King's Business - 1922-10

to shevtf thyself approved unto God 2 Tim. 2-15

Give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. 1 Tim. 4:13

O C T O B E R , IQ22


Why She Wept READ EDITORIAL ON PAGE 1033 o f THIS ISSUE, and THEN I N S U R E Your Investments For The Lord You are entitled to know WHERE and HOW your money is used in the Lord’ s work. A GOOD Investment M A Y BE a FOE o f the BEST! T h e W O R L D i s t h e F I E L D ! T h e N E E D i s D E F I N I T E ! What the Lord has laid upon your heart to do with your funds you should have the joy of doing, and we will gladly help you in this by giving you the benefit of our years of experience in studying the world field, the work and the workers. We are in touch with missionary enterprises in this and other lands, where loyal-hearted men and women are laboring with Unfeigned faith in the whole 'Word of God, and with unfailing devotion to the souls of the lost. Don’ t waste a penny! Make it go as far and as fast as you can in the saving of souls out of a ruined world. We will joyfully serve you in the matter without any charge, and put you in touch with dependable agents and agencies. Write us for any desired particulars. BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES T. C. Horton, Superintendent

THE KING ’S BUSINESS MOTTO: t, tke Lord, do keep It, I wilt water it every moment, led any hurl U,. I wHI keep Unightandday " = = = = ‘ . = = = = = = ha. 27:3 ================================ PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 536-55« SOUTH HOPE STREET. LOS ANGELES, CAL. ■stored aie Second-Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Poet Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879 * Acceptance, for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103. Act of October 1 _________ ; 1917, authorized October I, 1918 ‘ Volume XIII October, 1922 Number 10 Rev. f . C. HORTON, Editor in Chief Rev. KEITH L. BROOKS, Editor ALAN S. PEARCE, Circulation Representative Contributing Editors DR. F. W. FARR DR. FRENCH E. OLIVER DR. A. C. DIXON CONTENTS EcUtorlals-^hristiiin Schools (985), A Creedless Church (986), Fosdick or False- dick (987), Clean Up the Movies (989), Shall the World or the Church Make- Known the Truths of the Bible? (990), Gulping Down Camels (991), What the Advocate Advocates (992), Does the I. S. S. A. Stand for This? ( 994 ). Bible Briefs— (995) Fundamentals Conference Notes— (996)

A New Bible! What For?— By Rev. H. C. Buell (999) The Wisdom of This World—By Rev. A. W. Pitzer (1003) The Sword of God— By C. H. Fountain (1006) Be Ye Holy— By George C. Goodman (1010) Simple Studies— Repentance—By K. L B. (1013) Bible Institute in Cliina—By Frank A. Keller (1014) What is Religious Democracy?-^By Dr. Paul L. Allen (1017) Evangelistic Stories by Institute Workers— (1018) Homiletical Helps-—(1028) Personal Power in Service—By Dr. Joseph Parker (1034) International Sunday School Lessons— (1037)

Editorial Afterthoughts— (1070) Bible Institute Happenings—- ( 1074) Good Rooks—-(1076) PLEASE Whon «ending subscriptions, address correspondence to Office Ths » » r 's Business, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 816. f6*S°u‘ h Hope Street. Cheeks may be made payable to Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Do not make eheeks or money orders to Individuals connscted with the Bible Institute. Y E A R FOREIGN COUNTRIES, INCLUDING CANADA $1.29—SINGLE COPIES IS CENTS Special Quit Rato for Ten or More Subscriptions 75s Eaob O N L Y O N E — D O L L A R A

Christmas is Coming! WE WANT TO TAKE ONE BURDEN FROM YOUR SHOULDERS AND BEAR IT FOR YOU H O W W IL L W E DO IT ? Just lay aside One Dollar, then mark opposite One Name on your Christmas list the letters MK. B.” Send the Dollars to us, and we will do the rest. In addition to the magazine, we will send to you, or to any one whom you may designate, a copy o f The Fundamentals, and one other book which you may select from the list given on Page 1077. THIS OFFER WILL HOLD GOOD for any number of Subscriptions you are pleased to send us.

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CHURCH AND SCHOOL NUMBER And He is the head of the body, the Church; who is the beginning, the first bom from the dead; that in all thing. h e might hare the pre-eminence.” (Col. 1:18.) “ O thou chosen Church of Jesus, glorious, blessed and secure! Founded on the one Foundation, which forever ahaq endure; Not thy holiness or beauty can thy strength or safety be, But the everlasting love wherewith Jehovah loved thee.” “Whom He calleth He preserveth, and His glory they shall see; He is faithful that hath called you—He will do it, fear not ye! Therefore, holy brethren, onward; Thus ye make your call­ ing sure; For the prize of this high calling, bravely to the end en- dure.” (Havergal) “ Remove not the old landmark; and enter not into the field of the fatherless; Apply thine heart unto instruction, and thine, ears to the words of knowledge. My son, if thine heart be wise, my heart shall rejoice, even mine.” (Prov. 23:10, 12, 15.)

CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS f§ What does the word .“ Christian” mean? The root of the word is ‘ Christ” , j Who is Christ? God manifest in the flesh, the Anointed One. A Christian school, then, must be a school founded upon Christ, where Christ is honored, respected, reverenced. It must, too, be a Bible’ school where the Bible is believed and taught. Well, where are these Christian schools? We call this a Christian nation. That means, of course, that Christianity is recognized, but the term “ Christian-nation” means a “ Christ-nation” or it means nothing, and if it means “ Christ-nation” it means also “ Bible nation” . Where are these schools? Well, they are schools where denials of God’s Word do not take the place of the declarations of God’s Word; where deduc­ tions do not take the place of demonstrations; where doubt is not injected rather than dispelled; where faith is not shattered instead of strengthened.

986 THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S Christian schools were once the pride of our nation. Now many are the progeny of Satan: Once the authenticity of the Bible was affirmed. Now the interrogation'point is used concerning its integrity. So-called “ intel­ lect” takes the place of intelligence; so-called “ scholarship” , the place of sound sense. Where are these Christian schools? We want to know where a Chris­ tian father or mother can send a young man or woman to be educated where the Bible is given its proper place in the formation of character, free from the poison so prevalent in our present day halls of learning. We have many inquiries. Where are the schools? —T. C. H. A CREEDLESS CHURCH The definite and determined demand of the enemies of God’s Word within the ranks of the evangélical church is for a CREEDLESS CHURCH. Their slogan is “ The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man.” The Unitarians, the Universalists, the Higher Critics, the Modernists, the Evolutionists,—all unite in opposition to any creed (except their own), and all clamor for the acceptance of their own intérpretation of the thir­ teenth chapter of First Corinthians, and accuse those who believe the whole Word of God of being lacking in love because they do not sit quietly by and allow them to deceive the saints and destroy their faith.. They charge those who stand with the fathers of the church and in defense of the faith, with dividing the church, a most bare-faced, brazen untruth. We have not de­ parted from the position always held by the evangelical church, but they have, and they insist that we love them for doing it. They talk loud. They argue for brotherhood, but they are only agreed upon one thing, and that is, their opposition to a creed. Were they to try to hold a conference and advocate their theories upon the platform there would be a riot and a police call. The politicians pity them, the scientists scorn them, the laymen laugh at them, the Word of God rebukes them—“ How can two walk together except they be agreed?” Every human organization, every secret society, every business asso­ ciation, demand and have a creed upon which they operate. God has a creed—a never-changing creed—and it is written in blood. It binds the Old Testament with its cord o f red. It bathes the New Testament with its crim­ son stream from the veins of the Son of God. There can be no union of the hearts of men with the heart of the Father which is not based upon faith and fellowship in the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Everything outside o f that is but one Of the many creeds bom in the heart of Satan, baptized in the blood of Abel and the martyrs, propagated by the emissaries of the devil, and designed to rob God of His glory and our Lord Jesus Christ of His blood-bought heritage. A creedless church is :a silly-, sentimental, seductive and Satanic propa­ ganda to divide the followers of Christ and to dishonor His Holy Word. We love all men. We love the bandits, but we want them arrested and punished. We love the mèn in the jails and penitentiaries and have had THINKING OF CHRISTMAS?

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 987 the pleasure of preaching to them and the joy of seeing them born again, but we do not believe in opening the prison doors and setting them at lib­ erty, else we would not love our country. We love these enemies of the truth, but we love them too well not to warn our readers against them as Paul did, and if these men use the thir­ teenth chapter of First Corinthians as an argument for our shutting our eyes to the truth, let them go on to the fifteenth chapter where Paul gives us the heart of the Gospel: “ How that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures: And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures;” And then let them listen to Paul again in Gal. 1 :6-8: “ I marvel that ye are so soon removed from, him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel; which is not another; but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the Gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” —T. C. H. FOSDICK OR “FALSE-DlCK” In the First Presbyterian Church of New York City a Baptist minister is supplying the pulpit. The man has acquired some notoriety'by reason of his pulpit ability. His name is Harry Emerson Fosdick. Now Mr. Fosdick is entitled to just so much consideration from the Christian people as his position and pulpiteering warrant and no more. We are going to say something to our readers which it gives us sorrow to say, but,we must speak the truth as the circumstances demand. The First Presbyterian Church,, as an organized body of believers, has a confession of faith, which every minister of the Presbyterian Church, every ordained elder of the Presbyterian Church, takes a public vow to maintain and sustain. This confession of faith includes the. Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures: “ The authority of the Holy Scripture, for which it ought to be believed and obeyed, dependeth not upon the testimony of any man or. church, but wholly upon God (who is truth itself), the author thereof; and therefore it is to be received, because it is the Word of God.” The Triune God,—Father, Son and Holy Ghost: “ In unity of the Godhead there be three persons of one substance, power and eternity; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. The Father is of none, either begotten nor proceeding; the Son is eternally begotten of the Father; the Holy Ghost eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son.” That Jesus Christ was “The Son of God, the second person in the Trinity, being very and eternal God, of one substance, and equal with the Father, who did, when the fulness of time was come, take upon him man’s nature, and all the essential properties and common infirmities thereof, yet without sin; being conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost in the womb of the Virgin Mary, of her substance. So that two whole, perfect and distinct natures, the Godhead and the manhood, were Inseparably Joined together in one person, without conversion, composition or confusion; which person is very God and very man, yet one Christ; the only mediator between God and man.” That the Son and the Holy Ghost are equal with the Father: . ;“ The Holy Scriptures * * * ascribing unto them such names, attributes works and worship as are proper to God only.” (See Page 1077)



