Strategic Plan Progress Report


Fort Worth Police Department

FY17-FY21 Strategic Plan


DRAFT SEPTEMBER 2018 Table of Contents

A. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1

B. Overall Implementation Progress ............................................................................... 2

C. Significant Accomplishments, FY17 - FY18.................................................................. 3

D. Strategic Direction Accomplishments

1. Professionalism and Organizational Excellence .................................................... 12

2. Community Engagement and Partnerships .......................................................... 15

3. Operational Improvements .................................................................................. 18

4. Technology Development and Infrastructure Expansion ...................................... 21

E. Bureau Goal Accomplishments

Patrol Bureau ........................................................................................................... 24

Support Bureau........................................................................................................ 32

Finance/Personnel Bureau ....................................................................................... 35

F. Moving Forward

Strategic Directions .................................................................................................. 38

Capital Improvements ............................................................................................. 40

Staffing Priorities ..................................................................................................... 55

Strategic Plan Implementation Progress Report


The Fort Worth Police Department FY17-FY21 Strate- gic Plan was developed in 2016 to guide depart- mental decision making over the next five years. The plan identified departmental and community priori- ties, established S.M.A.R.T. (specific, manageable, achievable, realistic, and time bound) goals, action items to achieve the goals, and assigned persons in the organization responsible for implementation. As the plan has been implemented during the past two fiscal years, key accomplishments, organizational changes, and new opportunities necessitate a review of the plan to ensure the Police Department focuses resources to maximize opportunities and continue implementation for the remaining three years, FY19- FY21. The FY2019 Implementation Progress Report includes implementation accomplishments made during the past two fiscal years, key focus areas moving forward including capital improvement updates and staffing priorities.

Strategic Plan Goals and Action Items

The Strategic Plan includes more than 400 goals and action items for the following four Strategic Directions. The plan also includes goals for the department’s three Bureaus: Patrol, Support, and Finance/Personnel.

STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS 1. Professionalism and Organizational Excellence

BUREAU GOALS Patrol Bureau

North Command South Command

2. Community Engagement and Partnerships

Support Bureau

Tactical Command

3. Operational Improvements

Investigative and Support Command

Finance/Personnel Bureau

4. Technology Development and Infrastructure Expansion

Operational Command

Administrative Support Command


Overall Implementation Progress

As of September 30, 2018, 11 percent of all action items and bureau goals have been “completed”, and 60 percent are “on target” to be accomplished by their estimated completion date. “On target” items may also be ongoing items continuously being implemented by the department. Fifty-four items are “lagging”, 14 items have “insufficient progress”, and 94 items are being “monitored”. Overall Implementation Progress

Complete - 59

On Target - 337

Lagging– 54

Insufficient Progress - 14

Monitoring - 94

Numbers indicate the amount of goals and action items in each category.

Implementation Legend FWPD uses the web-based ClearPoint software to track the progress of each goal and action item using one of the following status indicators.

A green star indicates that the goal or action item is complete .

A green arrow indicates that the goal or action item is on target to be completed within the specified timeline or may be an ongoing goal or action item.

A yellow square indicates that the goal or action item is lagging and needs to be monitored in the near term to ensure that the goal can be completed within the specified timeline.

A red arrow indicates that the goal or action item has insufficient progress needed in order to meet the specified timeline. A red status should not be interpreted as failure—it simply means that the goal or action item needs more attention. A blue circle indicates that the goal or action item is currently being monitored and that the imple- mentation of that goal or action item is expected to start in a future quarter or year or is dependent upon funding availability.


Significant Accomplishments, FY17-FY18

The Fort Worth Police Department implemented the following significant accomplishments during the past two fiscal years. More accomplishments for each Strategic Direction and each Bureau are included in this report beginning on page 11.

Accreditation from Texas Police Chief’s Association On February 7, 2018, the FWPD received the official approval of “Recognized” agency and is the largest department in the State of Texas to receive such an honor. The program is a vol- untary process where police agencies in Texas prove their com- pliance with 168 Texas Law Enforcement Best Practices. The best practices were carefully developed by Texas law enforce- ment professionals to assist agencies in the efficient and effec- tive delivery of service, the reduction of risk, and the protec- tion of individual’s rights. Being “Recognized” means that the agency has proven that it meets or exceeds all of the identified best practices for Texas law enforcement. The best practices cover aspects of law enforcement operations such as use of force, protection of citizen rights, pursuits, property and evi- dence management, and patrol and investigative operations .

City Council Presentation

Patrol Commander Rank Approved The City Council approved the addition of six commander positions to the Patrol Bureau ranks on Novem- ber 25, 2017, allowing the department to select officers who possess the leadership skills, intellect, experi- ence, and dedication to build and maintain relationships in the community. The six Patrol Commanders are:

East Commander Paula Fimbres

Central Commander Joseph Sparrow

North Commander Neil Noakes

Northwest Commander Pedro Criado

South Commander Greg Weathers

West Commander Cynthia O’Neil


Significant Accomplishments, FY17-FY18 (cont.)

