King's Business - 1950-06

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i S I l l l l l l l i iM I ^ ^ S I B lliil!IM ll | * ^ * i In This Issue—^Does The Hydrogen Bomb Mean The End? ; m 4 M ^ $ X f

Louis S. Bauman, D. D.

IPS* ■-I


The Fleming H. Revell Company takes un­ told pride in presenting the two latest volumes of the Great Pulpit Masters Series. Because the first two volumes, Dwight L. Moody and Charles H. Spurgeon, were so enthusiastically received, this series will be a welcome addition to the family library or the minister’s study. Beautifully printed, sturdily bound and uniform throughout. R .A . TORREY Sixteen serm ons

showing Dr. Torrey at his preaching b e s t. As a challenger of doubt and disbelief and champion of the truth o f God , he found it in Gospel, |Bible and Christ. In- ||g .*>j (induction by William

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T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Upon reading my current issue of your magazine, I came across two letters criticizing an illustration which had appeared in the January issue. Since I had never seen anything in The King’s Business that could be criticized from that standpoint, I looked up the January issue to see what all the fuss was about —and was aghast when I turned to page thirteen! No wonder it is hard to in­ terest young people in the church when so-called Christians can see evil in a picture as sweet and wholesome as that. I suggest that these good people look to their own minds for the evil, and re­ member that “ As a man thinketh in his own heart, so is he.” —MRS. FRANK GRIFFEN Weiser, Idaho How we love The King’s Business! It brings peace and comfort to our souls. Just recently I subscribed for a friend after reading the article, “ The Mind Under the Blood.” This Christian friend has a great burden—at times is almost desperate. I prayed and prayed for her, and when I read this article, I felt it would help her so I loaned the magazine to her, and also subscribed for her. She received much help from this article, as well as from all the rest of the material in the magazine. —LAURA MOTT Cleveland, Ohio I read with some interest in your January King’s Business, page 16, the anonymous reader’s letter and your re­ ply thereto, which reply I highly appre­ ciate. I may add that the phrase “many of the best Christians in the world to­ day are members of the above,” i.e. Catholics and Christian Scientists, is totally wrong. Although members of these two churches may call themselves Christians, they are not Christ’s own, Christians. The Word of God very defi­ nitely and clearly says he that has not the Spirit of Christ is none of His (Christ’s). The teachings of the two above churches are not scriptural and therefore they do mislead souls to per­ dition. I always call a spade a spade; I fear not. I thank you for The King’s Business which you are kind enough to send me for over fifteen to twenty years (except during the war time). It has been a source of blessing to me and the mem­ bers of my family and others. I am a lay worker of the Methodist Church, not a modernist, and 1 admit the Bible truths re conversion, regeneration, new life in Christ—without which a Chris­ tian is a dummy. —H. O. MUTTUKISTNA Batticaloa, CEYLON. I am enjoying every article of The King’s Business. I have greatly profited from Dr. Talbot’s series on “ The Mys­ tery of Suffering.” Have been ill quite a bit, and it has been a great help to me. —ELIZABETH MEHAGIAN Pasadena, Calif. J U N E , 1 9 5 0

Official Publication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

Louis T. Talbot, D.D.

Betty Bruechert Managing Editor

William W . Om, D.D.

Editor in Chief

Associate Editor

Copyright, 1950, The King’s Business No part of this magazine may he reproduced without permission. All Rights Reserved. Voi. 41 JUNE, 1950 No. 6 CONTENTS Reader Reaction............................................................................................. 3 Editorially Speaking.................................................................................... 4 Dr. Talbot’s Question Box........................... 6 Does the Hydrogen Bomb Mean the End? Louis S. Bauman ........... 7 “ I f Thou Hadst Known!” Vance H a v n e r .. .......................................... 10 How Young People May Know the Will o f God, William W. O r r . .. 12 What Kind o f a Minister is in Demand? Edward H. Roberts ......... 14 Biola’s Mid-Century Graduating Class.'................................................ 15 Junior King’s Business: Big Hats, Thomas Titcombe ..................... 16 Looking Upon the Whitened Harvest Fields, Margaret Jacobsen. .. 17 The Bible in the News, William W. O rr .................................................. 18 Biola Family Circle, Nancy W oolnough ................................................ 19. Young People’s Topics, Walter L. Wilson .............................................. 20 Bible Quiz, Vernon H oward ..................................................................... 23 Miscellanea ................................................................................................... 24 Sunday School Lessons, Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood ............. 25 Book Reviews................................................................................................. 31 Object Lessons, Elmer L. Wilder ............................................................. 32 Picture Credits: Cover, U. S. Department o f Defense, Washington, D. C.; pp. 8,9, Robert Knight, Los Angeles; p. 10, H. Armstrong Roberts, Philadelphia, Pa.; p. 13, Eva Luoma, Weirton, W. V a .; p. 17, O. E. Glass, Los Angeles. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION—"The King’s Business” is published monthly; $2.00, one year; $1.00, six month; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES—Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to “ The King’s Business.” Date of expiration will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING—For information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS—“ The King’s Business” cannot aceept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered ,as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, Cali­ fornia, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California. Page Three

