Elevate October 2023 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine

AIR SERBIA CELEBRATES FIRST TEN YEARS Er Srbija slavi prvih deset godina

BRŽE I JEDNOSTAVNIJE MOBILNA APLIKACIJA ZA KUPOVINU AVIO-KARATA • Pronađite najbolju ponudu • Skenirajte i bezbedno čuvajte putne dokumente na svom profilu • Brža prijava na let • Karta za ukrcavanje uvek uz vas • Svoje ideje i sugestije možete podeliti sa nama putem aplikacije


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Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

October 2023

Oktobar 2023.

Dear passengers,

Dragi putnici,

On 26 th October, 2023, we are commemorating 10 years since the Serbian national airline was rebranded as Air Serbia and received its new visual identity. Our entire efforts over the past decade have been focused on impro- ving our services, developing the fleet and expanding the network. Air Serbia today flies to more than 80 scheduled and charter destinations across Europe, the Mediterrane- an, North America, Asia and Africa, while our fleet consists of wide-body Airbus A330-200 aircraft and narrow-body Airbus A320 family, as well as turboprop ATR 72-600 air- craft for regional flights. Every day at Air Serbia is special, but only some become part of history. One such day came on 23 rd June 2016, when we re-established direct flights between Belgrade and New York after a 25-year hiatus, thus becoming the only airline in the wider Balkan region to offer a direct service to the U.S. We opened another new business chapter in our ope- rations on 9 th December 2022, with the launch of direct fli- ghts between Belgrade and Tianjin, in the People's Republic of China. Air Serbia was then one of only a few European air- lines providing direct flights to this Asian giant. We fly to Tia- njin today, while we plan to launch services to other impor- tant Chinese cities in the near future. The Air Serbia service to Chicago, representing our third long-haul destination and the second destination in North America, was launched on 17 th May 2023, after a break of mo- re than 30 years. Since its inception, this service has proved successful and useful for passengers, and we are proud to ha- ve contributed significantly to improving business links, touri- sm, and all other connections between Serbia and the U.S.. The coronavirus pandemic hit the entire world and gro- unded air travel for a brief period. During that time, Air Ser- bia placed its resources at the disposal of the Serbian sta- te and people. Our aircraft transported hundreds of tons of much-needed medical equipment and material to Serbia, while we also worked in partnership with government bo- dies and organisations to conduct numerous special flights for over 10,000 people who’d been left stranded abroad by the pandemic. With over 1,400 employees, the youngest fleet in the region, a growing network of destinations and a clearly de- fined sustainable growth strategy, Air Serbia is entering its second decade of operations ready to adapt to any market changes, operate at a profit, and constantly improve its ser- vices in the interest of passengers. Cherishing your memories for 10 years! Thank you for your trust.

Dana 26. oktobra 2023. godine obeležavamo de- set godina kako srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija posluje pod imenom Er Srbija i sa novim vizuelnim identitetom. U protekloj deceniji sve naše snage bile su usmerene na unapređenje usluge, razvoj flote i širenje mreže. Er Srbi- ja danas leti do više od 80 redovnih i čarter-destinacija u Evropi, na Mediteranu, Severnoj Americi, Aziji i Africi, a našu flotu čine širokotrupni avioni tipa „erbas A330- 200“, uskotrupni avioni iz porodice „erbas A320“ i tur- boelisni avioni ATR 72-600 za regionalne letove. U Er Srbiji svaki dan je poseban, ali u istoriju su ušli sa- mo neki dani. Jedan od njih bio je i 23. jun 2016. godine, kada smo posle pauze od četvrt veka ponovo usposta- vili direktne letove između Beograda i Njujorka, i tako po- stali jedina avio-kompanija u širem regionu Balkana ko- ja ima direktne letove do Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Novo poglavlje u našem poslovanju otvorili smo 9. de- cembra 2022. godine uvođenjem direktnih letova između Beograda i Tjenđina u Narodnoj Republici Kini. U tom trenut- ku Er Srbija je bila jedna od samo nekoliko avio-kompanija u Evropi koje su imale direktne letove do te azijske zemlje. Danas letimo u Tjenđin, a u skorijoj budućnosti planiramo da uspostavimo letove i do drugih važnih kineskih gradova. Linija do Čikaga, naše treće prekookeanske destina- cije i druge u Severnoj Americi, uspostavljena je 17. ma- ja 2023. godine, posle više od 30 godina pauze. Od sa- mog početka ta ruta pokazala se uspešnom i korisnom putnicima, i ponosni smo što značajno doprinosi boljim poslovnim, turističkim i svim drugim vezama između Sr- bije i Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Pandemija korona virusa uticala je na ceo svet i na- kratko zaustavila putnički avio-saobraćaj. U tom trenutku Er Srbija je sve svoje resurse stavila na raspolaganje drža- vi i narodu Srbije. Našim avionima u zemlju je dopremlje- no više stotina tona prekopotrebne medicinske opreme i materijala, a u saradnji sa državnim organima i organi- zacijama realizovali smo i brojne specijalne letove za vi- še od 10.000 ljudi koje je pandemija zatekla van matič- nih zemalja. Sa preko 1.400 zaposlenih, najmlađom flotom u re- gionu, rastućom mrežom destinacija i jasno definisanom strategijom održivog razvoja, Er Srbija otvara novu dece- niju poslovanja, spremna da se prilagodi svakoj promeni na tržištu, da posluje profitabilno i konstantno unapređu- je uslugu u interesu putnika. Deset godina čuvamo vaše uspomene! Hvala na poverenju.

Jirži Marek Jiri Marek Generalni direktor Er Srbija / Air Serbia CEO

Jirži Marek, Generalni direktor Er Srbija

JIRI Marek, CEO Air Serbia

Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5



Er SRBIJA air serbia 56.

u fokusu in focus 10.

Tri miliona putnika od početka godine do sredine septembra / Three million passengers from the beginning of the year until mid-September Sedmi ATR 72-600 pridružio se Er Srbiji / Seventh ATR 72- 600 joins Air Serbia fleet

 Er Srbija slavi prvih deset godina / Air Serbia celebrates first ten years

na letu on board 14.


Intervju interview 34.

