Elevate October 2022 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Vreme je za čitanje TIME TO READ

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Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

Oktobar 2022.

October 2022

Dragi putnici,

Dear Passengers,

OKTOBAR ZA NAS IMA POSEBAN ZNAČAJ JER JE TO NAŠ ROĐENDANSKI MESEC tokom kog obeležavamo devet godina poslovanja pod imenom Er Srbija . Svakog 26. oktobra osvrćemo se na godinu iza nas i prisećamo vrednosti sa kojima smo 2013. godine krenuli na naše putovanje. Iz godine u godinu planirali smo i sprovodili planove, pokušavali da iskoristimo sve prilike koje su nam se pružale na tržištu. Kada radite posvećeno, rezultati ne izostaju. Tokom jula i avgusta uspeli smo da prevezemo više od 400.000 putnika na mesečnom nivou. Osim što su na taj način premašeni rezultati iz rekordne pretpandemijske 2019. godine, to su ujedno i dva najuspešnija meseca po broju prevezenih putnika od kada poslujemo kao Er Srbija . Ovakav uspeh nam jasno govori da su putnici prepoznali pogodnosti koje im omogućava naša mreža destinacija, kao i brojne frekvencije. Vaše poverenje u Er Srbiju daje nam dodatnu motivaciju da nastavimo s unapređivanjem ponude šireći je novim, atraktivnim destinacijama. Oktobar je uvertira za zimsku sezonu u avio- industriji. Uvereni smo da će biti dinamična i da će biti ostvareni bolji rezultati od onih iz jeseni i zime 2021. godine. Kako bismo uslugu održali na najvišem nivou, nastavili smo da širimo naš tim. U avgustu smo raspisali konkurs za nove članice i članove kabinske posade, na koji se prijavilo više od 400 kandidata. Za prvu grupu od 60 kandidata organizovali smo testiranje, proces se nastavlja i nadamo se da će se najbolji kandidati uskoro pridružiti našoj kompaniji. Krajem prošlog meseca ponovo smo vas obradovali velikom promotivnom akcijom, u okviru koje smo po vrlo pristupačnim cenama ponudili letove do 41 destinacije širom regiona, Evrope i Severne Amerike. Nadamo se da ste uspeli da iskoristite odlične ponude, a mi obećavamo da ćemo, kao i do sada, biti dobri domaćini na svojim letovima. U želji da ojačamo povezanost između najvećeg švajcarskog grada i juga naše zemlje, tokom novogodišnjih i božićnih praznika bićemo u prilici da ponudimo brzu, direktnu vezu između Niša i Ciriha. Letovi će se obavljati svake srede i subote od 17. decembra do 14. januara i zasad su sezonskog karaktera, ali u zavisnosti od interesovanja, razmotrićemo i nastavak letova na toj liniji. Uživajte u letu i srećan put,

OCTOBER HOLDS SPECIAL SIGNIFICANCE FOR US BECAUSE IT IS THE MONTH OF OUR BIRTHDAY , during which we this year celebrate nine years of operations under the name Air Serbia. Every 26 th October, we look back on the year behind us and remember the values with which we embarked on our journey, back in 2013. We’ve made plans and implemented them year after year, striving to utilise every opportunity that arises on the market. When you work hard, results are inevitable. During July and August, we managed to carry more than 400,000 passengers per month. In addition to surpassing the results of the record-breaking pre-pandemic year of 2019, these were also the two most successful months, in terms of passengers carried, since we began operating as Air Serbia. This success clearly shows that passengers have recognised the benefits offered by our network of destinations and our high frequency of flights. Your trust in Air Serbia provides us with additional motivation to continue improving our offer by expanding it with new, attractive destinations. October is also a prelude to the winter season in the aviation industry. And we are convinced that this year’s will be dynamic and that we will achieve better results than those of autumn and winter 2021. In order to maintain the highest level of service quality, we have continued to expand our team. We organised a call for new cabin crew members in August, with more than 400 candidates applying, and organised the Assessment Day and testing for the first group of 60 candidates. The process continues and we hope that the best candidates will soon join our company. We surprised you once again with another great promotional campaign at the end of last month, when we offered very affordably priced flights to 41 destinations across the region, Europe and North America. We hope that you took advantage of this opportunity and we promise to continue being good hosts on our flights, as always. With the aim of improving connections between Switzerland’s biggest city and the south of our country, we will be able to offer a quick and direct service between Niš and Zurich during the New Year and Christmas holidays. These flights will operate every Wednesday and Saturday, from 17 th September to 14 th January. Although they have a seasonal character for now, we will consider continuing flights along this route, depending on passenger interest. Enjoy your flight and have a pleasant trip,

Jiri Marek CEO Air Serbia



Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 7





 Godine uspeha i prosperiteta: Er Srbija slavi deveti rođendan / Years of success and prosperity: Air Serbia celebrates its ninth birthday

Er Srbija i u avgustu prevezla više od 400.000 putnika / Air Serbia carried more than 400,000 passengers in August




Džejmi Oliver: Hrana je savršen izgovor za zbližavanje ljudi / Jamie Oliver: food is the perfect excuse for people to come together

Povratak strogog kroja: Neplanirani šik hladne pariske noći / The return of austere tailoring: the unplanned chic of a cold Parisian night

 Putujemo sa Radetom Maričićem, glumcem / We travel with Rade Maričić, actor


Od 23. do 30. oktobra: Najveći praznik za knjigoljupce / From 23 rd to 30 th October: the biggest book lovers’ holiday Misteriozna „crvena violina“ prvi put u Beogradu / Mysterious “Red violin” in Belgrade for the first time Hristina Popović: Zvezde umesto plafona, vazduh umesto betona / Hristina Popović: stars instead of a ceiling, fresh air instead of concrete



PUTUJTE PAMETNO SMART TRAVEL 24.  Vodimo vas u Hanover i

Nirnberg / We’re taking you to Hanover and Nuremberg

12 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna urednica i direktorka izdavaštva / Editor-in-chief and publishing director Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Nenad Mihajlović, Robert Getel Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher

RITAM GRADA RHYTHM OF THE CITY 62. Oaza mira u centru


Neverovatne biblioteke Evrope / The amazing libraries of Europe Inspiracija uz makijato: Kafići kao u priči / Inspiration with macchiato: like the cafés of stories

užurbanog grada / Oasis of serenity at the centre of the bustling city


RITAM SRBIJE RHYTHM OF SERBIA 80. Golubac: Kameni čuvar

Gvozdenih vrata / Golubac: stone guardian of the Iron Gates Mihajlo Pupin: Najznamenitiji ptić koji je ikad poleteo iz Idvora / Mihajlo Pupin: the most famous bird ever to fly the Idvor coop

SPORT SPORTS 104. I Zvezda i Partizan: Neka


počne Evroliga! / Both Red Star and Partizan: let the EuroLeague begin!

Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringier.rs

Generalni direktor Ringier Srbija / CEO Ringier Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Vreme je za čitanje TIME TO READ

Vreme je za čitanje / It is time to read Foto/ Photo: Depositphotos

Broj / Issue No. 344 Naslovna strana / Cover Depositphotos

Contents » Sadržaj | 13

U fokusu In focus


Prvi avion u bojama nove srpske nacionalne avio-kompanije, A319 pod imenom Novak Đoković, poleteo je 26. oktobra 2013. iz Beograda za Abu Dabi / The first plane sporting the livery of the new Serbian national carrier – an A319 named after Novak Đoković – flew from Belgrade to Abu Dhabi on 26 th October 2013 ER SRBIJA SLAVI DEVETI ROĐENDAN AIR SERBIA CELEBRATES ITS NINTH BIRTHDAY

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Aeroput je poslovao do 1947. godine, kada ga je nasledio JAT, koji je 2003. transformisan u JAT ervejz , dok je novo poglavlje pod imenom Er Srbija započeto 2013. godine

Aeroput operated until 1947, when it was succeeded by JAT, which itself transformed into Jat Airways in 2003, while the new chapter under the Air Serbia name began in 2013

U OVOJ GODINI KADA JE KOMPANIJA OBELEŽILA 95 GODINA TRADICIJE (17. juna), obeležava se i de- veti rođendan Er Srbije (26. oktobra). Te 2013, 24. ok- tobra, jedan od popularnih simbola JAT-a – poslovnica kod Crkve Svetog Marka, svečano je otvorena u novim bojama, pod novim imenom i novim brendom – Er Sr- bija . Dan kasnije, na svečanosti u velikom hangaru JAT Tehnike, Er Srbija je i zvanično predstavljena javnosti, da bi 26. oktobra bio obavljen i prvi promotivni let od Beograda do Abu Dabija. – Ponosni smo što proslavljamo devetu godinu poslovanja pod imenom Er Srbija , kao lider u regionu. Zahvalni smo na poverenju koje su nam putnici ukaza- li tokom prethodnih godina, a nastavićemo da se tru- dimo, unapređujemo na svim poljima i prilagođavamo promenama kako bismo uvek pružili vrhunsku uslugu – kaže Jirži Marek, generalni direktor Er Srbije . U junu ove godine obeležen je još jedan znača- jan jubilej – 95 godina od osnivanja prve nacionalne avio-kompanije Aeroput , čiju slavnu tradiciju Er Srbija baštini. Prvobitno osnovana pod nazivom Aeroput 17. juna 1927. godine, Er Srbija se nalazi na osmom mestu liste najstarijih avio-kompanija na svetu koje još poslu- ju. Pod sloganom 95 godina letenja za tu priliku dizaj- niran je amblem koji spaja tradiciju i savremeni trenu- tak, odajući počast bogatoj istoriji srpske nacionalne avio-kompanije. Cilj Er Srbije ostaje proširenje mreže destinaci- ja, uvećani kapaciteti na najpopularnijim linijama i još snažnije poslovanje na tržištu drugih zemalja. S tim u vezi je i proširenje flote još jednom letelicom tipa er- bas A330, koje je planirano za oktobar. Novi avion kra- siće lik velikana Mihajla Pupina i pridružiće se trenutno najvećem avionu u floti Er Srbije koji je dobio ime i lik još jednog proslavljenog naučnika – Nikole Tesle. Nje- govo ime ispisano je na erbasu A330 koji leti za Nju- jork, simbolično baš u grad u kom je živeo, stvarao i umro. Od proleća 2023. godine Er Srbija planira i uvo- đenje direktnih letova između Beograda i Čikaga, či- me će se dodatno pojačati saobraćaj prema SAD, ali u međuvremenu će se otvoriti čitav niz novih desti- nacija. Preko matičnog aerodroma u Beogradu i vazduš- nih luka u Nišu i Kraljevu, u mesecu kada slavi deve- ti rođendan, Er Srbija može da se pohvali sa više od 400.000 prevezenih putnika u avgustu, što je najveći broj tokom tog meseca još od 2013. godine, od kada kompanija posluje pod današnjim imenom.

DURING THIS YEAR IN WHICH THE COMPANY HAS COMMEMORATED 95 YEARS OF ITS TRADITION (17 th June), it is also commemorating the ninth birth- day of Air Serbia (26 th October). It was on 24 th Octo- ber 2013 that one of the popular Jat landmarks – the branch office alongside Saint Mark’s Church – formally reopened in new colours and under a new name and brand: Air Serbia. A ceremony held the very next day in the large hangar of company Jat Tehnika officially pre- sented Air Serbia to the public, only for the first pro- motional flight between Belgrade and Abu Dhabi to be performed on 26 th October. “We are proud that we are celebrating the ninth year of operations under the Air Serbia name as a le- ader in the region. We are grateful for the trust placed in us by passengers over the course of previous years and we will continue to work hard, improve on all fronts and adapt to changes, in order for us to always provide a top service,” says Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek. June this year marked another significant anniver- sary: 95 years since the founding of the country’s first national airline, Aeroput, the glorious tradition of whi- ch has been inherited by Air Serbia. Originally foun- ded under the name Aeroput on 17 th June 1927, Air Ser- bia today ranks eighth on the list of the world’s oldest airlines that remain operational. Under the slogan “95 years of flying”, a new emblem to mark this occasion was designed to combine tradition and modern times, paying homage to the rich history of the Serbian nati- onal carrier. Air Serbia’s objective remains the expansion of its network of destinations, bolstering capacities on the most popular routes and developing even stronger operations on markets of other countries. It is with a view to this that it is expanding the fleet with the addi- tion of another Airbus A330 aircraft, planned for Octo- ber. The new plane will be adorned with the likeness of the great Mihajlo Pupin and will thus join the largest existing plane in the Air Serbia fleet that was named after another famous scientist: Nikola Tesla. His na- me is inscribed on the Airbus A330 that flies symbo- lically to New York, a city where he lived, created and died. Air Serbia also plans to introduce direct flights between Belgrade and Chicago as of spring 2023, thereby additionally increasing its transoceanic traffic to the United States, while in the meantime it will esta- blish an entire series of new destinations. During the month when it celebrates its ninth birt- hday, Air Serbia can also boast of having transported more than 400,000 passengers in August, through its hub in Belgrade and airports in Niš and Kraljevo, whi- ch represents the highest number for that month sin- ce the airline began operating under its current name in 2013.

