Air Serbia inflight magazine
Nova godina, nova putovanja NEW YEAR, NEW TRAVELS
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Reč dobrodošlice
Welcome message
Januar 2023.
January 2023
Dragi putnici,
Dear passengers,
INSPIRISANI STAROM KINESKOM PO- SLOVICOM KOJA KAŽE DA PUT OD HILJA- DU MILJA POČINJE JEDNIM KORAKOM , taj prvi korak napravili smo prošlog meseca kada je naš avion „erbas A330-200“ krenuo na put od Be- ograda do Tjenđina od čak 4.700 milja, to jest vi- še od 7.500 kilometara. Za uspostavljanje direktnih letova do Ki- ne, posle 22 godine pauze, posebnu zahvalnost dugujemo Vladi Republike Srbije, kineskoj dr- žavi i njenim vazduhoplovnim vlastima, kao i velikom broju naših zaposlenih, koji su da- li svoj maksimum da bi redovni saobraćaj iz- među Beograda i Tjenđina postao stvarnost. Bila je to kruna čitavog niza važnih projeka- ta koje smo realizovali u prethodnoj godini. Iako ćemo operativne rezultate kompa- nije imati tek krajem ovog meseca, već sada znamo da smo u 2022. godini prevezli mili- on putnika više u odnosu na 2021. godinu. Mrežu smo proširili sa 14 novih destinacija na dva kontinenta, a flotu osnažili sa čak se- dam novih aviona. U novu godinu ušli smo sa dodatnom mo- tivacijom i željom da se dalje razvijamo i put- nicima ponudimo nove mogućnosti za puto- vanja. Kao što smo nedavno najavili, tokom letnje sezone pokrenućemo direktne letove do Čikaga, do četiri nova grada u Italiji i tri popularna grčka ostrva. Istovremeno, našu mrežu proširićemo sa još deset destinacija u Evropi i Aziji. Pozivamo vas da redovno pratite naš sajt i društvene mreže, putem kojih možete da sa- znate najnovije informacije o planovima kom- panije. Uvek nas obraduju i slike sa letova koje nam šaljete, zato što su to trenuci kada za- jedno stvaramo nove uspomene. Januar je mesec za pravljenje planova za celu godinu, a putovanja se kotiraju visoko na lestvici prioriteta. Otkrivanjem novih magič- nih mesta, upoznavanjem različitih kultura i kuhinja, kao i sklapanjem novih prijateljstava, stičemo neprocenjiva iskustva za ceo život. Svet je velik, ali kada vi imate želju i vo- lju, a mi dobru povezanost, ništa nije daleko. Uživajte u letu i srećan put, JIRŽI MAREK, GENERALNI DIREKTOR ER SRBIJE
INSPIRED BY THE SAYING FROM AN OLD CHINESE PROVERB THAT A JOURNEY OF A THOUSAND MILES BEGINS WITH A SINGLE STEP , we took that first step last month, when our Airbus A330-200 embarked on a journey of as many as 4,700 miles, or over 7,500 kilometres, from Belgrade to Tianjin. When it comes to establishing direct flights to China after a 22-year break, we are particularly grateful to the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Chinese state and its aviation authorities, as well as a large number of our employees, who exerted maximum effort to ensure a regular service between Belgrade and Tianjin became a reality. It was the crowning moment in a series of important projects that we carried out over the last year. Even though the company’s operating results will not be available before the end of this month, we already know that we have carried a million more passengers in 2022 than we did in 2021. We have expanded our network with 14 new destinations on two continents, and strengthened our fleet with as many as seven new aircraft. We entered the new year with additional motivation and drive to develop further, and to offer our passengers new travel options. During the 2023 summer season, as we announced recently, we will commence direct flights to Chicago, as well as four new cities in Italy and three popular Greek islands. At the same time, we will add ten more destinations in Europe and Asia to our network. We invite you to regularly follow our website and social media, where you can find the latest information regarding our company’s plans. We are also always happy to see the in-flight photos you send us, because those are the moments when we create new memories together. January is the month of making plans for the entire year ahead, and travel ranks high on the list of priorities. By discovering new magical places, learning about new cultures and cuisines, but also making new friends, we gain precious experiences that last a lifetime. The world is big, but when you have the desire and the will, and we have the good connectivity, nothing is far away. Enjoy your flight, and happy holidays, JIRI MAREK, CEO AIR SERBIA
Jiri Marek Air Serbia CEO
Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5
Šta je novo u 2023? Budimpešta, Izmir, Ankara, Ohrid, Varna i Krakov / What’s new in 2023? Budapest, Izmir, Ankara, Ohrid, Varna and Krakow
Nove destinacije u Nemačkoj, Francuskoj i Švedskoj / New destinations in Germany, France and Sweden
Argentina i Mesi: Svet je dobio nove šampione / Argentina and Messi: the world has new champions
Er Srbija obara rekorde: Prvi put više od 200.000 putnika u novembru / Air Serbia breaks records: more than 200,000 passengers carried in november for first time Odleteli smo do Kine: Prvi let Er Srbije do Tjenđina / We’re flying to China: Air Serbia’s inaugural flight to Tianjin
Sa nama putuje Lena Bogdanović, glumica/ We travel with Lena Bogdanović, actress
INTERVJU INTERVIEW 30. Kim Katral: Kao i moje
junakinje, živim onako kako ja hoću / Kim Cattrall: just like my heroines, I live the way I want
Dragana Kosjerina: Ja volim Srbiju zbog njenih ljudi / Dragana Kosjerina: I love Serbia because of the people Dušan Miklja: Putovanja kao život, gradovi kao sudbina / Dušan Miklja: travelling as life itself, cities as destiny
PUTUJTE PAMETNO SMART TRAVEL 20. Vodimo vas u Firencu,
Kataniju, Napulj i Palermo / We’re taking you to Florence, Catania, Naples and Palermo
Ski-šik je modna tema broj jedan ove zime / Ski-chic is fashion theme No.1 this winter
6 | Sadržaj » Contents
The inflight magazine of Air Serbia
Glavna urednica i direktorka izdavaštva / Editor-in-chief and publishing director Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Nenad Mihajlović, Robert Getel Foto-agencije / Photo agencies, Depositphotos Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager, Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Srbija Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd
RITAM SRBIJE RHYTHM OF SERBIA 98. Na zavejanim srpskim vrhovima: Sve je spremno za zimsku avanturu / On Serbia’s snow-covered peaks: everything’s ready for a winter adventure 104. Srpska rakija kao deo
Neodoljiv dan u Beogradu: Dobre vibracije srpske prestonice / An irresistible day in Belgrade: good vibes of the Serbian capital
nasleđa čovečanstva / Serbian plum rakija as part of the heritage of humanity
Neka vas greju planovi o letu na Krfu, Rodosu i Kritu / May you be heated by plans of summer on Corfu, Rhodes and Crete
SPORT SPORTS 106. Zato je Katar
prekretnica u svetskom fudbalu? / Why does Qatar mark a turning point in world football?