The corruption of all human nature: “ From this corruption, whereby we are utterly indisposed, disabled and made opposite to all good, and wholly inclined to all evil, do proceed all actual trans­ gressions.” The necessity of the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ as an atone­ ment for sin: “ Christ humbled himself in His death, in that having been betrayed by Judas, forsaken by His disciples, scorned and rejected by the world, condemned by Pilate, and tormented by His persecutors; having also conflicted with the terrors of death and the powers of darkness, felt and borne the weight of God’s wrath, He laid down His life an offering for sin, enduring the painful, shameful and cursed death of the cross.” The physical resurrection of Jesus Christ: "Christ was exalted in His resurrection, not having seen corruption in death, (of which it was not possible for Him to be held), and having the very same body in which He suffered, with the essential properties thereof, (but without mortality and other common infirmiteis belonging to this life) really united to His soul. He rose again from the dead the third day of His own power; whereby He de­ clared Himself to be the Son of God, to have satisfied Divine justice, to have van­ quished death, and Him that had the power of it, and to be Lord of quick and dead.” His physical return: “ Christ is to be exalted in His coming again to judge the world, in that He, who Was unjustly judged and condemned by wicked men shall come again at the last day in great power and in the full manifestation of His own glory, and of His Father’s, with all His holy angels, with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God, to judge the world in righteousness.” Now Mr. Fosdick says in a sermon, “ Shall the Fundamentalists Win?” given in the First Presbyterian Church of New York City, May 21, 1922: “ It is. interesting to note where the Fundamentalists are driving in their stakes to mark out a deadline of doctrine around the church, across which no one is to pass on terms of agreement. “ They insist that we must all believe in the historicity of certain special mir­ acles, pre-eminently in the virgin birth of our Lord; that we must believe in a special theory of inspiration— that the original documents of Scripture, which of course we no longer possess, were inerrantly dictated to men a good deal as a man might dictate to a stenographer; that we must believe in a special theory of the atonement— that the blood of our Lord, shed in a substitutionary death, placates an alienated Deity and makes possible welcome for the returning sinner; and that we must believe in thejsecond coming of our Lord upon the clouds of heaven to set up a millennium here, as the only way in which God can bring history to a worthy denouement. “ Such are some' of the stakes which are being driven to mark a deadline of doctrine around the church. * * * To believe in virgin birth as an explana­ tion of great personality is one of the familiar ways in which the ancient world was accustomed to account for unusual superiority. * * * One view is that Ghrist is literally coming, externally on the clouds of heaven, to set up His king­ dom here. I never heard that teaching in my youth at all.” He never heard it! Well, who is he? Because he never heard it in his youth is no proof that it was not preached. Mr. Fosdick charges that those who believe in the evangelical faith of the Presbyterian church—the good, old-fashioned believers in God’s Holy Word—are seeking to divide the church! Listen to him: “ And now, in the presence of colossal problems, which must be solved in Christ’s name and for Christ’s sake, the Fundamentalists propose to drive out from the Christian churches all the consecrated souls who do not agree with their theory of inspiration.” “ I WILL SHEW THEE GREAT THINGS!”

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I NE S S 989 Mr. Fosdick is a Baptist in a Presbyterian church. He plaimn to be a Christian. He knows that he is dividing the Presbyterians of that church. He knows that he takes delight in undermining the faith of those saints. He knows he is camouflaging. He knows that he is denying the Word of God— and the Virgin Birth of our Lord. He knows that he is juggling with words. Were he playing such a game in business life, he would be denounced by his associates. In political life he would be called a traitor. If he is honest why, in God’s name, does he not go out and organize a church where he can tell out his creed in place of playing the “ false-dick” in a Presbyterian church? And why do the elders of that church allow a man to besmirch the holy name of our Lord by making light of His Deity? Why? WHY?? WHY??? —T. C. H. CLEAN UP THE MOVIES In view of tbe fact that many church organizations are endorsing, and some have already introduced moving pictures as a part of their program, we commend the judgment passed upon the “ movies” by the well-known humorous weekly, “ Judge,” in its issue of July 8, 1922, as follows: r ‘Clean up the movies’ is the slogan ot Elder Will Hays of the First Presby­ terian Church of Sullivan, Ind., who happens for the moment to be dictator of the moving picture business in America.


(See Page 1014)

