Elevate December 2020 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine



Dobro došli u srećniju godinu WELCOME TO A HAPPIER YEAR



Air Serbia Premium Lounge is open for visitors with revised work hours

Er Srbija Premijum salon je otvoren za posetioce u izmenjenom terminu:

od 5 do 18 časova svakog dana

from 5 AM to 6 PM every day

in the transit area between gates A4 and A5.

u zoni tranzita, između prolaza A4 i A5.

Zdravlje i sigurnost naših posetilaca nam je na prvom mestu, stoga smo preduzeli sve potrebne mere kako bi vaš boravak u salonu bio bezbedan i ugodan. Za više informacija o pristupu Salonu za putnike, molimo posetite airserbia.com

The health and safety of our visitors is our priority and we have taken every precaution to ensure your stay in our lounge is both safe and pleasant. For more information regarding the Premium lounge access, please visit airserbia.com

Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

Dragi putnici, Decembar 2020. godine

December 2020

Dear passengers,

WE ARE NEARING THE END OF A DIFFICULT AND CHALLENGING YEAR, with which we are parting in cir- cumstances significantly different to those at the be- ginning of the year. After record successes in 2019 and ex- cellent results achieved in January and February, the start of the year was very promising for us as a company. We summarised our successes and records, planned further expansion and new destinations. The results achieved we- re our foundation for optimistic expectations that we would continue in this direction in the future. Unfortunately, after a strong upward trend, something completely unexpected happened. The Coronavirus pandemic paralysed the whole world, and had the worst impact on those of us whose lifeblood is flight. Instead of expanding, our im- perative became - recovery. The entire aviation industry is going through a se- ries of challenges, facing a significantly reduced sco- pe of operations, and thus revenue too. Air Serbia, like all other companies, is suffering major consequences. We share the fate of our passengers and their fami- lies. Like all of you, like the rest of the world, we were for- ced to change our plans, adapt them or leave them for “better times”. And this is why we understand each ot- her – because we’re all in this together. The pandemic had shown how fragile all our plans really are. We lear- ned that circumstances are constantly liable to change, and that change is the only constant. Air Serbia is fighting as much as it can in dramati- cally changed circumstances. We were forced to redu- ce the scope of our operations due to travel restrictions. We are carefully monitoring all changes and adapting to them. We are working on rationalisation and more effi- cient organisation. We are doing our best to create re- venue and save resources. We are not avoiding difficult decisions, because they will ensure that things become easier over time; that we can move forward even when we’re afraid of what awaits us, because courage is not an absence of fear, but the ability to keep going despite it. We learned that some things are beyond our control, but that doesn‘t mean we need to surrender and passively allow circumstances to control us. If all of us do our best, we can together ensure that 2021 will truly be a better year. Enjoy your flight and have a good trip.

BLIŽI SE KRAJ TEŠKE I IZAZOVNE GODINE, koju ispra- ćamo u znatno drugačijim okolnostima od onih u ko- jima smo je dočekali. Posle rekordnih uspeha iz 2019. godine i uz odlične rezultate postignute u januaru i fe- bruaru ova godina je za nas kao kompaniju počela obe- ćavajuće. Sumirali smo uspehe i rekorde, planirali dalju ekspanziju i nove destinacije. Ostvareni rezultati bili su nam uporište za dalja optimistična očekivanja da ćemo u tom smeru i nastaviti. Nažalost, posle snažnog uzle- ta usledilo je nešto potpuno neočekivano. Korona virus je paralisao ceo svet i najteže pogodio upravo nas koji- ma je letenje u krvi. Umesto ekspanzije, imperativ nam je postao – oporavak. Celokupna avio-industrija prolazi kroz niz izazova, suočavajući se sa značajnim smanjenjem obima rada, samim tim i prihoda. Er Srbija , kao i druge kompanije, trpi velike

Ukoliko svako od nas uradi sve što može, zajedničkim snagama možemo učiniti da 2021. godina zaista bude bolja If all of us do our best, we can together make sure that 2021 will truly be a better year

posledice. Delimo sudbinu svih naših putnika i njihovih porodica. Kao i vi, kao i ostatak sveta, bili smo prinuđeni da planove promenimo, prilagodimo ili ostavimo za bolja vremena. I zato se razumemo – jer smo u ovome svi zajedno. Pandemija je pokazala koliko su svi naši planovi zapravo krhki. Naučili smo da su okolnosti konstantno podložne promeni i da je jedino promena konstantna. Er Srbija se bori koliko može u drastično iz- menjenom okruženju. Primorani smo na smanje- nje operacija usled ograničenja putovanja. Bud- no motrimo na sve promene i prilagođavamo im se. Radimo na racionalizaciji i efikasnijoj organi- zaciji. Dajemo sve od sebe da stvaramo prihode i štedimo resurse. Da ne bežimo od teških od- luka, jer će one dovesti do toga da nam vreme- nom bude lakše. Da idemo napred i kad se pla- šimo onog što nas čeka, jer hrabrost nije odsustvo straha, već sposobnost da se ide dalje uprkos njemu. Naučili smo da su neke stvari izvan naše kontrole,

ali to ne znači da treba da se predamo i pasivno prepustimo okolnostima. Ukoliko svako od nas uradi sve što može, zajedničkim snagama možemo učiniti da 2021. godina zaista bude bolja. Uživajte u letu i srećan put.



Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5




 Er Srbija pokreće veb stranicu posvećenu

promociji Srbije / Air Serbia to launch webpage dedicated to promoting Serbia  Er Srbija i heroji iz senke: Air Serbia and heroes from the shadows




 Er Srbija obnovila letove za Moskvu / Air Serbia relaunches Moscow flights

 Džoel Sartore: Da pogledamo životinjama u oči / Joel Sartore: Let’s look animals in their eyes



Glamurozno za Zoom parti / Glamorously for a Zoom party Ako birate jednu haljinu, neka bude slip / If you choose one dress – let it be a slip


 Putujemo sa muzičarem Momčilom Bajagićem / We travel with musician Momčilo Bajagić


Ime je Koneri... Šon Koneri / The name is Connery… Sean Connery

PUTUJTE PAMETNO SMART TRAVEL 13.  Vreme je za magiju adventa / It’s time for advent magic


Disko kuhinja kao novi podijum za igru / Disco kitchen as a new dance podium

RITAM BEOGRADA RHYTHM OF BELGRADE 58. Beograde, hajde da se slikamo! / Hey Belgrade, let‘s take a picture! 64. Ivan Ivačković: Najbolji BG koncerti / Ivan Ivačković: Best BG concerts


Džon Lenon je zauvek živ u Njujorku / John Lennon lives eternally in New York

6 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović

Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Aleksandra Beslać, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Branko Mitrović, Ivan Džaferović, Gabrijela Čonkić, Petar Živojnović Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Snezana Krstić, Zoran Ilić, Aleksandar Slavković, Aleksandar Dimitrijević Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs

DESTINACIJE DESTINATIONS 100. Pariz: Modni manifest za Gabrijel Šanel / Paris: Fashion manifesto for Gabrielle Chanel 104. Hurgada: Šareni svet Crvenog mora / Hurghada: The Red Sea‘s multicoloured world

RITAM SRBIJE RHYTHM OF SERBIA 70. Čarobni valjevski kraj / Magical Valjevo area 74. Mračna strana Srbije / Dark side of Serbia



106. U novu godinu sa Četiri skakaonice / Into the New Year with four jumps

Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights


Živeti čistije, misliti bistrije / Live cleaner, think clearer Neka počne praznična magija / Let the magic of the holidays begin

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved


Air Serbia inflight magazine



Dobro došli u srećniju godinu WELCOME TO A HAPPIER YEAR

Broj / Issue No. 322 Naslovna strana / Cover DrAfter 123/ iStock

Srećna Nova godina / Happy New Year Foto / Photo: iStock DrAfter 123

Contents » Sadržaj | 7

Dobro došli Welcome Moskva Moscow

Er Srbija obnovila letove za Moskvu Er Srbija je u novembru ponovo uspostavila vazdušnu vezu sa Ruskom Federacijom. Poslednji let između srpske i ruske prestonice pre privremene obustave avio-saobraćaja usled pandemije virusa korona obavljen je 18. marta. „Raduje nas što smo vratili još jednu destinaciju u našu mrežu i tako omogućili direktnu povezanost Rusije i Beograda. Imajući u vidu da Rusija predstavlja veliko i značajno tržište, Moskva je veoma važna destinacija za naše putnike, za Srbiju, kao i ceo region“, izjavio je Jirži Marek, direktor za komercijalu i strategiju Er Srbije .

8 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Za letove ponedeljkom putnicima Er Srbije su do Moskve preko Beograda obezbeđene dobre konekcije iz Amsterdama, Kopenhagena, Ljubljane, Osla, Pariza, Podgorice, Beča, Ciriha i Zagreba

For the Monday flights, Air Serbia passengers will also have access to good connections to Moscow, via Belgrade, from Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Ljubljana, Oslo, Paris, Vienna, Zurich and Zagreb.

The national airline now operates flights from Belgrade to the capital of Russia twice a week, on Mondays at 1:50pm and Fridays at 7:30am. Tickets for Moscow flights are available to purchase from the national airline’s website Nacionalna avio- kompanija ka glavnom gradu Rusije iz Beograda saobraća dva puta nedeljno, ponedeljkom u 13.50, petkom u 7.30 h. Avio- karte za Moskvu putnicima su dostupne na sajtu nacionalnog avio- prevoznika

AIR SERBIA RELAUNCHES MOSCOW FLIGHTS Air Serbia re-established its aviation connection with the Russian Federation in November. Prior to the temporary suspension of operations, the last flight between the Serbian and Russian capitals was carried out on 18 th March. “We are glad to reintroduce another destination to our network, enabling a direct link between Russia and Belgrade. Given that Russia represents a major and significant market, Moscow is a very important destination for our passengers, for Serbia, and for the whole region,” said Jiri Marek, Air Serbia General Manager Commercial and Strategy.

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Na letu

On board

MOMČILO BAJAGIĆ, MUZIČAR MOMČILO BAJAGIĆ, MUSICIAN Oduvek volim avione, tata mi je bio pilot I’ve always loved planes, my dad was a pilot

U avion ne ulazim bez telefona jer volim da budem u toku I don’t board a plane without my phone, because I like to keep up to date


Avione volim od malih nogu zbog toga što je moj tata bio pilot. Kasnije sam spoznao sve ostale kvalitete. Avioni su najudobnije, najbezbednije i najbrže prevozno sredstvo, koje vas za najkraće vreme može dovesti na veoma daleke

Slušalice su neizostavni gedžet, bez muzike nema života Headphones are an indispensable gadget, as there’s no life without music


destinacije / I’ve loved planes since childhood, because my dad was a pilot. I later recognised

all the other qualities. Planes are the most comfortable, safest and fastest means of transport, which can carry you to extremely distant destinations in the shortest possible time

Dobra knjiga je najbolji saputnik, pa uvek ponesem bar jednu na put A good book is the best travel companion, so I always take at least one on my travels


Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography: Dušan Milenković

Novine kupim na aerodromu, volim da ih prelistavam dok letim I buy newspapers at the airport, I like to leaf through them while flying

Kad sunce grane iznad oblaka, nema lepšeg prizora, ali lakše je sa naočarima There’s no better sight than when the sun rises above the clouds, but it’s easier with sunglasses



10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Momčilo Bajagić, ili samo Bajaga, rok muzičar, kompozitor, tekstopisac, gitarista i pevač, frontmen grupe Bajaga i instruktori . Počeo je sa Ribljom čorbom , pa nastavio karijeru sa sopstvenim bendom i postao jedan od najpopularnijih muzičara od vremena stare Jugoslavije do danas. Iza njega su bezbrojni hitovi koje sluša ceo region i generacije od 7. do 77.

Momčilo Bajagić, aka Bajaga, is a rock musician, composer, songwriter, guitarist and singer, the front man of the group Bajaga and the Instructors. He started his career with the band Riblja čorba [Fish Stew], before continuing with his own band and becoming one of the most beloved musicians from the time of the former Yugoslavia until today. He has amassed countless hits that are listened to by the entire region and generations aged from 7 to 77.

