Elevate September 2021 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Grožđebali / Grape harvest balls U slavu vina i grožđa IN THE GLORY OF WINE AND GRAPES



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Welcome message

Septembar 2021.

September 2021

Dragi putnici,

Dear passengers,

POZNATO JE DA MLADIMA TREBA PRUŽITI dve stva- ri – koren i krila. Koren da uvek znaju odakle su i gde im je dom, a krila da slobodno polete i pronađu svoje me- sto u svetu. Kao kompanija koja ponosno predstavlja nacionalni brend širom planete, mi smo se uvek trudili da budućim generacijama pomognemo da rašire svo- ja krila i da im olakšamo uzbudljivi, ali i turbulentni let ka svetu odraslih. Iz tog razloga smo veoma ponosni na potpisivanje Memoranduma o saradnji na razvoju dualnog mode- la studija u visokom obrazovanju između Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja, Vazduhoplovne akademije i naše kompanije, koja će budućim struč- njacima kroz mentorske programe pružiti priliku da unapređuju svoje znanje i profesionalne kompetencije iz oblasti vazduhoplovstva. Svesni smo da se ulaganjem u nove generacije di- rektno investira u našu zajedničku budućnost i zbog toga se već dugo aktivno bavimo privlačenjem mla- dih talenata, kako bismo im pomogli u daljem usavr- šavanju i izgradnji profesionalnog puta. U saradnji sa Centrom za razvoj karijere i savetovanje studenata Univerziteta u Beogradu redovno organizujemo stu- dentske prakse, a učestvovali smo i u projektu Naci- onalne službe za zapošljavanje „Moja prva plata“, ka- ko bismo dali podsticaj zapošljavanju mladih. Uvek se rado odazivamo pozivima za učešće na različitim studentskim sajmovima, manifestacijama i projekti- ma, kako bismo podržali mlade entuzijaste sa vizijom i inicijativom i dali im krila za krupne poduhvate ko- ji im tek predstoje. Iako se sada svi polako okrećemo poslovnim i školskim aktivnostima, dok fotografije sa mora po- staju samo zapisi u našim digitalnim arhivama, pod- sećamo vas da vreme godišnjih odmora još uvek traje. Septembar predstavlja idealno vreme za posetu Egip- tu. Uzbudljiva i mistična zemlja faraona, drevnih pira- mida i neverovatno bogatog podvodnog sveta u fo- kusu je ovog broja magazina, a svakako bi trebalo da bude i u vašem fokusu ukoliko planirate odmor u ovom periodu. Mi obavljamo veliki broj čarter letova za Hur- gadu i nešto manji za Šarm el Šeik – dva najlepša i naj- popularnija egipatska letovališta. Više o tome možete pronaći na narednim stranama, a mi vam želimo da na najbolji mogući način iskoristite preostale letnje dane i uživate u odmoru. Uživajte u letu i srećan put.

Everyone knows that young people need to be giv- en two things - roots and wings. Roots, so they always know where they are from and where their home is, and wings, so they can freely fly and find their place in the world. As a company that proudly represents its national brand all over the planet, we have always strived to help future generations spread their wings, and to make the exciting, if turbulent, flight towards the world of adult- hood easier for them. It is for this reason that we are very proud to have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on the development of the dual model of studies in higher education between the Ser- bian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological De- velopment, the Aviation Academy and our company, which will – through mentorship programmes – provide future ex- perts with an opportunity to develop their knowledge and professional competencies in the field of aviation. We are aware that, by investing in new generations, we are directly investing in our shared future, and that’s why we’ve been working actively to attract young talent for a long time, in order to help them further develop and pave the way for their professional journey. In cooperation with the Centre for Career Development and Student Counsel- ling of the University of Belgrade, we regularly organise student internships and also participated in the Nation- al Employment Service project “My First Salary”, in order to encourage youth employment. We always respond to invitations to participate in various student fairs, mani- festations and projects, in order to support young enthu- siasts with a vision and initiative, and to give them wings for the major undertakings they have ahead. Even though we are all now slowly returning to work and school activities, and photos from the coast are be- coming just records in our digital archives, we would like to remind you that the summer holiday season is still con- tinuing. September is the ideal time to visit Egypt. The ex- citing and mystical country of the Pharaohs, ancient pyr- amids and an unbelievably rich underwater world will be the focus of this issue, and should also remain your fo- cus if you’re planning a holiday soon. We operate a large number of charter flights to Hurghada, and almost as many to Sharm El Sheikh – Egypt’s two most beautiful and popular holiday destinations. You can find out more about them on the following pages, and we wish you en- joy the remaining days of summer in the best way possi- ble, and that you always enjoy your holiday. Enjoy the flight and have a good trip,

Duncan Naysmith CEO Air Serbia



Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 7





 Studenti će znanja sticati i razvijati u Er Srbiji / Students will acquire and develop knowledge in Air Serbia  Er Srbija u julu prevezla 63 odsto više putnika nego u junu / Air Serbia carried 63 per cent more passengers in july compared to june

 Putujemo sa glumcem Pavlom Mensurom / We travel with actor Pavle Mensur


PUTUJTE PAMETNO SMART TRAVEL 12.  Er Srbija vas vodi u


Hurgadu i Šarm el Šeik / Air Serbia takes you to Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh

MODA FASHION 60. Rizort kolekcije: U čemu ćemo putovati 2022? /

 Cezar Milan: Menjaju se samo ljudi, psi su uvek isti / Cesar Millan: people are the ones who change. Dogs are always the same

Resort collections: what will we travel in during 2022? Met Gala: Velika proslava američke mode / Met Gala: grand celebration of American fashion



BITEF: Na ivici budućnosti / BITEF: On the edge of the future 30. Gučijevi, misterija i tragedija modne imperije / Gucci, the mystery and tragedy of a fashion empire 42. Čekamo koncert Ide Prester / We are waiting for Ida Prester‘s concert

8 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović

Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Aleksandra Beslać, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović

Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Jovana Velimirović Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography

Mitar Mitrović, Zoran Lončarević, Aleksandar Dimitrijević, Đorđe Kojadinović, Snežana Krstić, Milan Ilić, Nenad Pavlović Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs

RITAM GRADA RHYTHM OF THE CITY 74. Konak kneza Miloša:

FENOMENI PHENOMENA 90. Da li je živim infuenserima

Najstariji beogradski dvor / Residence of Prince Miloš: Belgrade’s oldest palace

odzvonilo? / Has the bell tolled for living influencers?

