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"Heaven and earth are full of Thee, Heaven and earth are praising Thee, O Lord most high!”
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“ACCIDENTALLY” ( ( A ccidentally ,” w r i t e s a J~\ friend, “I learned of your work, and I want you to know what a rich blessing has come into my life ever since.” And we answered him, “Noth ing ever comes by accident to the child of God. The Psalmist says, “The steps of a good man are or dered by the Lord.” And we con sider it a providential accident—?;, an accident ordered by the Lord.” And to you who read these lines, we can wish no greater joy than that you should some day meet with the same accident. If you have never exercised prayer and sympathy in the work of carrying the Gospel message to those “ of whom according to the flesh, Christ came,” you have a new joy awaiting you. Our files are replete with testimonies of those who have “ been there” and know. Some day you too will adven ture with God, and then you too will thank God for the great “ac cident.” But we can’t force you to it—the urge must come by the Spirit of God. All we can do is to tell you about it; the rest is be tween you and God. Our work merits your every confidence. Our field is not only the 2,000,000 Jews of New York, but the 4,000,000 Jews of America. And- through co-operating mis sionaries we are represented, and our Yiddish publications are be ing distributed, in all the impor tant Jewish centers of the world. In America, Branches are being established in the larger cities as the Lord gives us the means and the workers. Your help and pray ers are always needed. “The Chosen People,” loved by many Bible students for its helpful in formation on Prophecy and the Jews, is sent to all contributors. May we hear from you? AMERICANBOARDOPMISSIONS TOTHEJEWS,INC. 31 Throop Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ask us for our free booklet, Jewish Mission Annuity Bonds.
S h e S i d l e T a m i l s O H a ^ l n e Motto: " Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood .”— R ev . 1:5.
Volume XXIV
March, 1933
Number 3
Crumbs from the King’s Tables—Stewart P. MacLennan:.............._ 82 The Transforming Power o f the Holy Ghost —John Gibson Inkster....................................................................... 84 The Troublous World Situation as Seen at Geneva — S. D. Gordon............,................................................................... 1 86 The Fivefold Function of the Church— Robert L. Evans................ 89 God and Gog and 1937 ( ? )^ L ou is S. Bauman................................. 91 The Bandit Menace in Manchuria— Rosalind Goforth.................... 93 Prayer, a Poison Flask, and a Changed Life— Alverta N. Dundas..,. 95 Bible Institute Family Circle^—Cutler B. Whitwell................. ......... 97 Our Literature Table...... ....................... ............................................... 98 Junior King’s Business—-Martha S. Hooker................ ....................... 99 Living Lessons from the Book of Life and Everyday Life - <*rr-Roy Talmage Brumbaugh...................................................... ...101 International Lesson Commentary...... .......................................... .......102 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Mary G. Goodner.............................I l l Daily Devotional Readings.................. ................................................ .115
ADVERTISING: For information with reference to ad vertising in THE KING'S BUSINESS address the Re ligious Press Assn., 825 North 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa., or North American Bldg., Chicago, I1L Entered as Second Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro vided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917. authorized October 1, 1918. TERMS: Single Copies............................................ 15c Annual Subscription ..................................................$ 1.50 Two-year subscription or two annual subscriptions 2.50
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POLICY AS DEFINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To make the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith.
536-558 S. Hope St., BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Los Angeles, Calif.
March, 1933
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
(C rum b s from THE K ING ’S TABLE . . . By the E ditor
ing socialism. None of us knows much about economics, but some preachers seem to know nothing at all. They are very apt to study under some half-baked college professor who has never handled a payroll or had any knowledge of practical affairs. Mr. Coolidge’s analysis is deadly accurate. The minis ter’s field is the Word o f God. To expound the Word of Godj and to show that Christian character is the character o f Christ implanted through the channel of faith and sus tained and built up by the Word, is the work of the minister. It is for him to show that Christianity is not an imita tion o f Christ, but an imputation o f the righteousness of God and the impartation of the life o f Christ in our hu man life. The Apostle Paul said, “ To me to live is Christ.” That is the message the minister should bring. Laying Foundations é 1II re an y college classmates or fraternity brothers o f yours ‘doing time’ in Sing Sing ?” Chaplain Anthony N. Petersen shocks the reader with the question. Then he goes on to tell us that “ some of our most highly respected families have been, and now are, represented by inmates o f Sing Sing who rub shoulders with other lawbreakers who were brought up amid the squalor and ignorance of city slums.” This great Protestant chaplain, who has spent years among unfortunate souls who have followed the wide path which leads to destruction, paints a sad and shameful story o f the ever-increasing number o f American college men who find a place in the “ Big House.” Much blame has been laid on the colleges, on their heretical teachings and false ideas of life. Some o f it is just. But Mr. Petersen devotes the last paragraphs o f his article to a truth which every Christian, yes, and every non- Christian, mother and father in America should heed. It would seem that, after all, it is not the college that was responsible for sending John to Sing Sing, but rather the home from which he went out unprepared for the greater freedom and larger responsibilities o f life in col lege, and after that, in the great world o f men. The solu tion of the problem is not to refrain from sending any more young people to college, but to see to it that they have a home which faces life squarely and honestly, with out foolish pretenses, unconvincing evasions, or over emphasis on superficialities. Have some real religion in his home; not just a formal church connection, but the kind of religion that is shown in a wholesome way in the daily life of his father and mother, the kind o f religion that will make him, also, want to do justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with his God. The boy that comes from such a home I should like to meet some day, but I shall never meet him in Sing Sing prison. In addition to such home surroundings, a year in the Bible Institute before your boy or girl enters college will equip him or her to stand the buffeting o f the stormy sea that is ahead. Why not send them out into life with clear ance papers for the right port ?
