Elevate December 2023 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Happy holidays Srećni praznici

Nakon rekonstrukcije Sava Centar postaje pametna i zelena zgrada, koja ć e biti globalno ekološ ki sertifikovana

Otvoren kongresno-poslovni deo Sava Centra POVRATAK SIMBOLA BEOGRADA NA KONGRESNU MAPU SVETA

Nakon nepune dve godine rekonstrukcije 14. no- vembra otvoreni su kongresni i poslovni deo Sava Cen- tra, a istog dana počeo je sa održavanjem i prvi Evropski kongres nutricionista sa 1.500 ucesnika. Kompanija Del- ta Holding u rekonstrukciju Sava Centra ukupno je ulozila viš e od 118 miliona evra, a rezultat je moderan, odrziv obje- kat sa znacajno poveć anim kapacitetima, tako da Beograd sada moze da bude domać in događaja koji okupljaju viš e od 5.000 posetilaca. Kongresni kapacitet poveć an je sa 16 na 46 sala, me- đu kojima je i jedinstvena „Immersive sala“. Prostor Sava Centra sada je podeljen na tri funkcionalna dela: kongre- snu, poslovnu i kulturnu zonu. Glavna kongresna dvorana sada ć e moć i da primi viš e od 1.000 posetilaca, dok ć e u „Plavoj dvorani“, koja e biti zavr ena na leto 2024, broj se- diš ta biti poveć an sa 3.672 na 4.000. Svaka sala je priča za sebe, a najupečatljiviju pri- ču priča „Immersive sala“, prva u ovom delu Evrope i jedna od najve ih na svetu. Kori enjem naj-

i bez njega. Beograd sada moze da konkuriš e za organi- zaciju velikih međunarodnih skupova, a kada Sava Centar popuni svoje kapacitete, to znaci da ć e biti popunjeni i svi hotelski smeš taji u glavnom gradu. Dodatni posao imać e i restorani, prevoznici, pruzaoci razlicitih usluga i brojni mali biznisi. Renoviranje Sava Centra nije vazno samo za Delta Holding, ono je vazno za kongresnu industriju, a mozemo reć i i celokupnu ekonomiju Srbije – izjavila je Kristina Milin- cić , generalna direktorka Sava Centra. Tokom rekonstrukcije objekta u potpunosti je ocuva- na arhitektura Sava Centra, koja je delo cuvenog srpskog arhitekte Stojana Maksimović a i zbog koje je ovaj centar bio nominovan za „Prickerovu nagradu“, najveć e svetsko priznanje u oblasti arhitekture. U unutraš njosti je očuvana već ina detalja i viš e umetnickih dela. Nakon rekonstrukcije Sava Centar postaje pametna i zelena zgrada, koja ć e biti globalno ekološ ki sertifikovana, kao jedini kongresni centar u ovom delu Evrope koji pose- duje takav sertifikat. Objekat je napravljen ne samo tako da š tedi elektricnu energiju već i da je proizvodi zahvalju- ljuć i solarnim panelima koji su instalirani na krovu.

savremenije tehnologije, omogu ava pro- jektovanje digitalnih sadržaja na enterijer sale stvaraju i tako „uranjaju e“ isku- stvo i jedinstveni doživljaj.

- Kongresna industrija Srbi- je nije ista sa Sava Centrom Kao š to je 1977. godine sagrađen sa pogledom u bu- duć nost, tako i danas renovirani Sava Centar ima istu vizi- ju: da oslonjen na svoju slavnu proš lost bude centar najve- ć ih buduć ih događaja u glavnom gradu Srbije. Svaka sala je priča za sebe, a najupečatljiviju priču priča Immersive sala, prva u ovom delu Evrope i jedna od najvećih na svetu

Promo » Promo | 5

Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

December 2023

Decembar 2023.

Dear passengers,

Dragi putnici,

Novogodišnji i božićni praznici su vreme ka- da nastaju uspomene, ali su ujedno i idealan period za sumiranje rezultata, postavljanje novih ciljeva i pravlje- nje planova za budu nost. Za Er Srbiju 2023. godina bila je uspe na. Pokrenuli smo vi e od 20 novih destinacija, među kojima je i Čikago, na a tre a prekookeanska lini- ja i druga u Severnoj Americi. Samo u prvih est meseci između Beograda i Čikaga prevezli smo 25.000 putni- ka, to je najbolji pokazatelj uspe nosti i važnosti te ru- te. Među novouvedenim destinacijama koje su posebno obradovale putnike izdvojili su se Lisabon i Porto, Kata- nija i Palermo, a veliko interesovanje tokom letnje se- zone izazvala su i grčka ostrva Krit, Rodos i Krf. Jo jed- nom se pokazalo da to nisu samo geografske odrednice ve i vrata ka novim iskustvima, koja oboga uju život. U proteklih 365 dana predano smo radili na unapre- đenju usluga. Na a flota je kompletno obnovljena i tre- nutno je čine dva irokotrupna „erbasa A330-200“, 13 uskotrupnih aviona iz porodice „erbas A320“, kao i sedam turboelisnih ATR aviona za regionalne letove. Da bismo putnicima ponudili jo vi e mogu nosti i bolju poveza- nost, unapredili smo saradnju sa kompanijama „Ameri- kan erlajns“, „Turki erlajns“, „Er Čajna“ i „Džetblu“. U oktobru smo obeležili 10 godina poslovanja pod dana njim imenom i vizuelnim identitetom i premijer- no predstavili nove uniforme Er Srbije. Izuzetno smo po- nosni na jedinstven spoj tradicionalnog i modernog koji ih krasi. Istovremeno smo otvorili i savremenu poslov- nicu u Tržnom centru „Galerija“ u Beogradu i time put- nicima pri li jo bliže. Pred sam kraj ove, za nas veoma dinamične godi- ne pozivam vas da na stranicama na eg magazina koji sada držite u rukama pronađete inspiraciju za praznič- no putovanje i saznate za to je obilazak evropskih gra- dova tako magičan u decembru. Hiljade blistavih sve- tala, tandovi prepuni ukrasa i tradicionalni specijaliteti transformi u trgove mnogih evropskih gradova u mesta odlične energije. Upravo tu nastaju trenuci za pam enje. Na a je želja da vam godina koja dolazi donese do- bro zdravlje, sre ne dane, ostvarenje želja. Odvojte vre- me za putovanja. To e vam zasigurno obogatiti život i uneti u njega neke nove boje. Mi emo i u 2024. godini biti tu za vas i dati vam krila. Uživajte u letu i sre ni praznici!

