Elevate February 2018 | Air Serbia





Dear Guests, At Air Serbia, we understand that no two guests are the same. Whether you’re a backpacker coming to explore Serbia’s natural beauty, a businessman flying to Belgrade to close that deal, or a family of three going on vacation, your needs will all differ according to the trip at hand. That’s why we’re really excited to announce the introduction of a new fare structure at Air Serbia that will unlock a world of new travel possibilities. From this month, when booking a flight, you’ll be presented with four new fare types – Economy White, Economy Blue, Economy Red and Business Silver, which vary in terms of how much baggage you can carry, the number of miles you earn, and other factors. For example, Economy White is designed for our guests who are travelling light, with only hand baggage, and want the lowest possible fare. Economy Blue, meanwhile, is the ideal

Mi u Er Srbiji znamo da ne postoje dva ista gosta. Bilo da ste bekpeker koji dolazi u Srbiju da istraži njene prirodne lepote, biznismen koji leti u Beograd da zaključi posao ili porodica ko- ja stiže na odmor, vaše potrebe će se već na samom početku putova- nja razlikovati. Zato smo vrlo uzbuđeni što možemo da najavimo nove tarife Er Srbi - je koje otvaraju čitav svet novih mogućnosti. Od ovog meseca, kada bukirate let, biće vam predstavljene četiri no- ve tarife – Economy White (bela ekonomska klasa), Economy Blue (pla- va ekonomska klasa), Economy Red (crvena ekonomska klasa) i Business Silver (srebrna biznis-klasa), koje zavise od toga koliko prtljaga nosite, od broja milja koje ćete sakupiti i drugih faktora. Na primer, tarifa Economy White namenje- na je našim putnicima koji putuju samo sa ruč- nim prtljagom i žele najnižu tarifu. S druge strane, Economy Blue je idealna

Naš tarifni model vam obezbeđuje mnogo više izbora, jer tarife i usluge možete da kombinujete i tako zaista napravite putovanje po svojoj meri

Our new fare model provides you with more choice and flexibility, as you can mix- and-match the fare type and services that you need for a truly

option for guests who are travelling with larger luggage, as it includes a checked baggage allowance of 23kg, plus other perks. Economy Red adds even more extras, while Business Silver is our “full package”, which includes access to our Premium Lounge and priority service from start to finish, plus much more. You can read more about each of these fare types on p. 110 However, choosing a fare type is only the first step in the journey, as you can further customize your experience by

opcija za goste koji putuju sa većim prtljagom, u koji spada dozvoljeni prtljag pri čekiranju (23 kg) plus ostale pogodnosti. Economy Red podrazumeva još privilegi- ja, dok je Business Silver „ceo paket“, koji uklju- čuje pristup našem Premijum salonu , priroritet- nu uslugu od početka do kraja leta, i još mnogo toga. Više o novim tarifama možete da čitate na strani 110. Sve u svemu, izbor tarife je samo prvi ko-

tailor-made experience

rak u putovanju, budući da ćete svoje putno iskustvo moći da nadograđujete i kupovinom à la carte usluga koje su vam važne. Želite prvi da uđete u avion? Izaberite Priority Boarding (prioritetno ukrcavanje). Želite da prtljag dobijete odmah po sletanju? Izaberite Priori - ty Baggage (proritetni prtljag). Naš tarifni model vam obezbeđuje mnogo više izbora, jer tarife i usluge možete da kombinujete i tako zaista napra- vite putovanje po svojoj meri. Nove tarife počinju da se primenjuju od 1. marta i biće uvedene na svim letovima osim Njujorka, koji se kao usluga dugog leta tretira dru- gačije. Uvereni smo da ćete uživati u ovim promenama. Sada je izbor gde, kada i kako putujete zaista nadohvat ruke.

purchasing the optional à la carte services which you value most. Want to be the first person onboard? Choose Priority Boarding. Don’t want to wait around at the baggage carousel after landing? Then choose Priority Baggage. Our new fare model provides you with more choice and flexibility when travelling with Air Serbia, as you can mix-and-match the fare type and services that you need for a truly tailor-made experience. These new fare types apply for travel from 1 st March and will be progressively rolled out on all our routes excluding New York, which, as a long-haul service, is handled differently. We are confident that you will enjoy these changes. Now, the choice of where you travel, when you travel and how​you travel is really at your fingertips.

Faithfully yours Air Serbia

Iskreno vaša Er Srbija

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The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

62 Srbija u slikama: Ukradena lepota Serbia in pictures: Captured beauty

Sadržaj / Inside Aktuelno Happenings Beograd Belgrade

Priče iz Srbije Tales from Serbia




London Proslava godine Psa London Commemorating the Year of the Dog Sarajevo Susret umetnika iz čitavog sveta Sarajevo Meeting of artists from around the world

Agenda dobre zabave Ovog meseca u Beogradu Agenda of Great Fun This Month in Belgrade Stranac u Beogradu: Marta Blanko Mojih deset favorita Foreigner in Belgrade: Marta Blanco My 10 favourites Ritam grada: Najromantičnija mesta Beograda Rhythm of the Town: Belgrade’s most romantic spots

Velike priče iz Srbije: Srešćemo se na Sretenje Great Stories from Serbia: We’ll meet up at Sretenje Sve čari Kopaonika: Hladan ozon s mirisom parfema All the Charms of Kopaonik: Cold air with the scent of perfume Tajna najveće peščare Evrope: Čudesna igra vetra i peska Secret of Europe’s Largest Sands: Wondrous dance of wind and sand

Poslužite se / Dine&Wine

Tomaž Kavčić, omiljeni kuvar Evrope / Europe’s favourite Chef






Rim Najviši spratovi Koloseuma otvoreni za javnost Rome Colosseum’s top floors open to the public



Fotografija na naslovnoj strani: Jelena Janković Cover page photo: Jelena Janković

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The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