LAJFSTAJL LIFESTYLE 80. Šta sam naučio o životu od


putovanja koja traju 36 sati / What I learned about life from trips that last 36 hours

Lepota. Ljubav. Poezija: Ticijanova slika žene u Beču / Beauty. Love. Poetry: Titian‘s paintings of women in Vienna Akvarijum u Kotoru: Živi svet Jadrana „iznad vode“ / Aquarium in Kotor: the living world of the Adriatic “above the water”


Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights


Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Grožđebali: Septembar je radost i rad / Grape harvest ball: September is joy and work

Broj / Issue No. 331 Naslovna strana / Cover iStock

Berba i pesma / Harvest and song Foto / Photo: iStock

Contents » Sadržaj | 9

Na letu

On board

Avion je uvek početak neke nove etape PAVLE MENSUR, GLUMAC AVIONI ZA MENE PREDSTAVLJAJU NEKU NOVU ŽIVOTNU ETAPU. Znam da me vode na mesto koje će mi uneti svežinu u život, nešto nesvakodnevno, uzbudljivo. Pole- tanje... Odlazak… I siguran povratak.

PAVLE MENSUR, ACTOR The plane is always the start of a new stage FOR ME, PLANES REPRESENT A NEW STAGE IN life. I know that they’re leading me to a place that will bring freshness into my life, something unusual, exciting. Take-off...Depar- ture… And a certain return.


Naočare za sunce su uvek korisne, u avionu može da bude jako svetlo ako je dnevni let. Sunglasses are always useful, it can be very bright aboard a plane, if it is a daytime flight.


Slušalice su uvek uz mene, muzika mi znači kad hoću da se opustim, naročito kada sam visoko iznad realnog života. Headphones are always with me, music is important to me when I want to relax, particularly when I’m high above real life.


Telefon mi je uvek pri ruci, imam vremena da obrišem sve što mi se skupilo, a više mi ne treba, kao i da pregledam sve za šta inače nemam vremena. My phone is always close at hand, and I have time to delete everything that’s accumulated and that I no longer need, as well as to check everything I don’t normally have time for.

4 Hrana, ponesem nešto za grickanje, volim da grickam i slano i slatko. Food. I bring something for snacking; I like to both savoury and sweet snacks.


Ranac je praktičan, u njega stavim sve što mi treba, a ruke su mi slobodne. A backpack is practical. I pack everything I need in it and my hands are left free.

Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography: Milan Ilić, iStock

10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Destination » Destinacija | 11



Dobro došli u zemlju faraona / Welcome to the land of the pharaohs Već ina ljudi bi verovatno bila na velikim mukama kada bi morala da izdvoji neke događaje iz poslednjih 1.000 godina istorije Egipta. Ali zato svi znamo sve o mumijama, pirami - dama, Tutankamonu, hijeroglifima i Crvenom moru. Ova fas - cinacija postoji već dugo i sa dobrim razlogom. Ima nešto u misteriji tog sveta što nas iznova i iznova mami u ovu ze - mlju. Tajne su skrivene u piramidama, u grobnicama, u sar - kofazima. I zato vas ovog septembra vodimo u Egipat.

Most people would probably struggle if they had to na- me some events from the last 1,000 years of Egypt’s history. But we all know everything there is to know abo- ut mummies, pyramids, Tutankhamun, hieroglyphs and the Red Sea. This fascination has existed for a long time, and with good reason. There’s something about the mysterio- usness of this world that entices us back to this country again and again. Its secrets are hidden in pyramids, tom- bs and sarcophaguses. And that’s why we’re taking you to Egypt this September.

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Sa kristalnim vodama Crvenog mo - ra na istoku i peskom ogromne egi - patske pustinje na zapadu, Hurga - da privlači turiste iz celog sveta koji žele da se opuste na njenim be - skrajnim plažama, istraže spekta - kularna mesta za ronjenje i odu na jednodnevne izlete do istorijskih mesta duž reke Nil. Kao Šarm el Še - ik i El Guna (udaljeni samo pola sa - ta), Hurgada je poznata po sporto - vima na vodi, ronjenju i snorkelingu na prelepim ostrvima Giftun i Mah - HURGADA Biser egipatske obale

Pod vodom ćete otkriti čitav jedan bajkoviti svet – koralne grebene naseljene egzotičnom ribom i morskim kornjačama / Under the water here, you’ll discover an entire fairy-tale world – of coral reefs populated by exotic fish and turtles maja. A pod vodom čitav jedan bajkoviti svet – koralni grebeni naseljeni egzotičnom ribom i morskim kornjačama. Sa druge strane, iako je danas moderno odre - dište za odmor, Hurgada ima dugu istoriju, kojoj se može svedočiti u Starom gradu, sa obaveznim stanicama u džamiji Abdel Mo - nim Rijad (Velika džamija), Crkvi Svete Mari - je i marini. Žele ete da se prošetate kroz šare - ne, užurbane markete da biste kupili suvenire, a izvan grada na zapadu da odete na nezabo - ravan pustinjski safari, uživaju i u beduinskom roštilju ispod zvezdanog noć nog neba. Ako bu - dete imali volje i vremena, krenite na dug put koji ne ete nikada zaboraviti, istražite obale Ni - la, njegove drevne gradove i spomenike – Luk - sor, piramide u Gizi i Dolinu kraljeva, savrše - na mesta za ljubitelje arheologije. Evo nekoliko mesta koje ne biste smeli da propustite ukoli - ko ovog septembra odletite u Hurgadu.

