Elevate March 2022 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine

EMBRACING SPRING TRAVELS U susret prolećnim putovanjima

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Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

Mart 2022. godine

March 2022

Dragi putnici,

Dear Passengers,

DRAGO MI JE ŠTO SMO TOKOM GODINE KO- JA je za nama, uprkos svim izazovima, uspeli da ostvari- mo zadovoljavajuće rezultate. U 2021. smo prevezli više od 1,5 miliona putnika, što predstavlja uvećanje od čak 83 odsto u odnosu na 2020. godinu. Navedene brojke dodatno dobijaju na značaju imajući u vidu da pandemi- ja korona virusa i dalje u velikoj meri ograničava moguć- nosti putovanja. Takvi rezultati nas ohrabruju i pokazu- ju da smo na dobrom putu ka ostvarivanju cilja koji smo zacrtali za 2023. godinu – dostizanje pretpandemijskih nivoa iz rekordne 2019. godine. Krupni ciljevi zahtevaju i velika ulaganja – vremena, truda, energije, ali i resursa. Kako bismo podržali plani- ranu ekspanziju, započeli smo modernizaciju naše regi- onalne flote. Novi turbo-elisni avion tipa ATR 72-600, kojem smo dobrodošlicu poželeli krajem januara, pred- stavlja prvi korak na tom putu. Obnova flote je jedna od najznačajnijih strateških odluka koje će učvrstiti našu po- ziciju regionalnog lidera, značajno unaprediti operativ- nu efikasnost i, ono što nam je primarno, kvalitet uslu- ge koju vam pružamo. Raduje nas što obnavljamo sezonsku liniju do Za- dra, pa ćemo vas tokom leta novim avionom prevozi- ti do čak šest destinacija u Hrvatskoj. Dalje širenje na tržištu Evrope nas očekuje od juna, kada se priprema- mo da poletimo do još tri nove destinacije iz Beogra- da – Hanovera, Nirnberga i Salcburga. Nastavljamo sa snažnom ekspanzijom naše mreže kako bismo dopuni- li postojeću uslugu i pružili vam što veći izbor prilikom planiranja putovanja i odmora. Plan nam je da ove go- dine letimo do više od 60 destinacija u Evropi, Sever- noj Americi i na Bliskom istoku. S obzirom na to da putovanje počinje mnogo pre ukrcavanja na let planiranjem i organizacijom, omogu- ćili smo vam da što rasterećenije i brže prođete kroz tu fa- zu. U cilju pružanja najboljeg mogućeg korisničkog isku- stva, pokrenuli smo novu verziju naše mobilne aplikacije, koja će vam značajno olakšati kupovinu avio-karata i do- datnih usluga. Sistem je toliko savremen i jednostavan, da će vam za rezervaciju karte biti dovoljno svega ne- koliko minuta, čak i ukoliko nikada ranije niste koristi- li mobilnu aplikaciju. Uz sve zanimljive novine koje smo vam pripremili, ra- dujemo se i početku proleća jer je to znak da se bliži letnja sezona u avio-saobraćaju, koja startuje već 31. marta. Pred nama je uzbudljiv i dinamičan period i nadamo se da ste spremni za sva putovanja i destinacije na koje ćemo vas po- vesti. Počnite već sada da planirate nove avanture, jer kako je Hans Kristijan Andersen govorio – putovati znači živeti. Uživajte u letu i srećan put,

I’M HAPPY THAT WE MANAGED TO ACHIEVE SATISFACTORY results last year, despite all the chal- lenges. We carried over 1.5 million passengers in 2021, representing an 83% year-on-year increase. These num- bers are even more significant when we consider that the coronavirus pandemic continues to restrict travel great- ly. Such results encourage us and show that we are mak- ing good progress towards achieving our goal in 2023: to reach the pre-pandemic levels of the record-breaking 2019. Lofty goals require major investments - of time, effort, energy and resources. In order to support the planned expansion, we’ve started modernising our regional fleet. The new turboprop ATR 72-600, which we welcomed in late January, is the first step on that path. Renewing the fleet is one of the most important strategic decisions that will fortify our position as regional leader, significantly improve operational efficiency and, as our primary goal, the quality of the service we provide. We are happy to restore the seasonal Zadar service, and thus we will use our new aircraft to fly you to six destinations in Croatia during the summer season. Our further expansion on the European market will follow in June, when we plan to launch routes from Belgrade to three more new destinations: Hanover, Nuremberg and Salzburg. We are continuing the massive expansion of our network in order to complement the existing ser- vice and provide you with the broadest possible selection when planning your trips and holidays. We plan to fly to more than 60 destinations in Europe, North Ameri- ca and the Middle East this year. Considering that a trip begins long before a flight is boarded – with planning and organisation, we have ena- bled you to complete that phase of preparations as quick- ly and conveniently as possible. With the aim of provid- ing the best possible customer experience, we launched a new version of our mobile app that will make it much eas- ier for you to purchase flight tickets and additional ser- vices. The system is so advanced and simple that you will require just a few minutes to book a ticket, even if you’ve never previously used the app. Along with all the interesting innovations and advanc- es that we’ve prepared for you, we are also looking for- ward to the start of spring, as that means that the sum- mer season for air transport is approaching: it begins on 31 st March. An exciting and dynamic period is ahead of us, and we hope that you are ready for all the journeys and the destinations that we will be taking you to. Start plan- ning your new adventures now, because, as Hans Chris- tian Andresen said, “to travel is to live”. Enjoy the flight and have a good trip,

Jiri Marek CEO Air Serbia



Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5




Nova mobilna aplikacija Er Srbije / New Air Serbia mobile app Er Srbija u 2021. prevezla 83 odsto više putnika nego u 2020. / Air Serbia carried 83% more passengers in 2021 than in 2020



 Novi ATR 72-600 stigao u Beograd / New ATR 72- 600 arrived in Belgrade



 Putujemo sa novinarkom Mirom Adanjom Polak / We travel with journalist Mira Adanja Polak

