Elevate June 2022 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Od Aeroputa do Er Srbije From Aeroput to Air Serbia

Exclusive apartments for sale in the Port of Dreams

Unveil the magnificent seaside luxury housing residence Porto Palace, situated within the area of Porto Montenegro in Tivat. The town itself is one of the most beautiful on the Adriatic, located right in the heart of the Bay of Kotor.

Unique blend of coastal and Mediterranean architecture, featured in every detail, the building is characterized by high-quality construction, sophisticated style and cozy ambience. Porto Palace is just a stone’s throw away from the sea, less than 100 m from the astonishing Porto Montenegro marina and 5 minute drive from the Tivat International Airport.

Let Porto Palace be the Port of Dreams for all of you who want to relish the spirit of Tivat, Montenegro and the Mediterranean.

Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

Jun 2022. godine

June 2022

Dear Passengers,

Dragi putnici,

Jun nam donosi mnogo uzbudljivih trenutaka – ekspanziju mreže destinacija, mo- dernizaciju flote, kao i veoma značajan jubilej. Osim toga, počinje i sezona letnjih godišnjih odmora, a mi smo se potrudili da vam omogućimo što veći izbor pri- likom planiranja putovanja. Ovog meseca pokrećemo letove do novih destinacija u Italji, Španiji, Francuskoj, Nemačkoj i Austriji. Počev od prve polovine juna, sa nama možete le- teti do Trsta, Liona, Hanovera, Barija, Bolonje, Nirn- berga, Salcburga i Palma de Majorke. Ne smemo za- boraviti ni Valensiju, koja se na mapu naših odredišta upisala u aprilu i već je postala popularna destinaci- ja za letnji odmor. Zahvaljujući ovom značajnom ši- renju mreže, letećemo na više od 70 redovnih i čar- ter destinacija tokom letnje sezone. Uz ekspanziju mreže uvodimo promene i u našoj floti. Stigao nam je novi avion ATR 72-600, a u nared- nom periodu očekujemo dolazak još jednog, čime na- stavljamo veliko podmađivanje regionalne flote. Uve- reni smo da će dva nova aviona tog tipa dodatno doprineti našoj operativnoj efikasnosti, a vama pru- žiti još veći komfor, udobnost i nezaboravno isku- stvo putovanja. Kao i svake godine, u junu odajemo počast na- šim slavnim prethodnicima koji su davne 1927. go- dine osnovali Aeroput – prvu domaću avio-kompa- niju, ujedno desetu u Evropi i 21. u svetu. Kada ste direktni naslednici tradicije duge 95 godina – goto- vo ceo jedan vek, na vama je velika odgovornost da uvek ostanete na visini zadatka dok osvajate nova prostranstva i horizonte. Proslava ovog posebnog jubileja zaslužila je i poseban logo – kreirali smo ga specijalno za ovu priliku i ponosno istakli na naslov- noj strani magazina i na našim avionima. Radujemo se svim aktivnostima koje su pred na- ma, kao i omiljenom delu godine – sezoni godišnjih odmora. Svima vama koji otvarate sezonu i na zaslu- ženi odmor idete u junu, želimo da uživate u putova- nju i vratite se puni energije i lepih uspomena. Vama koji još niste odlučili gde ćete letovati ove godine pred- lažemo da inspiraciju potražite na narednim stranica- ma magazina. Bez obzira na to da li preferirate aktiv- ni ili pasivni tip odmora, da li ste više za istraživanje gradskih atrakcija i kulturnih znamenitosti ili samo želite uživanje na plaži uz šum talasa, sigurni smo da ćete na mapi naših destinacija pronaći jednu ili više njih baš po svojoj meri. Nama će biti čast i zadovolj- stvo da budemo deo vaših letnjih avantura. Uživajte u letu i srećan put,

June brings us many exciting moments: the expansion of our network of destinations, the modern- isation of our fleet and a very important anniversary. Ad- ditionally, the summer holiday season is also starting, and we’ve made sure that we can provide you with the greatest number of options when planning your trips. We will this month also commence flights to new destinations in Ita- ly, Spain, France, Germany and Austria. Starting in the first half of June, you can fly with us to Trieste, Lyon, Hanover, Bari, Bologna, Nuremburg, Salz- burg and Palma de Mallorca. We also can’t overlook Valen- cia, which was added to the map of our destinations in April and has already become a popular summer holiday destina- tion. Thanks to this important network expansion, we will be operating flights to more than 70 scheduled and char- ter destinations during the summer season. With the expansion of the network, we are also intro- ducing changes to our fleet. Our new ATR 72-600 aircraft has arrived and we expect the arrival of another in the com- ing period, as a part of the grand rejuvenation of our re- gional fleet. We are convinced that these two new planes will contribute to improving our operational efficiency and enable us to offer you even greater comfort and en- joyment, as well as an unforgettable travel experience. Like every year, this June we are again celebrating our glorious predecessors, starting with Aeroput – our coun- try’s first domestic airline and the tenth in Europe and the 21 st in the world, which was established as far back as 1927. When you are the direct successor of a tradition dating back 95 years – almost a full century – you have the great responsibility of always being up to the task as you conquer new areas and horizons. The celebration of this special anniversary deserves a special logo. According- ly, we’ve created one just for this occasion and are proud to display it on the front page of this magazine, as well as on our planes. We look forward to all activities ahead of us, as well as our favourite part of the year: summer holiday season. To all those of you who are opening the season and tak- ing your well-deserved break in June, we wish you an en- joyable trip and for you to return reenergised and full of good memories. To those of you who haven’t yet decided where to go this year, we suggest you seek inspiration on the following pages. Whether you prefer active or passive holidaying, exploring city landmarks and cultural monu- ments or just lounging on a beach and enjoying the sound of waves, we’re sure that you’ll find one or more destina- tions that suit you on our destination map. It will be our honour and pleasure to be part of your summer adventures. Enjoy the flight and have a good trip,

Jiri Marek CEO Air Serbia

Jirži Marek, Generalni direktor Er Srbije

jiri marek, CEO Air Serbia

Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 7



The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović

Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Jovana Velimirović Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Nenad Mihajlović, Robert Getel Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher

Er SRBIJA air serbia 66.

ritam grada rhythm of the city 80. Jun u Beogradu: Od Dunava,

ritam srbije rhythm of serbia 94. Cvetanje Tise: Ljubavni ples života i smrti / The

Er Srbija među top 3 najpoželjnija poslodavca u Srbiji / Air Serbia among top three preferred employers in Serbia Još dva aviona ATR 72-600 u Beogradu / Two more ATR 72-600 aircraft to arrive in Belgrade

u fokusu in focus 14.

preko Save, sve do Ade / June in Belgrade: from the Danube, via the Sava, all the way to Ada

 Još destinacija Er Srbije : Novi letovI u nove avanture / More Air Serbia destinations: new flights to new adventures

blooming of the Tisza: bridal dance of life and death


Lajfstajl lifestyle 88.


