Technical training
Service Lift Training Standard
Publication date: 24 June 2024
Technical training
Service Lift Training Standard / V4
1. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 5
2. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................................... 5
3. CHANGE LOG................................................................................................................................................... 8
4. SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
5. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SERVICE LIFT TRAINING ..................................................................13
5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8
13 14 14 14 15 15 16 16
Target Group Validity Period
Aims and Objectives
Duration of the Service Lift Standard Training
Course Codes
Participant Prerequisites
Instructor Qualification Prerequisites
6. USING THIS STANDARD TO DEVELOP TRAINING .......................................................................................16
Formative Post-lesson Evaluations
7. SERVICE LIFT USER MODULE ........................................................................................................................ 19
7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5
Aims and objectives for the Service Lift User Module
19 19 19 20 22
Duration of the Service Lift User Module
Instructor to Participant Ratio
Service Lift User Module Timetable
Detailed Description of the Service Lift User Module
Introduction to the Training.............................................................................................................. 22 Legislation and Manuals ................................................................................................................... 27 General Use of Lifts .......................................................................................................................... 28 Inspection of Lift Prior to Use ........................................................................................................... 32 Operation of Lift (Practical Exercises) ............................................................................................... 36 Evacuation From Lift ......................................................................................................................... 43 Shutdown After Use.......................................................................................................................... 46 Training Review ................................................................................................................................ 47
8. SERVICE LIFT INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE MODULE .......................................................................50
8.1 8.2 8.3
Aims of the Service Lift Inspection and Maintenance (SLIM) Module
50 50 50
Course Participants´ Prerequisites for the Service Lift Inspection and Maintenance Module
SLIM Module Instructor´s Qualification
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8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7
Duration of the Service Lift Inspection and Maintenance Module
50 51 51 54
Instructor to Participant Ratio
Service Lift Inspection and Maintenance Module Timetable
Detailed Description of the Service Lift Inspection and Maintenance Module
Introduction to the Training.............................................................................................................. 54 Legislation and Documentation........................................................................................................ 60 Safety When Working on a Lift in A WTG......................................................................................... 62 Gates and Fences ............................................................................................................................. 64 Cabin and Its Attachment Parts ........................................................................................................ 66 Cabin Guide Systems ....................................................................................................................... 69 Top Obstruction Device Inspection.................................................................................................. 74 Bottom Obstruction Device Inspection ............................................................................................ 75 Lift Door Lock and Electrical Inter-Lock System................................................................................ 78 Lift Operation Panel........................................................................................................................ 80 Suspension System ......................................................................................................................... 82 Drive and Safety Wire Rope and Rack ............................................................................................ 84 Traction Hoist ................................................................................................................................. 90 Wire Rope Redirection Inside the Cabin ........................................................................................ 96 Fall Arrest Device (FAD).................................................................................................................. 96 Supply Cable .................................................................................................................................. 98 Test and Training Review.............................................................................................................. 100
9. SERVICE LIFT INSTALLATION, INSPECTION AND REPAIR MODULE ........................................................104
Aims of the Service Lift Installation, Inspection and Repair Module
104 104 104 104 105 105 109
9.2 Course Participants’ Prerequisites for the Service Lift Installation, Inspection and Repair Module
9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7
SLIIR Module Instructor´s Qualification
Duration of the Service Lift Installation, Inspection and Repair Module
Instructor to Participant Ratio
Service Lift Installation, Inspection and Repair Module Timetable
Detailed Description of the Service Lift Installation, Inspection and Repair Module
Introduction to the Training............................................................................................................ 109 Legislation and Documentation...................................................................................................... 114 Safety When Working on a Lift in a WTG ....................................................................................... 116 Gates and Fences ........................................................................................................................... 118 Cabin and Its Attachment Parts ...................................................................................................... 121 Cabin Guide Systems ..................................................................................................................... 123 Top Obstruction Device ................................................................................................................. 127 Bottom Obstruction Device............................................................................................................ 129 Lift Door Lock and Electrical Inter-Lock System.............................................................................. 131 Lift Operation Panel...................................................................................................................... 133 Suspension Systems ..................................................................................................................... 136 Drive and Safety Wire Rope and Rack .......................................................................................... 138
