Elevate September 2022 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Vodimo vas u Salcburg WE'RE TAKING YOU TO SALZBURG

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Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

Septembar 2022.

September 2022

Dragi putnici,

Dear Passengers,

SEPTEMBAR OBIČNO SA SOBOM DONOSI NE- ŠTO PRIJATNIJE TEMPERATURE, ali ujedno i po- vratak školskim i poslovnim obavezama. Period godiš- njih odmora polako se bliži kraju, a mi u avio-industriji sumiramo utiske udarnih letnjih meseci. U julu i av- gustu ostvarili smo rekordne rezultate uprkos broj- nim izazovima. Ponosni smo na činjenicu da je Er Srbija tokom ju- la prevezla više od 400.000 putnika u redovnom i čar- ter-saobraćaju, najveći broj u proteklih devet godina otkako kompanija posluje pod ovim imenom. Uprkos povećanoj potražnji za putovanjima spremno smo do- čekali ovu izazovnu sezonu tokom koje smo nastavi- li sa obnovom i proširivanjem naše flote i obezbeđi- vanjem dodatnog ljudstva da bismo održali uslugu na najvišem nivou. Cilj nam je da proširimo mrežu destinacija, pojača- mo kapacitete na najpopularnijim linijama i osnažimo poslovanje na tržištu drugih zemalja. Proširenje flote još jednom letelicom tipa erbas A330 planirano je u ok- tobru ove godine. Novi avion krasiće lik našeg velika- na Mihajla Pupina i pomoći će nam da uspostavimo direktne letove do Kine, kao i dugo očekivani sedmi nedeljni let do Njujorka tokom letnje sezone. Od pro- leća 2023. godine planirano je i uvođenje direktnih letova između Beograda i Čikaga, čime ćemo dodat- no pojačati naš saobraćaj prema SAD. Zanimljiva je činjenica da Er Srbija leti sa čak 15 aerodroma u zemljama bivše Jugoslavije ovog leta, što je ranije bio slučaj jedino sa našim prethodnikom, kompanijom JAT . Preko matičnog aerodroma u Beo- gradu i vazdušnih luka u Nišu i Kraljevu najviše smo saobraćali ka Tivtu sa pet do sedam letova dnevno i Podgorici sa tri dnevne frekvencije. Ka Ljubljani i Sko- plju smo realizovali više od 10 nedeljnih letova i ne- što manji broj letova ka Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercego- vini. Drago nam je što sve veći broj putnika iz regiona putem naše mreže tranzitira preko Beograda ka osta- lim destinacijama u Evropi i Severnoj Americi. U skladu sa ciljevima kompanije da se razvija kao regionalni lider, kontinuirano radimo na jačanju regi- onalne flote. U julu je stigao treći po redu turbo-elisni avion tipa ATR 72-600 , registarske oznake YU-ALX. No- va letelica, proizvedena 2017. godine, ima konfiguraci- ju koja pruža veći komfor i udobnost prilikom putova- nja. Plan je da u narednom periodu našu flotu obogate još dve letelice tog tipa, a mi smo sigurni da će nam modernizovana flota turbo-elisnih aviona omogućiti da nastavimo da pružamo najbolje korisničko iskustvo za naše putnike. Hvala što letite sa nama, uživajte u letu i srećan put, JIRŽI MAREK, GENERALNI DIREKTOR ER SRBIJE

SEPTEMBER USUALLY BRINGS SOMEWHAT MORE PLEASANT TEMPERATURES, BUT also marks the return to school and our professional obligations. The summer holiday season is nearing its end, and those of us in the aviation industry are going over our impressions from the peak summer months, with July and August having been marked by record results despite numerous challenges. We are proud of the fact that Air Serbia carried more than 400,000 passengers on its scheduled and charter flights in July, representing the highest number since the company started operating under this name nine years ago. Despite increased demand for travel, we were prepared for this chal- lenging season, during which we continued to renew and expand our fleet, and also to hire additional staff in order to maintain our highest quality of service. Our goal is to expand our network of destinations, increase our capacities for the most popular routes and strengthen our operations on other markets. We are al- so planning to expand our fleet this October with another Airbus A330 aircraft. Our new plane will be adorned with the image of great Serbian scientist Mihajlo Pupin and will help us establish direct flights to China, as well as the long-awaited seventh weekly flight to New York during the summer season. We are planning to introduce direct flights between Belgrade and Chicago during spring 2023, which will further boost our traffic to the U.S. One interesting fact is that Air Serbia is this sum- mer flying from as many as 15 airports in the countries of the former Yugoslavia, a feat only previously achieved by our predecessor, JAT. From our home airport in Bel- grade and airports in Niš and Kraljevo, we have operated the highest number of flights to Tivat, with five to seven flights per day, and to Podgorica, with three daily flights. We have operated more than 10 weekly flights to Ljublja- na and Skopje, as well as a slightly lower number to Cro- atia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. We are glad that a growing number of passengers from the region are using our net- work to transit to other destinations in Europe and North America via Belgrade. In accordance with the company’s goal of developing as a regional leader, we are working continuously to strength- en our regional fleet. The third turboprop ATR 72-600 air- craft, carrying the registration code YU-ALX, arrived in Ju- ly. This new aircraft, which was manufactured in 2017, has a configuration that provides greater comfort and enjoy- ment during flights. Our plan for the coming period is to enrich our fleet with another two aircraft of this type, and we are certain that our modernised turbo-prop fleet will enable us to continue offering our passengers the best us- er experience. Enjoy your flight and have a pleasant trip,

Jiri Marek CEO Air Serbia


Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 7





 Direktor Er Srbije Jirži Marek: Planiramo desetak novih destinacija u 2023. godini / We are planning a dozen new destinations in 2023

Er Srbija u oktobru dobija novi erbas A330-200 koji će krasiti lik Mihajla Pupina / Air Serbia will gain a new Airbus A330-200 this October, which will be adorned with the image of Mihajlo Pupin  Novi rekord Er Srbije : U julu najviše putnika u jednom mesecu / New Air Serbia record: highest monthly passenger numbers in July



U TRENDINGU TRENDING 28. Bili smo na premijeri serije Kuća zmaja : Ne dolazi zima, dolazi vatra / We attended the premiere of the new show House of the Dragon: winter isn‘t coming, fire is!

