Elevate April 2021 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine



Crna Gora / Montenegro Pogledajte more sa planine VIEW THE SEA FROM THE MOUNTAIN

Nezaboravna lepota prirode SRBIJA VAS ČEKA

Unforgettable natural beauty SERBIA AWAITS YOU

Opustite se pre poletanja u našem Premijum salonu

Relax before take-off in our Premium Lounge

Er Srbija Premijum salon je otvoren za posetioce u izmenjenom terminu:

Air Serbia Premium Lounge is open for visitors with revised work hours

od 5 do 18 časova svakog dana

from 5 AM to 6 PM every day

in the transit area between gates A4 and A5.

u zoni tranzita, između prolaza A4 i A5.

The health and safety of our visitors is our priority and we have taken every precaution to ensure your stay in our lounge is both safe and pleasant.

Zdravlje i sigurnost naših posetilaca nam je na prvom mestu, stoga smo preduzeli sve potrebne mere kako bi vaš boravak u salonu bio bezbedan i ugodan.

Za više informacija For more information


Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

April 2021. godine

April 2021

Dear passengers,

Dragi putnici,

PROTEKLIH GODINA U OVO VREME SMO vam najavljiva- li letnji red letenja i zajedno se radovali predstojećim avantu- rama, planiranju odmora i putovanja. U svetlu trenutnih okol- nosti i promenljive epidemiološke situacije, letnja sezona je ove godine još neizvesna i podložna promenama izazvanim pandemijom korona virusa. Upravo zbog toga raduje nas što među prvima u Evropi, ali i čitavom svetu, postajemo deo globalnog projekta čiji je cilj ponovno otvaranje granica bez karantina i oporavak naše industrije. U saradnji sa Međunarodnom asocijacijom za vazdušni saobraćaj (IATA), ovog meseca pokrećemo testiranje IATA digitalnog pasoša (IATA Travel Pass), mobilne aplikacije koja vam pomaže da lako i bezbedno organizujete

IN PREVIOUS YEARS, THIS WAS THE time when we wo- uld announce the summer flight schedule and together look forward to upcoming adventures, planning trips and travelling. However, in light of the current, altered circumstances and the shifting epidemiological situation, this year‘s summer season remains uncertain, and prone to changes caused by the pan- demic. This is precisely why we are glad to be among the first in Europe, but also worldwide, to become part of a global pro- ject aimed at reopening borders without quarantine and spurring the recovery of our industry. In cooperation with the International Air Transport Association (IATA), this month we will be launching the testing of the IATA Travel Pass, a mobile application that helps you organise trips easily and safely, in accordance with countries‘ requirements pertaining to CO- VID-19 testing or vaccination. The first stage of the testing of the application, which will last several weeks, is being carried out on a certain number of our flights between Belgrade and Zurich. We have, thus, once again confirmed our flexibility and readiness to adapt quickly to changes and introduce innova- tions, as well our dedication to protecting the safety, health and well-being of our passengers. We are doing everything in our power to make the process of planning and organi- sing trips as easy as possible for you. After testing or vac- cination, the IATA Travel Pass will allow you to store your da- ta in the application, as well as to share it with the airline in a completely secure manner. The application will also provide you with up-to-date information about health regulations re- lated to the coronavirus and the ability to check whether you meet the latest requirements for entering your planned coun- try of destination. We believe that this initiative will contribute to the quicker re-opening of borders and the normalisation of air traffic. That‘s why we are glad that, as pioneers in this field, we are standing side-by-side with some of the biggest inter- national airlines participating in this project. Exciting and significant changes await us on flights to one of our most popular destinations - New York. A new long-haul aircraft will be joining our fleet, which stands out with its diffe- rent visual identity, and you can read more about this on the following pages of this magazine. I will only reveal that it bears the image of Nikola Tesla, the most famous Serbian scientist and inventor, who used to say that “we are all one” and that “people are interconnected by invisible forces”. By honouring one of the brightest minds of all time, it is our honour to be part of that force that binds people all over the planet, even in these challenging times. Enjoy the flight and have a good trip.

putovanja u skladu sa zahtevima država koji se tiču testiranja na kovid-19 ili vakcinacije. Prva faza testiranja aplikacije, u trajanju od nekoliko nedelja, sprovodi se na određenom broju naših letova između Beograda i Ciriha. Još jednom smo potvrdili fleksibilnost i spremnost da se brzo adaptiramo na promene i uvodimo inovacije, kao i posvećenost zaštiti bezbednosti, zdravlja i dobrobiti naših putnika. Činimo sve što je u našoj moći kako bismo vam maksimalno olakšali proces planiranja i organizacije putovanja. IATA digitalni pasoš vam omogućava da nakon testiranja ili vakcinacije čuvate svoje podatke u aplikaciji, kao i da ih na potpuno bezbedan način podelite s avio-

Duncan Naysmith CEO Air Serbia

kompanijom. Aplikacija vam takođe obezbeđuje ažurne informacije o zdravstvenim propisima u vezi sa korona virusom i mogućnost provere da li ispunjavate najnovije uslove ulaska u zemlju odredišta. Verujemo da će ova inicijativa doprineti bržem otvaranju granica i normalizaciji avio-saobraćaja. Zbog toga nam je drago što, kao pioniri na ovom polju, stojimo rame uz rame sa nekim od najvećih svetskih avio-kompanija koje učestvuju u projektu. Uzbudljive i značajne promene očekuju nas i na letovima do jedne od naših najpopularnijih destinacija – Njujorka. Novi prekookeanski avion pridružuje se našoj floti, od koje se izdvaja drugačijim vizuelnim identitetom, a više o tome možete pročitati na sledećim stranama magazina. Otkriću vam samo da ga krasi lik Nikole Tesle, najslavnijeg srpskog naučnika i pronalazača, koji je govorio da „smo svi mi jedno“ i da su „ljudi međusobno povezani nevidljivim silama“. Odajući počast jednom od najblistavijih umova svih vremena, čast nam je što smo i mi deo sile koja povezuje ljude širom planete, čak i u ovim izazovnim vremenima. Uživajte u letu i srećan put.



Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5





 Besplatne promene datuma putovanja do kraja godine / Free flight date change until the end of the year  Er Srbija povećala broj letova do Njujorka / Air Serbia boosts New York service Sa Teslom do Njujorka: Novi avion nosiće lik slavnog naučnika / With Tesla to New York: Air Serbia’s new aircraft will bear the image of this famous scientist

 Er Srbija među prvima u Evropi testira IATA digitalni pasoš / Air Serbia among first in Europe to trial IATA travel pass




 Putujemo sa glumcem Franom Lasićem / We travel with actor Frano Lasić


 Dušan Kovačević: Spomenar remek-dela / Dušan Kovačević: A scrapbook of masterpieces



Perinjona, Monea i Da Vinčija / From Paris to Dom Pérignon, Monet and Da Vinci

KULTURA CULTURE 30. Sa Endijem Vorholom u

Reč dizajnera: Top pet komada prolećne mode / Designer‘s word: top 5 spring fashion pieces Athflow kao modna metaforfoza / Athflow as a fashion metamorphosis

Mumoku / With Andy Warhol in Mumok Predeo slikan vinom živi i menja se na slici / A landscape painted using wine lives and changes on the picture Strip: Kraljević Marko sreće Mocarta i Fausta / Comics: Kraljević Marko encounters Mozart and Faust




6 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović

Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Aleksandra Beslać, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Ivan Džaferović, Jovana Velimirović Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Vesna Lalić, Oliver Bunić, Dalibor Danilović, Đorđe Kojadinović Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs

RITAM BEOGRADA RHYTHM OF BELGRADE 56. Vladimir Pištalo, novi čuvar Narodne biblioteke / Vladimir Pištalo, new guardian of the National Library 60. Cerak, ekološko naselje na


Moja Moskva by Ivan Bosiljčić / My Moscow by Ivan Bosiljčić

90. Pogledajte Boku sa

planine i ostanite bez daha / View the Bay of Kotor from the mountain

mestu cerove šume / Cerak, eco settlement on the site of Cer Forest


SPORT SPORTS 104. Dragan Stojković:

Neverovatna lepota koju možete da vidite samo u Srbiji / Incredible beauty that you can only see in Serbia Moj Novi Pazar: Iz pera pisca Enesa Halilovića / My Novi Pazar: From the pen of author Enes Halilović

Igraćemo za respekt, poverenje i ponos / Dragan Stojković: we‘ll play for respect, trust and pride

Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director


Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved


Japandi dizajn osvaja enterijere / Japandi design is taking interiors by storm Svadbeni trendovi i nova normalnost / Wedding trends and the new normal


Broj / Issue No. 326 Naslovna strana / Cover Stefana Pavlović

Sva lepota Orjena / All the beauty of Orjen Foto / Photo: Stefana Pavlović

Contents » Sadržaj | 7

U fokusu

In focus

Ponosni smo što ćemo među prvima u svetu testirati aplikaciju IATA digitalni pasoš We are proud to be among the first in the world to test the IATA Travel Pass app

– Ponosni smo što radimo sa Er Srbijom na tome da IATA Travel Pass učinimo dostupnim u Evropi. Ovo je prvi korak ka tome da evrop- ska i međunarodna putovanja to- kom pandemije budu što ugodnija, pružajući ljudima sigurnost da ispu- njavaju sve zahteve vlada za ulazak u države, a koja se tiču kovida-19. Kako se granice budu otvarale, IA- TA Travel Pass će biti dodatno una- pređivan, sa više mogućnosti da is- puni sve zahteve vlada u vezi sa potvrdom testiranja ili statusa vak- cinacije, a putnici Er Srbije će me- đu prvima imati na raspolaganju ove usluge – izjavio je Rafael Švar- cman, regionalni potpredsednik IA- TA za Evropu. Putnici Er Srbije će biti u prili- ci da lako i jednostavno kreiraju svoj digitalni pasoš. Nakon testiranja i/ili vakcinacije, referentne laboratorije će na bezbedan način slati zaštiće- ne podatke u aplikaciju pojedinca. IATA Travel Pass će zatim upore- diti neophodne uslove za putova- nje sa unetim podacima putnika i svi koji ispunjavaju uslove za željenu destinaciju dobiće zelenu oznaku za putovanje. Aplikacija kao sigur- no mesto za digitalno skladištenje zdravstvenih podataka ne samo da će ubrzati proces prijave putnika na letove već́ će stvoriti potencijal za beskontaktna putovanja.

vanja i oporavak turizma i avio-in- dustrije. Prva faza testiranja aplikaci- je odvijaće se na letovima Er Srbi- je između Beograda i Ciriha, traja- će nekoliko nedelja, a putnici će biti pozvani da učestvuju. – Ponosni smo što ćemo među prvima u svetu testirati digitalni pa- soš. Još jednom smo potvrdili na- šu posvećenost zaštiti bezbedno- sti, zdravlja i dobrobiti putnika, kao i kreiranju integrisanog i besprekor- nog korisničkog iskustva. Duguje- mo veliku zahvalnost Institutu za virusologiju, vakcine i serume Tor- lak iz Beograda. Oni će biti direk- tno povezani sa IATA i bez njihove podrške i saradnje ovaj pilot-pro- jekat ne bi bio moguć – kaže Dan- kan Nejsmit, generalni direktor Er Srbije . IATA Travel Pass će omoguća- vati putnicima da skladište i uprav- ljaju podacima u vezi sa rezultatima testa na kovid-19 na svojim tele- fonima, kao i da na bezbedan i si- guran način dele svoj verifikova- ni status sa avio-kompanijom pre dolaska na aerodrom. IATA digital- ni pasoš će takođe pružati ažurne informacije o zdravstvenim propi- sima u vezi sa korona virusom, po- mažući putnicima da provere da li ispunjavaju najnovije uslove ulaska u zemlju odredišta.

