Elevate November 2021 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine

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Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

Novembar 2021.

November 2021

Dragi putnici,

Dear passengers,

PRE OSAM GODINA, 26. OKTOBRA 2013 . godine, avion Er Srbije erbas A319 Novak Đoković poleteo je iz Beograda za Abu Dabi otvarajući novo poglavlje srp- skog civilnog vazduhoplovstva. Drago nam je što smo još jednu godišnjicu proslavili sa vama, našim putnici- ma, i nadamo se da ste imali priliku da iskoristite neke od pogodnosti i iznenađenja koje smo za vas pripremi- li u rođendanskoj nedelji. Zahvalni smo na poverenju koje ste nam ukazali tokom prethodnih godina, a po- gotovo u proteklom periodu i specifičnim okolnostima prouzrokovanim pandemijom kovida-19. Iz tog razloga veoma smo ponosni na rezulta- te koje smo postigli u prvih devet meseci ove godi- ne. Od januara do kraja septembra prevezli smo uku- pno 1.257.597 putnika na redovnim i čarter letovima, ostvarivši tako 51 odsto tržišnog udela na beograd- skom aerodromu. Iza nas je i uspešna letnja sezona, tokom koje smo beležili konstantan rast broja put- nika. U junu je prevezeno 68 odsto više putnika ne- go u maju, dok je julski rezultat bio 63 odsto bolji od onog u junu. Er Srbija je u avgustu prevezla više od 300.000 putnika na redovnim i čarter letovima, što predstavlja najveci broj prevezenih putnika u jednom mesecu 2021. godine. Ove činjenice govore u prilog tome da je samo iskustvo putovanja nezamenjivo. Ni putopisne emisije, ni fotografije, ni knjige o egzotič- nim destinacijama ne mogu da nadomeste taj jedin- stveni osećaj putovanja. Svesni želja i potreba naših putnika, ali i epidemi- ološke situacije u kojoj se naša zemlja i ceo svet nala- ze, sve vreme pažljivo pratimo situaciju i potražnju i u skladu sa tim prilagođavamo kapacitete ka najpopu- larnijim destinacijama u našoj mreži. Verujemo da su upravo ta fleksibilnost i brzo reagovanje najviše dopri- neli takvim rezultatima. Polako ulazimo u zimsku sezonu i sa dozom opre- za pravimo planove za naredni period. U poređenju sa prošlom zimskom sezonom, pojačavamo frekvenci- ju letova do nekih od najpopularnijih destinacija u na- šoj mreži kao što su Tivat, Istanbul, Oslo, Larnaka i Moskva. Znamo da čak i putovanje od hiljadu milja po- činje jedinim korakom, zato vas pozivamo da taj pr- vi korak napravite sa nama i da se zajedno otisnemo kroz oblake. Uživajte u letu i srećan put.

IT WAS EIGHT YEARS AGO, ON 26 TH OCTOBER, 2013, that Air Serbia’s Airbus A319 aircraft, named “Novak Đoković”, had its maiden flight from Belgrade to Abu-Dha- bi, opening a new chapter in Serbian civil aviation. We are glad to have celebrated another anniversary with you, our passengers, and we hope that you had the opportunity to enjoy some of the benefits and surprises we prepared for you during our birthday week. We are grateful for the trust you’ve placed in us during the previous years, par- ticularly in the recent period and under the specific cir- cumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is for this reason that we are very proud of the re- sults we achieved during the first nine months of this year. From January to September, we carried a total of 1,257,597 passengers on our scheduled and charter flights, thus gaining a 51% market share at Belgrade Air- port. Behind us is also a successful summer season, dur- ing which we recorded continuous growth in passen- ger numbers. In June we carried 68% more passengers than in May, while the July result was 63% better than June’s. In August, Air Serbia carried more than 300,000 passengers on its scheduled and charter flights, repre- senting the largest number of passengers carried over a single month in 2021. These facts prove that the travel experience itself is irreplaceable. Travel shows, photo- graphs and even books about exotic destinations cannot replace the unique experience of travelling. Acknowledging the wishes and needs of our passen- gers, as well as the epidemiological situation gripping our country and the whole world, we have spent the en- tire time carefully monitoring the situation and customer demand, adjusting our capacities for our network’s most popular destinations accordingly. We believe that this sort of flexibility and swift reactions have provided the great- est contribution to such results. We are slowly approaching the winter season and mak- ing plans for the coming period with a dose of caution. Compared to last year’s winter season, we are increas- ing the frequency of flights to some of the most popular destinations in our network, such as Tivat, Istanbul, Os- lo, Larnaca and Moscow. We know that even a journey of a thousand miles begins with just a single step, which I why we invite you to make that step with us, and for us to fly into the clouds together. Enjoy the flight and have a good trip,

Duncan Naysmith CEO Air Serbia



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 Er Srbija u kampanji za reformu obrazovanja / Air Serbia in the education reform campaign  Er Srbija prevezla više od 1,2 miliona putnika od januara do septembra / Air Serbia has carried more than 1.2 million passengers from January to September Potraga za novom publikom: Sva sveža i drugačija lica glamura / Search for a new audience: all the fresh and differing faces of glamour Modna ikona visoke mode: Jovanka Broz u boji / Fashion icon of haute couture: Jovanka Broz in colour

 Er Srbija u programu Moja prva plata / Air Serbia in the “My First Salary” programme



 Putujemo sa glumicom Ninom Janković / We travel with actress Nina Janković



 Sara Polson: Moć je veoma diskutabilna kategorija / Sarah Paulson: power is a very debatable concept


 Er Srbija vas vodi u Rusiju / Air Serbia takes you to Russia



Abdulrazak Gurna: Svaki je život vredan secanja / Abdulrazak Gurnah: every life is worth remembering 30.  Igra lignje : Šta se krije iza

dečje igre? / Squid Game: what’s hiding behind child’s play? Dušan Kovačević: Nije loše biti čovek / Dušan Kovačević: it is not bad to be human


6 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović

Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Aleksandra Beslać, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Jovana Velimirović Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Oliver Bunić, Milan Ilić, Vladimir Živojinović Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs



Dragoljub Bajić: Opera je nerazdvojni deo Beograda / Dragoljub Bajić: opera is an inextricable part of Belgrade

naroda: Srećna slava, domaćine! / Symbol of a nation: Happy saint’s day, hosts!



