Elevate December 2021 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Odbrojavanje može da počne / The countdown may begin WISHING YOU HAPPY NEW TRAVELS Srećna vam nova putovanja



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Jednostavna kupovina karata Easy booking

Laka prijava na let Fast flight check-in Bezbedno ču vanje putnih dokumenata Safe storing of travel documents Karte za ukrcavanje na let uvek nadohvat ruke Keep your boarding tickets handy

Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

Dragi putnici, Decembar 2021. godine

December 2021

Dear Passengers,

POČINJE MAGIČNO DOBA GODINE, KADA SE U VAZDUHU osećaju euforija i nestrpljenje da se hrabro započne novo i uzbudljivo poglavlje. To je vre- me kada se čini da je sve moguće i da će nam odbroja- vanje do sklapanja kazaljki u ponoć 31. decembra do- neti ispunjenje svih želja. Mi u Er Srbiji više verujemo u planove, strategiju i dobro promišljene korake na putu do cilja. Godina koju ispraćamo bila je specifična – posledice pandemi- je i dalje se osećaju na globalnom nivou, ograničenja u putovanjima još su prisutna, a planiranje je oteža- no jer je sve lako podložno promenama. Ipak, može- mo reći da je ova godina za nas bila bolja od prethod- ne. Samo u prva tri kvartala 2021. prevezli smo za 40 odsto više putnika nego tokom cele 2020. godine. Na- porno smo radili, brzo se prilagođavali promenljivoj situaciji i pratili potrebe putnika, pa ni napredak ni- je izostao – u gotovo svim segmentima ostvarili smo bolje rezultate od industrijskog proseka. Postavili smo čvrste temelje i verujemo da će 2022. godina biti još bolja. Nastavljamo da prilagođavamo mre- žu, radimo na digitalizaciji poslovanja i unapređe- nju korisničkog iskustva. Najlepši mogući način za ispraćaj stare i ulazak u novu godinu, ujedno i najbolji praznični poklon dra- gim ljudima, predstavljaju upravo putovanja. Ne ka- že se bez razloga da je „putovanje jedina stvar koju kupujete a da vas čini bogatijim“. Imajući to u vidu, pripremili smo za vas specijalnu zimsku ponudu kako biste kraj ove i početak naredne godine proslavili na nekim od najpopularnijih destinacija iz naše mreže. Doček Nove godine ispred Brandenburške kapi- je uz tradicionalnu krofnu sa džemom u Berlinu ili uz vatromet na trgovima u Diseldorfu i Štutgartu; mediteranski doček u duhu Barselone – veseo i bu- čan; bajkoviti doček u nordijskim zemljama – Oslo, Kopenhagen i Stokholm bliži su vam nego ikada uz našu zimsku ponudu. Tokom novogodišnjih prazni- ka pojačali smo i frekvenciju letenja do gradova u re- gionu koji su tradicionalno veoma popularni u ovom periodu, kao što su Zagreb i Ljubljana. Izbor je na va- ma, a mi smo tu da se pobrinemo da uživate u sva- kom trenutku putovanja do željene destinacije i u povratku kući. To je ujedno i ono što vam želimo u 2022. godi- ni – da što više putujete sa nama, kao i da se uvek sa osmehom vraćate najdražoj destinaciji na plane- ti – svom domu.

THE MAGICAL TIME OF THE YEAR HAS BEGUN; the time when you can feel euphoria in the air and an ea- gerness to boldly open a new and exciting chapter. This is the time of year when everything seems possible and it is as if the countdown to the meeting of the hands of the clock at midnight on 31 st December will make all our wishes come true. At Air Serbia, we place more trust in plans, strategies and well-conceived steps on the path to achieving a goal. The year behind us was very specific – the consequences of the pandemic can still be felt globally, travel restrictions are still around and it remains more difficult to make plans, with the possibility that everything could easily change in an instant. However, we can say that, for us, this year was better than the last one. In the first three quarters of 2021 alone, we carried 40 per cent more passengers than we did during the whole of 2020. We worked hard, adapting quick- ly to the shifting situation, and kept pace with the needs of passengers. This ensured that progress was not lack- ing and that we achieved better results than the indus- try average in almost all segments. We have laid strong foundations to support the belief that 2022 will be even better. And we are continuing to adapt our network, dig- italise our operations and improve the user experience. The best possible way to see out the old year and wel- come the new one, but also the best holiday gift for your loved ones, is travel. It isn’t without good reason that we say “travel is the only thing you buy that makes you rich- er”. With that in mind, we have prepared a special win- ter offer for you to celebrate the end of this year, and the start of the next one, at some of our network’s most pop- ular destinations. Celebrating the New Year in front of Berlin’s Branden- burg Gate, with a traditional jelly doughnut, or with fire- works on the squares of Düsseldorf or Stuttgart; a Medi- terranean party in the spirit of Barcelona – joyous and loud; a fairy-tale New Year’s Eve in one of the great Nordic cit- ies – Oslo, Copenhagen or Stockholm. These options are all closer than ever before thanks to our winter offer. We’ve also increased the frequency of our flights during the hol- iday season to the cities of the region that are traditional- ly very popular in this period, such as Zagreb and Ljublja- na. The choice is yours, and we’re here to ensure that you enjoy every moment of the journey to and from your de- sired destination. And that’s also what we wish for you in 2022: to travel with us as much as you can, and to always return to your fa- vourite destination on the planet – your home – with a smile.

Duncan Naysmith CEO Air Serbia

Enjoy the flight and have a good trip,

Uživajte u letu i srećan put.



Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5





najpopularnije čarter- destinacije / Hurghada and Antalya prove most popular charter destinations Sa Er Srbijom na put vina od Nju Džerzija do Srbije / With Air Serbia on wine route leading from New Jersey to Serbia Vreme je za ružne novogodišnje džempere / It’s time for ugly festive sweaters Vintidž je u modi: Ceo Njujork nosi second-hand / Vintage is fashionable: the whole of New York is wearing second-hand gear

 Glamurozno Srpsko filantropsko veče u Njujorku / Glamorous Serbian philanthropic gala evening in New York



 Putujemo sa glumcem Branislavom Tomaševićem / We travel with actor Branislav Tomašević



 Srbija na Svetskom prvenstvu 2022: Idemo u Katar / Serbia at the 2022 World Cup: we’re going to Qatar


 Er Srbija vas vodi u Njujork / Air Serbia takes you to New York



 Matriks uskrsnuće: Crvena ili plava pilula? / The Matrix Resurrections: red or blue pill?  Koldplej na ekološkoj turneji / Coldplay on an eco-friendly tour I tek tako... Uz Seks i grad s e vraćamo u Njujork / And just like that...With Sex and the City we return to New York



6 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović

Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Aleksandra Beslać, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Jovana Velimirović Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Oliver Bunić, Milan Ilić, Snežana Krstić Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs

RITAM SRBIJE RHYTHM OF SERBIA 84. Bez kola nema pravog veselja: Vodimo vas u Pirot / Without a kolo there is no real joy: we‘re taking you to Pirot

RITAM GRADA RHYTHM OF THE CITY 56. Branko Pešić, čovek koji je učinio Beograd većim i lepšim / Branko Pešić, the man who made Belgrade bigger and more beautiful



Crkva Ružica na Kalemegdanu: Na

Moskva slavi velikog pisca: U poseti mladom Dostojevskom / Moscow celebrates a great writer: paying a visit to a young Dostoevsky Snežne planine regiona spremne za uživanje / The region’s snowy mountains are ready to be enjoyed

proleće zelena, na jesen rumena / Ružica Church on Kalemegdan: green in the spring, vermillion in the autumn


Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

SPORT SPORTS 104. Sportisti zbog kojih

smo slavili u 2021. / The athletes whose feats we celebrated in 2021

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved


Mala istorija uspomena: Nevini kič snežne kugle / Mini history of memories: innocent kitsch of the snow globe Estetika aktuelnih suvenira: Dizajnerski pozdrav iz Beograda / Aesthetics of topical souvenirs: Designer greetings from Belgrade


Broj / Issue No. 334 Naslovna strana / Cover Depositphotos

Praznici nam stižu / The holidays are coming Foto/ Photo: Depositphotos

Contents » Sadržaj | 7

In focus U fokusu




U SRCU NJUJORKA, DRUGI PUT Glamurozno Srpsko filantropsko veče Sakupljeno je više od 70.000 dolara za besplatno školovanje u IT sektoru u Srbiji

NA DRUGOJ SRPSKOJ FI- LANTROPSKOJ GALA VEČERI ODRŽANOJ 12. novembra u sve- čanoj sali istorijskog zdanja Gotam Hol u Njujorku, zahvaljujući veliko- dušnim donacijama prisutnih zva- nica, prikupljeno je 70.200 dolara za besplatnu školu IT Bootcamp za prekvalifikaciju u IT sektor u Srbiji. – Bilo je to zaista spektakular- no gala veče. Ponosni smo na rezul- tate koji opravdavaju vreme, trud i emocije posvećene ovom projektu. Pružili smo ljudima priliku da se upoznaju, izgrade odnose koji će ojačati našu zajednicu u Njujorku, kao i da zajedno proslavimo srpsku kulturu i tradiciju. Posebno smo oduševljeni odazivu 420 ljudi ko- ji su došli na događaj i donirali više

nović, supruga predsednika Srbije Tamara Vučić, v.d. generalnog kon- zula Srbije u Njujorku Olgica Vla- čić i konzul Tamara Vujović, vladika istočno-američki Irinej Dobrijević, energetski ekspert Branko Terzić, partner u konsaltingu Lazar Krstić, investitor Džon Jovanović, kao i brojni ugledni pripadnici srpske dijaspore. Glavni organizacioni partner događaja bila je kompanija Er Sr- bija , koja je pomogla logističku pri- premu i pružila podršku u promo- ciji. Gosti su imali priliku da vide kratak promotivni film Er Srbije i Turističke organizacije Srbije koji ih poziva da posete našu zemlju. Srpsko filantropsko udruženje se zahvaljuje i svim drugim organiza-

od 70.000 dolara. Prikupljena sred- stva će omogućiti besplatnu obuku za 200 novih polaznika neprofitne škole IT Bootcamp . Najviše sred- stava smo prikupili putem aukci- je predmeta koje su nam donirali naši svetski priznati sportisti No- vak Đoković, Nikola Jokić i Bogdan Bogdanović – rekao je Petar Mar- ković, jedan od osnivača i predsed- nik Upravnog odbora Srpskog fi- lantropskog udruženja. Domaćini večeri bili su pozna- ti srpski glumac Nikola Đuričko i Gordana Jelić, članica Srpskog fi- lantropskog udruženja. Među prisutnim gostima iz svih kraje- va sveta našli su se i glumci Dra- gan Bjelogrlić, Tamara Dragičević, Petar Benčina, pevač Davor Jova-

Odazvalo se 420 ljudi koji su došli na događaj i donirali više od 70.000 dolara 420 people attended the event and donated more than 70,000 dollars 70.000

8 | Njujork » New York


1 Organizacioni tim druge Srpske filantropske gala večeri 2 Petar Marković 3 Tamara Dragićević i Petar Benčina 4 Atmosfera je bila i svečana i vesela 5 Džordž Petković sa kabinskim osobljem Er Srbije 1 Organisational team of the second Serbian Philanthropic Gala evening 2 Petar Marković 3 Tamara Dragićević and Petar Benčina 4 The event had both a formal and joyous atmosphere 5 George Petković with Air Serbia cabin crew

AT THE HEART OF NEW YORK, FOR A SECOND TIME Glamorous Serbian philanthropic gala evening More than 70,000 dollars raised for free IT sector training in Serbia

Đuričko and Serbian Philanthrop- ic Association member Gordana Jelić. Guests in attendance from all corners of the world included actors Dragan Bjelogrlić, Tamara Dragičević and Petar Benčina, sing- er Davor Jovanović, First Lady of Serbia Tamara Vučić, acting Ser- bian Consul General in New York Olgica Vlačić and Consul Tamara Vujović, Serbian Orthodox Bishop of Eastern American Irinej Dobri- jevic, energy expert Branko Terzić, consulting partner Lazar Krstić, in- vestor John Jovanović and numer- ous notable members of the Ser- bian diaspora. Air Serbia, which served as main organising partner, provid- ed assistance with logistical prepa- ration and promotional support. Guests had an opportunity to watch a short promotional film produced jointly by Air Serbia and the Tour- ist Organisation of Serbia, which invited them to tour our country. The Serbian Philanthropic Associ- ation also expressed its gratitude to all other organisations and indi- viduals who helped with the organ- ising of the gala evening through their support and donations. The gala’s music programme included the participation of fa- mous guitarist Nikola Stajić and the seven-member 2Funky band from Boston, together with young Serbian vocalists Nevena Đorđević and Ilija Mihailović. The culmina- tion of the evening was reserved for the New York acoustic guitar duo of Srđan & Vukan, while the gala was also enriched by the per- formance of dance couple Miro- slav ‘Miša’ Ranđelović and Dako- ta Pizzi, U.S. state champions in Latin American dance.

