Introduction | 6 |
Preface by Stefano Bolognini, President of the IPA | 6 |
Preface by Mark Solms, Chair of the Research Committee of the IPA | 7 |
About the contributors | 8 |
Introduction to the Third Edition | 9 |
1. From Past to Present | 18 |
Development of a plurality during the one hundred year old history of research of psychoanalysis | 19 |
Conceptual research in psychoanalysis | 34 |
Psychoanalytic research in Latin Ameria: challenges | 38 |
2. Epistemological and Methodological Issues on Process and Outcome Research | 42 |
Research issues in psychoanalysis | 43 |
Methodological considerations in evaluating the outcome of psychoanalysis | 62 |
3. Description of Studies | 82 |
Naturalistic studies, pre-post studies, quasi-experimental studies | 83 |
Adelphi University: Psychodynamic psychotherapy process and outcome research team | 84 |
Changes in symptoms and interpersonal problems during the first 2 years of long-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis | 86 |
The Munich Attachment- and Effectiveness Project (MBWP) | 87 |
The Frankfurt-Hamburg Long Term Therapy Study | 89 |
The Heidelberg-Berlin study: psychodynamic change in two forms of long term psychoanalytic therapy | 91 |
Stuttgart TRANS-OP study | 93 |
Implementing panic-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy into clinical practice | 94 |
Milan study on facilitated psychoanalytic treatment for adults in collaboration with mental health services | 95 |
The DPV Follow-Up Study | 97 |
Patterns of inner change and their relation with patient characteristics and outcome in a psychoanalytic hospitalization-based treatment for personality disordered patients | 98 |
Naturalistic outcomes of evidence-based therapies for borderline personality disorder at a university clinic: a quasi randomized trial | 101 |
Prediction of medium-term outcome in Cluster B Personality disorder following residential and outpatient psychosocial treatment | 102 |
Factors affecting change in private psychotherapy patients of senior psychoanalysts: an effectiveness study | 105 |
From selection to outcome | 107 |
Change variables in the psychoanalytic treatment of children and adolescents: a research report | 108 |
Long-term psychoanalytic treatment of ADHD and ODD children: The Frankfurt ADHD and ODD Effectiveness Study | 111 |
Studies of child analysis practice in the U.S. | 113 |
How effective are long-term psychoanalytic treatments in adolescents? A comparison between the evaluations of the patients, their parents and their therapists | 115 |
Treatment and rehabilitation of severely traumatized refugees | 117 |
From self-integration in personal schemas of morally incongruent experiences to self-awareness of mental states: a qualitative study among a sample of Portugese war veterans | 118 |
Psychotherapy utilization and care for severely disturbed patients | 120 |
Effectiveness of psychoanalytic psychotherapy for children and adolescents with severe anxiety, depressive and disruptive psychopathology in a naturalistic treatment setting | 120 |
Rorschach perception and thinking domain and mentalization based treatment: an outcome study | 122 |
Alexithymia and outcome in psychotherapy | 124 |
Gender and perversion | 126 |
Dismantling the difference | 128 |
Experimental treatment studies | 129 |
Short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy and cognitive-behavioural therapy in generalised anxiety disorder: a randomised, controlled trial | 130 |
Munich Psychotherapy Study (MPS) - a three year follow-up study: psychoanalytic vs. psychodynamic therapy for depression | 131 |
Munich Psychotherapy Study (MPS) - a three year follow-up study: comparison of cognitive-behavioural therapy with psychoanalytic and psychodynamic therapy for depressed patients | 132 |
Helsinki Psychotherapy Study | 133 |
Patient predictors of psychotherapy outcome in the Helsinki Study | 135 |
The effects of scheduled waiting for psychotherapy of depression | 137 |
Mentalisation-based treatment of BPD | 138 |
The LAC Depression Study | 139 |
The INDDEP study: inpatient and day hospital treatment for depression - symptom course and predictor of change | 141 |
Erica Process and Outcome Study (EPOS) of goal directed, time-limited child psychotherapy with parental counselling | 142 |
Psychodynamic interpersonal therapy (PIT) for patients with multi-somatoform disorders (PISO) | 143 |
The efficacy of a psychoanalytic psychotherapy for panic disorders: Panic-Focused Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (PFPP) | 145 |
The Personality Disorders Institute (PDI) of the Weill Cornell Medical College | 147 |
The Munich-New York Collaborative Study (MNYS): the psychodynamic treatment of BPO | 148 |
The Vienna-Munich TFP Study: an RCT on transference-focused psychotherapy vs. treatment by experienced community psychotherapists for borderline personality disorder | 152 |
Manualized supportive-expressive psychotherapy versus nonmanualized community-delivered psychodynamic therapy for patients with personality disorders: bridging efficacy and effectiveness | 154 |
Anna Freud Centre/UCL: Improving mood with psychoanalytic and cognitive therapies (IMPACT Study) | 161 |
Leipzig Psychoanalytic Child Therapy (PaCT) | 162 |
EVA-luation of two psychoanalytic prevention/intervention programs “Early Steps” and “Faustlos” in day-care centers with children at risk: a cluster randomized controlled trial | 163 |