Generalni direktor Ringier Srbija / CEO Ringier Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica
Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights
Air Serbia inflight magazine
Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved
Spasite Zemlju, to je jedina planeta sa mimovima / Save the Earth, it’s the only planet with memes 90. Zbogom, našminkani fidovi.
Nova godina, nova putovanja NEW YEAR, NEW TRAVELS
Zdravo, goblini! / Goodbye curated feeds. Hello goblins!
Čak 22 nove destinacije / As many as 22 new destinations Foto/ Photo: Depositphotos
Broj / Issue No. 347 Naslovna strana / Cover Depositphotos
Contents » Sadržaj | 7
SRPSKA NACIONALNA AVIO-KOMPANIJA će do novih de- stinacija u Nemačkoj i Švedskoj le- teti tri puta nedeljno, dok će izme- đu Beograda i Marselja saobraćati dva puta nedeljno. Letove će obav- ljati avioni tipa „erbas A319“. – U istoj nedelji za koju smo na- javili početak letova do Čikaga na- ša kompanija pojačaće saobraćaj i ka destinacijama u zapadnoj Evro- pi: letećemo ka još dva nova gra- da u Nemačkoj, kao i ka po jednom u Francuskoj i Švedskoj. Nastavlja- mo da širimo mrežu trudeći se da putnicima približimo još destinacija u Evropi. U narednim danima putni- ke ćemo obradovati uvođenjem di- rektnih linija do nekih od omiljenih letnjih destinacija – izjavio je Boš- ko Rupić, direktor komercijale i strategije Er Srbije. širenjem mreže svojih destinacija u sledećoj letnjoj sezoni NOVE DESTINACIJE U NEMAČKOJ, FRANCUSKOJ I ŠVEDSKOJ Er Srbija u maju 2023. godine uvodi direktne letove do četiri nova grada i tako nastavlja sa KELN, HAMBURG, MARSELJ, GETEBORG
HAMBURG Hamburg je evropski centar nauke, istraživanja i obrazovanja i sedište najstarije nemačke berze i trgovačke banke na sve- tu. Pored bogatog arhitektonskog nasleđa, taj grad se mo- že pohvaliti izuzetnom muzejskom ponudom, od moderne umetnosti i nemačkog romantizma do etnologije i pomorske istorije. Muzej u obliku broda poznat kao „Beli labud južnog Atlantika“ dug je 159 metara i posetiocima pruža priliku da se upoznaju sa načinom života mornara. Jedini je grad u Ne- mačkoj koji ima peščanu plažu. HAMBURG Hamburg is a European hub of science, research and educa- tion, and the seat of Germany’s oldest stock exchange and the world’s oldest commercial bank. In addition to its rich ar- chitectural heritage, the city boasts an exceptional selection of museums – presenting everything from contemporary art and German romanticism to ethnology and naval history. A museum shaped like a ship, known as the “White Swan of the South Atlantic” is 159 metres long and offers its guests the opportunity to learn about the life of sailors. Ham- burg is the only city in Germany with a sand beach..
Do Hamburga će Er Srbija početi da leti od 15. maja svakog ponedeljka, srede i petka As of 15 th May, Air Serbia will operate flights to Hamburg every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
KELN Grad leži na reci Raj- ni i bogat je turističkim atrakcijama i kultur- nim dešavanjima. Sim- bol grada je Kelnska ka- tedrala iz davne 1248. godine, koju je, zbog im-
Er Srbija će od 18. maja za Keln leteti svakog utorka, četvrtka i subote Starting from 18 th May, Air Serbia will operate flights to Cologne every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
presivne gotičke arhitektu- re, izuzetnih vitraža i drugih važnih umetničkih dela, Une- sko uvrstio na listu svetske ba- štine. Najposecenija kulturna in- stitucija u Kelnu, sa oko 600.000 posetilaca godišnje, jeste Muzej čokolade, a pažnju turista privla- če i Romano-germanski muzej, Muzej „Ludvig“, kao i Muzej mirisa. Osim iz Beograda, do Kelna mo- žete leteti i sa Aerodroma „Kon- stantin Veliki“ u Nišu.
COLOGNE Cologne lies on the Rhine River and is rich in tour- ist attractions and cultural events. The main symbol of the city is Cologne Ca- thedral, which dates back to 1248 and has been in- cluded on the UNESCO World Heritage List thanks to its impressive Gothic architecture, exception- al stained-glass windows and other important art- works. Cologne’s most visited cultural institu- tion, attracting around 600,000 visitors annu- ally, is the Chocolate Mu- seum, while the Roma- no-Germanic Museum, Museum Ludwig and the Fragrance Museum are also major tourist attrac- tions. In addition to Bel- grade, you can also fly to Cologne from Niš Con- stantine the Great Airport.
