Air Serbia inflight magazine
Za zelenu planetu FOR A GREEN PLANET
Reč dobrodošlice
Welcome message
Novembar 2020.
November 2020
Dragi putnici, VAZDUHOPLOVNA INDUSTRIJA JEDAN JE OD GLAV NIH POTPORNIH STUBOVA EKONOMSKOG I SOCI JALNOG RAZVOJA. Povezivanje i umrežavanje ljudi, kul- tura, kompanija i ekonomija bilo bi nezamislivo bez jata čeličnih ptica koje svakodnevno krstare nebom. Upra- vo zbog toga naša obaveza je da tu ulogu sprovodimo odgovorno i u skladu sa ciljevima održivog razvoja, na način koji će uticaje na životnu sredinu svesti na naj- manju moguću meru. Mi u Er Srbiji tu obavezu shvatamo veoma ozbiljno. U skladu sa izrekom koja kaže da „planetu nismo nasle-
Dear passengers, THE AIR TRANSPORT INDUSTRY IS ONE OF THE MAIN PILLARS OF SUPPORT FOR ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT. The connecting and networking of peo- ple, cultures, companies and economies would be impo- ssible without a flock of steel birds cruising the skies every day. As a result of this, it is our obligation to fulfil that role responsibly and in accordance with the goals of sustaina- ble development, in a manner that will minimise our impa- ct on the environment. At Air Serbia we take this obligation very seriously. In accor- dance with the proverb “we didn’t inherit the planet from
dili od predaka, nego pozajmili od potoma- ka“, trudimo se da na najbolji mogući način vodimo računa o resursima koji su nam po- vereni na čuvanje, a nisu neograničeni. Odr- živo poslovanje i briga o zaštiti životne sredi- ne nama ne predstavljaju opterećenje, već privilegiju da aktivno učestvujemo u kreira- nju boljeg okruženja za generacije koje do- laze. Zato smo već sada usvojili neke mere iz ove oblasti koje će tek za nekoliko godi- na postati obavezne. Verujemo da je to put kojim svi treba da idu jer nas na polju ekolo-
our ancestors, but borrowed it from our des- cendants”, we strive to manage resources that are not limitless and that were entrusted to us in the best possible way. We don’t see sustainable operations and caring for the environment as a burden, rather as a privilege that enables us to participate actively in the creation of a better environment for the generations to come. That’s why we’ve already adopted certain measures in this field that will only become mandatory a few years from now. We believe this is a path that everyone needs to take, because each indivi-
ške osvešćenosti svaki individualni korak vodi napred kao društvo u celini. Čak ni u izazovnim okolnostima koje trenutno potresaju avio-industriju na globalnom nivou ne smemo izgubiti iz vida širu sliku i zapostavi- ti brigu o očuvanju eko-sistema planete i sprečavanju klimatskih promena. Na narednim stranicama, kao i u okviru posebnog segmenta na našem sajtu, možete saznati više o aktivnostima i inicijativama koje spro- vodimo s tim ciljem. Novembar je mesec koji na severnoj hemisferi donosi hladnije vreme, samim tim i pojačano grejanje, zbog čega se dodatno troše resursi i povećava nivo zaga- đenja u celom svetu. Zato smo u ovom broju poseban akcenat stavili na ekologiju i zaštitu životne sredine, pa se možete informisati o značaju drveća i čitati o tome kako je pokret povratka prirodi postao globalni inter- net fenomen. Kao i u svakom prethodnom izdanju, pi- šemo o prirodnim bogatstvima na destinacijama do kojih letimo. Suvišno bi bilo isticati koliko je briga o oču- vanju okoline važna kako bismo sačuvali njihovu izvor- nu lepotu i autentičnost. I mali podsetnik za kraj – iako je pisanje o ovim temama značajno kako bi se podiza- la svest, briga o našoj planeti ne sme ostati samo slo- vo na papiru. Zato vas pozivamo da zajedno brinemo o svetu u kojem živimo, uživamo u njemu i sačuvamo ga za one koji dolaze posle nas. Uživajte u letu i srećan put.
dual step in the field of environmental awareness advances us as a society. Even under the challenging circumstances that are shaking the air transport industry to its core at the global level, we must not lose sight of the bigger picture or neglect to care for the protection of the planet’s ecosystem and act to prevent climate change. You can discover mo- re about the activities and initiatives we’re conducting for that purpose on the following pages, but also within a spe- cial segment of our website. November is a month that brings colder weather to the northern hemisphere, and consequently stronger heating, which is why additional resources are used and the level of pollution increases worldwide. That’s why this issue of Elevate has a special focus on ecology and environmen- tal protection, so you can learn about the importance of trees or read about how the ‘back to nature’ movement has become a global internet phenomenon. As in every issue, we write about the natural resources at the destinations we serve. How important environmental protection is for preserving their natural beauty and authenticity goes wi- thout saying. Finally, a small reminder, even though wri- ting about these topics is important for raising awarene- ss, caring for our planet mustn’t merely be something to write about. That’s why we invite you to take action to ca- re for the world we live in together, to enjoy it and preser-
Održivo poslovanje i briga o zaštiti životne sredine nama ne predstavljaju opterećenje, već privilegiju We don’t see sustainable operations and caring for the environment as a burden, rather as a privilege
ve it for those who will come after us. Enjoy your flight and have a good journey.