The New Year and Christmas holidays are a time when memories are created, but the festive period is also ide- al for reflecting on previous achievements, setting new go- als and making plans for the future. For Air Serbia, 2023 has been a successful year. We introduced more than 20 new destinations, including Chicago, as our third long-haul rou- te and second destination in North America. In just the first six months, we carried 25,000 passengers between Bel- grade and Chicago, which is the best indicator of the suc- cess and importance of this new route. Among the newly introduced destinations that particularly delighted passen- gers were Lisbon and Porto, Catania and Palermo, while in- terest in the Greek islands of Crete, Rhodes and Corfu was extremely high during the summer season. It has been shown once again that these are not just geographical landmarks, but rather gateways to new experiences that enrich our lives. We have spent the past 365 days working diligently to im- prove our services even more. Our fleet has been completely renewedandcurrentlycomprisestwowide-bodyAirbusA330- 200s, 13 narrow-body aircraft from the Airbus A320 family and seven turbo-prop ATR aircraft for regional flights. In order to offer passengers even more options and better connecti- vity, we have enhanced our collaboration with American Airli- nes, Turkish Airlines, Air China and JetBlue. We celebrated October’s 10 th anniversary of operations under the current name with the introduction of a new visual identity and the unveiling of new Air Serbia uniforms. We are extremely proud of their unique blend of tradition and mo- dernity. At the same time, we opened a new, modern reta- il shop at Belgrade’s Galerija Shopping Centre, bringing us even closer to our passengers. As we approach the end of this very dynamic year, I in- vite you to find inspiration for your holiday travels on the pa- ges of our inflight magazine that you now hold in your hands, and to discover why visiting European cities in December is so magical. Thousands of sparkling lights, festive market stalls fi- lled with decorations and traditional delicacies transform the squares of many European cities into places of great ener- gy. They are places where enduring memories are created. Our wish for you in the coming year is good health, jo- yful days and the fulfilment of your desires. Take time out to travel. It will undoubtedly enrich and add new colour to your life. We will be here for you in 2024, ready to give you wings. Enjoy the flight and happy holidays!

Jirži Marek Jiri Marek

BRŽE I JEDNOSTAVNIJE MOBILNA APLIKACIJA ZA KUPOVINU AVIO-KARATA • Pronađite najbolju ponudu • Skenirajte i bezbedno čuvajte putne dokumente na svom profilu • Brža prijava na let • Karta za ukrcavanje uvek uz vas • Svoje ideje i sugestije možete podeliti sa nama putem aplikacije


MOBILE APP TO BUY FLIGHT TICKETS • Find the best offer • Scan and securely store travel documents on your profile • Faster flight check-in • Boarding card always with you • Share your ideas and suggestions with us in the app

Jirži Marek, Generalni direktor Er Srbija

JIRI Marek, CEO Air Serbia

Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 7



The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna urednica i direktorka izdavaštva / Editor-in-chief and publishing director Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Nenad Mihajlović, Oliver Bunić Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos Lektura / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Jovana Subotić Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Srbija Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringier.rs

Er SRBIJA air serbia 48.

u fokusu in focus 12.

Četvrti put zaredom: Er Srbija u programu „Moja prva plata“ / For the fourth consecutive time: Air Serbia joins My First Salary programme Er Srbija poletela do Porta / Air Serbia launches Porto flights

ljudi people 78.

 Er Srbija prevezla vi e od 367 hiljada putnika u oktobru / Air Serbia carried more than 367,000 passengers in October

Influenseri: Kad sledbenike pretvori u bogatstvo / Influencers: turning followers into fortunes Patrik Dempsi: Događalo se da me obuzme Derek Šepard / Patrick Dempsey: it would happen that I would get taken over by Derek Shepherd

Slavlje Celebration 54.


Intervju interview 24.

na letu on board 16.

Najbolji božić ni marketi u Evropi / Europe’s best Christmas markets Običaji koji ispunjavaju želje / Customs that grant wishes Filmovi ako ste ostali u pidžami / Movies: if you stayed in your pyjamas


Sa Zdravkom Čoli em u 2024: Tražite sreću u malim stvarima / With Zdravko Čolić in 2024: Seek happiness in the little things

 Sa nama putuje Kaliopi, pevačica / Travelling with us is Kaliopi, singer

moda fashion 72.


Moć crvene haljine: Jesi li „Tomato girl“ / The power of a red dress: are you a “Tomato girl”?


kultura culture 32.

putujte pametno smart travel 18.  Vodimo vas u Cirih /

Ritam srbije rhythm of serbia 88. Slavlje je na srpskim planinama / Let 2024 begin at the highest heights

Otkrivamo Montefjoreov „Svet“ / We’re discovering Montefiore‘s “World” Istorijski muzej Srbije: Jedina sačuvana srpska kruna / The Historical Museum of Serbia: the last preserved Serbian crown U čemu je tajna Eda Širana? / What’s the secret to Ed Sheeran’s success?

ritam grada rhythm of the city 76.

We’re taking you to Zurich


Dočekajte 2024. u Beogradu / Welcome 2024 in Belgrade

Generalni direktor Ringier Srbija / CEO Ringier Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

sport sports 106. Olga Danilović:


Zahvaljuju i Er Srbiji, mnogo sam če e u Beogradu / Olga Danilović: I’m in Belgrade much more often thanks to Air Serbia

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasni tvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Happy Holidays Srećni praznici Letimo u nove avanture / We’re flying into new adventures Foto/ Photo: Profimedia.rs

Broj / Issue No. 358 Naslovna strana / Cover Profimedia.rs

10 | Sadržaj » Contents

Contents » Sadržaj | 11

U fokusu

In focus

Šesnaesti uzastopni rekordni mesec Sixteenth consecutive record-breaking month

Er Srbija prevezla više od 367 hiljada putnika u oktobru / Air Serbia carried more than 367,000 passengers in October

