Elevate February 2024 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine

MAGIC LIVES IN BERLIN Magija je u Berlinu


Kontakt-informacije / Contact information Adresa / Address: Sanje Živanovića br. 5 (Senjak), 11000 Beograd Informacije i rezervacije vinskih tura / Information and wine tour reservations: +381 66 641 00 41 E-mail: reservations@ podrumpanajotovic.rs http://www. podrumpanajotovic.rs/ Instagram: wine_cellar_ panajotovic

Magija degustacije „Podruma Panajotović“ / The magic of wine tastings at the Panajotović Wine Cellar U Beogradu postoji jedno mesto koje turisti često upoređuju sa Napom, Sonomom, Francuskom, Italijom... / Belgrade is home to a place that tourists often compare with Napa, Sonoma, France and Italy…

U šuškana u mir- nom delu Beogra- da, na Senjaku, Vi- narija „Panajotović“ već petnaest godina oduševljava strane i domaće go- ste svojim nesvakidašnjim, mi- stičnim ambijentom i neobičnim degustacijama vina. Svakako, kada dolaze prvi put kod nas, gosti ne znaju šta da očekuju. Po dolasku spuštaju se 10 metara pod zemlju uskim, vijugavim hodnicima osvetljenim svećama koji vode do degustacio- nih sala, sa raskošno postavljenim stolovima, takođe osvetljenih sa- mo mnoštvom sveća. Naša mreža laguma, u kojima održavamo ture i čuvamo vina, deo je velike mreže podzemnih tunela ispod Beogra- da koju su sagradili Rimljani još u 2. veku n.e. Koncept degustacije je naprav- ljen tako da gosti, zajedno sa vo- dičem somelijerom, ispituju orga- noleptička svojstva vina, uparuju ga sa toplom domaćom hranom, a onda ponovo opažaju promene istog vina nastale tokom obroka. Vodič, nakon svakog vina, goste vodi na putovanje kroz istoriju i kulturu vina od antičkih vremena do danas sa akcentom na početke i razvoj vinogradarstva u Srbiji od prvih vinograda koje su zasadili Ri- mljani. U proteklih 15 godina ugo- stili smo na hiljade kako domaćih, tako i stranih turista, koji su svo- jom impresijom uticali na unapre- đenje naših vinskih tura. Osluškujući želje i potrebe na-

N estled away in Senjak, a serene and quaint Belgrade neighbour- hood, the Panajotović Winery has been de- lighting both domestic and foreign guests, with its unique and myste- rious atmosphere and unusual wine tastings, for over fifteen years. When they first arrive, guests are not quite sure what to expect. They descend ten metres underground, down narrow, candlelit corridors that lead to tasting rooms with lavishly set dining tables, and also illuminated with numerous candles. Our under- ground corridors, where we host our wine tours and store our wines, form part of the large network of tunnels beneath Belgrade that were built by the Romans in the 2 nd century AD. Together with our guide, a somme- lier, our guests test the organolep- tic properties of the wines, pairing them with warm dishes of domes- tic cuisine, enabling them to observe how the same wines change through- out the meal. Following every glass of wine, the guide takes our guests on a journey through the history and culture of wine from antiquity to the modern day, placing an em- phasis on the beginnings and evolu-

tion of winemaking in Serbia since the first vineyards were planted by the Romans. Over the course of the past 15 years, we have hosted thou- sands of domestic and foreign tour- ists, whose impressions of our win- ery influenced improvements to our wine tasting tours. By listening closely to the wish- es and needs of our guests from all over the world, we have come up with several distinct wine tasting tours. Apart from foreign guests, we are of- ten also visited by guests from vari- ous embassies and companies that organise a variety of diplomatic, cor- porate and team building events in our cellar. All the wines tasted during our tours are produced at our winery, which was founded back in 1927. Four generations later, oenologist Vladimir Panajotović today contin- ues his family tradition of winemak- ing, which he has perfected using modern technologies. Vladimir has spent a number of years working as a wine production consultant, which has enabled him to help set up nu- merous wineries and actively par- ticipate in the creating of new wine trends around the country and the entire region.

ših gostiju koji dolaze sa svih stra- na sveta, napravili smo više tipova vinskih tura. Pored stranih turi- sta, česti gosti su nam iz različi- tih ambasada, domaćih i stranih firmi koji održavaju tim bildinge i korporativne proslave. Sva vina koja se degustiraju su iz naše proizvodnje, čija tradicija počinje daleke 1927. godine. Četiri generacije kasnije diplomirani eno- log Vladimir Panajotović nastavlja porodičnu tradiciju pravljenja vina koju je usavršio modernim tehno- logijama. Vladimir se dugi niz go- dina uspešno bavi konsaltingom u oblasti proizvodnje vina, čime je pomogao u osnivanju više vina- rija, i aktivno učestvuje u kreira- nju novih vinskih trendova u ze- mlji i regionu.

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Promo » Promo | 5

Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

February 2024

Februar 2024.