990 THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S “ Elder Hays Is a grand little man, and his aspiration is beautiful to see, but a bit under-engined. The movies will not clean up-—not much. The trouble with the .movies is not with the producers or the actors, nor-even with the distributors. The movies are wrong because men and women who go to the movies are enter­ tained by them, get mental pabulum from them, genuinely enjoy them, and night after night, month after month, year after year, want nothing better. Given the moron audience and the moron picture, the moron actor and the moron director are inevitable. You can’t clean up the movies without giving them voice, color, character, wisdom and distinction. • . “ And the minute intelligence is injected into the movies, the movie audience wanders away bored to a crisp and delicious brown. The movie is dirty because it is a low order of entertainment, appealing to one sense only, requiring merely action to carry its message. And action makes an appeal to the mind that reduces reasoning to its lowest terms. “ The theatre may be improved. The saloon might possibly have been saved with wisdom on the part o f the brewers. The scarlet lady of Babylon had her better moments. Cain had some justification. But to clean up the movies is like going at the leopard with kalsomine.” ...i It is rather pathetic to consider ’ that the truth must be brought to church officials, in this sterling, sensible way, by a secular paper that does not profess to have any spiritual insight into conditions in our land ' —T. C. H. SHALL THE WORLD OR THE CHURCH MAKE KNOWN THE TRUTHS OF THE BIBLE? Here is something interesting and pathetic. The pulpit is departing from the Bible and the secular press is championing the Bible. It is the business of the church to make known the Word of God because it is the “ pillar and ground of the truth,” (I Tim. 3:15), but in these days many editors of secular papers are giving a far more positive testimony for the Bible than many pulpits. Here is a good example from The Times, one of the most prominent daily papers on the Pacific coast. The writer com­ mends “ The Gideons” .for placing the Bibles in hotel rooms and then says, “ No doubt many a man has become really acquainted with the Bible for the first time in his life by reading it in his room at a hotel. Maybe he read it only because he happened to have nothing else to read, or was sleep­ less and wanted to kill time in bed. He would, perhaps, have preferred a novel, a newspaper or magazine, but not having these, he picked up the Bible that the Gideons had left for him. Anything, to read was better than nothing. And, if such a man then shall read any one page of the Bible he cannot have failed to have been struck by the fact that he was reading the most marvelous book ever written. The most interesting, the most fascinat­ ing, the most informing and the most comforting of all books. And the rea­ son is that God wrote the Bible. That is to say, He inspired the men who wrote it. They wrote at God’s dictation, the same as your stenographer writes at your dictation. And of this there is not the slightest doubt. “ Wherefore, in the face of all this, is it not strange that so compara­ tively few men read the Bible although it is within the easy reach of every man? And, is it not still more strange that men have been engaged, and are still engaged, writing books that they vainly suppose will supplant the Bible or do in its stead? It is a fact—an indisputable fact—that the guide the world needs is the Bible. If its teachings and its precepts were fol-

THE K I N G ' S B U S I NE S S 991 lowed there would Be no wars, no political burdens on men’s wearied shoul­ ders, no problems of economics, no famines, no hatreds, no strife. Here ,is the solution' of it all—here in the Holy Book that God wrote. And yet the world will not let itself be guided by it. A~plain book, easy to under­ stand, and yet its meaning so often distorted. It is to be wondered at that God is so patient with the world.” These words do not sound like the average daily paper but express the heart belief of thousands of Christians and should be trumpeted from every pulpit. Shame on the church or the preacher that God has set aside because of unbelief in the Bible and in whose stead He uses a reporter of a daily paper to be His messenger. m h . p. GULPING DOWN CAMELS “ Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel” (Mt. 23 =24). The ancients drank their wine from open bowls and it was often neces­ sary to strain the wine through a cloth to remove the gnats which got into the liquid. The literal rendering of the text is: “ Ye filter out a gnat and gulp down a camel. ” The scribes and Pharisees, painstaking as they were in regard to some trivial details of religion, dould gulp down camels, hump and all, and, the camel, remember, was pronounced by the Levitical law as unclean for food (Lev. 11 A). The gnat-strainers and camel-swallowers are by no means an extinct tribe. . We have religious leaders today who strain out the supernatural from the Bible because the miracles are contrary to human reason, yet they can turn around and swallow the camel of Darwinism without choking to death. Here are some samples of what is taught in our school books, state­ ments which some of our broad-minded brethren swallow with relish, as doing less violence to reason than the teachings of the Word: Prof. D. W. LaRue, in his “ Psychology for Teachers” says, “ We are all descended from a simple, wormlike creature. The segments of our back­ bone are memorials of the segments of its body.” Equally interesting is the statement from p. 197 of Simmions’ “ Practical Psychology” : “ At one stage of evolution, the duck’s foot was not webbed; but several thousand years back he decided to live in the water. Where­ upon he began to desire and eventually evolved a foot adapted to swimming. The crane got his long legs because he wished to wade. The beaver devel­ oped his broad trowel-like tail because he wished to erect a dam.: Man got- his hand because he wished to become a builder, and his frontal brain devel­ opment because he wished to become a thinker.” : A learned professor taught the young folks of Philadelphia that “ Evi­ dence that early men climbed trees with their feet lies in the way we wear the heels on our shoes—more at “the outside. A baby can wiggle its big toe without wiggling its other toes—an indication that it (sic) once used its big toe in climbing trees. We often dream of falling. Those who fell out of the