Iskreno vaša, Er Srbija
Sincerely yours, Air Serbia
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Er Srbija u borbi za zelenu planetu / Air Serbia in the battle for a green planet Er Srbija i heroji iz senke: + Serbia and heroes from the shadows: Captain Petar Tržin
Minsk: Belavija postala novi SPA partner Er Srbije / Minsk: Belavia becomes Air Serbia‘s new SPA partner
Intervju: Nikola Pejaković / Interview Nikola Pejaković Nobelova nagrada za Luiz Glik / Nobel Prize for Louise Glück Greta Tunberg dobila vlastiti film / Greta Thunberg has received her own film
RITAM BEOGRADA RHYTHM OF BELGRADE 54. Kako nam je jedna Jelisaveta ulepšala Beograd / How a lady called Jelisaveta beautified our Belgrade 60. Tašmajdan: Zelena oaza za boeme, vernike i ljubitelje
Putujemo sa glumicom Vesnom Čipčić / We travel with actress Vesna Čipčić
tajni / Tašmajdan: Green oasis for bohemians, believers and lovers of secrets
Najlepša jezera Balkana / The most beautiful Balkan lakes
Šanel u stilu Holivuda/ Chanel in a Hollywood style A–Z manifest: Održiva abeceda Stele Makartni/ A-Z Manifesto: The sustainability alphabet of Stella McCartney
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The inflight magazine of Air Serbia
Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije
/ Air Serbia Editorial Committee Aleksandra Beslać, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Branko Mitrović, Ivan Džaferović, Gabrijela Čonkić, Petar Živojnović Urednik fotograje / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotograje / Photography Snezana Krstić, Zoran Ilić, Aleksandar Slavković Foto agencije / Photo agencies Promedia, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager, Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd
Kapadokija, zemlja divnih konja / Cappadocia: The land of beautiful horses Čudni dani u novembru: U slavu bombona, sendviča i naćosa / Peculiar days in November: In honour of sweets, sandwiches and nachos
Kotidžkor: Pokret za povratak prirodi i jednostavnosti / Cottagecore: Movement for the restoration of nature and simplicity Među drvećem: Predivna, uzburkana šuma umetnosti Among the Trees: Beautiful, stirring forest of art
DESTINACIJE DESTINATIONS 100. Moja Skandinavija: dr Milan Milenković / My Scandinavia by Dr Milan Milenković 104. London: Sa Harijem u zavejanom Hogvortsu / London: With Harry at a blizzard-swept Hogwarts 107. Moja Podgorica: Peđa Mijatović / My Podgorica by Peđa Mijatović
Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director
Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotograka Subotica
Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia ights
Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved
Moj Niš: Dejan Stojiljković, pisac / My Niš by Dejan Stojiljković, writer Pet stvari koje morate da vidite u Vranju / Five things you must see in Vranje
Broj / Issue No. 321 Naslovna strana / Cover leonard_c / iStock
Er Srbija u borbi za zelenu planetu / Air Serbia in the battle for a green planet Foto / Photo: leonard_c / iStock
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Dobro došli Welcome Minsk Minsk
Belavija postala novi SPA partner Er Srbije Er Srbija je zaključila specijalni proratni sporazum (SPA) sa beloruskom avio-kompanijom Belavija . Prema sporazumu koji važi od 15. oktobra, srpska avio-kompanija će moći da prodaje karte za letove Belavije iz destinacija u Evropi preko Beograda do Minska. Sa druge strane, Belavija će moći da prodaje avio-karte za letove Er Srbije preko Beograda. Er Srbija trenutno ima 34 SPA partnera i 14 kod-šer partnera.
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Prelepa prestonica Belorusije je grad iz 11. veka koji oduševljava posetioce čistim ulicama i kulturom. Čuven je po jezerima, a ima i nekoliko stotina fontana
The beautiful capital of Belarus is a city that dates back to the 11 th century and still delights visitors with its clean streets and culture. Renowned for its lakes, it also boasts several hundred fountains
Thanks to the SPA agreement between the two airlines, it will be easier for Air Serbia‘s passengers to travel from Belgrade and other destinations covered by the Serbian national airline to Minsk and other destinations offered by Belavia from the capital of Belarus Zahvaljujući SPA sporazumu između dveju kompanija, putnici Er Srbije moći će lakše da od Beograda i drugih destinacija srpske nacionalne avio-kompanije putuju do Minska i ostalih destinacija do kojih iz glavnog grada Belorusije leti Belavija
BELAVIA BECOMES AIR SERBIA‘S NEW SPA PARTNER A Special Prorate Agreement (SPA) has been concluded between Belarusian airline Belavia and Air Serbia, effective as of 15 th October. Thanks to this partnership, Air Serbia will be able to sell tickets from various points in Europe via Belgrade to Minsk. Belavia will be able to sell Air Serbia tickets for destinations within the JU Network beyond Belgrade. Air Serbia currently has 34 SPA partners and 14 Codeshare partners.
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Na letu
On board
Sa avionima ne gubimo vreme With planes we don’t waste time
Bez punjača za telefon ne mogu jer je ujedno i punjač za elektronske cigarete koje pušim, nažalost I can’t travel without a phone charger, because it’s also the charger for the e-cigarettes that I smoke, unfortunately
Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography: Zoran Ilić
Planes are may favourite form of transport, because I can get to my desired goal in the shortest possible time. Time is money for me, and I don’t want to lose it. Perhaps this statement of mine isn’t very popular, but that’s the way it is Avioni su mi omiljeno prevozno sredstvo jer u najkraćem vremenskom periodu stignem na cilj. Za mene je vreme novac i ne želim da ga gubim. Možda ova moja rečenica nije mnogo popularna na ovim prostorima, ali je tako
Imam jedan mali ventilator koji radi tako što se zakači na mobilni i lepo me hladi kada mi je to potrebno I have a little fan that works in such a way that it can be attached to my mobile phone, and it keeps me cool nicely when I need that
Nosim i mali bežični zvučnik i putem blututa mogu da slušam muziku za vreme leta I also carry a small cordless speaker that I can listen to during a flight, via Bluetooth and my telephone
Kutijica za kartice je obavezan ručni prtljag A cardholder case is a mandatory part of my hand luggage
Ručni prtljag mi je uvek jedan kofer koji može da izdrži moju težinu, jer ja sedim na njemu. Mnogo puta se pokazalo kao vrlo praktična stvar My hand luggage is always a suitcase that can take my weight, because I sit on it. This has proven to be a practical thing on many occasions
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Vesna Čipčić je rođena u Beogradu, a odrasla je u Kikindi. Diplomirala je na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu, bila član Pozorišta na Terazijama, a od 1979. je članica BDP-a. Ostvarila je zapažene uloge u velikom broju predstava, filmova, TV drama i serija, a veliku popularnost stekla je ulogom Vesne Šurdilović u TV seriji Vruć vetar . Vesna Čipčić was born in Belgrade and raised in Kikinda. She graduated from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. Initially a member of the company of Terzije Theatre, since 1979 she’s been a member of the Belgrade Drama Theatre. She’s played notable roles in numerous theatre plays, films, TV dramas and series, and achieved great popularity with the role of Vesna Šurdilović in the TV series Hot Wind.
