Elevate August 2022 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Leto je muzika SUMMER IS MUSIC

Exclusive apartments for sale in the Port of Dreams

Unveil the magnificent seaside luxury housing residence Porto Palace, situated within the area of Porto Montenegro in Tivat. The town itself is one of the most beautiful on the Adriatic, located right in the heart of the Bay of Kotor.

Unique blend of coastal and Mediterranean architecture, featured in every detail, the building is characterized by high-quality construction, sophisticated style and cozy ambience. Porto Palace is just a stone’s throw away from the sea, less than 100 m from the astonishing Porto Montenegro marina and 5 minute drive from the Tivat International Airport.

Let Porto Palace be the Port of Dreams for all of you who want to relish the spirit of Tivat, Montenegro and the Mediterranean.

BRŽE I JEDNOSTAVNIJE MOBILNA APLIKACIJA ZA KUPOVINU AVIO-KARATA • Pronađite najbolju ponudu • Skenirajte i bezbedno čuvajte putne dokumente na svom profilu • Brža prijava na let • Karta za ukrcavanje uvek uz vas • Svoje ideje i sugestije možete podeliti sa nama putem aplikacije


MOBILE APP TO BUY FLIGHT TICKETS • Find the best offer • Scan and securely store travel documents on your profile • Faster flight check-in • Boarding card always with you • Share your ideas and suggestions with us in the app

Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

Dragi putnici, Avgust 2022. godine

August 2022

Dear Passengers,

VERUJEMO DA SU MNOGIMA OD VAS PR- VE ASOCIJACIJE na avgust beskrajne plaže, toplo more i uživanje u sunčanim danima. Najpopularniji mesec za putovanja donosi dugo priželjkivani odmor, brojne nove uspomene, ali i sam vrh sezone kada su u pitanju turizam i avio-industrija. Uprkos gužvama na aerodromima, koje nisu retkost u avgustu, trudi- mo se da u periodu velike potražnje za letovima od- govorimo na zahteve naših putnika, omogućimo da se saobraćaj neometano odvija i učinimo sve kako bi- ste ovog leta uživali u zasluženom odmoru. U želji da našim putnicima na kraćim letovima omogućimo što udobnije putovanje, nastavljamo da jačamo našu regionalnu flotu. U julu je u Beograd doleteo treći avion ATR 72-600, a radimo na obez- beđivanju još dve letelice tog tipa. Novi avion YU- ALX ima konfiguraciju od 70 sedišta i putnicima pru- ža veći komfor i udobnost prilikom putovanja. Ovaj turbo-elisni avion proizveden je 2017. godine, znat- no podmlađuje našu regionalnu flotu, u skladu sa ci- ljevima Er Srbije da se razvija kao regionalni lider. Uvećanje flote očekuje nas i u oktobru ove godine priključivanjem širokotrupnog aviona erbas A330- 200. Novi avion biće izuzetno značajan za dalju ek- spanziju, pokretanje novih destinacija i povećanje obima saobraćaja u postojećoj mreži destinacija. Po- red pokretanja letova do Kine, koje se planira tokom jeseni, ovaj avion služiće ujedno i za letove do zna- čajnih evropskih destinacija na kojima postoji ve- ća tražnja, ali i za dugo očekivani sedmi nedeljni let do Njujorka tokom letnje sezone. Naša linija preko Atlantika predstavlja jednu od najjačih ruta Er Sr- bije , a letove obavlja A330-200 YU-ARB, najveći avi- on u floti sa prepoznatljivim likom Nikole Tesle na svom repu. Novi avion krasiće lik Mihajla Pupina, jednog od najvećih srpskih naučnika svih vremena. Na kraju još jedna velika vest. Er Srbija nastavlja da širi svoje poslovanje na tržištu Sjedinjenih Ame- ričkih Država i od proleća 2023. godine uspostaviće direktne letove između Beograda i Čikaga, druge de- stinacije Er Srbije u SAD. Posle 32 godine prestonica Srbije biće direktno povezana sa američkim gradom u kojem živi oko 350.000 stanovnika poreklom iz Sr- bije i okolnih balkanskih zemalja. Očekujemo veliko interesovanje putnika za nove letove kojima će Čika- go biti krajnja destinacija, kao i onih koji će iz ovog grada nastavljati putovanje do daljih tačaka. Uživajte u letu i srećan put,

WE BELIEVE THAT, FOR MANY OF YOU, THE first things that come to mind when you think of August are endless beaches, warm seas and the enjoyment of sunny days. The most popular month for travel brings long-await- ed summer breaks and countless new memories, but also marks peak season when it comes to tourism and the avia- tion industry. Despite the crowds at airports that aren’t un- common during August, we strive - throughout this period of great demand for flights - to respond to our passengers’ requests and enable seamless transportation, while doing everything we can to help ensure you enjoy your well-de- served summer holiday. In a desire to provide our passengers with the maxi- mum possible comfort during shorter flights, we are con- tinuing to strengthen our regional fleet. July saw the ar- rival in Belgrade of our third ATR 72-600 aircraft, while we are currently working to secure another two aircraft of this type. The new YU-ALX plane has a configuration for 70 seats and provides passengers with greater comfort dur- ing flights. This turbo-prop aircraft was produced in 2017 and its inclusion reduces the average age of our regional fleet significantly, in line with Air Serbia’s goal of devel- oping into a regional leader. The further expansion of our fleet awaits us this Octo- ber, with the arrival of a wide-body Airbus A330-200. This new addition will be vital to our further expansion, launch- ing new routes and increasing the frequency of flights in our existing network of destinations. In addition to serv- ing future flights to China, which we plan to launch this autumn, this plane will also be deployed for flights to im- portant European destinations that are in high demand, as well as for the long-awaited seventh weekly flight to New York that’s set to be introduced during the summer season. Our transatlantic flights represent one of Air Ser- bia’s strongest routes and are operated using the A330- 200 YU-ARB, the biggest plane in our fleet, which sports the recognisable image of Nikola Tesla on its tail. The new aircraft will be adorned by the image of Mihajlo Pupin, one of the other all-time greatest Serbian scientists. Finally, we have more big news. The expansion of Air Serbia’s operations on the territory of the United States of America, set to start in the spring of 2023, will commence with the launching of direct flights between Belgrade and Chicago, marking Air Serbia’s second destination in the U.S. After a break of 32 years, the Serbian capital will once again be connected directly to this great American city that’s home to approximately 350,000 residents with origins in Serbia and neighbouring Balkans countries. We expect great in- terest among passengers wanting to fly to or via Chicago. Enjoy your flight and have a pleasant trip,

