Elevate November 2016 | Air Serbia


The inflight magazine of Air Serbia


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Dragi gosti, Tri godine na nebu

Dear Guests, Three years in the skies

Nedavno smo proslavili treći rođendan Er Srbije . Kad pogleda- mo unazad, neverovatno je koliko smo toga uradili za tako kratko vreme. Tog 26. oktobra 2013, kad smo prvi put poleteli iz Beograda za Abu Dabi, imali smo pregršt ambicioznih ciljeva i sada s ponosom mogu da kažem da smo većinu ostvarili. Za kratko vreme postali smo lider među avio-kompanijama u Evropi. Svakoga dana dobijam mejlove od naših gostiju koji govore o izvanrednoj usluzi u koju ćete se, siguran sam, uveriti iz prve ru- ke na ovom letu. Od drugih nas naročito izdvajaju uspesi koje smo ostvarili u po- slednjih 12 meseci. U junu smo uveli direktan let za Njujork i time obnovili vazdušni most koji je bio zatvoren od devedesetih godina. Danas smo jedina avio-kompanija u jugoistočnoj Evropi koja leti pre- ko Atlantika. Te iste nedelje poleteli smo za Sankt Peterburg, Hamburg, Ohrid i Kijev, i tako je u jednom naletu naša mreža porasla sa 39 destina- cij na 44 destinacije. Pored toga, predstavili smo širokotrupni erbas A330 . To je na- ša 21. letelica i koristimo je za letove do aerodroma JFK. Leteti njom iskustvo je bez premca. Brzo smo se razvili, ali od tog prvog leta za Abu Dabi naš osnov- ni cilj bio je da se pobrinemo za vašu udobnost u svakom smislu te reči. Zato sada Er Srbija nudi mogućnost da se čekirate preko inter- neta i pre nego što stignete na Aerodrom Nikola Tesla . Uz sve to, na našim letovima postoji Wi-Fly usluga zahvaljujući kojoj možete da pristupite internetu i da strimujete emisije, filmove i muziku na telefone ili tablete preko Elevate Play aplikacije. Ulazeći u četvrtu godinu poslovanja, nastavićemo da razvijamo usluge kako bi vaša iskustva sa Er Srbijom bila još bolja. U međuvremenu, želim da vam zahvalim što ste izabrali da leti- te s nama. U prethodne tri godine prevezli smo milione gostiju, i to je motor koji nam omogućava da se vinemo ovoliko visoko. U ovom specijalnom izdanju magazina Elevate pravimo retros- pektivu kompanije i osvrćemo se na mnoga fenomenalna dostignu- ća. Nadam se da ćete uživati čitajući i želim vam ugodan let.

We have recently celebrated our third birthday at Air Serbia. Loo- king back, it’s incredible to see how far we’ve come in that short time. On 26 October 2013, when the first-ever Air Serbia flight took off from Belgrade for Abu Dhabi, we had many ambitious goals, and today I am proud to say many of these have been achieved. In a short timeframe we have become one of the leading boutique airlines in Europe. Every day I receive emails from our guests talking about our exceptional service, which I am sure you’ll experience first- hand on this flight. In our journey, our achievements during the last 12 months have particularly set us apart from the rest. In June, we launched non-stop flights to New York, reestablishing an air bridge that had essentially been closed since the early 90s. To- day we are the only carrier in Southeast Europe to fly transatlantic. During that same week, we began flying to St Petersburg, Ham- burg, Ohrid and Kiev, in one fell swoop growing our network from 39 to 44 destinations. In addition, we also introduced a widebody Airbus A330 into our fleet. Our 21st aircraft, it is used on our long-haul services to JFK, and offers an onboard experience that is simply second to none. We have grown quickly, but from that first flight to Abu Dhabi, we have retained our focus on making sure you have the best possible jo- urney, every step of the way. That is why with Air Serbia you can now check in through the web before you even get to Nikola Tesla Airport. This service is progressive- ly being rolled out to other airports too. On top of that, you can connect to inflight wi-fi on our Wi-Fly ser- vice, and stream TV shows, films and music to your phone or tablet through our Elevate Play app. As we enter our fourth year, we will continue to focus on enhan- cing your experience with Air Serbia. In the meantime I want to thank you for choosing to fly with us. We have carried millions of guests over the last three years and it is your patronage that has enabled us to rise to these heights. In this special edition of Elevate, we have a retrospective featu- re on Air Serbia that lists many of our fantastic accomplishments. I hope you enjoy reading it and have a great flight.

Dane Kondić, Generalni direktor Er Srbije

Dane Kondić Chief Executive Officer Air Serbia

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Er Srbija je u januaru proširi- la sporazum sa Er Berlinom po- vezavši Beograd, preko Berlina i Diseldorfa, sa Njujorkom, Čika- gom i Majamijem. Proširenjem ovog ugovora glavni grad Srbi- je povezan je sa još devet grado- va u Evropi.

Krajem marta potpi- san je sporazum sa EL AL-om , pa je izraelska avio-kompanija stavila svoj LY kod na pet ne- deljnih letova Er Srbi- je između Beograda i Tel Aviva.

U okviru programa „Žive legende“ Miki Manojlović je u martu postao četvr- ti slavni građanin Srbije čije se ime pojavljuje na avionu ove avio kompa- nije. U pitanju je a vion er- bas A319 (YU APA ).

As part of its “Living Le- gends” programme, during March actor Miki Manojlo- vić became the fourth famo- us Serbian to have his name appear on an Air Serbia air- craft. The Airbus A319 (YU APA) now bears his name.

At the end of March, a new codeshare was signed with EL AL that saw the Israeli airline place its LY code on Air Serbia flights between Belgrade and Tel Aviv.

Let’s celabrate our 3rd birthday Slavimo treći rođendan

U maju je još jednom proširen kod-šer spo- razum sa Er Berlinom na osnovu koga putni- ci Er Srbije iz Beogra- da, preko Diseldorfa, mogu da stignu do Bo- stona i San Franciska. May also saw the codeshare agreement with Air Berlin expan- ded once again, this ti- me enabling Air Serbia passengers to fly from Belgrade, via Düssel- dorf, to Boston and San Francisco.

The beginning of June saw the Elevate Play entertainment streaming ser- vice introduced on all narrow- body Airbus air- craft in the fleet.

Početkom ju- na Er Srbija je promovisala Elevate Play uslugu na svim usko-tru- pnim erbaso- vima u floti.