Dear passengers,

Dragi putnici,

FEBRUAR JE JEDAN OD NAJLEPŠIH MESECI U GODINI jer se u njemu slavi ljubav. Nema boljeg načina da ne- kom pokažete pažnju nego da zajedno otputujete i po- delite uspomene. Ukoliko do sada niste posetili Pariz, pravo je vreme za Grad ljubavi i svetlosti. Prošetajte obalom Sene, uživajte u pogledu na Ajfelov toranj, po- setite prelepe restorane i kafiće, idealne za romantične trenutke. Svaki kutak tog grada odiše šarmom, pa kud god da se uputite, nećete pogrešiti. Ukoliko pak želi- te nešto bliže Beogradu, predlažemo vam da poseti- te Veneciju. Do tog grada u Italiji možete stići za nešto manje od dva sata našim direktnim letom. Tradicional- no u ovom periodu u Veneciji se održava jedna od naj- zanimljivijih i najposećenijih manifestacija, karneval u Veneciji. Taj svojevrsni bal pod maskama pruža prili- ku da bar na trenutak doživite srednjovekovnu Italiju. Za nas je februar veoma značajan mesec. Pono- sni smo naslednici kompanije „Aeroput“, koja je nastala još davne 1927. godine, a svoj prvi let obavila je 15. fe- bruara 1928. godine. Od Beograda do Zagreba, dvo- krilni avion „Potez 29“, nazvan „Beograd“, putovao je dva sata. Priliku da prisustvuju tom istorijskom doga- đaju imali su novinari i fotografi, zahvaljujući kojima su važni trenuci za avijaciju ostali zabeleženi. Mi se da- nas, skoro 97 godina kasnije, trudimo da idemo kru- pnim koracima slavnih predaka. S ponosom mogu da podelim sa vama da je 2023. godina jedna od najuspešnijih za nacionalnu avio-kom- paniju. Poverenje nam je ukazalo 4,19 miliona putnika, koji su sa nama leteli na 87 ruta u redovnom saobraća- ju, odnosno do 34 zemlje na četiri kontinenta. Obavili smo više od 45.000 letova i pokrenuli treću prekooke- ansku destinaciju i drugu u Severnoj Americi, Čikago. Krajem prošle godine potpisali smo memorandum o razumevanju sa vodećim globalnim partnerom „Men- zies Aviation“, u okviru kojeg sve usluge vezane za ze- maljsko opsluživanje putnika Er Srbije, na našem matič- nom aerodromu u Beogradu, od ovog meseca obavlja upravo ta kompanija. Verujemo da će to omogućiti kva- litetnije obavljanje procesa, čime ćemo doprineti i bo- ljem korisničkom iskustvu naših putnika. Raduje nas što ćemo već u aprilu uspostaviti no- vu liniju između Beograda i Mostara. Letećemo tri pu- ta nedeljno – ponedeljkom, petkom i nedeljom, avioni- ma tipa „embraer E175“. Možda će baš Mostar biti prvi na vašoj željenoj listi destinacija do kojih ćete putova- ti u narednom periodu. Neka vam februar bude ispunjen ljubavlju i uspo- menama sa putovanja. Ljubav je u vazduhu. Uživajte u letu i srećan put,

FEBRUARY IS ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MONT- HS OF THE YEAR , because it is the month during whi- ch we celebrate love. There is no better way to show you care for someone than to embark on a journey together, creating lasting memories. If you have never visited Pa- ris before, this is the perfect time to visit the City of Love and Light. Take a stroll along the banks of the Seine, sa- vour the view of the Eiffel Tower and visit picturesque re- staurants and cafes that are ideal for romantic moments. Every corner of the city is charming, so you won’t be di- sappointed wherever you go. If you perhaps want so- mewhere closer to Belgrade, we would recommend Ve- nice. The flight time to this Italian city with Air Serbia is just under two hours. One of the most interesting and popular events traditionally organised in Venice is the annual Carnival. This masquerade event offers you the chance to experience medieval Italy, if only briefly. February is very important for us, as the proud succe- ssor of Aeroput, which was established in 1927 and opera- ted its first flight on 15 th February 1928. The Potez 29 biplane named Belgrade made the airline’s maiden flight from Bel- grade to Zagreb in two hours. Journalists and photographers were given an opportunity to document these historic and important moments for aviation, thanks to which they we- re recorded and immortalised. We have since, for almost 97 years, been striving to follow in the footsteps of our illustrio- us predecessors. I am proud to share with you the news that 2023 was one of the most successful years for the national carrier. Last year saw 4.19 million passengers place their trust in us by letting us fly them to 34 countries across four continents, along 87 rou- tes in scheduled traffic. We operated over 45,000 flights and launched a new service to Chicago, marking our third long- haul destination worldwide and our second in North Ameri- ca. We also signed a Memorandum of Understanding late last year with leading global partner Menzies Aviation, ac- cording to which all services related to the ground handling of Air Serbia passengers at our hub in Belgrade will be per- formed by this company, starting from this month. We belie- ve that this will streamline processes and thus enhance the overall passenger experience. We are looking forward to announcing the commen- cement of a new route between Belgrade and Mostar as of April. We will operate three flights a week to this famous ci- ty in Bosnia & Herzegovina – on Mondays, Fridays, and Sun- days – deploying our Embraer E175 aircraft. Perhaps Mostar will top your wish list of destinations for the coming period. May February be filled with love and memories of tra- vel. Love is in the air. Enjoy your flight and have a nice trip,

Jirži Marek Jiri Marek

BRŽE I JEDNOSTAVNIJE MOBILNA APLIKACIJA ZA KUPOVINU AVIO-KARATA • Pronađite najbolju ponudu • Skenirajte i bezbedno čuvajte putne dokumente na svom profilu • Brža prijava na let • Karta za ukrcavanje uvek uz vas • Svoje ideje i sugestije možete podeliti sa nama putem aplikacije


MOBILE APP TO BUY FLIGHT TICKETS • Find the best offer • Scan and securely store travel documents on your profile • Faster flight check-in • Boarding card always with you • Share your ideas and suggestions with us in the app



Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 7



The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna urednica i direktorka izdavaštva / Editor-in-chief and publishing director Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Nenad Mihajlović, Oliver Bunić Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos Lektura / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Jovana Subotić Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Srbija Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringier.rs



Er Srbija najavljuje uspostavljanje letova za Mostar / Air Serbia announces Mostar service Prosidba u avionu Er Srbije / Wedding proposal aboard Air Serbia plane

RITAM SRBIJE RHYTHM OF SERBIA 86. Neobični muzeji Srbije

 Er Srbija u 2023. godini prevezla 4,19 miliona putnika / Air Serbia carried 4.19 million passengers in 2023

/ The extraordinary museums of Serbia





Miloš Biković: Život je nepredvidiv i zato je lep / Miloš Biković: Life is unpredictable, which is why it’s beautiful



 Sa nama putuje Verica Bradić, novinarka / Travelling with us is Verica Bradić, journalist

