Elevate May 2021 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine




Opustite se pre poletanja u našem Premijum salonu

Relax before take-off in our Premium Lounge

Er Srbija Premijum salon je otvoren za posetioce u izmenjenom terminu:

Air Serbia Premium Lounge is open for visitors with revised work hours

od 5 do 18 časova svakog dana

from 5 AM to 6 PM every day

in the transit area between gates A4 and A5.

u zoni tranzita, između prolaza A4 i A5.

The health and safety of our visitors is our priority and we have taken every precaution to ensure your stay in our lounge is both safe and pleasant.

Zdravlje i sigurnost naših posetilaca nam je na prvom mestu, stoga smo preduzeli sve potrebne mere kako bi vaš boravak u salonu bio bezbedan i ugodan.

Za više informacija For more information


Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

Maj 2021. godine

May 2021

Dear passengers,

Dragi putnici,

UPRKOS PANDEMIJI KOJA JOŠ TRAJE, maj nam donosi na- goveštaj predstojećeg leta, nove energije i pozitivnih pro- mena. Osim praznika na samom početku meseca, radujemo se dužim danima sa više sunčeve svetlosti, jer sa porastom temperature raste i naš entuzijazam za ostvarenje plano- va i ciljeva. Mi u Er Srbiji smo navikli da dobrim planiranjem ostvarujemo zacrtane ciljeve. Ovaj period nam je posebno uzbudljiv jer ga prate značajne promene u našoj kompaniji. Izuzetno smo ponosni što se naša flota pojačava dolaskom novog člana – erbasa A330. Počastvovani smo što novi avion nosi ime čuvenog srpskog naučnika Nikole Tesle, genija čiji su pronalasci olakšali naše živote i promenili čitav svet. Novi širokotrupni putnički mlaznjak saobraćaće tri puta nedeljno ka Njujorku, gradu u kojem je Tesla živeo i stvarao gotovo šest decenija. Predivna simbolika, zar ne? Još jednu značajnu novinu u Er Srbiji, ali i važan korak na putu oporavka globalne avio- industrije, predstavlja testiranje IATA Travel Pass aplikacije na našim letovima do Ciriha. U saradnji sa Međunarodnom asocijacijom za vazdušni saobraćaj, među prvima u Evropi testiramo ovu inovativnu i besplatnu mobilnu aplikaciju, koja je osmišljena kako bi vam pomogla da organizujete putovanje u skladu sa zahtevima država koji su tiču testiranja na kovid-19 ili vakcinaciju. Verujemo da će pilot-projekat biti uspešan i zaživeti i na ostalim linijama u našoj mreži kako bismo vam omogućili što bržu i lakšu organizaciju putovanja. Pokazatelj postepenog oporavka naše industrije jesu i najave za letnju sezonu, tokom koje planiramo da obavimo više od 800 čarter-letova ka vašim i našim omiljenim destinacijama u Turskoj, Egiptu, Grčkoj i Tunisu. Više detalja o svim novinama i planovima u našoj kompaniji očekuje vas na narednim stranicama magazina. Tema ovog izdanja su ljudi koji su promenili sve. Izvanredni pojedinci i veliki vizionari oblikovali su svet kakav danas poznajemo – najbolji primer je upravo Nikola Tesla, čiji lik ponosno nosimo na našem novom avionu. Takvi svetli primeri nas inspirišu da budemo bolji, da se trudimo da svakog dana nadmašimo jučerašnje rezultate, da pomeramo granice i postavljamo nove standarde u svojoj oblasti. Siguran sam da ćete uživati u uzbudljivim pričama o značajnim istorijskim promenama i inovatorima i nadam se da će vas inspirisati da pokrenete pozitivne promene u svom životu i okruženju. Uživajte u letu i srećan put.

DESPITE THE PANDEMIC THAT IS STILL ongoing, the month of May brings us a taste of the upcoming summer, new energy and positive change. Apart from the holidays at the very start of the month, we are also looking forward to longer days with more sunlight, because the rising temperatures also cause our enthusiasm for accomplishing plans and goals to grow. At Air Serbia we are used to accomplishing the goals we set with good planning. This period is particularly exci- ting for us, because it is followed by significant changes wit- hin our company. We are extremely proud that our fleet is be- ing upgraded with the arrival of a new member - an Airbus A330. We are honoured that this new aircraft bears the ima- ge and name of famous Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla, the ge- nius whose inventions have made our lives easier and chan- ged the whole world. This new wide-body passenger jet will fly three times a week to New York, the city where Tesla li- ved and worked for almost six decades. Beautiful symboli- sm, isn’t it? Another important piece of news at Air Serbia, and also an important step towards the recovery of the global aviation industry, is the testing of the IATA Travel Pass application on our flights to Zurich. In cooperation with the International Air Transport Association, we are among the first airlines in Euro- pe to test this innovative and free mobile application, which was created to help you organise your trips in accordance wi- th the requirements of countries pertaining to COVID-19 te- sting or vaccination. We believe that the pilot project will be successful and that it will be introduced to other flights in our network, in order to allow you to more quickly and easily orga- nise your travels. Another sign of the gradual recovery of our industry is provided by announcements for the summer season, du- ring which we plan to operate more than 800 charter flights to your, and our, favourite destinations in Turkey, Egypt, Gree- ce and Tunisia. More details about all our company news and plans await you on the following pages of the magazine. The topic in the focus of this issue are the people who ha- ve changed everything. Extraordinary individuals and great visionaries have shaped the world as we know it today - the best example is Nikola Tesla himself, whose image we pro- udly bear on our latest aircraft. Such bright examples inspire us to be better, to strive every day to surpass yesterday’s re- sults, to shift boundaries and set new standards in our fields. I‘m certain you‘ll enjoy the exciting stories about significant, historic changes and innovators, and I hope they‘ll inspire you to make positive change in your own life and environment. Enjoy the flight and have a good trip.

