Elevate April 2024 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine

MOSTAR, ON THE BANKS OF THE EMERALD NERETVA Mostar, na obali smaragdne Neretve

BRŽE I JEDNOSTAVNIJE MOBILNA APLIKACIJA ZA KUPOVINU AVIO-KARATA • Pronađite najbolju ponudu • Skenirajte i bezbedno čuvajte putne dokumente na svom profilu • Brža prijava na let • Karta za ukrcavanje uvek uz vas • Svoje ideje i sugestije možete podeliti sa nama putem aplikacije


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Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

April 2024

April 2024.

Dear passengers,

Dragi putnici,

LETNJA SEZONA U AVIO-INDUSTRIJI je tradicional- no počela u poslednjoj nedelji marta. U skladu sa vašim željama i potrebama povećali smo frekvencije do popu- larnih destinacija za vreme praznika, dok je najviše letova predviđeno tokom sezone godišnjih odmora. U cilju pru- žanja najbolje moguće usluge, kompanija „Menzies Avia- tion“ preuzela je poslove zemaljskog opsluživanja letova Er Srbije na matičnom aerodromu u Beogradu. Tu se ni- smo zaustavili. Naša flota uskoro će biti bogatija za dva nova aviona tipa ATR, koji su već dobili prepoznatljiv vizu- elni identitet srpske nacionalne avio-kompanije i koji će po dobijanju svih potrebnih dozvola ući u saobraćaj i početi da lete do gradova u regionu. U narednom periodu plani- ramo i pokretanje novih destinacija u Narodnoj Republi- ci Kini, a da bismo to postigli, preduzimamo neophodne korake za dodatno proširenje flote. Posle pauze od tri decenije od 15. aprila ponovo uspostavljamo saobraćaj do Mostara. Na taj način će- mo dodatno doprineti povezivanju regiona sa grado- vima širom Evrope, kao i sa prekookeanskim destina- cijama poput Njujorka, Čikaga i Tjenđina. Međunarodni dan pilota, koji se obeležava 26. apri- la, prilika je da im zahvalimo na posvećenosti koju po- kazuju svaki put kad se vinu u nebo i istaknemo njiho- vu veoma važnu ulogu. Njihov predani rad i stručnost svakodnevna su nam inspiracija i motivišu nas da do- stignemo nove visine. April nam donosi proleće u punom zamahu, lepo vreme i duže dane. Iskoristite ih za obilazak presto- nice Italije, koja upravo ovog meseca slavi rođendan. Prema legendi, Rim je osnovan 21. aprila 753. godine pre nove ere, pa na taj dan svake godine Italijani slave Natale di Roma – spektakl parada, vatrometa i otvo- renih muzeja. Za ljubitelje umetnosti ne postoji bolji način da isku- se bogatstvo evropske kulture nego da posete jubilar- ni 60. Bijenale u Veneciji, na kome su izložena savre- mena umetnička dela iz celog sveta. To je tek mali deo onoga što Italija ima da ponudi. Zaputite se u Milano, posetite čuvenu operu „La Skala“ i uživajte u izvođenju klasičnih operskih komada, ili se prepustite čarima Ri- ma, grada večnog romantizma. Ukoliko se odlučite da posetite neku od tih destinacija, samo treba da spaku- jete kofere i za nešto manje od dva sata, direktnim le- tovima Er Srbije, stići ćete do te mediteranske zemlje.

THE AVIATION INDUSTRY’S SUMMER SEASON tra- ditionally begins in the last week of March. In line wi- th your wishes and needs, we have increased frequen- cies to popular holiday destinations, with the highest number of flights planned during the holiday season. To provide the best possible service, Menzies Aviation has taken over ground handling services for Air Serbia flights at our Belgrade hub. And we haven’t stopped the- re! Our fleet will soon be enriched with two new ATR air- craft, which have already received the distinctive visual identity of the Serbian national airline and will join ope- rations and start flying to cities in the region as soon as all necessary permits are obtained. In the coming peri- od, we also plan to launch new destinations in the Peo- ple’s Republic of China and are taking necessary furt- her fleet expansion steps to achieve this. After a three-decade hiatus, we are relaunching a service to Mostar as of 15 th April, thus further contribu- ting to the connecting of the region with cities across Europe, as well as with long-haul destinations like New York, Chicago and Tianjin. World Pilots’ Day, which is commemorated on 26 th April, is an opportunity to thank the team in the cock- pit for the dedication they show every time they take to the skies and to highlight their very important role. The- ir committed work and expertise are our daily inspirati- on and motivate us to reach new heights. April brings us spring in full swing, beautiful weather, and longer days. Utilise them to visit the capital of Italy, which celebrates its birthday this month. According to legend, Rome was founded on 21st April 753 BC, and it is on that day each year that Italians celebrate Na- tale di Roma – a spectacle of parades, fireworks and open museums. For art lovers, there is no better way to experien- ce the richness of European culture than by visiting the 60th Biennale in Venice, where world-class contempo- rary artworks are exhibited. This is just a small part of what Italy has to offer. Head to Milan, visit the famous La Scala opera house and enjoy performances of classi- cal opera pieces, or bask in the charms of Rome, the ci- ty of eternal romance. If you decide to visit any of these destinations, all you need to do is pack your bags and, in less than two hours on direct Air Serbia flights, you wi- ll arrive in this Mediterranean country.

