Elevate February 2017 | Air Serbia


The inflight magazine of Air Serbia




Lorem ipsum dolor / Lorem ipsum dolor

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Dragi gosti,

Dear Guests,

Pre tri godine smo krenuli na put da bismo Er Srbiju učini- li najboljom avio-kompanijom u regionu. Danas s ponosom mo- gu da kažem da je naš uspeh prepoznat i to na još većem - global- nom nivou. Prošlog meseca Air Transport World (ATW), vode i global- ni medij koji prati zbivanja u avio-kompanijama širom sveta i ko- mercijalnom avio-transportu, proglasio je Er Srbiju za Lidera na tr- žištu avio-kompanija za 2017. godinu. ATW nagrađuje izvrsnost u avio-industriji više od 40 godina, a za tu nagradu se svake godine bori stotine avio-kompanija. Činjenica da smo pobedili mnogo sta- rije i ve e avio-kompanije pokazuje da naš fokus ka pružanju vr- hunske usluge gostima, nije prošao nezapaženo. Tokom ovog kratkog, ali izuzetno dinamičnog putovanja pred- stavili smo i uveli mnoge usluge koje ne možete da pronađete bilo gde u jugoistočnoj Evropi – pa čak ni šire. Sada možete da se prijavite na let onlajn, pre dolaska na beogradski aerodrom, od- morite u našem Premijum salonu pre le- ta, da strimujete TV serije i muziku na svoj mobilni telefon ili se povežete na inter- net u avionu. Osim toga, ako letite našim letom za Njujork, na raspolaganju vam je “Sky-Au-Pair”, usluga specijalno obučenog osoblja koje na letu po- maže roditeljima sa decom. Mi smo Lider na tržištu avio- kompanija za 2017. Ovo su neke od mnogih inovacija koje su nas odvojile u oči- ma organizacije Air Transport World, jer su oni upravo uzeli u ob- zir to koliko se Er Srbija izdvojila od ostalih avio-kompanija. Ali to nije sve. Bilo je mnogo suštinskih promena u Er Srbiji u poslednje tri go- dine, od novih proizvoda i usluga, do novih destinacija i linija. A tu je i ono što nas posebno ističe – naša linija za Njujork. Direktan let do Sjedinjenih Američkih Država je uvek bio jedan od naših glavnih ciljeva, ali činjenica da smo uspeli da ga ostvarimo sa tako mnogo uspeha i impresioniramo kolege i putnike sa obe strane Atlantika, čini me posebno ponosnim na tim Er Srbije . Dobijanje nagrade za Lidera na tržištu avio-kompanija za 2017. je odličan način da se počne godina i unapred se radujem ostvare- nju mnogih novih planova kako bi vaše iskustvo sa Er Srbijom bi- lo još bolje. Nadam se da ćete uživati u ovom putovanju i hvala vam što ste deo naše uspešne priče.

Three years ago we set off on a journey to make Air Ser- bia the best airline in the region. And I’m proud to say that our success has been recognized – on an even wider, global scale. Last month Air Serbia was named 2017 Airline Market Leader by Air Transport World, a prestigious aviation publica- tion in the US. ATW has been celebrating excellence in the air travel in- dustry for more than 40 years and gets hundreds of airline nominations for every award cycle. For us to beat many older, bigger airlines shows that our focus on providing guests with the best experience is not going unnoticed. During our short, but incredible journey, we have débuted many services that you simply don’t find elsewhere in South- east Europe – and even further afield. Now you can check-in online before

We’re the 2017 ATW

coming to Belgrade airport, relax in our premium lounge before flying, stream TV shows and music to your mobile, or con- nect to the onboard internet. Plus, if you’re flying on our New York service, our spe- cially-trained “Sky au Pairs” are on hand to help parents look after kids. These are some of the many innova-

Airline Market Leader

tions that have set us apart in the eyes of ATW, which consid- ered how Air Serbia has differentiated itself from other airlines when judging the award. But that’s not all. There have been many sweeping changes at Air Serbia over the last three years, from new products and services to route launches. And there is one that stands out in particular – our service to New York. Flying to the US was always one of our major goals, and to have the service take off so successful- ly, and make such a big impression on both sides of the Atlan- tic, makes me very proud of our team. Winning the 2017 Airline Market Leader award is a great way to start the year and I am looking forward to the many de- velopments we have planned to make your experience with Air Serbia even better. I hope you enjoy this journey and thank you for being part of our success story.

Dane Kondić Chief Executive Officer Air Serbia

Dane Kondić, Generalni direktor Er Srbije

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The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Kamden, ulična galerija / Camden, street gallery 42

Sadržaj / Inside Aktuelno / Happenings Kultura i sport / Culture & sport

Brankica putuje sa nama / Brankica is travelling with us Na putu / On the road 14

Poslužite se / Dine & Wine




Milano Manolo Blanik – umetnost cipela / Milan Manolo Blahnik – shoe artist Cirih Vatreni festival salse / Zurich Fiery Salsa Festival

89. dodela Oskara / The 89th Oscars

Pešter krije tajnu sjeničkog sira / Pešter hides the secret of Sjenica cheese Arapska kuhinja O pustinjskom hlebu i ostalim đakonijama / Arabic cuisine All about the bread of the desert and other delicacies


Fest, magija koja traje / Fest, magic that endures




Dikens je izmislio londonsku maglu / Dickens invented London fog



Ovog meseca u Beogradu… / This month in Belgrade …


The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Sto godina Tvikenema, hrama engleskog ragbija / A hundred years of Twickenham, temple of English rugby

Kolaž fotografija na naslovnoj strani: Profimedia / iStock / Fest arhiva Cover page photo collage: Profimedia / iStock / Fest arhiva


Svet čeka 2Cellos / The world awaits 2 cellos




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The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

92 Beograd ispod Beograda / Belgrade under Belgrade

Sadržaj / Inside Putovanje i avantura / Travel and adventure Moda i zabava / Fashion and fun

Priča iz Njujorka / Tale from New York




Praznik mimoze u Herceg Novom / Mimosa Festival in Herceg Novi #Beograd na Instagramu / #Belgrade on Instagram Moj London: Ana Sofrenović / My London: Ana Sofrenović