Mediteranom / Mediterranean cruise

Beograd kao noćni leptir: Od malog Pariza do modernog Berlina / Belgrade as a “nocturnal butterfly”: From “little Paris” to modern Berlin

Trijumfalni trio: Nova modna garda / The triumphant trio: the new fashion sentinels

102. Magija mimoze i

karnevala / The magic of mimosa and the carnival



Savršene različitosti na Beogradskom festivalu igre / Impeccable differences at Belgrade Dance Festival Superstar stiže u Srbiju: Fenomen zvani Kijanu Rivs / Superstar arriving in Serbia: the phenomenon that is Keanu Reeves Berlinski filmski festival: Raznolik, nezavisan i odvažan / Berlin Film Festival: diverse, independent and daring


SPORT SPORTS 104. Čekajući Olimpijadu:

 Vodimo vas u Berlin / We’re taking you to Berlin

Imate li Tiktok mozak? / Do you have TikTok brain? 80. Kakva će biti 2024. po

Vreme je da u Parizu zasija zlato / Awaiting the Olympics: Time for gold to shine in Paris


Generalni direktor Ringier Srbija / CEO Ringier Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

kineskom horoskopu? / How will 2024 be according to the Chinese horoscope?


Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Vodimo vas na Berlinale / We’re taking you to the Berlinale Foto/ Photo: Depositphotos

Broj / Issue No. 360 Naslovna strana / Cover Depositphotos

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Contents » Sadržaj | 9

U fokusu

In focus


grada Srbije i Severne Amerike. – Er Srbija nije samo avio-kom- panija, ona je most koji povezu- je ljude, kulture i mogućnosti. Ka- ko bismo očuvali tu važnu ulogu, u svakodnevnom radu posvećeni smo zadovoljstvu putnika, pobolj- šanju usluga, proširenju flote i mre- že destinacija. To je bila naša misija i tokom 2023. godine, u kojoj smo doživeli rast bez presedana. Taj rast ne bi bio moguć bez podrške Vla- de Republike Srbije, koja je bila naš saveznik i partner u napretku. Za uspeh ostvaren u prethodnoj godi- ni veliku zahvalnost dugujemo i na- šim putnicima, saradnicima i zapo- slenima. Pored ostvarenih uspeha, na koje možemo i treba da budemo ponosni, u 2023. godini suočili smo se i sa brojnim spoljnim izazovima koji su otežavali naš rad. Usporen lanac snabdevanja i nedostatak re- zervnih delova na globalnom trži- štu, nedostatak ljudstva i mehani- zacije na pojedinim aerodromima, štrajkovi aerodromskih službi širom sveta, nepovoljne vremenske prilike – sve je to doprinelo da se operaci- je otežano odvijaju tokom godine, a pogotovo u letnjoj sezoni. Na teme- lju iskustava stečenih tokom 2023. godine idemo napred. U 2024. go- dini potrudićemo se da se ade- kvatno suočimo sa izazovima, kako bismo putnicima pružili bolje kori- sničko iskustvo nego što je to bi- lo u prethodnoj godini – rekao je Jirži Marek, generalni direktor Er Srbije.

Africa. Compared to 2022, direct flights to 23 new destinations were established, including Lis- bon, Porto, Catania, Palermo and Naples, among others. Starting on 17 th May, following a hiatus of more than 30 years, the national airline resumed flights to Chica- go. More than 25,000 passengers flew between Belgrade and Chica- go in the first six months of oper- ations, indicating the significance and success of the restored route.

During the 2023 summer season, Air Serbia operated seven flights a week to New York, i.e., a daily ser- vice. By increasing the number of flights between Belgrade and New York, as well as introducing flights to Chicago, the Serbian national air- line offered up to 10 flights a week between the capital of Serbia and North America during the sum- mer season. “Air Serbia is not just an air- line, it is a bridge that connects peo- ple, cultures and opportunities. In order to preserve this important role, we are dedicated in our daily work to ensuring passenger satis- faction, improving services and ex- panding the fleet, as well as our net- work of destinations. This was our mission throughout 2023, a year in which we experienced unprece- dented growth. This growth would not have been possible without the support of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, which has been our ally and partner in progress. We owe a great deal of gratitude for the success achieved in the past year to our passengers, partners and employees. In addition to the suc- cesses achieved, which we can and

Od 17. maja, nakon više od 30 godina pauze, Er Srbija je ponovo počela da leti do Čikaga Starting on 17 th May 2023, Air Serbia resumed flights to Chicago after a hiatus lasting more than 30 years


SRPSKA NACIONALNA AVIO-KOMPANIJA je u 2023. go- dini u redovnom i čarter-saobraća- ju prevezla ukupno 4,19 miliona put- nika, što je treći najbolji rezultat u istoriji dugoj skoro 97 godina. Sa tri međunarodna aerodroma u Srbiji – matičnog beogradskog, kao i niš- kog i kraljevačkog, Er Srbija je re- alizovala više od 45.000 letova, odnosno 44 odsto više u poređenju sa 2022. godinom. U prethodnoj godini Er Srbija je primila više stoti- na zaposlenih i promovisala 23 no- va kapetana. Srpska nacionalna avio-kom- panija je u prethodnoj godini u re- dovnom saobraćaju letela na uku- pno 87 ruta do 34 zemlje širom Evrope, Severne Amerike, Azije i Afrike. U odnosu na 2022. godinu

uspostavljeni su direktni letovi ka 23 nove destinacije, među kojima su Lisabon, Porto, Katanija, Palermo, Napulj i druge. Od 17. maja, nakon više od 30 godina pauze, nacionalna avio-kompanija je ponovo poče- la da leti do Čikaga. Samo u prvih šest meseci između Beograda i Či- kaga letelo je više od 25.000 putni- ka, što je najbolji pokazatelj znača- ja i uspešnosti te linije. Tokom letnje sezone 2023. godine Er Srbija je do Njujorka letela sedam puta nedelj- no, odnosno svakog dana u nede- lji. Povećanjem broja letova između Beograda i Njujorka, kao i uvođe- njem letova do Čikaga, srpska na- cionalna avio-kompanija je tokom letnje sezone putnicima nudila do 10 nedeljnih letova između glavnog