36 Prestonica pleše Capital of dance

Sadržaj / Inside Ljudi People Bugarska u fokusu Bulgaria in focus

Dizajn i moda Design and fashion

52 Fudbaler Valerij 50 Monumentalna Buzludža The monumental Buzludzha



Pariski šik u muzeju Iva Sen Lorena Parisian chic in a YSL museum Nova definicija hotela New definition of hotel

Zoran Predin, muzičar Zoran Predin, musician Per Jakobsen, danski lingvista i prevodilac Per Jacobsen, Danish linguist and translator Filip Krajinović, nova nada tenisa Filip Krajinović, new hope of tennis



Božinov: Moja Sofija Valeri Božinov, footballer: My Sofia


Sa nama putuju Ana Štajdohar i Nikola Demonja Travelling with us Ana Štajdohar and Nikola Demonja


59 Kolevka jogurta Cradle of yoghurt

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Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up

Vinuću se u nebo, kao moj tata i njegov tata objavljuje promenu na rukovodećoj poziciji

I’ll soar in the sky, like my dad and his before him Er Srbija Air Serbia announces leadership change Er Srbija slavi 90 godina

od svog prvog leta

Air Serbia celebrates 90 years of its first flight 3 pitanja za kapetana Dejana Šušića


questions for captain Dejan Šušić Turisti su udahnuli nov život Beogradu

Tourists have breathed new life into New wings of Europe Er Srbija uvodi niz

Belgrade Godina šeika Zajeda

The Year of Zayed Nova krila Evrope

mogućnosti novim konceptom tarifa

Air Serbia opens world of possibilities with new fare options

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The inflight magazine of Air Serbia Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković

Izvršne urednice / Executive Editors Jelena Pantović, Katarina Sretenović Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović

Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Branko Mitrović, Jelena Nalbantjan Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Vladislav Mitić Fotografije / Photography

Oliver Bunić, Mitar Mitrović, Goran Srdanov, Aleksandar Dimitrijević, Zoran Ilić, Vesna Lalić, Jovana Raketić, Andrej Nihil, Jaka Ivančić, Jelena Janković Foto agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia, Getty Images, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Nikola Vukomanović, Arsen Rudan, Jack Rigby Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs

U srpske bioskope stigao je prvi u potpunosti oslikani film u istoriji kinematografije S ljubavlju, Vinsent: Misterija Van Goga . Ovaj revolucionarni projekat trajao je šest godina, naslikano je 65.000 frejmova od kojih je načinjen film u tehnici ulje na platnu, a u timu od 125 vrhunskih umetnika iz celog sveta na stvaranju nesvakidašnjeg ostvarenja učestvovala su i dva umetnika iz Srbije, Biserka Petrović i Vladimir Vinkić. Loving Vincent: the mystery of Van Gogh, the first fully painted feature film in the history of cinematography, has arrived in Serbia’s cinemas. This revolutionary project lasted six years, with 65,000 painted frames contributing to composing the film using the technique of oil on canvas. The team of 125 top artists from all around the world who were engaged in creating this unusual work also included two artists from Serbia, Biserka Petrović and Vladimir Vinkić.


U ovom broju / This issue’s contributors

Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director

O J ovani Rakezić pisali smo još 2012, kada je bila srednjoškolka koja se bavila fotografijom. U međuvremenu je postala preduzetnica, putuje stalno, a ljubav prema fotografiji nije

Zahvaljujući Beogradskom festivalu igre, Beograd je postao važna stanica u biografiji umetnika koji kreiraju trendove u oblasti igre i fizičkog teatra. Kroz ono najbolje što Festival ove godine, od 15. marta do 4. aprila, može da ponudi, vodi vas Aja Jung, selektor. Thanks to the Belgrade Dance Festival, the Serbian capital has become an important port of call in the resumes of trendsetting artists in the field of dance and physical theatre. In this issue you are guided through the best that this year’s edition of the festival has to offer, from 15th March to 4th April, by BDF selector Aja Jung .

Da li ste znali da je svako bugarsko jelo deo kulturnog nasleđa koje se prenosi s generacije na generaciju? Kad pročitate tekst Ani Gramatikove, domaćice iz Sofije, biće vam jasno i zašto.

U Srbiji se 15. februara, na Sretenje, obeležava Dan državnosti, kada je u Kragujevcu 1835. donet prvi Ustav. O nasleđu i značaju tog događaja piše istoričar Predrag Marković, koji ističe da je malo zemalja koje, poput Srbije, u jednom prazniku objedinjuju dve slobodarske tradicije – boračku i ustavotvornu. Serbian Statehood Day is celebrated every 15th February, on the re- ligious holiday of Candle- mas, marking the date in 1835 when the country’s first Constitution was adopted. Writing about the significance of this event, historian Predrag Marković points out that it is rare for a country to do as Serbia has done by uniting two libertari- an traditions – confronta- tional and constitutional – in a single holiday.

Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

izbledela. S vama je rešila da podeli

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia ights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR-ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

nesvakidašnju priču o dečaku Marku Vraniću.

Did you know that every Bulgarian speciality is part of the country’s cultural heritage that is passed down from generation to generation? When you read the article authored by Ani Gramatikova , a housewife from Sofia, it will be clear to you why.

We first wrote about Jovana Rakezić back in 2012, when she was still a secondary school pupil engaged in photography. She has since become an entrepreneur who travels constantly, while her love for photography has not faded. Here she decided to share with us the unusual story of a boy called Marko Vranić...