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Registracija i upravljanje svojim profilom Register and manage your profile

Jednostavna kupovina karata Easy booking

Laka prijava na let Fast flight check-in Bezbedno čuvanje putnih dokumenata Safe storing of travel documents Karte za ukrcavanje na let uvek nadohvat ruke Keep your boarding tickets handy




Upaljena svetla nade, mira, radosti i ljubavi The light of hope, peace, joy and love is lit

Kićenje božićne jelke, darivanje dece, šareni, mirisni vašari, stolovi prepuni tradicionalne hrane, radost iščekivanja Hristovog rođenja… Sve su to znaci da počinje advent – četiri nedelje pre Božića po gregorijanskom kalendaru, u svim zemljama u kojima većinu stanovništva čine pripadnici katoličke i protestantske veroispovesti. U prevodu ova reč znači dolazak, što u ovom slučaju podrazumeva dolazak na svet – rođenje Isusa Hrista. Jedan od običaja je pravljenje venaca sa četiri sveće. Svake nedelje se pali po jedna, a do Božića bi trebalo da budu upaljene sve četiri. Venac čine dva simbola: krug i svetlo. Krug predstavlja večnost i vernost. Svetlo sveće nagoveštava dolazeće svetlo – Isusa. Zimzeleno granje koje se upliće u venac simbolizuje život koji ne prestaje. Sveće su bele i crvene – prva je sveća nade, druga simbol mira, treća radosti, a četvrta ljubavi.

Decorating Christmas trees, giving presents to children, colourful fairs filled with sweet aromas, tables full of traditional food, the joy of awaiting the birth of Christ… All these are signs that Advent has begun – the four weeks before Gregorian Christmas, in all countries where the majority of the population is Catho - lic or protestant. In translation, the word ad - vent means arrival, which in this case im - plies the arrival into the world - the birth of Jesus Christ. One of the customs is to make wreaths with four candles. One candle is lit every week, with all four lit by Christmas. The wreath consists of two symbols: the cir - cle and the light. the circle represents eter- nity and fidelity. The light of the candle indi - cates the coming of the light of Jesus. The evergreen branches intertwined in the wreath symbolise unceasing life. The candles are white and red, – first is the candle of hope, the second symbolises peace, the third joy and the fourth love.




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80 min.

Ledeni san Bečki novogodišnji vašari deo su tradicije koja traje vekovima i za mnoge ljude predstavljaju deo bečke kulture. U trenutku štampanja ovog teksta planirano je otvaranje vašara početkom decembra, ali sve, nažalost, ipak zavisi od pandemije. Ukoliko sve bude u redu, kao i svake godine, najveći božićni vašar Bečki božićni san biće organizovan na trgu ispred Gradske skupštine. Svako drvo na trgu i duž Ringštrase biće osvetljeno. Desni deo parka na trgu rezervisan je za vašar, dok se u levom delu organizuje Mali ledeni san , klizalište na 3.000 kvadratnih metara. Tradicionalno se od 1959. na trgu ispred Gradske skupštine postavlja smreka kao božićno drvo, koju svake godine poklanja jedna austrijska pokrajina ili susedna država.

Na trgu ispred Gradske skupštine postavljena je smreka stara 200 godina i visoka 33 metra, koja dolazi iz Gornje Austrije / Standing on the square in front of the City Hall is a 200-year-old spruce that’s 33 metres tall and was brought from Upper Austria

Ove godine je to smreka stara 200 godina i visoka 33 metra i dolazi iz Gornje Austrije. Najviša smreka koja je do sada postavljena ispred Gradske skupštine bila je poklon pokrajine Štajerska 1971. i dostigla je visinu od 39,4 metra. Prvo javno božićno drvo postavljeno je u Beču u 18. becirku 1829. U ponoć na Badnje veče,

u noći između 24. i 25. decembra, održava se božićna misa, posle koje se obično svečano obeduje. Bogosluženje na Badnje veče je najposećenije u godini. Tradicija, čiji koreni sežu do srednjeg veka, a koja se održala u Beču, jeste insceniranje Hristovog rođenja. Najčešće se predstava održava u crkvi pred bogosluženje.

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Frozen dream Vienna’s Christmas Markets are part of a tradition that has endured for centuries and they represent part of Viennese cul- ture for many people. At the time of writing this article, it is planned for the city’s festive markets to open in early De- cember. However, unfortunate- ly, everything still depends on the pandemic. Provided everything goes well, the biggest Christmas fair, dubbed “Vienna’s Christmas Dream”, will be organised on the square in front of the City Hall, as is the case each year. Every tree in the square and along Ringstrasse will be adorned with lights. The market covers the right side of the square’s park, while the left side is re- served for the “Little Ice Dream”, an ice-skating rink covering an area of 3,000 square metres. Since 1959, a spruce has tra- ditionally been installed on the square in front of the City Hall. This huge Christmas tree is gifted every year by a differ- ent Austrian province or neigh- bouring country. This year’s is a 33-metre-tall, 200-year-old spruce from the state of Up- per Austria. The tallest spruce placed in front of Vienna City Hall to date was the 1971 gift from the state of Styria that reached a height of 39.4 me- tres. The first Christmas tree to be erected publicly in Vien- na appeared in the city’s 18 th district in 1829. At midnight on Christmas Eve, on the night be- tween 24 th and 25 th December, a Christmas Mass is held and usually followed by a festive feast. The Christmas Eve wor- ship service is the most heavi- ly attended service of the year. Another Viennese tradition with roots dating back to the Middle Ages is the nativity play. These plays are usually held in church prior to the start of the Midnight Mass service.

