Elevate March 2024 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine


BRŽE I JEDNOSTAVNIJE MOBILNA APLIKACIJA ZA KUPOVINU AVIO-KARATA • Pronađite najbolju ponudu • Skenirajte i bezbedno čuvajte putne dokumente na svom profilu • Brža prijava na let • Karta za ukrcavanje uvek uz vas • Svoje ideje i sugestije možete podeliti sa nama putem aplikacije


MOBILE APP TO BUY FLIGHT TICKETS • Find the best offer • Scan and securely store travel documents on your profile • Faster flight check-in • Boarding card always with you • Share your ideas and suggestions with us in the app

Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

March 2024

Mart 2024.

Dear passengers,

Dragi putnici,

PREMA VEROVANJU STARIH RIMLJANA, upravo je mart bio mesec kojim je počinjala sledeća godina. U avio-industriji to je najčešće mesec u kom počinje let- nja sezona. Iako se u avijaciji razlika između zimske i letnje sezone polako gubi, pred nama je dinamičan period tokom kog ćemo biti u prilici da putnicima po- nudimo izvesne novine, više destinacija za putovanje i još bolju uslugu. Svakog 8. marta u svetu se obeležava Međuna- rodni dan žena. I kod nas u kompaniji žene su izuzetno važne i deo su svih timova. Posebno nas raduje činje- nica da je praktično izjednačen broj koleginica i kolega koji rade u Er Srbiji. Iz godine u godinu zapošljavamo sve više žena koje su se opredelile da karijeru grade upravo u avio-industriji, a srpsku nacionalnu avio-kom- paniju vide kao željenog poslodavca. Kada već govorimo o Danu žena, da li ste razmišljali o osmomartovskom putovanju sa vama dragom osobom? Znate li gde ćete provesti predstojeće uskršnje praznike? Ukoliko još uvek niste isplanirali naredno putovanje, obra- tite pažnju na naše predloge u ovom broju magazina „Ele- vejt“, možda vas inspirišu i motivišu da već danas rezervi- šete avio-karte do destinacija o kojima ste oduvek maštali. Od 15. aprila Er Srbija će leteti direktno iz Beograda do Mostara i mi vam od srca preporučujemo da iskori- stite prve slobodne dane i predstojeće proleće da upo- znate taj grad u Bosni i Hercegovini. Do Mostara ćemo leteti tri puta nedeljno, ponedeljkom, petkom i nedeljom, što ga čini idealnom destinacijom za vikend putovanje. Za samo 50 minuta našim udobnim avionima iz Beogra- da ćete stići do grada na Neretvi, a onda vam je potreb- no samo malo mašte za dobar provod. Javite nam utiske sa leta i podelite sa nama iskustvo sa putovanja. Možda se baš vaša priča ili fotografija nađe u novom broju ovog magazina i bude inspiracija drugima. Uvođenjem Mostara u našu mrežu destinacija, put- nicima smo približili još jednu tačku u regionu. Er Srbija sada leti do čak 17 gradova bivše Jugoslavije, što putnicima daje priliku da dobro upoznaju zapadni Balkan i da preko Beograda stignu do različitih destinacija u Evropi, Sever- noj Americi i Aziji, do kojih letimo u redovnom saobraćaju. Na raspolaganju su vam i brojne sezonske linije Er Sr- bije. Palma de Majorka, Bari, Sicilija, grčka ostrva i grado- vi na obali Jadrana, poput Pule, Rijeke, Splita, Dubrovnika i Zadra, uvek su dobri domaćini i zato ne propustite pri- liku da ih baš ove godine posetite. Kud god da se uputi- te, potrudićemo se da vam olakšamo putovanje i od sa- mog početka ga učinimo prijatnim. I zato uživajte u letu i srećan put!

ACCORDING TO THE ANCIENT ROMANS, March was the first month of the new year, while in the modern avia- tion industry it is most often classed as the first month of the summer season. Although the difference between the winter and summer seasons is slowly fading in aviation, a dynamic period is still ahead of us, during which we will be able to offer certain changes to passengers, more desti- nations to travel to, and an even better service. International Women’s Day is celebrated on 8 th Mar- ch. Women are vital at our company and are included in all of our teams. We are particularly pleased by the fact that Air Serbia practically has an equal number of male and fe- male employees. Year after year, we have been hiring ever more women who’ve chosen to build their careers in the aviation industry and view the Serbian national carrier as a desirable employer. While we’re on the subject of International Women’s Day, have you been thinking about taking a trip with your loved one on 8 th March? Do you know where you will spend the coming Easter holidays? If you still haven’t planned out your next trip, check out our suggestions in this issue of Elevate. They just might inspire and motivate you to bo- ok flights to destinations you’ve always dreamt of visiting. Starting on 15 th April, Air Serbia will fly directly from Bel- grade to Mostar, and we warmly recommend that you use your first free days and the coming spring to see this city in Bosnia & Herzegovina. We will fly to Mostar three times a week, on Mondays, Fridays and Sundays, which makes it an ideal destination for a weekend trip. After a comfor- table flight from Belgrade lasting just 50 minutes, you will arrive in this city on the River Neretva and require just a little imagination to have a good time. Let us know your impres- sions about the flight and share your travel experience wi- th us. Your story or photo just might be featured in the new issue of this magazine, and serve as inspiration to others. By adding Mostar to our network, we’ve brought anot- her location in the region closer to our passengers. Air Ser- bia now flies to 17 cities of the former Yugoslavia, allowing passengers to experience the Western Balkans, and, via Belgrade, reach various European, North American and Asian destinations to which we have scheduled flights. Air Serbia’s numerous seasonal flights are also at your disposal. Palma de Mallorca, Bari, Sicily, the Greek islands and Adriatic cities like Pula, Rijeka, Split, Dubrov- nik and Zadar are always good hosts, so don’t miss the opportunity to visit them this year. Wherever you go, we will strive to ensure your trip is easy and enjoyable from the very start. Therefore, enjoy your flight and have a good trip!