Od Naissusa do danas: Sav taj Niš / From Naissus to today: All that Niš

Intervju interview 40.

na letu on board 18.

Virtuelna stvarnost sreće digitalni život: Matriks postaje realnost / Virtual reality meets the digital life: the matrix is becoming a reality

Taika Vaititi: Jeste li dovoljno hrabri da postanete gusari? / Taika Waititi: Are you brave enough to become a pirate?

 Putujemo sa Zoe Kida, pevačicom / We travel with Zoe Kida, singer

fenomeni phenomena 102.  Svet iz doba jure :

Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringier.rs

kultura culture 46.

Vraćaju se dinosaurusi / Jurassic World: the dinosaurs are back

Deset razloga da odete na EXIT / Ten reasons to attend EXIT Manjifiko: Volim kafane, u njima sve može da se desi / Magnifico: I love taverns, where anything can happen  Glastonberi festival : Legende muzike na mitskom mestu / Glastonbury Festival: musical legends in a mythical place

Generalni direktor Ringier Srbija / CEO Ringier Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director


Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica


Air Serbia inflight magazine

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Sport sports 106. Vimbldon: Dve stvari su sigurne – dobar tenis i jagode / Wimbledon: two

moda Fashion 72.

Od Aeroputa do Er Srbije From Aeroput to Air SerbiA Slavna istorija Er Srbije /The glorious history of Air Serbia Foto/ Photo: Air Serbia

things are certain: good tennis and strawberries

49. Beogradska nedelja mode: Od dekonstrukcije do naučne fantastike / 49 th Belgrade fashion week: From deconstruction to science fiction Haljine za sva vremena: Mlada je nosila vintidž / Gowns for all times: The bride wore vintage

putujte pametno smart travel 22.

 Vodimo vas na jadransku obalu / We are taking you to the Adriatic coast


Broj / Issue No. 340 Naslovna strana / Cover Depositphotos

10 | Sadržaj » Contents

Contents » Sadržaj | 11

U fokusu

In Focus

Još destinacija Er Srbije

Novi letovI u nove avanture Kao što smo već najavljivali, srpski avio- prevoznik u junu počinje da leti do novih gradova u svojoj mreži – Barija, Trsta, Bolonje, Nirnberga, Hanovera,

Salcburga, Liona i Palma de Majorke

ITALIJA Er Srbija dodaje čak tri nove destinacije u svoju italijansku mrežu destinacija, pa tako, po-

red Rima, Milana i Ve- necije, počinje da leti do Trsta, Bolonje i Barija. Od 2. juna do Trsta, od 5. do Bari- ja, a dan kasnije do Bolonje. NEMAČKA Er Srbija nastavlja sa snaž- nom ekspanzijom svoje mreže us- postavljanjem direktnih redovnih letova iz Beograda ka dve no- ve destinacije u Nemačkoj – Ha- noveru od 3. juna i Nirnbergu od 6. juna. AUSTRIJA Er Srbija počinje da leti do Salcburga, svoje druge destinaci- je u Austriji, od 7. juna. FRANCUSKA Er Srbija od 3. juna uspostav- lja i redovan avio-saobraćaj na li- niji između srpske prestonice i Li- ona u Francuskoj. ŠPANIJA Srpska nacionalna avio-kom- panija će 11. juna uspostaviti leto- ve između Beograda i Palma de Majorke.

More Air Serbia destinations

New flights to new adventures As we’ve already announced, June sees the Serbian national airline launch flights to new cities in its network: Bari, Trieste, Bologna, Nuremberg, Hanover, Salzburg, Lyon and Palma de Mallorca

ITALY Air Serbia is adding no less than three new cities to its network of Ita- lian destinations, meaning that Ro- me, Milan and Venice will be joined by flights to Trieste, Bologna and Ba- ri. Flights to Trieste start from 2 nd Ju- ne, to Bari from 5 th June and to Bolo- gna a day later. GERMANY Air Serbia is continuing the strong expansion of its network with the establishing of scheduled flights from Belgrade to two new destina- tions in Germany: Hanover from 3 rd

June; and Nuremberg from 6 th June. AUSTRIA Air Serbia will connect Belgrade and Salzburg, its second destination in Austria, as of 7 th June. FRANCE Air Serbia also establishes sc- heduled flights along the route between the Serbian capital and the French city of Lyon as of 3 rd June. SPAIN The Serbian flag carrier will fly between Belgrade and Palma de Mallorca (Majorca) from 11 th June.

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Na letu

On board

Zašto volite avione?

Why do you like planes?

Putovanje avionom uvek izgleda kao nov početak / Travelling by plane always looks like a new beginning

Avion za mene simboli- zuje brzinu, slobodu, ele- ganciju. Izmešta me u dimen- ziju van vremena i prostora i daje osećaj uzvišenosti. Svako putova- nje avionom za mene otvara nove perspektive, omogućava da sabe- rem utiske, složim misli, proana- liziram novoproživljena iskustva. Često su ti trenuci putovanja avi- onom momenti nadahnuća, kada se rađaju novi stihovi, nove melo- dije i koncepti. Uvek ulazim i izla- zim iz aviona sa osmehom i ose- ćajem novog početka. Bez čega ne ulazite u avion? – To su uobičajene stvari bez kojih je jedno putovanje nezamisli- vo. Uvek imam vlažne maramice, neki časopis, masku za spavanje, ako hoću da dremnem, slušalice za uvek prisutnu muziku i, naravno, naočare za sunce.

“An aeroplane, for me, symbolises speed, freedom, elegance. It shifts me to a di- mension beyond time and space, providing a feeling of the sublime. Every journey by plane creates new perspectives for me, allowing me to collect my impressions, compose my thoughts and analyse my recent new experiences. These moments of travelling by plane are often mo- ments of inspiration that give birth to new verses, new melodies and new concepts. I always board and disembark with a smile on my face and the feeling of a new beginning.” What don’t you board a plane without? “Those are ordinary things with- out which one can’t imagine travel- ling. I always have wet wipes, some magazine, a sleep mask in case I want to nap, headphones for music that’s ever-present and, of course, sunglasses.”