Oktobar je bio naš rođendanski mesec. Pored brojnih aktivnosti koje smo realizovali povo- dom desetogodi njice poslovanja kompanije, a ko- je su prvenstveno bile usmerene na na e putnike, otvorili smo i novu poslovnicu u Tržnom centru „Ga- lerija“, potpisali Memorandum o razumevanju sa bri- tanskom kompanijom „Menzis eviej n“, u Beograd je doleteo jo jedan avion tipa „embraer E195“ u bo- jama Er Srbije, a rezultati pokazuju da smo obori- li i jedan rekord. Sa vi e od 367 hiljada putnika na na im letovima, ovo je najuspe niji oktobar od ka- da poslujemo pod imenom Er Srbija. Bližimo se broju od četiri miliona prevezenih putnika u 2023. godini i, ukoliko budemo blizu tog broja ili ga prema- imo, bi e to veliki i važan uspeh srpske nacionalne avio-kompanije, izjavio je Jirži Marek, generalni di- rektor Er Srbije. Najpopularnije destinacije u regionu u oktobru 2023. godine tradicionalno su bile Podgorica i Tivat. Kada je reč o zapadnoj Evropi, putnici su najvi e pu- tovali do Ciriha, Pariza, Rima i Amsterdama, dok su u iroj evromediteranskoj zoni najtraženiji letovi Er Srbije bili do Istanbula, Larnake, Atine i Barselone. U redovnom i čarter-saobra aju nacionalna avio-kompanija je u desetom mesecu prevezla ukupno 367.146 putnika, to predstavlja pove anje od 50 odsto u odnosu na isti mesec pro le godine, odnosno rast od 45 odsto u odnosu na do sada rekordnu 2019.

October was our birthday month. Besides the numerous activities that we carried out during October to celebrate the company’s ten years of operations, which fo- cused primarily on our passengers, we also opened a new retail shop at the Galerija Shopping Centre, signed a Me- morandum of Understanding with British company Men- zies Aviation and welcomed another Embraer E195 aircraft decked out in Air Serbia’s colours to Belgrade, while the re- sults show that we have broken another record. With over 367,000 passengers on our flights, this is the most succe- ssful October since we began operating under the Air Ser- bia name. We are approaching the figure of four million pas- sengers carried in 2023, and if we get close to that number or surpass it, it will mark a significant and important achieve- ment for the Serbian national airline,” said Air Serbia CEO Ji- ri Marek. The most popular destinations in the region this Octo- ber were, in accordance with tradition, Podgorica and Ti- vat. When it comes to Western Europe, passengers mostly travelled to Zurich, Paris, Rome and Amsterdam, while the most sought-after Air Serbia services in the broader Eu- ro-Mediterranean zone flew to Istanbul, Larnaca, Athens and Barcelona. A total of 367,146 passengers flew on the scheduled and charter flights of the Serbian national airline during October, representing a 50 per cent increase compared to the same month of last year, or 45 per cent growth compared to the pre-pandemic record-setting year of 2019

Sa sva tri međunarodna aerodroma u Srbiji obavljeno je čak 3.970 letova, što je 43 odsto vi e nego u oktobru 2022. godine As many as 3,970 Air Serbia flights operated from all three international airports in Serbia, 43 per cent more than in October 2022

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

u fokusu / in focus

Jelena Gavrilović , Đorđe Petković i Jelena Guduri (levo). Goste je zabavljala fantastična Marija Šerifovi (desno) Jelena Gavrilović, George Petković and Jelena Gudurić (left). The guests were entertained by fantastic Marija Šerifović (right)

Četvrto po redu ovakvo okuplja- nje održano u prestižnom „Ćiprija- niju“, u srcu Njujorka, okupilo je 470 gostiju iz različitih delova Sjedinje- nih Američkih Država i drugih delo- va sveta. Prikupljena suma od preko 100.000 dolara bi e raspoređena na dva istaknuta projekta: „Feel to Heal“ Fondacije „Novak Đokovi “ za osnaživanje emocionalne inteligen- cije kod dece i projekat palijativnog zbrinjavanja dece obolele od neizle- čivih bolesti, projekat BELhospice centra koji uključuje pružanje medi- cinske i psiholo ke nege deci i njiho- vim porodicama. Gala veče je ta- kođe bilo prilika da se oda priznanje dobrotvornoj organizaciji „Srbi za Sr- be“ za rad na umanjivanju siroma - tva. Ova organizacija je pomogla vi- e od 3.200 porodica. Dok je događaj bio obeležen ovim filantropskim trenucima, osta- tak večeri je bio ispunjen živom ener- gijom i maestralnim performansima. Voditelji svečanosti bili su Jelena Ga- vrilović , svestrana glumica i pevači- ca, i Đorđe Petković , član Upravnog odbora Srpskog filantropskog dru - tva. Njihova harizma i interakcija sa gostima, sa brilijantnim uvodnim mu- zičkim nastupom Jelene Gavrilović , dali su ton noć i koja je bila ispunjena dobrim raspoloženjem i zabavom. Na početku večeri gosti su ple- sali uz očaravajuć e tonove au- strijskog valcera u izvedbi Bečkog operskog balskog kvinteta. Kao spe- cijalna go ć a, Marija Šerifović je svo- jim spektakularnim glasom osvojila

The fourth edition of the Ga- la, held at the renowned Cipriani, drew 470 attendees from across the United States, Serbia, and beyond. The occasion raised a total of over $100,000, which will be distributed between two noteworthy causes: the "Feel to Heal" programme of the No- vak Djokovic Foundation, which focu- ses on nurturing children's emotional management skills, and the "Hospi- ce at Home for Children" programme of the BELhospice Centre for Palliati- ve Care, which offers medical care, support and hope to terminally ill chil- dren and their families. The Gala also served as a plat- form for the Serbian Philanthropic Association to recognise the work of Serbs for Serbs, a charitable organi- sation that works on projects that lift Serbian families out poverty. The or- ganisation has positively impacted more than 3,200 families. While the event focused on the- se impactful philanthropic moments, the remainder of the evening was characterised by vibrant energy and performances. Serving as Masters of Ceremony were Ms. Jelena Ga- vrilović, a versatile actress and sin- ger, and Mr. George Petković, a Board sve prisutne stvarajuć i očaravajuć u atmosferu koja je trajala do kulmina- cije noć i. Trenutak koji je osvojio srca gostiju bio je nastup desetogodi nje Sofije koja se kao jedna od najmlađih go ć a Gale spontano pridružila Ma- riji na bini.