THE SERBIAN NATIONAL AIRLINE carried a total of 4.19 mil- lion passengers in scheduled and charter transports over the course of 2023, making it the third best year in the airline’s nearly 97-year history. Operating from three in- ternational airports in Serbia (its main hub in Belgrade and airports in Niš and Kraljevo), Air Serbia com- pleted over 45,000 flights, repre- senting an increase of 44 per cent compared to 2022. Last year also saw Air Serbia hire several hun- dred employees and promote 23 new captains. Over the previous year, the Serbian national airline operated scheduled flights along a total of 87 routes to 34 countries across Europe, North America, Asia and

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Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 11


Srpska nacionalna avio-kom- panija je tokom 2023. godine pot- pisala dva nova kod-šer ugovora. Već na početku godine sa Katar er- vejzom potpisan je sveobuhvatan ugovor kojim su putnicima omogu- ćena jednostavnija putovanja na vi- še od 40 destinacija u okviru mre- ža srpskog i katarskog nacionalnog avio-prevoznika. Počev od 26. jula Er Srbija je uspostavila kod-šer sarad- nju i sa kompanijom Džetblu, posta- vivši svoj „JU“ kod na 25 destinacija u okviru Džetblu mreže. Na taj način znatno je unapređena mogućnost putovanja između Sjedinjenih Ame- ričkih Država i destinacija u okviru mreže Er Srbije. Tokom prošle godi- ne obnovljene su i proširene kod- šer i međukompanijske saradnje i sa avio-kompanijama „Turkiš erlajns“, „Ameriken erlajns“ i „Er Čajna“. Uz sve navedeno, Er Srbija je u 2023. godini sprovela dva velika konkursa za članove kabinske posa- de, na koje se ukupno prijavilo više od 1.700 zainteresovanih kandida- ta. U decembru je realizovan i kon- kurs za nove članove letačke posa- de, a uporedo s njim promovisana su 23 kapetana, što je najveći broj no- vih kapetana za jednu godinu u pro- teklih nekoliko decenija. U cilju pružanja još bolje usluge za korisnike, pored postojećeg kon- takt-centra u Beogradu, Er Srbija je otvorila i dodatne kapacitete u Nišu. Na konkurs se prijavilo oko 400 kan-

stven spoj motiva srpskog kulturnog nasleđa sa prepoznatljivim simboli- ma Er Srbije. Deset godina poslova- nja obeleženo je i brojnim aktivnosti- ma i unapređenjima, među kojima je pokretanje nove poslovnice na dru- gom spratu Tržnog centra „Galeri- ja“, modernizovanje veb-sajta, uvo- đenje nove muzike za ukrcavanje u avione, kao i predstavljanje specijal- ne poštanske marke u saradnji sa JP „Pošta Srbije“, dizajnirane u čast de- setog rođendana. Krajem 2023. godine srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija potpi- sala je memorandum o razumeva- nju sa kompanijom „Menzies Aviati- on“, vodećim globalnim partnerom za usluge zemaljskog opsluživa- nja, u nameri da pokrenu zajednič- ko ulaganje, ali i kao podršku ambi- cioznim planovima daljeg rasta Er Srbije. U okviru te saradnje „Men- zies“ će pružati usluge zemaljskog opsluživanja putnicima Er Srbije na Aerodromu „Nikola Tesla Beograd“ od februara 2024. godine. Prema sporazumu koji su potpi- sale Er Srbija i Ministarstvo građevi- narstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukture, srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija će u naredne četiri godine obavljati avio-prevoz na deset linija od javnog značaja sa dva aerodroma u Srbiji – „Morava“ kod Kraljeva i „Konstantin Veliki“ u Nišu. Iz Kraljeva će Er Srbija tokom cele godine leteti za Istanbul, a tokom letnje sezone za Solun i Ti- vat. Er Srbija će iz Niša saobraćati do Frankfurta, Ljubljane, Kelna, Istanbu- la, Beograda i Atine, a tokom letnje sezone i do Tivta. Verujući da je obrazovanje te- melj za izgradnju stabilne buduć- nosti i uverena da se ulaganjem u obrazovanje današnjih studenata doprinosi boljoj budućnosti, Er Sr- bija se pridružila projektu „Student- ska kartica“, omogućivši studentima popust od 10 odsto na iznos tarife u okviru cene avio-karte, dok se sa že- ljom da pomogne penzionerima da putuju po nižim cenama kompanija odazvala na poziv države i učestvo- vala u projektu „Penzionerska kar- tica“. Na taj način penzionerima je obezbeđen popust od 15 odsto na cenu avio-karata Er Srbije.

should be proud of, in 2023 we also faced numerous external challeng- es that made our work difficult. A slow supply chain and a lack of spare parts on the global market, a lack of manpower and equipment at cer- tain airports, industrial actions of airport services around the world, unfavourable weather conditions – all of this contributed to oper- ations being difficult to carry out throughout the year, especially in the summer season. We are now moving forward based on the ex- periences gained during 2023. In 2024, we will do our best to ade- quately address challenges, in or- der to provide passengers with a better user experience than in the previous year,” said Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek. The Serbian national airline signed two new codeshare agree- ments in 2023. A comprehensive agreement was signed with Qatar Airways at the beginning of the year, enabling passengers to travel seam- lessly to over 40 destinations with- in the networks of both the Serbian and Qatari national carriers. Start- ing from 26 th July, Air Serbia es- tablished a codeshare partnership with JetBlue, placing its “JU” code on 25 destinations within the Jet- Blue network. This has significant- ly enhanced travel options between the United States and destinations within the Air Serbia network. Oth- er codeshare agreements and inter- line collaborations were renewed and expanded throughout the past year, with companies such as Turk- ish Airlines, American Airlines and Air China. In addition to the aforemen- tioned, Air Serbia also conducted two significant cabin crew recruit- ment campaigns in 2023, with a total of over 1,700 interested can- didates applying. A recruitment campaign for new flight crew mem- bers was conducted in December, while 23 captains were concurrent- ly promoted, marking the highest number of new captains in a single year over the past several decades. To provide passengers with an even better service, Air Serbia has