Danas, tri godine posle osnivanja, Er Srbija ima 21 avion u svojoj floti i leti ka 44 destinacije. Za nas je 2016. bila posebno uspešna godina. Spremni smo za nove izazove Today, three years after it was launched, Air Serbia has a fleet of 21 aircraft and flies to 44 destinations. Now we’re ready for new challenges

Sredinom septem- bra Er Srbija je na- javila da će pla- nirani letovi za Hamburg biti u re- du letenja i tokom zimskog raspo- reda.

Mid-Septem- ber saw Air Ser-

bia announce that scheduled flights to Hamburg would continue during the winter schedule.

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Air Serbia extended its code- share agreement with Air Ber- lin in January, connecting Belgra- de, via Berlin and Düsseldorf, with New York, Chicago and Miami. The expansion of this agreement also linked up the Serbian capital with another nine cities in Europe. Takođe u februaru Er Srbija je najavila da će unaprediti IT si- steme tako što će preći na Sa- bre platformu za čekiranje, rezervacije… Ta promena je pla- nirana za drugi kvartal 2017. i mnogo će promeniti doživljaj putnika.

U januaru se desilo još nešto važno – Er Srbija proširila je kod-šer spo- razum sa Etihadom. Za- hvaljujući tome, Beograd se povezao sa Hong Kongom i Johanezbur- gom preko Abu Dabija.

U februaru, na Saj- mu turizma u Beogra- du, Er Srbija je prodala prve tri karte za no- vu liniju Beograd–Nju- jork. Ovom prilikom je objavljen i datum pr- vog leta na ovoj liniji – 23. jun 2016.

Another important deve- lopment took place in Janu- ary – Air Serbia expanded its codeshare agreement with Etihad. Thanks to this, Belgrade became connected, via Abu Dhabi, with Hong Kong and Johannesburg. In February, at the Inter- national Tourism Fair in Bel- grade, Air Serbia sold the first three tickets for its new Belgrade-New York rou- te. The date of the first flight was also announced – 23 rd Ju- ne 2016.

Also in February, Air Serbia announced that it would upgra- de its IT systems by switching over to the Sabre platform for check-in, reservations and flight operations. The switch is plan- ned for Q2 2017 and will greatly enhance the guest experience.

Krajem marta svi Er Srbi- ja server sistemi za arhi- viranje i skladištenje baza podataka, telekomunikaci- oni linkovi i čvorišta sme- šteni su u prostorijama te- lekomunikacionog centra (TKC) Telekoma Srbije .

Sredinom aprila Er Sr- bija ketering prošao je zahtevnu međuna- rodnu proveru bezbed- nosti hrane i ispunio sve HACCP standarde globalnog sistema za ocenjivanje hrane.

At the end of March, all Air Serbia server systems for archiving and databa- se storage, telecommunica- tions links and nodes were relocated to the premises of the Telekom Srbija Telecom- munications Centre (TKC).

Mid-April saw Air Ser- bia Catering pass deman- ding internationally recogni- sed food safety checks and satisfy all HACCP require- ments of the global system for evaluating the manage- ment, preparation and stora- ge of food.

Takođe u aprilu Er Srbija je pono- vo postala par- tner Beograd- skog maratona, najvećeg sport- skog događa- ja u jugoistočnoj Evropi.

Also in April, Air Serbia aga- in partnered up with the Belgra- de Marathon, the biggest ra- ce event held in Southeast Eu- rope.

On 11 th May, Air Serbia celebrated the next step in its evolution with the arrival of its first wide-body aircraft, an Airbus A330 wi- th 254 seats.

Er Srbija je 11. maja proslavila novi uspeh – u svoju flotu uve- li su široko-tru- pni erbas A330 sa 254 sedišta.

Posle 24 godine ljudi mogu direktno da lete iz Beograda u Njujork. I to er- basom A330 koji nosi ime Nikole Te- sle. Er Srbija je istog dana promovisala istorijski let emitovanjem video-spoto- va na Tajms skveru, najvećoj pešačkoj zoni na svetu. Istovremeno, lansirali su Sky Au Pair uslugu koja je namenjena porodicama koje lete preko Atlantika.

In just one

U samo tri da- na početkom jula potpisa- ni su i proši- reni kod-šer sporazumi sa Er Sejšelima i NIKI-jem.

In early Ju- ly, Air Serbia signed new codeshare agreements with Air Seychelles and NIKI

U junu smo poleteli za Njujork JFK , Hamburg, Ohrid, Ki- jev i Sankt Peterburg.

week in Ju- ne, we laun- ched flights to New York – JFK, Hamburg, Ohrid, Kiev and St. Petersburg.

After a break of 24 years, people can once again fly non-stop from Belgrade to New York. And they can do so on an Airbus A330 named after Nikola Tesla. That same day also saw Air Serbia pro- mote the historic flight by broadcasting video clips on Times Square, the busiest pedestrian walkway in the world. At the same time, we launched our co- veted Sky Au Pair service, which provides families flying across the Atlantic with childcare assistance.

In mid-August we concluded a codesha- re cooperation agree- ment with Montene- gro Airlines , making the Podgorica-based airline our 17 th codes- hare partner.

Sredinom avgusta za- ključili smo sporazum o kod-šer saradnji sa Montenegro er- lajnsom. Ovim je ova avio-kompanija postala naš 17. kod-šer partner

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The inflight magazine of Air Serbia


Novi Sad, kulturna prestonica Evrope / Novi Sad, European Capital of Culture

Sadržaj / Inside Trenutak / Flash Kultura i moda / Culture & fashion

Selfi / Selfie 16

Scena / The Scene



Perspektiva / Perspective 24

Berlin Već miriše na Božić / Berlin Christmas aroma already in the air Tivat Praznik grada / Tivat City Holiday

Njihovi modeli šetaju ulicama sveta / Their creations walk the streets of the world Ana Fendi: Rim se krije u svemu što dizajniram / Anna Fendi: Rome is hidden in everything I design Kad ubica nije jedini krivac za zločin / When a murderer is not the only one to blame for a crime



Pogodite ko putuje sa nama / Guess who is travelling with us




Abu Dabi Trka Formule 1 / Abu Dhabi Formula 1 Race

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia



Bogovi i demoni Viminacijuma / Gods and demons of Viminacium

Istanbul Praznik knjige / Istanbul Festival of books

Fotografija na naslovnoj strani: Aleksandar Đorđević, autor knjige Street Art Belgrade; Njegove slike možete da pogledate i na Fejsbuk stranici Beogradski grafiti Cover page photo: Aleksandar Đorđević, author of the book Street Art Belgrade; you can see his photos at Facebook page Beogradski grafiti