Godina izlaženja / Anoo XLIII Broj / Issue No. 290 Naslovna strana / Cover Jelena Janković

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na putu / on the road


Ana : Tašmajdan, jer me vraća u detinjstvo, Botaničku baštu, zato što me podseća na period odrastanja, a i sada tu rado sa decom provodimo dosta vremena, i restorančić Spatz . To je moje mesto, moj pit-stop. Nikola: Blok 45, jer sam tamo odrastao, Crkvu Sve- tog Marka i Tašmajdan, po kom s decom često šeta- mo, i Botaničku baštu, zato što je u komšiluku odra- sla moja supruga. WHICH THREE PLACES IN BELGRADE DO YOU LOVE? Ana: Tašmajdan Park, because it takes me back to my childhood, the Botanical Gardens, because it reminds me of my upbringing, and we now happily spend a lot of time there with our children, and the restaurant “Spatz” – that’s my place, my pit-stop. Nikola : Block 45, because I grew up there, St. Marko’s Church and Tašmajdan Park, where we often walk with the children, and the Botanical Gardens, because my wife grew up in the neighbourhood.

BEZ ČEGA NE KRE ETE NA PUT? Ana: Bez gomile sitnica. Volim da imam sve, da mi slučajno nešto ne za- fali. Pakao nastaje kad zavučem ruku u torbu i pokušam nešto da pronađem. Nikola: Bez saksofona, pasoša i novca. WHAT DON’T YOU HIT THE ROAD WITHOUT? Ana : Without a load of little things. I like to have everything, so I don’t acciden- tally find myself missing something. All hell breaks loose when I put my hand in my bag to try to find something. Nikola : Without my saxophone, pass- port and money.



Tekst / Words: Biljana Stefanović Fotografije / Photography: Mitar Mitrović Kofer/Suitcase: Carpisa

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KO JE ANA/NIKOLA? Ana : Neopisiva u nekoliko rečenica. Nikola: Čovek. Otac dvoje najlep- ših mališana na svetu. Muž. Muzi- čar. Saksofonista. Srbin. Zvezdaš. Tim redom.

WHO ARE ANA AND NIKOLA? Ana: Indescribable in a few sentences. Nikola: A human. The father of the world’s two most beautiful kids. A hus- band. Musician. Saxophonist. A Serb. A Red Star fan. In that order.

KOG PUTOVANJA SE JOŠ UVEK RADO SETITE? Ana: Nakon venčanja otputovali smo u Italiju i Holandi- ju. U prvoj zemlji sam ja živela, a u drugoj Nikola, pa smo jedno drugom bili domaćini, vođe puta. Dva fenomenalna putovanja i dve zemlje koje vredi posetiti. Nikola: Australija 2009. Moje prvo interkontinentalno pu- tovanje u ulozi saksofoniste Zdravka Čolića. Savršena ze- mlja, odlični koncerti i vrhunski provod. DO YOU RECALL YOUR FIRST TRIP ABROAD? Ana : Yes, it was a trip to the Italian city of Gorizia. Many years later I actually lived in Italy, and I also graduated in Italian language and literature. I nurture special feelings for that country. Nikola: I visited Vienna in 1989. I remember the empty play- grounds in a beautiful and perfectly ordered city, which I have since visited, privately or on business, thirty-odd times. And I always bring the best memories back from there. Ana : After the wedding we travelled to Italy and the Neth- erlands. I had lived in the first country and Nikola in the sec- ond, so we were each other’s hosts and tour leaders. Two phenomenal trips and two countries worth visiting. Nikola: Australia in 2009. My first intercontinental journey in the role of saxophonist for Zdravko Čolić. A perfect coun- try, excellent concerts and a great time. ČEMU STE TRENUTNO NAJPOSVE ENIJI NA POSLOVNOM PLANU? Ana: Novom singlu Toplo–hladno . Završavam pesmu i uskoro snimam spot. Nikola: Reprodukciji, jer za kreaciju nemam vremena. S nadom da će prvo stvoriti prostor onom drugom. WHAT ARE YOU CURRENTLY MOST DEDICATED TO ON THE WORK FRONT? Ana : A new single, “Warm cold”. I’m finishing the song and will shoot the video soon. WHICH TRIP DO YOU STILL RECALL FONDLY? Nikola : Re-production, because I don’t have time to create, with the hope that the first will create room for the second. SE ATE LI SVOG PRVOG PUTOVANJA U INOSTRANSTVO? Ana: Da, bio je to put u italijanski grad Gorica. Mnogo go- dina kasnije sam upravo i živela u Italiji, a i diplomirala sam italijanski jezik i književnost. Prema toj zemlji gajim posebna osećanja. Nikola: Poseta Beču 1989. godine. Sećam se praznih igra- lišta u prelepom i savršeno sređenom gradu, koji sam, što privatno, što poslovno, od tada posetio tridesetak puta. I uvek nosim najlepše uspomene iz njega.

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London Proslava godine Psa

London Commemorating the Year of the Dog The biggest celebration of the Chinese New Year beyond Asia is held annually in the British capital, which is home to around 200,000 people of Chinese origin. And this 16. February’s celebration of the Year of the Dog will once again be one of the most exciting events in London, featuring lots of dragons, colours and spectacular parades. The main celebrations will be held in Chinatown, where visitors will be able to walk along uniquely decorated streets with lots of Chinese food on sale, and Trafalgar Square, on Sunday, 18 th February. Sarajevo Meeting of artists from around the world The ‘Sarajevo Winter’ festival, a unique gathering of artists from all over the world, will be held for the 34 th time this year, under the slogan “The Other Face of the World – Heritage – Future”. The festival’s honorary guest country this year is Bulgaria, which, alongside Japan, will have a special film programme where it will present four productions of local cinematography. Sarajevo’s theatres, galleries and museums will host numerous theatre performances, concerts, exhibitions, film screenings and panel discussions from 7 th February to 21 st March, when the festival ends. Athens Four days of tango fun and passion For the fourth consecutive year, tango lovers will be able to enjoy an excellent programme dedicated to this Latin American dance in the Greek capital. From 8 th to 11 th February, at various locations in Athens, the most famous dancers from Argentina, France and Italy will demonstrate the magic and passion of tango. The Tango Festival, featuring four unforgettable days of fun and dancing, will also include the staging of 16 workshops. The festival will be opened by famous tango couples, including Fabian Peralta and Josefina Bermudez, as well as Julio Balmaceda and Virginia Vasconi.