 Sa nama putuje Vladimir Aleksić, glumac / Travelling with us is Vladimir Aleksić, actor

Selena Gomez: Komedija se vratila na velika vrata / Selena Gomez: comedy is back in a big way

moda fashion 66.

I klasično i pankerski: Kako izgleda glamur budućnosti? / Both classic and punk: how does the glamour of the future look?

kultura culture 38.

putujte pametno smart travel 16.  Vodimo vas u Atinu /

Ništa tako magično ne miriše u Beogradu krajem oktobra kao knjige / Nothing smells quite as magical in Belgrade in late October as books Nikita Milivojević: Bitef je uzbudljiva i neobična avantura / Nikita Milivojević: Bitef is an exciting and unusual adventure Godine su stvarno samo broj: Stižu novi Stonsi / Age really is just a number: new Stones arriving

We’re taking you to Athens



6 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna urednica i direktorka izdavaštva / Editor-in-chief and publishing director Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Nenad Mihajlović, Oliver Bunić Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Jovana Subotić Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Srbija Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringier.rs

Ritam srbije rhythm of serbia 88.

U Borinom Vranju se samo ljubi i plače / In Bora’s Vranje, people only kiss and cry

ritam grada rhythm of the city 62.

destinacija destination 94.

Nole, košarkaši, basketaši: Lepe su medalje, ali je najlepše na balkonu / Novak and basketball aces: Medals are great, but being on the “balcony” is best

Najbolje čuvana tajna južne Italije: Čarobna Apulija / Best kept secrets of southern Italy: magical Apulia

Lajfstajl lifestyle 76.

sport sports 102. Beograd za sportske sladokusce: Vidimo se u „Areni“ i na

Da li biste uživali kod Gvinet? / Would you enjoy Gwyneth‘s?

„Marakani“ / Belgrade for connoisseurs of sport: seeya in the Arena, and at Marakana

Generalni direktor Ringier Srbija / CEO Ringier Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Air serbiA celebrAtes first ten yeArs Er Srbija slavi prvih deset godina

Er Srbija slavi deseti rođendan / Air Serbia celebrating its tenth birthday Foto/ Photo: Hajdi Kostić

Broj / Issue No. 356 Naslovna strana / Cover Hajdi Kostić

Contents » Sadržaj | 7

U fokusu / In focus

nacionalna avio-kompanija slavi rođendan Er Srbija: Prvih Air Serbia: the

Godine 2013. tadašnja srpska nacionalna avio-kompani- ja bila je suočena sa brojnim izazovima. Posle višegodišnje stagnacije bila je neophodna kompletna transformacija. Tako je 1. avgusta 2013. godine, uz snažnu podršku Vlade Republike Srbije, potpisan ugovor o strateškom partner- stvu sa kompanijom „Etihad ervejz“, a 26. oktobra iste godine rođena je Er Srbija. Prvi let između Beograda i Abu Dabija obavljen je avionom „erbas A319“, koji je do- bio ime „Novak Đoković“. Već na taj način Er Srbija je želela da pokaže svoj pobed- nički mentalitet. Kompletno je obnovljena flota, proširena mreža destinacija, uspo- stavljeni su efikasni procesi i implementirani novi savremeni sistemi.

Beograd–Njujork Posle pauze od četvrt veka, u junu 2016. godine, ponovo su uspostavljeni letovi između Be- ograda i Njujorka. Er Srbija ta- ko postaje jedina avio-kompani- ja u širem regionu Balkana koja ima direktne letove do Sjedinje- nih Američkih Država.


Za manje od godinu dana u flotu je uvedeno deset aviona tipa „erbas“, osam letelica tipa A319 i dve le- telice tipa A320. Prvi put u istoriji avionima nacio- nalne avio-kompanije počinju da upravljaju i žene.



Back in 2013, the then Serbian national airline faced numerous challenges. After many years of stagnation, it was necessary to carry out a complete transformation of the company. And so it was that on 1 st August, 2013, with the strong

support of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, an agreement on a strategic partnership was signed with company Etihad Airways, and Air Serbia was born on 26 th October of that same year. The inaugural flight between Belgrade and Abu Dhabi was operated using an Airbus A319 which received the name “Novak Đoković”. Air Serbia wanted to thereby display its winning mentality. The fleet was renewed completely and the network of destinations was expanded, with effective processes established and new, modern systems implemented.

Belgrade - new york After a break lasting a quarter of a century, flights between Belgrade and New York were re-established in June 2016. Air Serbia thereby became, and remains, the only airline in the wider Balkan region providing direct flights to the United Sta- tes of America.


In less than a year, the fleet had been joined by ten Ai- rbus aircraft – eight A319 aircraft and two A320s. The planes of the country’s national airline also began be- ing piloted by women for the first time in history.

8 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

the national airline is celebrating its birthday deset godina first ten years

2,81 milion putnika

Er Srbija je u ma- ju 2017. godi- ne ispisala novu stranicu u svo- joj istoriji kada je

Posle perioda transformacije 2019. go- dine započinje period rasta kompanije, a Er Srbija je te godine prevezla rekordnih 2,81 milion putnika. Godine 2019. kompanija je prvi put sa- obraćala sa sva tri međunarodna aero- droma u Srbiji –„Nikola Tesla Beograd“, „Konstantin Veliki“ u Nišu i „Morava“ u Kraljevu. Uvedene su ukupno 23 nove destinacije sa tri pomenuta aerodroma.

uzleteo prvi avion sa kompletno žen- skom posadom. Od svog osnivanja do danas u Er Srbiji polovinu zaposle- nih čine žene.

50% zaposlenih čine žene

2017. 2019.

Following the period of the company’s transformation, Air Serbia’s period of growth began in 2019 – the year when it transported a record 2.81 million passen- gers. It was also in 2019 that Air Serbia first op- erated from all three international airports in Serbia: Belgrade Nikola Tesla, Niš Con- stantine the Great and Kraljevo’s Morava Airport. A total of 23 new destinations from the three airports were introduced.