Jirži Marek Jiri Marek

Uživajte u letu i srećan put,

Enjoy your flight and have a nice trip,



Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5





Aerodrom „Džon F. Kenedi“ u Njujorku: Er Srbija će od 2026. godine leteti sa Novog Terminala 1 / John F. Kennedy Airport in New York: Air Serbia at New Terminal 1 as of 2026 „Menzies Aviation“ opslužuje avione Er Srbije / Menzies Aviation has taken over aircraft handling for Air Serbia

 Er Srbija u 2023. ostvarila profit od 40,5 miliona evra / Air Serbia posts profits of 40.5 million euros in 2023


INTERVJU INTERVIEW 30. Momčilo Bajagić Bajaga:


 Sa nama putuju Frajle, muzički bend / Travelling with us is The Frajle, music group

I posle 40 godina nam je svima najbolje na bini / Momčilo Bajagić Bajaga: even after 40 years, we all still feel best on stage


PUTUJTE PAMETNO SMART TRAVEL 16.  Vodimo vas u Italiju / We’re taking you to Italy

Posle Oskara: San od svile na crvenom tepihu / Après- Oscars: dream of silk on the red carpet


Savremena umetnost: Četiri izložbe koje treba posetiti ove godine / Contemporary art: four exhibitions that you need to see this year Velika opera Milana: Sve što ste želeli da znate o La Skali / The great Milan opera house: everything you wanted to know about La Scala Rouan Atkinson o svojim ulogama / Rowan Atkinson on his roles



6 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna urednica i direktorka izdavaštva / Editor-in-chief and publishing director Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Nenad Mihajlović, Oliver Bunić Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos Lektura / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Jovana Subotić Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Srbija Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringier.rs


careva po Srbiji / Along the paths of the Roman emperors in Serbia


Direktnim letom Er Srbije: Čudesne lepote Mostara i okoline / By direct Air Serbia flight: the wondrous beauty of Mostar and its surroundings

RITAM GRADA RHYTHM OF THE CITY 80. Mala zelena utočišta:

Volite parkove? Zavolecete Beograd! / Little havens of greenery: do you love parks? You’ll love Belgrade!

SPORT SPORTS 106. Beograd zove da trčimo zajedno / Belgrade is calling us to run together


Generalni direktor Ringier Srbija / CEO Ringier Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

Estetika kojoj tepamo „kofeinski šik“ žari i pali na Tiktoku / The aesthetic that we affectionately refer to as “caffeine chic” shimmers and shines on TikTok

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

MOSTAR, ON THE BANKS OF THE EMERALD NERETVA Mostar, na obali smaragdne Neretve

Hajde da letimo u Mostar / Let’s fly to Mostar Foto/ Photo: Hajdi Kostić

Broj / Issue No. 362 Naslovna strana / Cover Hajdi Kostić

Contents » Sadržaj | 7

U fokusu

In focus



Srpska nacionalna avio- kompanija je nastavila sa pozitivnim trendom poslovanja i praktično zabeležila dvostruko veći profit u poređenju sa prethodnom godinom, oba puta bez ijednog evra državnih subvencija ZAHVALJUJUĆI UVOĐENJU PRE- KO 20 NOVIH DESTINACIJA, ve- likom rastu ukupnog broja letova i prevezenih putnika, kao i efika- snom poslovanju, Er Srbija je u 2023. godini, prema preliminar- nim rezultatima, ostvarila rekor- dni profit od 40,5 miliona evra. ER SRBIJA JE I TOKOM 2023.

godine nastavila da ostvaruje po- zitivan operativni i neto rezultat i prema preliminarnim rezultatima zabeležila prihod od 627,9 milio- na evra, premašivši pola milijar- de evra prihoda prvi put od 2013. godine, od kada kompanija po- sluje pod sadašnjim imenom. – Er Srbija je prošle godine zna- čajno porasla u odnosu na posled- nju pretpandemijsku 2019. godi- nu. Ta godina ostaje u istoriji, a novu istoriju pišemo sada. Prošle godine uvećali smo našu mrežu za 23 no- ve destinacije i u jednom trenutku leteli na ukupno 87 ruta do 34 ze- mlje širom Evrope, Severne Ameri- ke, Azije i Afrike. U redovnom i čar- ter saobraćaju prevezli smo ukupno 4,19 miliona putnika, što je treći naj- bolji rezultat u istoriji kompanije du-

goj skoro 97 godina. Udeo tran- sfernih putnika porastao je na 40 odsto, sa 35 odsto u 2022. godini. Veoma nas raduje što je takav rast bez presedana pratio i pozitivan fi- nansijski rezultat. Intenzivni rast u 2022. i 2023. godini bio je nemino- van da bismo odgovorili na poveća- nu tražnju i postigli kritičnu masu i tržišno prisustvo koje nam je neop- hodno za dalji razvoj poslovanja, u skladu sa našom strategijom. Sada kada smo u jubilarnoj desetoj godini od pokretanja Er Srbije dostigli po- menutu kritičnu masu, radićemo na daljoj stabilizaciji saobraćaja, pro- dubljivanju mreže i unapređivanju usluga koje se pružaju putnicima – rekao je Jirži Marek, generalni direk- tor Er Srbije. On je dodao da „srpska naci-

10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Prošle godine uvećali smo našu mrežu za 23 nove destinacije i u jednom trenutku leteli na ukupno 87 ruta do 34 zemlje širom Evrope, Severne Amerike, Azije i Afrike, kaže Jirži Marek We last year expanded our network with 23 new destinations, at one point operating flights along a total of 87 routes to 34 countries across Europe, North America, Asia and Africa ~ Jiri Marek

The Serbian national airline has continued its positive business trend by practically doubling its profits compared to the previous year, without a single euro of state subsidies in both years

THANKS TO THE INTRODUCTION OF OVER 20 NEW DESTINATIONS and a significant increase in the to- tal number of flights and carried pa- ssengers, as well as efficient ope- rations, Air Serbia achieved record profits of €40.5 million in 2023, ac- cording to preliminary results. Air Serbia also continued its positive operating and net results in 2023, generating revenue of €627.9 mi- llion according to preliminary re- sults, surpassing half a billion euros in revenue for the first time since its 2013 rebranding. “Air Serbia experienced signifi- cant growth last year compared to the last pre-pandemic year of 2019. That year is now history and we are writing a new chapter. We last year expanded our network with 23 new destinations and at one point were operating flights along a total of 87 routes to 34 countries across Euro- pe, North America, Asia and Africa. In scheduled and charter traffic, we carried a total of 4.19 million passen- gers, which is the third-best result in the airline’s nearly 97-year history. The share of transfer passengers in- creased to 40%, up from 35% in 2022. We are very pleased that su- ch unprecedented growth was ac- companied by positive financial re- sults. The intensive growth of 2022 and 2023 was unavoidable in or- der for us to meet the increased de- mand and achieve the critical mass