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THE SERBIAN NATIONAL AIRLINE WILL BE flying to its new destinati- ons in Germany and Sweden three times a week, while it will also ope- rate two flights a week between Bel- grade and Marseille. These flights will be operated using Airbus A319 aircraft. “In the same week in which we announced the commencement of flights to Chicago, our company wi- ll also intensify flights to destinati- ons in Western Europe – we will be operating flights to two more cities in Germany, and one each in Fran- ce and Sweden. We are continu- ing to expand our network, while striving to bring more European de- stinations closer to our passengers. In the coming days, we will surpri- se our passengers with the introdu- ction of direct flights to some of their favourite summer destinations,” said Air Serbia GM Com- mercial and Strategy Boš- ko Rupić. NEW DESTINATIONS IN GERMANY, FRANCE AND SWEDEN Air Serbia will introduce direct flights to four new cities during May, thus continuing the expansion of its network of destinations in the next summer season COLOGNE, HAMBURG, MARSEILLE, GOTHENBURG
Er Srbija će od 18. maja, svakog ponedeljka, četvrtka i nedelje, leteti do Geteborga Starting from 18 th May, Air Serbia will operate flights to Gothenburg every Monday, Thursday and Sunday
GETEBORG Jedan od najvažnijih gradova na privrednoj mapi sever- ne Evrope, koji je ujedno i najveća luka u Skandinaviji i bit- no putno čvorište između Stokholma, Osla i Kopenhage- na. Centar grada krase kanali inspirisani holandskim stilom gradnje, a uz njih se pružaju biciklističke staze. Glavne zna- menitosti su Gradska saborna crkva, Glavna železnička stanica, Geteborška opera, kao i gradski muzej, u kojem se mogu videti ostaci autentičnog vikinškog broda. GOTHENBURG One of the most important cities on the economic map of Europe, Gothenburg is also the biggest port in Scandinavia and an important travel hub be-
tween Stockholm, Oslo and Copenhagen. The city centre is enriched by canals in-
spired by the Dutch architectural style, with cycle lanes stretching alongside them. The main land- marks are Gothenburg Cathe- dral, Gothenburg Central Sta- tion, the Gothenburg opera house, as well as the City
Museum, where the re- mains of an authentic Vi- king ship are exhibited.
12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
MARSELJ Drugi najveci grad u Francuskoj, zahvaljujuci 2.600 godi- na dugoj istoriji, ima bogato i raznoliko kulturno nasleđe. Od okruga Panije do malog netaknutog sela, od zgrade Mucem do Vieille Charité, od nezaobilaznog Notre-Da- me de la Garde do blistavog Cité le Corbusier. Ukoliko u jutarnjim satima prođete pored Stare luke, jednog od tu- rističkih simbola grada, sigruno ćete sresti glasne riba- re koji prodaju svež ulov. Upravo ovde počinje čuvena, ki- lometar duga „ulica konoplje“, Rue La Canbière, čiji izgled datira iz 19. veka, kada je Marselj bio jedan od najvecih centara trgovine konopljom na svetu.
Od 20. maja, svakog utorka i subote, možete leteti do Marselja Starting from 20 th May, you can fly to Marseille every Tuesday and Saturday
MARSEILLE France’s second largest city has a rich and diverse cul-
tural heritage, thanks to its 2,600-year history. From the district of Le Panier to the small, pristine village of Les Goudes; from the Mucem - Muse- um of Civilisations of Europe and the Mediterrane- an - to Les Vieille Charité; from the must-see No- tre-Dame de la Garde basilica to the dazzling Cité le Corbusier. If you pass by the Old Port, one of the city’s tourist symbols, in the mornings, you are sure to encounter loud fishermen selling their fresh catch. It is here that the famous, kilometre-long Hemp Street, Rue La Canbière, begins, the look of which dates back to the 19 th century, when Mar- seille was one of the world’s biggest hemp trad- ing centres.
Er Srbija preko Beograda nudi dobru povezanost iz Hamburga, Geteborga, Kelna i Marselja do drugih destinacija u svojoj mreži poput Soluna, Atine, Istanbula, Bukurešta, Sofije, Tirane, Skoplja, Sarajeva, Rima, Malte, Splita, Dubrovnika, Tivta, Podgorice, Beča, Pule, Rijeke, Zadra, Firence, Katanije, Napulja, Palerma i Larnake Air Serbia provides good connections from Hamburg, Gothenburg, Cologne and Marseille, via Belgrade, to other destinations in its network, such as Thessaloniki, Athens, Istanbul, Bucharest, Sofia, Tirana, Skopje, Sarajevo, Rome, Malta, Split, Dubrovnik, Tivat, Podgorica, Vienna, Pula, Rijeka, Zadar, Florence, Catania, Naples, Palermo and Larnaca
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 13
Na letu On board
Volim da se izgubim u oblacima I love to lose myself in the clouds
Lena Bogdanović glumica / actress
I have loved planes since I first flew, as a child, to visit my grandpar- ents in Prague, and it has remained my favourite mode of transport to this day. In an incredibly short peri- od of time, at high speeds, you can reach your desired destination with- out traffic congestion. And while doing so you also have an incredi- ble opportunity to lose yourself in the clouds. You can sail, both lit- erally and symbolically, to anoth- er dimension and view yourself and the world from a different perspec- tive. Isn’t that absolutely fantastic? What don’t you board a plane without? My mobile phone is always be- side me, so that I can take photos, and I love shots from the window, with the magical clouds and land- scapes. And, most importantly, I call to tell my nearest and dearest that I've landed, which is a very im- portant custom in my family. I car- ry something to read, because I al- most never sleep on a plane, even at night. There are also headphones, for when I want to switch off and drift away to music. film, television and theatre actress. Born in 1974 in Novi Sad, where she graduated from the Academy of Arts in the class of professor Branko Pleša, she is known for her roles in Women from Dedinje and oth- er popular series, while she’s also performed in a number of domes- tic and Italian films. WHO IS LENA? Lena Bogdanović is a Serbian
Avione volim od kada sam kao dete prvi put letela u posetu baki i deki u Prag, a do danas je to mo- je omiljeno prevozno sredstvo. Za neverovatno kratko vreme velikom brzinom stignete na željenu desti- naciju, bez saobraćajne gužve. Pri- tom imate neverovatnu priliku da se izgubite u oblacima. I doslovce, ali i simbolično, da otplovite u ne- ku drugu dimenziju ili pogledate sebe i svet iz druge perspektive. Nije li to apsolutno fantastično? Bez čega ne ulazite u avion? – Telefon je uvek uz mene ka- ko bih mogla da fotografišem, vo- lim kadrove sa prozora, oblaci i pej- zaži su magični. Najvažnije, javim
se najdražima da sam sletela, to je veoma važan običaj u mojoj poro- dici. Nešto za čitanje ponesem, jer gotovo nikada ne spavam u avio- nu, čak ni noću. Tu su i slušalice kada želim da se isključim i otplo- vim u muziku. filmska, televizijska i pozorišna glumica. Rođena je 1974. u No- vom Sadu, gde je završila Akade- miju umetnosti u klasi profesora Branka Pleše. Poznajemo je po ulo- gama u „Ženama sa Dedinja“ i dru- gim popularnim serijama, a igrala je i u nizu domaćih, kao i italijan- skih filmova. KO JE LENA? Lena Bogdanović je srpska
Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography: Darijan Mihajlović
14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
Reflektor Spotlight
AKO POČNEMO DA NABRA- JAMO ŠTA JE SVE LIONEL MESI OSVOJIO i uradio u karijeri, vaš kapetan će već najaviti sletanje i nećete stići da pročitate do kraja. Zato je najbolje da počnemo baš od kraja – Mesi je prvak sveta sa Argentinom. Sigurni smo da ste gledali sada već istorijsko finale sa Francuskom u Kataru koje je odlučeno penalima. I verovatno ste navijali za Mesija. A ko nije? Argentina je gotovo dve dece- nije čekala na krunisanje slavne de- setke, koja se tako pridružila Dije- gu Armandu Maradoni u panteonu
LIONEL MESI, NAJBOLJI NA SVETU Znao sam da ć e mi bog dati pehar Argentina je gotovo dve decenije čekala na krunisanje slavne desetke, koja se tako pridružila Dijegu Armandu Maradoni u panteonu fudbalskih bogova
Tekst / Words: Aleksandar Pijevac Fotografije / Photography:
16 | Šampioni » Champions
„Video sam igrača koji će naslediti moje mesto u argentinskom fudbalu. Njegovo ime je Mesi“, Dijego Maradona o osamnaestogodišnjem Leu u februaru 2006.