Tim organizatora / Organising Team

Srpska filantropska gala u Njujorku Serbian Philanthropic Gala in New York Prikupljeno preko 100.000 dolara za decu iz Srbije over $100,000 Raised in New York for children in Serbia Godi nje Srpsko filantropsko gala veče, u organizaciji Srpskog filantropskog udruženja, predstavlja okupljanje koje ima mo da kroz dobročinstvo doprinese boljem životu mnogih, neguje veze među srpskom zajednicom i promovi e duh filantropije / The annual Serbian Philanthropic

Generalni direktor Er Srbije Jirži Marek,

Member of the Serbian Philanthropic Association. Their charisma and en- gaging interactions with the guests, coupled with an opening musical per- formance by Ms. Gavrilović, set the tone for a night of high energy. The evening also saw guests dancing to the enchanting strains of the Austrian Waltz performed by the Viennese Opera Ball Quintet. As the special guest performer of the night, Marija Šerifović captivated all atten- dees with her spectacular voice, cre- ating a mesmerising atmosphere. A moving moment that won the hear- ts of the guests was a short perfor- mance by a 10-year old Sophia who, as one of the youngest guests at the Gala, spontaneously joined Mari- ja on stage.

regionalni direktor za

Severnu i Južnu Ameriku Đorđe Petković i posada Er Srbije Air Serbia CEO Jirí Marek and Vice-President Americas George Petković, flanked by Air Serbia crew members

Gala, hosted by the Serbian Philanthropic Association, is an inspiring gathering where compassion and benevolence unite to positively impact lives, foster connections within the Serbian community, and ignite a spirit of philanthropy

14 | U fokusu » In focus

In focus » U fokusu | 15

Na letu

On board

Volim avione, jer i u pesmama „letim iznad oblaka“ / I like planes because in my songs I also “fly above the clouds” Zašto volite avione? Why do you like planes?

Kaliopi, pevačica / singer

– Volim avione jer ja i u svojim pesmama uvek „le- tim iznad oblaka“ . Volim da letim jer mi to daje osećaj slobode i bezbrojnih mogućnosti. Osim toga, svako moje putovanje Er Srbijom je bilo pozitivno. Lepo je kada te tvo- ji dočekaju na letu, oseti se neka si- gurnost. Šta uvek nosite u avion? – Uvek ponesem najneophod- nije. U torbici imam mali neseser sa šminkom, vlažne maramice, naočare za sunce, telefon, kao i svoju amajliju. Ako je putovanje duže, ponesem i neku knjigu. U avionu čitam, gledam neki film, opušteno uživam u letu, uvek iznova fascinirana mašinom

“I like planes because in my songs I also “fly above the clouds” . I like to fly be- koja se diže u nebo. Raz- mišljam o poslu, životu... Srećna sam kada pone- kad mogu da zaspim.

Ko je Kaliopi Kaliopi je makedonska pevačica, kom- pozitorka i tekstopisac, pop diva i je- dan od najpoznatijih vokala balkan- ske muzičke scene, prepoznatljiva po svom specifičnom glasu koji su često poredili sa veličanstvenim vokalom čuvene Marije Kalas. Sla- vu je stekla zahvaljuju i mnogim sjajnim pesmama, ali ona koja ju je vinula u visine bila je neprevaziđeni hit „Rođeni (Bato)“. Who is Kaliopi? Kaliopi is a Macedonian singer-com- poser-songwriter, pop diva and one of the most famous vocalists of the Balkan music scene, recognisable for her specific singing voice that’s often compared to the mag- nificent vocals of the famous Maria Callas. She has gained fame for many wonder- ful songs, but the one that propelled her to the highest heights was the unsurpassed hit Rođeni (Bato).

cause it gives me a feeling of freedom and infinite possibilities. Apart from that, every journey I’ve taken with Air Serbia has been positive. It’s nice when your own people welcome you aboard a flight, you feel some sense of assuredness...” What do you always carry on a plane? “I always carry what’s most es- sential. In my handbag I have a small vanity case containing make-up, wet wipes, sunglasses, my phone, and al- so my amulet. If it’s a longer jour- ney, I also bring a book. Aboard the plane I read, watch some film, en- joy the flight by relaxing, fascinat- ed always by this machine that ris- es into the sky. I think about work, life... I’m happy when I can some- times fall asleep.”

Tekst / Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije / Photography: Martin Šiškovski

16 | Destinacija » Destination

Cirih / Zurich


me scan



od Beograda: from Belgrade:

115 min.


Luksuzna bajka koju zaslužuјеtе

A luxury fairy tale that you deserve

Cirih je finansijska prestonica Švajcarske i naj - veći grad ove zemlje iako, kao što znate, nije glavni, jer ta čast pripada Bernu. Čak 30 odsto njegovih stanovnika su stranci, a kad govorimo o zanimljivostima, treba reći da je ovaj grad po -

Zurich is Switzerland’s financial capital and largest city, though it’s not the country’s capi - tal city, as you know, with that honour belon- ging to Bern. A whopping 30 per cent of its re - sidents are foreigners, and while we’re on the

nosni vlasnik najvećeg cr - kvenog sata – većeg čak i od Big Bena! Smešten u srcu Starog gra - da, na Crkvi Svetog Petra, sat je postavljen na toranj 1366. godine i vekovima je služio kao standard za vre - me u Cirihu. S prečnikom od 8,64 metra, još uvek je broj jedan među evropskim cr - kvenim časovnicima. Specifično za Cirih je i da ima više od 1.200 fontana. Tačno je, Rim ih ima mno - go više, ali ove ciriške su je - dinstvene zbog toga što je voda u njima odlična za pi - ce. Slobodno utolite žeđ na svakom ćošku ovoga grada koji ima vodu daleko čuve - nu po kvalitetu. Još jedna zanimljiva činje - nica je da je u Cirihu rođen jedan od prvih modernih globalnih umetničkih pokre - ta 20. veka, isprovociran po - sledicama Prvog svetskog rata i tadašnjim društvenim vrednostima. Umetnici oku - pljeni u kabareu „Volter“ u samom srcu grada stvori - li su dadaizam, pokret isto -

topic of interesting facts, it should be noted that this city is proud to be home to the largest church clock, with a clock face that’s even bigger than those of Big Ben! Located at the heart of the Old Town, the clock was installed on the tower of St. Peter’s Church back in 1366 and has for centuries served as the standard for Zurich time. With a diame - ter of 8.64 metres, it rema - ins number one among the church clocks of Europe. Zurich is also specific in that it is home to more than 1,200 fountains. It’s true that Rome has many more, but the fountains of Zuri - ch are unique because their water is great for drinking. Feel free to quench your thirst in every corner of this city, with water that’s re- nowned far and wide for its exceptional quality. Another interesting fact is that Zurich is the birthpla - ce of one of the first mo - dern, global art movements

of the 20 th century, which was developed in re - action to the outbreak of World War I and the social values of the time. Artists gathered to - gether at the Cabaret Voltaire, situated in the very heart of the city, created Dadaism as both an art and protest movement that would go on to spread like wildfire across Europe, wi - th some suggesting that it led to the emergen - ce of both surrealism and postmodernism. If you travel there now and the temperature

vremeno umetnički i protestni, koji će se poput požara proširiti Evropom, a neki kažu i dovesti do pojave nadrealizma i postmoderne. Ako sad putujete, a temperatura padne ispod nule, imaćete priliku i da uživate u nečemu sasvim drugačijem. Svratite do zoološkog vr - ta i, ako budete imali sreće, videćete preslat - ke carske pingvine koje čuvari, po takvom vre - menu, izvode u šetnju. Evo šta biste još mogli da iskusite...