U vremenu do Božića bečke ulice mirišu na medenjake, vruć punč, kuvano vino i pržene bademe / In the time leading up to Christmas, the streets of Vienna smell of gingerbread, hot fruit punch, mulled wine and roasted almonds

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15



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Mistletoe of love and pudding containing treasure

Christmas in London begins with the open- ing of gifts and then din- ner, after which fami- lies watch the Queen’s speech on television. During the evening of Christmas day it is cus- tomary to serve Christ- mas pudding, which is known as a plum pud- ding (made from suet fat and flour, filled with various dried fruits) in which some “treasure” is hidden. The UK was the first

Adventsko putovanje u

Ljubavne imele i puding sa blagom

London otkriva čaroliju jednog od najlepših evropskih gradova, bogato okićene ulice i prodavnice, božićne koncerte i miris toplih vafli A trip to London during Advent reveals the magic of one of Europe’s most beautiful cities, richly decorated streets and shops, Christmas concerts and the aroma of warm waffles

Božić u Londonu započinje otvaranjem poklo - na, sledi ručak, nakon kog se putem televizije prati govor kraljevske porodice. Popodne se ide u posetu prijateljima i rodbini. Za vreme božić - ne večere običaj je posluživanje božićnog pu - dinga (tortice od prhkog testa punjene raznim suvim voćem u kojima se nalazi neko „blago“). Inače, Velika Britanija je bila prva država koja je kao božićni ukras počela da koristi imelu. Ven - čićima se ukrašavaju vrata i domovi, a svako ko se zatekne ispod venca mora biti poljubljen ili nekoga poljubiti. U Kovent gardenu sam De - da Mraz pali svetiljke, a na poznatom Trafal - gar skveru postavlja se predivna jelka i, narav - no, imela.

country to start using mistletoe as a Christ- mas decoration. Doors and homes are decorat- ed with wreaths, and any two people who find themselves under the mistletoe must kiss. The lights of Covent Garden are lit by Father Christ- mas himself, and the famous Trafalgar Square is adorned with a beautiful Christmas and, of course, mistletoe.

Zanimljiva su brojna klizališta na otvorenom, a spektakularno je božićno drvce na Trafalgar skveru / It is interesting that there are numerous outdoor ice-skating rinks, while the Christmas tree on Trafalgar Square is spectacular

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160 min.

Čokoladni panj i foa gra / Chocolate Yule log and foie gras U Francuskoj je vrhunac božić - noga slavlja Reveillon , odnosno božićni obrok. La Buche de Noël , čokoladna biskvit-rolada u obli - ku debla, smeštena ispred oki - ćene jelke, simboliše panj koji se nekad spaljivao ne bi li se tim svetlom rasterali duhovi. Torta se uz ostalu hranu služi nakon vrlo kasne večere, koja zavisi od regionalnih kulinarskih tradici - ja. Parižani slave uz kamenice i guščju ili pačju paštetu ( pat de foie gras ). Božić je u Parizu naročito šar - mantan jer podrazumeva vožnju brodićima Senom, šetnju ulica - ma i bulevarima, pogled s Ajfe - lovog tornja i slatke zalogaje u malim poslastičarnicama. / The highlight of Christmas celebra- tions in France is Le Réveillon, or the Christmas feast. La Buche de Noël, the Yule Log, a rolled choc- olate cake in the shape of a log of wood, is placed in front of a dec- orated Christmas tree to symbol- ise a log dating back to antiqui- ty that was sometimes burned in order for its light to ward off spir- its. The cake is served with other food after a very late dinner, the contents of which depends on re- gional culinary traditions. Paris- ians celebrate with a starter of oysters and goose or duck liver pâté (pâté de foie gras). Christmas in Paris is especial- ly charming as it includes boat rides along the Seine, strolls through the streets and boule- vards, the view from the Eiffel Tower and sweet snacks in small patisseries.

Nakon večere hrana ostaje na stolu u slučaju da se pojavi Devica Marija / After dinner, food is left on the table just in case the Virgin Mary shows up

Uz raskošno ukrašene ulice i prekrasne božićne sajmove, poput onog na Montmartru, advent u Parizu je događaj za pamćenje / With lavishly decorated streets and beautiful Christmas markets, such as the one in Montmartre, Advent in Paris is an unforgettable occasion

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 17



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170 min.

Iako je Norveška pretežno hrišć anska zemlja, Božić se tamo nije slavio sve do 11. veka. Pre toga Norvežani su slavili usred zime i pili pivo u čast nordijskih bogova / While Norway is predominantly a Christian country, Christmas wasn’t celebrated here until 11th centuries Before then, people celebrated in the middle of the winter, and drank beer in honour of the Norse gods

Zaigrajte oko božićne jelke Do danas se božicno vreme u Norveškoj još naziva juletid – iako je sačuvalo neke staronorveške tradicije, na njega su uticali brojni hrišcanski običaji.

Julaften, na engleskom poznat kao Badnje veče, glavni je dan proslave. U 17 časova crkvena zvona zvone širom gradova da najave zvanični početak praznika. Posle tradicionalnog obroka ljudi se obično drže za ruke i plešu oko jelke dok pevaju božićne pesme. Deda Mraz zatim dolazi u dnevnu sobu

da deli poklone. Porodica i gosti ostatak večeri provode igrajući igre, pevajući i otvarajući poklone. Na Božic odlaze u posetu porodici i prijateljima na tradicionalnu skandinavsku večeru. Tipična norveška božicna jela uključuju risengrinsgrøt, ribbe ili pinnekjøtt. Risengrinsgrøt je norveška pirinčana kaša koja se obično priprema za ručak na dan Božica. Poslužuje se sa šecerom, cimetom i mrvicom putera u sredini. Negde u sredini je sakriven badem, a onaj ko ga pronađe tradicionalno dobija marcipan na poklon. Ribbe su svinjska rebarca, a pinnekjøt specijalitet od slanih ili osušenih jagnjecih rebara.

Julaften, poznat kao Badnje veče, glavni je dan proslave / Julaften, known as Christmas Eve, is the main day of celebration

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Dance around the Christmas tree To this day, Christmastime is still called juletid in Norway – and while it has preserved some Old Norse traditions, it is also influenced by hundreds of Christian practices. Julaften, known as Christmas Eve in English, is the main day of celebration. At 5pm church bells ring throughout the cities to announce the official start of the holiday. After their tra- ditional meal, people usually hold hands and dance around the Christmas tree while sing- ing carols. Santa Claus, then comes into the living room to hand out presents. The family and guests then play games, sing and open gifts the rest of the evening. On Christmas Day they then go and visit family and friends for a Scandinavi- an dinner. Typical Norwegian Christmas

Risengrinsgrøt je norveška pirinčana kaša koja se obično priprema za ručak na dan Božić a / Risengrynsgrøt is Norwegian rice porridge usually prepared for lunch on Christmas day

dishes include risengryns- grøt, ribbe or pinnekjøtt. Ris- engrynsgrøt is Norwegian rice porridge usually prepared for lunch on Christmas day. It is served with sugar and cinna- mon and a dab of butter in the centre. An almond is hidden in the large pot, and the person

who finds the it in their portion traditionally receives a marzi- pan as a gift. Ribbe are pork ribs, and Pinnekjøt, consists of salted or dried lamb ribs.