NOVA ERA PUTOVANJA ER SRBIJA MEĐU PRVIMA U EVROPI TESTIRA IATA DIGITALNI PASOŠ Mobilna aplikacija pomaže putnicima da lako i bezbedno organizuju putovanje u skladu sa zahtevima država koji se tiču testiranja na kovid-19 ili vakcinacije ER SRBIJA, U SARADNJI SA ME- ĐUNARODNOM asocijacijom za vazdušni saobraćaj (IATA), počet- kom aprila počinje sa testiranjem IATA digitalnog pasoša (IATA Tra- vel Pass), mobilne aplikacije koja pomaže putnicima da lako i bez- bedno organizuju putovanje u skladu sa zahtevima država ko- ji se tiču testiranja na kovid-19 ili vakcinacije. Na ovaj način srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija će bi- ti jedna od prvih avio-kompanija u Evropi koje će postati deo glo- balne inicijative čiji je cilj ponovno otvaranje granica bez karantina, kao i garancija bezbednosti puto-

8 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

FROM THE BEGINNING OF APRIL, IN cooperation with the Internatio- nal Air Transport Association (IATA), Air Serbia will start testing the IATA digital passport (“IATA Travel Pass”), a mobile application that helps pa- ssengers organise their travels sim- ply and safely, in accordance with the regulations of countries pertai- ning to COVID-19 testing or vaccina- tion. In this manner, the Serbian na- tional airline will be among the first airlines in Europe to become part of this global initiative, the goal of whi- ch is the re-opening of borders wit- hout quarantines, as well as guaran- teeing safe travel and spurring the recovery of tourism and the aviati- on industry. The first stage of the trial wi- ll be carried out on Air Serbia flights between Belgrade and Zurich. It wi- ll last for several weeks and passen- gers will be invited to participate. “We are proud to be among the first in the world to test the digital pa- ssport. Once again, we have con- firmed our dedication to protecting the safety, health and well-being of passengers, as well as to creating an integrated and seamless user expe- rience,” said Air Serbia CEO Duncan Naysmith. “This innovative IATA solu- tion is an extraordinary initiative, whi- ch will provide passengers with the certainty that they meet all nece- ssary requirements to enter different parts of the world. We owe great gratitude to the Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Sera "Torlak" from Bel- grade. They will be directly conne- cted with IATA and without their su- pport and collaboration this pilot project would not be possible.” The IATA Travel Pass will allow passengers to store and manage data related to COVID-19 test results on their phones, as well as to share their verified status with the airline, in a safe and secure manner, before arriving at the airport. The IATA digital passport will also provide up-to-da- te information on health regulations regarding the novel coronavirus, hel- ping passengers verify whether they meet the latest requirements to en- ter their country of destination. “We’re proud to work with Air

NEW ERA OF TRAVEL AIR SERBIA AMONG FIRST IN EUROPE TO TRIAL IATA TRAVEL PASS A mobile application will help passengers organise their travels simply and safely, in accordance with countries' regulations pertaining to COVID-19 testing or vaccination

Prva faza testiranja aplikacije odvijaće se

na letovima Er Srbije između Beograda i Ciriha / The first stage of the trial will be carried out on Air Serbia flights between Belgrade and Zurich Serbia to make the IATA Travel Pa- ss available in Europe. This is the first step in making European and inter- national travel during the pandemic as convenient as possible, giving pe- ople the confidence that they are meeting all COVID-19 entry requi- rements by governments. As bor- ders re-open, the IATA Travel Pass will be further enhanced with mo- re capabilities to meet all govern- ments' testing or vaccination verifi- cation requirements, and Air Serbia’s customers will be among the first to have these services,” said Rafa- el Schvartzman, IATA’s Regional Vice President for Europe. Air Serbia passengers will have the opportunity to easily and simply create their own digital passport. Af- ter testing and/or vaccination, nati- onal reference laboratories will send protected information to the user’s app in a safe manner. The IATA Tra- vel Pass will then compare the ne- cessary requirements for travel wi- th the input user data, and everyone who meets the conditions for the- ir desired destination will get a green light for travel. The application, as a safe place for storing health infor- mation, will not only accelerate the check-in process for flights, but wi- ll also create the potential for conta- ctless travel in the future.

Cilj je ponovno otvaranje granica bez karantina, kao i garancija bezbednosti putovanja i oporavak turizma i avio-industrije The goal is the re-opening of borders without quarantines, as well as guaranteeing safe travel and spurring the recovery of tourism and the aviation industry

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 9

Na letu

On board



Često ponesem i foto-aparat jer volim da fotografišem nebo i oblake iz aviona I also often carry a photo camera, because I like to take picture of the sky and clouds from the plane

A vione volim zato što najbrže i najudobnije dođeš od tačke A do tačke B. U životu sam mnogo leteo i čak sam jednom prilikom za vreme snimanja filma išao u školu letenja. Ipak se sve završilo samo na simulatoru leta ;-) Obožavam letenje, čak sam i u školu išao

I love planes because they are the fastest and most comfortable way to get from point A to point B. I’ve flown a lot in my life and even attended a flight school on one occasion, during shooting for a film. However, everything ended with just a flight simulator ;-) FRANO LASIĆ, ACTOR I love flying, I even attended a school

Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography: Rajko Ristić

Ne mogu ni bez slušalica jer uz muziku više uživam u letu I also can’t do without headphones, because with music I enjoy the flight more


Mobilni telefon mi je uvek pri ruci, pa na dužem letu odigram i pasijans My mobile phone is always at hand, so on longer flights I also play solitaire



Bez knjige ne putujem jer mi do neke dalje destinacije brže prođe vreme I don’t travel without a book, because the time to some more distant destination passes quicker

Takođe, za duge destinacije ponesem jastuk za vrat, jer mi je udobnije i mogu malo da se odmorim For more distant destinations I also carry a pillow for my neck, because that’s more comfortable and I can rest a little


10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Frano Lasić rođen je u Rijeci, završio je Mašinski fakultet u Dubrovniku, ali se time nikada nije bavio. Još u srednjoj školi zainteresovao se za glumu, a svoj prvi film Okupacija u 26 slika snimio je 1978. Nakon toga odlučio je da se u potpunosti posveti filmu i televiziji. Godine 1983. otišao je u SAD, gde je proveo sedam godina i završio produkciju i glumu. Strastveni je jedriličar, voli ronjenje, a jedno vreme bio je posvećen i muzičkoj karijeri. Godine 1983. nastupao je na Splitskom festivalu sa pesmom Zagrljeni , koja je postala veliki hit, baš kao i pesma Volim te, budalo mala … Frano Lasić was born in Rijeka and graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Dubrovnik, though he never worked in that field. He became interested in acting back in secondary school, and shot his first film, Occupation in 26 pictures, in 1978. He subsequently decided to dedicate himself entirely to film and television. He left for the U.S. in 1983, where he spent seven years and completed studies in production and acting. A passionate sailor, he loves scuba diving and was also dedicated to his music career for a while. It was also in 1983 that he performed at the Split Festival with the song Zagrljeni [Embraced], which became a major hit, as did his song Volim te budalo mala [I Love You, You Little Fool]…