Jirži Marek Jiri Marek



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ER SRBIJA AIR SERBIA 60. Er Srbija i „Etihad ervejz“:


Nova kod-šer saradnja / Air Serbia and Etihad Airways: new codeshare cooperation Er Srbija: Od 15. aprila direktno do Mostara / Air Serbia: direct Mostar service launches on 15 th April

 Er Srbija u januaru prevezla preko 50.000 više putnika nego u istom mesecu 2023. / Air Serbia carried over 50,000 more passengers this January than last



O filmu „Argajl“ sa Metjuom Vonom i Henrijem Kavilom / We discuss the movie Argyle with Matthew Vaughn and Henry Cavill



 Sa nama putuje Husa, muzičar / Travelling with us is Husa, musician

Ruže su sveže, zlato je tečno, a nogavice kratke / Roses are fresh, gold is liquid, and legs are short



Posebno mesto u vrhu slikarskog panteona pripada Nadeždi Petrović / Nadežda Petrović holds a special place at the very top of the painter’s pantheon Život Marije Kalas u prelepom muzeju / The life of Maria Callas presented in a magnificent museum Vodimo vas na Beogradski irski festival / We are taking you to the Belgrade Irish Festival

 Vodimo vas u Atinu / We’re taking you to Athens



6 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna urednica i direktorka izdavaštva / Editor-in-chief and publishing director Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Nenad Mihajlović, Oliver Bunić Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos Lektura / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Jovana Subotić Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Srbija Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringier.rs

RITAM SRBIJE RHYTHM OF SERBIA 96. Fruška gora: Vojvođanska lepotica, usamljena sred ravnice / Fruška Gora: Vojvodina’s beauty, alone on the plain DESTINACIJA DESTINATION 102. Na Peloponezu: Bogovi,


Međunarodni dan žena: Velikanke koje su nas zadužile / International Women‘s Day: great women to whom we‘re indebted

heroji i rajske plaže / On the Peloponnese: gods, heroes and heavenly beaches


MICHELIN Guide Beograd: U prestonici 22 vrhunska restorana / The MICHELIN Guide Belgrade: 22 top restaurants in the capital

SPORT SPORTS 106. Pozornica je postavljena u Parizu: Nedostaje

Generalni direktor Ringier Srbija / CEO Ringier Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

samo zlatna olimpijska medalja / The stage has been set in Paris: all that’s missing are Olympic gold medals


Život na francuski način: Imate li „savoir vivre“? / Life in the French style: do you have savoir vivre?

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved


Topliji dani, lepša putovanja / Warmer days, more beautiful journeys Foto/ Photo: Depositphotos

Broj / Issue No. 361 Naslovna strana / Cover Depositphotos

Contents » Sadržaj | 7


Najbolji prodavac nekretnina projekta Beograd na vodi, već treću godinu zaredom

Strateški partneri u prodaji Luštice Bay

Ekskluzivni partner najprestižnijih apartmana

na planinama u Srbiji i okruženju


066 8067 216


• Prodaja nekretnina u Dubaiju • Povrat investicije i do 10% • Bez poreza na imovinu • Povoljne cene nekretnina • Mogućnost dobijanja vize • Diversifikacija rizika ulaganja PRVA DOMAĆA AGENCIJA ZA NEKRETNINE U DUBAIJU


STAMBENI KREDITI • Besplatno kreditno savetovanje • Stambeni krediti u Srbiji • Stambeni krediti za dijasporu KEŠ KREDITI • Ponude banaka na jednom mestu • Prevremena otplata keš kredita • Refinansiranje kredita

Beograd, Bulevar Vudroa Vilsona 14 TC Galerija, prizemlje, lobby A


U fokusu

In focus



Kompanija je u januaru ove godine prevezla 269.725 putnika, što je povećanje od 23 odsto u poređenju sa istim mesecom prošle godine

od nas zavisi, o čemu svedoče i ja- nuarski rezultati. Prevezavši preko 50 hiljada putnika više nego u istom mesecu 2023. godine, pokazali smo da uvek može još bolje. Nadamo se da će se taj dobar trend nastaviti i tokom narednih meseci – rekao je Ji- rži Marek, generalni direktor srpske nacionalne avio-kompanije. Najpopularnije destinacije u mreži Er Srbije u januaru 2024. go- dine, kada je reč o zapadnoj Evro- pi, bile su Cirih, Pariz, Beč, Milano i Rim. U regionu to su Podgorica i Ti- vat, dok su u široj evromediteranskoj zoni najtraženiji letovi bili do Istanbu- la, Barselone i Atine.

SRPSKA NACIONALNA AVIO-KOMPANIJA je tokom pr- vog meseca tekuće godine obavi- la 3.457 letova, odnosno 700 letova više nego u januaru 2023. godine. To je najbolji januarski rezultat Er Sr- bije od 2013. godine, odnosno od kada kompanija posluje pod sadaš- njim imenom. – Prethodna godina bila je jed- na od najuspešnijih za nacionalnu avio-kompaniju otkako je osnova-

na pre skoro 97 godina. Poverenje nam je ukazalo 4,19 miliona putni- ka, pokrenuli smo 23 nove destinaci- je, osnažili i podmladili flotu, pojačali naš tim sa više stotina novih kole- ginica i kolega, promovisali 23 no- va kapetana. Veoma smo ponosni na ostvareno, ali ujedno i svesni da je avio-industrija složen sistem u kojem uspeh zavisi od brojnih faktora. Naše je opredeljenje da u svakodnevnom radu budemo orijentisani na ono što

10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

The Serbian national airline carried 269,725 passengers in January 2024, representing a 23% increase compared to the same month of 2023 THE SERBIAN FLAG CARRIER operated 3,457 flights during the first month of the year, which is 700 flights more than in January 2023. This marks Air Serbia’s best January result since 2013, or since the company began operating un- der its current name. “Last year was one of the most successful years for the natio- nal flag carrier since it was foun- ded almost 97 years ago. A total of 4.19 million passengers placed their trust in us, while we launc- hed flights to 23 new destinations, strengthened and rejuvenated our fleet, added hundreds of new colleagues to our team, and pro- moted 23 new captains. We are very proud of what we achieved,

but, at the same time, we are awa- re that the aviation industry is a complex system in which succe- ss hinges on numerous factors. In our day-to-day operations, we choose to focus on the things that are in our control, as evidenced by our January results. By carrying over 50,000 passengers more than in the same month of 2023, we showed that we can always do better. Let’s hope that this posi- tive trend will continue in the co-

ming months as well”, said Air Ser- bia CEO Jiri Marek. When it comes to Western Eu- rope, the most popular destinati- ons in the Air Serbia network in Ja- nuary 2024 were Zurich, Paris, Vienna, Milan and Rome. Podgo- rica and Tivat remained the most popular destinations across the re- gion, while the most popular flights in the wider Euro-Mediterranean area were to Istanbul, Barcelona and Athens.