Duncan Naysmith CEO Air Serbia



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 Priority Pass: Veći broj putnika u Premijum salonu / Priority Pass: more passengers visit Premium Lounge Više od 800 čarter-letova Er Srbije / More than 800 charter flights of Air Serbia  Er Srbija smanjuje potrošnju goriva i emisiju gasova / Air Serbia to reduce fuel consumption and gas emissions Počelo testiranje IATA digitalnog pasoša / IATA travel pass trial started

 Novi erbas A330 na letovima ka Njujorku / New Airbus A330 to operate New York flights



 Putujemo sa pevačicom Biljom Krstić / We travel with singer Bilja Krstić



 Rudolf van Vin: Na Balkanu sam našao kovčeg sa blagom / Rudolph van Veen: in the Balkans I found a treasure chest



Meteora i Olimpa / From Thessaloniki to Athos, Meteora and Olympus


Kultni filmovi ponovo na FEST-u / Cult films return to FEST


Ponovo radi teatar: Maj u Narodnom pozorištu / The theatre is working again: May at the National Theatre Iskustvo u gužvi: Romantično putovanje kroz istoriju / Experience in crowds: a romantic journey through history


MODA FASHION 60. Nova modna era pravih

vrednosti / New fashion era of proper values


 Nezaboravna moda iz filmova / Unforgettable fashion from films

6 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović

Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Aleksandra Beslać, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Ivan Džaferović, Jovana Velimirović Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Vesna Lalić, Oliver Bunić, Dalibor Danilović, Đorđe Kojadinović Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs


DESTINACIJE DESTINATIONS 100. Upoznajte Istanbul u šetnji sa domaćinom / Meet Istanbul on a walk with a local 106. Atina: Tamo gde se Egej bacio u more / Athens:

kafana slavi 195. rođendan / Belgrade‘s oldest kafana tavern celebrates its 195 th birthday Uspon Beograda kroz Ulicu Kneza Miloša / Belgrade‘s rise via Kneza Miloša Street


where Aegeus threw himself into the sea

RITAM SRBIJE RHYTHM OF SERBIA 76. Camelot, neither in the heavens nor on earth 80. Pet razloga zbog kojih Ber Grils obožava Srbiju / Five reasons why Bear Grylls adores Serbia Srpski Kamelot ni na nebu ni na zemlji / The Serbian


Srpska kuća slavnih: Oni su promenili planetu / Serbian Hall of Fame: they changed the planet

Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved


Napravite savršenu čajanku / Make the perfect tea party 90. Da li je Zoom zamor mit ili stvarnost? / Is Zoom fatigue a myth or a reality?

Broj / Issue No. 327 Naslovna strana / Cover Shutterstock

Dobrodošli u Solun / Welcome to Thessaloniki Foto / Photo: Shutterstoch

Contents » Sadržaj | 7

U fokusu

In focus


Širokotrupni putnički mlaznjak, koji leti pod imenom Nikola Tesla, ima drugačiji vizuelni identitet od ostatka flote srpske nacionalne avio- kompanije i krasi ga stilizovani lik najslavnijeg srpskog naučnika i pronalazača NOVI AVION ER SRBIJE JE SVOJ je- dinstven izgled dobio u Šenonu, u Ir- skoj. Za proces farbanja, tokom ko- jeg su upotrebljene 22 različite boje i oko 250 litara farbe, bilo je potreb- no osam dana neprekidnog rada u tri smene, sa timovima od oko deset ljudi po smeni. Modifikacija postojećeg dizaj- na Er Srbije primenjena je isključivo na ovom avionu, koji krase dinamič- ne linije kao simboli pokreta i brzi- ne, sa glavnim detaljem na vertikal- nom stabilizatoru u vidu lika Nikole Tesle. Prepoznatljiva plava, kao deo korporativnog identiteta nacional- nog avio-prevoznika, izabrana je za osnovni kolorit Teslinog lika, za čiji je grafički prikaz upotrebljeno 19 različi- tih tonova ove boje.

– Dolazak aviona erbas A330 u nov dom u Beogradu izuzetno je va- žan događaj za Er Srbiju . Velika nam je čast što će naš avion nositi ime i lik Nikole Tesle. Činjenica da je veli- ki genije sa ovih prostora, ali da je ve- ći deo svog života proveo u Njujorku, dodatno daje na značaju simbolici njegovog lika na avionu koji povezuje Beograd i poznatu metropolu. U pi- tanju je jedna od naših ključnih linija i sigurni smo da će dolazak novog avi- ona doprineti još boljem iskustvu pu- tovanja za naše putnike, kao i uspe- hu te rute, koja povezuje čitav region sa Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama – izjavio je Dankan Nejsmit, generalni direktor Er Srbije . Jelovnik u novom avionu inspirisan je režimom ishrane Nikole Tesle / The new plane’s menu is inspired by Nikola Tesla’s nutritional regime

Proizveden 2008. godine, novi avion je godinu dana mlađi od pret- hodnog mlaznjaka istog tipa u floti Er Srbije , a njegov prethodni operater bila je ruska nacionalna avio-kom- panija Aeroflot . Avion je u srpskom registru vazduhoplova upisan kao YU-ARB. Za razliku od prvog Er Sr- bija erbasa A330 YU-ARA, novi avi- on ima Rols-Rojsove motore. Naj- novije pojačanje u floti nacionalnog avio-prevoznika ima i konfiguraci- ju sa 21 sedištem u biznis-klasi i 236 sedišta u ekonomskoj klasi. Koncept novog jelovnika inspi- risan je režimom ishrane Nikole Te- sle i zasniva se na tri ključne reči koje mogu opisati njegovo delo i paten- te – energija, frekvencija, vibracija. Jelovnik za putnike ekonomske i bi- znis-klase, kreiran u saradnji sa še- fom kuhinje Zoranom Miškovićem, inspirisan je Teslinim detinjstvom, studentskim danima i boravkom u Njujorku. Putnici ove obroke, pažljivo osmišljene da zadovolje i standarde najizbirljivijih ljubitelja gastronomije, mogu da pronađu u meniju označe- ne slovom T – Teslin način. Prvi erbas A330, YU-ARA, koji je u floti Er Srbije od 2016. godine, do 31. marta 2021. obavio je 819 povrat- nih letova do Njujorka i prevezao uku- pno 319.712 putnika na toj ruti.