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Traction Hoist ............................................................................................................................... 145 Wire Rope Redirection Inside the Cabin ...................................................................................... 149 Fall Arrest Device (FAD)................................................................................................................ 150 Supply Cable ................................................................................................................................ 152 Test and Training Review.............................................................................................................. 154
ANNEX 1 - EQUIPMENT LIST .................................................................................................................................... 158
ANNEX 2 - VERSION HISTORY ..................................................................................................................................161
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Technical training
Service Lift Training Standard / V4
Electrical wiring
Fall arrest device
Global Wind Organisation
Service Lift Inspection and Maintenance
Service Lift Installation, Inspection and Repair
Service Lift User Module
Lift operation panel/manoeuvre panel
Personal protective equipment/personal fall protection equipment
GWO training record database
Wind turbine generator
Accident prevention regulations
The local accident prevention regulations and general safety regulations apply to the use of this product in addition to those described in this manual
Alternative models
When the presented model, component or equipment type must be supplemented by alternative models, components, or equipment types. These may be presented as either, show-and-tell or visuals element
Bonding is the cable part that is used to attach the cable to an attachment point. The bonding can be an eye formed in one end of the cable
Bowden Cable
Device interrupting the release of the manual brake, when obstacles are detected, when ‘no power descend’ is performed
Braking skates
Braking skates work in conjunction with the lift’s safety features to ensure that the lift car comes to a controlled stop in the event of an emergency, power failure, or other critical situations. The braking skates engage with the guide rails or other components of the lift structure to bring the lift to a safe and controlled stop, preventing any potential accidents or damage
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Commissioning is a combination of bringing new equipment into working condition and its validation based on the first-time inspection after installation and after major component replacement (when relevant legislation indicates). Commission is typically done in accordance with a manufacturer’s commissioning list A diverter is a component used to divert or change the direction of the load being lifted or moved. It guides the cable in a different direction from the main lifting movement
Different lift types
Different lift types include wire guided and ladder guided lifts; and wire driven and rack and pinion driven lifts
Emergency state override function
A "shielded bypass function" is found in some lifts. This can be used in certain situations (outside normal operation parameters) to permit specific lift operating characteristics. This function must only to be used in specific cases defined in the lift’s user manual. Examples could be: 1) after having performed overspeed test, 2) start service lift with bottom limit activated 3) re-start after an obstruction of the lift path occurs
Examples of fall arrest devices in a lift includes safety brake systems, safety catch device, and secondary brake
Fall arrest device
In the context of technical components, "flawless" implies that the component is free from any defects or imperfections, including physical damage like scratches. Even a minor scratch could potentially affect the component's performance, durability, or integrity, thus disqualifying it from flawless Human factors are an established science that uses many disciplines (like anatomy, physiology, physics, and biomechanics) to understand how people perform under different circumstances and environments
Human factors
Illustrations are provided for basic understanding and can differ from the actual lift model
Inspection covers physical and visual inspection of functions, components and installations. For this standard inspection includes a responsibility to also adjust, repair, and replace minor components that do not need certified technical competences, e.g. light bulbs, labels and stickers, and adjustment and replacing limit switches
Assembling the lift in the WTG
Also named: ¨’control panel’ and ‘manoeuvre panel’ The panel from where all operations of the lift can be executed
Lift operation panel
Lift plant
The lift and all the components from top to bottom
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Maintenance is the process of keeping the lift in a functional and safe condition, e.g. by cleaning, lubricating, refilling, readjusting, preservation, and repairing components due to wear and tear or as a preventive measure in accordance with manuals When this standard refers to manuals, it is the manual and documentation for the training equipment at hand. Further guidelines, check lists and other work documents must be based on the manuals
For clarity where the word ‘must’ is used in this standard it shall have the same meaning as ‘shall’
Operating personnel Any person or persons who are responsible for the operation
The operator is the organisation (or person) who is responsible for the equipment
Pre-use inspection
An inspection of the lift and the lift environment prior to use (may also be referred to as daily inspection)
Protection systems
For example, overload, overspeed and fall arrest systems (as defined in the relevant lift manual)
The concept of ‘repair’ in this standard refers to repair of components, where such repairs are allowed in accordance with local legislation, manuals, and the operator’s directives
Restricted space
Areas, where special considerations should be taken because of limited space or other hazards, e.g. basement and risk of dropped objects
Verbal form used to indicate requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to this training standard and from which no deviation is permitted.