and market presence necessary for further business development, in li- ne with our strategy. Now, as we rea- ch the aforementioned critical mass in the milestone tenth year since the establishment of Air Serbia, we wi- ll work to further stabilise operations, expand the network and improve the services we provide to passengers,” said Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek. He added that the Serbian nati- onal airline “owes great appreciation for the results achieved and strong position as a leader in aviation in this part of the world to the significant support of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the dedicated work of its employees, the loyalty of partners and the trust of millions of passengers”. In line with previous announ- cements and with the aim of furt- her developing operations, grou- nd handling services for Air Serbia – previously carried out by com- pany Belgrade Airport – were taken over on 5 th March by Menzies Aviati- on, a leading global partner in grou- nd handling services. The expansion of the Air Serbia fleet is also planned, primarily rela- ted to regional aircraft, such as the ATR 72-600, as well as new long- haul aircraft like the Airbus A330- 200, both of which are expected to contribute to strengthening and further expanding that segment of operations.

onalna avio-kompanija veliku za- hvalnost za postignute rezultate i čvrstu poziciju lidera u avio-sao- braćaju u ovom delu sveta duguje snažnoj podršci Vlade Republike Srbije, posvećenom radu zapo- slenih, lojalnosti partnera i pove- renju miliona prevezenih putnika.“ U skladu sa ranijim najavama i u cilju daljeg razvoja poslovanja, zemaljsko opsluživanje za Er Sr- biju na beogradskom aerodromu od 5. marta preuzeo je „Menzis aviejšn“, a planirano je prošire- nje flote Er Srbije, pre svega ka- da je reč o regionalnim avionima ATR 72-600, kao i novim avioni- ma za dugolinijski saobraćaj „er- bas“ A330-200, koji bi trebalo da doprinesu jačanju tog vida sao- braćaja i daljoj ekspanziji.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 11


PRATEĆI MULTIFUNKCIONALNU, KREATIVNU I ORIGINALNU UMET- NIČKU POSTAVKU , uz pomoć sa- vremenih tehnoloških rešenja, pod jednim krovom biće objedinjeno najbolje čime se možemo pohvaliti pred svetom. Sportska istorija Sr- bije, rezultati i medalje naših olim- pijaca, kulturna baština, tradicija i gastronomija samo su neki od se- gmenata koji će naći svoje mesto u okviru „Srpske kuće“. Istovremeno biće promovisano sve ono što Sr- bija danas jeste: dostignuća u nau- ci, primena savremenih tehnologi- ja, EXPO 2027. Koreni „Srpska kuća“, u okviru koje će biti predstavljen projekat „Kore- ni“, zamišljena je kao mesto celod- nevnog okupljanja. Biće smešte- na u parku La Vilet, tik uz domaćina Olimpijskih igara. Mnoge zemlje bo- rile su se za tu lokaciju, ali ju je dobi- la Srbija. Kad se otvore vrata paviljona... „Srpska kuća“ je zamišljena kao multifunkcionalni centar, koji podra- zumeva koncept „objekat unutar Na Olimpijskim igrama u Parizu, od 26. jula do 11. avgusta, Srbija će se predstaviti kroz projekat „Srpska kuća“

objekta“. Ulaskom u taj prostor po- setioci ulaze u jednu novu dimenzi- ju, u pravom smislu te reči. Unutraš- nja arhitektura je takva da se ukida prirodno osvetljenje koje dolazi spo- lja. Na taj način pravi se dramski pre- kid od ulaska do centralne dvorane, gde je smeštena glavna umetnička postavka. U pitanju je skulptura viso- ka 6,5 metara, koja simbolizuje drvo života od koga sve potiče. Igra zvuka, mirisa i pokreta pri- sutna je na svakom koraku. Maštovi- to osmišljena rotaciona sala poigra- va se sa psihologijom posmatrača – publika je na sceni, a postavka ce- lom dužinom hale. Program „Srpska kuća“ je osmišljena kao mesto gde se može osetiti miris, zvuk, pokret, pa i gastronomija na- šeg podneblja. Zahvaljujući Arhivu Jugoslavije, obezbeđen je bogat do- kumentarni materijal. Reč je o hilja- du artefakata vezanih za dosadašnja učešća Jugoslavije, odnosno Srbi- je, na Olimpijskim igrama, koji nikada ranije nisu prikazani javnosti. Jedna od ideja je da kroz različite tehničke algoritme pokret i boja Nadežde Pe- trović ožive zidove paviljona, a pred svetsku javnost još jednom ćemo dovesti Teslu, Milankovića i druge velikane. Jedan deo paviljona pre- pušten je kuvarima koji će u realnom vremenu spremati specijalitete srp- ske kuhinje.

„Srpska kuća“ je osmišljena kao mesto gde se može osetiti miris, zvuk, pokret, pa i gastronomija našeg podneblja

Tim za pobede Jedan ovako ozbiljan projekat ne bi mogao da se realizuje bez velike i uigrane ekipe. Za kreativni deo za- dužen je ARTBEAT tim na čelu sa Du- šanom Jovovićem, koji potpisuje au- torski koncept. Nosilac projekta je Vlada Republike Srbije, kao i Privred- na komora Srbije, Olimpijski komitet Srbije, te ambasada Srbije u Parizu. Srbija kao domaćin Srpska kuća u Parizu radiće od 10 do 22 h. Iako će posetioci biti iz svih krajeva sveta, jezička barijera ne bi trebalo da bude problem. Želja autora je da svakoga ko uđe u „Srp- sku kuću“ obuzme emocija kao da je zakoračio u babino i dedino dvo- rište. A kad već uđe, čitav dan bi tu mogao da ostane. U planu je i gost iznenađenja, čije ime se još uvek dr- ži u tajnosti. Kuća je otvorena za sve, a naša zemlja je zasad jedina koja se odrekla prihoda od ulaznica.