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Serbian aircraft registry under YU- ARB. Unlike Air Serbia’s first Airbus A330, registered as YU-ARA, the new plane has Rolls-Royce engines. The latest addition to the national airli- ne’s fleet also has a configuration wi- th 21 seats in Business class and 236 in Economy class. The new menu was inspired by Nikola Tesla’s nutritional regime and is based on three key words that can be used to describe his work and pa- tents: energy; frequency; vibration. The menu for Economy and Business class passengers, created in collabo- ration with chef Zoran Mišković, was inspired by Tesla’s childhood, his stu- dent days and his life in New York. Pa- ssengers will find all meals carefully designed to satisfy the standards of even the pickiest gastronomy lovers in the menu marked with the letter T – Tesla’s way. The first A330 Airbus, YU-ARA, which served in Air Serbia’s fleet from 2016 until 31 st March 2021, opera- ted 819 round trip flights to New York, carrying a total of 319,712 passengers along this route.


The wide-body passenger jet that’s named after Nikola Tesla sports a different visual identity than the rest of the Serbian national airline’s fleet and is embellished with a stylised image of this famous Serbian scientist and inventor AIR SERBIA’S NEW JET RECEIVED ITS unique look in Shannon, Ireland. The painting process, which inclu- ded the use of 22 different colours and approximately 250 litres of paint, took eight days of non-stop work in three shifts, with teams of around ten people per shift. The modification of Air Serbia’s existing livery only applies to this air- craft, which has dynamic lines sym- bolising movement and speed, whi- le the main detail is on the tailfin, in the form of Nikola Tesla’s image. The distinctive blue colour, which forms part of the national airline’s corpora-

te identity, was chosen to be the ma- in colour of Tesla’s image and requ- ired 19 different shades of blue to produce. “The arrival of the Airbus A330 jet in its new home in Belgrade is a very important event for Air Serbia. It is a great honour for us to have one of our planes carry the name and image of Nikola Tesla. The fact that this great genius, who is from our region despi- te having spent most of his life in New York, adds to the importance and symbolism of his image on the plane that will be connecting Belgrade and the Big Apple. This is one of our fla- gship routes and we are certain that the arrival of the new plane will en- hance the customer experience and success of the route, which conne- cts the entire region with the United States,” said Air Serbia CEO Duncan Naysmith. Manufactured in 2008, the new aircraft is a year younger than the previous jet of the same type in Air Serbia’s fleet, while its previous ope- rator was Russian national airline Ae- roflot. The aircraft is registered in the

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Na letu

On board

O d svega sam u životu najviše volela da letim, a tako je i danas. Nikada neću zaboraviti trenutak kada sam prvi put ušla u avion, pomalo uplašena i puna neizvesnosti, ali u isto vreme i srećna. Jedva sam čekala da poletimo i to je taj trenutak koji i danas obožavam jer mi srce, kao i prvi put kada sam letela, zatreperi pred tom nestvarnom slikom sa malog prozora. Nestvarne slike sa malog prozora BILJANA KRSTIĆ, PEVAČICA

BILJANA KRSTIĆ, SINGER Amazing picture from a small window

O f everything in my life, I've loved flying the most, and that remains the case today. I'll never forget the moment I first boarded a plane, slightly scared and filled with un- certainty, but also happy at the same time. I could barely wait for us to take off, and that's the moment that I still adore today, because, just like the first time I flew, my heart still trem- bles when I face that amazing picture from a small window.

Ponesem i partituru ili neki miks pesama koje bi trebalo da naučim za nastup. To se najčešće dešava kada imam gostovanja bez Bistrika , pa imam dovoljno vremena


Obavezno ponesem i neku knjigu koja će me opustiti i zabaviti. Knjiga Vidimo se u Kapkejk kafeu je odličan izbor jer je duhovita. It's also obligatory for me to carry a book that will relax and entertain me. Meet Me at the Cupcake Café is a great choice, because it's humorous


da savladam pesme koje će se izvoditi na koncertu. I also carry sheet music or some mix of songs that I need to learn for a performance. This most commonly happens when I have guest appearances without Bistrik [orchestra], so I have enough time to master the

songs that will be performed at the concert.

Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović

Fotografije/Photography: promo/Srđan Ralić, iStock



Žvakaće gume ili bombone su na drugom mestu i služe u istu svrhu kao i kapi za nos, za onaj trenutak kada imam osećaj začepljenih ušiju. Chewing gum or sweets come next, and they serve the same purpose as nasal drops, for that moment when I have the feeling that my ears are blocked

Kapi za nos uvek nosim na let zbog promene pritiska pri poletanju i sletanju. I always carry nasal drops on a flight, due to the changes in pressure that occur during take-off and landing

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Zaista, u ovom gradu sve prati taj fini, nonša - lantni ritam. Obilazak Soluna gotovo uvek počinje obila - skom Bele kule, na čiji se vrh turisti penju kružnim stepenicama, uživajući u divnom pogledu. Većina ne zaboravi ni da obiđe ču - vene „solunske kišobrane“, koji su postali jedan od simbola grada, i zastane da se divi impoznatnom spomeniku Aleksandru Ma- kedonskom. Podrazumeva se i šetnja Ari - stotelovim trgom, glavnim i najlepšim u So- lunu, te uživanje u ručku ili piću na čuvenoj aveniji Nikis sa pogledom na more. Solun je jedna od najvećih mediteranskih luka, uni - verzitetski grad i veliki trgovinski centar, grad sajmova i festivala. Ali je mesto hodo - čašća za mnoge koji ne propuštaju da po - sete Zejtinlik, mesto na kojem počivaju srp - ski vojnici. Ovo je grad koji vas kupuje za sva vremena – onda kada dozvolite njegovoj muzici da vas

