Project Knitwell: Knitting With A Purpose • AstroYoga 101 • The Shadow Self Connecting With Nature Heals The Mind • End-Of-Life Doulas • Winter Plant Picks Set Your Intention, Get What You Want • Herb-Infused Winter Beverages • Travel With Zen Reuse Is The New Recycle • Foods For Healthy Skin • Winter Calendar… And More
Pathways Winter 2022 Expo & Online Marketplace: Preliminary Program Inside!
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PATHWAYS—Winter 22—3
Uma Alexandra Beepat Soul Alignment Coach, Intuitive Consultant CEO of The Lotus and The Light Metaphysical Center www.thelotusandthelight.com Services: • Soul Alignment Coaching • Manifesting Desires Coaching Program • Psychic Love Readings • Tarot & Oracle Readings • Spiritual Assessments • Reiki, IET & Energy Healing • Past Life Regression • Access Bars & Access Facelift • FZllZ`^K^Ü^qheh`r Classes: • NfZlIlr\ab\Bgmnbmbo^F^gmhklabiIkh`kZf
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4—PATHWAYS—Winter 22
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PATHWAYS—Winter 22—5
Erin deSabla Owner & Publisher;
Events + Operations + Business Development Michelle Alonso Editor, Magazine & Web Content; Social Media + Marketing Claudia Neuman Operations + Sales + Event Support Amaya Roberson Sales + Event Support Ann Silberlicht Graphic Design MayaRose Creative
MInd • Body • Spirit • Environmental Resources Since 1979
What We Are About Pathways Productions is a full-service advertising, marketing, event and publishing company serving the mind, body, spirit community since 1979. From the start, we have been a small, family-run busi- ness. Today, we have a women-led team dedicated to helping all businesses — local, small & inde- SHQGHQW²VXFFHHGDQGWKULYH2YHUWKH\HDUVZHKDYHH[SDQGHGRXUR̆ HULQJVWRLQFOXGHOLYHHYHQWV most notably the widely successful and always popular Natural Living Expo. 7KHDUWLFOHVDQGUHVRXUFHVR̆ HUHGE\3DWKZD\V0DJD]LQHDQGLWVḊ OLDWHGKRVWHGHYHQWVGHPRQ - strate a common belief on the part of local individuals, businesses and contributors that sharing ideas and expertise builds community and commerce in a spirit of unity, cooperation and under- standing while maintaining a high level of integrity, responsibility and service. Our content em- braces these ideals; we are a conduit — a pathway — for the most loving and dynamic insights and information that enable all of us to live more consciously. The views and opinions expressed in Pathways Magazine, and by vendor materials for our hosted HYHQWVDUHWKRVHRIWKHFRQWULEXWLQJZULWHUVHGLWRUVDQGPHUFKDQWVDQGGRQRWQHFHVVDULO\UHÀHFW WKHṘ FLDOSROLF\RUSRVLWLRQRI3DWKZD\VRZQHUVKLSRUDQ\3DWKZD\VVWD̆ $Q\FRQWHQWSURYLGHG by our contributors is of their opinion and is not intended to malign any religious, ethnic, or cultur- DOJURXSRUJDQL]DWLRQFRPSDQ\RULQGLYLGXDO)XUWKHUPRUHWKHSURGXFWVDQGVHUYLFHVSUHVHQWHG herein and at our hosted events do not necessarily constitute an endorsement of use or a recommen- GDWLRQRQWKHSDUWRI3DWKZD\VDQGLWVVWD̆ DQGDUHODUJHO\SDLGDGYHUWLVLQJDQGYHQGLQJ Making Connections Join our Pathways Community! Through our quarterly and online publications, and our sched- XOHGKRVWHGHYHQWVZHDUHFRPPLWWHGWRSURYLGLQJWKHSXEOLFZLWKIUHHRUD̆ RUGDEOHDFFHVVWRORFDO resources focused on holistic health and wellness practices, spirituality and personal growth, com- munity activism and outreach, and stewardship to the environment. We foster these opportunities through information, ideas, events, goods and services. Our goal is to provide a platform for businesses to reach the public in a comprehensive and cost-ef- fective way. Through advertising, packaged marketing, live events and retreats, and event planning VXSSRUWZHR̆ HUEXVLQHVVHVRSSRUWXQLWLHVWRPDUNHWWKHPVHOYHVWKURXJKDYDULHW\RIFKDQQHOVDQG use our expertise to facilitate this growing network. Pathways is your one-stop resource to make connections, nurture growth and achieve success. Finding Pathways 3DWKZD\V0DJD]LQHSULQWHGLWLRQLVGLVWULEXWHGWKURXJKGR]HQVRIRXWOHWVLQ0DU\ODQG'&DQG Virginia. Visit our “Where To Find” page online for the nearest locations to pick up your print copy. 0RUHGLVWULEXWLRQRXWOHWVDUHEHLQJDGGHGZLWKHDFKLVVXH:HDOVRSURYLGHDQRQOLQHGLJLWDOHGLWLRQ with interactive links to references, resources and businesses for each issue. Our website features RXUFXUUHQWLVVXHDVZHOODVDPDJD]LQHDUFKLYHZKHUH\RXFDQYLHZLVVXHVGDWLQJEDFNWR 6XEVFULSWLRQVIRU3DWKZD\V0DJD]LQHDUHDYDLODEOHIRU\HDUDQGGLUHFWPDLOHG2UGHU\RXUV WKURXJKRXUZHEVLWHZZZSDWKZD\VPDJD]LQHRQOLQHFRP Advertising In Pathways Pathways advertising opportunities are available through all of our outreach channels: our free TXDUWHUO\MRXUQDO3DWKZD\V0DJD]LQHGLVWULEXWHGLQSULQWDQGGLJLWDOO\RXUKRVWHGHYHQWVDQGRXU FRPSUHKHQVLYHZHEVLWHDQGJURZLQJVRFLDOPHGLDSUHVHQFH:HR̆ HUDGUDWHGLVFRXQWVZLWKFXVWRP packages for Expo exhibitors, and provide design services for low one-time fees. For more informa- tion, upcoming deadlines and our editorial calendar, visit us online.