Kada je reč o divnim alpskim pejzažima i neobičnim selima kao iz bajke, teško je pobediti Švajcarsku When it comes to beautiful alpine scenery and unusual, fairytale-like villages, Switzerland is tough to beat

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drops below zero, you’ll have an opportunity to enjoy something completely different. Stop by the zoo and you might be lucky enough to see a parade of adorable emperor penguins, which the zookeepers take out for a walk du - ring periods of wintry weather..Here we pre - sent some other delights that you could expe - rience... Voulez-vous fondue? Switzerland is famous for cheeses with allu - ring and refined flavours, which is why it co - mes as no surprise that fondue represents a real culinary delight in this mountainous land. According to legend, it was created in the 18 th century by shepherds who melted different cheeses with milk or brandy in a pot over an open fire, adding garlic and herbs before dip - ping chunks of bread into the mix. This modest and nourishing dish of traditional Swiss cuisine gradually gained great popula - rity and found its way into the homes of the rich and powerful. Of course, this led to the cheeses becoming more refined and the pots used to prepare them becoming more elegant. The secret to the perfect fondue aroma lies in the combination of a more piquant chee - se, such as Emmentaler or Gruyere, and a yo - unger cheese that melts well and has a mi - ld flavour, such as gouda, brie etc. Apart from bread, today freshly chopped vegetables are also increasingly dipped in fondue. Interestin - gly, the word “fondue” signifies the metal pot in which the cheese is melted and the dish is prepared before serving. These are usually thick-bottomed ceramic pots, which prevent St. Moritz was put on the map of the wor - ld’s jet-set by Gunter Sachs, one of the last old-school playboys, when he began visiting with Brigitte Bardot in the second half of the 1960s. From a small town located a stone’s throw from the Italian border, it quickly beca - me a fashionable resort town that is today home to only the most luxurious hotels and restaurants. It is said to be completely free of fast-food joints, which is why skiers say in jest that it’s easier to buy a Bentley or a Mo- net painting in St. Moritz than a hamburger and fries. For those who prioritise the qua - lity of skiing, St. Moritz offers top ski runs that have excellent connections to the town. They are mostly red runs, with some black or blue. No wonder, then, that it has to da- te hosted five World Ski Championships and the Ski World Cup. the mixture from burning. Après-ski in St. Moritz?

Voulez vous fondue? Švajcarska je poznata po sirevima otmenog i prefinjenog ukusa, pa uopšte nije čudno što u ovoj planinskoj zemlji fondu predstavlja pra - vu kulinarsku relikviju. Legenda kaže da je na - stao još u 18. veku kada su pastiri na otvore - noj vatri u loncu topili sireve u mleku ili rakiji, dodavali im beli luk i začinske trave, pa uma - kali komadiće hleba. Skromno i zasitno jelo švajcarske tradicional - ne kuhinje vremenom je postalo veoma popu - larno i preselilo se u kuće bogatih i moćnijih. Naravno, sirevi su bivali sve finiji, a posuda u kojoj se sprema sve ekskluzivnija. Tajna savršene arome fondua leži u kombina - ciji nekog pikantnijeg sira, poput ementalera ili grijera i nekog mlađeg blagog ukusa koji se fino topi, poput gaude, brija... Osim hleba, u fondu se danas sve češće umače sveže sec - kano povrće. Inače, reč „fondue“ označava metalnu posudu u kojoj se sir topi i u kojoj se ovo jelo priprema pre nego što se posluži. To su obično keramičke posude koje imaju debe - lo dno, kako smesa ne bi zagorela. Apres-ski u Sent Moricu? Sent Moric je na mapu svetskog džet-seta stavio Ginter Zahs, jedan od poslednjih plej - boja starog kova, kada je u drugoj polovini šezdesetih počeo tu da dolazi sa Brižit Bar - do. Od gradića koji se nalazi tik uz italijansku granicu, brzo se pretvorio u mondenski grad u kom danas postoje samo najluksuzniji hoteli i restorani. Kažu da u njemu nema nijednog re - storana brze hrane, pa se skijaši šale da je ta - mo lakše kupiti bentlija ili Moneovu sliku ne - go hamburger i krompiriće. Za one kojima je skijanje na prvom mestu, Sent Moric nudi vr - hunske skijaške staze koje su odlično pove - zane sa gradom. Uglavnom su crvenog karak - tera, uz poneku crnu ili plavu, pa ne čudi što su se baš tu održala već četiri Svetska skijaš - ka prvenstva i Svetski kup.

20 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Ima li šta slađe? Švajcarci koriste čokoladu u svim mogućim oblicima i prilikama. Poslužuju je samu, uz espreso, slatko vino, viski ili konjak. Dolazi u vi - du standardnih kockica, tartufa, pralina, torti ili soseva. Ukoliko želite da saznate više o proi - zvodnji ove čarobne mešavine kakaoa, masti, zaslađivača i drugih dodataka, Švajcarska je prava zemlja za vas. U bezmalo svakom gradu postoji barem jedna specijalizovana ustanova u kojoj ćete biti u prilici da posmatrate proces proizvodnje, od početnog do finalnog stadiju - ma. Tu nikako ne treba zaboraviti ni uzbudljivu turu takozvanim čokoladnim vozom u Cirihu.

visok je najviši vrh Piz Nair i poznat je po najstrmijem startu na kome se još kod prve krivine postiže brzina od čak 135 kilometara na čas The highest peak, Piz Nair, stands at an elevation of 3,057 metres and is known for having the steepest starting section, where downhill skiers reach speeds of up to 135kph by the first bend 3.057 m

Is there anything sweeter? The Swiss use chocolate in all possible forms and for all occasions. They serve it on its own or as an accompaniment to espresso, sweet wines, whiskey or cognac. It comes in the form of standard cubes, truffles, pralines, ca - kes or sauces. If you want to discover more about the production of this magical combi - nation of cocoa, fat, sweeteners and other ad - ditions, Switzerland is the right destination for you, because almost every city in the coun - try has at least one specialised establishment where you can observe the entire production process, from the initial stages to the finished product. And here we mustn’t forget to menti - on the exciting tour on Zurich’s so-called cho- colate train.