Jiri Marek CEO Air Serbia



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Er Srbija i Turkiš erlajnz jačaju saradnju / Air Serbia and Turkish Airlines further strengthen cooperation

 Er Srbija pojačava saobraćaj ka SAD: Više letova do Njujorka, a uskoro i nova linija do Čikaga / Air Serbia increases its number of flights to the U.S.: more flights to New York, and soon new route to Chicago



Džon Malkovič: O katarzi, pozorištu, slavi i društvu / John Malkovich: About catharsis, theatre, fame and society

 Putujemo sa Sergejem Ćetkovićem, pevačem / We travel with Sergej Ćetković, singer PUTUJTE PAMETNO


Leto i festivali: Od džeza i trube do rejva i rokenrola / Summer and festivals: from jazz and trumpets to rave and rock ‘n’ roll Sarajevo slavi film od 12. do 19. avgusta / Sarajevo celebrates film from 12 th to 19 th August Goran Bogdan, glumac koji se bori za svaku ulogu / Goran Bogdan, an actor who fights for every role




Iz ugla modnog kreatora: Specifični stil modnih prestonica / From a fashion designer’s perspective: the distinctive style of fashion capitals


 Vodimo vas na Palma de Majorku / We’re taking you to Palma de Mallorca

10 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović

Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Nenad Mihajlović, Robert Getel Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher

RITAM GRADA RHYTHM OF THE CITY 68. Svedoci istorije grada: U vrelim danima pronađite česmu / Witnesses of the history of the city: during sweltering days, seek out a drinking fountain

RITAM SRBIJE RHYTHM OF SERBIA 88. Prelepa srpska blaga:

Čudesni spomenici prirode / Beautiful Serbian treasures: miraculous monuments of nature



Mali saveti za jutro, dan i noć: Naša fabulozna eko-svakodnevica / Little tips for morning, daytime and evening: our fabulous ecological everyday life Nesputana moć performansi i slobode dizajna / Unconstrained power of performance and freedom of design

Jadrana: Tajne i legende moćnog Orjena / On the highest peak of the Adriatic: Secrets and legends of the mighty Orjen

Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringier.rs


SPORT SPORTS 106. Mnogo je fudbalskih

Generalni direktor Ringier Srbija / CEO Ringier Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

čarobnjaka koje nećemo gledati u

Kataru / There are many football wizards we won’t get to watch in Qatar

Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Leto je muzika SUMMER IS MUSIC Najbolji avgustovski festivali / The best August festivals Foto/ Photo: Depositphotos

Broj / Issue No. 342 Naslovna strana / Cover Depositphotos

Contents » Sadržaj | 11

U Fokusu

In focus


jem živi oko 350.000 stanovnika srpskog porekla i veliki broj stanov- nika poreklom iz drugih zemalja bivše Jugoslavije, ali i okolnih bal- kanskih zemalja, koje su dobro po- vezane sa Beogradom putem regi- onalne mreže Er Srbije . Čikago sa 2,75 miliona stanov- nika u samom gradu i 9,62 miliona u širem gradskom području pred- stavlja najnaseljeniji grad u save- znoj državi Ilinois i treći najnaselje- niji grad u SAD, posle Njujorka i Los Anđelesa. Smešten je na obali je- zera Mičigen i predstavlja važan međunarodni finansijski, kulturni, trgovinski, industrijski, obrazovni, tehnološki, komunikacioni i saobra- ćajni centar. Zahvaljujući obnovi transa- tlantskih letova, Er Srbija je pre šest godina ponovo omogućila poveza- nost regiona i Sjedinjenih Američ- kih Država, nakon pauze od goto- vo dve i po decenije. Od ponovnog uspostavljanja vazdušne veze sa SAD do maja ove godine, nacio- nalni avio-prevoznik prevezao je ukupno 383.324 putnika na lini- ji Beograd–Njujork. Letove između Beograda i Njujorka obavlja najveći avion u floti Er Srbije , erbas A330, koji nosi ime čuvenog srpskog na- učnika i pronalazača Nikole Tesle.

VIŠE LETOVA DO NJUJORKA, A USKORO I NOVA LINIJA DO ČIKAGA Zbog povećane potražnje kada je reč o letovima između Beograda i Njujorka, Er Srbija će od predstojeće zimske sezone broj letova na toj liniji povećati sa uobičajena dva na tri leta nedeljno

Međunarodni aerodrom u Čikagu – O’Her jedan je od šest najprometnijih svetskih aerodroma Chicago O'Hare International Airport is one of the six busiest airports in the world SRPSKA NACIONALNA AVIO-KOMPANIJA SAOBRA- ĆAĆE OD OVE zime između Be- ograda i Njujorka svakog utorka, četvrtka i nedelje. Osim toga, na- staviće da širi svoje poslovanje na tržištu Sjedinjenih Američkih Dr- žava i, počev od aprila 2023. go- dine, uspostaviće direktne letove između Beograda i Čikaga (aero- drom O’Her – ORD). Čikago će bi- ti druga destinacija u SAD u mreži Er Srbije , a planirano je da srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija na toj liniji saobraća dva puta nedeljno. – Dodavanje još jednog leta nedeljno ka Njujorku u zimskoj se- zoni jasan je pokazatelj da naša li- nija preko Atlantika dobro funkcio- niše i predstavlja jednu od najjačih

ruta Er Srbije , uz smanjenje do sada visoke sezonalnosti. Osim to- ga, uvođenje direktnih letova iz- među Beograda i Čikaga, grada sa jednom od najvećih zajednica lju- di iz Srbije i drugih zemalja u okru- ženju, planiramo već dugo i to je za nas takođe linija od izuzetnog stra- teškog značaja. Očekujemo veliko interesovanje putnika za nove le- tove kojima će Čikago biti krajnja destinacija, kao i onih koji će iz tog grada nastavljati putovanje do da- ljih tačaka – izjavio je Boško Rupić, direktor za komercijalu i strategi- ju Er Srbije . Uvođenjem linije Beograd–Či- kago, prvi put posle 32 godine, prestonica Srbije biće direktno po- vezana sa američkim gradom u ko-