“I’ve seen the player who will inherit my place in Argentinian football and his name is Messi” ~ Diego Maradona, speaking in February 2006 about a then 18-year-old Leo
fudbalskih bogova. Mesi je stavio krunu na glavu, krunu bez koje bi uvek bio drugi, uvek onaj posle Ma- radone... Sada je besmrtan. Međutim, neverovatno je da je igrač koji je u karijeri osvojio 41 klupsko i reprezentativno prizna- nje, kao i 31 individualnu nagradu, morao da se dokazuje iz dana u dan, iz utakmice u utakmicu... Argentin- ci su često znali da budu nemilosrd- ni prema Mesiju, koji je, razočaran, morao dva puta da se povuče iz na- cionalnog tima. Srećom, oba puta se predomislio i pomirio sa nacijom koja jede, pije i diše fudbal. Mesi je znao da je Katar njego- va poslednja prilika. Ima 35 godi- na, bezbroj mečeva i dubokih rana na nogama i počelo je da se pri- ča da više nije brz kao nekada, a Mesi bez brzine nije Mesi... Na sa- mom početku Mundijala doživeo je težak udarac – Argentina je iz- gubila od Saudijske Arabije sa 2:1. Šok i neverica. Da je mogao, sigur- no bi tada uhvatio prvi let za Bar- selonu. Ali nije, ostao je i na sebe primio udarce 50 miliona Argen- tinaca. Nije poklekao, a retki to mogu. Nejmar nije izdržao priti- sak sa Brazilom, Kristijano Ronal- do sa Portugalijom, Hari Kejn sa Engleskom... Počeo je da ruši re- dom, Meksiko, Poljska, Australi- ja, Holandija, Hrvatska i na kraju Francuska u finalu koje nije bilo dobro za one sa slabijim srcem.
UEFA. Za razliku od Mesija, us- peo je da osvoji titulu u Argenti- ni 1981. godine sa ekipom Boka juniors. Obojica su bili juniorski i seniorski prvaci planete, dok ne- verovatno zvuči da veliki Dijego nije uspeo da trijumfuje u Kupu Amerike. Za Maradonu Argentinci kažu da je „veći od fudbala“ i da ono što je ura- dio za zemlju ne može da
– Nemam prave reči, sve je ovo neverovatno. Znao sam da ce mi bog dati pehar, bio sam siguran, ovo je velika radost za nas. Odavno sam imao ovaj veliki san, želeo sam da reprezentativnu karijeru završim na svetskom prvenstvu. Hvala mno- go mojoj porodici, svima koji su me podržali i svima koji su verovali u nas. Još jednom demonstriramo da smo mi, Argentinci, kada se bori- mo zajedno i ujedinjeni, sposobni da postignemo ono što smo zacr- tali. Zasluge pripadaju ovoj grupi koja je iznad svakog individualca. To je snaga svih koji se bore za isti san koji je bio i san svih Argentina- ca... Uspeli smo – poručio je Mesi.
se meri zlatnim i kristal- nim peharima. Bile su to teške go- dine za tu južnoameričku državu, a Dijego je bio jedini ventil, čovek kroz koga je prolazio sav bes, ali i radost nacije. Sve to je na kraju i pojelo El Pibea. S druge strane, Mesi je već sa 14 godina napustio Argentinu i preselio se u Barselo- nu. Zato je morao više da radi, da dokazuje da je pravi Argentinac, kao što je to bio Maradona. I uspeo je... Kruna iz Katara je njegova, samo njegova. Leo, uži- vaj, zaslužio si!