Horoskop Šta vas čeka u februaru / Horoscope What awaits you in February Princeza Dajana, vanvremenska ikona stila / Lady Di, timeless style icon

Srpkinja sa Kolumbije zadužiće svet /The world will be indebted to this Serbian lady from Columbia




Intervju / Interview


Emir Kusturica

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Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up

Er Srbija - lider na tržištu avio-kompanija za 2017

Air Serbia named 2017 airline market leader , Projekat Zapisi iz Project “Notes from cell number 12”: Freedom is in the head , Davor Mišeljić: Ovo nije Davor Mišeljić: This is not goodbye, but farewell , Kapetan aviona Erbas 320 Boris Vraneš:

ćelije broj 12 : Sloboda je u glavi zbogom, nego doviđenja

Da li niske temperature smetaju avionu? Vesna Aleksić: Prva žena na poziciji kapetana

Airbus 320 Captain Boris Vraneš: Do low temperatures bother the plane, Vesna Aleksić: First-ever female captain takes off, Erberlin imenovao

novog direktora

Airberlin appoints new CEO, Predstavljamo vam Er Sejšele

Introducing Air Seychelles

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The inflight magazine of Air Serbia Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršne urednice / Executive Editors Jelena Pantović, Katarina Sretenović Direktor fotografije / Photo Director Slobodan Pikula Art direktor / Art Direction Goran Ratković Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Vladimir Piacun, Aleksandar Mirčetić, Jelena Nalbantjan Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Vladislav Mitić Fotografije / Photography

Predrag Vučković, Zoran Lončarević, Mitar Mitrović, Petar Marković, Robert Getel, Dušan Novaković, Aca Matić Foto agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia, Getty Images, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Slobodan Mitrović, menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Advertising Manager slobodan.mitrovic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Thomas Clarke, Arsen Rudan, Jack Rigby Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs

Vratite se u srednjovekovnu Veneciju, kada su se ljudi provodili na karnevalima i balovima pod maskama. Tada je sve bilo dozvoljeno, osim jednog – da se skine maska i otkrije ko je nosi. Ove godine, od 11. do 28. februara, Venecija će postati velika pozorišna scena. Vatromet boja, muzike, dobrih vibracija i misterioznih maski u februaru pretvaraju jedan od najlepših gradova na svetu u mesto koje obavezno treba posetiti. You will be returned to medieval Venice, when people wore masks during celebrations of carnivals and balls. At those times everything was permitted, except one thing – removing masks to reveal the wearers. Venice will become a great theatre stage this year from 11 th to 28 th February. This February, colourful fireworks, music, good vibrations and mysterious masks will transform one of the world’s most beautiful cities into a destination that is not to be missed.


U ovom broju / This issue’s contributors

Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

Ashok Murty , modni konsultant i predavač na Accademia Del Lusso , piše o princezi Dajani i njenom modnom talentu. U svom tekstu, između ostalog, podseća nas na kultne haljine u kojima je princeza blistala i objašnjava zašto je ledi Di princeza za sva vremena. Ashok Murty , a fashion consultant and lecturer at the Accademia del Lusso, writes about Princess Diana and her talent for fashion. In his article he reminds us, among other things, of the cult dresses in which this princess shone and explains why Lady Di is a princess for all time

Ana Sofrenović , filmska i pozorišna glumica, piše o svom Londonu, gradu u kome je živela i radila dobar deo života. Njena majka Šila je Britanka, tako je Ana i odrastala pod uticajem engleske kulture. Glumila je i u britanskim serijama Ultimate Force, The Vice i u Holby City … Ana Sofrenović , a film and theatre actress, writes about her London, a city where she has spent a good part of her life living and working. Her mother, Shiela, is British, which meant that Ana grew up under the influence of English culture. She has also appeared in British TV series Ultimate Force, The Vice, and Holby City ...

U ovom broju autor kolumne je Vladimir Pištalo . On je jedan od najznačajnijih i najprevođenijih savremenih srpskih pisaca. Dobitnik je NIN- ove nagrade. Živi u Americi, gde predaje svetsku i američku istoriju na univerzitetu u Vusteru, Masačusets. The author of this issue’s column is Vladimir Pištalo . One of the most important and most translated contemporary prestigious NIN Award. He currently lives in the U.S., where he teaches world and American history at Becker College in Worcester, Massachusetts Serbian authors, he is a recipient of the

Uživajte u priči o Dikensovom Londonu. Napisao ju je dr Zoran Paunović , profesor engleske književnosti na Filološkom fakultetu u Beogradu i Filozofskom fakultetu u Novom Sadu, esejista i prevodilac.

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia ights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR-ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Enjoy the story of Dickens’ London, which was written by Dr Zoran Paunović , a professor of English literature at the Belgrade Faculty of Philology and the Novi Sad Faculty of Philosophy, an essayist and translator. Apart from being an extraordinary intellectual, he’s also a legend of the Faculty of Philology.

Godina izlaženja / Anoo XLIII Broj / Issue No. 278 Naslovna strana / Cover iStock, Profimedia

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Na putu / On the road


ŠTA UVEK NOSIŠ SA SOBOM? WHAT DO YOU ALWAYS CARRY WITH YOU? Naočare za sunce, jer me smiruje da gledam kroz prozor dok putujem. Dešavalo mi se da baš tada rešim mnoge dileme u životu. Tu je i neka dobra knjiga. Kada je u pitanju duži put, to je obavezno. „Labelo“. Slušalice, pomoću njih lako pronađem svoj mir. Maramice. Gumicu za kosu. Sunglasses, because I find it calming to look

through the window while travelling. It has happened to me that during such times I have solved many dilemmas in my life. There is also a good book. When it comes to longer journeys, a book is mandatory. Lip balm. Headphones, with the help of which I can easily find my peace. Tissues. A rubber hair band.