12 | Promo » Promo

NEW DIMENSION OF TRADITION, CULTURE AND SPORTS THE SERBIAN HOUSE During the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympics, from 26 th July until 11 th August, Serbia will be presented through the “Serbian House” project

FOLLOWING A MULTIFUNCTIO- NAL, CREATIVE AND ORIGINAL ar- tistic setting, with the help of modern technological solutions, the best of what we can boast of to the world wi- ll be brought together under one ro- of. The sporting history of Serbia, inc- luding the results and medals of our Olympians, cultural heritage, tradi- tion and gastronomy are just some of the segments that will find a pla- ce within the Serbian House. At the same time, everything that Serbia represents today will be promoted: achievements in science, the appli- cation of modern technologies, EX- PO 2027. Roots The Serbian House, within which the "Roots" project will be presented, is conceived as a place for all-day gatherings. It will be located in the Parc de la Villette, right next to the host venue of the Olympic Games. Many countries targeted this locati- on, but Serbia was the one to get it. When the Pavilion Doors Open... The Serbian House is envisa- ged as a multifunctional centre, whi- ch includes the concept of an "obje- ct within an object". By entering such a space, visitors enter a new dimen- sion, in the true sense of the word. The interior architecture is such that the penetration of natural exterior li- ghting is eliminated. A dramatic bre- ak is thus created from the entran- ce to the central hall, where the main art exhibition is located. The sculptu- re in question is 6.5 metres tall and symbolises the tree of life from which everything originates. The play of so- unds, scents and movement is pre- sent at every step. The imaginative- ly designed rotating hall plays with the psychology of the observer – the

audience is on the stage, while the setting extends along the entire len- gth of the hall. The Programme The Serbian House was conce- ived as a place where you can feel the scents, sounds, movement, and even the gastronomy of our region. Thanks to the Archives of Yugoslavia, rich documentary material has been provided. Thousands of artefacts re- lated to the past Olympic participa- tion of Yugoslavia, i.e., Serbia, that were previously out of the public eye have now been unveiled. One of the ideas is to use various technical algo- rithms to bring the walls of the pavili- on to life with the movement and co- lour of Nadežda Petrović, while the attention of the world public will on-

ce again be drawn to greats like Tesla, Milanković and many others. One se- ction of the pavilion has been set asi- de for chefs who will prepare specia- lities of Serbian cuisine in real time. A Winning Team Such a serious project couldn’t be realised without a large and co- ordinated team. The ARTBEAT team, headed by Dušan Jovović, author of the design, is in charge of the crea- tive works. The leading contractor is the Government of the Republic of Serbia, along with the Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Serbia, the Olympic Committee of Serbia and the Serbian Embassy in Paris. Serbia, the Host The Serbian House in Paris wi- ll be open from 10am to 10pm. Al- though visitors from all over the wor- ld are expected, the language barrier shouldn’t prove a problem. It was the author’s wish for anyone entering the Serbian House be overcome wi- th emotion, as if having stepped in- to their grandparents’ backyard. And once in, one could spend all day the- re. A surprise guest is also planned, with the name still being kept secret. The house is open to everyone and, for the time being, our country is the only participant to have waived an entrance fee.

The Serbian House was conceived as a place where you can feel the scents, sounds, movement, and even the gastronomy of our region

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Na letu

On board



Avioni su magična inspiracija / Aeroplanes are magical inspiration

Nevena: Avioni su savršeno sredstvo prevoza jer su brzi i lako vas odvedu na neka daleka mesta. U izvesnom smislu su i magični jer prkose vreme- nu i zakonima fizike! Nataša: Volim da letim i nekako je moćan ose- ćaj da možeš lako da pređeš od jednog do dru- gog mesta. Jelena: Meni je poletanje omiljeni deo leta jer je uzbudljivo! Inspiraciju za neke od stihova pe- sama napisala sam upravo pri poletanju na razli- čitim letovima kada smo putovale na koncerte. Kako provodite vreme na letu? Nevena: Čitam. Uvek imam neku knjigu pri ruci. Nataša: Slušam muziku. Volim da poslušam neki novi album, to me opušta. Jelena: Zavisi od dužine leta, ali volim da be- ležim neke stihove. Najčešće nam prijaju puto- vanja i koristimo vreme da odspavamo i napuni- mo baterije. Šta uvek nosite sa sobom u avion? Nevena: Gitaru! Nataša: Uvek sa sobom imam kozmetičku tor- bicu sa putnom kozmetikom, garderobu koju mo- gu da obučem ako mi je hladno, sunčane naočare, nakit i nešto šminke. Jelena: Olovku, neku malenu svesku za be- leške, jer inspiracija ne bira vreme i mesto, šnale za kosu, naočare za sunce i rezervnu garderobu i obuću u kabinskom prtljagu. Nekad se promeni čitavo godišnje doba dok sletimo na destinaciju.

Nevena: Aeroplanes are the perfect means of trans- port, because they are fast and able to easily take you to some distant places. They are also magical in a certain sense, because they defy time and the laws of physics! Nataša : I love to fly and in a way it’s a powerful feel- ing to be able to easily cross from one place to another. Jelena: Take-off is my favourite part of the flight, because it’s exciting! I was inspired to write some song lyrics right as we were taking off on different flights when travelling to concerts. How do you spend your time during a flight? Nevena: I read. I always have some book at hand. Nataša: I listen to music. I like to listen to some new album. That relaxes me. Jelena: That depends on the length of the flight, but I like to write down some lyrics. We mostly enjoy travel- ling and use the time to sleep and recharge our batteries. What do you always carry with you on a plane? Nevena : A guitar! Nataša : I always have a cosmetic bag with travel cosmetics, extra clothes that I can put on if I’m cold, sunglasses, jewellery and some make-up. Jelena: A pen and some small notebook, because inspiration doesn’t choose a time and place, hair grips, sunglasses and spare clothes and shoes in my carry-on luggage. The entire season sometimes changes by the time we land in our destination.

