Winter Issue - National Founders Day

This issue features a recap of the 15th National Founders Day Observance in Las Vegas, NV, the Launch of the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation's $5 Million Capital Campaign and an update of the Military and Veterans Affairs Commission activities.


STRENGTHENING THE FRATERNITY— FOUNDATION PARTNERSHIP The $5 Million Campaign is Launched at the 15 th National Founders' Day Observance


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Journal Notes


Grand Polemarch's Message


Junior Grand Vice Polemarch's Message

8 National News 16 National Founders' Day Board Meeting Gallery 22 National Founders' Day Opening Ceremony Gallery 26 National Founders' Day Observance 42 The State of the Foundation








30 75


49 Mission Possible: Foundation Capital Campaign 59 Foundation Honorary Committee Chairs Message 64 MVAC Review 66 Spotlight on U.S. Army 75 Spotlight on U.S. Navy 76 Spotlight on U.S. Coast Guard 78 Alumni News 80 Chapter News 82 A Look Back: Kappa History 98 To the Chapter Invisible 118 The Kappa Alpha Psi® Directory








Published quarterly by Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., 2322-24 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19132-4590. Periodic postage paid at Philadelphia, PA and additional mailing offices. Subscriptions: $10 per year. USPS 291-300. No responsibility may be assumed by the Journal for receipt or return of material, news stories, photographs or creative pieces. Postmaster: Send address changes to: 2322-24 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19132-4590. International Headquarters 2322-24 North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19132-4590 Phone: (215) 228-7184 Belleville-O'Fallon (IL) Alumni Chapter Photographers Kevin Sellers Justin Tyson Gregory L. Williams Grand Historian Kevin P. Scott Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter Advertising Sales Director Sherman K. Kizart Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter Office: (312) 421-4803 Cell: (312) 371-4127 The Kappa Alpha Psi ® Journal Established 1914 First Editor Frank M. Summers, Esq. Past Permanent Editors Lionel F. Artis 1921–1937 G. James Fleming 1938–1950 William L. Crump 1950–1975 Earl S. Clanton 1975–1985 Jonathan P. Hicks 1985–1989 Van Jordan 1989–1990 Mel L. Davis 1990–1999 Keflyn X. Reed 1999–2010 Jonathan P. Hicks 2011–2014 Thomas L. Cunningham IV 2014–2015 Cleveland Ferguson III, Esq. 2016— Editor Cleveland Ferguson III, Esq. Jacksonville (FL) Alumni Chapter Deputy Editor for Features Clarence Tucker Norfolk (VA) Alumni Chapter Feature Writers Nicolas Cole Dr. Charles H.F. Davis III Quentin Mitchell Dr. Samuel Odom Aaron Williams National Photographer Michael L. Hume



The Kappa Alpha Psi ®

Is Building a New Way Forward for the Next Generation of Achievers



Cover photo and above: Michael L. Hume


Kappa Alpha Psi’s 15 th National Founders’ Day Observance Sets the Stage for Fraternity - Foundation Partnership Around S.T.E.M., the Military and Trades

Kappa’s National Chapter Advisors Training Cluster Committee received training at the Association of Fraternity Advisors (AFA) Annual Meeting this past quarter. Kappa Alpha Psi is one of the few organizations with membership in NPHC and North American Interfra- ternity Conference. Kappa’s member- ship builds a bridge and narrows a gap in understanding that otherwise would be more difficult to address. AFA tackled some meaningful topics and Kappa was there, leading the discussions (see page 10). The Military and Veterans Affairs Com- mission, led by Commission Chairman MG (R) Hawthorne “Peet” Proctor, (see page 64) provides a spotlight on the U.S. Army, including the promotion of Major General Kevin Vereen (see page 66) and the retirement of Major General Patrick Sargent (see page 70) as well as an intro- duction of initiates from the U.S. Naval Academy (see page 75) and the U.S. Coast Guard (see page 76). The issue provide you with the State of the Kappa Alpha Psi ® Foundation (see page 44), its Board of Directors (see page 48) and its approach: Building a New Way Forward for the Next Gen- eration of Achievers and its $5 million capital campaign (see page 49). Led by 104 th Elder Watson Diggs Awardee and Foundation President, Michael J. Dubose, the organization is spearheading a comprehensive approach for brothers and silhouettes to endow several efforts to improve the quality of life of those we serve. With a focus on the military, S.T.E.M fields and the trades, the Foundation's campaign is all-encompassing approach to uplift the next generation of our communities. We spotlight one of the Honorary Co-Chairman and 60 th Laurel Wreath Laureate, John E. Jacob (see page 59).