National Initiative Implementation; Procedural Justice and De-Escalation Training Through the City’s involvement with the Na- tional Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice, the department is providing criti- cal training to all officers. The mission of the National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice is to improve relationships and increase trust between communities and the criminal justice system. In 2017, there were five dedicated FWPD staff teaching Na- tional Initiative classes and providing infor- mation to the community. In 2017, more than 900 officers completed Procedural Justice III training. The remaining officers completed the class in 2018. All officers in the department received de-escalation training in 2017. Police Executive Research Forum trainers provided the intensive, eight-hour Integration Communications, Assessment, and Tactics (ICAT) training course. The training included hands-on tools for officers to learn different approaches to de- escalate tense situations. The ICAT course is designed to assist officers with safe and professional resolu- tions to critical incidents that involve unarmed individuals who may pose a danger to themselves and oth- ers. The primary goals of the course are to reduce the use of deadly force, uphold the sanctity of life, build community trust, and promote public safety by learning skills and strategies related to decision making, cri- sis recognition, tactical communications, and safety tactics. Chief ’s Advisory Board The Police Chief's Advisory Board (CAB) was re- established in 2017 under the direction of Chief Joel F. Fitzgerald. The board was created to act as a community resource for the Chief in the for- mation of strategies, development of communi- ty policing concepts, and increasing public awareness. The primary purpose of the Chief's Advisory Board is to provide a forum with key stakeholders regarding law enforcement policies within the community and is comprised of a di- verse cross-section of community leaders repre- sentative of Fort Worth. The rotating member- ship of the board consists of at least 40 promi- nent citizens from throughout the community (34 adults and 6 high school students) who rep- resent a range of interests and experiences. Members are from diverse backgrounds, including business, education, non-profits, public relations, faith community, the political arena, and more. Training Presentation CAB Presentation


Significant Accomplishments, FY17-FY18 (cont.)

Fort Worth Police Athletic League

The vision of the Fort Worth Police Athletic League (FWPAL) is to provide guid- ance and leadership to ensure the safety of youth, improve their lives, reduce crime and better serve the community by building strong and trusting relation- ships through athletic programs and community partnerships. FWPAL is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization currently with over 350 youth participating in multiple sport programs including flag football, cheerleading, an outdoor ad- venture camp, and boxing located at two gyms. PAL reached milestones with five kids reaching Golden Gloves status and an increase in participation at the North PAL gym to 20 youth. The 2018 Flag Football League consisted of chil- dren ages 5-13 finishing the season June 2. In addition, FWPAL developed a partnership with the Southside Hornets Athletic Association and now have 50 cheerleader participants.

Mental Health Crisis Intervention Team The Mental Health Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) was established on September 1 and consists of six spe- cially trained and Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) certified Mental Health Peace Officers. Each officer is assigned a patrol division and is under the direction of two Corporal/Detectives (Team Lead- ers) and a Sergeant. The primary purpose of the team is to reduce the hazards associated with interactions between law enforcement and people with mental illness, to proactively engage those with mental illness that pose a threat to the community as a whole, and to connect those with mental illness with support ser- vices as appropriate. The secondary purpose of the CIT is to reduce return calls for service related to men- tal health, ultimately freeing patrol officers to provide additional service to the community.

Winning Big with the FWPD Explorer Program The FWPD Explorer Program is a career educa- tional and experience-based program de- signed to help young people develop into ma- ture and responsible adults. Explorers train to compete against other Explorer teams throughout the area, state and even the na- tion. FWPD Explorers test their learned skills against one another, with the top participants and teams receiving awards for their perfor- mance.

In 2018, the FWPD Explorer Program attended and competed at the TLEEAA State Law En- forcement Exploring Competition and placed

FWPD Explorers

in the following Team Scenarios: 1 st Place Misdemeanor Traffic Stops, 1st Place Crisis Negotiation, 1st Place Unknown Call for Police, 2nd Place Felony Traffic Stops, 3rd Place Traffic Accidents, 3rd Place Domes- tic Crisis, and 3rd Place Suicidal Mental Person. The FWPD Explorer Program was also awarded Agency of the Year.


Significant Accomplishments, FY17-FY18 (cont.)

3 rd Most Popular Police Department in the Nation Over the last two years, FWPD has published elaborate, fun videos to fuel interest in becoming a police officer in Fort Worth. The first video, Darth Vader Interview, has been viewed by more than 200,000 on YouTube and over one mil- lion times on Facebook since its release in December 2015. In December 2016, the department released Stormtrooper Re- cruit, which received more than 20 million views on Face- book. In 2017, FWPD focused on a Police Officer’s first day of work in 2017. The video stars Chewbacca and follows him on his first day on the job, which received over 2 million views. As of 2018, the FWPD Facebook page has over 200,000 fol- lowers, putting FWPD as the 3 rd most popular police depart- ment on social media in the nation.