Magazine & Website, Design + Production Contributing Editors Cam MacQueen Kathy Jentz Contributing Writers Lisa Adams Helena Amos Patricia Bonnard Lauren Brennan Carol Burbank Jerry Chesnut Trish Hall Misty Kuceris Milton Mills, MD Jena Morrison Nikhita Prasanna Emily Ridout Jennie Sikes Lindsey Van Wagner Andee Zahorchak
Book Reviews Alyce Ortuzar On The Cover PSYCHEDELIC SNOWFLAKE By Carlos Lopez, Mr. Symmetrical Circulation 10K copies by Pathways Staff WINTER 22 Volume 47, Number 4 Published quarterly with the season change by ERIN DESABLA PATHWAYS PRODUCTIONS 7407 Aspen Ave. Takoma Park, MD 20912 www.pathwaysmagazineonline.com PH: 240-247-0393 (Mon. – Thurs. • 12 PM to 5 PM) ADVERTISING EMAIL: pathwaysads@gmail.com Ad Rates Available Online: www.pathwaysmagazineonline.com Deadline for Editorial and Advertising are 2/10, 5/10, 8/10 and 11/10. Publication is approximately four weeks after the deadlines. Please email all arti- cles as file attachments to the Editor at:
pathwaysarticles@gmail.com © 2022 Pathways Productions
6—PATHWAYS—Winter 22
Winter 2022 — What’s Inside
PATHWAYS PROFILE Project Knitwell: Knitting with a Purpose.............................................................................................9 By Lauren Brennan YOGA TODAY $VWUR<RJD By Emily Ridout TO YOUR HEALTH &RQQHFWLQJ'HHSO\ZLWK1DWXUH+HDOVWKH0LQG By Jerry Chesnut ACCESSING YOUR INTUITION The Shadow Self...................................................................................................................................15 By Jena Morrison ON THE PATH (QGRI/LIH'RXODV&DUHIRU&URVVLQJ2YHU By Jennie Sikes ASTROLOGICAL INSIGHTS :LQWHU4XDUWHU/LYLQJ5HVSRQVLEO\ By Misty Kuceris MIND-BODY-SPIRIT +RZWR6HW<RXU,QWHQWLRQDQG*HW:KDW<RX:DQW By Patricia Bonnard SEASONAL INSIGHTS )LQGLQJ7KDW3HUIHFW+ROLGD\6SDUNOH$)RROSURRI:D\WR6HOHFWWKH3HUIHFW&U\VWDO*LIW By Andee Zahorchak WASHINGTON GARDENER :LQWHU3ODQW3LFNV By Kathy Jentz CULTIVATING COMPASSION A Trip to The Slaughterhouse .............................................................................................................47 By Milton Mills, MD; Edited by Cam MacQueen ON THE PATH 7UDYHO:LWK=HQ0LQGIXO7LSV%HIRUH'XULQJDQG$IWHU<RXU7ULS By Lindsey Van Wagner PATHWAYS WINTER EXPO & ONLINE MARKETPLACE ~ SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2022 $Q,QYLWDWLRQ)URP<RXU3DWKZD\V7HDP Please join us for a NEW mind-body-spirit-eco holiday event that combines in-person shopping and a virtual marketplace with seasonal specials for the Pathways Community that will stay online until the New Year. Support local businesses by shopping small, not big-box. Our workshops feature topics intended to get us centered and ready to move forward. Overall, we hope you’ll spend your money and time with purpose and intention to keep resources in the communities where we live and work. $QGZHZDQWWRFORVHRXWWKLVLQWHQVH\HDUUHÀHFWLQJRQZKDWZHDOOQHHGWRUHVWDQGUHJHQHUDWHGXULQJWKHZLQ - ter quarter. This issue gives you food for thought, drinks for health and comfort, and resources to start fresh with new hobbies and habits in the New Year. We have immense gratitude for our Pathways Community and wish you DOOZHOOQHVVSURVSHULW\SHDFHDQGDEXQGDQWMR\LQ
Get in touch with Winter’s cycle using the Wheel of the Year — a solar-based agrarian model. On page 25.
Liquid Comfort: Local herbalists share recipes for their favorite herbal-infused winter beverage . On page 51.
ON THE COVER: PSYCHEDELIC SNOW- FLAKE, By Carlos Lopez - Mr. Symmetrical. Artist profile on page 73. MORE RESOURCES FOR CREATIVE LIVING • “Decisions, All the Time Decisions!”, by Rev. Trish Hall - pg 29 • Foods for the Face: Top 10 Eating Tips for Healthy Skin, by Helena Amos - pg 45 • There and Back Again: The Power of a Quilted Life, by Carol Burbank - pg 55 • Bet the Farm: The Dollars and Sense of Growing Food in America , By Frederick Kaufman; Waste and Want: A Social History of Trash , by Susan Strasser, book reviews by Alyce Ortuzar - pg 60 • Reuse is the New Recycle: Why Small Habits Make a Huge Impact, by Nikhita Prasanna - pg 63 • In Remembrance: Jamie Whitbread - pg 72 • Pathways Winter 2022 Expo & Online Marketplace Preliminary Program - pg 30 • Winter Events Calendar - pg 38
• Advertiser Index - pg 74
PATHWAYS—Winter 22—7
8—PATHWAYS—Winter 22
Project Knitwell: Knitting With a Purpose
ł Slowed onset of dementia ł 'LVWUDFWLRQIURPFKURQLFSDLQ