[T h e ed itoria ls this m onth are fu rn ish ed by D r. S tew a rt P . M acL en nan.] Dr, White Enters New Field e put a query to Dr. W . P. White. “ You have had an active and interesting life. Show us some of its high lights and shadows, that others may be inspired.” In his slow, deliberate way, he replied, “ My life is hid with Christ in God. That is all I can say.” What more need be said ? No man could give a grander testimony in the forty-sixth year of his active Christian service. Those who know him know that the hidden life is filled with hours o f prayer, sacrifice, and toil that the gospel o f the saving grace of Jesus Christ might reach the needy. Dr. White has just returned from a journey to the Far East. There he saw emphasized what he had already known, that the mature World had so hardened its heart and forgotten God 'that there seemed little human hope of change. It is to the youth of the world— those who are now building the superstructure of their lives— that Christianity must hand on her battle flag and sword o f the Spirit. With that vision in his mind, Dr. White has resigned from the executive work with the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles-, to fake up a ministry •with the University Bible Clubs, Inc. There his wisdom, his counsel, his clear-cut knowledge of “ whatsoever things are true” will be avail able to those who work among our young people in Ameri can colleges. Dr. White rendered a distinctive service to the Bible Institute. He came at a time o f crisis and exercised a steadying power in Institute affairs. When, because of financial stringency, it became necessary to reduce the num ber o f regular instructors, he secured the cooperation of well-known ministers who are giving their time and thought without financial compensation as faculty members in the Institute. The Institute has passed through many dark days, but we believe God intends it to live and to be a mighty center of truth on the Pacific Coast. Here in Los Angeles, where cults, multiply thick and fast, there is needed a great Chris tian Bible School and College. The prayers o f the readers of T he K ing ' s B usiness will follow Dr. White in his new enterprise and will continue to support and assist the great Bible Institute that must carry on. Coolidge and Christian Character an y th inkers and writers are giving attention to the various systems o f human government and are making recommendations for their change. It is for the Christian minister and teacher to carefully assess the situation- and emphatically and definitely show that it is the man in the system that must be changed— that Christian character is the only security. When the minister steps from his own field into that of economics, he becomes as ridiculous as many splendid scientists who leave their field o f endeavor to advise in the realm of Christian thinking. Mr.- Calvin Coolidge, in the Literary Digest, is reported to have said: I would not for a minute be critical o f the church or its work, but I think most o f the clergy today are preach
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
March, 1933
news shall be presented in all the world as a witness to all nations. The trials and anxieties of the world have cCmie to such a pitch that the preaching o f Christianity, to be effectual, must be related to these acute and alarming prob lems. This need is met by the preaching of the crown as well as o f the cross o f Jesus Christ. The true Christian policy certainly is to bring Jesus Christ Himself into connection with the very thoughts and interests which are distracting men from Him. This we can do by preaching the prophecy o f His return. This procla mation o f His glorious coming reign, too often ignored in Christian preaching, finds its supreme necessity in the glory which it casts upon His name.
The Things Not Seen U L | hat we see impresses u s; what we do not see makes little impression.” These are the words of a world-famous journalist. They apply to me as I write, and to you as you read. We see the hunger on the face o f a street-beggar and give him a dime. We see the longing in a child’s face and buy him a toy. But often we fail to think beyond that which we see, we fail to think o f the unseen things— the great darkness in the human heart o f the beggar that knows not God, the dire poverty of a child with a well-fed body and a starved spirit. The misery and squaldr, darkness and degradation, that enshrouds those at home or abroad who neither know nor honor God are often unseen things, and so they impress us little. We content ourselves with “ doing our bit” to ward making living or working conditions better, or our school system more efficient. All this is splendid, and we would not minimize its place ; but these things are the seen things. In the Bible Institute of Los Angeles there is sacrifice, hardship, prayer, and real work going on that young men and women may be prepared to deal with the unseen things. You cannot see the lives of these students and faculty, or the work which they may be called to do. I f you live at a distance, you cannot even see the Institute buildings. But it is all very real. Pray that God may open your eyes to the unseen things. The Bible Institute will welcome your gift, large or small, to be applied to the work of giving the gospel to a world of need. The World’s Best-Seller & n international lecturer on “ How T o Make Money” is now offering his courses to the Los Angeles pub lic. He does not speak on spiritual matters, but when the question reached him through his pre-address question box, “ What book could a young man read that would best ground him for life?” he unhesitatingly replied, “ The Bible.”; - ; Let every scoffer, denier, and “ higher-thinker” who be lieves that the Bible is out-of-date and a literary dream take notice— it was not a preacher who declared this truth but a “ hard-headed business man.” B y C hristabel P ankhurst he world-wide upheaval of this our modern day should have been generally foreseen, because it is clearly predicted in the Bible, which also predicts the ensuing remedy by the personal and powerful return of the Lord Jesus Christ. The vast extent and the many-sidedness of the existing crisis in human affairs, different as it is from any other crisis of times past, justify us in expecting the Lord’s early return. The Zionward aspiration among modern Jewry is another sign and indication o f the approaching fulfillment of the Messianic predictions found in the Old and New Testa ments; The hour has struck for statesmen, business lead ers, lawyers, educationalists, and leaders of opinion gen erally to give serious attention to these many evidences of the truth of Biblical predictions whose fulfillment will cul minate in the divine intervention of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Without the truth of His coming as the righteous King, the Prince of Peace, the Christian message is shorn of a vital appeal. He has imperatively commanded that in the critical upheaval of the latter days, the good Signs of the Lord’s Return T