Zoe Kida pevačica singer

Ko je Zoe? Svojevremeno jedna od pevačica i autorki u gru- pi Zemlja gruva , Ana Radonjić – Zoe Kida, nedavno je predstavi- la debitantsku solo pe- smu. Singlom Bejbi Zoe ušla je u nov muzički krug koji vozi sa svojim bendom Sumasišavši .

Who is Zoe? Formerly one of the vo- calists and authors of the group Zemlja gruva, Ana Radonjić, aka Zoe Kidah, re- cently presented her debut solo track. With the single Bejbi [Baby], Zoe entered a new circle of music, which she is riding together with her band Sumasišavši.`

Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography: Oliver Bunić

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me scan



od Beograda: from Belgrade:

55 min.


A wonderful life on Luštica

Čudesni život na Luštici

Jadranska obala / Adriatic coast

Šta krije Luštica – tajanstveno poluostrvo na samom ulazu u Bokokotorski zaliv? Kako je izgledao život u starim kamenim kućama i ko - nobama? Kako danas izgleda život u luštičkim selima? Odgovori na ova i mnoga druga pitanja nalaze se na panoramskoj ruti Život na Luštici. Turističke organizacije dva grada – Tivta i Her - ceg Novog, udružile su se kako bi kreirale jedin - stvenu avanturu koja će na najlepši način otkri - ti tajne Luštice. Vožnja 40 kilometara dugim vijugavim pano - ramskim putem upoznaće vas sa us - pavanim selima, čudesnim tvrđavama, fantastičnim vidikovcima, načinom ži - vota i bogatom prošlošću poluostrva. Kada na kružnom toku koji vodi iz Tivta prema Budvi skrenete desno i dođete na početak panoramskog puta, prepo - ručujemo da ga pređete onako kako je ucrtano u mapi, obilazeći Bjelila, Kraši - će, Zabrđe i Klince, preko sela Mrkovi, Tići i Mardari ka turističkom naselju Lu - štica Bay. Ako ste fizički spremni za avanturu, u obilazak možete krenuti biciklom. Put je asfaltiran i prijatan za vožnju, a duž njega nalazi se bezbroj malih medite- ranskih mesta sa konobama, plažama i pontama koje nude osveženje i predah. Ništa manje nisu zanimljive pešačke staze, kojih na poluostrvu ima čak de - vet. Možete prići i vodenim putem. Bro - dići polaze iz luke Škver i voze do Mirišta, Žanji - ca, Plave špilje i Rosa. U dogovoru sa lokalnim brodarima na Lušticu možete doći iz svih me - sta Bokokotorskog zaliva, tokom cele godine. Spremni? Krtoljski arhipelag Ostrvo cveća, Sveti Marko i Gospa od Milosti – tri su dragulja Boke Kotorske poznatija kao Krtoljski arhipelag. Ostrvo cveća, prvo u nizu, prepoznatljivo je po bujnoj prirodi i manastiru Svetog Arhangela Mihaila, koji je sagrađen na ostacima starog benediktinskog manastira u periodu od 9. do 14. veka. Sledeći je Sveti Mar - ko ili Stradioti. Legenda kaže da su grčki bogo - vi ostrvo poklonili hrabrim grčkim ratnicima ko - ji su tamo došli da se odmore. Očarani lepotom

Jadranski sliv obuhvata šest država, ali mi vas u ovom broju vodimo, za početak, u Crnu Goru i Hrvatsku, gde ćete uživati u svim posebnosti - ma Jadrana kao što su, na primer, izuzetna či - stoća i prozirnost vode, u kojoj je vidljivost ve - ća od 50 metara, ali i salinitet, koji premašuje prosečnu normu sa oko 38 odsto. Er Srbija le- ti do šest prelepih jadranskih gradova, iz kojih dalje možete da istražujete sve lepote primor - ja. Sletite u Tivat, Dubrovnik, Split, Zadar, Rije - ku ili Pulu i provedite se kao nikad u životu…

The waters of the Adriatic wash over the coastal bor- ders of six countries, but for this month’s issue we’re ta- king you, for starters, to Montenegro and Croatia, where you’ll enjoy all the unique peculiarities of the Adriatic, su- ch as exceptional water purity and transparency, in whi- ch visibility extends to beyond 50 metres, but also salini- ty, which exceeds the average by around 38 per cent. Air Serbia flies to six stunning Adriatic cities that you can use as starting points to continue exploring all the beau- ty of this coast. Land in Tivat, Dubrovnik, Split, Zadar, Ri - jeka or Pula, and have the time of your life…

What is Luštica – the mysterious peninsula that forms part of the very entrance to the Bay of Kotor – hiding? What was life like in its old stone houses and cabins? How does the life of Luštica’s villages look today? The answer to these and many other questions can be found along the panoramic road “Life on Luštica”! The tourist organisations of two cities - Tivat and Herceg Novi - have joined forces to create a unique adventure that will reveal Lušti- ca’s secrets in the most beautiful way. A drive along this winding 40-km-long road with panoramic vistas will introduce you to the peninsula’s sleepy villages, wondrous for- tresses, fantastic observation points, life- style and rich history. When you reach the roundabout leading out of Tivat towards Budva, take a right and you’ll hit the start of this panoramic road, which we recom- mend you follow as outlined on the map, touring Bjelila, Krašiće, Zabrđe and Klince, passing through the villages Mrkovi, Ti- ći and Mardari, towards the resort of Lu - štica Bay. If you are prepared physically for an ad- venture, you can tour this route by bike. The road is tarmacked and pleasant to ri- de on, and along it are countless small Mediterranean spots with cabins, beac- hes and pontoons offering respite and re- freshment. The hiking trails are no less interesting and there are as many as ni- ne of them on this peninsula. You can al- so arrive by water. Boats depart from the port of Škver and sail to Mirišta, Žanjice, the Blue Cave and Rose. You can reach agreement with local bo- atowners to come to Luštica from anywhere in the Bay of Kotor year-round. Are you ready? Krtolj archipelago The Island of Flowers, the Island of St. Mark and the Island of Our Lady of Mercy are the three jewels of the Bay of Kotor that are better known as the Krtolj archipelago. The Island of Flowers, the first in the chain, is recognisable for its lush nature and the monastery of the Holy Archangel Michael, which was erected over the remains of an old Benedictine monastery in the period from the 9 th to the 14 th centuries. Next is Saint Mark’s Island or Stradioti. Legend has it that the Greek

Između brežuljaka prekrivenih maslinama i pašnjacima smeštena su sela Mrkovi i Tići, koja imaju bogatu sakralnu baštinu Nestled between small hills covered with olive trees and meadows are the villages of Mrkovi and Tići, both of which have a rich sacral heritage