Po mišljenju većeg dela fudbalske javnosti, Mesi je sada potvrdio status najboljeg svih vre- mena. A da li je bolji i od Marado- ne? Ako se pogledaju trofeji, Mesi vodi sa 40:11. Maradona nije bio prvak Španije sa Barselonom, ali jeste dva puta sa Napolijem u Itali- ji. Takođe, nikada nije slavio u Ku- pu šampiona, a ima trofej u Kupu
Reprezentacija Argentine je po treći put šampion sveta, a Lionel Mesi došao je do prvog trofeja na mundijalu
Champions » Šampioni | 17
IF WE START LISTING EVERYTHING THAT LIONEL MESSI HAS WON and done in his career, the captain of your flight will start announcing the landing of the plane and you won’t have time to read the full article. That’s why it’s best for us to start from the very end: Messi is a world champion with Ar- gentina. We’re sure you watched the now historic final against France in Qatar, which was decided by penal- ties. And you probably supported Messi. And who didn’t? Argentina waited almost two decades to see the crowning of the famous number ten, who thereby joined Diego Armando Maradona
in the Parthenon of the football gods. Messi donned the crown, a crown without which he would al- ways have been second best, forever the one after Maradona... And now he’s immortal. Still, it’s unbelievable to consid- er that a player who’s had a career in which he’s won 41 club and nation- al team accolades, as well as 31 in- dividual awards, had to prove him- self from day to day and match to match... The Argentines have often shown no mercy for Messi, who twice felt compelled to withdraw from the national team in disappointment. He luckily changed his mind both times, reconciling with this nation that eats,
LIONEL MESSI, BEST IN THE WORLD I knew that God would give me the cup Argentina waited almost two decades to see the crowning of the famous number ten, who thereby joined Diego Armando Maradona in the Parthenon of the football gods
18 | Šampioni » Champions
Kilijan Mbape imao je odličan turnir u Kataru, koji je okončao kao najbolji strelac Kylian Mbappé had an excellent tournament in Qatar, ending it with the Golden Boot for top scorer
among a rare few. Neymar couldn’t take the pressure with Brazil, nor could Cristiano Ronaldo with Portu- gal, Harry Kane with England... He began demolishing opponents one by one, Mexico, Poland, Australia, the Netherlands, Croatia and, final- ly, France, in a final that wasn’t for the faint-hearted. “I don’t have the right words. It’s simply unbelievable. I knew that God was going to give me the cup, I was sure – it was a big joy for us. I had this big dream for a long time, I want- ed to close my career with a World Cup. I can’t ask for more than this… Thank you so much to my family, to all who support me and also to all who believed in us. We prove once again that Argentinians, when we fight together and united, we are able to achieve what we aim. The merit of this group, which is above indi- viduals, is its strength of all fight- ing for the same dream that was al- so the one of all Argentinians... We did it,” said Messi. A majority of football fans are
now of the opinion that Messi has confirmed his status as the best of all time. And is he better than Marado- na? If you look at trophies won, Mes- si is ahead 40:11. Maradona wasn’t a Spanish champion with Barcelo- na, but he was an Italian champion twice with Napoli. He also never cel- ebrated victory in the Champions Cup, though he won a UEFA Cup title. Unlike Messi, he managed to win a league title in Argentina, with Boca Juniors in 1981. Both of them became junior and senior planetary champions, and while it might seem unbelievable, the great Diego never managed to triumph in South Amer- ica’s Copa América. Argentinians say that Maradona was “bigger than football” and that gold and crystal cups can’t measure up to what he did for the country. Those were difficult years for this South American country, and Diego was their only vent; the man through whom all anger was filtered, but also the joy of the nation. And all that ul- timately consumed El Pibe de Oro, the golden kid. In contrast, Messi had already left Argentina and moved to Barcelona by the age of 14. That meant that he had to work harder, to prove himself a real Argentine like Maradona had been. And, he succeeded! The crown of Qatar is his, and his alone. Leo, enjoy it, you deserve it!
Još jednom smo pokazali da smo mi, Argentinci, kada se borimo zajedno i ujedinjeni, sposobni da postignemo ono što smo zacrtali We prove once again that Argentinians, when we fight together and united, we are able to achieve what we aim
drinks and breathes football. Messi knew that Qatar was his last chance. He is 35 years old, has countless matches under his belt and deep wounds from injuries to his legs, and there’s even been talk of late that he’s no longer as fast as he once was. And Messi without speed is not Messi... He suffered a heavy blow at the very start of the World Cup, with Argentina losing 2:1 against Saudi Arabia. Shock and disbelief! If he could have caught the first flight to Barcelona at the time, he surely would have. But he didn’t; he stayed and took the blows of 50 million Argentines. He didn’t bend the knee, and that ranks him
The Argentine national team became world champions for the third time, and Lionel Messi won his first World Cup title
Champions » Šampioni | 19
Er Srbija će od aprila do juna uvesti direktne letove između Beograda i italijanskih gradova Katanije, Napulja, Firen - ce i Palerma, čime će ukupan broj destinacija do kojih nacionalna avio-kompanija saobraća u ovoj mediteranskoj zemlji biti deset. Do novih gradova u Italiji Er Srbija planira da leti dva puta nedelj - no, avionima tipa „erbas“ A319 i A320 / From April to June, Air Ser- bia will introduce direct flights between Belgrade and the Italian ci- ties of Catania, Naples, Florence and Palermo, thereby bringing the total number of destinations of the country’s national airline in this Mediterranean country to ten. Air Serbia plans to operate flights to new destinations in Italy twice a week, using Airbus A319 and A320 aircraft Jedva čekamo proleće u Italiji! We can‘t wait for spring in Italy!
20 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
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Letovi između Beograda i Katanije započeće 14. aprila Flights between Belgrade and Catania begin operating as of 14 th April
Eklektika u podnožju živog vulkana Eclecticism at the foot of an active volcano
Katanija se nalazi na istočnoj obali Sicilije, u podnožju planine Etna. Taj kosmopolitski, buj - ni i eklektični grad krase brojni kulturno-istorij - ski spomenici, prelepe plaže i rezervat prirode. Katanija je raznobojan univerzum, od blistave beline njenih baroknih štukatura (pod zaštitom Uneska) do Liotrua, slona izvajanog od bazalta koji vas dočekuje na Pjaci Duomo u srcu Kata - nije, a koji je oduvek donosio sreću gradu. Palata Biskari Ovo je najvažnija palata u gradu i simbol ba - rokne arhitekture Katanije. Posle razornog ze - mljotresa zgradu je obnovio Ignjacio Paterno Kastelo Treći, princ, arheolog i ljubitelj umet - nosti, koji ne samo da je od nje napravio svoj dom vec je i osnovao prvi veliki muzej otvoren za javnost, u kojem se nalazi njegova velika ar - heološka zbirka. Ovde je princ primio Getea, ko - ji je bio na velikoj turneji po Evropi, a kasnije u svojim spisima detaljno opisao veličanstve - nost palate. Enterijer uključuje rokoko balsku salu sa složenom dekoracijom ogledala i fre - saka.
