Elevate March 2017 | Air Serbia


The inflight magazine of Air Serbia



Lorem ipsum dolor / Lorem ipsum dolor

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Dragi gosti,

Dear Guests,

Sa velikim zadovoljstvom želim da podelim s vama vest da ćemo od 1. juna leteti za Veneciju četiri puta nedeljno, čime smo obezbedili savršenu vezu između Beograda i spektakularnog Grada mostova. Italija je veoma važno tržište za Er Srbiju , a Venecija je naša tre- ća destinacija, posle Milana i Rima, gde letimo pet puta nedeljno. Mi- lioni ljudi posećuje Veneciju svake godine zbog živopisnih kanala, je- dinstvene arhitekture i, naravno, zbog više od 400 nestvarno lepih mostova. A najbolje od svega jeste činjenica da ćete od ovog leta za samo dva sata moći da se šetate Velikim kanalom ili da razgledate Cr- kvu Svetog Marka. Naš novi let došao je u pravom trenutku i kao odlična veza za go- ste koji preko Beograda putuju između Venecije, Jugoistočne Evrope i Bli- skog istoka. Osim toga, u Italiji postoji i velika zajednica koja broji više od 70.000 Srba, više od polovine njih stacionirano je baš u oblasti koju po-

I’m pleased to announce that, starting from 1 st June, we will begin flying to Venice four times per week, providing you with easy connec- tions between Belgrade, the spectacular ‘City of Bridges’, and beyond. Italy is an important market for Air Serbia, and Venice will become our third route there after Milan and Rome, each of which we serve with five flights weekly. Millions of people visit Venice every year for its picturesque canals, unique architecture and, of course, beautiful bridges – of which there are more than 400. And best of all, from this summer, you can be stroll- ing across Venice’s Grand Canal or exploring Saint Mark’s Basilica in no time, with our flight taking just under two hours from Belgrade. We have timed our service to offer seamless connections for guests travelling between Venice and Southeast Europe or the Middle East via Belgrade. Plus, there is a sizeable 70,000-strong Serbian community in

kriva venecijanski Aerodrom Marko Polo. Svima njima sada će biti mnogo lakše da lete za Srbiju. Širenje mreže povezivanjem mesta na ko-

Italy, more than half of whom live in the catch- ment area of Venice Marco Polo Airport, who will be able to fly to Serbia more easily. Expanding our route network in this way,

Sledećeg meseca Er Srbija seli se na modernu Sabre tehnološku platformu koja će uneti revoluciju u naše usluge

Air Serbia will be moving to the modern Sabre technology platform next month, which will revolutionise our service offering

ja želite da idete jedan je od razloga zbog ko- jih Er Srbija beleži uzastopni rast u poslednje tri godine. Na primer, prošle godine obezbe- dili smo skoro 33.200 letova, kojima smo pre- vezli rekordnih 2,62 miliona ljudi i prevezli više od 4.900 tona tereta. Time smo ojačali našu poziciju vodećeg avio-prevoznika u Jugoistoč- noj Evropi, o čemu svedoči i nagrada Vodećeg globalnog medija (ATW) koji je Er Srbiju pro- glasio za Lidera na tržištu avio-kompanija za 2017. godinu. Naš uspeh ne bi bio moguć bez vas, zato hvala što letite Er Srbijom . Uveren sam da će- te s nama imati sjajno iskustvo i u vremenima koja dolaze.

and connecting you to the places you want to go, is one of the reasons Air Serbia has been able to post three successive years of growth. Last year, for example, we operated nearly 33,200 flights, carried a record 2.62 million people across our network and transported more than 4,900 tonnes of cargo, strengthening our position as the lead- ing carrier in Southeast Europe, as evidenced by our recent award as ATW’s Airline Market Lead- er for 2017. Our success wouldn’t be possible without you, so thank you for choosing to fly with Air Ser- bia today. I’m confident you’ll have a great experience on this journey and future ones to come. As part of our commitment to our guests, Air Serbia will be moving to the modern Sabre technology platform next month, which will revo- lutionise our service offering. This system is one of the biggest technol- ogy upgrades the national airline of Serbia has ever seen, and I’m look- ing forward to how it will enable us to make air travel with Air Serbia even better. I hope you enjoy this flight and look forward to having you on- board again soon.

Još jedan dokaz naše posvećenosti putnicima jeste i vest da će se Er Srbija sledećeg meseca preseliti na modernu Sabre tehnološku plat- formu koja će uneti revoluciju u naše usluge. Ovaj sistem je deo najnaprednije tehnologije koju je nacionalna avio-kompanija Srbije ikada imala. Radujem se tome jer će ova novina omogućiti još kvalitetnija pu- tovanja Er Srbijom . Nadam se da uživate u ovom letu i nadam se da ćete ubrzo pono- vo leteti s nama.

Dane Kondić Chief Executive Officer Air Serbia

Dane Kondić, Generalni direktor Er Srbije

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The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Srpski kauboji / Serbian cowboys 84

Sadržaj / Inside Aktuelno / Happenings Kultura i sport / Culture & sport

Ella Dvornik putuje sa nama / Ella Dvornik is travelling with us Na putu / On the road 14

Poslužite se / Dine & Wine




Brisel Počinje Milenijum / Brussels “Millennium” Njujork Kip slobode dobija muzej / New York Statue of Liberty gains museum Pablo Pikaso u Kući legata u Beogradu / Pablo Picasso at Heritage House in Belgrade

Počinje nova era u Formuli 1 / New era begins for Formula 1 Kraljevstvo kristala sa severa Evrope / Kingdom of crystal from the north of Europe Gradovi koji su inspirisali Andrića / Cities that inspired Andrić Intervju: Tomi Emanuel / Interview: Tommy Emmanuel

Gastronomske tajne Japana / Culinary secrets of Japan



66 Berlin

Nove zvezde na ugostiteljskom nebu / Berlin New stars on the gastronomic skyline




The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Fotografija na naslovnoj strani: Simone Cecchetti Cover page photo: Simone Cecchetti




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The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Sadržaj / Inside Putovanje i avantura / Travel & adventure Moda i zabava / Fashion & fun 74 Hamburg: Najveći mali svet na svetu

/ Hamburg: The biggest little world in the world

Vodič / Guide




Jovanka Tešanović Moj život na ledu u zemlji bez snega / Jovanka Tešanović My life on the ice in a country without snow

Tviter je rođen 21. marta 2006. u 21.50 h / Twitter was born on 21st March 2006 at 21.50 Atležer je stigao i namerava da ostane / Athleisure has arrived and intends to stay Srećan Dan sreće / Happy Happiness Day

Beogradske svetinje /Belgrade Holy Sites



Moja Nemačka: Filip Kostić / My Germany: Filip Kostić


Intervju / Interview

Josipa Lisac


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Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up

Er Srbija uvodi letove za Veneciju!