Džefri Din Morgan o poslednjoj sezoni serije Okružen mrtvima / Jeffrey Dean Morgan on the final season of the series The Walking Dead


Ana Popović: Beograd zna odakle sam krenula / Ana Popović: Belgrade knows my starting point Dobitnici Zlatnog lava i Zlatne palme na jubilarnom Festu / Golden Lion and Palm d’Or winners at FEST jubilee edition U susret Oskaru: Sa Almodovarom po Madridu / Meeting the Oscars: With Almodovar in Madrid




PUTUJTE PAMETNO SMART TRAVEL 12.  V odimo vas do novih

Ko je bio Tijeri Migler, za kojim žali ceo modni svet? / Who was Thierry Mugler, for whom the entire fashion world mourns? Stogodišnjakinja koja o modi zna sve / Centenarian who knows all there is to know about fashion

destinacija Er Srbije / We are taking you to new Air Serbia destinations


6 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović

Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Aleksandra Beslać, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Jovana Velimirović Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs


RITAM SRBIJE RHYTHM OF SERBIA 74. Dobro došli u Kraljevo: Od legendi, preko

Kratko bekstvo iz Beograda: Prošetajte probuđenim planinama / A short getaway from Belgrade: walk over awakened mountains

kraljeva, do Magliča / Welcome to Kraljevo: from legends, via kings, to Maglič



Velikanke srpske kulture / Great women of Serbian culture

snežnih vrhova / Winter holidays: magic of snow- capped peaks

SPORT SPORTS 102. Beograd dočekuje najbolje atletičare /

Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

Belgrade welcomes the best athletes

106. Spektakularna

Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

Olimpijada: Veštački sneg i svi roboti Pekinga / Spectacular Olympics: Artificial snow and all of Beijing‘s robots


Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Sve što treba da znate o piću bogova / Everything you need to know about the drink of the gods Pretplatnik trenutno nije dostupan, radi na sebi / The user is currently unavailable, working on self

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved


Dobro došli u proleće / Welcome to spring Foto/ Photo: Depositphotos

Broj / Issue No. 337 Naslovna strana / Cover Depositphotos

Contents » Sadržaj | 7

U fokusu

In focus

ATR 72-600 omogućava smeštanje kabinskog prtljaga nešto većih dimenzija The ATR 72-600 enables the storing of large roller bags in the overhead compartment

metara. Najveća brzina koju može da dostigne tokom krstarenja izno- si oko 510 kilometara na čas, dok je maksimalni dolet sa punim kapa- citetom 1.404 kilometara. Za razli- ku od aktuelnih modela turbo-eli- snih aviona u floti, ATR 72-600 donosi značajnu novu karakteristi- ku, obezbeđujući većini putnika na letu mogućnost smeštanja kabin- skog prtljaga nešto većih dimenzi- ja u odeljke za smeštanje prtljaga, što je cenjeni element usluge u floti mlaznih aviona Er Srbije . Er Srbija će novim avionima ti- pa ATR 72-600 leteti na redovnim linijama iz Beograda za Banjaluku, Beč, Bukurešt, Ljubljanu, Podgori- cu, Prag, Sarajevo, Skoplje, Sofiju, Solun, Tivat, Tiranu i Zagreb, kao i na sezonskim linijama do Dubrovni- ka, Pule, Splita i Zadra. Letovi novim avionima će se realizovati i na re- dovnoj liniji iz Niša do Ljubljane i se- zonskoj do Atine, kao i na redovnoj liniji iz Kraljeva do Istanbula i sezon- skim do Tivta i Soluna.

šom turbo-elisnom flotom i tokom predstojećeg perioda zameniće- mo sve avione ATR 72-200, od kojih trenutno imamo tri u floti, kao i dva ATR 72-500, najsavremenijim ATR 72-600. To će značajno unapredi- ti našu operativnu efikasnost, kao i usluge koje pružamo putnicima. Naš cilj je da nastavimo da se razvi- jamo kao regionalni lider, a moder- nizovana flota turbo-elisnih aviona je suštinski korak na tom putu – izja- vio je Jirži Marek, generalni direk- tor Er Srbije . Novi avion YU-ALY ima vizuel- ni identitet srpskog nacionalnog avio-prevoznika. Proizveden 2015. godine, noviji je od ostalih letelica u ATR floti i modernijeg enterijera. Najnovije pojačanje u floti nacional- ne avio-kompanije ima konfigura- ciju sa 72 sedišta marke The Geven Prestige , koja putnicima obezbe- đuje veći komfor i udobnost. Avi- on je opremljen sa dva turbo-prop motora PW127M, dugačak je 27,17 metara sa rasponom krila od 27,05



SRPSKA NACIONALNA AVIO-KOMPANIJA JE IZNAJMLJI- VANJEM PRVOG aviona tipa ATR 72-600 započela veliko podmlađi- vanje svoje regionalne flote, koje će biti finalizovano do kraja godine. – Obnavljanje flote je jedna od najznačajnijih strateških odluka i Er Srbija želi da iskoristi trenutne po- voljne tržišne uslove u pogledu do- stupnosti aviona. Počinjemo sa na- tipa ATR 72-600, oznake YU-ALY, koji će Er Srbija koristiti na regionalnim letovima, stigao je iz Tuluza

8 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

a maximum cruising speed of abo- ut 510 km/h, at full capacity it has a maximum range of 1,404 km. In contrast to the fleet’s current tur- bo prop aircraft, the ATR 72-600 brings an important new product feature by providing the option of storing large roller bags in the over- head compartments for the majo- rity of passengers, as a common appreciated service element of Air Serbia’s jet fleet. Air Serbia will deploy its new ATR 72-600 aircraft on scheduled flights from Belgrade to Banjaluka, Vienna, Bucharest, Ljubljana, Pod- gorica, Prague, Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofia, Thessaloniki, Tivat, Tirana and Zagreb, but also on seasonal flights to Dubrovnik, Pula, Split and Zadar. The Serbian flag carrier will also use these new planes for scheduled fli- ghts from Niš to Ljubljana and se- asonal flights to Athens, as well as for scheduled flights from Kraljevo to Istanbul and seasonal flights to Thessaloniki.