' . s u s C D r H B t e s u s o ¿ / r i n K S B y A lice E. S herwood i n e
Q & L n g
“1 will not drink henceforth of this fruit o f the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom ” —M att . 26:29. Long years have passed since Jesus sat within the upper room, And ate the sacred Passover, ’mid shadows of the tomb, The morrow, with its tragedy, loomed darkly, just ahead, As Jesus drank the ruby wine and broke memorial bread. The little band, so weak, so small, so anxious and afraid, In sorrow harkened to each word, as promises He made, “ Let not your heart be troubled, in My Father’s home above, Are glorious mansions, I prepare, for these dear ones I love.” ;; He promised strength, and grace, and care, the Holy Spirit’s pow’r, He promised to be with them still, through every anguished . hour. But marvelous the promise which they could not understand, Its glorious mystery withheld from e’en this loved band, “ I will not drink,” the Master said, “ the fruitage o f the vine, Until ‘that day’ I drink it new, with you, the heavenly wine.” Perchance they thought that once again, in some glad fu ture day, They’d sit -around a table, small, in their accustomed way; But could they look adown the years, that stretched so far ahead, And see the vast, vast multitudes, who break memorial bread, Could they, in vision, then, perceive the myriad hosts who heard, And who believed find followed Jesus at their preached word, The men from every tribe and tongue, from every race and clime, Who’ll be assembled in “ that day,” when Jesus drinks the wine? O ye, who love the Lord today, do not your spirits thrill With glorious rapture, when you think that Jesus waited still, Until you, too, could share that feast, the supper of the blest, And, in the Father’s kingdom, know eternal peace and rest ? Oh, rapturous thought, oh, glorious day, oh, festival divine! The Marriage Supper o f the Lamb, when Jesus drinks the wine!
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N Ê S S
March, 1933
POWER o f lie Ç J t o ly f f lio s {
é J tie ^ t r a n s f o rm in g
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T HE H oly G host was in the world be fore Pentecost. His moral and spiritual influence was similar in former dispensa tions to His influence in this dispensation. But there were these differences. In former dispensations, He came at certain times, in certain places, on certain persons—usually great ones. When He had finished His work, He returned to the realms of the Godhead. But at Pentecost, God the Holy Ghost came, as God the Son had promised, to abide. God the Son is not here today as He was in the days of His flesh; but God the Holy Ghost is. In this dispensation, He comes “ upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, . . . And on my servants and on .my handmaidens will I pour out in
coward, who was afraid o f a single maid, faced the angry mob o f the city and charged them with murder o f which they were guilty. How can we account for the change ? God the Holy Ghost transformed and sanc tified the powers o f Peter’s mind, so that his whole character was changed and sta bilized. Nor is this an unusual experience. Ever since Pentecost, God the Holy Ghost has been coming down upon men and women, and by His supernatural power transform ing their character and filling their lives with usefulness and service for God and the world. A few years ago, there was a little Scot tish maid working in one o f the jute fac tories in Dundee— so timid, bashful, and re
those days o f my Spirit; and they shall prophesy.” I won der if we Christians realize this— not fully, I am very sure. The church of God has only one King and Head, even God the Son. She can have only one, otherwise she would not be a body, but a monstrosity. So also she has only one Leadei— God the Holy Ghost. So long as she follows His leadership, she goes on “ fair as the sun, clear as the moon, and terrible as an army with banners.” But whenever she leaves His leadership and follows a man, or men, there is always trouble. When the church was formed and even beyond the apostolic days, she recognized the leadership, o f God the Holy Ghost. But by the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church had dethroned the Holy Ghost from His place of leadership, and the Pope had usurped His place. All the errors, corruptions, and trouble in the Roman Catholic Church are due directly to this great sin against the Holy Ghost. Likewise, the Protestant Church, as such, has ceased to follow His leadership. As a consequence, we see the many schisms and divisions of Protestantism, which are a constant reproach to the name o f Christ. T he P reacher The influence and power of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost was marvelous— if was supernatural. W e see His powerful influence most clearly on Peter. Naturally, Peter was a very ordinary man. There are plenty o f men in any congre gation equal and superior to the natural man Peter. He was a Galilean fisherman. There is much to be admired in him, but he had many and great limitations. He was impet uous and impulsive. He was uneducated and uncultured. Further, he was a coward; he was afraid of one little Jew ish maiden. •He was also disloyal; he avowed his loyalty to his Lord and then denied Him with cursing and swearing. But one day the supernatural power o f God the Holy Ghost came down upon Peter and transformed him. This uneducated and Uncultured fisherman composed and deliv ered one o f the greatest sermons o f all time; and this *Minister, Knox Church.