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LEGENDARY PANČEVO AIRPORT While preparations were underway to form the first international airport under Bežanija hill, the airfield near Pančevo began operating in 1923. It was actually a grazing meadow beside the road to the village of Jabuka. The Franko-Rumen Aeronautical Society received a permit from the Pančevo Senate to convert this meadow, measuring 500m x 500m, into a temporary “aeroplane station”. However, they insisted that the land still be used for grazing livestock, apart from “during the brief periods when an aeroplane is landing or taking off!” Still, the sheep did not prevent this airport from inscribing itself into the history of aviation. The Pančevo airport remains remembered as the location from which the first plane departed on a regular night-flight line. That historic flight took place on the night between 8 th and 9 th September 1923 on the route Paris-Vienna-Budapest-Pančevo- Bucharest-Constantinople . The flights were previously only conducted during daylight. That’s why runways at the airports in Pančevo and Bucharest were fixed with lights and two strong spotlights that illuminated the runway. Those were the first terrestrial navigation devices for the first night flying air traffic in the world, but also the first link of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes with the rest of the planet.
Legendarni pančevački aerodrom Dok se pripremao prvi međunarodni aerodrom pod bežanijskim brdom, u blizini Pančeva 1923. počelo je da radi letilište, koje je zapravo bilo pašnjak uz put ka selu Jabuka. Vazduhoplovno društvo Franko–Rumen dobilo je od Senata Pančeva dozvolu da se livada veličine 500 x 500 metara pretvori u privremenu „aeroplansku stanicu“. Međutim, zahtevali su da se teren i dalje koristi za ispašu stoke osim „za ono kratko vreme dok se aeroplan spušta ili diže“! Pa ipak, ovce nisu sprečile ovaj aerodrom da se upiše u istoriju vazduhoplovstva. Pančevački aerodrom ostao je upamćen pošto je s njega poleteo prvi avion na redovnoj noćnoj liniji. Taj istorijski let dogodio se u noći između 8. i 9. septembra 1923. godine na liniji Pariz–Beč–Budimpešta–Pančevo–Bukurešt– Carigrad. U to vreme letelo se samo danju. Zato su duž staza na aerodromima u Pančevu i Bukureštu postavljena svetla i dva jaka reflektora koji su osvetljavali pistu. To su bili prvi zemaljski navigacijski uređaji za prve noćne letove vazdušnog saobraćaja u svetu, ali i prva veza Kraljevine SHS sa ostatkom planete.
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Bistre oči balkanske / Clear eyes of the Balkans Gde god da iz Beograda poletite ka glavnim gradovima bivše Jugoslavije, neće vam nedostajati ni prirode, ni lepote. Vodeno bogatstvo Balkana je fascinantno bilo da govorimo o rekama ili čak moru, ali jezera ovde imaju poseban status. Bistra, čista, smaragdna i tirkizna, mala ili velika, ona gorska i ona što se miluju sa Jadranom… Izaberite svoje omiljeno od Ohrida do Bleda, ovde ima lepote za tri života. / Whichever of the capitals of the former Yugoslavia you fly to from Belgrade, you won't be short of either nature or beauty. The marine wealth of the Balkans is fascinating, whether we're talking about rivers or even seas, but here lakes have a special status. Clear, pure, emerald and turquoise, small or large, mountain ones and those that caresses the Adriatic… Choose your favourite, from Ohrid to Bled, as there's beauty here for three lives.
Ohridsko jezero je jedno od najstarijih, najvećih i najdubljih evropskih jezera / Lake Ohrid is among Europe's oldest, largest and deepest lakes
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Ohrid - Jerusalem of the Balkans
Ohrid – Jerusalim na Balkanu
Ohrid earned the nickname of the Je- rusalem of the Balkans as one of the oldest cities in Europe, which was once considered an epicentre of re- ligion and Slavic culture. Its histo- ry is evident in every building of the old town. However, it is Lake Ohrid that makes this city a unique gem. It is ranked among Europe's oldest and deepest lakes, which is why it has the prestigious status of a site of cultur- al and natural heritage under the pro- tection of UNESCO. The architectural layout of Ohrid is fascinating, filled as it is with monasteries, fortresses and castles. Some buildings date back as far as 200 BC, including the an- cient city amphitheatre, which once hosted gladiator contests. There's no doubt that Ohrid's a tourist treas- ure trove that's just waiting to be dis- covered.
Ohrid je nadimak Jerusalim na Bal- kanu stekao kao jedan od najstarijih gradova u Evropi, a nekada je sma- tran epicentrom religije i slovenske kulture. Njegova istorija je očigled- na u svakoj zgradi starog grada. Međutim, Ohridsko jezero je ono što grad čini jedinstvenim draguljem. Spada među najstarija i najdublja evropska jezera, zbog čega ima pre- stižni status kulturne i prirodne ba- štine pod zaštitom Uneska. Fasci- nantan je arhitektonski raspored Ohrida, prepun manastira, tvrđava i zamkova. Neka zdanja datiraju iz 200. godine pre nove ere, uključuju- ći i drevno gradsko pozorište, u ko- jem su nekada održavane borbe gla- dijatora. Nema sumnje da je Ohrid turistička riznica koja samo čeka da bude otkrivena.
Spektakularni pejzaži, istorija, arhitektura i bogatstvo mediteranske i turske kuhinje / Spectacular landscapes, history, architecture and the richness of Mediterranean and Turkish cuisine
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Skadarsko jezero ptica Prema legendi, Skadarsko je- zero je nastalo kada je mlada žena, srećna zbog muževlje- vog povratka iz rata, zabora- vila da zatvori česmu. Pravi nastanak je drugačiji, ali ni- šta manje bajkovit. Naime, 1858. godine dogodilo se ja- ko olujno nevreme, pa je Drim sa albanskih planina na ušće Bojane doneo ogromnu koli- činu peska i mulja. To je iza- zvalo pomeranje korita reke, a od bare je nastalo čuveno Skadarsko jezero. Stvoreno je carstvo prirode koje su ispu- nile jedinstvene biljne i živo- tinjske vrste. Jezero je stani- šte čak 264 vrsta ptica.
