Elevate September 2016 | Air Serbia


The inflight magazine of Air Serbia



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Dragi gosti, Razvoj srpske privrede

Dear Guests, Growing the Serbian economy

Jedan od aspekata mog posla, koji mi donosi najveće zadovolj- stvo, jeste saznanje da naša avio-kompanija zaista pruža doprinos ra- zvoju Srbije. U savremenom svetu vazdušna povezanost je postala ključ kojim se otvara ekonomski potencijal i, kao nacionalna avio-kompanija, po- nosni smo na značajnu ulogu koju igramo. Oko 500 letova Er Srbije poleti i sleti u Beograd svake nedelje, sa nji- ma u našu prestonicu dolaze uzbuđeni turisti, investitori, članovi poro- dica i prijatelji. Naši gosti se onda voze taksijem, obeduju u restoranima kraj Du- nava i Save, koriste usluge hotela i tako dalje, što stvara pozitivan do- mino efekat za ekonomiju. S radošću sam u poslednjem izveštaju britanske konsultantske fir- me Oksford ekonomiks pročitao da će Er Srbija ove godine svojim do- prinosom podržati 100.000 radnih mesta i doneti jednu milijardu dola- ra nacionalnoj ekonomiji. U izveštaju se dalje navodi da ćemo u 2016. godini u Srbiju preve- sti oko 550.000 stranih posetilaca, što uključuje i goste koji dolaze ne- davno uvedenom linijom za Njujork, čime pružamo doprinos razvo- ju turizma. Ovi podaci me naročito raduju zato što verujem da je Srbija na određeni način još neotkriven dragulj, uz njen glavni grad pun duha i brojne druge atrakcije koje treba istražiti. Na primer, septembar je idealno doba da se upozna srpska tradi- cija vinarstva. U ovom mesecu se održavaju brojni festivali berbe grožđa u me- stima kao što su Sremski Karlovci, koji su poznati po slatkim desertnim vinima, kao i u Vršcu i Smederevu. O ovim festivalima možete više sa- znati u ovom izdanju našeg časopisa. Pričom o vinu se vraćamo na ekonomski doprinos Er Srbije. Pri- likom pripremanja jela koristimo visokokvalitetne, domaće sastojke i spajamo ih sa širokim izborom pića, koji sadrži i izvrsna srpska vina. Pružajući podršku domaćim dobavljačima, na još jedan način doprino- simo razvoju nacionalne ekonomije. Hvala što letite Er Srbijom i želim vam prijatan let. Do skorog vi- đenja na nekom od naših letova.

One of the things I find most satisfying about my job is knowing that our airline is making a real difference in Serbia. In the modern world, air connectivity has become key to unloc- king a country’s economic potential, and as the national airline, we’re proud of the central role that we play. Every week, roughly 500 Air Serbia flights land and take off in Belgrade, bringing excited tourists, investors and families and friends to the capital. Our guests then go on to catch taxis, dine out in restaurants by the Danube and the Sava, rent out hotel rooms and so on, creating a hugely positive domino effect for the economy. I was thrilled to read in a recent Oxford Economics report, produ- ced by a consultancy in the UK, that Air Serbia’s contribution will su- pport 100,000 jobs and contribute US$1 billion to the national eco- nomy this year. The study goes on to state that in 2016 we will carry approxima- tely 550,000 international visitors to Serbia, including many people on our recently-launched New York flights, supporting the growth of to- urism. This is especially great to read because I believe Serbia is in many ways an undiscovered jewel, with a vibrant capital and plenty of ot- her attractions to explore. September, for instance, is a great time to experience Serbia’s wi- ne-making tradition. There are numerous grape-picking festivals this month in towns such as Sremski Karlovci, which is famous for its sweet dessert wines, as well as the cities of Vršac and Smederevo. You can read more abo- ut these festivals in this issue of our inflight magazine. Talking about wines also brings me back to Air Serbia’s economic contribution. We use high-quality and locally-sourced ingredients in our meals and pair them with a wide selection of beverages, including fantastic Serbian wines. Supporting our domestic suppliers is yet another way in which we contribute to the national economy. Thanks again for flying with Air Serbia and I hope you have a ple- asant trip. See you onboard again soon.

Dane Kondić, Generalni direktor Er Srbije

Dane Kondić Chief Executive Officer Air Serbia

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The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Italija u fokusu / Italy in focus

Sadržaj / Inside Trenutak / Flash Kultura i moda / Culture & fashion

Selfi / Selfie 14

Poslužite se / Dine & Wine




Prag Koncert Red hot čili pepersa / Prague Red Hot Chili Peppers Concert Abu Dabi Zabavni park Vorner bros / Abu Dhabi Warner Bros theme park

Pola veka Bitefa / Half a century of Bitef

Probajte Dalmaciju / Taste Dalmatia




Pica bez perverzija / Pizza without perversion

Oktobar u Beogradu / October in Belgrade

Šta nosite sa sobom u avion? / What do you take onboard?




Milano Nedelja mode / Milan Fashion week Amsterdam Jedna pivnica, dve države / Amsterdam One tavern, two countries

Umetnost Ane Ljubinković / Art of Ana Ljubinković

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia



Na naslovnoj strani: Katedrala Duomo iz drugačijeg ugla On the cover page: Cathedral Duomo from a different angle


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The inflight magazine of Air Serbia


Priča sa Menhetna / A tale from Manhattan

Sadržaj / Inside Sport i avantura / Sports and adventure Putovanje / Travel

Vodič / Guide




Otvoreno prvenstvo Amerike u tenisu / US Open

Kolumna: Filip David / Column: Filip David

Najslađa strana Beograda

/ The sweetest side of Belgrade U slavu grožđa i vina / Glory of grapes and wine




Italija u 37 portreta / Italy in 37 portraits

La pista magika odlazi u legendu / La pista magica heads into legend


Intervju / Interview Branka Katić Branka Katić


Nevidio, poslednji osvojeni kanjon / Nevidio, the last conquered canyon

Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up 98 ― 121 Er Srbija će podržati 100.000 radnih mesta: Doprinos srpskoj privredi vredan milijardu dolara Air Serbia will support 100,000 jobs: Adding one billion dollars to the Serbian economy in 2016, Er Srbija: Dadilje na letu pravi hit Air Serbia: Sky Au Pair service proves a hit, Er Srbija i Montenegro erlajnz: Uspostavljena kod-šer saradnja Air Serbia and Montenegro Airlines: Codeshare partnership unveiled, Auxilia Srbija: Pomoć nema cenu Auxilia Serbia: Help has no price, Etihad ervejz: Luksuzni drimlajner leti za Šangaj Etihad Airlines: Luxurious Dreamliner services into Shanghai, Etihad ervejz: Novi let za Veneciju Etihad Airways: New flight to Venice, Džet ervejz: Najveci boing leti za Amsterdam Jet Airways: Largest Boeing goes to Amsterdam, Er Berlin: Biznis klasa za Evropu Air Berlin: Business Class on European services, Er Sejšels: Novi pozivni centar Air Seychelles: New call centre