Air Serbia to launch Venice flights! , Er Srbija zabeležila operativni rast u 2016.

Air Serbia records operational growth in 2016 , Elevate play oduševio posetioce Kapetan ATR-a Marko Otanjac: Kako je nastala međunarodna abeceda? international alphabet emerge?, Godina održivog rasta Etihada

Elevate play impressed visitors , ATR Captain Marko Otanjac: How did the

A year of sustained growth for Etihad Airways, Erberlin :

Više letova za SAD nego ikada

Airberlin: More flights to the US than ever, Alitalija : Novi let između Rima i Kijeva

Alitalia: New flight from Rome to Kiev, Doživite čari Abu Dabija

Experience the delights of Abu Dhabi

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The inflight magazine of Air Serbia Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršne urednice / Executive Editors Jelena Pantović, Katarina Sretenović Direktor fotografije / Photo Director Slobodan Pikula Art direktor / Art Direction Goran Ratković

Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Vladimir Piacun, Aleksandar Mirčetić, Jelena Nalbantjan Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Vladislav Mitić Fotografije / Photography Aleksandar Dimitrijević, Vladislav Mitić, Dalibor Danilović, Milan Ilić, Dejan Briza, Kostadin Kamenov, Zoran Lončarević, Mitar Mitrović, Petar Marković, Miloš Nadaždin, Aca Matić Foto agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia, Getty Images, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Slobodan Mitrović, menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Advertising Manager slobodan.mitrovic@mediaimpact.rs,

Nedavno je otvoreno jedinstveno arhitektonsko čudo – Filharmonija na Labi. U kompleksu zgrade izgrađene na temeljima starog silosa i čiji gornji deo podseća na jedra, nalaze se hotel i ekskluzivni stambeni kompleks. Filharmonija je sagrađena na doku u hamburškoj luci, pa je u skladu sa tim donji deo zgrade od crvene cigle, nalik nekadašnjim lučkim skladištima. Gornji deo zgrade čini velelepna konstrukcija od stakla i metala. The architectural wonder that is the Elbe Philharmonic, Elbphilharmonie, opened recently. In this complex building, built on the foundations of old grains stores, with an upper part resembling the sails of sailing ships, there is a hotel and exclusive residential complex. This philharmonic hall is built on a dock in the port of Hamburg, and accordingly the lower part of this building was built using the type of red bricks once used to construct the dock warehouses. The upper part of the building is composed of a magnificent glass and metal structure.


elevate@mediaimpact.rs Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Thomas Clarke, Arsen Rudan, Jack Rigby Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

U ovom broju / This issue’s contributors

Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

Boris Trivan , suosnivač Instituta za digitalne komunikacije, glavni i odgovorni urednik NOIZZ.rs, kolumnista i egiptolog. Opaskama na svojim profilima @ BorisTrivan i @PokojnaMileva okupio je više od 500.000 pratilaca. Ko bi onda bolje od Borisa objasnio fenomen Tvitera? Boris Trivan , co- founder of the Digital Communications Institute, editor-in-chief of NOIZZ.rs, columnist and Egyptologist. Remarks on his profiles, @BorisTrivan and @PokojnaMileva, have attracted more than 500,000 followers. Who better than Boris, then, to explain the phenomenon of Twitter?

Ranko Pivljanin , jedan od najboljih beogradskih reportera, dugogodišnji novinar raskošnog opusa tema, za ovu priliku se maskirao u Šejna, odjahao u Svilajnac i doneo priču o srpskim kaubojima na kojoj bi mu pozavideo i sam Serđo Leone. Ranko Pivljanin, one of Belgrade’s best reporters, a longstanding journalist with a rich opus of topics, used this opportunity to disguise himself as Shane, ride to Svilajnac and bring back the story of Serbian cowboys, which would make even Sergio Leone envious

Tatjana Korićanac , istoričarka književnosti, kustos Muzeja Ive Andrića i autorka izložbe „Ivo Andrić kao pisac i (ili) diplomata“, donosi nam priču u kojoj otkriva koji su gradovi bili inspiracija nobelovcu.

Filip Kostić je krajem jula 2016. postao najskuplji fudbaler u istoriji Hamburgera, šestostrukog prvaka Nemačke. Ima mesto u prvom timu Srbije kao jedan od naših najboljih fudbalera, a u “ Elevejtu ” se prvi put predstavlja u ulozi specijalnog dopisnika. In late July 2016, Filip Kostić became the most expensive footballer in the history of Hamburger SV, six- time German champions. He has his own place in Serbia’s first team, as one of our best players. He appears in “Elevate” for the first time in the role of a magazine’s special correspondent.

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia ights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR-ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Tatjana Korićanac,

literary historian, curator of the Ivo Andrić Museum and author of the exhibition “Ivo Andric, writer and(or) diplomat”, brings us a story in which she reveals the cities that actually inspired this Nobel Laureate

Godina izlaženja / Anoo XLIII Broj / Issue No. 279 Naslovna strana / Cover Simone Cecchetti

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I VREME I NOVAC ULAŽITE SA STILOM Autor teksta: Olivera Zulović, segment menadžer za affluent i private banking klijente u Societe Generale banci