Cilj Er Srbije ostaje proši- renje mreže destinacija, uvećani ka- paciteti na najpopular- nijim linijama i još snažni- je poslova- nje na tržištu drugih ze- malja Air Serbia’s objective re- mains the ex- pansion of its network of destina- tions, bolster- ing capac- ities on the most popu- lar routes and developing even strong- er operations on markets of other coun- tries

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15

Na letu On board



Radost prvog uzletanja pamtiću dok sam živ / I’ll remember the joy of my first take off as long as I live

U 2021. GODINI SAM PRVI PUT LETEO AVIONOM. Uzleta- nje mi je bilo najuzbudljivije i pam- tiću to zauvek. Pogotovo što je ne- svakidašnji osećaj vinuti se sa tla u čeličnoj ptici, pa mi je ranije bi- lo teško da sebi dočaram to prijat- no uzbuđenje. Avion pruža komfor bez konkurencije. Apsolutno sam se i beznadežno zaljubio u letenje. Bez čega ne ulazite u avion? – U avion obavezno ponesem dobru knjigu i dugu plej-listu kva- litetnih pesama. Dok sam se spre- mao za prvi let, dugo sam plani- rao šta da ponesem i pokazalo se da mi je odluka bila pun pogodak. KO JE RADE? Iz rodnog Čačka preselio se u Bečej, gde je u gimnaziji ot- krio čari glume, a studirao je na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu. TV publika ga je otkrila u seriji Junaci našeg doba , a po- sebno zavolela u Beležnici pro - fesora Miškovića i seriji Od jutra do sutra …

I FIRST FLEW BY PLANE IN 2021. The take off was the most ex- citing part of the flight and I’ll al- ways remember it. That’s particu- larly because it’s a peculiar feeling to soar from the ground in a steel bird, so prior to that it was tough for me to evoke that feeling of pleas- ant excitement. A plane provides comfort that’s unrivalled with oth- er means of transport. I fell totally and hopelessly in love with flying. What don’t you board a plane without? It’s a must for me to take aboard a plane a good book and a long playlist of high-quality songs to listen to on the flight. While preparing for that first flight, I spent a long time planning what to take on the plane and it turned out that my decision was spot on. WHO IS RADE? He moved from his native Čačak to Bečej, where he discovered the charms of acting while he was at high school, and then studied it at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. He was discovered by TV audi- ences in the series “The Heroes of Our Time” and won over their af- fections in “Professor Mišković’s Notebook” and the series “From Morning Until Tomorrow”...

Rade Maričić glumac/actor

Tekst/Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije/Photography: Oliver Bunić

Apsolutno sam se i beznadežno zaljubio u letenje

I fell totally and hopelessly in love with flying

16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Trending U


Srbija je zemlja u kojoj kultura nikad ne spava. Događaja iz svih oblasti umetnosti je previše da bi bili nabrojani, mi smo izdvojili samo neke, a vi uživajte otkrivajući Srbiju i njenu bogatu kulturu sami / Serbia is a country where culture never sleeps. There are too many events in all fields of art to list them all, so here we’ve singled out just a few, and it’s up to you to enjoy discovering Serbia and its rich culture for yourself Šta je novo u oktobru? What’s new in October?

18 | U trendingu » Trending

Trending » U tendingu | 19

Fotografski duo poznatiji kao Hiishii studio vise od jedne decenije hrabro istrazuju razne kraje- ve sveta, a u Silosima na Dorćolu predstavljaju jedinstvenu izložbu fotografija – Add Horizons . Sve do 6. oktobra moći ćemo da uživamo u 11 neverovatnih destinacija na velikim formatima. This photography duo, better known as Hiishii Stu- dio, has spent more than a decade courageously exploring various parts of the world and is now pre- senting a unique photography exhibition – entitled Add Horizons – at the Silosi art centre in Dorćol. We will be able to enjoy large format images of 11 incredible destinations until 6 th October.

Add horizons IZLOŽBA / EXHIBITION Katarina Batuta Visekruna i Uros Visekruna predstavljaju izložbu fotografija u četiri oka u Silosima na Dorćolu / Katarina Batuta Višekruna and Uroš Višekruna present a personal exhibition of photographs at Dorćol’s Silosi art centre

Katarina i Uroš godinama oduševljavaju svojim Insta- gram profilima (@katarina_mandarina, @urosvisekru- na i @payadog) prikazujući nam svoju verziju sveta, neverovatnih predela naše planete. Za njihove foto- grafije može se reći da su uvek dobro stilizovane, o če- mu Katarina izuzetno vodi računa, pripremajući brižno kostime i odevne predmete za svako putovanje. Katarina and Uroš have been delighting us for years with their Instagram profiles (@katarina_mandarina, @urosvisekruna and @payadog), by presenting to us their version of the world, through our planet’s incredi- ble landscapes. It could be said that their photographs are always well styled, which Katarina takes exception- al care to ensure by carefully preparing costumes and outfits for their every journey.

U proteklih 15 godina zajedno su obišli više od 50 zemalja, odakle donose naj- zanimljivije trenutke i mesta. Autori lutaju i traze momente za pamcenje, a po- seban kuriozitet izložbe je činjenica da fotografije svetle u mraku. Možete da osetite nekog ko stoji na vrhu litice ili nekoga ko roni na velikim dubinama ili u podvodnim pećinama. They have together toured more than 50 countries over the past 15 years, bringing back images of the most interesting moments and places. These authors seek out moments worth remembering, while a special characteristic of this exhibition is the fact that the photos glow in the dark. You can feel what it’s like for someone standing on top of a cliff or someone diving to great depths or diving in underwater caves.

20 | U trendingu » Trending

Promatrajuci njihov rad, imate utisak da nikad ne miruju. Uvek su spremni da upere objektiv u sasvim nesvakida- snjim situacijama stavljajuci u prvi plan svoju nomadsku prirodu. Tako imate priliku da uronite u uzburkani okean sadrzaja koji reflektuje njihovu duboku intimu, promatra- juci svet iz dve perspektive i ne razmisljajuci mnogo koliko daleko mogu da se otisnu zarad besprekornog kadra. Observing their work gives one the impression that they’re never at rest and always stand ready to direct the lens to- wards completely unusual situations, bringing their nomad- ic nature to the fore. You are thereby given an opportuni- ty to dive to the depths of a turbulent ocean of content that reflects their deep intimacy, observing the world from two different perspectives and not giving too much thought to how far they can go for the sake of the perfect shot.