FWPD Video

In 2017, the Fort Worth Police Department won 3rd place at the 2017 Government Social Media Conference and Expo’s Golden Post Awards held in Dallas. They were nomi- nated in the category “Best Use of Humor on Social Me- dia”. The Golden Post Awards honor outstanding use of so- cial media in local and state government agencies across the United States. During the 2017 Government Social Me- dia Conference and Expo ceremony, the FWPD’s Stormtrooper Recruitment video placed third in the Golden Post Awards Best Use of Humor in Social Media category.

Government Social Media Conference

FWPD Hurricane Harvey Response

The Fort Worth Police Department de- ployed 149 officers to Houston to assist with Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. The first 100 officers deployed on August 30, 2017. Fort Worth officers answered pa- trol calls for service and responded to incidents throughout Houston. The de- ployment included Chief Fitzgerald, three assistant chiefs, two deputy chiefs, other command staff and officers.

Law Enforcement Mutual Aid for Hurricane Harvey


Significant Accomplishments, FY17-FY18 (cont.)

Technology at Work Technology Services staff worked with the IT Solutions Department and Financial Management Services De- partment to expand technology improvements in each of the following categories: access to data, cameras, investigative, and operational.

FWPD Website Redesigned The Fort Worth Police Department expanded and im- proved the department’s website to better serve as a dynamic user-friendly and transparent tool. The web- site,, includes more detailed information about the three police department bu- reaus, patrol divisions, National Night Out registration, crime data, and Strategic Plan performance measures: On the site, the public can review monthly Strategic Plan implementation progress for each patrol division and all three bureaus. The homepage offers many up- dated features including the search engine One Ad-

dress that allows the public to search an address and receive important information such as their patrol beat, neighborhood police officer contact information, nearest police facility, and neighborhood meeting dates. Additional homepage enhancements include biographies for the department’s Executive Staff, cold case details, and the weekly Most Wanted list. Various department reports are available to view on the site such as annual reports, crime reports, general orders, and arbitration reports that include post-disciplinary reviews and after-arbitration reviews. As part of the redesign, the site is now mobile friendly allowing the public to view the site on handheld devices. Body Cameras and In-Car Video Integration The Fort Worth Police Department purchased its first 50 body cameras in 2012, fol- lowed by another 145 cameras in 2013—the majority deployed in patrol and the traf- fic division. Since December 2013, every graduating recruit is trained to use a camera and is assigned a camera. Cameras have been purchased each year since in an effort to outfit every officer in the department. The department has issued 1,334 body cameras since 2012. In 2017, the City Council approved an agreement to purchase additional camera sys- tems which included cameras, associated accessories, mounting and docking station, software interface and maintenance as well as electrical weapons (tasers) and in-car video systems. Funding for this technology initiative is a combination of Crime Con- trol and Prevention District funding and grant funding. Pursuing this bundled contract, the City saved $3.5 million. The approval of this contract works towards the City’s goal to outfit all sworn officers with body- worn cameras and outfit all patrol vehicles with in-car video systems delivering integrated devices and appli- cations and creating efficiencies for patrol. Body Camera


Significant Accomplishments, FY17-FY18 (cont.)

Technology at Work (cont.)

Body Cameras and In-Car Video Integration (cont.) As of November 2018, 439 patrol vehicles have received the new integrated in-car video system. The in-car video system is the latest generation and integrates with each officer’s body cameras, and when activated, it automati- cally activates the systems of other officers’ systems with- in range. The in-car video systems are being installed by Technology Services and Fleet Services with a goal of in- stalling a total of 600 systems. Community Camera Program The Community Camera Program is now accessible on the Fort Worth Police Department website: Residents and businesses across the city can register their privately owned surveillance camera systems. The goal of the Community Camera Pro- gram is to deter crime and promote public safety through collaboration between FWPD and the community. As of September 2018, a total of 837 cameras have been regis- tered, providing access to over 3,800 camera views. Citywide Camera Program The Citywide Camera Program began in 2017 with the initial purchase of over 170 cameras. The program was developed to enhance public safety and aid in suspected criminal investigations. Cameras are part of the City’s neighborhood improvement strategy project that in- cludes the Stop Six and Ash Crescent areas. The depart- ment has funding for 100 additional cameras. Expanded WiFi Infrastructure Expanded WiFi infrastructure to support the expanded camera, in-car video systems, and connectivity to City network. Twenty-two access points at various City of Fort Worth facilities are fully operational allowing video up- loads from body cameras and in-car videos to support operations, events, and investigations.

In-Car Video System

Citywide Camera Program

Insert Photo

Expanded WiFi access points at 22 City facilities.


Significant Accomplishments, FY17-FY18 (cont.)