one world but two worlds, dividing into a pitiless, atheistic community on the one hand; on the other, a community which still believes in God, free nations, human dignity and peace.” Many Bible students have long agreed that one of the outstanding signs of end- time events would be the division of the world into two great confederacies: a great northern confederacy led by Gog of the land of Magog, which is readily identified with the Russian nation and its satellites. The description of this confederacy and its attempted destruc­ tion of Israel is given in the 38th and 39th chapters of Ezekiel. This is one world. But there is another world as well which will apparently occupy much of the same territory as that of the ancient Roman Empire whose headquarters were at Rome and whose legions went forth to conquer the known world. The prophecies of Daniel, particularly chap­ ters 2, 7 and 11, deal with this confeder­ acy. The name that is linked with its throne is none other than the man of sin, the beast, the false prophet of Reve­ lation 13. This confederacy is composed of all those countries which do not, at that time, pledge allegiance to the Rus­ sian confederacy already mentioned. This is the second world and the pro­ phetic Scriptures speak of no third one. The prophecy of the meteoric rise and fall of the anti-Christ is astounding. Coming into power almost in a moment, he exhibits supernatural, yet satanically- inspired, wisdom. He rides the crest of world popularity until he is cast down to the pit, there to be tormented day and night forever. The truth of the matter is that even with Russia in the United Nations, today we have these'two worlds. Russia no more adheres to the policies of either the United Nations or America than iron cleaves to clay, and in Russia’s own time the nations of the world will be treated to the spectacle of the destruction of Russia and all her satellites. However, we look at this matter not merely from the standpoint of politics or economics. If these things be neat, that is the division into two worlds, and the coming of Christ is even nearer. The trump must sound, and the dead must be raised, and we must be changed for that great meeting in the air before the new monster coalition of nations pour out their wrath upon one another. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus. A Valuable Book T HE Preacher wrote in the Book of Proverbs that, “ Of making many books there is no end.” It would seem almost as if he had an insight into the tremendously prolific activities of present-day publishers to have made that statement for books of all sizes, shapes, colors and doctrines are pouring from the presses at unprecedented rates. Most of them are in the realm of medi­ ocrity, but occasionally one rises to real heights and answers a real need. Such a book is American Freedom T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

have not turned away our ears from the distressed, and our hearts are tender to­ ward the needy, but even this has paid off well in America, for the God who takes note of all these things has blessed us almost beyond our power to receive. Yet what utter folly it is for any man or group of men to claim the credit when it belongs to God. We are re­ minded of the incident recorded in Daniel 4:30. The great King Nebuchadnezzar boasted: “ Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the king­ dom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty?” While the words were still in his mouth, God’s judgment fell. For seven years the great Babylonian monarch was without his reason, eating grass like an animal. Let all who love America bow humbly and give credit where credit is due, to Amerca’s God. “ Two Worlds ” Is Correct A GAIN enlightened Christian intelli­ gence was startled by last week’s press report of a recent speech by ex- President Herbert Hoover. Many Christ­ ian supporters have long believed Mr. Hoover to be a truly born-again child of God, with a real insight into the rela­ tionship between prophecy and world events. In a speech before editors and publishers in New York City, Mr. Hoover reviewed many problems of the American situation. We thank God for his stand on the repudiation of our com­ radeship with Red agnosticism. It took courage to say this and it certainly needed to be said. Mr. Hoover stated, “What this world needs today is a defi­ nite, concrete mobilization of the nations who believe in God against this tide of Red agnosticism . . . The United States needs to know who are with us.” He made this proposal: “ The United Na­ tions should be reorganized without the Communist nations in it. If that is im­ practical, then a definite New United Front should be organized of those peoples who disavow Communism . . . All this may give pain to some people. But by their cries ye shall know them.” There isn’t the slightest doubt but that America’s alliance with a godless, blatant, satanically-inspired philosophy makes God’s blessing upon our national economy impossible. The sooner the break is made the better off America will most certainly be. Mr. Hoover made this profound declaration: “ This is not

Credit Where Credit Is Due I T would be interesting to make a comparison, if it were possible, of the relation between Mr. Truman’s popu­ larity and the amount of prayer that ascended from Christian people for him. Most of us will remember his words of five years ago upon the occasion of the death of President Roosevelt: “ I don’t know whether you fellows ever had a load of hay fall on you. But last night the moon, the stars and all the planets fell on me. If you fellows ever pray, pray for me.” The people did pray for him, and the words that came from his lips were wise words indeed and his ac­ tions quite free from error. The out­ standing quality that characterized his early months in office was that of deep humility. God’s Word teaches that He resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. Recently the 222nd presidential press conference was held, almost five years to a day after the President had taken office. Time, in reporting this confer­ ence, found the President speaking very happily of the country’s well-being. There were more persons employed than ever before, the business situation was excellent, and the United States was in fine shape. Then the President continued sarcastically: “ Of course, it couldn’t be that the Chief Executive could take credit for this pleasant state of affairs! It would have taken place anyway if a moron had been on the job—at least, that’s the way some of the press reports it. But the President can take credit for it—and that is just what the President proposes to do.” We wish with all our hearts that the President had not said those words, for we remember that our God is a jealous God and He will not let mere man, whose breath is in his nostrils, take credit for something which the Lord Himself has done. It is true that Amer­ ica is knowing prosperity today the like of which has never been known before, but this has come from the beneficent hand of an all-wise and compassionate Heavenly Father. America’s broad acres have yielded bountifully year after year; there have been no national catastro- phies; the “ cold war” has not burst into the fury of a “hot” conflict and the American people are enjoying luxuries that are the envy of the entire world. It is true America has been consid­ erate to those less fortunate. We have fed the starving out of our bounty. We Page Four