Whether waiting for a loved one in surgery or not knowing where your next meal will come from, living with the uncertainties of life can EHGL̇ FXOWIRUDOORIXV7KURXJKRXWWKHSDQGHPLFZHKDYHDOOIDFHG unprecedented levels of uncertainty and stress. We are now at a point of transition when we need coping mechanisms to help us feel calm DQGWR¿QGDVHQVHRISXUSRVH7KLVLVZKHUHWKHFRPIRUWRINQLWWLQJ can be a powerful tool. At Project Knitwell (PK), our mission is to provide opportunities for those facing stressful situations to learn to knit and build resil- LHQFHDWWKHVDPHWLPH5HVLOLHQFHLVW\SLFDOO\GH¿QHGDVWKHFDSDFLW\ WRUHFRYHUIURPGL̇ FXOWOLIHHYHQWV:KHQZHWHDFKWKRVHIDFLQJVWUHVV - ful challenges how to knit, we create more community and comfort ZLWKHDFKUK\WKPLFVWLWFK+HOSLQJSHRSOHH[SHULHQFLQJKDUGVKLSVE\ providing knitting instruction and shared community opportunities promotes wellness and resilience. We form a supportive connection ZLWKWKHSHUVRQZKRLVOHDUQLQJWRNQLWZLWKXV,QWKDWPRPHQWRI calm while knitting together, the person is able to shift away from the stress and focus on something new. (VWDEOLVKHGDVD F QRQSUR¿WLQ3URMHFW.QLWZHOODLPV WREULQJWKHMR\RINQLWWLQJWRSHRSOHIDFLQJGL̇ FXOWVLWXDWLRQV,WZDV started by a mother as a result of her experience caring for her hos- SLWDOL]HGLQIDQWGDXJKWHU:KLOHVSHQGLQJFRXQWOHVVKRXUVLQWKHKRV - SLWDO&DUROUHFDOOVKRZVORZO\WLPHSDVVHGDQGKHUGL̇ FXOW\FRQFHQ - trating. Knitting provided a welcome distraction from the immediate worries of her daughter’s hospital stay. Not only could she keep her mind and hands occupied, the end result was something of beauty replacing the darkness and loneliness that otherwise permeated the KRVSLWDO URRP (YHU\ GD\ KXQGUHGV RI SDUHQWV MXVW OLNH &DURO ¿QG themselves waiting and worrying in hospitals across the country. Car- ol founded Project Knitwell in hopes that patients and family mem- EHUVZRXOGJDLQWKHVDPHEHQH¿WVIURPNQLWWLQJWKDWVKHIRXQG 3URMHFW .QLWZHOO LV QRZ D UHFRJQL]HG OHDGHU LQ WKHUDSHXWLF NQLW - WLQJ:HKDYHSDUWLFLSDWHGLQUHVHDUFKRQWKHEHQH¿WVRINQLWWLQJIRU oncology nurses and been featured in The Washington Post, 86 News , Vogue Knitting Magazine DQGRWKHUSXEOLFDWLRQV,QFRQMXQF - WLRQZLWK/LRQ%UDQG<DUQ&RPSDQ\ZHSXEOLVKHG The Comfort of Knitting LQ ZKLFK HPSKDVL]HV KRZ NQLWWLQJ FDQ EH XVHG DV D wellness tool. A cornerstone of mental health for many people is creating with our hands, giving our brain the stimulation it needs, while also smoothing out the jagged hard parts of our day. A new hobby like knitting can ig- QLWHDVSDUNRIMR\,WFDQEHVRPHWKLQJZHWXUQWRIRUFRPIRUWGXULQJ DQDJRQL]LQJZDLWRUDVSDUWRIDGDLO\URXWLQHWRVLPSO\UHFDOLEUDWHDW the end of a long day. PK volunteers routinely witness true resilience when working with hundreds of hospital patients, family caregivers, doctors, nurses, teachers, teens facing mental health challenges, homeless individu- DOV UHIXJHHV YHWHUDQV DQG RWKHUV OHDUQLQJ WKH ZHOOQHVV EHQH¿WV RI NQLWWLQJ)RUWKHVHGLYHUVHJURXSVNQLWWLQJSURYLGHVWKHVHOIḢ FDF\ patience, and perseverance needed to overcome their hardships. More Than a Hobby — Why Knitting Is Good For You Knitting is an excellent activity to support your mental health and \RXUORQJWHUPZHOOEHLQJ$FFRUGLQJWR0HQWDO+HDOWK$PHULFD VRPHRIWKHEHQH¿WVRINQLWWLQJLQFOXGH
With just a set of needles and a ball of yarn, knitting is a portable craft that can provide an uncanny calm and deep sense of relaxation OHDGLQJWRLPSURYHPHQWVLQRYHUDOOZHOOEHLQJ7KH:RUOG+HDOWK2U - JDQL]DWLRQ KDV GH¿QHG ZHOOEHLQJ DV ³DQ DELOLW\ WR UHDOL]H SHUVRQDO potential, cope with daily stresses, and contribute productively to so- FLHW\´5HVHDUFKVKRZVWKDWURXWLQHO\WU\LQJQHZWKLQJVFDQVWLPXODWH new neural pathways as we stretch our senses. One recent study that included some knitters found that any amount of increased time spent doing a craft was associated with improvements in life satisfaction, while spending more than a half hour per day watching TV or similar PHGLDZDVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKLQFUHDVHVLQGHSUHVVLYHV\PSWRPV KWWSV SV\DU[LYFRPQZM Furthermore, PK participated in a research study conducted at 0HG6WDU *HRUJHWRZQ 8QLYHUVLW\ +RVSLWDO WKDW GHPRQVWUDWHG KRZ providing knitting opportunities helped oncology nurses manage VWUHVVRUVRQWKHLUVKLIWDQGFRPEDWFRPSDVVLRQIDWLJXH,IWKHVHQXUV - es felt like they were running on empty, we helped them use knitting DVDZD\WRUHFKDUJHUH¿OODQGUHMXYHQDWH3XEOLVKHGLQWKH)HEUXDU\ LVVXHRI Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing ³7KH,PSDFWRI D.QLWWLQJ,QWHUYHQWLRQRQ&RPSDVVLRQ)DWLJXHLQ2QFRORJ\1XUVHV´ the pilot study showed preventing the emotional exhaustion that can cause compassion fatigue is critical to lowering nurse turnover rates and improving the overall quality of healthcare. Nurses must focus on self care, just as they provide quality care for their patients. One well- ness tool we hope they will turn to is knitting. 3URMHFW.QLWZHOOORRNVIRUZDUGWRH[WHQGLQJVFLHQWL¿FUHVHDUFKUH - ODWHGWRWKHEHQH¿WVRINQLWWLQJDQGZHOOEHLQJ6HHNLQJZD\VWRHQ - JDJHRXWVLGHRI\RXUQRUPDOFRPIRUW]RQHRUWKHGHVLUHWRKDYHQHZ H[SHULHQFHV LV UHIHUUHG WR DV QHRSKLOLD ,W LV D SUHGLFWRU RI ORQJHYLW\
continued on page 64
ł Lowered blood pressure ł 5HGXFHGGHSUHVVLRQDQGDQ[LHW\
PATHWAYS—Winter 22—9
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10—PATHWAYS—Winter 22