992 THE K I N G ’ S B US I NE S S trees some fifty thousand years ago and were killed, of course, had no de­ scendants. So those who fell and were not hurt, of course, lived and so we are never hurt in our dreams of falling.” Our children come home from school, says Mr. Bryan, and tell us that there was a time when eyes were unknown—they just happened. A freckle appeared upon the skin of an animal that had no eyes. This freckle con­ verged the rays of the sun upon that spot, and when the little animal felt the heat on that spot it turned the spot to the sun to get more heat. This increased heat irritated the skin, an(ha nerve came there, and out of the nerve came the eye! But this only accounts for one eye; thei e must have been another freckle soon afterward and just in the right place in order to give the animal two eyes. Furthermore, there was a time when animals had no legs, and so the leg came by accident. A little animal without legs was wiggling along on its belly one day, when it discovered a wart—it just happened so and it was in the right place to be used to aid in locomotion; so, it came to depend upon the wart, and use finally developed it into a leg. And then another wart and another leg, at the proper time—by accident—and accidentally m the proper place. Come, come, gentlemen—don’t you occasionally have little choking spells trying to swallow this ? How come you make such a fuss about Jonah being swallowed by a'sea monster ? , ' K. L. B. |.||jzi ¿Mfc- jfe w WHAT THE ADVOCATE ADVOCATES It is an old “ gag” with infidels to declare that the Bible is proven unscientific since it teaches that the earth is flat. In the stampede of mo - ernists to discredit those who are at present earnestly contending tor the Bible, many of these old “ gags” are being flouted from so-called Christian pulpits and in the liberal religious press. HBBHI I No less a paper than the “ Christian Advocate (mind you—ADVO­ CATE) in an editorial calculated to make a “ hay-seeder” out of William Jennings Bryan, says, “ The Bible certainly teaches that the earth is flat with a roof over it.” Who said so? . , Why, “ the Rev. Prof. William North Rice, LL.D., Emeritus Professor of Geology in Wesleyan University.” We’ll try to excuse him. He probably hasn’t read carefully between the covers of the Bible in a long time. He failed to tell us where the Bible says the earth is flat with a roof over it. People who make such assertions seldom do burden their minds with Scripture references. As a matter of fact, just what does the Bible say as to the shape of this old earth—if anything? Prov. 8:27 says that when God created the world He set a compass (lit. “ circle” upon the face of the deep,” clearly indicating its spherical shape. Isa. 40:22 refers to God “ sitting upon the circle of the earth,” and here the word means “ a sphere,” not a circle drawn upon a plane surface. Deut.. 4 :19 states that God divided the stars unto all nations under the heavens. If the earth were flat, all nations would see the same stars. Will DON’T WASTE A PENNY!

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 993 someone please tell us how He could have the nations looking upon different stars unless the earth be round? Our Lord in speaking of His second coming (Lk. 17:34-36) declares that at the moment of His coming two men will be sleeping in one bed; two women will be grinding at the mill; two men will be working in the field. The time for sleeping in bed is night. The time for eastern women to grind the day’s flour was in the early morning. The time for men to work in the field is in broad daylight. How could all three of these things take place at the same moment if the earth were flat ? Any schoolboy knows that because the earth is round, the sun’s light can only fall upon half of it at a time, hence when it is midday here, it is midnight at the antipodes, and mid-way between, the day is dawning. Nothing but the rotundity of the earth could explain Christ’s words. Not only does the Bible, plainly teach the rotundity of the earth, but it assumes it in many ways. True, the idea would not have been under­ stood at the time it was taught the ancients, nevertheless, the prophets made many such statements, entirely out of harmony with the science of their days, and fully verified in only comparatively recent times; I t ’s your move, Prof. Rice. Give us another one. —K. L. B. NOT A WORD OF THE CHRIST ET these words from President C. E. Macartney of Princeton Theological Seminary, published in the Theological Review for July: “How does this broadspread apostate tendency exhibit it­ self in evangelical pulpits? President Macartney tells of three New York churches in which he attended preaching services on a recent Sunday. In each pulpit a pleasant speaker, a capable dialectician, uttered attractively a fine homily on morals and on sundry social and political problems. But not a word of the Christ, not a word that recognized man’s sinfulness or need of a Saviour. The ‘grand particularities’ of the Christian religion had given place to the ‘spirit of our day.’ “ In his heart-loneliness the great theological school President wan­ dered into an open Roman Catholic chapel. It was empty. ‘Yet,’ says President Macartney, though he is no believer in Roman images, ‘I felt that I had heard more of the Gospel of Jesus Christ there than in all three Protestant churches, because along the walls of the chapel were beautiful paintings representing One who was wounded for my transgres­ sions and bruised for my iniquities, One who loved me and gave Himself for me.’ “ The American evangelical pulpit is, in thousands of instances, los­ ing its distinctively Christian note. It is avoiding or neglecting distinc- tively Christian truth.”

(See Inside Front Cover)

Does tke I. S. S. A. Stand for This? Posing as representatives of the International Sunday School Associa­ tion, I-nfamous, S-atanic, S-eductive A-ssailants of the Word of God are going from summer camp to summer camp throughout the country, poison­ ing ther minds of the young people who are sent to these camps by their parents who suppose that, because these camps are conducted under the auspices of the International Sunday School Association, they are a per­ fectly safe place for their sons and daughters. This information comes to us in a letter from Kansas, in which th’e writer asks The King’s Business to enter a vigorous protest against the destructive criticism which is taught in these camps, and to demand that these camps he put on an orthodox basis. “ Unless this is done,” says the writer of the letter; “ we shall withdraw our support, and have informed' our constituency that until such a basis is established they will attend these . camps at their own risk and without our approval.” Just to show that she knows what she is talking about, the writer goes On to say: . . , “Here are a few of the quotations which have come to us verbatim from the instructors at these conferences: ‘“ The Bible is by no means infallible. Get that out of your heads right now.’ “ ‘Jesus never literally fulfilled one single prophecy.’ “ ‘God did not keep the promises that the story of Abraham might lead one to suppose He had made to him— that about his seed being as numberless as the stars, for instance.’ “ ‘The 24th and 25th chapters of Matthew contain no vision of the future. They are parabolic.’ “ ‘The Songs of Solomon are a lot of passionate love songs of the king. If they are his best, goodness knows what his worst were like.’ ■ ! “ ‘No, God did not say that He would do nothing without first telling the prophets, Amos said it. God is not so little that He has to do things because men7say He will.’ ■'\>’ / ' ■,'/ , u :i;7\''' ' ■ 1 v'V ■ f “ ‘ Don’t worship your Bible* was heard from the lips of three different in­ structors in a single morning. On the following morning each of the three drew a chart explaining evolution in a most convincing way., Mr. Bryan was hooted at again and again.’ “ ‘The prophets contradict each other and Jesus contradicts them all.’ “ ‘Jesus was neither omniscient hor omnipotent.’ “ ‘You do not have to believe in the Virgin Birth in order to believe in the divinity of Christ.’ “ A man said to me, ‘What can we say when we get home? To report all this would do more harm than we could undo in a lifetime.; . A girl whispered to me, fOh, I feel so guilty to be listening to this.’ Another woman said, ‘If I were so saturated with the Bible as you are,-1 suppose I would feel differently, but as it is, I do not know what to think.’ Several times I heard, ‘Let’s just tell the good things When we get home. The folks would never stand for these things.’ ” ,We have requested the writer of this letter to give us the names of these teachers, and when they are received we Shall write the leaders of the Inter­ national Sunday School Association, giving them the. facts and warning them that unless these teachers are.repudiated and withdrawn and a suit­ able apology made for this infamous teaching, we shall be compelled to withdraw our affiliation with the Association, and issue a call to every loyal follower of Jesus Christ "to do likewise, —T. C. H.