The Press and The Christian World Records Humming Gospel Recordings, that energetic group that makes records in various languages for missionary use, reports that since they installed their pressing machinery they have turned out around 30,000 rec­ ords in about a six-month period. Volun­ teer helpers keep it running day and night, sometimes until two o’clock in the morning. -They are manufacturing their own phonographs, too. Greatest Story— Highest Award The most honored program in radio, namely the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company’s Greatest Story Ever Told re­ cently received additional honors from the Peabody Award Committee, the most sought after commendation in radio. This program, now in its fourth year, continues to be a favorite listening pro­ gram for millions. The theme, of course, is the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. Folding Church One of the newest things in the reli­ gious world is a new folding church trailer to be used instead of rented tents in places where no buildings are avail­ able. When unfolded, it seats 125 people but folds up to standard 8 ft. road width and looks like an ordinary moving van on the highway. It can easily be pulled by a car or a one-ton truck. It is made of weatherboard plywood or sheet aluminum, wired for electricity, and the cost of the building (labor extra) totals approximately $1,000.00. MacArthur Welcomes Y F C To Dr. Robert A. Cook, President of Youth for Christ International, came the following cablegram from General MacArthur: “ Distribution of Scriptures and interdenominational evangelistic rallies carried on in co-operation with established religious missions capable of providing continuing follow-up highly welcome. Entry into Japan of Youth for Christ highly welcome. Entry into Ja­ pan of Youth for Christ representatives will be welcome on same basis as other operating missionaries.” Hope for Lepers According to the American Leprosy Missions, experiments are being con­ ducted in a Nigeria leprosy colony which might eventually result in the abolition of the dread disease. The hope centers in the use of a drug known as diamino-diphenyl and if tests are suc­ cessful and if the drug is approved for extensive use, it may introduce a new era in the treatment of leprosy. This leprosy mission is sponsoring the use of the drug and providing funds for lep­ rosy work among almost all the missions of the world. Page Five

truth that while men are saved by grace, they are saved in order that they might do good works. A very splendid passage in Scripture places these two related doctrines in their proper position. Ephesians 2:8-9 clearly shows the changes in the essen­ tial character of grace. No one can read these stirring passages and not see the tremendous emphasis that God Himself places on this doctrine. Seven times and in seven different ways it is stated that salvation is wholly a work of God for man and not a work of man for God. Then follows verse 10, and after the strong declaration of grace as the basic foundation of the Christ life, it is de­ clared that such salvation is “unto” good works. That is, God quite properly ex­ pects that one who has known the sav­ ing grace of His dear Son should exhibit that same grace through a multiplicity of good works. This exhibit done in the power of the Holy Spirit of God will prove to be the strongest confirmation and the widest advertisement of the fact that the mighty miracle of redemption has taken place in one’s heart. In some circles, good works are over-emphasized especially when they encroach upon the domain where grace must reign alone and supreme. In other circles, good works need additional emphasis and it is to be understood that there is a large place in God’s spiritual economy for the per­ formance of deeds of merit which, while not adding to our salvation, do most cer­ tainly enlarge our rewards. The sphere of good works is almost endless. A good place to begin is in the home, a spot many times overlooked. The Christian s own family should be made aware of the fact that a transformation has taken place in his heart by the unselfish serv­ ices which he performs. The neighbor­ hood is another fertile field of endeavor where kindness and neighborliness can often speak more loudly than passing out tracts or an invitation to special services. The local church presents an­ other field where all too often the work­ ers are too few. Think on these things and let us let our lives so shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father who is in Heaven. Australian Linguistic Program A NEW Institute of Linguistics is now in operation in Berwick, a small village about 28 miles east of Melbourne, Australia. While facilities are extreme­ ly difficult to obtain, temporary quarters in an abandoned school building hold the 39 students of eight denominations and 16 mission boards. Here,-classes in pho­ netics, phonemics and morphology are being held with a view of reaching the untouched tribes of that area with the story of the Gospel.