Solun je grad kontrasta, grad sa dušom dete- ta i starca – istovremeno neoprezan i mudar, razdragan i smiren, prepun novih mogućnosti i već proverenih puteva, bučan, a tih… Solun nudi ono što malo koji drugi grad može – pripadnost trenutku i dragocen osećaj da ne - ma potrebe žuriti. Sve ćete stići, čak i ako sva - ki čas pravite pauze pod drvetom mandarine uz ledeni voćni frape sa pogledom na more. Malo kog sprskog turistu put nije odveo u ovaj grad, a čini se da srpska duša, očigledno neraskidivo povezana sa Grčkom, stalno teži da se vrati u ovaj biser Mediterana – gde ži - vot postaje jednostavan, ležeran i lak. Solun - ci umeju da kažu „halara“, što znači lagano. DOBRO DOŠLI U SOLUNSKU REGIJU Mesto pod suncem po meri čoveka

Solun je jedna od najvećih mediteranskih luka, univerzitetski grad i veliki trgovinski centar / Thessaloniki is one of the Mediterranean’s largest ports, a university city and a major hub of trade

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia


me scan

Thessaloniki is a city of contrasts, a city with the soul of both a child and an old man - simul- taneously careless and wise, rowdy and calm, packed with new possibilities and tried and test- ed roads, noisy and quiet… Thessaloniki offers that which few other cities can - the sense of belonging to the moment and a precious feeling that there is no need to rush anywhere. You will have time for everything even if you constantly take breaks under mandarin trees, with an ice fruit smoothie and a sea view. Few Serbian tourists have not found their way to this city, and it seems that the Serbian soul, which is obviously inextricably linked to Greece, constantly strives to return to this pearl of the Mediterranean - where life becomes simple, lei- surely and easy. Thessalonians know how to say "halara", which means take it easy, and in this city everything really is followed by that pleas- ant, nonchalant rhythm. Touring Thessaloniki almost always begins with a tour of the White Tower, where tourists climb to the top via a spiral staircase, enjoying the

Sun-bathed city tailored to man WELCOME TO THE THESSALONIKI REGION

beautiful view. Most also don't pass on visiting the famous Thessaloniki Umbrellas, which have become one of the symbols of the city, or stop- ping to admire the impressive mon- ument to Alexander the Great. The tour also includes a stroll through Aristotle Square, the city's central and most beautiful square, and en- joying lunch or a drink on the fa- mous Nikis Avenue overlooking the sea. Thessaloniki is one of the Med- iterranean's largest ports, a univer- sity city, a major hub of trade and a city of fairs and festivals. But it is al- so a place of pilgrimage for many who don't miss out on a visit Zeit- inlik, the military cemetery and me- morial park where Serbian soldiers were laid to rest. This is a city that wins you over for all time - as soon as you allow its music to completely consume you! But it is also a starting point, a

Impozantni spomenik Aleksandru Makedonskom / The impressive monument to Alexander the Great

u potpunosti obuzme! Ali on je i početna sta - nica, mesto iz kojeg vas put veoma brzo vodi do neverovatnih predela ispunjenih lepotom prirore, ali religije, one pravoslavne, ali i one antičke iz nekih drugih vremena. Zato vas vo - dimo na tri izleta iz Soluna – na Atos, Meteo- re i Olimp!

place where the roads very quickly lead you to incredible landscapes filled with the beauty of nature, but also religion, the Orthodox Christian kind, but also the ancient ones from some other times. That's why we're taking you on three ex- cursions from Thessaloniki - to Mount Athos, the Meteora and Mount Olympus!

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117 km

Tamo gde se čuje tišina

Po grčkoj mitologiji, u staro vreme ovde su bo - ravili Titani, deca bogova (sinovi i ćerke boga neba Urana i boginje zemlje Geje). U bici sa Ti - tanima bog mora Posejdon je izgubio svoj tro - zubac. Na mestu gde se održala bitka nastala su tri kraka, tri današnja prsta Halkidikija. Planina Atos, visoka 2.033 metra, dobila je ime po jednom od Titanovih naslednika. Prvi prst je nazvan po makedonskom kralju Kasandrosu, dok je Sitonija dobila ime po gigantu Sitonu. Kasandra je raj na zemlji i najbliža je Solunu. Njena očaravajuća priroda, velelepne pešča - ne plaže, stene i useci prekriveni borovom šu - mom idealni su za odmor. Sitonija, srednji od tri kraka, jedinstveni je ugao zemlje sastav- ljen od visokih planina i zlatnih plaža, mnogo - vekovne istorije i savremenog života i sve to na samo sat vožnje od Soluna. Ali je treći prst, Agios Oros, po svemu pose - ban. Na njemu je smeštena jedinstvena pra - voslavna monaška republika, koja već više od 1.000 godina živi po crkvenim kanonima i u duhu vizantijskog vremena. U manastir - skim riznicama čuva se neprocenjivo bogat - stvo, dragocenosti, ikone i rukopisi. Atos zovu i carstvom monaha. Praznik za ljudsko oko su mnogoborjni vizantijski manastiri tajanstveno ušuškani u listopadnim šumama i zalivima. Među 20 pravoslavnih manastira nalazi se i naš Hilandar. Sama pomisao da se nalazite na

Atos zovu i carstvom

monaha / Athos is also dubbed the realm of monks

mestu kojim su hodili naši svetitelji Sveti Sa- va i otac mu Sveti Simeon Mirotočivi, mno - gi drugi koji su svoj život posvetili molitvama i ini monasi koji su sa tog svetog mesta odla- zili u svet da propovedaju veru, čoveka ne mo - že ostaviti ravnodušnim. Nalazeći se tamo, u crkvi, okruženi viševekovnim freskama naših svetitelja koji vas netremice posmatraju, upi- jajući svim čulima te trenutke i opojni miris ta - mjana koji se širi naosom i pripratama Crkve kralja Milutina, ne možete da ne pomislite da se nalazite u epicentru neobične energije koja vas obuzima, nadahnjuje i obogaćuje. Na Sve - toj gori imate utisak da se nalazite u prostoru bez vremena, prostoru gde još uvek nisu do - stupne blagodeti civilizacije…

20 pravoslavnih manastira ima, a tu je i naš Hilandar Included among the 20 Orthodox monasteries here is our Hilandar