 Putujemo sa Viktorom Troickim, teniserom / We travel with Viktor Troicki, tennis player


Masimo Savić: Muziku izvodim samo u prvoj brzini / Masimo Savić: I only perform music in first gear 56. Bitef: Mi, junaci rada svog / 56 th BITEF: we, the heroes of our own labour Andrija Milošević u ulozi Herkula Poaroa / Andrija Milošević in the role of Hercule Poirot




PUTUJTE PAMETNO SMART TRAVEL 20.  Vodimo vas u Salcburg / We’re taking you to Salzburg

Stefan Đoković: Anatomija visoke mode / Stefan Đoković: the anatomy of haute couture

10 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović

Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Nenad Mihajlović, Robert Getel Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher

RITAM GRADA RHYTHM OF THE CITY 68. Kosančićev venac: Biseri arhitekture iznad ušća Save i Dunava / At the heart of

RITAM SRBIJE RHYTHM OF SERBIA 88. Dobro došli u Sandžak: Neprocenjiva blaga Novog Pazara /

Belgrade: architectural gems above the confluence of the Sava and Danube Spektakl na Ušću: Bah, trčanje, violončelo i Toke Moldrup / Spectacle at the Ušće confluence: Bach, running, cello and Toke Møldrup

Welcome to Sandžak: priceless treasures of Novi Pazar


DESTINACIJA DESTINATION 102. Njujork na plaži: U čemu

je čar Hemptonsa? / New York on the beach: what holds the charm of the Hamptons?

LAJFSTAJL LIFESTYLE 80. Slavlje u čast reka: Plave arterije naših života / A

Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringier.rs

SPORT SPORTS 106. Strahinja Eraković:

celebration in honour of rivers: The blue arteries of our lives 26. septembar: Naša planeta, naše zdravlje / 26 th September: our planet, our health

Generalni direktor Ringier Srbija / CEO Ringier Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

Poređenje sa Vidićem mi imponuje / Strahinja Eraković: comparisons with Vidić make a big impression on me


Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Vodimo vas u Salcburg WE'RE TAKING YOU TO SALZBURG

Dobro došli u Mocartov grad / Welcome to the city of Mozart Foto/ Photo: Depositphotos

Broj / Issue No. 343 Naslovna strana / Cover Depositphotos

Contents » Sadržaj | 11

U fokusu

In focus


Trenutno planiramo desetak novih destinacija u 2023. godini. Ujedno počinjemo da razmatramo i dugolinijske letove do pojedinih egzotičnih destinacija SA PADOM BROJA ZARAŽENIH OD KORONA virusa avio-industri- ja se ove godine suočila sa drastič- nim rastom potražnje. Paralelno sa tim trendom, zbog niza različi- tih faktora, na aerodromima nedo- staje radne snage, što posledič-

imamo dovoljno radne snage. Ka- da je reč o otkazivanjima letova, taj nivo je u julu bio ispod 0,3 odsto od ukupnog broja letova, što je znat- no manje od najvećeg broja drugih avio-kompanija. U Er Srbiju ste došli, praktič- no, pred sam početak pandemi- je, koja je zadala ozbiljan udarac normalnom poslovanju avio-in- dustrije. Koji su najgori scenariji koji su vam u tom trenutku pada- li na pamet? – Pridružio sam se Er Srbi- ji u junu 2019. godine sa ciljem da podstaknem rast kompanije i da transformišem njenu dotadašnju komercijalnu strategiju. To smo us-

no stvara masovne gužve, čekanja i kašnjenja. O načinima kako se Er Srbija nosi s aktuelnim problemi- ma u industriji, ulozi nacionalnog avio-prevoznika tokom vrhunca pandemije, rezultatima koje kom- panija beleži i pored svih izazova u poslednje dve godine, kao i o pla- novima, govorio je direktor Er Srbi- je Jirži Marek. – U skladu s okolnostima više ne možemo da se pridržavamo du- goročnih planova, već našu mrežu pratimo na dnevnom nivou i prila- gođavamo je za narednih nekoliko meseci. Zbog te fleksibilnosti mo- žemo da reagujemo, tj. da pove- ćavamo ili smanjujemo kapacitete,

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

peli da postignemo relativno br- zo, pre svega zahvaljujući veoma kvalitetnom timu koji sam zate- kao. Ljudima je bilo potrebno sa- mo malo nove energije i podstica- ja da bi uspeli da ostvare planirane rezultate. Dokaz za to je da smo tu godinu završili s rekordnih 2,81 mi- lion putnika, što se nastavilo i to- kom prvih meseci 2020. godine kada smo beležili dvocifreni rast. Onda je stigla pandemija, ali ste uspeli da ostanete opti- mista… – Da, naizgled je sve stalo, ali ja sam zadržao optimizam. Iako su u prva tri meseca pandemije na- ši avioni bili prizemljeni za komer- cijalne putničke letove, Er Srbija je brzo pronašla svoju ulogu i svrhu. Sve resurse stavili smo na raspo- laganje državi, za javni interes, da bismo pomogli Vladi Srbije u bor- bi protiv pandemije. Tako smo or- ganizovali veliki broj repatrijacionih i evakuacionih letova i vratili više od 10.000 naših građana u Srbiju, ali takođe vratili i strane državljane u njihove zemlje. Pored toga, pre- vozili smo neophodnu medicinsku opremu, kasnije i vakcine, i tako ta- kođe doprineli borbi protiv kovida. Koliko je realno da do 2023. postignete nivoe poslovanja iz 2019. godine? – To bih malo drugačije re- kao. Ne želimo da se vratimo na pretpandemijske nivoe, želimo da ih prestignemo, i to najkasnije u 2023. godini. U nekim segmenti- ma smo to već postigli. Na primer, ove godine imaćemo za oko 30 odsto više čarter-letova u odnosu na 2019. godinu. Štaviše, u obla- sti čartera nadmašili smo nivoe iz 2019. godine već prošle letnje se- zone. To je sve dokaz da ljudi že- le da putuju i da je potražnja za tu- rističkim destinacijama snažna, i to nas je motivisalo da uvedemo pre- ko deset novih destinacija ovog le- ta. Reč je pre svega o letovima ka popularnim turističkim tržištima kao što su Španija i Italija, i rezulta- ti na tim destinacijama su prevazišli naša očekivanja. Imate li neke brojke oko toga koliko je avio-industrija na udaru,