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The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia ights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR-ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights Glavni i odgovorni urednik / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković Izvršni urednici / Executive Editors Jelena Pantović, Katarina Sretenović Direktor fotografije / Photo Director Slobodan Pikula Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Aleksandra Turner, Milan Jovičić, Jelena Mitar Mitrović, Goran Srdanov Foto agencije / Photo agencies Getty Images, Profimedia, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Goran Radulović, direktor prodaje za specijalne projekte / Sales Manager for special projects goran.radulovic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan, Đorđe Vukotić Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director Nalbantjan, Goran Ratković Fotografije / Photography Miloš Nadaždin, Nathalie Mourot, Vladislav Mitić, Zoran Lončarević, Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

Britanski umetnik Dejmijen Herst prvi put će ove jeseni izlagati u Srbiji, i to u Muzeju savremene umetnosti Vojvodine u Novom Sadu od 2. septembra do 14. oktobra. Domaća publika će konačno imati priliku da vidi dela jednog od najuticajnijih, najinovativnijih i najuspešnijih svetskih umetnika u okviru izložbe Nova religija . British artist Damien Hirst will exhibit in Serbia for the first time this autumn, at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina in Novi Sad from 2 nd September to 14 th October. The local public will finally have the opportunity to see the works of one of the most influential, most innovative and most successful artists, under the auspices of the exhibition “New Religion”.


U ovom broju / This issue’s contributors

Filip David je srpski pisac, dobitnik NIN-ove nagrade za roman Kuća

Dejan Stanković, srpska fudbalska legenda, prvi put piše o tome zašto Milano voli više od Rima, kako mu je bilo kad je prvi put spustio kofere na italijansko tlo i otkriva gde se jede najbolji sladoled na svetu. a Serbian football legend, writes for the first time about why he loves Milan more than Rome, about how it was for him when he first placed his suitcase on Italian soil, and he also reveals to us where the best ice cream in the world is eaten. Dejan Stanković ,

Davide Skalmani , direktor Italijanskog kulturnog centra u Beogradu, pokušava da otkrije delić magije italijanskog dizajna. Izdvojio je pet najomiljenijih proizvoda sa markicom made in Italy . Veruje da su upravo oni promenili svet dizajna. Davide Scalmani, director of the Italian Culture Centre in Belgrade, attempts to reveal a little piece of the magic of Italian design. He singled out the five favourite products with the label Made in Italy. He believes that they actually changed the world of design.

Slobodan Stefanović ,

prvak Pozorišta na Terazijama, pobedio je reku Komarnicu koja se gubi u utrobi Durmitora i postaje ljudskom oku nevidljiva. Spremite se za adrenalinski šok. Slobodan Stefanović , a star of Terazije Theatre, conquered the River Komarnica, which is lost in the bowels of Durmitor and becomes invisible to the human eye. Get ready for an adrenaline shock.

sećanja i zaborava . U ovom broju piše o putovanjima, o

njihovoj suštini, o svom uverenju da putovanja predstavljaju potragu za istinom, mirom, besmrtnošću… Filip David is a Serbian writer and a winner of the NIN Award for the novel “The House of Memory and Oblivion”. In this issue he writes about traveling, about its essence, about his belief that travel represents a quest for truth, peace, immortality...

Godina izlaženja / Anoo XLII Broj / Issue No. 273 Naslovna strana / Cover iStock

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Ručni prtljag / Cabin Baggage



pevačica, kompozitor / singer, composer ALEKSANDRA KOVAČ

Plastičnu kovertu sa dokumentima i mapom grada u koji idem. Ajped i slušalice. Volim da slušam mu- ziku i da gledam filmove dok sam u vazduhu. Relaksira me, a i vreme mi br- že prođe. Knjigu i časopise. Imam taj ritual da pre ulaska u avion pokupujem sve mo- guće magazine – od Voga do Tajma . Kremu za ruke i morsku vodu u spre- ju. Moja obaveza je da redovno hidri- ram glasne žice. „Tisserand Aromatherapy Roller Ball“ koji me opušta i širi predivan miris. UVEK NOSIM ISTE STVARI

Ona je kantautorka, kompo- zitorka primenjene muzike, ma- gistarka filmske kompozicije, dobitnica MTV nagrade… Tre- nutno priprema nov album na kome će se naći njene najlep- še pesme koje je komponova- la za muzičke zvezde u regionu. Osim toga, priprema prvu au- torsku modnu kolekciju. She is a singer-songwri- ter, composer of applied mu- sic, Master of film composition, a winner of MTV Awards... She is currently preparing a new al- bum that will include the most beautiful songs that she com- posed for the music stars of the region. Apart from that, she is also preparing her first fashion collection.


A plastic envelope with documents and a map of the city I am visiting An iPad and headp- hones. I love to listen to music and watch movies while I’m in the air. That relaxes me, and makes

the time pass quicker A book and magazines. I have this ritual of pic- king up all possible ma- gazines before boarding a plane – from “Vogue” to “Time” Hand cream and sal-

twater spray. I have a responsibility to re- gularly hydrate my vo- cal cords Tisserand Aromathera- py Roller Ball, which re- laxes me and spreads a wonderful scent

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Minhen Počinje Oktoberfest Svake godine Minhen poseti oko šest miliona ljudi tokom Oktoberfesta . Ovaj festival, star skoro dva veka, najveća je atrakcija Minhena. Tokom tih 16 dana pivopije iz celog sveta zabavljaju se na prostoru od 42 hektara. Uživaju u ogromnim pivnicama na otvorenom, a osim pića, gosti uživaju i u izobilju bavarske hrane, kobasica, kolenica… Naravno, i prelepe konobarice su atrakcija za sebe. Ove godine Oktoberfest počinje 17. septembra, a traje do 3. oktobra.

