Air Serbia inflight magazine
U martu polećemo za Ženevu IN MARCH WE ARE HEADING TO GENEVA
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Welcome message
Dragi putnici, Februar 2021. godine
February 2021
Dear passengers,
NADAMO SE DA STE U 2021. godinu ušli sa novim ciljevima. Ciljevi su važni jer kreiraju posebnu pokretačku energiju koja nas motiviše da idemo napred. Naš glavni cilj nepromenjen je još od osnivanja kompanije – pružanje usluge vrhunskog kvaliteta uz kreiranje jedinstvenog i sveobuhvatnog iskustva putovanja. Kako bismo u tome bili još bolji, odlučili smo da se dodatno fokusiramo na digitalizaciju i unapređenje naše usluge u onlajn sferi. Pandemija je u značajnoj meri promenila svakodnevne navike. Uticala je da se više fokusiramo na digitalne platforme jer predstavljaju beskontaktne i bezbedne opcije. U prilog tome govore i naši podaci o značajnom rastu onlajn prodaje. U periodu od maja do kraja decembra prošle godine gotovo polovina prodatih avio-karata kupljena je direktnim kanalima Er Srbije , u čemu su glavni udeo imali naša mobilna aplikacija i unapređen sajt. Zbog toga nastavljamo da radimo na konstantnom razvoju novih mogućnosti i poboljšanju korisničkog iskustva putem integrisanih kanala i personalizovane ponude. Ponosni smo na početak saradnje sa dve vodeće platforme u industriji putovanja, i Rentalcars. com, zahvaljujući kojoj sada možete da organizujete celokupno putovanje putem našeg sajta – od rezervacije leta, preko rezervacije smeštaja do rentiranja vozila. Dok idemo u korak sa promenama i radimo na novim projektima, trudimo se da istovremeno čuvamo i negujemo tradiciju. Kada se nalazite na osmom mestu liste najstarijih avio-kompanija na svetu koje i dalje lete, ni na trenutak ne zaboravljate zahvalnost i poštovanje prema slavnim prethodnicima koji su vam utrli put. U februaru obeležavamo značajan jubilej, 93 godine od prvog leta prve nacionalne avio- kompanije Aeroput , čiji smo ponosni naslednici. Ogromna ljubav prema nebeskim prostranstvima i snažna vizija koja je prevazilazila sve tadašnje okvire naveli su pilota i aero-inženjera Tadiju Sondermajera da realizuje let na relaciji Beograd– Zagreb. Bio je to prvi let na ovim prostorima koji je otvorio mogućnost za sve naredne letove – pa i let na kojem upravo čitate ove redove. Sve velike i značajne stvari kreirali su ljudi koji su verovali u svoju viziju i bili u stanju da vide dalje od onoga što je u tom trenutku postojalo – čelične ptice koje krstare nebom prevozeći ljude ili tehnološke uređaje koji umrežavaju celu planetu. I zato, dok uživamo u svim blagodatima savremene civilizacije, ne zaboravimo da odamo počast pionirima koji su nam to omogućili. Uživajte u letu i srećan put, ISKRENO VAŠA, ER SRBIJA
WE HOPE THAT YOU ENTERED 2021 with new goals. Goals are important, because they create a special driving energy that mo- tivates us to go forward. Our main goal has remained unchanged since the founding of the company - providing peak quality ser- vice while creating a unique and comprehensive travel experien- ce. In order to become even better at that, we have decided to further focus on digitisation and improving our services in the di- gital field. The pandemic has significantly changed our everyday habits. It led to us focusing more on digital platforms, as they represent a contactless and secure option. This is evidenced by our data showing significant growth in online sales. In the period from May to the end of December last year, almost half of all airfares we- re purchased through Air Serbia‘s direct channels, with our mobi- le application and improved website accounting for the majority of sales. That‘s why we continue to work on constantly developing new possibilities and improving the user experience through inte- grated channels and a personalised offer. We are proud that we have begun cooperating with two lea- ding platforms in the travel industry, and Rentalcars. com, thanks to which you can now organise your entire trip throu- gh our website - from reserving flights to booking accommodati- on and renting a vehicle. As we keep up with changes and work on new projects, we are also trying to protect and cultivate tradition at the same time. When you are ranked in eighth place on the list of the world‘s ol- dest airlines that are still operating, you don‘t forget – even for a moment – to have gratitude and respect for the glorious prede- cessors who paved the way for you. We are celebrating a signifi- cant anniversary in February: 93 years since the first flight of the original national airline, Aeroput, whose proud successors we are. A great love for the expanse of the sky, coupled with a strong visi- on that surpassed all the limits of the time, led pilot and aeronauti- cal engineer Tadija Sondermajer to carry out the Belgrade-Zagreb flight. It was the first flight over this territory that opened the door for all subsequent flights – including the flight on which you‘re rea- ding these words. All great and important things were created by people who believed in their vision and were able to see further than what existed at that moment - steel birds cruising the sky while tran- sporting people, or technological devices connecting the who- le planet. And that‘s why, as we enjoy the benefits of modern ci- vilisation, we mustn‘t forget to honour the pioneers who allowed us to do so. Enjoy the flight and have a good trip, SINCERELY YOURS, AIR SERBIA
Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5
Republika Srbija povećala vlasnički udeo u Er Srbij i / Republic of Serbia increases its share of Air Serbia
Slavna istorija Er Srbije : Prošlo je čak 93 godine od prvog leta / Air Serbia’s glorious history: it has been as long as 93 years since the first flight Er Srbija sklopila partnerstvo sa i rentalcars. com / Air Serbia partners with and rentalcars. com
Putujemo sa pevačicom Nevenom Božović / We travel with singer Nevena Božović
Miloš Biković: Popularnost je i čast i krst / Miloš Biković: Popularity is both an honour and a cross to bear
Geometrijsko savršenstvo Pjera Kardena / The geometrical perfection of Pierre Cardin Sako protiv duksa: Modna borba decenije / Jackets versus sweatshirts: fashion battle of the decade
Beli vrhovi čekaju da budu osvojeni / White peaks wait to be conquered
Sve se menja, pa i dodela Oskara / Everything is changing, including the Oscars Stefan Milenković: Svaki dan u violini čujem novi glas / Stefan Milenković: Every day I hear a new voice in my violin Vlaho Bukovac u Galeriji SANU: Slikarstvo neprolazne lepote / Vlaho Bukovac at SANU Gallery: Art of timeless beauty
RITAM BEOGRADA RHYTHM OF BELGRADE 64. 90 godina Biblioteke grada Beograda / 90 years of the Belgrade City Library
6 | Sadržaj » Contents
The inflight magazine of Air Serbia
Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović
Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Aleksandra Beslać, Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Ivan Džaferović, Jovana Velimirović Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Aleksandar Dimitrijević, Mitar Mitrović, Đorđe Kojadinović, Snežana Krstić, Oliver Bunić, Nebojša Babić, Zoran Lončarević, Goran Srdanov Foto-agencije / Photo agencies, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager, Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd
Alpska avantura: Snežni raj oko Ciriha / Alpine adventure: Snowy paradise near Zurich
Kako su se modni infuenseri prebacili na TikTok / How fashion influencers transferred to TikTok Panton boje godine: Žuta nada i siva stabilnost / Pantone colours of the year: Yellow of hope and grey of stability Postoji li život bez notifikacija? / Does life exist without notifications?