A ko u životu uvek želite i postiže - te više, planirate na duže staze i postavljate visoko svoje ciljeve – za nas ste veoma posebni. Mi pratimo brzinu vašeg koraka ka budućnosti i po - brinućemo se da taj korak bude siguran. Societe Generale banka kreirala je Avantage model poslovanja, namenjen va - ma koji tražite stručnu podršku u plani - ranju ličnih finansija i imate velika oče - kivanja. Kroz Avantage model pratimo vaše potrebe – štedimo vreme jer se va - ši zahtevi sprovode prioritetno. Štedimo i novac, jer nudimo set pogodnosti ko - je ispunjavaju potrebe poslovnog čove -

ka, uspešnog i perspektivnog korisnika Avantage usluga . Dnevno bankarstvo obezbeđuje vam upravljanje finansijama pomoću prve on - lajn eskpoziture u Srbiji, Prestiž paket, vi - za gold karticu sa putnim osiguranjem, keš i druge kredite sa povlašćenim uslo - vima. Obećavamo vam sigurnost u sfe - rama koje su vama važne, bilo da inve - stirate u nekretnine, planirate školovanje dece ili se odlučujete za štednju, osigu - ranje ili penzioni fond. Nudimo vam us - luge investicionog savetovanja u okviru Privatnog bankarstva kroz koje su vam do - stupni proizvodi i usluge na domaćim,

ali i na stranim tržištima. Rečju, uvodi - mo vas u svet koji vam pripada. Želimo da nas prepoznajete kao partnere koji razumeju vaše potrebe, fi - nansijske savetnike koji ispunjavaju va - ša očekivanja. Socite Generale banka je na domaćem tržištu prisutna već 40 go - dina i, zahvaljujući tradiciji i bliskosti sa svojim klijentima, uspeli smo da održimo poverenje i ugled banke koja uvek pru - ža dodatnu vrednost. Očekujemo vas u vašoj najbližoj ekspozituri – mestu na kojem se nalaze najbolja finansijska re - šenja i ekspertiza vaših ličnih bankara. Srdačno, Olivera

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Moje ime je Ella. Poreklom sam iz Hrvatske i živim u Londonu. Imam 26 godina i bavim se travel blogingom dve godine, a već sam pokupila ne- koliko nagrada za najbolji blog koji se zove www.iamella.com. Na Global youth travel awards , koji je prošle go- dine održan u Beogradu, osvojila sam nagradu za najboljeg globalnog tra- vel blogera 2016, a u Engleskoj sam na listi top 3 najboljih lajfstajl i tra- vel blogera. Pišem i kolumne za no- vine u Hrvatskoj i sarađujem sa Ha- fington postom . Živim od putovanja i za njih. Volim da se nazivam profe- sionalnim hedonistom pošto imam najbolji posao na svetu. Putovanja su ključna za razvitak svesti i upozna- vanje sebe. To je najlepši dar koji mi je život ikada poklonio. San za ovu godinu mi je da dođem na london- ski aerodrom i krenem prvim letom koji se nalazi na tabli. ŠTA VOLIŠ U BEOGRADU? U Beogradu najviše volim resto- rane. Little Bay me je oduševio, ima- mo ga i u Londonu. Moji prijatelji u Beogradu mi uvek otkriju nešto no- vo, pa mi je tako i Toro u Beton zo- ni novo otkriće, a i hrana je odlična. Sad bih mogla da nabrajam sve one restorančiće na splavovima iza Ho- tela Jugoslavija , ali zaista, Beograd je pun izbora i ne bi bilo fer da pra- vim top-listu. Najbolje poznajem Novi Beograd, pa volim da odem u Delta siti da mi urade nokte. Nigde se ne mogu sre- diti nokti tako dobro kao u Beogra- du. Da se ja pitam, sve bih ih poslala u Englesku da nauče druge kako se to radi. Ljudi u Beogradu su mi naj- draži od svih, veoma su predusretlji- vi i prijateljski raspoloženi. Uvek mi je gušt da dođem. Najviše volim da kažem taksisti: „Vodi me negde“, i uvek dobro oda- bere. Predlažem putnicima Er Srbi- je da učine isto.


ŠTA UVEK NOSIŠ SA SOBOM? WHAT DO YOU ALWAYS CARRY WITH YOU? Uvek nosim laptop, mobilni, beležnicu i hemijsku. Pokušavam da nosim što manje stvari u

ručnom prtljagu jer mi je naporno da kopam po torbi. Iskreno, i ne treba mi mnogo I always carry a laptop, mobile phone, notebook and pen. I try to carry as little as possible in my hand luggage, because I find it tiring to dig through my bag. And, honestly, I don’t need much

Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Ella Dvornik

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My name is Ella. I’m originally from Croatia and live in London. I’m 26 and I’ve been travel blogging for two years. I’ve al- ready won several awards for my blog, which is called www.iamella.com. At the Global Youth Travel Awards, which were held in Belgrade last year, I won the award for the best global travel blogger of 2016, and in England I’m on the list of the top three life- style and travel bloggers. I also write col- umns for Croatian newspapers and am a contributing writer for the Huffington Post. I live from and for travelling. I like to call my- self a professional hedonist, as I have the best job in the world. Travelling is crucial to developing consciousness and getting to know oneself. That’s the best gift that life has ever given me. My dream for this year is to arrive at a London airport and take the first flight I see on the departures board. WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN BELGRADE? In Belgrade I like restaurants the most. Little Bay impressed me, and we also have one in London. My friends in Belgrade al- ways reveal something new to me, and in that way Toro in the concrete zone is a new discovery, and their food is also excellent. I could now list all the restaurants on the river rafts behind Hotel Yugoslavia, but Bel- grade is really full of choices, and it wouldn’t be fair for me to do a top chart. I am most familiar with New Belgrade, so I like to go to Delta City to get my nails done. Nobody does nails like the ladies in Belgrade and if it was up to me they’d all be sent to England to teach others how it’s done. People in Belgrade are the dearest of all to me; they are very accommodating and have a friendly disposition. It is always a pleasure for me to come. What I love the most is saying to a taxi driver, “take me somewhere”, and they al- ways choose well. I suggest Air Serbia pas- sengers do the same.

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Brisel Počinje Milenijum

Brussels “Millennium”

Već punih deset godina svakog proleća u belgijskim bioskopima i galerijama održava se Međunarodni festival dokumentarnog filma Milenijum . Tako će i ove godine tradicionalno na festivalu od 24. marta do 2. aprila biti predstavljena najnovija dokumentarna ostvarenja nezavisnih filmskih stvaralaca iz celog sveta. Autori koji na najbolji način budu prikazali i dočarali srž ekonomskih, humanitarnih i ekoloških problema novog milenijuma biće nagrađeni, a čar dokumentaraca je baš u tome što nisu priča o drugima, već o nama i našim problemima.

