Elevate January 2021 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine



Zima je za čarolije WINTER IS FOR MAGIC





Air Serbia Premium Lounge is open for visitors with revised work hours

Er Srbija Premijum salon je otvoren za posetioce u izmenjenom terminu:

od 5 do 18 časova svakog dana

from 5 AM to 6 PM every day

in the transit area between gates A4 and A5.

u zoni tranzita, između prolaza A4 i A5.

Zdravlje i sigurnost naših posetilaca nam je na prvom mestu, stoga smo preduzeli sve potrebne mere kako bi vaš boravak u salonu bio bezbedan i ugodan. Za više informacija o pristupu Salonu za putnike, molimo posetite airserbia.com

The health and safety of our visitors is our priority and we have taken every precaution to ensure your stay in our lounge is both safe and pleasant. For more information regarding the Premium lounge access, please visit airserbia.com

Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

Januar 2021. godine

January 2021

Dragi putnici,

Dear passengers,

PRED NAMA JE NOVA GODINA – nov i svež početak koji nam je svima bio potreban. Nestrpljivo smo čekali da se završi pret- hodna godina, nadajući se da će doći kraj i teškoćama koje je donela. Iako januar 2021. ne može magično da izbriše izazove iz 2020. godine, daje nam novu energiju da se sa njima suoči- mo spremniji, jači i bogatiji za brojne lekcije. Godina za nama bila je, u najmanju ruku, specifična. Pandemija korona virusa uticala je na svakog pojedinca i kompaniju, bez izuzetka, ali nećemo preterati ako kažemo da je sektor turizma i transporta, uključujući avio-industriju, jedan od najteže pogođenih. Najveća kriza u novijoj istoriji putničkog avio-saobraćaja ozbiljno nas je poljuljala, ali nismo klonuli duhom. Predviđanja stručnjaka za globalni oporavak avio-prevoza

THE NEW YEAR IS AHEAD OF us – a new and fresh start that we all needed. We were impatiently awaiting the end of last ye- ar, hoping that the hardships it brought would also end with it. Al- though January 2021 cannot magically erase the challenges that emerged in 2020, it can give us new energy to face them better prepared, stronger and having learned numerous lessons. The year behind us was unique, to say the least. The Coro- navirus Pandemic had an impact on each individual and com- pany, without exception, but we wouldn’t be exaggerating if we said that the tourism and transport sectors, including the avia- tion industry, were hit the hardest. We were seriously shook by the biggest crisis in the recent history of passenger air transport, but we weren’t disheartened. Experts have offered differing estimates regarding the glo-

su raznolika, ali i dalje je nepoznanica kada će do toga doći. Sve češće možemo čuti o različitim savremenim rešenjima koja će nam olakšati putovanja u vreme pandemije. Mi u Er Srbiji u 2021. godinu ulazimo sa optimizmom i spremni da se prilagođavamo novim uslovima, jer samo kompanije u kojima se promene odvijaju brzo i efikasno mogu opstati i ići napred. U prošloj godini je značajno smanjen obim putničkog saobraćaja, a u jednom trenutku je i potpuno zaustavljen. Ipak, sve to ne može da oduzme i umanji njegov značaj. Još davne 1944. godine u Konvenciji o međunarodnom civilnom vazduhoplovstvu definisana je njegova uloga – stvaranje i održavanje prijateljstva i razumevanja

bal recovery of air transport, but it remains to be seen when that recovery will happen. We keep he- aring about different modern solutions that wi- ll make travelling easier during the pandemic. We at Air Serbia are entering 2021 full of optimism and ready to adapt to new circumstances, because only those companies that adopt changes quickly and efficiently can survive and move forward. Passenger traffic reduced significantly last ye- ar, at one point even being halted completely. Still, all this cannot take away or diminish the importan- ce of passenger traffic. Back in 1944, its role was defined in the Convention on International Civil Aviation – creating and preserving friendship and understanding among the nations and peoples of

Mi u Er Srbiji u 2021. godinu ulazimo sa optimizmom i spremni da se prilagođavamo novim uslovima At Air Serbia we are entering 2021 full of optimism and ready

to adapt to new circumstances

među nacijama i narodima sveta. To je srž i suština putovanja – razlog zbog kog su se ljudi vekovima borili da prevazilaze ogromne razdaljine kopnom i morem, sve dok početkom 20. veka prvi avioni nisu olakšali te poduhvate. Putovanja nam pružaju mogućnost povezivanja i umrežavanja, upoznavanja različitih naroda, kultura i delova sveta, kao i spoznavanje sebe kroz bolje upoznavanje drugih. Koliko god da je 2020. godina bila teška i izazovna, naučila nas je i nekim važnim stvarima. Pre svega, naučila nas je da zastanemo i usporimo, da bolje pogledamo okolinu i uživamo u malim stvarima, da shvatimo koliko nam znače ljudi oko nas i radujemo se trenutku kada ćemo ponovo videti one od kojih smo dugo bili razdvojeni. Nadamo se da ćemo ove godine biti u prilici da vas vodimo u nove avanture – da sklopite nove poslove i ostvarite nove uspehe, da ponovo vidite drage ljude, porodicu i prijatelje koji žive daleko, kao i da spoznate sami sebe, ali u novom i još boljem izdanju. Uživajte u letu i srećan put.

the world. This is the core and essence of travelling – the reason why people struggled for centuries to overcome vast distances by land and sea, until, in the early 20 th century, aeroplanes ma- de these endeavours easier. Travelling gives us an opportunity to connect and network; it allows us to get to know different nati- ons, cultures and parts of the world, and it also helps us to disco- ver ourselves by getting to know others better. As difficult and challenging as 2020 was, it also taught us some important lessons. First, it taught us to stop and slow down, to take in our surroundings and enjoy the little things, to realise how much the people around us mean to us, and to lo- ok forward to the moment when we will again see those we’ve been separated from for so long. We hope that we will be able to take you on new adventures this year – to seal new deals and achieve new successes, to again see people dear to you, family and friends who live far away, and to learn about yourself, but as a new and better you. Enjoy the flight and have a good trip.



Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5




 Er Srbija omogućila besplatne promene datuma putovanja / Air Serbia offers option of free change of flight date


SkyBreathe projekta / Air Serbia as part of the “SkyBreathe” project



 Er Srbija i heroji iz senke: Air Serbia and heroes from the shadows


 Putujemo sa košarkašem Markom Simonovićem / We travel with basketball player Marko Simonović

 Dragan Mićanović: Rano je za kralja Lira / Dragan Mićanović: it’s too early for King Lear


Žan Pol Gotje: Nestašni dečko visoke mode u Beogradu / Jean Paul Gaultier: haute couture‘s enfant terrible in Belgrade Après Ski , luksuz na snegu / “Apres ski”, snowbound luxury


KULTURA CULTURE 30. Beč i Betoven: Grad muzike

 Na zavejanim krovovima Srbije/ On the snow- covered roofs of Serbia

susreće muzičkog genija / Vienna and Beethoven: the city of music meets a musical genius Gremi: Bijonse stala uz Pola Makartnija / Grammys: Beyoncé stands alongside Paul McCartney


RITAM BEOGRADA RHYTHM OF BELGRADE 54. Hram Svetog Save u Beogradu / Temple of Saint Sava 60. Male tajne velikog Kalemegdana / Little secrets of the great Kalemegdan



Strip: Dilan Dog puni 35 / Comics: Dylan Dog turns 35

6 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović

Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Aleksandra Beslać, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Ivan Džaferović, Jovana Velimirović Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Aleksandar Dimitrijević, Mitar Mitrović, Đorđe Kojadinović, Snežana Krstić, Oliver Bunić, Nebojša Babić, Zoran Lončarević, Goran Srdanov Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs



Moskva: U gostima kod Bulgakova / Moscow: visiting with Bulgakov

Stefan Nemanja je jeo meso, a Sveti Sava hobotnice / Stefan Nemanja ate meat, while Saint Sava ate octopus

98. Njujork: Duša Menhetna je na severu / New York: the soul of Manhattan is to the north 102. Istanbul: U Stambolu, na Bosforu, Devojačka kula


Najlepši božićni običaji / The most beautiful Christmas customs

/ Istanbul: in Istanbul, on the Bosphorus, the Maiden‘s Tower

SPORT SPORTS 106. Maradona se preselio

Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

u fudbalski panteon / Maradona joins the football Pantheon

Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica


Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Šumske kućice kao spas za dušu / Little forest houses as salvation for the soul

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

80. Novi ideali gole, čiste,

prirodne lepote / New ideals of naked, pure, natural beauty


Uneskov rezervat biosfere: Bujna Golija, a u njoj Studenica / UNESCO Biosphere Reserve: lush Golija, and on it Studenica

Broj / Issue No. 323 Naslovna strana / Cover Choreograph / iStock

Zimske radosti / Winter joy Foto / Photo: iStock / Choreograph

Contents » Sadržaj | 7

U fokusu

In focus


Er Srbija omogućila besplatne promene datuma putovanja

Promotivna akcija se odnosi na sve destinacije u mreži nacionalnog avio-prevoznika osim Njujorka i važi za putovanja do 30. juna 2021. godine

U sled promenljive epidemiološke pogodnost dostupna svima koji avio-karte kupe do 31. marta 2021. godine. Promotivna akcija se odnosi na sve destinacije u mreži nacionalnog avio- prevoznika osim Njujorka i važi za putovanja do 30. juna 2021. godine. – Stavljajući potrebe naših putnika na prvo mesto, odlučili smo da im produžetkom akcije olakšamo putovanja i u narednom periodu. Imajuću u vidu da aktuelne okolnosti u celom svetu sve više ograničavaju mogućnosti putovanja, uvereni smo da će putnici uz ovu pogodnost imati daleko veću fleksibilnost, a samim tim će moći lakše i rasterećenije da rezervišu letove – izjavio je situacije i posledičnih ograničenja u putovanjima, Er Srbija je odlučila da produži akciju besplatne promene datuma putovanja, pa je ova

Jirži Marek, direktor za komercijalu i strategiju Er Srbije . Putnici mogu da promene datum leta bez naplate penala neograničen broj puta i u bilo kom trenutku, a najkasnije dan pre planiranog putovanja. Ukoliko prvobitno plaćena tarifa nije raspoloživa za novoizabrani datum, moguće je izvršiti doplatu do cene sledeće dostupne tarife.

Ova pogodnost dostupna je svima koji avio-karte kupe do 31. marta 2021. godine

8 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia


Air Serbia offers option of free change of flight date This promotional campaign is valid for all destinations in the national airline’s network, with the exception of New York, and applies to flights scheduled until 30 th June 2021


I n response to the shifting epidemiological situa- tion and subsequent travel restrictions, Air Ser- bia has decided to extend its offer to change the date of flights for free, with this benefit availa- ble to everyone purchasing flight tickets by 31 st March 2021. This promotional campaign is valid for all destinations in the national airline’s network, with the exception of New York, and applies to flights sched- uled until 30 th June 2021. “Putting the needs of our passengers first, we de- cided to continue making their travels easier in the coming period by extending this campaign. Consid- ering that the current circumstances around the en- tire world are increasingly limiting the ability to travel, we are convinced that this benefit will provide passen- gers with far greater flexibility, thus enabling them to book flights in an easier and more relaxed way,” said Jiri Marek, Air Serbia General Manager, Commercial

and Strategy. Passengers can change the date of their flight an unlimited number of times without paying a fee and can do so at any time until the day before the sched- uled flight. In the case that the tariff initially paid is unavailable for the newly selected date, it is possible to pay the difference for the next available tariff.