Munich Oktoberfest begins

Munich is visited each year by around six million people during Oktoberfest. This festival, which dates back almost two centuries, is the city’s biggest attraction. During those 16 days, beer drinkers from around the world enjoy themselves on an area of 42 hectares. They enjoy huge open-air beer halls and, in addition to drinking, guests also enjoy abundant Bavarian food, including sausages, pork knuckle etc. Of course, the beautiful waitresses are also an attraction in themselves. This year’s Oktoberfest starts on 17 th September and runs until 3 rd October.

Er Srbija leti svakog dana iz Beograda za Minhen Air Serbia flies daily from Belgrade to Munich

Prag Koncert Red hot čili pepersa Trešće se praška O2 arena

Prague Red Hot Chili Peppers Concert

Stockholm Get to know the city from its rooftops The capital of Sweden has become the only capital in Europe to offer tourists a tour of the city by walking over its roofs. The 90-minute tour, of course, includes the most famous buildings. Tourists first don protective gear before embarking on this adventure. They climb to a height of 43 metres, where they are offered magnificent views of eight of the 14 islands upon which Stockholm is located. Naturally, they are accompanied by a guide throughout. Prague’s “02 Arena” will shudder on 4 th September, when the Red Hot Chili Peppers will emerge on stage and perform another concert. The audience will enjoy their classic hits, while the popular American band will also perform new songs from their recently released album “The Getaway”. After the concert in Prague, the Peppers will move on with their latest tour – to Berlin, Oslo and Stockholm. These famous rockers have so far sold over 50 million albums worldwide, as well as being proclaimed the world’s best band several times.

Stokholm Upoznajte grad šetajući se po krovovima Glavni grad Švedske jedina je prestonica u Evropi koja turistima nudi obilazak grada šetnjom po krovovima. Naravno, u obzir dolaze najznamenitije zgrade, a šetnja traje 90 minuta. Turisti prvo navlače zaštitnu opremu, a onda počinje avantura. Penju se na 43 metra visine, odakle puca fantastičan pogled na osam od ukupno 14 ostrva na kojima leži Stokholm. Naravno, s njima je sve vreme vodič. 4. septembra. Red hot čili pepers izaći će na binu i prirediće publici još jedan koncert. Publika će uživati u njihovim hitovima, ali sviraće se i nove pesme sa njihovog nedavno objavljenog albuma Getavej . Nakon koncerta u Pragu Pepersi idu dalje – Berlin, Oslo i Stokholm. Poznati rokeri do danas su prodali više od 50 miliona albuma širom sveta i nekoliko puta su bili proglašavani za najbolji svetski bend.

Er Srbija leti deset puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Prag Air Serbia flies ten times a week from Belgrade to Prague

Er Srbija leti svakoga dana iz Beograda za Stokholm Air Serbia flies daily from Belgrade to Stockholm

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Zagreb Festival svetskog pozorišta Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu biće domaćin 14. festivalu svetskog pozorišta. Festival će otvoriti predstava Brak Marije Braun poznatog nemačkog reditelja Tomasa Ostermajera, koji je stalni gost ove manifestacije. Od 9. do 24. septembra, koliko traje festival, publika će moći da vidi i predstavu Vremensko putovanje kroz sobu Tošikija Okade , savremenog japanskog autora. Paket ulaznica za sve predstave košta 300 kuna.

Zagreb Festival of World Theatre The Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb will host the 14 th Festival of World Theatre. The festival will be opened with the play “The Marriage of Maria Braun” by renowned German director Thomas Ostermeier, who is a regular guest of this event. Throughout the duration of the festival, which runs from 9 th to 24 th September, audiences will also be able to see the play “Time’s Journey Through a Room” by contemporary Japanese author Toshiki Okada. An entrance package for all performances costs 300 kuna.

Er Srbija leti dva puta dnevno iz Beograda za Zagreb Air Serbia flies twice a day from Belgrade to Zagreb

Milano Nedelja mode

Milano Fashion Week

Počinje Milanska nedelja mode! Od 21. do 26. septembra najpoznatiji svetski dizajneri zaseniće svet novim kolekcijama za proleće/leto 2017. godine. Kao i prethodnih godina, ova poznata svetska prestonica mode otvoriće vrata popularnim dizajnerima, koji kreiraju i stvaraju trendi garderobu za kojom lude žene i muškarci širom sveta. Prvog dana manifestacije svoje nove kolekcije predstaviće čuveni dizajneri Roberto Kavali, Filip Plejn, kao i modna kuća Guči .

Milan Fashion Week is starting! From 21st to 26th September, the world's most famous designers will reveal to the world their new collections for spring/summer 2017. As in previous years, this famous world capital of fashion will open its door to popular designers who create and produce trendy clothes that men and women around the world go mad for. The first day of the event will see the presenting of new collections by renowned designers Roberto Cavalli, Philipp Plein and fashion house Gucci.

Er Srbija leti sedam puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Milano Air Serbia flies daily from Belgrade to Milan

Moskva Rusi prave svoje pokemone

Moscow Russians make their own Pokémon As a counterpart to the popular

Kao pandan popularnoj američkoj igrici Pokemon Go gradske vlasti Moskve trenutno razvijaju aplikaciju Otkrij Moskvu . Igrači će po širokim ruskim bulevarima tragati za istorijskim ličnostima poput Petra Velikog, Ivana Groznog, Aleksandra Puškina… Tragaće i za spomenicima. Aplikacija će u suštini funkcionisati kao i Pokemon Go , a likovi će biti projektovani u savremenoj 3D tehnici virtuelne stvarnosti.

American game “Pokémon Go”, the authorities of the City of Moscow are currently developing an application called “Discover Moscow”. Players will search along wide Russian boulevards for historical figures such as Peter the Great, Ivan the Terrible, Alexander Pushkin et al. They will also search for monuments. The application will essentially function like “Pokemon Go”, while the characters will be projected using modern 3D virtual reality technology.