Nacionalni park Skadarsko jezero je pod zaštitom Uneska / Lake Skadar National Park is under UNESCO protection
Skadarsko jezero je najveće na Balkanu, a prostire se između Podgorice i Bara / Lake Skadar, the largest lake in the Balkans, extends between the cities of Podgorica and Bar fluence with the River Boja- na. This caused the riverbed to shift, and an existing pond was transformed into the fa- mous Lake Skadar. Thus was created a kingdom of nature that was filled with unique species of plants and animals. As many as 264 species of birds have made their habitats around the lake. Birds of Lake Skadar According to legend, Lake Ska- dar was created when a young woman was so happy about her husband's return from war that she forgot to turn off the tap of a drinking fountain. The lake's real origins are dif- ferent, but no less fairy-tale like. Specifically, a great storm hit the area in 1858, caus- ing the River Drim to carry a huge amount of sand and silt from the Albanian mountains and dump the load at the con-
Posebna je radost videti kudravog pelikana sa rasponom krila do čak tri metra / It is a particular joy to see the Dalmation pelican, with a wingspan reaching up to three metres
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Teren je najvećim delom lak za kretanje, kao na susednoj Zelengori / The terrain is mostly easy to traverse, as is the case with the neighbouring Zelengora
Četiri bisera Treskavice
Four pearls of Treskavica
Kontrasti prirode su jedinstveni na Treskavici – četinarske i listopadne šume, zdrave livade prekrivene borovnjacima i klekom, smaragdna planinska jezera među liticama krečnjačkih vr- hova. Uspon započinjete u Bosni, a završava- te u Hercegovini. Na Treskavici se nalaze četiri planinska jezera smaragdne boje, od čije le- pote zastaje dah. To su Veliko jezero, Crno je- zero, Platno i Bijelo jezero. Sva četiri je mogu- će obići u okviru jedne, ali vredne ambiciozne kružne ture za pamćenje.
Contrasts of nature are unique to Treskavica – both coniferous and deciduous forests, healthy meadows decorated with blueberries and juni- pers, emerald mountain lakes nestled between cliffs with limestone peaks. You start your ascent in Bosnia and end up in Herzegovina. Treskavica is home to four emerald-coloured mountain lakes of breathtaking beauty. They are the Great Lake, the Black Lake, the Canvas Lake and the White Lake. All four can be visited as part of a single ambitious circular tour worth remembering.
Bujne livade prošarane borovnjacima i klekom okružuju Veliko jezero / The Great Lake is surrounded by lush meadows interspersed with blueberry bushes and juniper shrubs
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Na zahtev skijaša otvaraju se i nova prodajna mesta na Poljicama i sada će ih biti dvostruko više u odnosu na prethodnu godinu
JAHORINA JE OLIMPIJSKA PLANINA I JEDAN od najmo- dernijih planinskih centara, smeštena u srcu Balkana, na- domak Sarajeva, glavnog grada Bosne i Hercegovine. Njena velika prednost je blizina međunarodnog aerodro- ma, koji se nalazi na samo tridesetak minuta vožnje od ovog planinskog centra. Sarajevo je sa Beogradom pove- zano direktnim letovima kompanije Er Srbija , koja na ovoj relaciji saobraća više puta sedmično, a prosečna cena le- ta je oko 80 evra i traje oko 50 minuta. Kada govorimo o drumskom saobraćaju, takođe postoji dobra konekcija, Jahorina je od Beograda udaljena manje od 300 kilometa-
gavanje redova i okupljanja na prodajnim mjestima. Osim već poznatog Hospitality is part of skiing , Jahorina cares je slogan koji će se koristiti ove zime i time Jahorina potvrđu- je apsolutnu posvećenost osiguranju da skijanje bude mo- guće pod najbezbednijim uslovima za sve. Korona garan- cije dobijaće svi gosti ukoliko dođe do zatvaranja granica ili se osoba razboli, a biće moguć povrat kompletnog upla- ćenog iznosa. Prioritet je briga za goste i sigurnost da će bezbrižno uživati u svom odmoru i spustovima. Tokom priprema za novu zimsku sezonu akcenat je stav- ljen na ski-staze, koje su korišćenjem specijalne mehani- zacije dovedene do savršenstva. Skijaši će ove zime na Jahorini sigurno uživati više nego ikada na idealno pripre- mljenim stazama, a zahvaljujući dobroj pripremi, skijanje će biti moguće i na minimalnim količinama snega. Ove godine goste će dočekati i nova staza duga oko 1.000 metara. Osim već osvetljene kompletne staze Poljice, na raspolaganju će im biti još jedna osvetljena staza za noćno skijanje, kao i prošireni Olimpijski bar, omiljeni ugostiteljski objekat na vrhu planine. Jahorina najveću pažnju pridaje deci i početnicima u skija- nju i za njih su pripremljeni poligoni na Poljicama i u Rajskoj dolini, dok instruktori ski-škole Olimpijskog centra Jahorina na zanimljiv način mogu pokazati svima kako je lako posta- ti skijaš. Hospitality is part of skiing!
ra, što je nekih pet sati vožnje. Ono što je najvažnije je da ne postoje nikakva organičenja za prelazak granice. Čak i u uslovima pandemije, držav- ljani Srbije neometano prela- ze granicu, za ulazak u BiH ni- je potreban test niti bilo šta od dodatne dokumentacije. U ovom centru čine sve ka- ko bi mere bezbednosti po- digli na najviši mogući nivo. Da bi smanjili međuljudske kontakte, umanjili i automa- tizovali proces i kanale pro- daje, već sada savetuju kori- šćenje sistema elektronskog plaćanja i kupovine karata.
Sa samo nekoliko klikova, u bilo kom trenutku u veb-šopu Olimpijskog centra Jahorina moguće je kupiti bilo koju vr- stu skijaške karte. Prethodno kupljene ski-karte preuzima- ju se na posebnim pikap mestima, što omogućava izbe-
Promo » Promo | 17
me scan
70 min
Prema legendi, nakon velike suše iz vrleti Velebita spustila se Crna kraljica i uz siloviti vetar i grmljavinu sručila se kiša, koja je padala toliko dugo da su se stvorila jezera / According to legend, the Black Queen descended from the Velebit cliffs following a great drought and, with a strong wind and thunderstorm, brought rain that fell for so long that these lakes were formed
Plitvice - magic of the Black Queen The Plitvice Lakes represent one of the most beautiful natu- ral monuments anywhere in Bal- kans, which have been includ- ed on the UNESCO list of world heritage sites since 1979. The lakes are fed by waters from lo- cal mountain streams that ini- tially flow into the highest lake, Prošćansko Lake, and head from there through 12 Upper and 4 Lower lakes, over waterfalls, rap- ids and cascades, until leaving the lowest lake and continuing along the River Korana. Apart from beautiful turquoise and crystal clear mountain lakes, this area also boasts the largest wa- terfall in Croatia, the Great Wa- terfall, Veliki Slap (78m), while the forests around the lakes are inhabited by brown bears, lynxes and wolves.