22 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Intervju Interview Sa Zdravkom Čolićem u 2024. Tražite sreću u malim stvarima Život je jedinstveno putovanje, uzbudljiv, neponovljiv, ali i prolazan, tako da bih poželeo svima isto – iskoristite svaki trenutak, deleći ih s onima koje volite i radeći ono što vas ispunjava Zdravko Čolić je bez

Najponosniji sam na ljude, prijatelje i odnose koje sam posebno negovao kroz život. Nikada nisam dozvolio da vreme i kilometri stanu između nas

I’m proudest of the people, friends and relationships that I’ve particularly nurtured throughout my life. I’ve never allowed time and distance to come between us

With Zdravko Čolić in 2024 Seek happiness in the little things Life is a unique journey, one that’s exciting and impossible to repeat, but that’s also fleeting, so I would like to wish everyone the same thing – to utilise every moment and share it with those you love and by doing what fulfils you Zdravko Čolić is unde- niably the Balkans’ biggest pop star . As he says himself, and as numerous surveys confirm, he has never had more fans, and it also ap- pears as though those fans are get- ting younger and younger! And yet they are still fascinated by the same Čola who’s adored by their mothers. That’s why we asked him to join us in “flying” into the New Year together, which he was happy to do because he’s a huge fan of Air Serbia. With your songs, you will usher everyone who hap- pens to be in Dubrovnik in- to the New Year... “Dubrovnik was always an icon- ic city for all of us from Sarajevo. I’ve spent a large part of my life here. No summer would pass without me com- ing with my parents, and we also had family living here. Later, when I be- came a young man, I came with my guitar and played and sang in front of the church of St. Vlaho. I must ad- mit that Dubrovnik is one of my fa-

– Imam neverovatnu sreću da me sve ove godine prati podrška mo- je verne publike i zaista sam poča- stvovan da je ta spona, koja nas veže godinama, i dalje toliko jaka. Poseb- no me raduje što je sve više mladih u prvim redovima bez obzira na to u kom kraju sveta nastupamo. Vi- dim da znaju sve reči pesama koje su mnogo starije od njih i to je za mene posebna vrednost. Pesme su te koje ostaju i traju i kojima svaka nova generacija udahne neki novi život. To je najveća emotivna vred- nost moje muzike. Sa toliko hitova to je mož- da nemoguće reći, imate li neke omiljene pesme? – Radio sam s brojnim autori- ma, ali Kovač, Monteno i Bregović su na neki način obeležili moj mu- zički početak i put. Oni su tri ključna saradnika. Siguran sam da bi moja karijera otišla u skroz nekom dru- gom smeru da nije bilo razumeva- nja i veze sa Kornelijem Kovačom. On je figura koja je najviše uticala na moju karijeru. Svaka pesma je bila odraz nekog trenutka i zabele- žila neku emociju koju sam prepo- znao i pokušao da iznesem u pesmi. Srećan sam što sam uz sebe imao prave ljude i prave pesme, a još vi- še što me je pratila publika koja je moju iskrenost na kraju znala da prepozna. Imali smo prilike da vidi- mo kako uživate na leto- vima Er Srbije. Kako naj- radije provodite vreme u avionima? – Često letim Er Srbijom i dra- go mi je da smo toliko dobro pove- zani sa Evropom i svetom. Nedav- no smo s Er Srbijom išli za Njujork jer smo imali dogovorenih nekoliko koncerata u Americi i mogu reći da sam baš uživao. I u profesionalnom osoblju, u čaši dobrog vina, u druš- tvu. Često na letovima sretnem ne- ke drage prijatelje koje nisam dugo video, ali i upoznam nove zanimlji- ve ljude. To je takođe trenutak od- mora i uzimanja malo vremena za sebe, pred nastupe, pa se trudim da se tokom leta odmorim.

širom sveta koja mi daje energije da svakoga dana idemo još dalje. Kakvi su vam planovi za godinu koja dolazi? – Godinu pred nama, u profesio- nalnom smislu, svakako će obeležiti izlazak novog albuma i pesama na kojima smo dugo radili. Neke sam napisao ja, neke su stigle od auto- ra i tekstopisaca s kojima sarađu- jem, a sve pod budnim okom pro- ducenta Nikše Bratoša. Želeo sam da ponudim neki novi zvuk, a pre- mijera prve pesme već je u planu. Mnogi bi da budu kao Čo- la, ali izgleda da je nakon što ste vi napravljeni, raz- bijen kalup (smeh). Vidi- te li nekoga za koga ćemo jednog dana moći da kaže- mo - isti Čola? – Svako vreme nosi neka svoja pravila i neke svoje ljude. Danas se stvari vrlo brzo menjaju, mnogo je lakše postati jako popularan, ali još lakše nakon toga nestati. Iza mene je više od 50 godina karijere, a da- nas je to gotovo nezamislivo. Zani- mljivo da danas imam više publike nego što sam imao pre. Da, mogu- će je napraviti karijeru u našoj regiji koja će biti eksplozivna, a koliko će potrajati, stvar je samog kvaliteta izvođača. Ali teško je stvoriti kari- jeru koja je održiva. Oliver Drago- jević, „Bijelo dugme“, Goran Brego- vić, ima tu još puno ljudi s velikim karijerama koje su opstale uprkos vremenu. Jeste li čuli da bi srednjoš- kolci najradije baš vas slu- šali na Trgu za doček? Je- ste li iznenađeni?

ikakve dileme najveća pop zvezda Balkana. Kako sam ka- že, a brojne ankete potvrđuju, nikad nije imao veću publiku, još izgleda da je ta publika sve mlađa i mlađa, a opet i dalje opčinjena istim onim Čolom kojeg obožavaju mame. I baš zato smo njega zamolili da zajedno „odletimo“ u Novu godinu, što je on rado učinio budući da je veliki po- klonik Er Srbije. U Novu godinu uvešćete svojim pesmama sve one koji budu u Dubrovniku... – Dubrovnik je uvek bio kultni grad za sve nas iz Sarajeva. Proveo sam tu veliki deo života. Nije prošlo nijedno leto da nisam dolazio s ro- diteljima, a imali smo ovde i fami- liju. Kasnije, kada sam postao mo- mak, dolazio sam s gitarom, svirao i pevao ispred Crkve Sv. Vlaha. Mo- ram priznati da mi je Dubrovnik je- dan od najomiljenijih gradova, volim njegove ljude, kulturu i gastrono- miju, i zato me posebno raduje što ćemo 2024. godinu dočekati baš ovde na Stradunu. Biće to sigurno posebna noć. Šta sebi želite u 2024? – Želja uvek ima, ali važno mi je da negujem unutrašnji mir. Sreća se neretko krije u malim i pozitiv- nim stvarima koje nas svakodnev- no okružuju. Radujem se uspehu i zadovoljstvu ljudi koje volim i s ko- jima sam blizak. Pre svega to je mo- ja porodica, moje divne kćeri, a mo- gu reći i da sam blagosloven divnim prijateljima i saradnicima. Raduje me i sve ono što nas čeka u buduć- nosti, susret sa mojom publikom

