UWSP MBA Directory

The UW-Stevens Point MBA is not like other MBAs. Our focus is YOUR skill development. It’s not just theory; it’s practical, useful and career-ready. Classes are developed by educators with industry experience to meet employers’ needs. You will gain marketable skills in the most sought-after areas of business including analytics, communication, economics, finance, leadership, management and marketing. Visit uwsp.edu/mba for more info.


DIRECTORY MBA Master of Business Administration in Applied Leadership and Decision-Making Candidate and Alumni

MBA Program Directory

Click on each name to jump to the page.

Welcome. .................................................................................................................................3 Student/Alumni Awards........................................................................................................3 Candidates.........................................................................................................................4-64

Abbott, Daniel*.........................5 Arnold, Joe.................................6 Baeten, Kyra*...........................7 Belsha, Ellie*............................8 Benes, Phil................................9 Bertrand, Leah*.....................10 Biefeld, Kassidie*...................11 Biscan, Jacob*........................12 Brown, James^........................13 Cornelius, Joshua*.................14 Dammann, Camron*..............15 DeAngelis, Julia*....................16 De Lonay, Tana*.....................17 DeMarco, Chloe*....................18 Dlugopolski, Brian..................19 Disher, Michael.......................20 Anderson, Lisa*......................68 Andreae, Jessica*..................68 Andrews, Ryan........................68 Aneskavich, Natalie................69 Annoye, Kristin*......................69 Bangart, Devin*......................69 Baumann, Janet......................70 Beckman, Lea*.......................70 Bell, Chayanna*......................70 Benson, Kaylee*.....................71 Bestle, Alexandra*.................71 Biolo, Elizabeth*.....................71 Blenker, Jason.........................72 Bouffleur, Scott ....................... 72 Budzinski, Chris^....................72 Burroughs, Dax*^...................73 Carrico, Stephen.....................73 Castleberg, Jeremy*...............73 Chatterton, Jared*..................74 Cisewski, Scott........................74 Cohrs, Ian................................74 Cwiak, Ryan*..........................75 Davis, Tyler*............................75 Dee, Hannah*........................ 75 Dehon, Maxime*....................76 DeRosa, Brooklyn*.................76 Dexter, Haley*^.......................76 Disher, Brittany*.....................77 Donovan, Christopher^...........77 Edens, Kirstin*.......................77 Elsen, Amanda....................... 78 Engelbreth, Lydia*..................78 Erdmann, Lauren*..................78 Erickson, Paula*.....................79 Fader, Jordan*........................79 Fandre, Adam*.......................79 Fay, James*............................80 Fisher, Emma*........................80 Folk, Rachel............................80 Forrest, Hilary*.......................81 Foss, Matt.............................. 81 Frahm, Jessica....................... 81 Frias, Michael^....................... 82

Edwards, Carson*..................21 Esser, Courtney.......................22 Froehlich, Daniel.....................23 Gerou, Lewis*.........................24 Hackworth, Samuel................25 Harris, Maria*.........................26 Henderson, Luke*^................27 Hofmeister, Noah*.................28 Hohn, Madison*.....................29 Jensen, Gunner.......................30 Kaminski, David*...................31 Kesler III, Ray*........................32 King, Tom*..............................33 Kirsch, Grant*.........................34 Lancour, Craig.........................35 Laridaen, Kendall*.................36 Fritzel, Darrell......................... 82 Fylling, Jordan.........................82 Gao, Shan................................83 Gardner, Jodie........................ 83 Garg, Crysel.............................83 Gruber, Emily*........................84 Gunderson, Aaron*................84 Gunderson, Hannah*.............84 Hafner, Mikkalyn*..................85 Harl, Michael...........................85 Henderson, Joe.......................85 Hermening, Kevin*^...............86 Hilgart, Jessica........................86 Hinkle, Chandra..................... 86 Hockin, Jennifer..................... 87 Hom, Quyen............................ 87 Hughes, Daniel*.....................87 Hunt, Brianna*.......................88 Ilagan, J. Ann*........................88 Ile, Kevin*...............................88 Johnson, Kara.........................89 Kalish, Brian........................... 89 Kasper, Madeline*.................89 Kedrowski, Tyler^....................90 Kerkhoff, Sydney*..................90 Knick, Matt*...........................90 Knights, Leah..........................91 Knoll, Adam.............................91 Koepp, Jenna*........................91 Koester, Jeri........................... 92 Kolbeck, Emily*......................92 Konietzki, Jeremiah............... 92 Krautkramer, Ryan.................93 Kroening, Mathias^................93 Kruzan, Baily*.........................93 Kumm, Jordan*......................94 Kumm, Nicolas........................94 Larkowski, Brie*.....................94 Larsen, Jacob*.......................95 Lee, Qeng*..............................95 Lewis, Aaron*^........................95 Lindner, Lukas*......................96 Lutz, Kelsey.............................96