AstroYoga 101
those experiences you most want to create in this life. Chakra: 0DQLSXUD6RODU3OH[XV&KDNUD
7KH 0DQLSXUD FKDNUD LV D VSDFH RI SHUVRQDO HPSRZHUPHQW DQG DFWLYDWLRQ,WFRQQHFWV\RXWRWKHVRXUFHRISHUVRQDOSRZHUDQGPR - tivation while helping you conserve and direct your energy with pre- cision. Body Association: +HDG%UDLQDQG9LVLRQ Planetary Ruler: 0DUV 0DUVLVWKHSODQHWRISK\VLFDOPRYHPHQWDQGWKHPRWLYDWLRQ\RX KDYHWRSXUVXH\RXUGHVLUHV0DUVVXSSRUWV$ULHVLQWDNLQJDFWLRQVWR create outcomes in line with your personal vision for life. Suggested Yoga Pose: Sasangasana, rabbit pose Taurus 7DXUXVLVWKHVLJQRILQQHUKHDULQJDQGEHDXW\$VWKH¿[HGVLJQRI earth, it helps sustain and gather abundance and love for yourself and others. Chakra: $QDKDWD+HDUW&KDNUD The Anahata chakra is a space of connection to your- VHOIDQGWKHKHDUWVRIRWKHUEHLQJV,WFRQQHFWV\RXWRWKH force of love and is both generous and protective. Body Association: Jaw and Throat Planetary Ruler: Venus Venus is the planet of beauty, abundance, and what is desirable in life. Venus supports Taurus in sustaining and coalescing what is most desirable for a rich personal experience of life. Suggested Yoga Pose: +DODVDQDSORZSRVH Gemini *HPLQL LV WKH VLJQ RI OHDUQLQJ DQG XQGHUVWDQGLQJ various perspectives. As the mutable sign of air, it helps circulate mental activity so you can understand others while forming your own opinions. Chakra: Vishuddha, Throat Chakra The Vishuddha chakra is a space of learning to both listen and use \RXU RZQ YRLFH ,W FRQQHFWV \RX WR WKH VRXUFH RI SHUVRQDO GLVFHUQ - ment while helping you know and speak your truth. Body Association: 6KRXOGHUV$UPV+DQGVDQG/XQJV Planetary Ruler: 0HUFXU\ 0HUFXU\ LV WKH SODQHW RI WKRXJKW DQG FRPPXQLFDWLRQ 0HUFXU\ VXSSRUWV*HPLQLLQWKHWKRXJKWIXOLQWHUSUHWDWLRQDQGFRPPXQLFD - tion of experiences in life. Suggested Yoga Pose: *DUXGDVDQDHDJOHSRVH Cancer Cancer is the sign of nurture and deep caring. As the cardinal sign of water, it helps direct imagination and love to build and create a sense of home and family in all the circumstances of life. Chakra: Ajna, Third Eye Chakra The Ajna chakra is a space connecting your personal experience to PRUHXQLYHUVDOOHYHOVRIFRQVFLRXVQHVV,WVKRZV\RXKRZWRGHYHORS your spiritual practices so you always feel connected to the intelli- gence inherent in nature. Body Association: Chest and Stomach Planetary Ruler: 0RRQ 7KH0RRQLVWKHOXPLQDU\DVVRFLDWHGZLWKHPRWLRQLPDJLQDWLRQ DQGPDQLIHVWDWLRQ7KH0RRQVXSSRUWV&DQFHULQWKHDELOLW\WRQXU -
+DYH\RXHYHUSUDFWLFHGDVXQVDOXWHLQ<RJDRURYHUKHDUGDFRQ - versation after Yoga class about what phase the moon is in? Astrology DQG<RJDDUHFRQQHFWHG0DQ\SHRSOHLQWXLWWKLVIDFWEXWIHZPRG - HUQSUDFWLWLRQHUVUHDOL]HWKDWDVWURORJ\DQG<RJDKDYHEHHQOLQNHGIRU thousands of years, and that the AstroYoga connection is much deeper than you might suspect. Like Yoga, astrology is a practice to facilitate exploring the layers of your own consciousness. Through observation and meticulous prac- tice, the Yoga-astrologers of the past understood how astrology relates to the body. These sages saw how the timing of planetary movements had certain correlations in the physical and subtle body. Today, modern understanding of the body has corroborated some of these AstroYoga correlations, with observations such as the in- crease in melatonin related to solar cycles, the cycles of menstruation correlating to the moon, and the aging pro- cess occurring predictably with the timing of Saturn. Yet, many of the subtle-body correlations with AstroYoga are still being explored, because modern science has yet to fully understand every mechanism within the body.
How Does AstroYoga Work? (VVHQWLDOO\ \RXU ELUWK FKDUW LV D PDS RI \RXU OLIH ,W VKRZV\RXZKDWHQHUJHWLFSDWKVWRIROORZWR¿QGVXFFHVV and a purposeful life, as well as how to solve the various challenges that arise. The wonderful thing is, your chart helps you do these things by aligning harmonically with who you truly are. This is where AstroYoga shines: by practicing Yoga appropriate for your astrology chart and what you’d like to have happen in life, you can create the life you want by shifting from the inside-out. Our lives are made up of passages of time. From days to seasons to years, aspects of our lives shift and change,