Brother Jacob has blessed us with his leadership and gift of exhortation in many fora. We were delighted he made the time to sit down with The Journal . The Scroller Club turned 100 in 2019. Grand Historian Kevin Scott with contributions by William L. Crump Awardee Aaron Williams and Frederick H. Black wrote a magnificent piece. It allowed me to reflect on the stories of my father-in-law who transitioned to the Chapter Invisible in 2017, when he was a Scroller in 1957 (see page 84). Grand Historian Scott also sat down with Lt. Col. James W. Williams, Kappa’s only Prisoner of War during the Vietnam War. Brother Williams has a remarkable story and shared photos of his return to the “Hanoi Hilton” (see page 92). Brother Williams is certainly heroism personified. He is indeed a man of Kappa Alpha Psi! The members of the Silent Generation in Kappa Alpha Psi are transitioning to Chapter Invisible at a pace that will strain the resources of The Journal . The section could easily be four times the size as what has appeared in print in this issue. As a result, we are in need of making structural changes. Full articles will be available for the on-line version of The Journal but we must shorten the articles in the printed version going forward. That said, we feature Laurel Wreath Laureates The Honorable John J. Conyers and Cornelius W. Grant, J.D. (also an Elder Watson Diggs Awardee) as well as Floyd J. Malveaux, M.D., Ph.D. among other brothers (see page 98). Finally, I salute the photography and the writing of The Journal staff as we con- tinue to build upon the foundation laid by previous administrations. We thank you for your letters, calls and emails complimenting us on our efforts.

Cleveland Ferguson III, Esq. I n this issue of The Kappa Alpha Psi ® Journal , we feature a sum- mary of the 15 th National Found- ers’ Day Observance in Las Vegas, NV, led by Grand Polemarch Reuben A. Shelton III, Esq. (see page 4). Kappa experienced a once-in-a- lifetime set designed exclusively for the opening ceremony by the Mirage ® Las Vegas (see page 22). Our thanks to them and the other sponsors for making it a world-class affair. There was much discussion on frater- nity issues on the home front as well as the ongoing work internationally, in- cluding establishing chapters in Canada (see page 16) and the Dominican Republic, the launch of Kappa’s part- nership with Room To Read, an update on the Greeks Leaning to Avoid Debt (GLAD) and other financial literacy initiatives focused on our collegiate members (see page 8). Walter T. Bond was a fantastic keynote speaker and I highly encourage reading his book: Swim!: How a Shark, a Suck- erfish, and a Parasite Teach You Leader- ship, Mentoring, and Next Level Success (see page 40).


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The Foundation Upon Which We Grow

A t the 15 th National Founders’ Day celebration this year in Las Vegas, the Kappa Alpha Psi ® Foundation announced a major initiative that will greatly enhance its financial support for Fraternity initia- tives. Foundation President, Brother Michael J. Dubose, has done a remark- able job and detailed the Foundation’s plan to raise $5 million during the next four years to expand current programs and create new ones. If you have little knowledge of the Foundation, its web- site is very informative, and I have given an abridged version of it below. The Kappa Foundation was established in 1981 as a non-profit, tax exempt, publicly supported organization and was founded to support the outreach activi- ties of Kappa men and friends in their communities. The mission of the Foundation is to invest in programs that help young people achieve social, economic and educational transformation in under- served and underrepresented communi- ties throughout the nation and global community. THE MISSION THE HISTORY

celebrates individual achievement and strong communities of color can only be realized when humankind makes an unwavering commitment to promote equality and wealth for all. The focus of the new strategic plan and fundraising goal is to build a culture of Philanthropy within the Fraternity. Working together, the Fraternity and Foundation need to implement the most effective and innovative member-donor relations program that will serve to build the Foundation’s endowment and transform it into a self-sustained global philanthropic entity. Through a self-assessment the Founda- tion learned of several areas of need if it is to build its endowment to increase its impact through giving. The Founda- tion has already implemented success- ful initiatives such as The Building the Dream Klassic and the Celebration of Achievement Luncheon. The Building the Dream Klassic is one of the major fundraising events for the Kappa Foundation. The “Klassic” is an open event and has many exciting activities for all. The proceeds from the Klassic are used to help further advance the great philanthropic work across a number of initiatives including com- munity service, disaster relief and most importantly, youth development and advancement programs such as Guide Right and Undergraduate Leadership


The Foundation is built upon the fun- damental premise that a world which

On location in Las Vegas: Grand Polemarch Reuben A. Shelton III, Esq. with Kappa Alpha Psi ® Foundation President and 104 th Elder Watson Diggs Awardee Michael J. Dubose. Photos by Michael L. Hume.


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Institute (ULI).

of African American men, the Founda- tion has established itself as a leading voice of influence to bringing about the large scale social and systemic changes needed to improve the outcomes and lives of young people in underserved communities throughout America in the form of advocacy and program support. We recognize that the pressing issues facing our youth and communities in the 21 st century can only be solved through a multi-faceted approach that includes mobilizing and leveraging the public sector, effective utilization of social media, implementing innovative ideas, influencing policies that promote positive change and building alliances with like-minded organizations in all sectors of society who share the same vision and desire to make the world a greater place for all.

all brothers to join this effort to get the Foundation to its goal of $5 million in four years. I will NEVER ask you to do ANYTHING I am unwilling to do. Silhouette Dee (my wife) and I have already pledged $50,000 over the next four years but any amount from ALL brothers who are able will get us to the goal. You will hear more in the com- ing months and we will surely keep you updated on our progress. Thank you, brothers! I know I can count on you.

