Elevate August 2021 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Jadranska obala / Adriatic coast Veliko plavetnilo DEEP BLUE SEA



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Welcome message

Avgust 2021.

August 2021

Dragi putnici,

Dear passengers,

LETNJEM ODMORU SE RADUJEMO TOKOM CELE godi- ne, a upravo avgust predstavlja idealno vreme za odla- zak na omiljenu morsku destinaciju. Razlozi su višestruki – more je tada najtoplije za kupanje, smanjuje se moguć- nost letnjih pljuskova i pune se baterije neposredno pred povratak radnim obavezama, ispitnim rokovima i škol- skim klupama u septembru. Sada je pravo vreme da isko- ristite priliku i otputujete na neku od redovnih ili sezonskih destinacija u našoj ponudi – Tivat, Dubrovnik, Split, Pulu, Solun, Atinu, Larnaku ili Barselonu. Bez obzira na to da li vas više privlače drevni hramo- vi i živopisna atmosfera atinskih četvrti ili radije birate uži- vanje na solunskoj promenadi, Grčka je uvek odličan iz- bor za letnji odmor. Nećete pogrešiti ni ukoliko se odlučite za jadransku obalu. Tivat kao kapija za brojne atraktivne destinacije u Crnoj Gori, uske kamene ulice i prelepe pla- že Dubrovnika, remek-dela rimske arhitekture i medite- ranski specijaliteti Splita ili Pula kao veliki muzej pod otvo- renim nebom – svaki od ovih gradova nudi neponovljivi deo svoje autentičnosti za beg od realnosti i prepušta- nje hedonizmu, na samo oko sat leta iz Beograda. Nakon izbora destinacije ne zaboravite da se na vreme pripremite i raspitate o uslovima za ulazak u oda- branu zemlju. Imajući u vidu aktuelnu situaciju, na ae- rodrom je potrebno doći tri sata ranije kako biste obavili sve formalnosti i na vreme se prijavili na let. Naša pre- poruka je da, uvek kada je to moguće, birate opciju on- lajn prijave na let, kako se ne bi stvarale gužve ispred šaltera na aerodromu. Podsećamo i da je tokom samog leta neophodno da se poštuju određene mere preven- cije, u skladu sa preporukama nadležnih organa. Pored naših redovnih destinacija, tokom letnje se- zone planiramo da obavimo i oko hiljadu čarter-letova ka popularnim odredištima u Turskoj, Egiptu i Grčkoj. Na raspolaganju su vam Antalija, Bodrum i Dalaman, veliki broj letova za Hurgadu i nešto manji za Šarm el Šeik, kao i popularne grčke destinacije poput Rodosa, Krita, Skijato- sa, Krfa i Kefalonije. Posebno nas raduje što smo direktne letove ka omiljenim primorskim gradovima sada omogu- ćili i putnicima iz Niša, koji dva puta nedeljno mogu leteti do Tivta, kao i iz Kraljeva, odakle jednom nedeljno saobra- ćamo do Soluna. Znamo koliko vam je letnji odmor važan i trudimo se da učinimo sve da vam pružimo što veći izbor i maksimal- no olakšamo organizaciju i planiranje. Na vama je samo da izaberete destinaciju, spakujete najpotrebnije i zaslu- ženo opuštanje može da počne! Uživajte u letu i srećan put.

WE SPEND THE ENTIRE YEAR LOOKING forward to the summer holidays, and August is the ideal time to travel to your favourite seaside destination. There are multiple rea- sons to do so at this time - the sea is at its warmest and the chances of summer rain showers are low, while you can fully recharge your batteries right before having to return to work, university exams or school classes in September. Now is the right time to take the opportunity to travel to some of our sc- heduled or seasonal destinations: Tivat, Dubrovnik, Split, Pu- la, Thessaloniki, Athens, Larnaca or Barcelona. Whether you’re more attracted to the ancient temples and picturesque atmosphere of Athens’ districts or you pre- fer to enjoy the Thessaloniki promenade, Greece is always a great choice for a summer break. But you also won’t go wrong if you opt for the Adriatic coast. Tivat as a gateway to many attractive destinations in Montenegro, the narrow, cobblestoned streets and beautiful beaches of Dubrovnik, the Roman architectural masterpieces and Mediterranean delicacies of Split, or Pula, as a large open-air museum ci- ty - each of these urban coastal destinations offers unique authenticity to escape from reality and indulge in hedoni- sm, and they’re just an hour’s flight from Belgrade. After choosing your destination, don’t forget to prepa- re on time and inquire about applicable conditions to en- ter your country of choice. Considering the current situati- on, it is necessary to arrive at the airport three hours earlier, in order to allow plenty of time to complete all the formali- ties and check in for your flight. We recommend that you choose the online check-in option whenever possible, in order to avoid crowds in front of airport counters. We also remind you that it is necessary to respect certain preven- tative measures during your flight, in accordance with the recommendations of the competent authorities. In addition to our regular destinations, during the sum- mer season we plan to operate around one thousand char- ter flights to popular holiday destinations in Turkey, Egypt and Greece. You have at your disposal flights to Antalya, Bo- drum and Dalaman, as well as a large number of flights to Hurghada and a few to Sharm el-Sheikh, but also to popular Greek destinations like Rhodes, Crete, Skiathos, Corfu and Cephalonia. We are particularly happy that we are now pro- viding direct flights to favourite coastal cities for passengers from Niš, who can fly to Tivat twice a week, and from Kralje- vo, which offers flights to Thessaloniki once a week. We know how important your summer holiday is to you, and that’s why we aim to offer you the greatest possible se- lection and make it as easy as possible for you to organise and plan your summer break. All you have to do is pick a de- stination and pack your essentials, and your well-deserved holiday can begin! Enjoy the flight and have a good trip,

Duncan Naysmith CEO Air Serbia



Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 7





Er Srbija pojačava saobraćaj do evropskih destinacija / Air Serbia increases frequency of flights to European destinations Ponovo letimo do Pule / We’re flying to Pula again U junu smo prevezli 68 odsto više putnika nego u maju  We carried 68 per cent more passengers in June than in May

Er Srbija leti od Kraljeva do Soluna / Air Serbia launches flights between Kraljevo and Thessaloniki




Putujemo sa glumicom Isidorom Simijonović / We travel with actress Isidora Simijonović