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The inflight magazine of Air Serbia


Bolonja: Mali grad, koji je svetu dao Dukati i Lamborgini Bologna: A small city that gave the world Ducati and Lamborghini

Sadržaj / Inside Sport i avantura / Sports and adventure Putovanje / Travel

Vodič / Guide




Pod svodom Gardena , gde vladaju Niksi / Under the vault of the Garden, where the Knicks rule Alfred Nobel, Šveđanin koji je promenio planetu / Alfred Nobel, the Swede who changed the world Tom Vlašiha, jedan od junaka serije Igra prestola / Tom Wlaschiha, one of the stars of “Game of Thrones”

Moj Stokholm: Jelena Mila, glumica / My Stockholm by actress Jelena Mila Moj Kopenhagen, Danica Ćurčić, glumica / My Copenhagen by actress Danica Ćurčić Čudesno putovanje dve ikone od Srbije do Rusije / The remarkable journey of two icons from Serbia to Russia

David Pužado: Stranac u Beogradu / David Pujado: Stranger in Belgrade




Džiboni u Beogradu / Gibonni in Belgrade


Intervju / Interview




Rade Šerbedžija

Skrivene poruke beogradskih zidova / Hidden messages of Belgrade’s walls

Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up 98 ― 121 Etihad ervejz avio-grupacija: Radimo zajedno za vas! Etihad Airways aviation group: Working together for you, Praksa za 75 mladih u Er Srbiji Providing internships for up to 75 young Serbians, Američki novinari oduševljeni letom do Njujorka US journalists wowed by flight to New York, Er Srbija: Primer uspešnog nacionalnog avio- prevoznika Air Serbia: An example of what a flag carrier should be, Prestižno priznanje za Etihad ervejz: Rejting od pet zvezdica Etihad Airways awarded highest rating: Skytrax 5-star rating, Luksuzni brendovi u avionima Etihada Luxuries brands in Etihad airplanes, Nareš Gojal nagrađen za razvoj turizma Naresh Goyal honoured as ‘The Iconic Indian”, Erberlin: Moderni restorani na 10.000 metara Airberlin: Trendy restaurants at 10,000 meters, Er Sejšeli: Promotivne cene karata do Hongkonga i Singapura Air Seychelles: Promotional fares to Hong Kong and Singapore

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Embrace your beauty in autumn! Blistajte tokom jesenjih dana!

Nakon leta i sunčanja, naša preplanula koža deluje umorno i dehidrirano, pojavljuju se bore i pigmentacije. Kožu treba pripremiti za hladnije dane kako bi bili negovani i blistali tokom cele godine. Mezo & Light tretmanom nadoknađujemo vitamine, minerale i antioksidanse, hidriramo kožu iznutra i na taj način uspora- vamo starenje i postižemo svež i prirodan mladalački izgled. Peel & Light daje meku i glatku kožu bez pigmentacija, akni i proširenih pora. Venus Legacy je prijatan lifting tretman koji uklanja plitke i smanjuje duboke bore na licu i prirodno podmlađuje. Dermapen 3 umanjuje ožiljke, hiperpigmentacije i strije.

Now is the perfect time to erase the unwanted signs that summer may have left on your skin. We offer you great, painless and fast treatments to bring back your youthful, gorgeous skin! For discolorations & acne our customers love Peel & Light , our combination of LED light therapy and skin peels. We treat newly appeared wrinkles & tired skin with Venus Legacy , a complex treatment that provides fantastic results with no downtime. For deep hydration and rejuvenation, we recommend our Meso&Light , combining nurturing Mesothe- rapy with healing Light therapy. With the original Dermapen 3 treatment we battle age spots, scars and stretch marks.

Nije lako odoleti hrani tokom leta? Mi vam nudimo savršeno rešenje za uporne masne naslage i celulit... The food during summer was just „too irresistible“? We have great solutions for stubborn fat, skin tightening & cellulite...

D ermaVille je prestižni estetski centar za negu lica i tela, specijali- zovan za neinvazivne i komforne estetske procedure gde se koriste najnoviji svetski priznati aparati i procedure koji su dokazano bezbedni a lako su uklopivi u dnevni raspored jer ne zahtevaju period oporavka. Iskusite dobar osećaj brige o sebi u jedinstvenoj atmosferi DermaVille. Nazovite na +381 66 630 34 34 i zakažite vašu besplatnu konsultaciju! D ermaVille Center for Aesthetics offers a variety of bespoke treat- ments for body & face under one roof. We provide our clients with a selection of the best non-invasive and comfortable aesthetic procedu- res which give that naturally radiant look with little or no downtime. Call us at +381 66 630 34 34 to schedule your free consultation!

+381 66 630 34 34 | online booking at www.dermaville.rs Jurija Gagarina 12a/2, Iris, Belville, 11070 Novi Beograd next to the Air Serbia office building, near the Delta City shopping center

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The inflight magazine of Air Serbia Glavna i odgovorna urednica / Editor in chief Jelena Isaković

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia ights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR-ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights Izvršne urednice / Executive Editors Jelena Pantović, Katarina Sretenović Direktor fotografije / Photo Director Slobodan Pikula Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Goran Ratković, Milan Jovičić, Jelena Nalbantjan Fotografije / Photography Emilia Therese, Miško Rendulić, David Pužado, Vladislav Mitić, Zoran Lončarević, Petar Marković, Goran Srdanov Foto agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia, Getty Images, iStock Lektori / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Nebojša Nestorović Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektor za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Goran Radulović, direktor prodaje za specijalne projekte / Sales Manager for special projects goran.radulovic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan, Đorđe Vukotić Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Axel Springer Srbija Žorža Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringieraxelspringer.rs Generalni direktor Ringier Axel Springer Srbija / CEO Ringier Axel Springer Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Direktor izdanja / Publishing Director Sreten Radović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

Na prizor sa slike navikli su se ljudi sa severa, dok ostatak sveta ne može da se načudi prirodnom fenomenu znanom kao polarna svetlost. Pojavljuje se severno od arktičkog kruga i južno od antarktičkog. Dok traje, sunce ne izlazi iznad horizonta, a koliko će dugo jedno mesto biti bez sunca zavisi od geografskog položaja i varira od 20 sati na krugovima do 186 dana na polovima. The people of the north have grown accustomed to the scenery from this picture, while the rest of the world cannot help but wonder about the natural phenomenon known as polar nights. They appear to the north of the Arctic Circle and south of the Antarctic Circle. While they last, the sun does not appear above the horizon. And the length of time during which the sun does not rise depends on the geographical position of the place and varies from 20 hours at the actual circles to 186 days at the poles.