bo prop fleet and replacing all ATR 72-200s, of which we currently ha- ve three in the fleet, as well as two ATR 72-500 planes, with the state- of-the-art ATR 72-600 to arrive du- ring the coming period. This will si- gnificantly increase our operational efficiency, as well as the service we provide to passengers. Our ambiti- on is to continue to develop further as a regional leader and upgrading the turbo prop fleet is an essential step on this path,” said Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek. The new YU-ALY plane bears the Serbian national airline’s visu- al identity. Made in 2015, it is youn- ger than the other planes in Air Ser- bia’s ATR fleet and boasts a more modern interior. This latest additi- on to the Serbian national airline’s fleet has Geven’s Prestige 72-se- at configuration, which ensures more comfort for passengers. This aircraft is 27.17 m long, has a win- gspan of 27.05 m and boasts two PW127m turboprop engines. With


A new turboprop ATR 72-600 aircraft, sporting the YU-ALY registration code that Air Serbia will use on regional flights, has arrived in Belgrade from Toulouse AIR SERBIA RENEWS REGIONAL FLEET

BY LEASING THE FIRST ATR 72- 600 aircraft, the Serbian national airline has commenced the major renewal of its regional fleet, whi- ch will be finalised by the end of the year. “Fleet renewal is one of the most significant strategic decisi- ons and Air Serbia is capitalising on current favourable market con- ditions regarding aircraft availabi- lity. We are starting with our tur-

Najveća brzina koju može da dostigne tokom krstarenja iznosi oko 510 kilometara na čas, dok je maksimalni dolet sa punim kapacitetom 1.404 kilometara This aircraft has a maximum cruising airspeed of about 510 km/h, while its maximum range at full capacity is 1,404 km

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 9

Na letu

On board

U avionu vidim stvari mnogo jasnije MIRA ADANJA POLAK, NOVINARKA

MIRA ADANJA POLAK, JOURNALIST I see things much more clearly on an airplane I LIKE PLANES BECAUSE I DON’T KNOW ANY other faster way to reach a far- away destination, and quickly. Aboard a plane I feel tranquil and relaxed. I normally see things much more clearly and solve all dilemmas with- out even being aware of it. When I land, I have all the solutions that had seemed complicat- ed while I was on the ground.

Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/ Photography: Dragana Udovičić, Depositphotos

VOLIM AVIONE JER NE ZNAM BR- ŽI NAČIN DA stignem daleko, a brzo. U avionu se osećam mirno i opušteno, stva- ri obično vidim mnogo jasnije i sve nedo- umice rešavam a da toga nisam svesna. Kada sletim, imam sva rešenja koja su mi bila komplikovana na zemlji.



Uvek nosim mali neseser u kom se nalazi sve što mi treba. I always carry a small vanity case containing everything I need

Nosim pomadu za lice i ruke jer je vazduh suv u avionu. I carry hand and facial cream, because the air in planes is dry



Kašmirski mali džemper je uz mene da mi bude toplo. I have a small cashmere sweater with me, to keep me warm

Obavezno imam dnevna izdanja svih novina sa onog aerodroma sa kog polećem, pa uporedo čitam sve i saznajem poneku istinu. It’s obligatory for me to take the daily editions of all newspapers from the airport of departure, then I read them all comparatively in parallel and discover the odd truth



Ne idem nikuda bez ruža za usne jer tako osećam da sam se doterala. I don’t go anywhere without lipstick, because wearing it makes me feel like I’ve touched up my look

Naočare za sunce nosim jer malo privatnosti ne škodi, a u avionu volim i da spavam. I take sunglasses because a little privacy can’t hurt, and I also like to sleep aboard planes

10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Doktorka Kristina Davidović, osnivač i vlasnik jedne od najvećih domaćih privatnih poliklinika, za svega četiri godine izgradila je brend Rea Medika. Osim radiologije i interne medicine, poliklinika Rea Medika postala je regionalno poznata po radu u oblasti estetske medicine i plastične hirurgije. Za samo 1.460 dana, svoj biznis, pored poliklinike na Voždovcu, proširila je na još dve eksklu- zivne lokacije. Prva je u Novom Sadu, druga u BW. U razgovoru za magazin Elevejt objasnila je koliko je bilo teško napraviti sve a da nijednog trenutka njen primarni posao ne trpi zbog toga. Doktorka je načelnica Radiologije u Urgentnom centru i asistent na Medicins- kom fakultetu u Beogradu. – Veoma je važno imati viziju i dobro isplanirati sve do detalja. Oformiti savršen tim uz čiju ćete pomoć kreiranu strategiju uspeti da sprovedete u delo. Često danas čujem – svaka čast tebi na tvom timu, ja svoj nikada ne mogu da napravim da sve funkcioniše. Kvalitetan kadar nema cenu, te imamo priliku da čujemo da mnogi poslodavci ne plaćaju dovoljno svoj kadar, a očekuju da imaju najbolje rezultate. Najboljeg radnika treba čuvati i nansijski ga nagraditi – objašnjava doktorka. Rea Medika ima više od 30.000 vernih pacijenata, koji se uvek iznova sa radošću vraćaju. – Ako niste prvi na tržištu, morate da istražite šta je bilo loše u vašoj proceni i zašto strategija koju ste sprovodili nije dovela do najbol- jeg rezultata. Meni je u krvi pre svega medicina, a potom biznis. Mišljenja sam da šta god radili, kojim god biznisom se bavili, morate nastojati da budete najbolji, da radite pošteno i budete predani, a rezultati će nesumnjivo doći. Imam priliku da se bavim jednom od najbrže rastućih grana medicine – estetikom. Svetski trendovi se menjaju iz meseca u mesec, biti prvi, jedinstven, kvalitetan i unikatan – to je moj cilj. Naravno, pacijent je uvek na prvom mestu, sve ostalo ide nakon toga. Nijedan vid marketninga ne može da zameni marketing koji donosi zadovoljni pacijent – kaže doktorka Kristina Davidović. Doktorka koja je napravila brend zvani Rea Biznis i medicina su mi u krvi