Verbal form used to indicate that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required. A legally required assessment to ensure compliance with regulations and standards. Any equipment safety inspections (also known as statutory inspections in some countries) intended to meet country legal requirements should be conducted by qualified individuals who meet country competence requirements. Such training and certification is outside the scope of GWO training
Statutory inspection
Toolbox talk
A job site safety briefing covering the risks and hazards of the task being performed
Trace and correct faults in a mechanical or electrical system. Performed in accordance with a manufacturer’s ‘Error & Response List’ or similar guidance (operation instruction manual)
Trouble shooting
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Technical training
Service Lift Training Standard / V4
Amendment date
Approved by & date Description of changes
24 June 2024
Overview of general changes:
The lift standard title is changed to: “Service Lift Training Standard”
Module titles are aligned with their aims and content to clarify the potential target groups, respectively:
1) Service Lift User module (SLU)
2) Service Lift Inspection and Maintenance module (SLIM)
3) Service Lift Installation, Inspection, and Repair module (SLIIR)
More than 600 changes and adjustments have been made throughout:
• to support clarity on concepts, learning activities and technical topics
• to align learning activities and objectives on taxonomic domains and levels
• to add more practical training into the elements in general to better meet the learning objectives
• to mitigate uncertainties, e.g. deleting optional activities and by updating the equipment annex, and generally to align between modules
• to clarify wordings and to correct typos and duplications
• to support the generic focus by addressing multiple lift types and systems
• to reinforce the focus on the necessity of using relevant guides and manuals throughout
We advise the user to familiarise with the new lesson design in general:
New lesson design: Element learning objectives are in general compiled into one overall learning objective for each element, and the remaining original learning objectives are transformed into observable learning activities within their relevant elements. This is done to support focused activity-planning, application of digital learning tools, and auditing, and in that emphasize the over-all important learning objective for each element The formative theory tests by questionnaires are now presented in their individual elements at the end of their relevant theory lessons. Their aim - to re-cap theory - is un-changed
Substantial changes
The section of Terms and Definitions is expanded to support clarification of the standard content
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The training standard Scope - Key task that are covered in the individual modules are added to the scope
5.4. Aims and objectives for the training standard have been unfolded to clarify the tasks linked to the three modules respectively
Module 1, Service Lift User Module (SLU)
Lesson 1, Introduction
Element 1.6. While touching upon motivation, the participants should share their reasons for attending the training
Element 1.7.2 Safety of offshore operations changed to safety of wind industry operations
Lesson 2, Lesson name extended to Legislation and manuals
Aim adjusted from Comply to Understand the necessity of always following
Two new overall learning objectives for the lesson: Take initiative to follow legislation; describe general functionalities of a lift
Lesson 4, Inspection of lift prior to use
The wordings of the lesson aim and overall learning objective are changed to focus on the user's safety and understand the necessity of following check list and follow guidance
Element 4.2. learning objective changed from Ability to knowledge, basic level
Element 4.5 renamed from Inspection to Pre-use Inspection to clarify that the topic is pre-use inspection
Lesson 5, Operation of lift
Element 5.3 and 5.4 - Safety in danger zone and in the lift travel range is in focus through-out the practical exercises Element 5.11 - the reference to evacuation in 5.11.2 is deleted. Evacuation and emergency descend are not related activities
Lesson 6, Evacuation from lift
The lesson aim is changed from preparation to evacuate to preparation for site specific evacuation training. The learning objective is unchanged
Lesson 7, Lift in parking position, general