104. Zavejani Beč idealan
za zimske radosti / A blizzard-swept Vienna is ideal for the joys of winter
SPORT SPORTS 106. Da nije bilo jedne bake,
ne bi bilo ni čarobnjaka u kopačkama / If it wasn‘t for one granny, there‘d be no wizard in football boots
Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director
Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica
Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights
Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved
RITAM SRBIJE RHYTHM OF SERBIA 80. Romantična Srbija: Tamo gde ljubav počinje / Romantic Serbia: where love begins 90. Stari zanat iz Zlakuse pod
zaštitom Uneska / Old craft from Zlakusa under UNESCO protection
Broj / Issue No. 324 Naslovna strana / Cover Boxun Liu / iStock
Ženeva čeka / Geneva awaits Foto / Photo: iStock / Boxun Liu
Contents » Sadržaj | 7
U fokusu
In focus
Republika Srbija povećala vlasnički udeo u Er Srbiji Država je povećala svoj vlasnički udeo u nacionalnoj avio-kompaniji sa dosadašnjih 51 na 82 odsto, dok je udeo Etihad ervejza umanjen sa 49 na 18 odsto
NA OSNOVU UGOVORA IZMEĐU MINI- STARSTVA PRIVREDE VLADE REPUBLIKE Sr- bije i Er Srbije izvršena je dokapitalizacija srpske nacionalne avio-kompanije, pri čemu je Republi- ka Srbija povećala svoj vlasnički udeo u Er Srbiji sa dosadašnjih 51 na 82 odsto, dok je udeo Etihad er- vejza umanjen sa 49 na 18 odsto. – Zahvalni smo Vladi Republike Srbije na to- me što je pružila podršku nacionalnoj avio-kompa- niji da prevaziđe prepreke u poslovanju uzrokova- ne pandemijom korona virusa u najtežoj godini u istoriji putničkog avio-saobraćaja – izjavio je Dan- kan Nejsmit, generalni direktor Er Srbije . On je do- dao da su na ovaj način stvorene osnove za dalje nesmetano poslovanje i da će, uz temeljne mere ra- cionalizacije poslovanja kompanije koje su uveliko u toku, Er Srbija moći da prevaziđe teškoće, učvrsti svoju poziciju lidera u regionu i nastavi da pruža direktan i indirektan doprinos srpskoj ekonomiji, pre svega saobraćaju i turizmu. Dokapitalizacija srpske nacionalne avio-kom- panije preduzeta je na zahtev Er Srbije , u skladu sa uredbom Vlade Republike Srbije iz oktobra 2020. godine, kojom se predviđa mera dokapitalizaci- je privrednih subjekata pogođenih pandemijom. Ta uredba u potpunosti je usklađena sa privreme- nim pravnim okvirom Evropske komisije, kojim se uređuju mere državne pomoći za podršku privre- di u toku trenutne pandemije kovida-19, uključu- jući i dokapitalizaciju. Na zahtev Vlade Srbije Ko- misija za kontrolu državne pomoći razmotrila je predložene mere i potvrdila da je mera uvećanja osnovnog kapitala Društva usklađena sa pozi- tivno-pravnim propisima Republike Srbije, či- me su se stvorili uslovi da se dokapitaliza- cija sprovede.
Uvećanje osnovnog kapitala Društva preduzeto je u cilju
otklanjanja poremećaja u privredi prouzrokovanih pandemijom kovida-19 The increase in the company’s share capital was undertaken in order to counter disturbances to the economy caused by the COVID-19 viral pandemic
8 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
Republic of Serbia has increased its share of Air Serbia The Serbian state has increased its ownership stake in Air Serbia from 51 to 82 per cent, with Etihad Airways’ reducing its share from 49 to 18 per cent
ON THE BASIS OF THE EXISTING CON- TRACT BETWEEN the Ministry of Economy of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and Air Ser- bia, the Serbian national airline has been recapi- talised, with the Republic of Serbia increasing its Air Serbia ownership share from 51 to 82 per cent, while the share owned by Etihad Airways was re- duced from 49 to 18 per cent. “We are grateful to the Government of the Re- public of Serbia for providing support to the nation- al airline to overcome business obstacles caused by the coronavirus pandemic in the most difficult year in the history of passenger air traffic,” said Air Ser- bia CEO Duncan Naysmith. He added that, in this way, the foundations have been laid for further un- interrupted operations, and – with the fundamen- tal measures to rationalise the company’s opera- tions that are already well underway – Air Serbia will be able to overcome difficulties, strengthen its po- sition as a leader in the region and continue to pro- vide both a direct and an indirect contribution to the Serbian economy, primarily in the fields of trans- port and tourism. The recapitalisation of the Serbian national air- line was initiated at the request of Air Serbia, in ac- cordance with the Government of the Republic of Serbia’s October 2020 decree envisaging the meas- ure of recapitalising companies hardest hit by the pandemic. This regulation is fully in line with the European Commission’s Provisional Legal Frame- work, which regulates state aid measures to sup- port the economy during the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, including recapitalisation. At the request of the Government of Serbia, the State Aid Con- trol Commission reviewed the proposed meas- ures and confirmed that the measure of in- creasing the airline’s share capital was harmonised with the positive le- gal regulations of the Republic of Serbia, which created the conditions for recapital- isation.