Tekst / Words: Katarina Sretenović Fotografije / Photography: Mitar Mitrović Kofer / Suitcase: Glam Up

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Trenutno je u centru pa- žnje zbog glavne role u filmu Vrati se, Zone . Priča o Zoni Zamfirovoj i Manetu kujundžiji bila je najgledanije domaće

ostvarenje svih vremena. Ljubavna saga i vrcavi go- vor južnjačke čaršije, koji je Stevan Sremac učinio bez- vremenim, a producent Miroslav Mitić najgledanijim srp- skim filmom, nastavlja se u filmu Zona Zamfirova drugi deo . Scenario koji oživljava taj duh, uz temu koja je bila aktuelna tada, a aktuelna je i sada, napisali su Ivana i Miroslav Mitić, koji potpisuje i produkciju. She is currently in the limelight for her lead role in the film “Come back, Zo- na”. The film about Zona Zamfirova and Mane Kujundžija became the most watched Serbian film of all time. This love saga and the sparkling speech of southern bazaars, which Stevan Sremac made timeless and produc- er Miroslav Mitić converted into the most watched Serbian film, continues in Zona Zamfirova Part Two. The screenplay, which further enlivens that spirit and addresses a theme that is as current today as it was then, was written by Iva- na and Miroslav Mitić, who are also the among film’s producers.

Obožava da putuje. Voli da odlazi u gradove u kojima nikad nije bila, a voli i da putuje po Srbiji. Veru- je da nas putovanja čine duševno bogatijim. Pu-

tovala je po Evropi, bila je u Americi, Rusiji, pa i u Si- biru. I to u zapadnom delu Sibira, u gradu Tomsku. To je mali, urbani grad, ali kaže da su sva okolna sela čarobna. Susrela se sa kozacima, osetila njihov način života… Nikada neće zaboraviti tamošnju hranu – ribu koja se lovi samo tamo. Mala je, ima mnogo kostiju, ali je ukusna. She adores travelling. She loves to go to cities where she’s never been be- fore, and she also loves to travel around Serbia. She believes that our trav- els make our souls richer. She has travelled throughout Europe and visit- ed America and Russia, where she even went to Siberia. And that was the western part of Siberia, the city of Tomsk. It is a small, urban city, but she says that all of the surrounding villages are magi- cal. She met local Cossacks and felt their way of life ... She will never forget the local food there – fish that is caught only there. It is small and has a lot of bones, but is tasty.


•Kafić Drinka u Kosovskoj ulici, pravo gradsko mesto. I za dnevnu kafu i za noćni provod. •Kalemegdan •Park Tašmajdan, volim da sedim na klupi, što bliže Crkvi Svetog Marka. Takođe, volim tamo da trčim uveče. •Skadarliju •Nušićevu ulicu, prelepa je, moja omiljena… U njoj se prostiru div- ne bašte, prelepe fasade... Magična je. •Hram Svetog Save


•The café-bar Drinka in Kosovska Street, a proper urban venue, both for daily cof- fee and for a night out. •Kalemegdan Fortress •Tašmajdan Park, where I like to sit on a bench, as close as possible to St. Marko’s Church. I also like to run there in the evenings. •Skadarlija Street •Nušićeva Street, which is beautiful, my favourite … In it are laid out wonderful gardens, beautiful façades… It is magical. •St. Sava Temple

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Moskva Ledena čarolija


Icy magic Moscow’s famous Vyugovey Ice Sculptu- re Festival best shows how beautiful the Russian capital can be in winter. During this festival in Park Pobedy, which runs until 28 th February, professional sculptors create entire ice structures from huge blocks of ice, with the art covering topics relating to world sites of interest or a fai- ry tale world. Though many are unaware, this is an extremely demanding art form; depending on the size of a sculpture, weeks are sometimes required to com- plete the works and for them to look like genuine masterpieces.

Poznati moskovski festival ledenih figura Vjugovej najbolje pokazuje koliko zima u ruskoj prestonici može da bude lepa. Tokom ovog festivala, koji traje do 28. februara, u Parku pobede profesionalni skulptori od ogromnih komada leda podižu čitava ledena zdanja, a teme su im svetske znamenitosti ili bajke. Iako to mnogi ne znaju, ova umetnost je i te kako zahtevna jer su, u zavisnosti od veličine skulpture, ponekad potrebne nedelje da bi se završila i izgledala kao pravo remek–delo.

Er Srbija leti svakog dana iz Beograda za Moskvu Air Serbia flies daily from Belgrade to Moscow

Milano Cipele kao umetnost Manolo Blanik, čuveni dizajner

Milan Shoes as art

Famous shoe designer Manolo Blah- nik has long since surpassed ordinary popularity and become an icon, who has brought the entire fashion indu- stry and art world to its knees for deca- des. His shoes are genuine little works of art, which is why Milan’s Palazzo Mo- rando Museum is hosting the exhibiti- on “Manolo Blahnik – shoe artist”. This exhibition presents 80 drawings and 200 pairs of this famous designer’s sho- es, which best represent the almost 50 years of his work. The exhibition is open at this museum until 9th April.

obu e, odavno je prevazišao običnu popularnost i postao je ikona kojoj se decenijama klanjaju čitava modna industrija i umetnost. Njegove cipele su prava mala umetnička dela, pa je zato u Milanu u muzeju Palazzo Morando otvorena izložba Manolo Blanik – umetnost cipela . Izložba prikazuje 80 crteža i 200 pari čuvenih dizajnerovih cipela, koje na najbolji način prikazuju skoro 50 godina njegovog rada. Postavka u muzeju otvorena je do 9. aprila.

Er Srbija leti 6 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Milano

Air Serbia flies 6 times a week from Belgrade to Milan

ARTE GALERIJA Pričajmo jezikom umetnosti! Kupiti popularnu sliku, kupi- ti skupu ili jeftinu sliku, ve- liku ili malu sliku - NE! Kupi- ti, a ne razumeti, ne doživeti sliku - NE! Re i DA slici! Kupiti sliku o kakvoj ste maštali, sliku ko- ja je čekala upravo vas! Sli- ku koja je čekala da naučite, da je pronađete, upoznate i osvojite! Sliku koju ete ose- ati, sliku sa kojom ete žive- ti i koju ete voleti! Tu smo da vam pomognemo da pronađete pravu sliku! Na vašem putu do slike – Galerija ARTE.