HURGHADA The pearl of the Egyptian coast

With the crystal-clear waters of the Red Sea to the east and Egypt’s vast desert sands to the west, Hurghada attracts holidaymakers from across the globe seeking to relax on its endless beaches, explore its spectacular dive sites and enjoy day trips to historical cities along the Nile. Like fellow Egyptian resort cities Sharm El She- ikh and El Gouna (just half an hour away), Hur- ghada is known for its incredible water sports, diving and snorkelling around the islands of Gif- tun and Mahmaya, where intrepid divers can enjoy the fairy-tale world of coral reefs popula- ted by exotic fish, sea turtles and rays. On the flip side, although Hurghada is now a modern holiday destination, it has a long history that vi- sitors can learn about and see with their own eyes on a tour of the Old Town, with obligatory stops at the Abdel Monaem Read Mosque (Gre- at Mosque), the Church of St. Mary and the ci- ty marina. You’ll also want to stroll through the colourful, bustling souks (markets) to shop for souvenirs. Beyond the city to the west, take an unforgettable desert safari on a 4x4 quad or in a Jeep, stopping for a Bedouin barbecue under the starry sky. Further to the west, explore the banks of the Nile from Aswan in the south to Cairo and Alexandria in the north. The river is li- ned with ancient cities and monuments, inclu- ding Luxor, Qena, the Karnak temple complex, the Giza Pyramids and the Valley of the Kings— perfect excursions for archaeology buffs. Here are some places you should not miss if you fly to Hurghada this September.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 13




Ostrva Giftun Dva ostrva Giftun čine deo morskog rezervata u Crvenom moru sa spektakularnim koralnim grebenima koji obiluju životom. Krenite na izlet i uživajte u ronjenju i sunčanju na nekoliko ne - taknutih, zaštić enih plaža. Korali nestvarne le - pote, na stotine vrsta riba najrazličitijih boja i izgleda, plivanje sa delfinima... Sve ovo čini Gif - tun jednim od najlepših odredišta za ronjenje u blizini Hurgade. El Dahar Severno od Hurgade nalazi se Stari grad El Da - har u kom ć ete pronać i najautentičnije gradske restorane i prodavnice. Vrhunac oblasti je tradi - cionalna egipatska pijaca prepuna prodavaca kože, bakra, papirusa, začina i nargila. Mons Porfirit Krenite na kratko putovanje do Mons Porfirita da vidite retki egipatski porfir koji su veoma ce - nili stari Rimljani. Ovi nekadašnji rimski kame - nolomi iskopani su zbog dragocenog ljubiča - stog i belog kristalnog kamena, koji se koristio za ukrašavanje stubova, sarkofaga i hramova. Danas se i dalje mogu videti tragovi ne samo vađenja kamena već i njegovo kilometrima du - go prevlačenje preko pustinjskog peska do Ni - la, odakle je isporučivan u Rim. Obližnji Mons

Giftun Islands The two Giftun Islands—Giftun Kebir and Gif- tun Sughayer—are among the closest to Hurg- hada and comprise part of a marine reserve in the Red Sea, with spectacular coral reefs and drop-offs teeming with life. Day-trippers come to snorkel, dive and sunbathe on these islands’ pristine, protected beaches. El Dahar North of the luxury resorts of Hurghada lies the Old Town of El Dahar, where you’ll find the city’s

Klaudijanus snabdevao je Ri - mljane retkim crnim granitom, koji je korišć en za stubove Panteona. Džamija Abdel Monim Rijad Iako se nalazi pored jarkoplavih voda, džamija Abdel Monim Ri - jad i sama je atrakcija koja pru - ža priliku posetiocima da se po - vežu sa svakodnevnim životom i kulturom grada. Kompleksni diza - jn klasične islamske arhitekture, kao i kupole, lukovi i hodnici ukra - šeni delikatnim rezbarijama čine ovu džamiju vrednom posete. Mi -

most authentic restaurants and shops. A highlight of the area is a traditional Egyptian souk that’s crammed with shops selling leather, copper, papyrus, spices and shisha pi- pes. Mons Porphyrites The short trip to Mons Porp- hyrites is a popular excursion from Hurghada. Egypt’s rare porphyry rock was highly va- lued by the ancient Romans, and precious purple and whi- te crystalline stone extracted from these former Roman qu- arries was used to decora-

te columns, sarcophagi and temples. This for- mer quarry town was once a thriving settlement of houses, temples and workshops. You can sti- ll see relics of this activity today, which involved not only quarrying the semiprecious stone, but

nareti se mogu videti sa velikih udaljenosti, a poziv na molitvu se može čuti kako odjekuje iz zidova. Po - štujte islamsku veru i ob ič aje, pa ako ste žena, po - krijte glavu maramom. Ulaz je besplatan, ali se pri - maju donacije.

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia


Nekada malo ribarsko selo, Hurgada je prerasla u najposecenije odredište u Egiptu Once a small fishing village, Hurghada has grown to become the most visited destination in Egypt


also dragging it for kilometres across the remo- te desert sands to the Nile, from where it was shipped to Rome. Nearby Mons Claudianus su- pplied the Romans with rare black granite, whi- ch was used to carve the pillars of Rome’s Pantheon. The Mons Porphyrites quarries are located 40 kilometres northwest of Hurghada. Abdel-Moneim Riad Mosque Once a small fishing village, Hurghada has grown to become the most visited destination in Egypt. Tho - ugh it is nestled alongside the bright, blue waters that bring many visitors to the area, the Abdel-Mo - neim Riad Mosque stands tall on its own — offering visitors a chance to connect with the daily life and culture of this seaside town. The intricate design of the mosque’s classic Islamic architecture — combi - ned with its scenic placement in the area between the main street and the ocean — makes this a unique mosque to visit. The minarets can be seen from afar, while the call to prayer can be heard re - sonating from within its walls. Its domes, arches and hallways are detailed with delicate carvings. Local ci -

Giftun je jedno od najlepših odredišta za ronjenje u blizini Hurgade beautiful diving destinations in the vicinity of Hurghada Giftun is one of the most

tizens can often be seen heading to the mosque, wi - th most of them visiting for Friday prayers. The Abdel-Moneim Riad Mosque is located in the centre of Hurghada, off El-Nasr Road. Out of respe - ct, women may be asked to cover their heads befo - re entering. Visiting hours depend on local religio - us services. Admission is free, though donations are accepted.