This benefit is available to everyone purchasing flight tickets by 31 st March 2021

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 9

Na letu

On board

MARKO SIMONOVIĆ, KOŠARKAŠ CRVENE ZVEZDE MARKO SIMONOVIĆ, RED STAR BASKETBALL PLAYER Avioni su savršenstvo modernog doba Planes are the paragon of the modern age Tekst/Words: Jelena Medić Fotografije/Photography: Aleksandar Dimitrijević, iStock, Profimedia.rs

Uvek nosim slušalice jer volim da slušam poeziju, kada neki dobar narator govori stihove, to me smiruje I always carry headphones because I like listening to poetry when some good narrator recites verses, that calms me


Obožavam avione. Uz internet, mislim da su najsavršenija stvar koju je čovek smislio

Bez dobre i udobne


dukserice ne putujem, ipak sam ja sportista ;-) I don't travel without a good and comfortable sweatshirt, I'm a sportsman after all ;-)

I adore planes. Alongside the

internet, I think they are the most perfect thing that man has ever invented

Što se tiče serija kojim prekraćujem vreme u avionu, najaktuelnija je Kuća od papira . Veoma mi se sviđa, zato je tu tablet When it comes to the series I use to shorten my time aboard a plane, the most relevant now is Money Heist. I really like that, which is why there's a tablet


Na putovanjima često čitam knjige iz oblasti psihologije. Preporučio bih i Dostojevskog, knjiga kojoj se uvek vraćam je Zločin i kazna I often read books on the topic of psychology during my travels. I would also recommend Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment is a book that I always return to


Moram da priznam da volim da ponesem nešto slatko u avion, pa često imam bombonice ili čokoladicu I must admit that I like to carry something sweet on the plane, so I often have sweets or chocolate


10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Marko Simonović je rođen u Prištini 1986, a u košarku se zaljubio na prvi pogled kada se iz rodnog grada preselio u Beograd. Ponikao je u Radničkom, a ostvario dečački san da zaigra za Crvenu zvezdu. U seniorskoj reprezentaciji Srbije debitovao je na Svetskom prvenstvu 2014. u Španiji i osvojio srebro. Na Olimpijskim igrama u Riju postao je vicešampion, a igrao je i na Svetskom prvenstvu u Kini. Simonović se odazvao pozivu selektora Kokoškova da bude član tima koji se bori za plasman na Evropsko prvenstvo 2022. Marko Simonović was born in Priština in 1986 and fell in love with basketball when he first saw it upon moving from his hometown to Belgrade. He grew up at the Radnički club and achieved his boyhood dream of playing for Red Star. He debuted for Serbia's senior national team at the 2014 World Cup in Spain, winning a silver medal. He also won Olympic silver in Rio and played at the World Cup in China. Simonović responded positively to the invitation of head coach Kokoškov to be part of the team battling to qualify for the 2022 European Championships.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 11


THE JET ERA BEGINS WITH THE CARAVELLE JAT’s first jet plane was a Caravelle that was named Dubrovnik. It arrived on 21 st January 1963. It was a real sensation after aircraft with piston engines. The Caravelle, produced by French manufacturer Sud Aviation, transported 80 passengers and was the pride of JAT. Its praises were sung so much in the media of the time that it was even claimed that this beauty of the sky could not fall. JAT’s planes of the time not only offered comfortable flying, but also good eating. By 1967 the airline’s food was bought from the Hotel Metropol, prepared by the best chefs, and then it launched its own catering division, which was even used for a year by the renowned Air France. The end of the 1960s represented the period of rapid modernisation. The first McDonnell-Douglas DC-9 arrived in 1969. Not long after, the company purchased its first Boeing 727- 200. When a Boeing 707 entered the fleet, JAT had developed a substantial network of intercontinental flights to Australia, North America and the Far East. In November 1974 one of JAT’s Boeing 707 planes circled the entire globe along the route Belgrade- Beirut-Mumbai-Singapore-Tokyo-Honolulu-Los Angeles-London- Belgrade.

Mlazna era počinje sa karavelom Prvi mlazni avion JAT-a bila je karavela koja se zvala Dubrovnik . Stigla je 21. januara 1963. godine. Bila je prava senzacija nakon aviona sa klipnim motorom. Karavele, francuskog proizvođača Sud Aviation , prevozile su 80 putnika i bili ponos JAT-a. Toliki su hvalospevi po medijima ispevavani u to vreme da se čak tvrdilo kako ova lepotica neba ne može da padne. U JAT-ovim avionima u to vreme ne samo da se udobno leti već se i dobro jede. Do 1967. godine hrana je nabavljana iz hotela Metropol , spremali su je najbolji kuvari, a onda je pokrenut sopstveni ketering koji je godinu dana koristio čak i renomirani Er Frans . Kraj šezdesetih predstavlja doba ubrzane modernizacije. Prvi mekdonel-daglas DC-9 stigao je 1969. Nedugo potom nabavljen je i boing 727-200. Kada je u flotu ušao i boing 707, JAT je razvio i značajnu mrežu interkontinentalnih letova ka Australiji, Severnoj Americi i Dalekom istoku. Jedan JAT-ov boing 707 je tokom novembra 1974. godine obleteo čitavu Zemljinu kuglu rutom Beograd–Bejrut–Bombaj–Singapur– Tokio–Honolulu – Los Anđeles – London–Beograd.

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Na zavejanim krovovima Srbije On the snow-covered roofs of Serbia





330 km

Najmlađi ski-centar u Srbiji Uređene ski-staze, netaknuta priroda, bistri potoci i brojni planinski izvori predstavljaju pravo iznenađenje za sve turiste koji se prvi put nađu na obroncima ove planine. Zovu je i krov Srbije jer Midžor, njen najviši vrh (2.169 m), ujedno predstavlja i jednu od najviših planinskih tačaka u našoj zemlji. Tu je i skijaški centar Babin zub, sa odličnim stazama, čak i za one koji svoje veštine na skijama treba da usavrše. Ljubitelji ekstremnih sportova imaju na raspolaganju stazu za slobodnu vožnju, na kojoj mogu da uživaju u bajkovitim krajolicima Stare planine. Dok pravite predah između dva spusta, ugrejte se uz kuvano vino ili rakiju, a obavezno probajte belmuž. To je specijalitet istočne Srbije, koji se pravi od sira i kukuruznog brašna.