– Uvek smo u potrazi za dobrim svetlom, neprevaziđenim kadrom i trenutkom za pamćenje, koji uglavnom kroz avanturu doživimo i be- ležimo samo njegov segment da ne pobegne u zaborav. Unosimo mnogo emocija, osećaja, energije u svaku fotografiju i posmatrače uvodimo u taj svet naših putovanja – kaže Katarina. “We’re always on a quest to find good light, an unsurpassed frame and a moment worth remembering, which we usually experience through adventures, recording only a segment of it, so that it isn’t lost to oblivion. We include a lot of emotions, feelings and energy in each photograph and introduce the viewers to that world of our travels,” says Katarina.

Posetite izložbu i u jednom potezu zaronite u dubine Mek- sičkog zaliva i podvodnih pećina, potrčite africkim savana- ma, scenama u kojima dominiraju divlje životinje, zamisli- te da hodate na Marsu u pustinji Jordana, da se upoznajete sa zanimljivim ljudima Burme, uživate u japanskoj misticno- sti, kao i najskrivenijim mestima koje možda još niste uspe- li da posetite u Srbiji. Visit the exhibition and in just one move you can dive to the depths of the Mexican oceans and underwater caves, run through African savannas and scenes dominated by wild animals, imagine walking on Mars in the deserts of Jordan, meet the interesting people of Burma and enjoy Japanese mysticism, but also the most hidden places in Serbia that you might not yet have even imagined visiting.

Trending » U trendingu | 21

Koncert / CONCERT Lara Fabijan / Lara Fabian

Njen snažan glas, koji možete prepoznati još od prve note, ume da probudi najlepše emocije. O tome govore brojne muzičke nagrade, kao i više od 20 miliona prodatih albu- ma širom sveta. Svojim fanovima Lara Fabijan poslaće po- ruku o ljubavi, jednakosti i snažnim emocijama, i to 22. ok- tobra u Štark areni . Her powerful voice, that’s recognisable from the very first note, is capable of arousing the most wonderful emotions. Testifying to this are the numerous music awards that she’s won, but also the over 20 million albums that she’s sold worldwide. Lara Fa- bian will send her fans a message of love, equality and strong emotions from Belgrade’s Štark Arena on 22 nd October.

Predstava / THEATRE PLAY Božanstvena komedija / The Divine Comedy U Beogradsko dramsko pozorište 29. oktobra stiže čuvena Danteova Božanstvena komedija . Dante luta po mračnoj šumi, spasava ga Vergilije, koji ga vodi da razgleda pakao i čistilište, a posle toga se sa Beatričom penje u raj i dopire do lica božjeg. To je priča o traganju ljudske duše za srećom, slobodom, mirom i konačnim prosvetljenjem, a ispričaće nam je na Velikoj sceni Olivera i Rade Marković, Aleksandar Jovanović, Aleksandar Radojičić, Bojana Stojković, Dunja Stojanović, Jana Milosavljević… Dante’s famous The Divine Comedy arrives at the Belgrade Drama Theatre on 29 th October. The story sees Dante wander around a dark forest, where he is saved by the character of Virgil and led through Hell and Purgatory, before ascending to heaven with Beatrice and reaching the face of God. It is a story of the human soul’s quest for happiness, freedom, peace and final enlightenment, and this time around it will be told to us on the Oliver and Rada Marković Great Stage by Alek- sandar Jovanović, Aleksandar Radojičić, Bojana Stojković, Dunja Stojanović, Jana Milosavljević et al.

Film / FILM Poslednji dvoboj / The Last Duel

Legendarni Ridli Skot konačno dolazi u bioskope, i to u društvu Meta Dejmo- na, Bena Afleka i Adama Drajvera! Kralj Čarls Šesti objavljuje da će vitez Žan de Karuž spor izazvan sumnjom da je njegov štitonoša silovao njegovu su- prugu dok je on bio na ratištu, rešiti surovim dvobojem. Kako će se to završi- ti, saznaćemo 15. oktobra. Legendary director Ridley Scott is finally returning to cinemas. And is doing so in the company of Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Adam Driver! King Charles VI of France announces that knight Jean de Carrouges will settle a dispute over the suspicion that his squire raped his wife while he was on the battlefield by way of a duel. We will discover how the face-off ends on 15 th October.

22 | U trendingu » Trending

Festival / FESTIVAL Jazzbeats / Jazzbeats

Dom omladine Beograda od 26. do 30. oktobra 2022. predstavlja 38. beogradski džez festival pod sloganom Jazzbeats . Biće održan 21 koncert u okviru 10 programskih celina, sa gotovo 150 muzičara iz celog sveta, uz reprezentativno predstavljanje najtalentovanijih autora sa srpske džez scene. I ove godine festival će ugostiti umetnike koji pomeraju granice i donose žanrovsku raznolikost u ovaj muzički pravac. The Belgrade Youth Centre, Dom Omladine Beogra- da, presents the 38 th Belgrade Jazz Festival from 26 th to 30 th October, under the slogan “Jazzbeats”. A total of 21 concerts will take place under the framework of 10 pro- gramme components, with the performances of almost 150 musicians from all over the world, alongside a repre- sentative presenting of the most talented authors on the Serbian jazz scene. This year will again see the festival wel- come guest artists who shift boundaries and bring diversi- ty to this musical direction.

Knjiga / BOOK Pobednici , Fredrik Bakman The Winners, Fredrik Backman

Od autora bestselera Čovek po imenu Uve u oktobru u knji- žare stiže snažan, nasilan i emotivan završetak priče o malom hokejaškom gradu i njegovim stanovnicima. Pobednici su ne- obična, lepa i užasna, ali pre svega važna priča u današnjem svetu punom protivrečnosti jer govori o ljudskoj nesposobno- sti da se uradi ono što je ispravno. The latest novel from the author of the bestselling A Man Called Ove arrives in bookshops this October and brings a powerful, violent and emotional ending to the story of a small hockey town and its inhabitants. The Winners is a story that’s peculiar, beautiful and terrible, but primarily important, particu- larly in today’s contradictory world, as it addresses the inability of humans to do the right thing even when the choice is com- pletely obvious.