The influence of a secure attachment relationship under conditions of high risk | 165 |
The Catamnesis in Project EVA: first results | 167 |
FIRST STEPS: a psychoanalytically based early prevention for immigrant families: a cluster randomized trial | 172 |
Risk indicators in early emotional development: detection, intervention and follow-up in the first level of care with an interdisciplinary approach. Uruguay | 174 |
Cost-effectiveness studies | 176 |
The effects of long-term psychoanalytic treatment on healthcare utilization and work impairment and their associated costs | 177 |
Cost-effectiveness of therapies of different mode and length | 178 |
Cost-offset effect of psychotherapy in reducing medical health service utilization | 179 |
Process studies | 181 |
Helping alliance | 182 |
The role of alliance in the relationship between therapist competence and outcome in brief psychodynamic psychotherapy | 182 |
Accuracy of therapist perceptions of patients’ alliance: exploring the divergence | 184 |
Alliance in individual psychotherapy | 185 |
The working alliance and the stability of therapeutic outcomes in the treatment of depressed patients: a process-outcome study | 187 |
Therapeutic alliance and psychotherapy process | 188 |
Psychological intervention and change in depression process studies | 191 |
Psychological intervention and change in depression. Adolescent psychotherapy: therapeutic alliance, subjective change and relational patterns | 193 |
Relation of the therapeutic alliance with outcome and other variables: a meta-analytic review | 194 |
Repairing alliance ruptures | 197 |
Investigating the impact of alliance-focused training on interpersonal process and therapists’ capacity for experiential reflection | 199 |
Transference | 201 |
To what extent is alliance affected by transference? An empirical exploration | 200 |
Experimental study of transference work (FEST) | 203 |
An experimental study of transference interpretations | 204 |
Countertransference | 204 |
Countertransference as object of empirical research? | 206 |
Countertransference phenomena and personality pathology in clinical practice: an empirical investigation | 209 |
Long-term effects of analysis of the patient-therapist relationship in the context of patients’ personality pathology and therapists’ parental feeling | 211 |
Attachment | 213 |
AAI predicts patients’ in-session interpersonal behavior and discourse | 213 |
Therapist | 214 |
Therapists’ professional and personal characteristics as predictors of working alliance and outcome in psychotherapy | 214 |
Stockholm Outcome of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis Project (STOPPP): therapeutic identity | 216 |
The therapeutic attitude: negotiating a “dark continent” | 217 |
Studying psychotherapy process with the PQS: therapists’ techniques in psychoanalysis and short-term and long-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy: are they different? | 218 |
Therapist variables and patient outcome | 219 |
To become a psychotherapist - a clinical challenge for students and a pedagogic challenge for teachers | 220 |
Development of an adherence-scale for differentiation between psychodynamic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis | 220 |
Defense | 223 |
Change in defense mechanisms and coping over the course of short-term psychotherapy for adjustment disorder | 223 |
Dreams | 224 |
Trauma, dream, and psychic change in psychoanalyses | 224 |
The Zürich-Ulm Study of Dreams: aggregating single cases (USD) | 226 |
Posttraumatic dreams and symbolisation | 227 |
Posttraumatic dreams and symbolisation: a follow-up study | 227 |
Change | 230 |
Assessment methods for psychoanalytic observation | 230 |
The mechanisms of change in the treatment of borderline personality disorder with Transference Focused Psychotherapy | 232 |
Relatedness and differentiation in the therapeutic dyad - an empirical investigation of psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic change processes | 233 |
Moderators of change in psychoanalytic, psychodynamic, and cognitive-behavioral therapy | 235 |
Interactive regulation processes and their relationship with psychotherapeutic changes - Chilean Millennium Nucleus: “Psychological intervention and change in depression”. Process Study 1 | 237 |
Analysis of depressive patients’ verbal expressions throughout the psychotherapeutic process - Chilean Millennium Nucleus “Psychological intervention and change in depression”. Process Study 2 | 239 |
Patients’ perception about termination in psychoanalytic treatments: a qualitative research study | 241 |
Changes in object relations following intensive psychoanalytically oriented inpatient treatment | 243 |
Dyadic affective interactive patterns in the intake interview as a predictor of outcome | 244 |
Patient and therapist perspective on therapeutic action in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy: helpful and hindering factors | 245 |
Changes in mental representations and personality configurations after psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy | 247 |
The Inventory of Personality Organization (IPO): its validity in Argentine populations through non-clinical and clinical samples comparison groups | 249 |
The patient-therapist interaction and the recognition of affects during the process of psychodynamic psychotherapy for depression | 251 |