 Tehnologija menja šoping iskustvo / Technology is altering the shopping experience

Vuk Karadžić: Putovanja hromog velikana / Vuk Karadžić: journeys of the hobbled great

SPORT SPORTS 106. Dugo nismo osvojili

Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

zlato… Još od Karija / We haven‘t won gold for a long time… Not since Kari

Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved


 Panton predlaže: Živahno i smelo ovog proleća / Pantone proposes: lively and bold this spring 80. Buntovne imperije odbacuju zastarela pravila: Ne postoji

lepota – samo lepotice / Rebellious empires reject obsolete rules: there is no beauty – only beauties

Broj / Issue No. 333 Naslovna strana / Cover Depositphotos

Boje i svetlost / Colours and light Foto/ Photo: Depositphotos

Contents » Sadržaj | 7

U fokusu

In focus


Er Srbija u programu Moja prva plata Nacionalna avio-kompanija Republike Srbije drugu godinu zaredom učestvuje u programu Moja prva plata PROGRAM KREIRAN SA CILJEM PODSTICANJA ZA- POŠLJAVANJA mladih omogućava kandidatima bez prethodnog radnog iskustva da obavljanjem prakse u Er Srbiji i sticanjem konkretnih znanja, veština i kompeten- cija za rad značajno unaprede svoje mogućnosti za za- poslenje. U okviru programa Moja prva plata nezaposlena li- ca sa srednjim i visokim obrazovanjem imala su priliku da se prijave na ukupno 56 pozicija u Er Srbiji . Organi- zacione celine srpske nacionalne avio-kompanije ko- je primaju kandidate su Korporativni poslovi, Transfor- macija, Marketing i Guest Experience, IT, E-commerce, Planiranje i kontrola posada, Putnički i distribucioni si- stemi, Bezbednost i usklađenost, Ljudski resursi, Letač- ka operativa, Nabavka, Tehnika, Zemaljsko opsluživa- nje, Prodaja, Finansije i Kargo. – Na osnovu prošlogodišnjeg izuzetno pozitivnog iskustva odlučili smo da i ove godine učestvujemo u programu Moja prva plata . Svesni smo koliko mladima na samom početku građenja karijere znači kada im ve- lika kompanija pruži priliku da se profesionalno usavr- šavaju, steknu praktična znanja i razviju potrebne ve- štine. Veliko nam je zadovoljstvo što ćemo određenom broju kandidata omogućiti da svoje prvo radno iskustvo steknu upravo kod nas i uvereni smo da će ih rad u na- cionalnoj avio-kompaniji motivisati za dalja dostignuća. Kandidati koji se budu najviše istakli imaće šansu da se pridruže kolegama koji su se prošle godine nakon ovog programa i zvanično zaposlili u našoj kompaniji – izjavila je Milica Netković, direktor za ljudske resurse u Er Srbiji . Projekat Moja prva plata je prethodne godine iza- zvao veliko interesovanje, a prijave za pozicije u Er Srbiji poslalo je ukupno 1.423 kandidata. Na program u traja- nju od devet meseci primljeno je ukupno 27 praktikana- ta, od kojih je devet dobilo i zaposlenje u Er Srbiji .

Kandidati koji se budu najviše istakli imaće šansu da se pridruže kolegama koji su se prošle godine nakon ovog programa i zvanično zaposlili u Er Srbiji The most outstanding candidates will receive an opportunity to join colleagues who officially began working for Air Serbia after last year’s programme

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and Guest Experience, IT, E-commerce, Crew Planning and Control, PSS and Distribution, Safety and Com- pliance, Human Resources, Flight Operations, Procu- rement, Technical, Ground Services, Sales, Finance and Cargo. “Based on the very positive experiences from last year, we have decided to take part in the “My First Sa- lary” programme again this year. We are aware of how important it is for young people at the beginning of their careers when a major company offers them an opportunity for professional development, acquiring practical knowledge and developing the necessary ski- lls. It is our great pleasure that we can enable a num- ber of candidates to gain their first work experience with us, and we are convinced that working at the na- tional airline will motivate them to make further achie- vements. Candidates who stand out the most will have an opportunity to join colleagues who officially began working for our company after last year’s programme,” said Milica Netković, Air Serbia GM, People and Perfor- mance. The “My First Salary” project attracted great inte- rest last year, with a total of 1,423 candidates applying for positions at Air Serbia. A total of 27 interns were ac- cepted into the nine-month programme, with nine of them ultimately being hired by Air Serbia.