Air Serbia inscribed another new page in its history in May 2017, with the departure of the first plane of the national car- rier to be staffed by an all-fe- male crew. Since its establish- ment and to this day, fully half of Air Serbia’s employees have been women. 50% of employees are women

2.81 million


Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 9

U fokusu / In focus

U martu 2020. godine započetu ekspan- ziju privremeno prekida pandemija koro- na virusa i najveća kriza u istoriji civilnog avio-saobraćaja. Kada je praktično ce- la planeta stala, Er Srbija je sve svoje re- surse stavila na raspolaganje državi i na- rodu Srbije. U periodu od 18. marta do 27. maja 2020. godine, tokom vanrednog stanja, obavlje- no je na desetine specijalnih letova – repa- trijacionih i evakuacionih – preko 10.000 ljudi prevezeno je u tom periodu i obav- ljene su desetine kargo-letova kojima je u našu zemlju dopremljeno više stotina tona medicinske opreme i materijala.

Od 2021. godine počinje period oporavka. Flota Er Srbije osnaže- na je sa dva nova aviona za daleke destinacije. „Erbas A330-200“, sa imenom i likom Nikole Tesle, stigao je u flotu Er Srbije u junu 2021. godine, dok je avion istog ti- pa, ali sa imenom i likom Mihaj- la Pupina u Beograd stigao u no- vembru 2022. godine.



The post-lockdown recovery pe- riod began in 2021. The Air Serbia fleet was fortified with the arrival of two new planes intended for long- haul destinations. The Airbus A330- 200 sporting the name and image of Nikola Tesla joined the Air Serbia fleet

The expansion that had been launched was temporarily suspended in March 2020, with the outbreak of the Cov- id-19 pandemic, causing the biggest crisis in the history of civil aviation. With the entire planet having practically ground to a halt, Air Serbia placed all its resources at the disposal of the Serbi- an state and people. During the period of the declared state of emergency, from 18 th March to 27 th May 2020, dozens of special flights were operated – for repatriation and evacuation purposes – transporting over 10,000 people, while dozens of special cargo flights also brought sev- eral hundred tons of medical equip- ment and materials to our country.

in June 2021, while its sister air- craft, bearing the name and likeness of Mihajlo Pupin, arrived in Belgrade in November 2022.

10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Srbija–Kina Dana 9. decembra 2022. godine ka Tjen- đinu u Narodnoj Republici Kini iz Beograda je poleteo let Er Srbije, čime je nacional- na avio-kompanija posle 22 godine pauze ponovo uspostavila direktne komercijalne letove do te azijske zemlje. Komercijalni let za Kinu bio je kruna uspe- ha Er Srbije u 2022. godini. Bila je to prva godina od izbijanja pandemije korona viru- sa u kojoj je kompanija imala pozitivan ne- to i operativni rezultat, ostvarivši profit od 21 milion evra, bez ijednog evra državnih subvencija.


nove destinacije

Dana 17. maja 2023. godine sa beograd- skog aerodroma, posle više od 30 godina pauze, ponovo je uspostavljen avio-sao- braćaj između Beograda i Čikaga. Bio je to ne samo važan dan za srpsku nacionalnu avio-kompaniju, za aerodrom Nikola Tesla, za Srbiju i Beograd, nego i za čitav region Zapadnog Balkana.

2022. 2023.


new destinations

Serbia - china The first Air Serbia flight bound for the city of Tianjin in the People’s Repub- lic of China departed from Belgrade on 9 th December 2022, with which the Serbian flag carrier re-established di- rect commercial flights with this Asian giant for the first time after a break of 22 years. The introduction of this commercial flight to China represented the crown- ing glory of Air Serbia’s achievements in 2022. That year was also the first since the outbreak of the pandemic that had ended with the company re- cording positive net and operational re- sults, generating profits of 21 million eu- ros, and doing so without a single euro of state subsidies.

After a break of more than 30 years, air traffic was re-established between Belgrade and Chicago on 17 th May 2023. That was an important day not only for the Serbian national airline and Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, for Serbia and Belgrade, but also for the entire region of the Western Balkans.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 11

Na letu

On board

Zašto volite avione?

Why do you like planes?

U avionu vreme i mesto prestaju da postoje / Aboard a plane, time and space cease to exist

– Volim sva iskustva ko- ja dolaze sa letenjem. Iz nekog razloga mi je veoma uzbud- ljivo poletanje, onaj momenat kad znam da napuštam površinu zemlje i ubrzavam se ka nebu. Takođe, vo- lim da gledam kroz prozor i da vi- dim tu zemlju ispod sebe. Biti 9.000 metara visoko u vazduhu i kreta- ti se brzinom od 800 km na sat za mene je veoma uzbudljivo i prilič- no neverovatno. Ne mogu da ka- žem da se radujem turbulencijama, ali kada se dese, imam osećaj kao da sam u nekom zabavnom parku. Kada letite, prkosite gravitaciji i taj osećaj oslobađa... Šta uvek nosite sa sobom na letu? – Često se umirim i udubim u svoje misli dok satima sedim na svom sedištu. Mašti pustim na vo- lju, to je moj prostor slobode u ko- jem je sve moguće, a vreme i mesto više ne postoje. Sa sobom zato ne nosim ništa naročito, samo knjigu i ajped, ako poželim da čitam ili od- gledam film ili seriju.

“I like all experiences that come with flying. For some reason, taking off is very ex- citing for me; that moment when I know I’m abandoning the Earth’s sur- face and speeding skywards. I also like looking through the window and observing the land beneath me. For me, being 9,000 metres up in the air and moving at a speed of 800 kilo- metres an hour is extremely excit- ing and pretty incredible. I can’t say that I look forward to turbulence, but when it does happen, I have the feel- ing like I’m at an amusement park. You defy gravity when you fly and that’s a liberating feeling...” What do you always carry with you on a flight? “I often unwind and plunge into my thoughts while spending hours sitting in my seat. I unleash my im- agination; that’s my space of freedom where everything is possible, while time and space no longer exist. That’s why I don't carry anything in particu- lar, just a book and an iPad in case I want to read or watch a film or series.”