Nedavno smo raspisali novi konkurs za zapošljavanje kabinskih posada, a za samo dva dana javilo nam se više od 200 kandidata We recently announced a new hiring contest for cabin crew and more than 200 candidates applied in just two days

koliko ona mora da smanji emisije CO2 i šta još treba da se uradi? – Po pitanju zaštite životne sre- dine avio-industrija je već mnogo toga uradila, ali se o tome ne pri- ča toliko, niti je to dovoljno promo- visano. Količina ugljen-dioksida koji pravi avio-industrija neuporedivo je manja u poređenju sa drugim pre- voznim sredstvima, kao i pojedinim drugim ljudskim delatnostima. Po- stoje brojne inicijative i aktivnosti koje su usmerene na životnu sre- dinu i održivost, kao što je npr. IA- TA inicijativa nulte emisije ugljenika do 2050. godine. Er Srbija je deo svih tih napora. U tom kontekstu je i naš program obnove flote, u okviru kog smo prizemljili nekadašnju bo- ing flotu koju su činili stariji avioni, a sada zamenjujemo starije ATR avi- one novijim. Nakon 32 godine ponovo se pokreće linija do Čikaga. Kakvi su dalji planovi? – Naši prekookeanski projek- ti planirani su i počeli su mnogo pre pandemije. Od pokretanja leto- va do Njujorka 2016. godine, posle šest godina saobraćaja i oko 400 hiljada prevezenih putnika, ta lini- ja je sazrela i postala profitabilna. Zbog toga ne samo da smo odlučili da pojačamo letove do Njujorka to- kom zimske sezone, i tako smanji- mo izraženu sezonalnost, već smo odlučili i da idemo u dalju ekspan- ziju našeg dugolinijskog saobraća- ja. Odlučili smo da krenemo sa ba- lansiranim pristupom ka istoku i ka


Međutim, širenje ka istoku je trenutno još uvek ograničenih mogućnosti usled pandemije? – Da, u tom kontekstu ka Ki- ni će biti otvorena jedna linija – do Tjenđina, uz mogućnost da se ka- snije uspostave posebni letovi ka Pekingu i Šangaju, čim ograničenja na tržištu budu ukinuta. Kada je reč o zapadu, naš saobraćaj ka SAD od aprila sledeće godine dodatno će- mo pojačati uspostavljanjem direk- tnih letova do Čikaga. Pored toga, radićemo na daljem produbljiva- nju i jačanju regionalne mreže ka- ko bismo obezbedili dobru pove- zanost sa našim prekookeanskim saobraćajem. Takođe, nastaviće- mo sa širenjem mreže destinaci- ja ka pretežno turističkim destina- cijama, što se ove godine pokazalo kao pun pogodak. Možemo li da očekujemo ne- ku egzotičnu destinaciju? – Trenutno planiramo desetak novih destinacija u 2023. godini. Ujedno počinjemo da razmatramo i dugolinijske letove do pojedinih egzotičnih destinacija. U tom smi- slu gledamo i ka istoku i ka zapadu.

Ne želimo da se vratimo na pretpandemijske nivoe, želimo da ih prestignemo, i to najkasnije u 2023. godini We don’t want to return to pre- pandemic levels; we want to overtake them, and to do so in 2023 by the latest

Tekst / Words: Nikola Vojnović Fotografije / Photography: Snežana Krstić

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 13



We’re currently planning to add dozen new destinations in 2023. At the same time, we’ve started considering long-haul flights to certain exotic destinations WITH THE NUMBER OF CORONA- VIRUS INFECTIONS plummeting, the aviation industry faced drama- tically increased demand this ye- ar. In parallel with that trend, various factors have led to staff shorta- ges at airports, resulting in massi- ve crowds, extended waiting times and delays. Here Air Serbia CEO Jiří Marek discusses the ways Air Serbia is dealing with the problems curren- tly hampering the industry, the nati- onal airline’s role at the height of the pandemic and the results achieved by the company over the last two years despite all the challenges, but also future plans. “In accordance with the circum- stances, we’re no longer able to stick to long-term plans, rather we moni- tor our network on a daily basis and adjust it for the next few months. This flexibility enables us to respond, i.e., to increase or decrease capaci- ties, as we have sufficient personnel. When it comes to flight cancellati - ons, the level was below 0.3% of the total number of flights in July, which is significantly below the great majo - rity of airlines.” You practically arrived at Air Serbia just before the outbreak of the pandemic, which dealt a serio - us blow to the regular operations of the aviation industry. What were the worst-case scenarios that cros - sed your mind at that moment? WE ARE PLANNING A DOZEN NEW DESTINATIONS IN 2023

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

fleet renewal programme is also be - ing implemented in this context, wi- thin the scope of which we’ve grou - nded our former Boeing fleet, which comprised older aircraft, and are now replacing our older ATR aircraft with newer ones. After a break of 32 years, the route to Chicago is again being la - unched. What are your further plans? - Our transoceanic projects we - re planned and started long befo- re the pandemic. Since the launch of flights to New York in 2016, after six years of traffic and around 400,000 transported passengers, that route has matured and become profitable. That’s why we decided not only to increase the frequency of flights to New York during the winter season, thereby reducing the route’s prono - unced seasonality, but also to en - ter into the further expansion of our long-haul traffic. We decided to la - unch a balanced approach both ea- stwards and westwards. However, the possibilities for eastward expansion currently rema - in limited due to the pandemic? - Yes, in that context, one route will be established to China- to Tia- njin, along with the possibility to la - ter establish special flights to Beijing and Shanghai, once market restricti - ons are lifted. When it comes to we - stward expansion, as of April next year we will further strengthen our traffic to the U.S. with the establi - shing of direct flights to Chicago. Alongside this, we will work to furt - her deepen and strengthen our re- gional network, in order for us to ensure good connectivity with our transoceanic traffic. Likewise, we wi - ll continue expanding our network of destinations predominantly to tourist destinations, which this year proved to be a bull’s eye shot. Can we expect some exotic de - stination? - We’re currently planning to add ten new destinations in 2023. At the same time, we’ve also started considering long-haul flights to cer - tain exotic destinations. We’re loo - king both eastwards and westwards in this regard.