THANKS TO THE GENER- OUS DONATIONS OF ATTEND- ING GUESTS, the second Serbian Philanthropic Gala dinner, held on 12 th November in the ceremonial hall of New York’s historic Gotham Hall venue, resulted in $70,200 be- ing raised for the free IT Bootcamp school for IT sector retraining in Serbia. “This was a really spectacu- lar gala evening. We are proud of the results that serve to justi- fy the time, effort and emotions that we’ve devoted to this pro- ject. We provided people with an opportunity to get to know each other, to build relationships that will strengthen our community in New York, but also to jointly cel- ebrate Serbian culture and tradi- tion. We are particularly delight- ed with the turnout of 420 people who attended the event and donat- ed more than 70,000 dollars. The funds raised will enable free train- ing for 200 new attendees of the non-profit IT Bootcamp school. We

cijama i pojedincima koji su svo- jom podrškom i donacijama pomo- gli organizovanju večeri. U muzičkom programu uče- stvovali su poznati gitarista Ni-

kola Stajić i sedmo- člani bend 2Funky iz Bostona sa našim mla- dim vokalima Nevenom Đorđević i Ilijom Miha- ilovićem. Kraj večeri bio je rezervisan za njujorš- ki duo akustičnih gitara, Srđana i Vukana, a veče je uveličao i nastup ple- snog para Miroslava Mi- še Ranđelovića i Dakote Pici, američkih državnih prvaka u latinoamerič- kom plesu.

raised the most funds through the auctioning of items donated to us by our world-renowned athletes Novak Đoković, Nikola Jokić and Bogdan Bogdanović,” said Petar Marković, one of the co-founders and presi- dent of the Serbian Phil- anthropic Association’s Board of Directors. The gala’s guest hosts were famous Serbian actor Nikola


New York » Njujork | 9

Na letu

On board

Elegantno putovanje sa pogledom An elegant journey with a view BRANISLAV TOMAŠEVIĆ, GLUMAC BRANISLAV TOMAŠEVIĆ, ACTOR


Neka uzbudljiva knjiga mi je stalni saputnik na svim putovanjima. Some exciting book is my constant travel companion on all my journeys

2 Uvek nosim neke

bombonice ili žvake da mogu da se osvežim. I always carry some sweets or chewing gum to freshen up

AVIONE VOLIM ZATO ŠTO SU VE- LIČANSTVEN IZUM KOJI mi omoguća- va da se elegantno i brzo prevezem do že- ljene destinacije. Posebno zadovoljstvo mi predstavlja to što svet mogu da posmatram iz drugačije perspektive. I LOVE AEROPLANES BECAUSE THEY ARE A MAGNIFICENT invention that enables me to journey to my desired destination elegantly and quickly. Repre- senting a special pleasure for me is the fact that I can observe the world from a differ- ent perspective.


Muzika mi je vrlo važna na putovanjima, tako da sebi uvek omogućim da slušam i uživam u onome za šta sam raspoložen. Music is very important to me on my journeys, so I always ensure that I can listen to and enjoy whatever I’m in the mood for

FOTO: Depositphotos / Dr911

Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije / Photography: Depositphotos, Snežana Krstić



Ne mogu da zamislim ulazak u avion bez nekog ilustrovanog časopisa. I can't imagine boarding a plane without some illustrated magazine

Apsolutno uvek imam naočare za sunce, često mi zatrebaju. I absolutely always carry sunglasses, and need them often

10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia



12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia



me scan


Bajkoviti Božić u Njujorku

Božić je vreme kada se najve e nju - jorške atrakcije pretvaraju u sve - čane zimske ekstravagancije! Tu su praznični marketi na otvore - nom koje možete posetiti, porodič - ni šou-programi kao što je Božić ni spektakl Radio sitija i druge kultne tradicije poput potpunog ludila na Petoj aveniji i u Dajker Hajtsu. Kada ih precrtate sa liste, možete napra - viti mesta i za nove, samo svoje tra - dicije, jer Njujorku ne manjka stvari koje e vas oduševiti! Naš vodič ć e vam pomoć i da sve lepo isplanirate i snađete se u najveselijem godiš - njem dobu u Njujorku, ali možete da pustite i da vas ovaj čarobni grad sam nosi u avanture. It’s Christmas time when the best New York attractions transform into festive winter extravaganzas! There are open-air holiday markets to hit, family-friendly shows, such as the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, and other iconic traditions like the all-out-madness holiday displays on Fifth Avenue and in Dyker Heights. Once you’ve ticked them off your list, you can make room for new tradi- tions that are yours alone, because New York has no lack of things that will delight you! Our guide will help you nicely plan everything and han- dle the most joyful season in New York, but you can also leave it up to this magical city to take you on ad- ventures. Fairytale Christmas in New York

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 13



kioska biće u jednom od najboljih parkova u Njujorku kiosks will be at this top NYC park 170 hranu, posmatraju klizače ili se dive jelkama. Zim- sko selo radi do 6. marta 2022, a radnje su otvore- ne od ponedeljka do petka od 11 do 20 h, subotom i nedeljom od 10 do 20 h. Neverovatni ukrasi Dajker Hajtsa Stanovnici Dajker Hajtsa praznike shvataju veo- ma ozbiljno: kuć e su ukrašene hiljadama svetala, voj- nicima igračkama u prirodnoj veličini, Deda Mra-

