Elevate July 2020 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine






Er Srbija Premijum salon je otvoren za posetioce u izmenjenom terminu:

Air Serbia Premium Lounge is open for visitors with revised work hours

od 5 do 18 časova svakog dana

from 5 AM to 6 PM every day

in the transit area between gates A4 and A5.

u zoni tranzita, između prolaza A4 i A5.

Zdravlje i sigurnost naših posetilaca nam je na prvom mestu, stoga smo preduzeli sve potrebne mere kako bi vaš boravak u salonu bio bezbedan i ugodan.

The health and safety of our visitors is our priority and we have taken every precaution to ensure your stay in our Lounge is both safe and pleasant.

4 | Destinacija » Destination

Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

Dragi putnici,

Dear passengers,

IZUZETNO ME RADUJE ŠTO SMO POSLE TRI MESECA PAUZE PONOVO ZAJEDNO. U današ- njem svetu putovanja su ključna u našim poslo- vima i našim životima i zbog toga ne mogu i ne treba da prestanu. Komercijalni letovi kojima se Srbija povezuje sa svetom i stvaranje mogućno- sti nikada nisu bili važniji nego u ovakvim vremeni- ma. U ime celog tima želim vam dobrodošlicu na ovaj let Er Srbije ! Pandemija koronavirusa bila je težak iza- zov za sve nas. Iako nismo obavljali komercijalne putničke letove tokom vanrednog stanja, pruži- li smo podršku Vladi Srbije tako što smo obavili više od 100 rotacija, kojima smo prevezli više od 10.000 putnika i dopremili tone neophodne me- dicinske pomoći iz udaljenih delova sveta poput Kine, Amerike i Južne Koreje. Ispunjava nas po- nosom to što smo na hiljade naših građana koji su se našli zarobljeni na aerodromima širom sve- ta bezbedno vratili kući. Od 21. maja počeli smo da postepeno ob- navljamo i komercijalni putnički saobraćaj. U okviru naše strategije obnove letova vaše i zdravlje naših članova posade bilo nam je na pr- vom mestu prilikom planiranja. Saobraćaj je za nas od ključnog značaja. Učili smo iz prethod- nih iskustava sa zarazama poput H1N1 i kontinu- irano poboljšavali i unapređivali kapacitete kako bismo zaštitili naše putnike i posadu. Uveli smo niz bezbednosnih i higijenskih mera u skladu sa najvišim standardima i uputstvima nadležnih domaćih i međunarodnih regulatornih tela, uk- ljučujući i način na koji obezbeđujemo cirkulisa- nje čistog i svežeg vazduha u našim avionima putem naprednih HEPA filtera, dezinfekciju i či- šćenje naših aviona između letova i postupke u slučaju pojave simptoma kod putnika. Osim to- ga, nošenje maski obavezno je tokom čitavog trajanja leta za sve putnike i članove posade. Naša mreža nastavlja da se razvija u ovom periodu neprekidnih promena u ograničenjima putovanja u zemlje do kojih smo prethodno sao- braćali. Trenutno letimo do više od 30 destinacija i pomno pratimo situaciju da bismo osigurali flek- sibilnost, agilnost i brzo reagovanje na tržištu u okruženju koje se stalno menja. Sa zadovoljstvom najavljujemo otvaranje nove linije do Osla 16. jula. Period posle krize usled kovida-19 biće do- bar test za sve nas kao ljude, roditelje, prijatelje, kolege i kao nacionalnu avio-kompaniju Srbije. Uveren sam da ćemo iz te krize izaći ojačani, sa povećanim razumevanjem jedni za druge, samo- uvereni, okrenuti budućnosti i uspešni. Vreme je da gledamo u svetliju budućnost i da ponovo uži- vamo u osećanju slobode. Uživajte u letu i želim vam srećan put.

I AM DELIGHTED THAT WE ARE REUNITED AF TER A THREE MONTH BREAK. In today’s wor- ld, travel is fundamental to our business and our li- ves, which is why it cannot and should not stop. Connecting Serbia to and from the world throu- gh commercial flights and creating opportunities is never more important than at times like this. On behalf of the whole team, I welcome you aboard this Air Serbia flight! The Coronavirus pandemic has been diffi- cult and challenging for us all. Although we did not operate any commercial flights during the sta- te of emergency, we supported the Serbian Go- vernment by operating over 100 round-trip fli- ghts, transporting more than 10,000 passengers and delivering much-needed medical aid from re- mote parts of the world, including China, the U.S. and South Korea. We were proud to assist in safely bringing home thousands of our fellow citizens who were stranded at airports around the world. We gradually resumed commercial flights on 21 st May. As part of our re-launch strategy, your health and the health of our crew members has been at the forefront of our plans. Operations are our lifeblood. We’ve learned from past experien- ce with outbreaks like H1N1, and have continually improved and refined our ability to protect our pa- ssengers and crew. We have implemented a seri- es of safety and hygienic measures, in accordan- ce with the highest standards and instructions of competent domestic and international regulatory bodies, including the way we circulate clean and fresh air in our aircraft with highly advanced HE- PA filters, how we sanitise and clean our aircraft between flights and how we respond if a custo- mer is displaying symptoms. In addition, it is man- datory for all passengers and crew to wear masks during the entire flight. Our network continues to evolve in this peri- od of constant changes in travel restrictions in co- untries to which we previously operated. We are currently flying to more than 30 destinations and are carefully monitoring the situation to ensure flexibility, agility and speed to market in an ever- changing environment. We are pleased to anno- unce the opening of a new route to Oslo on 16 th July. The post Covid-19 crisis period will be a re- vealing test of us all, as people, parents, friends, colleagues and as the national airline of Serbia. I am confident that we will emerge from it stren- gthened, compassionate, confident, forward-lo- oking and successful. It is time to look towards a brighter future and to once again enjoy a sense of freedom. Enjoy your flight and have a great trip.