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Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 21

hovnosti i bogatoj istoriji Zabrđa govore tri pra - voslavna hrama. U njima možete saznati nešto više o prošlosti poluostrva i videti noviji ikono- stas iz 1889, koji je delo braće Đenovski iz De - bra. Meštani sela Zabrđe, u želji da lakše proda - ju svoje domaće proizvode, izgradili su pešački put do mora – Pristan. ROSE Ušuškane na severozapadnom delu Luštice i zaštićene od vetrova, Rose su nekada služile kao utočište za brodove. Ovde su zaštitu pro - nalazile mletačke galije i jedrenjaci, turske lađe, austrougarski brodovi... Rose su danas tipično mediteransko mesto, sa kućama od tesanog ka - mena koje su zbijene na rivi. Jezgro naselja čini tvrđava Forte Rose, a danas je tu lepo uređen ri - zort, sa restoranom sa čije se terase pruža pre - divan pogled na zaliv. ŽANJICE, MIRIŠTA, PLAVA ŠPILJA Nekada zaseok od devet domova i Crkvom Sve - tog Jovana iz 1885, danas atraktivno mesto u istoimenoj uvali. Na Žanjicama će vas dočekati stari maslinjaci, azurno more i predivan pogled na ostrvo Mamula. Zajedno sa Mirištem, Žanji - ce predstavljaju centar izletničkog turizma tog dela Boke. U blizini se nalazi još jedan dar priro - de koji oduzima dah – Plava špilja. Jedna je od najvećih i najlepših pećina na Jadranu. Do nje je moguće doći turističkim brodićima. Pre svega, zanimljiva je zbog neobično kristalno čiste pla -

Sve lepote crnogorske obale nikad nisu bili bliže! Er Srbija leti iz Beograda do Tivta čak 18 puta nedeljno, ali do ovog šarmantnog gradića možete brzo i lako stići i iz Kraljeva i Niša All the beauty of the Montenegrin coast has never been closer! Air Serbia flies from Belgrade to Tivat as many as 18 times a week, but you can get to this charming town quickly and easily from Kraljevo and Niš

ction of a military shipyard in Tivat in the late 19 th century? ZABRÐE The name of this village is derived from its positi- on “behind the hill” [iza brda], and it comprises as many as four hamlets scattered over three hills. Three Orthodox churches testify to Zabrđe’s spi - rituality and rich history. There you can discover more about the peninsula’s past and check out a newer iconostasis representing the 1889 work of the Đenovski brothers from Debar, Macedonia. In a desire to more easily sell their home-made pro- duce, Zabrđe residents built a pedestrian walkway to the seafront – the Pristan pier. ROSE Nestled on the north-western part of the Lušti- ca peninsula and sheltered from the winds, the vi- llage of Rose was once a refuge for ships. Those finding shelter from the harsh seas included Ve - netian galleys and sailing ships, Turkish vessels, Austro-Hungarian warships... Rose is today a typi- cal Mediterranean village, with houses of quarried stone packed along the waterfront. At the core of the settlement stands the historical fortress of Forte Rose, which is today home to a beautifully landscaped resort, complete with a restaurant wi- th a terrace offering beautiful views of the bay. ŽANJICE, MIRIŠTA, BLUE CAVE Formerly a hamlet comprising nine homes and the church of St. Jovana, dating back to 1885, to- day Žanjice is an attractive spot in the bay of the same name. Here you’ll be awaited by old olive groves, azure waters and a beautiful view of the islet of Mamula. Together with Mirišta, Žanjice re - presents the hub of daytrip tourism in this part of the Bay of Kotor. And in the vicinity hides anot- her breath-taking gift of nature: the Blue Cave, one of the Adriatic region’s largest and most beauti- ful caves, which can be accessed via tour boats. It is primarily interesting due to the unusual crystal blue colour, and it is even more interesting when you dive in. The colour is caused by the sun’s rays reflecting off the cave walls. The sea is up to five

gods gifted this island to brave Greek warriors who came he- re seeking rest. Captivated by the beauty of the island, they vowed to never again do anyt-

ostrva, obećali su da više nikada nikome neće učiniti ništa loše, osim u odbrani. U ime zaveta zasadili su maslinu, iz koje je kasnije iznikao či - tav maslinjak. Ipak, prekršili su obećanje, što je razljutilo bogove, koji su poslali oluju na ostrvo. Ovde se nalazi crkva posvećena začeću Presve - te Bogorodice i manastirski kompleks sa vrtom. Ostrvo je ujedno i prava mala riznica. U mana - stirskoj crkvi čuva se Bogorodičin kip od drveta koji potiče iz vremena osnivanja franjevačke cr - kve (15. vek). BJELILA I KAKRC Ova dva krtoljska sela naslikana su bezbroj pu- ta, pa vam zbog toga mogu delovati poznato. Nekada davno žene su u Bjelila dolazile da peru veš, po čemu je i dobilo ime. Kakrc je malo i tiho naselje od tridesetak kamenih kuća koje uglav - nom pripadaju meštanima naselja Radović. Nije teško pretpostaviti da je ovde zimi pusto, za ra- zliku od letnjih meseci, kada sve vrvi od života. KRAŠIĆI Na obali Krašića, pored lepih kamenih kuća, isti - če se crkva posvećena Svetim bokeljskim mu - čenicima čiji je ktitor bio čuveni austrougarski admiral Maksimilijan Daublebski fon Šter - nek. Bokelji ga smatraju najzaslužnijim za ra - zvoj Tivta kao urbane celine. Kako i ne bi, kad je upravo on krajem 19. veka inicirao izgradnju vojnog brodogradilišta u Tivtu. ZABRÐE Ime potiče od položaja sela, a „iza brda“, na tri brežuljka, rasula su se čak četiri zaseoka. O du -

hing bad to anyone, except in self-defence. They planted an olive tree to commemorate their vow, from which an entire olive grove subsequently sprouted, but they broke their promise and the an- gry gods sent a storm to devastate the island. The third island has a church dedicated to the concep- tion of the Virgin Mary and a monastery complex with a garden. This island is also a genuine mi- ni treasure trove of bygone times, with the mona- stery church preserving a wooden statue of the Mother of God that dates back to the founding of the Franciscan church here (15 th century). BJELILA & KAKRC These two Krtolja villages have been painted co- untless times, which might make them seem so- mewhat familiar. Long ago, women would come to Bjelila to wash their clothes, which is how it got its ‘whitewashed’ name. Kakrc is a small, tranqu- il settlement of around thirty stone houses that mostly belong to residents of the village of Ra- dovići. It’s not difficult to imagine how deserted this place is during winter, in stark contrast to the summer months, when everything is brimming with life. KRAŠIĆI Standing out on the Krašići shoreline, alongside pretty stone houses, is the church dedicated to the Holy Martyrs of the Bay, which was founded by famous Austro-Hungarian Admiral Maximilian Daublebsky von Sterneck. Locals consider him as being most worthy of the credit for Tivat’s deve- lopment as an urban hub. And how could they not, given that it was him that initiated the constru-