Plitvice - magija Crne kraljice Plitvička jezera su jedan od najlepših spomenika prirode na čitavom Balkanu, od 1979. se nalaze i na listi Uneskove baštine. Jezera se vodom hrane od lokalnih planinskih vodotoka koji se ulivaju u najviše
Prošćansko jezero i odatle kreće njen put kroz 12 gornjih i četiri donja jezera preko vodopada, brzaka i slapova, sve dok iz najnižeg jezera ne nastavi svoj put kroz reku Koranu. Osim prelepih tirkiznih i bistrih planinskih jezera, ovde se nalazi najveći vodopad u Hrvatskoj – Veliki slap (78 metara), a šume oko jezera nastanjuju mrki medved, ris i vuk.
Avanturisti Plitvice treba da posete zimi, kad se zamrznu slapovi i jezera / Adventurers should visit Plitvice during winter, when the waterfalls and lakes freeze over
18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
me scan
Bohinj i Bled lepota i led Slovenija je raskošan zeleni svet šuma, rečnih dolina i pašnjaka koji se sa istočnih obronaka Alpa spušta ka Panonskoj niziji i obalama severnog Jadrana. Ipak, glavna uloga na
sceni slovenačke lepote bez sumnje pripada njenim jezerima. Različite su dubine i veličine, ali su sva, bez izuzetka, oličenje mira i spokoja. Možete da zaboravite na vreme šetajući obalama Bleda, Bohinja, Jasne ili mnogih drugih gorskih očiju, čija će vas ledena lepota podsetiti na bajku.
Ostrvce na Bledskom jezeru je najpopularnija turistička tačka Slovenije / Lake Bled's island is Slovenia's most popular tourist destination
Bohinj & Bled beauty & ice Slovenia is a sumptuous green world of forests, river valleys and pastures, which descend from the eastern slopes of the Alps towards the Pannonian Plain and the northern shores of the Adriatic Sea. And yet the main role on the stage of Slo-
Dva glavna jezera su prelepi Bled, ljubimac turista iz celog sveta, i Bohinj, mlađi brat, divljiji i tiši / The two main lakes are the beautiful Bled, a favourite among tourists from all over the world, and its younger brother Bohinj, which is wilder and quieter
venian beauty is undoubted- ly played by its lakes. With var- ious depths and sizes, they all represent, without excep- tion, the embodiment of peace and tranquillity. You can for- get about the passing of time while strolling the shores of Bled, Bohinj, Jasna or many other mountain gems, with their icy beauty reminding you of a fairy tale.
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 19
Oslobodimo um za nove ideje. Za nova iskustva. Za nove dubine. Putovanje počinje u muzeju. U muzeju je i sloboda
Let’s liberate the mind for new ideas. For new experiences. For new depths. And the journey begins at the museum. Freedom is also in the museum
20 | Srbija stvara » Serbia creates
Liberate yourself at a museum … Just as spending 30 minutes in a deep forest protects the body from accumulated stress for weeks afterwards, so exposure to art serves to prevent the development of depression and anxiety, according to research conducted recently. Spending just 30 minutes a day reading a good book, listening to high-quality music, walking through a museum, drawing, painting or sculpting reduces the possibility of the aforementioned afflictions and disorders of the modern age appearing. This is especially so during this time of pandemics and isolation. DURING A TIME WHEN WE CANNOT TRAVEL FREELY, when there are none of the social gatherings to which we are accustomed, the best option is to turn inwards to our own micro-world, and to explore it well. Within that world it is possible to travel to all longitudes and latitudes; in all directions and at any time of the day, and it is easiest to start that journey at a museum… With safe distancing, a controlled number of people, wearing a protective mask featuring a print of your favourite artwork, your journey through time, spheres and spaces can begin. Let’s liberate ourselves from the fear of un- certainty; from feelings of angst and unease that torment us increasingly during times of crisis. Let’s liberate the mind for new ideas, for new ex- periences, for new depths. And the journey be- gins at the museum. Freedom also resides in the museum.
… baš kao što 30 minuta provedenih u dubokoj šumi nedeljama kasnije štiti organizam od nakupljenog stresa, tako i izlaganje umetnosti deluje kao prevencija depresije i anksioznosti, pokazuju novija istraživanja. Svega 30 minuta dnevno – čitanje dobre knjige, slušanja kvalitetne muzike, šetnja muzejom, crtanje, slikanje, vajanje – smanjuju mogućnost pojave pomenutih bolesti i poremećaja modernog doba. Posebno u vreme pandemije i izolacije. U VREMENU KADA NE MOŽEMO SLOBODNO DA PUTUJEMO, kada nema društvenih okupljanja na koja smo navi- kli, najbolje je okrenuti se sopstvenom mi- krosvetu i dobro ga istražiti. U tom svetu su moguća putovanja po svim geografskim dužinama i širinama. U svim pravcima i u svako doba dana, a najlakše se počinje u muzeju… Bezbedna distanca, kontrolisan broj ljudi, zaštitna maska sa printom omi- ljenog umetničkog dela i putovanje kroz vreme, sfere i prostore može da počne. Oslobodimo se straha od neizvesnosti, anksioznosti i skučenosti koji nas sve če- šće tište u vreme krize. Oslobodimo um za nove ideje. Za nova iskustva. Za nove dubi- ne. Putovanje počinje u muzeju. U muzeju je i sloboda. Oslobodi se u muzeju
Serbia creates » Srbija stvara | 21
Razglednica /Postcard
AMSTERDAM AMSTERDAM Parada za decu i odrasle Svakog novembra Sinterklas, holandska verzija Svetog Nikole, putuje iz Španije do Holandije noseći poklone za decu. Dan nakon dolaska tradicionalno učestvuje na paradi kroz Amsterdam, koja se ove go- dine održava 15. novembra. Sinterklas vole i deca i odrasli, a dokaz za to je da ovaj događaj svake godine isprati više od 200.000 posetilaca. On ulazi u grad plo- veći rekom Amstel dok mu ljudi mašu po- kraj kanala, a vodena parada završava se u Pomorskom muzeju, gde Sinterklasa dočekuje gradonačelnik Amsterdama. PARADE FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS Sinterklaas, the Dutch version of Saint Ni- cholas, travels from Spain to the Nether- lands every November, bringing gifts for children. A day after his arrival, he traditio- nally participates in a parade through Am- sterdam, which is this year being held on 15 th November. Sinterklaas is loved by both children and adults alike, proof of which can be found in the fact that this event is attended annually by more than 200,000 visitors. He enters the city by sailing along the Amstel, with people waving to him along the length of the canal, until this wa- terborne parade ends at the Maritime Mu- seum, where Sinterklaas is welcomed by the mayor of Amsterdam.