Lee, Benjamin.........................37 Lund, Nicole............................38 Martin, Darrell.........................39 McConville, Kayla*.................40 McEachern, Tyler*..................41 McKay, Richard.......................42 Miller, Spencer*......................43 Mueller, Ariana*.....................44 Nichols, Riley...........................45 Nordman, Charlie*.................46 Palios, Andrew........................47 Politoski, Emma*....................48 Poulias, Andrew*....................49 Rehm, Ben*............................50 Richert, Jordan........................51 Rosas, Noah*.........................52 Maliszewski, Abigail*.............96 Markuson, Ally*......................97 Marshall, Jenny*....................97 Martin, Rosalynn*..................97 McGinnis, Samuel*................98 McReynolds, Brandon*............98 Meis, Matthew*......................98 Messerli, Lizzie...................... 99 Meverden, Anna*...................99 Mittelsteadt, Maddie............. 99 Molle, Olivia*........................100 Momont, Sylviann*...............100 Moriel, Daniel........................100 Moss, Melissa*.....................101 Nelles, Madison*..................101 Nelson, Andrew.....................101 Nelson, Garrett*...................102 Neta, Garrett.........................102 Neville, Eric*.........................102 Northey, Wilson*..................103 Odegard, Courtney................103 Olson, Adam*.......................103 Olson, John^..........................104 Olson, Jonathan*..................104 O’Sullivan, Brett....................104 Patoka, Tyler*.......................105 Peckham, Brandon*.............105 Perillo, Ryan*........................105 Persells, Jim..........................106 Peth, Charles.........................106 Polak, Jacob*........................106 Poole, Sam............................107 Rahlf, Krystal........................107 Rasmussen, David*^...........107 Rauen, Benjamin..................108 Resch, Jenny*.......................108 Ross, Sarah...........................108 Sayre, Ryan...........................109 Schecklman, Logan*............109 Schmidt, Abby*.....................109 Schultz, Olivia*.....................110 Shidell, Ariel......................... 110 Siegler, Cody*^.....................110

Servais, Dustin*.....................53 Spellman, Ariel*.....................54 Steinman, Oliva*....................55 Strigel, Joe*............................56 Sweet, Christopher^...............57 Thiel, Lydia*............................58 Thunder, Joshua*...................59 Tucker, Brianna*.....................60 Vincent, Serena*....................61 Virgil, Stephen*^....................62 Vogele, Anetha*......................63 Weber, Cynthia........................64 Weiler, Jon*^...........................65 Wood, Kassidy*......................66 Singh, Tejinder......................111 Snortheim, Brenda...............111 Starr, Andrea........................ 111 Stewart, Harrison*...............112 Strong, Ethan*......................112 Sullivan, Taylor......................112 Swanson, Emily*..................113 Theiler, Kyle...........................113 Thorn, Matt*.........................113 Thorson, Roy*.......................114 Trotter, Samuel......................114 Trzebiatowski, Max*.............114 Ulrich Jacob*........................115 Unger, Carter*......................115 Vance, Joe*...........................115 Van Den Elzen, Kari*............116 Vang, Moua*.........................116 Von Drasek, Sofiah *.............116 Vruwink Skerven, Jena.........117 Wagner, Ryan*......................117 Waldburger, Larry.................117 Wanta, Michael*...................118 Wasmundt, Jacob.................118 Watson, Jackson...................118 Weiler, Kristofer*..................119 Williams, Maddie..................119 Williams, Molly......................119 Wochinski, Jade*..................120 Wolff, Misty...........................120 Wozniak, Makenzie*............120 Wulk, Callie*.........................121 Wurzer, Susan.......................121 Xiong, Meilyn.........................121 Xiong, Tou Ger^.....................122 Xiong-Vang, Lada..................122 Yang, Chee............................122 Young, Marc*........................123 Zhou, Xingmiao.....................123 Zipperer, Daniel....................123 Zoesch, Hannah*.................124

Alumni. .......................................................................................................................... 67-124

Faculty and Staff................................................................................................................125 Sentry School Information................................................................................................126 About UW-Stevens Point..........................................................................Inside Back Cover Key: * UW-Stevens Point Undergraduate Alum ^ U.S. Veteran/Active Military Member

UW-Stevens Point MBA


Welcome! The faculty, staff and administrative leadership of the University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point welcome you to the MBA program! No other existing AACSB- accredited program serves the geographic area of Central and Northern Wisconsin like ours does. We are pleased that our MBA was formed with input from the Sentry School of Business and Economics Business Advisory Council, a group that includes some of the most influential business leaders and employers in the region. Valuable insight was also gathered from our corporate partners who look to enrich students’ learning beyond the classroom. This program–with you as an integral part of it–spans a wide range of industries, employers and undergraduate degrees. The MBA candidate biographies in this booklet profile a group that is diverse, experienced and share a commitment to service. Our faculty stand ready to help you improve your ability to make decisions, influence others and lead organizations into new areas of success.