Every spring for the past ten years Bel- gian cinemas and galleries have hosted the International Festival of Documen- tary Film “Millennium”. And so again this year, from 24 th March to 2 nd April, this tra- ditional festival will present the latest creations of independent documentary filmmakers from around the world. Tho- se who best show and illustrate the co- re economic, humanitarian and environ- mental problems of the new millennium will be awarded. The charm of these do- cumentaries lies in the fact that they are not focused on stories about others, but rather about us and our problems. Athens World Book Capital The Committee of UNESCO has dec- lared Athens the world capital of bo- oks for 2018. This prestigious title means that throughout the next ye- ar the Greek capital will be the cen- tre of attention for the international reading public, national and inter- national publishers, booksellers and writers. Thus, the flag of the world capital of books will fly over Athens from 23 rd April 2017, when the World Book and Copyright Day is celebra- ted, until the same date next year.

Er Srbija leti 5 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Brisel

Air Serbia flies 5 times a week from Belgrade to Brussels

Atina Svetska prestonica knjige

Komitet Uneska proglasio je Atinu za svetsku prestonicu knjige 2018. Ovo laskavo priznanje znači da će grčka prestonica čitave naredne godine biti u centru pažnje internacionalne čitalačke publike, međunarodnih i nacionalnih izdavača, knjižara i pisaca. Tako će se zastava svetske prestonice knjige vijoriti nad Atinom od 23. aprila 2017, kad se obeležava Svetski dan knjige i autorskih prava, pa do istog datuma naredne godine.

Er Srbija leti svakog dana iz Beograda za Atinu

Air Serbia flies daily from Belgrade to Athens

Amsterdam Holandski vozovi idu na vetar

Amsterdam Dutch trains run on wind

Od početka godine svi vozovi u Holandiji kreću se na energiju proizvedenu pomoću generatora na vetar, i to je prvi takav slučaj u svetu. Jedna vetroturbina za sat može da obezbedi dovoljno energije za putovanje vozom od čak 200 kilometara. Sada se oko 600.000 putnika dnevno preveze zahvaljujući energiji vetra, koja se sve više koristi u svetu. Prema podacima Međunarodnog energetskog saveta, broj postrojenja godišnje uvećao se za 24 odsto od 2000. godine.

Since the beginning of this year, all trains in the Netherlands have been moving on energy produced with the help of wind generators, the first such example anyw- here in the world. One wind turbine can secure enough energy per hour for a tra- in to travel as far as 200 kilometres. Now about 600,000 passengers a day are tran- sported thanks to wind energy, which is being used increasingly around the wor- ld. According to the statistics of the Inter- national Energy Council, the number of wind farms has been growing annually by 24 per cent since the year 2000.

Er Srbija leti svakog dana iz Beograda za Amsterdam Air Serbia flies daily from Belgrade to Amsterdam

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Njujork Kip slobode dobija muzej Grad Njujork izgradiće muzej

New York Statue of Liberty gains museum The City of New York is set to build a mu- seum worth 64 million euros that will be dedicated to the 130-year history of the famous Statue of Liberty. The structu- re, which should open in 2019, will be lo- cated on Liberty Island and will house a permanent exhibition devoted to the fa- mous monument. The plan is for the in- terior and exterior of the museum to be constructed using the same material as the statue itself, enabling future visitors to have the opportunity to learn more about its history and influence. Abu Dhabi Global agriculture forum How can food be provided for 7.3 billion people, the world’s current population, wi- thout destroying the environment? Partici- pants in the Global Forum on Innovation in Agriculture will seek to provide an answer to this question on 20 th and 21 st March at the National Exhibition Centre in Abu Dha- bi. The forum will include the participation of representatives of 80 countries, who will use panel discussions to attempt to find so- lutions for preserving natural resources and improving productivity, whilst also seeking out appropriate responses to the challen- ges posed by climate change.

vredan 64 miliona evra posvećen 130-godišnjoj istoriji čuvenog Kipa slobode. Ovo zdanje, koje bi trebalo da bude otvoreno 2019, nalaziće se na Ostrvu slobode i biće dom stalnoj izložbi posvećenoj poznatom spomeniku. Plan je da enterijer i eksterijer muzeja budu izgrađeni od istog materijala kao i sam kip, pa će tako u budućnosti posetioci imati priliku da nauče nešto više o njegovoj istoriji i uticaju. Abu Dabi Globalni forum o poljoprivredi Kako obezbediti hranu za 7,3 milijarde ljudi, koliko danas broji svetska populacija, a ne uništiti životnu sredinu? Odgovor na ovo pitanje pokušaće da daju učesnici Globalnog foruma o inovacijama u poljoprivredi, koji će se održati 20. i 21. marta u Nacionalnom izložbenom centru u Abu Dabiju. Na forumu će učestvovati predstavnici 80 zemalja, koji će na panel– diskusijama pokušati da pronađu rešenja za uštedu prirodnih resursa, poboljšanje produktivnosti, kao i adekvatne odgovore na izazove klimatskih promena.

Er Srbija leti 3 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Njujork

Air Serbia flies 3 times a week from Belgrade to New York

Er Srbija leti svakog dana iz Beograda za Abu Dabi Air Serbia flies daily from Belgrade to Abu Dhabi

GO4TV Tvoja televizija gde god da si! Dovoljno je da imaš mobil- ni uređaj i internet i svi naši kanali su ti dostupni svuda u svetu! GO4TV aplikaciju mo- žeš preuzeti na svaki andro- id i iOS smart telefon ili ta- blet. Ono što GO4TV izdvaja od drugih jeste ekskluzivna ponuda mnogih domaćih TV kanala, od kojih mnogi pred- stavljaju neprocenjivu istorij- sku, kulturnu i duhovnu ba- štinu našeg naroda. Probajte uslugu u periodu od 15 dana i uverite se u kvalitet GO4TV aplikacije.

GO4TV Your television wherever you are! It is sufficient to have a mobi- le device and the internet for all of our channels to be availa- ble to you anywhere in the wor- ld! You can download the GO4TV application on any Android and iOS smart phone or tablet. What distinguishes GO4TV from ot- hers is its exclusive offer of a lar- ge number of local TV channels, many of which represent the pre- cious historical, cultural and spi- ritual heritage of our nation. Try out this service for a 15-day peri- od and convince yourself of the quality of GO4TV applications.