U ovom broju / This issue’s contributors

Jelena Mila je glumica iz Beograda. Pre 18 godina otišla je u Švedsku, u Stokholm, grad u kome je izgradila raskošnu karijeru. Njenu priču čitaćete u dahu jer na iskren način govori o tipičnim problemima sa kojima se susreće svako ko počinje život u tuđini. Jelena Mila is an actress from Belgrade, who left for Sweden 18 years ago, or more specifically Stockholm, a city where she built a rich career. You will read her story in a single breath, because she writes in an honest way about the typical problems faced by anyone who starts life in a foreign land.

Danica Ć určic , danska glumica sa srpskim korenima, izvlači najbolje iz dve kulture: balkanske i skandinavske. Na Međunarodnom filmskom festivalu u Berlinu 2014. godine dobila je nagradu Shooting Star . Već je zauzela svoje mesto u danskoj filmskoj i pozorišnoj produkciji. Danica určić , a Danish actress with Serbian roots, brings out the best in her two cultures: Balkan and Scandinavian. In 2014, Danica was named Shooting Star at the Berlin International

On je David Pužado iz Barselone, ali je Beograd postao njegov dom. To je grad koji mu nedostaje kad putuje. Beograd je grad koji ga neprestano inspiriše. Kada je otišao iz Barselone, skinuo je odelo i kao na ruletu stavio sve na crveno. Fotografija je njegova strast. He is David Pujado from Barcelona, but Belgrade has become his home. This is the city he misses when he travels. The city that constantly inspires him. He left Barcelona, took off his suit and, and like in a game of roulette, he put everything on red. Photography is his passion.

Tamara Ognjević nam priča o bogovima i demonima Viminacijuma. Ona je istoričarka umetnosti, direktorka Artis centra , potpredsednica Nacionalnog komiteta Međunarodnog saveta muzeja (International Council of Museums, ICOM), autorka Blaga Srbije, kulturno-istorijske baštine . tells us about the gods and demons of Viminacium. Tamara is an art historian, director of the Artis Centre, vice president of the National Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and author of The Treasure of Serbia – Cultural and Historical Heritage. Tamara Ognjević

Film Festival. She is already a highly respected actress in the Danish film industry.

Godina izlaženja / Anoo XLII Broj / Issue No. 275 Naslovna strana / Cover Slobodan Pikula

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R  / C B

SELFIE: WHAT DO YOU TAKE ONBOARD? SA SOBOM U AVION? SELFI: ŠTA NOSITE POP PEVAČICA / POP SINGER АNA STANIĆ Uvek nosim mali, crni tefter. U njemu za- pisujem razne stvari. Ako putujem radi šo- pinga, onda pišem šta treba da kupim i ko- liko sam para potrošila. Dešavalo mi se da ostanem bez love, zato sam naučila da vo- dim evidenciju. A ako idem turistički, zapi- sujem preporuke za restorane, galerije... Ta- kođe, u avionu uvek imam osveživač za lice jer je vazduh suv. Važno mi je i da mi je te- lefon pri ruci jer me oblaci inspirišu, pa če- sto na diktafonu beležim nove melodije. I da, ne odvajam se ni od čepića za uši, imam lak san, pa mi smeta svaki šum.

Ana Stanić je di- plomirani TV i film- ski producent, mada se mnogo više bavi pop muzikom. Pošto je na- pustila grupu Mobi dik , 1998. počinje sa- mostalnu muzičku ka- rijeru. Udata je i ima sina Vuka. Ana trenut- no sprema nov singl. duated in TV and film production, tho- ugh she is much more active in pop music. She launched her solo musical career af- ter leaving the group Mobi dik in 1998. She is married and has a son, Vuk. Ana is cu- rrently preparing a new single. Ana Stanić gra-

I always carry a small, black notebook. I write various things in it. If I am travelling to shop, then I write down what I need to buy and how much money I’ve spent. I ha- ppened to once end up without cash, which is why I’ve learned to keep a record. And if I travel for tourism, I write down recommen- dations for restaurants, galleries etc. I also always have a facial freshener on the pla- ne, because the air is dry. It’s also important for me to have my phone handy, because the clouds inspire me, so I often record new melodies on the voice recorder. And, yes, I don’t part with my earplugs either; I’m a li- ght sleeper, so every noise bothers me.

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Tivat Praznik grada Svake godine 21. novembra, na Aranđelovdan, Tivat proslavlja Dan opštine. Tako će i ove godine po običaju proslava početi ceremonijom polaganja venaca na spomenik palim borcima kod zgrade stare škole, a potom će Bokeljska mornarica i mažoretkinje prodefilovati ulicama Tivta. Posebnu pažnju radoznalih građana i turista uvek izazovu mornari i oficiri u tradicionalnim uniformama dok igraju kolo Bokeljske mornarice. Berlin Već miriše na Božić Više od 50 godina svakog novembra na berlinskom Bazaru okupljaju se proizvođači tradicionalnih, etno i umetničkih proizvoda iz svih krajeva sveta. Tako će i ove godine na Bazaru od 16. do 20. novembra posetioci moći da kupe originalan nakit, odeću, tašne, igračke, nameštaj i organsku kozmetiku. Mnogi ovaj sajam koriste i za kupovinu poklona za božićne praznike.

Berlin Christmas aroma already in the air

For more than 50 years, producers of traditional, folk and fine art products from all over the world gather every November at Berlin's Bazaar. And this year again, from 16 th to 20th November, visitors to the bazaar will be able to buy original jewellery, clothing, handbags, toys, furniture and organic cosmetics. Many also use the opportnity of this fair to buy Christmas gifts.

Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Berlin Air Serbia flies seven times a week from Belgrade to Berlin

Tivat City Holiday Every year on 21 st November, Archangel Day, Tivat celebrates the Day of the Municipality. And again this year, as is tradition, celebrations will begin with a wreath laying ceremony at the monument to fallen soldiers near the building of the old school, after which the members of the Boka Navy and majorettes will parade through the streets of Tivat. The special attention of curious locals and tourists always attracts sailors and officers in traditional uniforms performing the traditional kolo dance of the Boka Navy.