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 11



Registracija i upravljanje svojim profilom Register and manage your profile

Jednostavna kupovina karata Easy booking

Laka prijava na let Fast flight check-in Bezbedno ču vanje putnih dokumenata Safe storing of travel documents Karte za ukrcavanje na let uvek nadohvat ruke Keep your boarding tickets handy



It would be easy to spend all of your time in France exploring Paris, but there are numerous adventures to experience just beyond the capital. One of the most popular and easily accessible excursion destinations is the Palace of Versailles, located just 20 km from Paris. As the King of France's seat of power for several centuries, the palace is both an historical treasure and a feast for the eyes. Be sure to wander the elaborate gardens after you explore the interior. But so much more of the country is available on a day trip from Paris. Here we suggest just three great destinations for you to consider… Bilo bi lako provesti sve vreme u Francuskoj istražujuć i Pariz, ali postoji niz avantura koje možete doživeti izvan glavnog grada. Jedno od najpopularnijih i lako dostupnih odredišta za jednodnevne izlete je Versajska palata, na samo 20 kilometara od Pariza. Kao sedište kraljeva Francuske tokom nekoliko vekova, palata je i istorijsko blago i praznik za oči, a obavezno prošetajte njenim neverovatnim vrtovima. Ipak, ima još toliko toga da se vidi u blizini Pariza. Evo samo tri sjajne destinacije koje treba uzeti u obzir...

Iz Pariza do Dom Perinjona, Monea i Da Vinčija / From Paris to Dom Pérignon, Monet and Da Vinci



me scan


Šampanja Champagne

Ko je bio čuveni Perinjon? Zvao se Pjer i bio je redovnik benediktanske opatije / Who was this celebrated Pérignon? His name was Pierre

and he was a monk at the Benedictine Abbey

Bubbles and floral undertones

Mehurići i cvetne note

S obzirom na to da je Francuska praktično si - nonim za šampanjac, bilo bi zaista šteta da ne posetite region koji mu je dao ime. Upijaj- te bogatu istoriju posetama vinogradima i kra- ljevskom gradu Remsu, nezvaničnoj prestonici Šampanje, u kom je krunisano nekoliko fran- cuskih kraljeva. Naravno, Šampanja je dom Moet e Šando- na , čije se imanje prostire na nešto više od 27 kvadratnih kilometara i ima najveć e podrume u regionu. Tamo ć ete nać i boce moeta i dom perinjona , mada su javne ture i degustacija dostupne samo za moet . Ako želite da okusite dom perinjon , to možete samo putem privat - nih poseta.

Considering that France is practically synony- mous with champagne, it’d be remiss to over- look the region that gave its name to this good stuff. Soak up the region’s rich history with vis- its to a vineyard and the royal city of Reims, the unofficial capital of the Champagne region, where several French kings were crowned. Of course, the Champagne region is home to Moët & Chandon! Spanning a little over 17 miles, it has the largest cellars in the region. Here you’ll find bottles of both Moët and Dom Pérignon, although public tours and the subse- quent tasting sessions are focused on the for- mer. If you do want to experience the latter, it is

27 kilometara kvadratnih

zauzima imanje Moet e Šandon The Moët & Chandon estate occupies an area of 27 square kilometres

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

A šta reći o ovom šampanjcu osim da je si - nonim za moć, slavu, bogatstvo i uspeh. Ari - stotela Onazisa je u pariskom Maksimu uvek čekala rashlađena flaša, baš kao i Frenka Si - natru u hotelskim sobama Las Vegasa. Tom Kruz i Kejti Holms zdravicu su na svom venča - nju zalili dom perinjonom , poput Dajane Spen - ser kada se udala za princa Čarlsa. Kažu i da je Merilin Monro prebolela razvod od Artura Milera tek uz ovaj šampanjac na jednoj zaba - vi u Njujorku. A ko je bio ovaj čuveni Perinjon? Zvao se Pjer (Pierre Pérignon, 1638–1715) i bio je redov - nik benediktanske opatije San Pjer u Otvijeu, nedaleko od Remsa, gde je bio zadužen da se brine o manastirskom vinskom podrumu (dom je skraćeno od latinske reči „dominus“). Glav - ni izazov mu je bio da ustanovi zašto je vino iz ove regije manje crveno od onog iz sused - ne Burgundije. I tako je počeo neverovatan put ovog vina. Iako se ne može reći da je Perinjon izmislio šampanjac, nema sumnje da je dopri - neo njegovom nastanku. Krajem 18. veka porodica vinskih trgovaca Moet kupila je vinograde oko manastira, a svoj prvi šampanjac sa etiketom dom perinjon po - slala je u Njujork 1936. Slava ovih mehurića prevazišla je sva njihova očekivanja. Živeli!

Kraljevski grad Rems, nezvanična prestonica Šampanje / the royal city of Reims, the unofficial capital of the Champagne region

only available via private visits. And what can we say about this champagne other than noting that it is synonymous with power, fame, wealth and success? It is the fa- vourite tipple of celebrities worldwide. Aristot- le Onassis always had a chilled bottle waiting for him at Maxim's de Paris restaurant, just as Frank Sinatra did in his hotel rooms in Las Ve- gas. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes poured Dom Pérignon for the toasts at their wedding, as did Lady Diana Spencer when she married Prince Charles. It is also said that Marilyn Monroe on- ly overcame her divorce from Arthur Miller with Dom Perignon at a New York party. And who was this celebrated Pérignon? His name was Pierre (Pierre Pérignon, 1638-1715) and he was a monk at the Benedictine Abbey of Saint-Pierre d'Hautvillers, located not far from Reims, where he served as the cellarer in charge of the monastery's wine cellar (Dom is an abbreviation of the Latin word dominus). The main challenge he faced was to deter- mine why wines produced in this region were less red than those produced in neighbouring Burgundy. And thus began the incredible jour- ney of this wine. Although it cannot be said that Pérignon invented champagne, there's no doubt that he contributed to its creation. It was in the late 18 th century that the Moet family of wine merchants bought the vineyards situated around the monastery, and it was in 1936 that they shipped their first champagne under the Dom Pérignon label to New York. And the glory of these little bubbles exceeded all of their expectations. Cheers!