ARTE GALLERY Let’s talk the language of ART! DO NOT buy a popular pain- ting, do not buy an expensive or a cheap painting, large or small, do not buy an artwork that you don’t understand or feel! Say YES to a painting! You sho- uld buy the kind of artwork you have dreamed of, a painting that has been waiting for you to learn, to recognise it, to get to know it! A painting you will live with and which you will love! We are here to help you find the right painting! On your way to a perfect, piece of artwork. ARTE Gallery

Petar Lubarda

Nedeljko Gvozdenović

Miloš Šobajić

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Cirih Vatreni festival salse Od 24. do 26. februara Cirih e biti u znaku salse, plesa strasti i slobode. Tada e se u ciriškom Kongreshausu održati magični Festival salse, na kojem e biti organizovane radionice sa najboljim svetskim plesačima. Na festivalu e nastupiti i Tromboranga , salsa orkestar iz Barselone, i Džimi Boš, džez i salsa trombonista. Svako veče festivala rezervisano je za neizostavne salsa žurke, koje broje nekoliko stotina ljudi i traju do ranih jutarnjih časova.

Zurich Fiery Salsa Festival Zurich will be marked from 24 th to 26 th February by salsa, the dance of passi- on and freedom. During that time Zu- rich’s “Kongreshaus” will host the ma- gical Salsa Festival, which will include workshops with the world’s best dan- cers. Performing at the festival will be “Tromboranga”, the salsa orchestra from Barcelona, and Jimmy Bosch, jazz and salsa trombonist. Every evening of the festival is reserved for inevitable salsa parties, attended by several hun- dred people and lasting until the early hours of the morning.

Er Srbija leti 13 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Cirih

Air Serbia flies 13 times a week from Belgrade to Zurich

Pariz Obnavlja se Ajfelova kula

Paris Restoration of the Eiffel Tower

Stokholm Bilbord koji kašlje Kad pušači sa cigaretom prođu pored pojedinih bilborda u Stokholmu, dogodi se nešto neobično – muški model na bilbordu počinje da kašlje jer mu smeta dim. Nakon toga na svetle oj reklami počinje da se prikazuje spot sa proizvodima koji pušačima pomažu da ostave cigarete. Ovaj originalni način reklamiranja pokrenula je jedna švedska farmaceutska kompanija s ciljem da ohrabri ljude da prestanu da puše. Gradske vlasti Pariza izdvoji e oko 300 miliona evra za obnovu i modernizaciju čuvene Ajfelove kule. Polovina izdvojenog novca namenjena je za poslove održavanja tornja kao što su farbanje i popravka liftova, a druga polovina za modernizaciju. Ispred kule bi e napravljene i klupe na kojima e posetioci mo i da se sklone u slučaju kiše. Kada je kula sagrađena, davne 1889, mnogi Parižani smatrali su je za ruglo koje treba srušiti, a danas ima reputaciju jednog od remek–dela svetske arhitekture.

Paris’s city authorities are set to allocate aro- und 300 million euros for the reconstruction and modernisation of the famous Eiffel Tower. Half of the allocated funds are intended for maintenance of the tower, including pain- ting the structure and repairing its lifts, whi- le the other half will be used for its moder- nisation. Benches will also be placed in front of the tower, enabling visitors to take shelter in the case of rain. When the tower was built, way back in 1889, many Parisians considered it a blemish on the city that should be demo- lished, but today it has a reputation as one of the masterpieces of world architecture.

Er Srbija leti 13 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Pariz

Air Serbia flies 13 times a week from Belgrade to Paris

Stockholm Coughing billboard When a smoker with a cigarette passes by certain billboards in Stockholm, something unusual ha- ppens – a male model on the bill- board starts coughing, irritated by the smoke. This is followed by the screening of a video commercial on the billboard advertising pro- ducts that help smokers quit smo- king. This original advertising met- hod was launched by a Swedish pharmaceutical company with the aim of encouraging people to stop smoking.

Er Srbija leti 4 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Stokholm Air Serbia flies 4 times a week from Belgrade to Stockholm

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Scena / The Scene

KRALJICA Sve oči atletske javnosti u martu biće uprte u Beograd. Iz Kombank arene u svet će od 3. do 5. otići naj- lepše slike jer će se u Beogradu naj- bolji atletičari i atletičarke Evrope boriti za što bolji rezultat. Jedna od naših najvećih uzdanica biće, kao i uvek, Ivana Španović. Srpska kraljica kraljice sportova. Osvajačica bronze na Olimpijskim igrama pokušaće da se popne na najviše postolje Evrope. Ima priliku da još jednom preskoči magičnu granicu od sedam metara i nastavi da sanja svoj san otvorenih očiju. Za uspešan početak godine!


All eyes of the athletic world will be fixed on Belgrade in March. The most beautiful images will be emitted from the city’s Kombank Arena from the 3 rd to the 5 th , when Europe’s best male and female athletes will compete in Belgrade to re- cord the best possible results. And one of our greatest hopes will, as always, be Ivana Španović – the Serbian queen of sports. This Olympic bronze medalist will attempt to climb to the top of the tallest podium in Europe. She will have another oppor- tunity to surpass the magical boundary of seven metres and continue to dream her dream with open eyes. For a success- ful start to the year!

Tekst/ Words Jelena Medić Fotografija / Photography: Predrag Vučković

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Agenda dobre zabave / Agenda of great fun


U metropolama je uvek živo, pa tako i u našoj. Uz dobar plan, nećete propustiti ono što vas zanima

Metropolises are always alive, and so is ours. With a good plan, you will not miss out on whatever interests you

Ludilo u Hali sportova Spektakularna muzička i vokal- na grupa Gregorian dolazi u Beo- grad 8. februara u Halu sportova. Nažalost, biće ovo koncert u okvi- ru njihove oproštajne turneje. Ne- mačko-englesku grupu ne odliku- ju samo odlični glasovi i aranžmani već i vrhunski scenski nastupi. Craziness at the Hall of Sports The spectacular music and vo- cal group Gregorian is coming to Belgrade Hall of Sports on 8 th February. Unfortunately, this concert will form part of their final farewell tour. This German-English group is not only characterised by great voi- ces and arrangements, but also excellent live performances.