Čarolija sinajskog poluostrva

Podvodna čuda i egzotični morski život čine Šarm el Šeik jednom od najboljih svetskih de - stinacija za ronjenje. A tu je i Sinaj, gde je Moj - sije po predanju primio deset Božjih zapovesti, što izaziva planinare da stignu do vrha. Snor - keling i plovidba brodom sa staklenim dnom oduševi e ljubitelje mora, dok e oni pošto - vaoci istorije uživati u poseti manastiru Svete Katarine i Starom gradu koji otkrivaju drevna kulturna blaga. Šarm el Šeik je, takođe, odlično polazište za obilazak Egipta, pa čak i za neke delove Bli - skog istoka. Otputujte u Kairo na jednodnev - ni izlet da vidite piramide i Sfingu, krenite na hodočašć e u svete gradove Jerusalim i Vitle - jem ili se okupajte u Mrtvom moru na celod - nevnom izletu u Jordanu. Vožnja četvorotoč - kaša u Sinajskoj pustinji, ronjenje na ostrvu Tiran ili posmatranje zvezda sa beduinima predstavljaju slatki šlag na torti letovanja u Šarmu. Treba da vidite što više, ali nemojte propustiti da posetite ove tri fascinantne lo - kacije… Planina Sinaj Planina Sinaj se uzdiže na 2.285 metara nad - morske visine i predstavlja mesto hodočašć a, jer je prema Bibliji prorok Mojsije tu primio de - set zapovesti direktno od Boga. Posetite drev -

ni manastir ili pešačite do vrha radi panoram - skog pogleda na čarobno poluostrvo. Nacionalni park Na južnom vrhu Sinajskog poluostrva Nacio - nalni park Ras Mohamed mesto je za najbolje ronjenje u Šarm el Šeiku. Osim netaknutih ko - rala koji čekaju pod morem, na ovom mestu uživa ete u pustim plažama, krševitim litica - ma i pustinji. S obzirom na magiju koja leži ispod površine, mnogi posetioci odlučuju da park dožive na krstarenju s ronjenjem. Narav - no, iskusni ronioci ne e propustiti ovo mesto, ali nekoliko tura nudi i opcije za početnike. Manastir Svete Katarine Smešten ispod Sinaja, manastir Svete Katarine ima nasleđe koje datira iz 4. veka n.e. i nalazi se na Uneskovoj listi svetske baštine. Još uvek aktivni manastir, Sveta Katarina ima odbrambe - ne zidove iza kojih se nalaze kapele i muzej bi - blioteke. Ulaz je besplatan, ali se pla a pregled neprocenjivih drevnih rukopisa u biblioteci.

16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia


Poseta ostrvu Tiran nudi zabavno iskustvo daleko od pustinjskog načina života A visit to Tiran Island provides a fun experience that’s far from the way of life in the desert


El Sheikh. Sharm El Sheik also serves as a con- venient gateway to the rest of Egypt and some parts of the Middle East. Save time and travel to Cairo by air on a day trip that covers the Gi- za Pyramids, the Sphinx, and Saqqara, or make a pilgrimage to the holy cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem, and take a dip in the Dead Sea on a full-day excursion to Jordan. And why not com- plement your Sharm holiday schedule with wort- hy additions like quad rides in the Sinai Desert, scuba diving from Tiran Island or stargazing wi- th nomadic Bedouin communities? Mount Sinai Mount Sinai, aka Jabal Mousa, rises to an impres- sive 2,285 metres above sea level and is an impor- tant religious pilgrimage site, where the prophet Moses is said to have received the 10 Comman- dments directly from God. Visit the site’s ancient monastery or hike to the summit for panoramic views of Egypt’s mountainous Sinai Peninsula. National Park Located on the southern tip of the Sinai Pe- ninsula, Ras Mohammed National Park offers Sharm El Sheikh’s best diving sites, notably Shark Reef, Yolanda Reef and Jackfish Alley. Apart from the pristine coral that awaits you offshore, the land offers empty beaches, rugged cliffs and sprawling desert, but also mangrove swamps, salt marshes and diverse birdlife. A fee is charged to enter Ras Mohammed Nati- onal Park, whether you’re approaching from the land or the sea. Given the magic hidden below the surface, many visitors choose a snorkelling cruise to experience the park. While qualified divers will likely already have the park on their Red Sea itinerary, a few tours also offer options for untrained divers. Land-based tours of Ras Mohammed National Park typically focus on its deserted beaches, sandstone cliffs and ear- thquake fractures. Dolphina Park As the only dolphinarium in the South Sinai area, Sharm El Sheikh's Dolphina Park houses a pod of dolphins in its state-of-the-art facilities. Trained professionals care for and work with the dolphins, which are naturally very intelligent and playful animals, while providing visitors wi- th an opportunity to observe these cetaceans and learn more about their behaviour, habitats and social structures. Check out the dolphin shows to see highly choreographed performan- ces showcasing the dolphins' intelligence..

Šarm el Šeik je, takođe, odlično polazište za obilazak Egipta, pa čak i za neke delove Bliskog istoka Sharm El Sheik also serves as a convenient gateway to the rest of Egypt and some parts of the Middle East

The magic of the Sinai Peninsula

An underwater wonderland and exotic mari- ne life make Sharm El Sheikh – a resort nestled between Tiran Island and Ras Mohammed Nati- onal Park – one of the world’s top diving destina- tions. The pilgrimage site of Mount Sinai, where Moses is said to have received the Ten Com- mandments, challenges hikers to reach its sum- mit, while the candy-cane stripes of the Colo- ured Canyon lure visitors from Sharm’s beaches. Combine these natural wonders with a 4WD jeep safari and camel ride on a day trip from Sharm El Sheikh. A snorkelling or glass-bottom bo- at tour of the Red Sea and Ras Mohammed co- ral reefs is a must for families and first-time vi - sitors. For history buffs, a visit to St. Catherine’s Monastery and the Old Town (Sharm el Maya) reveals ancient cultural treasures, while there are opportunities for family fun aplenty at Dolphina Park, Aqua Blu Aqua Park and Hollywood Sharm