Iako se većina avio-kompanija trenutno muči sa nedostatkom ljudstva, Er Srbija ima resurse da se prilagodi svim promenama Even though most airlines are currently plagued by staff shortages, Air Serbia has the human resources to adapt to any changes

- I would express that slightly di - fferently. We don’t want to return to pre-pandemic levels; we want to overtake them, and to do so in 2023 by the latest. We’ve already achieved that in some segments. For example, we will have approximately 30 per cent more charter flights this year than we had in 2019. What’s more, we already surpassed the 2019 levels in the charter flight sector during the last summer season. This is all evi - dence that people want to travel and that there’s strong demand for tou- rist destinations, and that motivated us to introduce more than ten new destinations this summer. This is first and foremost about flights to popu - lar tourist markets, such as Spain and Italy, and results have exceeded our expectations for those destinations. Do you have any figures on the extent to which the aviation indu - stry is being hit by ecological de - mands; how much it has to reduce CO 2 emissions and what else needs to be done? - In terms of environmental pro - tection, the aviation industry has already done a lot, but that is not mentioned much, or sufficiently pro - moted. The amount of carbon dioxi- de emitted by the aviation industry is incomparably less than other me - ans of transportation, as well as cer - tain other human activities. Nume - rous industry initiatives and activities are focused on the environment and sustainability, such as the IATA’s Fly Net Zero initiative to achieve net zero carbon among airlines by 2050 . Air Serbia is part of all those efforts. Our

- I joined Air Serbia in June 2019, with the aim of stimulating the growth of the company and tran - sforming the commercial strategy it had previously pursued. We mana - ged to achieve that relatively quickly, thanks primarily to the very high-qu - ality team that I inherited. People only required a little new energy and encouragement to succeed in achie- ving the planned results. Testifying to this is the fact that we ended that ye - ar with a record 2.81 million passen - gers, which continued during the first months of 2020, when we recorded double-digit growth. Then came the pandemic, but you managed to remain optimistic… - Yes, everything had seemingly ground to a halt, but I retained my optimism. Despite our aircraft being grounded for commercial passenger flights during the first three mont - hs of the pandemic, Air Serbia quic - kly found its own role and purpose. We made all our resources available to the state, in the public interest, so we could help the Government of Serbia in the struggle against the pandemic. We thus organised a large number of repatriation and evacuati - on flights, bringing more than 10,000 of our citizens back to Serbia, but al - so returning foreign citizens to the - ir home countries. Alongside this, we transported essential medical equi - pment, and later also vaccines, and thereby also contributed in this way to the struggle against Covid-19. How realistic is it that you will achieve the airline’s 2019 operatio - nal levels by 2023?

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15

Na letu

On board

Volim da letim kući u Beograd / I love flying home to Belgrade ZAŠTO VOLITE AVIONE? WHY DO YOU LIKE PLANES?

AVIONE VOLIM ZATO ŠTO JE TO NAJBRŽI I najkomforniji način da stignem iz tačke A u tač- ku B. Iskreno, čitav svoj život sam u avionu. Proputovao sam dosta. Obožavam letove jer onda imam vremena samo za sebe, da razmiš- ljam, da se malo osamim… Posebno su mi uvek bili dragi letovi kojima sam dolazio kući u Beograd posle turnira. Ti trenuci kada se približa- vamo Aerodromu Nikola Tesla , bi- li su neprocenjivi jer znam da me uskoro čeka susret sa porodicom i prijateljima. Bez čega ne ulazite u avion? – Uvek imam telefon, nov- čanik, pasoš, slušalice i vodu. Telefon koji, mislim, većina nas ne ispušta iz ruku. Novčanik i pasoš idu zajedno, uvek volim kada ih imam u rukama. Sluša- lice su takođe tu, jer volim da slu- šam muziku i uživam u letu. Rani- je, dok sam putovao sam, obavezno sam nosio i knjigu, zato što sam vo- leo da čitam u avionu, ali sada kada putujem sa decom, nemam vreme- na za čitanje.

I LIKE PLANES BECAUSE THEY’RE THE QUICKEST AND most comfortable way of getting from point A to point B. Frankly, I spend my whole life aboard planes. I’ve done plenty of travelling. I adore flights because I have time to devote to myself, to think, to be alone a lit- tle... I’ve always particularly loved flights that bring me back home to Belgrade after a tournament. Those moments when we ap- proach Nikola Tesla airport were priceless to me, be- cause I know that I’ll soon be awaited by meeting up with family and friends. What don’t you board a plane without? I always have my phone, wallet, passport, headphones and water. A telephone, which I think most of us don’t put down. The wallet and pass- port go together, I always love hav- ing them in my hands. Headphones because I love listening to music and enjoying the flight. I used to always make sure to bring a book when travelling alone, because I liked to read aboard the plane, but I don't have time to read now that I trav- el with children.

Viktor Troicki teniser/tennis player

Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography: Goran Srdanov

I’ve always particularly loved flights that bring me back home to Belgrade after a tournament

Posebno su mi uvek bili dragi letovi kojima sam dolazio kući u Beograd posle turnira

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Jedan od filmova koji je proslavio Salcburg bio je čuveni američki mjuzikl Moje pesme, mo- ji snovi ( The Sound of Music ), a svako ko ga je pogledao sigurno je poželeo da jednog dana po - seti nestvarne alpske krajolike i slikovite lepote Salcburga / One of the films that celebrated Salz - burg was the famous American musical The Sound of Music, and anyone who has ever watched it has certainly been overcome by a desire to one day visit the incredible alpine landscapes and scenic beauty of the majestic Salzburg Pesme i snovi o planini i čokoladi Songs and dreams of mountains and chocolate