Laza Ristovski: Dok trajem, teraću punim gasom / Laza Ristovski: I’ll run at full throttle for as long as I endure


PUTUJTE PAMETNO SMART TRAVEL 14. Er Srbija vas vodi na Jadransku obalu / Air Serbia takes you to the Adriatic cost

Glatka, svilenkasta, zlatasta: Slama kao novi modni adut / Smooth, silky, golden: straw as a new fashion ace 60. Nova američka moda: Ideal


Sa Er Srbijom na putovanju izvan središta zemlje / With Air Serbia on a journey beyond the centre of the earth Jelena Rozga: Moj je avion satkan od muzike, pesme i plesa / Jelena Rozga: my plane is woven from music, song and dance Nečista krv – greh predaka : Šta je bilo pre Sofkinog rođenja? / Impure Blood – Sin of Ancestors: what came before Sophka‘s birth?

inkluzivnijeg društva / New American fashion: the ideal of an inclusive society



8 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović

Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Aleksandra Beslać, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović

Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Jovana Velimirović Urednik fotograje / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotograje / Photography

Mitar Mitrović, Zoran Lončarević, Aleksandar Dimitrijević, Đorđe Kojadinović, Snežana Krstić, Vladimir Zivojinovic Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Promedia.rs, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs


LAJFSTAJL LIFESTYLE 80. Slow travel: Usporite,

Dragoceno utočiste tradicije i avangarde / The House of Jevrem Grujić: precious haven of tradition and avant-garde

uživajte, odmorite se / Slow travel: slow down, enjoy yourself, relax Večeri koje ćete pamtiti: Al fresco zauvek / Evenings that you’ll never forget: al fresco forever



Strip koji je pobegao iz Japana i osvojio svet / A comic that escaped from Japan and conquered the world


Kipar: Mitovi, istorija i luksuz u savršenoj harmoniji / Cyprus: myth, history and luxury in perfect harmony

Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

100. Tri dobra razloga da odletite u Stokholm / Three good reasons to fly to Stockholm this summer

Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotograka Subotica

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia ights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved


Magične banje Srbije: Odmor za dušu i telo / Magical spas of Serbia: rest for soul and body

Broj / Issue No. 330 Naslovna strana / Cover iStock

Sve lepote Jadrana / All the beauty of the Adriatic Foto / Photo: iStock

Contents » Sadržaj | 9


ER SRBIJA JE PRIBLIŽILA SRBIJU I Grčku sezonskim letovima koji se na ruti Kraljevo–Solun obavljaju jed- nom nedeljno, svakog utorka, i to sve do 24. avgusta. Tim povodom upriličena je sve- čana ceremonija na Aerodromu Morava , u prisustvu zvaničnika Mi- nistarstva građevinarstva, saobra- ćaja i infrastrukture, Direktorata civilnog vazduhoplovstva, Aero- dromske kontrole letenja Srbije i Crne Gore SMATSA, načelnika Mo- ravičkog i Raškog okruga, pred- Srpski avio-prevoznik je letom JU 2524 u julu uspostavio direktne letove na novoj liniji od Kraljeva do Soluna ER SRBIJA LETI OD KRALJEVA DO SOLUNA SKOKNITE DO GRČKE

stavnika Čačka, Kraljeva i Kragu- jevca, kao i predstavnika Er Srbije i Aerodroma Srbije. – Drago nam je što smo proši- rili ponudu i sa trećeg aerodroma u zemlji. Posebno nas raduje što smo putnicima iz regiona zapadne Srbi- je i Šumadije tokom sezone godiš- njih odmora olakšali putovanje do jedne od najomiljenijih destinacija u Grčkoj – izjavio je Boško Rupić, viši menadžer prodaje u Er Srbiji . Er Srbija letove do drugog po veličini grada u Grčkoj realizuje tur- boelisnim avionom ATR72.

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AIR SERBIA HAS BROUGHT SER BIA AND Greece closer together with the introduction of seasonal fli- ghts along the Kraljevo-Thessaloni- ki route once a week, every Tuesday, until 24 th August. An official ceremony held at Kraljevo’s Morava Airport to mark the occasion was attended by repre- sentatives of the Serbian Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infra- structure, the Civil Aviation Directo- rate of Serbia, the Serbia and Mon- tenegro Air Traffic Services Agency (SMATSA), heads of the Moravica and Raška districts, the cities of Ča- čak, Kraljevo and Kragujevac, as well as representatives of Air Serbia and Airports of Serbia. “We’re glad that we’ve expan- ded our offer even at our third air- port in the country. We’re particular- ly happy that we’ll make it easier for passengers from the Western Ser- bia and Šumadija regions to travel to one of their favourite destinations in Greece during the summer holiday season,” said Boško Rupić, head of sales at Air Serbia. Air Serbia operates flights to Greece’s second largest city using its ATR72 turboprop aircraft. FLIGHTS FROM KRALJEVO TO THESSALONIKI During July, with its JU 2524 flight, the Serbian national carrier established direct flights along its new route between Kraljevo and Thessaloniki

Sezonski letovi na ruti Kraljevo– Solun obavljaju se jednom nedeljno, svakog utorka, sve do 24. avgusta Seasonal flights along the Kraljevo- Thessaloniki route are being carried out once a week, every Tuesday, until 24 th August

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 11

Na letu

On board

Avion je let u novo iskustvo ISIDORA SIMIJONOVIĆ, GLUMICA VOLIM DA LETIM JER AVION ZNAČI PUTOVANJE, BEG od poznatih obaveza i problema, pogled odozgo, širu sliku. Izum kojem se oduvek divim i razmišljam o tome koliko je promenio svet, dok gledam u obla- ke i ne mogu da se načudim koliko su mi bli- zu. 1

ISIDORA SIMIJONOVIĆ, ACTRESS A plane means a flight into a new experience I LIKE TO FLY BECAUSE PLANES MEAN TRAVELLING, escaping familiar obligations and problems, a view from on high, a broader picture. It’s an invention I’ve always admired and I always consider how much it’s changed the world, as I ob- serve the clouds and can’t help but wonder about how close they are to me.

Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography: Privatna arhiva

Odlično je imati gumene bombone, ako je put duži, onda i lešnike ili indijski orah

It’s great to have jelly sweets and, if the journey is longer, also hazelnuts or cashew nuts

2 Omiljene pesme su uvek uz mene, jer mi je muzika veoma važna My favourite songs are always with me, because music is very important to me

3 Dobro je imati maramice, mada ih često zaboravim It’s good to have tissues, although I often forget them


Obično na put ponesem neki magazin, po mogućstvu neki od kog ne mogu da se odvojim I usually take a magazine with me on my journey, if possible one that I can’t put down

12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Destination » Destinacija | 13



Sve lepote Jadrana All the beauty of the Adriatic Bura, jugo i maestral igraju se vodama jednog od najčistijih svetskih mora. Onog koje je veoma slano, prilično toplo i prebogato biljnim i životinjskim svetom. Njegove obale su ukrašene prelepim ostrvima, njegovo zaleđe i zeleno i krševito, a na putu od Ade Bojane do Istre kao biseri iz školjki blistaju šarmantni mediteranski gradovi koje nećete lako zaboraviti. Vodimo vas u Tivat, Dubrovnik, Split i Pulu / The bura, jugo and maestral winds dance with the waters of one of the world’s cleanest seas. One that’s very salty, fairly warm and boasts a great wealth of flora and fauna. Its shores are adorned with beautiful islands, its hinterland is green and rugged, and on the route from Ada Bojana to Istria are charming Mediterranean cities that shine like pearls and aren’t easily forgotten. Here we take you to four of them: Tivat, Dubrovnik, Split and Pula

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia



me scan


Dubrovnik je grad koji očarava svojom kul - turnom scenom, festivalima, koncertima na otvorenom, muzikom u istorijskim prostori - ma, vrtovima pored mora... Umetnici iz celog sveta pružaju gostima ovoga grada vrhunske performanse na živopisnim scenama kao što su atrijum palate Sponza, ostrvo Lokrum, tvr - đava Revelin, Kneževa palata ili park Orsula. Tokom godine pozorišne predstave izvode se na baroknoj sceni Pozorišta Marina Drži - ć a, dok u letnjem pozorištu oživljavaju palate, atrijumi i tvrđave. U julu i avgustu tu su Du - brovačke letnje igre. Tokom 45 festivalskih dana, čitav Dubrovnik postaje velika scena za balet, džez, folklor, klasiku, operske koncerte i pozorišne pred - stave. Prvi put Vreme je za festival

It’s a Festival time

Dubrovnik is a seaside city that charms visitors with its culture scene, festivals, gardens, concerts under open skies and in historic venues etc. Artists from all over the world provide Dubrovnik’s guests with the unforgettably enjoyable experiences of their superb performances on picturesque open-air stages, such as the atrium of Sponza Palace, the Island of Lokrum, Revelin Fortress, the Rector's Palace, or Park Orsula.Theatre plays are performed throughout the year on the baroque stage of the Marin Držić Theatre, while during the summer months theatres bring to life palaces, atriums and fortresses. In July and August there is the Dubrovnik Summer Festival. Over the course of its 45 days, Dubrovnik as a whole becomes a great stage

Stradun je glavna ulica u Dubrovniku i centar je aktivnosti u gradu od 13. veka Stradun is Dubrovnik’s main street and has been a centre of activity in the city since the 13 th century

for performances of ballet, jazz, folklore, classical and opera concerts and theatre plays. First held in 1950, the festival is now celebrating its 72 nd edition. However, you also shouldn’t forget that the city’s Old Town is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is filled with historical landmarks like the Walls of Dubrovnik and the Rector’s Palace. The number one tourist activity in Dubrovnik is walking along the walls that encircle the Old Town, and it’s easy to see

održan 1950, fe - stival ove godine slavi svoje 72. iz - danje. Ne zaboravite da je Stari grad na listi Uneskove svetske baštine, prepun istorij - skih znamenito - sti poput dubro - vačkih zidina i Kneževe palate. Turistička aktiv - nost broj jedan u Dubrovniku je šetnja zidinama

why. The Walls of Dubrovnik represent a series of very tall, white limestone defensive walls and ramparts that were constructed in continuity from the 12 th to the 17 th centuries. They are often considered as being among the greatest fortifications of the Middle Ages, having never once fallen to a hostile army. More recently, Dubrovnik also become famous as one of the main filming locations for hit series Game of Thrones. Tourists can embark on an organised Game of Thrones Tour and feel they are part of King’s Landing. The Jesuit Staircase is another landmark that fans of Game of Thrones will recognise, as it provided the setting for Cersei’s famous “walk of atonement.” Aside from its relation to this hit show, the staircase is worth a visit simply because it’s one of the city’s best examples of Baroque architecture.

Dubrovnik je okružen predivnim bistrim akvamarinskim vodama Jadranskog mora, a u gradu se nalazi i nekoliko fantastičnih plaža Dubrovnik is surrounded by the Adriatic’s beautiful, clear aquamarine waters, while the city is also home to several fantastic beaches

koje okružuju Stari grad i lako je shvatiti za - što. Zidovi Dubrovnika su vrlo visoki, naprav - ljeni od belog krečnjaka, neprestano dogra - đivani od 12. do 17. veka. Ovo mesto smatra se jednim od najveć ih utvrđenja srednjeg ve - ka, koji nikada nije palo pred neprijateljskom vojskom. U novije vreme Dubrovnik se takođe proslavio kao jedno od glavnih mesta snimanja hit te - levizijske serije Igra prestola. Turisti mogu da krenu na organizovanu turu i nakratko dobiju oseć aj da su i sami deo King's Landinga. Je - zuitsko stepenište je još jedna znamenitost Dubrovnika koju ć e ljubitelji Igre prestola br - zo prepoznati, jer je to bilo mesto čuvene Ser - sine „šetnje pokajanja“. Stepenište je vredno posete jer je jedan od najboljih primera baro - kne arhitekture u gradu.

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55 min.