NJUJORK NEW YORK Proslavite Dan zahvalnosti u Njujorku Njujork u novembru znači da je vreme za proslavu Dana zahvalnosti i Crnog petka. Učestvujte u pravoj američkoj tradiciji sa ćuretinom i tortom od sira. Idite na para- du koja se takođe prenosi uživo na televizi- ji (kanal NBC), a odmah toga uživajte u još jednoj tradiciji Dana Zahvalnosti - Nacio- nalnoj izložbi pasa. Posle večere, običaj je gledanje filmova (kod kuće ili u bioskopu). Budući da je većina pozorišta i muzeja za- tvorena na Dan zahvalnosti, možete oče- kivati da veče bude mirnije i sporije nego obično. A jutro počinje sa Crnim petkom i šoping popustima. CELEBRATE THANKSGIVING IN NY New York in November means it’s time to celebrate both Thanksgiving and Black Fri- day. Take part in the real American traditi- on of Thanksgiving with turkey and cheese- cake. Attend the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade! It’s also live on TV (NBC). The pa- rade is immediately followed by another Thanksgiving institution: the National Dog Show. Watching movies (either at home or in the cinema) is a popular post-Thanksgi- ving dinner tradition. Given that the majo- rity of Broadway shows and museums are closed on Thanksgiving Day, you can expe- ct the evening to be quieter and more le- isurely than usual. And you can start your Black Friday shopping as early as Thanksgi- ving evening.
I belgijska prestonica rešila je obeleži 250 godina od rođenja Ludviga van Betovena. Tako je do januara naredne godine u Bri- selu u centru za likovnu umetnost BOZAR otvorena izložba Hotel Betoven o njego- voj muzici i idejama. Izložba pokreće pi- tanje da li umetnost može da promeni način na koji slušamo, ako već može da promeni način na koji vidimo svet. Pred- stavlja muziku koja putuje kroz različita doba i gledišta, pa odložite kofer i poseti- te je ako se već zateknete u Briselu. HOTEL BEETHOVEN The Belgian capital is the latest city to opt to commemorate the 250 th anniversary of the birth of Ludwig van Beethoven, wi- th an exhibition about his music and ideas, entitled “Hotel Beethoven”, open at the ci- ty’s BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts until Janu- ary 2021. The exhibition poses the questi- on of whether art can change the way we listen to the world, given that it can alre- ady change the way we see it. The exhibi- tion represents music that journeys thro- ugh time, covering different ages and perspectives, so put aside your suitcase and pay it a visit if you happen to find yo- urself in Brussels.
22 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
ŠTUTGART STUTTGART Praznici su sve bliže
KOPENHAGEN COPENHAGEN Restoran koji prima samo jednog gosta Restoran 1 : 1 u danskoj prestonici pri- ma samo jednog gosta i najmanji je na svetu. Vlasnik restorana je zapravo naj- veći lanac supermarketa u zemlji, ko- ji je došao na ovu ideju zbog toga što je u Danskoj gotovo trećina domaćinsta- va jednočlana. Cilj je da se gost fokusira na svoj obrok, da ga oseti i doživi na pravi način, ali i da ovaj lanac marketa promo- više svoja nova gotova jela. Gosti koji su posetili restoran oduševljeni su i kažu da je čudno, ali svakako zabavno i drugačije iskustvo uživanja u hrani.
ATINA ATHENS Za ljubitelje fotografije
Počev od 25. novembra, narednih 29 da- na najveće gradske ulice Štutgarta mi- risaće na kuvano vino i medenjake s ci- metom. Za to je kriv jedan od najvećih i najstarijih božićnih vašara u Evropi, ko- ji se u ovom gradu održava svake godine, a u spisima se prvi put zvanično pominje još 1692. Na više trgova u gradu biće po- stavljeni štandovi sa hranom, božićnim poklonima, rukotvorinama, a nezaobila- zni deo vašara predstavlja i market anti- kviteta na Kalrsplacu.
Atinski foto festival je najvažniji događaj posvećen fotografiji u jugoistočnoj Evro- pi još od 1987. i svake godine fokusira se na određenu temu. U skladu sa okolnosti- ma, ove godine u centru pažnje je pan- demija, ali od preko sto dela iz celog sve- ta ima i onih iz drugih sfera, koji prikazuju raznolike umetničke i socijalne perspek- tive. Festival traje do 15. novembra u mu- zeju Benaki, a prate ga i radionice na ko- jima fotografi razmenjuju ideje, iskustva i inicijative. FOR LOVERS OF PHOTOGRAPHY The Athens Photo Festival has been Sout- heast Europe’s most important event de- dicated to photography since 1987, fo- cusing on a specific topic each year. In accordance with the circumstances, the focus this year is on the pandemic, but the hundred-plus works from all over the wor- ld that are on display include those from other spheres, which show various artistic and social perspectives. The festival runs until 15 th November at the Benaki Museum and has accompanying workshops at whi- ch photographers can exchange ideas, experiences and initiatives.
From 25 th November, and for the next 29 days, the largest street in the city of Stutt- gart will be filled with the aroma of mulled wine and gingerbread with cinnamon. The “blame” for this belongs to one of Europe’s largest and oldest Christmas fairs, whi- ch is held in this city every year and was first officially mentioned in records dating back to 1692. Several city squares will bo- ast stalls offering food, Christmas gifts and handicraft items, while an unavoida- ble part of the fair is represented by the antiques market on Kalrsplatz.