Er Srbija leti 14 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Moskvu Air Serbia flies 14 times a week from Belgrade to Moscow

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Berlin Fair of the latest wonders of technology The world’s most powerful companies keep their inventions specifically for the Berlin International Fair of Electronics. Held every year in the same place, this year from 2 nd to 7 th September it will feature more than 1,600 exhibitors from around the world. During the fair, lovers of gadgets can try wonders of technology first hand - from new models of smart phones and watches, to drones, robots, smart refrigerators or blockers of TV commercials. The fair is open daily from 10am to 6pm.

Berlin Sajam najnovijih čuda tehnike

Najmoćnije kompanije sveta čuvaju svoje izume specijalno za berlinski međunarodni sajam elektronike. Svake godine održava se na istom mestu, od 2. do 7. septembra. Ovog puta predstaviće se više od 1.600 izlagača iz celog sveta. Zaljubljenici u gedžete tokom sajma mogu iz prve ruke da isprobaju čuda tehnike – od novih modela pametnih telefona i satova, pa sve do dronova, robota, pametnih frižidera ili blokera reklama na televizoru. Sajam je otvoren svakog dana od 10 do 18 časova.

Er Srbija leti osam puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Berlin Air Serbia flies eight times a week from Belgrade to Berlin

Abu Dabi Otvara se zabavni park Vorner bros

Abu Dhabi Warner Bros theme park to open

U želji da na Bliski istok dovedu najpopularnije heroje i likove iz crtanih filmova poput Betmena, Skubi Dua i Supermena, Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati planiraju izgradnju tematskog parka Vorner bros u Abu Dabiju. Osim parka, prema planu izgradnje već u 2018. godini na ostrvu Jas biće otvoren i hotel Vorner bros . Palata među hotelima biće smeštena u blizini zabavnog parka Ferari vorld . Izgradnja parka koštaće 890 miliona evra.

Amsterdam One tavern, two countries At the De Biergrens beer establishment, which is located in Barle, you can enter through one door from the Netherlands and exit through another into Belgium. The border between the two countries runs right through the establishment, which is why everything is doubled in this tavern – there are two phones and two cash registers. This is probably the wildest example of a border in the world, the benefits of which are specifically utilised by restaurants and cafes. As closing times vary in the two countries, after working hours end in one, so the tables of the restaurant are moved to the other country. With a desire to bring to the Middle East the most popular heroes and cartoon characters, such as Batman, Superman and Scooby Doo, the United Arab Emirates is planning to build a Warner Bros theme park in Abu Dhabi. According to construction plans, in addition to the park there will also be a Warner Bros Hotel on Jas Island by 2018. A palace will be located among hotels near the existing Ferrari World theme park. Construction of the park is set to cost 890 million euros.

Er Srbija leti jednom dnevno iz Beograda za Abu Dabi Air Serbia flies daily from Belgrade to Abu Dhabi

Amsterdam Jedna pivnica, dve države

U pivnicu De Birgrens, koja se nalazi u mestu Barle, možete da uđete na jedna vrata iz Holandije, a na druga da izađete u Belgiju. Baš kroz nju prolazi granica između dve pomenute zemlje, pa je tako u pivnici sve duplo – postoje dva telefona i dve fiskalne kase. Ovo je verovatno primer najluđe granice na svetu, čije pogodnosti posebno koriste restorani i kafići. Kako se fajront razlikuje u dve zemlje, tako se posle kraja radnog vremena u jednoj stolovi iz restorana pomeraju u drugu zemlju.

Er Srbija leti 11 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Amsterdam Air Serbia flies 11 times a week from Belgrade to Amsterdam

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Šta vam je na umu / What’s on your mind

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Scena / The Scene


Doskoro je u Riju vrila krv najbo- ljih sportista. Došli su sa snovima, sa željom da se upišu u istoriju. Ipanema, poznata brazilska plaža, kao da je simbol Igara, Olimpijada u malom. Na njoj se stalno igraju odboj- ka, fudbal, ljudi džogiraju, brzo hodaju… A voda se, kao i sportska sre- ća, stalno menja. Nekad je svetlopla- va, nekad tamnozelena, ponekad mut- na. Ime Ipanema znači reka bez ribe. Baš kaš što su se i neki sportisti vra- tili bez medalje. Ali to je igra. Neki su uhvatili ulov, neki ne. Važno je da se Igre nastavljaju. Za turiste odmah, za paraolimpijce od 7. do 18. septembra u Riju, a za olimpijce u Tokiju za četi- ri godine.


Until recently, the blood of the best athletes pumped through Rio. They came with dreams, with a de- sire to inscribe their names in the history books. Ipanema, Brazil’s famo- us beach, was like a symbol of the ga- mes, the Olympics in miniature. On it, volleyball and football are played con- tinuously, with people jogging, fast walking etc. And the water, like spor- ting fortunes, changes constantly. So- metimes it is light blue, sometimes dark green, and occasionally cloudy. The name Ipanema means river wit- hout fish – just as some athletes also returned without medals. But that is the game. Some caught in the hunt, some didn’t. It is important that the games continue – for tourists, for Pa- ralympic athletes from 7 th to 18 th Sep- tember in Rio, and for Olympians in Tokyo in four years.

Fotografije / Photography: Getty images

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Lorem ipsum dolor / Lorem ipsum dolor


Bitef was a place of mutual admiration for those who had previously been forced to watch each other over barbed wire. In Belgrade they met in playful artistic joy, in the streets and inns, in the famous buffet of Atelier 212... Bitef je bio mesto gde su se jedni drugima divili oni koji su do tada bili primorani da se gledaju preko bodljikave žice. U Beogradu su se sretali zaigrani u umetničkoj radosti, na ulicama i u kafanama, u čuvenom bifeu Ateljea 212...


Tekst / Words: Tatjana Čanak Fotografije / Photography: Bitef

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U slavu pozorišta / The glory of the theatre

MIRA TRAILOVIĆ Mira Trailović, jedan je od osnivača, a potom i dugogodišnji upravnik Ateljea 212. Diplomirala je režiju u Beogradu, a kasnije je na istom tom fakultetu bila profesor. Zajedno sa Jovanom Ćirilovim 1967. je osnovala Bitef. Svojim beskrajnim šarmom i prodornošću, talentom za ubeđivanje, na Festival je dovodila najavangardnija i najpoznatija pozorišta i predstave. Dobila je najviša francuska odlikovanja. Iz milošte su je zvali „buldožer u bundi“.