Do danas se božić no vreme u Norveškoj još naziva juletid / To this day, Christmastime is still called juletid in Norway

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 19

VIKTOR KIŠ, V. D. DIREKTORA MSUB Umetnik i tabu Presrećan sam što će baš Muzej savremene umetnosti u Beogradu biti pionir na ovim prostorima u predstavljanju visoke mode kao savremene umetnosti ŽAN-POL GOTJE ODAVNO JE MNOGO VIŠE OD MODNOG brenda kojim je stekao svetsku sla- vu. Gotje je umetnik. Umetnik koji promoviše ideju ljubavi, tolerancije, ideju raznolikosti. Ideju jedna- kosti. Umetnik koji spremno meša ustaljenost i eli- tizam. Umetnik koji poručuje: „Slavite svoju različi- tost! Slavite sebe u svojoj različitosti. Prihvatite, bez osuđivanja. Bez tabua. Bez elitizma. Oslobodite se…“ Izložba Žan-Pola Gotjea Love is Love u produk- ciji Muzeja lepih umetnosti u Montrealu nastaje kao finale izložbe Modni svet Žan-Pola Gotjea: Od troto- ara do modne piste , koja je u 12 gradova sveta privu- kla više od dva miliona posetilaca, obarajuć i rekorde u poseti modnim izložbama i za koju je kustos Tijeri Maksim Lorio dobio nagradu Vanguard . Presre an sam što e baš Muzej savremene umet- nosti u Beogradu biti pionir na ovim prostorima u predstavljanju visoke mode kao savremene umetno- sti. Tako e se naš beogradski muzej na i u društvu svetskih muzeja, poput njujorškog Metropoliten mu- zeja umetnosti, Muzeja savremene umetnosti Mo- Ma i Muzeja Viktorija i Albert , koji pomeraju gra- nice shvatanja savremene umetnosti. Baš kao Gotje – spremno, drugačije, bez tabua i elitizma, kako se od savremene umetnosti i očekuje.

VIKTOR KIŠ, ACTING DIRECTOR OF THE MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART IN BELGRADE Artist and taboo I‘m delighted that the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade in particular will be a pioneer of this region when it comes presenting high fashion as contemporary art. JEAN PAUL GAULTIER HAS LONG SINCE SUR- PASSED THE fashion brand through which he gained worldwide repute. Gaultier is an artist. He is an artist who promotes the idea of love and tolerance, the no- tion of diversity. The notion of equality. He is an art- ist who is ready to fuse conventionality and elitism. He is an artist who says: Celebrate your diversity! Cel- ebrate yourself in your diversity. Accept, without con- demnation. Without taboos. Without elitism. Liber- ate yourself… The Jean-Paul Gaultier exhibition “Love is Love”, produced by the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, emerg- es as the finale of the exhibition The Fashion World of Jean-Paul Gaultier: from the Sidewalk to the Catwalk, which has attracted more than two million visitors in 12 world cities, breaking attendance records for fash-

ion exhibitions and resulting in curator Thierry-Maxime Loriot receiving the Vanguard Award. I‘m delighted that the Muse- um of Contemporary Art in Bel- grade in particular will be a pio- neer of this region when it comes presenting high fashion as con- temporary art. In this way our Belgrade Museum will find it- self in the company of world-re- nowned museums, such as New York‘s Metropolitan Museum of Art and MoMa Museum of Mod- ern Art, and London‘s Victoria and Albert Museum, which push the boundaries of understanding contemporary art. And that‘s Just like Gaultier himself - ready, dif- ferent, without taboos and elit- ism. Just as is expected from con- temporary art.

20 | Srbija stvara » Serbia creates

Destination » Destinacija | 21

Razglednica /Postcard

PARIZ / PARIS Šekspirova knjižara

NJUJORK / NEW YORK Božićna jelka od 11 tona


11-TONNE CHRISTMAS TREE The famous Christmas tree in front of the Rockefeller Center will shine again this year, as of the beginning of December. The 11-tonne tree was placed in front of the centre using a crane and is topped by a huge star containing as many as three million crystals. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said that every year, like a child, he still wonders when the lights on the Christmas tree will be turned on, and that this year in particular he wants that to be a big event, considering the pandemic that has hit the whole world. Čuvena božićna jelka ispred Rokfeler centra zasijaće i ove godine početkom decembra. Stablo od 11 tona dizalicom je postavljeno ispred centra, a na njego- vom vrhu nalazi se ogromna zvezda, ko- ja sadrži čak tri miliona kristala. Bil de Bla- zio, gradonačelnik Njujorka, izjavio je da se još svake godine poput deteta pita kad će svetla na jelci biti uključena, kao i da ove godine posebno želi da to bude veliki događaj, s obzirom na pandemiju koja je zadesila ceo svet.

HATS OFF The cap, hat and scarf have traversed the path from the practical to the bizarre and back, thus becoming a way of communicating one’s own uniqueness with the world. Covering or revealing the head can show a lot – complex moral and aesthetic forms, religious, national or class affiliations, people’s economic position etc. And revealing the flow of this journey in different cultures over the last hundred years is the exhibition “Hats off! The story about (un)covering one’s head”. The exhibition runs until the end of December at the Zagreb Ethnographic Museum, which is commemorating its 100 th anniversary. Kapa, šešir i marama prešli su put od praktičnog do bizarnog i nazad, postav- ši tako način komuniciranja vlastite po- sebnosti sa svetom. Pokrivanje ili otkri- vanje glave može da pokaže mnogo toga – složene moralne i estetske forme, ver- sku, nacionalnu ili klasnu pripadnost, eko- nomski položaj... Kako je tekao taj put u različitim kulturama u poslednjih 100 go- dina, otkriva izložba Kapa dole ! Priča o (ne)pokrivanju glave . Izložba je otvorena do kraja decembra u Etnografskom mu- zeju u Zagrebu, koji obeležava 100. go- dišnjicu.