Duncan Naysmith CEO Air Serbia

U ime celog tima želim vam dobrodošlicu na ovaj let Er Srbije On behalf of the whole team, I welcome you aboard this Air Serbia flight



Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5



RITAM BEOGRADA RHYTHM OF BELGRADE 52. Ritam, štikle i Beograd / Rhythm, high heels and Belgrade


Er Srbija počinje da leti do Osla 16. jula / Air Serbia launches flights to Oslo on 16 th july


Šta to spaja obale belog grada? / What connects the riverbanks of the white city? Igrali se konji vrani i sa njima div-junaci / Black horses at play, and with them great heroes




Fredrik Bakman, švedski pisac / Fredrik Backman, Swedish writer

Cirih leti živi napolju / Zurich lives outside in summer




Moral, hrabrost i snaga srpskih krila / Morality, courage and strength of Serbia‘s wings

Putujemo sa glumcem Zoranom Pajićem / We travel with actor Zoran Pajić

Snimaju se crtaći Made in Serbia / Shooting cartoons Made in Serbia Ovo je vreme dobrih serija / This is the era of good series Jelena Đorđević: Strip je samo moja stvar / Comics were always my thing




Er Srbija prva obnavlja letove do Italije / Air Serbia first to recommence flights to Italy


Od Atine do vikenda na ostrvima / From Athens to a weekend on the islands



Putujte udobno, ali sa stilom / Travel comfortably, but with style

8 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije

/ Air Serbia Editorial Committee Aleksandra Beslać, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Branko Mitrović, Ivan Džaferović, Gabrijela Čonkić, Petar Živojnović Urednik fotograje / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotograje / Photography Oliver Bunić, Željko Šafar, Andrej Isaković, Đorđe Kojadinović, Dalibor Danilović Foto agencije / Photo agencies Promedia, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs


Leteći Majkl / Flying Michael

DESTINACIJE DESTINATIONS 100. Oslo: Stari zid, mala ulica i velika šuma / Oslo: An old wall, a small street and a large forest 102. Šta da radite u julu u Beču? / What to do in Vienna in July? 104. Posetite Bat: Na čaju sa gospodinom Darsijem / Visit Bath:To tea with Mr Darcy


Gedžeti uz koje ćete putovati lepše / Gadgets that ensure you‘ll travel better Podkast, buntovnik sa razlogom / Podcast, a rebel with a cause Na jezerima kao na moru / On lakes like by the sea Vikend avantura: 48 sati u Gornjoj Resavi / Weekend adventure: 48 hours in Upper Resava O zlatnim kašikama i Dolini jorgovana / On golden spoons and the valley of lilacs


Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director


Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotograka Subotica


Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia ights


Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS. SR-ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Air Serbia inflight magazine




Posetite samo srce Stare planine. Foto: iStock / Visit the very heart of the Balkan Mountain. Photo: IStock

Broj / Issue No. 317 Naslovna strana / Cover iStock / stanisam

Contents » Sadržaj | 9

10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

U fokusu

In focus



AIR SERBIA WILL LAUNCH FLIGHTS TO Oslo on 16 th July. With flights on Thursdays and Sundays to Oslo’s Gardermoen Airport, the Norwegian capital’s main air- port, we will re-establish the route that was operated for decades, until 2008, by our predecessor JAT. In this way we will ensure even better connectivity between our region and Scandinavia, with convenient connecti- ons from Oslo via Belgrade to Sarajevo, Tivat, Podgori- ca, Skopje, Bucharest, Sofia, Thessaloniki and other de- stinations in the Serbian airline’s network. “We are delighted to add another primary Europe- an airport to our network and provide seamless connec- tivity to Belgrade and via Belgrade to the wider region of Southeast Europe. In these difficult times, we continue to evolve to market demands and the needs of our pa- ssengers. As a regional leader, it is our obligation to dri- ve the recovery of air transport, after all the challenges it has faced,” says Air Serbia CEO Duncan Naysmith. Flights between Oslo and Belgrade will allow Norwe- gian citizens with origins in Serbia and other countries of our region to have better connections with their fami- lies and friends who live in the Balkans. At the same ti- me, these flights should contribute to strengthening to- urist and business connections between our region and Scandinavia.

ER SRBIJA ĆE 16. JULA USPOSTAVITI letove do Osla. Letovima četvrtkom i nedeljom do glavnog aerodro- ma norveške prestonice Oslo Gardermoen pono- vo ćemo uspostaviti liniju na kojoj je do 2008. go- dine decenijama leteo njen prethodnik JAT. Na taj način ćemo omogućiti još bolju povezanost regiona sa Skandinavijom, uz pogodne konekcije iz Osla pre- ko Beograda do Sarajeva, Tivta, Podgorice, Skoplja, Bukurešta, Sofije, Soluna i drugih destinacija u mreži srpske kompanije. – Izuzetno nas raduje što ćemo u našu mrežu uvrstiti još jedan od glavnih evropskih aerodroma i ta- ko obezbediti povezanost sa Beogradom i preko Be- ograda ka širem regionu jugoistočne Evrope. Nastav- ljamo da se i u ovim izmenjenim uslovima poslovanja prilagođavamo potražnji na tržištu i potrebama naših putnika. Kao lider u regionu, naša je obaveza da pred- vodimo oporavak avio-saobraćaja posle svih izazova koji su ga zadesili – rekao je Dankan Nejsmit, general- ni direktor Er Srbije . Letovi između Osla i Beograda omogućiće gra- đanima Norveške poreklom iz Srbije i drugih zema- lja regiona da budu bolje povezani sa svojim porodi- cama i prijateljima koji žive na Balkanu. Istovremeno, očekuje se da ovi letovi doprinesu jačanju turističkih i poslovnih veza regiona i Skandinavije.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 11