UW-Stevens Point Chancellor’s Leadership Award Kevin Hermening (2021) Tyler Patoka (2019) Lada Xiong-Vang (2021) College of Professional Studies Student Heroes Award Lada Xiong-Vang (2021) UWSP Graduate Council Award Abby Schmidt (2021)

Ignite Young Professionals Award Leah Knights (2021) WIAC All-Sportsmanship Team Ethan Strong (2017) UWSP Individual Female Athlete of the Year Sylviann Momont (2018-19; 2020-21)


UW-Stevens Point MBA




UW-Stevens Point MBA



Dan Abbott EXPERIENCE • Account Sales Manager PepsiCo

EDUCATION • B.A. in Religious Studies UW-Stevens Point • B.A. in Environmental Ethics UW-Stevens Point

ENROLLED 4+1 • Fall 2024

CAMPUS • Stevens Point

Dan Abbott has embraced the nontraditional student path, balancing his studies with the responsibilities of being a working single parent. After 13 years since his freshman year, he achieved a significant milestone by completing his undergraduate degrees in spring 2024 with a double major in religious studies and environmental ethics from UWSP. Additionally, Dan completed the Leadership Certificate series through UWSP Continuing Education. Professionally, Dan started working full-time at ShopKo right out of high school, rising to the position of store supervisor. He then transitioned to PepsiCo, where he now works as an account sales manager. Alongside his full-time role, Dan holds a part-time position as the climbing wall manager at UWSP. Passionate about effective leadership, the natural environment and recreation, Dan dreams of a role that incorporates all three. He is excited to learn about evolving leadership and the impact of future generations on the economy. Dan looks forward to expanding his perspectives by networking with peers from various industries. Dan aspires to inspire others to discover their leadership qualities and empower them through compassion, connecting people to the natural world. An advocate for the power of nature, he is an avid rock climber, hiker, kayaker and cyclist. In addition, Dan’s guilty pleasure is Star Wars Legos.


UW-Stevens Point MBA


Joe Arnold EXPERIENCE • Human Resources/

EDUCATION • B.S. in Organizational

Total Rewards Manager Delta Dental of Wisconsin

Communication UW-Whitewater

ENROLLED • Spring 2025

CAMPUS • Stevens Point

Joe is a seasoned HR professional with over 21 years of experience. He earned his undergraduate degree from UW-Whitewater in the early 2000s and has been a certified HR practitioner since 2005, recently achieving his Senior HR Certification through self-study. Joe’s career began in recruitment and selection before expanding into various HR areas. He has worked in diverse team environments, from large teams to being the sole HR professional, and currently leads a team of four. Known for his self-driven approach, Joe believes in leading by example and fostering collaboration within teams to harness collective knowledge. Outside of work, Joe is passionate about community service and seeks to empower others through volunteering and leadership. He is eager to build connections and learn from diverse perspectives, aiming to make a positive impact on his local community by embracing diversity and supporting collective growth. Joe enjoys playing tennis, card games, and reading nonfiction as well as fiction. A thoughtful and reflective individual, Joe values constructive feedback and believes in the power of continuous learning and collaboration.

UW-Stevens Point MBA



Kyra Baeten

EXPERIENCE • Senior Accounting Specialist &

EDUCATION • B.S. in Finance

UW-Stevens Point

Assistant BSA Officer Wolf River Community Bank

ENROLLED • Fall 2023

CAMPUS • Stevens Point

Kyra Baeten is a senior accounting specialist and assistant BSA officer at Wolf River Community Bank. In her role she undertakes and works to improve fraud risk management programs while she works as front-line support for the company. She also holds a spot on the SAR committee, highlighting her passion to protect people from financial crimes. Kyra graduated from UW-Stevens Point in 2019 with a bachelor’s degree in finance. Having a strong desire to learn, she hopes the MBA program challenges her while helping to further develop professional skills. Kyra strives to enhance her leadership and learn more about the use of data analytics. She’s looking forward to the program’s smaller cohorts to connect and work with peers and professors on a deeper level. Outside of school and work, Kyra’s hobbies include traveling, reading, listening to podcasts and being outdoors. Her greatest professional dream is to have a career that allows her to make a positive impact and be a mentor to others.


UW-Stevens Point MBA


Ellie Belsha EXPERIENCE • Senior Credit Analyst Aqua Finance, Inc.

EDUCATION • B.S. in Business Economics UW-Stevens Point

ENROLLED 4+1 • Fall 2024

CAMPUS • Stevens Point

Ellie Belsha earned her bachelor’s degree in business economics from UWSP in spring 2024. She started working at Aqua Finance in April 2022 as a credit assistant and has worked her way up to become a senior credit analyst. She would like to stay with Aqua Finance after graduation but would love to acquire more of a managerial role and eventually grow to upper-level leadership. Ellie hopes to gain more confidence in her leadership skills through the MBA program. She would like to expand her career and learn valuable information that she can utilize in her current role and future positions. Ellie wants to impact her community by creating a good work environment at Aqua Finance. As she begins to have more responsibilities and influence, she wants to use company culture to better others’ experiences. Ellie has lived in the Stevens Point area since she was 5-years-old. She enjoys caffeine, drawing, painting and reading.

UW-Stevens Point MBA



Phil Benes

EXPERIENCE • Designer Oldcastle

EDUCATION • B.S. in Mechanical Engineering Michigan Technological University


ENROLLED • Spring 2025

CAMPUS • Wausau

Phil graduated from Michigan Technological University with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. During his time at MTU, he gained valuable experience through internships and co-op positions, including product design and testing roles at Greenheck and Oshkosh Corporation. After graduating, he joined Greenheck Fan in Product Development and later moved to Major Industries in Technical Support. For the past 14 years, Phil has been with Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope, holding various positions within Product Development, ranging from designer to department manager. Outside of his professional career, Phil has dedicated 18 years as a volunteer youth leader at his church, where he has recently transitioned into coaching other volunteer leaders. Phil’s professional goals include enhancing his leadership skills, becoming a better communicator, and gaining a more comprehensive understanding of business operations. He is passionate about mentoring and helping others grow, particularly in leadership roles. Phil enjoys spending time outdoors, staying active through mountain biking, hiking, and skiing, and cherishes family time, especially exploring National Parks and road tripping. As a husband and father of three, he is deeply committed to supporting his family and mentoring the next generation of leaders.