Vladimir Aleksić, glumac / actor

Ko je Vladimir Vladimir Aleksić je rođen 1977. godine u Zrenjaninu. Di- plomirao je glumu na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu. Neposredno posle završetka Akademije seli se u Italiju, na poziv italijanskog pozorišta „Motus“, sa ko- jim i danas sarađuje. Sa njima je uradio niz predstava, a 2004. godine „Rooms“ dobija nagradu za najbolji po- zorišni projekat u Italiji. U Srbiju se vraća 2008. godine, od kada je aktivan kao filmski i televizijski glumac. Godi- ne 2016. uradio je svoju prvu autorsku predstavu, reali- zovao projekat „Teatar u Filharmoniji – Pisma kompozi- tora“, producent je, koautor i koreditelj predstave „Lepa Brena Project“, kao i autor i producent predstave „Puto- vanje izvan središta Zemlje“, koja se igrala i u avionu...

who is vladimir Vladimir Aleksić was born in Zrenjanin in 1977 and graduated in acting studies at the Novi Sad Academy of Arts. He moved to It- aly upon completing his studies at the academy, at the invita- tion of Italy’s Motus Theatre, with which he still collaborates. He performed in a series of plays with Motus, including the 2004 play Rooms, which won Italy’s award for the best theatre pro- ject in the country. He returned to Serbia in 2008 and has since been active as a film and television actor. He performed his first auteur play in 2016, as well as realising the project Philharmon- ic Theatre - Letters of the Composer. He is the producer, co-au- thor and co-director of the play Lepa Brena Project, but also au- thor and producer of the play Journey Beyond the Centre of the Earth, which has also been performed aboard planes...

Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Alessandro Pensini

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

歡迎ً مرحبا





Dr Branko Krajnovi ć je me đ unarodno priznat specijalista ortopedske hirurgije i spinalni hirurg.

Dr. Branko Krajnovi ć is an internationally recognized specialist in orthopedic surgery and spinal surgeon. He deals with minimally invasive spine operations for degenerative diseases, injuries and deformities of the spine, with children as well as with adults. He also performs open spinal surgeries and treatment of pain syndroms. After completing his medical studies, Dr. Branko Krajnovi ć continued his education in Germany, where he learned from respectable experts in the field of modern spine surgery.

Bavi se minimalno invanzivnim operacijama ki č me kod degenerativnih bolesti, povreda i deformiteta ki č me, kod dece i odraslih. Tako đ e, vrši i operacije otvorene spinalne hirurgije i tretman bolnih sindroma. Dr Branko Krajnovi ć je nakon završenih studija medicine otišao u Nema č ku kako bi nastavio svoju edukaciju i tamo je u č io od uglednih stru č njaka u oblasti moderne hirurgije ki č me.



+381 11 77 73 800



Oslušnite filozofe u kolevci zapadne civilizacije / Listen to the philosophers in the cradle of western civilisation

Pridružite nam se u šetnji istim ulicama kojima su hodali veli - kani i otkrijte pravo blago grčke prestonice / Join us to explore the same streets that were strolled by great men and discover the true treasures of the Greek capital

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Atina / Athens 80 min. od Beograda: from Belgrade:


me scan


Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15

Možemo li danas pratiti kora - ke grčkih filozofa kroz vekovni pejzaž centralne Atine? Gde su tačno bile njihove škole i svakodnevna mesta okuplja - nja? Dokazi o kretanju filozofa i omiljenim druženjima u Atini dolaze nam kroz kombinaciju istorijskih izvora i arheoloških dokaza. Stvarne lokacije Pla - tonove Akademije i Aristotelo - vog Liceja danas su arheološ - ka nalazišta ili parkovi, dok je Sokratova škola radila ispod drveć a u hladu, na ulicama grada ili u privatnim kuć ama. Danas možemo da posetimo mesta kojima su šetali slavni filozofi, uz mnogo mašte za - mišljaju i sve te divne razgo - vore... Atina, kolevka zapadne civi - lizacije, nije samo rodno me - sto već i večni centar filozofi - je, dom Platonove Akademije,

Epikurovog vrta, Zenonove Stoe i Aristotelovog Liceja. Što se filozofije tiče, sve je po - čelo ovde, u senci Akropolja i Partenona, u živopisnim uli - čicama i atinskim maslinja - cima. Slava antičke Atine se ogleda u celom gradu; bukval - no je svaki kutak bio mesto slavljenih filozofskih deba - ta. Mesto gde su veliki filo - zofi poput Sokrata, Platona i Aristotela iznosili ideje koje su još tada predodređene da obeleže istoriju čovečanstva. Od Talesa, koji se često sma - tra prvim zapadnim filozofom, do stoika i skeptika, antič - ka grčka filozofija je otvorila vrata posebnom načinu raz - mišljanja koji je dao korene zapadnoj intelektualnoj tra - diciji. Demokrit je postavljao atome kao osnovu sve mate - rije, sa Sokratom dolazi kon - tinuirano istraživanje etičkih pitanja i orijentacija ka ljud - skom životu, a sa Platonom jedan od najkreativnijih i naj - fleksibilnijih načina bavljenja filozofijom i temama koje su i danas zanimljive u etici, poli - tičkoj misli, metafizici... Plato - nov učenik Aristotel bio je je - dan od najplodnijih antičkih autora, napisavši rasprave o svakoj od ovih tema, kao i o istraživanju sveta prirode. Sokratova agora U srcu drevne Atine ležao je njen centralni trg i pijaca, ago - ra, koju je skoro svaka odrasla osoba, a da ne pominjemo vo - deć e građane, verovatno po - setila u nekom trenutku. Glav - ne aktivnosti u agori bili su razgovori, upoznavanje sa pri - jateljima i saradnicima i pra - ć enje najnovijih vesti. Sokrat je bio čest posetilac central - nog trga u Atini i okolnih če - tvrti. Tamo je šetao užurba - nim uličicama, prisustvovao sudskim postupcima i sa - stancima Saveta kada je to bi - lo potrebno ili razgovarao sa sledbenicima. Sokrat se opi -

Sokrat, Platon i Aristotel privukli su sledbenike, uspostavili škole i ostavili večno nasleđe u Atini Socrates, Plato and Aristotle all attracted followers, established schools and left eternal legacies

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U srcu drevne Atine ležao je njen centralni trg i pijaca, agora, na kojoj je Sokrat praktično i živeo At the heart of ancient Athens stood its central square and marketplace, the Agora, where Socrates was practically resident