Dobro došli Welcome

Cirih Zurich

Cirih leti živi napolju Cirih nikad ne spava. Gosti mogu da posete razne događaje u svako doba dana ili noći – bilo da su to izložba, predavanje, sajam, koncert, market ili živi šou. Sa koncertima na otvorenom, filmovima i pozorišnim večerima leti se u Cirihu uvek nešto dešava. Cirih živi napolju! Bilo da se radi o koncertima ili projekcijama filmova, pozornica na otvorenom se uvek može naći. Za vas biramo Allianz Cinema – bioskop na otvorenom na Ciriškom jezeru, koji je otvoren od 16. jula do 16. avgusta. Već gotovo 30 godina Allianz Cinema svakog leta oduševljava više od 50.000 filmskih fanova. Smešten je na idiličnoj obali jezera, a gosti uživaju u uzbudljivom programu filmova, od holivudskih blokbastera do arthaus filmova za entuzijaste. w

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

What could be more pleasant than strolling through a park or beside Lake Zurich other than enjoying a delicious ice cream? Visit Gelati am see, Konditorei Caredda, Glaceladun Neptun and many other gelateries

Šta leti može biti prijatnije od šetnje parkom ili pored Ciriškog jezera nego uživanje u ukusnom sladoledu? Posetite Gelati am See, Konditorei Caredda , Glaceladun Neptun i mnoge druge gelaterije

Due to increased interest, Air Serbia flies to Zurich twice a day since June, while in high summer it will perform up to three flights almost every day Zbog povećanog interesovanja Er Srbija od juna leti do Ciriha dva puta dnevno, dok će sredinom leta obavljati i do tri leta skoro svakog dana

ZURICH LIVES OUTSIDE IN SUMMER Zurich never sleeps. Guests can visit all kinds of events at any time of day or night – whether an exhibition, a lecture, a trade fair, concerts, markets, or a live show. With open-air concerts, film screenings and theatre evenings, in summer there is always something going on in Zurich. Zurich goes outside! Whether for concerts or film screenings, a suitable stage can always be found outside. We choose for you Allianz Cinema – The Open-Air Cinema on Lake Zurich that runs from 16 th July to 16 th August. For almost 30 years now, the present-day Allianz Cinema Zürich has delighted over 50,000 movie fans every summer. Set against an idyllic backdrop directly on the lakeshore, guests enjoy a thrilling film programme – featuring everything from Hollywood blockbusters to arthouse films for movie enthusiasts.

Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 13

Na letu

On board



Svima bih preporučio ovu knjigu jer na duhovit način, kroz strip, govori o našem mentalitetu I’d recommend this book to everyone, as it addresses our mentality in a humorous way, through comic strips

U avionu mislim o budućnosti On the plane I think about the future Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography: Đorđe Kojadinović, Predrag Dedijer


Dok letim, volim da slušam muziku zemlje u koju putujem, pa obavezno nosim slušalice While flying I like to listen to the music of the country to

which I’m travelling, so it’s obligatory for me to carry headphones


I’ve loved planes from an early age, satisfaction Odmalena volim avione, to je za mene zadovoljstvo, uzbuđenje, put. Ovo je 5 stvari bez kojih ne letim naročito noć pred

U torbici nosim sve što mi treba, ne ispuštam je iz vida I carry everything I need in my handbag, I don’t let it out of my sight


Uvek izaberem nekog pisca koji mi otkrije nove horizonte

I always choose some writer who reveals new horizons to me

and excitement, particularly on the night prior to flying. These are 5 things I dont’t fly without


Naravno, pasoš. Sto puta proverim da li sam ga poneo My passport, of course. I check a hundred times to ensure I’ve brought it

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15


Sa Arsenom do Njujorka Kad je JAT 1978. godine kupio prvi širokotrupni avion daglas DC 10-30, koji je za ono vreme mogao da primi neverovatnih 380 putnika, na Surčinskom aerodromu danima su se skupljali zna- tiželjnici da vide kako sleće i poleće ta grdosija. Bila je to prvora- zredna senzacija, a JAT je postao jedina kompanija neke socijali- stičke zemlje koja se mogla pohvaliti takvim tipom aviona. Zbog svog kapaciteta, kao i doleta avioni DC-10 koristili su se za inter- kontinentalne letove. A na letovima je bilo više nego uzbudljivo i za današnje prilike pri- lično nezamislivo. Ako zanemarimo činjenicu da je tada moglo da se puši u kabini, treba podsetiti i da je ketering bio vrhunski, odnosno da su jela za prekookeanske letove spremali najbolji ku- vari. Da putnicima i pored svega ne bude dosadno, brinuli su se razni umetnici. Jedan od njih, zabeleženo je na ovoj dragocenoj fotografiji, bio je legendarni Arsen Dedić, koji je putnicima na le- tu za Njujork svirao i pevao iznad okeana. Nezaboravno.

WITH ARSEN TO NEW YORK When in 1978 JAT bought its first wide-body aircraft, a Douglas DC10-30 that was able to accommodate 380 passengers - an incredible number at the time - curious locals gathered at Surčin Airport for days to see how this gargantuan landed and took off. It was a top-class sensation, and JAT had become the only airline of a socialist country to boast this type of aircraft. Due to its capacity, as well as its range, DC-10 aircraft were used for intercontinental flights. And the experience of flights was more than exciting and quite unimaginable for today’s conditions. If we overlook the fact that smoking in the cabin was then permitted, it should be noted that the catering service was superb, with dishes for transoceanic flights prepared by the best chefs. Various artists were also engaged to ensure that passengers didn’t become bored. One of them - recorded in this precious image - was the legendary Arsen Dedić, who played music and sang above the ocean on a flight to New York. Unforgettable.