added to its existing contact cen- tre in Belgrade with the opening of additional offices in Niš. Approx- imately 400 candidates applied for positions and an exceptionally high response contributed to the company doubling the number of agents hired. Instead of the 20 ini- tially planned, 40 new agents were hired in the first phase. Moreover, ten new CLC agents from Niš joined Air Serbia Ground Services (ASGS), a subsidiary of Air Serbia, provid- ing support in the control of air- craft ground handling. Air Serbia currently has 70 employees in Niš. The Serbian national airline marked ten years of operations un- der the Air Serbia name on 26 th Oc- tober 2023. New uniforms were al- so created to mark the occasion of a decade of operations, featuring a unique blend of motifs from Serbi- an cultural heritage, combined with recognisable symbols of Air Serbia. The tenth anniversary of operations was marked by numerous activities and improvements, including the opening of a new retail shop on the second floor of Belgrade’s Galeri- ja Shopping Centre, the moderni- sation of the airline’s website, the introduction of new boarding mu- sic and the presentation of a special postage stamp, produced in collab- oration with the Serbian Postal Ser- vice, Posta Serbia, and designed to honour the 10 th anniversary. The Serbian national airline signed a memorandum of under- standing in late 2023 with Menzies Aviation, a leading global partner for ground handling services, with the

intention of launching a joint invest- ment and providing support to Air Serbia’s ambitious further growth plans. As part of this collaboration, Menzies will offer ground handling services to Air Serbia passengers at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport start- ing in February 2024. According to an agreement signed between Air Serbia and the Serbian Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, the Serbian national airline will oper- ate air transport along ten routes classified as Public Service Obliga- tions from two airports in Serbia – Morava Airport near Kraljevo and Niš Constantine the Great Airport – over the next four years. Air Ser- bia will fly from Kraljevo to Istan- bul year-round, but also to Thessa- loniki and Tivat during the summer season. It will also operate flights from Niš to Frankfurt, Ljubljana, Cologne, Istanbul, Belgrade and Athens, but also to Tivat during the summer season. In the belief that education pro- vides the foundation to build a sta- ble future, and convinced that in- vesting in the education of today’s students contributes to a better fu- ture, Air Serbia has joined the “Stu- dent Card” project, which provides students with a 10 per cent discount on the tariff amount within airfares. Furthermore, with the aim of help- ing pensioners travel at lower pric- es, the company also participated in the “Pensioner Card” project initiat- ed by the state, thus enabling pen- sioners to receive a 15% discount on the price of Air Serbia tickets.

Srpska nacionalna avio-

didata, a izuzetno dobar odziv dopri- neo je da kompanija udvostruči broj agenata koje je zaposlila. Umesto prvobitno planiranih 20, već u prvoj fazi posao je dobilo 40 novih age- nata. Pored toga, deset novih CLC agenata iz Niša pridružilo se kom- paniji „Air Serbia Ground Services“ (ASGS), ćerki-firmi Er Srbije koja pruža podršku u kontroli zemaljskog opsluživanja aviona. Trenutno u Nišu za Er Srbiju radi 70 zaposlenih. Srpska nacionalna avio-kom- panija je 26. oktobra 2023. obeleži- la deset godina od kada posluje pod imenom Er Srbija. Povodom dece- nije poslovanja kreirane su nove uni- forme, čiji dizajn predstavlja jedin-

kompanija je u prethodnoj godini u

Jirži Marek, generalni direktor Er Srbije, i Filip Joanig, generalni direktor kompanije „Menzies Aviation“ Jiri Marek, CEO of Air Serbia, and Philipp Joeinig, CEO of Menzies Aviation

redovnom saobraćaju letela na ukupno 87 ruta do 34 zemlje širom Evrope, Severne Amerike, Azije i Afrike Over the previous year, the Serbian national airline operated scheduled flights along a total of 87 routes to 34 countries across Europe, North America, Asia and Africa

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Na letu

On board



Zbog radosti u susretu sa nečim novim / Because of the joy of encountering something new

– JOŠ OD MALIH NO- GU VOLIM AVIONE. Zbog toga što me mogu odvesti u druge svetove, kulture, siste- me vrednosti, i to na najbrži mogući načn. I danas kada se približavam aerodromu, sve- sno podstičem osećaj neizve- snosti i radosti zbog susreta sa nečim novim po izlasku iz aviona. Nekako su se, vre- menom, uzbuđenje i radost zbog putovanja spojili sa le- tenjem avionom, aerodromi- ma i komešanjem putnika na njima. Nikada sebi ni- sam dozvolila da ih posma- tram samo kao saobraćajno sredstvo. Bez čega ne ulazite u avion? – U avion ne ulazim bez novina za čitanje, obično ne- deljnika za koje nemam mno- go vremena, a tu su i žvake, slušalice, muzika sa kojom su putovanja i život uopšte mnogo lepši.

“I’VE LOVED PLANES SINCE I WAS LITTLE , be- cause of the fact that they can carry me to other worlds, cul- tures, value systems, and can do so in the fastest possible way. And to this very day, whenever I approach an airport, I conscious- ly encourage feelings of uncer- tainty and joy over encounter- ing something new after leaving the plane. Somehow, over time, that excitement and joy of trav- elling has been fused with flying by plane, airports, and the com- motion of travellers in them. I’ve never allowed myself to see them purely as a means of transport.” What don’t you board a plane without? “I don’t board a plane with- out a newspaper to read, usually a weekly that I ordinarily don’t have much time for, while there’s also chewing gum, headphones, and music that makes travelling and life in general much more beautiful.”