Najveća proslava kineske Nove godine, van prostora Azije, svake godine održava se u britanskoj prestonici u kojoj živi oko 200.000 Kineza. Tako će i ovog 16. februara proslava 2018, koja je godina Psa, biti jedan od najuzbudljivijih događaja u Londonu s puno zmajeva, boja i spektakularnih parada. Glavne svečanosti održaće se u kineskoj četvrti i na Trafalgar skveru u nedelju, 18. februara, a posetioci će moći da se prošetaju i jedinstvenom kineskom ulicom hrane.

Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za London

Air Serbia flies 7 times a week from Belgrade to London

Sarajevo Susret umetnika iz čitavog sveta

Festival Sarajevska zima predstavlja susret umetnika iz čitavog sveta, a ove godine održaće se 34. put pod sloganom Drugo lice sveta – nasleđe, budućnost . Počasni gost festivala biće Bugarska, koja će, kao i Japan, imati poseban filmski program u okviru kog će predstaviti po četiri aktuelna ostvarenja nacionalnih kinematografija. Brojne pozorišne predstave, koncerti, izložbe, filmovi i panel-diskusije održaće se u sarajevskim pozorištima, galerijama i muzejima od 7. februara do 21. marta, kad se završava festival.

Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Sarajevo

Air Serbia flies 7 times a week from Belgrade to Sarajevo

Atina Četiri dana tango zabave i strasti

Četvrtu godinu zaredom u grčkoj prestonici ljubitelji tanga uživaće u odličnom programu festivala posvećenog upravo ovom latinoameričkom plesu. Tako će od 8. do 11. februara na više različitih lokacija u Atini najpoznatiji svetski plesači iz Argentine, Francuske i Italije demonstrirati magiju i strast tanga. Biće to četiri nezaboravna dana zabave i plesa, a tokom tango festivala održaće se i 16 radionica. Manifestaciju će otvoriti poznati tango parovi, među kojima su Fabijan Peralta i Jozefina Bermudez, kao i Hulio Balmaseda i Virginija Vaskoni.

Er Srbija leti 10 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Atinu

Air Serbia flies 10 times a week from Belgrade to Athens

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Njujork Najpopularniji grad i na Instagramu Iako su čak dve ruske metropole dospele na listu deset najpopularnijih gradova na svetu u 2017. godini na Instagramu , na prvom mestu ipak se nalazi Njujork. Grad koji nikad ne spava najtagovaniji je na ovoj društvenoj mreži u godini za nama, dok je Moskva na drugom, a London na trećem mestu. Sankt Peterburg nalazi se na sedmom mestu, dok je francuski Luvr jedini muzej na listi najčešće tagovanih lokacija s koje je najviše fotografija postavljeno na Instagramu . diskotekama, a sada je njena zarada procenjena na 90 miliona američkih dolara. Inače, zbog zdravstvenih problema pevačica je prošle godine bila prinuđena da otkaže evropski deo turneje u okviru koje su bili predviđeni nastupi i u Danskoj, Holandiji, Švajcarskoj i Italiji. Kopenhagen Koncert Ledi Gage Ledi Gaga, američka pevačica poznata po hitovima Bad Romance i Poker Face , u sklopu svetske turneje održaće koncert u Kopenhagenu 17. februara u Rojal areni . Ekscentrična kantautorka karijeru je započela u njujorškim


Lady Gaga Concert

American singer Lady Gaga, known for the hits ‘Bad Romance’ and ‘Poker Face’, will perform in Copenhagen’s Royal Arena on 17 th February, as part of her ongoing world tour. This eccentric singer- songwriter, who began her career in New York’s nightclubs, is today estimated to have earned $90 million. Health problems last year forced the singer to cancel the European leg of her tour, which had envisaged concerts in Denmark, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Italy.

Er Srbija leti 4 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Kopenhagen

Air Serbia flies 4 times a week from Belgrade to Copenhagen

New York Instagram’s most popular city too

Despite as many as two Russian cities making the list of the ten most popular cities in the world on Instagram in 2017, New York is still ranked number one. “The City That Never Sleeps” was tagged the most on this social network during the previous year, with Moscow ranked second and London third. St. Petersburg ended the year in seventh place, while France’s ‘The Louvre’ is the only museum on the list of the most frequently tagged locations on photos uploaded to Instagram. Rome Colosseum’s top floors open to the public After a gap of 40 years, visitors can again enjoy outstanding views of Rome from the highest point of the ancient arena of the Colosseum. Following the completion of a project to restore this building, which is one of the world’s most famous edifices, tourists can now walk along the top floors of the Colosseum, which were considered during the Roman era as the worst in the entire arena, due to them being the furthest away from the action. However, today the seating on the fifth level of this ancient amphitheatre offers breathtaking views, leading to estimates that interest in visiting this building will grow among tourists. According to the Rome Tourist Bureau, the Colosseum is visited by four million tourists annually.

Er Srbija leti 2 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Njujork

Air Serbia flies 2 times a week from Belgrade to New York

Rim Najviši spratovi Koloseuma otvoreni za javnost

Posle punih 40 godina posetioci ponovo mogu da uživaju u pogledu na Rim s najviše tačke drevne arene Koloseum. Nakon završene restauracije jedne od najpoznatijih građevina sveta turisti mogu da se šetaju najvišim spratovima Koloseuma, koji su se u doba Rimljana smatrali najgorim u celoj areni jer su bili najudaljeniji od dešavanja. Ipak, sada sedišta na petom nivou amfiteatra nude pogled koji oduzima dah, pa se procenjuje da će interesovanje turista za posetu ovoj građevini porasti. Prema podacima turističkog biroa Rima, Koloseum godišnje poseti četiri miliona turista.

Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Rim

Air Serbia flies 7 times a week from Belgrade to Rome

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Agenda dobre zabave / Agenda of great fun


Izložba autohtonih sireva Balkana Balkan Cheese Festival , sedma po redu izložba autohtonih sireva Bal- kana, biće održana 17. i 18. februara u beo- gradskom Domu omla- dine. Posetioci će moći da probaju retke i neo- bične vrste sireva i da uživaju u njihovoj de- gustaciji sa vrhunskim vinima i delikatesima. Biće izloženo oko 300 sireva iz Srbije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Go- re, Hrvatske i Makedo- nije, a na kraju festivala biće proglašeni pobed- nički sirevi prema gla- sovima posetilaca.

Exhibition of indigenous Balkan cheeses The Balkan Cheese Festival, an exhibition of native cheeses from the Balkans, will be held for the seventh time on 17th and 18th February at the Belgrade Youth Centre. Visitors will be able to sample rare and unusual types of cheeses and enjoy tasting them alongside top-quality wines and delicacies. Around 300 different cheeses from Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Macedonia will be exhibited, and the festival will culminate with the naming of the winning cheeses based on vistor votes.

Čovek koji je osvetlio Srbiju U Istorijskom muzeju Srbije otvorena je izložba Đorđe Stano - jević – čovek koji je osvetlio Srbiju , i to povodom obeležava- nja 160 godina od rođenja slavnog naučnika. Na izložbi je pre- mijerno prikazan najveći deo zaostavštine poznatog fizičara, astronoma i rektora Univerziteta u Beogradu, a posebnost po- stavke čine specijalne svetlosne instalacije, koje na savremen način dočaravaju značaj Stanojevićevog rada. Izložba je otvo- rena do kraja septembra. The man who lit up Serbia The Historical Museum of Serbia is hosting the exhibition “Đorđe Stanojević – the man who lit up Serbia”, which has been organised to commemorate the 160th anniversary of the birth of this famous scientist. The exhibition shows off the largest part of the legacy of this famous physicist, astronomer and chancellor of the University of Belgrade, with a special attraction being a special light installation that illustrates the importance of Stanojević’s work in a contemporary way. The exhibition will run until the end of September.

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Both cafe and photo studio

Kafe i foto studio u jednom

As of recently Belgrade has also become home to a café that combines art and hedonism, in this case in the form of ‘Zoom art’cafe and photo studio. Here you can enjoy excellent coffee, craft beer or homemade lemonade with kiwi and basil that they grow themselves. You can also do a photoshoot or lease the photo studio. Behind this concept are two families from St. Petersburg.

Ponovo radi Plato Poznato kultno mesto smešteno na platou ispred Filozofskog fakulteta ras- polaže sa 120 sedećih mesta u prize- mlju i na dve galerije. U prostoru pre- ovlađuje drvo, a sam stil u enterijeru predstavlja kombinaciju industrijskog i modernog dizajna. Lokal u ponudi ima moktele (mocktails), bezalkoholne kok- tele od svežih sastojaka, po kojima je jedinstven u gradu. Odnedavno i u Beogradu postoji kafić koji spaja umetnost i hedonizam, a reč je o Zoom art kafeu , gde možete da uži- vate u odličnoj kafi, zanatskom pivu ili domaćoj limunadi s kivijem i bosiljkom koje sami uzgajaju. Možete i da se foto- grafišete ili da iznajmite studio za slika- nje, a iza ovakvog koncepta stoje dve porodice iz Sankt Peterburga.

Plato working again The well-known cult venue on the plateau in front of the Faculty of

Philosophy has 120 seats located on the ground floor and two galleries. The space is dominated by wood and has an interior style that represents a combination of industrial and modern design. This establishment offers“Mocktails”– non- alcoholic cocktails made from fresh ingredients – making it unique in the city.

Kraftverk u Areni Nemački pioniri elektronske muzike, grupa Kraftverk , u okvi- ru svetske turneje održaće 3D koncert u Štark Areni 24. febru- ara. Spajajući muziku i performans, nastupi ovog sjajnog benda izgledaju kao pravo umetničko delo, u kom će publika uživa- ti pomoću specijalnih naočara, a koje će im biti podeljene pre koncerta. Članovi benda biće u posebnim odelima, njihov na- stup pratiće 3D projekcije, a sama scena biće u obliku levka. Kraftwerk at the Arena German electronic music pioneers“Kraftwerk”will hold a 3D concert at the Belgrade Štark Arena on 24th February as part of their ongoing world tour. Combining music and performance, the shows of this fantastic band are a genuine artwork that the audience can enjoy with the help of special glasses handed to them prior to the start of the concert. Band members will be sporting special suits, while their performance will follow 3D projections, and the stage itself will be in the form of a funnel.

Josipa Lisac u Centru Sava

Josipa Lisac at the Sava Centre Musical diva Josipa Lisac is commemorating the 50th anniversary of her career with a tour culminating in a symbolic concert at Belgrade’s Sava Centre on 14th February. It was in this very hall that she launched her tour on Valentine’s Day last year, and she is now returning to Belgrade with great pleasure. This will be another opportunity for the audience to enjoy her classic hits, such as “Fog”, “Today I’m crazy”, “Where the Danube kisses the sky” etc.

Muzička diva Josipa Lisac slavljeničku turneju povo- dom 50 godina karijere zavr- šiće simbolično koncertom u Centru Sava 14. februara. Baš u ovoj dvorani je i započela turneju na prošlogodišnji Dan zaljubljenih i zato se sad sa velikim zadovoljstvom vra- ća u Beograd. Biće ovo prili- ka da publika još jednom uži- va u njenim prepoznatljivim hitovima kao što su Magla , Danas sam luda , Gdje Dunav ljubi nebo ...