and Catholic Power by Paul Blanshard. Here is a non-vindictive, sane, factual, logical account of the growth of the Roman Catholic Church in America that ought to be in the hands of every Prot­ estant leader. Seldom do the pages of this publication make such a statement simply because it is seldom true, but it is our profound conviction that Mr. Blanshard’s book contains sober infor­ mation which ought to be in the posses­ sion of everyone who thanks God for what happened at the Reformation, yea, and for each patriotic American as well. Beginning with a prologue chapter, the author sets forth, sanely, his reason for speaking, ably brushing aside the sham barriers of the danger of religious prejudice. Writing to Catholics as well as to Protestants, he lays bare a matter of which there can be no doubt of its mighty grip upon his heart. Prom that point he moves on through the chapters, telling how the Roman Catholic hier­ archy works, their activities in state, church and democracy, their relation­ ship to education and public schools. Then comes the subject which we are sure very few Americans have ever con­ nected with the Roman Church and that is their profound influence upon medi­ cine, family life and eugenics. The chap­ ter deals with marriage, divorce and annulment, censorship and boycott, Fas­ cism, Communism and labor, and ends with a frank discussion of the Catholic plan for America. Here is an invaluable book. Let Protestant leaders, especially, peruse this book with lasting profit. There are many who have felt the prophetic Scriptures dealing with eschat- alogical events to be largely taken up with the final world triumph of the Roman Catholic religio-political system. This could be made possible by the translation- of the church which would take away the real protestors against such pseudo-ecclesiastical times. If this be true, then we need to keep our eyes on the Roman Catholic Church and we will see, in spite of Protestant opposi­ tion, a growth until, along with the anti- Christ, it realizes the ambition which has timed its policies over a millennium, the absolute religious, political and so­ cial control of the entire world. The Doctrine of Good Works T HE age in which we live has rightly been called “ The Age of Grace,” which means that grace is the outstand­ ing characteristic of God’s dealing with the sons of men today. Grace simply means that hindrances have been re­ moved and God’s love has been set free to do all that is in His loving heart for the objects of His affections, namely, the ones who have been washed in the precious blood of His dear Son. Although we greatly rejoice in the teaching of grace, insist that men are saved entirely on the basis of what Christ has done without one iota of per­ sonal merit being added, we must also balance this teaching with the correlated J U N E , 1 95 0

not bear fruit, says, in substance, “ Thou believest that God is one; thou doest well [or, to paraphrase, ‘so far so good’] : the devils [demons] also believe [that God is one], and tremble.” And why do they tremble? Because they know that their doom is sealed, and that they will one day be cast into the lake o f fire with the devil and all his wicked angels. Theirs is a head knowledge, but not a heart knowledge. The same might be said o f any hu­ man being who knows that there is one God, yet refuses the atoning work o f Christ on the cross. He trembles at the thought of judgment — unless Satan has so blinded him that he has deceived him into a false sense o f security. When the Lord Jesus was on earth, the demons recognized Him as “ the Holy One of God.” On one occasion “ they cried out saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son o f God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?” (Matt. 8 :29 ). Here they express a knowledge o f certain doom. When the Lord Jesus “ suffered them not to speak” o f Him as the Son of God, it seems as though He would not receive this testimony from de­ mons. How have “ all families of the earth been blessed” in the descendants o f Abraham? Christ was a Jew “ according to the flesh” ; and unto the Jews were “ com­ mitted the oracles o f God” (Rom. 3 :2 ). So that Christ and the Bible • came through the nation o f Israel to bless the whole world. During the reign o f Christ on earth this promise o f God to Abraham will be fulfilled completely. Then the Gentile nations will seek the God o f Israel; and through His chosen people blessing will flow to all families o f the earth. Why are some of the words in our English Bible put in italics? All words in italics in our English Bible have been added by the trans­ lators to make the meaning clear. Sometimes it is difficult to express in the English language the meaning o f the Hebrew and the Greek. Some Hebrew words, for example, are so freighted with meaning that the translators found it necessary to sup­ ply words, in order to bring out the richness o f the original text. There­ fore, all words in italics in our Eng­ lish Bible are not found in the orig­ inal Hebrew and Greek. Often they do clarify the subject matter; but we need to be careful at times, lest they obscure the meaning. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Dr. L. T. Talbot

Is it not a plain fact that the Euro­ pean countries are already lining up, seemingly in readiness fo r the Anti­ christ, the tribulation period, and the battle o f Armageddon? We can see how easily a confed­ eracy o f nations could be formed by the peoples occupying the territory of the old Roman Empire. Once many ridiculed the prophetic Word o f God, saying that such a thing was impos­ sible; but what student o f history to­ day would be so bold? The return o f the Jew to the land o f Palestine is the most startling sign today, and this makes all other events very significant. The prophets fore­ told that Israel would return to her own land— not all o f the nation, but part o f the people; and that they would go back in unbelief. Another remarkable circumstance in world events is the situation in the East. The “ kings o f the east,” literal­ ly, “ the kings that come from the sunrising” (Rev. 16:12), will play a significant part in world events in the last days. During the last half-century the Orient has been compared to a waking giant, being roused from a long slumber. The time will come when East and West and North and South will meet on the plains o f Me- giddo, for the last great war. Pales­ tine is the geographical and political center o f the world, and has always been in the mind o f God. The Bible says so, in Deuteronomy 32 :8 : “When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons o f Adam, he set the bounds o f the people according to the num­ ber of the children of Israel.” Increased lawlessness in the earth and apostasy in professing Christen­ dom are two other striking “ signs of the times.” Yet we must be careful not to set dates, for our Lord ex­ pressly told us not to do that. He did give us these “ signs” whereby we might know that His coming draweth Page Six