Can we now trace the foot- steps of Greek philosophers across the ancient landscape of central Athens? Where exa- ctly were the philosophical sc- hools and daily haunts? Evi- dence for the movements of philosophers and their favouri- te haunts in Athens comes to us through a combination of historical sources and archaeo- logical evidence. The actual lo- cations of Plato’s Academy and Aristotle’s Lyceum are today archaeological sites or parks, while Socrates’ “school” ope- rated in the shade of trees, on the ancient city’s streets, or wi- thin private houses. We can to- day visit specific sites that we - re frequented by Socrates and other famous philosophers, not only in the Athenian Agora, but elsewhere across the ancient city, where a healthy imaginati- on allows us to hear those deli- ghtful conversations. Athens, the cradle of Western civilisation, is not only the birt- hplace of philosophy, but also its perpetual centre, the home of Plato’s Academy, Epicure’s

Garden, Zeno’s Stoa and Aristo- tle’s Lyceum. When it comes to philosophical thinking, everyt- hing started here, in the sha- dow of the Acropolis and the Parthenon, in the picturesque alleyways and olive gardens of Athens. The glory of ancient At- hens is reflected across the ci- ty; literally every corner has hosted celebrated philosophi- cal debates and represents a venue where great philosop- hers like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle presented the ideas that were destined to domina- te the subsequent history of mankind. From Thales, who is often con- sidered the first Western phi - losopher, to the Stoics and Sceptics, ancient Greek phi- losophy opened the door to a particular way of thinking that provided the roots for the Western intellectual traditi- on. Democritus posited that atoms were the basic stuff of all matter, Socrates gave us a sustained inquiry into ethical matters—an orientation towar- ds human living with Plato,

who was one of the most cre- ative and flexible philosophers, addressing topics that are still of interest in today’s ethics, po- litical thought and metaphysi- cs. Plato’s student, Aristotle, was one of the most prolific of ancient authors. He wrote tre- atises on each of these topics, as well as on investigations in- to the natural world... Socrates’s Agora At the heart of ancient Athens stands its central square and marketplace, the Agora, whi- ch was likely visited at one ti- me or another by almost every ancient Athenian, not to men- tion the city’s most prominent citizens. The main activities in the Agora were talking, mee- ting friends and associates, and catching up on the latest news. Socrates was a frequent visitor to Athens’ central squa- re and surrounding neighbour- hoods. He strolled its bustling lanes, attended court procee- dings and Council meetings when required, or encountered devoted followers. Socrates re-

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rao konvencijama i dovodio u pitanje društvene vrednosti, pa bismo ga, prema današ - njim standardima, mogli ka - tegorisati kao beskuć nika ko - ji je živeo negde na atinskoj agori. Ali Sokrat je uživao na otvorenom. Ksenofont svedo - či: „Rano ujutru bi išao na jav - na šetališta i poligone, u pod - ne je viđan na pijaci, a ostatak dana je provodio upravo tamo gde možeš da sretneš već inu ljudi…“ Konkretno, bio je navi - knut da govori u agori... Platonova Akademija Prizor filozofa koji se šetkaju po centru grada postao je sa - svim uobičajen tokom 5. veka pre nove ere, kada je Perikleo - va Atina postala intelektualni, demokratski i umetnički inku - bator. Tri glavne gimnazije u gradu od 6. do 4. veka pre no - ve ere bile su Akademija, Licej i Kinosargi, smešteni severno, istočno i jugoistočno od drev - nog grada. Akademija, koja je dobila ime po lokalnom hero - ju Hekademu (Akademu), du - go je bila sveto područje, pri -

lično suvo i bez vegetacije, sve dok ga državnik Kimon ni - je navodnio iz obližnjih reka Kefis i Eridanos. U Sokrato - vo vreme već se ovaj deo oko Akademije smatrao najlepšim okrugom izvan Atine. Njegov hladan, senoviti maslinjak, po - sveć en Atini, bio je privlač - no mesto za filozofe i njiho - ve studente, koji bi stizali do ovog parka nakon šetnje od oko 1,5 km od kapije Dipilon u kvartu Keramikos. Platon, iz imuć ne porodice u tom kra - ju, osnovao je svoju školu oko 387. pre Hrista u svojoj kuć i, zapadno od brda Hipios Ko - lonos. U narednim vekovima školski kampus se dalje razvi - jao sa dodatnim zgradama. Danas je Akademija arheološ - ko nalazište i pokriva je veliki travnati park. Aristotelov Licej Istočno od današnjeg trga Sintagma bio je i pastoral - ni i dobro navodnjavani kvart Licej. Omeđen na severu br - dom Likavitus i rekom Eri - danos, a na jugu svetilištem

Zevsu i rekom Ilisos, u počet - ku je bio posve en Apolonu Likeju, zaštitniku stada. Atlet - ske objekte Liceja koristili su sofisti (Protagora, Prodikus...) pre Sokratovog vremena, dok je Isokrat kasnije tamo preda - vao retoriku. Godine 335. pre nove ere Platonov učenik Ari - stotel vratio se u Atinu, preu - zimajuć i zgradu Liceja za svo - ju peripatetičku školu – tako nazvanu zbog šetališta, ili zbog njegove navike da hoda dok razgovara sa učenicima. Aristotelov Licej je sadržao bi - blioteku i zbirke uzoraka bi - ljaka i životinja, čemu je zna - čajno doprineo njegov bivši učenik, slavni Aleksandar Ve - liki. Kao mesto obrazovanja, nastave i istraživanja, pred - stavljao je prvi „univerzitet“ zapadnog sveta. Danas po - setioci arheološkog nalazišta pored Vizantijskog muzeja mogu da vide temelje pale - stre, osnovane 350–300 pre nove ere.