JOVAN ĆIRILOV Jovan Ćirilov bio je srpski

teatrolog, dramaturg, pozorišni reditelj, dramski pisac, pesnik, romansijer, putopisac, scenarista, esejista, publicista, leksikograf, antologičar, prevodilac. Čitav život posvetio je teatru. Godine 1985. postavljen je za upravnika Jugoslovenskog dramskog pozorišta i na tom položaju ostao je sve do penzionisanja 1999. godine. Bio je umetnički direktor i selektor Bitefa do kraja svog života. MIRA TRAILOVIĆ Mira Trailović is one of the founders and subsequently a longtime director of Atelje 212. She graduated in theatre direction in Belgrade, later working as a professor at the same university. Together with Jovan Ćirilov she founded Bitef in 1967. With her endless charm and acuteness, and talent for persuasion, she brought to Bitef the most famous avant-garde theatres and plays. She was affectionately called “the bulldozer in a fur coat”. JOVAN ĆIRILOV Jovan Ćirilov was a Serbian theatre expert, dramaturg, theatre director, playwright, poet, novelist, travel writer, screenwriter, essayist, publicist, lexicographer, anthologist and translator. He devoted his entire life to the theatre. In 1985 he was appointed director of the Yugoslav Drama Theatre and he remained in that position until his retirement in 1999. He founded Bitef and was its art director and selector until the end of his life.


Mira i Jovan osnovali su Bitef davne 1967. godine Mira and Jovan founded Bitef in 1967.

vogodišnji, 50. Bitef igra- će se pod sloganom „Na leđima mahnitog bika“. Većina predstava baviće se izbeglicama, zatvara-

This year’s 50 th Bitef will be performed under the slogan “On the back of the raging bull”. Most of the plays will deal with refugees, border closures and the raising of walls. In days when such themes dominate, and the world is ruled by suspicion and fear, it is cathar- tic to remind ourselves of the times when the Belgrade International Theatre Festival originated and the series of its golden years, when pe- ople discovered freedom, were per- sonally and artistically brave and wanted to get to know others and those who were different . Bitef was the place where those who were previously forced to look at each other over barbed wire met and recognised each other. There in Belgrade, in Atelier 212, the Na- tional Theatre, the Yugoslav Dra- ma Theatre, the Fairgrounds, Bel- grade halls and newly discovered

njem granica i podizanjem zidova. U danima kada dominiraju ovakve teme, a svetom caruju podozrenje i strah, lekovito je setiti se vreme- na kada je nastao Beogradski in- ternacionalni teatarski festival i niza njegovih zlatnih godina, kada su ljudi otkrivali slobodu, bili lično i umetnički hrabri i želeli da upo- znaju drugo i drugačije. Bitef je bio mesto na kome su se susretali i prepoznavali oni koji su do tada terani da se gleda- ju preko bodljikave žice. Tu pak u Beogradu, u Ateljeu, Narod- nom, JDP-u, po Sajmu, beograd- skim halama i novootkrivenim prašnjavim prostorima gledaju se i međusobno dive svakog sep-

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tembra alternativa sa Istoka – Ježi Grotovski, Jirži Mencl, Oto- mar Krejča, Georgij Tovstonogov, Jurij Ljubimov, i ona sa Zapa- da – Klaus Pejman, Euđenio Bar- ba, Elen Stjuart, Peter Štajn, Piter Bruk, Robert Vilson, Tadeuš Kan- tor, Roberto Ćuli, Johan Kresnik… Nemci, Francuzi i Amerikanci bili su zagledani u mističnost i pa- tetiku Istoka, genijalni Rusi, Česi i Poljaci u šarenilo i slobodu koja je nahrupila sa Zapada, ne znaju- ći da i ona ima cenu. Ali na Bite- fu, u Beogradu, prvi put su se sreli u umetničkoj radosti. Na ulicama, kafanama i u čuvenom bifeu Ate- ljea 212. Naravno, alfa i ome-

dusty areas, each September wat- ching and admiring one another were alternatives from the East - Jerzy Grotowski, Jiri Menzel, Oto- mar Krejča, Georgy Tovstonogov, Yuri Lyubimov - and those from the West - Claus Peymann, Euge- nio Barba, Ellen Stewart, Peter Ste- in, Peter Brook, Robert Wilson, Tadeusz Kantor, Roberto Ciulli, Jo- hann Kresnik et al. Germans, French and Ameri- cans were looking at the mystery and pathos of the East, while inge- nious Russians, Czechs and Poles ogled the colourfulness and free- dom that surged from the West, not knowing that it also had its price.

Svojim beskrajnim šarmom i prodornošću na Festival su dovodili najavangardnije i najpoznatije predstave With endless charm and acuteness they brought to Bitef the most famous avant-garde plays

But at Bitef, in Belgrade, they met in artistic joy for the first time - on the streets and in the inns of Belgrade, and in the famous buffet of Ate- lier 212. Of course, the alp- ha and omega of Bitef were Mira Trailović and Jovan Ćirilov, a whir- lwind duo, who – with a lucky merging of chara- cter, knowledge and ar- tistic sensibility – crea- ted the most important artistic festival in the Balkans back in 1967. Their willingness for such an endeavour co- incided with the mo- ment when the leader- ship of the Yugoslavia started to be concerned about their reputation beyond the borders of the country and did not shy away from demon- strating how capable they were of enjoyment. The party could start

At the third Bitef, in 1969, for the first time, just three steps from the audience – naked bodies of the actors were seen, in Euripides’ Bacchae Na trećem Bitefu 1969. prvi put su, na tri koraka od publike, viđena naga tela glumaca, u Euripidovim Bakhama

ga Bitefa bili su Mira Trailović i Jovan Ći- rilov, uraganski dvo- jac koji je srećnim spo- jem karaktera, znanja i umetničke senzibilno- sti te 1967. stvorio naj- važniji umetnički festi- val na Balkanu. Njihova spremnost za ovakav poduhvat poklopila se s trenutkom kada držav- ni vrh počinje da bri- ne o reputaciji van gra- nica zemlje i ne stidi se da pokaže kako ume da uživa. Žurka u Beogra- du mogla je da počne, žurka na koju su pozi- vani najznačajniji ljudi pozorišnog sveta Evro- pe, Amerike, Rusije, Bli- skog istoka… I rado su dolazili. Vera Konjović, prevodilac i uredni- ca Bitefa na filmu, i po- slednja iz originalne postavke Bitefa, kaže da je „između Mire i Jova- na bio veliki cirkus“.