Psychological intervention and change in depression: depression, a complex phenomenon: understanding the syndrome and treatment response | 252 |
Psychological intervention and change in depression: exploring depressive experiences | 254 |
Psychological intervention and change in depression: failure in psychotherapy from the experience of patients diagnosed with depression: a qualitative comparative study | 255 |
Facial affective relationship offers of patients with panic disorders | 257 |
Metaphors and affect | 258 |
Fibromyalgia, facial expression and emotional experience | 259 |
Facial experience and experience of emotions in psychodynamic interviews with patients with PTSD in comparison to healthy subjects | 260 |
Childhood-onset versus acute, adult-onset traumatized patients | 261 |
Cost-offset effect of psychotherapy in reducing medical health service utilization | 262 |
Relational and classical elements in psychoanalyses: an empirical study with case illustrations | 264 |
Clinical and systematic clinical studies | 266 |
Research in child psychoanalysis: twenty-five-year follow-up of a severely disturbed child | 267 |
Psychoanalytic treatment of a patient with a neurotic depression: a systematic clinical single case study | 269 |
Assessing change in analysis terminable | 270 |
The “Medea-Fantasy” - an unconscious determinant of psychogenic sterility | 270 |
What do patients want? | 272 |
A single-case study on the process and outcome | 274 |
Evaluation of psychic change through the application of empirical and clinical techniques for a two-year treatment | 275 |
A German specimen case of psychoanalysis | 276 |
Verbal expression of emotions in the stage-wise progress of a case of long-term psychodynamic therapy | 277 |
Chilean Millennium Nucleus: “Psychological intervention and change in depression”. Process-outcome research 1: foci on psychotherapy | 278 |
An empirical investigation of analytic process: contrasting a good and poor outcome case | 280 |
Department of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology, “Sapienza” University of Rome: single cases and process-outcome | 281 |
Beneath the surface of the therapeutic interaction: the psychoanalytic method in modern dress | 284 |
A metasynthesis of published case studies through Lacan’s L-schema: transference in perversion | 285 |
A review of basic characteristics of patient, therapist, therapy and research method | 286 |
Clinician reports of personality pathology of patients beginning and patients ending psychoanalysis | 288 |
Department of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology, “Sapienza” University of Rome: single cases and process-outcome | 290 |
Assessing personality change in psychotherapy with the SWAP-200: a case study | 293 |
Outcomes of psychoanalytical crisis interventions after prenatal diagnostics | 294 |
Systematic case studies of psychoanalyses with chronically depressed patients within the frame of the LAC Depression Study | 296 |
Further psychoanalytical studies | 297 |
The Montevideo study of attachment and narrative | 301 |
Uruguayan Psychoanalytic Association Research Department: high and low frequency in our psychoanalytic practice today | 303 |
Psychoanalytic practice in Latin America | 304 |
Scenic memory of the Shoah - on the transgenerational transmission of extreme trauma in Germany | 304 |
Conceptual studies | 307 |
The conscious id | 308 |
Towards a better use of psychoanalytic concepts: a model illustrated using the concept of enactment | 309 |
Unconscious phantasy and its conceptualizations: an attempt at conceptual integration | 310 |
What is conceptual research in psychoanalysis? | 311 |
Conceptual and clinical research | 312 |
Criteria for judging results: a study about conceptualization of goals in psychoanalysis | 313 |
Psychoanalytic considerations on psychopathology and conceptual research | 314 |
What does Generalized Anxiety Disorder mean for psychoanalysts? An empirical qualitative approach about its conceptualization in the psychoanalytic framework | 316 |
The Three-Level Model for Observing Patient Transformations (3-LM) | 318 |
Neuropsychoanalytical studies | 320 |
Psychoanalytical dream theory and brain mechanisms | 321 |
Serotonin-transporter (SERT) densities in dynamic psychotherapy of depression | 322 |
Gen environment relations in depression: Chilean Millennium Nucleus; “Psychological intervention and change in depression” | 324 |
Changes in brain functions in chronic depressed patients after long-term psychoanalytic compared with cognitive behavioural treatments: Frankfurt fMRI/EEG Depression Study (FRED) | 326 |
Neuroimaging and attachment with “children-at-risk” | 328 |
The Hanse-Neuro-Psychoanalysis-Study | 328 |
Neural correlates of therapeutic changes in chronically depressed patients in psychoanalytic psychotherapy with the Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis (OPD) | 332 |
fMRI-monitoring of an ongoing psychoanalysis | 334 |
Zurich Depression Study | 335 |
Neural predictors of successful brief psychodynamic psychotherapy for persistent depression | 337 |
4. A Meta-Analysis on Outcome Studies on Longterm Psychoanalytical Treatments and Psychoanalyses | 338 |
Evidence for psychodynamic psychotherapy in specific mental disorders: a systematic review | 339 |
5. References | 363 |
6. Appendix | 384 |
Bibliography of research reviews and studies | 385 |
Index of authors | 407 |
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