Dr Kristina Davidović, founder and owner of one of the country’s largest private clinics, required just four years to build the “Rea Medika” brand. Apart from being known for radiology and internal medicine, the Rea Medika polyclinic has earned regional repute for its work in the eld of aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery. Over a period of just 1460 days, she expanded her business to include - in addition to the Voždovac polyclinic - two more exclusive locations: the rst in Novi Sad and the second in the Belgrade Waterfront community. In this interview for Elevate, she explains how dicult it was to create everything without her primary job suering for an instant. This doctor is head of the radiology department at the Clinical Centre of Serbia’s Emergency Room and a teaching assistant at the University of Medicine in Belgrade. “It’s very important that you have a vision and good planning of everything, down to the most minute detail. Form a perfect team that will help you implement the strategy you’ve created in practice. I today often hear people say ‘well done on your team; I can never make mine in such a way that everything functions’. High-quality personnel are priceless, which is why we have the opportunity to hear how most employers don’t pay their employees enough, yet expect to have the best sta. It is necessary to protect the best worker, and to reward them nancially,” explains Dr Davidović, noting that Rea Medika has more than 30,000 loyal patients who are always happy to return. “If you aren’t number one on the market, you must investigate to determine what was wrong with your assessment and the strategy you implemented that didn’t lead to the best result. Medicine is primarily in my blood, and then business. It is my opinion that whatever you do, whatever area of business you deal with, you must endeavour to be the best, to work scrupulously and with commitment, and the results will undoubtedly come. I have the opportunity to work in one of the fastest growing branch- es of medicine: aesthetics. World trends change from month to month, while my goal is to be the number one, inimitable, high-quality and unique, and of course to always put the patient rst, with everything else subordinated to that. No form of marketing can replace the marketing that’s brought by a satised patient.” Lady doctor who created the “Rea” brand Both business and medicine are in my blood

reamedika www.reamedika.rs Galerija Belgrade Bul. Vudroa Vilsona 12, II sprat



Novi gradovi, nove avanture New cities, new adventures

Er Srbija nastavlja da širi mrežu svojih de - stinacija i poziva vas da ove godine otkri - jete gradove do kojih do sada nije bilo direk - tnih letova. Predstav - ljamo vam sedam veli - čanstvenih mesta koja sada brzo i lako može - te da otkrijete, a u ru - brici Destinacija (stra- na 90) vodimo vas u još tri nova italijanska grada do kojih srpski avio-pre - voznik počinje da leti. Za sve gradove karte su već u prodaji… Air Serbia is continuing to expand its network of destinations and invites you to discover cities that weren’t previously served by its direct fli- ghts. Here we present to you seven magnifi - cent places that you can now discover qu- ickly and easily, whi- le in the Destinations article (page 90), we lead you to another three Italian cities that will soon start receiving flights of the Serbian natio- nal airline. Flights

to all of these ci- ties are already on sale…

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

VALENSIJA Redovni letovi na relaciji Be- ograd–Valensija obavljaće se dva puta nedeljno, sredom i subotom tokom aprila i ma- ja, a zatim od početka juna če- tvrtkom i nedeljom. Nacional- na avio-kompanija će do svoje treće destinacije u Španiji sa- obraćati avionom erbas A319. VALENCIA Scheduled flights between Belgrade and Valencia will operate twice a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays during April and May, then on Thursdays and Sundays from the beginning of June. Serbia’s national airline will deploy its Airbus A319 aircraft to its third destination in Spain. LION Redovan avio-saobraćaj i do Liona u Francuskoj uspostav- lja se 3. juna. Letovi do Lio- na, trece destinacije Er Srbije u Francuskoj posle Pariza i Ni- ce, obavljaće se dva puta ne- deljno. LYON A scheduled route will be es- tablished to Lyon, France, as of 3 rd June. Flights will operate twice a week to this city, which – after Paris and Nice – repre- sents Air Serbia’s third destina- tion in France. NIRNBERG Letovi Er Srbije do Nirnberga obavljaće se dva puta nedelj- no tokom cele godine, počev- ši od 6. juna. NUREMBERG Air Serbia will operate flights to Nuremberg twice a week, year-round, starting from 6 th June. Srpska avio-kompanija će od 11. juna do 29. oktobra između Beograda i Palma de Majorke leteti dva puta nedeljno, utor- kom i subotom. Letovi do če- tvrte destinacije Er Srbije u Španiji, posle Barselone, Ma- drida i Valensije, obavljaće se avionom erbas A319. PALMA DE MAJORKA

PALMA DE MALLORCA The Serbian national carrier will operate flights between Bel- grade and Palma de Mallorca twice a week, on Tuesdays and Saturdays, from 11th June un- til 29 th October. Flights to this fourth Air Serbia destination in Spain – following Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia – will oper- ate using Airbus A319 aircraft. AMAN Er Srbija 1. juna pokreće direk- tne redovne letove između Be- ograda i Amana u Jordanu, a letovi će se obavljati četiri pu- ta nedeljno tokom cele godine, osim u zimskom periodu, kada će ih biti tri. AMMAN Air Serbia will launch direct scheduled flights between Bel- grade and the Jordanian cap- ital of Amman as of 1 st June, with these flights to be operat- ed throughout the year - three times a week during winter and four times a week throughout the rest of the year. HANOVER Srpski nacionalni avio-prevo- znik će između Beograda i Ha- novera od 3. juna saobraća- ti tri puta nedeljno tokom letnje sezone i dva puta nedeljno po zimskom redu letenja. HANOVER The Serbian national airline will commence scheduled flights between Belgrade and Hanover as of 3 rd June, with three flights a week during the summer sea- son and two a week under the winter flight schedule. SALCBURG Do Salcburga, svoje druge de- stinacije u Austriji, Er Srbija će od 7. juna saobraćati tri puta nedeljno tokom leta, odnosno dva puta nedeljno tokom zime. SALZBURG Air Serbia will launch flights to Salzburg, representing its sec- ond destination in Austria, as of 7 th June, with three flights a week during the summer peri- od and two a week during the winter months.