nigh, that we might be ready for His coming. Does the Bible tell us how Peter died? In John 21:18, 19 the risen Lord said to Peter: “ Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou wast young, thou girdest thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands [this suggests cruci­ fixion], and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not. This spake he, signifying by what death he should glorify God.” This is all the Bible tells us of how Peter died. Tradition says that he was crucified with his head down, for he felt unworthy to be crucified as was his Lord. But that is only tradition. It may or may not have been so. My pastor said that the chapter and verse divisions of the Bible were added by men, long after the Bible was written. Is this so? Yes. The first Bible to have chapter divisions was that translated by John Wyeliffe in 1382 A.D. The first to have verse divisions was the Geneva Bible, a translation made by the Puritan Party. These divisions have been used of God for our convenience in locating passages. Often they are logical and true to the real divisions of the sub­ ject matter. But sometimes it seems that a better division might have been made ; as, for ekample, the twelfth chapter o f Hebrews is but a continuation of the eleventh chapter. However, we are grateful to those godly men who rendered us this defi­ nite service. Please explain James 2:19, “ The devils also beUeve, and tremble.” If you read the context, you will see that James, in writing to the man whose empty profession o f faith does

A Scriptural Answer to the Question Whether Man Will Be Bombed Off the Earth


D R. HARRY EMERSON FOS- DICK has published a tract en­ titled: “ One World — or, None!” The concluding statements in this tract are: “ I f Mr. Willkie were writ­ ing his book today, he would undoubt­ edly give it the title: ‘One World or None!’ ” Then comes Mr. Fosdick’s closing comment: “ And, since August 6, 1945, that word ‘none’ rings with an ominous sound!” That day, August 6th, 1945, was the day on which the first atom bomb was ever dropped on a city— the city o f Hiroshima, Japan. In ,the wake o f that bomb, out o f the city’s population o f 343,969 men, women, and little children, 78,150 lay burned and mangled corpses, 37,425 were wounded and disfigured, while 13,983 were classed as missing. That means that at least one out o f every four of the city’s inhabitants was dead; and that three out o f every seven were either dead, or wounded, or missing. And then, without giving the Jap­ anese nation time to think, consider, or to recover a bit from the horror of it, just three days later, on August 9th, another atom bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, a city o f 252,630, leav­ ing 23,753 dead, 40,464 wounded or insane, while 1,927 were classed as missing. Thus more than one out of every four human beings in that great city lay wounded or in the still­ ness o f death, or was missing. The brain reels when one tries to imagine the scene: the awful sham­ bles left from that holocaust, with only a few half-crazed doctors, with­ out instruments or remedies trying to minister to the bleeding and the dying. The living could scarcely bury the dead! Let an unregenerate world that used to scoff at the possibility o f a fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy o f a day when “ the earth also shall dis­ close her blood, and shall no more cover her slain” (Isa. 2 6 :1 9 ); or used to discredit our Lord’s own prophecy J U N E , 1 95 0

bombard other atoms, so that dis­ integration o f matter might proceed indefinitely,” and bring about the disintegration o f the earth itself. Since he said that, science has pre­ sented to mankind the prospect of being bombarded with the new and immensely more powerful hydrogen bomb, beside which the atom bomb is but a baby! ■ Dr. Irving Langmuir, Nobel Prize physical chemist, points out that an atomic war might make the whole earth uninhabitable because o f the tremendous amounts o f radioactivity that would be released in the atmos­ phere and distributed by the winds. Dr. Albert Einstein, physicist and Nobel Prize winner, whose work in­ directly contributed to the release o f atomic energy, concedes that two- thirds of the people o f the earth might be destroyed by atomic bombs, but hopes that enough people would be left to start civilization over again! He made no comment as to the futility of starting a “ civilization over again” that would contain within itself the power o f self-destruction even as it starts! As for the hydro­ gen bomb, well, according to this famous scientist, if once that bomb in its full power is dropped on this earth, there will not be enough people left alive to re-seed it. At that point would come the end o f all flesh! In the light o f Dr. Einstein’s words, it is not hard to understand why, if for no other reason, our Lord declared that no man will be per­ mitted to enter the kingdom o f God unless he is born again, and from above (John 3 :3 ). Men in the next world will surely possess greater knowledge and power than they possess in this world. In possession of this greater power, unless they are given new hearts filled with love for man, and love for God and His righteousness, they would soon bomb out heaven itself! It is not to be forgotten that the angels once sinned! (2 Pet. 2 :4 ). Page Seven

jDr. Louis S. Bauman Pastor of First Brethren Church, Washington, D. C. of a time when “ There shall be great tribulation” . . . so great that “ except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved” (Matt. 24: 21, 22). Let a skeptical world look upon Hiroshima and Nagasaki and think again! View those scenes and you will grasp the import o f Dr. Fos­ dick’s words: “ One world, or — none! And, since August 6, 19J/.5, that word ‘none’ rings with an ominous sound!” Dark indeed are |the prognostica­ tions of our generation of statesmen, scientists, modernists, and men of war. The super-optimists o f a few years ago have become the super­ pessimists of today. Listen to them talk: Dr. Roy Marshall, Director of the F e l l s Planetarium, Philadelphia, actually envisions the possibility that “ atoms released by a bomb might