16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia









Od Atine do vikenda na ostrvima / From Athens to a weekend on the islands

Da li ste za ostrvski odmor nakon što ste otkrili Atinu? Ovo je mala zbirka od šest prelepih ostrva, do kojih možete stići iz jedne od atinskih luka. Pirej je najveća, treća najprometnija luka na svetu, iz koje polazi većina trajekata. Rafina je druga luka Atine, dok je Lavrio primorski gradić sa lukom koja ga povezuje sa ostrvima. Do you fancy an island-based holiday after having discovered Athens? Here is a small selection of six beautiful islands that you can reach from one of Athens’ ports. Piraeus is the city’s largest port and the world’s third busiest, and most ferries depart from there. Rafina is the Greek capital’s second port, while Lavrio is a small coastal town close to Athens that has a port which connects it with the islands.

Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 17


Mitsko ostrvo Ahilove prababe / The mythical island of Achilles’ great- grandmother


me scan


Letovanje među antičkim duhovima / Holiday among ancient spirits Egina, deo Saronskih ostrva, jedno je od ostrva koja su najbliža Atini. Nakon 40-minutne vožnje trajektom iz Pireja možete otkriti njegove brojne čari. Istražite hram Afeja, najbolje očuvani antički hram Grčke, koji potiče iz oko 500. godine pre nove ere i Manastir Svetog Nektarija. Na ostrvu se nalazi i arheološki muzej, u kojem možete da se divite ruševinama i zidinama iz drevnih vremena, a ostrvo, naravno, ima nekoliko divnih plaža koje vredi posetiti, kao što su Maratonas, Kleidi i Keri. / Aegina is a member of the Saronic Islands and one of the closest to Athens. You can discover its many charms after a 40-minute ferry ride from Piraeus. Explore the Temple of Aphaea, Greece’s best-preserved ancient temple, dating back to around 500 BC, and the monastery of Saint Nektarios. The island is also home to an archaeological museum, where you can admire the ruins and walls of antiquity, while the island has, of course, several beautiful beaches that are worth visiting, such as Marathonas, Kleidi and Kerry.

Egina je jedno od ostrva koja su najbliža Atini / Aegina is one of the islands closest to Athens

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Saronska ostrva su zbog blizine, omiljena Atinjanima / The Saronic Islands are, due to their proximity, a favorite among Athenians



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Za razliku od Kiklada, Saronska ostrva su bujna i zelena / Unlike the Cyclades, the Saronic Islands are lush and green

Malo parče netaknutog raja A small piece of untouched paradise

Ovo je maleno ostrvo među Saronskim ostrvima, blizu Ejine. Kratka vožnja trajektom iz Atine i dobićete savršeno bekstvo za vikend iz grada. Sa tirkiznom vodom idealnom za kupanje, ronjenje ili snorkling i spokojnim selima, Agistri je mali raj u kojem se možete opustiti na šljunkovitim plažama poput Aponisosa ili Dragonera. / This small island forms part of the Saronic Islands and is close to the island of Aegina. A short ferry ride from Athens provides you with the perfect weekend break from the city. With turquoise waters ideal for swimming, diving or snorkelling, as well as tranquil villages, Agistri is a mini paradise where you can relax on pebble beaches like Aponissos or Dragonera.

Grčka je tako divno plava: Nebo, more, zastava, kuće / Greece is so wonderfully blue: The sky, the sea, the flag, the houses

Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 19



Ovde nema buke, gužve, ni saobraćaja / There is no noise, crowds, or traffic here

me scan


iStock / Fotofantastika

Još jedno ostrvo u Saronskom zalivu, Hidra, ima autentičan karakter jer je vožnja motornih vozila zabranjena. Sušta suprotnost užurbanoj Atini. Sa neverovatnim vilama iz 18. veka na rivi, kafić ima i restoranima, sa nekoliko muzeja, Hidra je raj za ljubitelje planinarenja. Usamljene plaže Bisti, Liminioza i Agios Nikolaos savršene su za dan na plaži. / Another of the islands in the Saronic Gulf, Hydra has an authentic character due to the fact that motor vehicles are prohibited on the island. It is the polar opposite of the bustling Athens. With amazing villas dating back to the 18 th century on the waterfront, as well as small cafes and restaurants, but also several museums, Hydra is also a haven for hiking enthusiasts. Its secluded beaches of Bisti, Limnioniza and Agios Nikolaos are perfect for a day at the beach.

Usamljene plaže pod planinama Isolated beaches under the mountains

20 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia


Andros je jedno od najvećih ostrva Kiklada / Andros is one of the largest islands of the Cyclades


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Za ljubitelje sporta i umetnosti For sports and art lovers

Andros je bujno ostrvo na krajnjem severu Kiklada, savršen je za ljubitelje planinarenja, ljubitelje sporta na vodi i poštovaoce umetnosti. Osim muzejom savremene umetnosti, arheološkim muzejom i muzejom koji je posvećen maslinovom drvetu, Andros se može pohvaliti neverovatnim plažama. Tu su Agios Petros, Ormos, Batsi, Korti ili ikonična plaža Tis grias-to pidima. Poseta vizantijskom manastiru pruža panoramski pogled na duboko plavo more. / A lush island located in the far north of the Cyclades archipelago, Andros is perfect for lovers of mountaineering, water sports enthusiasts and art lovers. Apart from a museum of contemporary art, an archaeological museum and a museum dedicated to the olive tree, Andros can also boast of its amazing beaches. There are the beaches of Agios Petros, Ormos, Batsi and Korthi, or the iconic Tis Grias to Pidima beach. A visit to the island’s Byzantine monastery provides a panoramic view of the deep blue sea.