Najmlađi grad Bokokotorskog zaliva ima bo - gatu kulturu i tradiciju. Pamti mnoge epohe, o čemu svedoče arheološki nalazi, plemićke palate, stare crkve, nautičko nasleđe i legen - de u koje meštani još veruju. Tivat se ponosi i vekovnom tradicijom muzike, igara i gastro - nomije. Zabave ne manjka, ali ni mira i tišine. U rezervatu prirode čuje se samo cvrkut ptica. Ostrva, divlje plaže i staze za pešačenje dono - se spokoj i vode do veličanstvenih vidikovaca. Ljubav prema zelenilu vidi se na svakom ko - raku, a osim botaničke bašte, ovaj grad ima i svoj cvet, magnoliju, čiji se miris širi ulicama. Solila Koliko je bogatstvo Tivta, najbolje pokazu - je činjenica da ima najlepšu obalu, planinske obronke i rezervat prirode! Nije čudno što su upravo ovde svoj mir našle ptice, više od 100 vrsta. Prava atrakcija su flamingosi, čije ruži - často perje ulepšava Tivatska solila. Carstvo lekovitog bilja nalazi se na brdu Vrmac, a po - sebno mesto zauzima žućenica, biljka u čiju su čast Tivćani osmislili i feštu. Ako tome do - date i mnoštvo skrivenih uvala, ostrva i najve - ću botaničku baštu Jadrana, nije teško zaklju - čiti zašto je Tivat odličan izbor. Spoj mediteranskog šarma i luksuza

Gradski park U prošlosti su pomorci pri povratku kući dono - sili razne biljke sa različitih strana sveta. Zato Tivat danas u samom srcu grada ima najveću botaničku baštu na južnom Jadranu. Tradicija i dalje živi, pa svaki građanin može povodom venčanja, rođenja deteta ili bilo kojeg važnog događaja donirati stablo koje će biti posađeno u parku. U okviru ovog spomenika prirode mo - žete videti australijsku jelu, eukaliptus, alepski bor, kedar... Pojedina stabla stara su i 130 go - dina, a visoka više od 25 metara. Vrmac Tivat ima jednu od najlepših pešačkih i plani - narskih zona u Boki – poluostrvo Vrmac. Ide - alno je za biciklizam, a brdske staze nisu pre - zahtevne ni za planinarenje. Sa Vrmca se na jednoj strani može videti Kotor, a na drugoj Ti - vat sa arhipelagom koji čine poluostrvo Pre - vlaka i ostrva Sveti Marko i Gospa od Milosti. Do najvišeg vrha Sveti Ilija (785 metara) doži - većete jedinstvenu lepotu seoske arhitekture i gostroprimstvo meštana ovog kraja. Luštica Poluostrvo Luštica morate doživeti od počet - ka do kraja. Dođite biciklom, automobilom ili brodićem i videćete mnoštvo malih autentič - nih primorskih mesta, tirkizne plaže i uvalice, maslinjake, bogate šume i lepo uređene bašte.

U samom srcu grada nalazi se najveća botanička bašta na južnom Jadranu, nastala davne 1892. At the very heart of the city lies the largest botanical garden in the southern Adriatic region, created way back in 1892

16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Fusion of Mediterranean charm and luxury

The youngest city in the Bay of Kotor hides a rich culture and tradition. It is able to recall many epochs, as illustrated by its archaeological finds, palaces of noblemen, old churches, maritime heritage and legends that are still believed by locals. Tivat is also proud of its centuries-old tradition of music, dance and culinary delights. There is no shortage of fun here, but also no lack of peace and quiet. The only audible sounds in the nature reserve are the chirping of birds. Serenity is provided by islets, wild beaches and hiking trails that lead to magnificent vantage points. A love of greenery can be seen at every turn and, apart from having its own botanical garden, this city also has its own flower, the magnolia, the scent of which spreads through the city’s streets. Saline Best testifying to Tivat’s wealth is the fact that its territory has the most beautiful coastline, mountain rises and nature reserve! It’s no sur- prise that over 100 species of bird found peace for themselves right here. A genuine attraction is provided by the flamingos, whose pink feath- ers beautify the Tivat Saline salt flats. If you add to this its many hidden coves, islands and the largest botanical garden in the Adriatic, it isn’t difficult to conclude why Tivat is an excel - In bygone times, sailors returning home would bring back various plants from different parts of the world. That’s why Tivat today boasts the largest botanical garden in the southern Adri - atic region, located at the very heart of the city. And that tradition lives on, such that every citi - zen can gift a sapling that will be planted in the park to mark the occasion of a wedding, birth or any important life event. The trees that you can see within the scope of this monument of nature include Australian conifers, eucalyp - tus, Aleppo pines, cedars etc. Some of the trees here are 130 years old and over 25 metres tall. lent choice. City park

Vrmac Tivat is home to the Vrmac Peninsula - one of the most beautiful hiking and mountaineering zones in the Bay of Kotor. Ideal for cycling, its mountain trails also aren’t too demanding for hikers. From the vantage point of Vrmac, you can see Kotor on one side and Tivat on the oth- er, together with the archipelago comprising the Prevlaka peninsula and the islands of St. Mark and Our Lady of Mercy. While ascending to the highest peak of Sveti Ilija [St. Elijah], at 785m/asl, you will encounter the unique beauty of rural architecture and the hospitality of this area’s local residents. Luštica The Luštica Peninsula is something that you must experience from beginning to end. Wheth - er travelling by bike, car or boat, you will come across many small, authentic coastal settle- ments, beaches with turquoise waters and coves, olive groves, rich forests and beautifully landscaped gardens.

Tivatska solila prvi su

florističko- faunistički rezervat prirode u Crnoj Gori The Tivat Saline is the first nature reserve of flora

and fauna in Montenegro

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65 min.