and safety— a hole in the ground! And, since “ the devil a devil would be,” it looks as if he were inveigling his wise men into inventing some sort o f saucer contraption upon which to sit and follow the saints of God into Heaven itself! But that is to be his undoing, for that is the day in which he himself, will go into a hole in the ground, even as it is written: “ And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the king­ dom o f our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser o f our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night” (Rev. 12: 7-10). “ And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be ful­ filled” (Rev. 20: 1-3). An under­ ground pit is for the devil, and not for the saints of God! However, in this day so clearly foreseen by the prophetic eye of our Lord and Saviour— in this day when there is upon the earth “ distress of nations with perplexity” (Gr. with no way out )— in this day when we see “men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things that are coming on the earth” (Luke 21:25, 26)— in this day the children of God shall hear a voice saying: “ Neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid . . . look for him” (Isa. 8:12, 17)! Even while our Lord shall tarry, the children of God, who walk in the light o f the unfailing word of proph­ ecy, fear not the fears o f those who stagger about in the darkness of un­ belief. If only men will believe, the Word of God will comfort them and give them an assurance that men of science are unable to give. John relates his wonderful experi­ ence : “ I looked, and, behold a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were o f a T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Park in Hiroshima after A-bomb struck.

Dr. Charles D. Coryell, of the Uni­ versity of California, chief of the fission products section of the atomic bomb project at Oak Ridge, Tenn., has declared that the world is too small to contain both self-seeking human beings and the atom bomb. Major George Fielding Elliot re­ marks : “ Civilized man has before him the utter necessity of preventing another World War, as the alternative to his utter extinction by the weap­ ons he has devised, and the forces he has succeeded in letting loose from their primeval hiding places.” Dr. Harold C. Urey, Nobel Prize scientist, declared to a University of Chicago Club in New York City: “ A super-world government is not a solution to world power. There is also a possibility that a tyrant will get control o f the world through such an instrument. The atom bomb is char­ acteristic o f a tyrant’s weapon. It is just the weapon that would enable a dictator to sit firmly in his seat, and no one could do anything about it.” Can anyone contemplate the past record o f Joseph Stalin, and his utter disregard for human life even when his own people are involved, and not realize the probability that if he were in complete possession o f the hydro­ gen bomb, that in his insane desire to rule the whole earth, if frustrated in that desire, he would do the Hitler act, but take all mankind with him? Page Eight

Thus, this world’s modern gods, the scientists themselves, stand aghast before the Rahu that they themselves have created. “ Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man up­ right ; but they have sought out many inventions” (Eccl. 7: 29). Nor do the scientists know of any defense against it. Just several weeks ago, our Defense Secretary, Louis A. Johnson, told a group in New York that even if the United States puts all of its defense money, thirteen bil­ lions of dollars a year, into air de­ fense, it would not guarantee im­ munity from atomic attack. “ No one,” said he, “ could honestly guar­ antee against the possibility o f a suicide pilot eluding our air defense, even if we spent fifty billion dollars.” One o f America’s leading armament experts, Louis Bruchiss, associate editor o f Aerosphere and Aircraft Armament Engineer, stated that “ the only defense against atomic bombs would be to construct huge under­ ground cities safe from atomic blasts.” In other words, the human race, in order to exist, would have to become a race o f groundhogs! But at that, how, we wonder, could the race prevent some devil incarnate from dropping a bomb down into the hole? Or, shutting off the air? Or, running water into a hole in the hole? So! Is this all man’s boastful mod­ ern god, called “ Science,” has now to offer mankind in the way o f peace

trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter” (Rev. 4 :1 ). Now, assuredly, if any such earthly catastrophe as our scientists envisage from the dropping of bombs is to take place, it certainly would have been within the vision o f the great Reve- lator who showed John the great judgments that were to befall the human race on the earth. Only after the final judgment will “ the earth and the heaven” flee away (Rev. 20:11). Judgments and tribulation on earth there will be. But at all times throughout the entire Apocalypse of John, vast masses o f people appear continually upon the earth. So, Friend Einstein, after any judgment, there will be enough human beings left fo r seed! Moreover, while with­ in the judgments John saw as taking place prior to the millennial reign o f Christ, there may be hints o f the possible use o f the devilish handicraft o f men, (as in the eighth and ninth chapters o f the Revelation), yet even these judgments cannot take place while the saints are upon the earth. Thus, trembling scientists may comfort themselves when they see the saints still walking about upon the earth! For, even so hath the Lord promised: “ As it was in the days o f L o t; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; BUT THE S A M E D A Y THAT LOT WENT OUT F R O M SO DO M it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and d e s t r o y e d them all. EVEN THUS SHALL IT BE in the day when the Son o f man is revealed” (Luke 17:28-30). Just how was it then “ in the days o f Lot” ? Hear it: “ The men [mes­ sengers from heaven] laid hold upon his hand, and upon the hand o f his wife, and upon the hand of his two daughters . . . and they brought him forth . . . and he said . . . escape to the mountain . . . Haste thee, escape thither; for I cannot do any thing till thou he come thither . . . The sun was risen upon the earth when Lot entered into Zoar. Then [when the saints had gone out] the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire” (Gen. 19:16-24), “ Even thus shall it b e !” So, quiet your hearts, ye states­ men, ye scientists, and ye modernists. There will still be extant a world, such as it is, Dr. Fosdick, so long as you see walking about you men and women cleansed from sin by the preci­ ous blood of the virgin-bom Son of J U N E , 1 95 0