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 17


Ljudi su ti koji se menjaju. Psi su uvek isti

18 | Intervju » Interview

Cezar Milan u novom serijalu Bolji čovek, bolji pas uči ljude koji su rešili da udome lutalice kako da ih prime u svoj dom, sa njima pronađu zajednički jezik i ostanu zajedno zauvek

In his new show, Better Human Better Dog, Cesar Millan teaches people who’ve chosen to adopt strays how to welcome them into their homes, find a common language with them and remain together forever

Ali život ide dalje, sa njim i novi projekti. Šta nam donosi emisija Bolji čo- vek, bolji pas ? – Nema tu ničeg novog, i to je ono što je najlepše kod nje. Moja životna misija već decenijama je da nađem ravnotežu u odnosu izme- đu vlasnika pasa i njihovih ljubi- maca. To mi je bio i glavni motiv kada sam razmišljao o ovom se- rijalu. Činjenica je da se na ulica- ma širom sveta – od Meksika pre- ko Los Anđelesa do Srbije, za život svakodnevno bori hiljade pasa. Na Balkanu znam da je ova tema na- ročito aktuelna, kao što znam i da se mnogi trude da tim psima po- dare šansu za život. Cilj moje emi- sije je da im pomogne kako to da urade na pravi način. Želja za ple- menitim delom nije dovoljna. Po- nekad se dobre namere pretvore u pravi pakao, a oni koji najviše pa- te su baš životinje. Koji je najkorisniji savet za svakog novog vlasnika koji poželi da udomi pasa?

Osim što su čovekovi najbolji, najodaniji i najstariji prijatelji, mnogi veruju da su psi zapravo bića sa druge planete. Jedan od onih koji u to veruju je i čuveni Cezar, koji se vraća na ekrane sa novom emisijom Bolji čovek, bolji pas O d malih nogu, kada je rastao na siromaš- noj farmi u Meksi- ku, radi sve što je u njegovoj moći da našim krznenim drugarima život na Zemlji učini lepšim i srećnijim. A kako, to nam najbolje pokazuje u novoj dokumentarnoj emisiji Bo- lji čovek, bolji pas , koja se premi- jerno emituje na kanalu National Geographic Wild , petkom od 18 h. Kroz deset epizoda legendarni „šaptač psima“ uči nove vlasnike kućnih ljubimaca koji su rešili da udome lutalice kako da ih prime u svoj dom i sa njima pronađu za- jednički jezik. – Pri usvajanju mnogi čine iste greške. Najčešće baš kod odabira ži- votinje koju žele da spasu. Moj sa- vet je uvek isti. Birajte psa srednje veličine. Mali su snalažljivi i njih će uvek neko hteti. Veliki su snažni, izboriće se i bez vas, a osrednji ra- stom su najugroženiji. I ne razmiš- ljajte mnogo. Odaberite onog koji vam se najviše obraduje. Tu je lju- bav zagarantovana – poručuje na početku razgovora za Elevejt Ce- zar Milan. Prvi kontakt sa životinjama ostvario je na farmi svog dede na- domak Kulijakana, grada u kom je i rođen davne 1969. Već tada su mu radnici na imanju, zbog prirodnog odnosa sa psima, nadenuli nadimak „dečak-pas“. Dve decenije kasnije Milan je kao emigrant, bez vize, pa- soša i ikakvog poznavanja engleskog

jezika, prešao američku granicu i tu otpočeo novi život. Po dolasku u SAD radio je u salonu za pse, a za- tim i kao vozač limuzina, kada je upoznao ženu koja mu je prome- nila život. Glumica Džejda Pinket Smit, zvezda filma Otkačeni profe- sor i serijala Matriks , platila mu je školu engleskog jezika, zahvaljujući čemu je osnovao Psihološki centar za pse. Godine 2004. emitovana je i prva epizoda kultne emisije Šaptač psima koja ga je učinila svetskom zvezdom. Najteži udarac Milanu je donela 2010. Nakon smrti njegovog psa Dedija i veoma teškog perioda koji je usledio snagu da nastavi da- lje pronašao je u Junioru, Dedije- vom nasledniku. Ali kako je život pasa, nažalost, mnogo kraći od na- šeg, Cezar je u julu ostao i bez svog Juniora koji je uginuo u 15. godini. – Ovo je najteži deo života. Na- ročito kada nekoga voliš i kada je taj neko ostavio tako veliki trag. Ve- rujem da je njegovo telo umrlo, ali znam da njegova duša, srce i sećanja nikada neće nestati. Njegova smrt je početak nečeg novog.

Verujem da je Juniorovo telo umrlo, ali znam da njegova duša, srce i sećanja nikada neće nestati. Njegova smrt je početak nečeg novog I know that Junior's body died, but I believe that his spirit, heart and memories will never go away, but the end of his body is the beginning of a new era

Interview » Intervju | 19


– Pri usvajanju psa najvažnije je da se ne žuri. Mnogi koji požu- re sa ovom odlukom u podsvesti imaju misao – ako mi ne uspe, to je životinja, uvek mogu da je vra- tim. I to je najgore što možete da učinite, a i najviše govori o tome kakva ste osoba i koji su vaši pra- vi motivi. Pre nego što podarite psu dom, prvo razmislite zbog ko- ga to radite – zbog njega ili zbog sebe. Šta je pravi razlog vašeg de- la? Mnogi ljudi se tek kroz vaspi- tavanje psa zaista upoznaju sa sa- mima sobom. Ljudi su ti koji se menjaju. Psi su uvek isti. Na koji način funkcioni- še posredovanje između vlasnika i njihovog novog ljubimca? – Ponekad mi se čini da me ve- ći deo posla očekuje sa ljudima ne- go sa psima. Karakter psa je takav kakav je. Nema tu mnogo varira- nja, a najveći broj njegovih reak- cija u stvari je ogledalo vašeg po- našanja. Edukacija novih vlasnika podrazumeva čitav niz psihološ- kih mehanizama koji pre svega slu- že da dovedu u ravnotežu člano- ve porodice koja usvaja psa, pa tek njih kao zajednicu sa psom. Zami- slite psa u disfunkcionalnoj poro- dici. Međutim, u ogromnom bro- ju slučajeva, iz mog iskustva baš pas bude taj faktor koji ujedini čak i najhaotičnije zajednice. Iako ume- ju samo da laju i da nam svojom odanošću i nežnošću pokažu lju- bav i svoje želje, izgleda da njihov jezik razumeju svi ljudi na svetu. I to je ono najplemenitije kod pasa. U čemu je najveća greš- ka koju čine vlasnici no- vih pasa? – Većina novih vlasnika čini jedan isti promašaj. Previše raz- mišlja o krevecu u kom će njihovo kuče spavati, o igračkama kojima će se igrati, odelcima, cipelicama i drugim sasvim sporednim stvari- ma. Najvažnije je odmah započeti sa obukom i edukacijom psa kako bi što ranije naučio osnovne norme ponašanja i prilagodio se novom