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

duction in its so far highly seasonal character. In addition to that, we ha- ve been planning the introduction of direct flights between Belgrade and Chicago – a city with one of the big- gest diaspora populations from Ser- bia and other countries of the regi- on – for a long time now, and this is a route of exceptional strategic im- portance to us. We expect great pa- ssenger demand for new flights wi- th Chicago as their final destination, as well as among those using the ci- ty as a stopover for further destina- tions,” said Air Serbia General Ma- nager, Commercial and Strategy, Boško Rupić. With the introduction of Belgra- de – Chicago flights for the first time after a break of 32 years, the Ser- bian capital will be connected dire- ctly to this American city that’s ho- me to approximately 350,000 residents of Serbian origin, as well as a large number of residents hai- ling from other former Yugoslav co- untries and neighbouring Balkan co- untries, which are well connected to Belgrade via Air Serbia’s regional network. With a population of 2.75 million in the city itself and 9.62 million in its wider metropolitan area, Chicago is the most populated city in the sta- te of Illinois and the third most popu- lated city in the country, after New York and Los Angeles. Situated on the shore of Lake Michigan, this city represents an important internatio- nal centre of finance, culture, trade, industry, education, communication and transport. With its recommencement of transatlantic flights six years ago, Air Serbia again enabled connections between the region and the U.S., following a break of almost two and a half decades. As of this May, the Serbian national airline had carried a total of 383,324 passengers along the Belgrade-New York route since the re-establishment of this link. Flights between Belgrade and New York are operated using the lar- gest aircraft in the Air Serbia fleet, an Airbus A330 that bears the na- me of famous Serbian scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla.


Increased demand for flights between Belgrade and New York has prompted Air Serbia to increase the number of flights per week along this route – starting from the upcoming winter season – from the current two to three MORE FLIGHTS TO NEW YORK, AND SOON NEW ROUTE TO CHICAGO

THE SERBIAN NATIONAL AIRLI- NE WILL OPERATE flights between Belgrade and New York every Tue- sday, Thursday and Sunday as of this winter. Additionally, Air Serbia is continuing to expand its U.S. ope- rations and will launch direct flights between Belgrade and Chicago (O’Hare Airport – ORD) as of April 2023. Chicago will thus become

the second U.S. destination in Air Serbia’s network, with the Serbian flag carrier planning to operate two flights a week along this route. “The addition of another wee- kly flight to New York during the win- ter season is a clear indicator that our transatlantic flight is working out well and that it represents one of Air Serbia’s strongest routes, with a re-

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15

Na letu

On board



Letovi iznad mora se često pretvore u stihove / Flights over the sea often convert into verses

AVIONI SU NAJSIGURNI- JE PREVOZNO SREDSTVO I U MOM poslu su više nego neop- hodni. Jutarnja kafa u svom do- mu, večera i koncert u nekoj od evropskih metropola. U avionima uglavnom imam dovoljno vremena za razmišljanje, pa se često dogo- di da tokom leta naiđe inspiracija za neki dobar tekst ili kompozici- ju, posebno kada putujem sam. Vi- deo sam mnogo prelepih prizora tokom putovanja, naročito kada se leti u suton ili rano ujutru, ka- da sunce izlazi. Letovi iznad mora su takođe nezaboravni. Neke slike su zaista fascinantne, pa se i one ponekad pretvore u stihove. Gde god da putujem, iščekujem one tre- nutke pred sletanje, taj prvi pogled iz vazduha na destinaciju koju ste oduvek želeli da posetite… Bez čega ne ulazite u avi- on? – U zavisnosti od dužine le- ta, nosim različite stvari, ali to su u većini slučajeva dobra knji- ga ili kvalitetan časopis, slušali- ce za muziku i dobra čokolada. Kada je u pitanju duži let, odgle- dam po nekoliko filmova zare- dom. Često pišem stihove, pre- slušavam i dorađujem neke ideje za nove pesme, ponekad i odgo- varam na pitanja za intervjue, planiram koncerte i bavim se pi- sanjem scenarija za nove spoto- ve ili epizode našeg crtanog fil- ma Lola i Mila .

Sergej Ćetković, pevač/singer

tiful scenes during various trips, es- pecially when flying at dusk or ear- ly in the morning, as the sun rises. Flights over the sea are also unfor- gettable. Some pictures are truly fascinating, so they sometimes turn themselves into verses. Wherever I travel, I look forward to those mo- ments prior to landing, that first aerial view of a destination you’ve always wanted to visit…” What don’t you board a plane without? “I carry different things de- pending on flight length, but in the majority of cases it’s a good book or a high-quality magazine, head- phones for music and good choc- olate. When it comes to longer flights, I watch several films con- secutively. I often write lyrics, listen to and refine some ideas for new songs; sometimes I answer inter- view questions, plan concerts and write scripts for new music vide- os or episodes of our cartoon Lo- la and Mila.”