Više od divne arhitektonske kulise

Na hrvatskoj dalmatinskoj obali, Split delu- je kao grad koji je vreme zaboravilo. Drevnim centrom dominira prostrana rimska palata, ko- ji ponosno stoji i posle 1.700 godina. Tokom vekova, ova arhitektura je ostala netaknuta, ali hajde da pogledamo najbolje stvari u Splitu... Dioklecijanova palata Dioklecijanova palata dominira istorijskim jez- grom grada. To je divno očuvan kompleks iz 4. veka koji spaja Dioklecijanovu veličanstvenu vilu sa ostacima velikog vojnog logora. Više je citadela nego palata, iznenađenja čekaju iza svakog ugla, moći ćete da šetate originalnim rimskim ulicama koje presecaju kompleks, a ne iznenađuje ni to što su scene iz Igre presto - la snimane na ovoj lokaciji. Katedrala Svetog Duje Splitska katedrala je nekada bila Dioklecijanov mauzolej. Centralni deo ove građevine datira iz 350. godine. Pravo je uzbuđenje videti kako se rimski elementi poput originalnog prstena od 24 noseća stuba mešaju sa obeležjima ka - toličke bogomolje. Odvojte trenutak i da pogle - date drvena vrata katedrale, koja su neprome- njena od 1200. godine. Tvrđava Klis Kad ga vidite, znaćete zašto se ovo uporište na uzvišici takođe našlo u Igri prestola. Tvrđa - va Klis šepuri se iznad terasastih brežuljaka, a uokvirena je visokim liticama bledosivih ste- na. Drevni Iliri su ovde prvi sagradili tvrđavu, a

tokom srednjeg veka Klis je bio sedište hrvat- skih kraljeva. Nacionalni park Krka Na sat vožnje od Splita, ovaj nacionalni park prati tok reke Krke. Očaravajući Skradinski buk je ono što mnogi dolaze da vide. To je veliki prirodni bazen, 400 puta 100 metara, napajan vodopadima na jednom kraju, a zatim ispra- žnjen kaskadama na drugom. Samo na ovom mestu ima 17 vodopada, a najviši dostiže visi - nu od gotovo 50 metara. Na ovoj sceni možete izgubiti sate uživajući u pogledu jer je bazen okružen bogatim zelenilom, a nezaboravan je način na koji sunčeva svetlost pleše u usko - vitlanoj vodi. Dan pored mora Izvrsna kultura Splita lako čini da zaboravite da je grad zapravo fantastična morska desti - nacija. Nećete morati daleko – upravo u gra - du, u podnožju Marjana, nalazi se niz lepih pri - rodnih plaža okruženih mirisnom borovom šumom. Krenite malo na istok uz obalu i doći ćete do Stobreča, ljupkog zaliva u obliku pot - kovice s plitkom vodom idealnom za malu de- cu. Glavna peščana plaža u tom području su Bačvice, jugoistočno predgrađe Splita, gde će - te naći sve što vam treba.

Galerija Ivan Meštrović ima najveću zbirku njegovih dela sa gotovo 200 skulptura, kao i skicama, komadima nameštaja i arhitektonskim planovima The Ivan Meštrović Gallery has the largest collection of his works that can be found anywhere, with almost 200 sculptures, but also sketches, items of furniture and architectural plans

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Located on Croatia’s Dalmatian coast, Split feels like a city that’s been forgotten by time. The ancient centre is like nothing you’ve seen before, while an entire city district is occupied by the sprawling Roman palace that’s still go- ing strong after 1,700 years and has architec- ture that’s remained intact over the centuries. But let’s take a look at the best things to do in Split… Diocletian’s Palace Diocletian’s Palace dominates the city’s his- toric core. A wonderfully-preserved 4 th -centu- ry complex that combines Diocletian’s villa with the remnants of a large military camp, it’s more of a citadel than a palace, with surprises await- ing around every corner. You’ll even be able to traverse the original Roman streets that cut through the complex, and it should come as no surprise that this stunning site was also a shooting location for Game of Thrones. St. Duje’s Cathedral Split’s cathedral was once Diocletian’s mau- soleum. Its central structure dates back to 350AD, making it the world’s oldest working Catholic cathedral. It’s a real thrill to see how Roman elements, like the original ring of 24 More than a wonderful architectural backdrop

supporting columns, has been fused with the hallmarks of a catholic house of worship. Take a moment to check out the cathedral’s wooden doors too, which have survived unaltered since around the year 1200. Klis Fortress Once you see it, you’ll understand why this stronghold, located on a high pass between two mountains, has also appeared in Game of Thrones. Klis Fortress is nestled above terraced hills and framed by yet more towering cliffs of pale grey rock. The ancient Illyrians were the first to build a fortress here, while Klis was the seat of Croatian Kings throughout medieval times. Krka National Park Located an hour’s drive up the coast from Split, this national park follows the course of the Riv- er Krka. Many people come here just to see the sublime watery attraction of Skradinski Buk. A large natural pool that’s 400 metres long and 100 metres wide, it is fed by waterfalls at one end and empties via cascade rapids at the oth- er. This spot alone has a total of 17 waterfalls, with the tallest reaching a height of almost 50 metres. You could spend hours lost feasting your eyes on this scene: the pool is enveloped by rich greenery, while visitors also delight in the way the sunlight dances in the swirling wa- ter of its whirlpools. A day beside the Adriatic Split’s superb culture makes it easy to for- get that the city can also be a fabulous sea- side destination. And you won’t need to ven- ture far to experience it: right in the city itself, at the foot of Marjan Hill, lie a sequence of fine natural beaches edged by the hill’s aromatic pine woods. Travel east along the coast from Split and you’ll quickly reach Stobreč, a beauti - ful horseshoe bay with shallow waters that are ideal for smaller children. The area’s top sandy beach is Bačvice, named after the south-east - ern neighbourhood of Split where you’ll find everything you could possibly need.

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90 min.

NE PROPUSTITE 1. Izgrađena u 1. veku nove ere, Arena je neka - da bila mesto za borbe gladijatora. Imala je če - tiri sprata i mogla da primi više od 20.000 gle - dalaca. 2. Pulska pijaca, otvorena 1903. godine, sasto - ji se od dva dela: zatvorenog, gde ć ete nać i ri - barnicu, mesare, barove i slično, i otvorenog, gde se prodaju voć e i povrć e. Zgrada pijace je prelepa, napravljena je od čelika i stakla i te - meljno renovirana 1997. 3. Jedinstveni kafe bar Cvajner nalazi se na glavnom pulskom trgu Forumu. Enterijer je lep, sa retro nameštajem i zanimljivom umetnošć u na zidovima. Spoljna terasa je savršeno mesto za uživanje u prošlosti i sadašnjosti Pule, sa pogledom na Avgustov hram. 4. Smešten u bivšoj vojnoj tvrđavi iz 1886. go - dine na poluostrvu Verudela, akvarijum ima vi - še od 100 rezervoara sa više od 250 vrsta. Ov - de se nalazi i centar za spasavanje morskih kornjača. 5. Smešten u zapadnom delu grada, Pulski fo - rum je od rimskog doba bio centralni gradski trg. Izgrađen u 1. veku pre nove ere, imao je sve elemente tipičnog rimskog foruma: hramove posveć ene rimskim bogovima, u pulskom slu - čaju Jupiteru, Junoni, Minervi, ali i rimskom ca - ru Avgustu. Uz ostatke Dijaninog hrama, Avgu - stov je jedini od pet koji su očuvani.