tiring that when the whistle blew at the end o f the day, she would rush out and hurry home, stealing along close up to the tenements, lest any one should stop and speak to her. But one day God the Holy Ghost came with His supernatural power, lifted Mary ¿lessor out o f that fac tory, and placed her in the heart o f Africa in the midst of the fiercest o f the tribes. She was the means o f turning many o f them to God, and over them she ruled with greatei power and perfection than the arm of the Imperial army. God the Holy Ghost was again powerful in His work o f transformation. When Peter preached on the day of Pentecost, there was business transacted in the interests o f the kingdom and for all etérnity ; because it was a Holy Ghost sermon, there were four very marked effects. T he E ffect on S inners Sinners’ hearts were pierced, and 3,000 were converted. They cried out, “ What shall we do?” Nothing but the supernatural power of God the Holy Ghost will make sitH ners utter such a cry. Only the same power can inspire the answer. Peter answered in a moment. Fulfill two condi tions, and -you shall receive two gifts. Confess your sins and believe in your Saviour; and you will receive for giveness o f sins and the gift of thé Holy Ghost. Three thousand in Peter’s audience confessed their sins and trusted in the Saviour. Instantly they received forgiveness and the gift o f the Holy Ghost. Are there any sinners reading these words? Are there any who have no assurance that they are saved? Are there any who have no power because they have not received the Holy Ghost ? Let me say to you— and I can bear this testimony from my own experience—you may this moment receive the assurance o f eternal salvation ; and you may this moment receive the gift o f the Holy Ghost and all His power. This is the sure word of promise— and God is not a man, that He can lie: “ If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us: I f we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive üs our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
March, 1933
the Holy Spirit come in all the plenitude o f His Pentecostal power! He is waiting to come. T he E ffect on the W orld The world sneers and jeers at the church. She may organize her deputations and wait on the legislatures and governments. She may even succeed in drafting and pass ing all kinds of social legislation, and she has succeeded in placing some splendid laws on the statute book. Some think the church has overloaded the land with legislation. I fear she has. But the world just stands aside and laughs, for the world knows that no law can be enforced which does not have public opinion behind it. And a law which cannot be enforced does infinitely more harm than good. When Peter preached this Holy Ghost sermon, there was no sneering or jeering— “ fear came upon every soul.” The world was afraid of the supernatural. It is always so. There is a picture entitled “ The Flight of the Holy Fam ily.” Joseph is afoot. Mary is sitting on the ass holding
T he E ffect on the S aints The effect o f this Holy Ghost sermon on the saints was as supernaturally marvelous as was the effect on the sin ners. W e read, “ They continued steadfastly in the apos tles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” They continued steadfastly. These saints did not begin to run well and then stop because something hindered them. They were not like some today who once were prominent in church work, but who are now carried away by every wind of doctrine. They continued steadfastly. In what did they continue steadfastly ? They might have continued steadfastly in sin or in apostasy. But instead they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine; that is, they believed that Jesus was the Son of God, that He died for our sins, and that He rose again for our justification.. Nothing could move them from a firm faith in that doctrine. Would that all the saints today held fast to that doctrine! Second, they continued stead
the Holy Child in her arm's. They are passing through the desert; and it is night. The lions are leaving their dens. They spy their prey and are about to stalk it. Presently they be come aware o f the presence of the supernatural Son o f God. The wild' animals are a f r a i d . Instead of springing on their human prey, they turn terrified to seek their den. Thank God, so long as the sense of fear and wonder are still alive, there is hope for the world. And there is encouragement for the church so long as that sense leads the world to be afraid o f the super natural— God the Holy Ghost.
fastly in fellowship. There is noth ing. sweeter. or more precious on earth than Christian fellowship. It knows no denominational d i f f e r - ences. I well remember the old Methodist class meeting. How the old Methodists loved it! W e all loved it. It was a touch o f the genius o f Wesley. But what was it that made the Methodist class meeting so sweet and precious ? It was the fel lowship. These Pentecostal saints continued steadfastly in fellowship. Third, they continued steadfastly
Spirit of the Living God
0 Spirit o f the living God, In all Thy plenitude o f grace, Where’er the foot of man hath trod, Descend on our apostate race. Give tongues o f fire and hearts o f love, To preach the reconciling wgrd'pS}. Give power and unction from above, Where’er the joyful sound is heard. Be darkness, at Thy coming, light; Confusion — order, in Thy path;, Souls without strength inspire with might; Bid nijercy triumph over wrath. Baptize the nations; far and nigh The triumphs of the cross record; The name o f Jesus glorify, Till every kindred call Him Lord.
in the breaking of bread. They never neglected the Communion. “ For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew forth the Lord’s death till he come.” God have mercy on the pauper saints who neglect the Sacrament o f the Lord’s Supper! Fourth, they continued steadfastly in prayer. “ Prayer moves the arm that moves the universe.” Is it any won der these early saints continued steadfastly in prayer ? What a commentary, what a reflection on our faith to see Christian churches giving up the prayer meeting— closing down the power house o f the church! Is it any wonder that divorces are multiplying, crime increasing, and social un rest spreading everywhere? No, it is not, when we think o f the families where there is no altar. “ Where there is no altar, there may be a house, but there can be no home.” And when the home goes, our whole civilization topples and falls into ruins. We need today, we saints, to continue steadfastly in prayer. T he E ffect on the C hurch The church grew—-the Lord “ added to the church daily such as should be saved.” The church was united— “ all that believed were together.” There never is anything but union and unity in the church when God the Holy Ghost is given His rightful place of leadership. The church was happy— they continued “ daily with one accord in the tem ple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness o f heart.” What a tribute to the Holy Ghost and His word—unity, concord, and gladness! The church today should not allow fraternal societies and twentieth century clubs to rob her of minister ing to the poor, the indigent, and the destitute. That was the effect of a Holy Ghost sermon on the early church, and the world would see the.same result again if only the church would open her doors and let God
—M ontgomery .