Patrol Division Realignment: New Sixth Patrol Division (North Division) On August 19, 2017, the Fort Worth Police Department added a new patrol division and realigned the ex- isting five patrol division boundaries due to significant growth in north Fort Worth. Each of the six patrol divisions include two districts and multiple beats. The Patrol Bureau returned to a traditional police beat concept, which consists of assigning patrol officers to smaller, more manageable geographic areas called beats. A total of 90 beats are within Fort Worth are patrolled by officers.

New Patrol Beat Map by Patrol Division

New Patrol Divisions Map

2018 Bond Election Approval Includes New South Patrol Division Facility The 2018 Bond Election held in May 2018 that included a new South Patrol Division facility passed with overwhelming voter support. Land for the new facility is in the process of being acquired. The new South Division headquarters will serve the growing area of Fort Worth south of Loop 820. It is anticipated that the new facility will be approximately 28,000 square feet and will include a community room, Code Blue office, neighborhood police officers, patrol officers, and South Division administration personnel. The facility is ex- pected to be completed in 2020.


Significant Accomplishments, FY17-FY18 (cont.)

Police Facility Updates

Completed North Patrol Division Facility On April 3, 2018, exactly one year after the ground- breaking, the City of Fort Worth formally celebrat- ed the grand opening of the Fort Worth Police De- partment’s new North Patrol Division Facility (also referred to as the Sixth Patrol Division) in north Fort Worth. Personnel housed at this new facility include patrol officers, neighborhood police offic- ers, investigators, bike unit, and division admin- istration. The Fort Worth Police Department’s Pa- trol Operations plays a critical role in both crime prevention and responding to calls for service. This new 23,000 square foot facility serves as the Patrol Records Office, Other Units Move to 1000 Calvert In March 2018, the Fort Worth Police Department moved its Property and Records Management Divi- sion, Criminal Investigations Division, and Commu- nity Programs Division, which includes the Youth Unit, from 350 W. Belknap Street to 1000 Calvert Street, which is the former Police and Fire Training Academy. The Calvert facility was renovated to in- clude office space to accommodate more than 150 personnel and a records counter where customers can obtain accident and offense reports. Reports can also be obtained online at The 350 W. Belknap facili- ty was sold to Tarrant County in 2017.

North Division Headquarters

Headquarters for the North Division Commander, Captain, Lieutenants, Sergeants Detectives, Officers, and civilian staff, improves customer service by improving response times and increasing presence in the area, and enhances community partnerships by serving as the command center for new and active COPs by providing community meeting space and improving accessibility.

1000 Calvert St.


Significant Accomplishments, FY17-FY18 (cont.)

Police Facility Updates Continued

Renovated West Division/Joyce Street Facility The City of Fort Worth purchased the vacant 14,040 square foot former Bank of America building in 2014 and complet- ed the renovation in June 2018. This facility replaces the West Patrol Division facility at 5320 Trail Lake Drive, which was a month-to-month lease at risk of termination due to property owner’s development plans for site. The site is next to the existing West Patrol Division facility at 3525 Marquita Drive and has created a West Patrol campus. Renovation Progressing at Tactical Center This former 58,230 square foot Channel 5/KXAS facility conveyed to City of Fort Worth in 2014 allowed personnel to move out of a high cost lease that had significant struc- tural issues. Tactical staff moved into the facility in the sum- mer of 2014 with limited and temporary IT infrastructure. After renovations are complete in November 2018, the fa- cility will be able to house approximately 200 police per- sonnel that are essential to the department’s tactical oper- ations.

Joyce Street Facility

KXAS Facility


New West 7 th Storefront This new storefront will service the West 7th Area and is located at 308 Arthur. The storefront allows West Division officers to increase their presence and service to one of the busiest entertainment destinations in the city. The store- front became fully operational in October 2018.

W. 7th Street


Strategic Direction Accomplishments 1. Professionalism and Organizational Excellence

Professionalism and Organizational Excellence stra- tegic direction refers to maintaining the standards of behavior that align FWPD’s actions and attitude with the department’s mission, vision, and core values. The purpose of specifying these standards of behavior is to give FWPD employees guidance in understanding their role in the department’s suc- cess. This strategic direction requires commitment at all levels of the organization to ensure police officer’s behavior aligns with the department’s mission, vi- sion, and core values and ensures every employee performs at the highest level.

Professionalism and Organizational Excellence Strategic Direction includes 6 goals & 24 action items

Implementation Progress as of September 2018


Complete - 8

On Target - 14


Lagging - 0


Insufficient Progress - 0

Monitoring - 2 Numbers indicate the amount of action items.

Implementation by the numbers

Of the 24 action items, 8 have been “completed”, 14 are “on target” to be accomplished by their estimated completion date, and 2 are being monitored. “On target” items may also be ongoing items continuously be- ing implemented by the department.

The implementation of each goal and associated action item has been tracked over the previous two fiscal years. The implementation highlights of each goal and associated action item are on the following pages.