The Celebration of Achievement lun- cheon is a biennial event that has four main objectives: to celebrate success, honor achievement, inspire action and invest in community. The Celebration of Achievement luncheon recognizes our sponsors and corporate partners and provides schol- arships for academically deserving students. It also provides a vehicle to give back to organizations in the host community and across the country. The Foundation has had a major impact, but as an organization that is almost 40 years old it should be further along in the philanthropic world and we need the help of very brother in the bond to get to our rightful place. As the non-profit arm to one of the most historic organizations comprised mainly

Yours in the Bond, Reuben A. Shelton III, Esq. Grand Polemarch

But for our internal piece, I am asking

“I will NEVER ask you to do ANYTHING I am unwilling to do.”


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I t is with great humility and sincer- ity that I address you for this winter edition of The Kappa Alpha Psi ® Journal . Since our election into office, the undergraduate members of the Board of Directors have swiftly mobilized to make an impact on our collegiate community; however, for the sake of this letter I would like to focus on our efforts with the Greeks Learning to Avoid Debt (GLAD) Program as well as our takeaways from the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors (AFA) Conference. The GLAD program is a national initia- tive equipping our undergraduates with priceless wealth management informa- tion as well as seeking to educate local communities and college campuses on the importance of maintaining a debt free life. The average college student graduates with over $30,000 in debt, immediately creating setback in their trajectory towards financial success and security. Further, specifically in the Black community, unfortunately

the tools of financial literacy are rarely taught, building an even greater barrier to overcome in the journey towards financial freedom. In this, the GLAD program serves as an essential resource for our undergraduates in equipping them with the knowledge to overcome these formidable obstacles and create a life unencumbered by financial insecu- rity. Moving forward, the AFA conference was an incredible opportunity for Greek advisors throughout the country to connect with each other, learn tools for successful advising, and to meet some of the undergraduates who’s lives they impact daily. An essential key to the success of any undergraduate chapter is effective advising from a committed chapter advi- sor. The role of an advisor is crucial in all facets of a chapter’s operations and it is a role that does not go unnoticed.

of all advisors throughout the country, without your diligence the success of our undergraduate chapters would not be possible. However, while I thank you for your efforts, there is always room to improve and continue to achieve in your advisory role. As we enter into a new phase of our country and fraternity, you’re role in leading our undergradu- ates has only grown in importance. I beseech each of your advisors to continue to focus diligently on the well being of each of your chapters, and to offer an auxiliary hand to our collegiate members who work hard in their classes as well as in our fraternity. Brothers, it is an honor and a privilege to address you all, I look forward to the continued success of our fraternity from coast to coast.

Yours in the Bond, Evan R. Jackson Junior Grand Vice Polemarch

I offer a sincere thank you to the work


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Kappa Alpha Psi Relaunches Financial Literacy Programs Across 320 Active Undergraduate Chapters

By: Nicholas Cole

A ccording to a report by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, one in five adults carry student loans, totaling more than $1.47 trillion in debt, but thanks to the re-start of a set of unique financial literacy programs, Kappa Alpha Psi Fra- ternity, Inc., is leading the way toward financial freedom. Kappa Alpha Psi ® has partnered with the National Association of Bankruptcy Trustees (NABT) and Regions Bank to actively promote CARE (Credit Abuse Resistance Education) program and GLAD (Greeks Learning to Avoid Debt) to educate local communities and col- lege campuses on the importance of maintaining a debt-free life. The program, which provides basic financial literacy and credit counseling to high school and college students, was initially implemented in Septem- ber 2007 under 31 st Grand Polemarch Dwayne M. Murray, Esq. However, the program has relaunched for the first time since 2013. “This program is very important because it exposes information to young African Americans who may not have access to it in their homes,” said Junior Grand Vice Polemarch Evan R. Jackson (Lambda Xi 2018). “This program also shows people how to set up multiple streams of income.” Kappa Alpha Psi’s GLAD/CARE Committee Chairman Jeffrey “J.B.” McGinnis added that, “I've done the research and the data tells me that the people across the country with the low- est credit scores are college students that have just graduated because of the debt that they accumulate while they're in college. So that tells us that under- standing what financial literacy is all about, and actually becoming financially literate is monumental for these college

graduates.” McGinnis (Arlington-Grand Prairie (TX) Alumni Chapter 2006) went on to point out that he has a personal con- nection with the GLAD/CARE program because when he was in college, there was no emphasis on financial literacy. “I had to go out there and learn it on my own and get bumps and bruises, so I know it's important that we not only pro- vide students with the platform to learn more, but to make it mandatory. That's what we want to do.” Students at East Stroudsburg Univer- sity in northeastern Pennsylvania wel- comed the GLAD/CARE program with open arms with more than 30 students in attendance this past year. Richard Oliver (Mu Beta 2017) described it as a huge success. “More people want to attend it,” Oliver said. “Those in attendance learned how to make money in college by using their talents to create income. For example, if the student has design skills, they learned that they can start a clothing company to create products and make money on campus. This is in addi- tion to learning about avoiding debt and taking control of their financial future.” Kappa Alpha Psi Director of Un- dergraduate and University Affairs and 82 nd Guy L. Grant Awardee Ryan E. Tucker, MPA (Alpha Sigma 2010) who is responsible for coordinating with McGinnis, stressed that he believes it’s important for everyone to fully under- stand what it means to control their financial future. “That comes from learning about debt reduction, your credit score and how each issue can affect your future,” said Tucker. “Giving students ample time and ability to create a different mindset to actually be financially literate and learn about not just debt but also