Catania is located on the east coast of Sicily, at the foot of Mount Etna. This bustling, cosmo- politan and eclectic city is adorned by numero- us cultural and historical monuments, beautiful beaches and a nature reserve. Catania is a mul- ticoloured universe, from the glittering white- ness of its Baroque stuccoes (a UNESCO Wor- ld Heritage Site) to the lava black of the Liotru, the elephant sculpted from basalt that greets us on the Piazza Duomo at the heart of the ci- ty and has always been a symbol of good luck for the city. Palazzo Biscari This is the city’s most important palazzo and a symbol of Catania’s Baroque architecture. Following a devastating earthquake, the buil- ding was rebuilt by Ignazio Paternò Castello III, the fifth prince of Biscari, an archaeologist and lover of the arts who not only made it his home, but also established the first major museum open to the public, containing his great archa- eological collection. It was here that the prince received Goethe during his European Grand To-
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 21
Riblja pijaca Iza katedrale tunel koji je u gradskim zidinama izgradio Karlo Peti dom je riblje pijace, delimično pokrivene, a delom na otvorenom. Mesto gde se svakodnevno pod velikim cr - venim šatorima i na tezgama od belog mermera od davnina nastavlja ritual prodaje ribe, mesa i voca. Povici prodava - ca, tezge sa paprikama spre - mljenim na pari i škembićima koji se prodaju prolaznicima čine je jednom od najživopi - snijih znamenitosti grada, ide - alnim mestom da zaronite u popularnu i fascinantnu kultu - ru Katanije. Ali takođe (i iznad svega!) za uživanje u sicilijan - skoj uličnoj hrani! Priobalna sela na okamenjenoj lavi Ovo je idealan itinerer za one koji žele da uživaju u neobič - nom iskustvu i dive se lepo - ti Jonske rivijere podno Etne. Fascinantno putovanje kroz sela izgrađena na podlozi od lave, sa vidicima koji oduzima - ju dah, senzacijama, zanimlji - vostima, mirisima tipičnim za mediteransko grmlje. Prove - dite dan na ribarskom brodu istražujuci mirne vode, prio - balno okruženje i tajne skri - vene u dubinama mora. Na ovim izletima brodom možete uživati u onim posebnim ku - palištima do kojih se ne mo - že doci sa kopna i otkriti male prirodne dragulje. A zašto ne uživati u sveže ulovljenoj ribi na brodu ili na obali u nekom od šarmantnih restorana, po - novo otkrivajuci tradicionalne lokalne recepte?
ur, who later described in his writings the magnificence of the collections and the pala- ce in detail. Its interiors inclu- de the rococo ballroom, with its complex decoration of mi- rrors, stucco and frescoes. Fish Market Behind the cathedral, a tunnel created in the city walls bu- ilt by Charles V houses the fi - sh market; it is partly covered and partly open-air. A place where the ritual of selling fi - sh, meat and fruit, under big red tents and on white mar-
ble stalls, has continued every day since ancient times. The shouts of the traders, and stalls with steaming roasted peppers and tripe sold to pa- ssers-by, make it one of the city’s most emblematic lan- dmarks, the ideal place to im- merse yourself in Catania’s popular and fascinating cul- ture. But also (and above all!) to immerse yourself in Sicilian street food! Coastal villages on lava rock This is an ideal itinerary for those wanting to enjoy an unusual experience and admi- re the scenic beauty of the Et- na Ionian Riviera. A fascina- ting journey through villages built on lava bedrock, enhan- ced and made unique by bre- athtaking views, sensations, points of interest, with scents and fragrances typical of the Mediterranean scrub. Let’s spend a day on a deep-sea fis - hing boat with the fishermen, exploring the calm waters, co- astal environment and secrets hidden in the depths of the sea. On these boat trips, you can enjoy those special bat - hing spots that can’t be reac- hed by land, discovering small natural gems. And why not enjoy freshly caught fish on board or ashore in one of the charming restaurants, redis- covering traditional local re- cipes?
Etna, najviši vulkan Evrope, zbog svoje česte aktivnosti bio je inspiracija antičkim piscima, koji su ga smatrali radionicom Hefesta, boga vatre Mt. Etna, the highest volcano in Europe, proved inspirational to ancient writers, due to its frequent activity, and they considered it the forge of Hephaestus, the god of fire
22 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
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Pored mora u starom,
dragom N apoliju
Napulj je grad pun iznenađe - nja. Iznenadiće vas svaki put, jer istina je da ga posetiti jed - nom nije dovoljno. Čak i sami Napolitanci se svakodnevno zadivljuju nečim novim. Ali šta Napulj čini svetski poznatim? Postoje neki nagoveštaji… Njeno veličanstvo pica Prvi razlog zašto je Napulj ču - ven širom sveta jeste pica. Ov - de je u 18. veku rođena mar - garita. Prema legendi, kraljica Margarita Savojska zatražila je od jednog od najčuvenijih pi - ca-majstora Napulja da smisli neko jelo za narod. Rezultat je bila pica u bojama zastave tek ujedinjene Italije: zeleni bosi - ljak, bela mocarela i crveni pa - radajz. Napolitana ili margarita je tako postala simbol grada i čitave Italije. Danas grad ima najbolje picerije na svetu, a Unesko je 2017. godine umet - nost pravljenja napuljske pice proglasio svetskom baštinom. Najveci stari grad u Evropi Istorijski centar Napulja najve - ci je u Evropi. Impozantne pa - late, uske ulice, drevne crkve i jedinstveni podzemni prola - zi su samo neke od stvari koje doprinose da istorijski centar Napulja bude jedan od najo - čuvanijih starih delova grada u Evropi. Vezuv Vezuv je najpoznatiji vulkan na svetu, a i najopasniji, s ob - zirom na veliku gustinu nase - ljenosti u njegovom podnožju. Napuljski narod se plaši i obo - žava ovog ogromnog usnulog džina, koji je simbol njihovog grada. Erupcija iz 79. godine
Beside the sea in dear old Napoli
urs of the flag of the then re- cently unified Italy: green ba - sil, white mozzarella and red tomatoes. The Napolitana, or Margherita, then became the symbol of the city and the whole of Italy. The city still bo- asts the world’s best pizzerias, and it was in 2017 that UNES- CO declared The Art of Neapo- litan Pizza-making a World He- ritage Site. Europe’s largest Old Town The historic centre of Naples is the largest in Europe. Impo- sing palaces, narrow streets, ancient churches, unique un- derground landscapes. The- se are perhaps some of the things that contribute to ma- king the historic centre of Na-