THE “MY FIRST SALARY” PROGRAMME WAS crea- ted with the aim of encouraging youth employment and enables candidates with no prior work experience to bo- ost their employment opportunities significantly through an internship at Air Serbia, where they can acquire spe- cific knowhow, skills and work competencies. As part of the “My First Salary” programme, unemployed high school and university graduates we- re given the opportunity to apply for a total of 56 posi- tions at Air Serbia. The departments of the Serbian na- tional airline that will be accepting candidates this year include Corporate Affairs, Transformation, Marketing The national airline of the Republic of Serbia participates in the “My First Salary” programme for the second consecutive year WORK EXPERIENCE OPPORTUNITY Air Serbia in the “My First Salary” programme

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 9

Na letu

On board

Uživam u oblacima i saobraćaju bez gužve NINA JANKOVIĆ, GLUMICA VOLIM AVIONE JER MI DAJU KRI- LA, UŽIVAM U oblacima i u vožnji bez sirena, gužve i preticanja. Ništa lepše nego kada začas, udobno, pre- đeš stotine kilometara

NINA JANKOVIĆ, ACTRESS I enjoy being in the clouds and transportation without congestion


in the clouds and “driving” without sirens, congestion and overtaking. There’s nothing more beautiful than when you quickly and comfortably cover hundreds of kilometres


Maske, one su nam postale glavni aksesoar, a i obavezne su na letu. Masks, which have become our chief accessory and are mandatory for flights


Labelo, vazduh je suv u avionu, zato bez njega nikad ne ulazim u avion. Labello – the air in the plane is dry, which is why I never board a plane without it



Volim da se opustim dok rešavam ukrštenice, pa uvek ponesem neku. I like to relax while solving crosswords, so I always bring one

Naočare za sunce, u avionu je na visini često sunce, tako da one dobro dođu. Sunglasses – the sun is often high while you’re aboard a plane, so they are useful


Antiseptik, naročito kad putujem sa decom jer svašta diraju. Antiseptic, especially when I travel with my children, because

Tekst / Words: Ljiljana Perović

Fotografije / Photography: Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Depositphotos

they touch everything

10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Nina Janković was born in the city of Šabac on 20 th April 1988. She graduated from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, in the class of Professor Dragan ‘Pele’ Petrović. It was during the third year of her studies that she made her film debut in Montevideo, God Bless You!, in the role of the captivating Valerija, which propelled her to the heights of acting to such an extent that she is today known as one of the best actresses of the younger generation. She is also considered by many as being one of Serbia’s most beautiful women. Nina Janković rođena je u Šapcu 20. aprila 1988. godine. Završila je Fakultet dramskih umetnosti u Be- ogradu u klasi profesora Dragana Petrovića Peleta. Na trećoj godi- ni studija debituje u filmu Montevi - deo, Bog te video! u ulozi zanosne Valerije, koja ju je vinula u glumač- ku orbitu, pa danas važi za jednu od najboljih glumica mlađe gene- racije. Mnogi je smatraju i jednom od najlepših Srpkinja.

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U novembru ovde stiže hladno vreme, ali Rusija je zapravo veoma privlačna u ovo doba jer gradovi izgledaju veoma ljupko pod snegom. Temperatura je svakako niska, ali nije tako hladno kao u decembru i januaru. Moskva i Sankt Peterburg imaju prosečnu novembarsku temperaturu od oko 1°C, a slično je i širom Zlatnog prstena. U Rusiji ć e u ovom mesecu Nezaboravna čarolija ruske zime

Unforgettable enchantment of the Russian winter November marks the start of the cold weather here, but Russia is actually very enticing during this season, as the cities look particularly appealing under snow cover. Temperatures are uniformly cold, but not quite as bitter as they are during December and January. Moscow and St. Petersburg experience average November

temperatures of around 1° C, and these temperatures are similar throughout the country’s Golden Ring. It will snow in Russia in November, so you can enjoy a real Russian fairy tale. Air Serbia also flies to as many as three Russian cities in November, so don’t miss out on your chance to enjoy the beauty of this huge country – fly to Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnodar.

početi da pada sneg, pa možete da uživate u pravoj ruskoj bajci. Er Srbija i u novembru leti do tri ruska grada, zato ne propustite da uživate u lepotama ove ogromne zemlje – odletite do Moskve, Sankt

Peterburga i Krasnodara.

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me scan


Počnite sa Vladimirom, istovremeno sanjivim i ti - him, koji nudi razne atrakcije i nekoliko lokacija ko- je je zaštitio Unesko. Ovaj drevni grad je izuzetno značajan u ruskoj istoriji jer je bio srednjovekov - na prestonica zemlje u 12. i 13. veku. Ovde ete na - i značajne građevine preživele iz tog vremena. Dve ruske pravoslavne crkve, manastir i povezane zgra- de označeni su na listi svetske baštine kao beli spo - menici Vladimira. Vladimir Start with Vladimir, a city that’s simultaneously dreamy and tranquil, and which offers a variety of attractions and several UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This ancient city has notable significance in Russian history, having served as the country’s medieval capital during the 12 th and 13 th centuries. Vladimir boasts significant buildings that have survived since the 12 th century. Two of its Russian Orthodox cathedrals, a monastery and associated buildings have been designated among the White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Vladimir

Čuvari drevnih vremena

Nakon uživanja u lepotama Moskve krenite na divnu turu koja pokriva šest istorijskih i prelepih gradova poznatog Zlatnog prstena prepunih kulturnog bogatstva. Svi gradovi imaju bogatu istoriju, jedinstvenu atmosfe- ru, zadivljujuć u arhitekturu, remek-dela Pra - voslavne crkve i još mnogo toga. Doživite iz prve ruke dušu i srce drevne Rusije severoi- stočno od prestonice. Ako bolje pogledate kartu, mo i ete da vi - dite da oni na neki način oblikuju krug, pa je verovatno odatle potekla ideja o prste- nu. Zlatni prsten predstavlja vrednost ko- ju ti gradovi imaju za ruski narod i rusku istoriju, a mogu e je da su brojne pozla - ene kupole doprinele atributu. Ovi starin - ski gradovi, koji su imali značajnu ulogu u stvaranju Ruske pravoslavne crkve, čuva - ju se anje na najvažnije događaje u ruskoj istoriji.