Galerija / GALLERY Art Market Budapest / Art Market Budapest Na međunarodnom sajmu umetnosti Art Market Bu - dapest , koji se održava od 4. do 9. oktobra 2022. u Balna centru u Budimpešti, u okviru projekta Most Ser - bia izlaže osam umetničkih galerija iz Beograda, Novog Sada i Kragujevca: Bel Art , X VITAMIN, ŠTAB, Rima , Novembar , B2, Monolog i Sanjaj predstavljaju selekciju modernog i savremenog stvaralaštva. The Art Market Budapest international art fair, which is this year being held from 4 th to 9 th October at the Hungarian capital’s Bálna Centre, will include exhibited works of eight art galleries from Belgrade, Novi Sad and Kragujevac, un- der the auspices of the Most Serbia project. The exhibit- ing Serbian galleries include Bel Art, X VITAMIN, HQ, ŠTAB, Rima, Novembar, B2, Monolog and Sanjaj, which will pres- ent a selection of modern and contemporary works.

Trending » U trendingu | 23



Er Srbija je letos uspostavila direktne redovne letove iz Beograda ka dve nove de- stinacije u Nemačkoj – Hanoveru i Nirnbergu, pa tako sada saobraća do čak osam gradova u toj zemlji, čime je Nemačka postala tržište sa najvećim brojem destina - cija Er Srbije . Ima mnogo dobrih razloga da odletite do Hanovera ili Nirnberga, a mi vam ovom prilikom predstvaljamo tek neke od njih / Air Serbia established direct sc- heduled flights from Belgrade to two new destinations in Germany this summer: Hano- ver and Nuremberg, meaning it now flies to as many as eight cities in this country, making Germany the market with the largest number of Air Serbia destinations. There are many good reasons to fly to Hanover or Nuremberg, and here we present you with just a few... Hajde da letimo do Hanovera i Nirnberga Let’s fly to Hanover and Nuremberg

24 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia



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Glavni grad Donje Saksonije je univerzitetski grad i ekonomski centar, a kraljevska loza, kuca Hanovera, dala je Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu tri kralja. Ipak, mozaik kraljevskih parkova i zelene oaze možda su i najlepše atrakcije grada. Park Ejlenride dvostru - ko je veci od Central parka u Njujorku, a u centru se nalazi i Maš - ze, veštačko jezero sa obalama punim bujne vegetacije. Hajde zato da krenemo zelenim tragom po ovom prelepom gradu… Zelena oaza Donje Saksonije Green oasis of Lower Saxony The capital of Lower Saxony is a university city and economic hub. The royal House of Hanover gave the United Kingdom three kings, but the mosaic of royal parks and green oases that it gave to the city are perhaps its most beautiful attractions. The Eilenriede, a fo- rest park in inner-city Hanover, is twice the size of New York’s Cen- tral Park, while the Maschsee artificial lake, with its green banks, is situated just to the south of the city centre. So, let’s explore the green route around this beautiful city...

Herrenhausen Gardens The pride of Hanover is a se- ries of landscaped gardens that date back to the days of Kings of Hanover. The show-stopper is the Great Gar- den, which has a Baroque French style that was develo- ped at the behest of Sophia of Hanover in the 17 th century. This 50-hectare garden is fron- ted by a palace and enriched with sculptures, fountains, da- inty broderies, which provide a stately backdrop for concerts and plays staged throughout the year. Berggarten Another of the Herrenhausen Gardens, the Berggarten (Mo- untain Garden), was selected by princess Sophia as a space to grow exotic plants. An ear- ly greenhouse was built in the park in 1686, supporting crops like tobacco and mulberry trees. The park is today among the world’s leading botani- cal gardens, growing 20,000 plants. There are four greenho- uses – for tropical plants, ca-

HERENHOJZER VRTOVI Ponos Hanovera je lanac vrto - va iz vremena kraljeva. Glavna atrakcija je Velika bašta u ba - roknom francuskom stilu koju je u 17. veku oformila Sofija od Hanovera. Vrt od 50 hektara nalazi se ispred palate i ulep- šan je skulpturama, fontana - ma, lavirintom od žive ograde, što je veličanstvena pozadina za koncerte i predstave tokom Još jedan od vrtova Herenhoj - zer je Bergarten (Planinski vrt), koji je princeza Sofija izabra - la kao prostor za uzgajanje eg- zotičnih biljaka. Prvi staklenik izgrađen je u parku 1686. go - dine i služio je za uzgoj use - va kao što su duvan i dud, a danas je park jedna od vode- cih svetskih botaničkih bašti, u kojoj se uzgaja 20.000 bilja - ka. Postoje četiri staklenika za tropske biljke, kaktuse i sup - tropsku floru Kanarskih ostrva, ali je najlepša Kuca orhideja, koja ima najvecu kolekciju tog cveća u Evropi i do 800 bilja - cele godine. BERGARTEN

Ponos Hanovera je lanac vrtova iz vremena kraljeva

The pride of Hanover is a series of landscaped gardens that date back to the days of Kings

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 25

ka iz 300 vrsta koje cvetaju na - spram bujnog tropskog lišca. Georgengarten Kralj Džordž Treći je početkom 19. veka kupio imanje istoč - no od Velikog vrta. Na dugač - koj parceli nalaze se vrtovi u engleskom stilu sa raskoš - nim travnjacima i šumarcima sa starim stablima. Proteže se pravo kroz park od početka do kraja kraljevske avenije duge dva kilometra. Mašze Na 78 hektara prostire se ve - štačko jezero u blizini Nove gradske kuce. Zanimljivo je da se svaki dan nivo vode sma- njuje i do jedan centimetar, pa je potrebno dopuniti ga pum- pama iz mreže bara na južnoj obali. Ejlenride Dvostruko veci od Central par - ka u Njujorku, Ejlenride je grad - ska šuma skoro u samom sr - cu Hanovera. Zapadni ulaz je samo desetak minuta hoda udaljen od centra grada. To je jedna od najvecih povezanih gradskih šuma u Evropi, sa ve - likim površinama hrastove i bukove šume ispresecane trav - njacima, vodenim objektima i igralištima. Postoji nekoliko ka - fica u parku, kao i informativ - ni postovi koji vas obaveštava - ju o jelenima, zečevima, slepim miševima i kunama koje imaju svoja staništa u parku. Tirgarten Neposredno pored istočnog predgrađa Hanovera nalazi se park od 112 hektara koji je ne- kada bio lovište. Necete dovo - diti u sumnju starost Tirgarte - na kada vidite hrast star 650 godina na ulazu i mnoge nje- gove srodnike koji više od 400 godina žive u prostranom par - ku. Tirgarten je i dalje rezervat u kojem divljač slobodno luta, a tu su i sove, jastrebovi, soko - lovi, lisice, jazavci...