more financial things is crucial for taking control of their lives financially.” As for the future outlook of the GLAD/CARE program, McGinnis said he envisions Kappa Alpha Psi as being the model for the entire country. “We’re starting it with Kappa, then we want to spread it to the Divine Nine,” McGinnis said. “We will be able to go to the Divine Nine and get them to adopt this program based on the data and results we’ll achieve. Once the Di- vine Nine adopts it, then we can spread it to our community and be able to say that Kappa championed this program. Within the African American commu- nity, we don't do very well at leaving a legacy - a hand up, where when I pass away, I can go to my grandkids and say, ‘Here's land that you can all have and here are stocks that you can own,’ so that they can start with a hand up just like others. That's why it's impera- tive to start these programs so that our young men and women can learn how to become financially responsible and be able to pass down a legacy of assets to our children, grandchildren and great- grandchildren.”

Jeffrey "J.B" McGinnis, GLAD/CARE Committee Chairman presents at the Grand Board Meeting.


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Above: Students participate in a recent GLAD/CARE financial literacy workshop hosted in part by the East Stroudsburg University Chapter the Mu Beta of Kappa Alpha Psi along with the Chester (PA) Alumni Chapter. Below: Jeffrey "J.B" McGinnis, GLAD/CARE Committee Chairman presents at the Grand Board Meeting with Junior Grand Vice Polemarch Evan R. Jackson and 82 nd Guy L. Grant Awardee and Director of Undergraduate and University Affairs Ryan E. Tucker, MPA.


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National Chapter Advisors and National Fraternity Leaders Receive Professional Development Training at the Annual Meeting of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors

By Claude Grimes and Darryl K. McGee

The National Chapter Advisors Training Cluster Committee members along with national fraternity leaders including Grand Polemarch Reuben A. Shelton III, Esq. (with hat) received professional development training, met with Greek Life officials from various colleges and universities, and conducted their yearly committee meeting at the Annual Meeting of the AFA in Anaheim, CA in December.

The AFA Annual Meeting

Grand Vice Polemarch, Rhen C. Bass, Grand Keeper of Records and Exche- quer, John F. Burrell, Executive Director, Timothy C. Woods, Polemarch Western Province, and Ryan E. Tucker, Director of Undergraduate and University Affairs. AFA Annual Meeting opening keynote speaker was Priya Parker. Parker chal- lenged audiences to get to the root of why and how we make connections, create communities, and build organi- zations. Parker is a founding member of the Sustained Dialogue Campus Network, where she worked on race re- lations on college campuses. Her TEDx talk on purpose has been viewed over one million times. The AFA Annual Meeting provided leadership the opportunity to attend a plethora of educational sessions includ-

ing the following three:

• The Four-Year Fraternity Experi- ence: A Longitudinal Study of the Impact of Fraternity Membership. Session presenters highlighted the finding of a longitudinal study which articulated the experiences and intervention of fraternities’ members. The study indicated four areas which impacts mem- bership: brotherhood, mentality, hazing and time. Brotherhood indicates solidarity. If solidarity is too low, members lose interest. If solidarity is too high, members may develop gang-like mentality. Mentality indicates the socializa- tion of the organization. If men- tality is low, members do not have the need to fellowship with other members. If too high, members

The Association of Fraternity Advisors (AFA) is committed to professional development, academic and applied research that examines the entire spectrum of the fraternity/sorority experience and the advising profession, and collaborations within and between the higher education and interfraternal communities. AFA’s Annual Meeting is an excellent opportunity for Kappa Alpha Psi’s national leaders to meet with Greek Life officials from various higher educational institutions in one location instead of incurring the traveling cost to visit those institutions. Leadership including Grand Polemarch Reuben A. Shelton III, Esq., Linnes Finney, Jr. Esq., Senior Grand Vice Polemarch, Evan R. Jackson, Junior


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can participate in problematic behavior such as alcohol abuse. Members participate in hazing to develop a sense of belong- ing. Through hazing, members are pushed to become a better person/member. Hazing starts high but usually declines over time. Time is an indicator of ac- countability. The study revealed that accountability and belonging remains high for high-performing chapters. With most chapters, accountability and belonging is only high during the first year of membership. Therefore, re-en- gagement of members is needed during members final years in order to maintain a high-level ac- countability and belonging. • The Cycle of Violence: Hazing, Domestic Violence, & Title IX. Session presenters challenged participants to reconsider how their campuses approach haz- ing investigations, education, and threat assessment response. Embracing Talent, Knowledge, & Skills to Lead a Team & Yourself. Session presenters lead partici- pants to evaluate their current competencies as they relate to their preparation to articulate a strategic vision and manage chap- ter operations. Presenters helped participants to identify resources to assist in the development/ enhancement of their competen- cies in preparation to take on advanced professional roles with their career. The AFA Annual Meeting Closing keynote speaker was Shaun R. Harper, Ph.D. (Delta Xi 1988). Dr. Harper is a provost and professor in the Rosier School of Education and Marshall School of Business at the University of Presenters led participants to understand how hazing and sexual violence are the same and contribute to an overall cycle of violence. • Finding Your Professional Voice:

Southern California (USC), the Clifford and Betty Allen Chair in Urban Leader- ship, and executive director of the USC Race and Equity Center. Prior to joining USC, he spent a decade on the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania faculty, where he founded the Center for the Study of Race & Equity in Education. Professor Harper’s research has been cited in more than 8,000 published studies. Profes- sor Harper has been interviewed on CNN, ESPN, and NPR, and featured or quoted in The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Sports Illustrated, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Inside Higher Ed, and over 11,000 news out- lets in the U.S. and abroad. Professor Harper challenged participants with an outstanding presentation en- titled, Blackfaces. Blackface is a form of theatrical make-up used predominantly by non-Black performers to represent a caricature of a Black person. Dr. Harper’s session began with pictures of members of white fraternities and sorori- ties in blackface. Dr. Harper asked the question, “Why does this happen?” His research suggests the following: • Students bring racist attitudes and biases to colleges • Magical thinking–the presump- tion of immunity among educa- tors and administrators • Little cross-racial engagement occurs in most sororities and fraternities • Flimsy nonexistent strategies to deal with the issues • We move on; we fail to make good and sustained educational use of racial sagas • We were not taught how to talk

about and teach about race, or how to solve racial problems

• History of racism

Dr. Harper further indicated that through his research consisting of interviewing African American frater- nity and sorority members, that these students are being underserved. He


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asserted the following:

• Greek Life administrators, the participants of the AFA Annual Meeting, did care about NPHC members as much as they care about IFC and Panhellenic members • The Greek Life Offices do not understand Black culture • Higher Educational Institu- tions don’t retain Advisors of color • Develop a national coalition denouncing racism in college fraternities and sororities • Bias training for all cur- rent and aspiring to become members of Greek organiza- tions • Develop a learning series specifically on race and racism led by Greek Life Offices • Don’t run from racist situa- tions • Craft a written strategy, per- haps developing a national curriculum • Campus climate survey data • Enact a national strategy to grow and better support NPHC organizations and multicultural sororities and fraternities • Diversify the Greek Life professionals • Offer an annual professional learning and skill building academy through AFA Brother Harper’s commentary regarding NPHC organizations was particularly heartfelt and painful as he described why NPHC organiza- tions were created to address the needs of African American students during a time when opportunities were closed to people of color. The presence of Kappa Alpha Psi at Dr. Harper closed by suggesting what to do:

Junior Grand Vice Polemarch Evan R. Jackson confers with AFA delegates.

the AFA Annual Conference showed our commitment to embrace best practices, to be open to new ways to addressing problems, to lead rather than follow and a willingness to partner to build a stron- ger Greek community across our nation’s campuses.

National Vice Chairman/Southwestern Province Chairman; Zack Stewart, Jr., Western Province Chairman; Earl F. Mer- ritt, Northern Province Chairman; Eric T. Pate, Northern Province Chairman; Maurice R. Miller, East Central Province Chairman; Claude Grimes, North Central Province Chairman; Edward A. Robinson, Southern Province Chairman; Bobby J. Arnold, Southeastern Province Chairman; Warren A. Green, Eastern Province Chair- man; Col. James R. Keel, Middle Western Province Chairman; Byron C. Turner, Middle Eastern Province Chairman; Calvin L. Smith, Jr., Semester Reporting Coordinator; Dr. Kevin W. Bailey, Higher Ed Advisory Group; and Plez Joyner, Certi- fication Coordinator. The annual meeting focused on a wide range of topics including: 1) Support our chapters by helping them reach the con- stitutional minimum chapter membership of seven students, 2) National Certifica- tion of Chapter Advisors, 3) The upgraded IT platform under Brother Plez Joyner, 4) 2020 Focus of various initiatives including Mental Health, Room to Read, Sexual As- sault Awareness and Prevention Program – Yo Konsent, 5) Specific Undergraduate initiatives under the leadership of Brother Ryan Tucker and Brother Evan Jackson, 6) Risk Management and Compliance, 7) Performance and Accountability expecta- tions of Chapter Advisors, and 8) Interna-

National Chapter Advisors Training Cluster Committee Annual Meeting The National Chap- ter Advisors Training Cluster Committee

is chaired the 102 nd Elder Watson Diggs Awardee, Alvin L. Barrington. Brother Darryl K. McGee serves as Vice Chairman. Both positions are appointed by Grand Polemarch Shelton. The National Chap- ter Advisors Training Cluster Committee structurally falls under the jurisdiction of Grand Polemarch Shelton. In turn, the respective Province Polemarch appoints a Province Chairman who sits on the Na- tional Committee. Each Province Chapter Advisor Chair- man is responsible for managing the advisory team of their respective province undergraduate chapters with the Prov- ince Polemarch. The current National Chapter Advisors Training Cluster Com- mittee members are: Barrington, McGee,


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tional Headquarters Updates.