Half-Baked Christians B y W . E. P ietsch
A cake not turned is one that is cooked only on one side. Ephraim was in many respects not touched by divine grace, and although there was partial obedience to God, there was very much o f rebellion left, so that the Spirit o f God records the statement, “ Ephraim is a cake not turned” (Hos. 7 :8 ). In 2 Peter 3 :l8, we read that the Christian is to grow in grace as well as in the knowledge o f our Lord and Sav iour Jesus Christ. It will behoove us to examine ourselves to see if Ephraim’s position is like our own. Has grace gone through our whole being; so that its power and influ ence are felt in all life and actions, all words and thoughts ? Grace should be working in all departments o f our life— not holiness in one part, and reigning sin in another. A cake not turned is soon burnt on the side nearest to the fire, like many Christians who are burnt black with pig-headed zeal for that part of the truth which they have received; but on the other side, they are untouched by God’s grace, They are not well balanced, or baked through. God, in His great mercy and love, has given us the honored priv ilege o f being His children by new birth through faith in the finished work o f our Lord Jesus Christ. He delights to take complete possession o f our body, soul, and spirit, so that we will be well rounded and well developed. Yet how often a Christian seems to be established in one particular line o f truth, but entirely ignorant of a consistent, godly, yielded life in the home and in business! Christian victory should be the normal condition o f every true believer, and if you and I discover a certain weakness in our lives, may God give us grace to expose this to His sovereign grace, so that we will not be burnt black on one side and uncooked on the other!
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
March, 1933
( f ile^ f^ vou k lou sW ORLD
en eva
aCfeen a t I
I ESUS WAS a world man in size and reach, in the p a s s i o n o f H is heart, and the plan of His life. He was a Jew,
o f som e th ings. But t h e thought ful man tries to see things as they actu ally are. Only so can he live and think and pray with intelligence.
humanly, born of a Jew mother, but He did not come to the Jew. That was only the door way. He came through the Jew door, but He came to a world. He lived a generation o f time in Pales tine. But He did not come to Palestine merely, when He left His Father’s house. That was only the doorsill. He stepped on and across the Palestine doorsill, but He came to a world. He lived in a world in all the outer cir cumstance o f His life. He died for a world, He said. And at the last He talked
The fact that a man is in the pulpit of any communion, in any country, tells you nothing as to his beliefs, in the essentials of our Christian faith as seen in its historical setting. Simply as a matter of historical re view, there are five essentials of our Chris tian faith: 1. The distinctive Book of God, apart from every other book, this easily comes first.
2. The distinctive personality of the one Man o f the Book, the One full human, clearly more than human beyond what words can tell, this is the close second. 3. The distinctive death that that Man died, quite apart from that o f any other death, a death for other men. 4. The badness of sin that necessitated such a death. 5. And that every man must choose as he chooses, for or against this Christ, for his future as well as the present; these make up the five simple essentials. You can’t make them less; you needn’t make them more. It is regarding beliefs in these that I refer to the man in the pulpit. There is a second bit here. And it pains my heart to say it. The fact that a man is in the membership of a church, or in its officiary, tells you nothing as to his beliefs or, or, as to his moral character. There are always fine excep tions. This is the broad characteristic. Then it is noted that there is a generation o f young peo ple that do not know the simple A -B -C o f salvation through Christ. The second outlook is on the moral conditions. And little need be said here. The public prints are full of it. By common consent, the moral fabric o f the race is ragged, and the rags stink. The free use o f cologne water and flowers dbes not conceal the foul odor. There are
to a little group o f mep about their going to a world. And so it is the natural thing for Jesus’ followers to be concerned about, and interested in a world, the whole world. One may live in a narrow corner and live a common place round in its outer touches, but if he is true to his Master, his spirit horizon is as broad as the earth. He is concerned to keep warm sympathetic touch with the man by his side, but his praying takes account o f the whole race as well as the man nearest at hand. So we are to talk a bit together simply and briefly about the present world situation. Everybody agrees just now that it is a troublous situation. And the point o f observation will not be the United States simply, important as this is. The lookout place will be Europe. Since the Sixteenth Century, Europe has been the axis o f the action of the whole earth. The racial tides have swirled about Europe. Their flow and ebb have been marked on the European beach. S ix L ooks O u t Six looks out on the present entire world situation, then, we will take, very simply and briefly. And the first will be the religious outlook. And it will hurt to speak
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
March, 1933
Yet there are some strange phases in the present world depression, exceptional phases, suggesting a sinister spirit hand behind the scenes. On one hand, vast values of food are being burned up or are rotting in the ground or on the trees, while in other parts, countless people are without necessary food. There is more money in the world than ever before, but the banking experts say vast total sums are being hoarded, hidden in old stockings and under bricks in dark cellars, because the owners are afraid of trusting it to banks. Loss o f faith in others is a distinct mark of the present situation.