„Dođe vreme u životu kada ženi ništa ne može da pomogne osim čaše šampanjca“, Bet Dejvis “There comes a time in every woman's life when the only thing that helps is a glass of Champagne.” ~ Bette Davis

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me scan


Živerni Giverny

Tu još žive čuveni lokvanji

Treba vam samo jedan sat da stignete iz Pariza, ali ovo seoce ostavlja utisak da je čitav jedan svet daleko. Život teče mirnijim tempom, kao što je to bio slučaj kada je Mone u njemu živeo i slikao od 1883. do smrti 1926. U svojoj porodičnoj kuć i naslikao je neka od najpoznatijih dela, uključujuć i proslavljenu seriju lokvanja Les Nymphéas . Neumorno je pratio promene svetlosti u toku dana, atmosferske efekte i godišnja doba, ostavivši nam opus od više od 1.300 platana… Šafrani i lale najavljuju dolazak proleć a u aprilu, pre nego što se žute perunike, božuri i glicinije pojave kako se vreme prolepšava – tada su su bašte najromantičnije. Leti ruže, makovi i dalije dodaju kapljice ružičaste, dok čuveni lokvanji obično cvetaju u julu i avgustu. Vrtovi su neverovatni, ali ne propustite Moneovu kuć u. Ističe se bojama, od tamnoružičaste spoljašnjosti do žute trpezarije i plavog salona, gde je prikazana Moneova kolekcija japanskih grafika. Koje god da umetničko delo tu vidite, znajte da nažalost nije original. Sve su reprodukcije. Mone je poklonio svoje lokvanje Muzeju Oranžeri kao simbol mira za obeležavanje Dana primirja 1918. Prema svedočenjima, umetnik je izabrao tu

U svojoj porodičnoj kuć i naslikao je neka od najpoznatijih dela, uključujuć i proslavljenu seriju lokvanja Les Nymphéas It was at his family home that he produced some of his most famous works, including his celebrated water lily series - Les Nymphéas

Monet’s water lilies still live here It may take just an hour to reach Giverny from Paris, but this small village still feels as though it's a world away. Life moves at a more tran- quil pace here, much as it did when Monet lived and painted here in the period from 1883 until his death in 1926. It was at his family home that he produced some of his most famous works, including his celebrated water lily series, Les Nymphéas. He tirelessly monitored changes in light during the course of the day, atmospheric effects and the seasons, leaving us an opus of over 1,300 canvasses… Crocuses and tulips herald the arrival of spring in April, before yellow irises, peonies and wiste- ria appear as the weather warms; this is when the gardens are at their most romantic. In sum- mer, roses, poppies and dahlias add splashes of pink, while the famous water lilies generally bloom in July and August. These gardens are amazing, but don’t overlook

Šafrani i lale najavljuju dolazak proleć a u aprilu, dok lokvanji cvetaju tek u julu Crocuses and tulips herald the arrival of spring in April, while the water lilies bloom in July

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Monet’s house. It’s notable in its use of colour, from the dusky pink exterior to the yellow dining room and the petit salon bleu, where Monet’s collection of Japanese prints is on display. Any of the artist’s own works that you see here are reproductions; Monet donated Les Nymphéas to the Musée de l'Orangerie as a symbol of peace marking the Armistice of 1918. The “Blue House”, as it was dubbed, provided the inspiration for many of Monet's works. Ac- cording to personal testimonies, the artist chose this house among many others because he be- lieved it had the ideal garden for growing vegeta- bles and fruits, which was work that relaxed him and helped him concentrate. Monet himself se- lected the colour pink for the walls and green for the shutters. At that time, window shutters were traditionally painted grey. Monet added a gallery in front of the house, a pergola covered in climb- ing roses and a facade wall that grew green with a covering of Virginia creeper, as he want- ed to fuse the house with the garden. It is said that Monet, who adored strong colours, also se- lected the colours for the entire house, which ensures that visitors can today enjoy the blue kitchen or the yellow dining room. It was in Giverny in 1926 that Monet died, at the age of 86, and was buried not far from his house, in the local churchyard.

Moneova kuća i bašta otvorene su od 1. aprila do 1. novembra Monet’s house and gardens are open to the public from 1 st April to 1 st November

kuć u među mnogim drugim jer je verovao da ima idealnu baštu za gajenje povrć a i vo a, posao koji ga je opuštao. Ružičastu boju zidova i zelene šalone izabrao je sam Mone. U to vreme šaloni su tradicionalno bili bojeni u sivo. Mone je dodao galeriju ispred kuć e, pergolu prekrivenu ružama puzavicama, a na fasadi je izrastao zeleni zid virdžinije, budu i da je želeo da se kuć a spoji sa baštom. Kažu da je odabrao boje za celu ku u, pa e iz tog razloga posetioci uživati u plavoj kuhinji ili žutoj trpezariji. Klod Mone je u umro u Živerniju 1926. u 86. godini, a sahranjen je nedaleko od svoje ku e, u dvorištu lokalne crkve.