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Where the silence is audible

more than a thousand years living in accordance with church canons and in the spirit of Byzantine times. Price- less riches, precious items, icons and manuscripts are preserved in the treasuries of the monasteries. Athos is also dubbed the realm of monks. A feast for the human eye is provided by the multitude of Byzantine style mon- asteries secretively nestled in its deciduous forests and bays. Included among the 20 Orthodox monasteries here is Serbia's own Hilandar. The very thought of being in the place where our saints, Saint Sava and his father Saint Simeon the Myrrh-flowing, walked, and many others who devoted their lives to prayer and other monks who went out into the world from that holy place to preach the faith, cannot leave one feeling indifferent. Finding your- self there, in the church, surrounded by centuries-old frescoes of our saints who stare at you unblinkingly, ab- sorbing with all the senses those moments and the intox- icating scent of incense that spreads through the nave and narthex of King Milutin's church, you can't help but think that you're at the epicentre of an unusual energy that overwhelms, inspires and enriches you. On the Holy Mountain you get the impression that you are in a time- less space, a space where the benefits of civilisation are still unavailable…

According to Greek mythology, in ancient times this place was home to the Titans, the children of the gods (sons and daughters of Uranus, the god of the sky, and Gaia, the god- dess of Earth). It was during the battle with the Titans that Poseidon, god of the seas, lost his trident. Its three prongs formed at the place where the battle was fought and today represent the three “fingers” of the Halkidiki peninsula. The 2,033 metre-high Mount Athos, the third finger, was named after one of the Titan's successors. The first fin - ger, Kassandra, was named after Macedonian king Cas- sander, while Sithonia, the second finger, was named af - ter the giant Sithon. Kassandra is like paradise on earth and is the closest to Thessaloniki. Its enchanting nature, magnificent sandy beaches, rocky outcrops and inlets covered with pine for- ests are ideal for holidaying. Sithonia is a unique corner of the world composed of high mountains and golden beaches, many centuries of history and modern life, and all just an hour's drive from Thessaloniki. But Agios Oros is special in every way. It houses the on- ly Orthodox Christian monastic republic, which has spent

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15




Vrh Olimpa je često prekriven

oblacima/ The top of Olympus is often hidden under cloud cover

Planina bogova

Mountain of the gods The ancient Greeks saw 12 gods making their homes on top of Olympus, a moun-

Drevni Grci su videli 12 bogova kako prave svo - je domove na vrhu Olimpa, planine koja je nači - njena od vetra i često prekrivena oblacima. Olimp je i najviša planina Grčke – 2.917 meta - ra, a najviši vrh Mitikas u prevodu znači nos. Planina je poznata i po veoma bogatoj flori sa oko 1.500 biljnih vrsta. Od 1983. godine nala - zi se pod zaštitom Uneska, a sama planina je i nacionalni park. Takođe, pro -

tain that's seemingly made of wind and is often hidden under cloud cover. Olympus is also the highest mountain in Greece - at 2,917m - and its highest peak, Mitikas, means nose in trans- lation. This mountain is also known for its very rich flora and around 1,500 species of plant. It has been under UNESCO pro- tection since 1983, while the mountain itself is also a nation- al park. It has also been declared an archaeological and histor- ical site, due to the mountain's natural environment containing a large amount of evidence pertaining to human history. The Greeks believed that crystal palaces that were home to the gods were located at the top of the mountain. The en- trance to Olympus was a large door made of clouds. The pal- aces were built for the Titans by the Cyclops, while the artistic objects were created and forged by Hepheastion. The cham- bers of Zeus and Hera were at the southern end of Olympus, so they could watch Athens, Thebes, Sparta, Corinth and My- cenae from there. The gods lived, slept, passed judgement and fed on ambrosia and nectar inside Olympus, while Apollo entertained them by playing the lyre.

glašena je i za arheološko nalazište i istorijsko mesto jer prirodno okruženje plani - ne sadrži veliki broj dokaza o istoriji čoveka. Grci su smatrali da se na vrhu planine nalaze kristalne pala- te u kojima bogovi žive. Ulaz u Olimp bila su velika vrata od oblaka. Palate su sagradi -

1983. Nalazi se pod zaštitom Uneska It has been under UNESCO protection

li titani Kiklopi, a umetničke predmete je nači - nio i iskovao Hefes. Zevsove i Herine odaje bile su na južnom kraju Olimpa, pa su odatle mogli da gledaju Atinu, Tebu, Spartu, Korint i Mikenu. Unutar Olimpa bogovi su živeli, spavali, sudili, a hranili su se ambrozijom i nektarom, dok ih je zabavljao Apolon svirajući liru.

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Meteori su podignuti na vrhovima stena, na obroncima tesalijske ravnice. Ostaci prvih ma - nastirskih zdanja potiču iz 11 veka, a danas ih je ostalo samo šest aktivnih pod zaštitom Une- ska, iako ih je nekada bilo čak 24. Manastirski kompleks Meteori, smešten izme- đu mesta Kalambaka i Kastraki u Grčkoj, pred - stavlja jedinstvenu svetsku atrakciju, jer je iz- građen na potpuno nepristupačnim stenama koje se dižu i do 550 metara u nebo. U slobod - nom prevodu sa grčkog naziv Meteori značio bi „okačen na nebo“, što je i prva asocijacija pri pogledu na ovo sveto mesto. Drevni manasti - ri ovog nebeskog grada građeni su na liticama i samim vrhovima stena, pa zbog svog jedin - stvenog izgleda i mistike koja ih okružuje pred - stavljaju pravi magnet za turiste sa svih kraje- va sveta. Predanja kažu da su prvi manastiri u Meteori - ma izgrađeni primitivnim metodama, kao i da su kamen, alate, konopce i sve druge potreb - štine graditelji izvlačili samo pomoću užadi. Prema legendi, radoznali posetioci uvek pita - ju sveštenike koliko često menjaju konopce, na šta ovi odgovaraju sa: „Kada Gospod dozvo - li da puknu.“ Ovaj manastirski kompleks je bogomdano me - sto za asketski život monaha, čije se kelije i danas mogu videti u šupljinama stena. Pešač - ki prilazi objektima sagrađeni su tek početkom 20. veka, tako da se danas do njih stiže sple - tom staza i stepenica. Teritorija Meteora je od 1995. godine grčkim zakonom i odlukom Sinoda Grčke pravoslavne crkve proglašena za sveto mesto, neprikosno- veno i nepromenljivo. Najpristupačniji i ujed - no i jedini ženski manastir je manastir Svetog Stefana. Nebeski manastiri