while some vital parts of our personalities remain intact. Your As- WUR<RJDSUDFWLFHVKRXOGUHÀHFWWKLV²DOZD\VVHOHFWLQJSUDFWLFHVWKDW support who you really are, while taking into account the desires and challenges in various seasons of life. Practicing AstroYoga invites you to step into alignment with your innermost self, as well as with the cycles of time and nature. AstroYoga is the practice where the present moment meets your individual soul. AstroYoga Basics Are you curious about AstroYoga but not sure how to get started? 5HDGRQIRUVRPH$VWUR<RJDEDVLFV You’ll want to begin with the knowledge you already have about your own chart. Consider your sun sign; and if you know other pieces of your chart, like your moon sign or rising sign, consider those as well. A great place to start is by integrating your sun sign or rising sign, since these align you with key aspects of who you are. +HUH¶V D SURWLS IRUJHW ZKDW SRS FXOWXUH VD\V DERXW WKH YDULRXV signs and instead look into their essence to discover their true rele- vance in your life. Following is a brief description of each sign’s energy to help you get started. Aries Aries is the sign of reason and turning your face into the light. As WKHFDUGLQDOVLJQRI¿UHLWKHOSVGLUHFWWKHVSDUNRIOLIHZLWKLQWRZDUG
continued on page 66
PATHWAYS—Winter 22—11
12—PATHWAYS—Winter 22
Connecting Deeply With Nature Heals the Mind
ed with stress), lower pulse rate, lower blood pressure, greater para- sympathetic nerve activity, and lower sympathetic nerve activity than do city environments.” And what about spending time with animals? -RXUQDOLVW $OLQD %UDGIRUG ZULWLQJ LQ WKH 2FWREHU1RYHPEHU LV - sue of 7KH(DUWK , , states that “interacting with animals has been found to release chemicals in the brain, such as oxytocin, that can lead to stress and pain relief, happiness, relaxation, and other welcomed mental states.” How Much Time in Nature is Needed? You certainly don’t need to be a scientist to appreciate time spent in nature. The 19 th FHQWXU\$PHULFDQQDWXUDOLVW-RKQ0XLUZURWHWKDW ³QDWXUH¶V SHDFH ZLOO ÀRZ LQWR \RX DV VXQVKLQH ÀRZV LQWR WUHHV 7KH winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their en- ergy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.” 6R KRZ PXFK WLPH GR DGXOWV QHHG WR VSHQG LQ QDWXUH WR UHDOL]H VXFKEHQH¿WV"$FFRUGLQJWR3URI/DV]OR³MXVW¿YHKRXUVSHUPRQWK LVVẊ FLHQWWRLPSURYHPRRGYLWDOLW\DQGIHHOLQJVRIUHOD[DWLRQ Wil- OLDPV 0RUHRYHUWLPHLQQDWXUHFDQEHVSHQWLQDFLW\SDUNDV
'XHLQSDUWWRWKHVRFLRHFRQRPLFLPSDFWVRIWKH&29,'SDQ - demic, mental health issues have been thrust into the media spotlight — perhaps as never before. Surging drug overdoses, crime, suicide, YLROHQFHDOFRKROLVPLQFLYLOLW\SROLWLFDOSRODUL]DWLRQDQGRWKHUVLJQV of mental imbalance are rampant in many parts of the globe. ,QWKHPHDQWLPHVFLHQFHFRQWLQXHVWRREVHUYHWKHPLQGIURPGHHS - er and broader perspectives, tying its performance and existence to HQHUJ\ ¿HOGV HSLJHQHWLFV WKH TXDQWXP ¿HOG FRQVFLRXVQHVV DZDUH - QHVVDQGHYHQWKHTXHVWLRQRI³:KDWLVWKHPLQGDQ\ZD\"´'RRXU thoughts come from our brain, or does our brain simply access tran- VFHQGHQWVRXUFH V "$UHWKRXJKWVDWUXHUHÀHFWLRQRIWKH0LQG" ,Q WKH PLGVW RI VR PDQ\ KXPDQFDXVHG VWUHVVRUV WKH QDWXUDO ZRUOG WRR LV VX̆ HULQJ 1RW RQO\ KDYH PHQWDO LPEDODQFHV ² JUHHG VHO¿VKQHVV HWF ² QHJDWLYHO\LPSDFWHG QDWXUH EXW SHRSOH KDYH ORVW sight of what nature means to them in a most fundamental and pro- found sense. :KDWLVWKHUHVXOWRIWKLVORVV"/LVD0LOOHU3URIRI3V\FKRORJ\DW &ROXPELD8QLYHUVLW\ says “we live in a situation where humans must be very scary to other living creatures.” Spending Time in Nature — A Review $VZHNQRZKXPDQVEHQH¿WIURPWKHPDWHULDOUHVRXUFHVWKDWQD - ture provides, but time spent in nature can also help resolve human PHQWDOD̈ LFWLRQV2QWRSRIWKDWWKHPRUHWLPHZHOOVSHQWLQQDWXUH WKHJUHDWHUWKHEHQH¿WV for both parties . This is something that nearly everyone knows to some degree. %XWXQGHUVWDQGLQJWKH³ZK\´FRXOGFRQWULEXWHWRDOLIWLQKXPDQFRQ - sciousness that leads to environmental restoration, something the world so badly needs. %HIRUHJHWWLQJLQWRWKH³ZK\´LWLVLPSRUWDQWWRUHYLHZZKDWQDWXUH can do for humanity’s mental states, which profoundly overlap phys- LFDOFRQGLWLRQVDVZHOO7KHEHQH¿WVDUHVRQXPHURXVDVWRUDLVHWKH question, “What does quality time in nature NOT do for humans?” According to a presentation E\3URI&KULV/DV]ORDWWKH7KLUG,QWHU - QDWLRQDO&RQIHUHQFHRQ6FLHQFHDQG*RGWKHEHQH¿WVRI³FRQQHFWLQJ to nature” include: “overall health improvement; stress relief; reduced negative emotions, such as GHFUHDVHGIHDUDQGDQJHUHQKDQFHGSRVLWLYHH̆ HFWVLPSURYHPHQWVLQPRRG and increased subjective well-being; feelings of joy and happiness; a sense of reconnection with self; kinship ties in teams; a heightened sense of communi- ty, kinship, egalitarianism, and belongingness, along with increased empathy ( )ORUHQFH ); a stronger sense of place; and improved cognitive abilities, LQFOXGLQJFUHDWLYLW\FRJQLWLYHÀRZDQGPHQWDOSHUIRUPDQFHLQSUREOHPVROY - ing.” $QG WKDW¶V MXVW IRU VWDUWHUV EHFDXVH WKHUH DUH VR PDQ\ GL̆ HUHQW ways of being in nature. For instance, just the act of walking “releases hormones, such as dopamine, serotonin, estrogen, and testosterone, that make a person feel better physically, mentally and emotionally,” writes 'U3DUDPLWD0DQGDODVVLVWDQWSURIHVVRUDW,QGLD¶V8QLYHUVLW\ RI%XUGZDQRQWKHWKHUDSHXWLFH̆ HFWVRIDPRUQLQJZDON Another way of being in nature involves time spent in forests where, according to SV\FKRWKHUDSLVW 'U <DVXKLUR .RWHUD WDOO WUHHV FDQLPSDUWDVHQVHRIDZH³DQH̆ HFWDVVRFLDWHGZLWKYDULRXVSURVRFLDO behaviors, such as generosity and compassion.” Awe also helps one “transcend frame of reference,” says Kotera, citing 3L̆ HWDO . Kotera, citing an additional study, concludes: “Forest environ- ments promote lower concentrations of cortisol (a hormone associat-