Zimsko selo Brajant parka Njegovo ogromno klizalište, koje je besplatno za korišć enje ako ponesete sopstvene klizaljke, uvek je vrhunac idile, ali Zimsko selo ne zaostaje. Ove go- dine će više od 170 kioska biti u jednom od najbo- ljih parkova u Njujorku, uključujući gomilu novih restorana i mesta za šoping sve do 2. januara 2022. Takođe ć ete moć i da se opustite u pokrivenoj zoni u kojoj posetioci mogu da uživaju uz koktele, ukusnu

zovima na naduvavanje i sve toliko šljašti da se verovatno vidi iz svemi- ra. Bez ovih ukrasa ne bi bilo Boži- ća u Bruklinu! Svetla se pale na Dan zahvalnosti i traju do Bogojavljenja. Posetite deo Dajker Hajtsa od 83. do 86. ulice, od 11. do 13. avenije i dalje i pogledajte najbolje božić ne svetleć e instalacije koje e biti sjajna pozadina za najbolje fotke iz Sitija. Izložba vozova u Botaničkoj bašti Omiljena tradicija prazničnih vo- zova u njujorškoj botaničkoj bašti vra- ć a se 30. godinu zaredom. Bašta posta- je depo mini-vozova sa kolekcijom od 25 modela koji voze duž pruge gotovo kilometer duge pored 175 minijatur- nih znamenitosti Njujorka kao što su Empajer stejt bilding, Radio siti mju- zik hol, Kip slobode, Bruklinski most i Rokfeler centar… Svi su napravlje- ni od prirodnih materijala – lišć a, šta- pića cimeta, grančica, kora i bobica. Legendarna Rokfelerova božić na jelka Rokfelerovo božićno drvce (po- nos i radost Njujorka) blistav je i bri- ljantan simbol praznične sezone. Tu- risti, čak i sami Njujorčani, baš vole ovu norvešku omoriku! Bilo da ide- te na klizanje u Rokfeler centar ili sa- mo prolazite tuda na putu do Tajms skvera, teško je odoleti prilici da za- stanete i uživate u pogledu. Osvetlje- no drveć e Rokfeler centra je svakako među najlepšim u Njujorku, a u tim svetlima možete da uživate svake ve- čeri do 7. januara, u 49. ulici između Pete i Šeste avenije.

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Bryant Park Winter Village A huge ice-skating rink that's free to use (if you bring your own skates) is always the highlight here, but its Winter Village, with all its holiday spirit, comes a close second. This year there will be more than 170 ki- osks at this top NYC park, including a bunch of new eateries to cater to your shopping and eating pleas- ure until 2 nd January, 2022. You'll also be able to cosy up at a covered area, where visitors can grab a festive cocktail, enjoy delicious food, watch the ice skaters or admire the tree. The Winter Village is open until 6 th March, 2022, while its holiday shops are open Mon- days to Fridays from 11am to 8pm, and Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 8pm. Dyker Heights holiday lights Dyker Heights residents take the holidays very se- riously: their houses are decked out with thousands of lights, life-size toy soldiers, inflatable Santa dolls and much more. It just wouldn't be Christmas in Brooklyn without them! The lights go on during the weekend of Thanksgiving and remain lit until the Epiphany. Visit the Dyker Heights section from 83 rd to 86 th streets, be- tween 11 th and 13 th avenues and beyond, to catch the best displays of Christmas lights and post your best pics.

Holiday train show in Botanical Garden The beloved New York holiday train tradition at the New York Botanical Garden is back for its 30 th year! The garden will become a mini-train depot, complete with a collection of 25 model trains that'll chug along a nearly half-mile track, passing by 175 miniature NYC landmarks including the Empire State Building, Radio City Music Hall, the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge and the Rockefeller Center, all made of natural materi- als like leaves, cinnamon sticks, twigs, bark and berries. The legendary Rockefeller Christmas Tree The Rockefeller Christmas Tree (NYC’s pride and joy) is a beaming and brilliant symbol of the holi- day season. Tourists and even native New Yorkers sure do love this Norway spruce! Whether you’re visiting to skate at the Rockefeller Center ice rink or just passing through on your way to Times Square, it’s hard to resist an opportunity to stop and stare. The Lighting of the Rockefeller Center Tree is cer- tainly one of the best NYC events. It is illuminat- ed every evening until 7 th January, on 49 th Street between Fifth and Sixth avenues.

modela ima u kolekciji vozića models are included in the train collection 25

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15

Bronks zoo lajt-šou Sezonska proslava Zoo-vrta u Bronksu vrać a se ove godine. Očekujte da ć ete videti blizu 260 velikih i malih životinjskih lampiona u pet geografski reprezentativnih safarija iz raznih krajeva sveta. Ove godine je tu i 79 no- vih lampiona koji predstavljaju 30 novih životinjskih vr- sta. I ne samo to. Mo i ćete da uživate i u Šumi boja sa potpuno novim svetle im žabama, puževima, kornjača- ma, moljcima, leptirima... Zabava uključuje muziku, ko- stimirane likove, hodače na štulama, praznični voz, pozo- rište divljih životinja, suvenire i sezonske poslastice kao što su topla čokolada i maršmelou. I sve to do 9. januara.

Zapanjujuć a svetla Njujorka Pošto se Njujork odmah nakon Dana zahval- nosti pretvara u magičnu zemlju čuda sa milionima prazničnih svetala, dobro je znati gde pronaći naj- bolje instalacije od kojih su neke prava mala umet- nička dela. Videćete prelepe Deda Mrazove na na- duvavanje i irvase na Dajker Hajtsu u Bruklinu, koje smo ve spominjali, ali i kultne njujorške svetle e izložbe, kao što su one u Central parku ili Saksu na Petoj aveniji. Pripremite se da budete oduvani bo- ži nim lepotama koju stvaraju najdivnije svetlosne igre tokom praznične sezone.

16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia



novih lampiona koji predstavljaju 30 novih životinjskih vrsta new lanterns representing 30 new animal species 79

Njujork se nakon Dana zahvalnosti pretvara u magičnu zemlju čuda sa milionima prazničnih svetala New York City transforms into a magical winter wonderland with millions of holiday lights right after Thanksgiving

Stunning holiday lights in NYC Given that New York City transforms into a mag- ical winter wonderland with millions of holiday lights right after Thanksgiving, it's good to know where to find some that represent genuine miniature works of art. You'll see over-the-top inflatable Santas and rein- deer in Dyker Heights, which we’ve already mentioned, but also more iconic New York displays, such as those in Central Park and at Saks Fifth Avenue. Take it all in and get ready to “ooh” and “ahh” at these landmarks, holiday markets and neighbourhoods that create the most picturesque holiday light displays during the fes- tive season.