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Scena / The Scene

PLAVA PLANETA Manje od jedne ljudske genera- cije bilo je dovoljno da se svet suo- či sa dramatičnim gubicima u oke- anskoj fauni, upozorila je Svetska fondacija za prirodu. Uspeli smo da prepolovimo broj živih bića pod vodom prekomernim ribolovom, za- gađenjem obala, emisijom gasova… Životna staništa su degradirana i uni- štena, a ako kiselost okeana nasta- vi da se povećava kao rezultat glo- balnog otopljavanja, mnogi koralni grebeni iščeznuće do sredine veka, što će predstavljati veliki rizik za vr- ste koje ih naseljavaju. Zbog toga ova predivna fotogra- fija podseća da je vreme za ljubav. Ljubav za život koji nas okružuje, a bez kojeg nam nema života. Ljubav za prirodu. Ljubav za našu ranjenu planetu, koja je sve manje plava.


Less than one human generation was enough for the world to face dramatic loss- es in oceanic fauna, warned the World Wide Fund for Nature. We have managed to halve the number of underwater crea- tures through overfishing, coastline pol- lution, gas emissions etc. Living habitats have been degraded and destroyed, and if the acidification of oceans continues to deteriorate as a result of global warming, many coral reefs will have disappeared by the middle of this century, representing a huge risk for the species that inhabit them. It is because of this threat that this beautiful photograph reminds us that it is time for love; love for the life that sur- rounds us and without which there is no life; love for nature; love for our wound- ed planet that is increasingly becoming less blue.

Fotografija / Photography: Yoshikazu Tsuno

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Agenda dobre zabave / Agenda of great fun


Mart je idealan mesec da upoznate sva lica naše prestonice. Proverite zašto

March is the ideal month to get to know all the faces of our capital. Check out why

Irci u Beogradu Od 6. do 22. marta na više lokaci- ja u Beogradu biće organizovan 5. Beogradski irski festival . Osim mu- zike i filmova, publiku očekuju per- formansi, izložbe, radionice i drugi atraktivni sadržaji koji predstavljaju irsku kulturu. Irish in Belgrade Various venues in Belgrade wi- ll host the 5 th Belgrade Irish Fe- stival from 6 th to 22 nd March. Apart from music and films, you can expect performances, exhibitions, workshops and ot- her activities contents repre- senting the Irish culture.

Vreme je za dokumentarce

Čudo zvano 2Cellos Ne propustite svetsku muzičku atrakciju po imenu 2Cellos . Lu- ka Šulić i Stjepan Hauser, virtuozi na violončelu, sviraće 25. marta u Kombank areni . Proverite zašto o njima govori ceo svet.

Počinje Martovski festival i tim povo- dom u Domu omladine će se od 30. marta do 2. aprila emitovati doku- mentarni i kratkometražni filmovi. Naš najstariji filmski festival i ove godi- ne stavlja akcenat na domaću filmsku produkciju. Time for documentaries The start of the March festival wi- ll see screenings of documentaries and short films at the Belgrade Yo- uth Centre from 30 th March to 2 nd April. Serbia’s oldest film festivals are this year focusing on domestic film productions, documentaries, short feature films and animated and experimental films.

The wonder called 2Cellos

Don’t miss the world music attra- ction known as 2Cellos. Virtuo- so cellists Luka Šulić and Stje- pan Hauser will perform on 25 th March at the Belgrade Kombank Arena. Come and discover why the whole world is talking abo- ut them.

Klajderman u Centru Sava Pijanista Ričard Klajderman održaće koncert 31. marta u Velikoj dvorani Centra Sava uz pratnju osam gudača. Snimio je više od 1.300 kompozicija različitih žanrova, a popularnost širom sveta stekao romantičnim stilom, izvodeći popularne kompozicije i rok numere na klasi- čan način. U Ginisovu knjigu rekorda ušao je kao naj- uspešniji pijanista na svetu. Clayderman at the Sava Centre Pianist Richard Clayderman will perform at the Sa- va Centre on 31 st March, accompanied by eight strin- gs. He has recorded more than 1,300 compositions of different genres, but he gained popularity worldwi- de thanks to his romantic style and renditions of rock tunes and popular compositions in the traditional manner. He is also featured in the Guinness Book of Records as the world’s most successful pianist.

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Sajam automobila Krajem marta biće glamurozno na Beograd- skom sajmu jer počinje 53. Međunarodni sajam automobila. Smotra najmoćnijih četvorotočkaša trajaće od 23. marta do 2. aprila. International Motor Show Late March will be a glamourous time at the Belgra- de Fair, with the start of the 53 rd International Mo- tor Show. This review of the most powerful four-w- heelers runs from 23 rd March until 2 nd April.

Atletika u Areni Početkom marta u Beograd stižu najbolji spor- tisti sveta. Počinje Evropsko atletsko prvenstvo, a trajaće od 3. do 5. marta. Dođite da ih gledate u Kombank areni . Athletics at the Arena The continent’s best athletes arrive in Belgrade in ear- ly March. The European Indoor Athletics Champions- hips are being held from 3 rd to 5 th March. Come to see this event at the Belgrade Kombank Arena.

Počinje velika igra Beogradski festival igre (Bel- grade Dance Festival) po četr- naesti put biće održan od 24. marta do 11. aprila pod sloga- nom Velika igra . Publika će moći da vidi 15 kom- panija iz deset zemalja sa više od 30 koreografskih postavki u Beogradu i Novom Sadu. Great Dance Begins The Belgrade Dance Festival will take place for the 14 th time from 24 th March until 11 th April, under the slogan “The Great Dance”. Lovers of dance will be able to see 15 troupes from ten coun- tries with more than 30 chore- ographed performances in Bel- grade and Novi Sad.

Koncert Postmodern Jukebox

Postmodern Jukebox sviraće 30. marta u Centru Sava . Grupa je odlučila da pokrene novu turne- ju posle rasprodatih koncerata u 75 gradova Evrope. Poznati su po svom prepoznatljivom vintidž načinu izvođenja modernih i kla- sičnih pop i rok pesama.

Postmodern Jukebox Concert

Postmodern Jukebox will per- form on 30 th March at the Sava Centre. This group decided to la- unch a new tour after sell-out concerts in 75 European cities. Postmodern Jukebox is known for its distinctive “vintage” met- hod of performing modern and classic pop and rock hits.