God—men and women who are “look­ ing for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing o f the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ” (Tit. 2 :13 ). But, you had also better “watch . . . and pray . . . that [with them] ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man” (Luke 21:36). The scientists do not seem to know it, the statesmen do not seem to know it, the modernists do not seem to know it, and if I tell them they will laugh and count me unlettered, not knowing chalk from cheese; but the fact remains that the Word of God supports me when I say that the greatest defense they have from the devastation o f the A-bomb or the H- bomb are the humble saints o f God upon their knees in that almost for­ saken little prayer meeting on Wed­ nesday nights— still here! Once again, the God that keeps His covenants, whatever men may do, has entered into a covenant with man, the keeping of which forbids any such disasters on this earth during this age o f grace, as these scientists envision as possibilities, if not prob­

abilities. Here is the record o f His covenant: “ And Noah builded an altar unto the Lord; and took o f every clean beast, and o f every clean fowl, and offered burnt-offerings on the altar. And the Lord smelled a sweet savour; and the Lord said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more fo r man’s sake; for the imagi­ nation o f man’s heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite every thing living, as I have done. While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease” (Gen. 8:20-22). “ And God said, This is the token o f the covenant which I make be­ tween me and you and every living creature that is with you, for per­ petual generations: I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth” (Gen. 9:12, 13). Ponder those words, 0 trembling soul! And comfort your heart in the thought that the eternal God never breaks a promise. THE RAINBOW IS STILL IN THE SKY!

Bridge in Hiroshima, target of first A-bomb.

W E are living, we are dwelling, in a grand and awful time, In an age on ages telling— to be living is sublime. Hark! the waking up of nations, hosts advancing to the fray; Hark! what soundeth is creation's groaning for the latter day. Will ye play, then? will ye dally, far behind the battle line? Up! it is Jehovah's rally; God's own arm hath need of thine. Worlds are charging, heaven beholding; thou hast but an hour to fight; Now, the blazoned cross unfolding, on, right onward for the right! —Arthur Cleveland Coxe Page Nine

1 ÔLou Jdadôt K r ^_J\nown.

By Vance Havner

tion ”— therein lies the sad story of Israel’s rejection and misery to this day. And there lies a serious message fo r us as well. They did not know Him when He came the first time in the visitation o f grace. How oft would He have gathered His people but they would not. He came to Nazareth and could do no mighty works because o f their unbelief. He came to Gadara and they were more concerned over the loss o f hogs than the presence of God’s Son. Strangely enough, the scribes, the religious experts of His time, the Scripture students, the prophecy specialists, were blindest of all. There stood One among them whom they knew not, as John the Baptist said. Think o f the Son o f God growing up in your town, preaching in the neighborhood, performing mir­ acles before your eyes, and yet you do not know the time o f your visita­ tion ! But so it was and so it will be when He comes again. Most people m il not know the time o f their visitation when He comes in glory. He Himself said it would be as in the days of Noah. They were eating and drink­ ing, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark and knew not until the flood came and took them all away. Our Lord, in that same discourse, said, “ But this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through” (Luke 12:39). But when men say “ Peace and safety,” sudden destruction shall come. Scoffers today make light o f His coming and know not that in denying the signs they are a sign themselves! And just as the religious experts missed Jesus the first time, some who should know better but are wilfully ignorant will not know the time o f their visitation when He comes again. God would not have us ignorant. The day and hour we cannot know, but we can know when His coming draw- eth nigh. Just as men did not know Him when He came first in the visitation of

O NE o f the saddest laments ever to escape human lips is the oft- repeated cry, “ If I had only known!” The motorist who drove to tragedy on the railroad tracks moans “ I f I had only seen the train !” Hos­ pitals are filled with wrecks who would have lived more moderately if they had only known. No man means to be a drunkard or to destroy his body when he sets out in the way o f sin. If we realized the consequences we would do something about the cause. Many a pauper, if he had known, would have made preparation fo r the rainy day. And think of the tragedy o f lost youth. Many an old man has said, “ If I had known then what I know now, I would have remembered my Creator in the days of my youth.” If youth only knew how to live and old age could! But experience is some­ thing we have when it is too late to use it. I f we had known that dear ones would be so suddenly snatched from us, we would have been kinder.