Verica Bradić, novinarka / journalist

Ko je Verica Diplomirana pravni-

WHO IS VERICA? A qualified lawyer with a completed bar exam, she nonetheless sought her own professional happiness else- where. She found it on tele- vision, working on numerous shows that she has present- ed on many television sta- tions. She is currently at TV Pink, where she works as an author, editor and presenter of the extremely popular talk show Hit Tvit.

ca sa pravosudnim ispi- tom, ipak je svoju profe- sionalnu sreću tražila na drugom mestu. Našla ju je na televiziji u brojnim emisijama koje je vodila na raznim televizijama. Trenutno je na televiziji „Pink“, na kojoj kao autor, urednik i voditelj radi ve- oma popularni tok-šou „Hit tvit“.

Tekst / Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije / Photography: Goran Srdanov

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia





me scan


Nisam nikad bila u gradu kao što je Berlin. On mi ne liči ni na jedan drugi. I uopšte ne mislim na ono što vam prvo pada na pamet. Nije to samo zato što su se ovde spaja- li uticaji saveznika koji su ga izdelili u Hladnom ratu, mada je svako ostavio trag. Niti sa- mo zato što je Zapadni Berlin bio kapljica opkoljena Istoč - nim blokom, niti što je u bom- bardovanju bio sravnjen sa zemljom. To su neke nerazumljive kombinacije svega što nika- ko ne bi moglo da ide jedno sa drugim, a ipak se spaja u savršenoj harmoniji. Ogro- mne ulice u kojima često ne - ma nikoga, pa užurbane ave - nije pune turista i najskupljih brendova. Trava iza pločni - Grad kao nijedan drugi

I’d never been to a city like Ber- lin. It doesn’t look like any other city to me. And I’m really not thinking of the first thing that crosses your mind. It isn’t just because it was here that the in- fluences of the Allies, who di - vided the city during the Cold War, converged, though each of them left their mark. Nor is it just because West Berlin was a droplet surrounded by the Ea- stern Bloc; nor because bom- bing almost erased it from the face of the earth. It rather has to do with some incomprehensible combinati- ons of everything that couldn’t possibly go together, but that nonetheless unite in perfect harmony. Huge streets that are often completely devoid of peo- ple, then bustling avenues pac - Berlin, a city like no other

ka visoka skoro do kolena ko- ju niko nije ošišao i niti je- dan papirić na ulici. Ljudi koji vas ne vide, ali su veoma lju- bazni ako im se obratite. Šu- me usred grada, tu, odmah do Brandenburške kapije. A tamo rastinje koje buja kako mu je volja, mada su staze či - ste. I nigde u šumi kafića da sedneš, iako klupe postoje... U Berlinu se spisak zname- nitosti koje morate da vidi- te relativno brzo iscrpljuje. Pa ipak, nema šanse da vidi- te ni deo te eklektike jer je ta- mo sve zanimljivo. Samo mo- rate mnogo da hodate dok ne padnete na nos. Narav- no, na neka mesta ćete mora - ti prevozom jer je Berlin veliki kao pet ili šest Pariza. I tre- baće vam vremena da shva - tite jeste li u Istočnom ili Za - padnom, da li je to Mite ili Kudam, a onda ćete sesti da popijete kafu na Potsdamer placu recimo. I neće vam bi -

ti jasno zašto nigde nema in- terneta. Pa ćete morati da gledate oko sebe umesto u mobilni i da se pitate kako su se zaboga sve te zgrade koje ne liče ni po čemu naš - le jedne uz druge i zašto se sve to savršeno uklapa. Mož - da vi odgovorite na to pitanje, ja sam prestala da bijem gla- vu i pustila da me Berlin za- čuđuje i da mi ništa ne bu - de jasno. Jer nikada nisam bila u gradu kao što je Berlin, i nema šan- se da to mogu da vam opi- šem. Moracete sami da vidi - te. I to je dovoljno lako, jer let Er Srbije traje manje od dva sata. A u međuvremenu...

ked with tourists and the most exclusive brands. Grass verges cut by no one and left to grow almost knee-high, but not a sin - gle scrap of paper discarded on the street. People who see- mingly can’t see you, but are extremely kind if you approa- ch them. Forests in the midd- le of the city, right there, next to Brandenburg Gate. And the- re the greenery flourishes as it pleases, though the paths are clean. And there’s nowhere to sit in a forest of cafes, although there are benches... The list of must-see sights is ticked off relatively quickly in Berlin. And yet, there’s no way that you can see even part of that eclectic whole, because everything is interesting there. You just have to walk a lot un- til you fall on your face. Of cour- se, you’ll have to use transport to visit some spots, because Berlin is five or six times big - ger than Paris. You’ll also need

some time to figure out whet - her you’re in the east or the west, whether you’re in Mitte or Ku‘damm, and then you’ll sit to drink coffee in Potsdamer Platz, for instance. And it won’t be clear to you why there’s no internet access anywhere, so you’ll have to look around in- stead of staring at your phone, and you’ll wonder how it’s even possible that all those buildin- gs that don’t look anything ali- ke ended up next to each other and why that all fits together perfectly. Perhaps you can an- swer that question, I stopped banging my head about it and just let Berlin amaze me and for nothing to be clear to me. That’s because I’ve never been to a city like Berlin, and there’s no chance that I can describe it to you well. You’ll have to see it yourself. And that’s easy eno- ugh, as the Air Serbia flight ta - kes less than two hours. And in the meantime...

Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Frank-Peters , Depositphotos

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BERLIN FOR EVERYBODY From Berlin’s new airport, which is named after Wi- lly Brandt, a quick and easy train ride took us to Berlin’s central station, or Hauptbah - nhof, which is a word I sim - ply can’t memorise. We cro- ssed a huge square and a small bridge that offered us a hint of the kind of beauty awaiting us in Mitte, the cen - tral part of what was former- ly East Berlin. Reichstag The first stop was the Rei- chstag and its glass dome, because they were the clo- sest to us, and the other attractions of that part of the city aren’t far from the- re either. The building of the German Parliament was bu- ilt between 1884 and 1894, because the 1871 proclama- tion of the formation of the German Empire made Ber- lin the capital city and the

newly formed parliament needed a seat of govern- ment. A monumental buil- ding was constructed and combined architectural ele- ments of Renaissance, Ba - roque and Classicism. The inscription “Dem Deutschen Volke” (To the German Peo- ple), which remains in pla - ce today, was only added in 1916. The building was bad- ly damaged during the war, only to be partially recon- structed at the end of the 1950s, even though it wa - sn’t actually in use. When it was decided that the federal government would relocate to Berlin, the time had come for the Reichstag building to be reawakened from its long slumber. It has since been completely modernised, whi - le the glass dome was on- ly added during the second reconstruction that began in 1994 and concluded with April 1999’s first session of the Bundestag. You can ob- serve the hustle and bustle of the city from this massi-

ve glass structure. Entry is free of charge, but you must reserve your visit (www.bun- destag.de). The Reichstag is otherwise surrounded by a park, where people are very relaxed in enjoying the lawns – as we will see again later. It wasn’t as cold as it is now at that time, so lounging in the park was possible. This huge city centre park led us to the next stop. Brandenburg Gate When we stopped in front of this gate, then passed throu - gh it to the beautiful Pariser Platz and took a seat on the first free bench, we were re - ally overcome by that speci- fic sense of joy that you feel when realising that you’re no longer in Kansas. That’s be- cause I’ve seen that gate so many times before, on TV and in pictures, and it has always represented a dire- ct association with this ci- ty. And I now found myself standing in front of its mo- numental columns, imagi -

BERLIN ZA SVAKOGA Sa novog berlinskog aerodro- ma, koji nosi ime Vilija Branta, brzo smo i lako vozom stigli do centralne berlinske stani- ce iliti Hauptbanhofa, što je reč koju nikako ne mogu da zapamtim. Prešli smo preko ogromnog trga i mostića ko - ji nam je dao da naslutimo ka- kve nas lepote čekaju u Miteu, centralnom delu nekada Istoč - nog Berlina. Rajhstag Prva stanica bio je Rajhstag i njegova staklena kupola, jer su nam bili najbliži, a odatle ni ostale atrakcije tog dela grada nisu daleko. Zgrada nemač - kog parlamenta građena je od 1884. do 1894. jer je proglaše- njem Nemačkog carstva 1871. Berlin postao prestonica, a no- voformiranom parlamentu bi- lo je potrebno sedište vlade. Podignuta je monumentalna građevina koja je kombinova - la elemente renesanse, baro- ka i klasicizma. Natpis „Dem Deutschen Volke” („Nemač -

kom narodu)“, koji i danas po- stoji, dodat je tek 1916. Tokom rata zgrada je bila teško ošte- cena, a onda krajem pedese - tih delimično rekonstruisana, mada zapravo nije ni korišce - na. Kada je doneta odluka da se savezna vlada preseli u Ber- lin, došlo je vreme da se zgra- da Rajhstaga ponovo probudi iz dugogodišnjeg sna. Od tada je potpuno modernizovana, a staklena kupola dodata je tek u vreme druge rekonstrukcije koja je počela 1994, a završila se prvom sednicom Bundesta- ga u aprilu 1999. Iz masivne staklene konstrukcije možete da bacite pogled na gradsku vrevu. To se ne plaća, ali mo - ra da se rezerviše (www.bun- destag.de). Rajhstag je inače okružen parkom u kojem ljudi, kao što ćemo kasnije ponovo videti, veoma opušteno uživa - ju na travnjacima. Tada još ni- je bilo ovoliko hladno, pa je to bilo moguće. Ogromni park u centru grada odveo nas je do sledeće stanice. Brandenburška kapija Stvarno, kad smo stali pred kapiju i kroz nju prošli na le-

pi Pariski trg, pa seli na prvu slobodnu klupu, obuzela nas je ona specifična radost koju osetiš kad shvatiš da više nisi u Kanzasu. Jer tu kapiju sam toliko puta viđala na TV-u i na slikama, i uvek je bila direk- tna asocijacija na ovaj grad. A sada sam stajala ispred njenih monumentalnih stubova za- mišljajući kako je to izgledalo kada se posle pada Zida tuda prošetao Helmut Kol idući u susret svom kolegi iz Istočnog Berlina Hansu Mudrovu. Veličanstveni neoklasicistički spomenik iz 18. veka izgrađen je po naredbi pruskog kralja Fridrika II Velikog i u početku se zvao „Vrata mira“. Ironija je što je Napoleon tuda trijumfal- no prošao ponevši suvenir u Pariz. Skinuo je sa kapije bo- gove mira koji voze kočiju sa četiri konja. Prusi su mu uslu - gu vratili kada je pao sa vla- sti, pa su kočije u Berlinu, gde im je i mesto. U prošlom veku kapija je dugo stajala između dva podeljena sveta simboli- šući sve osim mira. I konačno, snimak Nemaca koji se grle na vrhu Berlinskog zida u no- vembru 1989. dok se u pozadi-

Veličanstveni neoklasicistički spomenik iz 18. veka This magnificent neoclassical monument dates back to the 18 th century

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Alexanderplatz All that remains for you to do in this part of the city is to visit the famous Alexan- derplatz, which is also the si - te of a TV tower that was on- ce the tallest in Europe, and which today – with its 368 metres – is tall enough that you can spot it from almost everywhere in the city, whi - le from the top of it you can enjoy the views over Berlin. I didn’t climb to the top, as it was very crowded and I wan- ted to check out the archite- cture that’s very dear to me, as a New Belgrade native. We thus went to Karl-Marx- Allee, a boulevard that tou - rists often don’t find time to visit, but that’s really wort - hy of a good stroll. At the be- ginning of the street is the famous Cafe Moskau, whi - ch stands opposite one of the oldest Soviet era cine - mas, Kino International, whi - ch to this day looks like it would have if the Cold War hadn’t ended. From there, the boulevard continues wi- th its two sides appearing li- ke mirror images, completely identical, all the way to Fran - kfurter Tor, Frankfurt Gate, a large square with two sym- metrical tall towers that rise as observation towers at the entrance to the city’s histori- cal centre. East Side Gallery On the night between 12 th and 13 th August 1961, the East German Army began closing the streets and ra- il tracks that enabled access to West Berlin. This marked the start of the construction of the Berlin Wall. The bor- der surrounding West Ber- lin would reach a length of 168 kilometres. Many lives were lost during the coun- tless attempts to cross that wall over subsequent years. This horrible example of mi-