Guardians of ancient times

After enjoying all the beauty of Moscow, he- ad out on a wonderful tour that encompasses six historical and beautiful cities of the famous Golden Ring that are filled with a wealth of cul - ture. All these cities have a rich history, unique atmosphere, stunning architecture, Orthodox Church masterpieces and much more. Expe- rience first-hand the soul and heart of ancient Russia to the northeast of the capital. If you take a closer look at the map, you’ll be able to see that these cities form a kind of circ- le, which is probably the root of the idea of the ring. The Golden Ring represents the great va- lue of these cities to the Russian people and Russian history, while it’s possible that their nu- merous gilded domes contributed to the term. These ancient cities, which played a signifi - cant role in the creation of the Russian Ortho- dox Church, preserve the memory of Russian history’s most important events.

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Zatim provedite dan u ljupkom gradu koji je osnovan 1152. godine i nalazi se na jugoi- stočnoj obali Pleščejevskog jezera, na ušć u reke Trubež. To je rodno mesto Aleksandra Nevskog, slavnog ruskog heroja, princa i sve- ca. Veliko jezero privlači turiste tokom cele sezone. Posebno je popularan kajt surfing, kao i kampovanje. Tu se nalazi i Crkva Preo- braženja, u kojoj je kršten Aleksandar Nevski. Grad se ponosi brojnim znamenitostima, a ar- hitektura uključuje šest arhitektonskih kom - pleksnih samostana i devet crkava. Ovde po - setioci takođe mogu uć i u originalni čamac Petra Velikog iz 1692. godine. Pereslavij-Zaleskij

Next spend a day in the attractive town of Pereslavl-Zalessky, which was founded in 1152 on the south-eastern shore of Lake Pleshcheyevo at the mouth of the River Trubezh. The birthplace of celebrated Russian hero, prince and saint Alexander Nevsky, it is home to the Transfiguration Cathedral, where Nevsky was baptised. It has a large lake that draws tourists throughout the season. Kite surfing is particularly popular, as is camping, while the town features notable landmarks and architecture that includes six architecture complex convents and nine churches. Visitors can also check out the original boat that was created by Peter the Great in 1692. Pereslavl-Zalessky


Čuveni šarmantni grad može se pohvaliti Kre - mljom iz 10. veka, brojnim crkvama i mana- stirima poput Spaso-Jevfimijevog manastira. Sačuvao je mnoge nestvarne primere ruske arhitekture 13–19. veka. Gradska crkva Ro - đenja Bogorodice građena je 1222–1235. i dalje očuvana u prvobitnoj formi.


The famous Suzdal is a charming town that boasts a 10 th -century Kremlin and numerous churches and monasteries, including the Saviour Monastery of St. Euthymius. It has managed to preserve a great number of stunning examples of Russian architecture from the 13 th to the 19 th centuries. The city’s Nativity of the Virgin Cathedral, built between 1222 and 1235, has been preserved in its original form to this day.

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Sergijev Posad

Grad je osnovan pored najveć eg ruskog ma - nastira, Sergijeve lavre. Manastir i grad ujedi- njeni su 1742. godine. Lavra Svetog Sergija nije samo na listi Uneskove svetske baštine već je i destinacija koja vekovima stoji kao raskrsnica kultura i ideja. To je nesumnjivo glavni adut grada i simbol ruskog hrišć anstva – mesto hodočaš a, najvažniji ruski manastir i duhovni centar Ruske pravoslavne crkve.

Sergiyev Posad

The city was founded in the vicinity of the greatest Russian monastery, the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius. The monastery and city were united in 1742. The Trinity Lavra is not only a UNESCO World Heritage Site, but also a majestic destination that has remained a crossroads of cultures and ideas over the centuries. The monastery is undeniably the town’s major attraction, as well as being a symbol of Russian Christianity – a place of pilgrimage, the most important Russian monastery and the spiritual centre of the Russian Orthodox Church.

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me scan


1. Posetite banju Kada je napolju izuzetno hladno, možete se sakriti na veoma toplom mestu – tradicional- noj ruskoj sauni zvanoj banja. Ovo iskustvo je prilično jedinstveno. Posetite jednu u ulici Degtjarnaja – obnovljena je i izgleda odlično. Ostanite topli u novembarskoj zimi Nekadašnju prestonicu Ruskog carstva osno- vao je car Petar Veliki 1703. godine kako bi pokazao carsku moć . Danas je to kulturna prestonica i rastuć i turistički centar galerija, muzeja, palata i crkava. Ali u novembru mora- te pronać i i načine da se zagrejete, pa ispro - bajte ovih šest sjajnih stvari i uživajte u njima.

Kada je napolju izuzetno hladno, možete se sakriti na veoma toplom mestu – tradicionalnoj ruskoj sauni When it’s extremely cold outside, you can take shelter in a very hot place – a traditional Russian sauna

16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

2. Jedite u restoranu Banshiki Nakon što ste posetili tradicionalnu ru- sku banju, možete uživati i u tradicional - nom obroku sa degustacijom votke. U istoj zgradi gde je banja nalazi se neverovatan restoran i zove se Banshiki. Ovde ete na - ći odličan kvalitet i prezentaciju hrane ko - ja, osim toga, nije ni skupa, pa je savršeno mesto za isprobavanje tradicionalne ruske kuhinje. 3. Osvojite Ermitaž Kada je napolju hladno, nećete se oseća - ti loše što ćete ceo dan provesti u muze - ju. Ermitaž je jedan od najvećih muzeja na svetu i lako možete provesti ceo dan istra - žujući stalne i privremene izložbe. Ipak, to nije samo muzej ve i nekadašnja palata, pa su neke sobe prilično raskošne i veoma impresivne. Čak i zimi, redovi za ulazak u Ermitaž mogu biti prilično dugački. Među - tim, možete kupiti kartu koja vam omogu - ćava da uđete u muzej bez čekanja. 4. Idite na skijanje Ako vidite sneg napolju u Sankt Peterbur- gu, možete ići na skijanje! Iako nema plani - ne, grad ima nekoliko brda i veštačkih padi -