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Valensija, grad čije nas samo ime asocira na sunce, narandže i pesak. Idealno mesto za opuštanje sa 320 sunčanih dana u godini. Mo - derna Valensija poznata je po elegantnom Mu - nisipal parku i spektakularnom futurističkom centru nazvanim Grad umetnosti i nauke, ko - je je dizajnirao Santjago Kalatrava. Treći naj - veći grad u Španiji ima sve kulturne, obrazov - ne i gastronomske prednosti metropole, ali je i grad u kom postoji veća verovatnoća da vas ujutru probude crkvena zvona i ptice nego gradska buka. Valensija je, za razliku od svojih rođaka Madrida i Barselone, zadržala autenti - čan španski način života. Najlepše plaže Na samo 15 minuta od centra nalaze se ne - ke od prelepih plaža koje zapljuskuje Medi - teran. Las Arenas, Malvarosa i El Kabanel su dobitnice plave zastavice kao neke od najlep - ših plaža sveta, a malo dalje, oko 10 kilometa - ra južno, nalaze se i plaže skrivene u stenama okružene netaknutom prirodom. Jedna od njih je El Saler, koja je i ujedno deo zaštićenog par - ka Albufera. Grad umetnosti i nauke Sjudad de les arts je kulturni i arhitektonski kompleks u srcu Valensije. Ovo je najveća tu - ristička atrakcija, ali i najveća znamenitost. Ovaj deo grada projektovali su Santjago Kala - trava i Feliks Kandela, a sastoji se od nekoli - ko delova. Tu je Hemisfera sa bioskopom i pla - netarijumom, zgrada koja liči na ogromno oko. El Museum, interaktivni muzej nauke, podseća na kostur kita, dok Okeanografik, najveći oke - anografski akvarijum u Evropi, ima 110.000 kvadratnih metara i 42 miliona litara vode. Iz - građen je u obliku lokvanja i delo je arhitek - te Feliksa Kandele. Svaki objekat predstavlja različita vodena okruženja, uključujući Medi - teran, močvaru, umereno topla i tropska mo - ra, okeane, Antarktik, ostrva… Ovaj akvarijum je dom za više od 500 različitih vrsta riba, kao i za delfine. Paelja i sangrija U Valensiji će sva čula uživati, pa nemojte da propustite njihovu tradicionalnu paelju. Posto - ji mnogo recepata, paelja sa mesom, plodovi - ma mora, a tu su i predjela od punomasnih si - reva i nezaobilazne pršute. Vegani nikako ne bi smeli da propuste pohovanu šparglu, a baš svi treba da probaju čuvenu sangriju, slatko vi - no u kombinaciji sa voćem. Gitare, paelje i sangrija


sunčanih dana u godini sunny days per year

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FOTO: Depositphotos

Valencia is a city whose very name we associa- te with sunshine, oranges and sand. And indeed it is the ideal place for relaxation, with 320 sunny days a year. The modern Valencia is known for its elegant Parc Municipal and the spectacular- ly futuristic City of Arts and Sciences complex, which was designed by Santiago Calatrava. As Spain’s third largest city, it has all the cultural, academic and culinary advantages of a metro- polis, but this is also a city where you are more likely to be awakened in the morning by chur- ch bells and birdsong than by urban hustle and bustle. Unlike its cousins Madrid and Barcelona, Valencia has retained the authentic Spanish li- festyle. Most beautiful beaches Some of the most beautiful beaches that are washed by the waters of the Mediterranean can be found just 15 minutes from the city centre. The beaches of Las Arenas, Malvarrosa and Ca- banyal have all received the Blue Flag confirming their status among the world’s most beauti- ful beaches, while a little further away, approxi- mately 10 km to the south, are beaches hidden between rocky outcrops and surrounded by pri- stine nature. One such beach is El Saler, which also forms part of the protected Albufera Natu- ral Park. City of arts and sciences The Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias [City of Arts and Sciences] is a cultural and archite- Guitars, paella and sangria

ctural complex that lies at the heart of Valen- cia and forms the city’s greatest tourist attracti- on, but also its biggest landmark. This part of the city, which was designed jointly by archite- cts Santiago Calatrava and Felix Candela, con- sists of several parts. There is the Hemisphe- re, L’Hemisfèric, with a cinema and planetarium housed in a building made to resemble a giant eye. The Museu de les Ciències Príncipe Feli- pe, an interactive science museum that’s made to look like the skeleton of a whale. And L’Ocea- nogràfic, representing Europe’s largest oceano - graphic aquarium, which encompasses an area of 110,000 square metres and contains 42 mi- llion litres of water. Built in the shape of a water lily, it is a work of the aforementioned Cande- la. Each building represents a different aqua- tic environment, including the Mediterranean, wetlands, temperate and tropical seas, oceans, the Arctic and Antarctica, islands etc. This aqu- arium is home to over 500 different species, including fish, dolphins... Paellas and sangria Valencia provides enjoyment for all the sen- ses, so be sure not to miss out on the chan- ce to try its traditional paella variants. There are many different recipes, including paella wi- th meat and with seafood, while there are also appetisers of full-fat cheeses and the inevita- ble cured hams. Vegans shouldn’t overlook the fried asparagus, while absolutely everyone sho- uld try the famous sangria, a sweet wine com- bined with fruit.

Valensija je grad festivala, među kojima su najpoznatiji Toma de Bunjol (bitka paradajzom) i Festival Las Faljas Valencia is a city of festivals, the most famous of which are La Tomatina de Buñol (the Battle of the Tomatoes) and the Las Fallas Festival

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130 min.