Svetionik Turlitis stoji na jednoj steni u Hori / Tourlitis Lighthouse stands on a single rock in Chora

Čuvena plaža Grias pidma blizu sela Korti / Famous beach of Grias Pidima near the village of Korthi

Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 21


Ovde još nema masovnog turizma / There is no mass tourism here yet


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Skriveni dragulj Kiklada The hidden gem of the Cyclades

Skriveno kikladsko ostrvo koje je ostalo ispod radara, Kitnos, čarobno je mesto živopisnih sela, kristalno čiste vode i zlatnih plaža. Ostrvo možda nije turistička destinacija, ali privlači mnoge posetioce svojim vrelim izvorima. Miran i spokojan, sa tradicionalnim karakterom, Kitnos je netaknuti dragulj koji vredi otkriti. / A hidden island of the Cyclades that has remained under the radar, Kythnos is a magical land of picturesque villages, crystal clear waters and golden beaches. Despite the island not being a bespoke tourist destination, it still attracts many visitors with its hot springs. Tranquil and serene, with a traditional character, Kythnos is a pristine gem that’s worth discovering.

Nemojte se iznenaditi ako sretnete divlje konje / Don’t be surprised if you meet wild horses

22 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia


Samo iznajmite skuter i krenite u avanturu / Just rent a scooter and head out in search of adventure


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Šarmantno, zeleno ostrvo bez kola / A charming, green island without cars

Poznat po svojim neoklasičnim kuć ama, kaldrmisanim ulicama i važnoj ulozi u grčkom ratu za nezavisnost, Speces je čarobno ostrvo na kojem su takođe zabranjeni automobili. Samo iznajmite skuter i krenite u potragu za samo svojim malim delom raja. Plaže Agia Anargiri i Agia Paraskevi, udaljene nekoliko kilometara od glavnog grada, idealne su za vrele, letnje dane. Ali nemojte ostati ceo dan na plaži, jer se i Speces može pohvaliti veoma zanimljivim muzejima. / Known for its neoclassical houses, cobblestone streets and the important role it played in the Greek War of Independence, Spetses is a magical

Bicikl ili magare umesto motornog prevoza / Bicycle or donkey instead of motor transport

island, and another of those where cars are banned. Just rent a scooter and head out in search of your own little piece of paradise. The beaches of Ayia Anargyri and Ayia Paraskevi, located just a few kilometres from the capital, are ideal destinations for hot, summer days. However, don’t spend the whole day on the beach, because Spetses also boasts very interesting museums.

Speces je poznat i po plažama i po muzejima / Spetses is known for its beaches, but also for its museums

Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 23

24 | Destinacija » Destination

Destination » Destinacija | 25

Narodni muzej

National Museum

Red-haired goddess in Belgrade

Crvenokosa boginja u Beogradu

Crvenokosa boginja izdvaja se ekspresivnošću i svedenošću forme The Red-haired Goddess stands out with its expressiveness and minimalism of form

The permanent exhibition of the National Museum in Belgrade has recently been enriched with a unique prehistoric sculpture that’s known to science as the Red-haired Goddess THIS CERAMIC FIGURINE WAS UNCOVERED ON THE DANUBE in Donja Branjevina near Odžak exactly thirty years ago. e Red-haired Goddess was created during the time of the first crop farmers and herders in Europe, more than 7,500 years ago. An un- usual height for older neolithic figurines, at 38cm tall the Red-haired Goddess can rightly be called a mon- umental sculpture. An extraordinarily large nude female fig- ure with a lush and over-emphasized hairline, apart from height, she is also distinguishable among other Neolithic figurines due to her carefully modelled hair, in which traces of red have been found. Artistic and symbolic repre- sentations of this type emerged during the Ne- olithic period on territory stretching from the Middle East to the Danube region, though as a rule they are much smaller in size and much less striking. e Red-haired God- dess stands out with her expressiveness, simultaneously testifying to the form of strongly accentuated attributes of fertility, which were of great impor- tance to the survival of the communi- ties of that time. Although it was thirty years ago that she first saw the light of day again after millennia, with Sergej Karamanski’s discovery published in scientific journals, the Red-haired Goddess hasn’t previously had the con- ditions to be exhibited and accessible to visitors, until now. anks to the co- operation and initiative of the Branko Radičević Library from Odžak, the compo- sition of which also includes the Archaeo- logical Collection from Donja Branjevina, the Red-haired Goddess will be entrusted to the National Museum in Belgrade under

Stalna postavka Narodnog muzeja u Beogradu odnedavno je obogaćena jedinstvenom praistorijskom skulpturom poznatom u nauci kao Crvenokosa boginja OVA KERAMIČKA FIGURINA OTKRIVENA JE U DONJOJ BRANJEVINI kod Odžaka, na Dunavu, pre tačno 30 godina. Crvenokosa boginja je nastala u vreme prvih zemljoradnika i stočara u Evropi, odnosno pre više od 7.500 godina. Nesvakidašnje visine za starije neolitske gurine, Crvenokosa boginja visoka 38 centimetara se sa pravom može nazvati monumentalnom skulpturom. Neobično veliku nagu žensku guru bujnih i prenaglašenih oblina, osim visine, od drugih neolitskih gurina izdvaja i pažljivo modelovana

kosa, u kojoj su ponađeni tragovi crvene boje. Umetničke i simboličke predstave takvog tipa javljaju se tokom neolita na prostoru od Bliskog istoka do Podunavlja, ali su po pravilu znatno manjih dimenzija i znatno manje upečatljive. Crvenokosa boginja izdvaja se svojom ekspresivnošću i istovremeno i svedenošću forme snažno akcentovanih atributa plodnosti, što je za tadašnju zajednicu bilo od izuzetnog značaja za opstanak. Iako je otkrićem Sergeja Karamanskog i publikovana u naučnim časopisima svetlost dana ponovo ugledala pre 30 godina, Crvenokosa boginja do sada nije imala uslove da bude izložena i dostupna posetiocima. Zahvaljujući saradnji i inicijativi Biblioteke Branko Radičević iz Odžaka, u čijem sastavu je i arheološka zbirka iz Donje Branjevine, Crvenokosa boginja će biti poverena na dugoročnu pozajmicu Narodnom muzeju u Beogradu i imaće zasluženo mesto u stalnoj muzejskoj postavci.

a long-term loan and take its de- served place in the museum’s per- manent exhibition.