Legende slave 30. rođendan

Veče za pamćenje Hindi Zahra će, po prvi put u Srbi- ji, nastupiti u sklopu Musicology Barcaffe Sessions , 9. februara u klubu Bitefartcafe . Upoređivali su je sa Bili Holidej, Dženis Džoplin i Pati Smit. Sa malo bluza, džeza i neobičnog marokanskog etna Zahra je gotovo sama aranžirala i stvorila svoju muziku.

Legende će i ovog februara održati tradicionalni beogradski koncert. Tačan datum je 18. februar, a mesto dešavanja Centar Sava . Značaj ovog koncerta svakako povećava i proslava jubileja – 30 godina postojanja grupe. Osim velikih hitova, Legende će predstaviti i najnovije pesme. The Legends celebrate 30th anniversary The Legends will again hold the- ir traditional Belgrade concert in Fe- bruary. The exact date is 18 th Fe- bruary and the venue for the event is the Sava Centre. The significan- ce of this concert is certainly enhan- ced by the celebration of the jubi- lee marking 30 years of this group’s existence. Alongside their big hits, The Legends will also perform their latest songs.

Evening to remember

Hindi Zahra will perform in Ser- bia for the first time as part of the Musicology Barcaffe Sessi- ons on 9 th February at club Bi- tefartcafe. She has been compa- red to Billie Holiday, Janis Joplin and Patti Smith. With a bit of blues, jazz and unusual Moroc- can ethno music, Zahra has al- most singlehandedly arranged and created her own music.

Pikaso u Beogradu Nakon skoro sedam decenija od njenog prvog predstavljanja beo- gradska publika u galeriji Kuće legata , od 19. januara do 5. aprila, ima- će priliku da pogleda izložbu Pikaso – izbor dela iz Vollard Suite . Ova originalna postavka obuhvata 27 listova koji sadrže različite teme i 73 lista podeljena u pet tematskih celina: Ljubavna bitka, Skulptorov atelje, Rembrant, Minotaur i Slepi Minotaur , kao i tri portreta Ambro- za Volara. Izložba je otvorena za posetioce svakog dana, osim pone- deljka, od 10 do 21 h. Picasso in Belgrade Almost seven decades after it was first launched, the Belgrade pu- blic will finally get the opportunity to see the “Picasso – Selected works from the Vollard Suite” exhibition at the city’s Heritage Ho- use gallery from 19th January to 5th April. This original exhibition encompasses 27 sheets that contain different themes and 73 sheets divided into five thematic sections: Battle of Love, Sculptor’s stu- dio, Rembrandt, the Minotaur and the Blind Minotaur, as well as three portraits of Ambroise Vollard. The exhibition is open to visi- tors every day except Mondays, from 10am to 9pm

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Spremite se za Guitar Art Festival Pod sloganom Integracije i ove godine Guitar Art Festival opravdaće status jednog od pet najvećih festivala gitare u svetu. Kroz 13 koncera- ta publici će se predstaviti atraktivan izbor svetskih muzičara iz obla- sti klasike, tanga, flamenka, rock & rolla i savremenog muzičkog stva- ralaštva. Svečano otvaranje održaće se u Zadužbini Ilije M. Kolarca 20. marta, kada će nastupiti argentinski maestro Roberto Aussel, Aleksan- dar Nikolić i kamerni orkestar Anima Musicae iz Mađarske. Živa legen- da svetske gitare iz Australije Tomi Emanuel nastupiće 23. marta Centru Sava . Preostale četiri koncertne večeri održaće se u Domu omladine, koji će i ove godine biti festivalski centar. Specijalno izdvajamo po prvi put u Srbiji trenutno najbolje predstavnike savremene španke scene Ul - tra High Flamenco sa plesačicom Rosario Toledo, tradicionalni grčki me- los Giorgos Georgopulus kvartet i nesvakidašnjeg beogradskog talenta Bojana Ivanovskog. Više informacija pronađite na www.gaf.rs. Get ready for the Guitar Art Festival Under the slogan “Integration”, this year’s Guitar Art Festival will once aga- in justify its status of one of the world’s five biggest guitar festivals. Throu- gh 13 concerts, the public will be presented with an attractive selection of world class musicians in the field of classical music, tango, flamenco, rock ‘n’ roll and modern music. The formal opening ceremony will be held at Ko- larac Foundation Hall on 20th March, featuring the performances of Argen- tine maestro Roberto Aussel, Aleksandar Nikolić and the Anima Musicae chamber orchestra from Hungary. Australian guitar legend, Tommy Emanu- el, will perform on 23 rd March at the Sava Centre. The remaining four con- cert evenings will be held at the Belgrade Youth Centre, which will be the centre of the festival again this year. We would highlight in particular the first performance in Serbia of currently the best representatives of the con- temporary Spanish scene, Ultra High Flamenco, featuring dancer Rosario Toledo, the traditional Greek folk music of the Giorgos Georgopulus Quar- tet and extraordinarily talented Belgrader Bojan Ivanovski. For more infor- mation visit www.gaf.rs.

Exhibition of Nordic glass The exhibition “A Touch of Glass” is being jointly orga- nised by the embassies of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden in Belgrade. This exhibition of modern Nor- dic glasswork will be exhibited in Belgrade’s Museum of Applied Art from 9 th February to 15 th March, after which it will move on to the Museum of Vojvodina, where it will be presented to the public from 21 st March to 20 th April. In many ways, the design presented through this ex- hibition reflects the society and the people of the Nor- dic region, as well as the influence of Nordic geography, history and values. Nordic design is characterised by sim- plicity, minimalism and functionality. In the specific ca- se of glass art, these values are reflected in its purity, cla- rity and modesty.