godina imao je Mone kada je tu umro 1926. Monet died at the age of 86 in 1926

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 17

DVORCI / CASTLES 170 km OD PARIZA: FROM PARIS me scan Dolina Loare Loire Valley



Aristokratski vrt Francuske

Dolina Loare i njeni dvorci vrać aju nas u prošlost pravo u francuski aristokratski život. Raskoš arhitekture, sva mašta genijalnih graditelja poput Leonarda da Vinčija, duh spletki, ljubavi i izdaja stanuju tu u harmoniji sa prirodom. Dolinu Loare često nazivaju vrt Francuske, a njenu lepotu čine vinogradi, cve e i zelena brda, kao i mnoštvo dvoraca. Možda i najimpresivniji od svih koji se nalaze u dolini Loare jeste dvorac Šambor. Jedno od krunskih dostignuć a francuske renesansne arhitekture, najveć i je i najposeć eniji dvorac u tom delu zemlje. Izdižuć i se kroz središte konstrukcije, svetski poznato dvostruko stubište, koje je vrlo verovatno projektovao Leonardo da Vinči, uspinje se do velikog tornja sa lampionima i krova, gde se možete diviti pogledu. Dvorac je podigao Fransoa Prvi 1519. godine kao vikendicu za lov, a zamak je brzo prerastao u jedan od najambicioznijih i najskupljih građevinskih projekata koje je ikada preduzeo neki francuski monarh. Luj Četrnaesti je tu često boravio, a proslavljeni dramski pisac Molijer predstavio svoju komediju Građanin – plemi dok je kao Lujev gost boravio u zamku. Okruženje ovog parka čini predivni i prostrani park, po kom se slobodno šetaju brojne divlje životinje. Šenonso je jedan od najelegantnijih francuskih dvoraca. Teško je ne biti dirnut i oduševljen ambijentom, vrtovima, magijom arhitekture i fascinantnom istorijom zamka. Unutrašnjost je ukrašena retkim nameštajem i umetničkom kolekcijom koja uključuje dela Tintoreta, Rubensa, Van Dajka i Ribere. Sagrađen početkom 16. veka, poznat je i kao Dvorac šest dama, od kojih je najpoznatija Katarina Mediči. Okružen predivnim vrtovima i šumom, dvorac kao da je usidren u mirnim vodama reke Šer. Sa drugom obalom povezan je mostom, nad kojim je uzdignuta elegantna dvospratna galerija. Prelepi lukovi nad rekom

učinili su ga jednim od najslikanijih dvoraca na planeti. Na kraju Amboaz, koji se nalazi u istoimenom mestu, a u kom je kralj Luj Jedanaesti krunisan 1461. godine. U planu obilaska je i nezaobilazna kapela Svetog Huberta – mesto na kojem je sahranjen Leonardo da Vinči, kao i ku a u kojoj je genije proveo poslednje tri godine života. Tu je i park u kom su napravljeni i izloženi neki od najve ih izuma i otkri a majstora renesanse. Ku a je danas muzej, a nalazi se u neposrednoj blizini dvorca, s kojim je spojena tajnim podzemnim prolazima. Leonardova želja bila je da bude sahranjen u Crkvi Svetog Florentina u Amboazu, što se i dogodilo 12. avgusta 1519. Međutim, crkva je srušena, a posmrtni ostaci otkriveni su 1863. godine i preseljeni u kapelu Svetog Huberta u vrtovima dvorca Ambroaz. Danas se grobnica može posetiti na levoj strani male kapele, gde na zidu vise dva epitafa (na francuskom i italijanskom jeziku) koji opisuju njegovo rođenje, smrt i kako je ovde sahranjen. Šambor je jedno od krunskih dostignuć a renesansne arhitekture i najposeć eniji dvorac u regiji / Representing one of the crowning achievements of Renaissance architecture, Chambord is the most visited château in the area

vek je vreme u kome je podignut Dvorac šest dama The Castle of the Six Ladies” was built in the 16 th century 16.

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Šenonso je jedan od najelegantnijih dvoraca Francuske Chenonceau is one of France’s most elegant châteaux

France's aristocratic gardens The Loire Valley and its castles transport vis- itors back in time for a feel of French aristo- cratic life. Architectural splendour, all the im- agination of ingenious builders like Leonardo da Vinci, and the spirit of intrigue, love and be- trayal all live here, in harmony with nature. The Loire Valley is often referred to as the “Garden of France” and its beauty comprises vineyards, flowers and green hills, but also a huge num- ber of château manor houses.

'anchored' in the tranquil waters of the Riv- er Cher, connected to the opposite bank by a bridge that boasts its own elegant, two-storey gallery. Its beautiful arches over the river have ensured that this is one of the planet's most photographed castles. And, to conclude, we have the Château d'Am- boise, which is located in the commune town of the same name and provided the venue for the coronation of King Louis XI in 1461. Any planned tour of the surroundings of Amboi- se would also include the unavoidable Chap- el of Saint-Hubert – the site where Leonardo da Vinci is buried, a tour of the house where this genius spent the last three years of his life, but also the park where some of the great- est inventions and discoveries of this Renais- sance master were created and exhibited. The house, which is today a museum, is located in close proximity to the château and is connect- ed to the castle by secret underground pas- sages. Leonardo’s wish was to be buried in Saint-Flor- entin Church in Amboise, where his body was interred on 12 th August 1519. However, the church was subsequently demolished and the alleged bones of da Vinci were only dis- covered in 1863, when they were moved to the Chapel of Saint-Hubert in the gardens of the Château d’Amboise. The tomb can be vis- ited today. Located on the left side of the ti- ny chapel, it includes two epitaphs (in French and Italian) hanging on the wall that describe his birth, death and how it happened that he came to rest in the Chapel of Saint-Hubert.

Perhaps the most impressive of all the manor houses found in the Loire Valley is the Château de Chambord. Representing one of the crown- ing achievements of French Renaissance ar- chitecture, it is the largest, grandest and most visited château in the area. Rising through the centre of the structure, the world-famous dou- ble-helix staircase – which was very possibly designed by Leonardo da Vinci – ascends to the great lantern tower and rooftop, where you can marvel at the authentic skyline. With con- struction launched in 1519 by François I, who intended for it to become a weekend hunting retreat, it quickly grew to become one of the most ambitious and expensive construction projects ever undertaken by a French monarch. Louis XIV was a frequent resident here, and it was while staying at the château as his guest that celebrated playwright Molière presented his comedy Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme. Sur- rounding this château is a beautiful and spa- cious park, where many wild animals roam free. Chenonceau is one of France's most elegant châteaux. It's hard not to be moved and exhil- arated by the glorious setting, formal gardens, magical architecture and the château's fasci- nating history. The interior is decorated with rare furnishings and an art collection that in- cludes works by Tintoretto, Rubens, Van Dyck and Ribera. Built at the beginning of the 16 th century, it is known as the “Castle of the Six Ladies”, the most famous of whom is Cathe- rine de Medici. Surrounded by exquisite gar- dens and a forest, this château appears to be

U baštama dvorca Amboaz u maloj kapeli nalazi se grobnica „renesansnog čoveka“ In the gardens of the Château d’Amboise, overlooking the Loire, a small chapel houses the tomb of the Renaissance Man