MRMOTE, KAD ĆE PROLEĆE? Ako vam se čini da vam je život totalna ruti- na i da je svaki dan isti, verovatno ste bar jednom izjavili da ste upali u Dan mrmota. Misleći pritom, sigurno, na film koji ove godine slavi 25. rođendan, a u kojem briljira Bil Mari zaglavljen u jednom da- nu, mesecima ga proživljavajući iznova i iznova. Glumac u filmu stiže u gradić Panksatoni u Pen- silvaniji da bi izvestio o tome šta kaže mrmot Fil, koji svakog 2. februara predviđa koliko će trajati zima. Ako vidi svoju senku, zima će navodno po- trajati bar još šest nedelja, a mnogo kraće ako Fil ne ode u svoj brlog jer je vreme oblačno. Ukoliko vam je sve ovo poznato, to je zato što i mi imamo sličnog meteorologa. U Srbiji na Srete- nje, 15. februara, iz svoje jazbine izlazi mečka. Sve ostalo je slično kao u Americi. I ona će se uplašiti svoje senke i vratiti na spavanje, što znači da pro- leće neće tako brzo. U suprotnom, radovaćemo se ranim visibabama. Ako budete u prilici, ne propu- stite vremensku prognozu iz prve ruke. A u među- vremenu, nemojte biti zaglavljeni u Danu mrmota, neka vam svaki dan bude iznenađenje.



If it seems that your life boils down to total routine and that every day is the same, you’ve probably said at least once that you’re stuck in Groundhog Day – in refer- ence, of course, to the film that is this year celebrating its 25 th birthday, in which Bill Murray spends months stuck in a single day, doomed to experience it over and over again. In the film, the actor plays a weatherman who arrives in the Pennsylvania town of Punxsutawney to report on the announcement of a local groundhog, Phil, who predicts how long winter will last every 2 nd February. If he sees his own shadow, winter will supposedly last at least another six weeks, but it will end much sooner if Phil stays in his burrow due to overcast weather. If all of this seems familiar to you, that’s perhaps be- cause we have a similar meteorologist. In Serbia every 15 th February a bear emerges from its den. Everything else is the same as in America – it will either be startled by its shad- ow and go back to sleep, signifying that spring won’t ar- rive so soon, or, if the opposite occurs, we can look forward to early snowdrops. So, provided you have the opportuni- ty, you shouldn’t miss out on this first-hand weather fore- cast. And in the meantime, don’t get stuck in Groundhog Day; allow each new day you experience to be a surprise.

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Scena / The Scene


Fotografija / Photography iStock

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U Šumadiji se cenila lakonogost u igri, igralo se uspavnog

tela, samo su se kolena savijala

In Šumadija they valued lightness of movement, dancing with an upright body, only bending the knees

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Tekst / Words: Violeta Nedeljković Fotografije / Photography: Jelena Janković


Po kolu nas prepoznaju u celom svetu, a danas je postalo nova kulturna baština čovečanstva. Naš tradicionalni narodni ples upisan je na Uneskovu listu nematerijalnog kulturnog nasleđa

This lavish circular dance is something Serbia is recognised for around the world, and today it has become a new element of the cultural heritage of humanity. Our traditional folk dance has been included on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

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Oglavlje iz Kosovskog Pomoravlja. U prošlosti

je imalo i zaštitnu ulogu u obrednim

ceremonijama i bitnim događajima u životu

Headdress from the Kosovo- Pomoravlje District. In the past they also played a protective role in ritual ceremonies and important events in life

B ez kola u Srbiji nema pra- vog veselja. Igra ga mlado i staro u svim krajevima ze- mlje. Svakojaka imena nosi – užičko, moravac, Žikino, kukunješ, retko, moravsko kolo... Kad muzika krene, noge same poskakuju. Po ovoj raskošnoj igri prepozna- ju nas u celom svetu, a danas je kolo nova kulturna baština čovečanstva. Naš tradicionalni narodni ples upi- san je na Uneskovu reprezentativnu listu nematerijalnog kulturnog na- sleđa. Sada se tamo nalazi rame uz rame s tangom i flamenkom, koji se takođe nalaze na toj prestižnoj listi. – Reč „kolo“ je višeznačna, pan- slovenska reč, koja se najčešće odno- si na kružnu formaciju lančano po- vezanih izvođača. U zavisnosti od stilskih odlika plesne tradicije pojedi- nih krajeva, razlikujemo pet etnoko- reoloških celina, a to su: centralna Srbija, zapadna Srbija, severoistoč- na Srbija, jugoistočna Srbija i Vojvo- dina. Svaka od ovih oblasti imala je

svoju plesnu tradiciju, u okviru ko- je su uobličeni plesni dijalekti naše zemlje. Oni, nažalost, zbog unificira- nja kulturnog nasleđa više ne posto- je u svakodnevnoj praksi, već samo u okviru scenskog prikazivanja narod- nih igara u okviru folklornih i kultur- no-umetničkih društava – objašnja- va Selena Rakočević, etnokoreolog i vanredni profesor na Fakultetu mu- zičke umetnosti u Beogradu. Osnovni plesni repertoar central-

ne Srbije predstavljali su plesovi tipa šetnje i takozvana kola u tri – mora- vac, kukunješ, žikino kolo, retko ko- lo, moravsko kolo ... – Dok je u centralnoj Srbiji domi- nirala poletnost bazirana na mekoći kolena i skočnog zgloba, tzv. pocupki- vanje, te izraziti procesi variranja to- kom plesanja, u zapadnoj Srbiji igra- lo se snažno, na celom stopalu i bez velike promene osnovnih obrazaca koraka – kaže profesorka Rakočević. Plesni dijalekat jugoistočne Sr- bije odlikovao se izvođačkom virtuo- znošću, prelaskom prostora i upotre- bom pokreta slobodne noge, one koja ne nosi težinu tela. – Karakteristični plesovi u jugo- istočnoj Srbiji su čačak , rumenka , osmača , polomka i mnogi drugi. U severoistočnoj Srbiji zastupljeni vlaš- ko kolo , keser , pop-marinkovo kolo , đurđevka , osmica ... Plesni stil je za- snovan na mekom stupanju celim sto- palom na tlu bez izrazitog variranja osnovnih koraka.