Eilenriede Twice the size of New York’s Central Park, the Eilenriede is a city forest that lies almost at the centre of Hanover. The we- stern entrance is only arou- nd a ten-minute walk from the Hauptbahnhof railway station. One of the largest connected inner-city forests in Europe, it is blessed with great swathes of oak and beech woodland in- terspersed with lawns, water features and playgrounds. A handful of cafés are housed in the park itself, while there are also information posts that in- form visitors about the deer, hares, bats and martens that find their habitat in the park. Tiergarten Just past Hanover’s eastern periphery is a 112-hectare park that was once a hunting grou- nd. You’ll be in no doubt about the great age of the Tiergarten when you see the 650-year-old oak tree at the entrance and the many oaks in the park’s extensive woodland that are over 400 years old. The Tier- garten remains a game reser- ve, where up to 150 roe deer roam freely, while there are al- so owls, hawks, falcons, foxes, badgers and Egyptian geese.

ctuses and the subtropical flo- ra of the Canary Islands, but the main attraction is the Orc- hid House, which has Europe’s largest orchid collection, com- prising 800 plants from 300 species that bloom against deep tropical foliage. Georgengarten At the beginning of 19 th cen- tury, King George III bought an estate located to the east of Herrenhausen’s Great Gar- den. Covering a long, narrow plot, its gardens are landsca- ped in the English style, with sprawling lawns and groves of mature trees. This plot runs straight through the park from either end of a regal, lime-flan- ked avenue that’s two kilome- tres long. Maschsee Covering an area of 78 hecta- res, the Maschee is a man-ma- de lake situated near New Ci- ty Hall. An interesting piece of trivia about this lake is that it loses up to a centimetre of its water level every day and needs to be replenished by way of a pump station and a network of ponds on the sout- hern shore.

Od arhitekture i bujne prirode do dobrih muzeja i velikih šoping centara - ovaj grad ima po nešto za svakoga From architecture and lush nature to good museums and great shopping centres - this city has something for everyone

26 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia



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Jedan dan u Nirnbergu One day in Nuremberg

Bavarska je oblast sa nekim od najzanimljivijih i najimpresivni- jih destinacija u Nemačkoj, a Nirnberg je sigurno jedna od njih. Istorijski centar grada osvaja svojim neobičnim karakterom i pejzažom kao sa razglednice. Ako imate samo jedan dan, na pravom ste mestu. To naravno nije dovoljno za grad kao što je Nirnberg, ali ovaj mali vodič može da pomogne u izboru… Bavaria is home to some of Germany’s most interesting and impre- ssive destinations, and the city of Nuremberg is certainly among them. Nuremberg’s historical centre quickly wins over visitors with its quaint character and picture postcard scenery. If you have just one day in the city, you are in the right place. Spending a day in a ci- ty like this might not feel like enough time, but this little guide can help you choose what to prioritise…

Glavna atrakcija je slavna pozlacena gotska Šener-Brunenova fontana iz 14. veka One major attraction is the glorious gilded Gothic Schöner Brunnen Fountain dating back to the 14 th century

Historic Altstadt Many of the best places to visit in Nuremberg are wit- hin the city’s historical cen- tre, known simply as the Altstadt. The Old Town is di- vided into two halves by the River Pegnitz. To the south lies Altstadt – St. Lorenz, whi- le the northern and upper se- ction is Altstadt – St. Sebald. The city’s Weißgerbergasse is an absolutely delightful street to walk along and one of the most beautiful in the city. It’s also a good idea to allow a li- ttle extra time just to wander around the Altstadt and dis- cover it for yourself.

Istorijski Altstad Mnoga od najboljih mesta za posetu u Nirnbergu nala- ze se u okviru istorijskog cen- tra grada, poznatog jedno - stavno kao Altstad. Stari grad Nirnberga podeljen je na dve polovine rekom Pegnic. Na ju - gu se nalazi Altstad – Sent Lorenc, dok je severni i gor - nji deo Altstad – Sent Se - bald. Vajsgerbergase je jedna od najlepših ulica i apsolutno uživanje za šetnju zahvalju - juci živopisnim kucama. Ta - kođe je dobra ideja dati sebi malo dodatnog vremena, sa - mo lutati po Altstadu i otkri - vati ga.

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Istorijski centar grada osvaja svojim neobičnim karakterom i pejzažom kao sa razglednice Historical centre quickly wins over visitors with its quaint character and picture postcard scenery

Hauptmarkt Bez obzira na to gde se nala- zite u Nemačkoj, uvek posto - ji glavni trg. U Nirnbergu je to trg Hauptmarkt. Ovde ce - te naci dve glavne atrakcije, od kojih je jedna slavna Še- ner-Brunenova fontana, po - zlacena gotska atrakcija iz 14. veka. Druga znamenitost vredna pažnje je Bogorodiči - na crkva, koja datira iz istog vremena. Tirgartnertorplac Ulazeći dublje u Stari grad, želecete da pronađete put do Tirgartnertorplaca. Ovaj trg u severoistočnom uglu Altsta - da jedna je od najimpresiv- nijih gradskih kapija. Videće - te razne kuce od drveta, plus gradske zidine i zamak koji se nadvijaju nad trgom. Tirgar - tnertorplac je takođe mesto gde cete pronaći kucu Albreh - ta Direra. Tu je nekada živeo poznati renesansni umetnik, a sada je u kući muzej posve - ćen njegovom životnom delu. Carski dvorac Pokriva brdo na severnom kraju Starog grada i najvaž - nija je istorijska atrakcija Nir- nberga. Ovaj veliki kompleks nekada je bio rezidencija vla- dara Rimskog carstva, a da - nas možete istražiti njegova dvorišta, terase i muzeje. Iz dvorca takođe možete da uži - vate u spektakularnom pogle- du na grad. Gradske zidine Sada je vreme da izbliza po- gledate gradske zidine Nirn- berga, iako ste ih vec jednom ili dva puta ugledali šetaju - ći starim gradom. Direktno is - pod zamka naci cete i mirne bašte Burgartena.