Er Srbija leti svakog dana iz Beograda za Tivat Air Serbia flies daily from Belgrade to Tivat

Abu Dabi Trka Formule 1, Etihad ervejz Abu Dabi Gran pri Ovogodišnji šampionat Formule 1 završiće se trkom u Abu Dabiju 27. novembra na stazi Jas Marina. Ovo takmičenje smatra se najvećim sportskim događajem na Bliskom istoku, a staza Jas Marina jedna je od najsloženijih. Izgrađena je na ostrvu Jas u istočnom delu Abu Dabija.

Abu Dhabi The Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix This year’s Formula 1 championship will culminate with the race at Abu Dhabi’s Yas Marina Circuit on 27 th November. This competition is considered the greatest sporting event in the Middle East, while the Yas Marina circuit is one of the most complex race tracks in F1. It was built on Yas island on the eastern part of Abu Dhabi.

Er Srbija leti svakog dana iz Beograda za Abu Dabi Air Serbia flies daily from Belgrade to Abu Dhabi

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Istanbul Festival of books Lovers of books and the written word will gather in Istanbul from 12 th to 20 th November to attend the city’s 35 th International Book Fair. As many as 800 publishers will present their latest publications, while this year’s national guest of honour will be Germany, which will represent 30 publishers and 13 contemporary German writers. The theme of this year’s fair is “Philosophy and Humanity”. The event will be held at Istanbul’s famous Tujap fair congress centre.

Istanbul Praznik knjige Ljubitelji knjige i pisane reči

okupiće se u Istanbulu od 12. do 20. novembra jer se tada održava 35. međunarodni sajam knjiga. Čak 800 izdavača predstaviće svoja najnovija izdanja, a ovogodišnji počasni gost biće Nemačka, koju će predstavljati 30 izdavača i 13 savremenih nemačkih književnika. Tema sajma je Filozofija i humanost , a ovaj događaj održava se u Tujap sajmu , poznatom kongresnom centru u Istanbulu.

Er Srbija leti svakog dana iz Beograda za Istanbul Air Serbia flies daily from Belgrade to Istanbul

Düsseldorf Traditional Christmas fairs

Diseldorf Tradicionalni božićni vašari

The festive atmosphere of the upcoming holidays can already be felt in November in many German cities. That is thanks to fairs in Germany that have a long tradition, including those in Düsseldorf, which will this year open as early as 17 th November. Visitors to seven locations in the city will be able to buy a variety of art and craft products at decorated stalls, but also enjoy mulled wine, traditional sausages and hot chocolate. The festive atmosphere, pleasant smells and sounds of Christmas will be evident on the streets of Düsseldorf until 23 rd December.

U mnogim nemačkim gradovima već u novembru oseća se praznična amtosfera. Za to su zaslužni vašari koji u Nemačkoj imaju dugu tradiciju,

a ove godine u Diseldorfu biće otvoreni već 17. novembra. Na

sedam lokacija u gradu posetioci će na ukrašenim štandovima moći da kupe razne umetničke i zanatske proizvode, ali i da uživaju u kuvanom vinu, kobasicama i toploj čokoladi. Praznična atmosfera, prijatni mirisi i božićni zvuci čuće se na ulicama Diseldorfa sve do 23. decembra.

Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Diseldorf Air Serbia flies seven times a week from Belgrade to Düsseldorf

Historic success of Serbian wines Istorijski uspeh srpskih vina N a Grand International Wine Award MUNDIS VINI 2016 u Nemačkoj, Vinarija Aleksan-

At “Grand International Wine Award MUNDIS VINI 2016” held in Germany, Wi- nery Aleksandrović achieved great succe- ss by winning gold medals for all four wines with which it participated in the competiti- on - white wine Triumph Gold 2015, Triumph Barrique 2012, as well as red wines Regent Reserve 2012 and Rodoslov Grand Reserve 2009, which emerge after spending several years aging in the winery. This is an historic success for Serbia in all senses, especially for the region of Šumadija and all of our recognisable wine regions and, of course, for the Aleksandrović Winery.

drović je osvojila zlatne medalje za sva četiri vina koja su učestvovala na ta- kmičenju – bela vina trijumf gold 2015 , trijumf barrique 2012 , kao i crvena vina regent reserve 2012 i rodoslov grand reserve 2009 , koja nastaju nakon više- godišnjeg odležavanja u vinariji. Ovo je po svemu istorijski uspeh za Srbiju, po- sebno za Šumadiju kao za sve prepo- znatljiviju našu vinsku regiju i, narav- no, Vinariju Aleksandrović .

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Šta vam je na umu / What’s on your mind

Nazivaju ga džez pevačem hip-hop generacije jer uspeva da kombinuje džez, soul, DnB i tekst u svoj je- dinstveni vokal džez brend. Ovog 13. i 14. novembra ć e prvi put nastupiti u Beogradu, i, kako kaže za Ele- vate, očekuje da se na tim koncertima ljudi dobro pro- vedu i izigraju! – Legendarni Nejt Smit ć e biti na bubnjevima, pa očekujte mnogo dobar fanki. Devojke, vidimo se! Jednom si rekao da je hip-hop produžetak džez muzike. Možeš li to malo da objasniš? – Svi hip-hop albumi nastali su semplovanjem džeza, fanka i soula. Nisam znao šta je džez dok ni- sam počeo da slušam ljude kao što su Beastie Boys , Ice Cube, De La Soul... Dakle, to je bukvalno produže- tak džeza. Možeš da pozoveš ljude da dođu u Njujork. Šta bi im rekao? Dođite u Veliku jabuku zato što… – To je nezaboravan grad, najuzbudljiviji na svetu. Grad koji ne e prestati da vas iznenađuje svojim kul- turnim blagom! Often referred to as a jazz singer for the hip-hop generation, New York City-based vocalist Jose James combines jazz, soul, drum'n'bass, and spoken words in his own unique brand of vocal jazz. On 13 th and 14 th November he will perform in Belgrade for the first time, and, as he states for Elevate, he expects people to have a good time and dance! - The legendary Nate Smith will be on drums keep- ing things funky. Ladies, we want to see you there! You said once that hip-hop is an extension of jazz music, can you explain that? - All hip-hop records started from sampling jazz, funk and soul albums. I didn’t know what jazz was un- til I started listening to the Beastie Boys, Ice Cube, De La Soul... So it’s a literal extension of jazz. You can invite people to come to New York. What do you say? Come to New York because it is… - The most unforgettable, most exciting and most surprising city in the world. You will find a cultural treasure.