UW-Stevens Point MBA


Leah Bertrand

EXPERIENCE • Marketing and Event Coordinator UWSP Women in Business

EDUCATION • B.S. in Business Admin. UW-Stevens Point • B.S. in Management UW-Stevens Point (pending graduation May 2025)

ENROLLED 4+1 • Spring 2025

CAMPUS • Stevens Point

Leah is an ambitious and dynamic individual committed to personal growth and building meaningful connections. She earned a Professional Selling Certificate, enhancing her sales and communication skills, and is actively involved in Women in Business at UW-Stevens Point, where she serves as marketing and event coordinator. Leah is also a dedicated member of the National Society of Leadership and Success, recognized for her leadership as vice president. Her professional experience spans marketing, customer service and development. Leah currently works as a Prestige Beauty Advisor at Ulta Beauty and has previously held roles like development assistant at Pacelli Catholic High School, where she built strong client relationships and honed project management skills. She has also led initiatives that empower others through impactful events and team collaboration. Outside of work, Leah is passionate about community service, having completed over 350 hours of volunteer work. She aspires to pursue a career in human resources, talent development or employee engagement, with a focus on creating collaborative and positive work environments. Leah enjoys baking, hiking and scuba diving, always seeking new challenges and opportunities for growth.

UW-Stevens Point MBA



Kassidie Biefeld

EXPERIENCE • Event Coordinator Rockman’s Catering

EDUCATION • B.S. in Marketing UW-Stevens Point

ENROLLED • Fall 2023

CAMPUS • Stevens Point

Kassidie Biefeld graduated from UW-Stevens Point in 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in marketing where she completed an internship that allowed her to utilize and learn skills in the field. She has a history of involvement on campus such as being a member on the cheer team and working with the special needs cheerleading team, aiding kids with disabilities to participate in sports. Since then, Kassidie has become event coordinator for Rockman’s Catering, which has shown her a new side of business and continues to be a learning experience. By completing her MBA, Kassidie hopes to gain new connections and knowledge necessary to become an entrepreneur. She strives to gain leadership skills throughout the program to bring value to businesses and people in her life. Kassidie’s main goal after graduation is to start her own business based in photography and cheerleading, with the possibility of opening her own gym or studio to further explore her passions. She hopes to make a positive impact in her community by training athletes and being a role model for the next generation of leaders. In her free time, Kassidie enjoys cheerleading and photography. These passions have helped shape her into the person she is today and taught her many life lessons. She stays motivated with a clear vision of her future and strives to be a team player in everything she does.


UW-Stevens Point MBA


Jacob Biscan EXPERIENCE • Grounds Crew Associate SentryWorld Golf Course

EDUCATION • B.S. in Health Science and Wellness UW-Stevens Point

ENROLLED 4+1 • Fall 2024

CAMPUS • Stevens Point

Jacob Biscan earned his bachelor’s degree in health science and wellness with a minor in business administration from UWSP in the May 2024. Throughout his college career, he gained experience working in the service and maintenance industries. Through the MBA program, Jacob hopes to acquire a comprehensive understanding of business operations, economics and leadership practices. Following graduation, he aims to leverage the knowledge gained from the MBA program to secure a fulfilling position in a successful company. His long-term ambition is to own and operate his own business. Jacob has a long history of volunteering, which began in his youth, and he plans to continue his volunteer efforts in the Stevens Point community. In his free time, Jacob enjoys discovering new music and spending time outdoors with friends and loved ones. He is also utilizing his fifth year of NCAA eligibility to complete his swimming career for the Pointers.

UW-Stevens Point MBA



James Brown EXPERIENCE • Assistant Operations Manager Wisconsin Army National Guard

EDUCATION • B.S. in Business Management Grand Canyon University

ENROLLED • Spring 2025

CAMPUS • Stevens Point

James is a dedicated professional with a rich background in both military and blue-collar industries. He holds an Associate of Science in Criminal Justice from Northcentral Technical College and a Bachelor of Science in Business Management from Grand Canyon University. Throughout his military service, James has completed numerous leadership development courses, including Strategic Planning and Execution, Army National Guard Group Facilitator Course, and Talent Management Team Leader Development. Since 2012, he has served full-time in the Army National Guard, where he has held multiple leadership roles, including Battalion Career Counselor, Battalion Training NCO, and Brigade Assistant Operations NCO. Additionally, James has worked in carpentry, manufacturing and corrections, gaining valuable hands-on experience in various sectors. James is committed to lifelong learning and is currently pursuing an MBA to further refine his leadership and decision-making skills, bridging the gap between his military experience and the civilian workforce. Outside of his professional career, he volunteers as a youth hockey coach, fosters community engagement, and enjoys spending time outdoors with his wife and two children. Passionate about servant leadership, James strives to make a positive impact in his local community by supporting education, local businesses and social networks.