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#The double-hinged door of Jn'. 10:9. We “ enter in” for safety. We “ go out” for service. |True believers marked in the ear and the foot. See Jn. 10:27. The “ good Shepherd” died to save the sheep— Jn. 10:11. The “ great Shepherd” lives to guide the sheep—■ Heb. 13:20. The “ chief Shepherd” is coming to receive the sheep — 1 p et. 5:4. Jesus’ last social meeting— Jn. 12:2. Judas, the only real Socialist among tlie New Testament Christians— Jn. 12:4-5. Satan, the prince of the world politic­ ally (Jn. 12:31); the god of the world •religiously (2 Cor. 4 :4). The mightiest magnet ih the world—- Jn. 12:32. The most amazing thing the Son of God did— Jn. 13:2-5. The only mention of the name of Judas where he is not called a traitor or betrayer—¿Jn. 13:26. (But see v. 27.) The Bible “ sheep mark” for true Christians-—Jn. 13:35. Jn. 14:6. Christ is the way (Fol­ low H im ); the Truth JLearn of H im ); the Life (Abide in Him). The personal pronoun “ He” is used of the Holy Spirit 20 times in John 14, 15 and 16. . Despised by the world (Jn. 15:19). Delivered from the world (Gal. 1:4). .Dead to the world (Gal. 6:14). The tap-root of all sin— Jn. 16:9. The prayer without an Amen— Jn. 17. The Lord working for us (Jn. 17:4 ); in us (Heb. 13:21); with us (Mk. 16:20). Beware of the devil’s warm places— Jn. 18:18. Jesus as an Apostle (Heb. 3 :1 ); a Minister (Rom. 15:8 ); a Messenger

(Mai. 3 :1). , The devil’s gospel— “ D 01 .” God’s gospel— “ It is finished.” (Jn. 19:30.) Compare John 19:30 with Rev. 21:6 — “ It is done.” One completes-the re­ demptive \york, the other the comple­ tion of the process by which it is to be realized by the world. Three L’s for the Christian: 1. Light of the world (Mt. 5:14; Ehil. 2:15). 2. Live godly in the world (Titus 2 :i2 ). 3. Love not the world (1 Jn. 2:16; 2 Tim. 4:10). ^Jesus rose early to pray (Mk. 1 :35); early to preach (Lk. 21:38); early to save (Jn. 20:1). The first resurrection words were to a weeping woman— Jn. 20:11-13. Woman, first to transgress and first to proclaim the resurrection, which completed, the plan of salvation from sin-—Jn. 20:18. Christ’s first word in resurection,, life — Jn. 20:19. The last beatitude of Jesus— Jn. 20:29. N Two fires at which Peter warmed— Jn. 21:9; 18:18. Christ’s ministry began and ended at the table— Jn. 2:1-5; 21:15. Chapter themes of John’s Gospel: 1. Life, Light, Lamb. 2. Wedding, Water, Wine. 3. Nicodemus by Night.' 4. Woman at Well. 5. Poor Man at Pool. 6. Five Thousand Fed. 7. Jesus and Jews. 8. Teaching in Temple. 9. Born Blind. 10. Shepherd and Sheep. 11. Lazarus Lives. 12. Mary and Mar­ tha. 13. Sacred Supper. 14. Many Mansions. 15. Always Abiding. 16. Comforter Coming. 17. Priestly Prayer. 18. Jesus and Judas. 19. Christ Crucified. 20. Risen Redeemer. 21. Savior and Simon.