PLANES ARE THE SAFEST MEANS OF TRANSPORT AND are beyond essential in my work. Morning coffee at home, dinner and a concert in some European metropolis. I usually have enough time to think aboard planes, so during flights I often find inspira- tion for a good text or composi- tion, especially when I’m travelling alone. I’ve experienced many beau-

Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography: Oliver Bunić

16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia



Sve lepote Palma de Majorke All the beauty of Palma de Mallorca

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia



me scan


Vodimo vas na najlepše plaže Lagano, bez žurbe i obasjano suncem. Vreme usporava na Majorki tokom avgusta, dok se ostrvo kupa u vrelini ba - learskog leta. Nebo je plavo, dani dugi i savršeni za obroke na otvorenom, šetnje plažom i kupanje u toplom moru. Poželeć ete da se opustite na jednoj od ostrvskih pla - ža ili u klubovima svetske kla - se, istražite Palmu i krenete na ležerno putovanje. Posto - ji mnoštvo zabavnih stvari za porodice sa decom, od vo - denih parkova i sportova na vodi do atrakcija kao što su park Katmandu i akvarijum Palma, dok ć e odrasli uživati u pogledu na more iz mnogih odličnih restorana. Na Majorki postoje 262 plaže ukupne dužine 50 kilometara, a mi vam otkrivamo samo ne - ke od njih. Birajte između na - puštenih uvala, belih pešča - nih plaža idealnih za porodice ili stenovitih zaliva... Kala Agula Kala Agula je prelepa plaža okružena borovima i planina - ma, smeštena u opštini Kap - depera, oko 80 kilometara od Palme. Voda je blistavo čista i divno svetloplava, što ovu plažu čini savršenim mestom za plivanje i bavljenje vode - nim sportovima. Portals Vels Ova fina peščana plaža po - sebno je popularna među lo - kalnim stanovništvom i poro - dicama. U peščanim uvalama sa tirkiznom vodom nalaze se brojne peć ine za istraživanje. Postoje kiosk koji nudi gric -

Enjoy the most stunning beaches

Languid, laidback and basking in sunshine. Time slows down in Majorca during August, as the island settles into the he- at of a Balearic summer. The skies are blue and the days are long and perfect for al fres- co dining, long beach strolls or swimming in the warm sea. August is the right time to ta- ke it easy on Majorca. You'll want to kick back at one of the island's world-class beaches or beach clubs, explore Palma and enjoy leisurely trips to be- auty spots. There's a wealth of fun things for families with chi- ldren to do, from waterparks and water sports, to attractions like Katmandu Park and the Palma Aquarium, while adults will swoon at the to-die-for sea views from the many excellent restaurants. There are 262 beaches in Majorca, encompassing a combined total length of 50

km, but here we reveal just a small selection of them. Choo- se from deserted coves [calas], white sandy family beaches or rocky bays… Cala Agulla Cala Agulla is a beautiful bea- ch that’s surrounded by pine trees and mountains and situ- ated in the municipality of Cap- depera, approximately 80 kilo- metres from Palma. The water here is crystal-clear and won- derfully light blue in appearan- ce, making it the perfect spot for swimming and engaging in water sports. Portals Vells The fine sandy beach of Por - tals Vells is particularly popu- lar with locals and families. Its sandy bays with turquoise wa- ters are adorned by numero- us caves to explore. There is a kiosk offering snacks and a

Na Majorki postoje 262 plaže uku- pne dužine 50 kilome - tara There are 262 beach- es in Major- ca, encom- passing a combined total length of 50 km

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 19

Cala Santanyi Fine white sand, a gently slo- ping beach and crystal-clear waters are three good reasons why Cala Santanyí is among the best beaches on Majorca’s southeast coast. Overlooked by a selection of hotels and villas, this beach has a long inlet lined with rocks and scattered with pine and juniper trees. Playa de Canyamel Located on the island’s north-eastern coast, Playa de Canyamel stretches almost 300 metres along a rocky coas- tline bordered by a picturesque pine forest. Snorkelling conditi- ons can be excellent here, while it also boasts appropriate faci- lities like a beachfront restau- rant, sun lounger rental servi- ce and water sports equipment for hire. Playa de Camp de Mar Surrounded by upscale ho- tels and luxury holiday homes, Playa de Camp de Mar is one of the island’s more sophistica- ted resorts. And its beach is su- itably tailored, with fine sand, enticingly calm waters and pi- cturesque views along a dra- matic, rocky coastline. A char- ming footbridge connects the beach to ‘La Illeta’, a restau- rant set on a tiny islet and offe- ring quality food in a wonder- ful setting. Cala Estellencs The small, rocky beach of Estellencs is a tranquil spot even during peak summer se- ason. Offering easy access to adjoining rock caves that provi- de for good diving, snorkelling and swimming, we recom- mend that you fill your picnic basket and spend a summer evening at this beach, where the sunsets are unrivalled! Cala Tuent Cala Tuent is a small, shingle beach that’s embedded in a ro-

kalice i mali restoran, a tu su i velike jahte koje leti poseć uju ovaj živopisni zaliv. Plaja de Formentor Plaja de Formentor je lepa uska plaža na poluostrvu For - mentor, obrubljena borovima. Bistra blistava voda Medite - rana, pogled na zaliv Polensa, čamci koji se sanjivo ljuljuš - kaju… Do nje stižete brodom iz Puerto Polense ili automo - bilom. Kala Santanji Fini, beli pesak, savršena pla - ža i kristalno čista voda tri su dobra razloga zašto je Ka - la Santanji jedna od najboljih plaža na jugoistočnoj oba - li Majorke. Na plažu gleda nekoliko hotela i vila, dok je dugačak zaliv obrubljen ste - nama prošaranim borovima i klekom. Plaja de Canjamel Smeštena na severoistočnoj obali ostrva, plaža se proteže skoro 300 metara do steno - vite obale, iza koje se nalazi slikovita borova šuma. Tu se nalazi restoran na plaži, a mo - žete iznajmiti ležaljke i opre - mu za vodene sportove. Plaja de Kamp de Mar Okruženo vrhunskim hoteli - ma i luksuznim kuć ama za odmor, Plaja de Kamp de Mar je jedno od sofisticiranijih le -

small restaurant, which is per- haps why many large yachts vi- sit this picturesque bay during the summer. Playa de Formentor Playa de Formentor is a lovely narrow beach on the Formen- tor peninsula that’s lined with pine trees. The clear, sparkling waters of the Mediterranean and views across the Bay of Pollensa – with boats bobbing nearby – create a dreamy sce- ne. You can access this bea- ch by car or by boat from Puer- to Pollensa.