Stara planina

Planinski masiv prostire se kao prirodna granica prema Bugarskoj The mountain massif stretches like a natural boundary towards Bulgaria

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

The latest ski centre in Serbia

Ovde ima dobrih staza za početnike There are good trails for beginners here

Landscaped ski trails, pristine nature, clear streams and nu- merous mountain springs repre- sent a real surprise for all tour-

ists who first find themselves on the slopes of this mountain. It is also called the roof of Ser- bia because Midžor, its highest peak (2,169m/ asl), simultaneously represents one of the highest points in our country. There is also the Babin Zub Ski Centre, with excellent slopes, including ones for those who have yet to perfect their skills on skis. Fans of extreme sports can take advantage of the trail for off-piste skiing, where they can experience Balkan Mountain’s fairytale landscapes. While taking a break between descents in one of the many restaurants, visitors can warm up with mulled wine or hot brandy, as well as the ob- ligatory Belmuž - an Eastern Serbian speciali - ty made from cheese and corn flour.

metara visok je Midžor, najviši vrh Stare planine metres high is Midžor, Balkan Mountain’s highest peak 2.169

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230 km

Vazdušna banja i gurmanluci Od koliba i kućeraka do apartmana i

rezidencija, od rzavskih virova do olimpijskih bazena, od poljančeta do modernih stadiona i hala. Čari ove planine svojevremeno su potpuno opčinile srpskog kralja Aleksandra Obrenovića, koji je u centru mesta dobio i svoj izvor, poznat kao Kraljeva voda. Danas je Zlatibor jedan od najposećenijih turističkih centara u Srbiji. Predstavlja pravu vazdušnu banju, čiji čist vazduh posebno godi obolelima od respiratornih bolesti, ali i mesto na kojem možete da probate najukusniju lepinju i pršutu na svetu. Najviši vrh planine je Tornik sa 1.496 metara nadmorske visine, a tu je i istoimeno skijalište, koje strastvenim borderima i skijašima nudi pravo uživanje.

Probajte najukusniju lepinju i pršutu na svetu Taste the world’s most delicious bread cakes and cured ham

metara visok je Tornik, najviši vrh Zlatibora metres high is Tornik, Zlatibor’s highest peak 1.496

16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Air spa and gourmets From shacks and huts to apartments and resi- dences, from Rzav whirlpools to Olympic swim- ming pools, from rough fields and makeshift balls to modern stadiums and halls. The mag- ic of this golden mountain once completely en- chanted Serbian King Aleksandar Obrenović, who even got his own spring, known as King’s Water, in the centre of this place. Today Zlatibor is Serbia’s most visited tourist centre. It repre- sents a genuine air spa, with its clean air proving especially beneficial for those suffering from res - piratory diseases, but also the place where you can taste the world’s most delicious bread cakes and cured ham. The mountain’s highest peak is Tornik, at an elevation of 1,496 metres above sea level, while this is also the site of a ski resort of the same name, which offers real pleasure to passionate skiers and boarders.



U blizini Zlatibora je Morka Gora, selo u kom treba posetiti Drvengrad i Šargansku osmicu / Near Zlatibor is Morka Gora, where you should visit Drvengrad and the Šargan Eight railroad

Zlatibor je planina nesvakidašnje lepote, a nalazi se u zapadnom delu Srbije Zlatibor is a mountain of extraordinary beauty located in the western part of Serbia

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280 km

Ovde uvek ima snega Kad je reč o skijanju, Kopaonik je turistička destinacija broj jedan u Srbiji, ali i šire. Britanski Telegraf ga je jednom prilikom uvrstio među 10 najboljih skijališta u istočnoj Evropi, i to pre svega zbog odlično uređenih ski-staza, dobrog provoda i velikog izbora hotelskog i privatnog smeštaja. Sam skijaški centar prostire se na 62 kilometra staza i ski-puteva uređenih za alpsko i nordijsko skijanje. Čak 97 odsto skijališta pokriveno je sistemom za veštačko osnežavanje, ali nisu samo skijaške staze vrednost ovog dragulja Srbije. Baš zbog svojih jedinstvenih prirodnih lepota, Kopaonik je 1981. proglašen nacionalnim parkom. Ovom mestu se više puta vraćao i čuveni Josif Pančić, naš botaničar svetskog glasa. On je na vrhu Kopaonika i sahranjen, i to u mauzoleju, u kovčegu od Pančićeve omorike.

There is always snow here

When it comes to skiing, Kopaonik is the number one tourist destination in Serbia, but also beyond. British newspaper The Telegraph once ranked it among the top ten ski resorts in Eastern Europe, primarily due to its excellent landscaped ski trails, good entertainment and large selection of hotels and private accommodation options. The ski resort itself covers an area of 62 km of ski trails and routes arranged to cater for both alpine and Nordic ski- ing, which are connected via an excellent system of aerial and surface ski lifts. As much as 97 per cent of this ski resort is covered by an artificial snow sys - tem. However, ski slopes are not the only valua- ble assets of this jewel of Serbia. The unique natu- ral beauty of Kopaonik is the very reason why it was declared a national park in 1981. This place was al- so visited on numerous occasions by the famous Josif Pančić, Serbia’s world-renowned botanist. He is even buried at the top of Kopaonik, in a mausole- um in a coffin made of the type of spruce that bears his name.

Kopaonik je 1981. proglašen nacionalnim parkom Kopaonik was declared a national park in 1981

metara visok je Pančićev vrh, najviša tačka Kopaonika metres high is Pančićev vrh, the highest point of Kopaonik 2.017

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Sve staze su veoma dobro povezane sistemom žičara i ski-liftova All trails are very well connected by a system of cable cars and ski lifts



Kopaonik je najveći planinski masiv u Srbiji koji se pruža od severozapada ka jugoistoku Kopaonik is the largest mountain massif in Serbia, stretching from northwest to southeast

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 19





190 km

Dom najlepšim šumama Osnovnu vrednost Tare čine šume, koje pokrivaju 80 odsto parka, a raritet u svetskim okvirima predstavlja Pančićeva omorika. Lepote planine najbolje ćete istražiti ako sledite planinarske staze, kojih ima 30, a tu su i dva međunarodna pešačka koridora. Ova planina čak ima i stazu prilagođenu osobama s invaliditetom. Tara ima i bogato kulturno nasleđe, a najznačajniji spomenici kulture su manastir Rača iz 13. veka i nekropole na stećcima, koje su stavljene na Uneskovu listu kulturne baštine. Za strastvene skijaše Tara nije idealna destinacija, ali je zato odličan izbor za porodice s decom i sve koji žele da na odmoru dišu punim plućima.