Izložba nordijskog stakla Izložbu Dodir stakla organizuju danska, finska, norveška i švedska ambasada u Beogradu. Ova postavka modernog nordijskog stakla biće izlo- žena u Muzeju primenjene umetnosti od 9. fe- bruara do 15. marta. Zatim se seli u Muzej Voj- vodine, gde će biti predstavljena publici od 21. marta do 20. aprila. Na mnogo načina dizajn na ovoj izložbi odra- žava društvo i ljude u regionu, kao i uticaj nor- dijske geografije, istorije i vrednosti. Nordij- ski dizajn odlikuje jednostavnost, minimalizam i funkcionalnost. U konkretnom slučaju, kada je u pitanju staklo u umetnosti, ogleda se u nje- govoj čistoti, jasnosti i skromnosti.

Otvorio se Polet Ponovo radi kafana Polet . Za Beograđane i sve koji su voleli ovo mesto na Cvetnom trgu ovo je velika vest. Polet je bio sastajalište mnogih važnih ljudi, i tako pune 63 godine. Ljudi su uživali u atmosferi, hrani, posebno giricama. Služe ih danas. Polet has opened Kafana tavern Polet is working again. This is big news for Bel- graders and everyone who liked this venue on Cvetni Trg. Polet was a meeting place for many important people for a full 63 ye- ars. People enjoyed the atmosphere and the food, especially the girica, fried sprats. They are now once-again being served.

Sedam veličanstvenih Ovog meseca uživaće ljubitelji filma. U Cen- tru Sava počinje 13. Festival evropskog du- gometražnog dokumentarnog filma Sedam Veličanstvenih . Trajaće od 1. do 7. februara. The Magnificent Seven Film enthusiasts will enjoy this month. The festival of European feature-length documentaries, called “The Magnificent Seven”, opens at the Sava Centre and runs from 1 st to 7 th February.

Kolarac, dobra ideja U velikoj dvorani Kolarčeve zadužbine 3. marta nastupiće Beogradska filhar- monija u 20 časova. Vrsni muzičari raz- galiće vam dušu sjajnim repertoarom. Kolarac, a good idea The Belgrade Philharmonic will per- form in the great hall of Kolarac En- dowment on 3 rd March at 8pm. These excellent musicians will regale your soul with their fantastic repertoire.

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P ozlaćena statua je posle go- tovo 90 godina izgradila status najuticajnije, najvaž- nije, najzvučnije nagrade u filmskoj industriji. Ako ste oven- čani Oskarom, kažu, osuđeni ste na uspeh. Tako ne čudi da statui- cu svi žele toliko da mogu postati i predmet surovih šala, kao, na pri- mer, prošle godine Leonardo Dika- prio, koji ga je tada konačno i dobio. Nije Oskar uvek išao u ruke naj- boljima. Nekima je godinama izmi- cao, pa su ih na kraju dobijali kao utešnu nagradu za ne baš najbolje uloge. Glumica Džudi Denč, na pri- mer, nije dobila Oskara 1998. godine za najbolju glavnu glumicu u filmu Gospođa Braun , u kojem je blista- la, ali ga je već sledeće godine do- bila za najbolju sporednu ulogu u Zaljubljenom Šekspiru , u kojem se pojavljuje ukupno osam minuta! Ne tako davno dogodilo se slično, kada je film Martina Skorsezea Dvostru- ka igra dobio četiri glavna Oskara i kada je proglašen za film godine. Dvostruka igra je solidno ostvarenje, ali ni prineti Taksisti ili filmu Nju- jork, Njujork , ranijim Skorsezeovim filmovima, za koje nije nagrađen. T his gilded statuette has, after al- most 90 years, built up its status as the most influential, most impor- tant and most prominent award in the film industry. If you are crowned with an Oscar, they say, you are destined for suc- cess. Thus it is not surprising that everyone wants one of these statuettes so much that they can become the subject of crude jokes, such as, for example, Leonardo di Caprio last year, who finally received his. Oscars haven’t always ended up in the hands of the best. They have eluded some for years, only for them to finally receive one as a consolation prize for something that was not quite their best role. Actress Judi Dench, for example, did not win the Best Actress Oscar in 1998 for her perfor- mance in the film “Mrs Brown” in which she shone, but the following year she won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in the film “Shakespeare in Love”, in which she appears for a total of eight minutes! Something similar happened not so long ago, when Martin Scorsese’s film“The De- parted”won four major Academy Awards and was declared the film of the year.“The

UJKA OSKAR Ni u samoj Akademiji nisu sasvim sigurni kad je reč o poreklu naziva Oskar. Najpoznatija je verzija pri- če (koja se jedina i pominje na sajtu Akademije) da je prvi put kad je videla kako će nagrada izgleda- ti, 1931. godine, Margaret Herik (tada bibliotekarka, a kasnije i izvršna direktorka Akademije), rekla da joj statua liči na njenog ujaka. Tako je Oskar Pirs, farmer iz Teksasa, ni kriv ni dužan zauvek ušao u filmsku istoriju. UNCLE OSCAR Even at the Academy they are not quite sure abo- ut the origin of the title “Oscar”. The best known ver- sion of the story (which is also the only one menti- oned on the Academy’s website) claims that when the image of the award was first seen in 1931 by Margaret Herrick (then librarian and later executi- ve director of the Academy) she said that the statu- ette resembled her uncle. Thus, without lifting a fin- ger, Oscar Pierce, a farmer from Texas, entered the history of film forever.