Jedinstveni nalaz. Crvenokosa boginja , 5500 p.n.e. Unique find. The Red-haired Goddess dating back to 5500 BC

26 | Kultura » Culture

Razglednica /Postcard

PARIZ  PARIS Stakleni oblak usred grada Pariz je svojevrsni centar najboljih muzeja sveta, a jedan od onih koji privlače veliku pa- žnju turista je Muzej Fondacija Luj Viton . Ovo spektakularno zdanje nalazi se na obodu Bu- lonjske šume i izgleda kao masivno jedro ko- je drže sajle, a napravljeno je od čak 3.600 staklenih panela koji se međusobno prepliću i savijaju. Muzej ima 11 izložbenih prostorija sa impresivnim postavkama, a tu su i terase sa kojih se pruža predivan pogled na francu- sku prestonicu. PARIS IS ITS OWN KIND of hub for the best museums in the world, and one of those that attracts the great attention of tourists is the museum of the Louis Vuitton Foundation. This spectacular building is located on the perip- hery of the Bois de Boulogne forest and re- sembles a massive sail held by cables, while it is made of as many as 3,600 glass panels that intertwine and bend. The museum has 11 exhibition spaces with impressive settings, and there are also terraces providing a beau- tiful view of the French capital.

LONDON  LONDON Nov život crvenih govornica Crvene telefonske govornice oduvek su bile simbol Londona, a danas su neke od njih pre- tvorene u mini-kafiće. Naime, supružnici Lo- rejnis Hernandez i Šon Raferti pretvorili su tri govornice u Amar kafee , u kojima služe kafu, i to pravu kolumbijsku, odakle su poreklom, kao i sladoled i peciva. Ističu da ovih dana, kad se London vraća normalnim tokovima ži- vota, imaju pune ruke posla jer kod njih tu- risti i domaćini mogu da uživaju u sitnim za- dovoljstvima uz poštovanje pravila socijalne distance. RED TELEPHONE BOXES HAVE LONG been a symbol of London, and today some of them have been turned into mini cafes. Namely, married couple Loreinis Hernandez and Sean Rafferty turned three such boxes into “Amar cafe”, where they serve real coffee from Co- lombia, where they hail from, but also ice cre- am and pastries to take away. They point out that during these days when normal life is re- turning to London they have their hands full, because at their place both tourists and lo- cals can enjoy small pleasures whilst respe- cting the rules of social distancing.


Njujorčani ovog leta imaju priliku da dožive festivale i da uživaju u kulturnim dešavanjima na drugačiji način – iz automobila. Na par- kingu kod čuvenog stadiona Jenkija biće po- stavljena velika bina, a dešavanja će se or- ganizovati od petka do nedelje i posetioci će moći da uživaju u koncertima lokalnih umet- nika, karaoke večerima, projekcijama filmo- va svih žanrova... Ko bude želeo, moći će i da poruči večeru iz popularnih lanaca ulič- ne hrane, s tim što će svakom događaju mo- ći da prisustvuje najviše 200 vozila. Putem interneta su se za ova dešavanja već prijavile desetine hiljada ljudi. NEW YORKERS HAVE AN OPPORTUNI TY to experience festivals and enjoy cultural events in a different way this summer - from their cars. A large stage is being set up in the car park of the famous Yankee Stadium, and events will be organised from Friday to Sun- day, with visitors able to enjoy concerts by lo- cal artists, karaoke evenings, film screenin- gs of all genres etc. Anyone who wants to will be able to order dinner in their car from po- pular street food chains, though a maximum of 200 vehicles will be able to attend each event. Tens of thousands of people have alre- ady applied for these events via the internet.

28 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

CIRIH  ZURICH Parada slonova



Do polovine avgusta u mestu Rapersvil, na- domak Ciriha, posetioci će moći da uživaju u pravom umetničkom spektaklu – Paradi slo- nova, koju čini više od 50 skulptura. Posled- nja stanica parade, koja je do sada gostova- la u više od 30 gradova širom sveta, upravo je Švajcarska, a neke od skulptura oslika- li su pevač Fil Kolins, komičar Emil Stnajnber- ger i umetnik Romero Brito. Izložba se po- tom seli na aerodrom u Cirihu, a organizuje se s ciljem da se podigne svest o ugroženo- sti azijskih slonova. Zato svaka skulptura ima i dirljivu poruku. UNTIL MIDAUGUST, IN RAPPERSWIL NE AR Zurich, visitors will be able to enjoy a re- al art spectacle – an Elephant Parade compri- sing more than 50 sculptures. Switzerland is the last stop for this parade, which has so far visited more than 30 cities worldwide, with some of the sculptures having been painted by singer Phil Collins, comedian Emil Stein- berger and artist Romero Britto. The exhibiti- on, which will next move to the airport in Zuri- ch, is being organised with the aim of raising awareness about Asian elephants being un- der threat. That’s why every sculpture also has a touching message.

Hrana povezuje ljude i otkriva nove vidike, pa su zato i kulinarske ture sve popularnije u svetskim metropolama. Zaživele su i u Fran- kfurtu, gde uz pomoć lokalnog vodiča može- te osetiti autentičan duh grada i uživati u ku- linarskim i istorijskim pričama. Ture traju dva i po i četiri i po sata, a uz istraživanje zanimlji- vih mesta Frankfurta, otkrićete i najbolja me- sta za jelo u gradu i specijalitete domaće ku- hinje, poput kobasica frankfurter, umaka grune i kolača frankfurter kranc. Ture se za- kazuju onlajn. FOOD CONNECTS PEOPLE AND REVEALS new horizons, which is why culinary tours are becoming increasingly popular in the wor- ld’s metropolises. They have also come to li- fe in Frankfurt, where - with the help of a lo- cal guide - you can experience the authentic spirit of the city and enjoy culinary and histori- cal stories. The tours last either two and a half hours or four and a half hours, and alongside exploring interesting places in Frankfurt, you will discover the best places to eat in the city and specialities of local cuisine, such as fran- kfurter sausages, grune sosse (green sauce) and Frankfurt Kranz (Crown) cakes. Tours are reserved online.