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metara visok je Veliki Stolac, najviši vrh Tare koji se nalazi u BiH metres high is Veliki Stolac, the highest peak of Tara, located in BiH




Masiv planine Tare nalazi se u zapadnoj Srbiji, sa jedne strane oivičen kanjonom reke Drine The massif of the Tara mountain is located in western Serbia, on one side bordered by the canyon of the river Drina

Home to the most beautiful forests Tara’s primary assets are its forests, which cov- er 80 per cent of the natural park, while a world rarity is represented by the Serbian spruce, or Pančić’s spruce. The best way to explore the beauty of this mountain is to follow the marked hiking trails, of which there are 30, including two international hiking corridors. This mountain even has a trail adapted to cater for people with disabilities – the only one of its kind in our coun- try. Tara also has a rich cultural heritage, with the most important cultural monuments being the 13 th century Rača Monastery and the Stećci monumental medieval tombstones, which were added to the UNESCO World Heritage List. Tara is not the ideal destination for passionate ski- ers, but it is an excellent choice for families with children, and everyone wanting to breathe to the fullest on their holiday.

Tara je proglašena za Nacionalni park koji se prostire na 19.175 hektara / Tara has been declared a National Park covering 19,175 hectares

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 21

STEFAN MILENKOVIĆ, VIOLINISTA Želim da Srbija postane „supersila“ violine Mi u Srbiji imamo već sve što treba: talentovane studente, iskusne profesore, uspešne umetnike svetskog nivoa. Samo treba aktivno raditi na objedinjavanju i maksimalizaciji toga J edan od najuspešnijih svetskih vionista, naj- mlađi diplomac Uni- verziteta u Beogra- du, bivši predavač na

biji kada je reč o klasičnoj muzici i njenom razvoju? – Mislim da mi u Srbiji ima- mo već sve što nam treba: talento- vane studente, iskusne profesore, uspešne umetnike svetskog nivoa. Aktivno treba raditi na objedinja- vanju i maksimalizaciji onoga što već imamo, ali pre svega na pre- zentaciji umetnika, popularizaciji klasične muzike, kao i nastupima samih muzičara i stvaranju moguć- nosti da naši muzičari sviraju. Na kraju, ono što je veoma važno, a to je marketing i umrežavanje na svetskom nivou i promovisanje na- šeg nacionalnog brenda. To neke zemlje rade organizovano i time se pozicioniraju kao rasadnici ta- lenatovanih muzičara. Mi u Srbi- ji imamo preduslove da uradimo nesto slično i da ostvarimo ono što je inače oduvek bio moj san – da Srbija bude „supersila“ violine!

važnije da ostanemo produktivni i kreativni. Već dve godine sam kre- ativni ambasador nacionalne plat- forme Srbija stvara i imamo ve- like planove za narednu godinu, pre svega u kontekstu osnaživa- nja i umrežavanja mladih talena- ta, kojima Srbija obiluje. Osim to- ga, sledeći koraci su i preuzimanje uloge umetničkog direktora nove koncertne dvorane u Novom Sa- du. Zatim posvećivanje razvoju i osnaživanju violinske škole u Srbiji, usklađivanje najefektiv- nije strategije za ostvarivanje tog cilja sa našim fantastičnim profesorima violine. Šta je potrebno uraditi u Sr-

prestižnom Džulijardu, umetnik svetskog glasa i duge internacio- nalne karijere – Stefan Milenko- vić, odlučio je da se vrati u Srbiju sa svojom porodicom i da, kako kaže, ostvari svoj san. Kako je došlo do tako važ- ne, sigurno ne lake od- luke, da se sa porodicom vratiš da živiš u Srbiji? – Kada smo postavljali sebi ne- ka najvažnija pitanja, svi zaključci su nas vodili na isto mesto: povra- tak kući. To je rezultat jedne lične, ali i profesionalne evolucije, reali- zacija vizije koju sam imao praktič- no oduvek, ali koja je jednostavno morala da dođe do zrelosti i kritič- ne mase. Ali kada smo konač- no ušli u tu dinamičnu fazu do- nošenja odluka, onda je to bila nezaustavljiva bujica... Rođenje našeg sina Nikole sigurno je do- prinelo još jačem osećaju da ne- ma ničeg važnijeg od porodice i da mi jednostavno moramo da mu pružimo okruženje u kojem će moći da raste u okviru famili- je. Tako smo odrastali mi i sma- tramo da je naprirodnije da ta- ko odrasta i Nikola. Kakvi su ti profesional- ni planovi? – Iako je nastupio relativan vakuum zbog pandemije, još je

22 | Srbija stvara » Serbia creates

STEFAN MILENKOVIĆ, VIOLINIST I want Serbia to become a violin “super power” In Serbia we already have everything we need: talented students, experienced professors, successful, world-class artists. We just need to work actively

What are your profession- al plans? Although there is now a relative vacuum as a result of the pandemic, it is even more important for us to remain productive and creative. For the past two years I‘ve been a crea- tive ambassador of the Serbia Cre- ates national platform, and we have major plans for the next year, pri- marily in the context of empowering and networking the talented young- sters that Serbia has in abundance. Apart from this, the next steps in- clude taking on the role of artistic director of the new concert hall in Novi Sad. Then there‘s dedication to developing and strengthening the violin school in Serbia, harmonis- ing the most effective strategy for achieving that goal with our fan- tastic violin teachers. What needs to be done in Serbia when it comes to classical music and its de- velopment? I think we already have everything we need in Serbia: tal- ented students, experienced pro- fessors, successful, world-class art- ists. We just need to work actively to unify and maximise what we al- ready have, but first and foremost to work on the presentation of art- ists and the popularisation of clas- sical music, but also on the perfor- mance of musicians themselves and the creation of opportunities for our musicians to perform. In the end, what is very important is marketing and networking at the global level and promoting our national brand. Some countries do this in an organ- ised manner and thereby position themselves as a nursery of talent- ed musicians. In Serbia we have the preconditions to do something sim- ilar, and to achieve that which has always been my dream: Serbia as a little-big “superpower” of the violin!