Tekst / Words: Tatjana Čanak Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia

Zbog njega se plače, histerično smeje, oblači najbolja garderoba, lobira, ogovara, mesecima priča, godinama seća... O njemu se sanja He causes people to cry, laugh hysterically, wear their best clothes, lobby, gossip, talk for months and remember for years... He is dreamed about

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89. dodela zlatnog viteza / the 89 th awarding of the golden knight

Neverovatno je i da, iako je nominovan pet puta, Alfred Hičkok nikada nije dobio ovu nagradu za režiju It is being nominated five times, Alfred Hitchcock never won the Best Director Award unbelievable that, despite

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Neka filmska i glumačka ostva- renja koja se danas smatraju kultnim nisu čak ni nominovana. Tako je Gra- đanin Kejn , film koji mnogi smatra- ju najboljim svih vremena, od devet nominacija dobio jedino Oskara za najbolji originalni scenario. Neve- rovatno je i da, iako je nominovan pet puta, Alfred Hičkok nikada nije dobio ovu nagradu za režiju. JEDAN I JEDINI MARLON BRANDO U istoriji Oskara jedno ime ipak stoji izdvojeno. Legendarni gospo- din Marlon Brando odbio je da pri- mi nagradu, i to za nezaboravnu ulo- gu Vita Korleonea u Kumu . Glumac je 1973. odbio Akademiju zbog dis- kriminišućeg odnosa Amerikanaca i Holivuda prema Indijancima. Ume- sto njega se na 45. dodeli Oskara pojavila Sašin Malo Pero, Indijan- ka iz plemena Apača. Pokretom ru- ke stavila je do znanja da Oskara ne želi da uzme. Samo jednim po- tezom, slavni glumac je obezbedio više publiciteta problemima ame- ričkih Indijanaca nego ijedna akci- ja do tada. Nažalost, njegov protest ostao je usamljen. Filmski kritičar Dimitrije Voj- nov kaže da ovaj spektakl ima izu- zetno veliki značaj, najpre u samoj američkoj filmskoj industriji, a kako je ona globalna, naravno, i u ostat- ku sveta. – Oskar je daleko najznačajnija filmska nagrada u globalnim okvi- rima. Reč je o nagradi pri čijoj se dodeli vrednuje ono što je po nji- hovom mišljenju najbolje, ali da bi se razumeli Oskari, moraju se pre svega razumeti glasačko telo Aka- demije i njegove specifičnosti – ka- že Dimitrije. Ukus članova žirija varira po ra- znim osnovama. Procena delom pro- ističe iz sastava, koji se poslednjih godina menja, uz sve veće učešće žena, etničkih manjina i neamerič- kih glasača. - Ipak, deo proističe i iz reakci- ja javnosti na delovanje Akademi- je, primer je prošlogodišnja akcija #OscarsSoWhite, a deo, naravno, i iz želje da se ne uđe u kliše. Ipak, neke tendencije su tradicionalne – ističe Vojnov i objašnjava da Aka- demija pre svega ceni filmove koji imaju velike teme, autore sa konti- nuiranim opusom, angažovanost, fil- move koji tematizuju sam Holivud.

– Njene odluke su ipak refleksi- ja razmišljanja jednog esnafa i nje- govog pokušaja da se pozicionira u društvu. Stoga možemo reći da od- luke Akademije umnogome prikazu- ju sliku kakvu američke filmadžije žele da izgrade o sebi. U poslednjih godina imamo čitavu predigru ma- njih nagrada koje grade atmosfe- ru pred glasanje. Akademija sve te uvodne sugestije uzima u obzir, ali svemu tome daje i svoj pečat. Ipak, o značaju nagrade i o tome koliko ona menja smer nečije karijere, pa i života, govori činjenica da se godi- nama i decenijama pamte izostav- ljeni filmovi i autori – kaže Vojnov. On zaključuje da je, uprkos sve- mu, jedini spisak veličanstveniji od dobitnika Oskara, spisak onih koji ga nisu dobili! Američka akademija filmskih umetnosti danas ima više od 6.000 članova, od kojih su samo 22 odsto glumci, i oni su ti koji donose naj- važniju odluku u filmskoj industri- ji. Ipak, vremenom je glamur koji

Departed” is a solid achievement, but it’ s not even close to “Taxi Driver” or “New York, NewYork”- earlier Scorsese films that did not receive awards. Some film and acting achievements that are today considered cult creations and performances were not even nomi- nated at the time. As such,“Citizen Kane”, a film considered by many as being the best of all time, received nine nominations but only one Oscar, for Best Original Screen- play. It is also unbelievable that, despite being nominated five times, Alfred Hitch- cock never won the Best Director Award.


In the history of the Oscars, howev- er, one name stands out above all others. The legendary Mr Marlon Brando refused to accept the award, and he did so for the unforgettable role ofVito Corleone in“The Godfather”. In 1973 the actor refused the Academy in protest against the discrimina- tory attitude of Americans and Hollywood towards the native population. Appearing

prati ceremoniju postao skoro podjednako važan koliko i sa- me nagrade, pa se ponekad više priča o tome ko je i kako proše- tao crvenim tepihom nego ko- me su dodeljeni Oskari. Jedne godine se desilo da niko od an- ketiranih obožavalaca ispred Kodak teatra nije pogledao ni- ti jedan nominovani film, ali su svi došli da vide zvezde u naj- boljem izdanju. U iščekivanju nove, 89. do- dele nagrada, vredi setiti se ne- kih zanimljivosti iz njene istori- je. Volt Dizni drži rekord sa 64

in his place at the 45 th Oscars was Apache lady Sacheen Littlefeath- er. She made it clear that she did not want to accept the Oscar. With his one move, the famous actor at- tracted more publicity to the prob- lems of Native Americans than any previous campaign. Film critic Dimitrije Vojnov says that this spectacle carries great im- portance, primarily for the American film industry itself, but also, because it is global, of course, for the rest of the world as well. - An Oscar is by far the most important film award in the glob-

The legendary Mr Marlon Brando is the only one to have refused to accept the award Legendarni gospodin Marlon Brando jedini je odbio da primi nagradu

nominacije, osvojio je 26 Oskara, a prvi film koji je osvojio sve glav- ne nagrade bio je Dogodilo se jed- ne noći , 1935. godine. Kategorija za najbolji film sa vanengleskog govornog područja uvedena je 1948, a Oskar je otišao u Italiju, koja ima najviše (deset) osvojenih Oskara za film sa vanen- gleskog govornog područja, iako re- kord po broju nominacija drži Fran- cuska – čak 30. Polovinom pedesetih godina prošlog veka, Holivud je za- koračio u eru cenzure, pa je 1957. uvedeno pravilo da komunisti ne mogu da dobiju Oskara. Ove godine ceremoniju ćemo gledati 26. februara, a do tada nam ostaje samo da nagađamo ko će bi- ti srećnici. Voditelj će biti komičar i TV voditelj Džimi Kimel.