SHAKESPEARE’S BOOKSHOP Paris isn’t just the Eiffel Tower, high fashion and a glass of wine, but also the famous Shakespeare and Company bookshop, which is extremely well known among book lovers. Located on the left bank of the Seine, it was opened back in 1951 by American soldier George Whitman. It became the centre of bohemian culture in Paris soon after its opening, visited by famous writers like Henry Miller, Alain Ginsberg and Anais Nin. Many writers often slept overnight in the bookshop, with Whitman asking them to write their one-page autobiography for the bookshop’s archive in exchange for free accommodation. And that’s why today it is a kind of museum of valuable writings and books. Pariz nisu samo Ajfelov toranj, visoka mo- da, čaša vina već i čuvena knjižara Sha - kespeare and Company , koja je ljubitelji- ma knjiga i te kako poznata. Nalazi se na levoj obali Sene, a otvorio ju je još 1951. američki vojnik Džordž Vitman. Ubrzo na- kon otvaranja postala je centar boemske kulture u Parizu, a posećivali su je i slav- ni pisci poput Henrija Milera, Alena Gin- zberga, Anais Nin. U knjižari su neretko mnogi pisci spavali, a Vitman je u zame- nu za besplatan smeštaj tražio da napi- šu svoju autobiografiju na jednoj stranici za arhivu knjižare. Tako danas predstavlja svojevrstan muzej vrednih spisa i knjiga.

22 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

ATINA / ATHENS Najinstagramičnije mesto u gradu

OSLO / OSLO Most koji se okreće

PRAG / PRAGUE Portret muškarca

BRIDGE THAT TWISTS Not far from Oslo, in Kistefos Sculpture Park, stands an amazing and unique architectural construction. Known as “The Twist”, it represents 3 in 1 – a gallery, bridge and sculpture. Connecting the two banks of the River Randselva and representing a bridge, it is also a sculpture that people can enter to enjoy a unique exhibition space. Its exterior spiral shape resembles a deck of cards, but if you look closely it becomes clear that it consists of balanced and completely flat panels. However, that’s not the only illusion, because as you walk through the gallery, with the river rushing below you, at one point it will seem to you that the floor has become the ceiling and vice versa. The design is “to blame” for everything. U blizini Osla, u parku Kistefos, nalazi se neverovatna i jedinstvena arhitektonska kontrukcija. Zove se The Twist i predstav- lja tri u jedan – galeriju, most i skulpturu. Spaja obale reke Randselve i predstav- lja most, ali i skulpturu u koju ljudi mogu da uđu i uživaju u unikatnom izložbenom prostoru. Njena spiralna forma spolja podseća na špil karata, ali ako se pogleda izbliza, jasno je da je čine uravnoteženi i sasvim ravni paneli. Ali to nije jedina iluzi- ja, jer dok hodate galerijom, a reka juri is- pod vas, u jednom trenutku učiniće vam se da je pod postao plafon i obrnuto. Za sve je „kriv“ dizajn.

PORTRAIT OF A MAN The exhibition “Portrait of a Man”, dedicated to Rembrandt, one of the greatest painters of all time, has opened at the National Gallery in Prague. Even those who aren’t passionate art lovers have a unique opportunity to see a series of first- class artworks in one place, which the National Gallery in Prague borrowed for this occasion from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the National Gallery in London and the Albertina in Vienna. The exhibition runs until the end of January. U Nacionalnoj galeriji Prag otvorena je izložba Portret muškarca posvećena jednom od najvećih slikara svih vreme- na – Rembrantu. Čak i za one koji nisu stravstveni ljubitelji umetnosti ovo je je- dinstvena prilika da na jednom mestu vi- de niz prvoklasnih umetničkih dela, koja su Nacionalnoj galeriji Prag za ovu priliku pozajmili Muzej umetnosti Metropoliten iz Njujorka, Nacionalna galerija iz Londo- na i Albertina iz Beča. Izložba je otvorena do kraja januara.

MOST INSTAGRAMMABLE PLACE IN THE CITY Providing real proof that the popularity of certain places can grow sharply thanks to Instagram is the Little Kook, a fairytale-inspired place in the Athens neighbourhood of Psyri. Visiting Athens is today inconceivable for many without a visit to this very place, which can be enjoyed by both children and adults thanks to it being vividly decorated throughout the year. Inspired by the heroic Mary Poppins, it has umbrellas and cherry blossoms, and it takes on a new look for the Christmas and New Year holidays. Da popularnost pojedinih mesta može naglo da poraste zahvaljujući Instagra- mu, pravi dokaz je Little Koo k, bajkovi- to mesto u atinskom kvartu Psiri. Danas je poseta Atini za mnoge nezamisliva bez obilaska baš tog mesta, na kojem mogu da uživaju i deca i odrasli jer je živopisno dekorisano tokom cele godine. Inspirisa- no je junakinjom Meri Popins, tu su kišo- brani, trešnjini cvetovi, a za Novu godinu i Božić poprima nov izgled.