The lesson aim is unfolded for clarity; the overall learning objective is unchanged
Module 2, Service Lift Inspection and Maintenance module (SLIM)
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The aim of the module is unfolded for clarification. The overall learning objective for the module is changed from covering commission and inspection to now aim at Inspection and Maintenance
Lesson 2, Legislation and documentation
The lesson aim is changed from preparation to evacuate to preparation for site specific evacuation training. The learning objective is unchanged
Lesson 4, Gates and fences
Overall learning objective changed from Knowledge to Ability, intermediate level
Lesson 5, Cabin and it's attachment parts
Element 5.2 split in two elements: 5.2 Fasteners, and 5.3 Anchor points - aiming at Ability, intermediate level
Lesson 6, Cabin Guide Systems
Overall lesson learning objective changed from Knowledge to Ability, intermediate level. Hence more practical exercises are added through-out the lesson
Lesson 7, Top Obstruction Device
The lesson aim is expanded to also cover ensuring the device functions
Element 7.3, Top Obstruction Device in top position is merged into element 7.1
Lesson 8, Bottom Obstruction Device
Element 8.2 - Bowden Cable, changed to Mechanical Control System. The element still covers the Bowden Cable
Element 8.4, Device in lowest position, deleted, and content merged into element 8.1
Lesson 10, Lift Operation Panel
Element 10.3, Emergency Rescue System, changed to Emergency State Override Function. The learning objective changed from Knowledge to Skills, intermediate level
Lesson 15, Labels and Type Plates
Element 15.1 - New learning activity during which the participants work in pairs
Module 3, Service Lift Installation, Inspection and Repair Module (SLIIR)
The aim of the module is reworded and expanded in relation to the inspection concept. The overall learning objective is un-changed
Lesson 2, Legislation and Documentation
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Added to the learning activities: The participants must practise how and where to find relevant information in manuals and other documents Lesson 3, Safety when working in a WTG - a second overall learning objective 20) pointing out specific risk areas Lesson 4, Gates and Fences - the overall learning objective changed from Knowledge to Ability, intermediate level, in relation to ensuring free movement
Lesson 5, Cabin and its attachment parts - the overall aim is changed
Element 5.2 - the learning objective is expanded to cover installation, inspection and maintenance
Lesson 6, Cabin Guide Systems, element 6.3 new name: Wheels and Roller Guide Unit - new learning objective on Ability, Intermediate level
Lesson 8, Bottom Obstruction Device
Element 8.2 - Bowden Cable, changed to Mechanical Control System. The element still covers the Bowden Cable
Element 8.4, Device in lowest position, deleted, and content merged into element 8.1
Lesson 10, Lift Operation Panel
Element 10.3, Emergency Rescue System, is changed to Emergency State Override Function. The learning objective changed from Knowledge to Skills, intermediate level Lesson 11, Suspension systems, Lesson aim changed to "enable to ensure the safe condition of the suspension system". Overall learning objective un-changed
Element 11.3 - Added to the learning objective is how to tighten
Lesson 13, Traction hoist - The practical element of replacing a traction hoist unit is moved from element 13.1 to element 13.3, Drive Unit, Mechanical
Element 13.6.2 - practical exercise on inspecting brakes is added
Lesson 14, Wire Rope Redirection - installation is added to the lesson aim - the overall learning objective is un-changed
Lesson 15, Fall Arrest Device - ensure the functionality is added to the overall learning objective
Element 15.1 - learning objective changed from knowledge to Skills, intermediate level, "to perform an inspection and replacement"
Annex 1
The equipment listed in the annex is equipment required for delivering the training in a traditional in- person setting. Where equipment is needed for specific modules only, this is mentioned specifically
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Service Lift Training Standard / V4
Manual Handling and Warm up annexes are deleted
Global Wind Organisation is a non-profit body founded by the wind turbine manufacturers and owners. Our members strive for an injury free work environment in the wind turbine industry, setting common international standards for safety training and emergency procedures.