al framework. This is a prize which meas- ures that which they consider as being the best, but in order to understand the Oscars it is first necessary to understand the vot- ing body of the Academy and its specific- ity – says Dimitrije, adding that the taste of members varies on the basis of differ- ent factors. - The assessment of work derives from a composition that has changed in recent years, with the increasing participation of women, ethnic minorities and non-Amer- ican voters. Part of it also stems from the public reaction to the activities of the Acad- emy, such as last year’s campaign #Oscars- SoWhite, and part of it, of course, comes from the desire to avoid clichés. Howev- er, some tendencies are traditional - says Vojnov, explaining that the Academy is particularly appreciative of movies that address great topics, authors with a con-

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89. dodela zlatnog viteza / the 89 th awarding of the golden knight

Vigo Mortensen u filmu Captain fantastic Viggo Mortensen in the movie “Captain Fantastic”

Denzel Vošington u filmu Fences Denzel

Washington in the movie “Fences”

OSKAR 2017: NOMINACIJE Za najbolji film: Arrival, La La Land, Manchester by the Sea, Moonlight, Fences, Lion, Hacksaw Ridge, Hidden Figures, Hell or High Water. Za najboljeg reditelja: Demijen Šazel za La La Land , Beri Dženkins za Moonlight , Kenet Lonergan za Man - chester by the Sea , Denis Vilanov za Arrival i Mel Gi- bson za Hacksaw Ridge . Za najboljeg glumca: Kejsi Aflek za Manchester by the Sea, Rajan Gosling za La La Land , Denzel Vošin- gton za Fences, Vigo Mortensen za Captain Fantastic i Endrju Garfild za Hacksaw Ridge. Za najbolju glumicu: Rut Nega za Loving , Natali Por- tman za Jackie, Ema Stoun za La La Land, Meril Strip za Florence Foster Jenkins i Izabel Iper za Elle . Za najbolji originalni scenario: Hell or High Water, La La Land, The Lopster, Manchester by the Sea, 20 th Century Woman. Za originalnu muziku : Jackie, La La Land, Lion, Moon - light, Passengers. Za najbolji strani film : Land of Mine (Danska) , A Man Called Ove (Švedska) , The Salesman (Iran) , Tanna (Australija) , Toni Erdmann (Nemačka).

OSCARS 2017: NOMINATIONS Best Movie: “Arrival”, “La La Land”, “Manchester by the Sea, Moonlight”, “Fences”, “Lion”, “Hacksaw Ridge”, “Hidden Figures”, “Hell or High Water”. Best Director: Damien Chazelle for “La La Land”, Barry Jenkins for “Moonlight”, Kenneth Lonergan for “Manchester by the Sea”, Denis Villeneuve for “Arrival” and Mel Gibson for “Hacksaw Ridge”. Best Actor: Casey Affleck for “Manchester by the Sea”, Ryan Gosling for “La La Land”, Denzel Washington for “Fences”, Viggo Mortensen for “Captain Fantastic” and Andrew Garfield for “Hacksaw Ridge”. Best Actress: Ruth Negga for “Loving”, Natalie Portman for “Jackie”, Emma Stone for “La La Land”, Meryl Streep for “Florence Foster Jenkins” and Isabelle Huppert for “Elle”. Best Original Screenplay: “Hell or High Water”, “La La Land”, “The Lopster”, “Manchester by the Sea”, “20 th Century Woman”. Best Original Score: “Jackie”, “La La Land”, “Lion”, “Moonlight”, “Passengers”. Best Foreign Language Film: “Land of Mine” (Denmark), “A Man Called Ove” (Sweden), “The Salesman” (Iran), “Tanna” (Australia), “Toni Erdmann” (Germany).

La la land, dobitnik Zlatnog globusa za najbolji film ”La La Land”, Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture

Maheršala Ali, Moonlight Mahershala Ali, “Moonlight”

Ejmi Adams i Džeremi Rener, Arrival Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner, “Arrival”

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tinuous opus, engagement and movies that have Hollywood itself as a theme. - Its decisions are nevertheless a reflec- tion of the consideration of a single guild and its attempts to position itself in socie- ty. Therefore we can say that the decisions of the Academy in many ways reflect the kind of image that American filmmakers want to build about themselves. In the case of the Academy, in recent years we have had a whole period of foreplay with lesser awards that create an atmosphere ahead of voting and build an atmosphere before the vote. The Academy takes all of these introductory proposals into account, but gives all of them its stamp. However, tes- tifying to the importance of these awards and how much winning one changes the direction of someone’s career and even life is the fact that omitted films and authors are remembered for years and even dec- ades – says Vojnov, adding that, as with every award, the only list that is more mag- nificent than the list of winners is the list of those who didn’t win. The American Academy of Motion Pic- ture Arts today has over 6,000 members, on- ly 22 per cent of whom are actors, and they are the ones who make the most important decision in the film industry. However, over time the glamour associated with the award ceremony has become almost as important as the awards themselves, so sometimes there is more talk about who walked on the red carpet and how than about who actual- ly received the Oscars. One year it even oc- curred that none of the fans questioned in front of the Kodak Theatre had seen any of the nominated films, but they had all come to see the stars looking their best. In anticipation of the latest, 89 th consec- utive award ceremony, it is worth recalling some interesting happenings from its his- tory. Walt Disney holds the record for nom- inations with 64, of which he won 26, while the first film to win all major awards was“It Happened One Night” in 1935. The category for best foreign language film area was introduced in 1948, with the Oscar going to Italy, which has won the most Oscars (ten) for foreign language films, al- though the record for most nominations belongs to France – as many as 30. In the mid-1950s Hollywood stepped into the era of censorship, thus in 1957 a rule was in- troduced according to which communists were forbidden from receiving an Oscar. We will watch this year’s ceremony on 26 th February, and until then we can only guess who the lucky ones will be. The host will be comedian and TV presenter Jimmy Kimmel.

Endrju Garfild u filmu Hacksaw Ridge Andrew Garfield in the movie “Hacksaw Ridge”

Kejsi Aflek, Manchester by the Sea Casey Affleck, “Manchester By The Sea”

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