51 % Serbia
18 % Etihad
Etihad 49 %
Serbia 82 %
Er Srbija će moći da prevaziđe teškoće i učvrsti svoju poziciju lidera u regionu / Air Serbia will be able to overcome difficulties and strengthen its position as a leader in the region
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 9
Na letu
On board
NEVENA BOŽOVIĆ, PEVAČICA NEVENA BOŽOVIĆ, SINGER Letenje je za mene čista romantika Flying is pure romance for me Volim da putujem avionom, brzo stižem kud god da se uputim, a što je najvažnije, imam udobnost, pa na kraju puta budem sveža i odmorna. Sama pomisao na letenje je romantična za mene, s obzirom na to da mi je suprug kapetan I love to travel by plane, as I arrive quickly wherever I’m heading and, most importantly, I’m comfortable, so at the end of the journey I’m fresh and rested. The very thought of flying is romantic for me, given that my husband is a captain
Vlažne maramice uvek imam u tašni, bez njih ne mrdam I always have wet wipes in my handbag, I don’t go anywhere without them
U avionu uvek imam slušalice jer je putovanje pravi momenat za slušanje dobre muzike Aboard a plane I always wear earphones, because travelling is just right for listening to good music
Neka zanimljiva knjiga najčešće putuje sa mnom Some interesting book most often travels with me
Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije/Photography: Nemanja Novaković, Jelena Žigić
Naravno, svako vreme je dobro za pravljenje planova, pa je i planer sa mnom u avionu Of course, any time is good for planning, so I also have a planner with me in the plane
Tu su uvek naočare zbog prejake svetlosti, koja mi vrlo često smeta There are always sunglasses, because of the excessive light that very often bothers me
10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
Nevena Božović is a pop singer who entered the music world very early, competing in festivals of children’s entertaining music and winning numerous awards. She represented Serbia at the Children’s Eurovision Song Contest in Rotterdam, finishing in third place, and later performed at the Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö with the band Moje 3. She was born in Kosovska Mitrovica in 1994
Nevena Božović je pop-pevačica koja je u muziku ušla veoma rano i takmičila se na festivalima dečje zabavne muzike, na kojima je osvajala brojne nagrade. Predstavljala je Srbiju na Dečjoj pesmi Evrovizije u Roterdamu, gde je bila treća, da bi kasnije sa bendom Moje 3 nastupala na Evrosongu u Malmeu. Rođena je 1994. u Kosovskoj Mitrovici
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 11
Letovi ponedeljkom će omogućiti dobru povezanost iz Ženeve ka drugim destinacijama do kojih srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija leti Monday flights will provide good connectivity from Geneva to other destinations in the Serbian airline’s network
DVA LETA NEDELJNO ER SRBIJA OD 1. MARTA UVODI LETOVE DO ŽENEVE Planirano je da se letovi za Ženevu, drugu destinaciju Er Srbije u Švajcarskoj pored Ciriha, obavljaju ponedeljkom i petkom. NACIONALNA AVIO-KOMPANI- JA REPUBLIKE SRBIJE UVODI DVA nedeljna leta do Ženeve od 1. mar- ta 2021. godine. Ženeva je bila pla- nirana kao jedna od šest najavljenih novih destinacija prethodne godi- ne, od čega se privremeno odusta- lo zbog pandemije korona virusa. “Pažljivo pratimo sve promene u ograničenjima putovanja i potra- žnji, trudeći se da brzo reagujemo i iskoristimo sve prilike koje se uka- žu na tržištu. U julu smo već pokre- nuli jednu novu destinaciju – Oslo, što se pokazalo kao odlična poslov- na odluka jer je norveška presto- nica u ovom trenutku jedna od top pet destinacija Er Srbije. Pored to- ga, uspostavljanje kod-šer sarad- nje sa Turkiš erlajnzom rezultiralo je uvođenjem svakodnevnih letova do Istanbula sa odličnom popunjeno- šću putničke kabine koja je dosti- zala i više od 80 odsto“, izjavio je Ji- rži Marek, direktor za komercijalu i strategiju Er Srbije. Letovi ponedeljkom će omogu- ćiti dobru povezanost iz Ženeve ka drugim destinacijama do kojih srp- ska nacionalna avio-kompanija le- ti sredinom dana, kao što su Atina, Istanbul, Larnaka, Moskva, Podgo- rica, Sarajevo, Skoplje, Sofija, So- lun, Tirana i Tivat.
year, but this plan was temporarily abandoned due to the coronavirus pandemic. “We are carefully monitoring all the chan- ges in travel restrictions and demand, trying to act quickly and seize all the opportunities that open up on the market. In July, we already la- unched a new destination – Oslo, which pro- ved to be an excellent business decision as the Norwegian capital is currently one of Air Ser- bia’s top five destinations. Additionally, establi- shing a codeshare partnership with Turkish Air- lines resulted in the introduction of daily flights to Istanbul, which have excellent passenger lo- ad factor that reaches more than 80%” said Jiri Marek, Air Serbia General Manager, Commer- cial and Strategy. Monday flights will provide good connectivi- ty from Geneva to other destinations in the Ser- bian airline’s network scheduled in the midday, such as Athens, Istanbul, Larnaca, Moscow, Po- dgorica, Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofia, Thessaloniki, Ti- rana and Tivat.
