Harrell's Agronomic Plannig Guide Cover | 1 |
Harrell's 2021 R&D Summary | 2 |
Balanced Approach Research Summary | 4 |
Harrell's OnLine CEU Information | 5 |
Harrell's MyHarrell's Information | 6 |
Innovation-New Products | 7 |
HydroCure SuperMAX Pellets | 7 |
Hydrocure CP Pellets | 8 |
HydroMAX Pellets | 9 |
Mycorrhizae Pro | 10 |
Amino Iron | 12 |
Amino Iron - Tall Fescue | 13 |
Protect MAX | 14 |
Title Phyte Systemic Fungicide Tech Sheet | 15 |
Title Phyte Pythium Blight Research | 16 |
22 TP Pythium Research | 18 |
Title Phyte Research + SA | 19 |
ProtectMAX in LCO | 21 |
Seaweed A+E | 22 |
EarthMAX Update | 23 |
Defoamer 2.0 | 27 |
Herbicide Activator | 28 |
Activator + SA | 29 |
NonIonic Pen Plus | 30 |
Par SG_The Science | 31 |
Pathways to Plant Health | 34-35 |
The Science behind Foliar Absorption | 36 |
Soil Test Intrepretation | 37 |
Soil Test Nutrietn Ratios | 39 |
Water Management | 40 |
Irrigation Quality Impact | 40 |
Wetting Agent Program | 42 |
Sodium Remediation & Bicarb Management | 44 |
Sodium Remediation & Bicarb Management v2 | 44 |
Cal Plus Tech Sheet | 46 |
Soil Surge Tech Sheet | 47 |
Flushing Program | 48 |
Plant Nutrition | 67 |
Polyon | 49 |
Annual Bed Programs | 54 |
Annual Bed Program v2 | 55 |
CP_SE Greens Grade Items | 61 |
CalMAX Calcium Prodcut Line | 62 |
TruPrill Bulk Density | 63 |
N Source Longevity | 64 |
Salt Index via Source | 65 |
Particle Matrix | 66 |
Balanced Approach Fertilization Program | 67 |
Low N Foliar Program | 68 |
Folair Potassium Absorption | 69 |
Aerfication Program | 70 |
Amino Pro V _BioMAX | 75 |
Maximizing Inputs with BioStimulants | 76-77 |
BA Grow In Program | 78 |
Speedy Recovery Program | 80 |
Rough Recovery Program | 81 |
Transition Health Program | 82 |
Breaking Dormancy Program | 85 |
Winter Color-Bermudagrass | 86 |
Bermudagrass Fairway Foliar Color Program | 88 |
Harrell's MAX Compatibility Matrix | 90-91 |
Harrells MAX pH Chart | 92-93 |
Mycorrhizae Compatibility Chart | 94 |
Plant Health & Protection | 95 |
Weed Control | 95 |
Preemergent Spray Guide | 95 |
Selective Post Emergent Spray Guide | 96 |
Adjuvant Positioning with Herbicides | 100 |
Post Emergent Herbicide Control Guide | 101 |
Bermudagrass Weed Control Guide | 102 |
Turf out of Turf - Warm | 104-105 |
Turf out of Turf - Cool | 118-119 |
Sedge Control Options | 126-127 |
Weed Emergence Timing & Control | 130 |
NIP Sticker | 133 |
Native Area Program | 134 |
Corteva-Native Clean | 136 |
Non-Selective Herbicde Options | 138 |
Mix Equivalent to Specticle | 139 |
Bayer Golf Preemergence Recommendations | 140 |
Gulf Atlantic | 140 |
Weed Control Recommendations | 141 |
Pre 3 - Gulf Atlantic | 143 |
Transition Zone | 145 |
Weed Control Recommendations-Transisition Zone | 145 |
Pre 3 - Transition Zone | 148 |
Fall Poa in Warm Season Lawns | 150 |
Sencor - Goosegrass Control | 152 |
Syngenta Poa Assurance | 153 |
Poa Assurance - Non-Overseeded | 153 |