Zauvek ćete pamtiti miris leta i ukus luštičke kuhinje You’ll forever remember the scents of summer and the taste of Luštica cuisine

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ve boje, a posebno je zanimljiva kada zaronite. Boja nastaje zbog refleksije sunčevih zraka ko - ji se odbijaju po njenim zidovima. Ovde je dubi - na mora do pet metara i idealno je mesto za ro- nioce, ali i za one koji samo žele kupanje u malo drugačijim uslovima. TVRÐAVA MAMULA Na samom ulazu u Bokokotorski zaliv nalazi se ostrvo Mamula. Na geografskim kartama se zo - ve Lastavica, a među stanovništvom Mamula, po admiralu Lazaru Mamuli koji je snažnu tvr - đavu kružnog oblika utvrdio na ostrvu sredinom 19. veka. Ostrvo je obraslo niskom vegetacijom i brojnim agavama, a na njegovoj južnoj strani nalaze se plaža i pristanište. RADOVIĆI Radovići su poznati po Pržnu, uvali koja je zbog sitnog peska, borove šume i maslinjaka omilje- na među turistima. U blizini se nalazi i Luštica Bay, luksuzno marina naselje s bogatim sadrža - jem. Na prvi pogled niko ne bi rekao da je ovo krtoljsko selo bilo naseljeno još u doba Ilira. Sve crkve čuvaju značajne relikvije, a posebno je in - teresantan felon bogato ukrašen zlatovezom, dar crnogorskog vladara i duhovnika Petra Pr - vog Petrovića, koji se čuva u Crkvi Svetog Luke u Gošićima.

Brguli (kod Crkve Svetog Petra i Svetog Pavla) i vidikovca Klinci iznad Rosa, odakle se pruža po - gled na Herceg Novi. PLAŽE Na poluostrvu Luštica smeštene su neke od najlepših plaža tog dela Jadrana. Na mapi se nalaze neke od njih: plaža Solila (Movida), Prž - no (Plavi horizonti), Velja Spila, Oblatno (Alma - ra beach), uvala Veslo, plaža Dobreč, plaže Miri - šta i Žanjice. GASTRO Jasno je da nigde riba nije ukusna kao u mesti- ma gde su ribarske mreže deo svakodnevice. Ovde i maslinovo ulje preko salate, sira i doma- ćeg hleba ima drugačiji ukus. Možda je i do za - čina, jer sve što možete da zamislite od medite - ranskog bilja raste na Luštici. Na trpezi luštičkih porodica česte su mahunarke, zelje, blitva i na - daleko čuveni luštički sir iz ulja. Posebno je ce - njeno samoniklo bilje, riba je nezaobilazna, ali i specijaliteti poput sušene hobotnice. Meso se nekada konzumiralo povremeno, a čuveni lu - štički pršut služio samo u retkim prilikama. Ovaj lokalni specijalitet, poznat i na bečkom dvoru, danas je nezaobilazna delicija bez koje ne može proći gastronomska avantura na Luštici. Maslinjaci Poluostrvo Luštica poznato je po brojnim ma - slinjacima, kojih je nekada bilo više od 140.000. Kada vidite maslinjake, zastanite. Pokucajte na vrata stare kuće i otkrijte tajnu dugogodišnje tradicije maslinarsva. Uz ukusnu zakusku do - maćini će vam ponosno pokazati stari mlin, su - venire od drveta masline, sapune na bazi ulja i ostale autentične proizvode. Bogata trpeza, ča - šica razgovora i toplina ognjišta učiniće da se osetite kao deo porodice koja tu živi vekovima. Ne postoji bolji način da upoznate Lušticu.

metres deep here and it’s an ideal spot for divers, but also for those who just want to bathe in condi- tions that are slightly out of the ordinary. MAMULA FORT The islet of Mamula marks the very entrance to the Bay of Kotor. Referred to as Lastavica on geo- graphical maps, it is known locally as Mamula af- ter Admiral Lazar Mamula, who established the strong circular fort on the island in the mid 19 th century. The island is overgrown with low vegeta- tion and numerous agave plants, while on its sout- hern side are a beach and a dock. RADOVIĆI The village of Radovići is known for the small bay of Pržno, which is a favourite among tourists thanks to its fine sand, pine forest and olive gro - ves. In close proximity to the luxury marina resort of Luštica Bay, nobody would guess at first glan - ce that this Krtolj village has been inhabited since Illyrian times. All local churches preserve impor- tant relics and one that’s particularly interesting is the so-called “felon”, which is richly decorated with gold embroidery and was a gift of Montenegrin ru- ler and bishop Petar I Petrović-Njegoš. It is preser - ved at the church of St. Luka in Gošići. OBSERVATION POINTS Every nook and cranny of the Luštica peninsula is an observation point in its own right. And that’s because you can see the magical Bay of Kotor or the vast blueness of the open sea from every sin- gle location. That said, there are some places that nonetheless standout. So, while you’re discovering Luštica, be sure to visit the observations points of Solila, Gošići (near the church of St. Luka), Bogišići (near the churches of St. Ivan and St. Jovan), the Brguli observation point (near the church of Saints Peter and Paul) and the Klinci lookout point above Rose that offers views of Herceg Novi. BEACHES Luštica peninsula is home to some of the most

beautiful beaches in this part of the Adriatic. You’ll find some of them on the map: Solila Beach (Mo - vida), Pržno (Plavi horizont/Blue Horizon), Velja Spila Beach, Oblatno Beach (Almara beach), Ve- slo Bay, Dobreč Beach and the beaches of Mirišta and Žanjice. GASTRONOMY It’s obvious to all that fish is at its tastiest in pla - ces where fishing nets are part of everyday life. And here the olive oil that’s drizzled over salad, cheese and homemade bread has a different ta- ste. Perhaps it’s down to the herbs and spices, be- cause every Mediterranean plant you can imagi- ne grows on Luštica. The dining spreads of local families often include legumes, greens, chard and the widely renowned Luštica cheese in oil. Wi- ld herbs are highly appreciated and fish is unavo - idable, as are specialities like sun-dried octopus. Here meat was traditionally only served occasi- onally, while the famous prosciutto-style Luštica cured ham was kept for special occasions. This local speciality, which was even known at the Co - urt of Vienna, is today an unavoidable delicacy that’s a must for any gastronomic adventure on Luštica. Olive groves The peninsula of Luštica is known for its many olive groves, of which there was once more than 140,000. When you come across the olive groves, be sure to stop, knock on the door of an old hou- se and discover the secret of the long tradition of olive growing. Alongside this delicious snack, your hosts will be proud to show you their old mill, so- uvenirs made of olivewood, olive oil-based soaps and other authentic products. A rich spread, a gla- ss of conversation and a warm hearth will leave you feeling like you’re part of a family that’s lived here for centuries. There’s simply no better way to get to know Luštica.