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me scan


Salcburg je jedan od najpo - znatijih gradova Austrije, ko - ji se nalazi u blizini granice sa Nemačkom, rodno je me - sto kompozitora Volfgan - ga Amadeusa Mocarta, ali je svetski poznat i po impresiv - noj srednjovekovnoj i baro - knoj arhitekturi. Zato ne čudi što je 1997. godine uvršten i u Uneskovu listu svetske ba - štine kao grad „izvanredne vrednosti za čovečanstvo“. Ovo će biti tek fragmen - ti svega što vas tamo čeka ukoliko odletite direktnim le - tom Er Srbije . Ostalo ćete morati da otkrivate sami… REGION SALCKAMERGUT Na samo 20 minuta vožnje od Salcburga nalazi se ne - verovatan alpski krajolik: planinski vrhovi, jezera, re - ke, živopisna sela i gradići. Salckamergut je zemlja ču - da u kojoj su isprepletane staze za pešačenje, skijanje i brdski biciklizam. Uputite se žičarom na spektakular - nu vožnju do vrha planine Cvelferhorn. Odatle se pru - ža sjajan pogled na čitav re - gion Salckamergut i jezera Volfgangze i Fušlze. Na vrhu se nalaze vidikovac i sjajna kafeterija. MOCART KUGLE Imajući na umu da je Mocart rođen u Salcburgu, logično je da je njegovo ime prisut - no svuda u gradu. Sa druge strane, Austrijanci se veko - vima odlikuju vrhunskim po - slastičarskim umećem, te je bilo logično da neko ove dve stvari spoji u jedno. A to je učinio poslastičar iz Salc - burga Pol First kada je 1890. godine stvorio sada već ču - vene mocart kugle. Okrugli slatkiš od marcipana, pista - ća i nugata, umočen u tamnu

Salzburg is one of Austria’s most famous cities. Located close to the border with Ger - many, it is the birthplace of world-renowned composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, but is also famous around the world for its impressive me - dieval and baroque architectu - re. No wonder, then, that it was included on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1997, classified as “a city of outstanding value to humanity”. These facts only represent fragments of everyt - hing that awaits you if you opt to take a direct Air Serbia flight to this city. You’ll have to disco - ver the rest yourself… SALZKAMMERGUT REGION Incredible landscapes await you just a 20-minute drive from Salzburg, encompassing mo - untain peaks, lakes, rivers and picturesque villages and small towns. The Salzkammergut re - sort area is a veritable won -

derland that’s intersected by hiking trails, ski slopes and mo - untain biking runs. Catch the cable car for a spectacular ride to the top of the Zwölferhorn, where you can enjoy wonder - ful views of the entire Salzkam - mergut region, including Lake Fuschl and Lake Wolfgang. At the top you will find an obser - vation point and cafeteria. MOZARTKUGEL Given that Mozart was born in Salzburg, it’s quite logical that his name would be pre - sent all over the city. On the ot - her hand, Austrians have been known for their superb con - fectionary skills for centuries. It was thus inevitable that so - meone would one day combi - ne the two to create something special. And that’s precise - ly what Salzburg confectioner Paul Fürst did back in 1890, when he created the now fa - mous little balls known as Mo - zartkugel. This small, round su -

Na reci Salcah koja prolazi kroz grad nalazi se 13 mostova, kao i mnogobrojne biciklističke staze i parkovi The Salzach River, which traverses the city, boasts 13 bridges and

numerous cycle lanes and parks

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17. VEK sagrađen je dvorac u blizini Salcburga / baroque palace located close to Salzburg was built in the 17 th century

čokoladu, stekao je planetar - nu popularnost. DVORAC HELBRUN Dvorac u blizini Salcburga je sagrađen početkom 17. ve - ka, a barokna palata je osmi - šljena kao mesto za prosla - ve, sa brojnim fontanama i vodoskocima. Zahvaljuju - ći brojnim vodenim igrama i iznenađenjima, sjajno je me - sto za porodice sa decom. Pored toga, svake nedelje u 11.45 h muzičari nastupa - ju u Kuli trubača i šalju zvu - ke svojih baroknih fanfara u Stari grad. RESTORAN M32 Restoran koji obavezno tre - ba posetiti dok ste u Salc - burgu je M32 , specijalizovan za austrijsku kuhinju, a nala - zi se na vrhu brda sa pogle - dom na grad, u istoj zgradi kao i Muzej moderne umet - nosti. Restoranom domini - raju veliki stakleni prozori sa kojih se pruža čaroban po - gled na istorijski kvart. Spe - cijalitet kuće je bečka šnic - la, ali spremljena na poseban način. Seče se u obliku lepti - ra, a poslužuje sa krompirom i džemom od bobica. PIVO, ŠNAPS I KOBASICE Ako niste za restoran, svuda ćete naići na noćne štando - ve sa čuvenim kobasicama ( Nachtwürstelstand ), koji su

deo austrijske tradicije kada je ulična hrana u pitanju. Slu - že se sa hlebom ili lepinjom, začinjene senfom i kiselim krastavcem, a uz kobasice obavezno ide i hladno pivo ili čašica šnapsa. NAJSTARIJI VRT PATULJAKA NA SVETU Salcburg je i savršeno me - sto za posetu vrtu patulja - ka! Godine 1715. princ nad - biskup Franc Anton Harah je naručio 28 patuljastih sta - tua. Mnogi su bili zasnovani na stvarnim ljudima, a mirno su živeli sve do početka 19. veka kada ih je bavarski kralj Ludvig I, plašeći se da ce mu patuljci doneti nesrecu, za - branio. Otprilike sto godina kasnije ponovo su okupljeni u vrtu. Nekoliko ih je, dodu - še, nestalo i niko nije siguran šta im se desilo, a nalaze se

gar confection - made from marzipan, pistachios and nou - gat, and covered in dark choco - late - has gone on to gain worl - dwide popularity. HELLBRUNN PALACE This baroque palace located close to Salzburg was built in the early 17 th century and in - tended as a place to host cele - brations, complete with many unique and interesting foun - tains and other water featu - res. Thanks to its numerous trick fountains, this is a gre - at destination for families wi - th children. It also hosts per - formances of musicians in its Trumpeter Tower every Sun - day at 11.45am, with the so - unds of their baroque fanfares reverberating all the way to the Old Town. RESTAURANT M32 O ne must-visit restaurant while you’re in Salzburg is M32, whi - ch specialises in Austrian cuisi - ne and is located at the top of a hill overlooking the city, hou - sed in the same building as the city’s Museum of Modern Art and dominated by large win - dows offering majestic views of the city’s historical quarter. The house speciality is Wiener schnitzel, though M32’s versi - on is prepared in a special way – cut to the shape of a butter - fly and served with potatoes and jam made from berries.