Najpopularnije destinacije u mreži Er Srbije u januaru 2024. godine, kada je reč o zapadnoj Evropi, bile su Cirih, Pariz, Beč, Milano i Rim When it comes to Western Europe, this January’s most popular destinations in the Air Serbia network were Zurich, Paris, Vienna, Milan and Rome

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 11

Na letu

On board



Sjajan je osećaj biti u oblacima Being in the clouds is a brilliant feeling

Ko je Husa Husein Alijević, poznat kao Husa „Beat Street“, srpski je pevač i jedan od osnivača pomenute gru- pe. Nakon što se povu- kao sa scene, pisao je pe- sme za mnoge izvođače, a u žižu se vratio u ulozi Džeja Ramadanovskog u filmu „Ne- delja“. Iako nije glumac, Husa se odlično snašao i predstavio le- gendarnog Džeja, kojeg je i privat- no dobro poznavao. – MNOGO VOLIM DA LE- TIM jer je sjajan osećaj biti u oblacima, a i brzo stignem na odredište. Odmalena mi je bio fas- cinantan taj pogled iz ptičje per- spektive, naročito kad se prelazi preko morskih ili planinskih pej- zaža. Uživam da sedim pored pro- zora i pokušavam da prepoznam po vrhovima planina gde se u tom trenutku nalazim. Dobro je pro- meniti perspektivu, mnoge stva- ri počnu da izgledaju sasvim dru- gačije... Bez čega ne ulazite u avion? – U avion ne idem bez ranca u kome imam slušalice i knjigu. Volim da prelistam avionski časo- pis i da se upoznam sa mestom u koje letim, naročito ako ni- sam nikada bio u njemu. Slu- šanje muzike u avionu budi moju muzičku kreativnost, pa sam tako i neke lepe pe- sme napisao upravo u toj atmosferi.

“I REALLY LOVE TO FLY be- cause it’s a brilliant feeling to be in the clouds, and I also arrive in my destination quickly. I found that bird’s eye view fascinating from an early age, particularly when travers- ing seas or mountainous landscapes. I enjoy sitting by the window and trying to recognise where I’m cur- rently at from the mountain peaks. It’s good to shift your perspective, which causes many things to start to look completely different...” What don’t you board a plane without? “I don’t get on a plane with- out a backpack, which contains my headphones and a book. I like to flip through the airline magazine and get acquainted with the place to which I’m flying, particularly if I’ve never previously been there. Listening to music on a plane awakens my musical creativi- ty, so I’ve written some beau- tiful songs in that atmosphere.”

Husein Alijević, muzičar/ musician

WHO IS HUSA Husein Alijević, better known as Husa Beat Street, is a Ser-

bian singer and one of the founders of the noted band. He wrote songs for many art- ists after withdrawing from the scene, only to return to the limelight in the role of Džej Ram- adanovski in the film Sunday. Despite not being an actor, Husa

handled himself wonderfully in repre- senting the legendary Džej, who he also knew well privately.

Tekst / Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije / Photography: Privatna arhiva

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia



Atina pored mora

Ne morate da se ukrcate na trajekt da biste pobegli od vreve grčke prestoni - ce: kratka vožnja autobusom ili tram - vajem vodi u prelepi Saronski zaliv koji se proteže od južnog predgrađa Atine do najjužnije tačke Atike, rta Sunion. Samo 30–40 minuta vožnje od centra urbano ustupa mesto idiličnim scena - ma sa palmama. Iskoristite priliku da se opustite u kafić u na obali, prošetate

promenadom pored mora ili marinama savršenim za Instagram, šopingujete u nekom od tržnih centara ili se zabavi - te u modernim klubovima na obali ko- ji su doneli dašak Mikonosa u grad! Ali pre svega toga morate da letite, i to je lako sa Er Srbijom, koja je svakoga da - na tu da vas preveze do Atine, gde po - tom možete da uživate u svojoj mar - tovskoj avanturi.

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia



me scan


Athens by the sea

You don't need to board a ferry to es- cape the bustle of the Greek capital. Just take a short bus or tram ride and you'll find yourself in the sheltered Sa - ronic Gulf, which stretches from the so- uthern suburbs of Athens to the sout- hernmost point of Attica, Cape Sounion. Just a 30-40-minute drive will take you to a place where urban sprawl gives way to an idyllic, palm-fringed setting. Take the opportunity to relax at a water-

front café, stroll the picture-perfect pro- menades and the marinas, shop at one of the area’s modern shopping centres or entertain yourself in one of the coa- stal avenue’s buzzing clubs, which ha- ve brought a touch of Mykonos to town! But before all of that, you first have to fly there – which is made easy thanks to daily Air Serbia flights – and then em - bark on your March adventure to disco- ver the beauty of Athens.

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Uvek postoji nešto u šta možete da uperite kameru na šetalištu pored mora There’s always something to point your camera at on this seafront promenade

Paleo Faliro Urbano odmaralište sa daš - kom Orijenta – ovo predgra- đe uz obalu je idealno za beg iz centra grada. Odvojen od mora avenijom Posejdonos, Faliro je nekada bio primor- sko selo ribara, pastira i far - mera. Sada su njegove ulice gusto naseljene zahvaljuju - ć i procvatu gradnje šezdese - tih godina prošlog veka. Še - talište sa palmama, parkovi za igru, bioskop na otvore - nom i luksuzna marina stva- raju atmosferu letovališta to - kom cele godine. Faliro je kapija Atinske rivijere i laka tačka za skok do Pireja i cen - tra grada. Restorani i kafi - ć i marine Flisvos, kao i šeta - lište uz obalu predstavljaju brz i relaksiraju i beg od ur - banog života. Promenada Primorsko šetalište je jedno od najslikovitijih mesta u Ati -