Hauptmarkt No matter where you are in Germany, there’s always a ma- in square. In Nuremberg, that square is the Hauptmarkt. The- re you’ll find two major attra - ctions; one is the glorious Schöner Brunnen Fountain, a gilded Gothic attraction dating back to the 14 th century, while the other noteworthy landmark is the Church of Our Lady, whi- ch dates back to the same cen- tury. Tiergärtnertorplatz Walking deeper into the Old Town, you’ll want to find your way to Tiergärtnertorplatz. This square in the northeast corner of Altstadt is one of the most impressive city gates. You‘ll al- so see a variety of half-timbe- red houses, plus the city walls and castle looming over the plaza. It is here that you’ll dis- cover Albrecht Dürer’s Hou- se, where the renowned Rena-

issance artist once lived and which now serves as a muse- um of his life’s work. Imperial Castle Covering the hill at the nort- hern end of the Old Town is the Imperial City of Nuremberg, the most important historical attraction in the city. This lar- ge castle complex was once a residence for the Holy Roman Emperor, while today you can explore its courtyards, terraces and castle museum. Nurem- berg Castle also enables you to enjoy some spectacular views that extend over the city. City Walls It’s now time to take a closer lo- ok at Nuremberg’s city walls, though you’ll already have en- countered them at least once or twice on your tour. You’ll al- so find the tranquil gardens of the Burggarten directly below the castle.

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Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 29

DUNAV OSIGURANJE / DUNAV OSIGURANJE PRIJATELJ ZA SVA VREMENA A FRIEND FOREVER Nastala davne 1974. godine, Kompanija Dunav osiguranje raste i razvija se postojano, moćno i sigurno, baš kao i velika evropska reka čije ime nosi / Established as far back as 1974, under the name “Dunav osiguranje” [Danube Insurance], the company has been growing and developing steadily, mightily and with certainty, just like the great European river whose name it bears

KOMPANIJA DUNAV OSI- GURANJE VEĆ DECENIJAMA JE SINONIM ZA OSIGURAVA- JUĆU DELATNOST na području Republike Srbije i regiona. Nastav- ljajući i negujući tradiciju firmi koje su joj prethodile, Kompani- ja s ponosom ističe direktnu vezu sa samim počecima osiguravaju- će delatnosti na ovim prostorima, još od vremena Kneževine Srbije, kao i to da je uvek izlazila jača i stabilnija. Danas zauzima lidersko mesto na domaćem tržištu osigu- ranja, kao vodeći brend i istinski prijatelj svih svojih osiguranika. Kompanija Dunav osiguranje i njene kćerke firme posluju na po- dručju Srbije, Republike Srpske i Federacije BiH. Deo njenog siste- ma su povezana društva Dunav osiguranje Banjaluka , Dunav re , Dunav penzijski fond , Dunav au- to , Dunav Stockbrocker i Dunav turist , koja obavljaju osigurava- juću i reosiguravajuću delatnost, kao i prateće delatnosti automo- bilske logistike, berzanskog po- slovanja i turizma. Zato čine or- gansku celinu koja zadovoljava sve potrebe klijenata. Sa razgranatom poslovnom mrežom od 29 glavnih filijala osi- guranja i više od 600 prodajnih mesta sa sve značajnijom onlajn prodajom, Dunav osiguranje se na brojne načine trudi da komuni- kaciju s korisnicima svojih uslu- ga dovede do savršenstva i da u zadovoljavanju njihovih potreba deluje proaktivno, uz maksimal- no razumevanje datih okolnosti.

U fokusu Kompanije Dunav osiguranje danas i u bliskoj buduć- nosti su informatička moderni- zacija poslovanja, širenje lepeze osiguravajućih usluga, pogotovo u domenu personalnih osigura- nja, kao i dalji razvoj korpora- tivne društvene odgovornosti, po kojoj je naročito prepoznat- ljiva. Kompanija smatra privile- gijom što ima snagu da pomogne u održavanju mnogobrojnih ma- nifestacija značajnih za zemlju i region, a još većom što je stvorila širok krug prijatelja, koji su nje- no istinsko bogatstvo. DUNAV OSIGURANJE IS A COMPANY THAT’S BEEN SYN- ONYMOUS WITH THE INSUR- ANCE SECTOR on the territory of the Republic of Serbia and the re- gion for decades. By continuing and nurturing the tradition of the com- panies that preceded it, Dunav Osi- guranje is proud to point out its di- rect links with the very beginnings of the insurance sector in this re- gion, dating back to the time of the Principality of Serbia, as well as the fact that it has always emerged stronger and more stable. It today occupies a leading position on the domestic insurance market, as the leading brand and a true friend to all its policyholders. Dunav Osiguranje and its sub- sidiaries operate across the territo- ry of Serbia, Republika Srpska and the Bosnia-Herzegovina Federation. Its system partly includes affiliated

companies Dunav Osiguranje Ban- jaluka, Dunav re, Dunav penzijski fond [pension fund], Dunav Auto [vehicle insurance], Dunav Stock- broker and Dunav Turist, which per- form insurance and reinsurance ac- tivities, but also ancillary activities including vehicle logistics, stock ex- change operations and tourism. They thus form an organic collec- tive that satisfies all the needs of clients. With a branched business net- work comprising 29 main insurance branches and more than 600 points of sale, with increasingly significant online sales – Dunav Osiguranje endeavours, in numerous ways, to achieve perfection in communica- tion with the users of its services, and to take a proactive approach to meeting their needs, with maxi- mum understanding for the circum- stances at hand. Dunav Osiguranje is focused, today and in the near future, on the IT modernisation of its oper- ations, expanding its palette of in- surance services, especially in the field of personal insurance, as well as further developing its corporate social responsibility, for which it is particularly recognisable. The com- pany considers itself privileged to have the strength to be able to help in the staging of numerous events that are important for the country and the region, and an even greater privilege that it has created a wide circle of friends, who represent its true wealth.