Strategic Direction Accomplishments 1. Professionalism and Organizational Excellence

3. Continuously build relationships with di- verse populations within the City of Fort Worth to create and expand the future re- cruiting base.  Recruiting Unit participated in events sponsored by the following organizations: Workforce Solu- tions, LGBTQ Gay Pride Week, NAACP, Recruit Military, Veteran Job Fair of Forest Hill, and Work Force Solutions.  Held recruiting events at University of North Texas, Prairie View A&M University, Remington College, Texas Christian University, Mississippi Valley State University, University of Alabama, Tarrant County Community College, Dunbar High School, Handley High School.

Implementation Highlights 1. Promote a culture of mutual respect within the Fort Worth Police Department  Established a system for personnel to submit innovative ideas to enhance departmental effi- ciencies and for Executive Staff to review submissions and provide feedback. 2. Improve the interactions of members of the FWPD and the community.  Offered multiple trainings including: FBI LEEDA, Becoming an Agile Leader for Supervisors, Cap- tain Pre-Promotional Courses, Ethical Decision Making Course, and Civilian Training Advisory Board.  Implemented new Use of Force (UOF) training to include case studies on national incidents that have occurred in the last year. Implemented new training and a new UOF report writing tool to help officers articulate force and understand the need for thorough and accurate report writing.


Strategic Direction Accomplishments 1. Professionalism and Organizational Excellence

4. Represent the population that the Fort Worth Police Department serves.  Began creating a Diversity Journey Plan to in- crease diversity.  2017 was an exceptional year with four recruit classes graduating, adding a total of 160 officers to the streets of Fort Worth.

5. Recruit, hire, promote, and retain the best candidates to serve the Fort Worth Communi- ty.  Recruiting Unit created a video presentation to give insight on how to prepare and apply to be- come a Fort Worth Police Officer.  Utilized the radio and internet as a marketing tool for the civil service testing event.  Provided classes that promote the health and wellness of officers. 6. Ensure the department's organizational structure is appropriate to respond to com- munity needs.  Organizational structure updated with six new Patrol Bureau Commanders in 2017.

Recruit Graduates by class:

Class Recruit Graduates Graduation Date



April 14, 2017



July 21, 2017



September 15, 2017



December 8, 2017



April 13, 2018

Created a sixth patrol division.

Class 141

Class 143

Class 145

Class 142


Strategic Direction Accomplishments 2. Community Engagement and Partnerships

Community Engagement and Partnerships is work- ing with stakeholders to collaborate and build trusting relationships, to reduce crime and improve the health of the community. This strategic direction is about forming trust with fellow members of the community which is a vital step towards creating sustained crime reductions. Continuous community involvement creates sus- tainable crime reductions, so absent a strong part- nership between the Department and the commu- nity we cannot achieve our goal of becoming the safest large city in America.

Community Engagement Strategic Direction includes 5 goals & 34 action items

Implementation Progress as of September 2018



Complete - 2


On Target - 26

Lagging - 3

Insufficient Progress - 0


Monitoring - 3 Numbers indicate the amount of action items.

Implementation by the numbers

Of the 34 action items, 2 have been completed, 26 are on target to be accomplished by their estimated com- pletion date, 3 are lagging, and 3 are being monitored. “On target” items may also be ongoing items continu- ously being implemented by the department.

The implementation of each goal and associated action item has been tracked over the previous two fiscal years. The implementation highlights of each goal and associated action item are on the following pages.


Strategic Direction Accomplishments 2. Community Engagement and Partnerships

PAL events, Stop the Violence Rallys, Back to School events, Town Hall meetings, and apart- ment complex meetings.  Each division has established community events to foster positive interactions with the public.

Implementation Highlights 1. Promote positive interactions with the pub- lic during every contact with a great attitude, positivity, and guardian mentality.  Created a Fort Worth Police Athletic League (FWPAL) in FY17 to encourage youth engage- ment activities throughout the community.  Crime Prevention Specialists attended numerous events at schools, community fairs, and other requested events. Also engaged in child safety classes, burglary prevention, home safety checks, neighborhood watch, fraud prevention, and Citizens' Police Academy.  Increased monthly face-to-face interactions by holding multiple events including: Community Game Nights, Stop Six Mobile Food Pantry, COP’s 4 Kids BBQ Fundraiser, Gun buy-backs, Code Blue events, After Dark Basketball games,

Diamond Hill Community Movie Night


Strategic Direction Accomplishments 2. Community Engagement and Partnerships

2. Improve External Communication.  Public Relations Office created new Communica- tions Policy to improve communication with oth- er City departments.  Divisional Citizens on Patrol Coordinator corre- sponds regularly with their respective COP mem- bers through emails, announcements at monthly meetings, and phone calls, as needed. Newslet- ters are provided either quarterly or monthly at the patrol division level. Crime Prevention Spe- cialists also provide brochures and newsletters as trends or information becomes available.  Public Relations Office Team utilized You Tube channels (English and Spanish), Facebook Live, and Twitter social media platforms and the po- lice website for public service announcements.  Public Relations Office assisted in creating a Procedural Justice video.  Public Relations Office assumed administration of the FWPD Nextdoor app. 3. Enhance Community Partnerships  Patrol Officers use Signal 90, which is a police call type code used to document when an officer is attending a community event/meeting.  Commander’s creative initiatives include Roll Call with Code Blue, Virtual Town Halls, and Coffee with Cops.  Continued to implement the Community Camera Program. As of September 2018, a total of 837 cameras have been registered.