F rancuski začin i brać a Limijer

Vieux Lion (Stari Lion) U 15, 16. i 17. veku lionska industrija svile je na - predovala, a bogate trgovačke porodice su se naselile u gradu. Gradili su kuce u stilu goti - ke, italijanske i francuske renesanse, a još ih je ostalo oko 300 u okruzima Sen Žan, Sen Žorž i Sen Pol. Furvije bazilika Ova veličanstvena crkva, uvek vidljiva na brdu Furvije zapadno od grada, jedna je od niza iko - ničnih crkava izgrađenih u velikim francuskim gradovima krajem 19. veka. Nalazi se u najsta - rijem delu grada i na mestu gde je otkriveno ne - koliko rimskih lokaliteta. Park de la Tete D’or Malo severnije od centra nalazi se jedan od najvecih urbanih parkova u zemlji, sa zoološ - kim vrtom i najvažnijom botaničkom baštom u Francuskoj. Ako ste ovde u prolece, međuna - rodna bašta ruža trebalo bi da bude jedna od vaših prvih stanica u gradu. Lionska katedrala Neverovatna gradska katedrala izgrađena je iz - među 12. i 15. veka, a vecina originalnih vitra - ža je još ovde i datira iz 14. stoleća. Astronom - ski sat unutar nje visok je devet metara, a ispod kazaljki nalazi se astrolab dodat u 17. veku koji pokazuje položaj Zemlje, Sunca i Meseca. Institut Limijer Svako ko ide u bioskop trebalo bi da oda po - čast braci Limijer. Muzej je postavio potomak Luja Limijera, koji je, radeci sa Avgustom, uče - stvovao u pronalasku kinematografa, prve film - ske kamere i projektora. Atrakcija je Vila Limijer, lepa secesijska vila koju je sagradio otac ču - vene brace 1899. godine. U ovom elegantnom okruženju možete pogledati mnoge njihove fil - move i genijalne kreacije. Murali Još jedan razlog da istražite Lion su njegovi murali. Postoji oko 100 velikih slika na zidovi - ma širom grada, često u siromašnijim delovima grada, tako da vas mogu privuci na mesta na koja inače ne biste obilazili. Les Halles de Lion Paul Bocuse Ova pijaca je dobila ime po jednom od francu - skih kulinarskih divova u glavnom gradu fran - cuske kuhinje, tako da možete biti sigurni u kvalitet onoga što je unutra. To je san ljubitelja hrane, ručno birani izbor najboljih trgovaca hra - nom u regionu koji prodaju mesne proizvode, sir, meso, voce i povrce.

Lion je mesto svetske baštine, sa velikim re - nesansnim starim gradom, rimskim ruševina - ma, istorijskim industrijskim četvrtima i kra - ljevskom četvrti Preskil iz 19. veka. Grad je osnovan pre 2.000 godina na ušcu reke Rone u Saonu, a svoje bogatstvo je izgradio na trgovi - ni svilom.

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Lyon is one large World Heritage Site, with a lar- ge renaissance old town, Roman ruins, historical industrial districts and the regal 19 th -century Pre- squ‘île quarter. This city at the confluence of the rivers Rhône and Saône was founded 2,000 ye- ars ago and built its fortune on the silk trade. Vieux Lyon Lyon’s silk industry thrived in the 15 th , 16 th and 17 th centuries, and it was then that rich merc- hant families settled in the city. They built ho- mes in the gothic, Italian and French renaissan- ce styles, some 300 of which French spice and the Lumière brothers

remain standing in the ne- ighbourhoods of Saint-Jean, Saint-Georges and Saint-Pau- les. Fourvière Basilica The Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière is a magnificent church that’s always visible on Fourvière hill, which rises to west of the city, and represents one of a series of iconic hilltop churches that were constru- cted in major French cities du- ring the late 19 th century. This basilica is located in the oldest part of the city, where several Roman sites have also been discovered. Parc de la Tête d’Or Just to the north of the city centre is one of France’s lar-

picture camera and projector. This attraction is housed in the Villa Lumière, a beautiful art no- uveau mansion that was built by the brothers’ father back in 1899. Here you can view many of their films and check out their ingenious creati - ons in elegant surroundings. Lyon’s Murals Another reason why Lyon demands explorati- on is its murals. There are around 100 large pa- intings on walls around the city, often located in working-class neighbourhoods, which ensures that they can entice you to tour places you mi- ght otherwise overlook. Les Halles de Lyon Paul Bocuse This food market is named after one of Fran- ce’s culinary giants and located in France’s cu- linary capital, so you can be sure of the quality of produce to be found inside. It’s a food-lover’s dream; a hand-picked assembly of the region’s best food merchants, selling charcuterie, chee- ses, meats, fruits and vegetables.

gest urban parks, complete with a zoo and France’s foremost botanical garden. If you’re around during springtime, one of your first ports of call in Lyon should be the international rose garden here. Lyon Cathedral The city’s fabulous cathedral was built between the 12 th and 15 th centuries. The majority of the original stained-glass windows, dating back to the 1300s, are still intact. The astronomi- cal clock inside the cathedral is nine metres tall and beneath it is an astrolabe, which displays the positions of the earth, sun and moon. Institut Lumière All fans of the cinema should be excited to pay homage to the Lumière brothers. This museum was established by an actual descendant of Lo- uis Lumière, who, working with his brother Au- guste, helped invent the Cinématographe moti- on picture system, which was the first motion

Ne možete pričati o Lionu bez pominjanja hrane, jer se gurmani slažu da je ovaj grad svetska

kulinarska prestonica You can’t talk about

Lyon without mentioning the food, with gourmets in agreement that Lyon is the world’s culinary capital