Kao potvrda kvaliteta nižu se brojna priznanja i nagrade, među kojima su najdraže Moj izbor i Miljenik potrošača , koje je Kompanija dobila nekoliko puta zaredom upravo glasovima potrošača Numerous acknowledgements and awards have come as confirmation of quality, the most precious of which for the company are the ‘My Choice’ and ‘Consumer Favourite’ awards, which Dunav Osiguranje won several times consecutively, thanks specifically to the votes of consumers

30 | Promo » Promo

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Intervju Interview

MALE TAJNE DŽEJMIJA OLIVERA Hrana je savršen izgovor za zbližavanje ljudi

32 | Kuhinja » Cuisine

I dalje rado viđen kulinarski čarobnjak pred kamere stiže sa emisijom Džejmi Oliver: Sve za 30 minuta , ponedeljkom u 13.00 h na kanalu 24Kitchen kroz osam novih epizoda

This culinary wizard, who’s still happy to be seen in front of the camera, arrives with the show Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals, on Mondays at 1pm on the 24Kitchen channel over eight new episodes

IMA NEKOLIKO SVETSKI POZNATIH KUVARA čija imena će vam odmah pasti na pamet, a je- dan od njih će sigurno biti šarman- tni Britanac Džejmi Oliver. Do sada je napravio brojne emisije, uklju- čio se u promociju zdrave hrane, naročito u školama, ali ono po če- mu je jedinstven svakako je neo- doljiva lakoća kojom sprema hra- nu. Način na koji uživa u onome što skuva, radost koja se širi nje- govom kuhinjom čini da sve izgle- da prosto ko pasulj, čak i kad nije. Zato nam Džejmi Oliver za Elevejt otkriva tajne svoje kuhinje, ima li naslednika među svojom decom. Pitamo ga za početak kako izgle- da jedan dan u njegovoj porodič- noj kuhinji… – Veštine mog sina Badija vre- menom su lepo napredovale, ta- ko da bi se moglo reći da je mo- guće da će me uskoro odmeniti. (smeh) Uvek je srecan kad može da pomogne i, da budem iskren, sva deca su imala svoje trenutke. Popi i Dejzi sada već dosta ekspe- rimentišu u kuhinji, što me tako- đe raduje. Porodica, dom i kuhi- nja su neraskidivo pove- zani… – Strastveno verujem da je kuvanje jedna od najvrednijih i najlepših veština kojima možete naučiti dete. Verujte svojim instin- ktima i koristite zdrav razum da odredite u kojim poslovima mo- gu da pomognu, u zavisnosti od njihovog uzrasta i nivoa veština. Uvek je dobro početi sa malim stva- rima kao što su mešanje i mere- nje, branje bilja, pranje povrca... Zatim, kada počnu da se osecaju udobno u kuhinji, krenite korak da- Kada ste sa ljudima koje volite i možete da se opustite i uživate u društvu, da vidite njihove reakcije na obrok, da se zajedno smejete, to je ono što čini život

za kuvanje? – Roditeljima je piletina sa krompirima, ili prženi batak sa krilcima, najčešće i najlakše reše- nje, ali greše. Sa piletinom se to- liko može eksperimentisati i po- stići tako mnogo različitih ukusa. Naravno, rerna radi sav težak po- sao, tako da mi je donekle i razu- mljivo zašto je to najčešći izbor za- uzetih mama. Za mene je, recimo, italijanska hrana večita inspiracija. Hajde da za promenu propržimo ili skuvamo piletinu i iskoristimo je uz hiljadu sjajnih pesto sosova koje možete naći u bilo kom supermar- ketu u kojem se prodaje egzotična pasta. Ne moramo uvek da kombi- nujemo pile, krompir, ulje i rernu. Za pripremu je potrebno isto vre- me, a ukus je svaki put drugačiji. Dugi niz godina promo- višete zdravu ishranu u školama. Da li je pande- mija uticala na to da se naše navike promene? – Bile su ovo neverovatno teš- ke godine, ali jedna stvar koju nam je ova situacija predočila jeste to koliko je ishrana u školama važna kao bazičan izvor hrane od kojih zavise generacije koje tek stasa- vaju. Bilo mi je baš drago što sam čuo za odluku Kalifornije da po- nudi besplatne školske obroke za više od šest miliona đaka. To je ozbiljno razmišljanje unapred, va- žan korak, ali je i važno šta čini tu ishranu. Zaista verujem da dobra hrana može da podstakne naš opo- ravak, ekonomski i akademski, ka- ko bi sledecu generaciju podsta- kla na uspeh. Koje je omiljeno jelo va- ših klinaca? – To zavisi od dana. Oni su ina- če veliki gurmani i uživaju u hrani. Vikendom, kad smo svi na okupu, volimo da se zabavljamo dok pe- čemo hleb i pravimo domaću te- steninu zajedno. Koju kulinarsku poruku želite da prenesete lju- dima? – Pazite šta jedete i izbegavaj-

lje. Vođenje dece u kupovinu hra- ne, posebno ako imate priliku da ih povedete na pijacu, takođe je neverovatno vredno. Najviše od svega, zabavite se i ohrabrite ih da pokušaju. Šta preporučujete za užurbane radne nedelje? – Pokušao sam da smislim što više scenarija u koje bi se moder- na, zauzeta osoba upustila ako bi želela da organizuje večeru ili da napravi nešto zaista nezaboravno. Pečenje sa povrcem je odlično za pripremu dan ranije, spremno za jednostavno ubacivanje u rernu u rekordnom roku. Sada je u ponudi mnogo sezonskog povrća, pa čak i bez mesa možete da napravite sjajan obrok. Čini se da je blagovreme- na priprema ključ uspe- ha? – Za zaposlene roditelje hrska- va piletina sa pesto sosom i hle- bom sa belim lukom idealno je re- šenje. Deluje malo zahtevno, ali ako se pripremi dan ranije, to je sjajno. U principu, magija kuhinje je u osmišljavanju. Dovoljno je da samo pet minuta dnevno odvojite za razmišljanje o tome šta ćete po- nuditi porodici sutra i već ste korak ispred u trci sa vremenom. Ljudi najčešće tu prave grešku, jer o hra- ni razmišljaju trenutak pre nego što počnu da je prave. Otud ner- voza i manjak kreativnosti. Šta čini jedan obrok za pamcenje? – Nije uopšte bitno šta je na stolu. Hrana ima neverovatnu moc da zbliži ljude. Kada ste sa ljudi- ma koje volite i možete samo da se opustite i uživate u društvu, da vidite njihove reakcije na obrok, da se zajedno dobro nasmejete, to je ono što čini život. Nadam se da ce i nova emisija podstaći gledao- ce da okupe svoje najbliže za sto- lom kako bi zajedno stvorili nova secanja. Hrana može biti savršen izgovor za zbližavanje ljudi. Šta savetujete zaposle- nim mamama koje možda nemaju dovoljno vremena

Pazite šta jedete i izbegavajte prerađenu brzu hranu Be careful what you eat and avoid processed junk food

Tekst/Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije/ Photography: Profimedia.rs

te prerađenu brzu hranu.

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