Festival Musicology je već dve godine sastavni deo muzičkog i kulturnog ži- vota Beograda. Okuplja najveće zvez- de džez, soul, fank i bluz pravaca. To nije festival sa masovnom posetom, već muzičko uživanje na kojem sko- ro da možete dodirnuti izvođače. U klubu Bitefartcafe održava se sve do maja 2017. Musicology za sladokusce / Musicology for connoisseurs Musicology has become an essential element of the musical and cultural life of Belgrade in the last two years, brin- ging together the greatest stars of the jazz, soul, funk and blues genres. It is not a festival with massive visitor num- bers, but rather an example of musical enjoyment. This year will see concerts held at the Bitefartcafe until May 2017.

It’s possible! Talk with Serbia like you are at home Moguće je! Pričajte sa Srbijom kao da ste kod kuće K omunikacija sa porodicom i prija- teljima vam je zadavala glavobolju – roditelji ne znaju da koriste inter-

Communication with family and friends has given you a headache – parents don’t know how to use the internet or don’t have “smart” phones, while it’s difficult to find friends online at a time when it suits you. The new GO4YU Calling application stands out from other sim- ilar talk&text applications for several reasons. Everyone who downloads the GO4YU Calling app receives an 076 Serbian number from which they can call landline and mobile numbers on

net ili nemaju „pametne“ telefone, a prija- telje je teško pronaći online kada i vama to odgovara. Nova GO4YU Calling aplikacija izdvaja se od ostalih sličnih talk&text apli- kacija iz nekoliko razloga. Svi koji preuz- mu aplikaciju GO4YU Calling dobijaju 076 srpski broj sa kojeg mogu zvati fiksne i mo-

bilne brojeve Telekom Srbija mreže. To znači da nema više za- kazivanja razgovara i da se ne očekuje da stariji ljudi znaju da koriste računare ili aplikacije. Dodatno, u Srbiji nije potrebna aplikacija već prijatelje prosto možete pozvati na njihov 076 broj i to po ceni od samo 1,20 din/min. ili im slati SMS-ove.

the Telekom Srbija network. This means there’s no more sched- uling and older people are not expected to know how to use ap- plications. Furthermore, in Serbia an application is not required, but rather you can simply call friends on their 076 number, at a cost of only 1.20 din/min, or send them SMS messages.

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Šta vam je na umu / What’s on your mind

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Scena / The Scene

Ne verujete svojim očima? Vi vidite ogromnog puža na pustoj zemunskoj plaži. Toliki puž ne po- stoji osim u filmovima Spilberga i Lukasa? Ne verujete svojim očima. Vid vas vara, šalje pogrešnu po- ruku, mozak donosi pogrešan za- ključak. Takav puž ne postoji u Be- ogradu. Pa ipak, grešite. Fotograf je le- žao na plaži i ovaj je puž iz njego- ve perspektive čudesno veliki. Ali samo dok ga nije pogledao odozgo i skoro ga izgubio među zrncima peska. Zašto ne ustanete? Hajde, promenite ugao, izađite iz bezbed- ne zone, pogledajte još jednom. Jesu li vam problemi još veliki kao kuća? A puž, koliki je sada? Japan- ci kažu da žaba u bunaru ne zna za veliko more. Prosto, ima lošu per- spektivu. Izađite iz bunara! Perspektiva


Don’t believe your own eyes? You see a huge snail on a desert- ed Zemun beach. Such a large snail does not exist, other than in the movies of Spielberg and Lu- cas! You don’t believe your eyes. Your eyes are deceiving you, sending the wrong message, so that the brain reaches the wrong conclusion. Such a snail does not exist in Belgrade! Nevertheless, you are mistak- en. The photographer lay on the beach and from his perspective this snail was wondrously large. But only until he looked at it from above, and almost lost it among the grains of sand. Why not stand up? Come on, change your an- gle, abandon your comfort zone, take another look. Are your prob- lems still as big as a house? And the snail, how big is it now? Jap- anese people say that a frog in a well doesn’t know about the sea. It simply has a negative perspective. Get out of the well!

Fotografija / Photography: Mladen Šurjanac Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović

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Tekst / Words: Katarina Sretenović

Big Serbian fashion names emerged in the turbulent 1990s. That energy, alongside undeniable creativity, brought Dejan, Nataša, Svetlana and Jelena success in the fashion world even beyond the borders of Serbia

Stasali su u velika srpska modna imena burnih devedestih. Baš taj bunt i snaga, pored nesumnjive kreativnosti, doneli su Dejanu, Nataši, Svetlani i Jeleni uspeh u svetu mode i van granica Srbije

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Ovaj model je najnoviji Dejanov rad. Pokazuje njegovu opsesiju volumenom i detaljima This model is Dejan’s latest work. It demonstrates his obsession with volume and details

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He conquered New York Word of Dejan spread while he was still a student of the Higher Textile-Technical School. It was at that time that he presented his first solo show. He conquered Belgrade, and then moved on to London, then New York. His greatest success to date is considered the moment when famous stylist Karl Templer chose his designs for the Italian edition of Vogue. Apart from that, one of the world’s biggest fashion platforms, “Refinery29”, included his han- dbag among their selection of the 10 best pieces seen on the streets of New York during Fashion Week. Dejan cu- rrently works in New York as a freelancer for two brands, while also developing his own collection - BLACK’D. He is a progressive designer who expresses himself thro- ugh two colours – black and white. Dejan is obsessed wi- th volume and details. He is said to have the power to create a new black every time. - The more familiar I get with the other side of fashion, and that is the business side, the more I strive to shape my work into wearable art – says Dejan. OSVOJIO JE NJUJORK Za Dejana se čulo još dok je bio student Više tekstil- no-tehničke škole. U to vreme prikazao je prvu samo- stalnu reviju. Osvojio je Beograd, a onda krenuo dalje – London, pa Njujork. Najvećim dosadašnjim uspehom smatra momenat kada je čuveni stilista Karl Templer oda- brao njegove modele za italijanski Vogue . Pored toga, Re - finery29 , jedna od najvećih modnih platformi na svetu, uvrstila je njegovu torbu u 10 najboljih komada viđenih na ulicama Njujorka za vreme Nedelje mode . Dejan trenutno radi u Njujorku kao frilenser za dva brenda, istovremeno razvija i svoj – BLACK’D. Progresivan je dizajner, izražava se kroz dve boje – crnu i belu, opsednut je volumenom i detaljima. Za njega kažu da ima moć da svaki put stvori novu crnu. – Što više upoznajem onu drugu stranu mode, a to je bi- znis, sve više težim da svoj rad oblikujem u nosivu umet- nost – kaže Dejan. Kada pričamo o srpskim dizajnerima, ne možemo da ne pomenemo Click . Dok je besneo rat u bivšoj Ju- goslaviji, Nenad Radujević, direktor ovog modnog studija, pravio je Beogradsku nedelju mode . To je bi- la jedina pista za mnoge domaće dizajnere. Ove go- dine Click slavi 25. rođendan, a Beogradska nedelja mode od 23. oktobra do 8. novembra obeležava 20 godina postojanja. JUBILEJ VEĆI OD JUBILEJA Jubilee bigger than a jubilee When we discuss Serbian designers, we cannot fa- il to mention “Click”. While war raged in the former Yugoslavia, Nenad Radujević, director of this fashion studio, created Belgrade Fashion Week. That was the only catwalk for many local designers. This year sees “Click” celebrate its 25 th birthday, while Belgrade Fas- hion Week will mark 20 years of its existence from 23 rd October to 8 th November.