20 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

tovališta na ostrvu. Plažu od - likuju fini pesak, mirno more i slikovit pogled duž dramatič - ne stenovite obale. Šarman - tni pešački most povezuje je sa La Illeta, restoranom na malom ostrvu u kojem se slu - ži pristojna hrana u divnom okruženju. Kala Estelencs Mala kamenita plaža je mirno mesto čak i u sezoni. Nudi lak pristup peć inama u blizini u kojima možete da ronite i pli - vate. Naš savet: napunite kor - pu za piknik i provedite letnje veče na plaži – zalasci sunca su bez premca! Kala Tuent Mala šljunkovita plaža u Kala Tuentu smeštena je u roman - tičnu peć inu sa strmim ste - nama. Sa često visokim tala - sima idealna je za ronjenje i jedrenje na dasci za iskusne sportiste. Ali nije pogodna za decu. Plaja de Port Polensa Ova bela peščana plaža sa senovitim šetalištem nudi ši - rok izbor aktivnosti na vodi. Važi i za jedno od najboljih mesta za jedrenje na dasci na ostrvu. Lepi restorani, kafić i i prodavnice su u neposrednoj blizini. Mnogi pesnici i slika - ri bili su inspirisani lepotom Puerto Polense. Plaja de Alkudija Plaja de Alkudija je najduža plaža na Majorki i među naj - bolje razvijenim područjima. Dobra infrastruktura, široka ponuda vodenih sportova i ravna plaža čine je idealnom za porodice. Es Karbo Ako tražite deo netaknute obale, ovo je mesto za vas. Proteže se oko kilometar pre - ma najjužnijem kraju Major - ke, tu su peščane dine i mir - na, čista, privlačna voda.

mantic cave with steep rock fa- ces. Regularly pounded by rou- gh waves, it is an ideal spot for experienced divers and wind- surfers, though the same fact ensures that it’s not suitable for children. Playa de Port Pollença Playa de Port Pollença is the white, sandy beach of the town of Puerto Pollença. With its long, shaded promenade that gently descends to the water- front, a wide range of water

sport activities are on offer he- re and it is known as one of the island’s top windsurfing spots. Attractive restaurants, cafés and shopping facilities can all be found nearby. Numerous poets and painters have drawn inspiration from the beauty of Puerto Pollença. Playa de Alcúdia Alcúdia beach is Majorca’s lon- gest beach and is also among its best developed areas for ho- liday resorts and hotels. Good infrastructure, a wide range of available water sports activities and a flat surface make this be- ach ideal for families. Es Carbó If you’re on the hunt for stret- ches of pristine coastline, this is the right destination for you. Stretching for around a kilome- tre towards the island’s most southerly tip, this totally un- developed beach is fringed by a backdrop of natural sand dunes and overlooks calm, cle- ar and inviting waters. Be sure to pack plenty of provisions, as you’ll find the beach completely devoid of facilities. Cala Mesquida One of the most beautiful bea-

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Obavezno spakujte dosta na - mirnica jer na plaži neć ete nać i nikakve sadržaje. Kala Meskuida Ovo je jedna od najlepših pla - ža na severoistoku ostrva. Ima razne sadržaje, a jedna je od retkih na kojima surfe - ri često mogu da uhvatite do - bar talas. Kala Milor Dugačka je kilometar i po i iza nje se nalazi šetalište sa - vršeno za šetnju, vožnju bici - klom, razgledanje suvenirnica ili osveženje u nekom od broj - nih kafić a, barova ili restora - na. Ovo šetalište ć e vas od - vesti sve do ribarske luke u Kala Boni. Kala Mondrago Kala Mondrago je zadivljuju - ć i peščani zaliv koji se nalazi u zaštić enom području Parka prirode Mondrago i među naj - lepšim je mestima na istočnoj obali. Borova šuma se prote - že skoro do tirkiznog mora, pesak je beo i idealan za poro - dice sa malom decom. Posto - je bar na plaži koji nudi osve - ženje i veliki javni parking. Plaža Es Trenk Es Trenk je najveć a netaknu - ta plaža na ostrvu, široka 60 metara i duga 3,5 kilometara – bela peščana plaža iza koje stoje peščane dine. Podjed - nako je popularna među tu - ristima i lokalnim stanovniš - tvom. Dva bara na plaži nude osveženje i grickalice uz opu - štaju u muziku u pozadini. Sa Koma Smeštena u relativno ma - lom porodičnom odmaralištu istog imena, plaža Sa Koma je među najprijatnijim plaža - ma na istočnoj obali ostrva. Označena je plavom zasta - vom, a dobi ete fini zlatni pe - sak, čistu vodu i mnoštvo sa - držaja.

ches in the Island’s northeast, it has various facilities for beach visitors and is among the few beaches on the island where surfers can often actually cat- ch a wave. Cala Millor Covering a distance of 1.5 kilo- metres, this beach is bordered by a promenade that’s perfect for strolling, cycling, browsing gift shops or finding refresh - ment at the many cafés, bars or restaurants. Walking the len- gth of this promenade will le- ad you all the way to the small harbour of the fishing village of Cala Bona. Cala Mondragó Cala Mondragó is a stunning sandy cove that’s located in the protected area of Mondragó Natural Park and ranks among the most beautiful spots on the island’s east coast. A pi- ne wood stretches almost all the way down to the turquoi- se waters, while this beach al-

so has fine, white sand and is naturally sheltered thanks to the cove form. Ideal for fami- lies with small children, a bea- ch bar offers snacks and refre- shments, while there is also a large public car park. Es Trenc Beach Es Trenc is Majorca’s largest unspoilt beach. A whopping 60 metres wide and 3.5 km long, this white sandy beach is bor- dered by sand dunes. Equally popular among tourists and lo- cals alike, its two beach bars offer refreshments and snacks with chilled music playing in the background. Sa Coma Located in the relatively small family-friendly resort of the sa- me name, Playa de Sa Coma ranks among the most plea- sant beaches along the island’s east coast. Designated as one of Majorca's Blue Flag Beaches, fine golden sand and clear blue waters are guaranteed.