Pula je najveć i grad u Istri, a takođe je i pot - puno drugačije mesto od bilo kog drugog na ovom poluostrvu. Sa svojom dugom istorijom brodogradnje i mornarice, oduvek je imao vi - še industrijske, urbane atmosfere nego turistič - kog, dolče vita stila koji imaju drugi gradovi u Istri. To je kombinacija stilova sa rimskom, ve - necijanskom, austrougarskom i socrealistič - kom arhitekturom, a ovaj grad ima toliko toga da ponudi... Pula se nalazi na južnom vrhu istarskog po - luostrva i ima neke od najboljih plaža. Grad se takođe može pohvaliti bogatstvom istori - je, divnim primerima rimske arhitekture, dok je gradska pijaca, sagrađena krajem 19. veka, lep reprezent arhitekture bečke secesije. Od rim - skog koloseuma i pozorišta, Avgustovog hrama i Sergijevog slavoluka, do mletačkih palata i ve - likog broja civilnih i vojnih zgrada izgrađenih to - kom austrougarske vladavine, istorija Pule pri - kazana je u brojnim spomenicima koji se mogu videti u celom gradu. Obala u Puli i okolini skriva zaista divne plaže. Bilo da volite šljunak u turističkim odmarališti - ma, divlje plaže ili pesak, tako redak u Hrvat - skoj, Pula ima sve! Ipak, lenčarenje na plaži s koktelom u ruci nije jedino u čemu ovde može - te da uživate... Radost za kulturne zanesenjake

Maslinovo ulje, vino i kozji sir su samo neki od fantastičnih lokalnih proizvoda koje ćete naći u ovom kraju Olive Oil, wines and goat’s cheese are just some of the many great local products that you can find in Pula and the surrounding area

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From its Roman amphitheatre and small thea- tre, Temple of Augustus and Arch of the Sergii, to Venetian palaces and many civil and military buildings constructed during Austro-Hungari- an rule, Pula’s history is showcased in numer- ous monuments that can be seen throughout the city. The coastal area in and around Pula hides some truly wonderful beaches. Whether you like pebble beaches within tourist resorts that also come with plenty of amenities, wild beach- es or sandy beaches that are a rarity in Croatia, Pula has you covered. There are many things to do during your Pula holidays, and lazing on the beach with a cocktail in hand isn't the only one. DON’T MISS 1. Constructed in the 1 st century AD, Pula’s Are- na once hosted gladiator contests. A unique feature of this arena compared to other amphi- theatres is that it has four rectangular towers. In its heyday it had four floors and could ac- commodate more than 20,000 spectators. 2. First opened in 1903, the Pula green market consists of two parts: a closed part where you’ll find a fish market, butchers, bars and the like; and an open market where you’ll find stalls of - fering fruits and vegetables. The beautiful mar- ket building, which is made of steel and glass, was completely renovated in 1997. 3. The unique Cvajner café bar is located in Pu- la’s main square – Forum. The stunning inte- rior boasts retro furniture and interesting art mounted on the walls. The exterior terrace is a perfect spot to enjoy Pula’s past and present, taking in views of the Temple of Augustus and watching the world pass by. 4. Located in a former military fortress on the Verudela Peninsula dating back to 1886, the Pula aquarium has over 100 tanks containing over 250 species of fish. The Pula aquarium al - so houses a sea turtle rescue centre. 5. Located in the western part of the city, the Pula Forum has been the central square since Roman times. Constructed in the 1 st century BC, it had all elements of a typical Roman Fo- rum: temples dedicated to Roman gods – in Pula's case Jupiter, Juno and Minerva – but al- so a temple dedicated to Roman emperor Au- gustus and the Temple of Diana. Pula’s Temple of Augustus is one of only five that remain ful - ly preserved.

Joy for lovers of culture

Pula is the largest city in Istria, while it differs completely from any other place you’ll encoun- ter along this Peninsula. With a long shipbuild- ing and maritime tradition, it has always had more of an industrial, urban atmosphere than the tourist vibe and dolce vita style common to other Istrian towns. With a mishmash of styles comprising Roman, Venetian, Austro-Hungar- ian and socialist architecture, this coastal city has plenty to offer… Pula is located at the southern tip of the Istri- an Peninsula and has some of the best beach- es in the region. The city also boasts a wealth of historical sites, including exquisite examples of Roman architecture, while its central mar- ket, constructed in late 19th century, is a beau- tiful example of Vienna Secession architecture.

Ne propustite Brione, jedan od najlepših nacionalnih parkova u Hrvatskoj sa safarijem Don’t miss out on the Brijuni National Park, which is one of the most beautiful in Croatia and has its own safari park

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 21

Interview Intervju LAZAR DOK TRAJEM, TERAĆU PUNIM GASOM. POSLE, VIDEĆEMO... RISTOVSKI glumac, reditelj, producent

Tekst/Words: Ana Vodinelić Fotografije/Photography: Milan Josipović, Privatna arhiva/Archive

22 | Intervju » Interview

Interview » Intervju | 23


Njegova životna priča je gotovo holivudska. U početku je bilo radoznalosti i strasti prema sceni – ali samo u bogatoj mašti siromašnog deteta iz Ravnog Sela kod Vrbasa. A onda su mu talenat, upornost i samopouzdanje trasirali glumačke podvige od Jugoslavije do Holivuda. Danas je jedan od srpskih doajena glume