Poa Assurance - Overseeded | 155 |
Syngenta Barricade Assurance- Crabgrass Control | 157 |
Corteva -Kerb | 159 |
Kerb Poa annua Fall Application Info Sheet | 159 |
Poa annua guarantee for Golf & Non-Residential | 160 |
Corteva EOP Cheat Sheet | 162 |
FMC Echelon Assurance Program | 164 |
Disease Control | 166-167 |
Disease Resitance MGT | 168-169 |
DMI Comparison Sheet | 172-173 |
Harrell's Fungicide pH Guidlines | 174-175 |
Spring Dead Spot | 178 |
Bayer SDS- Gulf and Transition Zone | 179 |
Syngenta SDS & TRR Assurance | 183 |
PBI Gordon | 185 |
Fairy Ring Programs | 188 |
Fairy Ring Mangament Update | 188 |
Bayer 2022 Fairy Ring Mgt. Gulf Atlantic | 190 |
Bayer 2022 Fairy Ring Mgt. Transition | 192 |
Syngenta Fairy Ring | 194 |
FMC Fairy Ring Program | 196 |
BASF Fairy Ring Program | 198 |
Fungicide Programs - Harrell's | 202 |
2022 Transisition Zone Bentgrass Balanced Approach | 202 |
2022 Transisition Zone Bermudagrass Balanced Approach | 204 |
2022 FL Bermudagrass Balanced Approach | 206 |
2022 Paspalum Greens Balanced Apporach | 208 |
2022 Bayer Green Solutions Programs | 210 |
Gulf Atlantic Zone - Bermudagrass | 212 |
Bayer-Mini Ring | 214 |
Gulf Atlantic - Paspalum | 215 |
Transition Zone - Bent Poa Greens | 217 |
Pythium Root Rot - Bentgrass Greens | 220 |
Transition Zone - Bentgrass Fairways | 222 |
Transitiion Zone - Bermuda Greens | 224 |
FMC | 226 |
Kalida Warm Season Sell Sheet | 226 |
Syngenta Greens Programs | 228 |
FL Bermudgarass | 228 |
Transition Zone - Bermudagrass | 236 |
Seashore Paspalum-Southeast | 244-245 |
Transition Zone - Bentgrass | 248 |
Midwest - Bentgrass/Poa | 256 |
BASF | 260 |
New Product Updates | 260 |
Holiday Spray Program - Southeast | 261 |
Holiday Spray Program - S-FL | 262 |
SE Bentrgass Greens Fungicide Program | 263 |
SE Bermudgrass Greens Fungicide Program | 265 |
Central + N FL Fungicide Program | 267 |
Large Patch Programs & Snow Mold | 269 |
Bayer Large Patch Mgt - 2022 | 271 |
Bayer Snow Mold Program | 272 |
Large & Brown Patch Control Options | 274 |
Syngenta Large Patch Assurance 2022 | 275 |
Syngenta Snow Mold Assurance Program 2022 | 277 |
Insect Control | 290 |
Tetrino Insecticide | 279 |
Barricor Insecticide | 280 |
Tetrino Army Worms | 282 |
Tetrno Tech Info | 283 |
Tetrino - Approach to Insect MGT | 284 |
Southern Chinch Bug Control | 286 |
Syngenta ABW Assurance | 288 |
Harrell's Mole Cricket Assurance Program 2022 | 290 |
Harrell's Stop Whats Bugging You! | 291 |
Bayer Mole Cricket | 292 |
Syngenta Provaunt MC assurance | 296 |
Bayer Fire Ant | 298 |
Syngenta Fire Ant Guarantee Program | 299 |
Acelepryn Conversion | 300-301 |
Syngenta Acelepryn Tropical Sod Webworm | 302 |
Syngenta Lawn Grub & Worm Assurance | 303 |
Nematode Control & Root Health | 305 |
Harrell's Nematode Program | 305 |
Harrell's Root Health Program | 306 |
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