Fundamentals Conference Notes (Continued from September Number) Jotted-Down From Addresses Given in Los Angeles, June 25-July 2

salvation? Then let us speak with au­ thority as ambassadors from the Court of Heaven to a lost world. May God deliver us from compromising and cow­ ardly messengers of Jehovah. Many titles are given the devil in the Scrip­ ture—the father of lies, the dragon, a roaring lion, a serpent. If he appeared in any of these aspects that would be enough for me, but you know we do sometimes entertain angels -unawares, and there is another name given him which describes his most dangerous dis-. guise—‘an angel of light.’ When the devil puts on a long-tailed coat and goes into the pulpit or occupies a chair in some college or seminary, then—beware! The time has come for us to cry aloud and be on our guard lest some preacher or teacher come to us with the hands of orthodoxy but the voice of infidelity.”— (Dr. J. Frank Norris.) “On the front line, in the recent war, were some American soldiers and the terrific warfare was giving them its worst when their young captain, just an Amer­ ican boy, was struck by a passing shell and almost instantly had to pass over into the other world. Lying there in his own blood, gasping for breath, the sol­ dier boy captain looked up into the eyes of his lieutenant and said, ‘The order is forward,’ and fell back dead. iff say to you, my fellow men, the order from the King’s throne, the great Com­ mander of the armies of the living God, is ‘Forward in your Christian principle and practice! Forward, until in. every quarter of this entire globe men and women shall be brought into the king-

"We are having our children taught today in our schools and colleges and universities a little of pretty much every form of knowledge except the one all important knowledge, the knowledge of God. It is not permitted in our public schools in California to teach the Bible (which is the only Book in which God has fully revealed Himself); but the teachers in our public schools are per­ mitted to teach our children and do teach them a crass and ill-digested Evo­ lutionism which undermines their faith in the Bible. Already the exclusion of the Bible from our schools and the views of God which have been taught them, are undermining the morals of our boys and girls and working such a carnival of youthful lust and impurity and reckless­ ness and falsehood and dishonesty and Bolshevism among the rising generation as is appalling.”—(Dr. R. A. Torrey.) "The Church is the only institution that Jesus Christ ever established. The trouble with it today is that it has too many inside wheels and too much out­ side machinery. Its failures are due to the fact that it is trying to keep all those ten thousand wheels on the move. * * * What shall we teach and what shall we preach? Not some social pro­ gram or moral uplift, but Jesus Christ and Him crucified. * * * The need of this hour is the need of every hour. When the truth is taught in love and preached with courage, sinners will begin falling down and crying out, What must we do to be saSred?’ Do we preachers honestly believe and realize and feel that the Gospel is the very power of God unto




dom of God until the sufficient number has been reached, Christ’s church has come to its completion, and the greatest event that this universe has ever wit­ nessed—the consummation of the Divine program—has come and Jesus Christ sets His divine foot once more on this planet and swings over all nations His ever­ lasting sceptre.’ ”—(Dr. Cortland Myers.) The words “ science” and “evolution” are the most overworked of any two words in the English language, so far as I know. They have become talismanic fetiches amongst apostate theologians and atheistic educators. They seem to be passports into the circles of scholastic bombast and theological chicanery. They cover oceans of ignorance and mountains of conceit.

To be able to distinguish true science and true philosophy in the mass of false science and false philosophy of these days is more to be desired than gold—yea, than much fine gold! The Bible deals authoritatively with every important science, and'this is done without any trumpet-blast or public an­ nouncement. There is more real science in the statement, “In the beginning God created,” than in all the ravings of the whole army of infidels who scoff at the truth of the Word of God. Opposed to all the atheistic hypotheses, of the type of “spontaneous generation,” (which had to De given up even by the infidel crowd) or “evolution,” stands the science of the Bible—the science of reality, totality and finality. This we call Ontology.


998 Back of geology, chemistry, anthro­ pology, embryology, biogeny, biology, morphology, ontogeny and .ethnology, ac­ cording to the Bible, is the great, eternal, incarnate Son of God, Creator, Redeemer, Saviour, King of kings and Lord of lords! (Dr. French E. Oliver.) The visibliS- Church is in her present distraught cpndition because,' speaking generally, she has not preached a whole Christ: Every heresy afflicting Christen­ dom today grows out of half-truths about the personal and official glory of Jesus Christ our Lord, and these patronizing half-truths are laid and hatched and nourished in the Church until they are full grown vulture-heresies. The everlasting*Son of God, not merely Jesus of Nazareth, is the substance, as Christ crucified for our sins, is the theme and sweetnessi of the glorious Gospel of the grace of God. The sinner needs this divine Saviour, and the Christian’s per­ sonal welfare and growth are strictly con­ ditioned by the measure of his knowledge of the eternal Christy An eminent oculist in New York who was consulted by a young office-clerk who was losing his sight, said: “You do not require an operation nor any other treat­ ment except a ferry -trip, say to Staten Island, where your eyes, too long confined to the walls of your office, can have range. Nature will restore your sight by looking at far distances.” How many Christians are stunted in growth, dim-visioned and joyless because of imperfect, unworthy and unscriptural concepts of the person of Christ Jesus and His glorious work! The person of Christ, is the substance of every doctrine of Scripture. Every precept, is embodied in His life and every promise is sealed .with His hearty blood. Without Him there could have been no Bible. “Search the Scriptures” that you may know Christ the Lord in the eternal past; .Christ in creation; Christ in the