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Rimljani, Direr i kobasice

Glavni grad Frankonije je grad koji je proživeo značajne svetske događaje. Bio je nezvanična prestonica Rimskog carstva, ali je njegovo ime takođe povezano sa nacistima i suđenjima po - sle rata. Kajzerburg Na strmim liticama iznad severne strane grada nalazi se zamak koji je bio simbol stvarne mo - ci u vreme Rimskog carstva. Ovde su se sasta - jali carski sudovi i svaki novoizabrani car je de - kretom bio obavezan da održi svoju prvu carsku sabornicu u Kajzerburgu. Kružna kula datira iz 14. veka, a na gornjem spratu postoji vidikovac sa kog se možete diviti panorami grada. Muzej posve en Nirnberškom procesu Sudnica 600 u Palati pravde, gde su visokoran - girani nacisti izvedeni pred lice pravde između 1945. i 1949. godine, još radi. Može biti teško posetiti je tokom nedelje, osim ako ne dođete iz - među sesija. Najbolje vreme je subota, kad ne - ma sednica. Najviši sprat zgrade suda pretvo - ren je u muzej posvećen Nirnberškom procesu, objašnjavajuci optužene i njihove strašne zlo - čine. Kuć a Albrehta Direra Verovatno najveci nemački slikar živeo je i radio u ovoj gradskoj kuci sa drvenom konstrukcijom od 1509. do svoje smrti 1528. Kao istorijski do - kument, kuca Albrehta Direra je bez premca, jer u Evropi ne postoje drugi primeri kuca umetnika iz 15. veka. Zgrada je pretrpela određena ošte - cenja u ratu, ali je obnovljena, a otvaranje je od - loženo do 1971. godine, na Direrov 500. rođen - dan. Visoka pet spratova, ovo je jedna od retkih građanskih kuca preostalih iz zlatnog doba 15. veka. Sobe su ukrašene starinskim nameštajem i rotirajucom izložbom Direrovih crteža. Fembohaus Fembohaus je gradski muzej u prelepom pe - tospratnom zdanju sa kraja 16. veka. To je bila porodična kuca i radionica za štampanje mapa, a sada je prečica do kulture, običaja i zanata ko - ji su cvetali u Nirnbergu tokom 950 godina. Čuvene kobasice Lokalna kobasica je zašticena zakonom EU, pa se može proizvoditi samo u Nirnbergu. Proizvo - di se u gradu od 1567. i možda cete biti izne - nađeni koliko je mala. Obično je dugačka oko osam centimetara, pa možete dobiti čak šest u porciji. Ukus takođe ne liči na druge nemačke kobasice jer je začinjena svežim majoranom.

Stari grad je i dalje okružen zidinama, a nadgleda ga moćni dvorac Kajzerburg The Old Town is still encircled by walls and watched over by the mighty Kaiserburg castle

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FOTO: Depositphotos / Massimo Santi

Romans, Dürer and sausages

Albrecht Dürer’s House Arguably Germany’s greatest painter, Albrecht Dürer lived and worked in this timber framed townhouse in Nuremberg from 1509 until his de- ath in 1528. As a historical document, Dürer‘s Ho- use is unrivalled, given that it is the only standing example of a 15 th -century artist’s house in Euro- pe. The building suffered some bomb damage during World War II, but was soon restored – tho- ugh its reopening was delayed to coincide with the 500 th anniversary of Dürer‘s birth in 1971. The house is one of the few burgher houses left from the golden age of the 15 th century. The rooms are decorated with furniture from the period, while a rotating exhibition presents Dürer’s drawings. Fembohaus Fembohaus is a city museum housed in beau- tiful five-storey structure that dates back to the late 16 th century. Formerly a family home and map-printing workshop, it now represents a shortcut to exploring the culture, customs and trades that flourished in Nuremberg over the co- Nuremberg’s local speciality sausage is prote- cted under EU law, so it can only be produced in this city. And it has been produced in the city sin- ce 1567, though you may be surprised by how small they actually are - only about eight centi- metres long, so you might receive six in a serving. The flavour is also unlike any other German sau- sage, as they’re seasoned with fresh marjoram. urse of 950 years. Famous Bratwurst

The capital of Franconia is a city that has en- dured momentous world events, from the time of the Holy Roman Empire to the 20 th century. Nuremberg was an unofficial capital of the Holy Roman Empire, but its name is also associated with the Nazis and their post-war trials. . Kaiserburg On a ridge above steep sandstone cliffs is a castle that was a seat of real power during the times of the Holy Roman Empire. It was here that the imperial courts met, while every newly elected emperor was obliged by decree to hold his first Imperial Diet at Kaiserburg. The Tower dates back to the 14 th century and the top flo- or boasts an observation platform from whe- re you can marvel at the best panorama of the city. Nuremberg Trials Memorial Courtroom 600 at the Justizpalast, whe- re high-ranking Nazis were brought to justice between 1945 and 1949, is a still a functioning courtroom, which makes it tricky to visit during the week, unless you come between sessions. The best time to visit is Saturdays, when no se- ssions are convened. The top floor of the court- house has been converted into a museum that recounts the story of the Nuremberg Trials, de- tailing the defendants and their crimes.

Kuca Albrehta Direra je bez premca, jer u Evropi ne postoje drugi primeri kuca umetnika iz 15. veka Dürer‘s House is unrivalled, given that it is the only standing example of a 15 th -century artist’s house in Europe

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Najveć a lepotica Baleara

Zamak Belver Ovaj jedinstveni kružni zamak iz 14. veka nalazi se na brdu izvan Palme i jedna je od ključnih tu - rističkih atrakcija Majorke. „Belver“ na katalon - skom znači divan pogled, a kada ste ovde, oba - vezno se popnite na vrh da biste razumeli zašto Šetnja ovde vodi duž predivnog šetališta, ispod urminih palmi. Proci cete pored nekih od ključ - nih zgrada u Palmi sa jedne strane i mora načič - kanog jahtama sa druge. Možete prošetati do nekadašnjeg ribarskog sela Portikol. Slavni susreti Držite oči otvorene kada ste u Palmi! Džejms Blant, Rafa Nadal, Rod Stjuart, Ketrin Zita Džons, španska kraljevska porodica – svi su pri - meceni kako plove vodama Majorke, tako da vredi pogledati marinu sa njenim superjahtama, ko zna koga ćete sresti! Plaže je tako nazvan. Paseo Maritimo Najveće ostrvo u Španiji poseduje prelepe pe - ščane plaže od kojih neke imaju i prirodni hlad borovih šuma koje ih okružuju, kao i kristalno či - sto more tirkizne boje, sa obiljem živog sveta u njemu.