The Danish capital’s Restaurant 1:1 ac- cepts only a single guest at a time and is the world’s smallest eatery. The restaurant is actually owned by the largest super- market chain in the country, which came up with this idea because almost a third of households in Denmark have only a single member. The goal is to enable the guest to focus on their meal, to feel and expe- rience it in the right way, but also for this supermarket chain to promote its new re- ady meals. Guests who’ve visited the re- staurant are thrilled with the experience, describing it as strange, but certainly a fun and different way of enjoying food.
Tekst/Words: Biljana Stefanović Fotografije/Photography:, iStock
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 23
Culture Kultura
Umetnost Art
24 | Intervju » Interview NIKOLA INTERVJU PEJAKOVIĆ
Ovog novembra stižu nam Kosti , nastavak Mesa , ali sprema se i film o jednom od najvoljenijih muzičara sa ovih prostora, pesniku tuge, boemu Tomi Zdravkoviću…
Arriving on our screens this November is Bones, while preparations are also underway for a film about one of this region’s most beloved musicians, poet of sorrow and bohemian Toma Zdravković…
Što nas dovodi do trećeg dela trilogije. Da li je Koža već u pripremi i znate li već priču koju želite da ispričate? I zašto uopšte Me- so , Kosti , Koža … – Imam priču za treći deo, nadam se da će i Ko- ža doći na red. Meso, kosti, koža su propadljive stva- ri, zemaljske, prašina... Ljudi se batrgaju, muče svoje telo, lome svoje kosti, režu kožu radi nebitnih stvari, a o duši ne brinu. Nažalost, i ova civilizacija podržava tu logiku, za koju mi mislimo da je naopaka i pogreš- na. Telo je propadljivo, duša nije. Radite i nešto sasvim drugačije. Donosite nam priču o jednom od najvoljenijih pevača stare Juge, legendarnom Tomi Zdravkovi- ću. Otkud vi u tome, volite li Tomu? – Ja već dugo živim od pisanja, od scenarija za lm i TV. Od reči. S druge strane, neka moja životna isku- stva su, verovatno, bila dodatni motiv producentima da meni prepuste pisanje scenarija o Tomi. Nisam Tomu upoznao, ali poznajem njegov rad i pamtim vreme ka- da je novokomponovana narodna muzika imala dušu. Imali ste priliku da istražujete njegov ži- vot. Da li ste saznali nešto što niste znali ili vas je na neki način dirnulo? – Dirnule su me ljubav, odanost i lojalnost njego- ve supruge Gordane. Ona i dalje živi za njega, sa To- mom u mislima. Tomina biograja je zaista lmska, uzbudljiva, savršen predložak za lm. Pokušao sam da izbegnem anegdotski pristup u pisanju scenarija i osvetlim njegovu tugu. Imate li ljubimicu među Tominim pesma- ma: Danka , Branka , Jelena , Ljiljana ili možda ipak Dotako sam dno života ? – Postoji pesma Šta je to u meni . Poslušajte je. O toj pesmi i o činjenici da ju je Toma voleo govorila mi je njegova supruga Gordana. Spremate i projekat sa Brankom Katić. Mo- žete li nam reći o čemu se radi? – Bosonoga produkcija u saradnji sa RTS-om treba da radi seriju Advokado . To je punokrvna, rasna ko- medija. Branka igra jednu od uloga. Tu su još mnogi naši veliki glumci u podeli, ali o tome ćemo kada do- đe vreme za to. Za kraj, ali ne najmanje važno, naravno, jer čini se da od svih svojih talenata najvi- še ipak volite muziku. Šta se kuva u muzič- koj kuhinji? – Ima novih pesama i uskoro ćemo objaviti još jedan singl. Pesma Meksikanac je prva objavljena sa novog albuma. Album stiže, daće bog, u 2021. godi- ni bez korone.
Pričam priče o čuvanju duše Naša tela, kao i naši životi, blesak su u večnosti, sekund, ništa, ali duša je večna. Mi na neki način pričamo o pažnji s kojom treba brinuti o svojoj duši; ostaviti zemlji ono što je njeno, a sa sobom poneti samo ono što je večno U glumcu, scenaristi, reditelju i muzičaru Nikoli Pejakoviću Kolji (54) sjedinjeni su puls, sevdah i šmek umetnika rođenog u Banjaluci, a odraslog na brdovitom Bal- kanu. On ima poznato ime i prezime, a retko ko ga zaista poznaje. Ali publika uvek traži još – seriju, nov lm, svirku... Posle fenomenalnog uspeha Mesa u novem- bru nas očekuje premijera Kostiju . Iako je to drugi deo trilogije, priče neće biti pove- zane? – Ne. Fabula, zaplet, likovi, sve je novo. Osim Ba- njaluke, ona je ista, uvek ista... Da, vaša Banjaluka, stavili ste je na svetsku scenu, budući da je Meso mnogo putovalo. Šta je najvažnije i najlepše što biste o Ba- njaluci rekli nekom strancu? – Nisam najbolji sagovornik za to. Nemam te sen- timentalne naočare, nemam lokal-patriotski pogled na Banjaluku, već kritički, običan, svakodnevni. Mene više zanimaju vreme i okolnosti u kojima stasavaju genera- cije; promene vremena i sistema. Banjaluka živi jednu ngiranu istoriju već 60 godina, lažnu i nametnutu. Po- lako se oslobađa toga, ali treba dosta da prođe da bismo se vratili na vrednosti i standarde Bana Milosavljevića, pre komunističke puzajuće revolucije umotane u NOB. Upoznali smo Mirka i Slavka, a sada nam dolaze dva tipa i obojica se zovu Kosta, a ipak su sasvim različiti. Serija se bavi po- sleratnim vremenom, koje nas, kako ste jednom izjavili, sve poravnava. Hoće li se obojici lomiti kosti i hoće li nam biti teško da gledamo? – Kosti su dramska serija sa elementima trilera, ali humor je sastavni deo nekog našeg stila, pristupa, ako smem tako da kažem. Nije sve tako crno i mrač- no. Međutim, nema ničega smešnog u našoj priči o pokajanju. U tom smislu, ova serija nije zabavnog ka- raktera, ali nije ni puko lozoranje u slikama, već dramsko tkivo, sukobljavanje sila dobra i zla preko le- đa ljudi koji se lome pred teškim odlukama i pod teš- kim okolnostima.