The kolo is the most widespread dance on the territory of Serbia, and apart from the Serbian population, which considers it part of its national identity, it is also danced by communities of other ethnicities and faiths Kolo je najraspostranjenija igra na teritoriji Srbije, a osim srpskog stanovništva, koje ga smatra obeležjem nacionalnog identiteta, izvode ga i druge etničke i konfesionalne zajednice

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T here can be no genuine celebra- tion in Serbia without the Serbian kolo dance. It is danced by young and old alike, in all parts of the country. The regular names its variations carry include užičko, moravac, Žikino, kuku- nješ, retko, moravsko kolo etc. When the music starts, the legs leap on their own. We are recognised worldwide for this lavish dance, and today kolo has become a new element of the cultural heritage of hu- manity. Our traditional folk dance has been included on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Human- ity. Now it can be found shoulder to shoul- der with the tango and flamenco, which are also on this prestigious list. - The word ’kolo’ has multiple mean- ings, as a Pan-Slavic word that most often refers to a circular formation of linked per- formers. Depending on the stylistic features of the dance tradition of certain regions, we can distinguish five ethnochoreologi- cal entities: central Serbia, western Serbia, north-eastern Serbia, south-eastern Serbia and Vojvodina. Each of these areas had its own dance tradition that formed the frame- work within which the dance dialect of our country was shaped. Unfortunately, due to the unification of cultural heritage, they no longer exist in everyday practise, rather on- ly as part of the scenic presentation of folk dances within folklore and cultural-artistic societies – explains Selena Rakočević, eth- nomusicologist and associate professor at the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Music. The basic dance repertoire of central Serbia was represented by walking type dances and so-called “kolos in threes” - moravac, kukunješ, žikino kolo, retko kolo, moravsko kolo etc. - In central Serbia the dominant move- ment was based on the softness of the knees and ankles and little jumps, then variations of these expressions during dancing, while in western Serbia they danced more strong- ly, on the whole foot and without major changes in the basic forms of steps – ex- plains Professor Rakočević. The dance dialect of south-eastern Ser- bia was shaped by the virtuosity of perfor- mance, movement through space and the use of free leg movements that do not car- ry the weight of the body. - The characteristic dances of south- east Serbia are the čačak, rumenka, os�- mača, polomka and many others, and the dances representative of northeast Serbia are the vlaško kolo, keser, pop marinko- vo kolo, đurđevka, osmica etc. The dance style is based on making soft steps with the whole foot on the ground, without any exaggerated variations in the basic steps.

Tradicionalna crnogorska igra kolo na kolo , u kojoj muškarci stoje jedni drugima na ramenima Traditional Montenegrin

dance “kolo on kolo”, in which

men climb on each other’s shoulders

KOLEKTIVNI NARODNI PLES Odluku o upisu kola na Uneskovu reprezentativnu listu nematerijalne kulturne baštine čovečanstva doneo je 7. decembra 2017. međuvladin komitet za očuvanje nema- terijalnog kulturnog nasleđa na 12. redovnom zasedanju koje je održano na ostrvu Čedžu, u Južnoj Koreji. U od- luci se, između ostalog, objašnjava: „Kolo je tradiciona- lan, kolektivni narodni ples koji izvode plesači međusob- no povezani tako da formiraju lanac, a obično se krecu ukrug držeci se za ruke. Izvodi se uz muzičku pratnju na privatnim i javnim okupljanjima i uključuje sve članove lokalne zajednice. Kolo ima važnu integrativnu društvenu funkciju i simbol je nacionalnog identiteta...“ COLLECTIVE FOLK DANCE The decision to include the kolo on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity was made on 7 th December 2017 by the Intergovernmental Commit- tee for the Preservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage, at its 12 th regular session, held on the Korean island of Je- ju. Among other factors, the decision to include it was ex- plained as: “the kolo is a traditional, collective folk dance performed by dancers who are interlinked to form a chain, usually moving in a circular line holding hands with their arms down. It is performed to the accompaniment of music at private and public gatherings and involves all members of the local community. Kolo has an important integrative social function, it is a symbol of national identity...”

Igra iz jugoistočne Srbije

Dance from southeast Serbia

Teško oro , muška narodna igra iz jugoistočne Srbije Hard Dance, male folk dance from southeast Serbia

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Stilozivan vlaški kostim iz severoistočne Srbije

Stylised Vlach

costume from northeast Serbia

Vlaška šubara, deo tradicionalne narodne nošnje iz severoistočne Srbije Vlach šubara hat, part of traditional folk costumes from northeast Serbia

Na teritoriji današnje Vojvodine izvođene su mno- ge verzije takozvanog malog kola , potom veliko kolo , sremčica i majstorsko kolo , mađarac , podvoje .... – Za plesni izvođački stil

u Vojvodini karakteristična je izrazita rodna podeljenost, u okviru koje su muškarci mo- gli vešto da menjaju jednostav- ne obrasce koraka, dok su žene pocupkivale u mestu pružaju- ći im potporu u plesu – navodi profesorka Rakočević. Nekada osnovni repertoar centralne Srbije, danas na ce- loj teritoriji zemlje preovlađu- ju moravac , žikino kolo i naj- poznatije – užičko . – Užičko kolo izvodi se na svim svetkovinama, proslava- ma, saborima, porodičnim i jav- nim okupljanjima. U njemu se prevazilaze sve granice među izvođačima, etničke distance, religijske, socijalne, statusne, ekonomske, profesionalne, sta- rosne i rodne. S obzirom na to

Na Uneskovu listu nematerijalnog nasleđa, kao prvi element iz Srbije, upisana je porodična slava u novembru 2014, a u proceduri predloga za upis za 2018.

godinu je i pevanje uz gusle

da u njemu učestvuju svi prisutni, nosi simboliku sa- bornosti, radosti, dobrih vibracija i zajedništva – kaže profesorka Rakočević.