Palma je kosmopolitska prestonica Majorke i smeštena je na prelepim Balearskim ostrvima. To je primorsko letovalište prepuno zabave, za - nimljive arhitekture i istorije. Arko de la Drasana Smatra se da je ovaj ogroman luk sagrađen u 18. veku, kada je Majorka bila pod arapskom vlašcu. Možete ga videti tokom šetnje duž de - la gradskog zida koji stoji paralelno sa Parkom Lutanje kroz vijugave ulice starog grada Pal - me je obavezno. Naci cete gotičke crkve, le - pe urbane bašte, kafice na otvorenom, stare trgove, kao i elegantne ulice sa luksuznim bu - ticima. Palma je grad uskih ulica pun istori - je i arhitekture, posebno u delu Kasko antigvo ili Starom centru grada. Ovaj deo, koji se lako može obici pešice, ima najposecenije spome - nike i turističke atrakcije, a možete uživati i u živopisnim ulicama u kojima se nalaze pozna - ti restorani i prodavnice. de la Mar. Stari grad

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Palma de Mallorca is the cosmopolitan capital of this most beautiful of the Balearic Islands. A po- pular seaside resort, it is full of fun things to do, interesting architecture and rich history. Arco de la Drassana This enormous archway is thought to have been built in the 18 th century, during a period when Majorca was under Arab rule. You can take in this sight while walking along part of the city wall that rises parallel to the Park de la Mar. Old Town Wandering through the meandering streets of Palma’s old town is a must for all visitors. You’ll find Gothic churches, attractive urban gardens, al-fresco cafés and old squares, but also elegant streets with upmarket boutiques. Palma is a ci- ty of narrow streets, full of history and architectu- re, especially in the Casco Antiguo (Old Town). This area of the city, which can be explored easi- ly on foot, is home to Palma’s most visited monu- ments and tourist attractions, while you can also enjoy the most emblematic streets of the city wi- th their famous restaurants and shops. Castell de Bellver This unique, circular 14 th -century castle sits on a hill outside Palma and is one of the island’s key tourist attractions. “Bellver” means lovely view in the Catalan language, and you should be sure to climb to the top to appreciate just why it was gi- ven that name. The Paseo Maritimo A stroll along this avenue leads you along Pal- ma’s seafront, under date palms, along a well-maintained promenade. You’ll pass some of Palma’s key buildings on the shore side, and the yacht-filled waters of the Mediterranean opposi - te. You can walk all the way to the former traditi- onal fishing village of Portixol. Celebrity meetings Keep your eyes peeled when in Palma! James Blunt, Rafael Nadal, Rod Stewart, Catherine Zeta Jones, the Spanish royal family – all have been spotted sailing in Majorcan waters, so it’s worth checking out the marina with its superyachts to see which famous personalities you can spot! The beaches Spain’s largest island has stunningly beautiful sandy beaches, some of which also provide na- tural shade thanks to surrounding pine forests, but also a crystal clear, turquoise sea containing an abundance of wildlife. The greatest beauty of the Balearics

Lutanje kroz vijugave ulice starog grada Palme je obavezno za sve posetioce / Wandering through the meandering streets of Palma’s old town is a must for all visitors

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170 min.

Postoji mnoštvo lokalnih restorana u kojima se prave čuvene kuglice od leblebija There are tons of local restaurants that churn out piles of these famous chickpea fritters

Petra, Mrtvo more i falafel

va kakav je Aman mogao biti pre skoro 2.000 godina. Arhitektonsko remek-delo sadrži niz strmih, zakrivljenih stepenica koje mogu da prime do 6.000 ljudi. Ulica duge Čuvena Ulica duge, koja se nalazi u istorij - skom okrugu Amana, nudi opuštajuci prostor za istraživanje prestonice peške. Okrepite se uz šoljicu čaja u jednom od ljupkih kafica ko - ji se nalaze u ovoj ulici, a zatim pronađite su - venire koje ćete poneti kuci. Falafel Postoji mnoštvo lokalnih restorana u kojima se prave čuvene kuglice od leblebija, a vi mo - žete da lutate kroz grad pokušavajuci da pro - nađete svoj omiljeni falafel. Krenite na izlete Do Mrtvog mora možete doci za oko 90 mi - nuta automobilom od Amana. Potražite mir prirode u obližnjem rezervatu bio-sfere Mu - džib. Istražite dobro očuvane rimske ruše - vine u Džerašu, oko 50 kilometara severno od Amana. Pogledajte čuveni krst na plani - ni Nebo i drevne mozaike u Madabi. I dok sa - mo jedno popodne u Petri možda nece bi - ti dovoljno da se vidi sve, poseta toj čuvenoj atrakciji zaista je izvodljiva kao jednodnevni izlet iz Amana.

Želite da se igrate arheologa amatera? Pose - ta citadeli i rimskom pozorištu učiniće da se osecate kao da putujete u prošlost. Zaintere - sovani ste da se uronite u jordansku kulturu? Brojne umetničke galerije i muzeji u Amanu su sjajni, ali je možda najlepše uživati u ljudi - ma koji šetaju Ulicom duge. Citadela Ne morate ici daleko da biste videli nevero - vatne ruševine u glavnom gradu Jordana. Ci - tadela je dom istorijskih atrakcija koje dati - raju još iz bronzanog doba. Pogledajte dva masivna stuba koja su ostala od Herkulovog hrama. U blizini se vidi velika, glatka kamena skulptura od tri savijena prsta, fragment ko - ji je nekad bio deo kolosalne Herkulove sta - tue. Zavirite u Arheološki muzej Jordana da biste saznali više o ovim fascinantnim atrak - cijama. Rimsko pozorište Ova antička atrakcija savršeno spaja istorij - sko jordansko nasleđe sa živahnim moder - nim životom grada. Na 20 minuta hoda od citadele obnovljeno rimsko pozorište otkri -

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