The Frajle, muzička grupa music band

Ko su „The Frajle“ „The Frajle“ – Nataša Mihajlović, Jelena i Nevena Buča – regional- na senzacija iz Novog Sada, osvajaju publiku još od 2009. godi- ne. Muzički stil prožet je pop zvukom, sving ritmovima, panonskom melanholijom, ženskom duhovitošću, višeglasjem i originalnom in- terpretacijom. U 15. godinu postojanja zakoračile su s brojnim hi- tovima koje pevaju s publikom na velikoj turneji u čast jubileja. Go- dine lete, nižu se bezvremene pesme koje mame i osmehe i setu. Nataša, Nevena i Jelena su često u avionima Er Srbije, kojom uvek rado lete.

WHO ARE THE FRAJLE? The Frajle – Nataša Mihajlović, Jelena and Nevena Buča – are a re- gional sensation from Novi Sad that have been winning over audienc- es since 2009. Their musical style is infused with pop sounds, swing rhythms, Pannonian melancholy, female wit, multiple vocals and origi- nal interpretation. They entered the 15 th year of their existence with nu- merous hits that they perform together with the audience on a major tour in honour of their anniversary. The years fly by and timeless songs that make one smile accumulate. Nataša, Nevena and Jelena are often aboard Air Serbia planes and always enjoy their flights.

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„Frajle“ bi sa Er Srbijom najradije letele u Kinu ili Njujork jer najviše vole duge letove sa srpskom avio- kompanijom The Frajle would prefer to fly to China or New York with Air Serbia, because long flights with the Serbian airline are their favourite

Tekst / Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije / Photography: Andreja Damjanović



Jeste li gladni Italije? Are you hungry for Italy? Italija je poznata po svojoj gastronomskoj sceni i jedna je od najboljih zemalja na svetu ako ste lju- bitelj hrane. Od napuljskih pica do ukusnog sla- doleda, nikada neć ete ostati gladni jer su opcije beskrajne. Svaki region ima svoju jedinstvenu ku- hinju, ali Bolonja, odmilja poznata kao prestonica hrane Italije, ipak zauzima centralno mesto. Narav- no, kulinarska čuda se tu ne zaustavljaju – čitajte dalje da biste otkrili koji je grad čuven po kom spe - cijalitetu. Er Srbija ima direktne letove za sve ove ukusne lokacije, tako da je vreme da ogladnite i od- letite u Italiju! Italy is famed for its gastronomic scene and is among the world’s best countries to visit if you’re a foodie. From Neapolitan pizzas to the delicious gela- to, you’ll never get hungry with the endless options. Each region has its own unique cuisine, but Bologna, affectionately known as the “foodie capital” of Italy, takes centre stage. The culinary wonders don’t stop there, of course – read on to discover which city is famous for which speciality. Air Serbia has direct fli- ghts to all of the tasty cities, so it’s time to get hun- gry and head to Italy!

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BOLONJA i parmezan Dom je klasika kao što su ta- ljatele al ragu (poznati kao špageti bolonjeze), tortelini, sir parmiđano ređano, mor - tadela i balzamiko, pa nije čudo što je Bolonja krunisa - na kao kulinarska prestoni- ca Italije. Grad je raj za ljubi- telje hrane. I to je samo vrh ledenog brega. Verovatno ste navikli da ih zovete špageti bolonjeze, ali u Bolonji to zovu taljatele al ragu. Bez obzira na to kako ga nazvali, ovaj izdašni sos od mesa koji se servira sa testeninom omiljeno je je- lo i lokalcima i turistima. Ra- gu se priprema mlevenjem luka, šargarepe i celera, koji se polako kuvaju sa svinjeti- nom, govedinom i bujonom, i to satima, dok meso ne omekša i arome se ne ugra- de u sos. Ali Bolonja je takođe rodno mesto mnogih drugih spe- cijaliteta. A eto balzamiko di Modena je jedinstven za- čin koji se proizvodi u regio - nu Emilija–Romanja još od srednjeg veka. To je gusto, sirupasto sirć e napravljeno od grožđa trebijano i lambru - sko odležalog do 25 godina u drvenim bačvama, koje mu daju intenzivan ukus, za ra- zliku od bilo kog drugog bal- zamika koje biste pronaš- li van Italije. Pravi a eto je slađi od drugih zbog viso - ke koncentracije šeć era i ni - skog nivoa kiselosti. Nijedan vodič za hranu iz Bolonje ne bi bio potpun bez pominjanja mortadele ko- ja je meso ovog grada. Nać i ć ete ga na picama, u delici - jama, na pijaci i na bilo kojoj dasci za meze. Postoje čak

i lokalne prodavnice sendvi- ča koje služe samo one sa mortadelom. Ukratko, to je emulgovana svinjska koba- sica, što znači da se svi sa - stojci sipaju u omotač i ku -

vaju na pari. Niste zaista „probali“ Bolo- nju dok niste jeli parmiđano ređano. U njegovoj proizvod - nji koristi se samo viso- kokvalitetno kravlje mleko. Kada se sir stvrdne, iseče se na blokove i stavi u veli- ke metalne bačve sa slanom vodom. Ovaj proces mu da- je taj jedinstveni ukus. Ko- načno, ostavlja se između 12 i 36 meseci pre nego što bude spreman za jelo. Sa 12 meseci sir je još uvek prilič - no svež i mlečan, dobar za punjenje testenina ili preliv. Međutim, najbolji je tek kad napuni dve godine. Grana padano je mlađi brat parme - zana, a napravili su ga mo- nasi u 12. veku. Pravi se od kravljeg mleka i stari izme- đu devet meseci i dve godi - ne. Iako je po ukusu sličan parmezanu, grana padano je generalno blaži, uglavnom zbog činjenice da nije toliko dugo odležao. Preporučuje - mo vam da probate oba, pa vidite koji vam je draži.