Bronx Zoo Holiday Light Show The Bronx Zoo’s sparkling seasonal celebration returns this year. Expect the zoo to have close to 260 animal lan- terns across five geographically representative lantern sa- faris encompassing various corners of the world. This year there are also 79 new lanterns representing 30 new ani- mal species! Not only that, but there will be a Forest of Colour, with new lanterns representing frogs, snails, tur- tles, moths, butterflies and more. Entertainment will in- clude music, costumed characters, stilt walkers, a holiday train, a wildlife theatre, souvenirs and seasonal treats like hot chocolate and s’mores. And it all lasts until 9 th January.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 17



senzacionalnih plesača nastupa 90 minuta u Radio siti mjuzik holu sensational dancers perform for 90 minutes in Radio City Music Hall 140

Radio siti božićni spektakl Radio siti mjuzik hol je poznata sala za kon- certe i događaje na Šestoj aveniji i prepoznaje se iz daljine po upečatljivom spoljašnjem osvetlje- nju. Cele godine tu se održavaju koncerti i doga- đaji, ali Božićni spektakl je nezaboravan. Preko 140 senzacionalnih plesača nastupa u 90 minuta. Svetlucavi kostimi, jedinstvena scena i mnoštvo božićnih pesama inspirišu publiku svake godine. Zvezde emisije su Deda Mraz i njegovi vilenjaci The Rockettes , koji imaju reputaciju jedne od naj- boljih plesnih grupa na svetu!

Radio City Christmas Spectacular Radio City Music Hall is a well-known concert and event hall located on Sixth Avenue and recognisable from a distance thanks to its striking exterior lighting. Con- certs and events take place here throughout the year, but none of them compare to the unforgettable Radio City Christmas Spectacular. Over 140 sensational dancers perform for 90 minutes. Sparkling costumes, a unique stage setting and plenty of Christmas songs inspire au- diences each year. The stars of the show are Santa Claus and his elves, “The Rockettes”, who have a reputation for being one of the world’s best dance troupes!

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Trijumf Triumph

Fudbal Football

VEŽITE SE, Srpski fudbaleri su sa legendarnim Piksijem na čelu uradili ono što nam nije pošlo za nogom 30 i više godina, a nikada pod sadašnjim imenom – pobedili su veliku Portugaliju usred Lisabona i plasirali se na Mundijal koji će se održati 2022. godine

Uspeo je Stojković da uradi ono u šta verovatno niko osim njega nije verovao. Čim je stupio na dužnost, rekao je da će odvesti Srbiju u Katar Stojković succeeded in what probably no one but him believed was

possible. As soon as he took on the job, he said that he would lead Serbia to Qatar

20 | Fudbal » Football

Pod naletima Dušana Tadića i Aleksandra Mitrovića u Lisabonu je pala fudbalska velesila predvođena Kristijanom Ronaldom, jednim od najboljih fudbalera svih vremena

On the back of the strikes of Dušan Tadić and Aleksandar Mitrović, Lisbon witnessed the fall of one of the superpowers of world football under the leadership of Cristiano Ronaldo, one of the all-time best footballers


D irektan plasman na Svetsko prven- stvo 2022. neve- rovatan je pod- vig, ako se zna da je ovo praktično ista ekipa koja je prošle godine pokisla na Ma- rakani, kada ni posle penala ni- smo uspeli da dobijemo nejake Škote za mesto na Evropskom prvenstvu. Tada smo bili spre- mni da zauvek ožalimo srpski fudbal i okrenemo se sportovi- ma u kojima smo stvarno najbo- lji na planeti – vaterpolu, odboj- ci, košarci, tenisu...

Dok smo plakali nad svojom fudbalskom sudbinom, dogodio nam se Dragan Stojković. Legen- darni Piksi u martu je prihvatio posao koji niko nije želeo, posao da prizemljene orlove popne do nebeskih visina. Uspeo je Stoj- ković da uradi ono u šta verovat- no niko osim njega nije verovao. Čim je stupio na dužnost, rekao je da će odvesti Srbiju u Katar. Zvučalo je to tada samo kao hra- bra rečenica čoveka koji se latio preteške dužnosti, pa samom se- bi podiže samopouzdanje. U martu smo, kada je Piksi

postavljen za selektora, pričali za Elevejt . Onako, između redova, pred početka intervjua rekao je da nema nameru da maltretira fudbalere, da ih traži po hoteli- ma i proverava da li spavaju ... – Oni su odrasli ljudi i ne- ma razloga da ih menjam ili da im ne verujem. Neki vole da se

Tekst/Words: Aleksandar Pijevac Fotografije/Photography: Profimedia.rs

Football » Fudbal | 21


Orlovi iz Lisabona doleteli Er Srbijom Specijalnim čarter-letom Er Srbije stigla je iz Lisabona naša fudbalska reprezentacija posle pobede nad Por- tugalom. Srpske fudbalere pozdravio je kapetan na tom letu, a fudbaleri, stručni štab i predstavnici Fudbalskog saveza Srbije posluženi su šampanjcem i posebnom tor- tom. Let je, naravno, protekao u odličnoj atmosferi. Er Srbija uvek pruža podršku sportistima i njihov je prvi iz- bor na mnogobrojnim destinacijama na kojima brane boje naše zemlje. EAGLES RETURN FROM LISBON WITH AIR SERBIA Operating a special charter flight from Lisbon, Air Serbia brought the victorious Serbia men’s national football team home following their historic World Cup qualification win in Portugal. Serbia’s top footballers were welcomed aboard for the special flight by the captain himself, while the players, professional staff and other representatives of the Football Association of Serbia were all served champagne and a special cake during the flight, which, of course, passed in a wonderful atmosphere. Air Serbia always supports the country’s athletes and is also their first choice when they need to fly somewhere to represent our country.

na…“, reče davno Momo Kapor. Igrači su prihvatili da nema ništa eventualno, bre, i zaigrali kao da sutra ne postoji. Standar- dno dobrom kapitenu Dušanu Ta- diću priključio se Aleksandar Mi- trović, čiji su nam golovi vizirali mundijalski pasoš. Mitrogol nas je prvo čupao na početku sa Ir- cima (3:2), a zatim zagorčao ži- vot Portugalcima i Kristijanu Ro- naldu. I to dva puta. Kristijana je prvo rasplakao u Beogradu, da bi ga u Lisabonu bacio na kolena. Šta dalje? Pripreme za Mu- ndijal u Kataru, koji će se igrati od 21. novembra do 18. decem- bra naredne godine. Kompletan spisak putnika za Svetsko prven- stvo dobićemo tek krajem mar- ta, kada se završe kvalfikacije i baraži širom planete. Žreb za SP zakazan je za 1. april, a mi zna- mo da ćemo biti tamo. I šta nas briga ako su nam porasli apeti- ti. Srbija sa Piksijem može do fi- nala, bre! Kompletan spisak putnika za Svetsko prvenstvo dobićemo tek krajem marta We will only receive the full list of all passengers heading to the World Cup at the end of March