Ove godine sestre Proković pokrenule su novu ekskluzivnu liniju JSPBLACK , koju će činiti mini-kolekcije unikatnih modela This year sees the Proković sisters launch their new exclusive JSPBLACK line, which will consist of a mini collection of unique models


ONE SU SRPSKI BREND Mnogi će vam reći da su njihove krea- cije jedna od najlepših stvari koja se Sr- biji desila devedesetih. Već prvom re- vijom sestre Proković promenile su domaću modnu scenu. Napravile su pri- ču od kvalitetnih materijala, začinjenu rokenrol rifovima, kožom i originalnim asesoarom. – U modi je promena jedina konstan- ta – kaže Svetlana. – Inspiracija je ne- uhvatljiva, nepredvidiva i neočekiva- na. Pojavljuje se iznenada, naizgled ničim izazvana, a u stvari je sve vre- me u nama. Njihov brend JSP živi na relaciji Beo- grad–Ljubljana, a može se naći i u Ciri- hu, Beču, Čikagu, Melburnu… – Najdraža mi je rečenica koju sam pre dosta godina pročitala o nama na blo- gu Belgrade Flapper : „Sisters are doing it for ourselves – not to feminine not to punk, but just right!“

They are Serbia’s brand

Many will tell you that their creations are among the nicest things that emer- ged out of Serbia during the ‘90s. The Proković sisters changed the domestic fashion scene with their very first fas- hion show. They created a story out of high quality materials, spicy rock'n'roll riffs, leather and original accessories.. – In fashion change is the only constant – says Svetlana. – Inspiration is elusive, unpredictable and unexpected. It appe- ars suddenly, seemingly unprovoked, when in fact it is in us all the time. Their JSP brand lives between Belgrade and Ljubljana, but can also be found in Zurich, Vienna, Chicago, Melbourne... - The dearest sentence to me is one that I read many years ago about us on the Belgrade Flapper blog: The sisters are doing it for themselves - not too feminine, not too punk, but just right!

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The whole world is her gallery Designs with the label of Nataša Šarić are closer to the East than the West. She creates pieces with clean lines and a futuristic style. - Love, liveliness, disquiet, devotion ... that’s the spaceship which takes me to everything I create. She is inspired by people who crea- te their own worlds, such as Tesla, Ku- brick, Wenders etc. However, she is al- so excited by fairytales, myths, legends, mathematics and the cosmos. Her creations are worn on all conti- nents, but when you ask her what she would single out as her biggest inter- national success, she will say that is the recognition she received at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens for her cap inspired by the Serbian šajkača folk hat. She believes that fashion is the dri- ving force behind everything that surrounds us. - It is a stamp of time, the ability for us to change, adapt and grow. It’s impor- tant to me that as many people as po- ssible see and experience my creations, because in that way they turn the wor- ld into my gallery – says Nataša. Modeli potpisani imenom Nataša Šarić bliži su Istoku nego Zapadu. Ona stvara komade čistih linija i futurističkog stila. – Ljubav, živahnost, uznemirenost, pre- danost… to je moj svemirski brod koji me vodi do svega što stvaram. Inspirišu je ljudi koji su stvorili svoje svetove, poput Tesle, Kjubrika, Vender- sa… Mada, uzbuđuju je i bajke, mitovi, legende, matematika i čitav kosmos. Njene kreacije nose se na svim kon- tinentima, ali kad je pitate šta izdvaja kao najveći internacionalni uspeh, reći će da je to priznanje koje je dobila na Olimpijskim igrama u Atini 2004. za ka- pu inspirisanu srpskom šajkačom. Veruje da je moda pokretač svega što nas okružuje. – Ona je pečat vremena, umeće da se menjamo, prilagođavamo i rastemo. Važno mi je da što više ljudi vidi i po- nese moje kreacije jer oni tako pretva- raju svet u moju galeriju – kaže Nataša.

Manekenka na slici nosi model inspirisan vanvremenskim umom Nikole Tesle The pictured model wears an outfit inspired by the

timeless mind of Nikola Tesla

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Tekst / Words: Katarina Sretenović Fotografije / Photography: Serbian Fashion Week

In fashion she had said everything she had to say. She is 83 and is now moving on to new jobs. She designs interiors and items made of glass, porcelain and ceramics, as well as producing wine

U modi je rekla sve. Ima 83 godine i sada kreće u nove poslove. Dizajnira enterijer, predmete od stakla, porcelana, keramike i proizvodi vina

na je rođena u Rimu, kao dru- ga od pet sestara Fendi. Jedna je od najuticajnijih žena u sve- tu mode. Decenijama je blisko sarađivala sa Karlom Lagerfel-

ostao moja najveća inspiracija. Svaki de- talj u ovom neverovatnom gradu podsti- če me da nove ideje prevedem u nešto elegantno i moderno. Da li vam je ovo prvi put da ste u Srbiji? – Jeste i vrlo sam uzbuđena da upo- znam Novi Sad i Beograd, njihov uzbud- ljiv život i prelepa zdanja. Takođe, vrlo sam radoznala da probam čuvene mali- ne i šljive i da se prepustim srdačnim i gostoljubivim ljudima. Da li vaš dolazak u Beograd zapra- vo znači da vam naše tržište po- staje interesantno? – Svako tržište je interesantno, po- sebno ako govorimo o zemlji u kojoj po- stoji osećaj za lepo. Već sam videla puno prelepih restorana i klubova uz koja bi se moja vina savršeno uklopila. Kako tumačite današnje poimanje mode? – Sestre, Karl Lagerfeld i ja smo go- dinama radili u laboratoriji ideja i ino- vacija konstantno istražujući naše najja- če adute. Moda je oduvek bila ogledalo društva i njegovog razvoja. Baroko je nov trend, kao simbol bogatstva, to je lo- gičan odgovor na tešku ekonomsku i