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na is a unique condiment that has been produced in the Emi- lia-Romagna region since me- dieval times. A thick, syrupy vinegar made from Trebbia- no and Lambrusco grapes, it is subsequently aged for up to 25 years in wooden barrels, gi- ving it an intense flavour that’s unlike any other balsamic vine- gar you’d find outside of Italy. True Aceto is sweeter than ot- hers due to its high concentra- tion of sugar content and low acidity levels. No Bologna food guide would be complete without mentio- ning mortadella - the meat of Bologna. You’ll find it on top of pizzas, in delis, at the market and on any charcuterie board. There are even local sandwich shops that only serve one wi- th mortadella. In short, it is an emulsified pork sausage. That means that all the ingredients are stuffed into a casing and steamed until the entire thing is cooked through. You haven’t truly tasted Bolo- gna until you’ve tried Parmigia- no Reggiano. It is made using only high-quality cow’s milk. After the cheese hardens, it is cut into blocks and placed in big metal drums with salt wa- ter. This process helps give it its unique flavour. Finally, it is aged between 12 and 36 mon- ths before being ready to eat. At 12 months old, the chee- se is still quite fresh and milky, good for filling or topping pa - sta. However, the best cheese starts at two years of age. Gra- na Padano is the little brother to Parmesan cheese that was created by 12 th -century monks. It is made from cow’s milk and aged between nine months and two years. While similar in flavour to Parmigiano Reg- giano, Grana Padano is milder overall, mostly due to the fa- ct it isn’t aged as long. We re- commend comparing the two cheeses side by side to see which you prefer.

BOLOGNA and Parmigiano Home to classics like taglia- telle al ragu, tortellini, Parmi- giano Reggiano cheese, mor- tadella, balsamic vinegar and richly flavoured cured meat, it’s no wonder Bologna has been crowned Italy’s culinary capital. The city is a food-lovers paradi- se. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg... You’re probably used to calling it Spaghetti Bolognese, but in Bologna they call it tagliatelle al ragù. No matter what you call it, this hearty dish of pa- sta and a meaty sauce is a be- loved go-to for locals and touri- sts alike. The ragu is prepared by mincing onion, carrots and celery, which are then slow-co- oked together with pork, beef and broth for hours, until the meat is tender and the flavours enrich the entire sauce. Bologna is also the birthpla- ce of many other Italian dis- hes. Aceto Balsamico di Mode-

Aćeto balzamiko di Modena je jedinstven začin koji se proizvodi u regionu Emilija–Romanja još od srednjeg veka Aceto Balsamico di Modena is a unique condiment that has been produced in the Emilia-Romagna region since medieval times

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95 min.

RIM i tri paste Meštani su strastveni pre- ma svakom obroku, razmišlja- ju o tome kako se njihova jela prave, a restorani oko drev- nog grada stalno usavršava- ju umetnost spravljanja tradi- cionalne rimske hrane. Rim je poznat po brojnim jelima i sa- stojcima, a mi ć emo vas pro - vesti kroz najpoznatije... A daleko najpoznatije rimsko jelo je KAĆO E PEPE. Njego - va jednostavnost ilustruje le- potu italijanske kuhinje. Prva od poznatog rimskog trija te- stenina, ova pasta je krema- sta, sirasta, biberna radost. Doslovni prevod je jednostav- no „sir i biber“, koji čine sušti - nu ovog neverovatnog jela.

Još jedno od poznatih italijan- skih jela od testenine (možda prvo u Srbiji) PASTA KARBO- NARA je najnoviji rimski izum, koji se pojavio na jelovnici- ma pedesetih i šezdesetih go- dina. Neki tvrde da ime poti- če od karbonara, kopača uglja koji bi ovo pripremili na vatri. Bili su im potrebni sastojci ko- ji bi se lako čuvali, a Rimlja - ni svakako vole da im jela od testenina budu jednostavna. Obično postoje četiri sastojka pored same testenine u kar- bonari: guanciale (italijansko suvo meso nalik slanini), sve- ža jaja, crni biber i pekorino romano sir. A sve to je savrše- no izbalansirano na nepcima. Poslednja testenina koju ovde pokrivamo je PASTA AMATRI-

Kaćo e pepe / Cacio e pepe

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ROME and three pastas

would be easily preserved and Romans like to keep pasta dis- hes simple. Besides the pasta it- self, Carbonara usually contains four ingredients: guanciale (a bacon-like Italian cured meat), fresh eggs, black pepper and pecorino romano cheese - per- fectly balanced on your palate. The final Roman pasta we’re covering here is PASTA AMA- TRICIANA. Some may think that Italy and tomatoes go hand in hand, but tomatoes actually didn’t arrive in the co- untry until the 17 th century. Des- pite that, they made pasta sau- ce a staple Italian food across the world. Pasta Amatriciana was said to be born out of gri- cia sauce, which is made wi- th just olive oil, guanciale, black pepper and pecorino cheese. Legend has it that people in Amatrice added tomatoes to their gricia sauce to create this deliciously rich dish. The ingre- dients today remain the same for a classic Amatriciana: toma- to sauce, guanciale and peco- rino cheese. Though people in Amatrice only make this dish with spaghetti, you’ll find it with bucatini noodles in Rome.