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Many versions are performed on the territory of today’s Vojvodina, from the so- called small kolo, then the large kolo, the sremčica and maestro’s kolo, Hungarian, podvoje etc. - Dance performance style in Vojvodi- na was characterised by a distinct gen- der division in which men could skilfully switch between simple patterns of steps, while women jumped on the spot, offer- ing them support in their dance – notes Professor Rakočević. The former basic repertoire of central Serbia now dominates the entire territory of the country –moravac, Žikino kolo and the most popular - užičko. - The užičko kolo (from Užice) is per- formed at all festivities, celebrations, gath- erings and family and public gettogethers. Within it all boundaries between perform- ers are transcended, ethnic distance, reli- gious, social, status, economic, profession- al, age and gender. Given that it includes the participation of everyone, it holds the symbolism of communion, joy, good vi- brations and togetherness - says Profes- sor Rakočević. The first Serbian tradition to be included on UNESCO’s List of Intangible Heritage of Humanity was the ’Slava’ family patron saint’s day celebration, added in November 2014, while singing to the accompaniment of the gusle instrument has been proposed for inclusion in 2018

U Vojvodini su žene najčešće pocupkivale u mestu pružajući muškarcima potporu u plesu The women of Vojvodina most commonly tapped their feet in one place, providing the men with support in dancing

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Tekst / Words: Predrag Marković, istoričar / the historian

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Drugi srpski ustanak, slika Paje Jovanovića The second Serbian Uprising, a painting by Paja Jovanović

P raznici su za državu kao rođendani i godišnjice za porodicu. To su dani kada se neka zajednica podseća velikih i važnih događaja u svojoj istoriji. U slučaju države, njen dan ukazuje na to kojim se događajima i vrednostima daje prvenstvo. U slu- čaju Srbije i Sretenja (15. f ebruar), u pitanju je dan koji otelotvoruje dvo- struku poruku. Zapravo, Prvi srpski ustanak 1804. godine i demokratski ustav iz 1835. godine dva su vida borbe za slo- bodu. Prvi je oružana borba protiv ogromne sile turske carevine, a dru- gi je politička borba ustavnim sred- stvima. Najveći svetski istoričar tog vremena Leopold fon Ranke shvatio je veličinu srpskog ustanka i napisao je o njemu knjigu Srpska revoluci- ja . Taj ustanak je bio malo istorijsko čudo. Srpska revolucija bila je i pr- vi uspešni samostalni ustanak jed- nog malog naroda protiv jedne velike carevine. Grci su svoj rat za nezavi- snost počeli 1821. godine. Nigde drugde se dva takva doga- đaja nisu tako vremenski preklopila. Osim toga, nijedan drugi datum ne- ma takav objedinjujući karakter. On spaja u sebi borbenu, herojsku tra- diciju sa tradicijom primene najvi- ših civilizacijskih vrednosti kakve su demokratija, ljudska prava i slobode. Za Sretenje su vezane neke od najlepših priča srpske prošlosti. To je, pre svega, priča o narodu koji se za života jedne generacije uzdigao iz statusa poniženih i diskriminisa- nih podanika stranog despotskog režima u stanje jednog naroda ko- ji uvodi najnaprednije zakonske te- kovine svog vremena. To je priča o narodu koji se iz pepela propasti Prvog srpskog ustanka 1813. uzdiže već 1815. godine, kada je izbio Dru- gi srpski ustanak, koji je kombina- cijom vojnih pobeda i velike diplo- matske veštine kneza Miloša doneo autonomiju mladoj srpskoj državi, koja je faktički značila državnost. Knjaz Miloš, vođa Drugog srpskog ustanka, bio je ćudljivi i vlastoljubi- vi vladar, ali je imao svest kada tre-

A holiday for a country is like a birthday and an anniversary for the family. These are the days when a community recalls the big and important events in its history. In the case of the state, its special day indi- cates which events and values are given precedence. In the case of Serbia and Sre- tenje (Candlemas), this is a day (15th Feb- ruary) that embodies a two-part message. It actually commemorates the First Serbi- an Uprising of 1804 and the Democratic Constitution of 1835, two aspects of the nation’s struggle for freedom. The first was an armed struggle against the enormous power of the Ottoman Empire, while the second was a political struggle with con- stitutional resources. The greatest world historian of that time, Leopold von Ranke, understood the scope of the Serbian up- rising and wrote about it in the book “Ser- bian Revolution”. That uprising was a minor miracle of history. The Serbian Revolution was also the first successful independent uprising of a small nation against a major empire. The Greeks launched their war of independence in 1821. Nowhere else have two such events overlapped in time in such a way. Apart from that, no other date has such a unify- ing character. It combines within it a bat- tling, heroic tradition and the tradition of applying the highest values of civilisation, such as democracy, human rights and per- sonal freedoms. Some of the most beautiful stories from Serbia’s past are connected to Sre- tenje. These include, first and foremost, the story of a nation that rose in a single generation from the status of a humiliat- ed and discriminated subject of a foreign despotic regime to a nation that intro- duced the most advanced legal flows of its time. This is the story of a nation that rose up from the ashes of the collapse of the First Serbian Uprising in 1813 just two years later, in 1815, when the Second Ser- bian Uprising broke out and – with the combination of military victories and the great diplomatic skills of Prince Miloš – led to autonomy being granted to the young Serbian state, which practically equated to it gaining statehood. Prince Miloš, leader of the Second Ser- bian Uprising, was a peculiar and pow-

Za Sretenje su vezane neke od najlepših priča srpske prošlosti. To je, pre svega, priča o narodu koji se za života jedne generacije uzdigao iz statusa poniženih do naroda koji uvodi najnaprednije zakonske tekovine svog vremena Some of the most beautiful stories from Serbia’s past are connected to Sretenje. These include, first and foremost, the story of a nation that rose in a single generation from the status of a humiliated subject to a nation that introduced the most advanced legal flows of its time

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