But consider a more serious appli­ cation. Our Lord is weeping over Jerusalem. He has come to the lost sheep o f the house o f Israel and they have not recognized the Shepherd. He has come unto His own and His own have received Him not. And now He laments, “ I f thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! But now they are hid from thine eyes” (Luke 19:42). Then He describes the coming de­ struction o f Jerusalem, fulfilled to the letter forty years later: “ For the days shall come upon thee, that thine ene­ mies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side, and shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not'leave in thee one stone upon an­ other, because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation” (Luke 19:48, 44). “ I f thou hadst known . . . thou knewest not the time o f thy visita-

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grace, and just as men will not know the day o f His visitation in glory, it is also true that many do not recog­ nize Him when He comes in other visitations o f blessing. He has come often in revival and often those who should have been the first to know Him have been blindest. When God visited England in the great Wes­ leyan revival, a leading churchman declared that he was unable to per­ ceive any great work o f God going on anywhere. Mr. Wesley said, “ I don’t believe the good man did see anything.” He knew not the day of his visitation and, just as the scribes missed Jesus, there will be even Bible scholars and prophecy experts and rock-ribbed fundamentalists who will miss Him today, because His visita­ tion is not according to their blue­ prints. God is working today and it has upset the calculations o f some who declared there never could be another revival. I have read of a man saying to his companion as they stood in front o f a pet shop: “ Look at that stuffed bird in the window. Whoever fixed him up was a poor taxidermist. No bird ever stood on a limb like that.” And just then the bird flew down! The bird is flying down these days to the dis­ comfiture o f not a few experts. God is moving today and, just as in our Lord’s day, He by-passed the Pharisees and left the ecclesiastical set-up behind to call to Himself through plain apostles the hungry multitudes, so He may do today. He has done it before as in the days o f Wesley and Whitefield and Finney and Moody. He will set aside our pet programs and disregard our little ar­ rangements and demonstrate that it is not by might nor power but by His Spirit. Our gigantic official religious world is too busy putting its own projects over. God is going over their heads calling sinners to repentance. True, He works as always through His church, but He has not always been able to work through the impos­ ing organization that calls itself His church. Through the years He has been calling to Himself in all our churches those who mean business, faithful believers who have been pray­ ing and working for revival. They have made mistakes and blunders and failures such as mar any work in which poor human flesh engages. But God is honoring our faith though it has been weak and our prayers though they have been feeble, and now He seems to be gathering what may be a final harvest before the curtain of the age rings down. He is working according to His own pattern. “ The wind bloweth J U N E , 1 9 5 0

where it listeth.” He will not send a revival made to order, planned after our little diagrams. God is sovereign, His ways are not our ways. It mat­ ters not how nor when nor where it comes if God is in it. It matters not what preacher He uses. One plants, another waters, but God gives the increase. The important thing for us is to know the time o f our visitation. Pity us if we talk revival for years and don’t know one when it comes! God help us to be ready when Jesus comes by in revival! Let us not be like some orchestras that take more time to tune up than to play! Let us be ready for His visitation. We do not have to wait until a big campaign starts or a much-heralded preacher arrives. Now is the day for individual revival as well as for salvation. In­ deed, we are not to be gullible, we are to try the spirits whether they be o f God but, on the other hand, let us not be so stubborn as to miss a blessing rather than give up a preju­ dice. And God grant us the grace to sit at any man’s feet if we may learn the way o f the Lord more perfectly.

wardly we hoped that we would be asked to remain? Jesus is passing by. He is a gentleman. He will not abide uninvited. If we are to know Him better, we must constrain Him. The deeper things o f God pass on if we do not lay hold upon them. Jesus always makes as though He would go further. He does not compel us, we must constrain Him. Yet He longs to abide as our Guest that He may be­ come our host as He did at Cana. He would sit at our table that we might sit at His, He would sup with us that we may sup with Him. Jesus is passing by day by day and life’s greatest privilege is to know Him and the power o f His resurrec­ tion and the fellowship of His suffer­ ings. Let us buy up the opportunity! If a little of God’s grace makes us as happy as it does, why do not we want all we can get! Some have been Christians for years and yet know Christ but little more than at the start. We ought to make our supreme concern to know Him and to make Him known. We waste enough time to gain a working knowledge o f the Bible. We miss enough daily oppor­ tunities o f prayer, meditation, wit­ nessing, to make mature Christians o f us, yet we are babes on milk when we should be on meat. It takes time to know God. This age o f aspirin tablets and stomach ulcers does not lend itself to the deeper life. Very few are interested in it. At most we are so busy with the good that we miss the best. Jesus is passing by but He makes as though He would go further. Let us avail ourselves o f the time o f His visitation! This closer walk is the other side o f revival. In fact if we attended to this we should not need revival. Most Christians and churches need a periodic stirring up but it should not and need not be so. God never meant that His people should live by fits and starts, an up and down experience. Some husbands and wives live that way with alternate spells o f quarreling and making up again. How much better is that steady and con­ stant companionship, not perfect, but faithful and dependable day by day! With churches on every corner why should we have to have a special re­ viving every year? If we walked with God and kept up to date with Him in our hearts we should never need to call in a preacher to get us back to normal. True revival is simply nor­ mal New Testament Christianity, not an occasional religious spree. Enoch did not need a “ revival” every year to Page Eleven

Dr. Vance Havner There is another way in which Jesus passes by in a visitation of blessing. He visits us daily in the privilege and possibility o f knowing Him better. Remember how, when He came to the dwelling place o f the Emmaus disciples, “ He made as though He would have gone further.” He did not force Himself upon them. He would have passed on but He longed to manifest Himself and' must have been delighted when they constrained Him to tarry. Have we not, in the company o f one beloved, moved as though we would be going while in­

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