Heavenly monasteries The Meteora monasteries were erected on the tops of vertical rock formations on the slopes of the Thessalian plain. The remains of the first monastery buildings date back to the 11 th cen- tury. Although there used to be as many as 24 monasteries, today only six of them remain ac- tive and are under UNESCO protection. The Meteora monastery complex, located be- tween the town of Kalabaka and the village of Kastraki, represents a unique world attrac- tion, because it is built on completely inacces- sible natural sandstone megaliths that rise up to 550 metres into the sky. Loosely translat- ed from Greek, the name Meteora would mean lofty or elevated, which is the first association when looking at this holy place. The old monas- teries of this "heavenly city" were built on cliffs and the very tops of rock pillars, so their unique appearance and the mystique that surrounds them ensures they are a veritable magnet for tourists from all over the world. It is traditionally believed that the first Meteo - ra monasteries were built using primitive meth- ods, and it was only with the help of ropes that the builders hauled up stone, tools, ropes and all other necessities. According to legend, cu- rious visitors always ask the priests how often they change the ropes, to which they respond: "When God allows them to break". This monastery complex is a God-given place for the ascetic life of monks, whose cells can still be seen in cavities in the rocks today. Ap- proaches to the buildings on foot were on- ly built at the beginning of the 20 th century, so they can today be reached by a combination of paths and stairs. According to Greek law and the decision of the Synod of the Greek Church, the territory of the


Ostaci prvih manastira potiču iz 11. veka The remains of the first monasteries date back to the 11 th century


aktivnih manastira ostalo je danas

Today only six monasteries remain active

1995. teritorija Meteora postala je sveto mesto The territory of the Meteora has been declared an holy place

Meteora has been declared an inviolable and unchange- able holy place since 1995. The most accessible mon- astery, and the only nun- nery, is the monastery of St. Stephen.

U slobodnom prevodu sa grčkog naziv Meteori značio bi „okačen na nebo“ / Loosely translated from Greek, the name Meteora would mean lofty or elevated

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 19


od osovina misije kojoj smo zajed- nički posvećeni – poručuje Stefan Milenković. Ponosni smo što se vanserij- ski talenat poput Stefana vratio u Srbiju i odlučio da podeli svoje znanje i veštine sa mladim talen- tima i budućim velikim imenima klasične muzike, ističe Ana Ilić, viša savetnica predsednice Vlade za kreativne industrije i turizam, koja predvodi tim platforme Sr- bija stvara . – Upravo zato ovaj prvi u nizu zajedničkih master klasova violine u Srbiji svakako će doprineti razvo- ju domaće scene klasične muzike i unaprediti je edukacijom mladih, ali pre svega doprineti pozitivnom predstavljanju Srbije u svetu i bren- diranju kao moderne zemlje talen- tovanih ljudi – ističe Ilić. Prijave za master klas traju do 15. maja, nakon čega će 31. ma- ja profesor Milenković odabrati najbolje kandidate, koji će u julu pohađati dvonedeljni program u Muzičkoj školi Vojislav Vučković u Čačku. Više detalja o programu, propozicijama i uslovima pohađa- nja master klasa svi zaintereso- vani mogu pronaći na zvaničnoj veb-stranici Stefana Milenkovi- ća (www.stefanmilenkovich.com)

master klas Stefana Milenkovića u Čačku Svetski poznati violinista Stefan Milenković i nacionalna platforma Srbija stvara organizuju međunarodni master klas violine u Srbiji u Čačku od 2. do 17. jula, namenjen talentovanim učenicima i studentima violine širom sveta P rogram dvonedeljnog kampa kreirao je pro- fesor Stefan Milenko- vić na osnovu više od 20 godina pedagoškog

– Izuzetno sam uzbuđen što ću u Srbiji održati intenzivan specija- lizovan violinski kurs, jer mi je že- lja da polazanici kampa dobiju te- meljno i sveobuhvatno znanje koje će im koristiti u svim dimenzija- ma njihovog violinskog i umetnič- kog razvoja, ali i da prime zdrave i praktične principe korisne za sa- mouveren život i kormilarenje fas- cinantnim – ali i zahtevnim – sve- tom muzičkog biznisa. Veoma mi je drago što je ovaj kurs organizovan u saradnji sa nacionalnom platfor- mom Srbija stvara , čiji sam kreativ- ni ambasador, jer je upravo podrška upućena mladim umetnicima jedna

iskustva na nekim od najprestiž- nijih svetskih muzičkih koledža, među kojima je i Džulijard škola u Njujorku, koju je i sam pohađao. Polaznici će pohađati svakodnevne teorijske i praktične grupne i indi- vidualne časove sa profesorom Mi- lenkovićem, dnevne časove fizičke spreme specifično razvijene za mu- zičare, kao i tehnike specijalizova- nog disanja posebno relevantne za javne nastupe.