Ni najveći glumci sveta nisu propuštali pozorišnu zabavu u Beogradu The greatest actors didn’t want to miss the Belgrade theatre party

in Belgrade, a party with invitati- ons for the most important people from the theatrical world in Euro- pe, America, Russia, the Middle East... And they gladly came. Vera Konjović, translator and editor of “Bitef on film”, and the last surviving member of the ori- ginal Bitef crew, says that “the- re was a big circus between Mira and Jovan”. - They had heated discussi- ons before and during the festi- val, and they were so ferocious that my mother always waited

– Pre i tokom festivala se raz- govaralo i dogovaralo i to je bilo tako burno između njih dvoje da me je mama uvek čekala budna i nestrpljivo govorila: „Pričaj!“ Jed- nom je Jovan hteo da se baci s prozora, jedva smo ga skinuli, a drugi put je bio toliko izbezumljen da je Miri rekao: „Ali, mama!“ Dramatično je bilo na scena- ma, na ulicama, iza kulisa, tokom festivalskih dana. Na trećem Bite- fu 1969. su, recimo, prvi put, i to na tri koraka od publike, viđena naga

Najveći pisci uvek uz Bitef: Danilo Kiš i Borislav Mihajlović Mihiz Bitef always attracted the best writers, Danilo Kiš and Borislav Mihajlović Mihiz

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tela glumaca, u Euripidovim Bak- hama . „Bio je to ogroman šok. Žuta štampa se podsmevala, napada- la nas. Mira Trailović i Jovan Ći- rilov osnovali su Bitef zbog svo- jih ličnih perverznih seksualnih sklonosti“, sećao se Ćirilov reakci- ja štampe. Bitef je bio sudbinski vezan za politiku. Već 1968. se talas slo- bode i protesta kotrljao čitavom Evropom, sa Zapada na Istok, ali su ga na ulicama Praga zgazi- li tenkovi SSSR-a. Baš zbog toga dolazak sovjetske predstave iza- zvao je mini-demonstracije ispred Ateljea 212, u kojima su učestvo- vali Dušan Makavejev i njegova supruga Bojana Marjan, Branko Vučićević i spaček Želimira Žilni- ka, koji je pomoću jednog čunka pretvoren u tenk. Glumci su često tokom pred- stava pozivali publiku da se po- pne na scenu ili silazili među gle- daoce, polivali ih vodom, posipali brašnom, gađali jajima… Tako je jednom novosadski arhitekta Čeda Radović, kada ga je japanski glu- mac potkačio bambusovim šta- pom, uzvratio šutiranjem, izazvao opštu tuču i završio u bolnici. „Di- van čovek, nikada nismo našli ne- kog tako spremnog na saradnju“, bili su oduševljeni Japanci. Bitef je s godinama menjao omi- ljene trupe i pozorišta, ljubavi su se rađale i umirale. Ipak, nemački redi- telji su uvek ostali privrženi festiva- lu. O tome svedoči Vera Konjović. – Nemci su nam u nekim tre- nucima služili da brzo uskoče kad nešto zakaže, kad neko iz bilo kog razloga otkaže učešće. Samo okre- neš telefon i kažeš: „Spasavajte“, i oni dođu. Stigle su i devedesete, ali Nemci nisu odustajali. I za kraj jedna vizionarska že- lja Jovana Ćirilova, izrečena negde pred kraj njegovog života, a svi se nadaju, za još dug život njegovog čeda – Bitefa: – Idealno bi bilo napraviti je- dan utopistički izbor selekcija u kome niko iz inostranstva ne bi znao te autore koje smo otkrili negde u svetu. Zvuči kao povratak na početak, a dosad ste shvatili kakav je to po- četak bio… Onaj koji se nezaustav- ljivo i uzbudljivo kotrlja već pola veka. Živeo nam Bitef još najma- nje toliko!

PREVAZILAŽENJE EVROPE Glavni program jubilarnog, 50. Bitefa biće pitanja izbegli- ca, zatvaranja granica, podizanja zidova... To je jedan od razloga zašto su u glavnom programu Bitefa zastupljene i predstave libanskih, kineskih, afričkih, singapurskih i indo- nežanskih umetnika. Drugi razlog jeste želja da se, u go- dini velikog jubileja, Bitef vrati svom izvornom međuna- rodnom karakteru, prevazilazeći evropski i regionalni okvir koji je dominirao poslednjih godina. Program je gust – 12 predstava u devet dana (od 24. septembra do 2. oktobra). SURPASSING EUROPE The Main Programme of the jubilee 50 th Bitef wi- ll address the issue of refugees, border closures and ra- ising walls... That is one reason why the Main Program- me of Bitef presents the performances of Lebanese, Chinese, African, Singaporean and Indonesian artists. Another reason is the desire, in the year of this great ju- bilee, to restore Bitef’s original international character, surpassing the European and regional framework that has dominated in recent years. The programme is rich – with twelve performances in nine days (from 24 th Sep- tember to 2 nd October).

up for me, and asked eagerly: “Tell me what happened!” Jovan once wanted to throw himself out of the window, we barely mana- ged to get him down, and ano- ther time he was so distraught that he said to Mira, “But, Mum!” It was dramatic on the sta- ge, on the streets, behind the sce- nes, during the days of the festival. At the third Bitef, in 1969, for in- stance, for the first time – just three steps from the audience – naked bodies of the actors were seen, in Euripides’ Bacchae. “That was a huge shock. The yellow press ridiculed and attac- ked us, saying ‘Mira Trailović and Jovan Ćirilov founded Bitef be- cause of their personal perverted sexual tendencies’,” Ćirilov reca- lled the reaction of the press. Bitef was fatefully tied to poli- tics. Already in '68 a wave of