Tekst/Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije/Photography: Drago Vejnović, Vladimir Šporčić
Interview » Intervju | 25
Nemam lokalpatriotski pogled na Banjaluku, već kritički, običan, svakodnevni. Mene više zanimaju vreme i okolnosti u kojima stasavaju generacije; promene vremena i sistema I don’t have a local-patriotic view of Banja Luka, but rather a critical, ordinary, everyday view. I’m more interested in the time, in the circumstances under which generations grow up; changes in times and the system
INTERVIEW NIKOLA PEJAKOVIC, ARTIST I tell stories about preserving the soul Our bodies, just like our lives, are merely a flash in eternity, a second and nothing more, but the soul is eternal. We are, in a way, talking about the attention with which one should take care of one’s soul; to leave to the Earth that which is hers, and to take with us only that which is eternal A ctor, screenwriter, director and musician Nikola Pejaković Kolja (54) has a pulse, passion and the aura of an artist who was born in Banja Luka and grew up among the hills of the Balkans. He has a well- known name and surname, but only a rare few real- ly know him. But the public always seek more from him – another TV series, a new film, a concert... Ar- riving this November is Kosti [Bones], as a sequel to Mesa [Flesh], a TV series and film that won numer- ous awards worldwide, while he is also preparing a film about one of the most beloved musicians from this region - the sorrowful poet and bohemian To- ma Zdravković…
Following the phenomenal success of ‘Mesa’, we are awaited this November by the pre- miere of its follow-up, ‘Kosti’. Although this is the second part of a trilogy, the stories won’t be connected directly? - No. e contents, plot, characters and everything is new. Apart from Banja Luka, which is the same, al- ways the same… Yes, your Banja Luka - you elevated the city to the world stage, given that Meso trav- elled a lot. What is the most important and most beautiful thing you would say about Banja Luka to a foreigner? - I’m not the best interlocutor for that. I don’t have those sentimental spectacles; I don’t have a lo- cal-patriotic view of Banja Luka, but rather a critical, ordinary, everyday view. I’m more interested in the time, in the circumstances under which generations grow up; changes in times and the system. Banja Lu- ka has been living in a fictitious history for 60 years already, false and imposed. It is slowly freeing itself of that, but it will take a long time to return to the values and standards of Ban Milosavljević, before the creep- ing communist revolution wrapped up in the Nation- al Liberation War [WWII]. We’ve met Mirko and Slavko, now we’re awaited by two guys who are both called Ko- sta but who are nonetheless completely dif- ferent people. e series deals with the post-war period, which, as you once stat- ed, flattens everything. Will they both break bones and will it be tough for us to watch?
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Čitam malo i nedovoljno Izjavili ste jednom da su vam određene knjige promenile život i sa dna vas vratile na put ve- re po kojem i sada tako dobro hodate. Šta ste to pročitali? – Pročitao sam malo i nedovoljno, ali taman da mi srce malo omekša, da se trgnem i krenem ka novom čoveku. Među njima, za mene lepa i važna knjiga je Suze za svet . To je knjiga o tro- jici staraca sa Svete gore. Neka vrsta zbirke svedočanstava drugih ljudi, monaha i mirjana, o svetim starcima. I READ A LITTLE AND NOT ENOUGH You stated once that certain books changed your life and raised you from rock bottom to a path of faith that you are still walking along so well today. What was it that you read? - I read a little and not enough. But just enough to soften my heart a little, to tug me and move me towards being a new man. Among them, a beautiful and important book for me is Tears for the World. That’s a book about three old men from Mount Athos. It’s a kind of collection of testimonies of other people, monks and laymen, about holy elders.
Which brings us to the third part of the tril- ogy. Are preparations already underway for Koža [Skin], and do you already know the story you want to tell? And why did you opt for Flesh, Bones, Skin…? - I have the story for the third part; I hope that Koža will also get its turn. Flesh, bones and skin are things that decompose, earthly, dust... People squirm, torture their bodies, break their bones, cut their skin, do unimportant things, and don’t care about their soul. Unfortunately, this civilisation also supports that logic, which we think is upside down and wrong. e body is perishable, but the soul is not. You are also working on something com- pletely different. You are bringing us the story of one of the most beloved singers of the former Yugoslavia, the legendary To- ma Zdravković. How come you ended up in- volved in that; are you a fan of Toma? - I’ve long been making a living from writing, from writing screenplays for film and TV... From words. On the other hand, some of my own life experiences prob- ably provided additional motivation for the producers to leave it up to me to write the screenplay about To- ma. I never met Toma, but I’m familiar with his work and I remember the time when newly composed folk music had soul. You had an opportunity to research his life. Did you discover something you didn’t know or that touched you in some way? - I was touched by love and devotion, the loyalty of his wife Gordana. She still lives for him, with To- ma in her thoughts. Toma’s biography is truly cine- matic, exciting, and the perfect template for a film. I tried to avoid an anecdotal approach in writing the screenplay and to shed light on his sadness. Do you have a favourite among Toma’s songs: Danka, Branka, Jelena, Ljiljana, or maybe I Touched e Bottom Of Life? - ere’s a song called ‘What’s at In Me’. Listen to it. His wife Gordana told me about that song and the fact that Toma loved it. You are also preparing a project with Branka Katić. Can you tell us about it? - A Barefoot production in cooperation with RTS, it should create the series Advokado. is is a full-blooded, thoroughbred comedy. Branka plays one of the roles. Also there are many more of our great actors in the mix, but we’ll talk about that when the time comes. And last, but of course by no means least, because it seems that of all your talents you nonetheless love music the most, what are you cooking in your musical kitchen? - ere are new songs and we’ll release anoth- er single soon. e song ‘e Mexican’ is the first to be released from the new album. at album is com- ing, God willing, in 2021, a year without the ‘Corona’.
- Kosti is a drama series with elements of a thrill- er, but humour is an integral part of our style, our approach, if I may put it that way. Not everything is so black and dark. However, there is nothing funny about our story of repentance. In that sense, this se- ries doesn’t have an entertaining character, but nor is it mere philosophising in images; rather it has a dramatic fabric, a clash of the forces of good and evil via the backs of people who break when faced with difficult decisions and under difficult circumstances.
Umetnost je stalno podsećanje na to da bog postoji i da smo mi, ljudi, samo deo velikog plana / Art is a constant reminder that God exists and that we, as humans, are only part of a grand plan
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