Paleo Faliro An urban resort with a hint of the Orient, this waterfront suburb makes for a scenic escape from the city centre. Separated from the sea by Poseidonos Avenue, Faliro was once a seaside village

ni. Ceo dan, sve do duboko u no , ovde ete videti džogere i bicikliste, skejtbordere i sve one koji uživaju u primorskoj lepoti. U parku ete na i dve džinovske šahovske table na kojima možete da posma - trate kako se meštani me - đusobno obračunavaju. Še - talište je takođe popularna polazna tačka za biciklistič - ku trasu duž Atinske rivije - re. Staze krivudaju duž oba - le, povezujuć i se sa obližnjim Pirejem ili južnije – sa blista - vom Glifadom. Planetarijum Ne propustite Planetarijum, koji godišnje poseti više od 200.000 ljudi, ima kupolu od 950 kvadratnih metara na ko - joj se prikazuju 3D virtuelna putovanja u galaksiju, filmo - vi i druge edukativne emisije. Neke od projekcija su sinhro - nizovane na grčki, ali možete kupiti slušalice na licu mesta i sve pratiti na engleskom.

16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

that was home to fishermen, shepherds and farmers. Its inner streets are now den- sely packed with apartment blocks, courtesy of the bu- ilding boom of the 1960s. Along the palm-lined prome- nade, children’s playgrou- nds, an open-air cinema and a luxurious marina genera- te the vibe of a year-round resort. Faliro is the gateway to the Athens Riviera and an easy launchpad to explo- re Piraeus and the city cen- tre. Restaurants and cafés adorn the attractive and gli- tzy Flisvos Marina, while Fa- liro’s beach and waterfront promenade provide for a qu- ick and scenic escape from urban life. Promenade Faliro’s seafront promena- de is one of the most scenic places to exercise in Athens. All day—and well into the evening—you’ll see joggers and cyclists, skateboarders and strollers, all enjoying the coastal aspect. Park benc- hes surround two giant out- door chess boards, where you can watch locals going head-to-head. The promena- de is also a popular starting point for cycling trips along the Athens Riviera. Cycle la- nes curve a route along the coastline, linking Faliro wi- th nearby Piraeus or, further south, to the glitzy Glyfada. Planetarium Don’t miss out on the Eu- genides Planetarium, whi- ch is visited by more than 200,000 people annually. It boasts a 950 square-metre dome on which it screens 3D virtual trips to the galaxy, as well as IMAX movies and other shows. Some of the screenings have been du- bbed into Greek, but you can buy headphones on site and watch the show in English.

Glifada Domać i teren milionera i pop zvezda, ovo najkomercijalni - je predgrađe na plaži nala - zi se 16 km od Akropolja, gde se ponosno razmeć e svojom „L.A. atmosferom“. Dobro došli u sjajnu Glifadu, nezva - ničnu prestonicu Atinske ri - vijere. Postoje ovde luksuzni delovi u kojima zaista možete da pomislite kako ste se našli na Rodeo Drajvu – vesele uli - ce Kipru i Laodikis sa otme- nim buticima, palmama i ka -

Glyfada As home turf to numero- us millionaires and pop- stars, this most commercial of beachfront suburbs lies 16km from the Acropolis, where it proudly flaunts its “L.A. airs”. Welcome to gli- tzy Glyfada, unofficial capital of the Athens Riviera. The- re are luxurious, leafy poc- kets where you might really think that you’re on Rodeo Drive: jazzy Kyprou and Lao- dikis streets, with their ups-

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Sjajna i glamurozna kapija Atinske rivijere mesto je gde meštani idu u šoping i zabavljaju se pored mora This shiny and glamorous gateway to the Athens Riviera is where locals head to shop and have fun beside the sea

cale boutiques, palm trees and style-conscious, outdoor cafés. Beneath it all, though, Glyfada’s social side remains refreshingly grounded, wi- th souvlaki fast-food joints, cinemas and markets sha- ring street space with tren- dy bars. Its main thoroughfare, Me- taxa Street, runs from Agiou Konstantinou cathedral and represents a long, open-air shopping mall of internatio- nal and Greek fashion chains and fast-food outlets. Glyfa- da’s prettier, greener and more interesting side streets present a village vibe and an ever-changing carousel of new tastes and brands. The extended thoroughfare of Kyprou, running parallel to Metaxa, oozes with the gla- mour of the trendy trattorias, edgy boutiques, French delis and concept stores. Kyprou is ground zero for serious shoppers who aren’t intere- sted in Metaxa’s high-street trinkets. The Coast The Glyfada seafront is lined by a string of perfectly-servi- ceable public beaches, some offering free parasols. Pun- ctuated by several marinas and cafes, they’re within ea- sy reach of Athens city cen- tre by tram or bus (the third beach has the better sand and cleaner water). Many lo- cals are happy enough to co- ol off here, but those seeking a little luxury head for the considerably more fashiona- ble and photogenic Asteras Beach Resort, situated about a kilometre further south.

fićima na otvorenom prosto znaju šta znači imati stila. Ali ispod tog fensi glamura nalazi se jedna druželjubiva Glifada, pristupačna svima, sa suvlaki restoranima, bio - skopima i pijacama koje de- le ulični prostor sa trendi ba - rovima. Glavna ulica Metaksa, ko - ja vodi od katedrale Agiu Konstantinu, zapravo je du - gačak tržni centar na otvo - renom sa međunarodnim i grčkim modnim lancima i prodavnicama brze hrane. Lepše, zelenije i interesan - tnije sporedne ulice Glifade predstavljaju malo rustični - ju atmosferu i vrtešku no - vih ukusa i brendova koji se stalno menjaju. Ulica Kipru, koja ide paralelno sa Metak -

som, ima energiju i glamur trendi tratorija, modernih bu - tika, francuskih delikatesa i koncept prodavnica... Kipru je baza za ozbiljne kupce koji nisu zainteresovani za Metaksine ulične sitnice. Obala Savršeno održavane javne plaže nižu se duž obale Gli - fade. Isprekidane sa neko - liko marina i kafić a, do njih se lako stiže iz centra Ati - ne tramvajem ili autobusom (treć a plaža ima bolji pesak i čistiju vodu). Mnogim me - štanima je dovoljno da se ov - de rashlade, ali oni koji žele da budu viđeni kreć u u znat - no modernije i fotogeničnije odmaralište „Asteras Beach“ oko kilometar južnije.