na. U okolini postoji tri ili četiri skijališta, a u Parku Igora i Parku Ohta možete da pre - no ite u hotelima u kojima možete koristiti spa centar, bazen i saunu. 5. Klizajte se širom grada Jedna od zabavnih aktivnosti zimi svaka- ko je klizanje, jer ima mnogo klizališta na otvorenom. Na božićnom marketu ispred pozorišta TUZ u blizini stanice metroa Puš- kinskaja nalazi se fantastično mesto za uživanje na ledu. Ali širom grada možete da klizate na otvorenom i zatvorenom jer Rusi obožavaju ovu aktivnost. 6. Posetite selo Šuvalovka Još jedna zabavna aktivnost u Sankt Pe- terburgu zimi je poseta tradicionalnom ru- skom selu Šuvalovka, koje se nalazi iz- među Strelne i Peterhofa (palatu Peterhof obavezno posetite). To je lažno selo izgra - đeno kao atrakcija uglavnom za decu i mla - de kako bi videli život ruskih sela u prošlo - sti i kako je Rusija izgledala pre revolucije. Ako imate decu, mogu učestvovati u neko - liko radionica, poput slikanja ili izrade figu- rica od gline. Sve u svemu, zabavno je pro- vesti ovde nekoliko sati.

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Stay warm in the November cold

complete with vodka tasting. There’s an amazing restaurant in the same building as the Degtyarnaya Street banya called Banshiki. You’ll find great quality and well-presented food, while it’s also inexpensive, making it a perfect place to try traditional Russian cuisine. 3. Visit the Hermitage Museum When it’s very cold and miserable outside, you won’t feel bad about spending the entire day inside a museum. The Hermitage Museum is among the world’s biggest, and you can easily spend a full day exploring its permanent and temporary exhibitions. The Hermitage is not just a museum, but a former palace. As such, some of the chambers are quite opulent and very impressive. Queues to enter the Hermitage can be quite long even during the winter months. However, you can buy a skip-the-queue ticket with a tour that enables you to enter the museum without waiting. 4. Go skiing If you see snow outside in St. Petersburg, you can go skiing! Even though St. Petersburg doesn’t have mountains, it does have a few hills and a few artificial slopes. There are three or four ski resorts in the countryside around St Petersburg. The Igora and Ohta parks have proper hotels where you can spend the night and use spa, swimming pool and sauna facilities. 5. Skate throughout the city One fun activity in St. Petersburg during winter is ice skating, and the city has plenty of outdoor skating rinks. There is a fun outdoor rink at the St. Petersburg Christmas Market, in front of the TUZ theatre near Pushkinskaya metro station, but you can find places to skate outdoors and indoors all over the city, because Russians simply love skating. 6. Visit Village Shuvalovka Another fun activity in St. Petersburg during winter is to visit the traditional Russian village of Shuvalovka, located between Strelna and Peterhof (Peterhof Palace is a must). The Ethnographic Park Village Shuvalovka is an artificial settlement built as an attraction intended mostly to familiarise children and young adults with Russian village life in the past and how Russia looked in the 19 th century and prior to the Revolution. If you have kids, they can participate in a couple of workshops here, such as painting or moulding clay figures. On the whole, Shuvalovka is a fun place to spend a couple of hours.

The former capital of the Russian Empire was founded by Tsar Peter the Great in 1703, in order to showcase the country’s imperial might. It is today Russia’s cultural capital and a burgeoning tourist centre, filled with galleries, museums, palaces and cathedrals. However, in November you will also need to find ways to stay warm, so try these six great activities and enjoy your time in this great city. 1. Visit a banya When it’s extremely cold outside, you can take shelter from the negative temperatures in a very hot place – a traditional Russian sauna called banya. This experience is pretty unique. Visit the one on Degtyarnaya Street, which has been refurbished and looks great. 2. Eat at Banshiki restaurant After you’ve visited this traditional Russian banya, you can have a traditional meal

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Intervju Interview


Moć je veoma diskutabilan pojam

Mnogi bi rekli da je Impičment priča o Moniki i Bilu. Ali nije. U fokusu radnje su tri žene, stvarne junakinje koje su se borile za svoje mesto u svetu muškaraca – Linda Trip, Monika Levinski i Pola Džons

20 | Intervju » Interview

Prva sezona kultnog serijala Američka krimi priča bavila se suđe- njem O. Džeju Simpsonu, druga atentatom na Đanija Versačea, a aktuelna treća skandalom Bila Klintona

The first season of cult series American Crime Story chronicled the trial of O.J. Simpson, the second chronicled the murder of Gianni Versace, and the current, third season concentrates on Bill Clinton’s Lewinsky scandal