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 19


Svetu predstavljamo modernu, dinamičnu i kreativnu Srbiju Ugledni britanski časopis Ekonomist proglasio

je „neočekivani tehnološki bum u Srbiji“, a BBC je označio Beograd kao jedan od pet najkreativnijih gradova sveta A merički Njujork post Beograd smatra rajem za digitalne nomade i Njujorča- ne koji rade na daljinu. Kako se desio ovaj preokret? Razvojem tehnoloških i kreativnih industrija u Srbiji i proak- tivnim uključivanjem u digitalnu revoluciju, smatra Ana Ilić, viša savetnica predsednice Vlade RS za kre- ativne industrije i turizam. – Impresivni rezultati razvoja kreativnih indu- strija u Srbiji u poslednjih šest godina – udeo od čak 7,4 odsto u BDP-u, rast sektora od 60 odsto, uku- pni rast izvoza 51 odsto, konstantan rast broja za- poslenih, i to najviše visokoobrazovanih, mladih i više od 45 odsto žena – dokaz su ogromnog napret- ka i potencijala Srbije u ovoj oblasti, kao i pokaza- telj ispravne odluke predsednice Vlade RS da razvoj kreativnih industrija i digitalizaciju odredi kao stra- teški cilj svoje Vlade. Zbog toga je i osnovana naci- onalna platforma Srbija stvara , koje je kao krovno, međuresorno telo zadužena za međunarodnu pro- mociju Srbije kroz potencijal baš u oblasti kreativ- nih industrija, inovacija i ekonomije zasnovane na znanju. Platforma deluje kao nacionalni brend koji afirmiše vrednosti savremene Srbije – kreativnost, inovativnost, znanje i talenat u svim oblastima pri- vrede i društva. Za nama je prilično teška i izazovna godi- na. Koliko je pandemija uticala na razvoj ovog sektora? – Efekti pandemije su malo usporili kreativni sektor i to očekivano nije pogodilo jednako sve de- latnosti. Međutim, ukupno ostvarene vrednosti su i dalje veće nego u periodu pre krize i ostvaren je rast veći od tri odsto. To budi nadu u svetlu i krea- tivnu budućnost Srbije, posebno u godini kada Uje- dinjene nacije globalno obeležavaju godinu kreativ- nih ekonomija.

Platforma Srbija stvara je brojnim projek- tima doprinela razvoju kreativnih indu- strija u Srbiji. Kakvi su planovi? – U mnoštvu projekata kojima se bavimo svaka- ko bih izdvojila pripremu nastupa Srbije na predsto- jećoj Svetskoj izložbi Dubai Expo 2020 , kao i rebren- diranje turističke ponude Srbije, na čemu radimo u saradnji sa Ministarstvom turizma i Turističkom or- ganizacijom Srbije. To su prilike i projekti kojima po- kušavamo proaktivno da se izborimo sa negativnim efektima pandemije i da izvučemo najbolje za Srbi- ju. Ideja je da spremno dočekamo otvaranje zema- lja i ponudimo modernu, dinamičnu i inspirativnu Srbiju, prepunu kreativnih i talentovanih ljudi. Ze- mlju u kojoj talenti ostaju, u koju se vraćaju i u koju talentovani ljudi iz celog sveta dolaze da žive i rade. Ideja je da se konačno predstavimo u pravom svetlu. Impresivni rezultati razvoja kreativnih industrija u Srbiji u poslednjih šest godina dokaz su ogromnog napretka i potencijala Srbije u ovoj oblasti

20 | Srbija stvara » Serbia creates

The impressive results in the development of the creative industries in Serbia over the last six years serve as proof of Serbia's huge progress and potential in this area

bia‘s huge progress and potential in this area, but also as an indicator that the Prime Minister of the Repub- lic of Serbia was correct in deciding to set the develop- ment of the creative industries and digitalisation as a strategic goal of her Government. That‘s also why the Serbia Creates national platform was established, as an interdepartmental umbrella body that‘s responsi- ble for promoting Serbia internationally, and doing so precisely through the potential that exists in the field of the creative industries, innovations and the knowl- edge-based economy. This platform acts as a nation- al brand that asserts the values of the modern Serbia - creativity, innovation, knowhow and talent in all ar- eas of the economy and society.” We have left behind quite a difficult and challenging year. To what extant has the pandemic impacted on the development of this sector? “The effects of the pandemic caused a slight slow- down in the creative sector and, as expected, didn‘t hit all activities equally. However, the total values realised still remain above the period prior to the crisis and more than three per cent growth was achieved. This raises hope in a bright and creative future for Serbia, espe- cially during a year when the United Nations is com- memorating the Year of Creative Economies globally.” The Serbia Creates Platform has, through numerous projects, contributed to the devel- opment of the creative industries in Serbia. What‘s planned next? “Among the multitude of projects that we‘re work- ing on, I would certainly single out preparations for Ser- bia‘s appearance at the upcoming Dubai Expo 2020, as well as the rebranding of Serbia‘s tourist offer, which we are working on in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and the National Tourism Organisation of Serbia. These are opportunities and projects that we are using to attempt to deal proactively with the neg- ative effects of the pandemic and to extract the best for Serbia. The idea is to be prepared for the opening up of countries and to offer a modern, dynamic and inspiring Serbia that‘s packed with creative and talent- ed people; a country where talented people stay and return to, and where talented people from all over the world come to live and work. The idea is to finally pres- ent ourselves in the proper light.”

ANA ILIĆ, SENIOR ADVISOR TO THE SERBIAN PRIME MINISTER We present a modern, dynamic and creative Serbia to the world Renowned British magazine The Economist proclaimed “an unexpected technological boom in Serbia”, while the BBC declared Belgrade one of the world's five most creative cities A merican newspaper The New York Post considers Belgrade a paradise for digital nomads and New Yorkers working remote- ly. How did this turnaround come about? According to Ana Ilić, senior advisor to the Serbian Prime Minister for the creative industries and tourism, it is a result of the development of the technological and creative industries in Serbia, as well as a proactive engagement in the digital revolution. “The impressive results of the development of the creative industries in Serbia over the last six years – with a GDP share of as much as 7.4%, sector growth of 60 per cent, total export growth of 51 per cent and constant growth in the number of employees, most of whom are highly educated, young and, in more than 45 per cent of cases, women – serve as proof of Ser-