The plan is to operate two weekly flights on this route, on Mondays and Fridays AIR SERBIA TO INTRODUCE GENEVA FLIGHTS AS OF 1 ST MARCH SERBIA’S NATIONAL AIRLINE WILL BE IN- TRODUCING TWO WEEKLY FLIGHTS TO GENEVA, starting 1 st March 2021. Gene- va is Air Serbia’s second destination in Swit- zerland, along with Zurich, and the plan is to operate two weekly flights on this route, on Mondays and Fridays. Geneva was announ- ced as one of the six new destinations last
12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
Beli vrhovi čekaju da budu osvojeni S vrha planine se bolje vidi koliko je sve ono što je ispod beznačajno. Naše pobede i naše tuge više nisu toliko važne. Ono što smo postigli ili izgubili leži tamo dole. Sa visine planine vidite koliko je svet prostran i koliko su horizonti široki… Tako piše Paolo Koeljo, a mi vas pozivamo da ga poslušate i ove zime se popnete do Durmitora, Jahorine ili Triglava. Er Srbija leti brzo i udobno, sve što vam treba su topla odeća i avanturistički duh!
White peaks wait to be conquered
From the top of the mountain it is better to see how insignificant everything that is below is. Our victories and our sorrows are no longer so important. What we have achieved or lost lies there below. From the height of the mountain, you see how vast the world is and how wide the horizons are… So wrote Paolo Coelho, and we invite you to heed his words and climb Durmitor, Jahorina or Triglav this winter. Air Serbia flies swiftly and comfortably, all you need are warm clothes and an adventurous spirit!
me scan
Divlji Durmitor oduzima dah
Magazin National Geographic uvrstio je ove godine Crnu Goru na spisak zemalja koje obavezno treba videti jer, kako kažu, ima sne - gom prekrivene planine, biserna jezera, reke, šarmantne gradove i druželjubive meštane. A mi vas vodimo na veličanstveni, divlji, sne - gom zavejani Durmitor. Sever Crne Gore je poslednjih godina među omiljenim turistič - kim destinacijama, naročito sada kada su ski-centri Kolašin 1450 i Savin kuk na Durmi - toru dobili pojačanje. Ski-centar Kolašin 1600 nalazi se na Bjelasici, na koti 1.600, a šesto - sedna žičara penje skijaše na 2.035 metara i na sam vrh Troglava. Žabljak i Durmitor, spe - cifični po svojoj lepoti, gde se lednička jezera nalaze i na 2.000 metara nadmorske visine, osim skijanja nude i aktivan odmor u prirodi, čak i zimi. Šetnje i zimski usponi samo su ne - ke od aktivnosti u kojima uživaju posetioci, a ne treba zaboraviti na specijalitete tog de- la Crne Gore – tučeni kačamak i lisnati sir, uz koje će vam hladni dani biti topliji. Piknik šetnja od Crnog jezera do katuna je šansa da se oseti moćan durmitorski pla - ninski masiv bez penjanja na neki od njego - vih zahtevnih vrhova. Teren do samih Lokvi - ca sporo dobija na visini i bogat je oblicima kraške erozije: zimski trek tako prolazi kroz kraške valove i vrtače, pri čemu se više pu - ta dobija i gubi na visini. Prvi deo uspona, od -
nosno poslednji deo silaska, krivuda kroz gu- stu četinarsku šumu iznad samog jezera, bez prostranih padina koje bi spust pretvorile u uživanje. Krplje su zato dobar izbor da biste se kroz ove predele kretali što lakše i kako bi- ste proveli fantastično vreme u netaknutoj zimskoj divljini. Možete se opredeliti i za kratku ski-turing šet - nju grebenom Savinog kuka. Savin kuk je pre - poruka za sve koji se tek upuštaju u turbo skijanje. Od poslednje žice do vrha ima jedva 200 metara visinske razlike, a blizina skijali - šta nudi osećaj bezbednosti.
metra visok je Bobotov kuk, najviša tačka Durmitora metres high is Bobotov kuk, Durmitor’s highest point 2.522
14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia
Wild Durmitor is breathtaking
sion: the winter trek, thus, passes through karst troughs and sinkholes, with several undula - tions in altitude. The first part of the ascent, or the last part of the descent, winds through the dense coniferous forest above the lake, with - out broad slopes that would turn the descent into an enjoyable run. Snowshoes are therefore a good choice to help you traverse this land - scape as easily as possible and to ensure you spend a fantastic time in this pristine winter wilderness. You can also opt for a short ski-touring hike along Savin Kuk ridge. Savin Kuk [Sava’s Hip] is recommended for everyone who’s just getting started with turbo skiing. There is a height dif- ference of barely 200 metres from the last ca - ble to the top, while the close proximity of the ski resort provides a sense of security.