domu. Svi vlasnici koji naprave ovaj početni propust dođu u situaciju da pas njihovom krivicom posle nekoliko meseci počne da glocka patike i nameštaj, obavlja nuždu gde ne treba i da se jednostavno ne uklopi u ružičastu sliku koju je novopečeni vlasnik stvorio o to- me kakav će biti njegov ljubimac. Retki su oni koji u takvim situa- cijama umeju da ostanu na povr- šini, zato je obuka i učenje pravi- lima najvažnija lekcija za svakog novog vlasnika. Kako da ne odustanemo od psa kog smo upravo udomili? – Komunikacija je u svemu naj- važnija. Potrebno je mnogo ljubavi i razumevanja. Mnogi taj postupak međusobnog navikavanja posma- traju kroz veličinu psa, kojoj rasi pripada, koliko je star. Ja sam to- kom svoje karijere, pa čak i u ovoj emisiji, radio sa hiljadama pasa i sa svima sam našao zajednički je- zik. Bez obzira na njihovu narav, godine ili veličinu. Život sam pro- veo uz dva divna pit bula, šetao sam sa labradorima, retriverima, terijerima svih vrsta, pudlicama, basendžijima, rotvajlerima. To je kao da se u našem svetu navika- vate na ljude u zavisnosti od toga da li su iz Meksika, sa Jamajke, iz Čilea, Amerike ili Srbije. Valjda je najvažije ko su ti ljudi, a ne oda- kle su. Moj savet za svakog novog vlasnika jeste da se sa svojim psom upozna kroz šetnju. Tako najviše učite o svom ljubimcu. A i on naj- bolje upoznaje vas i vaše navike. Šetnja je najbolji način za eduka- ciju i psa i vlasnika.

Zapanjila me je njegova intuicija, utešila njegova naklonost i zadivila njegova tiha empatija, rekao je Cezar o svom psu Dediju, koji je postao slavan I've been astounded by his intuition, consoled by his affection and awed by his silent empathy, said Cesar speaking about his dog Daddy, who became famous

Tekst/Words: Nikola Dražović Fotografije/Photography: Profimedia.rs

20 | Intervju » Interview

CESAR MILLAN, DOG WHISPERER People are the ones who change. Dogs are always the same

Apart from being humans’ best, most loyal and oldest friends, many people believe that dogs are actually beings from another planet. One such person is the famous Cesar, who returns to our screens with his new show Better Human Better Dog S ince his early childhood, when he grew up on a poor farm in Mexico, he’s done everything in his power to ensure life on Earth for our furry friends is more beauti- ful and happier. And how he’s done that is best shown in the new docu- mentary show Cesar Millan: Better Man Better Dog, which premieres on the National Geographic WILD channel, on Fridays from 6pm. Over the course of ten episodes, the leg- endary “dog whisperer” teaches new

pet owners who’ve chosen to adopt strays how to welcome them into their homes and find a common lan- guage with them. “Many people make the same mistakes when adopting. Most com- monly that’s precisely when choos- ing the animal that we want to save. My advice is always the same. Choose a medium-sized dog. The lit- tle ones are resourceful and some- one will always want them. The big ones are powerful, they will han- dle themselves even without you, while the medium-sized breeds are the most under threat. And don’t think too much. Choose the one that cheers you up the most. That’s where love is guaranteed,” says Ce- sar Millan at the beginning of his interview for Elevate. His first contact with animals was on his grandfather's farm near Culiacán, the town where he was born back in 1969. Even back then, his natural relationship with dogs prompted the workers on the es-

tate to give him the nickname “dog boy”. Two decades later, Milan, trav- elling as an emigrant - with no vi- sa, no passport and no knowledge of the English language - crossed the American border and started a new life. Upon arriving in the U.S., he found work in a dog salon, and then as a limousine driver, when he met the woman who would change his life. Actress Jada Pinkett Smith, who starred in The Nutty Professor and the Matrix series, paid for his English language school, thanks to which he was able to establish his Dog Psychology Center. The first ep- isode of the cult show Dog Whis- perer was aired in 2004 and made him a world star. Millan suffered his worst period in 2010. Follow- ing the death of his beloved dog Daddy and the very difficult period that followed, he found strength to carry on in Junior, Daddy’s succes- sor. But, given that dogs lives are, unfortunately, much shorter than ours, Cesar was also left without his

Birajte psa srednje veličine. Mali su snalažljivi i njih će uvek neko hteti. Veliki su snažni, izboriće se i bez vas sized dog. The little ones are resourceful and someone will always want them. The big ones are powerful, they will handle themselves even without you Choose a medium-

Interview » Intervju | 21


How does mediating be- tween an owner and their new pet function? “It sometimes seems to me that I’m always awaited by most of my work with people rather than with dogs. The character of the dog is the way it is. There is not much varia- tion here, and most of his reactions are actually a mirror of your behav- iour. The education of new owners implies an entire range of psycho- logical mechanisms that primarily serve to bring balance to the mem- bers of the family that’s adopting a dog, and only them as a commu- nity with the dog. Imagine a dog in a dysfunctional family. Howev- er, in a huge number of cases, from my experience, the dog is the factor that unifies even the most chaotic of communities. Although they are only able to bark and show us their love and desires with their loyalty and tenderness, it appears as though their language is understood by all people around the world. And that is what’s noblest with dogs.” What’s the biggest mistake made by new dog owners? “Most new owners make the same mistake. They give too much thought to the bed in which their dogs will sleep, the toys they will play with, coats, shoes and other completely secondary things. The most important thing is to start training and educating the dog im- mediately, in order for them to learn the basic norms of behaviour and adapt to their new home as early as possible. All owners who make this initial mistake end up in a situ- ation after a few months where the dog, through the fault of the owner, starts gnawing on shoes and furni- ture, defecating where it shouldn't and simply doesn't fit into the rosy image created by the new owner about what his pet will be like. It is rare to find those who are capable of staying on the surface in such situations, so training and teach- ing the rules is the most impor- tant lesson for every new owner.” How can we avoid giving up on a dog that we’ve just adopted?