This standard describes the requirements for lift training courses that are recommended by the members of GWO. This standard comprises of three modules:
Service Lift User Module (SLU)
Pre-use inspection
Operation of the lift
Evacuation from the lift
Service Lift Inspection and Maintenance Module (SLIM)
a. Initial inspections for the purpose of commissioning, including testing
General required inspections
Inspections after replacement of main components
d. Maintenance in accordance with local legislation, manuals and WTG owners’ and operators’ requirements
Trace and correct faults
Service Lift Installation, Inspection and Repair Module (SLIIR)
Repair major components
Trouble shooting/Trace and correct faults
The members of the Global Wind Organisation (GWO) recognise trained persons as competent within use, inspection, installation and maintenance of lifts in the wind industry and accept the trained person as possessing the required abilities to use, commission, inspect, install, maintain, and evacuate a lift where they as duty holders are accountable for safety.
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This standard has been developed in response to the demand for recognisable lift training in the industry and has been prepared in co-operation between the members of GWO based on risk assessments and factual incident and accident statistics from G+ and the wind industry.
General feedback on this document can be sent to See on how to raise a complaint about a training provider or report a safety incident occurring.
5. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SERVICE LIFT TRAINING Upon completion of the GWO Service Lift User Module training (SLU), participants will be aware of the risks and hazards encountered in the use of lifts within the wind industry. Furthermore, they will be able to control and mitigate those risks and hazards. The GWO Service Lift User Module training will also equip participants with the ability to take responsibility and appropriately respond in the event of a hazardous situation and to increase their safety through proper use of personal protective equipment, emergency equipment, procedures, and safe craftsmanship. Upon completion of the GWO Service Lift Inspection and Maintenance Module training (SLIM), participants will be aware of the risks and hazards encountered when inspecting and maintaining lifts within the wind industry. Furthermore, they will be able to control and mitigate those risks and hazards. The GWO Service Lift Inspection and Maintenance Module training will also equip participants with the ability to take responsibility and appropriately respond in the event of a hazardous situation and to increase their safety through proper use of personal protective equipment, emergency equipment, procedures, and safe craftsmanship. Upon completion of the GWO Service Lift Installation, Inspection and Repair Module (SLIIR), participants will be aware of the risks and hazards encountered when doing commissioning, inspection, installation, and maintenance of lifts within the wind industry. Furthermore, they will be able to control and mitigate those risks and hazards. The GWO Service Lift Installation, Inspection and Repair Module training will also equip participants with the ability to take responsibility and appropriately respond in the event of a hazardous situation and to increase their safety through proper use of personal protective equipment, emergency equipment, procedures, and safe craftsmanship. 5.1 Overview The Service Lift Training Standard’s modules are a mix of theoretical and practical elements focusing on developing the needed knowledge, skills, and abilities for a wind employee to use, operate, inspect, maintain, install, repair, and evacuate a lift in a WTG. The GWO Service Lift Training Standard takes a generic approach to the variability of different lift types and systems. Taking the initiative and following additional relevant guidance, such as given in manuals, is a implicit part of the learning objectives of this standard.
Furthermore, induction and familiarisation with local relevant lift equipment may be required by the operator and local legislation.