National Geographic magazine this year in - cluded Montenegro on its list of must-see countries, because of - as they say - its snow- capped mountains, crystal clear lakes, rivers, charming cities and convivial locals. And we are taking you to the magnificent, wild, snow-covered Durmitor. Northern Montene - gro has been among the favourite tourist desti - nations in recent years, especially at this time, when reinforcements have arrived at the ski centres of Kolašin 1450 and Savin kuk on Dur - mitor. The Kolašin 1600 ski centre is locat- ed on Bjelasica, at an altitude of 1,600 metres above sea-level, while its six-seat cable car car - ries skiers to an altitude of 2,035 metres and the very top of Troglav. Apart from skiing, Ža - bljak and Durmitor mountains, which are spe- cific due to their beauty and which have glacial lakes located at 2,000 metres above sea-level, also offer active holidays in nature, even dur - ing winter. Hikes and winter climbs are just two of the activities enjoyed by visitors, and we shouldn’t forget the culinary specialities of that part of Montenegro - whipped kačamak por - ridge and leafy cheese, which will warm you during cold days. A picnic excursion from Black Lake to Katun provides an opportunity to feel the might of the Durmitor mountain massif without climbing its demanding peaks. The terrain to Lokvica itself slowly rises and is rich in forms of karst ero -
Više od 60 planinskih vrhova je pod zaštitom nacionalnih parkova / Over 60 mountain peaks are under the protection of national parks
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Zimska idila na Jahorini
Osim staza za zimske sportove, na Jaho - rini se ističu staze za planinarenje, bicikli - zam, a tu su i panoramska vožnja žičarom i gondolom, paraglajding, paintbol, tereni, ba - zeni i wellness&spa centri, vožnja četvoro - točkašima i jedna od najdužih planinskih pi - sta za bob u Evropi (alpin koster). Skijaši će ove zime na Jahorini sigurno uživati više ne - go ikada na idealno pripremljenim stazama. Goste će dočekati staza duga oko 1.000 me - tara. Osim već osvetljene kompletne staze Poljice, na raspolaganju će im biti još jedna
metara visok je najviši vrh Ogorjelica metres high is Ogorjelica, the highest peak 1.916
Jahorina je olimpijska planina i jedan od najmodernijih planinskih centara, smešte - na u srcu Balkana, nadomak Sarajeva, glav - nog grada Bosne i Hercegovine. Njena velika prednost je blizina velikog grada i međuna - rodnog aerodroma, koji se nalaze na samo tridesetak minuta vožnje od ovog planinskog centra. Najviši vrh planine Ogorjelica (1.916 metara nadmorske visi - ne) na mestu je uticaja medi - teranske i kontinentalne klime, što stvara uslove za mnogo snež - nih dana. Jahorina se može po - hvaliti prvorazrednim alpskim i nor - dijskim stazama za dnevno ili noćno skijanje. Staze su prilagođene kako za početnike, tako i za ljubitelje ekstremni - jeg skijanja. Izdvaja se i panoramska vožnja gondolom ili šestosedom, a planina je uređe - na po standardima svetskih skijališta.
osvetljena staza za noćno skijanje, ali i prošireni Olimpijski bar , omiljeni ugo - stiteljski objekat na vrhu planine. Ja - horina najveću pažnju pridaje deci i početnicima u skijanju i za njih su pripremljeni poligoni na Poljicama i u Rajskoj dolini, dok instruktori ski-škole Olimpijskog centra Jahori - na na zanimljiv način mogu pokaza - ti svima kako je lako postati skijaš ili usavršiti svoje skijaško umeće.
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Winter Idyll on Jahorina
Jahorina is an Olympic mountain and one of the most modern mountain centres. It is locat- ed at the heart of the Balkans, near the Bos- nia-Herzegovina capital of Sarajevo. Its great advantage is the close proximity of this major city and an international airport, which are lo - cated just a 30-minute drive from this moun - tain centre.
This mountain’s highest peak, Ogor- jelica (1,916 metres above sea lev - el), is located in a spot that’s in- fluenced by Mediterranean and continental climates, which creates conditions ensuring many snowy days. Jahorina can boast of its first- class alpine and Nordic trails for day or night skiing. These trails are suitable for both novice skiers and lovers of more extreme skiing. Also standing out is the panoramic gon- dola or six-seat chair lift, while this mountain is arranged to meet the standards of world ski resorts. Apart from trails for winter sports, Jahorina also has outstanding hik- ing and cycling trails, as well as panoramic cable car and gondola rides, paragliding, paintball, sports courts, swimming pools and well- ness & spa centres, quad driving
and one of the longest mountain bobsleigh runs in Europe (Alpine coaster). Skiers will cer - tainly enjoy Jahorina more than ever this year, thanks to its perfectly prepared trails. This year’s guests are awaited by a new trail that’s around 1,000 metres long. Apart from the Pol - jica trail that’s already completely illuminat - ed, visitors will have at their disposal anoth - er illuminated trail for night skiing, but also an expanded Olympic Bar, which is the most popular hospitality facility at the top of the mountain. Jahorina pays the greatest atten - tion to children and novice skiers, and obsta - cle courses have been prepared for them on the Poljica trail and in the Heavenly Valley [Ra - jska dolina], while the instructors of the Ja - horina Olympic Centre’s ski school can show everyone, in an interesting way, how easy it is to become a skier or improve one’s skiing skills.
Sa vrha puca pogled na Bjelašnicu, Romaniju, Kleku i Treskavicu, a kako meštani tvrde, kada je vedro i lepo vreme, vide se i udaljeni obrisi Zlatibora i Zlatara / The view from the top extends to Bjelašnica, Romanija, Klek and Treskavica, while locals claim that the distant outlines of Zlatibor and Zlatar mountains can be seen when the weather is clear and fine
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U podnožju Bohinj, a na vrhu Triglav Na severozapadu Slovenije su smešteni Julij - ski Alpi, kako se zapravo zove južni deo Alpa. Naziv su dobili prema Juliju Cezaru, a dele se na Istočne i Zapadne. Najviši vrh Triglav ćete najepše videti ako se uputite u Vogel. Gondo - la koja vodi do 1.537 metara nadmorske visine pokloniće vam vidik kao sa razglednice: u pod - nožju Bohinj, jedno od najlepših jezera u Slo - veniji i najveće, a iznad Triglav, najviši planin - ski vrh Slovenije. Skijalište Vogel jedini je veliki ski-centar Naci - onalnog parka Triglav , najvećeg i najznačajni - jeg nacionalnog parka u Sloveniji. Proteže se duž granice sa Italijom i Austrijom, a radi se o jednom od najstarijih nacionalnih parkova u Evropi, osnovanom 1924. godine. Staze Vogla
su veoma pogodne za decu i za skijaše počet - nike. Ako tome dodate dečji i snežni park sa mnoštvom zimskih sadržaja, jasno je da se ra - di o odličnom izboru za porodično zimovanje. Na više od 1.500 metara nadmorske visine smešten je panoramski restoran, u kom uz je - lo ili piće možete uživati u nestvarnom pogle - du na alpske lepote Nacionalnog parka. Posebno treba istaći stazu koja vodi od vrha Vogela sve do podnožja, do samog Bohinjskog jezera. Na taj način na skijama se prevaljuje visinska razlika od oko 1.000 metara, što sva - kako pričinjava veliko zadovoljstvo. Nažalost, staza je otvorena samo kada su idealni vre - menski uslovi i kada ima dovoljno snega. Po - stoje i dve crne staze, koje su ipak pogodnije za naprednije skijaše. Gužva u Ski-centru Vo- gel najčešće nije velika, a skijalište je, kao i ce - la regija, ubedljivo najlepše. Bohinj nudi restorane i smeštajne objekte, kao i vodeni park, koji radi tokom čitave godine sa ba - zenima, vodenim atrakcijama, velnes i spa tre - tmanima. Klizanje na zaleđenom Bohinjskom jezeru je poseban doživljaj za sve uzraste.