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Nekada uspavano priobalno naselje sada je jedna od najatraktivnijih tačaka na Atinskoj rivijeri Once a sleepy suburban hub, Voula is now one of the Athens Riviera’s most attractive spots

Vula Ušuškana između blista - ve Glifade i luksuznog Vulja - gmenija, pospana mala Vula je nekada bila nešto kao za - nemareni srednji brat. Ali svi znamo da se vremena menja- ju. Ovo skromno primorsko predgrađe sada se svrsta - va među najkosmopolitskije u glavnom gradu. Kada je reč o izlascima, mnogi čak bira - ju Vulu umesto Glifade zbog njene šik, ali prijatne atmos - fere. Na samo 16 km od centra grada još uvek se može pro - nać i duh stare Vule, odmah pored sofisticiranih vinskih i suši barova, koncept storova i otmenih restorana koji po - krivaju sve kuhinje sveta. Upr - kos tome, Vula je zadržala svoj komšijski duh, puno ze - lenila i parkova. To je uglav - nom stambeno naselje i mno- gi ga biraju da započnu život sa svojim porodicama jer je mirno, ima dobre javne ško - le, sve je vrlo blizu i dobro po - vezano. Vula je svakako jedno od naj - lepših mesta da uživate u opuštajuć em pić u sa pogle - dom na more. Ako je sunčano vreme, idite u šetnju uz oba - lu, od poslednje stanice tram - vaja do oblasti Kavuri. Uživa - ete u pogledu i mirisu mora, možete se zaustaviti usput i popiti kafu na obali, a zatim nastaviti dalje. Takođe mo - žete organizovati sebi piknik na travi ili na javnim plažama, pa se jednostavno opustiti uz čisto plavo nebo i more – u atinskom stilu.

Voula Nestled between glitzy Glyfada and the upsca- le enclave of Vouliagmeni, sleepy little Voula used to be like the overlooked middle sibling. How the times have changed… This unassuming seaside suburb now ranks among the most cosmo- politan in the Greek capi- tal. When it comes to nights out, many Athenian south-si- ders are now choosing Vo- ula over Glyfada, thanks to its chic but cosy vibe. Located just 16km from the city centre, the spirit of old Voula can still be found, but

so can sophisticated wine and sushi bars, concept sto- res, posh delis and classy dining options covering all types of cuisine. But Voula has nonetheless retained its friendly neighbourhood spi- rit and boasts plenty of gree- nery and parks. Mainly a re- sidential area, lots of couples choose it as the neighbour- hood in which to start the- ir families, due to it being tranquil and having good pu- blic schools, and the fact that everything is very close and convenient. It is one of the most beauti- ful places to enjoy a relaxing drink with a sea view. If the weather is sunny, take a nice walk beside the shore, from the last stop of the tram to the Kavouri area. This sce- nic walk provides opportuni- ties to stop on your way and drink coffee with a sea view, before continuing your walk to Kavouri. You can also ha- ve a picnic on the grass or at the public beaches or just chill Athenian style, enjoying the clear blue skies and sea.

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Vuljagmeni Lepo se smestio na jugo- zapadnom podnožju plani - ne Imitos, oko 40 minuta od grada. Luksuzni gradić sa tropskom atmosferom to - kom cele godine, za Atinu je ono što je Kan za Azur - nu obalu. Palme, fontane i osunčani travnjaci puni ne - vena nižu se avenijom Ati - nas, najavljujući dolazak u ovo južno predgrađe čija je glavna igra – dokolica. Moderni tipovi iz Kolonakija i Kifisije su nanjušili zaba - čeni rukavac gde se nekad samo odlazilo da umoči - te prste u vodu. Jer Vulja - gmeni možda nema neku ponudu kulture i kupovine (namerno), ali se razmeće najlepšim plažama u Atini i najboljim restoranima na obali mora. Duž ulice Fle - ming (Ulica milionera) i u zelenom Kavuriju naći ćete neke od najskupljih nekret - nina u prestonici.

Jezero Gotovo skrivena od pogleda, iza avenije Posejdonos nala- zi se prelepa potopljena pe- ć ina jezera Vuljagmeni, ko - je ovom predgrađu daje ime („voulagmeni“ na grčkom znači „potopljeno“). Otvoreno tokom cele godine, jezero je zapravo bilo krečnjačka peć i - na, obrubljena žutim liticama i napajana podzemnim mine- ralnim strujama koje ostaju na konstantnoj temperaturi od 24 °C. Jezero je okruženo raskošnim travnjacima i le - žaljkama, a tu je i restoran sa živim džez nastupima ispod osvetljenih stena. Kavuri Zapadna polovina Vuljagme - nija, od avenije Atinas do mora, verovatno je najlepše lice ovog mesta. Obuhvata dva poluostrva, Megalo i Mi - kro Kavuri (Veliki i Mali rak), prekrivena je borovima i do- mać in je raskošnim vilama, netaknutim uvalama za ku- panje i čuvenom hotelu „Four Seasons Astir Palace“. Tu je

jedno od najpopularnijih še - tališta na Atinskoj rivijeri, po - pločana staza uz obalu koja počinje odmah posle kafea „Lasiti“ u ulici Iliu, ukraše - na zelenilom i novim restora- nima...