log veka i istražuje politički zemljotres u čijem su se epicentru našli 42. američki predsednik Bil Klinton i službenica u Beloj kući Monika Levinski. Serija će prikazati aferu iz ugla tri žene koje su preko noći do- spele u fokus celog sveta – Monike Levinski, Linde Trip i Pole Džons. Glumačku postavu predvode Klajv Oven (Bil Klinton) i Idi Falko (Hilari Klinton), pa ipak u centru pažnje je mlađa glumač- ka postava, koju čine Sara Polson (Linda Trip), Bini Feldstajn (Monika Levinski) i Analej Ašford (Pola Džons). Zato razgova- ramo sa glumicom Sarom Polson, koju na početku pitamo da li je Linda Trip čiji lik tumači bila Robin Hud Bele kuće? – Daleko od toga. (smeh) Linda je bila žena. A že- na ženi može biti najbolji prijatelj i najgori neprijatelj. U Lindinom slučaju njena opsesija time da ispravi ne- pravdu koja je nastala u Beloj kući dolaskom Klinto- nove administracije postala joj je životna preokupa- cija. Morate razumeti, ona je bila žena formirana po kodeksima koji bi se mogli nazvati aristokratskim. Za nju je bilo nezamislivo da prva dama deli toalet sa osobljem ili da predsednik nije džentlmen. A Klinto- novi su doneli taj narodni duh u Ovalni kabinet i, što je najgore od svega, ona je bila među prvim žrtvama te revolucije. Dugo sam razmišljala šta je bio pravi pokretač njene borbe. Da li su to bila uverenja ili nje- na povređena sujeta? Još nisam sigurna. Uloga u ovoj seriji za vas je bila i veliko modno putovanje. Transformacija u Lindu Trip, ali i prihvatanje svega što sa sobom nose te devedesete godine prošlog veka je veliki izazov. Kako ste se sebi dopali u de- vedesetima? – Nema tu mnogo razmišljanja. Jednostavno, po- stoje neke decenije koje bi trebalo zabraniti. (smeh) Bio je veliki izazov prihvatiti modu tog perioda. Me- ni su najupečatljivije bile frizure. Kada sam prvi put probala masku, zaista se nisam prepoznala. Deve- desete kao da su za cilj imale da ljude učine starijim. Mada ni to nije tako loše. Čini mi se da ljudi, kako postaju stariji, imaju sve više hrabrosti i spremno- sti da rizikuju. Kako sa modom, tako i sa nekim važ- nim odlukama u životu. Samo još nisam otkrila da li je razlog višak samopouzdanja ili manjak živaca za previše natezanja. Posmatrajući sebe, čini mi se da mnogo lakše donosim neke odluke, i to je ono što me u sazrevanju raduje.

Glumačku postavu predvode Klajv Oven (Bil Klinton) i Idi Falko (Hilari Klinton), pa ipak u centru pažnje je mlađa glumačka postava The cast is led by Clive Owen (Bill Clinton) and Edie Falco (Hillary Clinton), but the story centres around the younger members of the cast

P rošlo je više od dve decenije od afere Klin- ton–Levinski, koja je izazvala veliku naci- onalnu krizu i uzrokovala korenite poli- tičke i društvene promene, a priču nam u fokus ponovo vraća treća sezona serijala Američka krimi priča pod nazivom Impičment , koja je na Foksu počela da se emituje u oktobru. Proslavljeni holivudski producent i scenarista Ra- jan Marfi, vlasnik šest Emija i jedne nagrade BAFTA, kroz 10 epizoda vraća nas u devedesete godine proš-

Tekst/Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije/Photography: Profimedia.rs

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Da li je to bio i slučaj sa ulogom u trećoj se- zoni Američke krimi priče ? – U ovom slučaju, uloga je bila presudna. Kada mi je Rajan (Marfi), koji je autor serijala, predložio da igram Lindu Trip, prvo sam pomislila da je lud. A kada sam pročitala scenario, shvatila sam da bih bi- la luda ako tu ulogu ne bih prihvatila. Ima nečeg ha- mletovskog u Lindinom liku. Možda to pitanje „biti ili ne biti“, koje je poput čitave životne filozofije sa- žeto u njenoj ličnosti. Da, možemo reći da je Linda izdajica, sinonim za najgoreg prijatelja kojeg može- te u životu imati, ali kad malo dublje začeprkate po prošlosti i njenim razlozima zbog kojih je odlučila da pritisne dugme za snimanje i zabeleži Monikina te- lefonska sanjarenja o Bilu Klintonu, otkrijete čitav mehanizam socijalne osvete u njenom činu. Koji deo transformacije u Lindu vam je bio izazovniji – fizički ili mentalni? – Imala sam dužnost kao glumica da na neki na- čin opravdam Lindu. Svoj odnos prema njoj gradila sam na empatiji. Najteže mi je bilo da savladam strah da je ljudi neće razumeti na pravi način i da joj ne- će dati drugu šansu. Ne verujem u podelu na dobre i zle. Linda u ovom slučaju jeste negativac, ali ljude poput nje ne čini genetika. Zlo ne može biti urođe- no. Ono se stvara. Ljudi su marionete sudbine. Ona ih stavlja u situacije koje im testiraju karakter. Ve- rujem da ni Linda nije znala kolike će posledice ima- ti to što je učinila. Na neki način ona je raskrinkala jednu ružnu stranu američke vlasti. U tom pogledu je heroj, ali sporan je način na koji je to uradila. Ako izdaš nekoga verujući da činiš dobro, šta si onda ti – pozitivac ili negativac? To je ona hamletovska dile- ma koju sam pomenula na početku.

Verujete li ljudima? Praštate li izdaju? – Da se razumemo. Ova situacija je knjiški pri- mer ženske izdaje. Imate najbolju prijateljicu koja vas ocinkari u trenutku kada ste joj u potpunosti otvori- li srce i izneli sve najskrivenije sitnice koje tamo ču- vate. Zašto – to nije ni bitno. Ženska ćud je veoma čudna. Poenta je da smo svi imali neku takvu situa- ciju u životu. Smatram da je izdaja korisna stvar. Či- ni nas mudrijim. Tužno je to što mudrost podrazu- meva apsolutno nepoverenje čak i u one najbliže, ali verujem da je svako ko je proživeo nešto slično do- šao do istog zaključka. Tajne se zovu tim imenom iz nekog razloga. Ako ih sami odate, ne možete kriviti drugoga više od sebe. Koliko se položaj žena promenio tokom poslednjih decenija? – Činjenica da se i dalje borimo dovoljno govori o tome. Poslednjih godina snažan je pokret „Me Too“ i mnogo se radi na demarginalizaciji žena u društvu. Priča o Moniki i Bilu je klasična priča o direktoru i sekretarici. U njenoj osnovi je zloupotreba moći. To se nije mnogo promenilo od afere Klinton–Levinski. Samo se malo više i glasnije priča o svemu. Čini mi se da je Klintonov opoziv bio okidač za tu promenu. Za- nimljivo je da ga je inicirala snažna žena čija je život- na filozofija u osnovi bila to da žena svojom snagom treba da jača muškarca. Mnogo je apsurda u toj situ- aciji. Linda nije bila feministkinja. Niti je previše ve- rovala u ideologiju ženskih sloboda. Ona je bila očaj- nica starog kova koju je nepravda izbacila iz koloseka. Šta je za vas najsnažniji utisak kada je reč o ovoj aferi? – Činjenica da je jednog američkog predsednika opozvala sekretarica. Moć je veoma diskutabilan pojam.