čuju sa suprugom ili da vide de- te pred meč. Zašto bi to neko za- branjivao? Ja nisam neki tiranin. Između nas mora da postoji po- verenje. Ako to postignem, oba- vio sam veliki deo posla – rekao nam je tada Stojković. Na pitanje u istom intervjuu da li će Srbija do Katara, sačekao je nekoliko sekundi pre nego što je odgovorio: „Nema predaje. Cilj je odlazak u Katar. Kako? Ne znam, ali to je cilj. Ja ne volim da gubim i nisam neko ko se predaje lako.“ Tada možda i nije znao, ali sada zna. A znao je i pred meč sa Portugalijom, kada su ga pitali da li bi eventualni plasman na Svet- sko prvenstvo bio njegov najve- ći trenerski uspeh. Odgovorio je kao iz topa: „Kako, bre, eventual- ni, bre?! Mi moramo da idemo u Katar, bre!“. I nije ovo „bre“ ov- de slučajno... „To služi da izrazi odobravanje i divljenje, istovre- meno neodobravanje i žaljenje, služi za čuđenje, za poziv i opo- menu, za iznenađenje, za podsti- canje, hrabrenje, sokoljenje i za preklinjanje. U tom malom ’bre’ smo mi, sa svim manama i vrli- nama – čini se, ono je naša sušti-

22 | Fudbal » Football

lo, volleyball, basketball, tennis... And while we wept over our football fate, Dragan Stojković ‘happened’ to us. It was in March that the legendary Piksi accepted the job that no one wanted, the job of raising the grounded “Ea- gles” to heavenly heights. Stojković succeeded in what probably no one but him believed was possible. As soon as he took on the job, he said that he would lead Serbia to Qatar. At the time, that just sounded like the bold claim of a man who’d tak- en on an excessively difficult duty and was attempting to lift his own self-confidence. Elevate spoke with Piksi back in March, when he was first ap- pointed head coach of the nation- al team. And prior to the start of the interview, he stated casually, matter-of-factly, that he had no intention of harassing the players, of searching for them around the hotels and checking to make sure they’re sleeping... “They’re grown men and there’s no reason for me to change them or not to trust them. Some like to talk to their wives or see their chil- dren before a match. Why would anyone ban that? I’m not some ty- rant. Trust must exist between us. If I achieve that, I’ve done a great part of the job,” Stojković told us at the time. And when, in the same inter- view, we asked him whether Ser- bia will make it to Qatar, he paused for a few seconds before answering: “There’s no capitulation. The goal is to get to Qatar. How? I don’t know, but that’s the goal. I don’t like to lose and I’m not someone who gives up easily”. He might not have known how back then, but he does now. And he knew it even before the match against Portugal, when he was asked whether possibly qualifying for the World Cup would be his greatest coaching success. He answered as if shot from a cannon: “What, bre, do

you mean possible, bre?! We must go to Qatar, bre!” And this “bre” isn’t coincidental... As Momo Kapor not- ed long ago, “it serves to express ap- proval and admiration, and at the same time disapproval and regret; it serves for wonderment, for an invitation and a warning, for sur- prise, for exhortation, encourage- ment, emboldening and pleading. We’re all in that little ‘bre’, with all our vices and virtues – it is seem- ingly our essence.” The players accepted that there was no mere possibility, ‘bre’, and played like there was no tomorrow. Good-as-standard captain Dušan Tadić was joined by Aleksandar Mitrović, and their goals stamped our World Cup passport. Mitro- vić, aka Mitrogoal, first “plucked up our spirits” at the start against the Irish (3:2), and then brought bitterness to the lives of the Por- tuguese, including Cristiano Ron- aldo, twice! Christian cried in Bel- grade first, only to fall to his knees in Lisbon. What next? Training for the World Cup in Qatar, to be played next year from 21 st November to 18 th December. We will only receive the full list of all passengers head- ing to the World Cup at the end of March, when qualifications and play-offs conclude around the plan- et. The World Cup draw has been scheduled for 1 st April, and we know that we’ll be there. And we don’t care if our appetite has grown by then. With Piksi, Serbia can reach the final, bre!

SERBIA AT THE 2022 WORLD CUP Buckle up, we’re flying to Qatar! Serbia’s top footballers, with the legendary Piksi at the helm, managed to do something that we haven’t achieved for more than 30 years, and never under the country’s current name: they beat the great Portugal in the middle of Lisbon and thus qualified for the upcoming 2022 FIFA World Cup

D irect qualification for the 2022 World Cup is an incredible achievement, particu- larly considering that this is practically the same team that got drenched at Belgrade’s “Maraka- na” last year, when we couldn’t even beat a weak Scotland team, even af- ter penalties, to secure a place at the European Championships. Back then we were ready to forever write- off Serbian football and turn to the sports in which we’re really among the best on the planet – water po-