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freedom and protests rolled all over the whole of Europe, from West to East, but it was crushed on the streets of Prague by the tanks of the USSR. It was precisely because of this that the arrival of Soviet plays prompted a mini-de- monstration in front of Atelier 212, which included the participations of Dušan Makavejev and his wife Bojana Marjan, Branko Vučićević, and the monster of Želimir Žilnik, which was transformed into a tank with the help of a shuttle. During performances, actors often invited audience members to come on stage, or they them- selves descended among the au- dience, splashed the public with water, sprinkled them with flour, threw eggs at them... Thus once Novi Sad-based architect Čeda Radović responded to being hit with a bamboo stick by a Japa- nese actor by kicking back, whi- ch caused a general brawl and he ended up injured in the hos- pital. “A wonderful man, we ne- ver found anyone so ready to co- operate with the actors,” joked the thrilled Japanese actors. Bitef has changed its favouri- te troupes and theatres over the years, with loves being born and dying. However, German dire- ctors have always remained loyal to this Belgrade festival. Testi- fying to this fact is Vera Konjović. - Germans served in some moments to quickly jump in for us when something failed, when someone cancelled their partici- pation for any reason. You just pick up the phone and say, “save us!” and they come. The ‘90s came, but still the Germans did not give up. And finally, one visionary de- sire of Jovan Ćirilov, uttered so- metime towards the end of his life, and all are hopeful, for a long life of his darling - Bitef: - It would be ideal to make a utopian choice selection in which no one from abroad would know the authors that we discovered somewhere in the world. Sounds like a return to the beginning, but by now you reali- se what the beginning was like... The one that unstoppably and excitedly rolls on for half a cen- tury. Long live Bitef for at least as long again!

Ovogodišnji, 50. Bitef igraće se pod sloganom „Na leđima mahnitog bika“ This year’s 50th Bitef will be performed under the slogan “On the back of the mad bull”

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je se ona može dočarati, a da to ne bude niti banalno niti kič – rekao je Dejvid Eliot, umetnički direktor ovo- godišnjeg Salona, kustos, pisac i pro- fesor moderne i savremene umet- nosti. Ovogodišnji Oktobarski salon pred- staviće radove šezdesetak umetnika iz Srbije i sa Balkana, a i šire, u pro- storu Muzeja grada Beograda i u ga- lerijama Kulturnog centra Beograda (Likovna galerija, Artget galerija i Po- droom) od 23. septembra do 6. no-

Dom omladine Beograda će od 26. do 30. oktobra 2016. predstaviti 32. Beogradski džez festival, pod sloga- nom Planeta džez . U dobro pozna- tom formatu glavnog i ponoćnog programa u prostoru Doma omladine Beograda ove godine čak dva kon- certa velikih džez zvezda biće održa- na u Centru Sava . U programskom smislu, organizato- ri otkrivaju publici nove džez plane- te, ali ne zaboravljaju ni velikane tog muzičkog pravca. Najstariji i među- narodno najpriznatiji srpski džez fe- stival u svom 32. izdanju predstavlja nove tendencije u džez muzici iz svih krajeva sveta, kao i odabrane legen- de koje su postavile temelje savre- menog shvatanja džeza. Ove godine poseban naglasak stavljen je na mu- zičare koji dolaze iz latinskih zemalja, od Italije do Portugala. Me- đu zvezdama 32. Beograd- skog džez festivala su Avi- šaj Koen, Džek Dedžonet, Ravi Koltrejn, Met Garison, Tord Gustavsen, Dejv Ho- land, Đanluka Petrela, Ven- san Pejrani, Sao Paulo an- dergraund, Antonio Serano i mnogi drugi. OKTOBARSKI SALON Oktobarski salon je međunarod- na izložba savremene umetnosti, čiji je cilj afirmacija najznačajnijih novih ostvarenja domaćih i stranih autora iz oblasti vizuelnih umetnosti. Prvi Jesenji salon (Salon d’Automne) održan je u Parizu 1903. godine, u nastojanju da se omogući izlaga- nje umetnicima koji nisu imali gde da prikazuju svoje radove. Svetu su se tada predstavili velikani poput Anrija Matisa, Pola Gogena i mnogi drugi. – Na ovom, 56. Oktobarskom salonu, svojevrsnom dalekom rođaku pome- nute inicijative, želeo bih da napra- vim omaž toj slavnoj prošlosti prika- zivanjem radova brojnih umetnika koji još nemaju pristup međunarod- nim platformama, i to rame uz rame s delima renomiranih umetnika. Sa- lon 2016. nosi naziv Ljubavni zanos i biće posvećen ulozi emocije u savre- menoj umetnosti i načinima na ko-

vembra 2016. godine. BEOGRADSKI SAJAM KNJIGA

Međunarodni beogradski sajam knji- ga jedna je od najstarijih i najvažni- jih književnih manifestacija u regio- nu, najveća radost za sve ljubitelje knjige i prilika za izdavače i auto- re da uspostave kontakte i razmene iskustva.

Beogradski džez festival Belgrade Jazz Festival

Tradicionalnim činom pre- daje Otvorene knjige, am- basador Ruske Federaci- je u Beogradu Aleksandar Čepurin najavio je prošle godine Iran kao zemlju ko- ja će na ovom, 61. Sajmu knjiga biti specijalni gost. Naser Ehsani Farid, prvi savetnik i otpravnik poslo- va Ambasade Islamske Re- publike Irana u Srbiji, izra-

Srpska prestonica na jesen postaje centar kulturnih zbivanja u regionu


zio je zahvalnost što je Iran izabran za sledećeg počasnog gosta Saj- ma knjiga. – Knjiga je najadekvatniji proizvod za prezentaciju i prenošenje kulture jed- nog naroda, a mesta kao što je ovaj sajam služe sa upoznavanje kulturnih vrednosti drugih zemalja. Ovaj potez svakako će ojačati kulturne veze Sr- bije i Irana – poručio je Naser Ehsa- ni Farid. On je najavio da će, osim što će na njihovom štandu biti izložene knjige, ove godine biti organizovane i izložbe kulturnih spomenika Irana, projekcije dokumentarnih filmova, nastupi različitih umetničkih grupa, kao i razgovori o književnosti iran- skih i srpskih autora. Jedna od poslastica ove godine sva- kako će biti nova knjiga Džoane Ro- uling Hari Poter i ukleto dete , koja će se na srpskom jeziku prvi put pojavi- ti baš na Sajmu.