easily as in a forest, beach, mountain, desert, or grassy plain.” +HDOVRVWUHVVHVWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIFKLOGUHQVSHQGLQJWLPHLQQD - WXUHFLWLQJDVXUYH\E\7KH1DWLRQDO7UXVWLQWKH8QLWHG.LQJ - GRPWKDWIRXQG³DOPRVWRISUHVFKRROHUVODFNHGUHJXODURXWGRRU play sessions while older children, aged ten to sixteen, spent only thir- teen minutes a day on vigorous outdoor activity.” Our Connection with Nature is Profound So, why have people — who came out of nature and have known LWVEHQH¿WVIRUPLOOHQQLD²FRPHWRDSODFHZKHUHWKH\DV3URI0LOOHU states, are “scary” to nature? What is it about the human-nature con- nection that is missing? What don’t we “get” about that connection? The answer has to do with how people and nature are connected. As science advances into a postmaterialist era — studying such WKLQJVDVWKHTXDQWXP¿HOG²WKDWFRQQHFWLRQLVFRPLQJPRUHLQWRIR - cus. What it promises could change how we relate to the environment. $FFRUGLQJWR3URI/D]VOR³TXDQWXPSK\VLFVLQSDUWLFXODULVJLYLQJ ULVHWRDQHZLGHDWKDWLQIDFWDWWKHPRVWLQ¿QLWHVLPDOOHYHORIWKHXQL - YHUVHWKHUHLVDFRQQHFWHGDQGFRKHUHQWXQL¿HG¿HOGD¿HOGRIHQHUJ\ and information that connects everything.” ,QVWHDGRIWKLQNLQJRIVSDFHDVDYDFXXPKHVD\VLWVKRXOGEHVHHQ DVD³SOHQXP´RUIXOOUHSOHWHZLWK³¿HOGVRIHQHUJ\YLEUDWLRQDO¿HOGV of energy [that] connect everything, not just metaphorically — but ac- tually.” Famous experiments such as the double-slit experiment, as well DV%HOO¶VWKHRUHPH[SHULPHQWVKRZWKLVSHUYDVLYHFRQQHFWLRQRU³HQ -
continued on page 54
PATHWAYS—Winter 22—13
Takoma Metaphysical Chapel
A Spiritual Community That Supports Your Individual Development
Our Mailing Address Is: ȏȗȎȏ/NVCDQ,HKK1N@C 2HKUDQ2OQHMF ,#ȐȎȗȎȑ
14—PATHWAYS—Winter 22
The Shadow Self
VSLULWXDOO\,WD̆ HFWV\RXUUHODWLRQVKLSZLWK\RXUVHOIDVZHOODVRWKHUV The struggle to know and work with your shadow self, your Whole Self, reminds me of the Native American story of the Two Wolves. One evening, an elderly Cherokee brave told his grandson about a EDWWOHWKDWJRHVRQLQVLGHRIDOOSHRSOH +HVDLG³0\VRQWKHEDWWOHLVEHWZHHQWZRµZROYHV¶LQVLGHXVDOO 2QHLVPDOLFLRXV,WLVDQJHUHQY\MHDORXV\VRUURZUHJUHWJUHHG arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, VXSHULRULW\DQGHJR7KHRWKHULVYLUWXRXV,WLVMR\SHDFHORYHKRSH serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, WUXWKFRPSDVVLRQDQGIDLWK´ The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his JUDQGIDWKHU³:KLFKZROIZLQV"´ 7KHROG&KHURNHHUHSOLHG³,I,RQO\IHHGRQHWKHUHLVDSRZHULP - EDODQFH2QHZLOOEHFRPHKXQJU\LQUDJHDQGXVHLWVSRZHUWRGHIHDW WKHRWKHUZKHQLWLVQ¶WDZDUH7KHEDWWOHZLOOFRQWLQXHDQGQRSHDFH ZLOOFRPH,I,IHHGWKHPERWKULJKWWKH\ZLOOZRUNWRJHWKHU7KHZROI of rage and arrogance, if fed with proper food, becomes the wolf of FRXUDJHDQGVWUHQJWK<RXVHHWKHWZRZROYHVQHHGHDFKRWKHU)HHG - ing only one and starving the other will eventually make both uncon- WUROODEOH)HHGWKHPERWKDQG\RXZLOOTXLHWWKHLULQWHUQDOVWUXJJOH for your attention, and, when there is no battle inside, you can then hear the voices of deeper knowledge that will guide you in choosing WKHULJKWSDWKLQHYHU\FLUFXPVWDQFH 5HDGRQWR¿QGRXWKRZWRLGHQWLI\\RXUGDUNHUVLGHDQGOHDUQKRZ to live in balance with your shadow.
'XDOLVWLF WKLQNLQJ RI JRRG DQG HYLO DUH SUREOHPDWLF 7KH WUXWK LV we all contain both good and evil, and much of what’s inside of us isn’t easy to neatly label. What is important for us on our Spiritual Journey is to get to know ourselves, honestly and with compassion. That is where shadow work — a tool for dealing with our less attractive human tendencies — comes in. 0XFKKDVEHHQZULWWHQDERXWWKH7UXH6HOI²RXUGLYLQHVHOIRIXQ - conditional love — and the False Self — the ego. Less understood is the Shadow Self. We all have personality traits or tendencies we hide from others, are embarrassed by, or even are ashamed of, and tuck away as a re- VXOW8QGHUVWDQGLQJKRZ\RXU³GDUNVLGH´RSHUDWHVFDQKHOS\RXKDYH a better relationship with yourself and with others. Once you examine DQGPDNHSHDFHZLWKWKLVVLGHRI\RXUVHOI\RXPDNHURRPIRULQ¿QLWH growth. 