ni vide „vrata Berlina“, postao je slika kraja Hladnog rata, a Brandenburška kapija ponovo simbol mira i ujedinjenja. Ostrvo muzeja Kad dođete do kapije iz prav - ca Rajhstaga, prođete kroz nju i nastavite prelepom ulicom pod lipama, da ne kazem Ave- nijom Unter den Linden, jed - nom od najlepših u Berlinu. Ona će vas voditi pored nacio - nalne biblioteke, u čijem smo senovitom, zelenom dvorištu potražili predah, ali i pored či - tavog univerzitetskog kom- pleksa na drugoj strani. U na- stavku izlazite na kraljevski dvorac, koji je nedavno konač - no sasvim obnovljen, put vas vodi pored prelepe Berlinske katedrale sve do reke Špreje i čuvenog ostrva na kojem se nalazi čak pet muzeja. Ostrvo muzeja u Berlinu deo je svet- ske baštine Uneska i dom naj- važnijih gradskih izložbenih centara, a zbirke u ovim zgra- dama obuhvataju preko 6.000 godina istorije umetnosti i kul- ture. Čak i ako ne želite da ulazite u muzeje, sama šetnja uz reku je

divno iskustvo, naročito što se tu nalazi čitav niz kafića, resto - rana i barova u kojima može - te da pojedete dobre nemačke kobasice ili kolenice i zalijete ih još boljim pivom na zalasku jednog dana punog utisaka. Aleksanderplac Ostaje vam da u tom kraju odete i na čuveni Aleksander - plac, na kom se nalazi i Televi- zijski toranj, nekada najviši u Evropi, danas dovoljno visok sa svojih 368 metara da ga vi- dite skoro odasvud i da sa nje- ga uživate u pogledu na Berlin. Nisam se popela, bila je veli- ka gužva, a i želela sam da vi - dim onu arhitekturu koja mi je, kao Novobeograđanki, veoma draga. Tako smo otišli u Ave- niju Karla Marksa, koju turisti često ne stignu da obiđu, a za - ista je vredna jedne dobre šet- nje. Na početku je čuveni kafe „Moskva“, preko puta jedan od najstarijih sovjetskih biosko- pa, „Kino Internacional“, koji i danas izgleda kao da se Hlad- ni rat nije završio. A onda u na- stavku kreće ta avenija čije se dve strane gledaju kao u ogle- dalu, potpuno identične sve

do Frankfurter Tora, velikog tr- ga sa dve visoke simetrične kule koje stoje kao osmatrač - nice na ulazu u istorijski cen- tar grada. Istočna galerija U noci 12. na 13. avgust 1961. istočnonemačka vojska je po - čela da zatvara ulice i žele - zničke pruge koje su omo - gucavale pristup Zapadnom Berlinu. Počinje izgradnja Berlinskog zida. Granica ko- ja okružuje Zapadni Berlin po - staje duga 168 kilometara. To- kom brojnih pokušaja da se pređe taj zid u godinama koje su usledile izgubljeni su mnogi životi. Jezivi primer bezumlja konačno je pao 9. novembra 1989, a ono što je predstavlja- lo simbol mržnje, podele, ludi - la jednog vremena, postalo je simbol ujedinjenja, ljubavi, mi- ra. Večiti podsetnik na ono što je bilo, ali i na ono što je bitno. Ostaci Zida svuda su po ploč - nicima Berlina obeležni metal - nim pločicama, ali je Istočna galerija sačuvala veliki komad koji je više od 100 umetnika iz preko 20 zemalja ukrasilo za - nimljivim delima. Najpoznati-

ning how it must have loo- ked right after the fall of the wall, when Helmut Kohl wal - ked there on his way to meet Hans Modrow, his counter - part from East Berlin. This magnificent neocla- ssical monument that da- tes back to the 18 th centu- ry was built at the behest of King Frederick II of Prussia, aka Frederick the Great, and was initially called the “Pea- ce Gate”. Ironically, a triump - hant Napoleon passed under the gate and took a souvenir back to Paris when he remo- ved from the gate the statue of the Greek goddess of pe- ace riding a four-horse cha- riot. The Prussians returned the favour when Napoleon was swept from power, so the chariot is today back in its proper place in Berlin. Du- ring the last century, the ga - te long stood between two divided worlds, symbolising everything but peace. And fi- nally, film footage of Ger - mans embracing on top of the Berlin Wall in Novem- ber 1989, with the “Berlin Ga - te” visible in the background, became an image signifying the end of the Cold War, and Brandenburg Gate once aga- in became a symbol of pea- ce and unification. Museum Island When you approach the ga- te from the direction of the Reichstag, pass through it

and continue along the be- autiful street lined with lin- den trees, not to call it the Unter den Linden boulevard, which is one of Berlin’s most beautiful walkways. It wi- ll lead you past the natio- nal library, where we sought respite in its shady, green courtyard, but will also lead you past the entire universi- ty complex on the other si- de. Continuing on, you wi - ll emerge at the royal palace, which was fully restored re- cently, and the road then le - ads you past the beautiful Berlin Cathedral, all the way to the River Spree and the famous island that’s home to as many as five muse- ums. Museum Island Berlin is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is home to the ci - ty’s most important exhibi- tion centres, while the colle - ctions preserved in these buildings encompass over 6,000 years of the history of art and culture. Even if you don’t want to en- ter the museums themse- lves, simply walking besi - de the river is a wonderful experience, especially given that a whole series of cafes, restaurants and bars are lo- cated there, and you can eat good German sausages or pork knuckle everywhere, and wash them down with even better beer at the end of a day filled with impres- sions.

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