Football » Fudbal | 23



da mi pruže i više nego što sam u startu bio spreman da dam za projekat. Poslednjih godina sam mnogo bio angažovan i drago mi je da je većina serija dobro prihvaćena kod publike i kritike. Kod nas se zaista snima najviše serija u odnosu na region. Igrate i u seriji Vreme zla , naslova prilično simboličnog za vreme u kom živimo... – Taj roman Dobrice Ćosića je odavno važan. Stal- no živimo u vremenu koje nikako da nam nešto do- bro i bolje donese, stalno se govori o boljim, prošlim vremenima. Ne mora da bude tako, ali ovaj projekat o tome govori. U toj priči mi je bio veliki izazov to što sam igrao na nemačkom jeziku. Koleginica Ani- ca Dobra, koja odlično govori nemački, podučavala me je, čini mi se veoma uspešno. Koja uloga ili lik su vam bili prekretnica u karijeri? – Ne mogu da odredim prekretnicu. I ne znam tačno šta je karijera. Gluma je moj posao, nekome ostavlja traga, nekome ne, a meni je trag na životu. Odmah posle fakulteta sam počeo da glumim profe- sionalno u teatru zahvaljujući Miri Trailović i Ljubi- ši Ristiću, a i na filmu zahvaljujući Aleksandru Pet- koviću, koji mi je dao prvu filmsku značajnu ulogu u filmu Hajduk . Imao sam sreću da radim sa najzna- čajnijim jugoslovenskim majstorima režije. Sa njima sam snimio kultne jugoslovenske filmove. Prekret- nica mi je bio susret s rediteljem Mišom Radivojevi- ćem, koga sam osetio i kao moj broj i kao svog čoveka. Kad već pričamo o prekretnicama, zani- mljivo je kako je pesma Moji drugovi buk- valno postala himna naše dijaspore. Kako se vi sećate te pesme i filma? – Film Ni na nebu ni na zemlji snimljen je kata- strofične 1993. Sećam se razgovora s Bajagom kad mu je reditelj Miša Radivojević objasnio kakvu mu- ziku želi i da je važno komponovati hit. Osim pesme Moji drugovi , i ostatak muzike živi i danas, posle go- tovo tri i po decenije. Kad god uđem u neku kafanu, obradujem se toj pesmi kao znaku jednog vremena. I Bajagu, i reditelja, i glumce mnogi prepoznaju baš po tom filmu. Spremate li ponekad uloge na letovima i uopšte, volite li da letite? – Mnogo mojih prijatelja se plaši letova, a ja ih baš volim. Volim što se brzo pređe od tačke A do tač- ke B i što se ta mesta bitno razlikuju, volim i što pi- loti i stjuardese uvek imaju nešto svoje… Da, zaista volim da letim, u svakom smislu te reči.

INTERVJU: SVETOZAR CVETKOVIĆ, GLUMAC Volim da letim. U svakom smislu

V iše od četiri decenije Svetozar Cvetko- vić uživa dok poleće u glumačke i pro- ducentske izazove, isto koliko rado sva- ki put poleće avionom. U novembru je Er Srbijom ponovo leteo ka voljenom Njujorku u novu glumačku avanturu na brodvejskoj sceni. – Atelje 212, La Mama teatar iz Njujorka i Te- atar Kendre iz Prištine uradili su komad na engle- skom jeziku Balkan bordelo u režiji Berte Nezarai, a po tekstu Jetona Nezaraija. U međunarodnoj neza- visnoj koprodukciji učestvuje sedam američkih glu- maca, Ivan Mihajlović i ja iz Ateljea i jedna glumica iz Prištine. Premijera je bila početkom novembra u Ateljeu, a u aprilu 2022. biće u Njujorku. Inače volite Njujork i imate omiljena me- sta tamo… – Njujork je grad koji me najviše podseća na Beo- grad, iako je to paradoksalno, zato što ima neku vrstu razvaljenosti kao i Beograd i poseban šarm. Najviše volim Vilidž i kafe Ređo , u kojem se osećate sjajno uz skup doručak i odličan čizkejk. Bio sam tamo sa mla- đom ćerkom dve nedelje pre proglašenja pandemije. Da se vratimo aktuelnim projektima. Re- cite nam nešto o ulozi u filmu Pucnju u Marselju ... – Film mi je vrlo drag, kao i uloga branioca kojom mi je reditelj i scenarista Gordan Matić učinio veliku čast. Bio mi je veliki izazov braniti neodbranjivo, jer je atentat na kralja Aleksandra Karađorđevića pro- menio tok naše istorije. Branilac je uspeo da smrt- nu kaznu za učesnike u atentatu preinači u doživot- nu robiju. Nijedan od tri osuđenika nije je dočekao. Uspevate da budete zapaženi u različitim ulogama u serijama. Tu su Beležnica pro- fesora Miškovića , Radio Mileva , Porodica , Žigosani u reketu … Da li vam još prija rad na više projekata istovremeno? – Prija mi rad s dobrom podelom i dobrim ljudi- ma, to znači kad se dobro osećam među njima. I mož- Imam utisak da je Er Srbija kao kompanija veoma napredovala. Radujem se što na Brodvej letimo upravo vašim avionima

Njujork je grad koji me najviše podseća na Beograd New York is the city that most reminds me of Belgrade

Tekst/Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije/Photography: Zoran Lončarević

24 | Intervju » Interview

Interview » Intervju | 25


“I like working with well distributed roles and good people, which means when I feel good among them. And perhaps they even give me more than I’m initial- ly willing to give for a project. I’ve been heavily engaged over recent years and I’m glad that most of the series have been well received among both the audience and critics. In our country we really shoot the most series compared to the region.” You also act in the series Time of Evil, a ti- tle that’s quite symbolic of the time in which we live... “That Dobrica Ćosić novel has long since been im- portant. We constantly live during times that are nev- er able to bring us anything good and better; there is constant talk about better bygone times. It doesn't have to be like that, but that’s what this project addresses. In that story, it was a great challenge for me to act in the German language. My colleague Anica Dobra, who speaks excellent German, taught me, and it seems to me that she did so very successfully.” Which roles or characters represented turn- ing points in your career? “I can't determine a turning point. And I don't pre- cisely know what a career is. Acting is my job, for some people it makes a mark, for others it doesn’t, and for me it makes a mark on my life. I started acting profes- sionally in the theatre immediately after finishing col- lege, thanks to Mira Trailović and Ljubiša Ristić, and also in film, thanks to Aleksandar Petković, who gave me my first significant role in the film Hajduk. I had the good fortune to work with Yugoslavia’s most im- portant masters of directing. It was with them that I made cult Yugoslav films. A turning point for me was my meeting with director Miša Radivojević, whom I felt as both having my number and as my man.” While we’re on the topic of turning points, it is interesting that the song ‘My friends’ has literally become the anthem of our diaspo- ra population. How do you recall that song and film? “The film In The Middle Of Nowhere was shot dur- ing the catastrophic 1993. I remember a conversation with Bajaga, when director Miša Radivojević explained to him what kind of music he wanted and that it was important to compose a hit. Alongside the song “My friends”, the rest of the music still lives on almost three and a half decades later. Whenever I enter some tavern, I rejoice in that song as a sign of one period. Both Ba- jaga and the director and actors are still recognised by many people thanks specifically to that film.” Do you sometimes prepare for roles aboard flights and do you generally like to fly? “Many of my friends fear flights, well I really love them. I like that they pass quickly between point A and point B, and that those places differ significantly, while I also like the fact that the pilots and flight attendants always have something personable about them… Yes, I really like to fly, in every sense of the word.”