Borova šu- ma se pro- teže skoro do tirkiznog mora, a pe- sak je divan i beo A pine wood stretches al- most all the way down to the turquoise waters, while this beach also has fine, white sand

22 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia


Porto Montenegro nudi mnoštvo sjajnih događaja tokom letnjih meseci Porto Montenegro offers an abundance of great events during the

summer months

DANI ISPUNJENI SUNCEM I LAGANE NO- Ć I PRUŽAJU SAVRŠENU pozadinu za ono je već spektakularno leto u Porto Montenegru. Evo šta treba da znate o tome šta se dešava u najuzbudlji- vijem nautičkom naselju na Crnogorskom primorju. Buddha-Bar Beach Pronađite svoj stil, prihvatite hedonistički duh i okupite svoje prijatelje oko azijsko-fuzione kuhi- nje. Buda-Bar Beach je otvoren! Polo u luci! Šta god da ste planirali za period od 11. do 14. avgusta, otkažite i dođite na ovaj događaj! Polo u luci se vraca na spektakularnu paradu konja, ele- gantne prijeme, dva dana uzbudljivog polo turnira i jednu nezaboravnu završnu zabavu. A šta za decu? Naše Fudbalsko leto ce okupirati dečju pažnju. Sva deca uzrasta od šest do 17 godina mogu da uče od nekih od vodecih evropskih trenera. Novi brendovi u naselju Ovde ćete pronaci više od 70 međunarodnih modnih brendova, prodavnica, galerija, restorana i barova. Joie de Vivre je centralni deo duha juž- nog sela Porto Montenegra, a Strada Navale je ove sezone svetska destinacija za kupovinu. Boss, Car- tier, Chopard, Dolce & Gabbana, Hublot, Rolek, Va- lentino i mnogi drugi vec se nižu uz šetalište. Ove sezone im se pridružuju dugo očekivana Bvlgari , a vraća se i Dior . Uvek sveža hrana Za ljubitelje gastronomije tu su dva nova ga- stronomska dodatka. Prvi je restoran Barkero , la- tino gastro-bar, a drugi Godo , koji služi vrhunski sladoled i slatkiše.

SUN-FILLED DAYS AND LAIDBACK NIGHTS PROVIDE THE PERFECT backdrop to what is already a spectacular Porto Montenegro summer. Here’s what you need to know about happenings in the Monte- negrin coast’s most exciting nautical tourism resort. Buddha-Bar Beach Find your own style, embrace the spirit of hedon- ism and bring your friends together around Asian-fu- sion cuisine. Buddha-Bar Beach is open! Polo in the port! Whatever you have planned for the period from 11 th to 14 th August, cancel and attend this event in - stead! Polo in the Port returns for a spectacular pa- rade of horses, elegant receptions, an exciting two-day polo tournament and an unforgettable closing party. And what about the kids? Our ‘Football Summer’ will occupy the attention of children. All children aged between 6 and 17 can learn from some of Europe’s top coaches. New brands in the community You will find over 70 international fashion brands, shops, galleries, restaurants and bars here. Joie de vivre is a central part of the spirit of Porto Monte- negro’s South Village, and Strada Navale is a global shopping destination this season. The promenade is already lined by Boss, Cartier, Chopard, Dolce & Gab - bana, Hublot, Rolex, Valentino and many others. They are joined this season by the long-awaited Bulgari, while Dior is also returning. Always fresh food For foodies, there are two new gastronomic ad- ditions. The first is Latin gastro-bar Barquero Restau - rant, while the second is Godo, which offers top-qual - ity ice cream and sweets.

Želite da vidite koje druge usluge, prodavnice i stanice postoje u Porto Montenegru? Pogledajte ovde Do you want to see what other services, shops and stations exist in Porto Montenegro?

Promo » Promo | 23

Keep Boarding

Nastavi s ukrcavanjem uz osmeh! Vaša bording karta vam donosi fantastične ponude u kojima možete uživati sedam dana nakon dolaska u Beograd. Pokažite svoju bording kartu našim odabranim partnerima i ostvarite popust do 25% na cene njihovih usluga.

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Za više informacija posetite www.airserbia.com/informacije7pre-leta/keep-boarding

Carry on boarding with a smile! Your boarding pass brings you fantastic offers that you can enjoy seven days after your arrival in Belgrade. Show your boarding pass to our selected partners and get a discount of up to 25% on the price of their services.

Enjoy yourself with a smile in Belgrade!

For more information, visit www.airserbia.com/informacije7pre-leta/keep-boarding

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Intervju Interview

Džon Malkovič John Malkovich

26 | Pozorište » Theatre

Stari Grci bili su u pravu po pitanju funkcije pozorišta – može da zabavi, ali prvenstveno je tu da osvetli različite aspekte ljudskih stanja

The ancient Greeks were right about the function of theatre – it may entertain and amuse, no question, but it is there primarily to illuminate various aspects of the human condition