4. Increase the Number of Volunteers Involved in Fort Worth Police Department Programs.  Added Code Blue recruiting literature in City wa- ter bill materials.  As of September 2018, there are 533 active Citi- zens on Patrol (COP) members.  More than 100 Hispanic Citizens on Patrol mem- bers graduated in June 2018. The next Hispanic Citizens on Patrol class is scheduled for April 2019. 5. Continue to Research Innovative, Communi- ty-Oriented Programs to Engage the Public  NPOs continued to work with owners in areas of blight and improve safety through Crime Preven- tion Through Environmental Design strategies.  Executive Staff, Command Staff, and other Fort Worth Police personnel visited Chicago to gain knowledge on COMPSTAT initiatives.

Spanish Citizens on Patrol Graduating Class


Strategic Direction Accomplishments 3. Operational Improvements

Operational Improvements advance the delivery of quality police services and enable the department to meet short and long-term goals. This strategic direction addresses the emergent challenges that confront all law enforcement agen- cies. FWPD has made modifications to the opera- tional structure to address inefficiencies.

Operational Improvements Strategic Direction includes 7 goals & 41 action items

Implementation Progress as of September 2018



Complete - 5


On Target - 32

Lagging - 0

Insufficient Progress - 2


Monitoring - 2 Numbers indicate the amount of action items.

Implementation by the numbers

Of the 41 action items, 5 have been completed, 32 are on target to be accomplished by their estimated com- pletion date, 2 are considered to have insufficient progress, and 2 are being monitored. “On target” items may also be ongoing items continuously being implemented by the department.

The implementation of each goal and associated action item has been tracked over the previous two fiscal years. The implementation highlights of each goal and associated action item are on the following pages.


Strategic Direction Accomplishments 3. Operational Improvements

Implementation Highlights 1. Reduce, solve, and prevent crime.  Overall crime rate decreased 8.5% in the 4th quarter of FY18 compared to the 4th quarter of FY17.  Crimes Against Persons increased 0.2% in the 4th quarter of FY18 compared to the 4th quarter of FY17.  Crimes Against Property decreased 11.1% in the 4th quarter of FY18 compared to the 4th quarter of FY17.  Priority 1 response time average decreased from 9:47 in 4th quarter of FY18 to 9:14 in the 4th quarter of FY18. 2. Expand Intelligence-Led Policing (ILP)  Completed department wide Procedural Justice (PJ) II and III training. Provided PJ training to all recruit classes that graduated.

 Utilized Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) through the Department of Justice and the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) to research best practices.  Expanded and enhanced the Citywide Camera Program.

Crimes Against Persons














Jan Feb Mar


May Jun Jul

Aug Sep Oct

Nov Dec

Crimes Against Persons increased 0.2% in the 4th quarter of FY18.


Strategic Direction Accomplishments 3. Operational Improvements

3. Reduce Calls for Service Response Times.  Priority 1 response time average decreased from 9:47 in 4th quarter of FY18 to 9:14 in the 4th quarter of FY18. Response times by patrol divi- sion is shown in the table below.

6. Identify and Prioritize Highest Funding Needs.  Monthly Budget Committee meetings held to review the departments Needs Assessment Sys- tem.  Matrix Consulting conducted a staffing study and will present the study in December 2018. 7. Promote Crime Control and Prevention Dis- trict (CCPD)  Provided quarterly program report that outlines each program's funding and performance to the Crime Control and Prevention District Board and posted on the department's website.

FY18 Fourth Quarter

FY17 Fourth Quarter

Percent Change


























*Realignment of patrol divisions and new Northwest Division added on August 19, 2017

4. Strengthen Internal Communication  “Ask Executive Staff” link implemented on portal where Executive Staff answer questions from personnel.  Began weekly “New With The Blue” newsletter to highlight upcoming weekly events.  Patrol Divisions were realigned with a new Northwest Division added on August 19, 2017.  South Patrol Division facility included in the City’s 2018 Bond Program. The Bond Program was passed in May 2018. 5. Create Additional Patrol Divisions.

North Division Headquarters Groundbreaking


Strategic Direction Accomplishments 4. Technology Development and Infrastructure Expansion

An expanding reliance upon technology has trans- formed policing in many ways. New and emergent technologies have increasingly critical roles in the daily work of officers and largely dictate the proba- bility that a department meets the expectations of citizens. This strategic direction address enhancements in technology, facility updates, and police vehicle up- dates.