UW-Stevens Point MBA


Joshua Cornelius

EXPERIENCE • Mutual Fund Administrator

EDUCATION • B.S. in Finance

UW-Stevens Point

U.S. Bank Global Fund Services

ENROLLED 4+1 • Fall 2023

CAMPUS • Stevens Point

Josh Cornelius currently works as mutual fund administrator for U.S. Bank Global Fund Services where he primarily focuses on building financial software. He was originally brought on as a contractor but was quickly promoted to his current position while still completing his undergraduate degree. He graduated from UW- Stevens Point with a bachelor’s degree in finance and has been a member of the Honor Society. By completing his MBA, Josh hopes to gain a deeper understanding of what his strengths and weaknesses are as leader. He also strives to achieve a greater degree of confidence in professional abilities. Josh’s goals after graduation are to acquire real estate properties, grow his business, and get several more credentials. Once he’s gained expertise in his field, he’d like to become a professor. Wanting to help others in the community, Josh hopes to give back by volunteering and donating to causes that help end hunger. Josh enjoys hobby projects like building his computer, working on his car, and coding smart home servers. He also likes golfing, cooking, and playing video games. Josh looks forward to meeting his peers and learning from their experiences as he moves through the MBA program.

UW-Stevens Point MBA



Camron Dammann

EXPERIENCE • Assurance Intern CliftonLarsonAllen

EDUCATION • B.S. in Accouting UW-Stevens Point • B.S. in Finance UW-Stevens Point

(pending graduation May 2025)

ENROLLED 4+1 • Spring 2025

CAMPUS • Stevens Point

Camron graduated with an associate’s degree in applied science from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point at Marshfield in May 2023. He is now pursuing dual bachelor’s degrees in accounting and finance at UWSP, set to graduate in May 2025. His academic journey reflects his strong commitment to building a solid foundation in both business and finance. In February 2023, Camron began an internship with CliftonLarsonAllen, working in both the Client Accounting and Advisory Services (CAAS) and Assurance departments. Through this experience, he discovered a passion for client communication and helping businesses achieve their financial goals. After graduation, Camron plans to continue supporting organizations in reaching their financial objectives while further developing his leadership skills. He hopes to stay in Central Wisconsin to make a meaningful impact in the local community and contribute to its economic growth. Camron is eager to join the MBA program at UWSP to enhance his communication and leadership abilities. He is also excited to expand his professional network and collaborate with other like-minded individuals. Outside of academics and work, Camron enjoys outdoor activities like hunting and fishing and is actively involved in his high school’s wrestling program in Pittsville. He is looking forward to the hands-on learning opportunities in the MBA program to help shape his future career.


UW-Stevens Point MBA


Julia DeAngelis

EXPERIENCE • Lead Campus Ambassador UW-Stevens Point Office of Admissions and Recruitment

EDUCATION • B.S. in Business Administration UW-Stevens Point

(graduation pending December 2024)

ENROLLED 4+1 • Fall 2024

CAMPUS • Stevens Point

Julia DeAngelis is on track to graduate in December 2024 from UW-Stevens Point with a bachelor’s in business administration, minor in economics and certificate in international business. Throughout her academic journey, Julia has been deeply involved in the Student Government Association, where she has held various leadership roles, including student body vice president. Her commitment to student advocacy has allowed her to collaborate with university and state-level administrators to represent the interests of the student body. Professionally, Julia has gained valuable experience working in the Office of Admissions and Recruitment as a tour guide and currently as the Lead Campus Ambassador. She also completed an internship in the same office, focusing on office management and organization. Additionally, she served as the business and sponsorship director for WWSP 90FM, where she built community partnerships and managed event sponsorships. After graduation, Julia aspires to work abroad, where she can leverage her leadership skills and business knowledge to drive meaningful change. Through the MBA program, she hopes to refine her leadership abilities, expand her understanding of business operations, and learn from her peers and professors. In her free time, Julia enjoys spending time with friends and family, being outdoors, cooking and attending sporting events.

UW-Stevens Point MBA



Tana De Lonay

EXPERIENCE • LEO Coordinator CW Solutions

EDUCATION • B.A. in Sociology UW-Stevens Point

ENROLLED • Fall 2023

CAMPUS • Stevens Point

Tana De Lonay graduated from UW-Stevens Point in 2012 with a bachelor’s degree in sociology and a dual minor in religious studies and anthropology. As someone passionate about social causes, she was involved with the College Feminists and Women’s Resource Center during her undergraduate career. Currently, Tana works as the Learn and Empower Oneself (LEO) coordinator at CW Solutions. In her role, she teaches an eight-hour state approved, interactive resilience building and substance prevention curriculum to high school and middle school students throughout Wood County. Tana hopes to hone and refine her business and leadership skills while diving deeper into the concepts of influencing perspective shift and culture change within organizations and individuals. Her long-term vision is to start her own business and build robust partnerships with community stakeholders to raise awareness surrounding mental health and substance prevention. She hopes to impact her community by combining social emotional learning with the arts to heal and empower people in any stage of life. Tana is deeply passionate about the performing arts and has participated in over 30 plays, musicals and local theatre organizations. She’s also been on the Board of Directors for the Central Wisconsin Area Community Theatre. Tana prides herself as a life-long explorer of the human condition and believes that theatre and performing can teach people a lot about teamwork and responsibility.