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Platon, koji je bio iz imucne porodice, osnovao je svoju školu oko 387. pre Hrista u svojoj kuć i Plato, who hailed from an affluent family, established his school in around 387 BC, in his own home

sisted convention and challen- ged society’s values. In fact, by today’s standards, we might categorise him as a vagrant li- ving in the Athenian Agora. So- crates enjoyed the outdoors. Xenophon says. “Early in the morning, he went to the public promenades and training gro- unds; in the forenoon, he was seen in the market; and the rest of the day he passed just where most people were to be met….” In particular, he was ac- customed to speaking in the Agora... Plato’s Academy The sight of philosophers han- ging around the city centre be- came even more commonpla- ce during the 5th century BC, when Periclean Athens beca- me an intellectual and demo-

cratic artistic incubator. The three major gymnasia of At- hens during the period from the 6th to 4th centuries BC we- re the Academy, the Lyceum, and the Cynosarges temple of Heracles, respectively located to the north, east, and southe- ast of the ancient city. The Aca- demy, named after local he- ro Academus, had long been a sacred area, though it was arid and treeless until the sta- tesman Cimon irrigated it with waters from the nearby rivers of Cephissus and Eridanos. By Socrates’ time, it was already considered the most beautiful district outside the walled At- hens. Its cool and shady olive grove, dedicated to the godde- ss Athena, would have been an attractive place for philosop- hers and their students, who

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could reach this parkland af- ter walking about 1.5 km from the Dipylon, the Double Gate in the Cerameicus quarter. Plato, who hailed from an affluent fa- mily in the area, established his school in around 387 BC in his own home, to the west of the Hill of Hippios Kolonos. The sc- hool’s “campus” was further developed in the following cen- turies with the addition of new buildings. A grassy park today covers the territory once occu- pied by the Academy. Aristotle’s Lyceum The Lyceum district, lying to the east of present-day Synta- gma Square, was also rural and well-watered in antiquity. Boun- ded to the north by Lycabettus Hill and the Eridanos River, and to the south by the Sanctuary of Olympian Zeus and the Ili- ssos River, it was initially sa- cred to Lycean Apollo, a pro- tector of herds against wolf attacks. The Lyceum’s athle- tic facilities had already been used by sophists (such as Pro- tagoras and Prodicus) prior to Socrates’ time, while Isocra- tes later taught rhetoric there. It was in 335 BC that Aristotle, Plato’s student, returned to At- hens and took over a Lyceum building for his “Peripatetic” sc- hool – so named for the wal- kways or his habit of walking while speaking with students. Aristotle’s Lyceum contained a library and collections of sam- ples of plants and animals, wi- th a significant contribution to the collection provided by his former pupil-turned-conqueror, Alexander the Great. As a place of education, teaching and re- search, it represented the We- stern world’s first “university”. Visitors to today’s archaeolo- gical site beside the Byzantine Museum can view the founda- tions of a palaestra wrestling school that was founded ca. 350-300 BC.

Ne samo da je drevna grčka filozofija utrla put zapadnoj intelektualnoj tradiciji već je i u svoje vreme drmala kulturne temelje / Ancient Greek philosophy not only paved the way for the Western intellectual tradition, but also shook the very cultural foundations of its own time

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Dubrovački zimski festival Pozivnica za sezonu čarolija

Pobegnite od običnog i pri- grlite izvanredno ove zimske sezone u Dubrovniku. Dubrovač- ki zimski festival, koji slavi svoje veli- čanstveno 10. izdanje, poziva vas da učestvujete u spektaklu svečanosti i Pozivamo vas na spektakularnu no- vogodišnju proslavu na kojoj ce na- stupiti muzička legenda i regionalna superzvezda Zdravko Čolic. Festival obećava preko 20 očaravajućih kon- cerata u različitim, ali uvek šarman- tnim gradskim kulama. Grad se budi Festival nudi bogatu tapiseriju muzi- ke, zabave, gastronomije i dečjih ak- tivnosti. S protokom festivalskih ak- kulturnih delikatesa. Jubilarna svetkovina tivnosti magično prisustvo Deda Mraza iz Finske uvodi nas u zadivlju- jući decembar. Muzički sjaj na Stradunu Omiljeni Stradun postaje pozornica za neke od najsjajnijih muzičkih pred- stava tokom ovog festivala. Počevši od legendarnog hrvatskog rok ben- da „Prljavo kazalište“, ovogodišnje iz- danje predstavlja presedan velikim finalom 6. januara 2024. uz zadivlju- juce melodije Jelene Rozge. Muzičko putovanje Dubrovnik je tokom decembra do- macin plejadi najboljih hrvatskih i regionalnih muzičara. Uživajte u melodijama Džibonija, „4 tenora“, To- mislava Bralice i hora „Intrade“, „Par- nog valjka“... Festival obećava i ne- svakidašnji spektakl grupe „Queen Sensation“, tribjut benda posveće- nog legendarnoj grupi „Kvin“. Zemlja čuda za decu Najmlađe posetioce očekuju fanta- stični programi poput stanice Se- verni pol u Lazaretima, Šarene zime u zalivu Lapad sa vozom i klizalištem. Božicni koncert 22. decembra i veliki Novogodišnji koncert na Stradunu 1. januara dodatno će začiniti advent- ske dane.

Dubrovnik Winter Festival

An Invitation to a Season of Enchantment

Escape the ordinary and em- brace the extraordinary this winter season in Dubrovnik. The Du- brovnik Winter Festival, now celebra- ting its illustrious 10 th edition, beckons you to partake in a spectacle of festi- vities and cultural refinement.

stival unfolds, the magical presence of Santa Claus from Finland sets the stage for a captivating December. Musical Brilliance on Stradun The beloved Stradun becomes the stage for some of the most brilliant musical performances during this festival. Commencing with the le- gendary Croatian rock band, Prlja- vo kazalište, this year's edition sets a precedent with a grand finale on 6 th January 2024, featuring the enchan- ting sounds of Jelena Rozga. A Musical Journey Throughout December, Dubrovnik hosts a constellation of Croatia's and the region's finest musicians. Revel in melodies with performances by Gi- bonni, the harmonious 4 Tenors, the resonant Tomislav Bralić and the In- trade choir, the timeless Parni va- ljak... Moreover, the festival promi- ses an extraordinary stage spectacle by Queen Sensation, a tribute band dedicated to the legendary group Queen. A Wonderland for Children Youngest visitors are in for a treat wi- th enchanting programmes such as the North Pole Station in Lazareti, the Colourful Winter in the Bay of Lapad, complete with a train and ice ska- ting rink. The Christmas Concert on 22 nd December and grand New Ye- ar's Concert on Stradun on 1 st Janu- ary promise to add spice to the Ad- vent days.