Izuzev drvenih klompi, vetrenjača, lala i sira, amsterdamski kanali su jedna od prvih aso- cijacija na Holandiju. Vožnja brodom je bez sumnje jedna od glavnih atrakcija grada i od- ličan je način da ga upoznate. Amsterdam se diči sa čak 165 kanala, a tri glavna – He- rengraht, Prizengraht i Kajzersgraht iskopa- na su još tokom 17. veka i napravila ih je gru- pa plemića. Danas se ti kanali nalaze na Uneskovoj listi svetske baštine, a turistička vožnja njima traje oko sat i najlepši doživljaj pruža noću, kad su kanali osvetljeni. ALONGSIDE WOODEN CLOGS, WIND MILLS, TULIPS and cheeses, the canals of Amsterdam are among the first associations with the Netherlands. Travelling by boat is un- doubtedly one of the main attractions of the city and a great way to get to know it. Am- sterdam boasts as many as 165 canals, and the three main ones - Herengracht, Prisen- gracht and Keizersgracht - were created du- ring the 17 th century and made by a group of nobles. These canals are today included on the UNESCO World Heritage List, and a tou- rist voyage along them lasts about an hour and provides the most beautiful experience at night, when the canals are illuminated.

Tekst/Words: Biljana Stefanović Fotografije/Photography: iStock / Seqoya, Profimedia, M. Mitrović

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 29



30 | Destinacija » Destination

Fredrik Bakman švedski pisac Fredrik Backman Swedish writer ČOVEK PO IMENU UVE? Šta bi danas rekao Mislim da bi uperio prst ka tebi, možda i celu ruku, i rekao ti da brineš o sebi. Mislim da bi ti Uve rekao da si važan, jer bez tebe bi na svetu manje-više ostala samo skupina idiota, pa ti razmisli o tome. Potreban si, kaže najčitaniji strani pisac u Srbiji u ekskluzivnom intervjuu za Elevejt

Tekst/Words: Dragan Jovićević Fotografije/Photography: Linnéa Jonasson Bernholm, Profimedia.rs

Exclusive » Ekskluzivno | 31


M oje ime je Fredrik Bakman. Neko kome je veoma stalo do tebe me je zamolio da ti pošaljem ovu knjigu, verovatno zato što taj neko želi da ostaneš kod kuće i pročitaš je. Želim da ti odmah kažem da to ne moraš da radiš ako ne želiš. Knjiga govori o čo- veku po imenu Uve i, ako ćemo iskreno, on bi verovatno sada rekao da „ova korona“ nije nešto zbog čega treba da se uzrujavamo, ljudi prokleto preteruju ovih dana, sve se svelo na konsultante i mlade i nepouzdane ljude na TV-u koji misle da sve znaju. A veoma je teško raspravljati se sa Uveom kada on nešto odluči. Ovo kaže popularni švedski pisac Fredrik Bakman pozivajući se na lik iz svog debitantskog romana Čovek po imenu Uve , koji je po objavljivanju u matičnoj zemlji 2012. godine postao međunarodni fenomen. Roman je dosad preveden na 45 jezika, a lmska adaptacija bila je jednako hvaljena kao i pisano delo. Nema sumnje da će ovaj literarni predložak dobiti i adekvatnu adaptaciju u Holivudu, gde se priprema njegovo prenošenje na veliko platno, sa Tomom Henksom u naslovnoj ulozi. Za srpsko tržište roman Čovek po imenu Uve preveo je Nikola Perišić za izdavačku kuću Laguna . Nakon po- pularnosti koju je stekao kod domaćih čitalaca isti izda- vač obezbedio je i ostale njegove naslove koji su usledili: Brit-Mari je bila tu (takođe adaptiran za lm, prikazan na ovogodišnjem Festu), Moja baka vam se izvinjava , Put do kuće svakog jutra sve je duži , Poslednja prilika i konačno Uznemireni ljudi , koji su pred domaću publiku stigli po- četkom marta. Prvih nedelja izolacije i vanrednog stanja ovaj naslov bio je na prvom mestu po prodaji i čitanosti u domaćim knjižarama. Uznemireni ljudi su tako kores- pondirali sa sveukupnim stanjem nacije. „Ali iskren da budem, mislim da bi Uve u sadašnjoj situaciji rekao još neke stvari“, piše Bakman iz samoizo- lacije tokom trajanja vanrednog stanja parafrazirajući lik Uvea, koji ga je širom sveta proslavio, i stavljajući ga u kontekst nesreće koja je zadesila čitav svet: „Mislim da bi uperio prst ka tebi, možda i celu ruku, i rekao ti da bri- neš o sebi. Mislim da bi ti Uve rekao da si važan, jer bez tebe bi na svetu manje-više ostala samo skupina idiota, pa ti razmisli o tome. Potreban si. I mislim da osoba ko- ja me je zamolila da ti pošaljem ovu knjigu želi da zna da si voljen. Ti si nečija boja. I osoba čija si boja želi da se sa tobom raspravlja još mnogo, mnogo godina. Zato želim da vodiš računa o svom zdravlju... “ Intervju sa Fredrikom Bakmanom koji je pred vama čista je ekskluziva do koje smo došli upravo zahvaljujući saradnji sa izdavačkom kućom Laguna . Poznat po tome da mu davanje intervjua remeti koncentraciju tokom oči- to gustog rasporeda pisanja i objavljivanja, razgovori sa njim su veoma retki. Zato nas je i iznenadilo kada je po- zitivno odgovorio na poziv Elevejta , inspirisan, kako je i sam rekao, pitanjima koja je od nas dobio…