UW-Stevens Point MBA


Chloe DeMarco

EXPERIENCE • Student Manager UW-Stevens Point Intramurals

EDUCATION • B.S. in Business Administration • B.A. International Studies UW-Stevens Point (pending graduation December 2024)

ENROLLED 4+1 • Fall 2023

CAMPUS • Stevens Point

As Intramural student manager at UW-Stevens Point, Chole leads a team of over 20 student workers while holding a wide range of responsibilities. In this role, she monitors and maintains supervisors’ schedules, oversees the hiring process and training of new employees, and runs weekly team meetings. Her agile leadership allows her to lead effectively as she interacts with staff and players to effectively solve problems and answer questions. Chole feels the MBA program will have a large impact on her by helping open new doors as she works to enhance her professional skills. The relationships Chole has made with UWSP professors has motivated her to pursue her MBA. Their dedication, passion and purpose in teaching has been an inspiration to further her education in the MBA program. Chole’s family also has a background in business which has had a large impact on her decision to continue her education. Her dream job is to work in international business and hold an administrative role. Chole is excited to join such a welcoming community and make new connections with current MBA candidates and professors in the program. She is looking forward to learning with a diverse group of candidates that can contribute to her learning and growth.

UW-Stevens Point MBA



Michael Disher

EXPERIENCE • Commercial Operations Manager Ansay & Associates

EDUCATION • B.S. in Business Management Rassmussen University

ENROLLED • Fall 2023

CAMPUS • Wausau

Michael Disher joined Ansay & Associates in 2016 starting as a commercial account manager and moving his way up through roles as an account executive, team lead, and most recently commercial operations manager. In his current position he leads teams across multiple offices in Wisconsin, maintains client satisfaction, and develops strategies to meet organizational goals. Michael has a bachelor’s degree in business management from Rassmussen University and a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification from UW-Stevens Point. Throughout the MBA program, Michael hopes to further develop his leadership and bring a wider perspective and skill set to his organization. He looks forward to creating relationships with other candidates and using those connections to foster collaboration between industries. After graduation, Michael plans to continue growing as a leader by volunteering to promote growth and goodwill while helping others grow in their roles. In his free time, Michael enjoys spending time with family, learning and watching his daughter play sports. Some of his hobbies include staying active outdoors and golfing. Michael looks forward to building new relationships as he starts the program.


UW-Stevens Point MBA


Brian Dlugopolski

EXPERIENCE • Engineering Manager Greenheck Group

EDUCATION • B.S. in Mechanical Engineering UW-Platteville

ENROLLED • Spring 2025

CAMPUS • Wausau

Brian Dlugopolski is currently an engineering manager at Greenheck, where he leads a team of engineers to achieve their goals. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from UW-Platteville in December 2014. Brian’s professional journey began as a product engineering co-op at Greenheck in 2013, followed by a new product development internship at Silgan Containers in 2014. After graduation, he joined Greenheck full-time as a product development engineer, a role he held for seven years before becoming an engineering manager in January 2022. Brian has been actively involved with the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, serving on the local chapter’s board from 2020 to 2023. By joining the MBA program at UW-Stevens Point, Brian hopes to connect with like-minded individuals within the community and enhance his financial aptitude and collaboration skills. His goal after graduation is to apply his education to future roles involving new ventures, business strategy and leadership. Brian is passionate about mentorship and enjoys guiding high school students on career paths, particularly in manufacturing. In his free time, Brian enjoys woodworking, home improvement projects, golfing, reading, skiing, traveling and taking walks with his wife and dog. He looks forward to collaborating with fellow MBA candidates.

UW-Stevens Point MBA



Carson Edwards

EXPERIENCE • Accounting Intern CertaPro Painters

EDUCATION • B.S. in Business Administration UW-Stevens Point

(pending graduation May 2025)

ENROLLED 4+1 • Spring 2025

CAMPUS • Stevens Point

Carson is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. He has gained valuable professional experience, including a recent internship as an accounting intern at CertaPro Painters. During his internship, Carson was responsible for daily accounting entries, preparing financial statements, and analyzing business data to inform strategic decisions. He also created detailed spreadsheets to help evaluate and improve business offerings. After graduation, Carson aims to pursue a career in upper management in the Milwaukee area, with the long-term goal of starting his own business. He is eager to gain hands-on experience in leadership and management before launching his entrepreneurial venture. Through his MBA studies, Carson hopes to further develop his leadership skills and expand his knowledge of business practices. He is passionate about becoming a strong leader in his community and being a positive role model for others. Outside of academics and work, Carson is an avid outdoorsman. Whether boating or playing golf, he enjoys spending as much time outdoors as possible and values the balance it brings to his life.