countless individual and group exceptions. This is the characteristic of the whole world situation. If I repeat the names o f Sodom and Gomorrah, certain moral conditions at once come to mind. Today those con ditions are a commonplace everywhere one may look, Orient and Occident alike. The relation between the sexes is an unfailing index finger to general moral conditions. This is true, history through, the whole earth around. Today that index finger is pointing, unmistakably, in a way to break one’s heart. The third look out is in the school world, from kinder garten to post-graduate university courses. And this takes
T he G eneva O utlook Then the political situa tion is not only tense, but changing overnight, and yet the main lines remain un changed. This is seen in sharp perspective,at Geneva. Geneva has become pecu liarly the world sounding board since the League of Nations began its activity there. Sitting in the press gal lery, looking down on the assembly in its thirteenth annual gathering there this autumn, made one’s pulse beat quicker decidedly. Fifty-eight nations there, in their official representa tives, with experts, secretar ies, and substitutes, made an intense study of geography, races,j languages;*} religions, .and deep-seated hatreds and prejudices. The temporary chairman,: DeValera, in courteous lan guage says the League is a failure, and a very extrava gant failure. It is carefully avoiding main issues. It does nothing about Ja pan invading Chinese sov ereignty contrary to treaty obligations. It shuts its eyes to France and Germany
hold o f one’s emotions pe culiarly, for it concerns the children and young people. In education, the distinc tive thing is emphasis. The greatest emphasis is always repetition. Today the em phasis in the school world is on science. The emphasis in sciences is on the natural sciences. The emphasis there is on the science o f biology, with geol ogy a close second. Biology, o f course, is the science o f life, how we hu mans came to be here. The common emphasis just now in biology is on the hypothe sis of organic evolution to explain the origin o f life. That teaching, of course, is that human life began at the lowest level of inorganic life, that it developed, or evolved, upward, step by step, until human life was produced. U ncompromising G aps There are gaps in the process, frankly acknowl edged, as they must be, of course. But these gaps are conveniently ignored in the common teaching. However, it is frankly ac knowledged, under pressure,
1. The Religious Outlook. This touches upon the five essentials o f our Christian fa ith : The distinctive Book. The distinctive personality of the one Man o f the Book. The distinctive death that that Man died. The badness of sin that necessitated that death. The free choice o f every man to accept or reject Christ. 2. The Moral Conditions. The moral fabric o f the race is ragged. The free use o f cologne water and flowers does not conceal the fou l odor. 3. The School World. The common emphasis just now is on the hypothesis o f organic evolution to ex plain the origin o f life. 4. The Material Situation. Loss o f faith in others is a distinct mark of the present situation. 5. The Political Situation. Geneva has become peculiarly the world sounding board since the League o f Nations began its activity there. Epochal events are heading up, intensely, and not slowly. 6. The Throne Outlook. The earth is enswathed in the most terrific storm, a very real, material, moral storm. But above the storm, it is clear. In the clear;: there is a throne, a seat o f absolute control; and on the throne is a Man. May we, down here in the fog- storm, not fail that expectant Man on the edge of the throne !
glaring threateningly at eachother across the Rhine. When the day’s notices tell that the French Premier is to speak, the head o f the German delegation takes the first fast train to Berlin to avoid listening. One cannot avoid the deepening impression that epochal events in the world’s political situation are heading up, intensely and not slowly. The old Book of God, in its prophetic pages, plainly points out a world crisis at some future day, if the words be taken at their simple meaning. The leading statesmen of Europe frankly confess, when no reporters are present, that there is a world crisis now impending, which they are doing their utmost to prevent. The natural question pushes in: Is this threatening crisis that predicted crisis? And no one may say. The more one knows o f the present world situation, the more cautious his speech. When the Locarno agreement was signed seven years ago, I was finishing the little book, Quiet Talks on the
that no fact of science has ever yet been found that runs counter to the creation story on the first page of Genesis. This teaching, of course, is unbiblical, and unchristian. Yet today it is in the whole school world, as a deep, heavy fog, dominating all the air being breathed by the yoiing peo ple from primary up. There are exceptions, increasingly few, but distinct, in every land. But this is the broad characteristic of the world school situation. It is most striking that there is a distinct group of biol ogists of the highest rank in every country of Christendom, who in type and by tongue, plainly characterize this teach ing, from the scientific point of view, as “ childish,” puer ile,” “ infantile.” But the teaching persists everywhere like a deep black London winter fog. The fourth look out will be on the material situation. And here the less said the greater the emphasis. The prints are full of it everywhere. Every one’s purse strings feel the tug.