I zima je u Dubrovniku vreme za slavlje sa godišnjim Dubrovačkim zimskim festivalom, koji grad čini magičnim Winter in Dubrovnik is also a time for celebration, with the annual Dubrovnik Winter Festival casting a magical spell over the city

A Jubilant Celebration As we usher in the New Year, we invite you to a spectacular New Year's Eve celebration featuring the musical le- gend and regional superstar, Zdravko Čolić. The festival promises over 20 enchanting concerts set against va- rious charming city backdrops. A City Awakens The festival curates a rich tapestry of music, entertainment, gastronomy, and children's activities that promi- se to leave you spellbound. As the fe-

Promo » Promo | 21

Trending u


Srbija je zemlja u kojoj kultura nikad ne spava. Događaja iz svih oblasti umetnosti je previše da bi bili nabrojani, mi smo izdvojili samo neke, a vi uživajte otkrivajući Srbiju i njenu bogatu kulturu / Serbia is a country where culture never sleeps. There are too many events in all fields of art to list them all, so here we’ve singled out just a few, and it’s up to you to enjoy discovering Serbia and its rich culture Šta je novo u oktobru? What’s new in October?

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U trendingu / trending

Izložba / exhibition

Majstor i Margarita u galeriji „Art for All“ The Master and Margarita at Art for All Gallery

Montenegrin artist Hajdi’s exhi- bition The Master and Margarita addresses the topics of love, the complete overlapping of the sur- real and the real, and the merg- ing of miraculous elements with those that are real, thereby creat- ing a story that speaks of the state of human imagination and sub- consciousness. With her breadth and richness of talent, this art- ist succeeds in imposing herself on the audience and challenging them to reflect further, and you can verify that for yourself at Bel- grade’s Art for All Gallery until 5 th October. Hajdana Kostić, aka Ha- jdi, was the winner of this year’s Red Bull Doodle Art Montenegro competition. Her works are held in the private collections of ce- lebrities like John Malkovich, Skye Edwards (Morcheeba), Frances- co Tristano, Sandra Nasić (Guano Apes) and many others... The first ever Hermitage Days in Serbia event, to be held in Belgrade from 24 th to 29 th October, is being jointly organ- ised by the Hermitage, one of the world’s largest museums, the Serbian Ministry of Culture and company Gazprom Neft. In collaboration with the National Muse- um of Serbia, the Hermitage will pres- ent two exhibitions: the inclusive project Invisible Art, which provides visitors with an opportunity to literally touch history: to touch ancient frescoes, antique car- pets and tactile replicas of other Hermit- age works. The exhibition Tsar Porcelain will connect the dinner services used by Russian monarchs at formal dinners and family celebrations with the history of the House of Romanov. On 25 th October, St. Petersburg’s Yacobson Ballet will give a gala performance at the National Thea- tre featuring the best works from its rep- ertoire. Famous Russian baritone Vasi- ly Gerello will then hold a concert on the same stage, on 28 th October.

Izložba „Majstor i Margarita“ crnogorske umetni- ce Hajdi govori o ljubavi, potpunom preklapanju nadrealnosti i stvarnosti, spajanju čudesnih ele- menata sa onim stvarnim, gradeći tako jednu pri- ču koja govori o stanju ljudske mašte i podsvesti. Umetnica svojom širinom i bogatstvom uspeva da se nametne publici i izazove je na dalja promi- šljanja, a da li je tako, možete da proverite u galeriji

„Art for All“ u Beogradu do 5. oktobra. Hajdana Kostić Hajdi je ovogodišnja pobed- nica „Red Bull doodle art Montenegro“ takmičenja, a njeni radovi se nalaze u privat- nim kolekcijama poznatih ličnosti kao što su Džon Malkovič, Skaj Edvards („Morc- heeba“), Frančesko Tristano, Sandra Našić („Guano Apes“) i mnogih drugih...

Muzej / museum

Dani Ermitaža u Srbiji Hermitage Days in Serbia

U Beogradu će od 24. do 29. okto- bra prvi put biti održani Dani Ermi- taža u Srbiji, koji organizuju Ermitaž, jedan od najvećih muzeja sveta, Mi- nistarstvo kulture Srbije i kompanija „Gasprom njeft“. U saradnji sa Narodnim muzejom Srbije Ermitaž će predstaviti dve izložbe. Inkluzivni projekat „Nevidlji- va umetnost” pružiće posetiocima priliku da bukvalno dotaknu istoriju: da dodirnu drevne freske, starinske ćilime i taktilne replike drugih de-

ruskih monarha. Petrogradski „Balet Jakobson“ prikazaće 25. oktobra u Narodnom pozorištu ga- la-predstavu sa najboljim delima iz svog reperto- ara. Na istoj sceni 28. oktobra biće održan kon- cert čuvenog ruskog baritona Vasilija Gerela.

la iz kolekcije Ermitaža. A izložba „Carski porce- lan” povezaće istoriju dinastije Romanov i dvor- ske servise za ručavanje koji su bili u upotrebi na svečanim večerama i porodičnim proslavama

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U trendingu / trending

Solunska 28: O seksu, drogi i rokenrolu Solunska 28: on sex, drugs & rock’n’roll KNJIGA / BOOK

Treći deo trilogije „Solunska 28“ donosi nam priču Milana Jankovića – rođenog na adresi iz naslova knjige – o tome kako je krvavi ras- pad Jugoslavije izbegnut zahvaljujući pove- renju svih njenih naroda i narodnosti u ro- kenrol. Završni deo trilogije „Solunska 28“ doktora Neleta Karajlića stavlja tačku na pri- ču o sudbini jedne dorćolske adrese i nekoli- ko generacija koje su tu živele. Takođe, time je otvoreno i novo poglavlje u stvaralačkoj biografiji čoveka koji već četiri decenije pe- va, komponuje, glumi, režira i piše li piše. Dr Karajlić je rešio da u svojoj sagi o jednom gradu i dva i po svetska rata istoriju ščepa tamo gde je najtanja i izvrne je naglavačke. Knjiga daje moćan umetnički pogled na al- ternativnu nedavnu prošlost u kojoj je krvavi raspad Jugoslavije izbegnut zahvaljujući po- verenju u rokenrol... Knjiga će se pojaviti u knjižara sredinom oktobra.