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If you don’t fancy dining in a restaurant, you will find food stalls all across the city in the evenings selling renowned lo - cal sausages, so-called Na - chtwürstelstand (lit. Night-time sausage stands), which form part of the Austrian street fo - od tradition. Served with sliced bread or a bun and seasoned with mustard and sauerkraut, it’s pretty much obligatory for them to be accompanied by cold beer or a glass of Schna - pps. WORLD’S OLDEST GNOME GARDEN Salzburg is also the perfect place to visit a gnome garden! It was back in 1715 that Prin - ce-Archbishop Franz Anton Harrach ordered 28 statues of dwarves. Many were based on real people and existed peace - fully in the park until the ear - ly 1800s, when King Ludwig I of Bavaria banned their presen - ce, fearing that the dwarves would bring him misfortune. It was around a century later that they were reunited in the gar - den, though several of them went missing in the meantime and no one is quite sure what happened to them. They are lo - cated immediately next to Mi - rabell Gardens, which leads us onto our next port of call… THE SOUND OF MUSIC IS EVERYWHERE While exploring Mirabell Gar - dens, you'd be forgiven for thin - king how strangely familiar the location looks. Yes, it was he - re that the Do-Re-Mi song sce - ne for the film The Sound of Music was shot. The film was shot entirely in Salzburg, and you’ll find it impossible to avo - id the large buses emitting mu - sic from their speakers whi - le you're in the city. They form part of The Sound of Music to - ur, which you should certain -

vratimo vrtu Mirabel. Možda ce vas razočarati kada sa - znate da unutrašnjost kuce prikazana u filmu zapravo ne postoji. Međutim, još uvek možete posetiti palatu Hel - brun, opatiju Nonburg i crkvu u kojoj je snimljeno venčanje iz filma, što su tek neke od lokacija. RAJ KLASIČNE MUZIKE Velikan klasične muzike Mo - cart rođen je u Salcburgu, ali veze grada sa klasičnom mu - zikom su još dublje. Salcbur - ški festival, koji se održava svakog leta, najveci je kul -

odmah pored bašte Mirabel, što vodi do sledece tačke… ZVUK MUZIKE JE SVUDA Dok istražujete vrtove Mi - rabel, bice vam oprošteno što mislite da lokacija izgle - da čudno poznato. Da, bili su mesto snimanja veceg dela pesme Do-Re-Mi iz filma Mo- je pesme, moji snovi . Film je u celini snimljen u Salcburgu, a dok ste u gradu, nemoguce je propustiti velike autobuse iz čijih zvučnika dopire mu - zika. Oni su deo turneje The Sound of Music , pa ako ste fan, samo napred. Ali da se

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Film Moje pesme, moji snovi je u celini snimljen u Salcburgu, a dok ste u gradu, nemoguce je propustiti velike The film The Sound of Music was shot entirely in Salzburg, and you’ll find it impossible to avoid the large buses emitting music from autobuse iz čijih zvučnika dopire muzika iz filma

the movie while you’re in the city

ly indulge in if you're a fan. But let’s return to Mirabell Gardens. It might disappoint you to dis - cover that the interior of the house depicted in the film doe - sn’t actually exist, but you can nonetheless still visit Hellbru - nn Palace, Nonnberg Abbey and the church where the film’s wedding was shot, to mention just a few filming locations. CLASSICAL MUSIC HEAVEN The great of classical mu - sic that is Mozart was born in Salzburg, but the city has even deeper links to classical mu - sic. The annual Salzburg Festi - val, held every summer, is the city’s biggest cultural event. It includes over 200 concerts of various types, which are joi - ned by the Mozarteum Univer - sity Symphony Orchestra, one of the best in the world, and all that love for culture is celebra - ted year-round through nume - rous concerts and festivals. MOZART DINNER It makes sense to combine world-class music and per - formances with a great me - al. Combining them provides you with one of the best things on offer in Salzburg: a Mozart

turni događaj u gradu. Tu je preko 200 koncerata različi - tih tipova kojima se pridružu - je Univerzitet Mocarteum kao jedan od najboljih na svetu, a sva ta ljubav prema kultu - ri slavi se tokom cele godine kroz koncerte i festivale. MOCARTOVA VEČERA Ima smisla kombinova - ti muzike i izvođenja svet - ske klase sa odličnim obro - kom. Zajedno dobijate jednu od najboljih stvari u Salc - burgu – Mocartovu večeru, i to u najstarijem restoranu u Evropi, St Peter Stiftskeller iz 1200. godine. Vratićete se u Mocartovo vreme, do - biti zabavu uz svece, zajed - no sa menijem zasnovanim na istorijskim receptima koji se serviraju u pauzama kon - certa. HLAD NA OBALAMA REKE SALCAH Kada ste u bilo kom gradu, budite kao lokalni stanovni - ci. U Salcburgu se svi opu - štaju na travnatim obala - ma reke Salcah. Možete ili da se zavalite na nagnutim obalama tik uz ivicu vode ili da nađete klupu okupanu

suncem na šetalištu iznad. U svakom slučaju, spakujte nešto za piknik, uzmite sla - doled, uživajte u pogledu i odmorite se.

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OBERHINTEREG FARMA Ovo je mesto gde možete na sjajan način da osetite tradicionalni austrijski na - čin života na selu. Zanimlji - vo porodično gazdinstvo ko - je posluje od 1874. godine proizvodi sir, dimljeno meso, mleko, začinsko bilje, hleb, peciva, sladoled, a poznati su i po uzgoju pčela. U okvi - ru farme se nalazi i odličan restoran, a možete pohađa - ti i kurs pčelarstva kao i na - učiti kako se pravi odličan domaći hleb.

dinner, at the oldest restaurant in Europe, St Peter Stiftskeller (with a 1200-year tradition). The evening will transport you back to the time of Mozart, wi - th candlelit entertainment and a menu based on historical re - cipes that are served during concert breaks. SHADE ON THE BANKS OF THE SALZACH It’s always worth doing as the locals do whenever you vi - sit any city. And locals in Salz - burg all relax on the grassy banks of the Salzach River. You can sit back on sloping banks just above the water's edge, or find a sun-drenched bench on the promenade abo -

ve. Whichever you prefer, be sure to pack a picnic, grab an ice cream and relax while enjoying the views. OBERHINTEREGG FARM Visit Oberhinteregg Farm to experience Austria’s traditio - nal rural way of life in a won - derful way. This interesting fa - mily farmstead, which has been operating since 1874, produces cheese, smoked me - at, milk, herbs, bread, pastries and ice cream, while it’s also known for its beekeeping tra - dition. The farm also includes an excellent restaurant, while you can take a course in bee - keeping and learn how to ma - ke excellent homemade bread.