22 | Intervju » Interview

Celebrated Hollywood producer and screenwriter Ry- an Murphy, a recipient of six Emmy Awards and a BAFTA award, takes us back to the 1990s, through 10 episodes, and investigates the political turmoil centred around the 42nd U.S. President, Bill Clinton, and White House of- ficial Monica Lewinsky. The series depicts the scandal from the perspectives of three women who found them- selves in the world’s spotlight overnight: Monica Lewin- sky, Linda Tripp and Paula Jones. The cast is led by Clive Owen (Bill Clinton) and Edie Falco (Hillary Clinton), but the story cen- tres around the younger members of the cast, including Sarah Paulson (Linda Tripp), Bean- ie Feldstein (Monica Lewinsky) and Annaleigh Ashford (Paula Jones). That’s why we spoke with actress Sarah Paulson, first asking her whether Linda Tripp, who she portrays, was the “Robin Hood” of the White House? “Far from it [laughs]. Linda was a woman. And a woman can be another woman's best and worst friend. In Linda's case, her obsession with correcting the injus- tice that had been done to the White House with the ar- rival of the Clinton administration became her fixation in life. You have to understand that she was a woman

M ore than two decades have passed since the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal that caused a national crisis in the U.S. and led to radical political and social change, and this story is brought back into our focus with the third season of the series Amer- ican Crime Story, entitled Impeachment, which began being broadcast on Fox during October. real heroines fighting for their place in a man’s world: Linda Tripp, Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones INTERVIEW: SARAH PAULSON, ACTRESS Power is a very debatable concept Many people would say that Impeachment is the story of Monica and Bill, but it's not. The plot centres around three women, all of whom were

Interview » Intervju | 23


formed around a code of conduct that could be called aristocratic. She found it inconceivable that the First La- dy would share a toilet with the staff, or that the Presi- dent wasn’t a gentleman. And the Clintons brought that “folksy” spirit to the Oval Office, and the worst thing of all was that she was among the first victims of that rev- olution. I spent a long time thinking about what the re- al driver of her struggle was. Were they her convictions, or her wounded vanity? I'm still not sure.” Your role in this series was also a major fash- ion excursion for you. The transformation in-

fear that people wouldn’t understand her in the right way and wouldn’t give her a second chance. I don’t be- lieve in dividing between good and evil. Linda is the villain in this case, but people like her aren’t made ge- netically. Evil cannot be innate. It has to be created. People are puppets of destiny. It places them in sit- uations that test their character. I believe that Linda didn't even know how grave the consequences of her actions would be. In a way, she exposed one ugly side of the American administration. In the respect she’s a hero, but the way she did it is contentious. If you be-

to Linda Tripp, but also accepting everything that the ‘90s brought with them, is a great challenge. How did you like yourself back in the ‘90s? “There's not much to consider there.

tray someone in the belief that you are doing good, then what are you - a hero or a villain? That’s that Hamlet dilemma I mentioned at the start.” Do you trust people? Do you forgive treachery? “Let’s understand each other. This sit- uation is a textbook example of female betrayal. You have a best friend who gal- vanises you at the moment when you’ve opened your heart up to her complete- ly and revealed all the most hidden little things that you keep there. Why – that’s not even important. The female temper- ament is very strange. The point is that we've all had that kind of situation in our lives. I consider betrayal a useful thing. It makes us wiser. It’s sad that wisdom implies absolute distrust, even in those closest to us, but I believe everyone who’s gone through something similar has come to the same conclusion. Secrets are called by that name for a reason. If you betray them yourself, you can’t blame the oth- er person more than yourself.”

Simply, there are some decades that should be banned [laughs]. It was a great challenge to accept the fashion of that period. The hairstyles were the most striking for me. When I first tried on the mask, I really didn’t recognise myself. It’s as though the aim of the 1990s was to make people older. But even that’s not so bad. It seems to me that people have more and more courage and willingness to take risks as they get older. Both when it comes to fashion and when it comes to some important life decisions. I just haven’t yet figured out whether that’s down to an abundance of self-confidence or a lack of concern for excessive stretch- ing. Looking at myself, it seems that I find it much easier to make some decisions, and that’s what brings me joy in my maturing.” Was that also the case with your role in season three of American Crime Sto- ries? “In this case, it was the role that was decisive. When Ryan (Murphy), who is the author of the series, suggest- ed that I portray Linda Tripp, I thought he was crazy at first. And then, when I’d read the script, I realised that I would be crazy not to accept the role. There's some- thing Hamlet-esque about Linda's character. Perhaps the question “to be or not to be”, which is summarised in her personality like a complete life philosophy. Yes, we can say that Linda is a traitor, a synonym for the worst friend you could have in life, but when you delve a little deeper into the past and her reasons for deciding to press the record button and document Monica day- dreaming about Bill Clinton over the phone, you discov- er the entire mechanism of social revenge in her act.” Which aspect of the transformation into Lin- da was more challenging for you – physical or mental? “I had a duty, as an actor, to justify Linda in some way. I built my relationship with her on the basis of em- pathy. The toughest thing for me was overcoming the

How much has the position of women changed over recent decades?