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Triglav je i simbol Slovenije, a prvi ga je 26. avgusta 1778. osvojio Žiga Zois / Triglav is also a symbol of Slovenia, and it was first conquered on 26 th August 1778 by Žiga Zois metara visok je Triglav, najviši vrh Julijskih Alpa, najviši vrh Slovenije, ali i najviši vrh nekadašnje Jugoslavije metres high is Triglav, the highest peak of the Julian Alps, Slovenia’s highest peak, but also the highest peak on the territory of the former Yugoslavia 2.864
With Bohinj below, and Triglav at the top North-western Slovenia is home to the Julian Alps, which is actually the name of the south - ern part of the Alps. Named after Julius Cae - sar, they are divided into Eastern and Western parts. You will find the best view of Triglav, the highest peak, if you head to Vogel. The gondo - la lift that leads to an altitude of 1,537 metres above sea level will provide you with a picture postcard view: beneath you Bohinj, one of Slo - venia’s largest and most beautiful lakes, and and Triglav, the country’s highest mountain peak, above. The Vogel Ski Resort is the only major ski centre in the Triglav National Park, which is
Slovenia’s largest and most important nation - al park. Extending along the borders with It - aly and Austria, it is one of the oldest nation - al parks in Europe, having been established in 1924. The trails of Vogel are very suitable for children and novice skiers. If you add to this the children’s park and snow park with lots of winter contents, it is clear that this is a great choice for winter holidays for families. Perched at more than 1,500 metres above sea level is a panoramic restaurant where, alongside food or drinks, you can enjoy the incredible view of the alpine beauty of the na - tional park. There should be a special mention for the trail that leads from the top of Vogel all the way to the bottom, to Lake Bohinj itself. Descending in this way allows one to overcome an altitude of around 1,000 metres on skis, which is cer- tainly a cause of great satisfaction. However, unfortunately, this trail is only open when the weather conditions are ideal and snow cov - er is sufficient. There are also two black runs that are better suited for advanced skiers. There usually aren’t huge crowds at the Vogel Ski Centre, and this ski resort, like the whole region, is the most beautiful by far. Bohinj offers restaurants and accommodation facilities, but also an aqua park that is open year-round and has swimming pools, water at - tractions and wellness and spa treatments. Skating on the frozen Lake Bohinj is a special experience for people of all ages.
Klizanje na zaleđenom Bohinjskom jezeru je poseban doživljaj za sve uzraste / Skating on the frozen Lake Bohinj is a special experience for people of all ages
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Ivan Brkljač, direktor programa Tačka povratka Razmenom znanja do novih prilika Ideja koja se izrodila iz krize je kampanja Work from home – Work from Serbia , za sve naše ljude iz dijaspore čiji su poslodavci dozvolili rad od kuće M isija programa Tačka povratka je da srpskoj di- jaspori pruži in- formacije o svim
ma, mi smo u prvoj godini imali kontakt sa više od 6.000 naših dr- žavljana koji su zatražili neki vid naše asistencije ili adekvatne in- formacije. Pružanjem relevantnih informacija gradimo kredibilitet kod naših ljudi iz inostranstva kao neko ko je tu, njima na raspola- ganju i njihov servis, a konferen- cija Talenti na okupu ove godine u onlajn izdanju Talenti na vezi je samo kruna našeg celogodiš- njeg rada. Koliko vam je pandemija poremetila planove ili je, uslovno rečeno, inspiri- sala neke nove projekte i kampanje? – Za početak, mi smo tokom vanrednog stanja sve svoje kapaci- tete stavili na raspolaganje našim ljudima koji su se našli van Srbije kako bi se što brže vratili u svoju zemlju. U prvih 20 dana vanred- nog stanja s nama je kontaktiralo nekoliko hiljada naših građana, a mi smo mnogima od njih pomo- gli da makar nekoliko dana rani- je dođu svojim domovima, što u takvom kriznom vremenu mnogo znači ljudima. Osim toga, u završ- noj fazi je istraživanje Mapiranje povratnika tokom kovida-19 kako bismo dobili precizniju sliku o to- me zašto su se ljudi vratili i koje mere bi ih naterale da razmisle o ostanku pre nego što ponovo emi- griraju. Treća ideja koja se izrodi- la iz ove krize je kampanja Work
načinima stupanja u kontakt sa Srbijom, te mogućnostima za pru- žanje pomoći, kao i cirkulaciji in- formacija za pojedince koji žele da se vrate u zemlju. O izazovima to- kom prethodne godine, o vraćanju naših talenata u Srbiju, kao i cilje- vima u narednom periodu razgo- varali smo sa direktorom progra- ma Ivanom Brkljačem. Tačka povratka je nedav- no održanom konferen- cijom Talenti na vezi 3.0 obeležila svoju prvu godi- nu rada. Šta je sve urađe- no do sada? – Ova godina je za ceo svet bi- la vrlo kompleksna i komplikova- na, tako da možete zamisliti koli- ko je bila izazovna za jedan mlad tim u nastajanju. Međutim, ta vr- sta vatrenog krštenja je u mnogo čemu osnažila naš tim i omogući- la nam da brže razumemo i naše kapacitete i budemo posvećeni- ji ljudima zbog kojih smo osno- vali ovu inicijativu, a to je naša dijaspora. U prvih godinu dana najbitnije nam je bilo da otvori- mo direktan kanal komunikacije ka našim ljudima koji žive svuda po svetu i čujemo njihove ideje, predloge, probleme i izazove. Ka- da pričamo o konkretnim stvari-
from home – Work from Serbia , u kojoj je tim Tačke povratka na- pravio digitalnu brošuru sa pogod- nostima rada iz Srbije za sve naše ljude iz dijaspore čiji poslodavci su dozvolili rad od kuće. Često se u poslednje vre- me polemisalo o cirkular- nim migracijama, koliko su takvi trendovi zaista važni? – Živimo u ultramodernom, povezanom svetu u kojem je cirku- lacija kapitala, resursa i ljudi sva- kodnevica. Istina, korona virus je sve to poremetio, ali nadamo se da je to sve privremeno. Kako bismo i mi, kada ova pandemija prođe, bili deo tog modernog i poveza- nog sveta, moramo da prihvati- mo cirkularnu migraciju kao ne- što dobro i nešto ka čemu treba da stremimo. Odlazak i povratak naših ljudi može da donese veli- ku korist našem društvu u celini, jer ljudi koji odu po znanje i isku- stvo u inostranstvo stečene vešti- ne mogu da donesu nazad u Srbiju i pomognu našoj nacionalnoj za- jednici da raste i bude bolje nego što je bila juče.
