable. The Moslem problem would not disturb Italy as it does the British Empire. If Mussolini should suddenly cut loose from Hitler and throw the weight of his political influence on the side of the Jew, he would become overnight the greatest man in the world. Some day a Roman prince will do this very thing, but I do not think it will be Mussolini. Furthermore, it is likely th a t, nothing but a world war could free Rome from the Berlin alliance. But that war may break tomorrow. A Broken Covenant 4. In the middle of the 70th week the Roman prince will suddenly reverse his friendly attitude toward the Jews and “cause the sacrifice and the obla tion to cease.” Quite evidently, after the 7-year treaty has run for only three and a half years, the Roman prince^ tears up his agreement as a mere scrap of paper. Covenant-breaking seems already to have become the fashion of the age. As I write this article, the morning news paper quotes C. J. Hambro, a distin guished statesman and journalist of Norway, as follows: “No state believes whole-hearted ly in any promise given by other states today. Covenants, pacts, treaties, conventions and agree-. (CONTINUED) [With this present discussion, the President of Grace Theological Semin ary brings to a close the prophetic series which opened in the April issue of T he K ing ’ s B usiness —E ditor .] ANIEL 9:24-27 constitutes an 1 extremely important prophetic | J passage. It provides a key to the Book of Revelation and thus gives a proper perspective as to the present church age. In the first section in this series, it was shown that the first 69 of the Sev enty Weeks of prophetic years began on March 14, 445 B. C., with'; the issu ing of King Artaxerxes’ decree^ to re build Jerusalem .(Neh. 2:1-8); and that the period ended on April 6, 32 A. D., when our Lord rode up to Jerusalem on the foal of an ass, presenting Him self as the King of Israel (Lk. 19:28-44) exactly 69 sevens or 483 years to the very day. In the next article, it was established that the 70th week did not follow the 69th immediately but that between the 69th and 70th weeks there is a vast gap of uncharted time which has already extended over nineteen hundred years, and therefore the 70th ^eek of years is still in the future. The portion of Part IH which appeared la st' month showed from Daniel and the Book of Revelation, that it is the Roman prince who will make the covenant or league with Israel. It was further explained that this prince, in the middle of the seven-year period preceding Christ’s re turn, will break with the nation of Is rael and will begin a period of three and a half years of fearful persecution. Reasons for the Coming Alliance Between Rome and Israel S. The 70th week will begin with the making of a “firm covenant” between the coming Roman prince and the Jew ish people. The exact language of the prophecy is: “He shall make a firm covenant with [the] many for one week” (9:27, R. V.) It has been affirmed by some that the Hebrew “Berith” used here cannot mean a “covenant” between men, but must refer to a covenant on the part of God. They overlook the fact, however, that the same Hebrew term is fesed of A ll rights reservea'.
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