20 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Vouliagmeni Sitting pretty on the so - uth-western foot of Mount Ymittos, approximately a 40-minute drive from the ci- ty, this luxe resort town has a year-round tropical vibe and is to Athens what Cannes is to the French Riviera. The- re’s next to no graffiti. Palm trees, fountains and sunny beds of marigolds line At- hinas Avenue, heralding your arrival in this most self-awa- re of southern suburbs, whe- re the main game is leisure. Kostis Georgiou’s bright zo- omorphic sculpture Equus accentuates the near con- stant blue of the sky and the sweep of Vouliagmeni Bay, with its luxury yachts and members-only nautical clubs and marinas. Fashionable types from Kolo- naki and Kifissia once turned their noses up at this “remo- te backwater, where one only went to dip one’s toes in the water”. Vouliagmeni still falls rather short when it comes to culture and shopping (de- liberately), but it does flaunt Athens’ comeliest free and paid beaches, as well as its finest seaside dining. You’ll find some of the capital’s pri- ciest real estate along Fle- ming Street (the municipali - ty’s Millionaire’s Row) and in verdant Kavouri. Lake Almost hidden from view be- hind Posidonos Avenue is the beautiful sunken cavern of Lake Vouliagmeni, whi- ch gives this southern subu- rb its name (vouliagmeni me- ans “sunken” in Greek). Open year-round, the lake is actu- ally a flooded limestone ca- ve that’s lined with tawny cli- ffs and fed by underground mineral currents that remain at a constant 24° C. The lake is flanked by luscious lawns

and sunbeds, while there’s al- so a restaurant with live jazz performances under the illu- minated rocks. Kavouri Vouliagmeni’s western half, from Athinas Avenue to the sea, is arguably the postco- de’s prettiest face. It encom- passes the adjoining pine-co- vered peninsulas of Megalo and Mikro Kavouri (Big and Little Crab) and is home to la- vish villas, pristine swimming coves and the iconic Four Se - asons Astir Palace Hotel. It’s here that you’ll find one of the Athens Riviera’s most po- pular promenades – the pa- ved seafront path that starts just after Lasithi Café on Iliou Street and has been spruced up with greenery and new ea- teries...

Bez obzira na to u koje doba godine posetite luksuzni Vuljagmeni, velike su šanse da ć ete se oseć ati kao da ste na letnjem odmoru No matter what time of year you visit upscale Vouliagmeni, chances are you’ll feel like you’re on a summer holiday

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Hram na Sunionu

Egejskim morem koje se unedogled pruža ispod vas. A u stvari, vetrovi mogu uči - niti Sunion veoma opasnim mestom. Brodovi su se ne - kada smatrali bezbednim tek kada bi prošli ovaj čuveni rt. Drugim rečima, bilo je to sa - vršeno mesto da se sagradi hram bogu mora i zamoli za

dobronamernu intervenciju. Posejdonov hram kojem se danas divimo sagrađen je to - kom zlatnog doba Atine, sre - dinom 5. veka pre nove ere, veoma blizu vremena kada je građen i Partenon. Mitologija Ljubitelji grčke mitologije do - bro poznaju ovo mesto, jer je ovde Egejsko more dobi- lo ime. Priča zapravo poči - nje na Kritu, sa Minotaurom. Nakon previše mladić a i de - vojaka iz Atine koji su žrtvo - vani čudovištu sa Knososa, Tezeju, sinu kralja Egeja, ko -

Od mnogih stvari koje tre - ba uraditi na Atinskoj rivije - ri, poseta rtu Sunion možda čak zauzima i prvo mesto. Ova veličanstvena destinaci - ja objedinjuje kulturni značaj i nezaboravan zalazak sunca pored Posejdonovog hrama. Sve deluje tako mirno sa

22 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Temple of Sounion Of the many things to do in the Athens Riviera, visiting Ca- pe Sounion probably ranks top. This magnificent desti - nation unites cultural signifi - cance and the unforgettable sunsets at the Temple of Po- seidon. Everything appears so peace- ful here, with the Aegean stret- ching out below you, but the winds can actually make this a very dangerous spot. The ships of antiquity would on-

načno je bilo dosta. Uvukao se među mladić e koje je tre - balo žrtvovati, ubio Minotau - ra i izašao iz čuvenog lavirin - ta uz pomoć Arijadne, ć erke kralja Minosa. Međutim, vra - aju i se ku i, zaboravio je da promeni crna jedra svog broda u bela – dogovoreni signal da je putovanje bilo uspešno i da je još uvek živ. Kralj Egej, nestrpljivo iščeku - juć i povratak svog sina sto - je i na najužnijem delu Ati - ke, na rtu Sunion, ugledao je crna jedra i u očaju se bacio u more, daju i mu tako svo - je ime.

taur. After too many tributes of young men and women from Athens being sacrifi - ced to the monster of Knos- sos, Thisseus, son of King Ae- gus, had finally had enough. He placed himself among the young men to be sacrifi - ced, slayed the Minotaur, and made his way out of the fa- mous labyrinth with the help of Ariadne, the daughter of King Minos. Upon his victo- rious return, however, he for- got to change the black sails of his ship to white ones – the agreed signal that the voyage had been a success and that he was still alive. King Aegus, who was anxiously awaiting his son’s return from this very spot, saw the black sails and, in his despair, leapt to the sea below, ending his life and gi- ving the sea its name. Today The Temple that we see to- day is formidable – once wi- th columns numbering 13 on the long sides and 6 at each end, while entirely enclosed at the centre of the temple was the Naos - the hall of wors- hip. None of these elements remain, but it would have mu- ch resembled the one at the Temple of Hephaestus in the Ancient Agora of Athens and it is believed that this temple was actually a work of the sa- me architect. The Naos conta- ined an enormous cult, bron- ze statue of Poseidon. Many of the columns are long gone too, but enough of the original structure is intact to give one a full sense of its grandeur. Li- ke the Parthenon, the columns of the Temple of Poseidon are in the Doric order, prized for its austere beauty. The Fame One of the most interesting sights at the Temple of Po- seidon comes from a mu- ch later era. This was one of

Ovi ogromni stubovi okupani zlatnom svetlošć u prizor su koji nikada neć ete zaboraviti The temple’s formidable columns bathed in golden light are a sight that you will never forget

ly consider themselves as ha- ving arrived home safely once they passed this famous ca- pe. It was, in other words, the perfect place to build a tem- ple to the god of the sea and seek his benevolent interven- tion. The temple of Poseidon that we still admire today was built during the Golden Age of Athens, in the middle of the 5 th century BC, very close to the time that the Parthenon was built. Mythology Lovers of Greek Mythology know this place well, given that this very spot is said to have given the Aegean Sea its name. The story actually be- gins in Crete, with the Mino-