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in contemporary art and the ways in which it can be evoked, whilst not be- ing in the slightest bit either banal or kitsch – said the artistic director of this year's Salon, David Elliot, an art cu- rator, writer and professor of modern and contemporary art. The 56 th October Salon will present the works of sixty artists from Serbia and the wider Balkan region and wi- ll spread through the area of the City of Belgrade Museum and the galleries of the Belgrade Culture Centre (Fine Art Gallery, Artget Gallery and Podro- om) from 23 rd September to 6 th No- vember 2016. BELGRADE BOOK FAIR The International Belgrade Book Fair is one of the oldest and most impor- tant literary events in the region, re- presenting the greatest joy of all lo- vers of books and an opportunity for publishers and authors to establish contacts and exchange experiences. With the traditional act of handing over the Open Book, Russian Am- bassador in Belgrade

Belgrade’s Dom Omladine Youth Cen- tre will present the 32 nd Belgrade Jazz festival from 26 th to 30 th October 2016, under the slogan ‘Planet Jazz’. In the well-known format of the main pro- gramme and the midnight program- me, which will be held in Dom Omla- dine Belgrade, this year will even see two concerts of major jazz stars held at the Sava Centre. In terms of programming, the orga- nisers will reveal to audiences the new jazz “planet”, but also won’t ne- glect the giants of this music genre. In its 32 nd edition, Serbia’s oldest and most recognised international jazz fe- stival presents new trends in jazz mu- sic from all over the world, as well as selected legends who have shook the foundations of the contemporary un- derstanding of jazz. This year will see special emphasis placed on musicians coming from Latin countries, from Italy

to Portugal. Among the stars of the 32 nd Belgra- de Jazz Festival are: Avis- hai Cohen, Jack DeJoh- nette, Ravi Coltrane, Matt Garrison, Tord Gustavsen, Dave Holland, Gianluca Petrella, Vincent Peira- no, Sao Paulo Undergro- und, Antonio Serrano and many others. OCTOBER SALON

The Serbian capital in autumn becomes the centre of most important cultural events in the region

Beogradski sajam knjiga Belgrade book fair

Aleksandar Chepurin last year announced Iran as the special guest coun- try of the 61 st Book Fa- ir. Speaking on that oc- casion, Ehsan Naser Farid, First Counsellor and Charge d’Affairs of

the Islamic Republic of Iran in Serbia, expressed his gratitude for Iran being selected as the next guest of honour of the Book Fair. - The book is the most appropriate product for the presentation and tran- smission of the culture of a nation, and a place like this fair serves to in- troduce various cultural values of ot- her countries. This move will certainly strengthen the cultural ties between Serbia and Iran – said Ehsan Naser Fa- rid. He announced that, in addition to exhibited books on their booth, this year will also see the organising of an exhibition of cultural monuments of Iran, screenings of documentaries, performances of different artistic gro- ups, as well as discussions about the works of Iranian and Serbian authors. One of this year’s treats will certain- ly be JK Rowling’s latest book, “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child”, which will first appear in the Serbian langua- ge at the Fair.

The October Salon is an international exhibition of contemporary art which has the goal of affirming the most si- gnificant recent achievements of do- mestic and foreign authors in the field of visual arts. The first Autumn Salon (Salon d’Auto- mne) was held in Paris in 1903, in an effort to provide exposure to artists who did not have a place to show their works. The world was then pre- sented to such giants as Henri Matis- se and Paul Gauguin, but also many others. - At this 56 th October Salon, which is a kind of distant cousin to the afore- mentioned initiative, I would like to pay homage to that glorious past – by displaying the works of numerous ar- tists who still do not have access to international platforms, and to do so side by side with the works of renow- ned artists. The 2016 Salon carries the title “The Pleasure of Love” and wi- ll be dedicated to the role of emotions

Photo: Saša Reljić Courtesy of the Collection Tony Podesta Washington DC USA

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Lorem ipsum dolor / Lorem ipsum dolor




erni i ćutljivi mostovi svuda na svetu stoje kao večita ljudska želja da se sve poveže, izmiri i spoji, da ne bude deljenja, protivnosti niti ra- stanka, pisao je veliki Ivo Andrić, a ta njegova misao najbolje opisuje sve što je prethodilo nastanku Bruklinskog mosta. U to vreme, davne 1883. godine, izgrađen je uprkos verovanju da je moguće napraviti viseći most dugačak gotovo dva kilometra, zbog čega su ga, po izgradnji, smatrali osmim svetskim čudom. A nastao je kao portal iz- među dveju krajnosti, svake za sebe posebne i prelepe. Donjeg Menhetna i Bruklina. Iako sama pomisao na to da je za šetnju preko mosta potreban plan deluje smešno, kad je u pitanju Bruklinski most, to je toliko važno da postoje vodiči koji su raspoloženi da vam naplate prelazak peške preko Ist Rivera i turu po kvartu Dumbo, odakle možete da vidite ovu velelepnu građevinu podignutu u neogotičkom stilu. Dok krećete sa Menhetna ka Bruklinu, svaki Njujorčanin ili vodič prvo će vam reći da je u izgradnji mosta učestvovalo više od 600 rad- nika, a da ih je stradalo čak 30, što dovoljno govori o tome koliko je zahtevan Faithful and silent bridges stand all over the world as testimony to the eternal human desire for everything to be connected, reconciled and joined, for there not to be division, opposition, or separation, wrote the great Ivo An- drić, and that thought of his best describes all that preceded the emergence of the Brooklyn Bridge. At that time, way back in 1883, it was built despite the belief that it wa- sn’t possible to make a suspension bridge almost two kilometres long, due to which it was considered, once built, the eighth wonder of the world. And it was created as a gateway between the two extremes, each special and beauti- ful in its own way. Lower Manhattan and Brooklyn. Although the very thought that walking across a bridge requires a plan seems ridiculous, when it comes to the Brooklyn Bridge it is so important that there are guides who are willing to charge you to cross the East River on foot and lead you on a tour of the Dumbo neighbourhood, from where you can see this magnificent structure built in the neo-Gothic style. What any New Yorker or guide will first tell you as you walk from Manhattan to Bro- oklyn is that the construction of the bridge included over 600 people, and that as many as 30 of them died, which speaks volumes about how

Most koji je prvi put u istoriji spojio Menhetn sa Bruklinom bio je i do danas ostao dokaz američke industrijske genijalnosti i smelosti 19. veka The bridge that connected Manhattan with Brooklyn for the first time in history was, and remains to this day, proof of American industrial ingenuity and the daring of the 19 th century. CHANGED NEW YORK Tekst / Words: Anja Stanišić Bokić Fotografije / Photography: iStock, ImageSource, Brooklyn Museum

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