UW-Stevens Point MBA


Courtney Esser

EXPERIENCE • Sales Associate KwikTrip

EDUCATION • B.S. in Criminal Justice Lakeland University

ENROLLED • Fall 2024

CAMPUS • Stevens Point

Courtney Esser began her educational journey in 1999, earning a certificate as a certified nursing assistant. In 2007, she graduated with an associate’s degree to become a medical administrative specialist, and in 2022, she completed her bachelor’s in criminal justice from Lakeland University. Courtney’s professional experience is diverse, starting at the age of 14 as a housekeeper in a motel. Over the years, she has taken on various roles in customer service, including sales associate, cashier, receptionist, certified nursing assistant and distance learning technician. Additionally, she actively volunteers with her local food pantry, demonstrating her commitment to community service. With aspirations to advance her career post-graduation, Courtney is eager to see the benefits of her master’s degree, both financially and in terms of the knowledge she will gain. She is particularly focused on developing leadership qualities, decision-making skills, and a better understanding of business communications through her MBA experience. Courtney is passionate about making a positive impact in her local community, aiming to be a supportive figure helping others achieve their goals. In her free time, she enjoys photography, reading, crocheting, hiking, biking, swimming and spending time with her family and chickens.

UW-Stevens Point MBA



Daniel Froehlich

EXPERIENCE • Senior Machine Design Engineer Greenheck Group

EDUCATION • M.S. in Operations & Supply Chain Management UW-Stout • B.S. in Engineering Technologies UW-Stout

ENROLLED • Spring 2024

CAMPUS • Wausau

Daniel Froehlich is currently a senior machine design engineer at Greenheck Group where he leads a team of engineers to achieve their goals. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in engineering technologies from UW-Stout in 2015 and later went on to receive his master’s degree in operations and supply chain management in 2022. Daniel also completed his Six Sigma Black Belt Certification in 2023, highlighting his dedication for process improvement. Joining the program, Daniel hopes to connect with like-minded individuals within the community. He also wants to advance his leadership abilities by furthering his knowledge to better analyze situations. Daniel’s goal after graduation is to continue leading teams to success while he works towards higher level leadership roles. He’s dedicated to continuous learning and is eager to sharpen his skills and decision making. Daniel aspires to make the local community a better place for future generations by getting involved in projects. Striving to be the best version of himself and dedication to learning are Daniel’s greatest strengths. In his free time, Daniel enjoys spending time with his wife and kids. He also has three dogs, three horses, two miniature donkeys and a cat. In warmer months, Daniel and his family like to stay outdoors boating and fishing.


UW-Stevens Point MBA


Lewis Gerou EXPERIENCE • Investment Associate Sentry

EDUCATION • B.S. in Business Administration UW-Stevens Point

ENROLLED 4+1 • Fall 2024

CAMPUS • Stevens Point

Lewis Gerou graduated from UWSP in May 2024 with a major in business administration and a minor in economics. Throughout his academic journey, he was actively involved in organizations like Toastmasters and the Financial Literacy Association, where he honed his communication and financial skills. Professionally, Lewis has gained valuable experience as a Pathways intern at the Bureau of Indian Affairs and as a finance associate in investments at Sentry. Lewis’ ultimate goal after graduation is to work in a business where he can provide a service or product that helps others. Through his MBA, he hopes to deepen his education, develop leadership skills and connect with a group of like- minded thinkers. Lewis is passionate about making a positive impact in his community by promoting financial literacy, health knowledge and the importance of charity. In his free time, he enjoys fitness, fishing and spending time outdoors, as well as exploring investment opportunities. He is always open to conversation and looks forward to connecting with others in the program.

UW-Stevens Point MBA



Samuel Hackworth

EXPERIENCE • Organizational Learning and Development Specialist Aspirus

EDUCATION • M.A. in Linguistics University of South Carolina • B.A. in English UW-La Crosse

ENROLLED • Spring 2024

CAMPUS • Wausau

Samuel Hackworth is an organizational learning and development specialist at Aspirus. He also has experience teaching English as a second language abroad and serving in the United States Peace Corps as a TEFL volunteer. Samuel has a bachelor’s degree in English from UW-La Crosse and a master’s degree in linguistics from University of South Carolina. He holds a certification for TEFL – Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Throughout his time in the MBA program, Samuel aims to gain a better understanding of processes and theories that drive businesses to success. He looks forward to learning from experienced professionals, professors, and peers. Samuel’s goal is to continue to grow as a leader and utilize the knowledge he gains in the program to further develop his career. Growing up in Northcentral Wisconsin he would like to invest his knowledge back into the local community and make a difference by teaching others. Samuel looks forward to learning unique experiences from other candidates and diverse perspectives. In his free time, Samuel enjoys running, walking his dogs and spending time with his family. He is also passionate about teaching others and continuous learning.


UW-Stevens Point MBA


Maria Harris EXPERIENCE • College Recruitment & Program Specialist Sentry

EDUCATION • B.S. in Psychology UW-Stevens Point

ENROLLED • Spring 2025

CAMPUS • Stevens Point

Maria graduated from UWSP with a degree in psychology and a minor in child, youth, and family studies. Professionally, Maria began her career as a customer success representative at Skyward, where her internship transitioned into a full- time position lasting seven years. In 2022, she joined UWSP’s Diversity & College Access team, supporting diverse student communities across multiple campuses. She now serves as the college recruitment & program specialist at Sentry, where she contributes to campus recruitment strategies and partnerships. Maria’s passion for community impact led her to found Fiesta Point, Stevens Point’s first Hispanic Heritage Month celebration, and the Chingonas de Central Wisconsin podcast, a platform for women-identifying leaders to share their journey. Her future goals include using her podcast to establish a barrier-free scholarship for Latinx students in Central Wisconsin. Maria hopes to use her MBA experience to further develop her leadership skills, enhancing her ability to inspire and guide others. Ultimately, Maria intends to apply the knowledge and skills gained from her MBA to continue advancing the Latinx community, ensuring its growth and success in Central Wisconsin. Outside of her professional life, Maria enjoys golfing and discovering new food spots.