hvaljujući svom lmu Kralj Petar Prvi , koji je taj pro- ducent video. Naša porodica kao vlasnik producent- ske kuće Zillion lm biće mu koproducent u Srbiji. U planu nam je i serija Pregovarač , produciraćemo je sa Telekomom . Uzbudljiva je priča o timu srpske polici- je koji pregovara u kriznim situacijama s otmičarima, potencijalnim samoubicama... Eto, radim više nego ikada, a u penziji sam već tri godine. Plan mi je još da stignem na jedrilicu ovog leta. Da li vam je gluma danas isti izazov kao na početku? – Naravno da nije. Gluma mi je sada gotovo pa za- dnja rupa na svirali. Šta je u glumi zanimljivo, davno sam prošao i proživeo. I strast, i zanos, i druženje, i kreativnost, i crvene tepihe u Kanu, Veneciji, Toron- tu, Berlinu, San Sebastijanu, Moskvi... Slavu. Sada mi je zanimljivija produkcija. Drago mi je da mogu da or- ganizujem projekte od kojih će mesecima živeti oko stotinu familija lmskih radnika i glumaca. Kao producent i reditelj naučili ste da…? – To su dva sasvim različita zanimanja. Uistinu je teško pronaći novac za seriju, pogotovo za lm. Mo- je zadovoljstvo je još veće kad to uspem i obezbedim svima posao, novac za život. Kao reditelj, sebe mo- gu da posmatram dvojako. Režirao sam lmove Belo odelo i Beli lavovi . Belo odelo je prikazan na festiva- lu u Kanu. To se može smatrati velikim uspehom, ka-

S porodicom je proširio svoj profesionalni opus na produkciju i režiju. Snimio je kao glumac 80 lmova, igrao u pozorištu u pre- ko 4.000 predstava, producirao 20 lmova, dobitnik je brojnih nagrada u zemlji i ino- stranstvu. U prvih 68 godina uživa u plodovima svog rada. I kad nije radan, vredan je u pisanju. Opušta se na jedrilici koliko i u avionu, samo da je putovanja. Šta vam je u poslovnom planu za 2021? – Snimanje druge sezone humorističke serije Drim tim smo odložili za kraj godine. Ta zabavna serija je očigledno bila potrebna gledaocima. Desila se poplava serija s mračnom tematikom, koje su za cilj imale više da se po svaku cenu približe Netiksovim standardima nego da progovore originalnim stilom i temama koje se tiču Srbije. Planiramo i drugi projekat, holivudski producent dao je scenario mom sinu Petru, reditelju, snimaćemo ga u oktobru. Petar je taj lm dobio za-

Naši sinovi su pre svega pošteni ljudi. Učili smo ih viteštvu i poštenju,

mislim da smo uspeli u tome Our sons are primarily trustworthy

people. We taught them chivalry and honesty, and I think we succeeded in that

24 | Intervju » Interview

kav je postiglo samo nekoliko reditelja s ovih prosto- ra. Znam da mi mnogi iz profesije zbog toga zavide, neki me i mrze. Sreća je da mene, posle svega što sam dosad uradio, mišljenje drugih ljudi više ne zanima. Sačuvao sam se tako i od gordosti i od mržnje. Uzdi- gao sam se iznad toga i sa radošću posmatram svet. Da li je teže ili lakše raditi sa glumcima kad ste i reditelj? – Glumci su povodljivi. Oni se lako daju. Njihove duše su tanane, preosetljive, zato je njima lako barata- ti. Reditelj je glumčevo ogledalo i svaki glumac u tom ogledalu želi da se dopadne i sebi i ogledalu. Kao ne- ko ko je i glumac, a pomalo i reditelj sigurno da mi je čitanje glumačkih osećanja pomoglo da lakše komu- niciram sa njima. Ko su vam bili glumački idoli kao detetu? – Nisam imao idole. Sam sam ih stvarao

a Jovan sa nama u Zillion lmu radi u produkciji. Mi imamo porodičnu rmu već 25 godina. Nismo od juče. Ima li glumački život u Srbiji prednosti sada ili je teži nego kad ste počinjali? – Uvek svi govore da je lepše bilo nekada. U pravu su! Znate zašto?! Nekad smo bili mladi, pa nam je sve bilo lepo. Biti mlad je lepo, ali se ja ne bih vratio nijednu godinu unazad. Meni je sada lepo. Da vratim prošlost, radio bih manje, jer sam radio previše i prenaporno. U kojoj ste se umetnosti još pronašli? – Kad nisam bio u mom poslu, pisao sam. Imam dva kratka romana i dve zbirke kratkih priča, mislim da su veoma dobre. Imale su u Laguni po nekoliko iz- danja i na hiljade prodatih primeraka. Moraću da na- – Kad bih rekao da sam ostvario sve, bio bi to znak da mogu da mrem. Ipak, verujem da imam još neka posla na ovom svetu. Ako to bude va- ljalo, znaćete. Čemu vas je život naučio? – Da je to put na kojem je vreme promenlji- vo. Čas je kiša i magla po kojoj tumaram, a čas je sunčano i vedro, pa mi je put jasan. Mirisi detinj- stva su me često opominjali na ono čemu su me roditelju učili. Odrastao sam u siromaštvu, koje je bilo nekako pravedno raspoređeno. Zvuci rodnog kraja su me često podsećali da u sebi nađem čisto- tu i razumevanje za svačiju nesreću i da im poma- žem koliko mogu. A opet me je gradska neman često hvatala svojim čeljustima, pa sam i mrzeo i činio zla. To sebi ne mogu oprostiti, ali istina je. Kuda najradije volite da putujete i kuda bi- ste rado prvi put otišli? – Putovanja su bitan deo ljudske prirode. Na njima čovek sazreva. Meri se sa drugima i stva- ra jasniju sliku o sebi. Ja volim da sam na velikoj vodi. Na moru. Volim da jedrim. Volite li da letite avionom i kuda biste naj- radije išli? – Da. Zar nije blagodat da pređete toliku razda- ljinu za kratko vreme? Na neku daleku destinaciju. Kako najčešće provodite vreme u avionima Er Srbije ? stavim da pišem. To bi me radovalo. Šta još niste ostvarili u životu? – Uvek sedim pored prozora. Nekada sam sedeo i u vozu pored prozora. Moj otac je bio železničar, ima- li smo besplatne karte za voz. Svakog leta nas je vo- dio iz Ravnog Sela u Vojvodini u Makedoniju, u nje- govo rodno selo. Posmatrao sam noću svetiljke visoko u planinama i zamišljao ljude koji tamo žive. Ta rado- znalost me drži i danas kad putujem avionom. Posma- tram ljude na Zemlji koji nekud žure svojim automo- bilima. Suviše žure. Na jednom od svojih prvih letova sam od svetla na krilu aviona mislio da je zvezda ko- ja nas prati. Uvek se nasmejem tome i danas kad vi- dim svetlo na krilu aviona. Ta naivnost mi vrati do- bro raspoloženje.

u svojoj mašti. Oni su uvek bila ja, u nekoj drugoj ulozi. Ja, kao spasilac čovečanstva, prorok budućnosti, golgeter, Lazar koji usta- je iz mrtvih. To me je u glumi doskora i za- bavljalo i radovalo. Homo ludens je vladao mojim bićem donedavno. Koju ulogu ili saradnju još želite? – Želeo sam nekada da igram sa De Ni- Ako vas Holivud opet pozove, če- mu biste uvek rekli DA? – Igrao sam već u nekoliko holivudskih rom. Ne znam da li to još želim.