March, 1933
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
He may have been out in the garden back of his dwell ing, maybe down on his knees, digging, pruning, thinking, brooding over the plight o f his people, pretty clearly on his spirit knees praying, maybe wordlessly, when, very quietly, something happened.' His spirit eyes were opened, and he saw what he had not seen before, though it was there. And this is what he saw. The earth was enveloped in a storm, a wind-fire-fog-storm. It was a great storm, the fires ceaselessly flashing in and out, the wind with cyclone intensity, the fog down close, thick and dark. But there was a distinct limit to the storm, a sort of limiting, invisible fence. Above the storm it was clear, clear as crystal, so clear as to be awe-inspiring. This is the mean ing of the word under the English. Then he is awed yet more as he sees in the clear a throne. Characteristically, a throne is a seat of absolute authority, autocratic power. On the throne he sees a Man sitting. This is tremendous, humanity enthroned above the storm! The Man seems to be sitting on the edge o f the throne, bending eagerly over, watching intently things on the earth in the fog-fire-storm. For he is talking to this young Jew down in the whirl of the wind. Plainly enough, he is talking in this young fellow’s mother tongue. There is an errand he needs to have done, down in the storm, on the earth. And he asks young Ezekiel to do it. A message is to be taken to the leaders o f this exile Jew colony on the Chebar. Yet it will be a tough task. He says very plainly, “ They won’t listen to y ou ; for they won’t listen to Me.” And Ezekiel does the errand. It takes the very life of his life to do it. It affects his food, his personal appear ance, his family life, all in the most intimate, intense way. The word commonly used in Christian phraseology to day is “ surrender” ; but it means more to him than is com monly thought of today. But the errand is done. And this young exile is rarely privileged in-service and in the vision given him of the far future of his people. That Ezekiel spirit vision seems to fit peculiarly into the world situation today. The earth is enswathed in the most terrific storm, a very real, material, moral storm. But, but (are you listening ?) above the storm it is clear, clear as clearest crystal, an awe-inspiring crystal. In the clear, there is a throne, a seat o f absolute control; and on the throne, there is a Man. We know who that Man is. He came from a throne to a stable and a carpenter shop, to a full generation of com mon human experience, thenMto a cross and a tomb. Then out of that tomb. He went back to the throne. But His heart is here. The forefinger o f that scarred hand is down on the racial pulse beat. He is “ expecting,” we are told, as He intently watches things down here. That “ expecting” suggests intensity, eagerness, inten tion. Some day in His great love, He will think good for man’s sake, for the earth’s sake, to intervene, directly, per sonally, in the affairs down here. Clearly it will be an arbitrary intervening. It will be in tervention for racial salvage. He steps into earth action directly in person to keep the race, in its wild intensity, from cutting its own racial jugular vein. My own deepening conviction is that that intervention is now impending. It will likely occur in -the lifetime of most o f us now alive. Yet that is merely my personal conviction, simply one man talking to his fellows. There is an unmistakably iden tifying event to go by. When the Jew actually forms a national unit again in [C ontinued on page 120]
Crisis and A fter. It seemed a rather extreme title. Nobody was talking then of such a crisis. Two years ago, I prepared the manuscript of Quiet Talks on Difficult Questions, with prominence given to the world outlook at that time. In the Quiet Corner, just issued, has a rather full chap ter in which there is an attempted survey of the world situation at present. Recently I read over these three surveys. I have one severe criticism. They are quite too tame. The broad lines of the European situation are the same as at the signing of the Versailles Treaty, with two exceptions. But the lines are much deeper dug in ; and the attitude o f the two na tions excepted intensify the present alinemeftt. T h e C o m in g C r is is I f one speaks today of our Lord’s second coming, an audience begins to split up in the variation of views held. But this can be said. The old Book of God does give the world situation as it will be when our Lord does think good to intervene. There are five simple, clear bits in that situation. The Jew is back in his homeland, renationalized. There seems to be a city o f world commerce in the twin valley of the Tigris- Euphrates. There is a coalition of nations, the numberi shifting, north o f the Mediterranean. There is a man at the head o f that coalition who proves to be a bad man, hating God and Christ. Through his leadership, there comes to a head the worst racial crisis ever known. But the Jew is our Lord’s index finger. When the Jew actually renationalizes, probably a scraggly minority, squabbling among themselves as we Gentiles do, and is whipped back almost overnight by the stinging lash of per secution, this, this is the unmistakable pointing of God’s index finger. This means a time o f armed peace, with intervals of warfare, then the worst time of trouble the race has known, including war, famine, epidemics, and religious persecution. And Christ’s followers will have the rare privilege of witnessing through this troublous time, and will be kept un touched so far as they have learned to hold steady through simple faith in our Lord. Then our Lord Jesus will arbitrarily intervene for racial salvage. He will take up into His own presence those who are trusting Him as Saviour. Then will ensue a partial visitation o f judgment on the system o f evil. And then our Lord will return openly at Olivet to clear the crisis and begin the new blessed order of things on this dear old earth. Two things one watches with quick, prayerful intensity amid the present welter o f upset— these two things: any movement toward a coalition o f nations in Europe, and the Jew movement toward renationalization. The Jew move ment is the one unfailing identifying indication. When the Jew actually shapes up some sort of a na tional unit in Palestine, that is the significant thing. That means the beginning of the crisis. It means a certain period o f time and o f increasingly tense crisis, and then our Lord intervenes. Yet the day and hour of His intervention remains, and will remain, unknown. T h e T h r o n e O u t l o o k There is one other look out on the world situation, and it is one of utmost significance with these others in mind. It is the look on the world situation as seen from above. The story is pictured graphically on the first leaf of Ezekiel’s writings. Ezekiel was a young Jew exile, in a colony o f exiles on the canalized Chebar, tributary to the Euphrates River.