Naples is a city full of surpri- ses that will amaze you every time you visit. And that’s be- cause the truth is that once is not enough. Even Neapolitans themselves are amazed every day by something new. But what makes Naples a wor- ld-famous city? Here are so- me hints… Her Majesty the Pizza The number one reason Na- ples is famous is pizza. The Margherita was born here in the 18 th century. Legend has it that Queen Margherita of Sa- voy requested that the most famous pizzamaker in Na- ples come up with a variety for the ordinary people. The result was a pizza in the colo-
Od 19. maja, svakog ponedeljka i petka, putnici će imati priliku da lete do Napulja As of 19 th May, travellers will have an opportunity to fly to Naples every Monday and Friday
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 23
nove ere možda je najpoznati - ja od svih vulkanskih eksplo - zija u svetu i prvi pisani zapis o erupciji. Mogli bismo reci da je vulkanologija rođena u pod - nožju Vezuva. Njegova posled - nja erupcija dogodila se 1944. godine, nakon čega je vulkan ušao u fazu mirovanja, iako je ostao aktivan. Napolitanske kancone Napulj je poznat širom sve - ta po svojoj muzici. Kancone su se neminovno širile u perio - du velike italijanske emigraci - je, a jedan od prvih promotera prekookeanskog uspeha na - puljskih pesama bio je Rena - to Karosone, da bi devedestih godina prošlog veka tenor Lu - čano Pavaroti u prvi plan izneo Od kada je stigao u tim i grad, Maradona je bog za Napulj. Di - jego je obeležio jednu eru, a njegova legenda i dalje živi na ulicama grada. Mnoga napulj - ska deca nose njegovo ime. Nakon njegove smrti Stadi - on „San Paolo“ u Napulju pro - menio je ime u Stadion „Mara - dona“. Ulična umetnost Svi poznati ljudi Napulja za - čuveni „O, sole mio“. Legenda o Maradoni
stupljeni su u gradskoj uličnoj umetnosti. To je rastuci druš - tveni fenomen, koji uključuje gigantske radove koji krase či - tava naselja. Takođe, Benksije - vo najpoznatije delo (prvo ikad nastalo u Italiji) jeste plavo-si - va Madona sa pištoljem ume - sto oreola.
ples the most unchanged in Europe. Vesuvius Vesuvius is the world’s best- known volcano and the most dangerous, given the high po- pulation density living at its foot. The Neapolitan peo- ple fear and worship this hu- ge sleeping giant, making it the city’s symbol. Its erup- tion in 79 AD is perhaps the most famous of all known volcanic explosions globally and the first written record of an eruption. We could say that volcanology was born at the foot of Vesuvius. Its last explosion took place in 1944, after which the volcano ente- red its resting phase, altho- ugh it has always remained active. Canzone Napoletana Naples is famous throughout the world for its music, which inevitably spread during the great period of Italian emigra- tion. One of the first promo - ters of the overseas success of Neapolitan songs was Re- nato Carosone, while O’ Sole Mio was brought to the fore by famous tenor Luciano Pa- varotti in the 1990s. The legend of Maradona Since his arrival at the team and in the city, Maradona has been a God for Naples. Diego marked an era and his legend still lives on in the streets of the city. Many Neapolitan chi- ldren bear his name. After his death, the San Paolo Stadium in Naples changed its name to Stadio Maradona. Street Art All the famous people of Na- ples are represented in the city’s street art. This is a growing social phenome- non that includes gigantic works that redevelop entire neighbourhoods. Banksy’s fa- mous work (and his first-ever to be made in Italy) is a blue- grey Madonna with a gun in place of her halo.
Nedaleko od Napulja su čuvene iskopine Pompeje i Herkulanuma, pa možete da se vratite čak 2.000 godina u prošlost Located not far from Naples are the famous excavations of Pompeii and Herculaneum, where you can step back in time some 2,000 years
24 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
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Firenca je rodno mesto re - nesanse i muzej na otvore - nom. Poznata je i po svojoj jednostavnoj, ali neverovat - noj kuhinji. Iako je glavni grad Toskane manje očigledan kao krajnja stanica od Rima ili Venecije, to je četvrto naj - popularnije odredište u zem - lji i definitivno je ne treba pro - pustiti. Dakle, hajde da navedemo bar neke divne stvari po koji - ma je Firenca poznata. Samo pazite na simptome Stenda - lovog (Firentinskog) sindro - ma; lepota grada je toliko ne - odoljiva da se nekim ljudima vrti u glavi, pa čak i halucini - raju! – Prekjuče, kad sam se spu - štao s Apenina i približavao Firenci, srce mi je snažno lu - palo. Kakva detinjarija! Naj - Čuvajte se F irentinskog sindroma
Florence is known for being the birthplace of the Renai- ssance and an open-air mu- seum, as well as for its sim- ple yet amazing cuisine. While the capital of Tuscany is le- ss obvious as a final desti - nation than Rome or Venice, it is nonetheless the fourth most popular tourist destina- tion in the country and is de- finitely not to be missed. So, let’s find out all the wonderful things Florence is known for. Just watch out for the symp- toms of Stendhal (Florence) syndrome; the city’s beauty is so overwhelming that some folks feel dizzy and even hallu- cinate! “The day before yester- day, descending the Apenni- nes toward Florence, my heart was beating fast. How chil- dish. Finally, at a turn in the Watch out for Florence syndrome
road, I looked down onto the plain and far off I saw a sort of dark mass, Santa Maria del Fiore and its famous dome, Brunelleschi’s masterpiece. I said to myself: There had li- ved Dante, Michelangelo, Leo- nardo da Vinci! There is the noble city, queen of the Midd- le Ages! It was within those walls that civilisation was con- ceived anew.” (From the writin- gs of Stendhal describing the symptoms of “Florence syn- drome”) Florence Cathedral Beauty and monumentality aren’t the only reasons why Florence Cathedral (Santa Ma- ria del Fiore, or simply Duo- mo) is the city’s ultimate icon. A self-supporting dome li- ke this hadn’t been built since Antiquity, because the tech- nique had been lost. This en- gineering breakthrough was a major symbol of the transi - tion from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance (and the mo- dern era). Upon its completion