Godinu pred nama, u profesionalnom smislu, obeleži e izlazak novog albuma i pesama na kojima smo dugo radili The year ahead, in a professional sense, will certainly be marked by the release of a new album and songs that we’ve spent a long time working on

Tekst / Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije / Photography: Aleksandar Kerekes

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Intervju / Interview

Često letim Er Srbijom i drago mi je da smo toliko dobro povezani sa Evropom i svetom I regularly fly with Air Serbia and am glad that we are so well connected with Europe and the world

the front rows, regardless of where we’re performing. I see that they know all the lyrics of songs that are much older than them and that is par- ticularly precious to me. It is the songs that remain and last, and that have new life breathed into them by each new generation. That is the greatest emotional value of my music.” It might be impossible to say with so many hits in your career, but do you have any favourite songs? “I’ve worked with numerous authors, but Kovač, Monteno and Bregović in a way marked my musi- cal beginnings and my path. They are three key collaborators. I’m sure my career would have gone in a complete- ly different direction if it weren't for the understanding and connection with Kornelije Kovač. He was the fig- ure who had the greatest influence on my career. Each song was a reflec- tion of some moment and marked some emotion that I recognised and attempted to express in the song. I’m lucky that I had beside me the right people and the right songs, and even more that the audience followed me, and that they ultimately knew how to recognise my sincerity.” We’ve had an opportuni- ty to see how you enjoy Air Serbia’s flights. How do you prefer to spend your time aboard planes? “I regularly fly with Air Serbia and am glad that we are so well connect- ed with Europe and the world. How I spend my time naturally also de- pends on the length of the flight. We recently went to New York with Air Serbia, because we had several con- certs arranged in America, and I can say that I really enjoyed myself. I en- joyed the professionalism of the crew, a glass of good wine, good company. On flights I often meet some friends who are dear to me and who I hav- en’t seen for a long time, but I also meet some interesting new people. That is also a moment for rest and taking some time for myself, before performances that are very demand- ing physically, so during the flight I try to rest and prepare for everything that awaits me.”

Many people would like to be like Čola, but it seems as though they broke the mould with you (laughs). Do you see anyone who we will one day be able to say is the same as Čola? “Every period has its own rules and its own people. Today things change very quickly; it is much eas- ier to become very popular, but even easier to subsequently disappear. I have a career of more than 50 years behind me, and that’s almost unim- aginable today. It’s interesting that today I have more fans than I had previously. Yes, it’s possible to forge a career in our region that will be ex- plosive, but how long it will last is de- pendent only on the quality of the performer. However, it’s difficult to create a career that’s sustainable. Oli- ver Dragojević, Bijelo Dugme, Goran Bregović… and there are many other people with great careers who’ve en- dured despite the passage of time.” Do you know that high school students most like to listen to you on the Square for New Year’s Eve. Are you surprised? “I’m unbelievably lucky that I’ve had the support of my loyal fans fol- lowing me throughout all these years and I’m truly honoured that the bond that’s connected us for years is still so strong. I’m particularly pleased that there are ever more young people in

vourite cities; I love the people, cul- ture and cuisine, and that’s why I'm particularly happy that we’ll welcome 2024 right here on Stradun. It’s cer- tain to be a special night.” What do you wish for your- self in 2024? “There are always wishes, but it’s important for me to cultivate a sense of inner peace. Happiness is often hidden in the small and pos- itive things that surround us on a daily basis. I rejoice in the success and happiness of the people I love and who are close to me. That first and foremost means my family, my wonderful daughters, and I can also say that I’ve been blessed with won- derful friends and colleagues. I al- so look forward to everything that awaits us in the future, meeting my fans around the world, which gives me the energy I need every day to go even further.” What are your plans for the coming year? “The year ahead, in a profession- al sense, will certainly be marked by the release of a new album and songs that we’ve spent a long time work- ing on. I wrote some of them myself, while some arrived from authors and songwriters with whom I collaborate, and all under the watchful eye of pro- ducer Nikša Bratoš. I wanted to offer some new sound, and the premiere performance of the first song is al- ready planned...”

ekskluzivni domovi u samom srcu slavije između trga slavija i parka manjež preko dve stotine stanova mogućnost personalizacije enterijera igraonica, spa centar,

velika garaža, kancelarije kompleks okružen brojnim znamenitostima


26 | Intervju » Interview

Trending u


Srbija je zemlja u kojoj kultura nikad ne spava. Događaja iz svih oblasti umetnosti je previše da bi bili nabrojani, mi smo izdvojili samo neke, a vi uživajte otkrivajući Srbiju i njenu bogatu kulturu / Serbia is a country where culture never sleeps. There are too many events in all fields of art to list them all, so here we’ve singled out just a few, and it’s up to you to enjoy discovering Serbia and its rich culture Šta je novo u decembru What’s new in December

28 | U trendingu » Trending

U trendingu / trending

Brajan Adams, koji važi za jednog od najboljih lajv izvođača dana njice, vra a se u Beograd 12. de- cembra kada e u „Štark Arenu“ doneti auten- tičnu rok atmosferu i pružiti pravo zadovoljstvo ljubiteljima gitarskog zvuka. I dok se u ka o spe- cijalnom iznenađenju koje Adams priprema za publiku tokom ove turneje, ostaje nam da se do koncerta podsetimo antologijskih pesama poput „Summer of ’69“, “It’s Only Love”, „Run to You“ i mnogih drugih. With Bryan Adams on 12 th December Sa Brajanom Adamsom 12. decembra Koncert / Concert


„Vidi, dodirni, oseti“ “See, touch, feel”

Prva taktilna izložba „Vidi, dodirni, oseti – predmeti iz zbirki“ autorke Milice Josimov nastoji da predmete tradicionalne umetnosti, koji od osnivanja Muzeja nalaze svoje mesto na stalnoj postavci, približi posetiocima kroz jednu, za ovaj muzej novu izla- gačku metodologiju – taktilno. Odabrano je petnaest eksponata iz inicijalne zbirke – predmeti od tekstila, maske i skulpture u drvetu, upovi od keramike i skulpture ži- votinja iz zbirke bronze, koji e, po zavr etku izložbe, postati integralni deo stalne postavke MAU. Jedan segment izložbe čine tzv. skriveni predmeti, sme teni u po- sebne kutije, sa idejom da ih posetioci, nakon dodirivanja, opi u. Izložbu prate au- dio-deskripcija, potpisi na Brajevom pismu i legende posebno prilagođene slabovi- dim osobama, kao i taktilne staze. Izložba e biti otvorena do februara 2024.