UW-Stevens Point MBA



Luke Henderson

EXPERIENCE • Maintenance Supervisor McCain Foods

EDUCATION • B.S. in Business Administration UW-Stevens Point

(pending graduation May 2025)

ENROLLED 4+1 • Spring 2025

CAMPUS • Stevens Point

Luke is an accomplished professional with a diverse career across multiple industries. He currently serves as a maintenance supervisor at McCain Foods USA and owns and manages properties in Wisconsin. His previous experience includes roles asassistant supervisor at Placon, chief pilot at OmniFox Aerial LLC, and helicopter pilot at Petroleum Helicopters Inc. and the Army National Guard. A dedicated and results-driven leader, Luke is committed to inspiring and empowering those around him. He thrives on taking calculated risks and creating environments where individuals and teams can excel. His leadership style focuses on motivating others to reach their fullest potential, fostering collaboration and driving meaningful progress. Through his MBA, Luke aims to strengthen his expertise in financial investments with a data-driven approach, enhance his entrepreneurial management skills, and gain a deeper understanding of international trade. Outside of work, Luke is passionate about making a positive impact in his community, with a focus on inspiring hope and spreading joy. He enjoys traveling, scuba diving, fishing and indulging in his love for smoked brisket.


UW-Stevens Point MBA


Noah Hofmeister

EXPERIENCE • Estimator Spectra Print

EDUCATION • B.S. in Business Economics UW-Stevens Point

ENROLLED 4+1 • Fall 2023

CAMPUS • Stevens Point

Noah Hofmeister currently works as an estimator in his family business, Spectra Print. By continuing his role in the company, he’s well prepared to lead those around him. In his current position, he leads the landscaping department and assists top management. Noah’s career goal is to complete his MBA and work towards an upper management position in the family business. He will obtain his Bachelor of Science in Business Economics pending graduation. By completing the MBA program, Noah strives to diversify and strengthen his leadership skills to become a more productive leader. Not only does Noah have passion for business, but he also has passion for community. His goal is to connect with the community to help businesses and strengthen the local economy. Noah considers himself an ambitious person with a willingness to learn from every situation. He’s excited to meet his peers and grow along side them while building connections and working to strengthen the local business environment.

UW-Stevens Point MBA



Madison Hohn

EXPERIENCE • Director of Student Engagement

EDUCATION • B.S. in Management UW-Stevens Point • B.S. in Marketing UW-Stevens Point

UW-Stevens Point Student Government Association

ENROLLED 4+1 • Spring 2024

CAMPUS • Stevens Point

Madison Hohn is currently completing her bachelor’s degrees in marketing and management at UW-Stevens Point. She has experience in multiple roles such as marketing intern, assistant manager and purchasing clerk in multiple different industries. She’s also involved on campus as the director of student engagement for the UWSP Student Government Association. During her time in the MBA program, Madison hopes to learn more about organizational management and leadership strategies for facing complex situations. She is also eager to practice implementing the concepts she learns in her current organization. Madison is passionate about sustainable business practices and has done research on the impacts of overproduction and unsustainable practices on the environment. She hopes to impact her community by educating consumers on the importance of sustainability in business. Madison has a strong interest in graphic design, photography, sports, and outdoor activities. She also has two rescue cats and a dog that she enjoys spending time with.


UW-Stevens Point MBA


Gunner Jensen

EXPERIENCE • Northwest Division Supervisor of Patient Experience Aspirus Health • Executive Assistant Marshfield Clinic

EDUCATION • B.S. in Public

Administration UW-La Crosse • Associates of Applied Arts and Sciences UWSP at Marshfield

ENROLLED • Spring 2024

CAMPUS • Marshfield

Gunner Jensen currently works as the Northwest Division Supervisor of Patient Experience at Aspirus Health where he manages efforts to enhance patient satisfaction and quality services while delivering expert insight through data and analytics on patient scores. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in public administration and has his research “The Evaluation of Policy Regarding the Restrictions of LGBTQ+ Blood Donations” published and recognized by his university. He graduated with the highest honors and was involved with Eta Phi Alpha Honor Society as a member. During the MBA, Gunner hopes to gain insight on organizational operations and advanced administration for larger companies. He also aims to further develop his leadership skills and learn effective ways to manage teams. Gunner’s goals after graduation are to pursue a higher-level leadership position and achieve his dream of obtaining his doctorate degree and becoming a chief officer. He hopes to make an impact on the community by utilizing the skills he learns in the program to revolutionize rural healthcare systems. He aspires to provide more opportunities for patients and better access to needed healthcare. In his free time, Gunner enjoys hiking, going out with friends, traveling, playing games and trying new things. He’s looking to build connections and provide support to peers both academically and career wise.

UW-Stevens Point MBA


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