20 | Srbija stvara » Serbia creates

T he programme of this two-week camp was cre- ated by Professor Ste- fan Milenković him- self, on the basis of his more than twenty years of peda- gogical experience at some of the world‘s most prestigious music col- leges, including New York‘s Juilliard School, but also the education that he has gained. Participants will at- tend daily theoretical and practical group and individual classes with Professor Milenković, daily physical education classes specifically devel- oped for musicians, as well as spe- cialised breathing techniques that are particularly relevant for public performances. “I‘m extremely excited that I

SERBIA CREATES Stefan Milenković's

will hold an intensive specialised violin course in Serbia, because my wish is for participants in the camp to receive thorough and compre- hensive knowledge that will bene- fit them in all dimensions of their violin mastery and artistic devel- opment, but also that they re- ceive healthy and practical prin- ciples that are useful for a life of self-confidence and navigating the fascinating - but also demanding - world of the music business. I‘m re- ally glad that this course was organ- ised in cooperation with the Serbia Creates national platform, of which I am a creative ambassador, because it is precisely the providing of sup- port to young artists that forms one of the pillars of the mission that we are jointly committed to com- pleting,“ says Milenković. “We are proud that such an ex- ceptional talent as Stefan returned to Serbia and decided to share his knowledge and skills with talented youngsters and future big names of classical music,“ says Ana Ilić, Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister for the Creative Industries and Tour- ism, who heads the Serbia Creates platform. “That‘s precisely why this first camp in the series of joint violin master classes in Serbia will certain- ly contribute to the development of the domestic classical music scene and its improvement through the educating of young people, but will primarily contribute to the positive representing of Serbia around the world and its branding as a mod- ern country of talented people,” notes Ilić. Applications for the master class can be submitted until 15 th May, after which, on 31 st May, Professor Milenković will select the best candidates to attend Ju- ly‘s two-week programme at the Vojislav Vucković Music School in Čačak. More details about the pro- gramme, propositions and condi- tions for attending this master class are available via the official website of Stefan Milenković (www.stefan- milenkovich.com).

international master class in Čačak

World renowned violinist Stefan Milenković and the Serbia Creates national platform are jointly organising an international violin master class in Čačak, Serbia, from 2 nd to 17 th July, that's intended for talented violin pupils and students worldwide

Serbia creates » Srbija stvara | 21

Intervju Interview


22 | Intervju » Interview

Za mene je hrana veliko zadovoljstvo ne samo zbog ukusa već i zbog radosti koju donosi ljudima. Volim da svojim kuvanjem zabavljam ljude

Food is a great pleasure for me, not only because of the tastes, but also because of the joy it brings people. I like to entertain people with my cooking

Na Balkanu sam našao skriveni kovčeg sa blagom Za svakog kuvara najvažniji sastojak u svakom jelu je ljubav. Za mene su običan mafin ili činija sa tek ubranim i opranim paradajzom čista manifestacija ljubavi R udolf van Vin imao je dečački san – da po- stane kuvar. I ostvario ga je. Završio je ku- linarsku školu, radio kao glavni kuvar u Švajcarskoj, pobeđivao na nacionalnim i međunarodnim kulinarskim takmičenji- ma. Postao je jedan od najpopularnijih holandskih te- levizijskih kuvara, a zavoleli smo ga i mi u Srbiji zahva- ljujući brojnim poslasticama s kojima nas je upoznao. Ali i zahvaljujući neodoljivom osmehu, koji ne skida sa lica dok kuva, a koji nedvosmisleno poručuje da je za njega kuvanje čista sreća i uzvraćena ljubav... Bili ste tek dečak kad ste počeli da provo- dite vreme u kuhinji. Otkud afinitet za ku- vanje? – Kada sam imao 11 godina, bila je TV emisija po- znatog voditelja u kojoj ste morali da pogodite kojim poslom se bave neki ljudi. Sećam se, bio je jedan čo- vek, kako se ispostavilo glavni kuvar kraljevske pala- te u Holandiji. Dakle, kuvar. Stajao je u studiju u beloj odeci sa svojom velikom kuvarskom kapom i izgledao je poput mađioničara. Tada sam prvi put pitao rodi- telje: „Da li bih mogao da postanem kuvar?“, jer me je njegova pojava u potpunosti obuzela. Želeo sam da budem on. Već sa 12 godina bilo mi je dozvoljeno da idem u kulinarsku školu i tada je sve počelo. Otac, koji je bio moreplovac, zainteresovao vas je za svet. Može li hrana da bude način da taj svet upoznate na pravi način? – Kao što ste rekli, moj otac je bio moreplovac. Plo- vio je na liniji Holandija–Amerika i retko je bio kod kuće. Tek nekoliko meseci godišnje. Ali kada je bio tu, uvek je pričao zanimljive priče o egzotičnim mestima

Imao je dečački san – da postane kuvar. I ostvario ga je He had a boyhood dream - to become a

chef. And he realised that dream

Tekst/Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije/Photography: 24kitchen

Interview » Intervju | 23


širom sveta u kojima bi nam opisivao najzanimljivi- ja jela koja je probao na svojim putovanjima – od Ha- vaja do Njujorka. Za mene kao dečaka od šest godina moj otac je bio najbolji pripovedač. Inspirisan njego- vim avanturama, uvek sam želeo da pomognem ma- mi u kuhinji da vidim mogu li u našoj kuhinji ponovi- ti nešto od tih recepata o kojima je pričao. Kad smo kod sveta, ako biste nas poveli na ekskluzivno kulinarsko putovanje, koje bi- ste gradove izabrali? – Na Balkanu sam našao svoj skriveni kovčeg sa blagom. Iako u kulinarskim školama svi učimo o fran- cuskoj, italijanskoj, grčkoj i drugim poznatim kuhinja- ma, meni su ukusi Balkana pravo gastronomsko otkri- će. Ono što me oduševljava u vašem regionu je to što je reč o tako velikoj teritoriji sa tako bogatom i raznovr- snom kuhinjom koja skoro uopšte nije poznata u Ho- landiji, pa ni u svetu. Zahvaljujući svom poslu, otkrio sam Balkan i radujem se svakoj novoj prilici da uživam u vašim specijalitetima, koji se obično zovu tako da ne mogu ni da im izgovorim ime. (smeh) Da li je pandemija promenila način na ko- ji se hranimo? – Korona je promenila sve u kuhinji i ishrani. Ruke me već bole od stotinu pranja dnevno. Čini mi se da su od korone najviše zaradili prodavci krema za ruke. U socijalnom smislu sve je drugačije. U Holandiji su pra- vila veoma stroga, na setu su standardi zdravstvene preventive i bezbednosti izuzetno visoki. Kada je reč o ishrani, čini mi se da nas je korona vratila nekim zdra- vijim, svežim namirnicama i tradicionalnim jelima za celu porodicu. To je ono što me raduje i što je trend za koji se nadam da će se zadržati i kada sve ovo prođe. Postoji li tajna koja garantuje uspešan i ukusan obrok? – Naravno! Uvek eksperimentišite i ne bežite od izazova. Bilo da je reč o ideji koja se rodila u vašoj gla- vi i koju biste voleli da ostvarite u vašoj kuhinji ili o već postojećem receptu koji ćete modifikovati sa ne- koliko svojih sitnica i od klasične poslastice napraviti novo svetsko čudo za nepca. Volim da eksperimenti- šem i smatram da je to glavni začin života. Da li još volite kajmak i ajvar? – O, da! Ako se ja pitam, na tanjiru može da bude bilo koje jelo. Ako kao prilog ima kajmak i ajvar, uop- šte nije važno kakvo je. Odmah postaje vrhunski spe- cijalitet. Kajmak i ajvar su dva najvažnija sastojka sva- kog jela. (smeh) Postoji li neki naš specijalitet koji ste pože- leli da spremate i jedete kod svoje kuće? – Probao sam mnoga jela sa Balkana. Slovenač- ku prekomursku gibanicu, srpski ajvar, kajmak i mno- ga druga jela, takođe i bugarsku tarator salatu… Svi ti ukusi za mene su fantastični i rado ih pravim u svojoj kući. Nadam se da ćemo u budućnosti snimiti emisiju samo o ukusima sa Balkana. Već sam razgovarao o to- me sa čelnim ljudima kanala 24 Kitchen . Mislim da bi jedno kulinarsko putovanje po svim vašim zemljama