Tekst/Words: Biljana Stefanović Fotografije/Photography: Profimedia.rs, iStock

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 23

Interview Intervju

Džoel / Joel Sartore


Razmišljao sam kako da navedem ljude da brinu zbog toga što bismo mogli do sledećeg veka da izgubimo polovinu vrsta? Možda nam serija portreta, napravljena jednostavno i čisto, pruži šansu da pogledamo životinjama direktno u oči i vidimo da ima lepote, gracioznosti i inteligencije u drugim bićima s kojim delimo planetu, kaže proslavljeni fotograf

24 | Intervju » Interview

Ugrožena beba orangutana sa Bornea po imenu Aurora sa majkom usvojiteljkom Čejen An endangered baby Bornean orangutan named Aurora, with her adoptive mother, Cheyenne

Interview » Intervju | 25


N e ponosi se svojom superiornošću nad životinjama jer su one u svojoj maleno- sti bez greha, dok ti svojom veličinom skrnaviš svaki pedalj zemlje kojom hodaš“, govorio je veliki Dostojevski Čoveku. Ipak, danas, kada pandemija koronaviru- sa ostvaruje svaku noćnu moru, svedoci smo da sa- vet genijalnog ruskog pisca, baš kao ni upozorenja mnogih drugih, nije imao efekta. Jer smo na kraju ove 2020, prema zvaničnoj statistici Međunarodne unije za zaštitu prirode, na rub opstanka doveli vi- še od 30.000 vrsta životinja. Četvrtinu svih posto- jećih na planeti. Veliki broj poslednjih primeraka tih ugroženih vrsta nalazi se u zatočeništvu u zoološkim vrtovi- ma širom sveta, čije su im metalne ograde istovre- meno zatvor, ali i poslednja nada za preživljavanje. One su, uz mnoge druge koje se u divljini i dalje bo- re ne za bolje, već za jedno obično sutra, dobile ipak još jednog saborca i postale deo velikog projekta Fo- to arka proslavljenog fotografa Nacionalne geografi- je Džoela Sartorea, čija su dela krasila fasadu Empa- jer stejt bildinga, zgradu Ujedinjenih nacija i Vatikan. Kada je pre 15 godina započeo svoju misiju, cilj mu je bio da svojim foto-aparatom od zaborava sa- čuva 15.000 ugroženih vrsta. Od tada je na 34.000

fotografija zabeležio više od 11.000 slika sa svih me- ridijana, a do ispunjenja ovog izazovnog zadatka, ka- ko to otkriva u ekskluzivnom intervjuu za Elevejt , ostalo mu je još desetak godina. Krajem novembra smo na kanalu National Geographic Wild imali pri- liku da nakratko zavirimo u njegovo životno delo i verovatno poslednji put vidimo neke od životinja za čije postojanje nikada nismo ni čuli, a koje, možda, uživo nikada nećemo videti. Bio je to poslednji po- zdrav za one sa kojima smo delili ovaj kamen, treći od Sunca, a za koje smo u svojoj bahatosti odlučili da nemaju pravo na budućnost.

Koala sa svojim bebama Koala with her babies

26 | Intervju » Interview

Krajem novembra smo na kanalu National Geographic Wild imali priliku da verovatno poslednji put vidimo neke od životinja At the end of November we had an opportunity, on the National Geographic Wild channel, to take a sneak peek at some animals, probably for the last time

Grahm S. Jones

M an, do not pride yourself on your su- periority to the animals, for they are without sin, while you, with all your greatness, you defile the earth wher- ever you appear and leave an ignoble trail behind you,” wrote the great Dostoevsky. How- ever, today, with the coronavirus pandemic realising every nightmare, we are witnessing that the advice of this ingenius Russian writer, just like the warnings of many others, had no effect. That’s because at the end of 2020, according to official statistics of the Inter- national Union for Conservation of Nature, we have pushed more than 30,000 species of animals to the verge of extinction. That’s a quarter of all species that exist on the planet. A large number of the last examples of these en- dangered species are held in captivity in zoos around the world, where metal fences are simultaneously their prison and their last hope for survival. Along with many others that are still fighting in the wild – not for a better tomorrow, but for an ordinary one – they have none- theless gained another comrade and become part of the major Photo Ark project of celebrated National Ge- ographic photographer Joel Sartore, whose works have

I was considering ways to compel people to worry about the fact that we could lose half of all species by the turn of the next century! Maybe a series of portraits, created simply and cleanly, will give us a chance to look animals directly in the eyes and see that there is beauty, grace and intelligence in other beings with whom we share the planet, says this celebrated photographer

Tekst/Words: Jelena Pantović

Fotografije/Photography: © Photo by Joel Sartore/ National Geographic Photo Ark

Interview » Intervju | 27


– Pesimizam nije rešenje. Uvek mora da posto- ji nada. Foto arka je moj način da doprinesem oču- vanju životinja kojima preti istrebljenje tako što ću ih ljudima učiniti vidljivim. Moje fotografije podset- nik su na tragediju čiji je čovek deo. Mi možda jesmo na vrhu lanca ishrane kao najveći predatori, ali kada

nam nestane hrane, nestaće i nas – poručuje Džoel Sartore, dodajući da briga za životinje počinje brigom za čistu vodu, vazduh i stabilnu klimu. Kako je uopšte počela va- ša misija? – Pre 16 godina mojoj supruzi ustanovljen je rak dojke. Uspešno je operisana, ali je njen oporavak tra- jao dugo. Među četiri zida, sa su- prugom u bolesničkoj postelji i troje dece, preda mnom je bila duga go- dina, u kojoj sam svoj život podre- dio životu majke svoje dece. Kada se ona konačno oporavila, morao sam da donesem odluku šta ću sa ostat- kom svog života. Tada sam počeo da mislim šta je sa svim onim nezašti- ćenim životinjicama koje će u na- rednoj deceniji nestati, a čijeg po- stojanja niko neće biti ni svestan. Većina ljudi mahom je oduševljena lavovima, tigrovima, konjima i slo- novima. Ali i vrabac, bogomoljka i mrav su takođe životinje i zaslužu- ju da ih se neko seća. I tako je zapo- čela naša velika misija.