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I NE S S Old Testament; Christ in “ The days o ' His flesh” ; Christ in His death, resur­ rection, ascension and in His present in­ tercession at the right hand of the Maj­ esty on High; Christ in the Day of the Lord; Christ in His second coming; and Christ in the eternal future. “ This is life eternal, to know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.” “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, yea and forever.” (A. B. Winchester.) “ Oh, good-by, Father Darwin! You seemed a wise old chap; you had your day, now William J. has wiped you off the map. You almost had convinced us that we were sprung from apes; but Wil­ liam cries, ‘Men do not rise from such unseemly shapes.’ You bunked us, Fath­ er Darwin, you led us all to think that if we’d seek, week after week, we’d find the Missing Link. You dug up skulls and shinbones of monkey and of man, and cried, full tilt, that they were built upon the same old plan. And we as marks were easy, we fell for this cheap plant, absorbed your bunk, and thought the/k monk might well be niece or aunt. I watched the fierce gorilla and thought my great-grand-dad, on some past, day roared just that way, and doubtless looked as bad. I often paused to picture my forbears in the trees; they warbled tunes with cheap baboons and tinhorn chimpanzees. And, thinking I was hum­ bled, for no man can be proud, if he can trace his tribe or race to such a measly crowd. But William J. has saved ijs, re­ stored our self-respect; our pedigree is fine to see, and everything’s correct. So farewell, Father Darwin! You put your graft across; you’ve had your day, now William J. shows you’re a total loss.” IT’S HAD ITS DAY Once in a while Walt Mason comes out with some good ones, and here is one that impresses us.

After All These Centuries, is That Old Book Going to Fail Us? * ' Must We Look to Wells? By REV. JHENRY C. BUELL Long Beach, Calif.

Isa. 40:8— “The grass withereth, the flower fadoth, hut the -Word of our God shall stand forever.'' OME years ago an enterprising newspaper man wrote to one hundred men in England, representing various classes,-^ members of Parliament, peers of the realm, professional men, merchants and others, asking them the question: "If you were to be sent into three years’ solitary confinement, and could take with you only three books, what three would you select? Please name them in the order of your preference.” It is said that 98 out of the 100 men­ tioned the Bible as the first of the three books of their selection. As those addressed were not all Christian men, it was a remarkable tribute, to this old Book. There is living in England today a brilliant writer, Mr. H. G. Wells, who might have mentioned the Bible among the three, selected books only because the world has not yet a better Bible which he could take along. In his series of articles on “ The Sal­ vaging of Civilization,” which appeared' in “ The Saturday Evening Post,” Mr. Wells has written on “ The Bible of Civilization.” He admits that the civilization of the world is fast hastening to ruin, and in order to save it, we need,— a new Bible! We must have something with which to unify the world. We muSl have a universal language as a common me­ dium of instruction and discussion, and we need this new book which he calls “ The Bible of Civilization.” The reason for this need is that we

have outgrown the, old Bible,— says Mr. Wells. The old Bible has had its place in the world and has served a worthy purpose. “ It has formed a culture, and unified and kept together through many generations, great masses of people. It has been the basis of Jewish and Chris­ tian civilization alike,” but since the Bible left off, the world has gone 6n, and “ there are a multitude of modern problems— problems that enter inti­ mately into the moral life of all of us, with which the Bible does not deal”— and he goes on to mention some of these problems which include the establish­ ment of American independence, the. duties of a citizen at an election, the duties of a shareholder to the labor, employed by his company, find the age­ long feud of Russia and Poland! Our old Bible has done a wonderful work. “The civilization we possess could not havfe come into existence and could not have been sustained without it,” says Mr. Wells. But this .old Book no longef grips the community. It has lost its hold, and nothing has arisen to take its .place. “We want a Bible”;—a new Bible. “ We want a Bible so badly that we cannot afford to put the old Bible on a pinnacle, out of daily use” until the new Bible is created. And then the author gobs on to show the kind of a Bible we need for this educated and enlightened 20th century. The hew Bible will give us a new cosmogony. Man’s relation to the world as de­ scribed in Genesis is not suitable for today. We must have a Bible that will tell us the story,— not of man’s fall,—=-



been experimenting with this particular task for the last three years. He has written a work which he calls an “ Out­ line of History” , containing some 1,100 pages, and which sells for $10.50, which although he admits it is most faulty and inaccurate DEMONSTRATES THE POS­ SIBILITY of

but of'our slow, upward struggle from the primordial germ,— “ of the changing, climates, of the coming and going of great oras and faunas, of mighty races of living things, until out of the vast, slow process, our own kind emerged.” And we need a Bible that will not coniine itself, as our Bible does largely, to the record of one race, but that wili give us a UNIVERSAL HISTORY of man. It will contain some further features. It must contain some rules of health. It must contain some precepts about sex­ ual morality; it must deal with the problems of property and trade and labor. It must answer the questions: “ Is it an offense to gamble? Is it an of­ fense to speculate? Is it an offense to hoard fertile fields and uncultivate them? Is it an offense to use your in­ vested money merely to live pleasantly without working? Is it an offense to spend your money on yourself, and re­ fuse your wife more than bare neces­ sities? Is it an offense to spend ex- ’ orbitant sums that might otherwise go into reproductive investments, to gratify the whims and vanities of your wife?” Since Mr. Wells cannot find answers to such questions as these within the covers of this old Bible, we must have a new one. He has no hesitation in saying that a new Bible can be produced. It is quite possible to get together a committee of men which could produce a new Bible to supersede the old. Wonderful things, he reminds us, have been produced by committees, such as the Magna Charta of England, and the Declaration of Independence of the United States, and the Prayer Book of the English Church! Could not a com­ mittee of English-speaking men prepare a Bible that would become the universal book of the world? . And surprise of surprises! Mr. Wells goes on to tell us that he himself has

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