to unify and maximise that O ne of the world‘s most successful violinists, the youngest gradu- ate of the University of Belgrade, a former lecturer at the prestigious Juilliard School, an artist of world renown with an enduring international ca- reer - Stefan Milenković decided to return to Serbia with his family and, as he says, realise his dream. How did you reach such an important – and certain- ly not easy – decision to re- turn to live in Serbia with your family? “When we asked ourselves some of the most important questions, all the conclusions led us to the same place: returning home. That‘s the re- sult of both a personal and profes- sional evolution, the realisation of a vision that I‘ve practically always had, but which simply had to reach maturity and critical mass. Howev- er, when we finally entered that dy- namic phase of decision-making it was an unstoppable torrent... The birth of our son, Nikola, certainly contributed to an even greater feel- ing that there‘s nothing more impor- tant than family, and that we simply have to provide him with an environ- ment in which he will to be able to grow up in the family system. That‘s how we grew up, and we consider it more natural for Nikola to also grow up in that way.

Serbia creates » Srbija stvara | 23

Razglednica /Postcard

SOFIJA / SOFIA Muzej na otvorenom

CIRIH / ZURICH Čokoladni raj

BEČ / VIENNA Klizalište na dva nivoa

CHOCOLATE HEAVEN The world’s largest museum dedicated to chocolate, Lindt Home of Chocolate, has opened in the town of Kilchberg near Zurich. Visitors are awaited at the entrance to the museum by an impressive chocolate fountain that’s 9.3 metres tall and flows with thousands of litres of liquid chocolate. There is also an interactive tour covering the history of chocolate, while weekend workshops are organised for interested visitors to learn how to make their own chocolate and acquire additional knowledge about this sweet treat that’s a favourite of many. U Kilhbergu, u blizini Ciriha, otvoren je najveći muzej čokolade na svetu Lin - dt Home of Chocolate . Na ulazu u muzej posetioce dočekuje impresivna čokolad- na fontana visoka 9,3 metra, kojom teku hiljade litara tečne čokolade. Tu je i inte- raktivna tura o istoriji čokolade, a za za- interesovane posetioce vikendom se or- ganizuju i radionice na kojima mogu da naprave svoju čokoladu i steknu dodat- na znanja o ovoj mnogima omiljenoj po- slastici.

SKATING RINK ON TWO LEVELS Lovers of ice skating are awaited by one of the world’s largest outdoor skating rinks, on two levels (!), that’s been installed on the square in front of the city hall in the Austrian capital. The beautifully lit façade of the City Hall represents the fairytale backdrop of Vienna’s icy world, which can be enjoyed by all generations. This ice rink, covering an area of 8,300 square metres, will be open until 10pm every day until 28 th February and represents the perfect place to enjoy the wintry beauty of Vienna. Ljubitelje klizanja u austrijskoj prestonici na trgu ispred Gradske kuće čeka jedno od najvećih klizališta na otvorenom na svetu, i to na dva nivoa. Idilično osvetljena fasada Gradske kuće predstavlja bajkovitu poza- dinu bečkog ledenog sveta, u kojem mogu da uživaju sve generacije. Ovo klizalište po- vršine 8.300 kvadratnih metara biće otvo- reno do 28. februara svakog dana do deset sati uveče i predstavlja savršeno mesto za uživanje u lepoti Beča zimi.

OPEN-AIR MUSEUM The entrance to Serdika Metro Station in Sofia city centre provides a big surprise for all tourists visiting the Bulgarian capital for the first time, as it represents a genuine mini open-air museum. Digs at this important archaeological site lasted five years and today you can see excavations covering the area of eight streets of the original settlement and including an early Christian basilica, six larger structures with mosaic floors, bathrooms and public toilets. Most of the exhibits date back to the period between the 4 th and 6 th centuries AD, while there is also a statue of Saint Sophia, the city’s patron saint, in the vicinity of Serdika Metro Station. Ulaz u stanicu metroa Serdika u centru Sofije predstavlja veliko iznenađenje za sve turiste koji prvi put dođu u bugarsku prestonicu jer je pravi mali muzej na otvo- renom. Iskopavanja na tom važnom ar- heološkom nalazištu trajala su pet godina i danas tu možete da vidite iskopine ko- je pokrivaju površinu osam ulica prvobit- ne naseobine i uključuju ranohrišćansku baziliku, šest većih građevina sa moza- ičnim podovima, kupatila i javne toalete. Većina izloženih iskopina datira iz perio- da između 4. i 6. veka, a u blizini stanice Serdika nalazi se i statua Svete Sofije, za- štitnice grada.

24 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

BERLIN / BERLIN U šetnji oko najstarije renesansne dvorane

OSLO / OSLO Plutajuće saune sve popularnije Poslednjih godina najveća turistička atrakcija u Oslu su plutajuće saune. Na- laze se duž šetališta u samom srcu gra- da i nude nezaboravno iskustvo kupanja, čak i u januaru. Avantura počinje tako što se prvo zagrejete u sauni na drva, a zatim skačete u ledenu vodu. Pojedine plutaju- će saune na sredini imaju otvor kroz ko- ji skačete direktno u vodu, a kad ste unu- tra, imate predivan pogled na Operu. Skandinavci tvrde da je to najbolji način za opuštanje i da najbrže popravlja ras- položenje i budi sva čula.