The third part of the trilogy Solunska 28 brings us the story of Milan Janković - born at the ad- dress that forms the title of the book - about how the bloody collapse of Yugoslavia was avoided thanks to all its peoples and nationali- ties placing their trust in rock ‘n’ roll. This final in- stalment of Dr Nele Karajlić’s Solunska 28 trilogy concludes the story of the fate of one address in Belgrade’s Dorćol neighbourhood and sever- al generations who lived there, but also opens a new chapter in the creative biography of a man who has spent the past four decades working as a singer, composer, actor, director and writer. In his saga of one city and two and a half world wars, Nenad Karajlić decided to snatch at histo- ry where it is at its leanest and turn it on its head. The book offers a powerful artistic perspective on an alternative recent past thanks to the pow- er of rock ‘n’ roll... The book will be available in bookshops from mid-October. Dani italijanskog filma održaće se od 24. do 28. oktobra u Beogradu, a biće prika- zana najnovija ostvarenja italijanske ki- nematografije. Poseban program biće posvećen Federiku Feliniju, maestru ita- lijanske kinematografije (30 godina od smrti slavnog reditelja). Italijanska „Ci- necittà“ je jedan od najvažnijih evropskih filmskih i fotografskih arhiva u kojem se nalaze najznačajniji materijali evropske i italijanske kinematografije. Reč je o veli- koj audiovizuelnoj zbirci koja se bavi isto- rijom 20. veka. The Italian Film Days festival takes place in Belgrade from 24 th to 28 th October and will include screenings of the latest achieve- ments of Italian cinema. The festival will in- clude a special programme dedicated to Federico Fellini, the maestro of Italian cin- ematography (30 years after the death of this famous filmmaker). Italy’s Cinecit- tà represents one of the most important European film and photographic archives, containing the most important materials of European and Italian cinematography. This huge collection of audiovisual mate- rial deals with the history of the 20 th cen- tury.

Dani italijanskog filma Italian Film Days Dani / days

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Američka fank basistkinja, pevačica i tekstopisac, Nik Vest, najavljuje spek- takularni povratak na muzičku scenu Beograda. Nastupiće u klubu „BitefArtCafe“ 2. novembra, u okviru koncertnog serijala „Musicology Ses- sions“, obećavajući publici nezaborav- no iskustvo puno pozitivne energije. Nik Vest nije samo obična muzičarka, ona je virtuoz na bas-gitari i kreativ- na snaga 21. veka u svetu muzike. Sa svojom ikoničnom čiroki frizurom koja podseća na bas-ključ, ona nije samo talentovana muzičarka – ona je vizuel- na umetnica. Njene kolege muzičari, kritičari i publika smatraju je za jednu od najistaknutijih predstavnica nove fank scene i naslednicu legendarnog Prinsa, sa kojim je imala blisku sarad- nju. Poznati muzički novinar Alek Hen- derson, iz magazina „Bilbord“, opisao ju je kao retku umetnicu 21. veka koji savršeno poznaje svoj instrument. Povodom koncerta 2. novembra u klu- bu „BitefArtCafe“, razgovarali smo sa Nik, koja kaže da je veoma uzbuđena zbog povratka u u Beograd... – Taj nastup 2019. godine je ostavio dubok utisak na mene jer pamtim ko- liko je bila neverovatna energija publi- ke! Rado komuniciram sa svojim fano- vima jer verujem da muzika ide dalje od samog izvođenja. Uvek želim nešto da podelim sa publikom, bila to pozi- tivna emocija ili inspiracija. Moja omi- ljena publika je bučna, uzbuđena i pre- puna energije, što me inspiriše da pružim najbolje od sebe. Tada se ose- ćam kao superžena! Pitanja o saradnji sa Prinsom su neizbežna. Kako biste opisali iskustvo rada sa njim? – Ta saradnja je zauvek promenila moj život. Prins je umetnik koji se pojavljuje samo jednom u životu. Osećam veliku zahvalnost što sam imala priliku da bu- dem deo njegove muzičke priče i da učim od njega. Imate li neki savet za mlade mu- zičare i basiste? – Budite autentični. Nemojte poku- šavati da budete kao bilo ko drugi, jer ste upravo vi posebni i svetu je po- trebno ono što donosite. Vaša publi- ka će uvek prepoznati vašu jedinstve- nost. Vežbajte naporno, postavljajte realne ciljeve i dajte sve od sebe da ih ostvarite.

Nik Vest se vraća u grad Nik west is returning to the city koncert / concert

American funk bassist, singer and song- writer Nik West has announced her spec- tacular return to the Belgrade music scene. West will perform on 2 nd Novem- ber at the BitefArtCafe club, as part of the Musicology Sessions concert series, promising the audience an unforgettable experience packed with positive energy. West is no ordinary musician. She is a vir- tuoso bassist and a creative force of the 21 st century in the music world. With her iconic ‘mohawk’ hairstyle, which is remi- niscent of a bass clef, she’s not just a tal- ented musician – she’s also a visual artist. Her fellow musicians, critics and audienc- es consider her one of the most prom- inent representatives of the new funk scene and the successor to the legend- ary Prince, with whom she collaborated closely. Alex Henderson, a renowned mu- sic journalist of Billboard magazine, de- scribed her as being among the rare art- ists of the 21 st century who have perfect understanding of their instrument. We spoke with Nik, as we await the 2 nd November concert at Belgrade’s BitefArt- Cafe club, who says that she’s very excit- ed about returning to Belgrade... - That 2019 performance left a deep im- pression on me, because I remember how incredible the energy of the audi- ence was! I happily communicate with my fans, because I believe that music ex- tends beyond the performance itself. I al- ways want to share something with the audience, be that positive emotion or in- spiration. My favourite audience is loud, excited and full of energy, which inspires me to offer them my best. I then feel like Superwoman! Questions about your collabora- tion with Prince are unavoidable. How would you describe the expe- rience of working with him? - That cooperation forever changed my life. Prince is the kind of artist who ap- pears once in a lifetime. I feel huge grati- tude that I had an opportunity to be part of his musical story and that I had the op- portunity to learn from him. Do you have any advice for young musicians, particularly bassists? - Be authentic. Don’t try to be like any- one else, because you are actually spe- cial and the world needs what you bring. Your audience will always recognise your uniqueness. Practice hard, set realistic goals and give your all to achieve them.

Postala sam majka. Imam malog sina koji mi je doneo mnogo radosti i inspiracije. Jedva čekam da podelim muziku koja je nastala zahvaljujući njemu I became a mother. I have a little son who has brought me a lot of joy and inspiration. I can hardly wait to share the music that was created thanks to him

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