many of our students come from and the police continues to spiral downward (helped in no small part by the fact that Blacks make up more than a third of the prison population, compared to only 13 percent of the overall population). The attitudes of Black Millenni- als show a significant shift from prior generations. In a recent study, “Being Black in Corporate America,” indicated via interviews and focus groups with Boomers and Gen Xers, that their stories of Top right: Shaun R. Harper, Ph.D. (Delta Xi 1998), Provost and Professor in the Rosier School of Education and Marshall School of Business at USC, the Clifford and Betty Allen Chair in Urban Leadership, and executive director of the USC Race and Equity Center. Right: Western Province Polemarch Timothy Woods and Western Province Chapter Advisor Chairman Zack Stewart meet with Greek Life officials from USC. Below: AFA Recognition Luncheon, seated from left-Zack Stewart, Ryan Tucker, John F. Burrell, Timothy Woods, Evan Jackson, Alvin L. Barrington, Christopher Wilks, Darryl K. McGee, Claude Grimes. Standing from left-Warren Green, Earl Merritt, Bobby Arnold, Eric Pate, Edward Robinson, James Keel, Maurice Miller and Calvin L. Smith, Sr.

Call to Action

Our undergraduates are at a decisive disadvantage and some would say they are under attack at the very institutions they attend. Witness the recent actions at Syracuse University and at Indi- ana University where a professor openly embraces a racist mindset directed at minority students. These types of situations are becoming more frequent in our society and it places our under- graduates at risk. Many of our undergraduate mem- bers are first generation students and many come from single parent homes and are financially chal- lenged. We know the childhood poverty rate for African Americans remains stubbornly close to what it was back in 1960; unemploy- ment for Black Americans runs nearly double that of the national average; and the distrust between impoverished communities where


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barriers were similar to those that Millennials cur- rently face. However, Black Millennials may finally be the generation to say, enough! Black Millen- nials are frustrated with the injustices and unfair treatment. The nation’s African American students are search- ing profoundly and visibly for a definitive end to racial injustice. College campuses have once again become the proving grounds for the training and testing of social responsibility and leadership. The National Panhellenic, otherwise know as the Di- vine Nine, has once again become a primary front in the battle against inequality on campuses. Social media has significantly changed virtual access

to information undergraduate members acquire, making them more knowledgeable, and making it easier for them to communicate their expectations. Kappa Alpha Psi’s emphasis on achievement and service speaks to this reality. Kappa Alpha Psi must develop strategies to ensure our undergradu- ates are successful with specific intervention to address their collective needs. Our Advising National Team is well positioned to accept the challenge to move forward aggres- sively in the interests of our members as well as to embrace new ideas to grow our undergradu- ate chapters and ensure the Kappa experience is meaningful to all undergraduate members.


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Battiste Sworn in as National President of the American Board of Trial Advocates

L uther J. Battiste, III (Beta Rho 1968), was installed as Na- tional President of the Ameri- can Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA) at the organization’s National Board Meeting at the Hotel Bennett. He is a founding shareholder of Johnson, Toal & Battiste, P.A., and took the oath of office from retired Chief Justice Jean Hoefer Toal of the Supreme Court of South Carolina. Battiste is the first African Ameri- can to serve as National President. He also made history in 1983 by becoming one of the first two African Americans elected to Columbia City Council since Reconstruction. He served 15 years as a member of the Columbia City Coun- cil, including two terms as Mayor Pro Tempore. In 1998, the City of Columbia dedicated to Luther J. Battiste, III the Monument and Plaza in honor of his dedicated service as a public servant. He was admitted to ABOTA on January 29, 2000, and has served as a National Board Member since 2005. He served two terms as National Treasurer and has served as a chair or member on a number of committees and task forces. In 2011, he served as the President of the Southeastern Chapters of ABOTA, a regional organization representing

11 ABOTA chapters. He is active with the ABOTA Foundation and has long recognized that civics education has been neglected in this country and that failure has resulted in a serious diminu- tion of citizens’ understanding of the key role of an impartial judiciary and the jury system in our constitutional democracy. Brother Battiste and his wife, Judy, are spearheading the Foundation’s new- est effort launching this year, the Civics Education Literacy Program, which pro- vides free books related to the U.S. Con- stitution to elementary schools. ABOTA members are financially supporting the program and are serving as volunteers to read to the students. Battiste recognized his mentor, The Honorable Matthew J. Perry, Jr., who served as the first African American United States District Judge in South Carolina. “Judge Perry demonstrated under difficult circumstances that lawyers who practice with skill, civility, and integrity are respected,” he said. “We should continue, as an organiza- tion, to stress that in an increasingly intemperate world civility and integrity matter. We must continue the efforts of the ABOTA Foundation to communi- cate the need for civility among lawyers and to educate our youth through civics


As a board member for the National Center for State Courts, Brother Battiste said that working closely with judges na- tionwide provided a perspective into the challenges faced by the Third Branch. “We must continue to support mak- ing the judicial system accessible to all and responsive to the changing needs of technology. Advocating for an indepen- dent judiciary is essential,” Battiste said. “Understanding the past and preparing for the future to protect our valued legal system should be our greatest pursuit.” ABOTA is an invitation-only national association of experienced trial lawyers and judges dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Seventh Amend- ment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees the right to civil jury trials. ABOTA’s primary goal is to educate the American public about the history and value of the right to trial by jury and is dedicated to elevating the standards of skill, integrity, honor and courtesy in the legal profession. Brother Battiste is a Life Member of the Fraternity and a member of the Columbia (SC) Alumni Chapter.