SAINT TEN U SRCU BEOGRADA U centru Beograda, u samom srcu Vračara, u Ulici Svetog Save 10, nadomak Slavije i Hrama, otvoren je novi hotel SAINT TEN sa pet zvezdica. Luksuz, elegancija, moderan di- zajn, pažljivo birani materijali, zajedno sa vrhunskom uslu- gom, odgovoriće na potrebe i očekivanja najizbirljivijih go- stiju, a Beograd će upisati u red evropskih metropola.

SAINT TEN IN THE HEART OF BELGRADE At the centre of Belgrade, in the very heart of Vračar, at 10 Saint Sava Street, in close proximity to Slavija Square and the Temple of St. Sava, the new five-star SAINT TEN Hotel has opened. Luxury, elegance, modern design and carefully se- lected materials, coupled with excellent service, will satisfy the needs and expe- ctations of even the most demanding of guests, and bring Belgrade into the ranks of European metropolises.

Hotel SAINT TEN, through its 54 rooms and sui- tes, tells the story of the spirit and charm of the bygone times of old Belgrade, though in a com- pletely new way. A refined interior, top fixtures and fittings, as well as high quality service, are complemented by an attractive restaurant, bar, fitness centre and conference hall, representing a perfect balance between traditional and modern hospitality trends. This newly opened boutique hotel in our capital confirms that Belgrade is not only a city that keeps pace with global and Eu- ropean trends, but also creates them.

Hotel SAINT TEN kroz 54 soba i apartmana priča priču o duhu prošlih vremena starog Beograda, ali na potpuno nov način. Prefi- njen enterijer, vrhunska opremljenost i uslu- ga upotpunjena atraktivnim restoranom, barom, fitnesom i salom za konferencije predstavlja savršen balans tradicije i savre- menih trendova u oblasti ugostiteljstva. Da Beograd ne samo prati svetske i evropske tendencije već ih i kreira, potvrđuje novo- otvoreni butik hotel u našoj prestonici.

Lorem ipsum dolor / Lorem ipsum dolor

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N ema mnogo svestranih umetnika, genijalnih u svemu čega se dotaknu – crtanju, slikanju, skulptu- ri, keramici, scenografiji, dizajnu... Ta- kav je bio Pablo Pikaso (1881-1973), pa je privilegija svakog grada da pose- duje muzej s njegovim delima. Beo- grad nije takve sreće, ali mu se ukaza- la čast da do 5. aprila bude domaćin postavke Pikasovih grafika iz kolek- cije Vollard Suite , u Kući legata. Izložba je realizovana u saradnji sa slovenačkom galerijom Kos , u či- jem je posedu zbirka od 84 dela, dok je njen prvi vlasnik bio Ambroaz Vo- lar, po kome je i nazvana. Celokupna kolekcija broji 100 grafika rađenih u tehnikama bakropisa, suve igle i akva- tinte i nastala je od 1930. do 1937. Tada je Pikaso uveliko sarađivao sa kolekci- onarom Volarom, koji mu je ponudio neobičan dil. U zamenu za dva plat- na starijih kolega, Sezana i Renoara, tvorac kubizma trebalo je da uradi se- riju crteža, a najbolje, po Volarovom mišljenju, i da odštampa. Izabrano je 97 skica od oko 400, kojima je Pikaso pridodao i tri portreta Volara. Tako je nastao Vollard Suite . VOLAR GINE, ZBIRKA JE GOTOVA Prva serija ovih grafika predstav- ljena je javnosti 1950. i puštena je u prodaju sa Pikasovim potpisom. Seri- je pojedinačnih grafika bile bi možda i veće da Abroaz Volar nije poginuo u

T here aren’t many versatile artists who show genius in everything they touch - drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, set design... One such example is Pablo Picasso (1881- 1973), which is why it is a privilege for every city to possess a museum of his work. Bel- grade is not so lucky, but it does have the honour of hosting, until 5 th April, works of Pi- casso’s graphic prints from the Vollard Suite collection at Heritage House. The exhibition has been organised in collaboration with Slovenian gallery “Kos”, which now owns a collection of 84 works, while its original owner was Ambroise Vol- lard, after whom the collection was named. The entire collection, which consists of 100 prints made using the techniques of copper etching, dry point and aquatint, was creat- ed between 1930 and 1937. At that time Pi- casso was collaborating a lot with the col- lector Vollard, who offered him an unusual “deal”. In exchange for two canvases of his older colleagues, Cezanne and Renoir, the creator of Cubism was supposed to make a series of drawings, the best of which, ac- cording to Vollard’s view, should be printed. Some 97 sketches were chosen from a total of around 400, to which Picasso added three portraits of Vollard. And that is how the Vol- lard Suite emerged. VOLLARD DIES, THE COLLECTION IS OVER The first series of these graphics was presented to the public in 1950, and placed on sale with Picasso’s signature. The series of individual graphics would perhaps have

The Minotaur, half man – half bull, a mythical creature beloved by the gods, is actually the alter-ego of this famous artist Minotaur, pola čovek, pola bik, mitsko biće i čedo bogova, zapravo je alter ego čuvenog umetnika

Do 5. aprila možete da zavirite u privatni život genija kroz grafike iz kolekcije „Vollard Suite“, koja dosledno prati tok Pikasovih erotskih i drugih misli Until 5 th April you can take a peek into the private life of a genius through the prints from the Vollard Suite collection, which follows the course of Picasso’s erotic and other thoughts

Tekst / Words: Dragana Nikoletić Fotografije / Photography: Kuća Legata/Heritage House, Getty images, Ana Paunković