Junior this July, who passed away at the age of 15. “This is the hardest part in life. Especially when you love someone and that someone has created such a great impact in the world. I know that Junior's body died, but I be- lieve that his spirit, heart and mem- ories will never go away, but the end of his body is the beginning of a new era.” But life goes on, and with it comes new projects. What does the show Better Man Better Dog bring us? “There is nothing new here and that’s what’s most beautiful about it. My life mission for decades has been to find a balance in the rela- tionship between dog owners and their pets. That was also my main motivation when I was thinking about this show. The fact is that on streets worldwide – from Mex- ico, through Los Angeles to Serbia – thousands of dogs are fighting for their lives on a daily basis. I know that this topic is particularly rele- vant in the Balkans, just as I know that many people are trying to give these dogs a chance at life. The aim of my show is to help them do so in the right way. The desire for a noble deed is not enough. Some- times good intentions turn into a real hell, and it is precisely the an- imals who suffer the most.” What’s the most useful ad- vice for any new owner wanting to adopt a dog? “When adopting a dog, the most important thing is not to rush. Many of those who rush with this decision subconsciously have the thought - if I don’t succeed, it’s an animal and I can always bring it back. And that is the worst thing you can do, and it speaks the most about what kind of person you are and what your real motives are. Be- fore you give a dog a home, first consider why you are doing it - for him or for yourself. What is the real reason for your deed? Many people only really get to know themselves through the raising of a dog. Peo- ple are the ones who change. Dogs are always the same.”

“Communication is the most important aspect of everything. A lot of love and understanding are required. Many people view this process of getting used to each other through the size of the dog, through the breed it belongs to, how old it is. During my career, and even in this show, I’ve worked with thousands of dogs and found a common language with each of them. Regardless of their tempera- ment, age or size. I’ve spent my life with two wonderful pit bulls, and walked with Labradors, Retrievers, Terriers of all kinds, Poodles, Ba- senjis, Rottweilers. That’s like grow- ing accustomed to people in our world on the basis of whether they come from Mexico, Jamaica, Chile, America or Serbia. I suppose the most important thing is who these people are, not where they come from. My advice for any new owner is to get to know your dog through walking. That’s how you learn the most about your pet. And he best gets to know you and your habits. Walks are the best way to educate both the dog and the owner.”

22 | Intervju » Interview

Destination » Destinacija | 23

Kultura Culture

Beograd Belgrade


ON THE EDGE OF THE FUTURE On the eve of Bitef’s double edition

U Beogradu će se od 13. do 25. septembra održati duplo, 54. i 55. izdanje Bitef festivala, koji prošle godine zbog pandemije nije mogao da se predstavi u punom kapacitetu T ematski fokus 54. i 55. Bitefa , pod sloganom Na ivici budućnosti , biće na konceptu post- humanizma, u kontekstu sveta koji bi tre- balo da bude manje antropocentričan. To je vizija sveta nastala, između ostalog, i iz sve- sti o globalnoj ekološkoj krizi, te mogućoj kataklizmi, što su takođe teme festivala. Usko povezan sa tematskim je i estetski (formalni) fokus festivala. On se bavi dehumanizacijom tela izvo- đača u različitim oblicima – kroz koreografske postupke, svetlosne i video efekte, preko odsustva izvođača, njiho- vog digitalnog prisustva, do upotrebe robota i dronova na sceni. U glavnom programu biće organizovana brojna izvođenja četrnaest pozorišnih produkcija reditelja i ko- reografa iz Francuske, Belgije, Nemačke, Slovenije, Hr- vatske, Srbije, Irana i Meksika, Austrije i Čilea. U susret dvostrukom izdanju Bitefa

From 13 th to 25 th September, Belgrade will host the double 54 th /55 th editions of BITEF – the Belgrade International Theatre Festival, which couldn’t be staged to its full capacity last year due to the pandemic The thematic focus of the 54 th /55 th Bitef, under the slogan On the Edge of the Future, will be on the concept of posthumanism, in the context of a world that should shift to be less anthropocentric. This is a vision of the world that has emerged, among other things, from an awareness of the global environmental crisis and possible cataclysm, which are also themes of this year’s festival. The festival’s aesthetic (formal) focus is also close- ly tied to its thematic focus. It addresses the dehuman- isation of the bodies of the performers – through cho- reographic processes, lighting and video effects, via the complete absence of performers and their digital pres- ence, to the use of robots and drones on stage. The main programme will include numerous performances of 14 theatre productions, with directors and choreographers coming from Austria, Belgium, Chile, Croatia, France,

Neki od razloga za slogan Na ivici budućnosti jesu ekološka kriza, klimatske promene, zagađenje vazduha i svi problemi koji ih prate. To je i glavna tema ovogodišnjeg Bitefa

Some of the reasons for the slogan Edge of the future include the ecological crisis, climate change, air pollution and all associated problems. That’s also the main topic of this year’s Bitef