March, 1933
T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S
Q e ¿F iv e fo ld e tc p e f |||||i I &&
F U N C T I O N o f l L G k u r c l i
B y ROBERT L. EVANS*, Pasadena, Calif.
God to rule his life through Jesus Christ, the crucified and exalted One, he has not come into harmony with God and the laws that govern his highest welfare. One o f the sad dest marks o f our boasted age is the lack of reverence for the things o f God. The Lord’s day is being ignored, God’s name blasphemed, and God’s word denied. In the midst of the confusion and general irreverence, the church is called to maintain the pure and simple worship of God. Her high and holy obligation is not an easy one, for if Satan, her adversary, fails in inducing her to corrupt her worship by introducing the worship o f angels and saints into her program, he often succeeds in making her wor ship either carnal by ignoring the sacrifice offered on Cal vary as the basis o f her worship, or else merely formal by. loading it down with ritualistic forms and ceremonies, that utterly obscure the spiritual intent. T o W itness for her L ord by P reaching H is W ord The church’s message is not to be confined to her own community or nation, for she is called to regard the whole world as her field (Acts 1 :8 ), ~ Her message to the world is the good news of sal vation based on the declared facts o f her Lord’s death
he one comforting assurance in the midst of the general world turmoil and unrest is the great fact that Jesus Christ still continues to build His church (Matt. 16:18). The one great restraining force that holds back the tides of iniquity, and that keeps the forces o f evil from be coming entirely dominant, is the pres ence of the church o f the living God. Indwelt and enlightened by the Holy Spirit, she is God’s great torchbearer
R obert E vans
o f truth in a world that otherwise would be utterly dark. Purchased and redeemed out o f the world at such tre mendous cost, we examine the Scriptures to learn the divine intent in it all. To W orship G od W e believe that the church was
chosen and set apart to maintain the worship o f God, in its purity and simplicity, in the world (John 4 :23 ,2 4 ). Worship seems to be the highest form o f service that created beings can render unto God. What glimpses o f worship in heaven have been given us ! W e behold an gels and the “ spirits o f just men made perfect” engaged in the wor ship o f God and o f the Lamb. A c ceptable worship, according to the Scriptures, implies God as the ob ject, the atoning work o f the Son as the basis, and the power o f the Holy Spirit as the energy. The abundant evidence of His divine power and wisdom, as seen in the work o f creation about us, and the marvelous revelation in the written Word of His grace in the gift of His Son, demand that every mem ber o f the race worship Him with reverence and godly fear. Under the. old economy, unto the Hebrew race was committed the responsibility o f maintaining the worship o f the one true God in the midst o f the nations given over to the worship o f many gods. The record o f Israel’s failure in this respect is the saddest in history. Idolatry and false worship in its many forms still hold the vast ma jority o f the race. The supreme law o f spiritual worship is this: “ The Lord alone shall be exalted.” Until man has acknowledged the right of *Pastor, Lincoln Avenue Presbyterian Church.
and resurrection (1 Cor. 15:1-4). In these days o f radio broadcast ing, it becomes increasingly difficult to secure the attention o f non church members at our services; then it devolves upon the members to carry the message into the homes of the community. Many profess ing Christians would not hesitate to recommend to their unsaved neigh- bors a new blend o f coffee or some new brand of bread, but they will not speak a word in favor of Him who is the “ bread o f life,” who alone can satisfy the hungry heart. With fervor, they will recom mend their family physician to their sick friends, yet they never have a word o f recommendation for Him who is the Great Physician. Many a modern church resorts to enter taining features to attract the un godly, substituting movie reels for a gospel service. We need to be reminded that the Holy Spirit took up His abode in His new temple on the day o f Pen tecost, not to enable believers to entertain the world, but to bear e f fective witness on behalf o f Him who is able to save men from sin, and to satisfy their hearts with His grace. These are days when great changes are taking place in the po litical and economical world. The
F^he (Sliurcli d S I evival an
I T h a s n e v e r b e e n by learning, by philosophy, by science, by scholarship, that the church hai been revived and saved in eras of great religious laxity and abounding infidelity. When Jesus introduced His religion into the world, H e did not choose'" scholars ," but humble, simple-minded men, attached to Himself by a living faith, and endued with power from on high, to do it, as witnesses to His words, works, and resurrection. So when we com e to the later age o f the Reforma tion, what brought the remedy for the unbelief and spiritual evils under which that age groaned? Not scholarship nor science, but the discovery in Scripture and faithful proclamation of the living gospel of the grace of God by Luther and his fellow reform ers, men who had felt its power in their souls. And once m ore, what rescued the church from th e torpor and death of the negation of the eighteenth century? The deliverance came, not from philosophy nor learning, not even from the worlds of able apol ogists, but from the tides of the spiritual revival that swept over Britain and were felt in other lands under the preaching of such men as Whitefield and the W esleys. T his it was which gave evangelism the vic tory .once more over indifference and unbelief, and breathed the new breath of life into society which in troduced the era of missions to the . heathen, Bible dif fusion, home evangelization, and the innumerable social reform s of the last century. It is to a like out pouring of the Spirit of God upon His church, and to the same divine energy manifesting itself in holy lives and practical work., far more than to learned con futations, however valuable these may be in their place, that we must look for tbe overthrow of the form s of unbelief that lift up their heads among us today. — J ames O rr .
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