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5.2 Target Group The target group for the Service Lift User Module training is personnel working on WTGs within the wind industry where the use of lifts is required for transportation of personnel and equipment inside the WTG. The target group for the Service Lift Inspection and Maintenance Module training is personnel working on WTGs within the wind industry who inspect the functioning of lifts. These inspections cover both initial inspections for the purpose of commissioning the lift, general required inspections, and inspections after replacement of main components.
Maintenance and subsequent inspection personnel choices must be aligned with any need for independence included in relevant, local legislation
The target group for the Service Lift Installation, Inspection and Repair Module training is personnel working on WTGs within the wind industry by installing, inspecting, maintaining, commissioning, and repairing lifts in a WTG. 5.3 Validity Period The Service Lift Training Standard modules are enduring qualifications and therefore a validity period does not apply to these trainings. This assumes that the participant is actively working with the use, inspection, installation, and maintenance respectively of lifts.
5.4 Aims and Objectives
Training in accordance with this standard is aiming at ensuring the safety of personnel and the safe use of the equipment.
The Service Lift User Module is aimed at the safe and correct use of a lift within a WTG.
The Service Lift Inspection and Maintenance Module is aimed at ensuring the readiness of a lift in a WTG. This is achieved by; first, inspecting and maintaining the lift plant by initial inspections for the purpose of commissioning the lift; secondly, required general inspections; and finally, inspections after replacement of main components. Content and learning objectives from the Service Lift Inspection and Maintenance Module are also included in the Service Lift Installation, Inspection and Repair Module curriculum.
The Service Lift Installation, Inspection and Repair Module is aimed at performing installation and repair, commissioning, inspection, and maintenance work on a lift in a WTG.
These aims are fulfilled when the participants possess the required knowledge, skills, and abilities to conduct assigned tasks and operations in a lift safely and efficiently.
To achieve the aims and objectives of the modules it is imperative for the manuals and guides to be at hand, and used, at all times.
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5.5 Duration of the Service Lift Standard Training
The duration of the modules is summarised in table 5.5.1 below.
The training provider must not exceed the time per day given in table 5.5.2 below.
Service Lift User Module
4 hours 0 minutes
Service Lift Inspection and Maintenance Module
7 hours 0 minutes
Service Lift Installation, Inspection and Repair Module
14 hours 0 minutes
Table 5.5.1 – Duration of the Service Lift Training Standard Modules
Maximum Duration Per Day
Contact time
8 hours
Total training day
10 hours
Table 5.5.2 – Maximum durations for training days
Contact time includes delivery of course lesson content, practical exercises and activities directly related to these.
The total training day includes contact time, meals and breaks and travel between training sites (where applicable).
If a participant fails to meet the demands of a Service Lift Training Standard, they shall attend a further Service Lift Training Standard course.
5.6 Course Codes
Course Code
Service Lift User Module
Service Lift Inspection and Maintenance Module
Service Lift Installation, Inspection and Repair Module
Table 5.6.1 – Service Lift Standard Module course codes
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5.7 Participant Prerequisites
All personnel participating must meet the participant prerequisites described in the GWO Requirements for Training.
The GWO Service Lift User training (or similar lift user training) is a prerequisite for attending the Service Lift Inspection and Maintenance Module and the Service Lift Installation, Inspection, and Repair Module.
5.8 Instructor Qualification Prerequisites
A competent GWO Service Lift Training Standard instructor must adhere to the instructor requirements for GWO training.
6. USING THIS STANDARD TO DEVELOP TRAINING The training in this standard is designed around the GWO taxonomy described in the GWO Requirements for Training. Theoretical and practical activities must be delivered according to the defined taxonomic level in order to reach the described learning objectives. When teaching about equipment, a generic approach shall be applied aiming to minimise additional, potential, product-specific, formal training after completion of this training. However, national or regional legislation, company gap analysis, location specific risk assessments, and the specific lift type may require additional product specific familiarisation which is the responsibility of the duty holder.