Pomenuli ste da imate troje dece. Da li ste uspeli da im prenesete makar delić svoje ljubavi pre- ma prirodi? – Jesam. Mi kao porodica nastojimo da živimo u skladu i harmoniji sa svojim okruženjem. Moj stariji sin Kol sada je već moj verni pratilac na terenu. Osim toga, svesni smo da novac može stvoriti, ali i uništiti svet. Zato ne trošimo prekomerno, recikliramo, dom nam je dobro izolovan, svu hranu koju koristimo u svakodnevnoj ishrani sami uzgajamo. Imamo svoju baštu, u kojoj su za oprašivanje zadužene pčele ko- je sami gajimo, jer su i one važne za našu planetu. Ovo vas verovatno stalno pitaju, pa mo- ram i ja. Koju ste životinju prvo fotogra- fisali? – Bila je to jedna vrsta retkog afričkog glodara koji živi pod zemljom. Da bih vam prekratio muke, sam ću vam odmah odgovoriti i na drugo od novina- ra najčešće postavljano pitanje: „Koja mi je najdraža životinja koju sam ikada uslikao?“ Odgovor je – ona sledeća. Ne pravim razliku između pauka i tigra. Sve životinje me jednako uzbuđuju i svaku doživljavam sa istim poštovanjem. Ako ste poslednji na svetu, ve- ličina ni najmanje nije bitna. Kada se zagledate u oči

Dva zlatna kratkonosa majmuna Two Golden snub-nosed monkeys

bilo kojoj životinji – od najsitnije do onih krupnih, u njima ćete videti inteligenciju. To je ono što nas upo- zorava da moramo da se trgnemo iz uverenja da ima- mo dozvolu više sile da presuđujemo slabijima od se- be. Najvažnija misija moje Foto arke jeste da ljudima pokaže da postoji nešto više od politike i sporta. To nešto više zove se odgovornost. Spasavajući životinje, spasavamo i sebe. Postoji li neko mesto na svetu koje biste želeli da posetite u okviru svog projekta? – Za ovih 15 godina obišao sam sve kontinente izuzev Antarktika. Mada, ni u Srbiji nisam bio. Imate li zoološke vrtove? Ako imate, rado ću posetiti vašu zemlju i učiniti da i Srbija postane deo moje Foto arke .

Imamo svoju baštu, u kojoj su za oprašivanje zadužene pčele koje sami gajimo, own garden in which the bees that we cultivate ourselves are in charge of pollination kaže Džoel We have our

28 | Intervju » Interview

According to official statistics of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, more than 30,000 species of animals have been pushed to the verge of extinction Prema zvaničnoj statistici Međunarodne unije za zaštitu prirode, na rub opstanka dovedeno je više od 30.000 vrsta životinja

Ugroženi panter sa Floride Endangered Florida panther

Interview » Intervju | 29


Ugroženi malajski tigar An endangered Malayan tiger

Ne pravim razliku između pauka i tigra. Sve životinje me jednako uzbuđuju i svaku doživljavam sa istim poštovanjem. Ako ste poslednji na svetu, veličina ni najmanje nije bitna I don’t differentiate between a spider and a tiger. All animals excite me equally and I treat each one with the same respect. If you are the last in the world, size doesn’t matter in the slightest

Ugroženi afrički beli lešinar / An endangered African white backed vulture

Lenji lori u Omahi A pygmy slow loris at Omaha

30 | Intervju » Interview

Tokom ove „korona godine“ našem spisku uspeli smo da dodamo gotovo 1.000 ugroženih vrsta. I to sve iz prirode moje rodne Nebraske, u kojoj smo fotografisali oko 800 insekata, ali i neke retke rečne ribe During this “corona year” we managed to add almost 1,000 species to our endangered list. And all from the nature of my native Nebraska, where we’ve photographed about 800 insects, but also some rare river fish

adorned the facades of the Empire State building, the United Nations building and the Vatican. When he began his mission 15 years ago, his goal was to use his camera to save 15,000 endangered spe- cies from oblivion. He has since shot more than 34,000 photos recording 11,000 species from all meridians of

our planet, and he has about ten years left until the end of this challenging task, as he reveals in this exclusive interview for Elevate. At the end of November we had an opportunity, on the National Ge- ographic Wild channel, to take a sneak peek at his life’s work and to see, proba- bly for the last time, some animals whose existence we’d never even heard of and which we may never see live. That was the final farewell for those with whom we’ve shared this third rock from the Sun, and which we decided, in our arro- gance, have no right to a future. “Pessimism is not the answer. Hope must always exist. The Photo Ark is my way of contributing to preserve animals from extinction by making them visible to people. My photos are a reminder of the tragedy that man is part of. Perhpas we are at the top of the food chain as the greatest predators, but when our food

disappears we will also disappear,” says Joel Sartore, adding that caring for animals begins with caring for clean water, air and a stable climate. How did your mission even begin? “It was 16 years ago that my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had successful surgery, but her recovery took a long time. Among the four with my wife in her sickbed and three children, I had a long year ahead of me in which I adjusted my life to the life of the mother of my children. When she finally recovered, I had to make a decision – what will I do with the rest of my life? That’s when I started think- ing about what had happened to all those unprotect- ed animals that will disappear in the next decade, the existence of which no one will even be aware of. The majority of people are mostly thrilled by lions, tigers, horses and elephants. But the sparrow, the praying mantis and the ant are also animals, and they deserve to be remembered by someone. And that’s how our great mission began.” You mentioned that you have three children. Have you managed to transfer at least part of your love for nature to them? “I have. We, as a family, strive to live in accord- ance and harmony with our surroundings. My eldest son Cole is now my faithful companion on the ground. Apart from that, we are aware that money can create, but also destroy the world. That’s why we do not spend excessively, we recycle, our home is well insulated, we grow all the food that we use in our daily nutrition.

We have our own garden in which the bees that we cul- tivate ourselves are in charge of pollination, because they are also important for our planet.” You’re probably asked this question all the time, so I have to ask too: which animal did you shoot first? “It was a species of rare African rodent that lives underground. And to cut short your torment I’ll im- mediately answer the second most frequently asked question by journalists: what is my favourite animal among those I’ve shot. And the answer is – the next one. I don’t differentiate between a spider and a tiger. All animals excite me equally and I treat each one with the same respect. If you are the last in the world, size doesn’t matter in the slightest. When you look into the eyes of any animal – from the tiniest to the larg- est – you will see intelligence in them. This is what alerts us to the fact that we must draw back from the belief that we have permission from a higher power to judge those who are weaker than us. The most impor- tant mission of my Photo Ark is to show people that there is something more than politics and sport. That something more is called responsibility. By saving an- imals, we also save ourselves.” Is there any place in the world that you would like to visit as part of your project? “During these 15 years I’ve visited all continents, except Antarctica. Although I haven’t been to Serbia either. Do you have zoos? If you have, I will gladly visit your country and make Serbia part of my Photo Ark.”

Par crvenih vukova A pair of red wolves

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