Technology Development and Infrastructure Expansion Strategic Direction includes 5 goals & 48 action items

Implementation Progress as of September 2018

Complete - 5


On Target - 17

Lagging - 1



Insufficient Progress - 0

Monitoring - 25 Numbers indicate the amount of action items.


Implementation by the numbers

Of the 48 action items, 5 have been completed, 17 are on target to be accomplished by their estimated com- pletion date, 1 is lagging, and 25 are being monitored. “On target” items may also be ongoing items continu- ously being implemented by the department.

The implementation of each goal and associated action item has been tracked over the previous two fiscal years. The implementation highlights of each goal and associated action item are on the following pages.


Strategic Direction Accomplishments 4. Technology Development and Infrastructure Expansion

439 in-car video systems installed.

Implementation Highlights

 In collaboration with IT Solutions, new Mobile Data Computers (MDC’s) are currently being tested and scheduled for deployment. These new devices will replace the current aging inven- tory of MDC’s. 2. Improve/expand existing systems or solu- tions that aid investigations, improves opera- tions, or increases data access or transparen- cy.  New Fort Worth Police Department website went live in spring 2018.  Community Camera Program was promoted and is available for the public to register their camer- as on the FWPD website. The Community Cam- era Program provides access to more than 3,800 potential camera views.

1. Replace Aging and Out-Of-Date Equipment and Technology  Over 50 new technologies researched over the last two years including community engagement smartphone app, GovCloud, Automated Injury Detection vest, Workforce Management Sched- uling, and GrayKey technology.  Invited multiple vendors to provide demonstra- tions of new technology and equipment to the department.  In collaboration between Police, Fire and IT Solu- tions, the TriTech Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system was upgraded to version 5.7.  Upgrade to the latest version of TriTech’s Rec- ords Management System (RMS) went live on October 1, 2018.


Strategic Direction Accomplishments 4. Technology Development and Infrastructure Expansion

5. Ensure Police facilities are adequate for the department's operations to serve the commu- nity.  The 350 W. Belknap to Calvert renovation and move, Tactical Center renovation, new leases on W. 7th, West Division/Joyce and the new North Patrol Division facilities were programmed to accommodate future growth and service needs.  Expanded external WiFi access to appropriate facilities to accommodate wireless upload of in- car videos.

 Expanded the WiFi infrastructure to support ex- panded camera projects and connectivity to City network.  Completed E-Forms for the following: Bi-Weekly Part Time job, Off Duty, personnel transfer, HR transfer, equipment request, and overtime. 3. Determine technology infrastructure needs for Police Department facilities.  Technology Services completed new installations of technology systems at the new North Patrol facility, Tactical Center, West Division/Joyce, Cal- vert, and 350 Belknap basement.  Reviewed network infrastructure at Police De- partment facilities insuring adequate connectivi- ty and performance. 4. Revise Disaster Recovery Plans for mission- critical systems and create business continui- ty plans for Police Department facilities.  Reviewed and revised as necessary the Technol- ogy Disaster Recovery Plan.  Created Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP). The Police Department and other City depart- ments are working with Tetra Tech, Inc. to de- velop a citywide COOP. The COOP is necessary to ensure that Primary Mission Essential Func- tions continue to be performed during a wide range of emergencies. All City departments met to discuss, plan, and practice the implementa- tion of the COOP over the course of five months in 2018. The COOP Plan is expected to be com- pleted in November 2018.


Patrol Bureau Accomplishments

Patrol Bureau Goals Implementation Progress

As of June 2018, all goals and action items are tracked monthly instead of quarterly including the six patrol divisions. Patrol Division Commanders, Criminal Investigations, and Neighborhood Police Officers submit daily online worksheets to docu- ment day-to-day activities. At the end of each month, the Deputy Chief of each patrol command utilizes the information from the worksheets to enter data into the web-based ClearPoint system and assigns a status indicator for tracking purpos- es. The below division accomplishments reflect the reporting period of monthly accomplishments at the divisional level. Fort Worth encompasses 353 square miles and serves approximately 874,168 residents. The Pa- trol Bureau is divided into two commands, North Command and South Command.

North Command is over- seen by Deputy Chief Alldredge. North Command includes the Northwest, North, West, and Central patrol divisions.

South Command is over- seen by Deputy Chief Shedd. South Command includes South and East patrol divisions and the Traffic Division.


Patrol Bureau Accomplishments Northwest Division - Commander Criado

Northwest Division is one of the most historic and culturally diverse areas of our city that is experiencing constant growth and positive transformation. From the historic Fort Worth Stockyards to Eagle Mountain Lake, this division is rich in tradition and economic growth that has sparked new neighborhoods and businesses in the area. The Fort Worth Police Department and the officers within the Northwest Division have a strong bond with the community and value the relationship sand partnerships created in an effort to combat crime as well as improve quality of life.