Letovi Između Beograda i Firence obavljaće se od 20. maja utorkom i subotom Flights will operate between Belgrade and Florence on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 20 th May
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 25
i Duoma u Milanu. Renesansa
zad, na jednoj okuci, pred očima mi je pukla ravnica i ugledao sam izdaleka, kao ta - mnu masu, Crkvu Santa Mari - ja del fjore i njenu čuvenu ku - polu, remek-delo Bruneleskija. Eto, tu su živeli Dante, Mike - lanđelo, Leonardo da Vinči, re - kao sam samom sebi. To je ta plemenita varoš, kraljica sred - njeg veka! U okviru tih zidina ponovo je počela civilizacija – stoji u Stendalovom rukopi - su u kojem opisuje simptome „Firentinskog sindroma“. Firentinska katedrala Lepota i monumentalnost ni - su jedini razlozi zašto je Fi - rentinska katedrala (Santa Marija del fjore ili jednostavno Duomo) vrhunska ikona gra - da. Samonoseca kupola po - put njene nije izgrađena od antike jer je tehnika izgublje - na. Ovaj inženjerski prodor bio je glavni simbol tranzicije iz srednjeg veka u renesansu i modernu eru. Kada je zavr - šena 1436. godine, postala je najveca crkva na svetu. I da - lje je treca po veličini u Evropi, posle Katedrale Svetog Petra
Od početka do sredine 15. veka Firenca je bila izuzet - no bogat grad i imala je sre - ce da ima vladare koji su vo - leli umetnost, a imali gomile novca (Mediči). Bili su pokro - vitelji genijima poput Leonar - da, Mikelanđela i Rafaela, koji su smislili potpuno nov način doživljavanja sveta. Renesan - sa je čak omogucila rođenje (oko jednog veka kasnije), mo - derne nauke, koja je dostigla vrhunac u samoj Firenci kada je Galileo Galilej izmislio nauč - ni metod. Galerija „Ufici“ Firenca je neka vrsta čuvara ogromne italijanske kulturne baštine, a „Ufici“ predstavlja sef u kojem se to blago čuva. U 16. veku Medičijevi su na - ručili zgradu za smeštaj poro - dičnih umetničkih dela. Dva veka kasnije ta zgrada ce po - stati jedan od najranijih mo - dernih muzeja, nakon što je poslednja naslednica Mediči - ja ostavila ogromnu kolekciju Toskani. „Ufici“ je dom svetski
in 1436, it became the world’s largest church. And to this day it is still the third-largest in Eu- rope (after St. Peter’s and Mi- lan Cathedral). The Renaissance By the early-to-mid 1400s, Flo- rence was an extremely ri- ch city and was lucky to ha- ve art-loving rulers with tons of cash (the House of Medici). They served as patrons to ge- niuses like Leonardo, Miche- langelo and Raphael, who ca- me up with a brand-new way of experiencing the world. The Renaissance even allowed for the birth (about a century la- ter) of modern science, which peaked in the very city of Flo- rence when Galileo Galilei in- vented the scientific method. Uffizi Gallery Florence serves as a sort of guardian of Italy’s enormous cultural heritage — and the Uf- fizi works as the safe where that treasure is stored. It was in the 16 th century that the
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poznatih remek-dela poput Bo - tičelijevog „Rođenja Venere“ i
Karavađove „Meduze“. Mikelanđelov „David“
David je možda pobedio Goli - jata, ali ironično, Mikelanđelo - va verzija biblijske figure je sa - ma po sebi gigant (5,2 metra) i ostala je glavna ikona Firen - ce do danas. Krajem 19. veka replika je postavljena na Pjaci dela Sinjora, pošto je skulptu - ra premeštena u Galeriju Aka - demije. Firentinski sladoled U 16. veku firentinski poslasti - čar po imenu Bernardo Buon - talenti imao je zadatak da im - presionira špansku delegaciju koja je posetila grad, pa je smi - slio nešto što je verovatno naj - raniji italijanski đelato, poznat kao firentinski krem. Novi ukus je kombinacija meda, žumana - ca i vina, a na našu srecu i da - nas je dostupan u prodavnica - ma sladoleda širom grada. Pinokio Đepetov drveni sin postao je svetski slavan zahvaljujuci Di - znijevom filmu iz 1940. godi - ne, ali originalna priča je za - pravo nastala u Firenci. Autor Karlo Kolodi objavio je Pinoki - jeve avanture u nedeljniku za decu između 1881. i 1882. Na - kon što je godinu dana kasnije štampan kao knjiga, postao je jedna od najprevođenijih i naj - prodavanijih knjiga ikada, kao i jedan od neformalnih simbo - la Firence.
Leonardo, Mikelanđelo i Rafael došli su ovamo sa potpuno novim načinom doživljavanja sveta It was here that Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael came up with a brand-new way of experiencing the world
lenti was tasked with impre- ssing a Spanish delegation vi- siting the city and came up with what was arguably the earliest Italian gelato: Floren- tine cream. The new flavo- ur was made with honey, egg yolks and a touch of wine. Luckily for us, crema fioren - tina is still available at gelato parlours across the city. Pinocchio While Geppetto’s wooden son rose to global stardom thanks to Disney’s 1940 film, the ori - ginal story was actually crea- ted in Florence. Author Carlo Collodi published The Adven- tures of Pinocchio in a wee- kly magazine for children between 1881 and 1882. Upon being printed as a book a ye- ar later, it went on to become one of the most widely tran- slated and best-selling books of all time, as well as beco- ming one of the informal sym- bols of Florence.
Medici rulers commissioned a building to house the family’s artworks. Two centuries later, that same building would be- come one of the earliest mo- dern museums, after the last Medici heiress bequeathed the vast collection to the Tus- can state. The Uffizi is home to world-famous masterpie- ces like Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus and Caravaggio’s Me- dusa. Michelangelo’s David David may have defeated Go- liath, yet ironically Michelan- gelo’s version of the biblical fi - gure is a giant in its own right (5.2 m) and it has remained Florence’s main icon to this day. A replica was installed on the Piazza della Signoria in the late 19 th century, with the ori- ginal sculpture moved to the city’s Galleria dell’Accademia. Florentine gelato In the 16 th century, Florentine pastry chef Bernardo Buonta-
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