The first tactile exhibition “See, Touch, Feel – Ob- jects from the Collections of the Museum of Af- rican Art” authored by Milica Josimov, represents an attempt to bring objects of traditional art that have been on permanent display since the found- ing of the Museum of African Art in Belgrade clos- er to visitors through a methodology for exhibiting that’s new to this museum - tactile. Fifteen exhib- its were chosen from the museum’s initial collec- tion – textile items, masks and sculptures in wood, ceramic pots and animal sculptures from the bronze collection, which will become an integral part of the permanent exhibition of the Museum of African Art following the close of the exhibition. One segment of the exhibition consists of so- called hidden objects, which are placed in special boxes to allow visit to experience and describe them solely on the basis of touch. The exhibition is accompanied by audio descriptions and exhibit labels and text in Braille, which have been special- ly adapted for the visually impaired, as well as tac- tile path markers. This exhibition will remain on dis- play at Belgrade’s MAA until February 2024.

Canadian singer-songwriter Bryan Adams, who is considered one of today’s best live performers, re- turns to Belgrade on 12 th December, when he will bring an authentic rock atmosphere to Belgrade’s Štark Arena and provide a genuine treat for fans of the guitar sound. And while rumours abound regard- ing a special surprise that Adams is preparing for au- diences on this tour, until the concert we can remind ourselves of his anthology songs like Summer of '69, It's Only Love, Run to You and many other hits.

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Majstor pripovedanja i autor međuna- rodnih bestselera Sajmon Sibag Mon- tefjore donosi nam priču o ljudskom ro- du od preistorije do danas ispričanu kroz ono to je zajedničko čitavom čovečan- stvu: kroz porodice. Uz to, mi putuje- mo vremenskim osama ljudske istorije na svim kontinentima (osim Antarktika), to je jedinstven slučaj kada su u pitanju istorije sveta. Polazimo od otisaka stopa- la porodice koja je koračala obalom pre 950.000 godina, a odatle nas Montefjo- re dalje vodi na uzbudljivo epsko putova- nje kroz porodice koje su oblikovale na svet: Cezari, Medičiji i Zului, Bonaparte, Habsburzi i Inke, porodice Čerčila, Ke- nedija, Kastra, Nehrua... Od Aleksandra Velikog, Atile, i Džingis-kana do Hitlera, Obame i Putina. Od Sokrata, Mikelanđe- la i Šekspira do Njutna, Mocarta, Balza- ka, Frojda i Bouvija. Nemogu e je sve re i i nabrojati i ba za- to na početku pitam pisca kako je uop te bilo mogu e sagledati sve aspekte ne- zamislivo obimnog materijala i koliko mu je vremena trebalo... – Ambicija knjige je suluda, znam i zapra- vo me je skoro ubila. Nisam mogao da spavam tri godine, ali na sreć u, sve sam to napisao za vreme izolacije žive i svoju cenobitsku egzistenciju opsesivnog mo- naha. Detaljno sam pročitao svaku te- mu, vodio bele ke i kada sam bio spre- man, prelazio na sledeć u. Nikada to ne bih mogao da napi em u drugom vre- menu... Tolstoj kaže da su sve porodice nesrećne na svoj način, šta biste rekli, kroz istoriju čovečanstva, na koji su način sve porodice slične? – U svom srcu sve porodice su izgrađe- ne oko biolo ke majke i oca, nuklearne porodice, ali osim toga, porodica se dra- matično menjala tokom vekova. Poro- dice se razvijaju sa dru tvom, ali glavna tema je da ne postoje čiste nacije, kla- novi, porodice: sve je hibrid. Ako je istorija učiteljica života, možete li da izdvojite nešto što bi bila bar jedna od najvažnijih lek- cija kojima vas je ta učiteljica na- učila? – Živimo u opasnim vremenima. Prava lekcija jeste da je ljudska sposobnost za samouni tenje beskrajna, ali isto tako i ljudska sposobnost da gradi, leči i prila- gođava se.

Knjiga / Book Otkrivamo Montefjoreov „Svet“ / We’re discovering Montefiore's “World”

The master storyteller and internation- al bestselling author that is Simon Se- bag Montefiore brings us the story of the human race from prehistory to the pres- ent day, as told through something that the whole of humanity has in common: the family. Apart from that, we traverse the timeline of human history on all con- tinents (except Antarctica), which is a unique case when it comes to world histo- ry. We begin with the footsteps of a fam- ily walking along a beach 950,000 years ago. From here, Montefiore takes us on an exhilarating epic journey through the fam- ilies that have shaped our world: the Cae- sars, Medicis and Incas, Ottomans and Mughals, Bonapartes, Habsburgs and Zu- lus, Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Krupps, Churchills, Kennedys, Castros, Nehrus... From Alexander the Great, Attila, and Genghis Khan to Hitler, Obama and Pu- tin... From Socrates, Michelangelo and Shakespeare to Newton, Mozart, Balzac, Freud and Bowie. How was it even possible to over- view all aspects of that unimagina- bly voluminous material and how much time did you need to write su- ch a book?

“The ambition of the book is insane, I know, and in fact it almost killed me. I couldn’t sleep for three years, but I luckily wrote it all during covid lockdown, when I was living the coeno- bitic existence of an obsessional monk. I read each subject in detail, took notes and when I was ready moved onto the next. I could nev- er have written it at any other time…” Tolstoy says that all unhappy families are unhappy in their own way, in whi- ch ways would you say that all fami- lies have been alike throughout hu- man history? “At their heart all families are built around a biological mother and father, the nucle- ar family, but apart from that family has changed dramatically through the ages. Families evolve with society, but the ma- jor theme is that there are no pure nations, clans, families: everything is hybridity”. If history is the teacher of life, could you highlight something representing at least one of the most important le- ssons you’ve been taught by that te- acher? “We live in dangerous times. The real lessons are that the human capacity for self-mutila- tion is endless, but so is the human ability to build, heal and adapt.”

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