Implementation Highlights  Neighborhood Police Officers attended STEM training that provided officers training in robotics and engineering, so they can engage with youth at schools and recreation centers after school.  Hold bi-weekly afternoon meetings to discuss ongoing crime trends within the division.  Crime Action Committee consists of patrol super- visors, Neighborhood Police Officers, Special Re- sponse Teams, Criminal Investigations Unit, Met- al Recycling Officers and Property Crimes Offic- ers, Captain and Commander.  Utilized the mobile storefront and rotated it to different areas within the division.  Included CODE Blue members in Special Opera- tion Details including burglary, shoplifting, and crime prevention details.  Partnered with the Salvation Army and the Re- covery Resource Council to assist in programs to reduce homelessness.  Neighborhood Police Officers attended Police Athletic League (FWPAL) events and started reading groups in Northside and Diamond Hill.  Held over 300 regularly scheduled community meetings.  Met with multiple businesses and citizens to ad- dress quality of life issues.

 Captain and Commander meet monthly with area businesses/owners to discuss ways of facilitating communication/collaboration to prevent, combat and reduce crime so that area businesses and communities thrive with- in NW Division.

Northwest Division Implementation Progress as of September 2018

On Target - 24

Lagging - 2

Insufficient Progress - 0

Monitoring - 0

Numbers indicate the amount of goals in each category.


Patrol Bureau Accomplishments North Division - Commander Noakes

North Division has experienced unprecedented growth during the past 20 years, span- ning from Loop 820 to the Texas Motor Speedway. North Division has many of Fort Worth’s newest neighborhoods and employment centers. This unprecedented growth in the Alliance Corridor, both in residential and commercial development created the need to add a sixth patrol division in 2017. The division recently celebrated the opening of a new headquarters facility at 8755 N. Riverside Drive that includes meeting space to hold community meetings and other neighborhood functions.

Implementation Highlights  Economic Development Committee meets each month to share information related to crime trends and foster collaborative relationships.  Crime Prevention Specialist hosted Neighbor- hood Crime Watch meetings, Neighborhood Block Captain training, Kid ID program, and pro- vided use of force training.  Neighborhood Police Officers, patrol officers, ser- geants and the Commander and Captain all attended multiple meetings to speak about crime trends and answer questions from citizens.  Neighborhood Patrol Officers work with the com- munity through the Read2Win, All Pro Dad group, and FWPAL programs.  Installed a “Little Free Library” at the new North Division headquarters. This is a free book ex- change network that encourages community en- gagement with children and families.  The mobile storefront was used multiple times at school fairs, a bicycle rodeo, and neighborhood events to promote police/community engage- ment and provide services to the citizens within the area.

 Held the following community forums: Code Blue meetings, Auto Etching event, Parent Café, Clergy and Police Alliance (CAPA) lunch, and Movie Night at Heritage Church.  Neighborhood Patrol Officers included Citi- zens On Patrol (COP) members in Special Op- eration Details throughout the past two years.

North Division Implementation Progress as of September 2018

On Target - 24

Lagging - 3

Insufficient Progress - 0

Monitoring - 1

Numbers indicate the amount of goals in each category.


Patrol Bureau Accomplishments West Division - Commander O’Neil

West Division serves a culturally diverse, thriving community home to many neighbor- hoods and commercial destinations. The boundaries are generally from the west bank of the Trinity River to the east near downtown, Parker County to the west, Granbury Road to the south, and Jacksboro Highway to the north. Included within these bounda- ries are large retail shopping centers such as Ridgmar Mall, Hulen Mall, and University Park Village. The division also consists of one of the busiest destinations in the city along the W. 7th corridor that includes Montgomery Plaza, So7, and the Crockett Row residential, retail, and commercial developments. Additionally, the Historic Camp Bow- ie Boulevard, Texas Christian University, and the Cultural District are in West Division.

Implementation Highlights  Neighborhood Police Officers conduct Crime Free Multi-Housing on a continuing basis.  West 7th Street storefront opened in October 2018 to better serve the area.  Partnered with LVTRise (Las Vegas Trail Revitali- zation Project) to service the area along the Las Vegas Trail corridor.  Neighborhood Police Officers met with many citizens and businesses to address neighbor- hood quality of life issues.  Neighborhood Police Officers are active in Code Blue After Dark, FWPAL, and Read2Win pro- grams.  Worked with Public Information Officers to de- velop new social media recruitment opportuni- ties to recruit new CODE Blue members.  Conducted multiple special details including Trinity River Patrol with dirt bikes, and the west parks and trails COPS group patrol on bicycles.  Patrol staff worked with the West Side Business Association, West 7th Bar and Restaurant Own- ers Association, and the LVTRise Economic De- velopment group.  Neighborhood Police Officers worked with apartment owners and the City’s Legal Depart- ment to combat quality of life issues in the Las Vegas Trail and the COMO area.

 Worked with Birchman Baptist Church and the Restoration Center to assist with the needs of area homeless.

West Division Implementation Progress as of September 2018

Complete - 1

On Target - 24

Lagging - 0

Monitoring - 1

Insufficient Progress - 0

Numbers indicate the amount of goals in each category.


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