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Rekordni rezultati vodećeg osiguravača u Srbiji U vreme pandemije Dunav je u otežanim uslovima rada na poslovnom planu nadmašio sva očekivanja, a ni pomoć društvenoj zajednici nije izostala

IVANA SOKOVIĆ, CHAIRWOMAN OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD OF INSURANCE COMPANY DUNAV OSIGURANJE Record Results of Serbia’s Leading Insurer During the time of the pandemic, under aggravated conditions for doing business, Dunav has exceeded all expectations, while its help for the community hasn’t been lacking either

22 | Biznis » Business



K ompanija Dunav osiguranje već dece- nijama je tržišni lider, a postignući- ma u izazovnoj 2020. godini potvrdi- la je svoj primat koji se meri ne samo ostvarenim rezultatima već i uslu- gama prilagođenim potrebama klijenata u svetlu pandemije korona virusa, a još više bezrezervnom finansijskom podrškom društvenoj zajednici i zdravstvenom sistemu zemlje. O poslovnim do- metima te kompanije i formuli njenog uspeha, koja se timskim radom stalno usavršava, govori Ivana Soković, predsednica Izvršnog odbora. ‒ Rezultati ostvareni u prošloj godini rekor- dni su u periodu od čak tri decenije – bruto pre- mija iznosi 252,6 miliona evra i za 4,45 odsto ve- ća je nego u 2019. godini. Investiciona aktiva, kao pokazatelj finansijske snage Kompanije, zabele- žila je rast od 11,03 odsto i njen najlikvidniji deo premašuje 286 miliona evra. Tehničke rezerve po- većane su za 9,62 odsto i iznose 284 miliona evra i čvrsta su garancija ispunjenja budućih obaveza prema osiguranicima. Neto dobitak veći je za 6,55 odsto i iznosi 27,2 miliona evra – ističe Sokoviće- va i dodaje da je pandemija bila podsticaj za rad na inoviranju usluga. ‒ U putničkom zdravstvenom osiguranju pr- vi smo omogućili ugovaranje dopunskog pokri- ća za kovid-19 sa ubedljivo najvećom osigura- nom sumom na našem tržištu. U fokusu nam je i dobrovoljno zdravstveno osiguranje, kao i dru- ge vrste osiguranja. Tržište sada zahteva fleksi- bilna rešenja u kratkom roku, koja uspešno pro- nalazimo. Posle 2020. ništa više neće biti isto ni u jednoj oblasti, pa ni u osiguranju, smatra Sokovićeva. ‒ Planovi za ubrzanu digitalizaciju aktivira- ni su gotovo preko noći, a prednost u tržišnoj uta- kmici stekle su kompanije čiji je IT sektor bio najspremniji da odgovori novom izazovu – ra- du zaposlenih sa udaljenih lokacija, onlajn proda- ji osiguravajućih usluga, prijavi i likvidaciji šteta. Pred osiguravačima je zadatak da prošire ponudu onlajn usluga, ali i da zaštite sopstvene resurse i klijente od sve češćih sajber rizika. U pogledu digitalizacije Dunav ne zaostaje za svetom, ali ne odustaje ni od tradicionalnih nači- na prodaje osiguranja i prijave štete. Više od 600 prodajnih mesta Kompanije širom Srbije otvore- no je za uvek dobrodošle klijente – naglašava So- kovićeva i najavljuje veoma ambiciozne planove za 2021. godinu. ‒ Osim očuvanja liderske pozicije i tržišnog učešća od najmanje 27 odsto, planiramo rast pre- mije neživotnih osiguranja od četiri, a životnih 12 procenata. U trci za rezultatima i profitom, Kom- panija neće zanemariti podršku projektima druš- tvene odgovornosti i svoju ulogu u društvenoj za- jednici, čiji je neodvojivi deo.

D unav osiguranje is a company that has spent decades as the market leader, and its achieve- ments during the challenging year of 2020 only served to confirm its prime position, which isn’t only measured on the basis of re- sults achieved, but also on the basis of services adapted to meet the needs of clients in light of the COVID-19 pan- demic and, to an even greater extent, on the basis of the unrestricted financial support it has provided to the com- munity and the country’s healthcare system. Discussing this company’s operational achievements and its formula for success, which is constantly being upgraded through teamwork, is Dunav osiguranje Executive Board Chair- woman Ivana Soković. “The results achieved last year represent a record over a period of as long as three decades ‒ with gross premiums amounting to 252.6 million euros, which is 4.45% higher than in 2019. Investment assets, as an indicator of the Company’s financial strength, record- ed growth of 11.03%, while its most liquid part exceeds 286 million euros. The company’s technical reserves in- creased by 9.62% and amount to 284 million euros, rep- resenting a solid guarantee of the fulfilment of future obligations towards the insured. Net profit is up 6.55% and totals 27.2 million euros,” stresses Soković, before adding that the pandemic provided an incentive to work on the innovating of services. “In travel health insurance we were the first to en- able contracting for additional coverage for COVID-19, with the largest insured sum on our market by far. We are focusing on voluntary health insurance, but also other types of insurance. The market requires flexible short-term solutions, which we are finding successfully.” Soković considers that nothing will be the same in any area after 2020, including insurance. “Plans for accelerated digitalisation were activated almost overnight, and an advantage was gained in the market competition by companies with IT sectors that were best prepared to respond to the new challenge – the work of employees from remote locations, online sales of insurance services and online reporting and liq- uidation of damages sustained. Insurers are tasked with expanding their offer of online services, but also pro- tecting their own resources and clients from increasing- ly common cyber risks.” When it comes to digitalisation, Dunav isn’t lag- ging behind the rest of the world, but nor is it aban- doning traditional ways of selling insurance and regis- tering claims. More than 600 of Dunav’s points of sale throughout Serbia are open to clients who are always welcome, emphasises Soković, while also announcing very ambitious plans for 2021. “Apart from maintaining our leadership position and a market share of at least 27 per cent, we plan to increase non-life insurance premiums by four per cent and life insurance premiums by 12. In the race for re- sults, the Company won’t neglect its support for social responsibility projects or its role in the community.”

Kompanija neće zanemariti podršku

projektima društvene

odgovornosti i svoju ulogu u zajednici, čiji je neodvojivi deo This company won‘t neglect its support for social responsibility projects or its role in the community, of which it represents an integral part

Business » Biznis | 23

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