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period ahead, with programme di- rector Ivan Brkljač. The Point of Return pro- gramme recently marked its first year of operations with the conference “Talent On- line 3.0”. What are all the things that have been done to date? “This year was very complex and complicated for the whole world, so you can imagine how challeng- ing it was for a young team that‘s just emerging. However, this kind of baptism of fire has strengthened our team in many ways, also enabling us to more quickly understand our capacities and be more committed to the people for whom we found- ed this initiative, and those are the members of our diaspora. The most important thing for us in the first year was to establish a direct channel of communication with our people who live all around the world and to hear their ideas, suggestions, prob- lems and challenges. When it comes to specifics, in the first year we had contact with more than 6,000 of our citizens who sought some form of assistance or adequate information from us. By providing relevant infor- mation, we build up our own credibil- ity among our people from abroad, as someone who‘s available to them, in their service and at their disposal, while the conference “Talent Gather- ing”, this year in the online version “Talent Online”, is just the crown on top of our work over the course of the entire year.” To what extent did the pan- demic disrupt your plans, or did it - in conditional terms - inspire some new projects and campaigns? - For a start, during the state of emergency we placed all of our ca- pacities at the disposal of our people who found themselves outside Ser- bia, in order to help them return to their home country as soon as pos- sible. We were contacted by sever- al thousand citizens in the first 20 days of the state of emergency, and we helped many of them return to their homeland at least a few days earlier, which means a lot to people
in such times of crisis. Apart from this, we are in the final stages of the research project “Mapping returnees during COVID-19”, which will help us form a more accurate picture of why people returned and what meas- ures would compel them to consid- er staying rather than re-emigrating. The third idea that emerged from this crisis is the campaign “Work from home - Work from Serbia”, within the scope of which the Point of Re- turn team created a digital brochure detailing all the advantages of work- ing from Serbia for all our people in the diaspora whose employers allow them to “work from home”. Debates about circular mi- grations have been common recently. How important are such trends actually? “We live in an ultra-modern, con- nected world in which the circula- tion of capital, resources and peo- ple is an everyday occurrence. It is true that the coronavirus has disrupt- ed all of that, but we hope that‘s all just temporary. In order for us to be part of that modern and connected world, when this pandemic passes, we must accept circular migration as something that‘s good and some- thing that we should strive towards. The departure and return of our peo- ple can bring great benefits to our society as a whole, because people who go abroad to gain knowledge and experience can bring the skills they acquire back to Serbia and help our national community to grow and become better than it was yesterday. Misija programa Tačka povratka je da pruži sve informacije / The mission of the Point of Return programme is to provide all information
Ivan Brkljač, director of the Point of Return programme Exchanging knowledge to reach new opportunities An idea that emerged from the crisis is the campaign 'Work from home - Work from Serbia', which is intended for all our people in the diaspora whose employers allow them to work from home. T he mission of the Point of Return programme is to provide members of the Serbian diaspo- ra with information on
all the ways to stay in contact with Serbia, as well as opportunities for gaining assistance and ensuring the circulation of information for in- dividuals wanting to return to the country. We discussed the challeng- es faced during the previous year and the repatriation of our talent- ed people, but also the goals of the
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Razglednica /Postcard
BRISEL / BRUSSELS Čokoladna tura
PARIZ / PARIS Jelisejska polja postaju veliki vrt
STOKHOLM / STOCKHOLM Noviteti u skandinavskom dizajnu
CHOCOLATE TOUR Chocolate lovers feel like a child in a sweet shop when visiting Brussels, because cho- colate shops are located at every step. Lo- cal guides have come up with a chocolate walking tour for all of them, which is very popular among tourists and starts from the Grand Place central square. The tour lasts three hours and enables you to learn all about the history of Belgian chocola- te while taking in the city‘s most intere- sting sights. An integral part of the tour is also a workshop that provides you with the opportunity to make your own pralines, while it also includes a tour of the first Bel- gian chocolatier, Godiva, established way back in 1926. Ljubitelji čokolade se u Briselu osećaju kao dete u prodavnici punoj slatkiša jer se radnje sa čokoladom nalaze na svakom koraku. Za sve njih lokalni vodiči osmisli- li su pešačku čokoladnu turu, koja je vr- lo popularna među turistima, a počinje sa centralnog trga Grote markt. Tura traje tri sata i dok prolazite pored znamenito- sti grada možete da saznate sve o istoriji belgijske čokolade. Sastavni deo ture je i radionica, na kojoj imate priliku da napra- vite svoje praline, a obuhvata i obilazak prve belgijske čokolaterije Godiva , osno- vane 1926. godine.