In addition to this, all training based on this standard (including all related resources) shall, as a minimum, meet the requirements described in the GWO Requirements for Training.
When this standard refers to manuals, it is the manual for the training equipment at hand. Further guidelines and checklists and other work documents must be based on the manuals.
6.1 Formative Post-lesson Evaluations
The participants must conduct an individual theory questionnaire on each lesson, where this is indicated in the relevant element in Module 2 (SLIM) and Module 3 (SLIIR).
The questionnaires serves as first; a recap for the participants on the theoretical topics of the lessons, and secondly; a tool for the instructors to evaluate the participants’ ongoing theoretical learning outcome and understanding. Questions must be aimed at the lessons’ content and be posed at the relevant taxonomic level for the learning objectives. They should also challenge the participants according to their professional experience level.
The theory questionnaire can consist of multiple-choice or descriptive/answer questions, depending on the complexity of the taxonomy level of the learning objectives concerned.
The questionnaires must be conducted in accordance with the following criteria:
There shall be at least one question for each element in the lesson
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The questionnaires must be done individually
3. There shall be an average time limit of maximum 30 seconds per question. This provides time for the participants to answer more complex questions when other questions call for more simple solutions
Participants may use:
Training material
Own notes
Manuals & guides
5. Lessons with only a few elements each, may be bundled together into a single questionnaire
6. Where a participant does not understand the meaning of a question or a multiple-choice option, the instructor must facilitate the participant to understand the meaning of the question or the multiple- choice options The instructor must share the correct answers at the end of the questionnaire to allow the participants to check and evaluate their answers. To enhance learning, it is recommended to have peer participants evaluate each other’s answers
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Service Lift User
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7.1 Aims and objectives for the Service Lift User Module The aim of GWO Service Lift User Module training is to enable the participant to use a lift in a WTG safely and correctly. The training will provide the participant with knowledge of multiple guiding systems and lift types in WTG. Furthermore, the participant will learn how to perform the necessary pre-use inspections and emergency actions, as well as when to seek guidance from manuals.
Overall learning objective:
1) The participants can, on their own, take responsibility for using a WTG lift correctly and safely and will on their own initiative seek guidance when needed (Ability, Intermediate level)
7.2 Duration of the Service Lift User Module
The total contact time for completing the Service Lift User module is estimated to be 4 hours and 0 minutes.
The training provider must not exceed the time per day given in the table 7.2.1 below.
Maximum Duration Per Day
Contact time
8 hours
Total training day
10 hours
Table 7.2.1 – Maximum durations for training day
Contact time includes delivery of course lesson content, practical exercises and activities directly related to these
The total training day includes contact time, meals and breaks and travel between training sites (where applicable)
7.3 Instructor to Participant Ratio
The ratio shown for theory sessions indicates the maximum number of participants per instructor attending the course.
Practical ratios indicate the maximum number of participants to be supervised by an instructor during each activity.
Session Theory
Instructor to Participant Ratio
Service Lift User
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Table 7.3.1 – GWO Service Lift User Module participant ratio
When participants are split in more than one location for practical training, the ratio shall be one instructor per location, depending on the local training risk assessment
7.4 Service Lift User Module Timetable
The order in which elements of this module are delivered may vary according to the didactical choices of the delivering training provider.
The delivery of this module must comply with the requirements described in the GWO Requirements for Training .
Safety instructions and emergency procedures
1. Introduction to the training
Scope, aim and main learning objectives
Ongoing assessments (participant assessment form)
Human factors
Personal protective equipment TOTAL
40 min.
2. Legislation and manuals
10 min.
Standards for use with lifts
3. General use of lifts
Transport of personnel and equipment
Lift functionality
General safety in use of lifts TOTAL
20 min.
General purpose of pre-use inspection
4. Inspection of lift prior to use
Pre-use inspection checklist
Pre-use inspection steps, outside the lift
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Pre-use inspection steps, inside the lift
Pre-use inspection of lift – general safety
25 min.