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Above: Kevin D. Kyles, Northern Province Polemarch, center, petitions to establish the Canada Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi. ® The Grand Board of Directors approved. Below: 19 th Northern Province Polemarch E. Kenneth Glass, Jay Ainabe, Roy G. Rogers, 83 rd Elder Watson Diggs Awardee and Grand Keeper of Records and Exchequer Rhen C. Bass, Junior Grand Vice Polemarch Evan R. Jackson, Grand Polemarch Reuben A. Shelton III, Esq., Senior Grand Vice Polemarch Linnes Finney, Jr., Esq., Kyles, Senior Province Vice Polemarch Michael Kinloch and Junior Province Vice Polemarch Silas Shorter of the Northern Province mark the occasion with a pair iconic maple leaf socks.


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Friday, January 3, 2020 began with the National Founders' Day Weekend Grand Board of Directors Meeting at 8:00 a.m. Issues were presented to the Grand Board by Grand Chapter Officers, Province Polemarchs, province officers, commission and committee chairs through 7:00 p.m. Pictured above are Junior Province Vice Polemarchs, Grand Chapter Nominating Committee Chair Chauncy E. Haynes, Eastern Province Polemarch Charles E. Exum, Jr.; Southwestern Province Polemarch Theron A. Hightower; South Central Province Polemarch Leonard E. Clemons; Western Province Polemarch Timothy Woods and Southeastern Province Polemarch E. Delane Rosemond, Esq.


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Above 33 rd Guy L. Grant Awardee and Grand Board Member Jwyanza B. Watt makes a point as Grand Board Member Adedotun O. Adebola-Wilson looks on. Below Grand Board Member Robert L. Jenkins, Jr., Esq. presents an item for consideration by the Grand Board of Directors. Opposite page, right: 109 th Elder Watson Diggs Awardee and Executive Director John F. Burrell presents the orders of the day.


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Room to Read Partnership. Below: Dr. Geetha Murali, CEO of Room to Read, a global nonprofit focused on children’s literacy and girls’ edu- cation, discussed the launch of the new partnership with Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. The partnership builds on both organizations’ com- mitment to education, creating a new program, Hands-on-Books, that brings Room to Read’s best practices in children’s literacy and reading, into the communities and classrooms that Kappa Alpha Psi, mentors. Between December 2019 and April 2020, undergraduate brothers from 24 chapters of Kappa Alpha Psi ® will volunteer in select primary school libraries, to read to children with Room to Read published books. Holding bi-monthly reading and learning sessions, the undergraduate members will utilize Room to Read’s best practices to read with students, engage with them and their learning, and support them as they build their reading and comprehension skills. The program is modeled on components of Room to Read’s innovative Literacy Program, which ensures primary schools have libraries filled with books in the children’s local languages, as well as teachers and librarians trained on how to engage classrooms of eager, young learners.

The partnership expands on the respective missions of both Room to Read and Kappa Alpha Psi and highlights the collective agency needed to address issues of illiteracy and children’s education around the world. Currently, as many as 44 million (23%) adults in the United States are functionally illiterate, lacking basic skills beyond a fourth-grade level – this is a problem that can be solved and the challenge at the core of Room to Read and Kappa Alpha Psi partner- ship. “Room to Read’s partnership with Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. opens the door for hundreds of children in the US to engage with books and literacy in a way that transforms their lives,” said Dr. Murali. “Literacy is the building block for education, and it is a prerequisite in ensuring children become life-long, independent readers. We are proud to partner with Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc, and impact the lives of children for the better through the Hands-on- Books program.” The Hands-on-Books program marks Room to Read’s first domestic project. The program should reach between 500-700 students around the country by June 2020, as both Room to Read and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, partner to improve the love of reading and literacy skills of students nationally. In April 2020, Kappa Alpha Psi will host a Room to Read Day across its campuses around the nation, celebrating the Hands-on-Books program and the impact it has made around the United States.


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Kappa Alpha Psi has increased its emphasis on risk management, physical security and cybersecurity. Discussing those points include Linwood Smith III, Kyoshi Hunt, Kevin "KJ" Johnson and Fourth Guy L. Grant Awardee, 77 th Elder Watson Diggs Awardee, Laurel Wreath Laureate-Designate and General Counsel Cleophus Thomas, Esq., during various presentations during the National Founders' Day Weekend Grand Board of Directors Meeting.