7KHODWH$UFKELVKRS'HVPRQG7XWXZURWHLQ 7KH%RRNRI)RUJLY - LQJ7KH)RXUIROG3DWKIRU+HDOLQJ2XUVHOYHVDQG2XU:RUOG : $KXPDQOLIHLVDJUHDWPL[WXUHRIJRRGQHVVEHDXW\FUXHOW\ KHDUWEUHDNLQGL̆ HUHQFHORYHDQGVRPXFKPRUH:HZDQWWR divide the good from the bad, the saints from the sinners, but we FDQQRW$OORIXVVKDUHWKHFRUHTXDOLWLHVRIRXUKXPDQQDWXUH DQGVRVRPHWLPHVZHDUHJHQHURXVDQGVRPHWLPHVVHO¿VK6RPH - times we are thoughtful and other times thoughtless, sometimes ZHDUHNLQGDQGVRPHWLPHVFUXHO7KLVLVQRWDEHOLHI7KLVLVD IDFW 7KHVKDGRZVHOIKROGV\RXUSUHMXGLFHVVHO¿VKQHVVLPSXOVHVHQY\ JUHHGDQGRWKHUXQSOHDVDQWWUDLWV,W¶VFRPPRQIRUSHRSOHWRUHSUHVV WKHLU VKDGRZ VHOI EH XQDZDUH RI LW RU HYHQ GHQ\ LW DOWRJHWKHU %XW ignoring your shadow self is detrimental to living a healthy and peace- ¿OOHGOLIH<RXUVSLULWXDOMRXUQH\PXVWLQFOXGHVKDGRZZRUN Origins of the Shadow Self The concept of a shadow self comes from psychology. Psychi- atrist Carl Jung, whose work focused on the unconscious human psyche, wrote about the idea LQWKHV+HEHOLHYHGWKDWRXUXQ - FRQVFLRXVLVPDGHXSRIGL̆ HUHQWOD\HUVRIRXUVHOYHVZKDWKHFDOOHG archetypes — XQLYHUVDOO\UHFRJQL]HGV\PEROVWKHPHVRUSDWWHUQV that are used as models or examples. These include the persona, the self, anima or animus, and the shadow self. Jung believed people have a shadow self to contrast their “light side,” or the side they present to the public. The shadow self refers to all of the wounded habits we have de- veloped since childhood — to feel loved and to be “seen” and accepted in our environments — that we are often unaware of. You can usually LGHQWLI\SLHFHVRI\RXUVKDGRZE\ORRNLQJDWWKHWKLQJV\RX¿QGXQDW - tractive or unpleasant about others. Your shadow self can harbor everything from intense embarrass- ment to bitter sadness to profound rage. Shadow work is the emotion- al, intellectual and spiritual work you do to get to know your whole self in all its messy glory. For many people, doing shadow work means ex- cavating our psyches to bring the parts of ourselves we’ve been hiding — even from ourselves — from the unconscious or repressed realms to the conscious. Working with your shadow self involves being gentle with it. Your VKDGRZ VLGH LV QRW ³EDG´ ,W LV QRW D YLOODLQ WR EH FRQTXHUHG ,W LV D VFDUHGDQJU\KXUWSDUWRI\RX0DQ\ZRXQGVOLYHZLWKLQ\RXUVKDGRZ self. Once you begin the process of understanding all parts of yourself, you begin to have more compassion for yourself and others, know- ing they, too, are often acting and reacting from their own shadows. Talking to yourself as if you were dealing with a very young child usu- ally helps to approach yourself with tenderness and compassion. ,JQRULQJ\RXUVKDGRZVHOIDQGUHIXVLQJWRGRWKHZRUNQHFHVVDU\WR uncover and befriend it only leads to sadness and the inability to grow
Photo 96014756 © Lightfieldstudiosprod | Dreamstime.com
What is Shadow Work? ,Q VKDGRZ ZRUN ZH KDYH WR VWDUW ZLWK VHOIDZDUHQHVV WR XQGHU - stand which parts of us are our authentic selves and which are habits we’ve developed to protect the true self from harm. To do this, you need to pay attention to what you do and what your true motives are EHKLQG\RXUDFWLRQV3D\DWWHQWLRQWRKRZ\RXVSHDNWRGL̆ HUHQWSHR - ple, how you speak to yourself in your head, and how your body reacts LQGL̆ HUHQWVLWXDWLRQV1RWLFHWKLQJVWKDWERWKHU\RXDERXWRWKHUSHR - SOHWKLQJVWKDWPDNH\RXUEORRGVWDUWWRERLO'RWKLVREVHUYDWLRQZLWK as little judgment as possible. Again, we are not trying to erase or get rid of our shadow self. The JRDOLVWRUHFRJQL]HLWHPEUDFHLWDQGKHDOLWVRLWHQKDQFHV\RXDQG allows you to respond with clarity and compassion in life’s situations. Think self-awareness and self-acceptance.
continued on page 68
PATHWAYS—Winter 22—15
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16—PATHWAYS—Winter 22
End-of-Life Doulas: Care for Crossing Over ON THE PATH
waves of grief, sorrow, pain, guilt, anger, and nostalgia happen all at once… “regular life” is no longer real. The grieving becomes real, and LWHEEVDQGÀRZVZLWKQRVWHSE\VWHSIRUPXOD Just as birth has an impact on our loved ones, death also has an im- SDFWRQRXUORYHGRQHVLQFOXGLQJWKHRQHLQKLVKHU¿QDOVWDJHV$QG while in birth we woo and swoon, smelling and touching the precious little bundle of joy that enters this world, and care for the mother to ensure her rest and recuperation in this beautiful milestone of life, we steer clear of the same when it comes to the elderly and the dying. /HW¶VGHOYHGHHSHU&RQVLGHUWKHKXPDQDWKLVKHUHQGRIOLIHZKR may be overwhelmed at the thought of leaving this earth. Consider also the loved ones that surround him, but they may be exhausted with OLWWOHRUQRKHOSZKHQFDULQJIRUWKHLUOLIHOLPLWLQJORYHGRQH+RZFDQ you manage all those raw emotions in place while the human is still alive when they are not openly discussed, or are being tip-toed around OHDGLQJXSWRWKH¿QDOGD\V":KHUHLVWKHFUHDWLRQRIDVDFUHGVSDFH ¿OOHGZLWKVRRWKLQJVRXQGVFDOPOLJKWLQJDQGWKHORYHEURXJKWE\YLV - itors; yet also allows for the near-death human her respective time to rest, to get acquainted with the other side, to reconnect with loved ones who have since passed but are arriving to help navigate the pass- ing energetically? Where is the encouragement to the loved ones that it is ok to release any emotional chords that are keeping the end stages patient holding on? Where is the respite care of the primary caregivers NHHSLQJYLJLOKRXUVDGD\ZLWKOLWWOHWRQRKHOS":KHUHLVWKHFRQ - versation about the upcoming transition to ease the day-to-day where possible? Naturally, there are variables in all lives, all situations, all scenar- ios. Not everyone has the luxury of caring directly for their parents, grandparents or other loved ones. Not everyone has the compassion RUWKH¿QDQFLDOVWDELOLW\RUWKHWLPHWRGRWKLV)XUWKHUPRUHLQWRGD\¶V society, there aren’t enough formally trained caregivers to go around. +RVSLFH FDUH LV DPD]LQJ KRZHYHU WKH GHPDQG RIWHQ RXWVWULSV WKH DYDLODEOHQXUVLQJVWD̆ VXSSO\OHDYLQJOLWWOHURRPIRUWKHUHVSLWHFDUH of the primary caregivers, much less that of simply being, sitting and sharing space with the patient. 