Initial safety precautions
5. Operation of lift (practical exercises)
Pre-use inspection
Stay in danger zone
Safety in the lift travel range
Safety inside the lift
Fences and gates
Faults and damage
Empty transfer
Unstable objects in the lift
5.10 Safety when operating a lift
5.11 Emergency descend
90 min.
Operation of doors
6. Evacuation from lift
Rescue and evacuation plan
Evacuation from lift
15 min.
Lift in parking position, general
7. Shutdown after use
Shutdown procedure
15 min.
Training review
8. Training review
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Feedback session
25 min.
240 min.
Table 7.4.1 – GWO Service Lift User Module timetable
7.5 Detailed Description of the Service Lift User Module INTRODUCTION TO THE TRAINING
40 min.
The aim of this lesson is for participants to be motivated and to engage in the training safely at a training facility, while recognising what is expected of them during the training.
After having successfully completed this lesson, the participants can:
1) Take responsibility of their own safe engagement and learning during the training (Ability, intermediate level)
2) Recognise and point out local emergency procedures and facilities (Knowledge, basic level)
3) Discuss the relevant human factors and explain their implications (Knowledge, intermediate level)
Learning objective:
4) The participants show interest in the safety and emergency procedures at the training facility (Ability, basic level)
The instructor shall:
Explain, present, and ask involving questions aiming at:
a. safety instructions according to internal procedures
b. emergency procedures and emergency exits in the areas where the participants can be expected to be located during the course
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The participants shall:
Engage in answering questions on local safety and emergency procedures
Learning objective:
5) The participants can recognise the location of facilities at the training location (Knowledge, basic level)
The instructor shall:
Present a general description of the facilities at the training location (administration, dining area, restrooms, toilets etc.)
Alternative activity: lead a tour and point out facilities
The participants shall:
Note relevant facilities and ask questions when in doubt
Learning objective:
6) The participants show interest in fellow participants and in the course content and design (Ability, basic level)
The instructor shall:
Present and ask involving questions aiming at the programme of the Service Lift User Module training, including breaks and mealtimes
Give a short introduction of themselves, including their backgrounds as instructors
Ask for participants’ expectations of the training and their learning or development
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Technical training
Service Lift Training Standard / V4
The participants shall:
Give a short introduction to themselves, including job function and expected primary geographic work location as well as sharing expectations on the training
Learning objective:
7) The participants can recognise the scope, aim and main objectives of the Service Lift User Module (Knowledge, basic level)
The instructor shall:
Present the scope, aim and main learning objectives of the Service Lift User Module
Involve participants with questions on their understanding and individual experiences of Service Lift User training
The participants shall:
Engage in answering questions and share experiences on lift user training and their use of lifts in WTG
Learning objective:
8) The participants recognise the assessment procedure and aim of the ongoing assessment (Knowledge, basic level)
The instructor shall:
Explain the reasons for the ongoing assessment
Present the layout of the GWO participant assessment form and explain how it will be used
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Technical training
Service Lift Training Standard / V4
The participants shall:
Engage themselves in discussion and ask questions when in doubt in relation to the assessment procedure
Learning objective:
9) The participants show interest and willingness to engage in the learning activities (Ability, basic level)
The instructor shall:
Explain and lead a discussion on:
a. the importance or personal involvement in the course
b. the definition of, and the need for, lift user understandings and abilities
c. ask the participants to share their reasons for attending the training, and what they would like to gain from the training
The participants shall:
Engage themselves in discussion and share experiences on the use of lifts as well as on engaging in training sessions in general
Positive motivation is the driving force for commitment, and the instructor should make a focused effort to support growth of the necessary attitude and motivation in the participants
The aim of the element is to draw the participants’ attention to how human performance and taking responsibility influences a safe work environment; as well as how to prepare for the continued focus on human factors during practical training and exercises.
Learning objectives:
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