A rtLink festival i muzika na tvrđavama obeležili su leto u Srbiji i regionu. Po- čelo je na beogradskom Kalemegdanu krajem juna, nastavilo se koncertima na nekoliko destinacija tokom jula, a u avgustu kulminira pravim pozorišnim spektaklom. U saradnji sa pozorištem i Kulturnim centrom Zaječar, pod pokroviteljstvom grada Zaječara, u Srbiju 8. avgu- sta u Feliks Romulijanu stiže čuvena prestava Pakle- na komedija sa Džonom Malkovičem u glavnoj ulozi! Paklena komedija je biografija austrijskog serij- skog ubice Džeka Untervegera izvedena na sceni. Un- terveger je bio u zatvoru zbog ubistva, ali je postao pesnik i pisac dok je služio kaznu; kritičari su ga vole- li, a intelektualci i političari na kraju pomilovali, tvr- deci da je „primer rehabilitacije“. Jednom slobodan, Unterveger je postao novinar i tražen predavač. Kao i višestruki ubica. Uhvacen i ponovo osuđen, odu- zeo je sebi život. Ova predstava dovodi Malkoviča, orkestar Beč- ke akademije i Vroclavski barokni orkestar, kao i dva sjajna soprana Čen Rajs i Suzan Langbejn. Povodom evropske turneje ekipa austrijskog magazina Cultu- re&Leben ustupila nam je intervju koji su uradili sa čuvenim američkim glumcem… Kako je došlo do toga da se zainteresujete za ulogu austrijskog serijskog ubice Džeka Untervegera? – Pre mnogo godina bio sam na večeri sa Marti- nom Haselbekom (austrijski organista i dirigent, va- ži za jednog od najznačajnijih umetnika današnjice koji rade istorijske performanse) u Kaliforniji. Poče- li smo da razgovaramo o raznim projektima na koji- ma bismo mogli da radimo zajedno. Na ideju o Unter- vegeru sam došao jer sam mislio da bi njegova priča slavi i društvu Obožavaoci ovog čuvenog glumca imaju brojne prilike da uživaju u njegovoj briljantnoj ekscentričnosti, ali za 100 posto čistog, nerazblaženog Malkoviča, najbolje je pogledati njegovo izvođenje u Paklenoj komediji

mogla da bude uzbudljiv pozorišni komad. Martin je doveo Majkla Šturmingera, koji je napisao scena- rio, a trebalo je da sam režiram Paklenu komediju , ali nisam imao vremena da odaberem glumca i da pro- bam sa njim, pa sam preuzeo glavnu ulogu. Rekao sam Majklu da preuzme režiju jer ja sigurno necu da radim oboje. Od 2008. predstavu smo prikazivali ši- rom sveta, od Beča do Istanbula i Santjaga de Čilea. Da li vam je ideja da igrate Untervegera pala na pamet pre pomenute večere? – Sa velikim interesovanjem sam pročitao odlič- nu studiju Džona Lika o Untervegeru Ulazak u Had: Dvostruki život serijskog ubice , kao i mnoge druge članke o njemu. Neko vreme sam želeo da snimim film o Džeku. Ali u Americi je bilo malo interesova- nja i taj plan nije uspeo. Nikada nisam pomislio da ću da ga glumim. Muzika u ovom delu nije pozadinski zvuk, već funkcioniše kao lik za sebe. Koji komad

Tekst/Words: Lukas Luger, Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Olga Martschitsch, Goran Zlatković, Profimedia.rs

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František Janoška i Jovanka Višekruna Janković, direktorka ArtLink Festivala, na otvaranju František Janoška and Jovanka Višekruna Janković, ArtLink Festival Director, at the opening

može da povrati svoj život, zašto bi se ubici dodelila ta privilegija? Ali koncept rehabilitacije kao takav je va- žan i suštinski deo pravno-hrišcanske etike i morala. Samo ne vidim kako se neko može iskupiti za živote oduzete silom. Naše delo možda govori više o druš- tvu nego o samom Džeku Untervegeru. Džek Unterveger se stalno iznova izmi- šljao kao ličnost, stvarao lažnu biografiju i uspevao da prevari društvo na groteskan način. Da li je on, dakle, savršen serijski ubica za naše vreme, u kojem dominiraju lažne vesti? – O, definitivno. Ali Unterveger nije bio ispred svog vremena. Uvek je bilo takvih ljudi tokom isto- rije. Samo što se danas vesti o njihovim delima šire mnogo brže. Ali njegova priča govori mnogo o nači- nu na koji društvo funkcioniše, načinu na koji se ba- vi slavnim ličnostima i slavom uopšte – i to je alar- mantno! Čitao sam razne odlomke iz Untervegerovih književnih dela. Ne mislim da je bio neki pisac, ali je bolje pitanje da li je to važno? Čak i da je bio književ- ni supergenije, društvo je trebalo da bude apsolutno oprezno prema njemu. Ako se ubistvo opravdava ve- likim talentom, šta to govori o nama? Da li igranje tako mračnog i uvrnutog lika na vas deluje katarzično? – Da, mislim da deluje. Stari Grci su bili u pra- vu po pitanju funkcije pozorišta. Pozorište može da zabavi, nema sumnje. Ali prvenstveno je tu da osve- tli različite aspekte ljudskih stanja. Katarza nije jed- nosmerna ulica, vec nastaje u dijalogu između izvo- đača i publike. Koje projekte imate u planu narednih ne- koliko meseci? – U Hrvatskoj sam radio sa ruskim prijateljem pi- janistom na projektu zasnovanom na romanu čilean- skog autora Roberta Bolana. Nakon toga odlazim u Pariz da snimam Eplovu TV seriju Novi izgled . Reč je o pariskoj modnoj sceni tokom Drugog svetskog rata.

Prestava Paklena komedija sa Džonom Malkovičem u glavnoj ulozi biće izvedena u Feliks Romulijani 8. avgusta The Infernal Comedy stage play, featuring John Malkovich in the lead role, will be performed at Felix Romuliana on 8 th August

iz Paklene komedije vas najviše emotivno pogađa kada ga čujete na sceni? – Zaista volim sve komade, ali poslednja arija, Mo- cartova Ah, lo previdi, zaista ima posebno značenje za mene. Kako neverovatno lepo i snažno muzičko delo! Martin Haselbek je rekao da su žene te ko- je trijumfuju u Paklenoj komediji jer na kraju razotkrivaju Džeka kakav on zaista jeste, naime, patološki lažov. Da li je ova procena tačna? – Apsolutno. Neki ljudi su nas optuživali da veli- čamo Džeka Untervegera u našem delu. Nikada nisam razumeo tu kritiku. Paklenu komediju vidim kao upo- zorenje, opomenu. Untervegeru se društvo udvaralo i slavilo ga, iako je činio neverovatno okrutne stvari. Za ovo niko nikada nije odgovarao. Zaista, ova priča postavlja pitanja o pra- vosudnom sistemu, o rehabilitaciji i kon- ceptu iskupljenja. Da li je predstava uticala na vaše shvatanje ovih pitanja? – Nikada nisam bio ubeđen da ubica može da se rehabilituje. Svako ko se postavi kao konačni sudija u vezi sa drugim životom izgubio je to pravo. Žrtva ne