CAFÉ PUSHKIN, CULT VENUE Russian-style hedonism, spiced up with bygone times and French charm, awaits you at Café Pushkin, a cult venue located on Moscow’s Tverskoy Boulevard. This boulevard and the surrounding streets actually played a significant role in the life of Pushkin, who often came to Tverskoy to visit the home of the prominent Kologrivov family. Balls were held there, and it was at one of them that he met the love of his life - his wife Natalia. It is on this spot today that you can visit Café Pushkin, indulging in a cup of hot chocolate and enjoying the view of the snow through the window, or enjoying books instead. Hedonizam na ruski način začinjen minulim vremenima i francuskim šmekom čeka vas u kafeu Puškin , kultnom mestu u Moskvi na Tverskom bulevaru. Upravo ovaj bulevar i ulice oko njega odigrale su značajnu ulogu u životu Puškina, koji je često dolazio u ku- ću ugledne porodice Kologrivov u Tverskoj. U njoj su se održavali balovi, a na jednom od njih upoznao je i ljubav svog života – su- prugu Nataliju. Danas na tom mestu mo- žete da uživate u kafeu Puškin , u toploj čo- koladi i pogledu na sneg kroz prozor ili pak u knjigama. MOSKVA / MOSCOW Kafe Puškin, kultno mesto

Ako želite da upoznate nemačku presto- nicu iz drugog ugla, zaputite se u šetnju oko najstarije berlinske renesansne dvo- rane Jagdšlos Grunevald. Ova impozan- tna bela palata smeštena je na obalama jezera Grunevaldze i nekada je služila kao mesto za uživanje aristokrata nakon lo- va. Danas je njena unutrašnost ispunjena vrednim delima, često se koristi za sni- manje filmova, a blizina jezera i šume nu- de predivne staze za šetnju i uživanje u prirodi i pružaju drugačiji pogled na grad.



If you want to familiarise yourself with the German capital from a different angle, take a stroll around the Jagdschloss Grunewald, Berlin’s oldest Renaissance hall. This imposing white castle, located on the shores of Lake Grunewaldsee, once served as a hunting lodge for aristocrats to enjoy. Its interior is today filled with valuable works and it is often used as a location for filming, while the close proximity of the lake and forest provide beautiful lanes for walking and enjoying nature, offering a different view of the city.

Floating saunas have become Oslo’s top tourist attraction in recent years. Located along pedestrian walkways in the very heart of the city, they offer an unforgettable bathing experience even in January. The adventure begins by warming up the body in a wood-fired sauna, and then diving into the icy waters. Some floating saunas have a central opening through which you can jump directly into the water, while you have a beautiful view of the opera when inside. Scandinavians claim that this is the best way to relax the body, while it is also the quickest way to improve one’s mood and awaken all the senses.

Tekst/Words: Biljana Stefanović Fotografije/Photography: Profimedia.rs, iStock

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 25

Intervju Interview

Dragan Mićanović glumac / actor

Gluma mi je u svim kriznim periodima bila oaza, podrška, podsticaj. I devedesetih kao beg od rata i bombardovanja, sada od pandemije... Bez obzira na to kakav mi je dan, kad obučem kostim skinem sve privatne probleme i glumim punim srcem Šekspir me je oblikovao, ali rano je za kralja Lira koj vrlini doprineli Mira Stupica, Ljuba Tadić, Petar Kralj… Danas, on tu baklju nosi dalje, osvetljavajući put nekim novim klincima. Mada je ostvario mnogo sjajnih uloga na TV-u, kao i filmskih rola u Srbiji i ši- rom sveta sa najvećim zvezdama, pozorište zauvek ostaje njegova prva i najveća ljubav. – Pre 30 godina, kad sam bio početnik, odrastali smo u pozorištu, gde su nas starije kolege vaspitavale da nam teatar bude drugi dom, baza svega. Da kopa- mo po svom biću, karakteru, telu... Komadima Raz- bojnici i Bogojavljenska noć počeo je moj rad u JDP-u zahvaljujući Jovanu Ćirilovu, tadašnjem upravniku, koji mi je srećom kao početniku dao šansu na toj po- zornici. Zauvek mi je prva asocijacija na taj teatar – moj drugi dom. To pozorište me je stvorilo kao glumca. Glumili ste Hamleta, Tartifa, Romea... Da li ste spremni za kralja Lira? – Još je rano za njega, treba da mi kao Liru pora- stu sve tri ćerke... Šekspir me je mnogo oblikovao, pa U vreme kada je stasavao za pozorišne da- ske, klasika se vratila u Beograd. Sače- kali su ga Šekspir, Molijer i Čehov i zau- vek odredili kao glumca, ali i kao čoveka. Možda još i više, njegovoj su glumač-

Predstave u matine terminu nisu problem. Meni se igra, znam da je pozorište ugroženo i učiniću sve da mu pomognem / Performing in the matinee schedule isn't a problem for me. I like to play, I know that the theatre is endangered and I will do everything I can to help it bih pred kraj karijere kraljem Lirom zaokružio svoj re- pertoar kad je reč o Šekspiru. Za gotovo svakog glum- ca, pa i za mene Šekspir je najzahtevniji i najzahval- niji. Svaki dan se setim nekih njegovih stihova i kad nisam na sceni. Setio sam se nedavno stiha Klaudija iz Hamleta: „Reči bi gore, ali misao ostade dole, neće se k nebu dići reči gole!“ U svakodnevici me i spase i zabrine činjenica da je delo napisano pre 500 godi- na, aktuelno zauvek. A ja, što sam stariji, pomireniji sam s ljudskim slabostima, pa i sa svojim. Od odra- stanja imao sam dileme slične hamletovskim. Njego- va misao „Biti spreman, to je sve“ bila mi je vodilja za mnoge stvari. Šekspir je zapisao sve ljudske karakte- re i teme, koje nas i sada prate. A onda ste stali i na scenu Glob tetara u Londonu, i to baš u Hamletu … – Imao sam privilegiju i čast da igram originalne Šekspirove stihove i u tom teatru, lik Fortinbrasa u Hamletu , a i u filmu reditelja Rejfa Fajnsa. U Londonu sam imao agenta koji mi je omogućio nekoliko audici- ja za Glob, koji je tada radio komade Buru i Hamleta . Lik Fortinbrasa igrao sam oko 80 puta, svakog dana celog leta, a ponekad i dve predstave dnevno. Tamo si daleko od statusa zvezde i glumačkog pijedestala. London je ogroman grad. Bilo mi je divno u metrou na putu na probe, da čitam delo i smišljam kako i šta ću odigrati. Prijala mi je i atmosfera na probama od 10 do 18 časova, a i uveče igranje komada. Tamo se kraće, ali intenzivnije proba komad i tada ne može da