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Danas U sredini hrama sa 13 stu - bova na dužim stranama i još po šest na svakom kra - ju, nalazio se Naos – sala za bogosluženje, potpuno za - tvorena u kojoj se nalazila ogromna statua Posejdona u bronzi. Ništa od ovoga nije ostalo, ali je veoma ličilo na Hefestov hram na staroj atin - skoj agori, te se smatra da ih je radio isti arhitekta. Mno - gi stubovi više nisu ovde, ali dovoljno od originalne tvore- vine stoji netaknuto, što ipak daje jasnu sliku o lepoti i ve- ličini. Poput Partenona, stu - bovi Posejdonovog hrama su dorski – cenjeni zbog svoje stroge lepote. Slava Jedna od zanimljivosti o Po - sejdonovom hramu potiče iz mnogo kasnijeg doba. Ovo me - sto je bilo vrhunska destinacija

za putovanja Evropom tokom 18. i 19. veka. Mnogi poseti - oci su ispisivali svoja imena, pa čak i datume poseta na sa - mom hramu! Iako je to nezami - slivo po današnjim standardi - ma, u to doba nije se smatralo pogrešnim. U stvari, među tim natpisima je čak i jedno čuve - no ime – Bajron. Lord i pesnik koji se borio za Grčku. Zamoli - te čuvara da vam to pokaže. Zalazak sunca

the supreme destinations on a grand tour of Europe pro- moted during the 18 th and 19 th centuries. Many visitors actually inscribed their na- mes and even the dates of their visits on the temple it- self. Although such an act of vandalism is unthinkable by today’s standards, it was not thought of as being wrong in that era. In fact, among tho- se inscriptions is one famo- us name: Byron. The lord and poet who fought for Greece. Ask a guard to point it out to you. The Sunset The temple’s formidable co- lumns bathed in golden li- ght are a sight that you wi- ll never forget. And the view of the Aegean, stretching be- low the cape, is nothing short of magical. Visitors gather at that moment in silence, sen- ding off the sinking sun with applause. This is a wonderful moment that you can share with strangers, all experien- cing the same feelings of ad- miration and awe in the face of the kind of beauty that only nature can provide.

Ovi ogromni stubovi okupa- ni zlatnom svetlošć u prizor su koji nikada neć ete zabora - viti. A pogled na Egejsko mo - re nije ništa manje do magi - čan. Svi posetioci okupljaju se u tišini ispra aju i potonu - lo sunce aplauzom. To je ču - desan momenat koji delite sa nepoznatim ljudima sa istim ose anjem divljenja i straho - poštovanja pred lepotom koju samo priroda može da pruži. Od Vule ili Vuljagmenija hram je udaljen nešto manje od sat vremena vožnje This temple is a little less than an hour’s drive from Voula or Vouliagmeni

24 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Intervju Interview

METJU VON, REDITELJ Bioskop je jedno od poslednjih mesta u kom možemo da budemo zajedno

„Argajl“ je porodični film koji je čist eskapizam, pa čak i zaista dobar film za ljubavne sastanke. Svet trenutno nije sjajno mesto, tako da je zračak sunca – čak i u mračnoj prostoriji – dobra ideja, kaže poznati reditelj S pisateljica špijunskih bestselera po imenu Eli Konvej (Brajs Dalas Hauard) uhvacena je u pravoj špijunskoj avanturi kada, zajedno sa svojim uvek nezadovoljnim ljubimcem, po- staje meta mračnog sindikata sa podlim na- merama. Čini se da je štiti nonšalantni stranac Ejdan (Sem Rokvel). Ali da li je on čovek za koga se izdaje? Da li je ona? Da li je bilo ko? „Argajl“, najnoviji film reditelja Metjua Vona, po- sle fantastičnih „Kingsmena“ jeste zabavno izvrgavanje ruglu jer se Von zapravo podsmeva špijunskom žan- ru kojem je i sam mnogo doprineo, i karikira ga. Kao i u svakom njegovom projektu, sve je prenaglašeno i za kritiku teško prihvatljivo. Ali publika bi trebalo da uži- va, bar tako veruje sam reditelj, kojeg pitamo šta ga je uopšte inspirisalo da snimi „Argajl“... – Pošto sam pomogao da se orkestrira ono što lju- di očekuju od špijunskih trilera, mislio sam da je vreme da uzmem neke klišee kojih se držim i izvrnem ih. To- kom pandemije proveo sam dosta vremena kod kuce gle- dajuci s decom filmove iz osamdesetih i pomislio sam: „Vau, ovi filmovi su sjajni!“ Zabavni su i donose najlep- ši eskapizam. Jednostavno sam pomislio da ce ljudima nakon kovida trebati nešto što ce ih nasmejati i pružiti osecaj da ih je neko zagrlio, dok su istovremeno na vrlo uzbudljivoj vožnji. Po čemu se onda razlikuje od vaših prethod- nih filmova? – Mnogo je mekši, „Argajl“ je PG-13! Želeo sam da snimim film koji će biti svojevrsni protivotrov „Kingsme- nu“, ali i da bude vrhunski film za ljubavne sastanke, što se, mislim, i ostvarilo. Šta je uopšte vaša glavna motivacija kao film- skom stvaraocu?

26 | Intervju » Interview

MATTHEW VAUGHN, DIRECTOR Cinema is among the last places where we can be together Argylle is a family film that’s pure escapism, and even makes a really good date movie. The world is not a great place right now, so having a ray of sunshine – even in a dark room – is a good idea, says this famous director A bestselling spy novelist named Elly Con- way (Bryce Dallas Howard) finds herself caught in the middle of a real-life espio- nage adventure when she is targeted, along with her permanently disgruntled pet, by a shadowy syndicate with nefarious intentions. Dishev- elled stranger Aidan (Sam Rockwell) seems to be protect- ing her, but is he who he says he is? Is she? Is anyone? Argylle, the latest picture from director Matthew Vaughn since his fantastic Kingsman series, arrives as an amusing satire, given that Vaughn actually mocks and derides the spy genre that he has himself contributed to greatly. And, like all of his projects, here everything