7KLVLVZKHUHDQ(QGRI/LIH'RXODFRPHVLQDVDVROXWLRQDYDLODEOH WRIDPLOLHVZKRVHORYHGRQHVDUHQHDULQJWKHVH¿QDOVWDJHV$Q(QG RI/LIH'RXODWKHLUFDUHWHDPDQGQHWZRUNFDQEHRILPPHQVHKHOS² sharing space, gracefully communicating, providing support, creating DVDFUHGVSDFHDQGR̆ HULQJKROLVWLFPRGDOLWLHVWRHDVHIHDUVSDLQDQG PRUH WKLQN5HLNLHQHUJ\FOHDQVLQJWDSSLQJ*XLGHG,PDJHU\+\S - nosis). All it takes is awareness that there is help available and many Empaths of this world naturally lead in this direction as a full-time job or simply to help their community. Data and Duties For An End-of-Life Doula $Q (QGRI/LIH 'RXOD LV DQ LQGLYLGXDO ZKR KHOSV SHRSOH QHDULQJ death prepare emotionally and spiritually, providing non-medical ho- OLVWLFKHOSWRWKH&OLHQWDQGWKHLUVXSSRUWV\VWHP LQFOXGLQJ5HVSLWH &DUH $V,1(/'$ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO(QGRI/LIH'RXOD$VVRFLDWLRQ FRP - PXQLFDWHVLW³,QRXUPRGHUQZHVWHUQZD\RIOLIHZLWKWKHGLVEXUVH - ment of families, multiple generations no longer living together, the over dependence on technology, and the bias embedded in our health- care system, people have lost touch with the naturalness of dying and how best to support people going through it. As a result, too many SHRSOHGLHLQIHDUDQGXQQHFHVVDU\VX̆ HULQJ´ 7KHPDLQWDVNRIDQ(QGRI/LIH'RXODLVWRR̆ HUHPRWLRQDOVXS - SRUW ,Q HYHU\ ZRUG WRXFK DSSURDFK DQG PHWKRG XVHG ZH EULQJ careful attention to the inner well-being of our clients. We believe in people. We honor life and the mysterious enigma of death. Our aim LV WR OLVWHQ GHHSO\ DQG SURYLGH SHUVRQDOL]HG QRQMXGJPHQWDO FDUH WR promote our clients’ growth and sense of agency. Some important facts for you to consider:
BY JENNIE SIKES :KHQKHDULQJWKHZRUG³'RXOD´ZKDWLPPHGLDWHO\FRPHVWRPLQG" 0RVWRIWHQD%LUWK'RXODRUD0LGZLIH%LUWK'RXODVKDYHVXSSRUWHG KXPDQNLQG VLQFH LWV FUHDWLRQ 7KH WHUP VSHFL¿FDOO\ FRPHV IURP WKH *UHHNZRUG GRXOŋ DQGWUDQVODWHVWR³IHPDOHKHOSHU´:KDWDQDPD]LQJ calling, to be a part of a mother and child’s journey and that of their loved ones, in this earth plane, providing physical, emotional and spir- itual support before, during and after. 7KHUHLVDQRWKHUW\SHRIOHVVHUNQRZQ'RXOD²DQ(QGRI/LIH'RX - ODRU'HDWK0LGZLIH%RWK%LUWK'RXODVDQG(QGRI/LIH'RXODVDUH VLPLODULQFDSDFLW\%RWKKDYHEHHQDURXQGVLQFHFUHDWLRQGRXODHYHQ being noted in biblical times. As one is providing comfort and care to the mother and their child in the days leading up to and moments RIDQGDIWHUELUWK(QGRI/LIH'RXODVDUHQRQPHGLFDOSURIHVVLRQDOV that provide the same level of care for the elderly or terminally ill as WKH\ SUHSDUH WR FURVV RYHU %LUWK LV JUHHWHG ZLWK SODQQLQJ FRPSDV - sion, kindness, emotions, and holistic ways of easing the pain with the WUDQVLWLRQLQWRWKLVOLIH'HDWKVKRXOGEHFDWHUHGWRLQWKLVVDPHZD\ however, this is not always the case.
The Discomfort of Death 'HDWK LV D WRSLF PRVW DUH KHVLWDQW WR GLVFXVV ,W LV VKLHOGHG DZD\ IURPRXUUHDOLWLHV'HDWKUHSUHVHQWVRXUYXOQHUDELOLW\DQGWDNHVDZD\ IURPWKH,Q¿QLW\FRPSOH[DORWRIKXPDQVKDYH'HDWKFDQEHVFDU\ intimidating, and painful, and is not something one really wants to sit and think about. ,Q $PHULFDQ FXOWXUH ZKHUH WKHUH LV WKLV IHDU VXUURXQGLQJ DJLQJ and death, it’s not as common to care for the elderly during their end stages, unlike in other cultures around the world. Chinese children FDUHIRUWKHLUSDUHQWVLQROGDJH,Q,QGLDHOGHUVDUHWKHKHDGRIWKH IDPLO\DQGVHQGLQJWKHPWRDQROGDJHKRPHKDVDVRFLDOVWLJPD,Q DQFLHQW5RPHHOGHUVZHUHDSUHFLRXVUHVRXUFH1DWLYH$PHULFDQHO - GHUVSDVVGRZQWKHLUNQRZOHGJHDQGDFFHSWGHDWKDVDIDFWRIOLIH,Q .RUHDHOGHUVDUHKLJKO\UHVSHFWHG,QWKH$IULFDQ$PHULFDQFRPPX - nity, death is seen as an opportunity to celebrate life; the same holds WUXHLQ0H[LFDQFXOWXUH 0RVWRIXVDUHQRWWDXJKW²QRWE\IDPLO\RUFRQWHPSRUDU\VRFLHW\ — how to embrace death or even how to grieve. When someone has SDVVHGWKH\VLPSO\KDYHSDVVHG:HVHQGÀRZHUVDQGFDUGVRIV\P - pathy and comfort via text, phone or in person; or we make a casse- role or order evening meals to be delivered to the grieving, but we still PRYH RQ ZLWK RXU UHVSHFWLYH OLYHV +RZHYHU IRU WKH JULHYLQJ ZKHQ their loved one’s passing becomes their complete present reality, the
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PATHWAYS—Winter 22—17
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