The locals are passionate abo- ut their meals and opinionated about how their dishes are ma- de, while the restaurants around this ancient city have perfected the art of traditional Roman fo- od. Rome is famous for coun- tless dishes and ingredients, and we will take you through the most iconic meals. The most famous Roman dish by far is CACIO E PEPE. Its sim- plicity illustrates the beauty of Italian cuisine. The first of Ro - me’s famous pasta trio, this pa- sta is a creamy, cheesy, peppery joy. The literal translation is sim- ply “cheese and pepper”, whi- ch make up the majority of this amazing dish. Another of Italy’s famous pasta dishes (maybe the most popular in Serbia), PA- STA CARBONARA is the most recent Roman invention, having only appeared on menus in the 1950s and ‘60s. Some argue that the name comes from Car- bonari, coal workers, who wo- uld prepare the dish over a fi - re. They needed ingredients that

Pasta amatrićana / Pasta Amatricana

Žumance je ključ dobre karbonare jer se u Italiji jelo nikada ne pravi sa dodatkom pavlake Egg yolk is the key to a good Carbonara because the dish is never made with the addition of cream in Italy

ĆANA. Neki možda misle da Italija i paradajz idu ruku pod ruku, ali u stvari paradajz je stigao u zemlju tek u 17. ve- ku. Uprkos tome, napravili su sos koji čini osnovu italijan - ske hrane širom sveta. Ama- tri ana je nastala od sosa koji se pravi samo od maslinovog ulja, gvancijala (dimljeni svinj- ski obrazi), crnog bibera i pe- korina. Legenda kaže da su ljudi u Amatriču dodali para - dajz u svoj sos stvarajuć i ovo ukusno bogato jelo. Sastoj- ci danas ostaju isti za klasič - nu amatri anu: paradajz sos, gvancijale i pekorino sir. Iako u Amatriču prave ovo jelo sa - mo sa špagetima, u Rimu ć e - te ga nać i sa rezancima bu - katini.

Pasta karbonara / Pasta Carbonara

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KATANIJA i ulična hrana Zamislite sebe kako se izle- žavate pod stablima naran - dže, maslina i badema na obroncima planine Etne dok uživate u organskim sire - vima lokalno proizvedenim kao što je kačokavalo (itali - janski sir jedinstven za juž - nu Italiju), provolone, mo- carela i gorgonzola. Treba li reć i više? Mediteransko ostrvo Sicilija ima mnogo vi- še da ponudi od netaknu- tih plaža, lokacija Unesko - ve baštine i planinarenja uz aktivni vulkan. U stvari, Sici - lija se smatra jednim od naj- boljih mesta u Italiji za ulič - nu hranu! Ta titula je rezervisana za malu kuglicu prženog pirin - ča koja nosi ime arančini. To je neprikosnoveni kralj tipič - ne sicilijanske ulične hrane. Tradicionalno se puni jed- nim od dva nadeva: puterom ili raguom. Poslednjih godi- na omiljeno vegetari- jansko filovanje a

CATANIA and street food Picture yourself lounging under orange, olive and almond trees on the slopes of Mount Etna as you feast on organic, locally produced cheeses like cacioca- vallo (an Italian cheese unique to southern Italy), provolone, mozzarella and gorgonzola, and sip on Etna wines that are all produced right there on the farm. Need we say more? The

Mediterranean island of Sicily has more to offer than pristine beaches, UNESCO heritage si- tes and stellar hiking adventu- res up an active volcano. In fa- ct, it is considered one of Italy’s best places for street food! That title is reserved for a small ball of fried rice that goes by the name Arancini - the undis- puted king of typical Sicilian street food. It is traditionally served with two fillings: butter or ragu. In recent years, the ve- getarian favourite à la norma fi - lling – fried aubergines – has also began to trickle into the many rosticeria where this deli- cacy is enjoyed. You must also try la granita – the typical breakfast here that’s not to be missed. This icy deli- ght comes in various flavours, such as lemon, almond, straw- berry and, of course, pistac- hio. Enjoy it in one of the many cafes accompanied by a soft and fragrant brioche, strictly 'col tuppo' (typical Sicilian brioches characterised by the inclusion of a “hat” in the upper part).

la norma (prže - ni patlidžan) ta - kođe je počelo obilno da se služi.

Takođe, mo - rate da pro- bate granitu – tipičan sicili - janski užitak ovde se ne može propusti -

ti. Ledena poslastica do- lazi u raznim ukusima kao što su limun, badem, jago- da i, naravno, pista i. Uživaj - te u nekom od brojnih kafi - ć a uz mekani i mirisni brioš kol tupo (tipični sicilijanski brioš koji ima šešir u gor- njem delu).

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105 min.

MILAN and risotto

Milan is known as Italy’s fas- hion and design capital, but it is also one of the top foodie destinations in Italy and the world. The famed Risotto alla Milanese, divine and incompa- rable, with its splendid and ini- mitable yellow hue, is delica- te, sophisticated and indeed deep and intense in flavour. It is often made with ingredients like saffron, mushrooms, or seafood and has a creamy texture. Then come the dishes that warm you up, “survival” dishes, such as ossobuco: a typical delicacy of Milane- se cuisine that is often served on a bed of yellow Risotto alla Milanese. The name comes from ossbus, which means a ‘bone with a hole’ in the local dialect and refers to the cut of veal that is used: a slice of the shin in which the round secti- on of bone is surrounded by tender meat. The bone is filled with tasty marrow that can be scooped out with a spoon. The recipe for ossobuco appe- ared in cookbooks as early as the 18 th century, but over the centuries it has been modified in various ways. An essential ingredient for this dish is gre- molada, a finely-ground pa - ste of garlic, lemon peel and parsley, added just before ser- ving for an extra dash of colo- ur and taste. At the end something sweet. Panettone, the quintessen- tial Milanese cake, has ruled the Christmas table from the 15 th century onwards becau- se of its softness and delica- cy. In the past, it was a Mila- nese well-kept secret, while it can now be found all over the world.

MILANO i rižoto

U Milanu i dalje koriste maslinovo ulje, ali kuvaju sa mnogo više putera nego što je to uobičajeno u vecini drugih delova Italije The Milanese still use olive oil, but they cook with way more butter than is the norm in most other parts of Italy

va razrađivan i modifikovan na različite načine. Osnovni sastojak ovog jela je gremo- lada, fino mlevena pasta od belog luka, kore limuna i per- šuna, koja se dodaje nepo- sredno pre serviranja za do- datnu boju i ukus. Na kraju nešto slatko – pa - netone, esencijalna milanska torta koja vlada božić nom tr - pezom od 15. veka naova - mo zbog svoje mekoć e i de - likatnosti. Nekada je to bila milanska dobro čuvana taj - na, a sada se može nać i ši - rom sveta.