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saobraćajnoj nesreći 1939. Međutim, upravo je ograničeni broj otisaka uti- cao na vrednost same kolekcije, ipak rasparčane na aukciji Volarove kolek- cionarske zaostavštine. Njen veći deo uspeva da na aukciji otkupi galerija Kos , objašnjava Leon Pogelšek, direk- tor i kustos galerije. Zbirka dosledno prati tok Pika- sovih erotskih i drugih misli, iskaza- nih kroz grafike. Celina Vollard Suitea podeljena je u šest segmenata, jednu sa različi- tom tematikom, a ostalih pet u vidu manjih celina: Ljubavna bitka, Skul- ptorov atelje, Rembrant, Minotaur i Slepi Minotaur. Pogelšek skreće pa- žnju na dve poslednje, jer Minotaur, pola čovek, pola bik, mitsko biće i če- do bogova, zapravo je alter ego čuve- nog umetnika. Iako u svim segmenti- ma obiluju neoklasični elementi, kao posledica Pikasovih putovanja u Rim, Firencu, Napulj i Pompeju tih godina, ovi sa Minotaurom su najautentičnije dnevničke zabeleške. Naime, Pikaso je verovao da je slikarstvo samo dru- gi način vođenja dnevnika. Stoga posetioci Kuće legata imaju jedinstvenu priliku da zavire u privat- ni život jednog genija, ali i avanturi- ste, strastvenog ljubavnika... I njegove odnose s naložnicama, legitimnim že- nama, modelima. Sve to Pikaso uspe- va jednostavnim linijama, izrazima lica, kompozicijama sa kao umetnu- tim antičkim skulpturama i motivi- ma. Tako i borba konja i bikova može da označi specifičnu emociju izme- đu autora i date dame, a kad u crtež uskoče i bahanti (učesnici bahanali- ja), lako je zamisliti kakve su ih sile vezivale i razdvajale. Uostalom, Pikaso je i ostavio po- smatraču izbor kako će razumeti sve te kontekste. ZAŠTO JE PIKASO GENIJALNIJI OD BRAKA Inače bi se moglo reći da je ma- estro Pablo bio prilično ravnodušan prema tuđem mišljenju. Kad je 1907. zaprepastio svet svojim Gospođicama iz Avinjona nalik razbijenom ogleda- lu, neki su ga pitali kakva je ta njego- va umetnost kad je niko ne razume. On im je odgovorio u stilu: „To što ja ne znam engleski ne znači da taj je- zik ne postoji“. Svet je morao da nau- či dijalekat kubizma. A taj kaskadni jezik Pikaso je, za- pravo, stvorio na osnovu afričkih skul- ptura, ali i kopirajući Žorža Braka. To-

Pikaso je i ostavio posmatraču izbor kako da razume njegovu umetnost Picasso left it up to the viewer to choose how to interpret his art

In exchange for two canvases of Cezanne and Renoir, the creator of Cubism made this series of drawings for Ambroise Vollard U zamenu za dva platna Sezana i Renoara, tvorac kubizma uradio je seriju crteža za Ambroaza Volara

liko vešto, da je mogao da tvrdi da je Brak autor replike. Kuriozitet je bio što je Brak preživeo hitac u glavu, što je ostavilo posledice na njegov vid. On je stvarno sve video kockasto, dok je Pikaso to morao da izmašta, odno- sno geometrijski razloži. Jednom drugom prilikom, kad je neki nemački oficir povodom Gernike, kubističkog prikaza bombardovanja tog grada, pitao Pikasa: „Da li ste vi ovo uradili“, ovaj mu je lakonski od- vratio: „Ne, vi ste“. Možda je genijalni Španac bio pacifista, držeći se po strani tokom Španskog građanskog rata, ali ne i kukavica, što je znao da iskaže i sli- kom, kroz predstavu razbacanih gla- va i udova ljudi i životinja, usred ru- ševina, ali i britkim rečima. Pikaso je za života, a od svoje sed- me godine kada je naslikao prvo ulje

na platnu, stvorio oko 13.500 slika, 100.000 grafika, 34.000 ilustracija za knjige i 300 skulptura, pa prosta ma- tematika ne može da sračuna koliko je dela stvarao dnevno. U trenutku nje- gove smrti, 1973, ukupna vrednost nje- govog rada bila je procenjena na 750 miliona dolara, kaže Ginisova knjiga rekorda. Međutim, samo jedno njego- vo delo od tog bezbroja, Akt, zeleno lišće i bista iz 1932, prodato je 2010. za 106,5 miliona dolara. Po mnogim stavkama sličan Mo- cartu – ogromnog talenta, svestranog, rano iskazanog i poprilično pogura- nog od ambicioznog oca, veoma plo- donosnog, za razliku od muzičkog čuda od deteta, Pikaso nije umro ni prerano, ni u siromaštvu. Sa svojih 80 godina slikao je kao mladić, ne ostav- ljajući ništa za sutra, a sutra već tra- žeći nova nadahnuća.

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oclassical elements, due to Picasso’s trav- els to Rome, Florence, Naples and Pompeii during those years, the ones with the Mi- notaur are the most authentic notes in his diary. Indeed, Picasso believed that paint- ing is just another way of keeping a journal. Thus, visitors to Heritage House have a unique opportunity to take a peek into the private life of a genius, but also an adven- turer, passionate lover etc. And his relations with concubines, women, models. Picasso succeeds in doing all of that with simple lines, facial expressions and compositions inlaid with seemingly antique sculptures and motifs. Thus, the battle of horses and bulls might mark a specific emotion between the author and the noted ladies, but when Bac- chante (participants in the Bacchanal) jump into the drawing, it is easy to imagine which forces bound and divided them. After all, Picasso left it up to the view- er to choose how to interpret all of these contexts. WHY PICASSO IS MORE INGENIOUS THAN BRAQUE It could generally be said that Pablo the maestro was fairly indifferent when it came to other people’s opinions. When (in 1907) he shocked the world with his“Les Demoi- selles d’Avignon”, resembling a broken mir- ror, some people asked him what kind of art was his, when no one understands it. He re- sponded in style:“I do not read English, and an English book is a blank to me. This does not mean that the English language does not exist”. The world had to learn the dia- lect of Cubism. And that “cascading” language was ac- tually created by Picasso on the basis of Afri- can sculpture, but also from copying Georg-

es Braque. And he did that so skilfully that he could claim that Braque was the author of the replicas. A curiosity was that Braque had survived a shot to the head, which had an im- pact on his vision. He really saw everything cubed, while Picasso had to imagine that, or rather, to explain it geometrically. On another occasion, when a German officer responded to the painting“Guernica”, a cubist display of the bombing of the city, by asking Picasso,“Did you do this?”, Picas- so replied laconically: “No, you did”. Perhaps this brilliant Spaniard was a pacifist, keeping out of the way during the Spanish civil war, but he was not a coward, as he also knew how to express his views in his pictures, through scattered heads and limbs of humans and animals, amidst ruins, but also with razor-sharp words. During Picasso’s lifetime, from the age of seven, when he painted his first oil painting, he created around 13,500 pictures, 100,000 prints, 34,000 book il- lustrations and 300 sculptures, meaning simple mathematics cannot calculate how many works he created on a daily basis. At the time of his death, in 1973, the to- tal value of his works was estimated at $750 million, according to the Guinness Book of Records. However, just one of his works from this countless opus, “Nude, Green Leaves and Bust”, from 1932, sold for $106.5 million in 2010. In many ways he was similar to Mozart – enormous talent, versatile, expressed early, and pushed rather a lot by an am- bitious father, very fruitful, and unlike the musical“wunderkind”, Picasso did not die too soon, nor in poverty. At the age of 80 he painted like a young man, leaving noth- ing for tomorrow. And by the next day he was already seeking new inspiration.