Debitantski roman Fredrika Bakmana preveden je na 45 jezika i postao je međunarodni fenomen / Fredrik Backmans debut novel has been translated into 45 languages and became an international phenomenon

Vaši romani su među najprodavanijim u mno- gim zemljama sveta. Kritičari su ih često ka- rakterisali kao dela puna šarma, humora i začudnosti, ali ne i banalnosti. Rečju, to su knjige u koje se ljudi zaljubljuju. Izgleda da je teško danas zaljubiti se u nekoga, ali u vašem slučaju to ne izgleda tako. Kako to uspevate? Da li možete da predvidite da će publika toliko voleti vaše priče i vaše heroje? – U ovom jednom zapravo ima više pitanja, ali odgo- voriću na poslednje. Ne, niko ne može da predvidi šta će se publici dopasti. Ljudi su ekstremno nepredvidivi u vezi s tim u kojim će pričama ili knjigama, ili umetnostima, ili muzici uživati, jer sve se zasniva na osećanjima, a oseća- nja se ne mogu predvideti. Jedino što možete da uradite kao pisac jeste da pišete o onome što lično volite i onome što snažno osećate i da se nadate da će i drugi osetiti isto. Kada se danas spomene skandinavska knji- ževna scena, prvo pomislimo na pisce krimića i na njihove mračne priče. Ali vi ste na potpu- no drugoj strani i predstavljate jednu sasvim drugačiju svakodnevicu. Kako ste odlučili da pišete o običnim ljudima iz drukčije perspek-

32 | Ekskluzivno » Exclusive

What would a man called Ove say today?

I think he would point a finger at you, perhaps his whole arm, and tell you to take care of yourself. I think Ove would have said you’re important, because without you there’s more or less only a bunch of idiots left in the world, just think about that. You’re needed..., says the most widely read foreign writer in Serbia, speaking in this exclusive interview for Elevate M y name is Fredrik Backman. Someone who cares a lot about you asked me to send you this book, probably because this some- one wants you to stay at home and read it. What I want to tell you right off is that you don’t have to do that if you don’t want to. e book is about a man called Ove, and quite honestly he would proba- bly have said that “this Corona” is nothing to get in a pickle about, people do so much bloody overreacting these days, it’s down to all the consultants and young people and fly- by-nights on the TV who think they know it all. is would probably have been Ove’s take on it. And it’s fairly difficult discussing anything with Ove once he’s made up his mind.” is is what the popular Swedish writer Fredrik Buck- man says, referring to the main character of his debut nov- el A Man Called Ove, which became an international phe- nomenon after being published in his native Sweden in 2012. e novel has to date been translated into 45 lan- guages, while a film adaptation of the work has received as much praise as the written work. ere is no doubt that this literary template will also receive an adequate adapta- tion in Hollywood, where preparations are underway for it to be transferred to the big screen, with Tom Hanks in the lead role. e novel A Man Called Ove was translated for the Ser- bian market by Nikola Perišić, for publishing house Lagu- na. After gaining popularity among local readers, the same publisher secured the rights to his other titles that fol- lowed - Britt-Marie Was Here (also adapted for film and screened at this year’s Belgrade Fest), My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry, And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer, e Deal of a Life- time and, finally, Anxious People, which became available to Serbian readers in early March, just a few days before the Coronavirus pandemic was declared. During the first weeks of isolation and the imposed state of emergency, this title ranked first in terms of sales and readership in Ser- bian bookshops. Anxious People thus corresponded with the overall state of the nation.

“But I honestly think that Ove, in the current state of affairs, would have said some other things too. I think he would have pointed at you with his hand and even his whole arm to tell you to take care of yourself. I think Ove would have said you’re important, because without you there’s more or less only a bunch of idiots left in the world, just think about that. You’re needed. And I think the per- son who asked me to send this book wants me to know that you’re loved. You’re someone’s colour. And this per- son whose colour you are wants to keep feuding with you for many, many years to come. So I want you to take care of your health...” e interview with Fredrik Backman that you find in front of you is a pure exclusive, which we were granted thanks precisely to our cooperation with publishing house Laguna. Known for the fact that granting interviews dis- rupts his concentration during his obviously busy sched- ule of writing and publishing, conversations with him are very rare. at’s why we were surprised when he responded positively to Elevate’s request, saying himself that he felt inspired by the questions he received from us… Your novels are bestsellers in dozens of coun- tries… According to critics, they are charm- ing, humorous, and somewhat quirky — but not corny. In short, they’re the kind of books that people fall in love with. It seems difficult today to make someone fall in love, but in your case it seems effortless. How do you manage that? Could you have possibly predicted that your nov- els and heroes would have been embraced so warmly by readers? ese are a lot of different questions within one ques- tion, but let me answer the last one: No, no one ever knows what people will like. Humans are extremely unpredictable when it comes to what stories or books or art or music we will enjoy, because it’s all based on feelings, and feelings can never be predicted. e only thing you can do as a writer is to write what you yourself love and feel strongly about, and hope that others like the same things. When we hear about Scandinavian literature nowadays, we initially think of crime writers and novelists and their dark stories. But you have such a distinctive voice and point of view. What made you decide to write about common people from a different perspective? Did you even think of genre at the beginning or did you just want to tell some different kinds of stories? Well, to be honest there were a lot of Scandinavian writ- ers long before me who wrote in genres other than crime. Sweden in particular has a very rich history and heritage of great writers and novelists in whose footstep I’m very proud to follow. e “Scandinavian Crime” crime genre has, of course, become known internationally, but Scandinavi- an literature as a whole comes from a long and fantastic

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