INTERVIEW: SVETOZAR CVETKOVIĆ, ACTOR I like to fly. In every sense

S vetozar Cvetković has spent more than four decades enjoying himself while taking off in acting and producing challenges, and he equal- ly enjoys every take off by plane. This Novem- ber, he was once again flying with Air Serbia to his beloved New York, where he is embarking on a new acting adventure on the Broadway stage. “Belgrade’s Atelje 212 Theatre, New York’s La Ma- Ma Theatre and Priština’s Kendra Theatre have been working together on the English-language play “Bal- kan Brothel”, directed by Berta Neziraj and written by Jeton Neziraj. This international, independent co-pro- duction includes seven American actors, Ivan Mihajlovic and myself from Atelje, and one actress from Prišti- na. The premiere took place in early November at At- elje, then, in April 2022, we will performe with this play in New York.” You generally love New York and have your favourite places there… “New York is the city that most reminds me of Bel- grade, though that’s paradoxical, because it is kind of dishevelled, just like Belgrade, and has special charm. I most like the Village and Cafe Reggio, where you feel great with an expensive breakfast and excellent cheese- cake. I was there with my younger daughter two weeks before the declaring of the pandemic.” Returning to current projects, tell us about your role in the film Bullets Over Marseille... “This film is very dear to me, as is the role of the legal defender, with which director and screenwriter Gordan Matić paid me a great honour. It was a great challenge for me to defend the indefensible, because King Aleksandar Karađorđević’s assassination changed the course of history for us. The defence lawyer succeed- ed in having the death sentence for the participants in the assassination transmuted into life imprisonment. None of the three convicts completed their sentences. ” You manage to stand out in different roles in TV series. These include the series Professor Mišković's Notebook, Radio Mileva, The Fam- ily, Branded on Court etc. Do you still feel good when working on several projects si- multaneously? I have the impression that Air Serbia advanced a lot as a company. I'm overjoyed flying to Broadway on your planes

Pesma Moji drugovi ostaje za sva vremena The song My friends lives forever

26 | Intervju » Interview

Oslanjamo se na prestižne brendove Augustinus Bader i Biologique Recherche We rely on the prestigious Augustinus Bader and Biologique Recherche brands.



DANIJELA VUKOJEVIĆ, OSNIVAČ ELEGANCE GRUPACIJE I vlasni- ca franšize Elegance Beauty Spa , pomera granice poslovanja u obla- sti beauty industrije u Srbiji. Mlada i uspešna preduzetnica napravila je originalan koncept koji zadovoljava visoke standarde poslovanja i ispu- njava velika očekivanja klijenata. – Elegance Beauty Spa je ek- skluzivni kozmetički salon koji obez- beđuje najsavremenije tretmane, uz modernu aparaturu, proizvode koji su poslednja reč u kozmetologiji i uz sve to ima maksimalno obučen ka- dar – kaže Danijela i dodaje: – Visoka moda u kozmetici po- drazumeva samo ono najbolje – najzdravije preparate, savremenu aparaturu i neinvazivne metode ko- je obnavljaju kožu i vraćaju joj sjaj. Oslanjamo se na prestižne brendo- ve Augustinus Bader i Biologique Recherche . Clean beauty koncept

podrazumeva kliničke preparate nastale višegodišnjim farmaceut- skim i medicinskim istraživanjima, udružene sa „starom školom“ koz- metike, koja nezi vraća zlatni stan- dard. U osnovi je besprekorna čisto- ća, klasika, i kada je u pitanju šminka i izgled uopšte, prirodnost, sofistici- ranost i proizvodi na bazi organskih sastojaka. Zahvaljujući velikom uspehu, Danijela je odlučila da svoj inovativni koncept poslovanja ponudi i drugima i opredelila se za prodaju franšize. – Primaoci EBS franšize dobijaju stalni mentoring i podršku, ali i obu- čene radnike, koji su prošli Elegance Academy školu i stekli odgovarajuće sertifikate. Uz to, EBS franšiza po- drazumeva i opremanje enterijera, nabavku proizvoda, obezbeđivanje aparature i sve druge vidove podrš- ke koji će pomoći u vašem uspeš- nom poslovanju.


DANIJELA VUKOJEVIĆ ON THE ELEGANCE BEAUTY SPA FRANCHISE DANIJELA VUKOJEVIĆ, FOUNDER OF THE ELEGANCE group and owner of the Elegance Beauty Spa franchi- se, is shifting the boundaries of ope- rations in the domain of the beauty industry in Serbia. This young and su- ccessful lady entrepreneur has crea- ted an original concept that satisfies high business standards and meets the great expectations of clients. “Elegance Beauty Spa is an exc- lusive cosmetics salon that provides the latest treatments, with the use of modern equipment, products re-

cal research, coupled with “old scho- ol” cosmetics, which return the gold standard to skincare. This means es- sentially impeccable cleanliness, cla- ssics and, when it comes to make-up and appearance generally, natural- ness, sophistication and products ba- sed on organic ingredients,” reveals our interlocutor. Thanks to her great success, Da- nijela decided to offer her innovative business concept to others and op- ted to sell her franchise. “Recipients of the EBS franc- hise receive constant mentoring and support, but also trained wor- kers who’ve completed the Elegan- ce Academy school and earned the appropriate certificates. Apart from that, the EBS franchise also implies interior furnishings, the procurement of products, securing equipment and all other forms of support that will help you operate successfully.

Tretmani se prilagođavaju osobi, odnosno tipu kože i problematici koja se tretira Treatments are adapted to the person, i.e., their skin type and the problem being treated

presenting the last word in cosmeto- logy and, alongside all that, it also has personnel who’ve been trained to the max,” says Danijela and continues: “High fashion in cosmetics im- plies only the best, healthiest reme- dies, state-of-the-art equipment and non-invasive methods that renew the skin and restore its glow. We rely on the prestigious Augustinus Bader and Biologique Recherche brands. The Clean Beauty concept includes clinical remedies created over many years of pharmaceutical and medi-

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