VIDIKOVCI Svaki kutak poluostrva Luštica je vidikovac sam po sebi. Baš sa svake lokacije može se videti čarobni Bokokotorski zaliv ili otvoreno morsko plavetnilo. Iako je tako, neka mesta su se ipak izdvojila, pa zato tokom otkrivanja Luštice oba- vezno pođite do vidikovca Solila, Gošići (kod Cr - kve Svetog Luke), do Bogišića (kod Crkve Sve - tog Ivana i Svetog Jovana), preko vidikovca

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DUBROVNIK / DUBROVNIK 65 min. od beograda From belgrade


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Biser Jadrana među drevnim zidinama Dubrovnik, centar najjužnije regije Dalmacije i njen najpoznatiji predstavnik, u samom je vrhu liste najlepših gradova sveta – izvor inspiraci- je za umetnike, mesto koje vole članovi kraljev - skih porodica i svetski džetseteri. „Oni koji tra - že raj na zemlji moraju doci u Dubrovnik“, pisao je Džordž Bernard Šo, zadivljen lepotom grada čiji su netaknuti, 1.940 metara dugi odbrambe - ni zidovi pod zaštitom Uneska. Na najjužnijem delu Hrvatske, sa vekovima nasleđa stvorenog umecem najboljih graditelja i umetnika, Du - brovnik uživa u toploj mediteranskoj klimi sa šumarcima limuna, narandži i mandarina, ra - skošnim palmama i agavama koje krase rene- sansni parkovi i cvetni vrtovi srednjovekovnih kamenih palata i nenametljivih manastira. Gradske zidine starog Dubrovnika obuhvataju savršeno očuvan kompleks objekata u centru grada, koji datiraju iz različitih perioda od 7. veka, pa nadalje. Pored zidova, jednako je va - žan i Stradun, glavna gradska ulica, a od dru - gih važnih lokaliteta tu su Knežev dvor, koji je bio sedište gradske vlastele; crkva posvecena zaštitniku grada Svetom Vlahu; Saborna crkva, veliki manastiri, zgrada Stare carine i Gradska kuca. Preko puta je Korčula, ostrvo sa najviše legen - di i spomenika, a zajedno sa Lokrumom i Mlje - tom i najšumovitije u Hrvatskoj. Daleko u otvo - renim vodama je ostrvo Lastovo, 50 kvadratnih kilometara peščanih plaža i nekoliko manjih ostrva raštrkanih sa obe strane. Uz Pelješac je zeleni Mljet sa svojih 100 kvadratnih kilometa - ra prekrivenih gustom borovom šumom, špilja- ma i jezerima, brojnim plažama i nacionalnim parkom na zapadnom delu ostrva.

Dubrovnik uživa u toploj mediteranskoj klimi sa šumarcima limuna, narandži i mandarina Dubrovnik basks in a warm Mediterranean climate and boasts groves of lemon, orange and tangerine trees

The pearl of the Adriatic between ancient ramparts Dubrovnik, marking the centre of Croatia’s sout - hernmost region of Dalmatia, represents the top of the list of the world’s most beautiful cities – as a source of inspiration for artists and a destina- tion favoured by members of royal families and the world’s jet setters. “Those who seek paradise on Earth must come to Dubrovnik”, wrote George Bernard Shaw, who was smitten by the beauty of this city, with its untouched, 1,940-metre-long defensive walls that are today under UNESCO protection. Occupying Croatia’s most southerly stretch of coastline, preserving centuries of heri- tage created by the noble hands of the finest bui - lders and artists, Dubrovnik basks in a warm Me- diterranean climate and boasts groves of lemon, orange and tangerine trees, sumptuous palms and agaves, and is adorned by Renaissance parks and the flowering gardens of medieval sto- ne palaces and modest monasteries. The Dubrovnik city walls encapsulate the perfe- ctly preserved complex of sacral and secular bu- ildings in the city centre, dating back to various periods from the 7 th century onwards. Apart from the walls, Stradun, the city‘s main street, is equ- ally important, while other important sites inclu- de the Rector‘s Palace (Knežev dvor), which was

the seat of the city‘s rulers, the church dedicated to the city‘s patron St Blaise, the Assumption Cat - hedral, there large monasteries, the Old Customs building and City Hall. Facing Dubrovnik across the water is Korču - la, the island with the most legends and monu- ments, which - together with Lokrum and Mljet - is among the most forested Croatian islands. Further out in the open waters is the island of La- stovo, with 50 kilometres of sandy beaches and several smaller islands scattered on either side. Next to Pelješac is the green Mljet, with its 100 square kilometres covered in dense pine forests, caves and lakes, while the western part of the island boasts many beaches and a national park.

1.940 m dugi su odbrambeni zidovi po zaštitom Uneska 1,940-metre-long are defensive walls that are today under UNESCO protection

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Central Dalmatia is a region characterised by oli - ve groves, indigenous aromatic plants, the brillian- ce of white stone against verdant vegetation and the towering Biokovo mountain massif, with ro- ots that descend all the way to the sea. When Ro- man Emperor Diocletian decided, in the year 305, to build a summer residence where he intended to spend the rest of his life, he had no doubt abo- ut locating it at the very heart of Dalmatia, in Aspa- lathos Bay (Split), which was well protected from the sea by the islands of the Split archipelago and defended by high mountains on its landward side. Diocletian created a special point on the map of the Adriatic: the future city of Split. A walk through this ancient city is like travelling through time, but Split is much more than just an exhibition of architecture. This is a city where you can enjoy top-notch gastronomy, film, theatre, mu - sic festivals and exhibitions. And if you want to avoid the urban bustle, there’s always the green oasis of Marjan forest park and kilometres of bea- ches washed over by crystal clear water. And then there are the islands. Brač is the Croa - tian island with the highest elevation and the third largest island in the Adriatic, with its Zlatni Rat [Golden Horn] beach representing one of the most famous symbols of Croatian tourism. It is home to the unusual Blaca Hermitage, a stone cave san- ctuary that was constructed by monks in 16 th cen- Magical island’s guard Diocletian’s city

od Beograda From Belgrade

65 min.