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Above left: On January 4, 2020, during the National Founders' Day Kappa Alpha Psi ® Foundation Board of Directors meeting, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.'s Grand Polemarch Reuben A. Shelton III, Esq., third from left and 83 rd Elder Watson Diggs Awardee and Grand Keeper of Records and Exchequer and Exchequer Rhen C. Bass, second from right, presented a check of $100,000 to the Foundation. From left: Michael M. Adkinson, A. Ronald Berryman, Shelton, 104 th Elder Watson Diggs Awardee and Kappa Alpha Psi ® Foundation President Michael J. Dubose, Bass and Martin L. Hubbard, CPA.. Over the next 10 hours, the Foundation Board of Directors engaged in policymaking that led to a $5 million capital campaign which is discussed on page 49 of this issue. From top right: Linnes Finney, Jr., Esq., and 88 th Elder Watson Diggs Awardee Donald C. Bland. Middle left: Donald E. Frieson, Junior Grand Vice Polemarch Evan R. Jack- son, Thomas L. Battles, Jr., Finney, Bland and Robert L. Harris, Esq. Robert L. Green, Janice Hall Dean, Gregory S. Thomas, 94 th Elder Wat- son Diggs Awardee William B. Croom, Bass, Grand Polemarch Shelton and Cheryl Davis, Executive Assistant for the Foundation. Bottom photos: Cain A. Hayes, James A. Simms, Green and Dean. Brothers Adkinson and Berryman present the Foundation's capital campaign.


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The Opening Ceremony at the Mirage ®


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O n January 4, 2020, Grand Polemarch of the Las Vegas (NV) Alumni Chapter and The Honorable Lawrence Weekly Clark County Commissioner for District D, in the presence of brothers and guest assembled kicked off the 15 th National Founders' Day Celebration with an eruption of the iconic volcano at the Mirage ® . Polemarch Reuben A. Shelton III, Esq., joined by Sebern Coleman,


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From left: Adedotun O. Ade- bola-Wilson, Grand Board Member; Andrew D. Far- aimo, Grand Strategus; Evan R. Jackson, Junior Grand Vice Polemarch; Daniel I. Nixon, Grand Board Mem- ber; Michael N. Weaver, Jr., Grand Board Member and Nickolas C. Staats, Grand Lt. Strategus.

On a set built just for the Nupes, brothers and guests from around the world converged on The Strip to witness the eruption of the Mirage's ® iconic volcano to welcome Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. to Las Vegas, NV. The ceremony was streamed live. With the festivities officially opened it was time to celebrate.


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Above: Grand Polemarch Battles along with Master of Ceremony and Grand Board Member Linnes Finney, Jr., Esq., present a placque to Closed Banquet keynote speaker Dr. Jamal-Harrison Bryant (Baltimore (MD) AL 2001). William L. Crump Awardees: Grand Historian Kevin Scott and Aaron Williams.


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W hy are we gathered in the historic City of Las Vegas this weekend, to celebrate our 15 th National Founders’ Day? One might think that we’re here in the State of Nevada and the City of Las Vegas, because one of our beloved Founders was born here. However, we know that Las Vegas was not the birthplace of any of our 10 Founders. In fact, eight of our Founders were born in Indiana, the state where our fraternity was founded. There were two Founders born in Kentucky, which makes Indiana and Kentucky the only places in the nation where our Founders were born. So since we’re not here because of it being the birthplace of one or more of our Founders, there must be another reason. We’re gathered in Las Vegas, because the brothers in the Western Prov- ince, under the leadership of Province Polemarch Timothy C. Woods, have invited us here, and proclaimed that “We will rise up together.” And, because brothers throughout the Fraternity have vowed to be “ONE KAPPA” as we continue to thrive in this second century of our birth...we will continue to go throughout the land, in a spirit of togetherness, as our revered Founders intended for us to do. We’re in Las Vegas, because our Founders intended for chapters to be chartered throughout the land, and the Fraternity has chartered 67 chapters in the Western Province, and Las Vegas is a key location in the Western Province. As we celebrate our Founders, let us all reflect on the days in 1909, when Brothers Elder Watson Diggs and Byron K. Armstrong were students at Howard University. Let us remember that they left Howard and enrolled in Indiana University at Bloomington. Let us remember, that it was there they met eight Black students of like mind, and began the process of organizing a fraternity. Let us not forget the obstacles they had to overcome, because of blatant racism and segregation. Let us remember, that they were unselfish in their desires for students across America, to have the opportunity to learn and to have a social environment conducive to achieving in every field of human endeavor. Let us be mindful of the oaths we took, while kneeling at the Delphic Shrine, remembering that we were founded on Christian principles, and to do nothing that breaches our faith, or alters our priorities in life, regarding God, family and vocation. Let us join with our brothers, who have gone from labor to reward, and look down upon us from Chapter Invisible, smiling with great joy at our bountiful achievements while on our earthly so- journ. Let us remember the 34 men, who across the years, have chosen to sit in the place where our First Grand Polemarch, Elder Watson Diggs sat, and led the mighty vessel called “Kappa Alpha Psi” for more than a century. It is indisputable, that men of outstanding character and notable achievements have made a vast difference in the lives of the people, who live in the communities where Kappa men have served. It is with thanksgiving that each of us go to that place in our hearts, where the voices of our 10 founders ring out to say, “The journey is not yet over, dear brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi, for the tenets of our great fraternity demand that we serve humanity for as long as we have breath. For as long as we can open our mouths and utter the words of our Kappa Hymn; let us still sing; We’ll live for thee, we’ll strive for thee, We’ll all thy ways adore; We’ll long for thee and toil until we reach that Golden Shore.” All of this is why we gather in Las Vegas on this 15 th National Founders’ Day, and why broth- ers wherever dispersed celebrate where they are, and for all who can hear my voice, this is the Occasion!


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