društvenu situaciju. Ova opšta pretpo- stavka može da se primeni na bilo koju stvaralačku delatnost. Na primer, vino i moda dele istu matricu. Ukus, metodolo- gija, elegancija i strast: ove četiri stvari su definicija uspeha. Možete li da nam otkrijete delić atmosfere iz vaše kompanije? Kako nastaje čarolija po imenu Fendi ? – Mama nam je govorila: „Vi ste kao prsti na ruci, različiti, ali komplemen- tarni“. Svako od nas ima svoju ulogu u porodičnoj kompaniji, ali kad treba da donesemo bilo kakvu odluku, uvek sed- nemo za sto i razgovaramo. U kakvoj garderobi se osećate moćno? – Moje omiljene boje su crna, bela i siva. Podjednako se dobro osećam u jed- nostavnoj haljini, kao i u večernjoj toale- ti. Ne čini haljina stil, već vi. Koja su to, po vama, vanvremenska modna pravila? – Biti protagonista bez preterivanja. Koristite asesoar kao svoj potpis. Crna haljina s pravom torbom i nakitom može da izgleda božanski. Izaberite pravu ha- ljinu za pravu priliku. Elegantna žena je uvek mudra.

dom i bila direktorka razvoja svih Fendi kolekcija. Pre 16 godina, sestre su proda- le porodičnu firmu LVMH Grupi nadaju- ći se da će time brendu obezbediti bolju budućnost. Ana Fendi ima 83 godine. Dobrog je zdravlja, što najbolje pokazuju njeni novi projekti, ali i to kako sedi u fotelji. Savr- šeno je stilizovana, negovana i raspolo- žena. Rekla nam je da se potpuno pre- dala dizajnu enterijera, stakla, keramike, porcelana, vinu... Sredinom novem- bra dolazi u Novi Sad na Srpsku nede- lju mode , gde će promovisati nove pro- izvode. Šta vas trenutno inspiriše? – Od kada smo sestre i ja proda- le kompaniju, shvatila sam da konačno imam vremena da ostvarim svoje želje. Odmalena sam maštala o tome da bu- dem dizajner enterijera. Veoma sam po- nosna i srećna kada vidim svoja vina i kreacije u najlepšim restoranima i pro- davnicama širom sveta. Rim je bio i

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“Serbia Fashion Week” is a true international festival of fashion and design . From 7 th to 12 th November in Novi Sad, the public will see the most influential people from the local and global fashion world. Alongside Anna Fendi, new collections will be presented at Serbia Fashion Week by Zvonko Marković, Mladen Milivojević, Bata Spasojević, Marija Šabić et al. SERBIA FASHION WEEK do 12. novembra u Novom Sadu videti najuticajnije ljude iz domaćeg i svetskog modnog sveta. Pored Ane Fendi, Serbia Fashion Week će predstaviti nove kolekcije Zvonka Markovića, Mla- dena Milivojevića, Bate Spasojevi- ća, Marije Šabić… Srpska nedelje mode (Serbia Fas- hion Week) pravi je internacional- SRPSKA NEDELJA MODE ni festival mode i dizajna. Publika će od 7.

Anna was born in Rome, the second of five Fendi sisters, and is one of the most influential women in the fashion world. For decades she worked closely with Karl La- gerfeld and was development dire- ctor of all “Fendi” collections. Be- fore 16 years, the sisters sold the family firm to the LVMH Group, in the hope that this will secure a better future for their brand. Anna Fendi is 83 years old and is in good health, which is best shown throuht her new projects, but also the way she sits in an ar- mchair. She is perfectly styled and cultivated, with the perfect mood. She tell us that she has devoted herself entirely to the design of in- teriors, glass, ceramics and por- celain, wine... In mid-November she will be coming to Novi Sad to

Every market is interesting, especially if we are talking abo- ut a country where a good sen- se of beauty exists. I have already seen many beautiful restaurants and clubs where my wines could fit perfectly. How do you view today’s interpretation of fashion? My sisters, Karl Lagerfeld and I have worked for years in a labo- ratory of ideas and innovations, constantly exploring our grea- test strengths. Fashion has always been a mirror of society and its de- velopment. Barocco is a new trend, as a symbol of opulence, and that is a logical response to a diffi- cult economic and social situati- on. This general assumption can be applied to any creative activi- ty. For example, wine and fashion

attend Serbia Fashion Week, where she will promote all of her new products. What currently inspires you? Since my sisters and I sold the fami- ly company, I realised that I finally have the time to pursue my own interests. Sin- ce I was little I have fantasised about be- ing an interior desi-

share the same ma- trix: taste, methodo- logy, elegance and passion – four things that are the definiti- on of success. Could you reveal to us a small part of the atmosphere in your company? How is that magic under the Fendi name cre- ated? My mother used to say to us: “you are

Moda je oduvek bila ogledalo

društva i njegovog razvoja

Fashion has always been a mirror of society and its development

gner. I am very happy and proud when I see my wines and creations in the most beautiful restaurants and shops worldwide. Rome has been, and remains, my greatest in- spiration. Every detail in this ama- zing city motivates me to translate new ideas into something elegant and modern. about getting to know Novi Sad and Belgrade, their vibrant life and beautiful edifices. I am also very curious to try the famous rasp- berries and plums, and to surren- der myself to the courteous and hospitable people! Does your arrival in Belgrade actually mean that our mar- ket has become interesting to you? Is this your first time in Serbia? Yes and I am really excited

like the fingers of a hand, different but complementary”. Each of us has our own specific role in the fa- mily company, but when we have to make any kind of decision we always sit together around the ta- ble and discuss it. What kind of wardrobe makes you feel powerful? My favourite colours are black, white and grey. I feel equally ele- gant in a simple dress as I do in an evening gown. It’s not a dress that makes your style, but rather you. What are, in your opinion, the timeless rules of fashion? Be a protagonist without exa- ggeration. Use accessories as your signature. A black dress with the right bag or jewellery can look di- vine. Select the right dress for the right occasion. An elegant woman is always wise.

Ana je trenutno potpuno posvećena dizajnu stakla, keramike, porcelana... At the moment, Anna has devoted herself entirely to the design of glass, ceramics, porcelain...

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