arhipelagom, a sa kopna branjenom visokim planinama. Dioklecijan je stvorio posebnu tač - ku na karti Jadrana – buduci grad Split. Šetnja ovim drevnim gradom je kao putovanje kroz vreme, ali Split je mnogo više od arhitek- tonskog ambijenta. To je grad u kojem možete uživati u vrhunskoj gastronomiji, filmu, pozo - rištu, muzičkim festivalima i izložbama. A ako želite da izbegnete urbanu vrevu, tu je zelena oaza park-šume Marjana i kilometri plaža koje izlaze na kristalno čisto more. A tek ostrva… Brač je najviše hrvatsko ostrvo i trece po veličini u Jadranskom moru, a pla - ža Zlatni rat jedan je od najpoznatijih simbola hrvatskog turizma. U njemu se nalazi neobič - no kameno svetilište Blaca, koje su izgradi- li monasi u 16. veku. Južno od Brača je Hvar, najduže ostrvo na Jadranu, ostrvo vinograda, maslinjaka i lavande, blage klime, bogate ve- getacije i divnih letovališta. Pakleni otoci su grupa ostrva sa šljunkovitim i peščanim nu - dističkim plažama, ali i kamenitim podmorjem savršenim za ribolov. Daleko od kopna i njego - vih problema je Vis, koji pleni mirnom atmos- ferom davnih vremena, netaknutom prirodom i odličnom hranom. U blizini je ostrvo Biševo i Plava špilja, najlepša od mnogih na ovom ma - lom ostrvu.

Šetnja ovim drevnim gradom je kao putovanje kroz vreme, ali Split je mnogo više od arhitektonskog ambijenta A walk through this ancient city is like travelling through time, but Split is much more than just an exhibition of architecture

Srednja Dalmacija je region koji se odlikuje maslinama, aromatičnim biljem, blistavošcu belog kamena sred zelene vegetacije pod viso- kim planinskim masivom Biokova, čiji ogranci sežu sve do mora. Kada je 305. godine rimski car Dioklecijan odlučio da izgradi svoje pre - bivalište za odmor u kojem je nameravao da provede ostatak života, znao je da će to učiniti u samom srcu Dalmacije, u zalivu Aspalathos (Split), dobro zašticenom od mora splitskim Dioklecijanov grad čuvaju čarobna ostrva

tury. South of Brač is Hvar, the longest island on the Adriatic and one that’s ho- me to vineyards, olive gro- ves, lavender fields, a mild climate, abundant vegeta- tion and stunning resorts. Just off the coast of Hvar are the Pakleni Otoci [Helli- sh Islands], an interesting group of small islands wi- th pebble beaches and nu- dist sand beaches, and rocky coastal areas that are perfe- ct for fishing. Far from the land and its problems is Vis, which enchants visitors with its calm atmosphere of by- gone times, pristine nature and excellent food. The ne- arby island of Biševo boasts the Blue Cave, which is the most beautiful of this small island’s many caves.

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The Zadar region represents the northernmost part of Dalmatia and the gate of the region, wel- coming all those travelling from the north of the Adriatic. A city filled with contrasts and rich in historical heritage and beautiful nature, it is a place of colours, striking a particular harmony between the intense blue of the sea and the dark green of the pine trees or olive groves that tower over the waters and descend all the way to the shore, all accentuated against the brilliant white of the Dalmatian stone as the backdrop. Zadar is a 3,000-year-old city with the largest re - searched Roman forum on the Croatian side of the Adriatic, but also unforgettable Romanesque churches. Nin (the oldest Croatian royal city) boa - sts the world’s smallest cathedral (the Church of the Holy Cross measures just 36 paces!). Zadar is the proud owner of a unique blend of ar - chitecture and music, home to the world-famo- us Sea Organ art object, the sounds of which are produced by the energy of the sea, waves and ti- des. Stretching over an area of about 70 me- tres of the Zadar waterfront, 35 pipes of various lengths, diameters and slopes have been in- stalled beneath it, at the level of the lowest low ti- de. When the most beautiful sunset illuminates the waterfront, a dance of light accompanies the rhythm of the waves and the music. And alongside the organ is the Greeting to the Sun contemporary installation, comprising 300 multi-layered glass solar panels in the shape of a circle with a diameter of 22 metres. This unique Greeting the sun to the sounds of the sea organ

od Beograda From Belgrade

75 min.

Morske orgulje (desno) i Pozdrav suncu (gore) doveli su Zadar na naslovne stranice svih svetskih medija The Greeting to the Sun and the Sea Organ have led to Zadar being featured on front pages worldwide

installation collects the energy of the Sun over the course of the day and transforms it into ele- ctricity, which is then used by and around the in- stallation throughout the night. The Greeting to the Sun and the Sea Organ are located right next to each other, and both have led to Zadar being featured on front pages worldwide. Of course, there are also the inevitable islands of the Zadar Riviera: Pag, with its beautiful olive gro - ves, rich in sea salt and famous for its lace and world-class cheese; Silba, the island of shipo- wners and captains, a true shelter from the wind with its many bays and also known as the island with no cars; the Ugljan, a ‘suburb’ and garden of Zadar as the first in the Zadar Archipelago; and Dugi Otok, which boasts a nature reserve cove- ring its entire 114 square kilometres.

Pozdrav suncu uz zvuke morskih orgulja

cajem energije mora, tačnije plime i oseke. Morske orgulje protežu se na sedamdesetak metara zadarske obale ispod kojih je, na nivou najniže oseke, ugrađeno 35 cevi različite du - žine, prečnika i nagiba. Kada najlepši zalazak sunca prožme zadarsku rivu, svetlosna igra od - vija se u ritmu talasa i muzike. A pored orgulja, moderna instalacija Pozdrav suncu nova je zadarska atrakcija sastavlje- na od 300 višeslojnih staklenih ploča u obliku kruga prečnika 22 metra. Danju prikuplja ener - giju sunca i pretvara je u električnu, koja se u instalaciji i oko nje potom koristi tokom no- ći. Uz Morske orgulje , Pozdrav suncu doveo je Zadar na naslovnice svih svetskih medija. Na Zadarskoj rivijeri su, naravno, i nezaobila - zna ostrva. Pag sa predivnim maslinjacima, bogat morskom solju i poznat po svojoj čipki i siru svetske klase. Silba, ostrvo brodovlasnika i kapetana, pravi je zaklon od vetra sa svojim brojnim uvalama, poznata i kao ostrvo bez au- tomobila. Ugljan je predgrađe i vrt Zadra, dok Dugi otok ima rezervat prirode koji se prostire na 114 kvadratnih kilometara.