Teme iz kojih je proistekao ovogodišnji Bitef kre- ću se u rasponu od najurgentnijeg globalnog pro- blema današnjice, klimatskih promena, uništenja ekosistema, do projekcije „sveta posle“, sveta koji u savremenoj teoriji neki mislioci nazivaju posthuma- nizmom i transhumanizmom. U teorijskom smislu, Ivan Medenica, umetnički direktor i selektor Bitefa , kaže da ove pojmove shvata kako ih određuje Keri Vulf: transhumanizam kao intenziviranje humani- stičkih ideala u vidu tehnološke nadogradnje čove- ka, a posthumanizam kao kritiku takvog, u osnovi i dalje antropocentričnog koncepta, zarad ideje ob- nove prirodne ravnoteže. Dramaturgija festivala osmišljena je tako da se, kao i uvek u poslednjih nekoliko godina, pre svečanog otvaranja dešava dan Prologa, s predstavom koja nas uvodi u neke od tema i izvođačkih praksi na kojima se zasniva koncept aktuelnog izdanja. Ove godine bi- će čak dva dana Prologa, sa dve takve predstave, obe u produkciji ili koprodukciji Beogradskog dramskog pozorišta – Cement Beograd (režija Sebastijan Hor- vat) i Living room , čija će premijera biti upravo na festivalu (režija Ersan Montag, koprodukcija s Bitef teatrom). Bitef je na ovaj način želeo da skrene pa- žnju na programski uzlet i izrazi podršku tom uzletu koji je u poslednjih godinu dana doživelo Beogradsko dramsko pozorište. Taj uzlet je išao upravo u prav- cu onoga što se kolokvijalno naziva bitefovskim ten- dencijama, zbog čega priču o Bitefu nastavljamo sa Jugom Radivojevićem, direktorom BDP-a.

Germany, Iran, Mexico and Slovenia, as well as Serbia. The topics that form the core of this year’s Bitef span from today’s most urgent global problems, climate change and the destruction of ecosystems, to the projection of the “world after”, a world that some thinkers of contem- porary theory dub posthumanism and transhumanism. In a theoretical sense, Bitef Artistic Director and Selector Ivan Medenica says that he understands these notions as they are defined by Cary Wolfe: transhumanism as an intensification of humanistic ideals in the sense of tech- nological “upgrade” of man, and posthumanism as a cri- tique of such an essentially still anthropogenic concept, in favour of the idea of the renewal of the natural balance. The dramatic composition of the festival is devised in such a way that - as has always been the case in recent years - the formal opening ceremony is preceded by the Prologue Day, with a play that introduces us to some of the topics and performance practises that form the ba- sis of the current edition’s concept. However, this year there will actually be two prologue days, with two such plays, both of which are produced, or co-produced, by the Belgrade Drama Theatre: Cement Belgrade (directed by Sebastijan Horvat) and Living room, which will have its premiere performance at the festival (directed by Ersan Mondtag and co-produced in conjunction with Bitef The- atre). Bitef has thus sought to draw attention to, and ex- press support for, the rise in programming experienced by the Belgrade Drama Theatre over the last year; a rise that has progressed precisely in the direction of what are colloquially referred to as “Bitef’s tendencies”. And that’s also why we’re continuing the story of Bitef in conversa- tion with BDT Director Jug Radivojević.

Dupli Bitef biće održan od 13. do 25. septembra, sa 14 predstava, desetak repriza

i bogatim pratećim programom The double

Bitef will be held from 13 th to 25 th September and will include 14 plays, ten repeat performances and a rich ancillary programme

Scena iz predstave Farm Fatale Filipa Kena koji razvija nadrealnu viziju „ekološke revolucije“ Scene from the Philippe Quesne which develops a surreal vision of the “ecological revolution” directed play Farm Fatale,

Theatre » Pozorište | 25



Beogradsko dramsko pozorište predstavom Living room otvara ovogodišnji Bitef , festival koji će još jednom postaviti važna pitanja koja stoje pred čovečanstvom, pokušavajući da ponudi odgovore. Teatar ne može da reši problem, ali može da pokrene važne teme, inicira medijske reakcije i ukaže na društvene anomalije O d 2019. godine, prvo na radnom me- stu vršioca dužnosti, a zatim i uprav- nika Beogradskog dramskog pozorišta, Jug Radivojević (49), reditelj, započeo je „veliko spremanje“ teatra iza kojeg stoje 74 godine tradicije. Publika na toj umetničkoj adresi sada traži kartu više mesecima unapred za mnoge naslove, a ima i priliku da od avgusta na no- vootvorenoj Letnjoj sceni uživa u pozorišnim priča- ma. BDP nestrpljivo iščekuje i Bitef , na kojem će se od 13. do 25. septembra ljubiteljima pozorišta pred- staviti sa dva komada. Kojim komadima ćete se predstaviti publi- ci na Bitefu ? – Na Bitefu , koji spaja prošlogodišnju i ovogodiš- nju selekciju, nastupamo sa dve predstave. Premijer- no, na otvaranju festivala 13. septembra, igraćemo autorski projekat evropske rediteljske zvezde Ersana Mondtaga Living room , a dan kasnije na repertoaru festivala je izuzetna predstava Cement Beograd po tekstu Milana Markovića Ramstaka, u režiji nagra- dama Bitefa ovenčanog slovenačkog reditelja Seba- stijana Horvata. Obe predstave su nova lična karta BDP-a, izvanrednih rediteljskih poetika i očekujemo da obeleže i predstojeći festival. Zašto je Bitef bitan, jesmo li na „ivici bu- dućnosti“ i šta to zapravo znači? – Bitef je i dalje jedan od najznačajnijih evropskih festivala. Moramo ga negovati i sačuvati, jer je važan za kulturni identitet i grada Beograda i naše zemlje. Naša planeta je, zapravo, samu sebe dovela na ivicu opstanka. Kako dalje, kako razumeti nove okolnosti, kako se pripremati za nove izazove? Sve su to teme koje stoje pred čovečanstvom, a Bitef pokušava da ih otvori i možda ponudi neke odgovore. Ovogodiš- nje izdanje stavlja akcenat na ekologiju. Da li je vreme da umetnost stane na čelo borbe za planetu? Može li pozorište utica- ti na globalne promene u tom smislu? – Teatar nema tu snagu. On ne može uticati u formalnom smislu nikada, ali može pokretati odre- đene važne teme, inicirati medijske reakcije, ukazi-

JUG RADIVOJEVIĆ, REDITELJ Svet bi bio plemenitije mesto da se teatar više pita

26 | Intervju » Interview

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