28 | Pozorište » Theatre

T he ArtLink festival and music at the for- tresses have marked the summer in Ser- bia and the region. It all began in late June at Belgrade’s Kalemegdan Fortress and continued with concerts at several destinations throughout July, only to culminate in August with a proper theatre spectacle. In collabo- ration with the Zaječar Theatre and Cultural Cen- tre, and under the patronage of the City of Zaječar, the Infernal Comedy stage play, featuring John Mal- kovich in the lead role, is arriving in Serbia and wi- ll be performed at Felix Romuliana on 8th August! The Infernal Comedy is a stage-play based on the real-life story of Austrian serial killer Jack Unterwe- ger. Imprisoned for murder, Unterweger became a po- et and writer while serving his sentence. Loved by critics, he was eventually pardoned by intellectuals and politicians, who claimed that he was an “example of rehabilitation”. Once freed, Unterweger became a journalist and highly sought-after lecturer… but also committed multiple murders. When he was caught and again convicted, he took his own life. This stage-play brings together Malkovich, the Vi- enna Academy Orchestra and the Wrocław Baroque Orchestra, as well as fantastic sopranos Chen Reiss and Susanne Langbein. To mark the play’s European tour, the team of Austrian magazine Culture&Leben made its interview with this famous American actor available to us... How did it come about that John Malkovich slipped into the role of Austrian serial killer Jack Unterweger? “Many years ago, I was having dinner with Martin Haselböck (an Austrian organist and conductor who’s considered one of the most important contemporary artists working in the world of historical performance) in California. We started to discuss various projects that we could work on together. I came up with the idea of Unterweger, because I thought that his sto- ry would make an exciting piece of theatre. Martin brought Michael Sturminger on board, who wrote the script. Actually, I was supposed to direct The Infernal Comedy myself, but I didn't have time to cast an ac- tor and rehearse with him. So, I took on the lead role myself. I said to Michael: "You do the directing, be- cause I'm certainly not going to do both”. Since 2008, we have shown the play all over the world – from Vi- enna to Istanbul and Santiago de Chile.” Had the idea of playing Unterweger been floating around your head for a while before the dinner in question? “I had read John Leake's excellent Unterweger study Entering Hades: The Double Life of a Serial Killer with great interest, plus many other articles about him. I spent some time pursuing the plan to make a film

THE RENOWNED JOHN MALKOVICH ON THE SERBIAN STAGE On catharsis, theatre, fame and society Fans of this famous actor have numerous opportunities to bask in his brilliant eccentricity, but for an undiluted, 100-proof shot of pure Malkovich, your best bet is his performance in the stage play The Infernal Comedy

Theatre » Pozorište | 29


Martin Haselböck has said that it's real- ly the women who triumph in The Infer- nal Comedy, because they ultimately expose Jack for what he really is: namely, a patho- logical liar. Is this assessment accurate? “Absolutely. Some people accused us of glorify- ing Jack Unterweger in our piece. I never understood that criticism. I see The Infernal Comedy as a warning, a cautionary tale. Unterweger was courted and cele- brated by society, although he did unbelievably cru- el things. No one was ever held accountable for this.” Indeed, this story raises questions about the judicial system, reparation and the con- cept of redemption. Did The Infernal Come- dy shape your views on these issues? “I have never been convinced that a murderer can rehabilitate himself. Anyone who sets himself up as the final judge of another life has forfeited that right. The victim cannot get his life back, why should a mur- derer be granted this privilege? But the concept of res- titution as such is an important and essential part of Judeo-Christian ethics and morality. I just don't see how one can make amends for lives taken by force. Our piece perhaps says more about our society than it does about Jack Unterweger himself.” Unterweger constantly reinvented himself as a person, created a false biography and managed to fool society in a grotesque way. Is he thus the perfect serial killer for these times of ours, in which fake news and politi- cal imposters dominate? “Oh, definitely. But Unterweger was not ahead of his time. There have always been people like that throughout the course of history. It's just that news about their deeds spreads much faster today. But his story says a lot about the way society works, the way it deals with celebrity and fame – and it's alarming! I read various excerpts from Unterweger's literary works. I don't think much of his writing, but the more impor- tant question is: does it matter? Even if he had been a literary super-genius, society should have been ab- solutely wary of him. If murder is excused with great talent, what does that say about us?” Does playing such a dark and twisted char- acter have a cathartic effect on your soul? “Yes, I think so. The ancient Greeks were right about the function of theatre. Theatre may entertain and amuse, no question, but it is primarily there to il- luminate various aspects of the human condition. Ca- tharsis is not a one-way street, but arises in the dia- logue between performer and audience.” What projects do you have coming up in the next few months? “In Croatia, I worked with a Russian pianist friend on a project based on a novel by Chilean author Rob- erto Bolano. After that, it's off to Paris to shoot the AppleTV series The New Look. It's about the Parisi- an fashion scene during World War II.”

about Jack with vigour. But there was little interest in America, and this plan came to nothing. I never thought of playing him myself.” The music in this piece is not background sound, but rather functions as a character in its own right. Which piece from The Infer- nal Comedy moves you the most emotional- ly when you hear it on stage? “I really love all the pieces, but the final aria, Mo- zart's Ah, lo previdi, really has a special place for me. What an amazingly beautiful and powerful piece of music!” Untervegerova priča govori mnogo o načinu na koji se društvo bavi slavnim ličnostima i slavom uopšte Unterweger’s story says a lot about the way society deals with celebrity and fame

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