Zadarska regija je najseverniji deo Dalmaci - je, njena kapija dobrodošlice za sve one ko- ji putuju sa severa Jadrana. Pun je kontrasta, bogat istorijskim nasleđem i prelepom priro - dom. Intenzivne boje, taj poseban sklad živo - pisnog plavetnila mora i preko njega tamnoze- lenih borova ili maslinjaka koji se spuštaju sve do obale. A svemu tome treba dodati i blistavu belinu dalmatinskog kamena. Zadar, star oko 3.000 godina, grad je sa najve - cim istraženim rimskim forumom na hrvatskoj strani Jadrana i nezaboravnim romaničkim cr - kvama. Obližnji Nin (najstariji hrvatski kraljev - ski grad) može se pohvaliti najmanjom katedra - lom na svetu (Crkva Svetog Križa meri samo 36 koraka). Zadar ipak ima nešto sasvim jedin - stveno – spoj arhitekture i muzike, svetski po- znate Morske orgulje , čiji zvuk nastaje pod uti -

36 koraka meri Crkva Svetog Križa

The Church of the Holy Cross measures just 36 paces

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me scan


Kvarner represents the largest gulf in the Croa - tian part of the Adriatic and includes, among ot- hers, the islands of Krk, Cres and Rab, all of which are actually sea mountains that rise 600-700 me- tres from the seabed. The coastal landscape he- re is practically an extension of the mountainous region of Gorski Kotar, with the Mediterranean cli- mate and way of life representing the closest ne- ighbours of its harsh mountain climate. This part of the coast encompasses the easternmost part of the Istrian peninsula, the mainland area around the Bay of Rijeka and the coastal side of the Vele- bit mountain range, while Rijeka is the largest co- astal city in Kvarner Gulf. Kvarner is the right place for those seeking the glitter of a trendy summer resort – like the love- ly Opatija, with its long tourist tradition, parks of lush greenery and elegant villas, combined with a 12-km-long seafront promenade. Kvarner is ideal for visitors seeking enjoyment in the combination of a beautiful coastline, sunny islands and almost intimidating mountains that tower over the coas- tline. This sunny riviera gives way to the almost ascetic tranquillity of the mountains, where com- pany is provided by eagles, wolves and bears. Judging by nature that’s far from the regular hustle of a busy island, Krk is at times more of a green oasis than a modern, well-connected island. The islands of Cres and Lošinj used to be separated by a channel that was excavated by the Romans, while today they’re connected by a bridge. This region is even more special becau- se of the island of Susak, one of the country’s rare sand islands. The next island is Rab, which is rich in Mediterranean shrubs and sand beaches. However, before you head out to explore all the beauty of Kvarner, be sure to land in Rijeka and discover this city, with architecture – from Got- hic, via Baroque to Austro-Hungarian influences – that reveals its rich history. Despite having a tur- bulent history, Rijeka pulsates with the dynamic rhythm of everyday life, which you will best feel in the city centre, on the always lively Korzo prome- nade. Take a seat and drink a coffee while people, scenes and events pass you by... And when the li- ghts go out and many cities fall silent, Rijeka lives on intensely through its nightclubs and restau- rants with excellent gastronomic offers. You’ll certainly also enjoy events like the Nights of Ri- jeka‘s Squares and Beaches and the Summer on Gradina festival, and don’t miss June’s Fiumanka, when Rijeka’s port is transformed into a marina jampacked with boats and visited by lovers of the sea and sailing from many countries. The irresistible beauty of Kvarner Gulf

od Beograda From Belgrade

80 min

Kvarner je najveći zaliv hrvatskog dela Jadra - na, u kojem se, između ostalih, nalaze ostr - va Krk, Cres i Rab, koja zapravo predstavlja - ju planine u moru jer se dižu 600–700 metara sa dna. Ovde je primorski pejzaž praktično u neposrednoj blizini planinske šumovite regi- je Gorskog kotara, a mediteranska klima i na - čin života su prvi susedi oštre planinske kli - me. Ovaj deo Primorja obuhvata najistočniji deo poluostrva Istre, kopno oko Riječkog zali - va i primorsku stranu Velebita, a najveći grad na obali Kvarnerskog zaliva je Rijeka. Kvarner je mesto gde moderna letovališta po- put ljupke Opatije, čija turistička tradicija, par - kovi prepuni bujnog zelenila i elegantnih vila, u kombinaciji sa 12 kilometara dugim šeta - lištem uz more, tokom cele godine privlače goste željne bleštavila. Idealan je za one ko - ji žele da uživaju u kombinaciji prelepe oba - le, sunčanih ostrva i gotovo zastrašujucih pla - nina na kojima vlada gotovo asketski mir, a društvo vam prave orlovi, vukovi i medvedi. Sudeci po prirodi koja je daleko od svakod - nevne ostrvske vreve, Krk je na momente vi- še zelena oaza nego moderno ostrvo. Cres i Lošinj nekada su razdvajali kanal koji su isko- pali Rimljani, a danas su ova dva ostrva po - vezana mostom. Ovaj kraj je još posebniji po šarmantnom Susaku, jednom od retkih pešča - nih ostrva. Sledece ostrvo na Kvarneru je Rab – bogat mediteranskim grmljem i peščanim plažama. Ali pre nego što krenete da istražujete sve le - pote Kvarnera, sletite u Rijeku i otkrijte ovaj grad, čija arhitektura od gotike, preko baro - ka do austougarskog uticaja otkriva bogatu istoriju. Iako ima burnu prošlost, Rijeka pulsi - ra dinamičnim ritmom svakodnevice, koji ćete možda najbolje osetiti u samom centru grada, na uvek živom Korzu. Sedite da popijete kafu, dok ljudi, slike i događaji prolaze pored vas... Kad se ugase svetla i mnogi gradovi utihnu, Rijeka intenzivno živi u klubovima i restora - nima s izvrsnom gastronomskom ponudom. Sigurno ćete uživati i u manifestacijama kao što su Noći riječkih trgova i plaža i Leto na Gradini , a u junu ne propustite Fjumanku , vre- me kada se riječka luka pretvara u marinu pre - punu brodova, a pohode je svake godine zalju- bljenici u more i jedra iz brojnih zemalja. Neodoljivа lepotica Kvarnerskog zaliva

A kad se ugase svetla i mnogi gradovi utihnu, Rijeka intenzivno živi u klubovima i restoranima And when the lights go out and many cities fall silent, Rijeka lives on intensely through its nightclubs and restaurants

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