Milano je poznat kao itali- janska prestonica mode i di- zajna, ali je takođe jedna od najboljih destinacija za gur- mane u Italiji i svetu. Čuveni rižoto a la milanjeze, božan - stven i neuporediv, sa svojom sjajnom i neponovljivom žu - tom nijansom, delikatan je, sofisticiran i zaista intenziv - nog ukusa. Pravi se od sasto- jaka poput šafrana, pečura - ka ili morskih plodova i ima kremastu teksturu. A zatim tu su i jela koja vas zagreju, jela za ’opstanak’, kao što je osobuko. To je tipična poslastica mi - lanske kuhinje i često se služi ’na krevetu’ od žutog rižota. Naziv potiče od ’oss - bus’, što na lokalnom dijalek- tu znači kost sa rupom i od - nosi se na teleć i komad koji se koristi – deo potkolenice sa srži koja se može izvadi - ti kašikom. Recept za osobu- ko pojavio se u kuvarima još u 18. veku, ali je tokom veko-

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Definitivno cete želeti da posetite Napulj da biste jeli Napolitanu You’ll definitely want to visit Naples to sample the iconic Neapolitana

NAPLES and pizza

Ah, pizza! It needs no introdu- ction. While countless varie- ties of pizza have evolved over the centuries, the granddaddy of them all remains the Neapo- litan pizza, so you’ll definitely want to visit Naples to sample this iconic food favourite. The key to a great pizza Napoletana is to keep it simple and let the ingredients shine – dough, fre- sh tomatoes and fresh mozza- rella. Add basil for the classic pizza Margherita. The crust is extremely thin, so the pizza is cooked very briefly and at very high temperatures. Buffalo mozzarella, the star of this pizza, originates from the Campania region. After trying the local mozzarella, you mi- ght feel like you’ve never really tried this product before. The name comes from the Italian verb mozzare, which means to cut off – representing the next step in the process after the si- lky cheese dough has been re- moved from the boiling water. Just as the taste of mozzarella hasn’t changed much over the last 700 years, neither has the cheese’s short shelf life: this da- iry product is not even called cheese in Italian and it must be eaten within 48 hours of produ- ction, which means that you’ve never tried a real mozzarella un- til you’ve visited Campania.

NAPULJ i pica

ni proizvod se na italijanskom čak i ne zove sir i mora se po - jesti u roku od 48 sati od pro- izvodnje. Što znači? Da, znači da nikada niste probali pra- vu mocarelu pre nego što ste otišli u Kampanju.

Ah, pica! Nju ne treba pred- stavljati. Dok su bezbrojne vr- ste evoluirale tokom vekova, „tata“ svih njih ostala je na- puljska pica, hrana koju mo- rate probati u tom gradu. Da- kle, definitivno ć ete želeti da posetite Napulj da biste je- li napolitanu – testo, svež pa - radajz i sveža mocarela. Do - dajte bosiljak za klasičnu margaritu. Kora je izuzetno tanka, a pica se peče kratko na visokim temperaturama. Bufalo mocarela je zvezda ove pice, a potiče iz regiona Kampanja. Nakon što probate lokalnu mocarelu, možda ć ete se zapitati da li ste ikada rani- je probali ovaj proizvod. Naziv potiče od italijanskog glago - la mozzare, što znači odseć i, što je sledeć i korak u proce - su kada se svilenkasto testo od sira ukloni iz ključale vode. Kao što se ukus mocarele nije mnogo promenio u poslednjih 700 godina, tako nije ni kratak rok trajanja sira: ovaj mleč -

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VENECIJA i rizi bizi

Kao grad koji se nalazi na vodi, ima smisla što je ku- hinja u Veneciji bazirana na svežim morskim plodovima. A, s obzirom na bogatu isto- riju grada kao važnog me - đunarodnog centra trgovine, venecijanska kuhinja je do- nekle dužna hrani iz celog sveta, po- sebno bliskoi- stočnoj.

Bigoli u sal- si je tradici- onalna ve- necijanska

Bigoli in salsa is a traditio- nal Venetian food that’s tai- lor-made for seafood lovers. Usually served as a starter, this simple but delicious dish consists of a long, thick, who- lewheat pasta called bigoli that’s coated in a sauce ma- de from onions and salt-cu- red anchovies or sardines. The Venetian answer to Spa- nish tapas, cicchetti, are al- so a must in Venice. Different types exist and they are usu- ally enjoyed with a glass of wine or a typical drink, such as the Aperol Spritz. Seafood and fish have a special pla - ce in the heart of Venetians and have led to special dis- hes, such as the black spa- ghetti dish that’s made with squid ink. Don’t forget Risi e bisi (rice and peas), a classic Venetian dish that you’ll find as a star - ter at trattorias across the ci- ty, but it can often be a me- al in itself and is traditionally served on 25 th April for the Feast of San Marco and the celebration of spring.

klopa skroje- na za ljubite- lje morskih plo- dova. Obično se služi

kao predjelo, a sastoji se od dugačke, guste testenine od celog zrna pšenice zvane bi- goli, premazane sosom od luka i soljenih inć una ili sar - dina. Takođe, venecijanski odgovor na španske tapa- se, ciketi, obavezni su za je- lo u Veneciji. Postoje različi - te vrste, a obično se u njima uživa uz čašu vina ili tipično pić e kao što je aperol spric. Plodovi mora i riba imaju posebno mesto u srcu Mle- čana, a posebno jela poput crnih špageta od mastila od lignje. Ne zaboravite rizi bizi (piri- nač i grašak), klasično vene - cijansko jelo koje ć ete na - ć i kao predjelo u tratorijama širom grada, ali često mo - že da bude i samo po sebi obrok. Tradicionalno se slu- ži 25. aprila na praznik Sve - tog Marka u slavu proleć a.

VENICE and Risi e bisi As a city perched over water, it only makes sense that Ve- nice’s cuisine would featu- re exceptionally fresh seafo- od. And given the city’s rich history as an important inter- national hub of commerce, traditional Venetian cuisine is somewhat indebted to foods from around the world, parti- cularly the Middle East.

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