Lokalni stanovnici u Salcburgu se opuštaju na travnatim obalama reke Salcah Locals in Salzburg all relax on the grassy banks of the Salzach River

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U trendingu Trending BILI SMO NA PREMIJERI SERIJE KUĆA ZMAJA WE ATTENDED THE PREMIERE OF NEW SHOW HOUSE OF THE DRAGON Ne dolazi zima, dolazi vatra! Winter isn’t coming, fire is!

Zmajevi pale sve pred sobom u ljutoj borbi za Gvozdeni presto. Počelo je novo poglavlje jedne od najgledanijih serija svih vremena / The dragons burn everything that crosses their path in a furious battle for the Iron Throne. A new chapter has begun in one of the most popular shows of all time

Tekst / Words: Ana Lađarević Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia.rs, HBO

A ko ne možete da na- slutite o čemu pri- čamo, mora da ste prespavali posled- njih 11 godina jer toliko je prošlo od kada se poja- vila Igra prestola i potpuno redefi- nisala pojam popularnih TV seri- ja. HBO je sigurno očekivao uspeh kada je prihvatio da ekranizuje se- rijal knjiga Džordža R. R. Martina, ali teško da su smeli da se ponada- ju kako će uspeti da urade nezami- slivo – da pretvore knjigu fantazi- je u nešto planetarno popularno. Priča koja bi inače ostala rezervi- sana za probrano društvo hard­

kor fanova postala je jedan od fe- nomena pop kulture. Ali eto nas, posle cele deceni- je dobili smo novu Igru prestola . Zapravo, nije u pitanju nastavak, već originalna priča o tome kako je sve počelo, o kraljevstvu Tar- gerijana, njihovom prokletstvu i padu. Vraćamo se 200 godina pre vremena Deneris Targerijan, i to na ekskluzivnu evropsku premijeri serije Kuća zmaja koja je održana sredinom avgusta u Amsterdamu. Crveni tepih je namešten, dres kod „u stilu Targerijana“ propisan, a pozivnice poslate, pa su se me- diji, influenseri i najverniji fanovi

okupili u Amsterdamu na poseb- noj projekciji prve epizode seri- je koja je dostupna na HBO Max platformi. Oni koji nisu uspeli da obezbede svoje mesto unutar ne- kadašnje zgrade berze nadomak Darmaka, jednog od najposeće- nijih delova holandske prestoni- ce, strpljivo su čekali da se poja- ve najveće zvezde serije. Na premijeri se sve vrtelo oko zmajeva i glavnih likova, među ko- jima počasno mesto zauzima prin- ceza Raenira, koja će u priči imati jednu od presudnih uloga, a koju u njenim mlađim godinama igra Mili Alkok, mlada australijska glumica.

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U seriji Kuća zmaja (10 epizoda), koja je počela da se emituje 21. avgusta na striming servisu HBO Max , pratimo sudbinu dinastije Targerijan oko 200 godina pre Igre prestola

In the series House of the Dragon (10 episodes), which launched on the HBO Max streaming service on 21 st August, we follow the destiny of the Targaryen dynasty about 200 years before the events depicted in Game of Thrones

I f you don’t have a clue what we’re talking about, you must have spent the last 11 years under a rock, because that’s how long it’s been since Game of Thrones turned up and complete- ly redefined the concept of popular TV shows. HBO certainly expected success when it took on the task of adapting George R.R. Martin’s se- ries of books for the screen, but its execs surely couldn’t have dared to hope that they would achieve the unthinkable: turning a fantasy novel into something that gained univer- sal popularity. A story that would have ordinarily been reserved for

were sent, so all that was left was for media representatives, influenc- ers and the most loyal fans to gather in Amsterdam for a special screen- ing of the first episode of the series, which is now available on the HBO Max platform. Those failing to se- cure a spot for themselves inside the former grain exchange building near Damrak, one of Amsterdam’s most popular parts, waited patiently for the show’s biggest stars to appear. Everything at the premiere re- volved around dragons and the main characters, with centre stage taken by Princess Rhaenyra, who has one of the key roles in the story and is

a select group of hardcore fans be- came a pop culture phenomenon. But here we are, a full decade lat- er, and we’ve received a new Game of Thrones. Well, it isn’t actually a se- quel, but rather an original prequel story about how it all began, about the kingdom of Targaryen, its curse and demise. We go back to a period 200 years before the time of Daen- erys Targaryen, and do so at the ex- clusive European premiere of House of the Dragon, which took place in Amsterdam in mid-August. The red carpet was installed, the dress code was set as “Tar- garyen-style” and the invitations

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Nasred ogromne prostorije, koja je uvod u sve ono što nas je čekalo, postavljena je replika skele- ta zmaja, simbola moći jedne dina- stije. Put potom vodi kroz zmajevu pećinu, gde ste u mrklom mraku i, držeći se za uže, pokušavate da pronađete put i izlaz koji ide pra- vo do Gvozdenog trona. Naravno, upravo je ovo najveća atrakcija jer svi žele da probaju mesto na kom sede kraljevi i osete kako je to se- deti u stolici sačinjenoj od mačeva. To je samo zagrevanje pred do- lazak zvezda na crveni tepih. No- vinari su smešteni u ograđenom delu, čekajući da glavni glumci sti- gnu, ispoziraju, slikaju se s fanovi- ma koji su izuzetno posvećeni se- riji... Domaćica nam je šarmantna Niki Tutorijals, jutjuberka i mej- kap artist, mnogima poznata i kao voditeljka Evrosonga od prošle go- dine. Ona nas vodi do najzanimlji- vijeg dela, sale gde će biti emitova- na prva epizoda serije. Mali uvid u sve ono što nas čeka u seriji pred kojom je veliki zadatak – da bude bar podjednako dobra kao Igra pre- stola . Priča je smeštena 200 godi- na pre dešavanja u originalnoj se- riji i objašnjava priču oko Deneris Targerijan, odnosno kako je doš- lo do toga da linija nekad uspeš- ne dinastije bude pred gašenjem nakon što su izgubili i presto i sve svoje bogatstvo, ali i ono najdra- gocenije – zmajeve. Na početku vidimo Targerija- ne u Zmajkamenu. Kralj uzaludno čeka sina naslednika, vreme je mi- ra, ali spletkarenje nikada ne pre- staje u Vesterosu. I tu nastaje za-