Tekst / Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije / Photography: Mitar Mitrović

26 | Intervju » Interview

Pozorište je živa stvar, menja se stalno. Nema garancije za uspeh niti jedne predstave. I najveći reditelji su u nekim teatarskim komadima padali sa najboljim glumcima

The theatre is a living thing, it is constantly changing. There is no guarantee of the success of a single play. And even the greatest directors fell with the best actors in some theatre pieces

Interview » Intervju | 27


Shakespeare shaped me, but it’s too early for King Lear Acting has been an oasis, support and encouragement for me in all periods of crisis. Both in the '90s, as a way of fleeing the wars and bombing, and now for escaping the pandemic... No matter what a day is like for me, when I don a costume I discard all my private problems and act with all my heart D uring the time when he was growing up on the boards of theatres, the classics had returned to Belgrade. He was awaited by Shakespeare, Moliere and Chekhov, and they forever determined his work as an ac- tor, but also as a man. Contributing perhaps even more

se radi ništa drugo. Radili ste u velikom broju stranih produk- cija u proteklom periodu – kinesko-srp- ski film Belgrade Escape , hrvatski Tereza 33 , američku seriju Predstraža , u Londonu film Mafijaševa žena telohranitelj sa Raja- nom Rejnoldsom i Salmom Hajek… Kako je raditi sa strancima iz različitih kulturnih i geografskih sredina? – Nikad mi Amerika nije bila prioritet. Sa Salmom Hajek, Rajanom Rejnoldsom i Semjuelom L. Džek- sonom sam imao malu ulogu u filmu Mafijaševa že- na telohranitelj , tek će biti u našim bioskopima. Što su veća imena u svom poslu, prirodniji su i sponta- niji. Neki su znali šta sam dotad glumio, a neki ne. Džejms Ajvori i njegov producent Merčant, Indijac, ostali su mi u lepom sećanju. I Salma je divna, tem- peramentna je i kad kamere nisu uključene. Ipak, me- ni je veće zadovoljstvo bilo da ovde igram sa Petrom Kraljem ili Ljubom Tadićem nego da se nađem u ka- dru sa svetskim zvezdama. To su bile poslastice, kao epizode, a sve u Srbiji i regionu bilo je značajnije za mene kao glumca. U Londonu ste bili više od tri godine. Kako pamtite život u Engleskoj i da li vam je žao što ste se vratili? – Kada sam se vratio iz Londona, shvatio sam da želim da mi baza uvek bude Beograd, sa povremenim

radnim izletima u inostranstvo. Često mi ne- dostaje miris aerodroma Hitrou. U Srbiji je sve moje najdraže, a i najveću širinu, slobo- du i emociju ostvarujem na maternjem jeziku. Popularnost na globalnom nivou vas nije fascinirala... – Šta se dešava iza zvezdanih staza glu- maca je veliko pitanje. U Londonu sam upo- znao jednog manje poznatog glumca koji ni- je verovao koliko sam klasičnog repertoara u teatru svaki dan igrao u Srbiji. Pitao me je šta uopšte radim u Londonu?! On će, verovatno, glumački vek provesti igrajući neke uloge, ali mu se neće pružiti prilika za vrhunski klasični repertoar. U Bristolu sam igrao neku epizod- nu rolu u jednoj medicinarskoj seriji. Jedan od glavnih glumaca bio je zapanjen kad je čuo da me u Beogradu čeka uloga Hamleta. Ose- tio sam njegovu zavist pred tom činjenicom, od njegovih šansi za tu ulogu tako daleko... Sve češće bežite u svoj rodni kraj, bli- zu rodne Loznice imate vikendicu… – Majka mi živi tamo. Drina je moja reka, odrastao sam pored nje i obožavam je. Imao sam bezbrižno i lepo detinjstvo. Kad me pre- poznaju, zovu me Kića, po mom prvom nadim- ku, koji se nije preneo u Beograd. Mogao bih da za nekoliko godina odem tamo da živim, a da automobilom dolazim u Beograd da glumim.

to his acting virtues were the likes of Mira Stupi- ca, Ljuba Tadić, Petar Kralj et al. Today he‘s car- rying that torch onwards, lighting the way for some new kids. And although he has achieved many great roles on TV and in films in Serbia and around the world, alongside the biggest stars, the- atre remains forever his first and greatest love… “30 years ago, when I was a novice, we grew up in a theatre where our older colleagues raised us to make the theatre our second home, the base of everything. To dig down to the essence of our being, character, body... From the plays The Robbers and Epiphany Night, my work at the Yugoslav Drama Theatre began thanks to Jovan Ćirilov, the then manager of the theatre who fortunately gave me a chance on that stage as a beginner. And my first association with that theatre is forever as “my second home”. That theatre created me as an actor. You‘ve played Hamlet, Tartuffe, Romeo... Are you ready for King Lear? - It is still too early for him, As Lear, all three of my daughters should be grown up... Shake- speare shaped me a lot, so I would complete my Shakespeare repertoire towards the end of my career with King Lear. Shakespeare is the most demanding and gratifying for almost every actor, myself included. Every day I remember some

Sa Entonijem Hopkinsom sam proveo nekoliko filmskih dana. Divan tip. Pričali smo i o Šekspiru. Pitao sam ga da li mu nedostaje pozorište i iznenadio me je odgovorom da mu ne nedostaje jer mu je dosta pozorišnih helanki! / I spent a few filming days with Anthony Hopkins. He's a wonderful guy. We also spoke about Shakespeare. I asked him if he missed the theatre and he surprised me by saying that he didn't miss it because he'd had enough of wearing theatre tights!

28 | Intervju » Interview

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