– Samo da ispričam dobru priču. Sa „Argajlom“ ni- sam pokušao da ponovo osmislim žanr, vec sam ga izvr- nuo. Uvek režiram kao da sam deo publike i razmišljam: „Šta bih voleo da vidim u ovoj sceni?“ Onda se trudim da to uradim. Naravno, svi filmovi imaju formulu, ali po- nekad su formule malo previše očigledne, pa sam rešio da promenim nekoliko sastojaka. Najbolji primer je ka- da je nekom palo na pamet da spoji so i karamel. U po- četku sam mislio da je to loša ideja, ali kada sam probao, shvatio sam da je ipak bila odlična! Pokušavam da ura- dim isto i sa filmovima, da dodajem neočekivane sastoj- ke s nadom da će zadržati dobar ukus. Tu je i mačka koja igra veliku ulogu u filmu, tačnije mačak Alfi? – U početku smo za tu ulogu angažovali profesionalnu mačku koja je bila skupa i u neku ruku beskorisna. Zato sam jednog dana ušao u cerkinu spavacu sobu, zamolio je da uhvati našeg mačka Čipa i rekao joj da ce on raditi sa mnom naredna tri meseca. Bilo je bizarno svaki dan ići na posao sa mačkom u autu i deliti prikolicu s njim, ali je na kraju bio savršen izbor. Čip je zabavan i sladak, a čak je i bio zvezda nekih scena umesto nas. Ovaj projekat mora da je bio pomalo porodič- ni, budući da je na produkciji radila vaša su- pruga Klaudija, a bila su uključena i vaša de- ca, pa čak i mačka? – Da, iako je porodica na ovaj ili onaj način oduvek bila deo mojih projekata. Oni su uticali na mene i po- mogli u svakom filmu koji sam snimio, iako ovde ima- ju zvaničniju ulogu. A rezultat je film koji je veoma zabavan... – Pa, i dalje mislim da ljudi treba da budu povezani u smislu čovečnosti, a bioskop je jedno od poslednjih me- sta na koje možemo da odemo i zajedno doživimo priču – sa svim njenim usponima i padovima.

Tekst / Words: Ana Lađarević Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia

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Henri Kavil Ovaj film ne shvata sebe previše ozbiljno


Henri Kavil, poznat kao Supermen u filmu „Čovek od čelika“, kao i po seriji „Veštac“, igraće glavnu ulogu u novoj verziji filma „Gorštak“, koja se tek očekuje, a u međuvremenu ga gledamo kao Argajla, lepog i izma- štanog špijuna u istoimenom filmu... Za početak, kako vam se desio ovaj projekat? – Na najjednostavniji način: Metju Von me je pozvao i nagovorio me. Poznajemo se vec neko vreme i imam ogromno poverenje u njega. Rekao je: „Vidi, znam da zvuči ludo, ali veruj mi“. A ja sam rekao: „U redu! Ho-

Henry Cavill, best known for playing Superman in Man of Steel, but also for his role in the series The Witcher, is set to play the lead role in the upcoming reboot of the cult film Highlander. In the meantime, however, we can see him perform as Argyle, a handsome and refined spy, in the eponymous movie... How did this project happen for you? “In the simplest of ways—Matthew Vaughn called me and talked me through it. We have known each other for a while now and I trust him enormously. He said, “Look, I know it

cu“. Dakle, poslao mi je scenario i svideo mi se. Radio sam sa njim na „Zvezdanoj prašini“ i od tada sam gledao sve njegove filmove. Divna stvar kod Metjua je to što on uvek pomera granice i menja stvari poku- šavajuci da donese nešto novo. On ima prst na pulsu društva. Ovde izvrce špijunski žanr i njegove junake... – Da, mislim da u raznim špijunskim franšizama koje znamo, uključujuci „Kingsmane“ koje je on režirao, do- bijate informacije o ovakvoj vrsti li- ka koji ja igram ovde, idealizovanoj verziji špijuna. I tako, uzmete sve te elemente, a onda ih preuveličate do besvesti dodajuci malo boje Metjua Vona u celu stvar. Vi zapravo dajete život super- špijunu Argajlu koji je stvorila spisateljica Eli Konvej? – Da, Argajl je izmišljeni lik u izmišlje- nom svetu. Bilo ga je zabavno igra- ti jer je sve vreme deo Eline mašte, što omogucava odvajanje od stvar- nog sveta u kome se nalaze ostali li- kovi. Sve što ima veze sa njim je po- jačano, kao i sama priroda priče.

sounds crazy, but trust me.” And I was like, “Okay! I will.” So, he sent me the script and I loved it. I worked with him on Stardust, and since then have watched all his films. The wonderful thing about Matthew is that he’s always pushing the envelope and chang- ing things, trying to bring something new. He has his finger on the pulse.” Here he turns the spy genre and the characters that populate it on its head. “Yes, I think that in the various spy fran- chises we know, including the Kingsman series that he directed, they all inform this kind of character I play here, because he’s very much an idealised version of a spy. And so, it’s about taking all those things and then just dialling them up to 11, add- ing a bit of Matthew Vaughn colour to the whole thing.” You bring to life the superspy Argyl- le created by novelist Elly Conway, por- trayed by Bryce Dallas Howard. “Yes, Argylle is a fictional character with- in a fictional world. He was fun to play, be- cause he’s in Elly’s imagination the whole time, which allows for a separation from the real world that Bryce and Sam’s char- acters inhabit. Everything that has to do

with him is heightened, as is the nature of the story.” So, how would you explain what the director has achieved with this movie? “What Matthew has made is, I think, something that is a reaction to the times. We are going through some par- ticularly difficult and trying times, and he has brought this in as a sense of bombastic, enjoyable, complex, but easy- to-watch entertainment. And it’s new! It’s not something you’ve seen before. So, it’s going to provide that sense of wonder as well. Argylle is a film that doesn’t take itself too seriously and that is a lot of fun, but there’s also an un- derlying message of believing in yourself even when you don’t think you can, because you’ll be surprised with what you can achieve.”

Dakle, kako biste objasnili šta je reditelj postigao ovim filmom?

– Ono što je Metju napravio, rekao bih, jeste svojevr- sna reakcija na današnje vreme. Prolazimo kroz teš- ke periode, a on se time pozabavio utkavši zabavu, bombastičnu, prijatnu, složenu zabavu koja je neop- terećujuća za gledanje... To nije nešto što ste ranije videli. Dakle, doneće vam i osećaj začuđenosti. „Ar- gajl“ je film koji sebe ne shvata previše ozbiljno i koji je veoma zabavan, ali postoji i poučni sloj da treba da verujete u sebe. Čak i kada mislite da nešto ne mo- žete, bićete iznenađeni onim što zapravo možete da postignete.

28 | Intervju » Interview

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