bilo veliko gurmansko otrežnjenje za Evropu. Do ta- da mogu da uživaju u vašoj Vasinoj torti, koju uz male izmene, kako bih je učinio nešto laganijom, često i ra- do pravim kod kuće. A prikazali smo je i u šestoj sezo- ni serijala Rudolfova pekara . Za vas je kuvanje uživanje, hobi, a ne posao... Da li još mislite da je život kao slatkiš? – Za mene je hrana veliko zadovoljstvo ne samo zbog ukusa već i zbog radosti koju donosi ljudima. Vo- lim da svojim kuvanjem zabavljam ljude. U ovom tre- nutku taj deo „slatkiša“ zvanog kuvanje mi najviše ne- dostaje. Zbog korone nema druženja, pa i kuvanje za mene gubi svoju draž. Jedva čekam da napravim ve- čeru za sve svoje prijatelje. To je ono što me čini sreć- nim. Ono što su za muzičara note, za mene su sastojci od kojih pravim poslastice za sve one koji žele da uži- vaju u njima.

Uz kajmak i ajvar svako jelo je vrhunski specijalitet / Any dish is a top speciality with kajmak milk curd and ajvar chutney

24 | Intervju » Interview


In the Balkans I found a hidden treasure chest

The most important ingredient for every chef to add to any dish is love. For me, an ordinary muffin or a bowl of freshly picked and washed tomatoes represent pure manifestations of love R udolph van Veen had a boyhood dream - to become a chef. And he realised that dream. He completed culinary school, worked as a head chef in Switzerland, and won national and international culinary competitions. He became one of the most popular Dutch television chefs, and we also fell in love with him here in Serbia, thanks to the numerous treats he’s taught us about, but also due to the irresistible smile that doesn’t leave his face while he’s cooking and which states unequivocally that, for him, cooking is pure happiness and reciprocated love... You were just a boy when you began spending time in the kitchen. What’s the source of your affinity for cooking? “When I was 11 years old there was a TV show with a famous host in which you had to guess the kind of work some people do. I remember that there was one man who turned out to be the executive chef of the Royal Palace in the Netherlands. So, a chef. He was standing in the studio wearing white clothes and with his big chef’s hat, and he resembled a magician. I then asked my parents for the first time: “Could I become a chef?”, because I was completely blown away by his appearance. I want- ed to be him. Already at the age of 12 I was allowed to attend culinary school, and that’s where it all started.” Your father, who was a sailor, developed your interest in the world. Can food be a way to get to know that world in the proper way? “As you said, my father was a sailor. He sailed on the route between the Netherlands and America and was rarely at home, just a few months a year. But when he was there he always had interesting stories about exot- ic places around the world, in which he would describe to us the most interesting dishes he’d tried on his trav-

Deca kao mali kuvari Posle duže pauze vraćate se na TV ekrane. Šta nas očekuje? – Tako je. Prvo smo se vratili sa šestom sezonom Rudolfove pe - kare , a potom na kanalu 24 Kitchen utorkom u 13 gledamo i emi- siju Rudolfova pekara: Mali pekari . Došao sam na ideju da po- zovem 20 mladih entuzijasta, odnosno dece od sedam do 17 godina. Klinci koje smo ugostili u ovih 20 epizoda su zaista div- ni, a neki od njih uspeli su da me iznenade. Recimo Džesi, ko- ja trenutno živi u Holandiji, ali je poreklom iz Portugala, došla je u emisiju sa receptom za slatkiš za koji u životu nisam čuo. Zove se oranž-rolada i ona mi je pomogla da ga napravim. Jedino mi je žao što nismo ugostili nikoga iz Srbije i sa Balkana, ali verujem da će se i to uskoro dogoditi. CHILDREN AS LITTLE CHEFS You are returning to TV screens after a long break. What awaits us? “That’s right. We first returned with the sixth season of Rudolph’s Bakery, then on the 24 Kitchen channel on Tuesdays at 1pm we also watch the show Rudolph’s Bakery: Little Bakers. I came up with the idea of inviting 20 young enthusiasts, or children aged from seven to 17. The kids we hosted in these 20 episodes are really wonderful, and some of them managed to surprise me. For example, Jesse, who currently lives in the Netherlands but is originally from Portugal, came to the show with a recipe for a treat that I’d never heard of in my life. It’s called an orange roulade, and she helped me make it. My only regret is that we didn’t host anyone from Serbia and the Balkans, but I believe that will also happen soon.”

Interview » Intervju | 25

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