“The fact that we’re still fighting for that position says enough about that topic. In recent years, the “me too” movement has been strong, and a lot is being done on the demarginalizing of women in society. The sto- ry of Monica and Bill is the classic story of a manager and a secretary. At its root is the abuse of power. That hasn't changed much since the Clinton-Lewinsky scan- dal. The talk about everything is just a little more and louder. It seems to me that Clinton's impeachment was the trigger for that change. It is interesting that it was initiated by a strong woman with a life philosophy that was essentially that a woman should use her strength to strengthen her man. There is a lot of absurdity in that situation. Linda wasn’t a feminist. Nor did she overly believe in the ideology of women's lib. She was an old school desperado who was derailed by injustice.” What do you see as the strongest impressi- on of this scandal? “The fact that an American president was impeached by a secretary. Power is a very debatable concept.”

Monika Levinski je bila naivna devojčica kojoj je predsednik Amerike poklonio pažnju. A ona je svoje poverenje zatim poklonila najpogrešnijoj osobi na svetu Monica Lewinsky was a naïve little girl who was given attention by the President of the United States. And she then placed her trust in the most erroneous person in the world

24 | Intervju » Interview

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Kultura Culture

Književnost Literature

FOTO: Profimedia.rs / Tolga Akmen / AFP

A bdulrazak Gurna rođen je 1948. u Za- nzibaru. Kada je njegova zemlja 1964. prošla revoluciju, građani arapskog po- rekla su bili progonjeni, a Gurna primo- ran da ode. Bilo mu je samo 18. Tri godi- ne kasnije počeo je da piše kao izbeglica u Engleskoj, birajuci engleski, iako mu je svahili bio maternji jezik. Njegov prvi roman Secanje na odlazak ( Memory of Departure) objavljen je 1987. Sledili su Raj (1994), Pored mora (2001) i Dezerterstvo (2005), koji su ušli u uži izbor za najprestižnije književne nagrade. Do- nedavno je bio profesor engleske i postkolonijalne književnosti na univerzitetu u Kentu, sve do penzije. Autor je brojnih kratkih priča i eseja, kao i 10 romana, posvetio je svoju spisateljsku karijeru is-

DOBITNIK NOBELOVE NAGRADE ZA KNJIŽEVNOST Svaki je život vredan secanja Više od tri decenije Abdulrazak Gurna je pisao sa tihim i nepokolebljivim uverenjem o onima koji su potisnuti u zaboravljene kutke istorije

26 | Književnost » Literature

Švedska kraljevska akademija je u saopštenju navela da je nagrada dodeljena „za beskompromisni i strastveni prikaz efekata kolonijalizma“

The Swedish Royal Academy released a statement confirming that he’d won the award “for his compassionate and uncompromising penetration of the effects of colonialism”

„Mislio sam da je to šala“, rekao je pisac koji je u kuhinji dočekao vest o nagradi. „Čast mi je što cu se pridružiti piscima koji su mi prethodili na ovoj listi“ “I thought it was a prank," said the writer, who received the news that he’d won the award in his kitchen. “I’m honoured that I will join the writers who have preceded me on this list.” pitivanju načina na koje ljudska bica reaguju u egzi- lu. Njegovi romani se odvijaju u intimnim prostori- ma koje stvaraju porodice, saputnici i prijateljstva: u onim prostorima koji neguju ljubav i dužnost. Iz knjige u knjigu vodi nas kroz potresne istorijske tre- nutke i razorne društvene pukotine, nežno ocrtava- juci šta je to što te prostore održava netaknutim, pi- še britanski Gardijan . Svaki od Gurninih romana fokusiran je na one čije priče nisu ušle u arhivu ili im nedostaju doku- menti da ih učine nezaboravnim. Ali ti vlasnici rad- nji, domacice, lokalni vojnici, studenti i izbeglice su mu važni i u svojim knjigama, on ih čini smislenim i komplikovanim, podsećajući nas da je svaki život vre- dan secanja. Poslednjih godina, pošto je niz humani- tarnih kriza primorao očajne ljude da rizikuju živote u potrazi za boljom buducnošću, Gurnin rad je dobio veci odjek i značaj. U eseju iz 2001. godine za Gardi- jan je napisao: „Rasprava o azilu udvostručena je pa- ranoičnom pričom o rasi, prerušenoj u eufemizam o stranim zemljama i kulturnom integritetu“, a njego- vi romani upravo insistiraju na tome da se ovoj para- noičnoj naraciji oduzme moc. Ipak, Gurna ne viče i ne zove na rasprave nudeci stalan, neumoljiv, nepokole- bljiv glas koji uskoro postaje jedini zvuk koji se čuje.

U vakuumu kuture i kontinenata

IN THE VACUUM BETWEEN CULTURES AND CONTINENTS His dedication to truth and aversion to simplifying things are striking. His novels deviate from stereotypical descriptions and open our eyes to East Africa’s rich cultural diversity, which is unfamiliar to many in other parts of the world. The characters in his books are often caught in the gap between cultures and continents, between the life they’ve lived and the one that awaits them. This is an uncertain situation that will never be resolved, so states the announcement of the Nobel Committee for Literature.

Njegova posvećenost istini i odboj- nost prema pojednostavljivanju stvari su upečatljivi. Njegovi romani odstupa- ju od stereotipnih opisa i otvaraju nam poglede ka kulturuloškoj raznolikosti istočne Afrike koja je nepoznata za lju- de u drugim delovima sveta. Njegovi li- kovi se nalaze u vakuumu između kul- tura i kontinenata, života kakav je bio i onog koji nastaje. To je nesigurno sta- nje koje nikada neće biti rešeno, navo- di se u saopštenju Nobelovog komite- ta za književnost.

Tekst/Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije/Photography: Profimedia.rs

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