Celina kolekcije Vollard Suite podeljena je u šest segmenata The Vollard Suite collection is divided into six segments

been even bigger if Ambroise Vollard hadn’t been killed in a car accident in 1939. How- ever, the limited number of prints actual- ly added value to the collection, though it was still broken up at the auction of Vollard’s collector’s legacy. Most of it managed to be bought at the auction by the gallery “Kos”, explains Leon Pogelšek, director and cura- tor of the gallery. The collection follows the course of Pi- casso’s erotic and other thoughts expressed through graphics. The Vollard Suite as a whole is divid- ed into six segments, one with a different theme, with the other five in the form of smaller wholes: Battle of Love, Sculptor’s Stu- dio, Rembrandt, Minotaur and the Blind Mi- notaur. Pogelšek draws attention to the last two, because the Minotaur, half man – half bull, a mythical creature beloved by the gods, is actually the alter-ego of this famous art- ist. Although all segments are rich with ne-

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Predmeti na izložbi „Dodir stakla“ u Muzeju primenjene umetnosti u Beogradu donose ono što očekujemo od nordijskih dizajnera – minimalizam bez trunke kiča

The works on

display as part of the Touch of

Glass exhibition at Belgrade’s Museum of Applied Arts bring that which we expect from Nordic designers – minimalism without a trace of kitsch

Tekst / Words: Aleksandra Držaić Fotografije / Photography: Muzej primenjene umetnosti

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S taklo u rukama skandinav- skih majstora postaje mno- go više od otopljenog kvar- ca. Postaje skulptura koja nosi jasnu i čistu poruku prirode. Upravo takva mala umetnička dela prikazana su u okviru izložbe Dodir stakla u Muzeju primenjene umet- nosti u Beogradu, koja traje do 15. marta. Reč je o gostujućoj izložbi sa- vremenog nordijskog stakla ko- ju su organizovale ambasade Dan- ske, Finske, Norveške i Švedske. Cilj je jedinstven, promocija umetnosti i saradnje nordijskih zemalja u umet- ničkom stvaralaštvu. Izloženo je 80 predmeta, iza kojih stoji 13 poznatih staklara koji su u saradnji sa umetni- cima stvorili prava remek-dela, spoj tradicije i savremenog, jasna i skro- mna baš kakav je i sam sever Evrope. A staklo je pravi materijal za umetnike iz Skandinavije kroz koji mogu najbolje da se izraze. Ono do- nosi svetlost, koja je Nordijcima to- liko važna da je već vekovima slave. Svetlost je ono za čime čeznu u du- gim zimskim danima i ono u čemu uživaju tokom vedrih severnih leta. Zato je svetlost uhvaćena u staklu za njih odraz lepote i moći. Staklo do- nosi i hladni dodir koji tako podseća na led. Donosi ono što ljude na se- veru okružuje, prirodu, koja je uvek u samoj osnovi nordijskog dizajna. – Bilo je tako lako napraviti ovu izložbu. Svi su bili spremni za sarad- nju i ponudili su najbolje. Ona pred- stavlja svu slojevitost modernog ska- nidnavskog staklarstva, sve njegove sastavne elemente, pretapanja i ra- zvoj – objašnjava Lada Ratković Bu- kovčanin, autorka izložbe i muzejska savetnica Muzeja Mimara iz Zagreba. Predmeti na izložbi su sve ono što očekujemo od nordijskih diza- jnera. Sve je tako jasno. Minimali- zam bez trunke kiča, kako je pri- metila Milica Cukić, kustos Muzeja primenjene umetnosti u Beogra-

I n the hands of Scandinavian masters, glass becomes much more than melt- ed quartz. It becomes a sculpture that bears the clear and clean message of nature. It is precisely such small works of art that are displayed under the framework of the Touch of Glass exhibition at the Mu- seum of Applied Arts in Belgrade, where it will remain until 15 th March. This visiting exhibition of contempo- rary Nordic glassworks was organised by the embassies of Denmark, Finland, Nor- way and Sweden. The unique aim of the exhibition is to promote art and cooper- ation among the Nordic countries in artis- tic creation. There are 80 works displayed, behind which stand 13 famous glaziers who worked in collaboration with artists to create masterpieces that are a combina- tion of tradition and modernity - clear and modest, just like the north of Europe itself. And glass is the right material through which artists from Scandinavia can best express themselves. It brings brightness, which is so important to the Nordic people that they have been celebrating it for cen- turies. Brightness is what they long for dur- ing long winter days and what they enjoy during the bright northern summer. That’s why light trapped in glass is for them an expression of beauty and power. Glass al- so brings a cool touch that is so reminis- cent of ice. It brings that which surrounds people in the north – nature, which is al- ways at the heart of Nordic design. - It was so easy to make this exhibi- tion. Everyone was willing to cooperate and offered their best. It represents all the multiplicity of modern Scandinavian glass- work, all of its constituent elements, blend- ing and development - explains Lada Rat- ković Bukovčanin, author of the exhibition and advisor to Zagreb’s Mimara Museum. The works on display as part of the ex- hibition bring that which we expect from Nordic designers. Everything is so clear. Minimalism without a trace of kitsch, not- ed Milica Cukić, curator of the Museum of Applied Arts in Belgrade. And, indeed, pu- rified forms of clear contours offer an es-

Dansku predstavlja slavni umetnik Jern Ucon Denmark is represented by famous artist Jørn Utzon

Plava spiralna posuda, staklara Jevik Blue spiral bowl, a glasswork by Gjovik

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