tu. A opet pazili smo da odmah bu- de jasno da smo dva veka pre ono- ga što je bilo u Igri prestola . To je bio prvi izazov. Vidi se, na primer, kako su likovi drugačije obučeni, Gvozdeni presto je drugačiji, ali je sasvim jasno da smo i dalje u Ve- sterosu – kaže on. Razgovarali smo i sa Mili Al- kok, kojoj je bilo teško da sakrije uzbuđenje što je imala priliku da bude deo nečeg tako velikog. Ka- že da nije gledala Igru prestola ka- da je originalno bila emitovana, jer je bila isuviše mlada, ali da se do- bro pripremila i imala veliku po- dršku starijih glumaca. – To je bilo čisto uživanje. Kao neki masterklas, najbolji koji sam imala u životu, tako mi je bilo to- kom snimanja sa Padijem Konsidi- nom. On je apsolutni genije, hipno- tišuće je gledati ga kako glumi i raditi s njim. Na kraju sam se ose- ćala veoma sigurno u svim scenama koje smo radili zajedno – kaže Mili. Baš kao što ona nije smela da otkrije detalje o svojoj ulozi i de- šavanjima u seriji, tako ni mi ne- ćemo da spojlujemo. Dovoljno je reći da će biti mnogo vatre, intriga, spletki i da u svetu zmajeva i kra- ljeva nikada nije dosadno!

plet oko toga ko će preuzeti presto, jer se čini da će kraljevstvo pre gle- dati samo sebe kako nestaje nego da na njegovom čelu bude žena. Kako u razgovoru za Elevejt ka- že Rajan Kondol, koautor, scena- rista i glavni producent serije, to je jedna kompleksna priča o bor- bi za prevlast i moć, a na njemu i njegovom timu nije bio lak za- datak – trebalo je osmisliti seri- ju koja će se jasno razlikovati od Igre prestola . – Prvo smo počeli tako što smo odlučili šta ćemo zadržati u odno- su na original, a onda da vidimo koji delovi će biti drugačiji. Zadr- žali smo opšti sentiment, da ljudi osete da su u jednom sličnom sve-

Priča je smeštena 200 godina pre dešavanja u originalnoj seriji i objašnjava priču oko Deneris Targerijan The story is set 200 years before the events of the original series and explains the story surrounding

Daenerys Targaryen

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portrayed in her younger years by ris- ing Australian actress Milly Alcock. The huge space introducing us to everything that awaited us was dom- inated by a dragon skeleton replica, symbolising the might of the dynasty. Our route then led us through a drag- on’s cave, where we searched for a way out in pitch darkness, clinging on to a rope, only to come across the exit leading straight to the Iron Throne. Of course, this was the event’s top attraction, because everyone wants to sit on the seat reserved for kings and to feel what it’s like to sit in a chair made of swords. All of this was just the warm-up before the stars started arriving on the red carpet. Journalists were con- fined to a fenced-off area as they wait- ed for the main actors to arrive, pose and have their pictures taken with fans who are extremely devoted to the series... Our host was the charm- ing Nikkie de Jager, aka Nikkie Tuto- rials, a Dutch YouTuber and make-up artist who’s known to many as the host of last year’s Eurovision Song Contest. She led us to the most in- teresting spot: the auditorium where the first episode of the series would be screened. Here’s a little insight in- to everything that awaits us in this show that faces a huge task – to be at least as good as Game of Thrones. The story unfolds 200 years prior to the events of the original series and explains the story around Daener- ys Targaryen, or how it came to be that the line of a once successful dy- nasty found itself facing annihilation after losing both the throne and all its wealth, but also its most precious possession: dragons. The show starts with the Tar- garyen family in Dragonstone. The king awaits a son and heir in vain. It is a time of peace, but machina- tions never cease in Westeros. And that’s where we see the emergence of the plot around who will inherit the throne, as it appears as though the kingdom would rather witness its own disappearance than have a woman at the helm. In conversation with Elevate, Ryan Condal, the show’s co-author, screenwriter and main producer, ex-

parts would be different. We pre- served the general sentiment, for people to feel that they are in a simi- lar world. But, again, we took care to ensure it would be immediately clear that we are two centuries before the events of Game of Thrones. That was the first challenge. You can see, for instance, how the characters dress differently, that the Iron Throne is different, but it is completely clear that we’re still in Westeros,” he says. We also spoke with Millie Al- cock, who struggled to hide her ex- citement at having the opportunity to be part of something so big. She says that she was too young to watch Game of Thrones when it original- ly aired, but that she prepared well and received great support from the older actors. “It was pure enjoyment. Like some master class, the best I’ve had in my life – that’s how it was for me during shooting with Paddy Considine. He is an absolute genius; it’s hypnotic watching how he acts and working with him. In the end, I felt very sure of myself in all the scenes we did together,” says Millie. And just as she wasn’t permit- ted to reveal details of her role and the events of the series, we won’t spoil it either. It’s enough to say that there will be lots of fire, intrigue and scheming, and that it’s never dull in the world of dragons and kings!

Ekskluzivna evropska premijera Kuće zmaja održana je u Amsterdamu The exclusive of House of the Dragon took place in Amsterdam European premiere

plains that this is a complex story about the struggle for supremacy and power, and producing it wasn’t a simple task for him and his team – they had to devise a series that would clearly distinguish itself from Game of Thrones. “We first started by deciding what we would retain compared to the original, and then to see which

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