Želeo sam nekada da igram sa De Nirom. Ne znam da li to još želim / I used to want to act alongside De Niro. I don’t know if I still desire that

projekata: sa Danijelom Krejgom, aktuelnim Džejmsom Bondom, u Kazino Rojalu i sa Pir- som Brosnanom u Novembarskom čoveku . Igrao sam i u lmu Allong e Roadside re- ditelja Zorana Lisinca, snimanom u Holivu- du. Mogu reći da sam omirisao Holivud, ali sam uvek imao toliko posla u Srbiji da ni- sam mogao da se otisnem preko bare. Ov- de mi je bilo lepo. Tumačilii ste izuzetne teatarske uloge. Planirate li možda opet neku pozo- rišnu rolu?

– Ne. Pozorište je moja lepa prošlost. Igrao sam u više od 4.000 predstava. Smučilo mi se da se pre- svalačim svake noći. (smeh) Ne igram već 25 godi- na u pozorištu. Kako je raditi sa Danicom Ristovski, odlič- nom glumicom i vašom suprugom? – Danica je marljivo radila ceo život i sada joj se to lepim vraća. Igrala je nedavno u dve najpopularni- je serije Igra sudbine , lik Lile, i u Drim timu junaki- nju Jovanku. Sada nju deca zaustavljaju za autogram i slikanje na ulici. Dok se ona slika, ja samo produžim. Oba vaša sina deo su porodične kreativne manufakture... – Naši sinovi su pre svega pošteni ljudi. Učili smo ih viteštvu i poštenju, mislim da smo uspeli u tome. Petar je pokazao i tek će pokazati rediteljski talenat,

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I'll run at full throttle for as long as I endure. And afterwards we'll see… His life story is almost Hollywoodesque. At the start he had curiosity and passion for the stage - but only in the rich imagination of a poor child from the flat village, Ravno Selo, near the town of Vrbas. And then talent, tenacity and self-confidence marked his acting exploits from Yugoslavia to Hollywood. Today he’s one of Serbia’s doyens of acting T ogether with his family, he extended his profession- al opus to encompass both production and direction. He’s acted in 80 films, performed in over 4,000 thea- tre plays, produced 20 films and received numerous awards both at home and abroad. And in the first 68 years of his life, he’s been enjoying the fruits of his labour. And when he‘s not working, he‘s working diligently on writing. He relaxes on sailing boats as much as he does aboard planes, just as long as he’s travelling. What’s included in your work plan for 2021? “We postponed shooting of the second season of the com- edy series „Dream Team“ until the end of the year. is fun se- ries was obviously needed by viewers. ere has been a flood of TV series covering dark topics, which had more of an objective of approaching the standards of Netflix at all costs, rather than speaking in an original style and addressing topics that concern Serbia. We are planning another project. A Hollywood producer gave a screenplay to my son Petar, a director, and we will shoot it in October. Petar received that film thanks to the direction of his own film King Petar e First, which that producer watched. Our family, as the owner of production company Zillion film, will be his co-production team in Serbia. Our plans also include the series e Negotiator, which we will produce together with Telekom Srbija. is is an exciting story about a team of Serbi- an police officers who conduct negotiations under crisis situa- tions with kidnappers, potential suicides etc. So, I’m working more than ever and I’ve been officially retired for three years al- ready. I also plan to make it onto a sailing boat this summer.” Does acting represent the same challenge to you to- day as it did in the beginning? “Of course not. Acting to me now is almost like the last hole in the flute. I’ve long since surpassed and survived all that is interesting about acting. And passion, and enthusiasm, and friendship, and creativity and red carpets in Cannes, Venice, To- ronto, Berlin, San Sebastian, Moscow... Fame. I now find pro- duction more interesting. I’m glad that I’m able to organise pro- jects that around a hundred families of film workers and actors will be able to live from for months.”

What have you learnt as a producer and director? “ose are two completely different professions. It’s truly difficult to find money for a series, and even more so for a film. My sense of satisfaction is even greater when I succeed in doing so and secure everyone with a job and money to live on. As a di- rector, I can view myself in two ways. I directed the films White Suit and White Lions. White Suit was screened at the Cannes Film Festival. at can be considered a great success that only a few directors from this region have managed to achieve. I know that many people in the industry envy me for that, some even hate me. Fortunately, after everything I‘ve done to date, I‘m no longer interested in the opinions of other people. I thus spared myself from both pride and hatred. I have risen above that and view the world with joy.” Is it tougher or easier to work with actors when you’re also a director? “Actors are pliable. ey give themselves easily. eir souls are delicate, hypersensitive, which is why it’s easy to handle them. A director is an actor‘s mirror, and when looking in that mirror every actor wants to like both himself and the mirror. As some- one who is an actor and, to a lesser extent, a director, the abili- ty to read the feelings of actors certainly helped me to commu- nicate with them more easily.” Who were your acting idols when you were a child? “I didn‘t have idols. I created them myself in my imagina- tion. ey were always me, in some other role. Me as a saviour of humanity, a prophet of the future, a goal scorer, Lazarus rising from the dead. at also entertained and delighted me in acting until recently. Homo Ludens ruled my being until not long ago.” Which role or collaboration do you still desire? “I used to want to act alongside De Niro. I don’t know if I still desire that.” If Hollywood invited you back again, what would you always say ‘YES’ to? “I’ve acted in several Hollywood projects already: alongside the current James Bond, Daniel Craig, in Casino Royale and with Pierce Brosnan in e November Man. I also appeared in the film Along e Roadside, which was shot in Hollywood by

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