Jelisejska polja, najpoznatija pariska ave- nija, do 2030. godine biće pretvorena u veliki vrt dug skoro dva kilometra, najavi- la je gradonačelnica Pariza En Idalgo. Je- lisejska polja, koja su skoro svakodnev- no zakrčena automobilima, prema planu bi trebalo da postanu zelena gradska oa- za sa brojnim drvoredima, zelenim povr- šinama i pešačkim zonama. U budućno- sti broj automobila u tom delu grada biće prepolovljen, a područje oko Ajfelovog tornja trebalo bi da postane veliki park.
Za mnoge je skandinavski dizajn bez ma- ne, a svoje novitete i vizije renomirani svet- ski dizajneri i proizvođači nameštaja pred- staviće na Stokholmskoj nedelji dizajna. Od 8. do 14. februara u više izložbenih prosto- ra i galerija u gradu posetioci će moći da vi- de koji trendovi će prevladavati u dizajnu enterijera, a biće organizovane i razne ra- dionice, uz poštovanje zdravstvenih mera. Proizvođači se sve više okreću održivom di- zajnu, pa će to biti i jedna od najzastuplje- nijih tema.
The Avenue des Champs-Élysées, Paris‘s most famous avenue, will be converted in- to a large garden almost two kilometres long by 2030, according to an announce- ment by Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo. The plan is for this avenue, which is congested with vehicles almost every day, to beco- me an urban oasis of greenery featuring numerous tree-lined lanes, green areas and pedestrian zones. The number of cars in this part of the city is set to be halved in the future, while the area around the Eiffel Tower should also become a large park.
Many people see Scandinavian design as flawless, and renowned world designers and furniture manufacturers will present their innovations and visions at Stockholm Design Week. Running from 8 th to 14 th Fe- bruary at several of the city‘s exhibition spaces and galleries, visitors will be able to see which trends of interior design will do- minate, while various workshops adhering to protective health measures will also be organised. With manufacturers increasin- gly turning to sustainable design, this wi- ll also be among the most strongly repre- sented topics.
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NJUJORK / NEW YORK Nedelja mode
SARAJEVO / SARAJEVO Upoznajte grad vozeći se stojadinom
LJUBLJANA / LJUBLJANA Raj za bicikliste
FASHION WEEK New York Fashion Week will this year pre- sent new collections from 13 th to 18 th Fe- bruary. Although the exact schedule and names of all participants have yet to be published, it is known that – alongside the fashion shows of famous designers – lo- vers of fashion will also be able to enjoy trends from the streets of the Big Apple. And despite many designers having shif- ted the presentations of their collections to Paris Fashion Week, some big names have still remained faithful to New York, such as Marc Jacobs, Phillip Lim and the Ti- bi brand. Njujorška nedelja mode održaće se od 13. do 18. februara. Iako još nisu objav- ljeni tačan raspored i imena svih učesni- ka, poznato je da će, osim u revijama po- znatih dizajnera, ljubitelji mode moći da uživaju i u trendovima sa ulica Velike ja- buke. Upkos tome što su mnogi dizajneri predstavljanje svojih kolekcija preselili na Parisku nedelju mode, Njujorku su i dalje ostala verna velika imena kao što su Mark Džejkobs, Filip Lim i brend Tibi .
CYCLISTS’ PARADISE Apart from the fact that it held the title of the green capital of Europe a few years ago, Ljubljana also represents a real para- dise for cyclists. The city boasts more than 300 kilometres of arranged cycle lanes, which is why it has been ranked among the top 20 cities in the world in terms of bicycle infrastructure for the last three ye- ars. Contributing to the popularisation of cycling in the city is the “BicikeLJ” system, which includes free bike hire for the first hour, and the nature of Ljubljana ensures that you can cycle from one end of the ci- ty to the other in just an hour. sa najuređenijom biciklističkom infra- strukturom. Popularizaciji vožnje bicikala doprineo je sistem BicikeLJ , u okviru kojeg je prvi sat iznajmljivanja besplatan, a Lju- bljana je upravo tolika da se za jedan sat može stići s jednog kraja grada na drugi. Osim što je pre nekoliko godina ponela ti- tulu zelene prestonice Evrope, Ljubljana predstavlja i pravi raj za bicikliste. U gra- du je uređeno više od 300 kilometara bi- ciklističkih staza, zbog čega se već tri go- dine svrstava među 20 gradova na svetu
DISCOVER THE CITY OF THE “STOJADIN” If you want to feel what the spirit of Sara- jevo was like during the era of socialism and acquaint yourself with this city in an authentic way, sign up for a tour in the old Yugoslav Zastava 101 car, better known as the “Stojadin”. Lasting four hours, this to- ur starts in the Old Town and heads to the “Zetra” Olympic complex, which includes a visit to the Olympic Museum. The drive continues by passing Ciglana [Brickyard], a Sarajevo neighbourhood that represents a typical example of modern socialist ar- chitecture, while you will also visit a hiking trail on Mount Trebević. Upon the culmina- tion of the tour, you‘ll enjoy the “Tito” cafe, where you‘ll learn the true meaning of Yu- goslav nostalgia. Ako želite da osetite duh Sarajeva iz doba socijalizma i upoznate grad na autentičan način, prijavite se za obilazak u starom ju- goslovenskom automobilu zastava 101 , po- znatom kao stojadin. Tura traje četiri sata i počinje u Starom gradu, odakle se ide ka olimpijskom kompleksu Zetra , a uključuje i posetu Olimpijskom muzeju. Vožnja se na- stavlja pored Ciglana, sarajevskog naselja koje je tipičan primer moderne socijalistič- ke arhitekture, a obići ćete i stazu na planini Trebević. Na kraju ture uživaćete u kafiću Ti - to , gde ćete naučiti šta znači jugonostalgija.
Tekst/Words: Biljana Stefanović Fotografije/Photography:, iStock
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 23
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